Elizabeth: August 1562, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: August 1562, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp197-215 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1562, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp197-215.

"Elizabeth: August 1562, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp197-215.

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August 1562, 1-5

August. 398. The Queen's Aid to Condé.
That she give the Prince a formal declaration that she shall land 6,000 men to preserve the towns in Normandy. That she take Havre and Dieppe under her protection. That she place men in Rouen, or furnish 20,000 crowns besides the 140,000. That she receive into the towns of Havre and Dieppe the refugees of the reformed church. That she respect the goods and liberties of the King's subjects in the said towns. That she entertain the gentlemen in Havre according to their rank. That she will not abandon Havre without the Prince's express consent. That she will provide for the contingency of the Prince and the Admiral being made prisoners. She shall not make any truce without the Prince's consent. She shall not receive Calais from the opposite party. That it shall be permitted to withdraw the merchandise in Havre and sell it.
Orig., in a French hand. Endd. by Cecil: Articles in French for [the Vidame of Chartres (fn. 1) ]. Pp. 2.
August. 399. Articles between the Queen and the Vidame of Chartres.
1. The Vidame shall go to Portsmouth and remain in some gentleman's house until all the articles are accomplished.
2. He shall give order that as soon as Sir Adrian Poynings arrives off Havre the principal tower at the entrance of the haven, with its artillery and munitions, shall be delivered into his hands.
3. When Sir Adrian and his soldiers have landed, as many of the bulwarks and forts of the town shall be put in their possession as can be before nightfall.
4. The French soldiers shall give up all control of the defences to those of the Queen.
5. All the artillery and munitions belonging to the King shall be delivered to Sir Adrian within twenty-four hours.
6. All the French soldiers in the town shall depart within two days after the arrival of the English (if they are not besieged), and shall go to succour those in Rouen. Such of the English as the lieutenant deems fit shall go with them. The inhabitants shall be treated in the same way as her own subjects.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
August. 400. A Memorial concerning some Jewellery sent to the Queen from Throckmorton.
How many borders, upper and lower, shall be bought? What number shall be engraved and "sicelled," and how many cast and wrought slightly? Whether all the borders shall be enamelled. To know the length of the said borders, because the fashion is different here to there in the length of the "billements." Whether to each border there shall be a chain for the neck, and a girdle with a pendant and a vase, or at least to know how many chains and girdles with vases shall be provided. How many chains shall be provided for men, to be given as presents, and of what value, which ought to be more showy than fashionable, because the fashion, if it be costly, reduces the weight. How many pomanders (called here pomes) of gold shall be provided, and whether there shall be any sweet paste put in them? Whether any bracelets shall be provided, and how many pair? How many carkanets shall be provided?
Endd. Pp. 2.
August 1. 401. William Caulston and Others to the Queen of Scots.
William Caulston and other English merchants complain that on the 18th May 1558 their vessels lying at anchor in the haven of Westmonig in Iceland were captured by Thomas Nicholson, of Aberdeen, John Hog, of Leith, and others. Their loss amounts to 2,800l. sterling.
The Queen's answer.
The Lords of Session shall grant commission to advocates to judge this cause; or if the complainants please to pursue before the Admiral or his deputies, they are to order them to see justice done.—Edinburgh, 1 Aug., 22 Mariæ. Signed: Wil. Hay.
Orig. Pp. 2.
August 1. 402. Randolph to Cecil.
1. The misliking of the Pope's messenger amongst the best sort of men was so great that both the Queen was in doubt openly to receive him and he to show himself. On the 24th ult. he was very secretly conveyed across the water to Edinburgh by the Laird of Kilsyth, and brought to a house very near the Court, but kept very quietly. The next day, whilst the Earl of Mar was at the sermon, he was conveyed unto her secretly, and continued in purpose until the Earl returned, who came so suddenly in that he had almost taken them together. He was shifted off for that time, but not so secretly but there rose some suspicion of him, as Randolph standing that day with Lethington saw so strange a visage that he seemed to be the same man that before he heard "subscribed." Talking with Lethington of this venerable prelate, the latter declared the great desire of his mistress to speak with him, yet because she would not give occasion to her subjects to conceive worse of her than her meaning is, she determined to speak with him secretly. The effect of his legation was to know whether she would send to the general Council, and to persuade her not to alienate herself from the religion of her ancestors. This is only the judgment of Lethington, and the writer thinks there was more matter in it than any Scotchman knows, for she keeps well her counsel. Lethington assures him that the Legate will return in vain, for there will be nothing yielded to her that may be against Christ or the amity of the Princesses of both realms. It stayed only with the Earl of Mar that he had not been killed before he came into the presence of the Queen. The writer knows not whether he may repent it hereafter if his being here has wrought further evil.
