Elizabeth: August 1562, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: August 1562, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp215-240 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1562, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp215-240.

"Elizabeth: August 1562, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp215-240.

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August 1562, 6-10

August 6. 435. Challoner to the Queen. (fn. 1)
1. Was this day with the French Ambassador here, who told him that not long since, when the Queen had a conference with the French Ambassador in England, she said "How, seeing her neighbours house was on fire, it were convenient and prudent to provide in time, lest it should take hold on hers." To this he replied that his letters from the Council and also his letters from England of the 8th of June showed to the contrary, and if anything been altered since then, she would have sent him letters of advice.
2. They then spoke about the accord of the 25th of June, which was held to be achieved, the non-completion of which the Ambassador attributed to the wilfulness of the Prince of Condé; who (he said) after he and his were offered the quiet enjoyment of their religion, peremptorily demanded churches and public places of assembly. After this they spoke about the meeting between her and the Queen of Scots. The Ambassador asked if he had heard aught about a motion of a marriage between the Queen and the Prince of Spain? He said no, but that it was possible, that for a kingdom with such a fair lady, these men might have some such fantasy.
3. Has not heard from England nor France since the 8th of June last. Begs that she will write and give him some good pretence to go to the King about, that he may have the opportunity of feeling by his answers what his inclinations are. Thinks it not meet that, as times are, he should be sent to the King concerning merchants, about whom he could speak to the Duke of Alva and Erazzo.
4. This morning the King departed hence towards El Bosque de Segovia. On Monday next the Queen, the Prince, and Princess will follow, and will continue there till about the 8th of September next. The Ambassador and the greater part of the Court remain here till the King returns.
Corrected hol. draft. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 8.
August 6. 436. Challoner to Chamberlain.
1. Fears he has not received his two letters sent by the way of France since May last, as he has not heard lately from Throckmorton. Trusts that Chamberlain and his lady are merry with their young heir. Cuerton would not ship Challoner's stuff until he had the King's schedule. Sends herewith a dozen pair of perfumed gloves from Meliadus Spinola. The writer's servant, Robert Ferneham, will deliver the parcels to him when he arrives in London. Has re- tained three bowls, of four score and fourteen ounces, because he has no fit place to pack them in unbruised. Wrote to his servant either to deliver other bowls to him there, or else to pay the full value. Touching his feather beds, sheets, mattresses, and pewter vessels, can answer Challoner with the like of his own stuff to his satisfaction. Finds his words true about the charges and irksomeness of this place.
2. The King here has often changed his purpose about going to his Court of Aragon and to El Bosque de Segovia. The Queen and Prince will go thither next Saturday, and not return till the 8th of September. The armies in France cause the folks here to sit in council daily. They pretend to send 10,000 footmen and 3,000 horsemen to assist the Guisians; part of whom are to be sent from hence, part from Flanders, and the rest from Piedmont. Part of the Spanish crew are already gone, and the rest are to follow immediately. Commendations to Lady Chamberlain.—Madrid, 5 August 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Sent to Ro. Farneham by Mr. White. Pp. 3.
August 6. 437. Answers to Interrogatories ministered to James Goldborne.
1. Is the King of Sweden's servant, and was preferred to his service by the Chancellor, his late Ambassador; and has for his entertainment 100 crowns.
2. Has made none other privy to this but his late mistress, Mrs. Ashley, a little before Easter last, when she gave livery, which with thanks he refused, saying that he was minded to go to Sweden so that he might have good entertainment.
3. Has written four or five letters to the Ambassador and his secretary to encourage the King's coming, as he was willed by the said Ambassador, and warranted by him harmless for his doings.
4. Knows that the Queen is of constant opinion that the King will come hither, partly by report and partly by conjecture; having heard that when it was said that he would go into Scotland, she would not believe it, but rather that he would come hither.
5. Heard from the Ambassador that the Queen had said that if the King be such a one as he is reported, he is not to be refused of any woman; which he willed him to write that he might have somewhat to show to such as are against the King's coming.
6. Heard it reported, both in Lombard Street and elsewhere, that certain gentlemen of France kept themselves close here; and offered Her Majesty not only to recover her losses in France, but also to win her more honour there than ever her father had.
7. By his saying in his letter to Mr. Harvey that the King of Sweden's coming is on the one side looked for and on the feared, he means that the people desire and that Lord Robert and his faction fear lest he should come.
8. Where he says in his letter that there be those who show themselves outwardly Swethians and secretly practise with Lord Robert, he means Aleyne.
9. He did not write that the Scottish Queen would come to London, but that it was thought that she would; for that as the vulgar voice was, she wailed and wept as often as she heard that the Queen would not meet with her this year in progress; and also how she offered herself and hers to be wholly at the Queen's commandment. He wrote this that the King might see how wisely he was counselled to seek a Princess who wholly depended at the will of another.
10. Knows none who have written into Sweden except Kele and himself, but by report of the bearer of those letters, who showed him that both Dimock and Aleyne would also write.—6 August 1562. Signed at the foot of each page.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 4.
August 6. 438. Dymock's Statement.
1. About five or six days before the Queen was come to Westminster from her progress, Mr. Treasurer sent Mr. Henry Mewtes for Dymock to come to him, which he did, and found him with Mr. Sackfyld; and who said, "Where is this great Prince of Sweden? all is but wind," and willed him to tell the Ambassador as of himself, which he did.
2. Within five weeks of Christmas, Walwicke declared to him that the Queen and divers of the Council were not content with the Ambassador because he could give no better advertisement, and willed him to desire him to go more often to the Court, and to ask some of the Council to dine with him, which Dymock did, and which he took in good part.
3. About a month before Christmas, Walwicke told him that all things did not go well, for that the Ambassador had made three or four great dinners and desired divers of the Council to come, and they would not, and therefore he much doubted that they perceived some things in him which they misliked, and that he worked some other way for his master, because he kept company with the French pledges; and therefore he would go into Sweden and advertise his master how all things passed. Further, he said that he would first go amongst his friends and hearken how things passed, for he had heard things that misliked him. Dymock asked him what they were? He said he had heard that the Queen would have the Lord Robert, but that he did not believe it. Dymock said that it was but the imagination of such as could not obtain the Queen to their wishes, and from spiteful Papists. Then Walwicke required that he would seek to get some truth of the matter. Whereunto he answered that he would do his best, and perchance go with him to Sweden, with certain jewels that he had and certain patterns of jewels, to see if he could sell them for the coronation; and if Walwicke would tarry till after Christmas he would bear his charges. Of this he was very glad, and said that if the King came to England he would warrant Dymock a good entertainment, and whether he came or not he warranted him to have at the least a chain of gold of 200l. Hearing this, he was encouraged, and made his reckoning to spend 100l.; and although he sold nothing he would have 100l., and would see the King and his coronation and be able to certify the Queen of him and his realm. And so he devised to go to the Court and get knowledge in what state the Queen was for her marriage.
