Elizabeth: September 1562, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: September 1562, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp300-314 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1562, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp300-314.

"Elizabeth: September 1562, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp300-314.

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September 1562, 16-20

Sept. 16. 638. The Answer of the Landgrave of Hesse.
1. Philip, Landgrave of Hesse, will most gladly do any service to the Queen.
2. The Ambassadors must not think, because he did not see them, that he does not honour the Queen; but he was so troubled with extreme pain of the tooth ache, that he could not endure to remain in any one place.
3. He has heard with great grief of the slaughter of a number of men in France, and has set forth the cause of the godly men there unto the rest of the princes, and procured their assistance both with men and the loan of money. He perceives this matter is begun in France, but the Pope means to practise greater things, which the writer wishes all the estates of the Confession of Augsburg would understand. He hopes that in the next Diet at Frankfort (as the Emperor himself and many other princes will be present) some means may be devised whereby the Papist practices may be overthrown.
4. It is to be lamented that any troops should be suffered to pass out of Germany against those that profess the Gospel in France. Such is the present state of Germany, that by reason of the number of Papists this thing could not be letted. The custom of Germany is that the noblemen and soldiers resort where they think to find best entertainment. Although many of them promised not to fight against the Protestants, yet the Papists have deceived them.
5. If the Electors and Princes of Saxony, the Elector Palatine, the Dukes of Zweybruch and Wurtemberg, and the Marquis of Baden, will enter this league, he will gladly bear his part. His opinion is that the Queen should not forsake the Prince of Condé, but succour and aid them. —16 Sept. 1562. Signed by Shonstat.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 16. 639. Latin version of the above.
In Mundt's hol. Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 16. 640. Challoner to Cuerton.
1. Received his letter of the 3rd inst., a seven-night since. Martin De Burgoa brought him another of his this morning, dated the 8th inst. Some say that the Queen is with an army before Calais, others that she is at Rouen, &c.
2. During these ten weeks, in which he has not heard from the Queen, two or three packets have been sent and intercepted. Has not received either the 1,600 ducats delivered for his use by a bill of exchange at the beginning of last May, nor the other 1,600 delivered for his use in England a month ago.
3. The King will not return here until the end of the month. Two days ago the Prince of Florence kissed the King's hands at the Bosque for the first access. The Prince of Spain lately made a banquet for the Queen and the princesses; he is better in health and has a good colour of face.—Madrid, 16 Sept. 1562.
Draft in Challoner's hol. Endd. Pp. 6.
Sept. 17. 641. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
1. Robert, Lord Ogle, not long before his death called before him the chief of his name, and declared that by entails the most part of his lands ought to go to Cuthbert Ogle, his brother of the half blood, the writer's wife's son; and that he had provided in his last will that he should enjoy the same. He therefore willed that all the Ogles present should accept Cuthbert after his death, as they had done him. This they all agreed to do, and they then subscribed his will in his presence. Upon hearing that his two sisters had devised getting possession of the house at Bothall, hoping thereto to have had all the entails, he caused his brother to repair thither, who did so, and was scarcely within the gate before one of his sisters arrived, and they cease not all to procure his unquiet. If Cecil would grant a commission the matter might be ended. His Lordship has but few goods, his brother did not leave him any, and the lands which he shall presently have will not amount to much more than 40l. Sends the names of certain persons whom he may use for escheators here.
2. Lord Bothwell, having escaped from prison, is at the Hermitage, and has charged all his friends to keep good quiet. Lord Grey's Deputy has destroyed the corn which the Scots had sown within the ground of that March.—Alnwick, 17 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 17. 642. The Queen Mother to Throckmorton.
