Elizabeth: September 1562, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: September 1562, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp315-322 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1562, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp315-322.

"Elizabeth: September 1562, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp315-322.

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September 1562, 21-25

Sept. 21. 678. The Queen Mother to Throckmorton.
Has received his letter of to-day, and given the bearer a passport to go into England; not that it was at all necessary for him to have leave to do so; for Throckmorton well knows that he has always been allowed to send couriers thither whenever he chose. She will not trouble herself to make a particular answer to the other points in his letter, but assures him that he wrongs the perfect good understanding that there is between her and the Queen of England in asking for a passport for the purpose of coming to the Court. As she has already told him, he could not have a better security than the name of the Princess he serves, and his office of Ambassador. If he is so prejudiced in favour of those with whom he is staying as to invent so many trifling causes of distrust, she requests him not to hunt for matters that may impair this friendship. As for his complaint about M. De Monluc, she will send at once to inquire into it.—Etampes, 21 Sept. 1562.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Sept. 21. 679. Sir Thomas Smith to Cecil.
1. There passed by here last Friday a post from France to the French Ambassador, who as yesterday should have audience of the Queen at London. Expected yesterday the memorial which Cecil wrote he would send. Has not received his cipher, which he should have before he leaves Dover.—Sittingbourne, 21 Sept. 1562.
2. P. S.—Mr. Sheres, for all Cecil's letters, will not go with him now, he having so short a time to prepare.
Orig., with seal. Add. by Cecil's secretary. On the back: delivered at Sittingbourne at 2 o'clock afternoon. Delivered at Rochester at 4 o'clock at afternoon. Pp. 2.
Sept. 22.
Forbes, ii. 52.
680. Cecil to Smith.
This day (22nd Sept.) at 7 a.m. received Smith's letter of yesterday that he had not the memorial or the cipher. On Sunday night they were delivered at his [Smith's] house in London. He shall not enter into the message of the last charge to open the declaration until he is sure that they shall enter the port on the other side. He cannot tell whether the men shall go or not; he will send as soon as it is settled; if Smith hears of it there for certain, he is to follow his charge. They begin to hear of accord, then they will lose much labour.—Hampton Court, 22 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 22.
Forbes, ii. 51.
681. Smith to Cecil.
1. Sends again the declaration, having received the other written by Mr. Nicasius. Will leave as soon as his horses are shipped.
Asks to be informed often of occurrences in England; and that Mr. Allington may make notes for him from time to time. Canterbury, 22 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. [22.]
Forbes, ii. p. 53
682. The Queen to the King of Spain. (fn. 1)
1. His Ambassador here has dealt with her to understand her disposition touching the troubles in France, to whom she made such answers as ought to satisfy him. She thought not only to give special charge to her Ambassador at his Court, to declare plainly her meaning, but also by these letters to impart what she thinks of these troubles; and, secondly, what she is advised upon good consideration.
2. From the beginning of these divisions she has been much troubled from divers causes. She has great compassion for the young King, seeing he is so advised by his subjects that his authority could not direct them to an accord; and she feared that thereof might follow an universal trouble to the rest of Christendom, considering the quarrels were discovered and published before the matter of religion. And what most nearly touches her is that the house of Guise was the principal head of one party, and that they daily so increased their force as in the end they became commanders of all things in France. She could not forget either that they were the very parties who evicted Calais from this crown, and also unjustly observed the first capitulations for the rendition thereof into their hands; nor how hardly by their means she was dealt withal at the conclusion of the peace at Cateau Cambresis; nor also of their using her arms and sending forces into Scotland.
3. For procuring quietness in France by ending this division she sought to bring them to some accord; and finding that those of the house of Guise are the only stay thereof, she is constrained (for the surety of her realm) to put a number of her subjects in force, and preserve such ports as are near her from their possession. She intends to live in peace with the King; and save her right to Calais, which she manifestly sees, they do not mean to deliver.
4. Seeing this is her intent she trusts that he will not only allow of it, but also further her purpose as far as to have Calais. In so doing she shall be found most ready to revoke her forces and to live in perfect rest, as she did before these troubles began; to the recovery whereof she heartily requires him to be such a means as may stand with the indifferency of his friendship, and with the opinion the world has conceived how ready he ought to be to procure the restitution of Calais to the crown of England.
Copy. Corrected by Cecil, and endd. by his secretary. Pp. 6.