4. So he went to Whitehall, to Mistress Ashley's chamber, and desired to speak with her, because in the time of her troubles he had been acquainted with her at Mistress Walton's, and said it was talked of all men in the city and in Antwerp, that the Queen would marry the Lord Robert. If it were so he prayed her to let him know, as there was an old acquaintance of hers going into Sweden, with whom he was minded to go, and who was in doubt that the Ambassador had given some wrong intelligence, which was the stay that the King did not come. She solemnly declared that she thought that the Queen was free of any man living, and that she would not have the Lord Robert; and desired him to come to-morrow to talk with her husband, which he accordingly did, and met him coming out of his wife's chamber, who asked him to dinner. After dinner they went into the park, where Dymock told him the like he did to his wife, and that he was minded to take certain jewels, and patterns of jewels on parchment, and that he desired to know if the Queen were free, in case he should be asked by the King or his brother. Whereupon Ashley said that the Queen would rather not marry, and wished that the Prince of Sweden had come; and as for the rumour about the Lord Robert, there was no such thing. Of late a letter came out of France to the Queen in praise of the beauty of the French Queen, and what great offers of marriage were made to her; and that one day the French Queen sitting at her board asked what the Queen of England meant by refusing such great marriages, and now marrying the Lord Robert; and the Queen one day said to some about her, that let the French Queen with all her wit and beauty marry as well as she can, she did not doubt but that she would marry as noble a prince and of as good house; from which Ashley gathered that she would grow in some great blood.
5. Then Ashley desired to see this deponent's jewels, which he brought the next day, and desired him to get a passport for them, two men, and 100l.; unto which he answered that he would first show the Queen the jewels to know whether she would buy any, and then would ask for the passport. When the Queen saw the patterns she desired to know the price, but happened to have no jewel money, and then Ashley asked for the passport. The Queen answered that Dymock had lately a licence for jewels, and that was sufficient. Ashley said that that was for bringing in jewels, but that he wanted one for carrying them out. She would not believe that so old a man would go so far a journey, and willed Ashley to ask him in what time he might go and come back, to which he replied that he thought about two months. The Queen was pleased that he should have the passport, but not that he should have the 100l. for his expenses, as he might make over the money by exchange; and willed Mr. Ashley to know the least price of a "ruby balls" with a great pearl pendant. Dymock told him that if her Grace would agree upon a price he would send for the jewel, and promised to send him that night a pattern, a ruby of 156 carats, of the price of 66,000 crowns; which he did, and came the next day, when Ashley told him that the Queen liked the jewel, but that she had no jewel money, and that he had asked her what she would say if the same should be given unto her. On her asking what way? he replied, if Dymock should sell it to the young King of Sweden, and he should send it to her for a token. Her Grace said she was much bound to that noble Prince, for he is named to be liberal, and if it should chance that they matched, it would be said that there were a liberal king and a niggardly princess mated. Whereunto Mr. Ashley said that he was glad her Grace herself conceived it. She willed Dymock to go to Mr. Secretary for his passport, which was to have a place blank for his money.
6. Hearing this from Mr. Ashley, he could not but think that the Queen was yet well-minded towards the Prince of Sweden. He could not come to the Court at any time, but divers would ask him when the Prince would come, and wished that he was come. Also afterwards Walwicke went to the Ambassador and told him that he was minded to go into Sweden, because every man said that the old King was dead; who was content, and so he resorted daily to Dymock to make ready, as did Dymock divers times to Mr. Ashley, to hear if the Queen were minded to marry any other way.
7. A day or two before Christmas, Ashley told him that seeing the Queen playing with a little ring, he smiled, and the Queen asked him what the matter was, and he said that if she would let Dymock carry it to the King of Sweden for a token it would well become her. She asked why Dymock was not gone, and he said because he had not yet his passport; then she said that it were too much dishonour, having refused the like thing to Duke John when he desired one but for an hour, (because she knew that he would have sent it to the King his brother,) now to send by an inferior person.
8. About Christmas eve Ashley asked him if the King could speak Italian? He said no, and at his recommendation bought a little book, in the French tongue, called the Courtisan. On the morrow after New Year's day, after dining with Ashley, he told him that there was one fault in his passport, which was that the sum of money was written in the Queen's running hand, and he did not know so, and that he went to Mr. Secretary, who certified by his hand that it was so. He also told him that he would depart at the furthest the morrow after Twelfth day, when Ashley willed him to come again as he had somewhat to tell him. When he came, he said that whereas it was thought that the Queen was verily minded to have the Lord Robert, it was not so, for he had given her a notable New Year's gift, and it was thought that she would have given him at least 4,000l. in lands and have made him a duke, whereas she has given him but 400l., and not of the very best land, so that whatsoever the Ambassador has written touching this matter, he and Walwicke might certify the contrary. For that the King could not come so soon, he wished that by their means to Duke John there might be sent a more courtier-like man than the Ambassador, who should be either a Swede or Almain. It chanced that afternoon there came a certain honest Dutchman, a cunning painter, who should make the haven at Dover, to know if it were possible to get him his denizenship, so that he might work here quietly. Dymock said that if he would go with him a journey of ten or twelve weeks he would content him, which he also declared to Mr. Ashley, and that he could get the King's picture, who said that it would not be amiss.
9. Afterwards Mr. Ashley sent for him to come to the house of the Customer, Mr. Smith, and as it was not his servant who came, he thought it was at Mr. Pickering's. He having intelligence of his being there, caused him to come up to him, and so begun to speak merrily, saying that Dymock was minded to go into Sweden, but would not let his old friends know it; and asked him what he would make there. Dymock said that he did not go thither, and that he carried jewels to sell, which Pickering prayed to see; which when he had done he said that he hoped he would find the means to cause the King to come hither, and that he thought he might have the Queen. And so he made him drink a cup of wine, and would have had him sup with him. As he went through Gracious Street he met Mr. Ashley, who asked him when he should be gone. He answered that he was disappointed of Walwicke, who was come in the displeasure of the Ambassador, and he had threatened to cause his head to be smitten off, and said that he would go alone with his two servants. Ashley said that he wished that he were gone. This was on a Thursday towards night, and on the Saturday at supper time he was sent for to Mr. Pickering's house; he sent word that he could not leave his guests, but would come on the morrow morning. He found no one but Ashley and Pickering, who asked him when he went, and both urged him to make haste; he said on Thursday night at the farthest; so they having drank to him he departed. On Wednesday the 14th January at night he went towards Gravesend, and on the next day departed towards the sea, thinking to have passed by land, and by reason of foul weather was set on land at Calais on the Saturday as he wrote to Mr. Secretary.
10. About three days before Mid Lent Sunday he arrived in Stockholm, and the third after spoke with Duke John of Finland, who lay in the castle with his brother Duke Magnus. They were glad to see him, thinking he had been sent by the Queen, which he denied, saying that he had some jewels to sell to the King, and had come to see his coronation which he thought would be on Mid Lent Sunday.—Signed.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 11.
