Elizabeth: August 1562, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: August 1562, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp240-258 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1562, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp240-258.

"Elizabeth: August 1562, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp240-258.

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August 1562, 11-20

August 11. 463. The Council of the North to the Queen.
1. At their sitting here (which lasted from the 18th ult. to this day), they have heard many causes, and kept one oyer and terminer and gaol delivery at York Castle, where twenty-one persons were attainted for murders and felonies. Two of them were committed by their clergy to the Bishop's prison, and two were pressed to death for their contumacy in not answering, three were executed for murders where they were committed, and the rest were executed here at the common place for executions.
2. Have caused certain penal laws to be looked into, especially those lately appointed to be executed.—York, 11 August 1562. Signed by the Council.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 11. 464. The Earl of Rutland to Cecil.
1. On the 28th ult. received his letters of the 18th of the same, by Mr. Bishop, touching the examination of Ralph Lacy. Has examined him and committed him to York Castle. Intends to repair to his house at Belvoir, and on his journey homewards means to stay at the Earl of Shrewsbury's at Sheffield on the 19th and 20th inst., and will leave Sir Thomas Gargrave in charge until his return. The Archbishop and the writer have had the priest before them, whom Cecil mentioned in his letter as being suspected of having said Mass before the Earl of Lennox, but have suffered him to depart upon a bond for his appearance when called for.
2. Divers persons have been accused of hearing Mass, but the matter not being sufficiently proved against them, they will after a short imprisonment be enlarged, upon good bonds being given, as well for their behaviour towards the Queen and the laws touching religion, as for their appearance when called for.—York, 11 August 1562.
3. P. S.—After writing this he received a letter from Sir John Forster, with a copy of a letter sent him from Lord Dacre. If Lord Dacre makes a delivery for the offences committed by the Greymes, he will bring them all in danger of the Master of Maxwell.
4. Spoke with Lord Dacre herein before the receipt of Forster's letters, who told the writer as much as he had written therein. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
August 11. 465. Henry Killigrew to Cecil.
1. This morning, before the departure of the passager, the [Vidame's] steward brought him the enclosed from [Newhaven], and also letters to the Captain of this town from Orleans, which were copies of all those Barkeville had. He told Killegrew from the [Vidame] that he was to send in all haste to advance the ships. The [Vidame] still fears some practise in the town, because M. De Villebon has come since his departure to Montvillier with a good company, who skirmished close to the town gates. The Duke of Bouillion is not dead.
2. The night he left there were two ships lost, one called St. Jehan, belonging to the King, bound to Brazil, the other, a Jerseyman, bound to Hampton with wood from Newhaven. The St. Jehan was a ship of 300 tons, and was driven to Harfleur, where the garrison was sent to spoil her, who possessed the ship almost a whole day, but at length they were repulsed by those of Newhaven, and lost sixty men, whereof twenty-six were drowned.
3. A captain to whom the [Vidame] gave money to levy men is judged to be false.
4. Having seen Newhaven and this town, he is able to say they cannot endure a siege, which the rulers know; and as they do not expect any aid from the Prince (with whom they find fault), he thinks that they will provide for their own surety.
5. He has heard nothing from England since he left; they expect this morning a passager from Rye. Desires Cecil to inform this bearer what he shall do in these parts.—Dieppe, 11 [August]. Signed.
6. P. S.—Understood that before Francis, the post, came to Paris, Cecil's son departed towards Flanders.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. (fn. 1) Pp. 4.
August 11. 466. Henry Killigrew to Cecil.
1. Since his last despatch he received Cecil's letters of the 5th inst., to which he can make no answer but that in Dieppe they are deliberating whether they shall send men to aid Newhaven. For four days they have been in doubt of being besieged themselves from Abbeville, and Newhaven is to be feared; wherefore there was never better time nor better cause for the Queen's service than to send now with all haste those which are ready. He is now trying to persuade those of this town to send over Captain Ribauld to England for sundry purposes. He will also send to Newhaven such news as he received from Cecil, which he trusts will hold out until aid comes.
2. They make little account here of the King going to the camp. The council of this town have referred the matter of munitions until Mr. Mewtas's return, whereof they have need. —Dieppe, 11 August, at 8 o'clock. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add., with seal. (fn. 2) Pp. 2.
August 11. 467. Gresham to Cecil.
Since his last letter of the 9th inst. he has taken up of Wolfe Van Lyndena 60,000 florins to be paid the 20th February 1563 at the rate of six per cent., which will amount with interest, etc. to the sum of 64,236 florins. Requests Cecil to send him the Queen's bonds and the city's. He has now to receive in the payments of the "Syngzon" mart the sum of 22,600l. Flemish. The Queen little knows what he has done for obtaining this ready money, and for the prolongation of the 64,000l. Sends commendations to Lord Robert Dudley.—Antwerp, 11 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 12. 468. The Countess of Lennox to Cecil.
