Elizabeth: July 1562, 26-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: July 1562, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp182-197 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1562, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp182-197.

"Elizabeth: July 1562, 26-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp182-197.

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July 1562, 26-31

July 27. 368. Charles IX. to the Queen.
Sends M. De Vielleville to thank her for the goodwill which she has always manifested towards him.—Bois de Vincennes, 27 July 1562. Signed: Charles De L'Aubespine.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
July 27. 369. The Queen Mother to the Queen.
Having heard from Throckmorton of her intention to send over two of her Council, she thanks her, and recommends the bearer, M. De Vielleville.—Bois de Vincennes, 27 July 1562. Signed: Caterine,—De L'Aubespine.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
July 27. 370. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 24th inst. a courier arrived here from M. De Foix, the Ambassador, whose letters (declaring the Queen's readiness to put her ships in equipage) put many doubts in these men's heads, and altered many designs. After a long consideration the Queen Mother desired him to come next day to Bois De Vincennes, and there accompany the Prince De la Rochesuryon at dinner, which he did. He was received very courteously at his arrival, and was brought to the Prince's chamber, where he dined with the Princess (his wife), Madame De Pressure (Dame of honour to the Queen Mother), M. De Vielleville, the Conte Ringrave, M. De Troy, Master of the artillery, M. De Pienne, and M. De Penon, Master of the King's wardrobe. It was the most sumptuous dinner he has seen since he came to France. The Prince and Princess declared their affection to the Queen.
2. After dinner the Prince, with the noblemen, accompanied him to the King and Queen Mother, who said that, concerning the offer made by the Queen to send some of her Council hither, the King takes the offer thankfully; but by the advice of the Council he will send one of the Council to the Queen to inform them fully of their intents.
3. He answered that the affairs required such a man in this negotiation as shall not formalise himself too much against the Prince of Condé and his cause. He would gladly know the party, the time of his departure, and whether he would go by post or journey, so that he might inform the Queen thereof.
4. She answered it should be an indifferent man. Would wish well to both parties; but forbore to tell him who it will be, because the matter is not yet fully resolved, He then took his leave, and the Prince De Rochesuryon conducted him to the chamber door, and M. De Sevre accompanied him to where he took his horse.
4. That night Marshal Montmorency arrived at the Court from the camp, who was despatched to persuade the Queen to bring the King to the camp at Blois, where his presence was desired to animate the Almaines and Swiss to fight against the Prince of Condé the Almaines having shown themselves not eager to fight in this quarrel. The Cardinals of Lorraine and Ferrara, and most of the Councillors, persuade that the King should go; the Queen Mother, the Prince of Rochesuryon, and M. De Vielleville greatly impugn the matter.
5. On the 26th inst. M. De Vielleville sent two or three gentlemen to inform him that he would dine with him. At his arrival he said that he had been appointed to go into England to the Queen. He also said the especial cause of this errand was to thank her for her last offer to send hither some of the Council to advise with them. Before they came hither it had been thought good to communicate the state of France to the Queen. After declaring his desire to have some good order established in religion, Vielleville concluded that he trusted to find at the Queen's hands the best advice, not only in matters of religion, but also in appeasing their troubles. He said he would go in post, accompanied with fifteen or sixteen horses, and be either at Boulogne or Calais about the 1st of August. Vielleville in his talk gave him cause to think that he was as much affectioned to the Prince of Condé, the House of Châtillon, and the reformation of religion, as any man in France; whether it is a true meaning the writer cannot affirm. He also declared his last journey to the Emperor at Vienna, and gave his opinion of him and his sons, giving the King of Bohemia great commendations, and said it was he (if he came to the Empire) who was most likely to do good in the reformation of the Church and the cause of religion; and that amongst the Electors of Germany the first (for power and riches) was Augustus the Elector of Saxony. For integrity and religious zeal he preferred the Elector Palatine and the Duke of Wurtemberg to the others. Amongst the ecclesiastics he commended most the Bishop of Mayence.