With respect to the vessels seized in Bretagne, as soon as she heard of it she wrote to M. D'Etampes, who replied that he had caused them to be released. Knows of no packet which has been detained, except a little one which was given to his man by the Constable. The seizure of his goods at Bonneval was a mistake, and their prompt restitution might show him how little she approved of the proceedings. Thinks it strange that he should make so great a case out of so small a matter, whilst he takes so quietly the seizure of the rest of his property by the people with whom he is staying. As to M. De Vielleville's unwillingness to go into England without a safe-conduct, the case is not parallel with his own. It is strange that he should ask for a safe-conduct from one place to another in her son's dominions, where his quality of Ambassador has always been respected.
2. Marshal Brisac's instructions to take care of him do not mean that he was to be watched.—Château Landon, 17 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Sept. 17. 643. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Sept. 17. 644. Throckmorton to the Constable.
His letter and the trumpet who was to conduct him have arrived. He had already written to the Queen Mother by an express messenger to inform her that he considered a safeconduct necessary, to which letter he has not received any reply.—Orleans, 17 Sept. 1562.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 17. 645. Another copy.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 17, 18. 646. Troops for France.
1. Money prested at London for the French expedition, viz.:—For Rye, total, 238l. 16s. 8d. for Portsmouth, total, 557l. 2s. (567l. 2s.); sum total, 795l. 18s. 8d. (805l. 18s. 8d.) The sums payable to different captains and their bands are all separately given.
2. The rate or charge of 100 footmen, with captain and officers, by the month (of twenty-eight days), 107l. 6s. 8d.
3. The proportion of money to be prested to such as pass from Rye, 644l.; from Portsmouth, 858l. 13s. 3d.; total, 1,502l. 13s. 4d.
4. For a prest to Mr. Ponyngs for other fourteen days, 858l. 13. 4d.
Orig., with additions by Cecil. Pp. 8.
Sept. 17.
Labb. Concil. xiv. 861.
647. The Council of Trent.
The decree of the Council of Trent upon the petition for granting the cup to the laity in the celebration of the Eucharist; published 17 Sept. 1562. Articles, seven in number, concerning the Sacrament of Order, examined and condemned in the same Council.
Copy. Lat. Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 18. 648. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Within these eight or ten days the Queen arrived at Inverness, the furthest part of her determined journey. She has had just cause for misliking the Earl of Huntly of long time, whose extortions have been so great, and other manifest tokens of disobedience such, that it was no longer to be borne. Intending to reform these, she has found in him and his two eldest sons (the Lairds of Gordon and Findlater), open disobedience, so far that they have taken arms and kept houses against her.
2. The first occasion hereof was this. The Laird of Findlater, being commanded to ward in Edinburgh, broke prison; and being afterwards summoned to the assize at Aberdeen, disobeyed also a new command from the Queen to enter himself prisoner in Stirling Castle. The Queen, thinking this to be done by the advice of his father, refused to come to his house, she being looked and provided for. He, unadvisedly conceiving the worst, took the worst way, and supported his sons to manifest rebellion. At her arrival at Inverness on the 9th she purposed to lodge in the castle, which belongs to her, and the keeping only to the Earl of Huntly, being Sheriff by inheritance of the whole shire, but was refused entrance and forced to lodge in the town. That night the castle being summoned, answer was given that without the Lord Gordon's command it should not be delivered.
3. Next day the country assembled, to the assistance of the Queen. The Gordons, finding themselves not so well served by their friends as they looked for (who had above 500 men), rendered the castle, not being twelve or fourteen able persons. The captain was hanged and his head set up on the castle, others condemned to perpetual prison, and the rest received mercy.
4. The Queen remained there five days and now journeys homeward as far as Spyney, a house of the Bishop of Moray, well served of her nobles and obeyed of her subjects, and convoyed by great numbers both of horse and foot. The Earl of Huntly keeps his house, and would have it thought that this disobedience came through the evil behaviour of his sons. The Queen is highly offended. Hears of no nobleman who takes his part. The Duke lies still; the others for the most part are present. If he intend anything, it will be at the Queen's passing the Spey. She will be accompanied with 3,000 fighting men. At Aberdeen she will take advice what is further to be done; and the writer thinks she will do something that will be a terror to the other and teach them how to welcome their Prince in time to come.
