Elizabeth: September 1562, 26-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: September 1562, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp323-332 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1562, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp323-332.

"Elizabeth: September 1562, 26-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp323-332.

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September 1562, 26-30

Sept. 26.
Forbes, ii. 68.
697. Poynings and Vaughan to the Queen.
1. They received the Queen's letters brought by Mr. Horsey at 7 p.m., wherein she alters her former articles between her and the Vidame; willing them to pass with him to Newhaven and quietly take possession of the town without offending the inhabitants, and that they should procure the handwritings of M. De Bevoyes, and other captains and gentlemen; all which he has done with speed.
2. Understands by Horsey that the Vidame has returned to her upon letters which he met on the way, which landed here this morning at 9 o'clock.
3. He has sent hither an Italian gentleman named Macell del Bene, whom he desires should pass the seas with him. All things shall be put in readiness to sail, if wind and tide permit. They received this day an answer from Sir W. Kelwaye by the messenger that carried his letter, that he intends to be here to-morrow by noon.—Portsmouth, 26 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 26. 698. Sir Adrian Poynings to Cecil.
1. Received the Queen's letters, with a letter from Cecil by Mr. Horsey, this night, willing him to receive into his company the Vidame, and so to pass to Newhaven, and devise how he may enter. Perceives by Horsey that the Vidame has returned again to the Queen, wherefore he desires to know her pleasure, for he had determined to embark on Sunday. Horsey has brought hither with him an Italian gentleman named Macell del Bene, sent by the Vidame to pass over with him to Newhaven, he therefore desires to know if Cecil thinks it meet to do so.—Portsmouth, 26 Sept. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Has received here 1,600 men, of which 500 or 600 have been ill chosen.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 26. 699. Cuthbert Vaughan to Cecil.
Poynings has shown him the letters brought by Horsey, and upon debating the same they differ in opinion. Poynings thinks he must not embark without the Vidame; the writer thinks the Queen would possess the town, with or without him. The wind being good, in his opinion they should embark, and leave a ship to convey the Vidame. Is sure that if two or three of the bands landed they would be joyfully received. If the first determination had stood, the Queen would have been in possession of the town. He means not to touch Poynings in credit, and to satisfy his request he signed the letter to the Queen. Desires Cecil to send the orders concerning his office. If the journey did not require such speed, very few of the bands from Dorset and Hants should receive wages.—26 Sept., at 12 o'clock p.m., 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Sept. 26. 700. Thomas Morley to —
Has victualled sundry ships for the transport of 1,600 soldiers. Sir Adrian Poynings hasting him to ship the men, victuals, etc., aboard to-morrow, he has given to every captain his bill for the embarkation of his band. There are here seventeen sail with 220 mariners in wage.—The dock near Portsmouth, 26 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 26. 701. Order for the embarkation of 1,600 men.
P. 1.
Sept. 26. 702. Smith to Throckmorton.
Throckmorton's servant (whom he met as he was coming from Calais to Boulogne) having told him that he was at Orleans, the writer hastened to Montreuil, where he heard the Cardinal of Bourbon (Governor of Picardy) was, but on his arrival there he found he was at Douay, but he met him returning to Montreuil. He could learn nothing, but that the Court was toward Rouen, that the Swiss who had come to Lyons on the Prince's part had gone home again, and that the Protestants had a great overthrow in Lyons. Smith said the Queen had a great affection for the house of Bourbon and D'Albret, and that all this preparation was to see if she could get some means to pacify these troubles in France without overthrowing either party; and that the house of Guise were always suspected by the Queen. The only answer he could get was that many good offers had been made to his brother, but he refused all. Has now sent Nicholas (Throckmorton's man) to see where he can meet him. Thinks that before this there will be 3,000 Englishmen, with the Lords Warwick and Grey, in Newhaven, who were ready when he left London. The Queen does not mean war with France, but for the defence of religion. Does not like Throckmorton being still in Orleans; for why should he not follow the Court, being Ambassador ?—26 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 26. 703. Another copy of the above.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 26. 704. Smith to Throckmorton.
