Elizabeth: July 1562, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: July 1562, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp170-182 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1562, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp170-182.

"Elizabeth: July 1562, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp170-182.

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July 1562, 21-25

July 21. 339. The Duchess of Parma to the Queen.
Has charged the Bishop De la Quadra, the Spanish Ambassador, to declare to her [Elizabeth] certain matters, to whom she desires that credence may be given.—Brussels, 21 July 1562. Signed: Margareta.
Orig., with seal. Broadside. Add. Endd. Fr.
July 21. 340. John Clarke to Killigrew.
1. The Prince of Condé is in Orleans with 10,000 footmen and 2,000 horsemen. M. D'Andelot has gone to Almaine to bring in the "Restres and Lasquetts," which should arrive at Orleans the 4th of August, they numbering 14,000 footmen and 6,000 horsemen; 6,000 Swiss have come to Lyons to aid the Prince, who are sent by those of Berne and Lucerne. M. De Mombron and the Baron des Adrets have taken Châlon in Burgundy these ten days. He has 8,000 footmen and 1,500 horsemen, and has proclaimed all Papists in Lyonnois, Languedoc, Dauphiny and Limousin, rebels to the King. M. De Guise is still at Blois. M. D'Aumale gave an assault to Mount St. Katherine, and lost 300 men, and has since retired to the low parts of Normandy, where he does great harm. He was sent from Orleans to this town by the Prince the [10] day of July. Desires Killigrew to send him some news; gives his commendations to Mr. Cecil. He is com manded to remain in Dieppe, and if there is anything he can do in these parts, he asks him to inform him.—Dieppe, 21 July. Signed (fn. 1) Joanne Clarke, guard of the King's corps.:
2. P. S. He has written this at the request of William Helyous, Killigrew's servant. If Killigrew will send his writings, he is to direct them to Robert Aykmann's house at Dieppe.
3. Captain Jehan Rybaute [?] is coming to Dieppe from his voyage, who has found a new land called anciently La Floryda, which he says was never mentioned before. The inhabitants thereof worship the sun and moon. There are lemon woods, cedar trees, &c., with plenty of fowls, and a great abundance of vines, that compared to it France is a barren country. They have a King of their own, and the people are very obedient, who were glad of his coming. The Captain left thirty Frenchmen there in a fort that he made, and he received money and rich presents.
4. This day word came to Dieppe that M. D'Aumale has taken Honfleur.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
July 21. 341. Mundt to Cecil.
Wrote on the last of June by Gresham. On the 17th of July D'Andelot passed on his way to the Protestant Princes, whom Mundt saluted. D'Andelot gave him a letter and two copies, which he desired him to send to the Queen. Wishes that the Protestant powers, (moved not only by the justice of the cause, but also by the thought of their own danger,) would assist their allies, for from several intercepted Papist letters it is most evident that this flame has been kindled not only against France, but against the reformed religion everywhere. That "holy spirit," who is the author of the Council at Trent, delays doing anything until he may see which way the fortune of war will incline; and if it turns out according to the opinion of the adversaries, he will launch his thunder against the Protestants, the executioners of whom the Pope has already in his own mind appointed. Five thousand volunteers have gone from Berne to protect Lyons, which is threatened from Italy. The Elector Palatine, the Duke of Wurtemberg, Wolfgang Duke of Neuburg, the Landgrave, and Charles Marquis of Baden have become sureties for 100,000 gold crowns for the Prince of Condé. This has, however, been delayed too long. The Rhinegrave has enlisted twenty ensigns of foot, and more than double that number have been left behind not engaged. The convention at Fulda, which was to have been on the 19th inst., has been put off till the 12th September. The Palatine's Chancellor has written to him that in October there will be a meeting at Frankford of all the secular Electors and many other Princes for religion. It will be very advantageous if the Queen sends some person of reputation to attend it. Has been lately asked by the Chancellors of two of the Princes to send them a little book published in England, called "Apologia ecclesiæ Anglicanæ." Asks Cecil to give some copies of the said work to Richard Hill, a London merchant, that he may forward them.—Strasburg, 21 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 3.
July 21. 342. John Cuerton to Challoner.