5. "In all these garboils I assure you I never saw her merrier, never dismayed, nor never thought that so much to be in her that I find. She repented nothing, but (when the lords and others at Inverness came in the morning from the watch,) that she was not a man to know what life it was to lie all night in the fields, or to walk on the causeway with a jack and knapschalle, a Glasgow buckler, and a broadsword." Where so many were occupied the writer was ashamed to sit still, and did as the rest.
6. Received Cecil's letters of the first on the 14th. Some of the Earl of Huntly's men took his man with the packet and other letters, as one from Sir Thomas Dacres and two others, which they opened and read, but did not meddle with the packet. Complained to the Queen, who reserves it in store with the rest. Wrote to Huntly also. The Queen was within four miles of his house, to which by no in treaty could he cause her to come; he desired her to give leave to the Earl of Argyll to bring the writer, where they were two nights. His house is fair and best furnished of any he has seen in this country; his cheer is marvellous great; his mind such as it ought to be towards his Sovereign. Received in the packet the two licences he was suitor for. The advertisements out of France are such as all godly ought to take comfort from. The same mind remains in all the godly here as was wont to be. Cecil is always judged sore and extreme against those who have the chief doings amongst the Papists in France, as appeared by the writer's talk with the Laird of Meldrum, as also with Raulet, the Queen's secretary, as she herself has told the writer. She fears more the Queen of England's aid than any strength of the other party that are against her uncles. She believes, however, that Elizabeth will send no support except the King of Spain aids the other party, of whom the bruit is that he has lately lost a town to the Turk. It is said that M. D'Andelot's company has taken the Duke of Guise's mother, his wife, and his eldest son. They remain still in good hope of the interview next year. The desire thereof daily increases. They talk of nothing more, nor find anything more agreeable. The Queen has given the earldom of Murray to the Earl of Mar. It is more honourable and greater. Since Bothwell's escape they hear nothing of him, but that he fortifies the Hermitage. There will be somewhat ado before these two noblemen be brought to good order. As long as the Duke's son and Mr. Gawain are prisoners, it is not to be feared that he will attempt much. —Spyney in Murray, 18 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 7.
Sept. 18. 649. The Queen to Armigil Wade.
Having appointed Edward Ormsby with four other captains to conduct 600 soldiers beyond the seas, Wade is directed to go to Rye for the following purposes; to muster and enrol the names of 600 soldiers, and to deliver to every of the captains the prest for themselves and their bands for twenty-eight days. With the assistance of the Mayor and jurats of Rye, he is to see to the arming and transporting of the said soldiers. He is to receive 800l. from Sir Maurice Denis. His own pay is to be 6s. 8d. per day.
Draft, corrected by Cecil, and endd. by his secretary. Pp. 4.
Sept. 18. 650. Smith to Cecil.
1. Has begun to draw the articles of the Prince of Condé and the Queen Mother.
2. Desires that the letter to Mr. Sheres be remembered, and also one to Gresham, for his credit in Paris for 4,000 or 5,000 crowns.
3. Hopes that the French will not break with them, of which, if Mr. Sheres were persuaded and had a request from Cecil, he would gladly go. Signed.
Orig. Add. Dated and endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 18. 651. Cuerton to Challoner.
1. Received his letter six days ago by Moffett, who left here yesterday for St. Sebastian, to embark in a Plymouth ship.
2. A ship which left Plymouth nine days ago brings news that the embargo was taken off the ships; that the men who had been pressed (for what part they could not say) were set free, and that when they were about leaving one arrived there from London with news from France, which is now thirteen days old, that six or eight of the Queen's ships were keeping the narrow seas.
3. Desires him to deliver the enclosed letters to Mistress Clarencieux, whom a young man has come hither to serve. —Bilboa, 18 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
Sept. 19. 652. Throckmorton to the Queen Mother.