2. The Duke arrived at Edinburgh on the 25th ult., being sent for by the Queen to consult on such affairs as Sidney propounded to her. He was well taken with of his sovereign. He likes the accord of the interview, and promised again to be there himself. He [the Duke] met by chance coming from the Court with the Lord President [Sidney], from whose report Cecil will know the purposes held with him. The Duke sues in vain for the enlargement of the Earl of Arran, which grieves him sore. He has accorded with the "venerable prelate" the Bishop of St. Andrew's, which breeds some suspicion against him. Divers reports and tales have been carried between the Duke and the Earl of Mar, whereby there has arisen greater mistrust and unkindness than ever. Lethington has taken in hand to reconcile them. The writer sees also that the Queen has more doubt than there is occasion. The Earl of Huntly remains sick of a sore leg; he was sent for, but came not. His son, who hurt the Lord Ogilvy without occasion, broke the prison and is escaped the 25th of last month.—Berwick, 1 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 4.
August 1. 403. The Bishop of Aquila to Cecil.
Desires to have in writing the answer which the Queen wishes him to make to the Duchess of Parma, to whom he is writing to-day.—1 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 1. 404. Guido Gianetti to the Queen,
1. Encloses the canons of the synod at Trent about the Eucharist, and a decree by which the next sitting is appointed for September 17. 180 Bishops were at this session. The French envoys excused themselves because their nobility were so intent on civil war that they would not much respect the decrees of the Council. The Emperor interferes, lest the Germans should be anathematized on account of the Communion in both kinds. This is only a continuation of the old Council, which the Pope commands to be continued, and not to summon a new one, although this was urged in the name of the Emperor and the French King. The Emperor commanded his subjects to leave Trent if the Council was continued, Leave to Communicate in both kinds has been solicited by the Emperor and the Duke of Bavaria, which is not granted, and the consideration of the request is postponed. The curse of anathema was not renewed against the Protestants, nor has the Non obstante concilio clause been reaffirmed.
2. In the meanwhile the Pope exacts money from his states, regardless of the discontent. He and the Duke of Parma are quietly enlisting both horse and foot. A levy of troops is being made at Milan by King Philip to be used against the heretics in France. The Duke of Ferrara is looking after his own affairs. The Cardinal of Carpi has made over the jurisdiction that he has in Carpi to the Pope, which is in the power of the Duke of Ferrara. The Duke of Florence desires to recover his rights over Carignan, in the Apennines. If this is true, the Duke of Guise, who has married the sister of the Duke of Ferrara, will no doubt endeavour to defend him, and King Charles will also send assistance. This would put an end to the Council.—Venice, calend. August. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
August 1. 405. N. Stopio to Sir John Mason.
Forwards information. War is anticipated between the Dukes of Ferrara and Florence. The Venetians having withdrawn their ten galleys, the corsairs have become more insolent, and plunder with greater boldness.—Venice, 1 August 1562.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
August 1. 406. Challoner to Sir John Mason.
1. Thanks him for his letter, and trusts that he has had the answer, sent within a week after. Since then he has written to him by way of France. Doubts whether Mr. Secretary has received the Queen's packet sent that way. Here they are all in preparation of aids, part already sent, to the Guisians, and in expectation of the event, with daily great consults, kept very secret. It is said by their discoverers that at length the Guisians will prevail, and that the Condeans did not use the benefit of the time, much against the nature of the force.
2. Moffett has for the present provided St. Martin's wine for Mason's turn. The King has dealt liberally with Moffet, who is much beholden to the Count and Countess of Feria, who both show great frankness to the English.—Madrid, 1 August 1562.
Draft. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
August 1. 407. Gresham to Cecil.
1. Since he came to Antwerp he has taken up of Christopher Prowen 7,000l. at six per cent. for six months, and of Gilles Hoffeman 5,600l. at the same rate. Has practised with all the Queen's creditors, and is at a point with the greater part of them to prolong their sums for six months at six per cent. Sends a note of the whole prolongations for the making of new bonds by Richard Clough. It is said here the Queen will have war with France, which has made a great alteration.
2. The King of Spain has sent the Count of Mansfeld, of this Court, very secretly to the Duke of Brunswick for gathering 3,000 horsemen to aid M. De Guise. There has passed out of Germany for the Prince of Condé 3,000 horsemen and 2,000 "hackbutts." The Queen's late proceedings has not a little astonished both the Papists in France and here. The bearer can inform her more at large. Sends his commendations to Lord Robert Dudley. The exchange passes at twenty shillings and fivepence, and sixpence usance. —Antwerp, 1 August 1562. Signed.
3. P. S.—His gossip, Paullus Van Dalle, has written Cecil another letter for the matter of Rowland Haywood.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 2. 408. Charles IX. to the Queen.
Has received her letter sent by Sir Peter Mewtas, and also heard from him the complaint of her subjects that they have been plundered at sea by some of his. Would like to know the particulars. Has sent to all the governors of the maritime places in his realm to punish the evildoers.— Bois-de-Vincennes, 2 August 1562. Signed: Charles;—De L'Aubespine.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: By Sir P. Mewtis. Broadside. Fr.