Understands that her husband has submitted to the Queen, which submission she accounts very slender for such a fault. Has received many answers, whereby it seemed that his liberty rested only upon his submission, and now it pleases the Queen not to accept it. Is sure that the Earl would do it as largely as the fault required. Has done according to Cecil's advice and written to the Lord Keeper and the Earl of Pembroke.—Shene, Wednesday. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 1562, Aug. 12. Pp. 2.
August 12. 469. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. This day received letters from Randolph requesting him to apprehend Captain Hepburn, a Scotsman, who having greatly offended the Queen of Scots has fled hither. Should he take him he will keep him until Cecil advertises him of the Queen's pleasure therein. Has written to the Lord Warden of the Middle Marches and others in the like matter. Randolph has written that the Council of Scotland are desirous to know whether the Lord Wardens of the East and Middle Marches have the same authority as himself for viewing the Marches and determining the grounds about which there is variance.
2. The Master of the Household who served the Queen of Scots in France is father-in-law to Martigues. Three or four of the gentlewomen are to pass through here into France with at least twenty horses. Sends herewith a packet of letters from Randolph.—Berwick, 12 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 12. 470. J. Dymock to Cecil.
Had determined his sudden departure on Sunday last, and intended to have gone immediately the French lord had left his house. He, with some of his friends, stood bound for certain money they had taken up for the King of Sweden's use; and the day of payment being past, he caused two letters to be written in Latin, and sent one to the King and the other to the Ambassador for payment of the money. Upon Sunday last, whilst he was out, two yeomen of the guard came to his gates with a servant of Anthony Brisket's. His servant being at the gate, the guard asked him where he [Dymock] was. The servant said he was out. They then said they wanted to inquire of him where a certain merchant lived. They then went their way towards Gracious Street, and a man following them heard their conversation, which was that they would watch all night for him; for if they did not bring him they would lose Lord Robert's favour for ever. This person, seeing him come out of Lime Street, warned him thereof, of which he took little notice; but coming to his house he considered that he and his friends were bound for a great sum of money. So he had two horses saddled and took leave of the French lord and his wife, and said he would return at night, and when he was three miles from London, having been at a house of his, he rode in an out way, and sent his servant to an inn with the horse. He then got another horse and a guide and rode to the seaside, and got a fisherman's boat of about twelve tons, and went to sea on Monday night, the wind being favourable, and arrived at Dunkirk next day; from thence he will go to Embden, and so make his way to the King of Sweden. Cecil might tell him that he had a warning last year, which he confesses, but he had a letter last Christmas from the King, and Cecil sent Peter Schynckell to him. He has spent in the service of this realm 1,500l. of his own money. Cecil shall find him an Englishman, as his father was, who was Controller of Tournay when it belonged to England.—Dunkirk, 12 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
August 12. 471. Ships arrested in Brittany.
A brief note of the ships and goods belonging to merchants of Exeter and Lyme arrested at Morlaix and Abberwragh [Auray] in Brittany on the 11th and 12th Aug. The cargoes, consisting of linen, cloth, and tin, are estimated at 3,500l., and the three vessels at 250l.
Copy. P. 1.
August 13. 472. Passport for M. Peguillon.
Passport for M. De Peguillon, his wife, son, and Mlle. De Fonte-Pertuis, and their attendants, two gentlemen, fourteen servants on horseback and twelve on foot.—Berwick, 13 August 1563 [sic]. Signed: William Grey.
Orig. P. 1.
August 13. 473. Challoner to Cecil.
Wishes him to understand their uncertain and awkward manner of sending despatches; had only half an hour's warning to write this in. Things remain here as when he last wrote, saving that a bruit is since spread of Poitiers being taken from the Condeans, and 2,000 of them killed; and of Orleans being besieged by the Guisians, who are now held the stronger. Has not heard from home since the 8th of June.—Madrid, 13 August 1562.
Copy. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by a courier of Flanders. Pp. 2.
August 13. 474. Another copy of the above.
Hol. Draft. Endd.: Sent by a courier of the King by Bilboa into Flanders, by means of Arthur. Pp. 4.
August 14. 475. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Yesternight M. Peguillon arrived here with his wife and one of the Scottish Queen's maids of honour. As the Queen of Scots wrote him that she had appointed Peguillon to visit the Queen on her behalf, in his way to France, he has granted him a passport, and entertained him and his company. He left here this morning.—Berwick, 14 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 14. 476. A note of the servants and horses in the train of M. Peguillon.
P. 1.
August 14. 477. M. De L'Aubespine to [Throckmorton].
Has heard of his intended departure from the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre, who say that before he takes his leave of them they should have some reply from M. De Vielleville, and their Ambassador, who they think should also return. They are much annoyed to learn of the interference with his man in Normandy, and have written to the Duke of Aumale to restore that which has been taken from him. During these troubles few people can travel abroad without being interfered with, unless they have the King's passport.—Blois, 14 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 15. 478. The Earl of Mar to Cecil.