Has received her letter, to which he could oppose arguments if he liked. An Englishman complains that M. De Monluc has deprived him of goods to the value of 30,000 livres. Desires her to give his servant a safe-conduct to pass into England, for whose return he will wait. She having refused him a safe-conduct, he would gladly know whether he may rely on his office of Ambassador.—Orleans, 19 Sept. 1562.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 19. 653. Another copy of the above.
Endd.: 20 Sept. [sic]. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 19.
Forbes, ii. 45.
654. Further Instructions for Sir Thomas Smith.
1. After declaring the cause of sending him hither in the place of Throckmorton, he is to say, that as the Queen perceived that her doings were diversely interpreted, she makes manifest to the King her whole doings and the causes thereof.
2. She means no other thing but peace. She has perceived from the beginning that the promoters of these troubles are not disposed to make an end of them, but such as shall be prejudicial to the King and his people; and her danger is so joined with his that she cannot but have regard thereunto.
3. She has caused a collection to be made of the intent of all her actions with the necessary causes thereof, which is written in French, which he is to deliver to them.
4. Finally, he is to persuade the King that she has been forced hereunto, both for their weal and her own.
Orig. Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 19. 655. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 19. 656. Articles between the Queen and the Prince of Condé.
1. The Queen has agreed to the following conditions:— For succouring the Prince against the hate his enemies bear to the Word of God she lends him 100,000 crowns to be paid to his agent at Strasburg or Frankfort. The first payment (70,000 crowns) to begin immediately after she is in possession of the town and fort of Hableneuf (or Havre De Grace) in Normandy. She shall also send for guarding Newhaven 3,000 men, and 3,000 men for the especial defence of Rouen and Dieppe. For the charges of the latter 3,000 men she shall pay 40,000 crowns of the sun.
2. In case the 3,000 men are not needed for Rouen, yet she will pay to the Prince 20,000 crowns of the said 40,000 crowns, and the same with regard to Dieppe.
3. In consideration whereof the Prince has agreed to deliver the town of Newhaven (alias Havre De Grace) void of all men of war either of France or any other nation. The Queen will succour all who are persecuted for religion within Newhaven and Dieppe.
4. When the King is again at liberty and France in quietness, the Prince will cause the sum of 140,000 crowns to be repaid to the Queen, and she shall be restored to the town of Calais and the territory of Mark and Oye belonging thereto.
5. The Queen doth promise that upon the repayment of the 140,000 crowns and the possession of Calais, she will re-deliver the town of Newhaven and such other places as her subjects may possess.
Orig. Draft. Endd. by Cecil and dated by him. Pp. 8.
Sept. 19. 657. The Queen to Gresham.
1. He having taken up in Antwerp 30,000l. Flemish and made over by exchange out of the same 2,970l. sterling, which remains in his hands, he is to take up, over and besides the same, as much more as shall make up the sum of 30,000l. sterling, amounting in value to 100,000 French crowns. She desires to have this by exchange ready for her in High Almaine, viz., 21,000l., amounting to 70,000 crowns, to be provided before the 20th October at Strasburg, and the remaining 9,000l. to be provided within the space of one month at Frankfort or Strasburg.
2. He shall also give a letter, or bill of credit, to Sir Thomas Smith for [blank] thousand crowns in Paris.—Hampton Court, 19 Sept., 4 Eliz.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 20. 658. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Having demanded safe-conduct according to her instructions, it was refused him; a copy of the letter of the Queen Mother he sends herewith. The Queen may also perceive what has passed between the King of Navarre, the Constable, and him since his despatch of the 9th inst. sent by Francisco, by the copies of the letters now sent.
2. Wrote last on the 9th inst., since which time he has not heard from her. The Queen Mother and the King of Navarre have been lately informed by M. De Foix and others that part of the Queen's force is landed at Newhaven, and that more are ready to come. Being warned against falling into their hands, he has desired a safe-conduct for his access to the Court, and for his return home, as appears by his letters, a copy of which he sends with the answer thereto, and others. So he remains at Orleans until he may know her pleasure, it being the best place for him excepting New haven or Dieppe. Cannot send advertisements, they not allowing any courier of his to pass thither. His servants whom he sends to the Court are obliged to have trumpets to accompany them, whereby he is at great charge, and at their being at Court they are not allowed to speak with anyone, as if they were in open hostility.