August 2. 409. The Queen Mother to the Queen.
The same effect as the King's letter of the same date.— Bois-de-Vincennes, 2 August 1562. Signed: Catherine;—De L'Aubespine.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside. Fr.
August 2. 410. M. De Fors to Cecil.
Praises the liberality of the Queen, of which Horsey has informed him. When she sends succours they shall be received with all the honour possible. Sends a short memorial by this bearer, whom he begs Cecil to credit. If the said memorial seems excessive, Cecil can make what alterations he pleases.—Dieppe 2 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil: Sept 2 [sic]. Fr. Pp. 2.
[August 2.] 411. Interrogatories for Ralph Lacy.
For what cause he went beyond the seas. What messages or letters he carried, from whom received. Where he took shipping and landed. What talk or conference he had in his journey. Where and to whom he delivered the letters. What money he took with him, and from whom received. What letters or messages he sent from beyond the seas. What they contained. What letters he received since his departure. What were the contents thereof, and from what country received. By whom he sent his letters or messages, and from whom and by whom he received letters.
Copy. P. 1.
August 2. 412. The Confession of Ralph Lacy.
1. He carried letters of commendation from Lord Lennox to his brother Lord Awbeny, and from his Lordship to the Countess of Feria, and (he thinks) a letter from Lord Darnely to his uncle, Lord Awbeny. Being at Hull to take bark, and dining with Mr. Jobson, he met Mr. Sweting, Jobson's friend, who asked him to carry letters to the English Ambassador in Spain, and Sir Thomas Gresham. Received also a letter of recommendation from Jane Bailie, that served his lady, to her aunt, Mrs. Clarenciaus, and a letter from Mr. Clerkson of Hull to his brother-in-law, John Alcock at Antwerp.
2. He embarked at Hull, was driven by the weather into Dunkirk, and landed at Antwerp. Thence he went to Mecklin, Brussels, Valenciennes, Cambray, Senlis, Paris, Orleans, Bourges, Moulins, Roanne, and from Lyons over Mount Gabelleta to Chambery, and from Aiguebelle over Mount Cenis to Turin, Vercelli, Milan, Brescia, Verona, Vicenza, Padua, and Venice. He there embarked, and on his way home went to Rome, from thence to Acquapendente and Viterbo, to Monte Fiascone, Sienna, Florence, Lucca, Genoa, from whence he sailed to Sona, and on to Turin, and over Mount Genevre to Avignon, Valence, Lyons, Roanne, from whence he embarked for "Brecla," from thence he went to Montargis, Paris, Rouen, and Dieppe, where he embarked, and landed at Scarborough.
3. When at Antwerp he lodged with John Alcock, an Englishman, where he met many English merchants, amongst whom he saw one of Mr. Hull's sons, of York; and at Paris he met John Hume, a Scotchman, formerly servant to Lord Lennox, who first made him acquainted with those at the Ambassador's house. He also had the acquaintance there of Stephen Lucas, Lord Wharton's servant, and Mr. Harrington's son, of York. At Orleans he found Mr. Wholley, Mr. Fowler, and a son of Alderman Garret of London. At Lyons he met three English merchants, one of whose names was Couper. At Padua he found young Mr. Parry, Mr. Foskewe, and another Englishman; and brought a letter from one of the Englishmen whom he found with Parry at Lyons, but he did not find any Englishmen at Venice. When at Rome he was often in company with Mr. George Nevell, brother to Sir Henry Nevell, Mr. Vaughan, and Mr. Brisket, whose father is an Italian and his mother an Englishwoman dwelling in London. At Turin he found a Scotchman, John Ramsey, a physician, from whom he received much friendship, and a letter for a friend of his who is captain of the French King's Scottish Guard; and at Paris he met the Ambassador and Lord Awbeny.
4. About two months after his arrival in Paris he met Lord Awbeny going to the Court, and delivered what letters he had for him. The letters for the Countess of Feria he showed to Ramsey at Turin, which, with those for Mrs. Clarenciaus from her niece he left in his chamber. Those for Gresham he delivered upon his first arrival at Antwerp; and those for the English Ambassador in Spain, he left, as John Hume knows, with a Frenchman at Paris to send thither, as he was not going there; and delivered John Clerkson's letters to John Alcock, at Antwerp, where he [Lacy] lodged.
5. He had 40 or 50 French crowns, or pistolets; and 10l. which he delivered to Mr. Dalston of Hull, which he afterwards received of his factor at Antwerp; had three or four gold rings. Of this sum he received 4l. from Lady Lennox for a horse, and 10l. conditionally, that if he returned to England before he had been either to Italy in Spain he should forfeit 20l. He received 6l. for a year and a half's rent of a farm; and what else he had was in his purse before, or given by friends.