In the days of Queen Mary his brother-in-law, the Master Marshal, was taken prisoner, and became in the hands of the Earl of Northumberland. Since that time he has continually been now and then let home on bonds, and again called to his entry. Although he has craved the said Earl to appoint him a reasonable ransom, yet could he never obtain such a thing. Desires that through Cecil's means two persons of good estimation may be appointed to meet two others from Scotland, who may agree thereon.—Stirling, 15 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 15. 479. H. Knolles to Cecil.
Arrived this day at 7 a.m. at Antwerp, and will to-morrow proceed towards Spires. For expedition of business he has sent letters to Dr. Mount, desiring to meet him at some place fit for their first consultation. Thanks Cecil for the company of his son, which he did not expect. Of occurrences he can write nothing, nor of other things worthy of notice, for he perceives Cecil was better informed thereof from France, before he left the Court.—Antwerp, 15 August. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 15. 480. John Moller to the Queen.
Complains that having (as agent for Maurice Rantzow and Paul Brocktorp, of the Duchy of Holstein,) advanced to Gresham certain sums of money, which he promised to repay by the 20th of August, when he now reminds Gresham of the repayment, he is told that the Queen has not made provision for the same.—Antwerp, 15 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Seal. Lat. Pp. 3.
August 15. 481. Stopio to Shers.
Has received his letter of July 18, the first that has reached him since his arrival here on 4th April. The French Ambassador's brother has brought letters from the King and Queen of France to the Signory, with whom he has had a long interview. The French ask a loan of 200,000 crowns, but probably neither money nor troops will be granted. Movements of troops, especially towards Rome.—Venice, 15 Aug. 1562.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Shers, in London. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
August 15. 482. Marsilio della Croce to Shers.
Letters from Milan state that the Italian levies will muster at Feliciano near Alessandria. Letters of the 8th from Rome mention the arrival from Spain of Augosto Capitani, appointed as coadjutor to Mons. Crivelli, the nuncio. Movements of troops in Italy. A fire has devastated nearly the whole state of Palliano, and caused an explosion of powder in the castle of Marc Antonio Colonna. The galleys of Naples have taken three Turkish galiots. The brother of the French Ambassador has arrived at Venice to solicit troops and a loan of money for France in consequence of the miserable condition of that realm.—Venice, 15 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add.: To Shers, in London. Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
August 16. 483. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Perceives by letters from Cecil, and the Lord Robert to Lethington, the miserable case in which the Protestants now are in France.
2. Knows that the Queen has lately received letters from her friends in France, full of grievous complaints of the cruelties that are used there, which she greatly laments, because her uncles are burdened therewith. Of all that he and Lord Robert wrote there was no mention made until the writer's arrival at Stirling, where (having had conference with the Earl of Mar and Lethington) they found it best that whatever either of them said on that point he should confirm, as indeed he might well, having received the same news from Throckmorton. He left nothing unspoken, to let the Queen understand in what danger her uncles are. She has desired that these packets may be given to M. Pigilion before he leaves England. They contain answers to the letters which she received last post. She says she has no assured means of sending but by the Queen of England, for of late her letters have been stayed and opened by the Prince.
3. Has had divers purposes of late with many of the noblemen here of the dangerous state they themselves stand in, if God's enemies in France have the upper hand, whereby their Sovereign should be encouraged to put that in execution against them which from the beginning both she and all hers have intended. They see their own ruin, and find no remedy to avoid the danger. They run headlong into the same, for there is no care taken what may be done for those who are now afflicted, or how their Sovereign may be allowed to know her duty, and live in fear of God. For this cause of late Mr. Knox both privately and openly has said and written his mind to divers noblemen, and also is in this town, and has framed a supplication to the Queen in the name of the whole church. Cecil likes his earnestness, and it is better approved of other than it was wont to be. It is known than M. Vielleville has arrived; they do not doubt but that he will not be able to alter the determinate purpose of the Queen. The bruit has come to this Queen's ears that preparations are making in England to support the Protestants.
4. Divers Scots have been in hand with him that if the Queen makes an army they may have entertainment, either to serve as private soldiers, or to have charge of such light horsemen as they shall be able to bring, which shall be of the best who have already served in France. The Lords are presently here assembled touching the interview next year. Sees the selfsame mind and will in the Queen and divers of her nobles that ever he did.—16 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
August 16. 484. Windebank to Cecil.
They have thought it best to go with Mr. Knolles into Germany, according to Cecil's mind signified to Gresham. As their store is not above ninety crowns, he has been so bold as to receive 200 dollars from Gresham, and is promised a bill for 200 more at Strasburg. Mr. Knolles's coming was commonly known seven days past. Throckmorton thought that means should be used to win the Counts Egmont and Horn, the Prince of Orange, Count Maurigny, and M. De Berges to the Queen. The Estates are assembled at Brussels for proceeding in these troubles now spread in Christendom. All men save the Papists wish the Queen to make her profit. They have been feasted by Paulus Van Dall, Mr. Fitzwilliam, and Mr. Marsh. Has not got his account ready. —Antwerp, 16 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 16. 485. Gresham to Cecil.