3. Since his last despatch, the King has marched by Gien, Montargis, and Château Landon which are at the Prince of Condés devotion, thereby to punish the inhabitants, and to restore the Mass and papistry. At Montargis (where the Duchess of Ferrara is), they could not obtain that the Mass should be restored, for the Duchess would not conform to their intents, so she retains her town as it was before; in other places they have gone to work violently.
4. At present the King is at Etampes, although there is a garrison of horsemen and footmen in all towns of passages about Orleans; so it seems the Papists mean either a "volante siege," or else to make some attempt to Orleans, as they did at Bourges. The bruit is rife in the King's camp that they intend to besiege Rouen, Newhaven, and Dieppe. The Prince has sent into those parts M. De Bricquemont, as well to accommodate the Queen's men as to give orders in those places. M. De Morvilliers has retired from Rouen, who had the principal charge there. Montgomery is appointed by the Prince to join her forces, which should march towards Paris, and for that purpose the Prince lately made importunity to him to request the Queen that they might stand them instead to reduce Paris. They also desired him to inform her that it would be to them a great infamy if she by their means introduced into Newhaven, Dieppe, and Rouen 6,000 men to keep the same. They are informed by M. de la Haye that the same being in her possession she may detain them, so that the King shall be expelled from the chiefest flower of Normandy. They also say they are strong enough to defend those places, but not to offend their enemies.
5. In case the Prince, the Admiral, and the Protestant faction be overthrown, or their minds alienated from the Queen that they accord with their adversary without her, although she has Rouen, Newhaven, and Dieppe, she would have much ado to keep them against the whole force of France. The Prince esteems the English very valiant, for which cause they desire to have the aid of a good number for daunting the Parisians. He has had no information of M. D'Andelot since his last despatch of the 9th inst.
6. The Duke De Nemours has gone to besiege Lyons, with whom there join 3,000 Italians sent from the Bishop of Rome, and as many from the Duke of Savoy. It will be most necessary for the Prince to go to work earnestly and make an end this winter, for the Papists begin to work their practices for aid, so as to be strong next spring. The King of Spain does nothing but lie in wait and command his Ambassadors to use threatenings, and thereby to frighten all other folks.
7. The Queen is not like to hear from him for some time. He lately sent to the Earl of Warwick at Newhaven. The determination of part of the King's camp to go into Normandy continues still. Intends to send to-morrow one of his servants by Dieppe with this despatch, and also to Newhaven to the Earl of Warwick.—Orleans, 20 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Large portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 8.
Sept. 20.
Forbes, ii. 47.
659. Throckmorton to Cecil.
His letter to the Queen will show the case he is in. If the men are landed on this side, there cannot be any great care had of him. Marvels, considering Cecil's proceedings of open hostility against these men, that the French Ambassador there, the hostages, French spies, &c., are allowed to send and come as often as they do from hence. Cecil can send to him either by the advice of the Governor of Dieppe, or by Bricquemault, Governor of Rouen; for he will not leave this place unless he has the King's safe-conduct, or is commanded by the Queen.—Orleans, 20 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig. partly in Throckmorton's hol., partly in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
[Sept. 20.] 660. [Lady Throckmorton to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton.]
1. Has received his letter by Francis the post, and perceives how narrowly he has escaped his life. "There be many that will believe none other here but that you gave the warning to the Admiral first yourself, and that these matters are come to pass by your own means; and therefore they say that it cannot be that you shall lose anything by it, and that it is done but for a show at the first." Cannot certify what money she can make. Has received 200l. of his diets. Can receive no money from those to whom he has lent it. Has had much ado to get the bearer, Mr. Smith, forwards. They send out of hand 1,600 men into France. The Lady Marquis, who was given over by her physicians, is amended. The Queen has removed to Hampton Court. Desires him to buy in Paris two partlets with sleeves, which she will give the Queen. Asks him also to bring her a piece of fine "lawnde."