August 6. 439. Dymock's Examination.
1. About the end of March he came to Olsund, where the King of Sweden lay, about three o'clock in the afternoon, and there remained in his chamber about a day and a half, and in the meantime two or three of the King's chamber kept him company at dinner and supper. On the third day in the afternoon he was sent for to go to the King, who desired to see his jewels. Seeing a carcenet, he smiled, and asked whether they were right diamonds; Dymock told him that they were right topazes, and when the King had looked upon them a great while, he laid them aside and asked him how an old man as he was durst venture so great a journey. Whereunto he said that he did it for the sale of his jewels, and to see the King's person and his coronation. The King said that it could not be until the Sunday before Whitsuntide. He asked how the Queen and her nobility did, and whether she would have him. Dymock said that she was in health, but that of other things he could not say. The King willed him to leave the jewels till next day. Dymock asked him if he would receive a present from so poor a man, to which the King replied with all his heart, and Dymock gave him a pair of winter gloves of black velvet perfumed, a little gilt book called the Courtisan, and a fair English mastiff, wishing him as many children as his father had; and so departed to his chamber.
2. Within half an hour afterwards his younger brother, Duke Charles, rode by, and half an hour after that the King walked upon a hill side, where he appointed to make a castle, and sent for Dymock to bring his dog. Calling him apart, he asked him the cause why the Queen would not have him, and whether he was not sent by her or the Council. Dymock said that he came only of his goodwill. The King marvelled that no English gentleman had come to his Court. Dymock said that it was because the way was long and dangerous. The King said that he understood by five or six of his gentlemen that he had been mustermaster of the Almains before Boulogne and in Scotland, which made him think that he was sent by the Queen. He answered for the third time that he came of his own voluntary will. Then he asked whether the Queen knew not of his coming. Dymock said that she had knowledge of it by reason that he was fain to have a passport for his jewels. The King then desired to see it in a day or two; asked him if he thought that the Queen would not have him, and whether he would give him counsel how to have her, for he cared not what money he spent as he had loved her these ten years. Dymock said that it was not more than four or five years; to which the King replied that it seemed to be ten, as he waxed old and his youth decayed for love of her. Dymock said that if he might counsel so noble a Prince, he would say to go in proper person were best; as the Queen would marry with none, but she would hear him, see him, and speak with him. The King said that last harvest he lay at Helsingborg six weeks with ships and men to have gone over, but that with wind and weather he was letted; and the death of his father, and winter being at hand, caused him to return to Stockholm; and now his Council would not consent that he should go unless the Queen be content aforehand to have him. Dymock said that the Queen was not like his sisters, or the French King's daughters, who had but a certain portion of money, but she is King and Queen, and whoso has her has the realm also; and therefore there must be other ways taken to obtain her. The King said he had sent his brother, Duke John, and his Chancellor, Guildenstiern, and asked Dymock to devise what way he might take so as not to go himself. And so he sent one with him to take of him the price of all his jewels.
3. The second day in the afternoon he sent for him, and said that if the great ruby of 66,000 crowns had been there he would have bargained for it. He liked nothing but a carcenet of gold with seventeen diamonds and twelve pearls and an ouche hanging at the carcenet, wherein was a ruby and an emerald and three little diamonds and a great pearl, and a sable's head with four claws of gold and twentytwo diamonds set in them, for which he bargained to pay 24,000 dollars. He then asked Dymock if he could devise any way for him to have yea or nay of the Queen. Dymock then told him what he had learnt from Mr. Ashley, word for word, as he has declared in his first writing. And as for any talk he had with Mr. Pickering, he never spoke unto the King of it. The King asked him what was the cause that the Lord Robert was so much in favour; he said that he had served the Queen when she was but Lady Elizabeth, and in her trouble did sell away a good piece of his land to aid her, which divers supposed to be the cause that the Queen so favoured him; even as the King himself favoured one Claude, a Frenchman, and his brother John trusts Hans Scot. The King said that the Queen was so virtuous that he believed there was no such thing in her as had been reported. Dymock said that it had been reported in Flanders that the Duke John was crowned King, and that the King had fled to Calmar with only forty men, and that at his being at Stockholm the Duke John laughed at it, and said that he was next to the crown after his brother, and that if he did so the same might be done to him. Therefore the King did well not to credit false reports.
4. The King finding in Dymock's passport that he was called the Queen's servant, asked him wherein he had served; whereunto he said that in King Henry VIII.'s time he was gentleman usher extraordinary, and served also for mustermaster of the Almains all King Edward's time. Then the King, much pressing him, asked what advice he would give him to come to an end. Dymock advised him to send some nobleman with the two jewels and with two special good sables to put to the sable's head, and therewithal to send his picture well made, and to declare in a letter to the Queen that he had been a long suitor by divers of his own, and now that there was one come out of England, (of whom he had bought certain jewels, and perceived by his passport that he was one of her servants, and understood that he was a freeman of London,) he thought good to send one of his nobility, named Nayles Swaint, with this token to her; desiring her, if she had any meaning of marriage towards him, to receive the token, and if not to deliver it again to his Ambassador, the Chancellor. Also he told him it were good to send twenty-two sables, to be three or four pair of them given to three or four ladies about the Queen, and to others amongst the maids, and to be lined with cloth of silver and perfumed, with the King's colours about; and to require them to help him as a maiden King in his requests. The King liked this well, and appointed the gentleman aforenamed to make himself ready to go to Stockholm to receive out of his wardrobes twenty-four sables and so to resort unto the King for all his despatch in writing. The King delivered to Dymock the jewels, for which he made him a bill, and gave him two horses, and to two of his servants 100 dollars, and a gentleman to keep him company from Olsund to Helsingborg where all his ships lay; and because Dymock was old, he willed him to ride afore, and the other should meet him there, but if he came not within five days after that then he should depart, and he should follow, and at this meeting they should see the two sables put unto the head of gold for the Queen, and the residue to be made ready. The King gave him great charge of the gentleman, that when he should be in England he should look to him as to the ball of his eye, for that after himself and brethren his father was next to the crown, and is he who after the late King's death gave him the crown. The King willed also the gentleman to see him brought to the waterside without paying any costs, which he would not suffer because he was not sent as a messenger. He waited nine days at Helsingborg, and then the wind being fair he took his passage, and gave his companion seven crowns, and a letter to the King that he would not go the Court until the gentleman came. The King would have paid his charges in Stockholm, but he refused it.
5. At his departure from Olsund the old Queen bought his carcenet, and willed him make her commendations to the Queen, as did the Ladies Cecilia and Elizabeth, the King's sisters, whom he was minded to bring into England for the Queen to dispose of.