Being uncertain where he shall find him, he has sent the bearer to seek him out.—Abbeville, 26 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig. with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 26. 705. John Abington to Cecil.
Upon his arrival here he sent two of his clerks [to Newhaven], whose report he sends herewith. He will (in answer thereto) send wood, hops, hoops, and other necessaries. Oxen and muttons shall be sent over from time to time. Sends a loaf of bread which came from thence; corn is good and cheap there. Meat is but little dearer there than here. The ships shall be victualled for fourteen days. More money is wanted. —Portsmouth, 26 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 26. 706. Ellen Farnham to Challoner.
1. It has pleased God to punish her by taking away her dear husband and youngest child, both within two days. Her cousin Beaumont has the wardship of her child by bequest of her husband, with 100l. to pay for her. Was under the necessity of coming here within a fortnight after her husband's decease, who having sold his house, she has made bold to use Challoner's during the weeks she tarries here. Her cousin Beaumont, Mr. Drue Drurie, Mr. Thomas Sackvile, her brother, Mr. John Farnham, and her brother Francis and his wife, whom she found here, are supping with her to make her merry. His writings which her husband had she will keep safely until he returns.—From his house at St. Jones (John's), 26 Sept. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Mr. Drue Drury desires to be commended.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Sept. 27. 707. The Queen's Declaration. (fn. 1)
Complaints have been brought to her from a multitude of the King's subjects in Normandy of their persecution by the Duke of Aumale and the adherents of the house of Guise, and considering the King cannot succour them, by reason of the Guisians, she has thought good to send a number of her subjects into Normandy to land at Dieppe and Havre-deGrace. She has commanded them to defend these towns and such others as they can from ruin. In manifestation hereof she has caused this declaration to be sealed with the great seal, which is delivered to her lieutenant, to be by him shown to all the French King's subjects.
Draft by Cecil, and dated and endd. by him. Pp. 4.
Sept. 27. 708. Draft translation of the above into French. Hampton Court, [blank] Sept. 1562.
Endd. Pp. 6.
Sept. 27. 709. Fair copy of the above translation into French. Hampton Court, 27 Sept. 1562.
Endd. Pp. 5.
[Sept. 27 ?] 710. M. De Foix to the Lords of the Council.
Has been informed about wrongs sustained in Brittany by the English. Three weeks ago he sent an express message about this matter to the French King, who at once ordered the Duke D'Etampes to inquire into it, who wrote that he had caused restitution to be made. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 28. 711. Poynings and Vaughan to the Privy Council.
This day, at 8 a.m., they embarked all the soldiers, and take this tide to St. Helen's, and remain there till 5 o'clock at night, then take their voyage to Newhaven. They have taken from hence the master gunner and five others to serve the turn until the Master of the Ordnance comes. The Master Treasurer has but 100l. towards paying the soldiers.—Portsmouth, 28 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Sept. 28.] 712. Cuthbert Vaughan to Cecil.
1. Knowing the desire the Queen has that this enterprise should have good effect, he has reminded Mr. Poynings to lose no time, although all things were not in such readiness as was requisite. At 8 a.m. they had all embarked, yet they will not hoist sail until 8 p.m. In all things hitherto has found Poynings, of a contrary opinion; and if he stands so precisely to follow every branch and jot of the articles he fears it will breed discord between the French and the English. He thought it necessary this morning, not only to take the duty of his own band at embarking, but of others, as appertains to his office. Mr. Poynings, under pretence of speed, offered by force to restrain him, although time served from 6 a.m. until 5 p.m., when it was only two hours' work to embark the whole number.
2. He is not meet nor able to serve with Poynings in matters of such importance as these; he therefore beseeches Cecil to provide some other in his place, and he will bestow his travail until the Earl of Warwick come. He would not bear the trouble of mind that he has had here since his arrival for any earthly thing, and yet in danger to bear the fault of others.—Monday. Signed.
3. P.S.—Asks for instructions, signed by the Queen, concerning the exercising of his office whilst he remains.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. and dated. Pp. 4.
[Sept. 28.]
Forbes, ii. 87.