1. Has done nothing since the 10th inst., and has had answer from Fugger that they have better bestowed their money. These money men are afraid to deal any further with the Queen, being in doubt of this troublesome world.
2. If M. De Guise has the upper hand, the Kings of France and Spain, the Pope, the Duke of Savoy, and those of that religion, will set upon the Queen, whereupon doubts are cast upon the Queen's credit, and glad is that man that may be quit of an Englishman's bill. It is requisite for him to give this Bourse to understand that she has no more need of money, which will doubtless preserve her credit.
3. The French King has sent hither divers jewels to pawn, and the Italians furnish him with 20,000l.
4. Concerning Brown that is arrested, he has set the friar to work that preached against the Queen two years ago, who has been to the Burgomasters of the town, and given them to understand that Brown is an honest man, and that this is done for religion, and alleges he never was the Queen's servant. Wishes the Queen's letters had come to the Lords of this town, and the debt repeated therein. Cecil's son is in good health, and Mr. Windebank stays here to know Cecil's pleasure for their going into Germany; because they lack money. He would do well to send them three good geldings, for horseflesh is very dear here. It is said that this is the best time to recover Calais. Commendations to the Lord Keeper, Lord Robert Dudley, and Lord Pembroke. —Antwerp, 16 August 1562. Signed.
5. P. S.—At finishing he received the Queen's letter of the 5th inst., and Cecil's of the 9th inst., by Mr. Harry Knolles, and according to her commandment he has sent credit to Dr. Mounte to receive upon sight of his bill a hundred marks, and in part payment of his diets of twentythree shillings and fourpence by the day, as he shall demand it, another hundred marks. He has also given credit to Harry Knolles for a hundred marks, and has despatched Cecil's son and Mr. Windebank, and given them their demand of fifty pounds, and fifty pounds more by credit. He perceives that Knolles expects him to pay him four marks a day for his diets when his 100l. are spent. Cecil's letter extends no further than for the hundred marks credit for sending his letters in post. The Duke of Guise is in want of money, in spite of all the great assistance he has from the Bishop of Rome, the King of Spain, or others.
6. Neither the Kings of France or Spain can have a penny here, without good pawn, for they have no credit, and as yet the States of this country will not consent to lend them any, or give them any assistance from hence. The merchants run daily upon great interest, and the King pays none, nor the principal. In this point the King owes Tucker 3,000,000 of ducats, but has lately agreed with him in Spain to pay him every year a portion of his ships coming from the Indies.
7. Sends herewith letters from Mr. Knolles, from Cecil's son and Windebank, who departed this day with Knolles. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
August 16. 486. Gresham to Thomas Cecil and Mr. Windebank.
Sends them a letter of credit to receive of Frederick Wolffe the sum of two hundred dollars, for which they are to make acquittance subscribed by both their names.—Antwerp, 16 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Pp. 2.
August 17. 487. The Queen to the French King.
Has received his letters from M. Vielleville, and perceives thereby that he takes in good part that which she intends for the repose of his realm.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 17. 488. The Queen to the Queen Mother.
To the same effect as the last article.—Greenwich.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 17. 489. The Queen to Throckmorton.
Upon hearing the matter of M. De Vielleville on behalf of the King and Queen Mother, the Queen has made such answer thereunto as by the instructions sent herewith Throckmorton may perceive, as well as that which he is to declare to the Queen Mother, to be written in French. The cause of this is, that it is alleged to the Queen that he did not so fully open her meaning to the Queen Mother as was prescribed, which the Queen takes to be invented to excuse their proceedings with her in this matter. Concerning his revocation, Vielleville and the Ambassador here have requested her either to send some other person there in his place, or else to allow the French Ambassador here to return also, whereupon she has resolved to send one to succeed him, which the said Ambassadors will move, and they make sure account. He shall therefore open this matter also, and the Queen, at the return of this courier, will appoint Sir Thomas Smith to repair thither.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 4.
August 17. 490. Fair copy of the above.—Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 17. 491. Cecil to Throckmorton.
1. M. De Vielleville has had audience thrice, first to do his message, second to dine with the Lords, thirdly to take his answer. On Thursday the Lord Admiral, Mr. Mason, Mr. Wotton, and Cecil had conference with him at his lodging, where he denied that Throckmorton had moved any other matter to the Queen Mother but only to have an Ambassador come to give her advice. They demanded, if any should come, whether they would be allowed to be informed by both parties, and so be "moyennors" in the matter. They both thought no, but for answer they prayed the writer to take this, that they had no commission. Has no desire to deal by way of embassade, lest some better way for their advantage should thereby be disappointed. Yesternight came De la Haye, a master of requests, from the Prince, with the Vidame; they have commission so as some resolution must needs follow. The English ships are on the coast of Normandy; they shall keep the seas, and attend all opportunities. "England sticketh at the manner, one part desirous to gain, on the other loath to adventure. In such cases, servants' counsels are to themselves dangerous." His coming home is in his own hands, to procure that Smith may come with safety.