6. Notwithstanding the respect that is to be had to M. De Vielleville, yet the principal cause of this legation is to discover in what forwardness the Queen is to put any attempt into execution upon the coast of Normandy, or Calais; for the French Ambassador has written that the Vidame of Chartres has made an overture for delivering Newhaven into the Queen's hands, and likewise that the chief men of the town of Dieppe have made a similar offer. These men will not be able by themselves, or their friends, to vanquish the Prince of Condé, and to preserve Normandy and the maritime towns from revolt and surprise. They have hitherto been careless of this matter, for the King of Navarre, the Constable, and the Spanish Ambassador here, constantly affirmed that the Queen durst not stir, because the King of Spain, by his Ambassador there, had threatened to her, as it were, war, in case she favoured the Prince of Condé; but now they have espied that the King cannot do any great thing this year, and that she is not so afraid of shadows as they took it. The King being informed that Calais had entered into some practice with the Queen, has sent thither M. De Byron, by which town M. De Vielleville will pass for that purpose. There is a bruit here that M. De Monluc has defeated M. Durazzo, and slain 800 of his men. The Bishop of Rome has sent 2,500 footmen, under the command of Captain Luke Antonio, which, joined with those of M. De Somariva and Fabrizzio, musters 5,000 or 6,000 men, with which they besiege Sisteron, between Dauphiné and Provence. The Baron Des Adrets was constrained to retire towards Sisteron, so the Prince remains beset with his force of 5,000 or 6,000 men. He awaits the coming of 3,000 Almaines, pistoliers, and 6,000 footmen, to be brought hither by Cassamir, the second son of the Conte Palatine, accompanied by M. D'Andelot.
7. The Landgrave begins to stomach the doings of the King of Navarre, the Duke of Guise, and the Constable, so much so, that he will be General of the Protestant army. Whosoever is disposed to "stir coals" in Germany, to be employed there, must provoke the old Landgrave to take the matter in hand.
8. The King of Bohemia would show himself favourable to this cause if there were friendly visitation between the Queen and him by letters. This is worthy of consideration, as he is in great forwardness of being elected King of the Romans, and so Emperor.
9. The Queen should win the amity of the Prince of Orange, being Governor of Holland, and having great credit in Brabant, the Conte of Egmont, being Governor of Flanders and Artois, the Conte of Horne, in respect of his Admiralty, and the Marquis De Berghen, for respect of his town of Barowe. Besides these men's credit in the Low Countries, it imports her to make them hers, because the Duchess of Parma and the Cardinal of Granvelle are so dedicated to the Bishop of Rome.
10. The Conte Ringrave, with his two regiments of Almaines, (6,000 men complete,) is within fifteen English miles of Paris, at a place named Brie-Comte-Robert.
11. Of the 1,200 pistoliers brought by the Conte Roquendolf, 250 have gone to the Prince of Condé to Orleans.
12. The Duke De Montpensier has arrived at Blois, and joined the King's camp.
13. The Conte De Villars, having made great slaughter in Lorraine, has now gone to recover Poitiers, in which the Conte De Roquendolf is for defence of the same.
14. The King of Navarre is expected this night at Bois de Vincennes, to take the King to the camp.
15. The Queen may perceive whether there is any opporunity offered for her profit, and whether it will be expedient to enter into the war, the dangers, charges, and advantages which may happen by the same; or to lose the occasion now offered for the recovery of Calais, by taking the towns upon the coast of Normandy; or whether she shall like to suffer all the Protestants in France to be destroyed, so as the papistical faction will be able to give commands here and elsewhere; or whether she will wait the dealing of these men in the rendition of Calais, according to the treaty. In case she shall choose to take the opportunities offered rather than to abide the courtesy of the Papists, then she should act reso lutely, without delay, and effectually.—Paris, 27 July 1562. Signed.
Orig., portions in cipher. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 13.
July 27. 371. Decipher of the ciphered portions of the above letter. P. 1.
July 27.
Forbes, vol. ii. p. 5
372. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Mewtas arrived at Dieppe on the 22nd inst., and from thence with great difficulty came hither on the 26th inst., not covertly, but notoriously, and he brought no order for his direction. Knows not what to say nor how to advise him to proceed. To go to the Prince of Condé without letters of credence, and his legation being so cold, and bringing no answer on the money matters, is the way to divert the Prince from the Queen's devotion altogether. What his opinion is Cecil shall perceive by Mewtas's letters. Requests Cecil to take order that Vielleville be honourably received and dismissed. These men always send cunning ministers to win time. Cecil's son goes to Flanders to avoid the dangers here, as the plague, and other troubles. If Cecil will do anything he is to do it quietly, so that his friends may fare the better.—Paris, 27 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
July 27. 373. Sir Peter Mewtas to Cecil.