2. P. S.—Thinks that Lord Robert has written to him. Her brother Carew is sent for to the Court.
Orig., the P.S. in hol. Pp. 2.
Sept. 20.
Forbes, ii. 47.
661. The Queen's Answer to the French Ambassador.
She has considered his request to have certain Frenchmen delivered to him, named in a piece of paper. She has never heard the names of the most part thereof, nor knows of any such malefactors or French subjects that have come in this realm against the King. She will not allow any French subject to remain in this realm whom she knows to have attempted anything against the King or his estate.
Endd. by Cecil: 20 Sept. 1562. Answer to the French Ambassador concerning Malygny and La Haye. Pp. 2.
[Sept. 20.] 662. Assurance for the Vidame of Chartres.
The Vidame having the government of the town of Havre has (by the command of the Prince of Condé) agreed to deliver the custody of the same to the Queen's lieutenant. By so doing he and others may be in peril of losing their estates and goods in France; the Queen promises to recompense them for the same, either by giving them annual pensions or assigning them lands in England.
Orig. Draft. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 4.
Sept. 20.
Forbes, ii. 48. Leonard, ii. 571. Du Mont, v. 94.
663. Articles between the Queen and the Prince of Condé.
1. The Prince of Condé shall deliver Rouen, Dieppe, and Newhaven to the Queen without any French therein, except the lieutenant or the deputies agree otherwise. In consideration whereof she shall deliver to the captain of Newhaven three hostages at Dieppe until these articles are delivered to the Count Palatine, or any other Protestant Prince, as shall be accorded upon by both parties.
2. She shall pay to the Prince 100,000 crowns at Strasburg or Frankfort within as short time as knowledge may be given.
3. For the aid of Rouen and Dieppe (besides the 3,000 soldiers appointed for Newhaven) the Queen will send 3,000 men of war to land at Dieppe or Newhaven; these succours will be continued there until she has expended therein 40,000 crowns.
4. If the lieutenant cannot send succours to Rouen, then the Queen in lieu thereof shall cause to be paid to the Prince for defence of the town 20,000 crowns, which are to be accounted parcel of the said 40,000 crowns.
5. She shall allow any being persecuted for religion to have succour within Newhaven or Dieppe. She will redeliver Newhaven to the French King as soon as (by the procurement of the Prince) Calais and the territories adjoining shall be delivered to her. She shall not deliver Newhaven to the King, nor receive Calais of him, without the express consent of the Prince.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 8.
Sept. 20. 664. Translation of the above into Latin.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 8.
[Sept. 20.] 665. Original counterpart of the league, on parchment with the seal of Condé; dated 22 Sept.—Signed by Loys de Bourbon, Jehan De Rohan, Chastillon, A. De Gramont, Taneguy De Bouchet, Bouchavannes, Bricquemault, Esternay, Mouy, Dumoustier, Bouchart.
[Sept. 20.] 666. The Queen's Promise to the Prince of Condé and the Admiral.
If Condé and the Admiral of France should be taken prisoners and their lives in danger because they permitted her to enter Newhaven, she will redeem them by delivering that town to the French on payment of 140,000 crowns and three hostages being delivered in England for the restitution of Calais and the territories and places mentioned in the treaty of Cateau Cambresis.
Corrected draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him Pp. 2.
[Sept. 20.]
Forbes, ii. 69.
667. Why the Queen puts her Subjects in Arms.
1. In arming her subjects she means only the peace of Christendom. At the beginning of these troubles she sent thither large offers of friendship, but the Guises would not accord without the ruin of the Prince of Condé, who requires nothing but the maintenance of the honour of God, the repose of the realm, and liberty of the King.