2. Mewtas remains sick at Dieppe in John Ribault's house, and sends no word of his negociation. Knolles is passed towards Germany. Desires, if anything be lately published on one side or the other in print, that he will send it, and also any particular new charts of any parts of France. De la Haye, after much talk in the Prince's name, offered Newhaven, with conditions of succours of 10,000 men, and money also; whereof Cecil sees great cause to fear the worst. Doubts much of the Queen if succours of men cannot be gotten, and wishes it might be in money. Is almost asleep. Wishes to have a portrait of Orleans. The Queen of Scots has gone on a progress into Murray. Things remain there in good terms. All things are quiet in England, save that the Papists lie in wait to hear of the evil success of the Prince; "whom "Almighty God maintain as His champion." Assures him that he [Cecil] has been wrongfully accused of being the cause of the delay of his revocation.—Greenwich, 17 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Seal. Pp. 3.
August 17.
Forbes, ii. 22.
492. Instructions to Throckmorton.
1. Vielleville's speech makes the Queen doubt that Throckmorton did miss in the report of her message, or the Queen Mother in conceiving of him. She writes these instructions to him in French, so that the Queen Mother may read the same.
2. She thinks that if the differences between the Prince of Condé and the Duke of Guise had been compounded after the death of King Francis II. these troubles would not have succeeded.
3. She thinks the following to be the diversity betwixt their two intents; the one having tasted danger, seemed only to have sought defence of himself from further peril; the other sought to fortify himself with entering into a quarrel, and by invading such as dissented from the Pope has made his party very great. She is sorry to see that the great ness of the one party has drawn the Queen Mother to lend the authority of the King to the daily destruction of great numbers of his people, which authority she wishes had been reserved to have ruled both parties. This might have been done if the realm had been allowed to remain as it was before the last coming of the Duke of Guise from Lorraine. It is well known whilst the house of Guise had the governance in France after the death of King Henry what attempts of hostility were offered by them to her in the name of the Queen of Scots, not only to the trouble of Scotland but also of France.
4. She leaves the Queen Mother to consider of these her opinions, and what she thinks meet to be done for stopping these troubles likely to ensue.
5. Her meaning is that the Queen Mother should read this in French. This done, he is to say that as M. De Vielleville has requested her to have consideration of Throckmorton's revocation, she will send Sir Thomas Smith thither.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 6.
August 17. 493. Fair copy of the above.—Signed by the Queen and countersigned by Cecil.
Orig. Endd. Partly in French. Pp. 6.
[August 17.] 494. Portions of the above in a modern hand.
Pp. 4.
[August 17.] 495. Answer to M. De Vielleville's Message.
1. It appears to the Queen by his message and answers that the Queen Mother understands her message delivered by Throckmorton no farther than that she would like to know whether she would allow of an embassy to be sent from hence to give the King and her advice for pacifying these troubles. The Ambassador was commanded to understand privately of the Queen Mother "how she could allow" if the Queen would send some persons of her Privy Council thither to give advice and be mediators for compounding of the said trouble. Either her Ambassador has not delivered his message as fully as he was commanded, or the Queen Mother had not conceived the same. The Queen is desirous for appeasing these troubles, and has ventured to send an embassy for that purpose. M.M. De Vielleville and De Foix have answered both the Queen and Council that they have no commission to answer any further, nor do they know whether the Queen's Ambassadors coming thither will be permitted to speak or treat with any that are parties to the controversy, but rather doubt it will be denied, and that her advice to the Queen Mother to be sent only in writing will be allowed. For this the Queen is sorry, since her intention has been so earnest to procure an end to these troubles in France, but by the answers of these Ambassadors the means seem doubtful to be granted; therefore she is bound to forbear from intermeddling therein as she intended.
2. It is required by Vielleville that she should send some person with her advice to the Queen Mother, or impart it to him by speech or in writing. In a cause of this weight she thinks it not meet to give advice to the Queen Mother without understanding all the differences on either part; but having an assured opinion of the Queen Mother, she has imparted it privately to herself what she thinks best for these troubles, and those that she mislikes; she not meaning that the Queen Mother should notify the same abroad.