6. Denies that he named himself to have been sent as Ambassador at Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, or Lubeck, or any other place. Being at Antwerp, Mr. Gresham had him to sup, and asked him where he went, whom he told that he went into Sweden to sell certain jewels. When at Bremen he told the same to the Earl Esard of Friesland, who asked him what he thought of the marriage between the King of Sweden and the Queen; whereunto he said he knew nothing. He further asked whether Dionisius, the King of Sweden's Ambassador in England, used himself as he did at Embden, and as his countryman Charles used himself against Earl John, his brother, and the King of Sweden's sister in Sweden. Dymock said the best might be amended, and he said there was never Frenchman who did good; and prayed him to offer his humble service to the Queen.
7. John Kele came to him before Christmas and desired him to bear with him for a little money that he owed, and to help him to borrow to the full of 100 marks, out of which he would pay him. Dymock told him that he could not for bear his money, as he was going northwards; nevertheless he was so importunate that he lent him 16l. more. After wards he desired to go in his company to Sweden, for he would put 50l. in his purse and make shift to repay the money. Kele told him that he was the gladder to go because he liked not the world here, and would become the King of Sweden's man, if he came into England. He also told him that Mr. Stukeley had moved him to serve the Lord Robert, which he was not minded to do; but had desired him to christen him a child with Lord Paget, which he said he had done, for he would have a Rowland against an Oliver, meaning thereby that he had a matter before the Lord Keeper wherein he and Mr. Secretary were against him. He thought to make the Lord Robert his friend, so that he might have a stay against them. And so Dymock has never heard since of him.
8. As for the letter he wrote to the Queen, he never showed it to Pickering or Ashley. Showed it to Lord Strange and Mr. Sackford, the master of the requests, to have their advice. Lord Strange misliked the word stumbling-block. Showed them a copy of his further news the night he went his way. Did speak those words that Mr. Pickering had read the letter, and that he had told Mr. Ashley that he would write a letter to the Queen, which his wife should deliver after Ashley had seen it; the which he never saw, whatsoever he said yesternight, for he was so amazed that whereas he meant to say that Mr. Pickering had seen the letter, it was but the jewels only. Signed.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 12.
August 6. 440. Answers to Interrogatories ministered to John Keyle.
1. Touching his acquaintance with the Chancellor of Sweden, he says that a little before the first Ambassador's departure, as he was walking "in Powles," with a Frenchman and Mr. Allen, the Frenchman commended the Ambassador's wisdom, and so they all agreed to dine with him that day; and at divers other times he came to Mr. Stewkley's to dinner when he lay there, but had no conference with him. The day that he went into Sweden he spoke with him, and when he knew that he was not sent thither by Mr. Barty to his hinderance, he gave him his passport.
2. He was never procured by any man to go into Sweden, other than once last year Mr. Allen told him that he thought it would be a profitable voyage to go thither before the King's coming. The cause that he went was partly for travel, thinking that if the King should come he would have benefit thereby, and partly to meet the French Viscount who had not used himself well towards the Queen. Had no company but his own men.
3. He never carried any messages or letters out of England to any place.
4. It was about a fortnight after he came, ere he either saw or spoke with the King, and then Mr. Preston fetched him out of the town, and he was used by the King as he does all strangers in the vocation of gentlemen.
5. He spake with the King three times, about the Queen and Lord Robert, but mostly about the Viscount De Grevres, all which he has already declared to the Council.
6. Had conference with none but Herr Knowt about what lusty young noblemen there were in England for the King's sisters, if he came; and at his coming to New Lease with the Ambassador, which talk he has also declared to the Council. Left about twenty Englishmen there.
7. Tarried there about ten weeks for the snow and ice. Brought only general commendations from the King to the Council and nobility, and one letter with a token in it from the Lady Cicely to the Queen.
8. Landed at Gravesend, and continued at Tower wharf, and in Fleet Lane, and would not have his return known until he had agreed with Mr. Stewkley for a condemnation which he had against him whilst he was absent. There resorted none to him but Messrs. Hastings, Pelham, Allen, and John Fitzwilliams once only, and had no conference with him but for Mr. Stewkley's matter, and the country he came from.
9. Has written none other letters to the King, or any one else in Sweden, but those which are come into the hands of the Council.
10. Has not spoken with the Queen or her Council, except Mr. Secretary, Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, and Mr. Cave, to know when he should wait upon them.
11. Cannot call to mind where he heard that the Queen's counsellors and the nobility were desirous of the King of Sweden's coming.
12. With respect to the Queen's looking on the King of Sweden's picture, and blushing, and saying, that if secret enemies had not letted he had been here in person; Mr. Nicholas or Mr. Cornelius told him about the picture, but he cannot remember who told him about the words.
13. The King told him of the answer that he had received from the Queen, refusing certain requests, and willing him to leave off his suit.
14. Cannot remember where he heard that the Queen said that she had given the King by the said letter sufficient occasion to come if it had been rightly interpreted.
15. Cannot remember where he heard that the Queen answered certain of her Council that if the King were such a one as he is reported, he would come, as he is not to be refused of any woman.
16. None commanded him to keep secret; he wrote that only to excuse the cause of his being close.
17. None communicated any secret matters to him, but those which were common.
18. Promised the King to write unto him of the news here, and to serve him if he came into the realm and prevailed in his suit.
19. Knows only by common report that the King's cause is more favoured now than heretofore.
20. Only knows how the King would be met at the coast, by the preparation made last year.
21. None procured him to speak with the Lord Robert; but Mr. Appleyard told him that his Lordship was informed that he had used him ill in Sweden, which was not so. And for Stewkeley's troubling him, it proceeded from his own mouth and his servant's that he durst do none other for his Lordship's displeasure.
22. Alleged that the intent to trouble him was to cut him from working what he came for, only to have the more credit.
23. Only knows by common report that the Queen had openly said in her chamber of presence, that she would never marry the said Lord Robert, and checked and taunted such as travailed for him.
24. It is commonly said that his Lordship made means for leave to go over the sea upon the Queen's answer.
25. It is said commonly in London that certain merchants came to his Lordship for money which he owed, and that he fell out with them, which was the cause of the loss of his credit.
26. That the Scottish Queen offered to come to London rather than to miss the meeting with the Queen's Majesty was commonly reported.
27. The Ambassador told him at New Lease that Francis Barty was in great displeasure with the Queen and her Council, for words spoken by him.
28. Knows of no letters written unto the King or his subjects but only his own and one of James Goldborne's, and one of Mr. Saunders.
29. His doings were done not of malice to any man, but because he thought it greatly to the Queen's honour to have such a prince still travail for her; and he will for ever after beware how he deals in any matter otherwise than he shall have good warrant.—6 August 1562. Signed at the foot of each page.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 8.
[August 6.] 441. John Utenhove to the Bishop of London.
The nobleman of whom he spoke is Christopher, Count of Oldenburg, the brother of Anna, Dowager Countess of East Friesland. He has influence with the Elector Palatine; is an experienced captain, and (although nearly sixty years of age) is still robust. He lives between Emden and Bremen. He has directed Utenhove to be informed of what he spoke by Albert Hardenberg.