Sept. 22. 683. The Queen to Lord Cobham.
The French Ambassador having declared from the Cardinal of Bourbon that the French fishermen are in doubt to go the sea, he shall give orders to all the ports that no one disturb them, under pain of being committed to prison.
Draft, corrected by Cecil Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 22. 684. Cuerton to Challoner.
The Commissary of Porto Galleto having visited a ship which had come from London, found on board a chest which Mistress Clarencius' servant brought, in which was a book, in the calendar of which were blotted the names of the Pope, and Saint Thomas of Canterbury. The chest and all it contained is stayed; and had it not been for the writer, they would have been put in prison. Will not again interfere for those who will bring unlawful books. Sends what they wrote about the books by the bearer, Mistress Clarencius' man.—Bilboa, 22 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Sept. 23.
Forbes, ii. 59.
685. The Queen to Armigil Wade.
1. He is sent to Rye to execute these things following, viz.: He is to see that Edward Ormesby and the other captains have 600 soldiers, whose names he shall cause to be enrolled; and shall deliver to every captain a prest for himself and his band.
2. He shall furnish the soldiers with armour and weapons, at the prices contained in a paper included.
3. He shall transport Ormesby with his said men, with victuals, for ten or twelve days; and shall cause the Mayor and jurats to provide shipping for transporting 1,400 soldiers within eight days.
4. He shall receive of Dennis 300l. for the pay of the captains and their bands thereof. He shall be allowed for his charges six shillings and eightpence for himself, and two shillings for his clerk, by the day. As soon as he hears of their landing at Dieppe, he is to return hither.
Draft. Corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 23.
Forbes, ii. 58.
686. Instructions to Edward Ormesby.
1. At his arrival at Rye, he is to join Armigil Wade and muster all bands that have come thither; which ought to be 600. Wade will pay him and the other captains and their bands wages for twenty-eight days. He shall then embark with his bands for Dieppe, for which purpose on his arrival at Rye he shall give notice to M. De Foix, Captain of Dieppe.
2. After he has considered the town, with the two fortifications (viz., the castle on the west part, and the Pollhed on the east), he shall request to be placed in one of them, or in the town. He shall inform the Governor of Newhaven of his estate; and when the Earl of Warwick arrives he will be directed by him from time to time. He is to let those of Dieppe know that there will within a few days be as many as 3,000 soldiers there, to serve for the succour of Normandy; he shall arrange with them how victuals can be provided; and his own victualling shall be sent from Rye or Portsmouth.
3. If any questions are asked from the house of Guise, he shall answer that he is appointed to serve there as the Governor or Lieutenant at Newhaven shall direct him; that is, to preserve the King's people from slaughter, and to serve the King until he may be at liberty out of the hands of the house of Guise.
Orig. Draft in Cecil's hol. Add. Endd. and dated by his secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 23. 687. Throckmorton to the Queen Mother.
Thanks her for the passport for his courier. It has been very difficult for him to send into England, whereas all the despatches of M. De Foix have reached her without hindrance. Begs her not to take it ill if he does not leave this place without a passport, as he is bound to obey the directions of his mistress, and cannot know what these are if he does not receive her letters, two of which have not come to hand.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Sept. 23. 688. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Wrote on the 18th what party the Earl of Huntly has made against the Queen, thinking either to find means to get her into his hands, or at least to have cut off the Earl of Murray and Lethington, whose credit he thinks so great that he could not prevail in anything he aspired to, as chiefly to have been Earl of Murray, or at least have had some abbey, and so be better able to attend the Court. Finding himself disappointed, and taking in evil part that his son was commanded again to prison, and that the Queen was determined to punish him, he thought it better to enterprise somewhat than altogether to yield.