3. First, the Queen thinks that the original cause thereof was the private disdain betwixt the Prince of Condé and the house of Guise, begun in the latter part of King Francis's reign, which should have been compounded at the commencement of this King's reign. Secondly, she thinks that the one, having tasted danger, is disposed to defend himself without annoyance of any other; the other party is determined to prosecute the Prince, with some further meaning. With these intentions both parties have fortified themselves by entering into a common quarrel. The one attempting to invade such as for conscience sake forbear to be subject in certain ceremonies of religion to the Pope's law, thereby adjoining to his part all those that adhere to the Pope; the other attempting to defend himself and others from such an invasion as was begun by his adversary at Vassey, and to maintain the execution of certain ordinances made by the three Estates at Poissy last winter, and therewith an edict made in January, and has thus adjoined to his part all persons that feared they should with force be compelled by the Duke of Guise to live against their consciences.
4. She is sorry that God's cause should be thus drawn to serve private affections, thereby seeking to bring all Christendom in arms, which before the attempt at Vassey was in all parts at peace. She is also sorry to see that the greatness of one part is such that it has drawn the Queen Mother and others, for fear of present perils, to give to the same the authority of the King. The realm was in good order before the coming of the Duke of Guise and his brethren from Lorraine. Hereupon may the Queen Mother conjecture that which is a convenient remedy for these troubles.
5. The Queen Mother will remember that whilst the house of Guise had the sole governance in France, what attempts to hostility were offered by them in the name of their niece, to the trouble of the three countries of England, France, and Scotland; and since the moderation of their authority what good amity has passed between her and the Queen of Scots. Hereof followeth the conducing of the Duke of Guise with his whole house, not only for a supreme authority in France, but also by pretext of this quarrel in defence of the "papality" to amass together great treasures of money and powers of men of war, and to employ the same to such purpose as when they had the crown of France in King Francis's time at their commandment. By the continuance of these troubles, first, the whole kingdom of France is tormented; secondly, all Christendom is like thereby to be inflamed; thirdly, the Queen is foreed to make preparations to divert the peril to her realm by the exaltation of the house of Guise. She thinks it more than necessary that some further conference were used betwixt her, the Queen Mother, and the King's Council how these perils may be stopped and prevented, in which she will be always ready to follow reason and advice.
Copy., corrected by Cecil. Endd.: An answer devised for M. De Vielleville, and not delivered. Pp. 10.
[August 17.] 496. A portion of the above (viz., the passages relative to the origin of the disputes in France), translated into French.
Corrected draft. Pp. 4.
[August 17.] 497. Occurrences in France.
1. The Duke of Guise intends to leave Blois to besiege Orleans, whose force amounts to 12,000 footmen and 5,000 horse. Condé has 6,000 footmen and 3,000 horsemen within the town, and the Baron Des Adrets has come to Châlons in Burgundy with 10,000 footmen and 1,000 horse to aid the Prince. The Prince of Pourcain has 2,000 footmen and 1,200 horse. M. D'Andelot has entered France from Germany with 6,000 footmen and 4,000 horse, who are paid for four months.
2. The Baron Des Adrets has defeated M. De Suse and taken all his artillery.
2. M M. De Mouvanes and De Cardy have overthrown M M. De Somariva and Carsey, Lieutenant to the Grand Prior, and have slain 3,000 of their men, thereby all Provence remains at the Prince's devotion.
4. The Queen of Navarre has entered Bordeaux, so that no force of strangers can come out of Spain.
5. The Parisians are now in great fear of M. D'Andelot coming to the town. The plague is so bad there that according to the registers above 1,000 persons die daily. Since the beginning of these troubles in France there has been murdered drowned, and killed 100,000 persons.
Endd.: 17 Aug. 1562. Pp. 3.
August 17. 498. Thomas Cecil to Sir William Cecil.
Knolles arrived on the 6th., whom they are going to accompany into Germany. Gresham has treated them extremely well and has presented them with 50l.—Antwerp, 17 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 18. 499. Somers to Throckmorton.
1. Has forwarded his letters to Randolph. M. De Vielleville has been thrice at the Court and very well received, and the second time dined there, the same being purposely prepared for him, accompanied with divers Lords and counsellors. Lord Robert, Lord Hunsdon, and Mr. Secretary accompanied him one day into St. James park, where they hunted, and he killed a fat buck with a crossbow from a standing, but it was at two shots. Lord Chandos accompanied him to Gravesend. Sir Thomas Smith is willed to be ready. All the members appointed are ready and in good order, Master Woodhouse has gone to the sea with five great ships attending the Queen's pleasure. Mr. Henry Knolles has gone to Almain to know the intents of the Princes Protestants. The Queen and all the Lords of the Council are in good health. The Earl of Oxford has departed to God, leaving a son about twelve years old.—Greenwich, 18 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig., partly in cipher, deciphered. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 18. 500. Sir William Woodhouse to Lord Clinton.