Orig. Hol. A fragment. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 6. 442. Bishop Grindall to Cecil.
Johannes Utenhovius has moved him to recommend a German count who offers his service to the Queen, specially in the quarrel of religion. Conjectures by his sister that his religion is good. Westphalia adjoins to him, and he is near our sea.—6 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil: With the names of certain Papists. Pp. 2.
August 7. 443. Jacopo Antonio Gromo to Lord Cobham.
Is at St. Omer, where he has spoken with "our friend," who has undertaken to do his best, if provided with 10,000 or 12,000 men and twelve cannon, ladders, bridges, gabions, etc., as the writer has already informed his Lordship. Could not obtain a plan of the site, the friend apprehending that if he gives it up he will be disregarded, an impression which the writer endeavoured to remove. His name is Stefano Casticoto, of Urbino. He thinks that if he were to enter the Queen's service he would be in danger. Asks Cobham to send a paper certifying that Stefano shall have the required assurance. Sends a part of the plan. Would gladly pass into the Queen's service. Asks for a speedy answer.—Dunkirk, 7 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Ital. Pp. 4.
August 7. 444. Lord Cobham to Challoner.
Thanks him for his courtesy and friendship shown to his brother Henry.—Greenwich, 7 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
[August 7.] 445. The Marchioness of Northampton to Challoner.
Understands by her brother how much he is beholden to him for his kindness, for which she thanks him. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Received 15 August 1562. Pp. 2.
August 7. 446. The Master of the Rolls to Cecil.
1. Cornelia and Kele being both present before them, she charged him that at his coming one day to her house, she told "her" [him] that she had received letters from the Lady Fitzwilliams, which she had delivered unto Nicholas, whereunto the said Kele answered "Well." The said Kele utterly denies that she made him privy of the receipt of any letters, and charged Cornelia that she had often said that she would procure letters for the said Nicholas to carry (as he thinks) into Sweden. She plainly denies that Nicholas ever made request unto her for letters, or that ever she promised to procure him any, or delivered any other to him than the two which the Lady Fitzwilliams sent to her, who never promised her any reward from the King.
2. Cornelia being questioned what person brought the said letters, said that he was a boy in a blue jerkin carrying a cloak bag guarded with white and yellow, and that he asked where Mr. Kele or Nicholas were with her, to whom she answered, "No;" and thereupon he delivered to her two letters, the one sealed and the other unsealed, to be delivered to the said Nicholas.—7 August 1562. Signed: W. Cordell, E. Warner.
Orig., with seal. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
August 8. 447. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Asks for passports for the bearers, Thomas Gordon and John Stevinston, Scotchmen, students in the university of Paris, to retire to Scotland.—Paris, 8 August 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—He prays Cecil to show them favour in the charges of their passports, they being poor scholars.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 8. 448. John Cuerton to Challoner.
1. Received three days ago his letter of the 29th ult. Sent Challoner's letter to his brother by a merchant of Chester, who was ready to sail from hence when it arrived, from whence they go daily to Develyn [Dublin]. Sent the letters for Lord Cobham by the same merchant.
2. The French would not allow the 300 Spaniards who were sent from hence some days since to come into Bayonne. They went with 100 horsemen, which M. De Guise had sent for their safe conduct.—Bilboa, 8 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received the 18th of the same. Pp. 3.
August 8. 449. George Gilpin to Cecil.
At his being in England he moved the request of Peter Stowghbergen for a "placard" to be granted to him, for making of ovens or furnaces for brewers, dyers, and others, saving at least a third part of the fuel which other furnaces consume. Peter has the said placard in such manner that none other may erect any of that pattern during a space of ten years. Requests Cecil to procure the said placard with the conditions.—Antwerp, 8 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August [8.] 450. Gresham to Cecil.
1. He sent his last letter, dated 1st inst., by Richard Clough, wherein he mentioned that he had taken up of Christopher Prewen and Gilles Hoffeman 12,600l., and also the prolonging of the 64,000l. Is glad he has done what he has, for there is such news here from France that men cannot tell what to do. Here is a bruit that the King has sent to M. De Guise 3,000 Spaniards from Spain, and that he provides 3,000 horsemen by the Count De Mansfeld; also that 6,000 Almains are brought by the Rhinegrave. This is the best opportunity for the Queen; for if Guise and the Papists have the upper hand they will not forget to visit her for religion's sake, which thing has made a great alteration in the credit here. Now is the time to recover the places England has lost in France. Advises the purchase of saltpetre and brimstone. Trusts there is a good stock of bow staves. Master Bloomfield says if the Queen had 400,000 weight of saltpetre and 50,000 bow staves more in store it would be a treasure. The Landgrave and the Duke of Saxony arm. The States of this land are commanded by the King to be at Brussels out of hand, to get their consent to assist M. De Guise with men from hence. The Cardinal here is hated by all men.
2. On the 7th inst. Cecil's son arrived here with Mr. Windebank in good health. He has improved very much, and speaks French very well. Cecil would do well to let him go to Germany, but they will wait until his pleasure is known; in the meantime they will visit Louvain and other towns here. They have not much money left. If it pleases Cecil he will give them credit to all places where they go. He has conferred with Mr. Fitzwilliam concerning Brown, who said he had done nothing. He is not without a company of crafty knaves to give him counsel. They will try and send him home; in the meantime Cecil must send the Queen's letters to the lords of this town for sending him home to answer the debt, and to repeat in the letter what is owing. If that does not take place, then to go and deliver the Queen's letter to the Regent. Asks Cecil to be his means for his pardon, considering his uncle, Sir John Gresham, and others have always had it, that have served in the like charge. Sends his commendations to Lord Robert Dudley.—Antwerp, 9 August 1562. Signed.
3. P.S.—Sends a letter herewith from Cecil's son, and others from Mr. Windebank and Mr. Fitzwilliams.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
August 9. 451. Sir John Foster to [the Earl of Rutland].
1. The enclosed letter from Lord Dacre will show into what bondage the Master of Maxwell is likely to bring the Graymes. Pity it were they should be in the thraldom of Scotland if they can be helped by standing to the treaty, as he suppose they might.
2. The men of Liddesdale are not obedient to the authority of Scotland, for on Wednesday last they ran a foray at the village of Clarylawe, a mile from the house of the Lord Warden of Middle March, and drove away a great many cattle and horses; and the power of Tevitdale and the March are in Liddesdale seeking to be revenged thereof.—9 August 1562. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 9. 452. Cecil to Throckmorton.
M. De Vielleville had audience on Friday afternoon, and before he departed the Ambassador's steward came in post, but they knew not thereof until they had taken their leave. The errand was to give thanks for the offer of pacification, and to understand by what means the Queen meant to have the accord. Answer was deferred until to-day, and yesterday in the evening, "without feigning," a form fell on the Queen's foot, so that until Tuesday she cannot speak with them, so as hitherto they have not opened their knowledge of Throckmorton's revocation. Francisco came yesterday. Sir Peter Mewtas is not come.—9 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 9. 453. Windebank to Cecil.