Has arrrived at Dieppe, and as for the state of the town and them at whose hands it was thought he would find good direction for his journey and surety, he found slender advice for the one or the other (they being so amazed), as he wrote in his letters from Dieppe the 23rd inst. He had dangers enough by the way, which were so many that he was obliged to leave the byeways and go into the highway at Pontoise; where being stopped and brought before the Governor, he was obliged to declare that he was sent to the King and Queen Mother, and thereupon to show his passport and packet, when they allowed him to pass to Paris, where he arrived on the 26th inst. at night. He was there examined at entering and leaving, and was then accompanied by divers arquebusiers to the Queen's Ambassador's house, with whom he communicated his negotiation, who for many respects being ignorant before of his commission, thought it not good for him to go to the Court with his letters of credence, because M. De Vielleville is now sent into England. Neither does he think it good that he should go to Orleans, because he has no letters of credence to the Prince or Admiral, and his legation would not be acceptable to the Prince, and might be the means of taking his (the Prince's) devotion from the Queen. Throckmorton thinks he should have letters of credence to the Prince and Admiral, and the Queen's letters to the King of Navarre, the Duke of Guise, and the Constable, desiring them to take some order with the Prince and Admiral, as well for religion as for composition of the quarrels amongst them, and to use the like language to the Duke of Guise on her behalf.—27 July. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
[July 27.] 374. Occurrences to the Advantage of the Prince of Condé.
1. The Lords of Berne in Switzerland have sent fifteen ensigns of Swiss and 300 pistoliers on horseback to aid the Prince. They are ready to enter Lyons, and join the Baron Des Adrets, who has 6,000 footmen, and 400 or 500 horse, and has caused M. De Tavannes to retire into Châlon in Burgundy.
2. The Prince of St. Pourcain and M. De Sterney are assembled about Joinville and St. Dizier.
3. M. De Cardy (brother to Madame la Marshal des Termes) and a brother of M. De Cursolles have assembled a good force, by support of the Condé De Tandes, governor of Provence, who is a Protestant.
4. In Languedoc, at Montpelier and Nismes, are 7,000 or 8,000 men to repress the Papists of Toulouse.
5. MM. Durasse and Darpageon have assembled forces together in Gascony to encounter MM. De Bury and Monluc. They have the countenance of the Queen of Navarre, who is in these parts.
6. Poitiers still holds good for the Prince, although the Conte of Luyde has assembled force to take it, and likewise Caen. The Duke De Bouillon is in the castle there, and none can tell to whose side he belongs.
7. The Duke D'Aumale lost thirty men at the assault of Rouen, and sixty or eighty were wounded, who thereupon retired to Pont De Larche. The Queen is informed of these by Mr. Edward Horsey, who left Rouen for England on 13 July. Havre De Grace and Dieppe still hold good for the Prince. He and the Admiral (whose eldest son lately died of the plague) are at Orleans, which town he has well fortified, and has 1,000 horsemen, and 5,000 men therein to defend it, who are well victualled. Mans and Bourges still hold good for the Prince. The pistoliers brought by the Conte De Roquendolf to aid the Duke of Guise are greatly divided, and are at present beside Chartres. M. D'Andelot has gone into Almaine to solicit the Princes there to aid the Prince of Condé. The Protestant Princes have promised to send 4,000 pistoliers and 10,000 footmen.
Pp. 2.
[July 27.] 375. Occurrences to the Disadvantage of the Prince of Condé.
1. Tours has yielded by composition, and is garrisoned by the Duke of Guise. Chinon and Loudun in Touraine are taken, where 1,000 persons were slain.