6. He sent letters from Antwerp to his brothers, Bryan, Marmaduke, William, and Robert, and to his cousin William Lacy; and from Paris, letters to Lord and Lady Lennox, and to his brothers and said cousin, and a letter to Arthur Ballard, Lord Darnley's schoolmaster, and another to one Story or to Freston together, Lord Lennox's servants. Wrote from Rome to his brother William and his said cousin together; and from Orleans he wrote to Mr. Harrington's son and to Teasmond, who at Paris is Harrington's son's chamber fellow.
7. The letters which he wrote to his brothers and friends were that he had passed safely to Antwerp and intended to go to Paris; that Lady Lennox, having requested him to write to her, he wrote to her from Paris of his having delivered Lord Lennox's letters to his brother there, who was going to the Court; also of there being great division about religion and tumults daily; of the Queen of Scots going to Paris, and of there being a bruit of her going to Scotland; and of there being a tumult when the King and others went in procession there. He wrote to his brother of his liking the living, of his intention to go to Italy, but not to Spain; and to his brother Palmes he wrote a letter of excuse for not having taken leave of him when he left England. Lord Darnley's schoolmaster having, upon his departure from Setterington, asked him to remember and drink to him if he went to Cambray, where he was born, he by chance went into a house there, where a company of Burgundians were drinking, and singing a song called "Adew Robyn," which he often sang, whereof he wrote him a merry letter from Paris. His letters to Story and Freston were to the same effect. From Rome he wrote to his brother or William Lacy of his arrival there, and of the places he had seen, of what sweets and sours he had tasted, and of his intention of going to Naples, which purpose he changed, and reserved the cause of his journey until their next meeting.
8. He never received any letters since his departure except as beneath written.
9. He sent his letters from Antwerp by a Hull or York merchant; those from Paris by M. Docys, when he was sent by the Queen of Scotts to the Queen at London; they were directed to Henry Wright, the keeper of the King's Head Tavern, Temple Bar, London, whom he requested to send them according to their directions. Those from Rome were sent to Mr. Alcock, at Antwerp; and as Mr. Vaughan was sending thither they were inclosed in his letters. Those from Orleans to Paris were to the effect that he liked Orleans, victuals being cheap and good; wrote commendations to Stephen Lucas; and received a letter from Teasmond to the effect that Harrington and Lucas were gone to Angers, and that he remained at Paris for lack of money from his friends.
Copy. Endd.: 2nd, 3rd, and 10th of August. Pp. 8.
August 3. 413. Challoner to the Queen.
1. Among other fautors of the Prince of Condé, it has been spoken of in this Court that she has already assisted him with the imprest of 150,000 crowns, which bruit is very offensive to these men.
2. They still prepare aid for the Guisians, but as yet but slowly, for the captains who were sent to levy soldiers have not yet made up their numbers. It is alleged that this slow proceeding is caused by the French, who seem unwilling to accept the King's offer.
3. M. De Morette was sent hither by the Duke of Savoy. He arrived here by post not long since. The errand is thought to be touching the aid.
4. From Italy the last courier brought in effect the former advices touching the Council of Trent.
5. The questions of precedency trouble more Princes than one at the Trentish Council, where the Spanish Ambassador, the Conde De Lima, and M. De Lansac, the French Ambassador, have had contention which of them should have the precedence, and likewise between the Dukes of Ferrara and Florence.
6. The Duke of Florence (trusting in the Pope's favour), would have him for a judge; who has by letters exhorted the Duke of Ferrara to that effect, who exempts himself.
7. Another case has risen out of this branch, for his eldest son, the Prince of Florence, who disembarked with great array at Barcelona a month ago, has not yet come to this Court.
8. The Council have met several times about mint matters, and how to remedy the notable exportation of their coin.— Madrid, 2 August 1562.
9. P. S.—Received yesternight Throckmorton's letter of the 29th of June; he states that the contrary parties in France were to have agreed to an accord on the 25th of the same. The King and his Council, however, keep their counsels about this matter very secret; the former conferred with them in his council chamber not three days since about these affairs. Understands that 1,200 Spaniards have already entered France by way of Bayonne, and the rest are to follow. The advice from Flanders is that Count D'Egmont advances with another number; and from Piedmont that the Duke of Savoy advances with others. M. D'Escars, a gentleman in the King of Navarre's credit, is expected to arrive here, to revive his motion of recompense for the kingdom of Navarre. Signed.
Draft. Endd.: 3 Aug., sent by Withipol by Bilboa. Pp. 10.
August 3. 414. The Count Palatine's Answer to M. D'Oysel.