1. They departed from Paris on the 1st inst. in such sort as they took no leave of him in whose house they had remained all their time, nor of any other Frenchman, by reason that the night before news came to the French Court of the arrival of Englishmen at Havre-de-Grace. Thereupon Throckmorton counselled them to depart as they did, the rather fearing some stay to be made by the gentleman their host, who had the day before played them a French trick to their hindrance of twenty-five crowns, and gave suspicion of doing them a worse turn. They came to Antwerp on the 7th inst., where they perceived by a letter from him to Gresham that his pleasure was that they should go to Strasburg or Bâle till November. They are minded not to go thither until they hear from him, as they have but 100 crowns. They must buy horses here and keep them all the while, for hired horses are not to be had in that country. Besides, Mr. Thomas is to be furnished of money to spend after his own fantasy, and not Windebank's discretion, for that he is given to buy many pretty things.
2. Throckmorton willed him, if they went straight into England, to tell Cecil that if there was any meaning for anything to be done in France there should be no delay; that the Queen should not serve her turn in anywise by Papists; that one Cromes, a Frenchman, should not be suffered in London, or else be reputed but as the Ambassador's servant, and to have no further privilege; M. De Foix to be entertained so as he be not called away, being the meetest man to be kept there; the Princes of Almain to be entertained by some friendly visitation from the Queen; Maximilian to be visited by some legation, being shortly to be made King of the Romans; that Mr. Smith's coming would be more to the Queen's service than his own being there, by reason of the great jealousy they have in him, and that he could have no intelligence, being watched on every side; and that he was advertised that Cecil was the chief cause of his stay, which grieved him much. Gresham has taken them into his house. Hope to hear from him within eight days; in the meantime they will visit some towns of Flanders. Trusts that Cecil will like Mr. Thomas's personage and behaviour better than in times past, and that his little folly past will increase him in wisdom.—Antwerp, 9 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
August 9. 454. Corrected draft of the above.
Endd. Pp. 4.
August 9. 455. Cuerton to Challoner.
Yesterday a London ship arrived at Bermeo. They left London twenty-two days ago, and bring news of the Queen going a progress northward when she was to have met the Queen of Scots, but just as they were leaving it was suddenly stopped, and the Queen did not go. On their arrival at Rye, a general stay was made of all ships that were empty. The Captains of Dieppe and Newhaven were going to England to ask for aid, and 700 men were suddenly made in London, and many more in the country, to be sent to France. The Captain of Dieppe left Rye with Mr. Killigrew and departed for Dieppe. The Captain of Newhaven went up to London and had not returned. Daily many come out of France into England. The great wet in England has destroyed all the hay, and the corn stands in great jeopardy. —Bilboa, 9 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner.: Received the 17 of the same. Pp. 3.
August 10. 456. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Those that depart to-morrow for France for the great credit they have with their mistress may be the better spared. Pigilion is master of her household, and chief in credit. His wife is well favoured of the Queen. Young Pigilion is one of her carvers. Raulet is her secretary. The rest are such as they are well willing to be quit of. There is, notwithstanding, a young French gentlewoman of her chamber whom she loves marvellously well, whose father is lately dead, whom the writer thinks more worthy of honour than the whole company. Pigilion brings a dagger from the Queen to the Lord Robert. She goes to Stirling to-morrow, where the Lords assemble on the 15th, that full resolution may be taken whether the interview shall be accorded for next year. From thence she takes her journey to Inverness. A terrible journey both for horse and men, the country is so poor, and victuals so scarce. She wills that the writer shall attend upon her. It will be a voyage of two months or more. For good order in the meantime, all the wardens of the Borders are here to confer with the Council. It pleases him that the thieves have been lately in hand with the young laird of Ferniehurst, with the laird of Cessford, Warden of the Middle Marches, and with Justice Clerk, from whom they have taken above 1,000 head of cattle. They are able enough to take their revenge; some of the cattle are recovered and five of the thieves taken. The Master of Maxwell was sent for and is here. Yesterday he gave a new complaint against Lord Dacres, that he could get no justice at his hands. This whole year past, having met him eight or ten days, he could not get as many bills filed as were accorded by the late commissioners to be filed in one day. Since the last command from the Queen of England, the Master has twice sent to him to appoint times of meeting, but he has never come. The thieves on either side are like to grow so proud that justice can no ways be ministered or quietness kept. He complains also that the English have corn growing more than a mile within Scottish ground, where there is no controversy of the limits. The Queen has desired him to advertise the Queen of England hereof. Lord Dacres should appoint some convenient day of meeting, where the Master of Maxwell will not fail to be. Lord Dacres, with age and other infirmities, has become almost past ability to serve; also, some discord there is between him and his sons. The whole doings of that Border are guided by Mr. Richard Dacre, a man who will oversee that which a severe man would not let pass. The Justice Clerk is advertised by his brother out of Orkney that he ha apprehended seven Englishmen out of the company of Johnstone and Whitehead, who landed for fresh water. Desires to know what shall be done with them, though he doubts not five of them will be hanged there for example, and the others delivered over to himself. Of those lately taken by the Earl of Argyll, part will be hanged and the rest brought hither, which will be somewhat cumbersome.
2. Is requested by the Queen to write to Lord Grey for the apprehension of Captain Hepburn, who played of late a most shameful part with her Grace and has fled into England. The tale is so irreverent that he knows not in what honest terms to write it. The day before Sir Harry Sydney's departure, he walking with the Queen in the garden, this Hepburn presented her Grace a bill, which she, being in talk with Sir Harry, took unopened to the Earl of Mar to be considered. He not at first taking great care of it, at length looked in it, and saw there written four as shameful and ribald verses as any devilish wit could invent, and under them drawn with a pen the secret members both of men and women in as monstrous a sort as nothing could be more shamefully devised. This offends her Grace greatly; the more that it was done at such time as might give occasion to Sir Harry Sydney and divers gentlemen who were with him to muse much at his boldness, or otherwise judge of herself than any occasion is given by her or hers. This man she desires to be sent to her, and to that effect the writer has written to Lord Grey. The next day she fell sick, and is greatly grieved that he is fled out of her country. Yesterday, being Sunday, she being at her Mass, fell sick, but recovered within half an hour. The like has chanced to her divers times. They hope that it will drive her altogether from her Mass. She is greatly offended with the Duke, who has both secretly and openly in Council said that he thinks it not good that she should go into England; and that at the time he granted thereunto, he durst do no other, because his son was a prisoner. This agrees little with the purpose he had with the writer not two days before. Sees that he seeks so many ways his own destruction, that he cares not what becomes of him.