2. The Bishop of Mans has assembled 700 or 800 horse.
3. The 1,200 pistoliers under Conte Roquendolf have arrived at the Duke of Guise's camp.
4. Forlyng, the King's pensioner in Switzerland, has brought fifteen ensigns from the Papistical cantons. The Conte Ringrave is in the skirts of Champagne with two regiments of footmen, and 300 pistoliers. The Bishop of Rome contributes 25,000 crowns every month to the Duke, and lends beside 100,000 crowns. M. D'Oyselle, is sent from the King into Almaine to impeach any levy of men to aid the Prince, and M. De Mendoza is in Switzerland for the same purpose.
5. Sardinia shall be given to the King of Navarre in recompence by the King of Spain, but he retains all the forts and holds.
6. The Cardinal of Bourbon shall be sent into Picardy, as Governor, to irritate the Papists, and impeach the doings of M. De Senarpont, who favours the Prince.
7. M. De Carres is to be sent into Spain for perfecting the King of Navarre's recompence.
8. Marshal St. André is to be sent with 2,000 horse to M. De Tavannes, to join with his force to defeat the Baron Des Adrets.
9. The company of M. De Janlys was lately defeated near Châteaudun by the Duke of Guise.
10. The Cardinal of Armignac is to be Governor of Toulouse.
11. The Duke of Savoy, being promised restitution of his towns in Piedmont, is favourable to the Guises.
12. The Duke D'Aumale shall be Governor of Normandy, which is well for the Queen's purpose, if the maritime towns be either wise or happy.
13. The Prince of Condé is in want of money.
14. The plague is so bad in Orleans that eighty die a day.
15. The Prince has not more than ten pieces of artillery, and those are only of a mean size, as field pieces.
16. The Duke of Guise hastens to besiege Orleans.
Pp. 2.
July 27. 376. Sir Thomas Smith to Cecil.
Cecil's letter of the 26th inst. was like an oracle of Apollo, for neither does he understand whether he shall go into France or not. Perceives that the factions in France grow more equal, so if they are but spectators they will be happier than if they were actors. Now that he is roused out of his rest he is indifferent to go, yet would crave to know as soon as Cecil can define.—Monthall, 27 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 27. 377. Gresham to Cecil.
1. Arrived at Antwerp this day at eleven o'clock at noon, and has sent to Cecil the letters received from Dr. Mounte He has not spoken to any of the Queen's creditors. By the practice of M. De Guise, the five forts in Piedmont (which the French King had,) were delivered up to the Duke of Savoy, who has sent the soldiers that were within the same, under the command of the Prince of Mantua, to the assistance of the Duke of Guise. This news came this day from Paris by letters of the 21st inst., and also that the Prince of Mantua has overthrown in two places 1,200 men of the Prince of Condé; which he takes to be the device of some Papist. It is said here that the Queen will have war with M. De Guise, and take part with the Prince of Condé, and that the King has above 20,000 men in readiness. Sends his commendations to Lord Robert Dudley.—Antwerp, 27 July 1562. Signed.
2. News is written from Germany that on the 7th September next the Emperor's son Maximilian will be crowned King of Bohemia at Prague; and on the 27th October the Emperor with all the Princes will meet at Frankfort for electing a new Emperor.
3. Requests Cecil to inform him whether he shall send Dr. Mounte's letters in post, or stop them till the ordinary goes; for the letters come on a Monday and the post leaves on the Sunday after.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 27. 378. Richard Clough to Challoner.
1. Did not write by the last post. Since then he has received from Challoner's servant in London three bills of exchange for the four hundred pounds, which amounts in Flemish to four hundred and forty-eight pounds, fifteen shillings, which he has delivered here to John Fleming.
2. Occurrences here are very uncertain. In France they have murdered many men.—Antwerp, 27 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by the ordinary of Flanders at Madrid, 15 Aug. 1562. Pp. 3.
July 27. 379. John Keyle to Nicolas Guildenstern.
Has delivered his commendations and message to the Queen, which were graciously accepted. Neither she nor the Council take ill his journey into Sweden, especially when they hear that it was not against the Queen's honour, and that that villanous Frenchman has been cast into prison on her account, which pleased her very much. Francis Barti, who was accustomed to tell lies to Guildenstiern, still continues to affirm by writing that the King owes him money. Many in whom Guildenstiern trusted rather hinder than advance the matter. The bearer will tell more.—London, 27 July 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add.: To Nicolas Guildenstiern, the King's Chancellor. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 2.