1. Five days since he received Challoner's last. The 300 ducats that a bill was given for to Sancho de Gorto is received, but he would not pay it, and one of Diego De Barnar's factors paid it to his servant Petro, who was there, else nothing would have been done.
2. Letters have come from Mr. Swetyng, who is still in new inventions. God send him good speed.
3. In France there is still one against another.
4. The first good butter that arrives Challoner shall have it. It is still said here the King will shortly visit these parts. At. St. Sebastian they daily make provision for his coming.—Bilboa, 21 July 1562. Signed.
5. P. S.—His wife and children send their commendations to him and Mr. Cobham. By the first he shall have his three glasses in one. He refers himself to his former letters concerning Martin De Borgea.
Orig., with seal. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 29 July. Pp. 2.
[July 22.] 343. Margaret, Countess of Lennox, to Cecil.
It is great grief to her to have always such deferring answers, as that her husband shall know his offence and have no more liberty as yet. Neither she nor her husband have willingly offended the Queen. Asks the Queen to have some consideration for her poor kinswoman being in prison, and (as she knows) not very healthful, having a disease which solitariness is most against. She beseeches Her Highness in the honour of God and for nature's sake to mollify and appease her indignation against them.—Shene, Wednesday. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 22. 344. F. Goldborne to Mr. Harvey.
1. Supposes he is so busy in beholding the fair ladies of "Swethland" that he has forgotten his friends in England. The King's coming is on the one side so looked for, and on the other so feared, that the matter is thought wholly his if he come. The affairs of France are miserable. "But for to show you what envy happeneth here among these Swethians, I mean such as outwardly so confess themselves, although privily they are known to practise with my Lord Robert; as, for example, good Mr. Aleyne, who because he could not be made privy [to] what passed between Mr. Keale and those with whom he had to do touching the service of the King, procured him to be arrested of a debt which he had never entered in but for his journey to Swethland." (fn. 2) Signed.
2. P. S.—Asks him to inform Mr. Secretary that Mrs. Smith has tarried widow for him as long as she could. He also sends his commendations to Mr. Geoffres. Harvey's brother and sister are now at the Court. They know nothing of the present letter.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
July 22. 345. Katherine Ashley and Dorothy Broadbelt to Guilderstiern.
Think the time very long till they see the King his master, for they supposed at Guilderstein's departure that his coming would have been ere this. Wish that the King knew part of their minds, whereby they doubt not but that he would shorten the time of his coming, for they understand somewhat more than the common report is, "and do also know His Highness's nature by continuance of time." Therefore they doubt not but that he shall be welcome if it would please him to see England. Would have written ere this if they had sooner known that he had left any of his servitors behind, "for we understand somewhat more since your departure than we did before, and therefore we desire you to use this letter as you shall be advertised by the bringer hereof, for we hope in God that all things will turn to the best."—The Court at Greenwich, 22 July 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
July 22. 346. The King of Navarre to M. De Martignon.
Has entrusted the Duke De Bouillon with the command of two companies of arquebusiers à cheval, the charge of which he has given to Bertheville to take them to him, together with other forces, amounting to three companies of horse and four of foot soldiers.—Blois, 22 July 1562. Signed.
Copy. Fr. P. 1.
July 22. 347. The Duke of Montpensier to the Duke of Bouillon.
Has been so pressing since his arrival at Blois that this bearer will bring him replies to all his articles. Through his representations the opinion that they had of Bouillon touching religion is much changed. Hopes that he will not cause him to seem to have spoken falsely.—Blois, 22 July. Signed: Loys De Bouillon [?].
Copy. Add. Fr. P. 1.
July 22. 348. A. De Chivet [?] to the Duke De Bouillon.
Is happy for the news received. Hopes that he will long continue to content his friends, amongst whom he is not the least.—Blois, 22 July 1562. Signed.
Copy. Add. Fr. P. 1.
July 23. 349. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Received her letters of the 16th inst. on the 19th inst., and immediately sent to the Court to have an audience, which was granted for the next day. Thereupon he went to Bois de Vincennes in the afternoon of the 20th inst. Found the King accompanied by the Queen Mother, the Duke of Orleans, Madame Marguerite, his sister, the Cardinals of Lorraine, Ferrara, Bourbon, Guise, and Armignae, the Prince of Rochesuryon, the Duke De Nemours, and Marshal Brisac.