3. The Queen has received no news out of France for above a month, and stands greatly in doubt of her uncles. The doings of the Guises are here marvellously misliked, and there is enough both said and preached against them. Some word has come hither of succour intended to be sent by the Queen of England to the Prince. The love of this nation towards her is nothing diminished. Mr. Knox, within two days takes his progress towards the West, to visit the churches as far as his language will bear him, and Mr. Goodman towards the North, as far as the Queen intends her journey.— Edinburgh, 10 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. with a few marginal notes by Cecil and endd. by his secretary. Pp. 8.
[August 10.] 457. M. De Peguillon.
List of persons who accompanied M. De Peguillon into France, for whom 25 horses are required.
Fr. P. 1.
August 10. 458. M. De Fors to Cecil.
Has written to him already how much they are in need of assistance against the enemies of God and the Gospel. Begs him to endeavour to procure succour from the Queen. As their enemies are already marching against them, he desires that it may be speedy.—Dieppe, 10 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 10. 459. Henry Killigrew to Cecil.
1. Arrived at Dieppe on the 4th inst. at night. Coming into the town (on the west side), he found the wall well built with free stone, and on the river side it was almost perfect, likewise of stone. A new stone platform at the entrance of the haven was almost ended.
2. The haven is full of ships of all sorts, some of which lately came from Newfoundland with fish, which fleet arrives daily.
3. The Parisians already want things which used to come from this town [Newhaven]. If it, and Dieppe, be well kept, they will want what they cannot have elsewhere.
4. It is of more commodity to France, than Calais, or any member of the realm beside.
5. They have fresh water in the town by conduits and cisterns, but the conduits may be taken.
6. They fear the siege, because the garrisons round about increase both with horseman and footmen.
7. They are very desirous of aid, even if it be Turks; rather than to fall under the Guisians' power.
8. They have not more than 600 men in the town, whereof all are not the most trusty.
9. Here is a bruit that the eight or nine galleys come from Nantes. At Rouen there are some as good as theirs, and for those in England there are mariners here to row in them, to prevent the others coming. At Dieppe and this town they are able to send forth the ships to keep the seas against the rest of the country.
10. Victuals are more plentiful in Dieppe than here. At both, ships are set forth for Brazils and other places, as though there were no troubles.
11. All the poor men who escaped from Pont Audemar, Honfleur, Harfleur, and the Protestants betwixt this and Rouen, have arrived here.
12. At his coming from Dieppe, he was asked how they should behave towards the Queen's navy at their coming upon the coast. He answered, as they thought best, and if they needed friends, to use the matter so that they might have the same. This was said in the Captain's presence, who is determined to send Captain Ribaud to the navy to bid them welcome as soon as they appear.
13. Hitherto he has not spoken with [the Vidame (fn. 2) ], but by talk with his host; he has written thus far since supper, and now being 10 o'clock he is sent for to him, who also sent word to keep himself as secret as he could.
14. The writer having declared his message, it did not a little please him, and he seemed still to fear there were no men in England; answered, if he could find room, there would be more than he was aware of. He said if he saw them, he would soon provide a place, and that if the Queen would aid them, [the Protestants,] she would be well served, and upon sight of her ships, M. D'Aumale would retire, and they trusted she would provide for their continual surety. He then asked when the ships would come; the writer answered if the weather served he might expect them about the 8th or 10th inst. He wished they were there then, lest Vielleville made them linger; whereof he put him out of doubt. He then inquired what Killigrew had done with the notes his man delivered; he said they were sent to the Court, and that the memorial he left in England should be answered by the ships.
15. He sent to Dieppe for corn powder, but the Captain there requested the writer to make excuse, that he could not spare it. [The Vidame] told him (Killigrew) he had delayed to answer the Queen Mother's letters till he heard from England, but it being so long ere the ships arrived, he thought it best to despatch the messenger; and he then read a copy of his answers to the Queen Mother and M. De Piennes, who was willed to practise with them. Piennes counterfeited religion, and at length withdrew from Orleans.
16. The effect of [the Vidame's] answer to the Queen Mother was, that he had taken the town, and kept it for the King's use, and that the best way for him to preserve the town would be for her to cause the Duke D'Aumale to leave his oppressions in all these parts, and to make restitution to the poor men of their goods and lands.
17. The Vidame answered Piennes, that he would keep the town for the King, and not for the Duke of Guise, whose doings will cause more harm to France than will be recovered in many years.
18. The Vidame told the writer that Caen was assured; that D'Aumale gathered his forces, and that he would be occupied this day (5th inst.) in despatching the Queen's messenger desiring Killigrew to keep himself secret for a time until the ships appeared; and so he [Killigrew] departed from hence at 11 o'clock, yesternight.
19. All this day (the 5th inst.) he has kept his chamber. The Vidame told him how he had sent word to Rouen and Caen that they might expect help, and therefore to be constant. Unless they are aided, they cannot hold out. For want of men they lose all their corr, for the enemy is left in garrison by the Duke D'Aumale at Honfleur, Harfleur, and Montivillier, which is within two leagues of this town, where they have horsemen and footmen.
20. He was told this day that there were no galleys in the river off Nantes, but that they were sent long since to Marseilles, two of them were sent to the Duke of Florence, and two to the Duke of Savoy.
21. The Provost of the marchands of Paris (a great Guisian), was one of the first killed by the plague at Paris, where the mortality is marvellous.
22. Ships from Newfoundland come daily into this haven, many of them being well appointed.
23. On the sixth, for that his being there was discovered, he [the Vidame] sent his man to him in the afternoon that he should come to him, and openly declare the cause of his coming to be to see him, and to offer for his predecessor's sake what service he (Killigrew) was able to do them, which he did.
24. The Vidame told him that a person had come from the Prince, to inform him that 25,000 Almains were coming to aid him, whereof the best part at their own charge.
25. The Vidame had no answer from the Prince to the letters sent to Orleans upon his return from England. He was assured that Barkevyle was prisoner at Orleans, who went to the Duke of Bouillon with letters from the Queen Mother to betray them of Caen.
26. This night he supped with the Vidame, who resolved he should remain there until the ships arrived upon the coast, which he thought were a long time coming.
27. This aid of Almains has put them in hope of liberty, without endangering any strong place; yet when he touched him [the Vidame] with his promise, he said that if the Duke D'Aumale did not retire, he would receive Englishmen into Newhaven. Having no instruction upon such cases he thought good to say somewhat of himself, grounding the same upon the following points, both here and at Dieppe.
28. The weighing of their own estate of peril, both for that they had enterprised, and must of force follow. Their weakness, because of division amongst themselves. The estate of the rulers to be in the greatest danger. That without aid they were all undone. That in choosing their aid, they must obtain the favour of one who is able to sustain a long war.
29. To take into consideration how many dangers the Prince who takes this quarrel in hand for them enters into.
30. He reminded them that if the Queen succoured them, how much they were bound to God, considering that thereby she lost her interest in Calais, and entered into war with France, Scotland, and Spain. What charges she was at in Scotland; what she must do to make the matter seem reasonable to her people, who are not all of one religion.