1. On the 15th inst. he "aplied" from the Downs and reached the Road of Dieppe on the 17th inst., where immediately after they had anchored "M. De Qlimaches" and others came aboard, principally to tender thanks to the Queen for her kindness shown towards them, and afterwards Madame De Fors came with divers gentlemen and ladies, amongst whom was John Rebault, who in theirs. M. De Fors (Captain of the town), earnestly requested him to come ashore, and see the town, which he would rather not have done, but he promised he would next day. On the morning (18th inst.) Rebault came aboard, with whom he went ashore, where the Captain met him. After dining with them he saw the fortifications, which are as follows; namely, without the west part of the town above the castle they have trenched with a deep ditch with a wall upon it, and have placed their ordnance. Against the hills and above the bridge they have made strong ramparts, and filled a tower with earth and faggots, where they think to make a platform to scour the low ground on both sides of the river. Upon Pollet side on the hill, to which all the north and north-west part of this town was subjected, they have begun to make a strong fort, which is of firm earth, itself being a rampart; and in one part of the fort they have made a deep dungeon, which has broad winding stairs, from which dungeon, a great depth under the earth, they have made a passage to convey their men to and from the town (only passing the narrowest place of the river near the entrance of the haven) without danger of the enemy. Has inspected the town; they are well victualled, but too weak of men. They desire to be aided by the Queen, as Mr. Killigrew can inform him. They purpose going towards Newhaven to show themselves upon the coast as they have already partly done, for the wind put them as far west as Fécamp before they attained this place. The Queen might have double the value for the loss of Calais. It is now the fourteenth day they have spent their victuals. Alledaye has done service as a good councillor.—Aboard the Hope, 18 August. Signed.
2. P. S.—He has hurt his hand and cannot endure to write.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
August 18. 501. The Queen's Debts in Flanders.
A note of money taken up in London by Richard Candeler the 17th and 18th August 1562, amounting to 1,276l. 11s. 8d. Flemish, or 1,120l. sterling.
Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 18. 502. — to Shers.
This locality is devastated; the grass burnt up, and the trees cut down. Terrible fires have appeared, and a stinking wind blew last night. The end of the world would seem to be at hand.—Salo, 18 August 1562.
Orig. Add.: To Shers, in London. Endd.: Advertisements. Ital. Pp. 2.
August 18. 503. Mundt to Cecil.
Wrote to him last on the 21st July, with letters and copies from D'Andelot to the Queen. D'Andelot still remains in Germany, begging assistance from the Princes. They have given him 150,000 gold crowns, and he will take back to France 2,000 cavalry, and 2,000 musketeers. The nobles of Hesse will lead the cavalry, and the forces will assemble in Hesse from the Duchies of Brunswick, Lunenburg, and Mecklenburg. The Landgrave and the rest of the Protestant Princes will keep their own soldiers at home to be ready against all events. The Emperor, with his son Maximilian and the Duke of Bavaria, will come to Frankfort in the end of October. Lodgings have also been appointed there for the other Electors; and the Electors of Hesse and Wurtemberg have caused lodgings to be assigned to themselves. Ferdinand will endeavour to cause the Electors to have his son Maximilian appointed to assist him in the administration of the empire, since he feels his strength fail him. Whether Maximilian will remain firm in his adherence to the confession of faith as formerly, is doubted by many. The convention at Fulda, about the refusal of the Council at Trent, will be on the 12th of September. They know nothing here of what is doing at Trent. Sends the reply given to the Envoy sent by the French King to the Elector Palatine and the Duke of Wurtemberg, who has also gone to the Emperor to try to obtain commands and prohibitions to the Protestant Princes from sending soldiers into France. But what the Bishops are allowed to do, that will also be permitted to them.—Strasburg, 18 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
August 19. 504. Robebt Hogan to Challoner.
The King intends to remain here all next month. The day after the writer departed thence, which was Tuesday, he came to the Court about midday, where he found the Pope's Nuncio, who stayed with the King a long time, and that night departed, well accompanied, to Segovia, where he has his lodging. The French Ambassador is expected to arrive at the Court to-day. Almyeda, the Portingall [Portuguese], arrived here the same day as the writer, but he has not seen him. Spoke to a friend of his, one of whose familiar acquaintance, who met Almyeda on the road hither, and asked him what news there was from France; he answered, in Spanish, that France is going to ruin, and that the heretics killed the Catholics daily. Was told that one of Almyeda's servants said that the Queen of England had sent men to assist the Prince of Condé, and that one half of the ships which conveyed them thither was gone to Portugal, and that the other half was roving up and down upon the sea. Since his coming the King has sat in council these two days touching the wars.—Saturday, 19 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3,
August 19. 505. The Complaint of the Merchants of Exeter.
1. On the 11th inst. several west country merchants being at Morlaix pursuing their business, were suddenly seized by the Captain of the town, and their goods taken into the castle, their two ships seized, and their masters and others imprisoned; great search being made after other English merchants in that country. Some have managed to get home by way of Guernsey, but the rest are compelled to abide what perils soever the state of war may cause to their persons and property.