2. When he understood that the Queen had caused the captain of the castle of Inverness to be hanged, and committed the others to prison, he thought there was no other way with him but to execute his former determination, or be utterly undone. Therefore he assembled such force as he could make, and committed them to the government of his son, John Gordon, purposing to have met the Queen at her return homeward at the water of Spey, a place where good advantage might have been had. The Queen (being advertised of their purpose) by the advice of her council assembled, of those they call Highlandmen and other, above 2,000, and so increased as she rode that at the passage of the water they were above 3,000. As she rode divers reports were brought; some gave her to understand that she should be assailed as she passed the river; others, as she rode through a wood within a mile or two of the water; some said their numbers were great, others, that there was not a man to be seen, which was nearest the truth; for where the night before there were in that wood 1,000 horse and foot, they had all departed; whereof the Queen had advertisement before she came to the Spey by such as had been sent to discover the fields, and who brought divers who had been in Gordon's company. They were at no time discouraged though they looked that day to have fought. What desperate blows would have been given when all fought in the sight of so noble a Queen and so many fair ladies Cecil may easily judge. That night (being Sunday) the Queen came to a house of the Laird of Banke, where she was well lodged, and in good assurance. She passed hard by the house of Findlater, which John Gordon has in possession, standing upon the sea, not easy to be taken without cannon. She sent a trumpeter to summon the same, with charge to deliver it up to the captain of the guard, which they denied. There is another house summoned and kept against her.
3. On Tuesday last she arrived at Old Aberdeen, preparing herself against her entry the next day into the new town, where she was honourably received with spectacles, plays, interludes, and other things, as they could best devise. Her determination is to tarry there forty days at least, within which time she trusts to put the country in good quietness. Her noblemen remain with her, and more daily come. They presented her with a cup of silver, double gilt, with 500 crowns in it, and wine, coals, and wax, as much as will serve her during her being here. The Duke is quiet. The Bishops of St. Andrews and Ross are sick; many trust that they will not escape the winter. Mr. William Cranstone, a great favourer of Papists, is happily dead. The Abbot of Crosraguel and Mr. Knox dispute this day. Sends the last letter he received from Knox about two Englishmen, who were with the said Abbot. They arrived at the West Borders, as the writer is informed from the Master of Maxwell. Desires to know if anything shall be done against them. Divers others are here, some for murder, some for theft; this country would be quit of if they were pursued.
4. Received Cecil's letter of the 8th, with Pigilion's letter to this Queen; of whom there is a bruit that he was in danger of robbing as he passed to Dover. The greatest loss was the doctor's books, which has given them all better occasion to laugh than any sorrow would have been taken of him if he had broken his neck.—24 Sept. 1562. Signed.
5. P. S.—Earl Bothwell has written to the Queen, submitting himself. Anything that he can do or say can little prevail. Her purpose is to put him out of the country. He wrote also to the Earl of Murray and Lethington.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary Pp. 6.
Sept. 24. 689. News from Scotland. (fn. 2)
Abstract of the above letter respecting the proceedings of the Gordons at Inverness, etc.—24 Sept. 1562.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 24.
Forbes, ii. 61.
690. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Recapitulates the information contained in his letter to the Queen, of Sept. 20. The Prince and Admiral have asked him to request her to send them some money, and also that her force may pass to this side with all speed. Has informed Warwick by this bearer in what terms he is here, and how things stand. The Prince of Condé hath desired him that this schedule inclosed may be delivered to De La Haye. Stopped this despatch until he heard how his servant (sent the 20th inst.,) was used by the Queen Mother for his passport, who was despatched from the King's camp on the 22nd inst. with a passport. On the same day the Queen Mother returned one of his servants, accompanied by one of the King's trumpets, by whom she sent him a letter, the copy of which he sends herewith with his answer to her.
2. At present the King is at Gaillon, at a house of the Cardinal of Bourbon, not far from Rouen; his camp marches towards Rouen with all speed, meaning to surprise that town before she can put any force in it, and prevent the descent of her men at Newhaven and Dieppe, especially at Newhaven.
3. The Prince is informed by Count Rochefoucault that by the end of this month he and Durasso will be well advanced hitherwards with 8,000 foot and 1,000 horse. The Prince is resolved to take the field (leaving a garrison in this town), as soon as he is informed of the descent of her forces and the repair of D'Andelot with the Almaines. If she aids them now, they assure him they will never make an accord with their adversaries but such as she allows.
3. The Prince and Admiral request her to send them two or three skilful pioneers; he hopes she will not let her force which may pass to this side be unprovided in that sort. Has not heard from her since the 16th August.—Orleans, 24 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Nearly entirely in cipher. Add. Endd. Pp. 9.
Sept. 24. 691. Decipher of the ciphered portions of the above letter. Pp. 2.
Sept. 24. 692. Smith to Cecil.