2. Declared how unpleasant it was to her [Elizabeth] that the Queen Mother had not succeeded in quieting the troubles. She thanked the Queen for her amity since the commencement of the troubles, and further declared that it was not her desire that the Prince and the house of Châtillon should leave France, but that they and those who professed their religion should retire to their houses, and avoid all public assemblies and preachings until she could take some order for the quieting of France and their sureties, which conditions they would not accept. Since then she had been advised by the King's Council to bring them to reason by force.
3. He answered that the last time he spoke with her in going to the camp, she was content that the edict of January should take place throughout France except Paris. She answered that she made offer according to the same, which the Prince would not accept. She informed him that there were gentlemen who would be content to live according to their consciences in their own houses, amongst whom are MM. De Pienne, Knight of the Order, De Santefoy (brother to M. De Jarnac), De Vigean, and divers others, who have retired from the Prince. She said she had sent to the Prince M. De Santefoy to desire him to conform to reason, where upon the Prince desires a passport for some one to come to her, which is granted. That was all she knew of any new conference.
4. He repeated to the Queen Mother that she [Elizabeth] would send some persons of authority hither; whereupon she said that the Queen [Elizabeth] had showed herself a good friend to them since these troubles began.
5. He said before departing that it would seem very hard that the Prince and so many thousands in France who profess his religion should live privately in their houses without exercising divine service, and be deprived of teaching, preaching, the administration of sacraments and baptism, and of Christ's Body; for how could they be married or buried if they have no ministers appointed them for this matter? To this she made no answer, but said the King's Council thus advised her. He then took his leave.
6. After taking his leave of the King and Queen Mother he went to the Secretary Laubespine's chamber, and there desired him to remind the Queen Mother that he might have, according to her promise, a resolute answer to such matter as he had proposed with expedition. Laubespine said he would remind her when she was at the Council.
7. On the 21st inst. Marshal Brisac sent a gentleman to him about 8 o'clock at night to declare to him that the Queen Mother as yet could not resolve in the matter, but within two days he should hear from her. As in her last letters she [Elizabeth] commanded him to send answer without delay, he sent again on the 22nd inst., whereupon the Queen Mother said that she had so much to do that she could not give a direct answer.
8. That same night M. De Bouchevanes, lieutenant to the Prince of Condé, arrived at Bois de Vincennes to treat for a composition, who was the person the safe conduct was requested for.
9. Having waited until this day until 6 o'clock for the Queen Mother's answer, and not hearing from her he sent away the courier with this despatch, because he understands it is meant that the Queen should be entertained with good words until they may convey the greatest part of their new forces, namely, the Swiss and Almaines, to conjoin with the Duke D'Aumale, and thereby environ Newhaven, Dieppe, and Rouen, so that the Queen can neither aid them by those parts, nor the Prince of Condé, nor take those places to her own use. When they have brought Normandy into this perplexity, especially the places aforesaid, then the Queen's offer of sending Ambassadors to compound these differences will be accepted. If the Queen will aid the Prince's party, or defend the said towns, or take them to her use, then it is time that those matters be intended without delay, for the case will admit of none. A despatch will be sent to fashion the Queen of Scots and the country there in such manner that if the Queen should trouble these people here, England may be troubled towards the frontiers of Scotland. The French Ambassador is likely to be revoked shortly from his charge, and a worse minister for the Queen's purpose will be sent. The Prince lately sent to renew his suit to her for money, and now the messenger desires to have 50,000 crowns if she could not conveniently let him have 100,000 crowns.— Paris, 23 July, at 8 o'clock at night. Signed.
Orig., passages in cipher. Add. Endd. Pp. 7.
July 23. 350. Decipher of the ciphered passages of the above.
P. 1.
July 23. 351. Throckmorton to the Queen.