2. The Duke's proceedings will best appear by the following: —Soon after the peace of 1559 the Guises stirred up a quarrel in the name of the Queen of Scots, contrary to the treaty of peace. When they had employed all their practices in France and Scotland, and were wearied, they were content that their niece should make peace, which was concluded at Edinburgh; yet they would not permit their niece to confirm the same. By the death of Francis II., the governance which they had being taken from them, they sought the Queen's goodwill, which she was willing to show to them. An edict was made to retain all parties in peace who differed in matters of religion, but the Duke, not allowing these ordinances, of private authority broke the edict, and persecuted to death such as observed it.
3. The Prince of Condé and a great number of the people have assembled only for their defence, and have offered themselves to serve the King.
4. The cause has now become a manifest enterprise, not by teaching but by the sword, to force men's consciences. The quarrel cannot continue long in France, but will spread into adjoining countries. If they do not intend to force any men's consciences but their own countrymen, why are they so busy to compass a great league, which they would call Catholic? Why do they suffer their people to spoil and kill the English, who come only in trade into Brittany and Normandy? They call those whom they list to spoil Huguenots. Paris gives daily testimony how they destroy their own people with a cry of Huguenots.
5. If the Guises should rule as they did, when the Prince of Condé was put into prison and sentenced to death, and the King of Navarre also their prisoner, what account is to be had of peace ? When it was made at Cambresis they would not keep it, and at Edinburgh they would not suffer it to be confirmed. They will not permit Calais to be restored, which when they took they broke their promises with their prisoners, and since the accord was made for the restitution of the town they have committed divers things concerning the same town that by the treaty ought not to have been done. She hears nothing from the Prince of Condé but that "becometh and standeth with the duty of godly, true, and faithful subjects to the King and crown of France."
Draft by Cecil's hol., and corrected by him. Endd. Pp. 10.
[Sept. 20.]
Forbes, ii. 74.
668. Why the Queen puts her Subjects in Arms.
1. In March last, the Queen fearing that there would ensue quarrels, and the realm of France would be drawn into parties, sent one of her councillors to make a reconciliation betwixt the parties in controversy, but her Ambassador returned without doing any good therein; and the miseries and cruelties which have followed are well known.
2. Perceiving that no private motions of peace could avail, and that the proceedings of the one party tended, by destroying Christian people for their religion, to set all Christendom in strife with the quarrel of religion, she meaning to overcome the parties that would not hear of mediation, determined to send an embassy of persons of her Privy Council. To this no answer could be had from the King or his mother, but by direction of the one party, who sent one hither to thank her for her offer, without any commission to allow the embassade.
3. In the mean time her subjects, resorting into Normandy and Brittany for merchandise, were cruelly used, whereof no remedy can be had.
4. She desires only to keep peace with the King; and finding his person is in the possession of those who use it to stir up a war in Christendom, she has thought necessary to arm part of her subjects, and not to suffer the King to be so misused, or his people lying next to her realm, who pitifully cry and call for defence from tyranny of one party, looking to come to destruction and subversion.
Draft, corrected and endd. by Cecil. Pp. 8.
[Sept. 20.]
Forbes, ii. 77.
669. Why the Queen puts her Subjects in Arms.
1. She will try to bring these troubles to an end; if that cannot succeed, then she will endeavour to interrupt their course.
2. Having first by an embassade treated for quietness, and not obtained it, she is forced to arm her subjects and sea coasts; as well to protect the French King's true subjects, as the towns and principal ports of France next to her realm, so that they may not be surprised.
3. She informs all persons that she means nothing prejudicial to the King or his realm, and desires nothing but peace betwixt both realms.
Draft, corrected and endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
[Sept. 20.] 670. Translation of the above into French.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
[Sept. 20.] 671. Why the Queen puts her Subjects in Arms.