July 27. 380. John Keyle to Geoffry Preston.
1. Has received his letter of the 9th by Mr. Sanders. At his landing in England he sent his people and horses to his house, feigning (fn. 1) that he was landed in Flanders sick, and that they knew not when he would come home. And this he did until he had dealt with the Princes and by appointment with her Council, some of them divers times, and thus continued close a month, being so commanded, until they had ended with him.
2. In this time they not only sought to sift him, but in the end (fn. 1) communicated with him marvellously friendly of the King, and opened to him many secret matters, and all to the good and prosperous success of the King. Said that he would either venture the Tower or some other prison, or else do the King some good service. The ways and means are so many that they are not to be written, (fn. 1) but he trusts that he has done him as good service as any man. (fn. 1) The King's cause was never so favoured by the Queen and Council, the nobility and commons, as at this time; and if he were here the Queen (fn. 1) would have no power to deny him. If he come but to the coast, most of all the Council and the nobility and gentry will be with him; and as for the commons, they thirst for his coming as for drink when they are dry, for he is their only Messias. Lord Robert at his coming made very great search for him to some of his friends, that he might speak with him ere he dealt with the Queen and Council. But when he saw he might not, he wrought marvellously to have had him in prison; and seeing that would not prevail, he made his old friends Stukely and Allen his means to trouble him, thinking thereby to have had him in prison. But he has troubled himself in vain, wherefore he is very angry, and now his cutters look as though they would do some hurt, and he has been warned to take heed. Trusts they will let him alone; if not, he will deal with them well enough. Marvels that Lord Robert is thus lusty, for he had plain answer from the Queen's mouth in the chamber of presence (all the nobility being there) that she would never marry him, nor none so mean as he, with a great rage, and great cheeks and taunts to such as travailled for him, seeing they went about to dishonour her; whereupon he made means to have leave to go over the seas, which was easily consented unto. But he is not gone, nor means to go, unless he hear of the King's coming. In the meantime his credit and estimation are gone, both in court, city, and country; there is no account made of him, nor in respect of marriage of any but the King.
3. Besides the affection of the Queen there is this occasion to welcome him: the Duke of Guise in France with the Papists are in the field with 20,000 men against the Prince of Condé, who has as many as he, and to whom the English will give aid forthwith; for there is now rigging of the Queen's ships and stay made of all others that are in the Thames, and men pressed in haste; so that the King's ships being ready he has such a trim occasion to be welcome if he come now.
4. The meeting of the two Queens is clearly broken off till next year, which the Scottish Queen takes very heavily, and wept sore, in such sort that the English Ambassador there informed them that if the Queen will give her leave she will presently come to London, and marvellously humbles herself. They know not what answer she shall have, but in the meantime she is marvellously in fear of the Queen, and indeed she has great reason to be.
5. Mr. Bartewe is here in great displeasure with the Queen for words he has spoken, and also with the whole Council; if he be wise he will not come here till his way be made. The French Viscount's imprisonment is well taken here, and thinks that thanks will be given for it. Desires him to let the King understand all that he has written, as it is most true. (fn. 2) As he has begun a plot to serve the King, so will he follow it with all his power. Trusts soon to send to meet the King on his way, for so it is looked for here. Guildenstiern is looked for again, as the meetest ambassador, for the Queen has conceived very well of him and his doings. Has delivered all the letters which he [Preston] gave him at Stockholm; understands by Jehan (fn. 2) that his things are safe, but not in his hands, as he has been a little molested by knaves. Preston's father and mother are in health, and his kinsmen, the writer's brethren. Thomas and Leonard Stourton and his [the writer's] wife send their hearty commendations.— London, 27 July 1562.
6. P. S.—Sends his humble commendations to the Lady Cecily. He has done all her commendations thoroughly.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Master Geofre Preston, gentleman of the King's privy chamber at the Court of Sweden, or in his absence to Mr. Harvy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
July 27. 381. John Keyle to [Harvey].