713. Orders for the English Soldiers in Newhaven.
1. On their arrival in the church or market place they shall give thanks to God. They shall behave courteously towards the French. None shall take any victuals, etc. by violence from the French upon pain of death. None shall quarrel with the French. None, of whatsoever degree he be (being English), shall draw any weapon within the town. Any English who shall draw his weapon or fight without the town shall lose his right hand. Any soldier that gives a blow within the town shall lose his hand. No soldier shall pass the precinct of the town without license of his captain. No soldier shall steal any weapon to the value of sixpence upon pain of death. Any soldier swearing any detestable or horrible oath, or found drunk, shall receive six days' imprisonment for the first offence, and pay one day's wages to him that shall present the same; and for the second offence shall receive ten days' imprisonment and be banished the town. None shall use any unlawful game, viz., as dice, cards, tables, making or marring, upon pain of six days' imprisonment. Any soldier taken out of his lodgings without his sword and dagger shall receive one day's imprisonment, and pay one day's wages to him that takes him. None shall lend money upon any weapon or armour upon pain of ten days' imprisonment and the loss of money so lent. No captain shall take in his band any that belongs to another captain, or that is discharged for disorder, without the consent of his late captain. Any soldier that leaves his watch before he is lawfully discharged, if it be in scout or on the walls, shall suffer death; if he be of the search or market watch he shall lose both his ears and be banished the town. No soldier shall keep any woman other than his wife upon pain . . . . . .
2. Set forth by Sir Adrian Poynings, lieutenant to the Queen, in the absence of the Earl of Warwick.
Copy. Pp. 3.
[Sept. 28.] 714. Another copy of the above, omitting several of the concluding articles.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Sept. 29. 715. Richard Clough to Challoner.
1. Sent his last letter twenty days since, enclosing a bill of exchange for 1,420 ducats and seven and half rials, together with other letters. Since which he has received his of the 13th and 21st ult., which he has sent into England. Is sorry that he has been so ill handled for money by Francisco Bravo, but the same has been done here upon several occasions. Delivered Challoner's money to Fleming on the 1st June, but could not get the bill for a long time after. Nevertheless they are Challoner's friends, for upon the receipt of his last letter the writer went to Fleming and showed him how ill Challoner had been used, whereupon he showed Francisco Bravo's letters, who wrote that he was sorry that Fleming had charged him with the payment of the money at the Court, as there was none to be had, and that money was worth five and six per cent. at the Court. If the writer knew that Challoner would take order for his money in the fairs, he could find men who would take it, and it would be more to his profit; but no man will meddle with it when payment is made at the Court.
2. From the 20th to the 24th inst., the Germans were passing the Rhine between Mentz and Oppenheim, being 3,500 horsemen and 5,000 footmen, all gunners, to serve the Prince of Condé; M. D'Andelot is their general. The Landgrave is making a new army, but to what purpose is unknown. Maximilian was crowned King of Bohemia at Prague about the 16th inst., and on the 10th of October, the Emperor, his son, and the Princes of the Empire, are to meet at Frankfort, where Maximilian is to be crowned King of the Romans.
3. Perceives by letters of the 12th inst. from England, that 10,000 men are in readiness to pass over to France; and it is reported in England (and also here), that Rouen, Dieppe, and Newhaven are promised to be delivered to the English.
4. Sends enclosed twenty-five dozen of the best lute strings he could get. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 5.
Sept. 29. 716. Valentine Brown to Cecil.
1. Has despatched Captains Read and Brickewell, and Mr. Goodall, and asks him to further such as Sir Robert Brandlinge and Mr. Anderson shall appoint there to sue for the money which they lent for setting forward this service.
2. When Mr. Brian Fitzwilliam was here lately, to discharge the soldiers of the town, the writer was forced to lend him 50l. above his duties.—Newcastle, 29 Sept. 1562.
3. P. S.—In his last letters to him he wrote his opinion touching his [Cecil's] cause; and promises that when his wife returns from Tynemouth he will advertise him what they have learned therein; the party and her mother being presently there at the christening of Lady Percy's daughter. Signed.