1. The Count has heard with great sorrow from many others of the unhappy state in which France is, and what D'Oysel has told him has not diminished his grief. Had hoped that this kingdom would have been free from such civil commotions. The edict passed last January should have brought peace, as it did while it remained in force. If it had continued in force, in a little time the exasperation both in religious and political matters would have died out. Neither the King or the Queen Mother are ignorant who caused the repeal of the said edict, which was the reason of all these calamities. The Count Palatine and the other Protestant Princes having consulted together determined to send an embassy to mediate between the two parties, which got as far as Strasburg. The King knows why and by whom this intention was hindered.
2. As D'Oysel in the name of the King has asked his advice as to how the dissensions may be stopped, he does not see any other way than by putting the edict in force and allowing the free preaching of the Gospel. The plundering of goods, the laying waste of fields, and the slaughter of innocent persons would then cease.—Heidelburg, 3 August 1562.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
August 3. 415. Another copy in Mundt's hol.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
August 3. 416. A printed copy of the above, in 12mo.
Injured by damp. Lat. Pp. 5.
August 3. 417. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Trusts that as the Queens are not to meet, he may repair up. The bearer, Sir Henry Sidney, has promised to give a helping thereto.—Berwick, 3 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[August 4.] 418. Throckmorton to the Lord Admiral.
Repeats his advice as to the occupation of Newhaven, even though it cost 1,000,000 crowns. (fn. 2) Desires that two barks of Dover may repair to Boulogne, to bring him and his train over at such time as he shall advertise. At his leave-taking on the 4th of August they gave him to understand plainly, that they would be sure of the return of M. De Vielleville and their Ambassador resident before he should depart.—Paris, [blank] August 1562.
Draft, portions underlined to be expressed in cipher. Endd.: 3 Aug., by Francisco the courier. Pp. 2.
August 4. 419. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Nothing was left undone by Sidney that appertained to his duty. The noblemen here esteem the honour great that such a man should be sent to treat of matters. Has received from him the contract of the meeting under the Queen's great seal, with instructions how to use it. Has been required to desire Cecil's favour for the Laird of Cawder's son to study in either of the universities for two or three years. The young man is not above eighteen, prettily learned, and well travelled, and his father well affectioned to England. His uncle is the Laird of St. John's, and the Laird of Ormiston married his sister. His other request is from Mr. Knox, who now is a sole man, by reason of the absence of his mother-in-law, Mistress Boes, who is willing to return to this country if she had the Queen's licence for herself, her man, and one maid, with a passport for her three horses, of which two shall return, and to take with her money, not exceeding 100l. Knox assures him that only this is meant herein that she may be a relief unto him in the burden of household, and the bringing up of his children, her daughter's sons. Has written to Somers to defray such charges as appertain hereto, and if the Queen grants these requests to send him the licences.
2. Received a letter from Cecil, by one Partridge, in behalf of certain merchants who had two ships taken in the King of Denmark's waters, and both he and Sidney have moved their cause divers times. The Queen's answer accorded to by the Council is such that neither have cause of misliking. Has pressed the Queen to refer the matter to the Lords of her Secret Council; but so many reasons were alleged to the contrary, and such favour shown in the Queen's decrete to the Lords of Session, that he was content to accept their offer. Marvels that they cannot find a more sufficient man to travel in a matter of such importance than the one who was lately with him.
3. Complains of his treatment by Mr. Renold Lee (see June 26). The Scotchman, Douglas, is now acquitted for want of evidence; and the writer has to pay his charges for the time that he has been prisoner. Has written to the Lord President of York and to Lee hereon, but has received no answer. The charges of the pursuit amount to 30l. and more, which he has disbursed. As Lee is his near kinsman, nephew to the old Bishop of York, Dr. Lee, who was ever special good friend to Randolph's father, and intended well to Randolph, he desires that he may be rather gently admonished than sustain any other sharp reproof; only that he may recover what he has disbursed.—Berwick, 4 August 1562.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
August 4. 420. Escape from Berwick.
The verdict of the Jury touching Giles Cornwall's departing from Berwick. They find that he was in the town on the 19th June before the gates were opened, and that he was met the same day within the bounds at a place called Corteford. He departed through the broken wall in the Wind-mill hole, and through the White wall postern.—Berwick, 4 August 1562.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 5. 421. The Countess of Lennox to Cecil.
For that he sent word by Fowler that the Queen said that her husband's submission was to come of himself and not by her teaching, he need not learn at her hand how to use himself to the Prince. She has not written to any of the Council but him, to whom the Queen appointed them to write at their going into Yorkshire.—Shene, 5 August. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 5. 422. Lord Grey to Cecil.