Directs him to open his letter to Geoffrey Preston if he has gone towards England; but if not to send it to him. The meeting of the two Queens is clean broken off until next May, upon the great and long persuasions of all the Council, which the Queen of Scots takes marvellously hardly; and the Queen is much offended that she may not meet her, for she has been marvellously practised with by the Guises. The Queen of Scots is so desirous to come that it is thought she will come to London if the Queen will suffer her. The Duke of Guise and his brethren are in the field against the Prince of Condé, and have done many execrable murders of men, women, and children. They have had a great repulse at Rouen; and all the chief cities save Paris are with the Prince, as is the most part of the nobility and gentlemen. There are here divers noblemen of France and captains of cities and towns to seek aid. The English are arming with ships in haste and pressing soldiers and mariners to aid the Prince of Condé and his sect. Spain is almost in state of tumult for religion, as is also Flanders. There is marvellous matter fallen out by the Ambassador of Spain's secretary, who has accused his master and the King of Spain of a conspiracy within this realm, and divers Papists therein; but it is very secretly kept, for many judge that the "chained Bear" is in the same. His letters were delivered by Leonard. Thanks him for his Swedish purses and girdle. Mr. Allen and Mr. Stukley "confederates of the Bear" have used such a piece of villany against him under colour of friendship that it caused him to remember the quarrel Harvey told him of. Sends commendations to the Lord Ambassador.—London, 27 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
July 28. 382. The Queen to Throckmorton.
She perceives by his letters the peril he is in from the fury of the people, especially those of Paris, and therefore has determined to revoke him from thence, and therein has spoken to the French Ambassador here. She has also written to the King and Queen Mother, copies of which letters are sent to him. Therefore he is to proceed in as good sort as he can for his return; and if any objection is made, he is to answer that his departure is caused by the Parisian people. If they think that their Ambassador should be revoked he is to say that she will be content to follow that which to them shall be thought meet, and as soon as Paris is reduced to such order that her Ambassador may reside there in safety, she will send some other person thither; and he shall seek the best means he can to have licence to depart, and yet so to use it that no jealousy be conceived of her amity.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 28 July 1562. Pp. 3.
July 28. 383. Throckmorton to Lord Robert Dudley.
The going of M. De Vielleville shows that the folks here are either in great trouble or fear, and wish to discover what they can. Here are strange bruits that the Queen might recover again what her predecessors lost. The Prince of Condé's party amends by reason of the Almaines. M. D'Andelot will shortly bring 6,000 footmen and 3,000 pistoliers. 250 of the pistoliers brought by the Conte of Roquendolf have left the Duke of Guise's camp, and gone to Orleans to aid the Prince, perceiving the quarrel is for religion. There is some hope that all the Protestants of Germany will stir. The adversary fears the Queen's force and her doing most. The Bishop of Rome has sent hither under the command of Luke Antonio 2,500 footmen to join Fabricio, who is at Avignon with 1,500 men. all of which will join the force of M. De Somariva to besiege Sisteron but the Barons Des Addresses will shortly give them "the looking on." Sir Peter Mewtas is here, much perplexed. —Paris, 28 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 28. 384. Maurice Rantzow and Paulus Brocktorp to the Queen.
1. Beg that payment be made of certain sums of money borrowed for her by Gresham at Antwerp, due on the 15th of next August.
2. P. S.—They ask for an answer. Hanover [?], 28 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
July 28. 385. Bond of the Prince of Condé.
Philip Palme, of Cologne, having engaged on the 25th inst. to deliver at Dieppe 1,000 corslets, with their appurtenances, at six and a half crowns apiece, 3,000 arquebusses at three and a half, the barrels at two and a half, and 1,000 pistols, with their fittings, at three and a half crowns apiece, the Prince engages to pay the said Palme 17,500 crowns within six months of the delivery of the said arms at Dieppe.— Orleans, 28 July 1562.
Copy. Fr. P. 1.
July 28. 386. Another copy of the above.
Fr. P. 1.
July 29. 387. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Since his last of the 27th inst. is informed that the Pope and his favourers in France travail to have the French King, the Queen Mother, and the King of Navarre so to work as all who are not Papists may be either banished or slain; and further, that they should enter into a league with the Pope against all the Protestants, into which league the Pope states that the King of Spain, the Emperor, the papistical Princes of Almain and Italy, the King of Portugal, and the Venetians will enter. The Cardinal of Lorraine sends to the Queen of Scots to enter the same (which is called the Catholic league), but not to make any appearance thereof. This matter is intended so that the Protestant Princes may be unprepared when they are ready to attempt anything against them. The King of Spain sends hither shortly the Duke of Alva's son in legation, and also they intend to practise the subjects of all Protestant Princes who are Papists to sign this league. If they bring their matters well to pass, they will use others as rebels who are not this King's subjects. The Cardinal of Lorraine sends the Abbot of Manda to Rome about this matter.