1. No prince has more cause to regret the state of France than the Queen. She has great compassion for the King, who is abused by his subjects and in danger of his life. She sees that, unless some remedy be provided, the fire that is kindled in France is intended to be conveyed over to inflame her crown. She thinks it fit to notify some of her doings herein, so that it may appear how sincerely she has dealt therein hitherto, and which she is determined to continue.
2. At the beginning of her reign she was content to forbear the restitution of a portion of her dominion [Calais], yet a short time after attempts were made which caused her to prepare to defend, not only herself, but her next neighbour from a tyranny. How she proceeded therein is known by her declaration, whose intent was only for her defence. After those troubles she entered into amity with the Queen of Scots, to whom she has shown great friendship. But in this she has been disappointed and is forced to intermeddle in these troubles in France, which have been stirred up by the house of Guise.
3. At the beginning she attempted to mediate between those parties, to which one party would not agree. Seeing the cruelties increase, even to the killing of the King's subjects, and spoiling towns, all being intended against persons professing the Gospel abroad, she determined to send a solemn embassade of her Council to France; but this could not be allowed without the direction of the Guises.
4. Her subjects and merchants of London and Exeter were plundered in Bretagne, those who defended themselves were killed, and their ships taken; it being devised against them they were Huguenots.
5. The Guises cannot be permitted to kill the King's subjects, subvert the profession of religion through Christendom by force, thereby to diminish the crown of England, and to exalt their house. She therefore has put certain numbers of her subjects in order, to defend part of his people from this tyranny and ruin, and to preserve some towns for the King. If these came into the possession of some, they might prosecute their old practices against England, whereby peace would be endangered betwixt the King and her, and so deprive her of Calais.
6. She affirms that she means sincerely herein, as the necessity of the time and cause requires; and that no violence shall be used towards his subjects, but only for defence of them.
Corrected copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 11.
[Sept. 20.] 672. Another copy of the above.
Corrected by Cecil, and endd. by him. Pp. 11.
[Sept. 20.] 673. Another copy of the above.
Corrected by Cecil, and endd. by him. Pp. 12.
[Sept. 20.] 674. Translation of the above into French.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 10.
[Sept. 20.] 675. Intelligences from France.
They have 6,000 soldiers in Lyons. M. De Nemours continues in the neighbourhood with about 4,000 men, the Italians having left him. The company of the Duke of Savoy has returned to their homes. If it had not been for the truce with the Baron Des Adrets, the Duke of Nemours would long ago have left Lyons. From Bourg they write that the Duke De Nemours is at Vienne; and that MM. Soubize and Carsoles, the Baron Des Adrets, and others have met to make some arrangement. The Duke De Nemours by means of the Baron Des Adrets thinks soon to be master of Dauphiné and Lyons. M. De Mouvans has so acted at Valence and Romans, that none there will follow the Baron Des Adrets. M. De Nemours has returned to Vienne, and 4,000 Lyonnais have gone to the Puy De Dome. M. De Carsoles is coming with the forces of Languedoc, and M. De Sault will declare himself and bring 10,000 or 12,000 foot and 800 horse, in which case the Duke De Nemours may bid adieu to Lyons for some time. He has no money, for although the Papist refugees from Lyons have lent him 20,000 livres, it will not be sufficient to pay the Ritters alone.
Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 20. 676. Anna, Countess of Friesland, to Cecil.
Recommends William Gnaphæus, her servant, whom she sends with a message to him.—Aurich, 20 Sept. 1562. Signed: Anna, myn hant.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 20. 677. Challoner to Cuerton.
Received this morning his letter of the 12th inst., with one from Mr. Moffet. Cuerton's friend, Martin De Burgos, was with the writer, and repairing to the King at Bosque de Segobia to prosecute his matter. Had the writer's letters to the Count de Feria. Paid 8l. to the bearer, Lymares the muleteer, for the carriage, which is against all reason, considering it was the stuff of an Ambassador. Intends to procure the King's schedule for the repayment of the whole. Cobham desires to be commended.—Madrid, 20 Sept. 1562.
Draft. Endd by Challoner. Pp. 2.