1. On Wednesday night (23rd inst.), he arrived at Calais, because he could not enter Boulogne. Had a pleasant passage. The Governor of Calais is now (as the excuse is), sick of an ague. The Lieutenant very courteously took him to a lodging in the town at the Golden Head, which was free from the plague. They still keep the order of the old watch, and when they went to shut the gates there were 200 soldiers, part pikes and part arquebusiers, with two drums, marched in order, and going to shut the gates, first mustered in the market place, as was wont when the town was English.
2. The Lieutenant was very inquisitive whether the Queen had sent any men into Normandy. He answered, he thought not; but he knew there were some in readiness, and that she desired to keep her amity with the King. The writer said that when he had delivered his message to the King, he should well know the Queen's mind. The Lieutenant said, the King would attempt nothing against the English, so that they will allow him to chastise his disobedient subjects, and that it was only reasonable that all subjects should obey the King.
3. Calais is not so defaced as he has heard, and one or two merchants have begun to make the front of their houses as fair with stonework as they are in Antwerp with "imagery" and architecture. His horse was obliged to lie without the town all night, being disembarked in the night time. He found much gentleness from the soldiers and others of the town, but has to pay well for it.
4. This morning (24th inst.), he will go to Boulogne; tomorrow to Montreuil, and the next day to Amiens, and from thence will send in post (or before), to Throckmorton, to know where he can meet him. This morning he thanked M. D'Arragiza (Lieutenant to M. De Gourden, Governor of Calais), for the gentleness already showed of his soldiers to his men in unshipping his horse. He would gladly have seen the Governor, but he was answered he was ill in bed.— Calais, 24 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 24.
Forbes, ii. 60.
693. Proclamation on the Expedition into Normandy.
1. For the preservation of England, and that which ought to be restored, the Queen has placed in defencible array a number of her subjects, and has appointed the Earl of Warwick to be her lieutenant. She has sent part of this power under Sir Adrian Poynings, Captain of the town and isle of Portsmouth, to the next port in Normandy, for preservation of the same against such as are determined to possess it by violence. She informs her subjects that this is not to make war against the French King, but only to preserve the ports and towns in Normandy from the usurpation of such as have advanced themselves in force beyond the authority of the King.
2. All who pass over from Portsmouth or Rye shall obey the said Poynings until the arrival of the Earl of Warwick, and shall permit Cuthbert Vaughan, Esq., to use the office of Controller and Muster Master over all the numbers assembled at Portsmouth, etc.
Orig. Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 24 Sept. 1562. M. of a proclamation to be made at Portsmouth by Sir Adrian Poynings. Pp. 4.
Sept. [24.] 694. Abington's Instructions for Newhaven.
1. Upon their arrival at Newhaven the clerks shall see what stowage there is for wheat, what grinding, and how far the mills are from the town.
2. What brewhouses they shall find meet there to brew in, and what stowage for malt.
3. What feeding there is for oxen and sheep.
4. What stowage they find for butter and cheese.
Copy. Pp. 2.
Sept. 24. 695. Thomas Fludde to John Abington.
1. At his arrival here he went to the Governor of the town, who appointed for him two houses lying together near the haven, for stowing of 600 or 700 quarters of grain, with two fair cellars for beer, butter, etc. There are 10 or 12 windmills for grinding wheat and malt. There is plenty of wood growing within two or three miles of the town, but he cannot get any quantity thereof, it being dangerous; he therefore desires that two of the hoys from Arundel may be sent hither.
2. There are eight or nine brewhouses in the town, which will brew from six to eight tuns at once; one will brew ten tuns. The Governor informs him there is feeding enough for many thousands of oxen and sheep in surety. There are seven or eight small bakehouses, so he will have to make one or two ovens.
3. Here is a small store of hops, and therefore he must send malt and hops, and other necessaries.
4. The ships have not yet arrived from London.
5. Wheat is sold here at twenty shillings the quarter.
6. In the market beef and mutton are sold as cheap as the Queen can sell, but he does not think it will continue so long. There is not much to be bought alive, therefore he will have some from Abington.—Newhaven, 24 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 25. 696. M. De Briquemault to the Queen.
Has been sent hither to receive the Earl of Warwick with her army. As they are on the point of making a grand effort, and the season is advancing, he begs that the succours may be sent speedily.—Dieppe, 25 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.


  • 1. The Latin copy of this document, also printed by Forbes (vol. ii. p. 55), is dated as above.
  • 2. Written on a leaf of paper. Endd. by Challoner: Sent in the packet, 11 Oct. 1562.