Is content to expose himself to hazard in France as he has before done, but the people of Paris assure him of his destruction, which he fears all the more because the authority of the King (nor of any other person) can be no sanctuary either for him or his. He cannot blame them for being careless of his safety, having seen express commandments given to Marshal Brisac for his surety, and also to others of authority in Paris, but all to no purpose. The Prince's commands are daily broken and they kill almost hourly men, women, and children, notwithstanding any edict to the contrary under pain of death. The King and Queen Mother are glad to be guarded at Bois de Vincennes, and out of the danger of these Parisians. The Chancellor of France is in as great danger as the writer is, although he lodges in a village close to the Court, where he is obliged to have the King's guard of Swiss to guard him. Arms are in the peoples' hands, not only in Paris but in the villages. Neither the King nor the Queen Mother have the means to rule them. The soldiers and others are at the devotion of the King of Navarre and the Duke of Guise, who are now at Blois. Asks her not to think he makes these reports to be rid of her service, but he is sure any other person could do her better service here than he. Some may say that to avoid these perils he had better retire from hence to another place; which if he did he would be from the place where things are best known for her service, and he would also further from the Court, and thereby ignorant of the occurrences thereof; besides, danger exists in all parts of France. As he dissents from the people in religion he is greatly noted.—Paris, 23 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
July 23.
Forbes, vol. ii. p. 8.
352. Throckmorton to the Lords of the Council.
1. Received their letter of the 16th inst. on the 19th inst., and refers them to his letters now sent to the Queen.
2. By his letters of the 12th he mentioned that the King of Navarre's camp was at Blois, where their greater force being assembled they minded to recover Touraine, Anjou, and Maine, and all the towns upon the Loire, and so go into Normandy to recover Havre de Grace, Dieppe, and Rouen, which they feared might be at the Queen's devotion.
3. Since then the Duke of Guise with part of his camp (assisted by the Duke of Montpensier and his force) has in Touraine taken Loudun and Chinon (those places being kept for the Prince) and has slain 1,000 persons guarding the same.
4. Roquendolf has brought to the King of Navarre 1,200 pistoliers, well armed and mounted. Forlyng has brought fifteen ensigns of Swiss. The Rhinegrave has ready in the confines of Champagne two regiments of footmen and 300 pistoliers. The Prince of Condé and the Admiral are in Orleans with 5,000 footmen and 1,000 horse. The remainder of his force is either retired or dispersed into sundry towns. Upon these respects the King of Navarre intends to besiege the Prince in Orleans. The Prince has no great number to defend so large a place, and is destitute of artillery (except field pieces), and the town is not the strongest fortified. Although these men have 16,000 footmen and 6,000 or 7,000 horse, yet he cannot believe they will besiege Orleans. Since his last despatch understands the Baron Des Adrets has very near 10,000 footmen and 700 or 800 horse. The doings of the said Baron has caused M. De Tavannes to leave the field and retire to Chalon-sur-Saône. The Prince of Pourcain accompanied by M. De Sterne is sent by the Prince of Condé into Champagne, where he keeps the Papists occupied. MM. Durazze and D'Arpajon "be doing" in Gascony. M. De Cardy, with the aid of the Conte De Tende and M. De Cursolle's brother, occupy M. De Somariva (son to the Conte De Tende) in Provence. The Papist religion gains no credit, because De Somariva wars against his father and burns his houses, being a Protestant. There is another company stirring about Montpelier and Nismes to make head to those of Toulouse. M. De Rochefoucault has gone into Poitou to succour Poictiers and that country against the Conte De Luyde.
5. M. De Senarpont begins to awake in Picardy, where the Cardinal of Bourbon will be sent as governor to impeach Senarpont's purposes. The Cardinal of Armignac will be sent as Governor to Toulouse. Marshal St. André with 2,000 horse will be sent to succour M. De Tavannes against the Baron Des Adrets. M. D'Andelot has gone into Almaine, to awaken the Protestant Princes, and to warn them to avoid the Sicilian banquet which the Papists have prepared for them. M. D'Ozell is sent after him in post to impeach his doings. M. De Mendoza is sent into Switzerland to disappoint Beza's doings, who went hither from the Prince of Condé. The King of Spain will give Sardinia in recompence to the King of Navarre, but will retain the forts, for the expedition whereof De Carres is sent into Spain.