2. A vessel returning from Rochelle was driven by stress of weather into a place called Abbervragh [Avranches], in Brittany; and being laden with tin and other merchandise, the merchant went to Morlaix to find a purchaser for the cargo. He was arrested by a captain of the Duke D'Estampes, who also had the cargo of his vessel landed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 19. 506. Duplicate of the above.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Sent to the Court 13 Sept. Fr. Pp. 3.
August 20. 507. John Cuerton to Challoner.
Will send all his stuff, saving his butter, by the muleteer. Will follow his order about Chamberlain's stuff. Cannot send his gloves, as Mr. White sent them with his stuff to Saint Sebastian; is sure that they cannot be here. Sent him a copy of the provision. Yesterday. Mr. White and Mr. Withipoll left here for Saint Sebastian.—Bilboa, 20 August 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
August 20. 508. Challoner to Sir Thomas Chamberlain.
1. Did not receive his letters of the 6th and 19th of June last until the 15th inst. Sent all his [Chamberlain's] stuff, except certain parcels, to him, before Midsummer, by Mr. Barnaby Clough, Mr. Secretary's kinsman, by way of Bilboa. Trusts his former letters satisfied him that he had not retained his three silver bowls, mattresses, and feather beds, without intending to recompense him for them. As the land carriage of the bedding, which Mr. Henry Cobham has laid on hitherto, would have cost half its value (which is not much), had by letter ordered his servant, Farneham, to deliver to him in England like things in exchange, and to pay him for the three bowls, which is all the plate he has received of his. But if his proposal is not accepted, will recompense him for the use of his stuff, and send it. Has not received two dozen pair of gloves, nor silk hosen from Seignor Meliadus for him.
2. Did not take Phayre as an instrument of contumely towards him, but was driven of necessity to use his service, for the use of the Spanish tongue and practice of this Court and country, which few can better supply; and as touching his honesty, his former good behaviour, or such like parts, the writer will not be much deceived, who does not trust him beyond the compass of his first purpose. He is a base man for Chamberlain to be angry with.
3. The tumults in France have kept this Court much in consultation and preparation. Aids from hence, Italy and Flanders, are immediately to be sent. The Prince of Florence, who has lain at Saragossa above a month, has not yet come nearer. Of the General Council there is little speech, less hope of great exploits.—Madrid, [blank] August.
Draft. Endd. by Challoner: 20 August. Pp. 16.
August 20. 509. Challoner to the Marchioness of Northampton.
Received her letter of thanks for his kindness to her brother, Mr. Henry Cobham, which he will always keep with his dearest papers. Unless the King or the Prince resort shortly to Flanders he is likely to remain here for weight and fashion, seeing so few take pity upon a wifeless wanderer. Having no child to inherit what God has sent him, it were now time for him to wed, his next brother's children not being what either their father or himself think much of; and again if he were to stock his grounds with cattle he would receive 500 marks more a year than he does now by letting them. And further by remaining here he is deprived of the dearest pleasures of his life, and incurs such heavy charges as will keep him back from storing his grounds for a long time. —Madrid, 20 August 1562.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 7.
August 20. 510. Gresham to Cecil.
1. Since he wrote on the 16th inst. there is news that the Rhinegrave and M. De Guise are at variance, by reason that his men will not fight against the Prince of Condé, for they profess the same religion. There is intelligence from Italy that the Duke of Florence and the Duke of Ferrara have fallen out, and that the Bishop of Rome takes the part of Florence in the quarrel, and the States of Venice that of the Duke of Ferrara. There is in this town such joy, that it is incredible to write of. The men that were provided in Germany for the Prince of Condé will not stir till they know how they shall be paid for their services, which is much lamented here.
2. This day he has bargained with Henry Rantzavius, son and heir of D. John Rantzavius, for 6,000 guilders more, to whom the Queen is indebted already 18,926 florins. The factor of Paullus Brocketrope and Maurice Rantzowe came to him and said his master had commanded him to inform Gresham that he had written to the Queen for his payment. Wishes that she would refer the answering of the letter to him, for he is strong here now in this payment, having in ready money 23,600l.
3. Here is news that the Queen has twelve great ships in readiness, and 10,000 men to be sent into France.—Antwerp, 20 August 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 20. 511. The Queen's Debts in Flanders.
A note of certain money taken up of Leonard Paris, which with brokerage and interests amounts to 42,824 florins.— Signed by Gresham.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 20. 512. The Queen's Debts in Flanders.
A note of the prolongation of 64,523l. 18s. 2d. from the 20th August 1562 until the 20th February 1563.—Signed by Gresham.
Orig., with seal. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
August [20]. 513. The Queen's Debts in Flanders.
A note of the Queen's debts due in Flanders, August 1562, amounting to 64,523l. 18s. 2d.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.


  • 1. A slip is attached to this letter containing the names of certain Frenchmen resident (apparently) at Louviers.
  • 2. This letter has also been secured by twine, which passes under the seal.