He has been occupied with the wardens of Scotland since Sir Henry Sidney went thither, and has not had leisure to send his opinion touching a preacher for this town, as requested by Cecil's letter of the 5th ult. What is allowed out of the wages of the officers, captains, and soldiers, and pensioners is sufficient for the preachers who shall come from Durham, and other ministers here, but nothing more, as 200 soldiers have been sent to Ireland. If there should be any decrease in the retinue, there will be no way of maintaining the service but at the Queen's charge, as the townsmen and old crew here have always been burdened with the vicar. Would be glad to have a preacher here shortly, as then the evil reports of their enemies would be proved to be untrue. This company are both quiet men and given to the following of God's Word, and more desirous to have a preacher than of anything wanted here. There is great need of a good surgeon, for many soldiers perish for want of help. As the fee is small no man of any knowledge will take the post. He, the captains, and soldiers, will give out of their entertainment towards the maintenance of such a man.—Berwick, 5 August 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 5. 423. Valentine Browne to [Cecil].
The soldiers and workmen here are in great want of their money for the half year ending at Midsummer last. The sums due to the garrisons are 11,200l., and to the workmen, for January, February, and March, 2,810l., and to the same (after the abatement) for April, May, and June, 562l., which altogether amounts to 15,652l.—Berwick, 5 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. P. 1.
[August 5.] 424. Expenses for Berwick.
Statement of the sums due to the Treasurer of Berwick, amounting to 13,538l. 18s. 5d.
P. 1.
August 5. 425. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Received her letters of the 28th ult. on the 1st inst., by Francisco. Mewtas had not then left, but his passport was granted on the 2nd inst.; whereupon he left Paris on the 3rd inst., intending to embark at Dieppe. The writer then demanded audience, which was granted on the 3rd inst. about five o'clock in the afternoon, at La Tuilerie, adjoining the Louvre, the King's new palace in Paris.
2. Having presented the Queen's letters for his revocation, the Queen Mother answered that many outrages had been committed against him, but that the King had so provided that they should be stopped.
3. He answered that the fury of these people comes upon them by tides. After they had levelled their arquebuses at his house, and the King sent M. De Randan about the same, they remained peaceable for a time.
4. The Queen Mother said that seeing it was the Queen's pleasure to revoke him, it was reasonable that they should know also that M. De Vielleville and their Ambassador might safely return. In the meantime she desired him to tarry in France, and not to think it strange. He answered he was sure there would be no impeachment in England if it was their wish to revoke their Ambassador, and that M. De Vielleville would find all honour at the Queen's hands. If M. De Foix should reside there as Ambassador, the Queen had commanded him to say that he should be well treated.
5. The Queen Mother then made a long discourse of her proceedings, and laid all the blame upon the Prince of Condé, saying that they thought the Queen would rather have given aid to the King.
6. He said the Queen could not satisfy all suspicious minds, but the cause of his revocation well appeared to be for another respect than to meddle in these matters. He then said he had heard that the Prince desires nothing but that the edict of January may take place, as was decreed by the King, herself, the King of Navarre, the Council, and all the Courts of Parliament of France; and he asked her whether it had been annulled by as great authority as it was made? The Queen answered, she had done all she could, and it concerned her most for her son's interest.
7. He then took his leave, and requested, since it was their pleasure to stay him for a time, till they gave revocation for their Ambassador, that he might send a courier to inform the Queen of his stay, and the cause thereof, which was granted to him. He then took his leave of the King of Navarre, who used the same speech for his revocation as the Queen Mother had, and also concluded that he should not depart until they were sure their Ambassador should not be impeached. He then took his leave, and also the same of Marshal Brisac. The Cardinal of Guise being there at his entry, did not stay till the end of the conference.
8. If M. De Vielleville has passed into England, he hopes the Queen will recommend to him that her Ambassador have free passage homewards, and also that M. De Foix may pass no further than London until she hears from him that he is licensed to depart towards Boulogne from Paris.
9. Paris has lent again 200,000 crowns to maintain this war against the Prince, so now they have lent 400,000 crowns.
10. On the 3rd inst. the King and Queen Mother went to Madrid, three leagues from Paris.
11. Notwithstanding the great show of besieging Orleans or Bourges, the greatest force shall be applied against Rouen, Newhaven, and Dieppe, places meet for the Queen to be jealous of. Informed her in his last that Troyes was taken to the Prince's use, which is not verified yet. There is a great bruit that Chalons in Champagne is taken by the Conte de Seningham to the Prince's use. He also mentioned in his last that the Conte de Rochefocault was in Poitiers; since then he has retired farther into the country of Saintonge, there to assemble forces for the succour of the Prince; and since the Conte left Poictiers, the Conte De Villars accompanied by the Conte De Luyda and M. De Montpezat (son-in-law of Conte De Villars) has taken the same, where great cruelties have been used.
12. The great defeat so much spoken of between M. De Monluc and M. De Durazze is now said to be of small consequence, for there was not thirty persons killed on both sides.
13. The bruit is rife that the King of Spain sends forthwith 3,000 footmen and 2,000 horsemen and that the Papists aid him by way of Bayonne and Bordeaux; 4,000 by Marseilles from Milan, and 2,000 horsemen and 4,000 footmen from the Low Countries. This report is a surmise of the Papists to frighten the Protestant party.