Orig. The P.S. in Brown's hol. P. 1.
Sept. 29. 717. Charges at Berwick.
1. The money due to Captains Read, and Brickewell, and their bands, upon their setting forth from Berwick to Newhaven, from Christmas 1561 to the 29 Sept. 1562, amounts to 3,148l. 12s., whereof the Treasurer of Berwick paid them 2,740l.; also 518l. 12s. borrowed of Sir Robert Brandling and Mr. Anderson; and 398l. 16s. borrowed for their transportation and imprests.
2. Richard Goodall, who is sent with the bands, has received his wages to the 29 Sept. last, without any further imprest.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 30. 718. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Since the Queen's arrival at Aberdeen they have consulted how to reform this country. It was thought best to begin at the head, and that the Earl of Huntly shall either submit himself and deliver up his disobedient son, John Gordon, in whose name all these pageants have been wrought, or utterly to use all force against him for the subverting of his house for ever. For this purpose she remains here a good space, and has levied 120 arquebusiers, and sent to Lothian and Fife for the Master of Lindsey, Grange, and Ormiston. Her purpose is to take the two houses held against her, for which purpose she has a cannon within 16 miles all ready, and other pieces there are in this town sufficient.
2. It is worth writing how this cannon came into these parts. In the Duke's government none was so great with him as the earl of Huntly, then Lieutenant, who to give this people a greater terror obtained to have a cannon to lie in Strathbogie, which stood always in the middle of the court a terrible sight to as many as entered the house, or who had offended the Earl. This cannon, three days before the Queen should come there, was carried into a cellar; but she knowing that it belonged to her, sent to the Earl to cause it to be carried four miles to a place appointed. Captain Hay was sent with this message on the twenty-fifth, and returned with the answer that not only that which was her own but also his body and goods were at her command. He found it strange that he should be so hardly dealt with for his sons offences, whereunto he was never privy; and for the taking of the houses that were held against her, he would be the first to hazard his body. These and other like words, mingled with many tears and sobs, he desired to be reported to his dear mistress from her most obedient subject; and that though the time was short to mount the cannon and carry it to the place appointed, yet his obedience should appear therein. "The lady his wife with heavy cheer leadeth the messenger into her holy chapel, fair and trimly hanged, all ornaments and mass-robes ready lying upon the altar, with cross and candles standing upon it, and said unto him: Good friend, you see here the envy that is borne unto my husband; would he have forsaken God and his religion, as those who are now about the Queen's grace and have the whole guiding of her have done, my husband had never been put at as now he is. God, saith she, and He that is upon this holy altar, whom I believe in, will, I am sure, save us, and let our true-meaning hearts be known; and as I have said unto you, so I pray you let it be said unto your mistress. My husband was ever obedient unto her, and so will die her faithful subject." She also desired him to report what she said to his mistress. The first part of the message was told to the council, and the rest in secret to the Queen, to move her heart to pity. She knows so many of their conceits that she does not believe a word of either, and so declared the same herself unto her council, whereat there has been much good pastime.
3. He has conveyed out of his house the chief of his substance, and it is not yet resolved whether his house shall be the first beseiged. His friends have clean left him. Quietly there favour him the Earls of Athol and Sutherland, who both are with the Queen. Hears nothing more of the Duke or Bothwell.
4. Against the 6th Oct. the justice court is appointed. If so many be convicted as are justly accused, there will be such a reformation in these north parts as never was seen. Men have great hope that the Earl of Murray will do much good in this country. His power of men is great, and the revenue esteemed 1,000 marks a year; the country, pleasant. The place called Ternawe is very ruinous, save the halle, very fair and large. The last Earl was King James the Fifth's bastard brother, who was much beloved; since that time the whole country has been under the Earl of Huntly.