2. On the 28th inst. the two regiments of Almains brought by the Conte Ringrave came to Pont Chalanton, where the King feasted the captains, to make them to serve against the Prince of Condé. The King of Navarre and the Cardinal of Lorraine say that the Queen dare not meddle in this matter for fear of the King of Spain.
3. The Duke D'Aumale, having taken Honfleur, has returned to besiege Rouen.
4. On the 28th inst. M. De Vielleville departed for England. The Prince is in good courage by expectation of the Queen's doings.
5. Mondidier, (which had been kept to the Prince's devotion,) was lately entered, by a stratagem, (by the advice of the Cardinals of Lorraine and Ferrara,) upon assurance that all the Protestants therein should live safely. The ordinary Governor was sent for to the Court, who no sooner left the place but M. De Rouquerolle (alias M. De Humier) entered with force; and, notwithstanding the promises, all the Protestants were cut to pieces, robbed, and chased away. Numbers of men, women, and children are drowned in the night with stones about their necks at Blois, Tours, Amboise, and those towns which have surrendered to the King of Navarre. If the Queen saw the Prince's case, and what treason is meant against those of his religion, she would rather aid than condemn him.—Paris, 29 July 1562. Signed.
Large portions in cipher. Add. Endd.: By Tirrele. Pp. 4.
July 29. 388. Decipher of the ciphered portions of the above letter.
Pp. 2.
July 29. 389. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Sent his servant Stephen Davis with his letters of the 23rd inst., and those of the 27th inst. by John Rogers. Since then a courier has come from M. De Foix, who has caused alarm here, saying that Cecil is mustering the realm, that he has stopped all ships of burden and service, and that he will put to sea 100 sail. Hopes it is true. The first thing he should do, and without delay, if Newhaven is offered, is to put men into it, and also in Dieppe. If this be done he will have Calais again, or will make such an end to these troubles in France that in the cause of religion there will be no need to fear the Spaniards nor the Papists. If he means these matters, he must sequester his mind from all delicateness, huntings, pleasures, and such unnecessary affections, for great things were never brought to pass where such things bear the sway. The sooner he brings him [the writer] from hence the better. Asks him to make much of M. De Vielleville. Sends the bearer by Dieppe, because he suspects the free passages of Picardy at present, in consequence of the Duke D'Aumale approaching Rouen again to besiege it, after committing great cruelties and slaughter at Pont Audemar, Honfleur, and those parts. All things being considered, they think it best that Mewtas should desire to have an audience, and make as good shift as he can with his letters and commission. Fears lest Newhaven be betrayed or besieged in the Vidame's absence. When Cecil has that place in his hands he can make what peace he likes. Cecil's son departs to-morrow for Flanders, and he has advised Mr. Windebank to give attention to some material points, and from thence to advertise Cecil.—Paris, 29 July 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—He has given the bearer twelve crowns for going to and fro. Desires he may be considered for his danger.
Orig., partly in cipher, partly in Throckmorton's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
July 29. 390. Draft of the above, partly in Throckmorton's hand.
Portions marked to be expressed in cipher. Injured in the margin. Endd.: By John Tirrell. Pp. 2.
July 29. 391. Lethington to Cecil.
1. Understands by his letter of July 10 and by Sidney's report the stay of the interview, for which he is most sorry, as well for the matter itself as for the impediments growing on the Protestants' state in France. Sidney can report in what terms matters of religion are here, in which there shall be no alteration, whatsoever be thought or written in other places, "at least so far as shall be in us or anything we may do, either by will, force, or credit." It was easy to judge by reading Cecil's letter that his choler was stirred, yet he prays him not to let it be extended beyond reason, and not to let his goodwill toward the Queen be diminished by anything he thinks amiss in her uncles.