14. On the other side the Almains, which M. D'Andelot brings to aid the Prince, are not far from the frontiers of France. The Almain Princes have proclaimed the troops under the Conte Ringrave and Rocquendolf to be rebels, and have confiscated their lands and goods.
15. Since his last, two regiments of lansknets have marched through Paris. The Conte Ringrave (their colonel) dined with him, and declared his willingness to do the Queen service. He told him that she was informed of his worthiness by his acquaintances in England, such as the Lord Admiral; and that his doings in this cause might confirm the same. The Conte said, because the Queen took great pleasure in good horses, and such as be a little "scarbillade," [high mettled], he had an ambling horse which he would present to her.
16. Sends herewith the recusations of the Prince sent to the Court of Parliament of Paris, to denounce the incompetency of those judges who accorded the sentence of his condemnation, together with a memorial lately sent to him from the Prince by one his secretaries to testify his doings at the last conferences with the Queen Mother.
17. On the 5th inst. Marshal Brisac, Governor of Paris, advised him to change his lodging and take a house nearer his own within the town, for his better surety, which was recommended to him the day before by the King, the Queen Mother, and the King of Navarre, because the people in the quarter where he lodged were more inclined to evil doings than those within the town. Whether this motion proceeded for his safety, or to remove him from the place where he is, he knows not; but he thought it meet to inform the Queen hereof.
18. Marshal St. André, since Poitiers was taken, has been sent thither, and has scoured all Guienne and Gascony of the Protestants remaining there, with the aid of some Spaniards that should enter at Bayonne.
19. On the 4th inst. James Beaton, servant to the Queen of Scots, and son of the late Cardinal Beaton, left Paris for Boulogne or Calais, to embark, and pass through England into Scotland. He has been despatched by the Cardinal of Lorraine, and would not take his letters to the Queen, or to any of the Council, or other officers for his passage. He is very vain, and one of the worst affected to England of his nation; and he carries with him as ill devices against her as the Papists here can devise. The Earl of Mar, and others about the Queen of Scots, could tell her what sort of man he is. His errand hither was to christen in the Queen's (his mistress's) name, Madame De Martigues' child; but he does not return with so good an errand, but to procure that some business may be done upon the frontier of Scotland against England.—Paris, 5 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Considerable portions in cipher. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 11.
August 5. 426. Decipher of the ciphered portions of the above letter.
Pp. 2.
August 5. 427. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Refers Cecil to his letters to the Queen. He is to look well to his hostages, for the terms are suspicious. Hitherto all things have proceeded very well; he means the musters, preparation of the navy, and the manner of revoking the Ambassador. This little show has astonished some of the lofty folks here, amongst whom the Spanish Ambassador is most angry and deceived, who said the Queen dare do nothing; if she does what she may, the King, his master, will leave off threatening and use praying. If Cecil goes well to work in these matters the Queen shall be able to be arbitrator, which the King challenges to belong to him as of right. Desires Cecil to continue his good usage to the French Ambassador there; and he must have especial regard that Dieppe and Newhaven be kept still in good devotion towards the Queen; for when they have Newhaven from his power all the preparations will be worth nothing. It is also necessary Cecil should by secret means aid Rouen, either by allowing men to go over as volunteers, or some other way. Fears that the army appointed to go to Orleans and Bourges will be applied against Rouen, Newhaven, and Dieppe. At present he is as jealous of these places (especially Newhaven and Dieppe) as he would be of Calais, and almost of the Isle of Wight; although he would not that the Queen should enter into war unless those places (especially Newhaven) should be rendered to her. He desires Cecil not to allow the French Ambassador to depart from London. Wishes to know whether the Queen intends, within a month or thereabouts, to send another Ambassador hither.—5 August 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Aug. [5.] 428. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. If her interests were not conjoined with his danger he could expose himself to the hazards to come, and endure them with some agony, as he has the sundry dangers past; but seeing that she may by his loss be more endamaged than by the lack of him, he will not conceal the fear he has of his safety. The daily despites, injuries, and threatenings put in use towards him and his by the insolent raging people of this town, so assure him of his own destruction, that he is not ashamed to declare that he is afraid, and the more so as he sees that neither the authority of the King, the Queen Mother, or any other person can be sanctuary for him.
2. Cannot lay lack to the King, or his mother, or all his counsellors, as though they were careless of his safety, seeing what express orders the Queen has given to Marshal Brisac. But when he sees the contemptuous disobedience of this people, and that they daily most cruelly kill every person (no age or sex excepted), whom they take to be contrary to their religion, notwithstanding daily proclamations under pain of death to the contrary, let her not be offended if he declares that he is "aferd," and has great cause to be so. If some were punished it would be a terror for others; but the King and his mother are for their own safety constrained to lie at Bois de Vincennes, not thinking good to commit themselves into the hands of the furious Parisians. At this present, the Chancellor of France, being the most sincere man of this Prince's council, is in as great fear of his life as Throckmorton, being lodged hard by the Bois de Vincennes, where he has one of the King's guards to guard him, and whom the Parisians have threatened to go and kill in his lodging.