5. Touching the Laird of Findlater there is a strange history, which the writer believes to be true. There was one Findlater, who was master of the household to the Queen Mother,. who had commission many times to confer with Cecil and the Commissioners at their being at Edinburgh. He was disinherited by his father, and his land given to John Gordon, second son of the Earl of Huntly. Two causes moved his father thus to do. One, that he solicited his father's wife to dishonesty, not only with himself but with other men. The other, that he took purpose with others to take his father and put him into a dark house, and there keep him waking until he became stark mad; and that being done, he thought to enter into possession of the house and land. Sure tokens being given that this was true, his father (by the persuasion of his wife, who was a Gordon,) gave the whole land to John Gordon, who after Findlater's death married her. God plagued the iniquity of the same woman; for within a month of her marriage John Gordon cast his fantasy to another, and because he would not depart from the land, which was all her's for her lifetime, he locked her up in a close chamber, where she remains This is one of the chief causes why he enterprised such things as he has done, thinking he would be forced to set her at liberty and forego the land whilst she lived.
6. There is great difficulty in getting letters conveyed. Many times it costs him to send to Berwick more than two days' allowance. Writes in favour of the bearer, Mr. Graham. This Queen writes to Queen Elizabeth, and Lethington to Cecil. He has been especially moved to write, though he knows this Queen has no goodwill to write of the matter, which is that the Master of Maxwell is prisoner to the Earl of Northumberland, with whom he has been at least four months, and cannot get the favour either to return or be put to some reasonable ransom. His friends, his father, the Earl of Murray, the Earl of Argyll, and others, desire Cecil to be a means that he be put to some reasonable ransom, so that he should not be forced to come to and fro twice or thrice a year. Whilst it was in controversy whose prisoner he was, he favoured the Earl of Northumberland's part, thinking to have found more favour at his hand than at Lord Grey's.—Aberdeen, 30 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 8.
[Sept. 30.] 719. The Queen to Edward Ormsby.
He shall embark with 400 soldiers for Newhaven, where 400 more will meet him from Portsmouth, who shall come thither by pinnaces and the benefit of oars and the tides. If he pass to Newhaven with 400, he is to send the remaining 200 to Dieppe. Let Armigil Wade see this letter and aid him.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 30. 720. Outlay for France.
Received by two warrants 5,000l., whereof for Portsmouth is prested 2,379l. 9s. 10d., and for Rye 1,128l. 9s. 10d.; sum total, 3,507l. 19s. 8d.
Orig. P. 1.
Sept. 30. 721. Richard Clough to Challoner.
1. Received the packet enclosed from Robert Farnham Challoner's servant, the last of September. The English shipped for France on the 27th inst. Is departing for Germany about affairs of the Queen, and expecting to remain there about two months. Has given his fellow, John Conyes, a commission to write to Challoner by every post.
2. The Germans have passed towards France, and the people of Brabant are much offended that they must have Bishops, who are looked for daily.—Antwerp, 30 Sept. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
[Sept.] 722. Intelligences from Italy.
1. Letters from Constantinople state that the Turk is in good health, and purposes to go to Adrianopole next spring. The Georgians have asked aid against the Sofi, The daughter of the Signior has made advances towards Aly Bascio, who has excused himself.
2. It is written from Rome that the Pope expects the arrival of the Cardinal of Lorraine and the French Bishops at the Council. It is reported in the Consistory that the French army has gained many successes over the Huguenots. The election of the future Pope is urged. The Legates are favourably spoken of, especially the Cardinal of Mantua. The galleys of Count Frederic Borromeo are about to leave Civita Vecchia for Naples.
3. On the 16th, at Messina, it was reported that Mustafa had been killed by certain Christian renegades, and his galley sunk.
4. At Prague, on the 20th, the King of Bohemia was crowned, and the Queen on the 22nd, with great rejoicings. They will be at Frankfort on 20th October. (fn. 2)
Orig. Ital. Pp. 3.
[Sept.] 723. — to — (fn. 3)
P. S.—Has received his letters of 12 Sept. Maximilian and his Queen were crowned on 20 Sept. at Prague.
Ital. P. 1.


  • 1. A French version of this paper from the Cottonian MS. Calig E. v., is printed by Forbes, ii. 79.
  • 2. The remainder of this paper has been cut off.
  • 3. A fragment of about a quarter of a leaf.