31. In consideration of these reasons, he said it behoved them to make such offers as might induce her to take so great a matter in hand.
32. He has assured [the Vidame] and the Captain of Dieppe, that unless they used matters frankly, it would not only make the Queen afraid to meddle, but also undo them; and to [the Vidame] he said that he would not set a man on land without assurance of [Newhaven]; and further he told them that unless they upon sight of the ships resolved thereupon, it would be the means to lose the Queen for ever. He then made a comparison between the Queen's power and the private Princes of Germany, whereof some receive the Queen's pension.
33. They confessed these things to be true, and said that when they saw the ships they would say more, blaming the Prince of Condé that he had not before this cleared up all doubts, and they still believed he [the Prince] had some secret intelligence with the Queen.
34. The next day (the 7th inst.) (the Vidame) sent for him and said he was informed by some of his friends, that he [the Vidame] was in great danger, because a practice had begun in the town, and also an enterprise intended against him, which he suspected all the more because the garrisons round about were increased; and further that his [Killigrew's] being there did more harm than good; wherefore he desired him to return to Dieppe, and hasten the ships. [The Vidame] desired him to ask the Captain of Dieppe to send him some men with all speed, for he stood in danger, and that as soon as the ships were seen, the Captain should inform him, whereby he might with speed write to the Queen Mother and to M. D'Aumale.
35. They have not 600 soldiers in Newhaven, and they need as many more to keep the town. [The Vidame] at his departure was determined to put certain suspected persons out of the town. It is not in a state of defence.
36. They are in need of money, and they gave him the remembrance enclosed; they have also elephants' teeth and salt in great store. They have about 400 brass pieces at least, and a great store of powder.
37. As he was ready to depart about four o'clock in the afternoon, a boat came from Caen, which had been chased by a ship of Fécamp, which brought news that the Duke of Bouillon was slain, between Falaise and Caen, by the Conte of Montgomery. This bruit was not verified. A gentlemen is sent from the Prince, who had commission to go from Caen to Newhaven, Dieppe, and Rouen, to assure them of the coming of the Almains.
38. Being at sea in a fishing boat, a tempest arose about midnight, which lasted 24 hours, during which time they were without hope, and they were driven to throw masts and all they had overboard to make room to cast out the water; yet they arrived here on the 9th inst., but the tempest continuing they were as like to be lost at the entrence, as others had been just before. He was never in such danger before.
39. The [Vidame] promised to send letters on to him at Dieppe, as he had not then leisure to write.
40. He found Peter Mewtas at Captain Ribaud's here, who was very sick, and who will hardly escape.
41. Delivered the [Vidame's] message; the Captain said he was in the same position himself, and that he expected aid, desiring him to write over with all speed for the same. The Captain writes himself to Cecil, which Killigrew desired for his discharge.
42. The Captain lately received news from the Prince by a gentlemen, to whom he [Killigrew] spoke, who told him that the reason why the Prince would have the English haste is to keep this country from M. D'Aumale, whilst he and the Almains sack Paris. This messenger was sent chiefly to Senarpont, who will be at Rouen upon Thursday, the 13th inst.
43. The Cardinal of Bourbon is at Abbeville; he has some friends in this town, who work for him. He sent a man expressly to Captain Ribaud to desire him to withdraw his wife and children from the town, and to avoid the danger that is like to ensue shortly, and for himself he would advise him to go to M. D'Aumale. Ribaud told Killigrew this, and said he would rather return to England to become a bondman.
44. The Conte of Rochefocault has gone to the Queen of Navarre to bring such men as she has levied to the Prince, should there be no cause to leave them there to withstand the Spaniards.
45. In this town they fear the siege, and are desirous of aid. Last night a company of M. De Nemours came to Arques, to cut off the victuals of this town, which are abundant and not over dear.
46. The soldiers are unpaid, the citadel will not be guardable these 10 days; there is a division amongst themselves, and they intend, when they have aid, to drive many out of the town.
47. The Captain here has complained to him that the powder which was taken at Treport from an Englishman, and afterwards restored, was sold to the enemy. He desired to know the merchant's name, which they have promised to tell him.
48. Has not heard anything from Paris since Mewtas came of the Ambassador there, but this day he has taken order with the Captain to send to him, and to hear from him weekly by the fishmongers.
49. This day the Bailiff of this town arrived from Rouen, who repairs into England for money; (the Prince having written to him therein) who is addressed to the French preacher. Is not acquainted with the particularities of his negociation, but the effect is to have money which is to be paid at Antwerp or Strasburg. This messenger is no man of deep discourse. M. De Saule will declare the effect of this negotiation unto Cecil.
50. Was in hand with the Captain of this town to have sent Captain Ribaud with some good offer to the Queen, whereby she might be induced to think they esteem her aid and favour above all others. They were willing, but the Captain thought that it would obtain small credit without the Prince's authority.
51. Upon [the Vidame's] steward coming to this town, the writer despatched to Cecil, and sent money to Rye for a man to carry the same with diligence.
52. Desires Cecil to excuse this rough letter, and to inform him of his pleasure by this bearer, whom he sends chiefly to that end.
53. Hears the Prince has caused a priest to be hanged at Orleans, who was a spy. The Prince is about to set forth an apology against the Queen Mother, wherein will be the copies of such letters as she wrote persuading him to take up arms. —Dieppe, 10 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 19.
August 10. 460. Cuerton to Challoner.
Yesternight received letters from Robert Farnham, with one for Challoner here enclosed. Farnham writes of having sent certain stuff of his [Challoner's] by a ship from Bermeo. Received letters from Chamberleyne, with one for Challoner. He writes for his stuff which he left with Challoner.—Bilboa, 10 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd.: Received 18 of the same. Pp. 2.
August 10. 461. Edward Kingsmill to Challoner.
1. Mr. Tipton of Seville has written to him of Challoner's goodness in procuring to have redress of the sentence passed against him in Granada, touching his keeping his account books in the English tongue.
2. He has proved before the justice that he has kept all his account books, receipts of merchandise, &c., in the Spanish tongue, according to their laws. The law gives to the judge who shall sentence one third of the condemnation.
3. Herewith sends a memorial to inform him what is to be done in this behalf—Canary, 10 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Add. Pp. 4.
August 10. 462. Meliadus Spinola to Challoner.
1. The weather has been delightful. The horse which Challoner lent him is well; many thanks for it. Hears that Condé's party is in disorder, and that the Catholics are the stronger. Professions of service and commendations to Henry Cobham.—Medina del Campo, 10 August 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—A Genoese passing through France on his way hither, who on the 20th July was near Lyons, reports that France is in a miserable condition by reason of the insurgents. The Catholics are the stronger in cavalry. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. to Challoner at Madrid, and endd. by him. Ital. Pp. 3.


  • 1. The P.S. only to a letter to the Queen.
  • 2. Expressed by a cipher.