2. The Queen would have out of hand delivered to Sidney her confirmation of the accord, with appointment of the time and place for the next year's interview, but that there were none of her council with her. This is pro formâ tantum; for she being so well minded towards it, it will behove every one of them to yield to her affections. Nor yet shall any long time be driven before they come to a conclusion, for full resolution will be sent within this month, for she has already sent for the principal of the nobility who were all retired to their own houses to make preparation for this journey.—Edinburgh, 29 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
July 29. 392. Challoner to Cuerton.
Received his letters of the 21st inst., by a man of Bilboa. Is glad he has received the 300 ducats. Meliadus Spinola told him eight days since that the money was paid to Cuerton. In Cuerton's packet he received a letter from his brother, John Challoner, in Ireland, whom he has not heard from for more than a twelvemonth. Desires him by the next trusty messenger that departs from Bilboa to Dublin to see his letter sent herewith, and that it be not opened by the way, wherein most part of the messengers of Ireland have a foul fault. Does not think the King will be in his parts for some time. The troubles in France keep him from receiving letters from home, because the passages are stopped. He is to send no butter until the weather is colder. Commendations to Mrs. Cuerton, and Mr. Jeffardson.—Madrid, 29 July 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
July 30. 393. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Asks for a safe conduct for the bearer, James Lithcotte, a gentleman of Scotland, and an archer in the King's guard, to pass into Scotland through England. His going thither tended only to good purposes, but the person whom he accompanies is despatched from the Cardinal of Lorraine to the Queen of Scots, with such matter as he wrote of on the 27th and 29th inst. This day 4,000 Almains pass through Paris for Blois. The Bishop of Auxerre goes to Rome upon this errand, and not the Abbot De Manne. The King shall go from Bois de Vincennes to the camp on the 3rd of August. —Paris, 30 July 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Yesterday Sir Peter Mewtas had an audience; desires Cecil to do what is meet to be done without delay. It will be three weeks before the Prince can have any succours from Almain. Sent his despatch of the 29th inst. by Dieppe.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Injured by damp. Pp. 2.
July 30. 394. Cuerton to Challoner.
1. Has answered all Challoner's letters, as provision is given out that no strange ships shall lade here from henceforth. The copy is sent into all parts of Spain.
2. Yesterday received a letter from France written nine days since, in which it is written that the Queen of England offered to the Prince of Condé what aid be required, and he asked for ten thousand men. They expected daily the Conte Palatine and another Lord with twenty-five thousand men to aid the Prince, who has already more than fifty thousand Frenchmen. They expect here daily ships from England. Would be glad if he would send the King's schedule for sending away Chamberlain's stuff. His wife sends commendations to him and Mr. Cobham.—Bilboa, 30 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 18 August. Pp. 3.
July 31. 395. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. This morning M. De Crocque was with him and declared that he had despatched the bearer, — Bogge, about the affairs of the Queen (of Scots) from hence in post through England into Scotland, for whom he desired a passport.— Paris, 31 July 1562.
2. P. S.— News is come here that Newhaven is taken by the English, yet M. De Pienne is gone to take the same in the name of the Prince of Condé and the Admiral. When that place is once out of danger of the English, these men will not set a rush by what preparation is made. Signed. (fn. 3)
Orig., the P. S. in cipher, partly deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[July 31.] 396. The illusage of Henry Tyrrel.
On Thursday last, 31st of July, Henry Tyrrel (Throckmorton's servant), passing between Rouen and Dieppe, was taken by the men of the Baron De Cleres at Tôtes, and carried to the town of Cleres, where he was brought before the Baron's Lieutenant, named M. De Gramond, who took from him the Queen's packet, and commanded him to be searched. All his money was taken from him and he was kept in prison until the afternoon next day, when the soldiers brought him again his letters with the seals broken open and closed again, but not his money or weapons. They said he might now pass where he liked, and left him eight crowns out of twenty-five. Being about a league from Tôtes he espied a number of men coming after him again, who fired three or four courier shots, which he escaped.
Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 31. 397. Draft of the above, in English, corrected by Cecil.
Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. These passages are marked by Cecil in the margin.
  • 2. These passages are marked by Cecil in the margin.
  • 3. A few words are added at the bottom of this page by Cecil, repeating the import of the P. S.