3. The King and the Queen Mother have no means to rule them. The chief power is with the King of Navarre, the Duke of Guise, and the Constable at Blois; and by some wise people it is thought that those great personages, (with the consent of the Cardinal, and the Court of Parliament,) secretly animate this monstrous people to do these mischiefs, and some say they could be contented they should do worse. Is sure that any man may do her better service than he can without danger. If to avoid the danger he retired to some other place he would be from the place where things are best discovered, and estranged from the Court and the occurrents thereof, and in the end be in no more security than he is here, so licentious and furious are the people of this realm in all places throughout.
Copy. Endd. by Throckmorton's son: Aug. 1562. Pp. 2.
August 5. 429. Henry Killigrew to [Lord Robert Dudley ?]
1. He wrote from Dieppe to his Lordship and Mr. Secretary under one, for in these cases he takes them to be as one. His opinion of that place is, that with men it is guardable, but without it cannot abide a siege, which he understood from the captain. They are desirous of remedy, whereof they have no hope, unless it comes from England, which they expect daily. They would at least have 1,000 men, but if 3,000 came they would not be refused, and so many men would warrant all Normandy from Dieppe to Rouen; and neither money nor men could be better employed. The captain cannot believe there are men in England until he sees them. There is not at present 400 soldiers in the same. He is now out of doubt of the scruple his Lordship had; lest the ships came, the men would be refused. These towns are the chief keys to France, without which neither Paris or Rouen would be able to live; and for matters of the sea, he believes they are able to encounter half of France. Besides, on the other part of Normandy there is Caen, so by the aid of 5,000 or 6,000 men the Queen could command all Normandy, and the country could victual them, so that a sufficient number came in time to provide for the same, which must be 3,000. If any good be expected, men must be sent with all speed, and 200 horsemen would be very desirable. They have some here, but they are not of such service as the English; he means light horsemen, with northern staves. If some of the noblemen of Scotland were moved in the matter, they would wink at 100 borderers' absence, and the English borders might spare as many more. He will undertake to make them all rich, and to do good service with them. The last day at Dieppe, ten Scottish horsemen did more service than the 200 who were in the field. The gentleman his Lordship wots of desired him to give him his commendations, and the want of a cipher is the cause of his not writing. What he is requested to write his Lordship may see in Mr. Secretary's letter.
2. Wrote from Dieppe that the Queen Mother had written to his Lordship's friend, making him great offers, who deferred to answer the same till this day, which he saw, which will not please her. His Lordship has need to make haste to aid this man, for he would not be in his case for all France, who has gone so far forward that he cannot draw back again. —Newhaven, 5 Aug. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 4.
August 5. 430. Occurrences in France.
Extracts from the previous correspondence respecting the movements of troops and their reinforcement from Germany and other places.
Copy, with corrections and additions by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 5. 431. The Queen to the Duchess of Parma.
Has received her letter from the Spanish Ambassador, who has also asked her whether the ships that she is equipping are intended to aid the French rebels. She finds it strange to be required to render an account of her actions to the minister of another Prince. Nevertheless as the Duchess wishes to certify the King of Spain on this matter, she declares that her intention is not to do anything but what shall be honourable to herself, and reasonably agreeable not only to the King of Spain but also to her other neighbours and allies.
Draft. Endd.: 5 Aug. 1562. Fr. Pp. 3.
August 5. 432. Challoner to Edmund Withipoll.
Thanks for his two letters. His son Bartholomew, during the few months he has been here, has acquired more of the Spanish tongue than either Challoner or any in his house has in the same time. Not having a messenger whom he could trust with the Queen's packet, was fain, half against his son's will, to press him to become the bearer hereof. Has only his steward and secretary left who are acquainted with Spanish.—5 Aug. 1562.
Copy. Dated and endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
August 5. 433. Challoner to Cuerton.
1. Sends herewith by the bearer, Mr. White, merchant of London, the King's schedule or passport for Chamberlain's chests, stuff, and plate.
2. The King will leave here next Saturday for El Bosque de Segovia, for the purpose of hunting, and will remain there till about Lady Day in September. Because of the land passage being stopped, the King has sent a courier by sea to Flanders. Commendations to Mrs. Cuerton and Mr. Geffardson. Encloses inventory of Chamberlain's plate and stuff.—Madrid, 5 Aug. 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
August 5. 434. The Queen to Mundt.
He is appointed to join Henry Knolles, Esq., sent with a special message to the Protestant Princes of the Empire; for his charges Gresham shall advance unto him the sum of [blank].
Orig. Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd: 5 Aug. 1562. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Expressed by a cipher.
  • 2. See his letter to Cecil, 29 July.