6. Of the Duke D'Aumale assaults at Rouen, their Lordships are informed by Mr. Edward Horsey, who went from Rouen hither immediately after the Duke retired. Since then the Duke has taken Pont Audemer and Honfleur.
7. The Bishop of Rome has lent his friends here 100,000 crowns and pays monthly 6,000 soldiers.
8. Is a person named David in Ireland, sent from the Bishop of Rome.
9. The Duke of Savoy is promised the restitution of his towns in Piedmont if he be favourable to the Guisians.— Paris, 23 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
July 23. 353. Throckmorton to Cecil.
By his letters to the Queen and the Lords of the Council Cecil may perceive the state of things in France. Desires him to inform the Queen and Council that the King, the Queen Mother, and Council are sometimes eighty miles distant from the King of Navarre, the Duke of Guise, and Constable, and sometimes the Queen Mother is a great distance from the other estates, so that resolutions and occurrences are not soon understood. By the taking of his servants when he sends them to any place covertly, by the detaining of them and the killing in manner of all his well wishers, he remains guarded, and all post horses stopped without Marshal Brisac's warrant. No man is so watched or in such danger as he is. There is none but might do better service here than he can do. He fears Cecil will not hear from him for some time.—Paris, 23 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
July 23. 354. Sir Peter Mewtas to Cecil.
1. Last Thursday arrived at Dieppe, and spake with M. De Force, the captain here, concerning his coming and his going to the Prince, who doubted the same, considering the dangers abroad from men of war, and the peasants, whose disorders are increased. This proceeds from the Duke D'Aumale, who has promised them not only the sack of their Lords, but also to enfranchise them from all tasks and taillages for ever. There is no trade here, for he that goes a mile from the town is robbed, for about one league hence is a castle called Arques, where 300 men are garrisoned, as also the Baron De Clere's band, who overruns the country; so that without sixty or eighty in a company, and well appointed, they do not issue a mile out of this town.
2. The gentlemen with a number of ladies have retired hither, abandoning their houses, for the tyranny of the Guisians extends to infants, as lately appeared at Pont Audemer, where D'Aumale executed the like "Notwithstanding, the people standeth fast unto the Lord their God. I suppose since Nero's time there never was the like cruelty used."
3. 1,200 Almaine pistoliers that came to serve the French King (as they thought against rebels), perceiving it was for religion, have refused to serve, and at least 800 of them have gone to the Prince.
4. M. D'Andelot has gone for a great band of Almaines and M. De Soubise for a band of Swiss.
5. M. De Force sends a man of this town to the Queen, for what purpose he knows not; he [Force] said to the writer that rather than he under the tyranny of the Guisians he would serve the Turk if there was no other godly Prince to go to; he is not the only one of that opinion.—23 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
[July 23.] 355. Intelligence from France.
Six captains of the band of the Duke D'Aumale and 300 soldiers have been slain at Rouen. At Pont Audemer the Duke caused the preacher to be hanged, and afterwards divers of the best burgesses, and even boys. They have no certain news as yet of Honfleur, only that the Duke is there. The Queen Mother met with the Palatine's packet, sent by a gentleman to the Prince of Condé, and has caused the gentleman to be murdered. She afterwards sent the packet to the Duke of Guise.
In the hol. of Sir P. Mewtas. Pp. 2.
July 23. 356. The King of Navarre to M. De Martigny.
Understands the great pains that he has taken in his charge. Has also received the Duke De Bouillon's message by Bertheville, and has sent him four companies of foot, three of cavalry, and two of arquebusiers à cheval. He has placed them under Bertheville, with whom he desires Martigny to maintain a good understanding.—Blois, 23 July 1562. Signed.
Copy. Add. Fr. P. 1.
July 23. 357. The King of Navarre to the Sieur De Berteville.
Commission to appoint officers over fifty cavalry and fifty arquebusiers à cheval, with whom he is to serve under the command of the Duke De Bouillon, Lieutenant-general of Normandy, for the purpose of suppressing the disorders in that province.—Blois, 23 July 1562. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 23. 358. The King of Navarre to [M. De Berteville ?].
M. De Berteville having informed the writer of the Duke of Bouillon's desire for aid in order to reduce Lower Normandy to obedience, has granted him three companies of foot soldiers, over whom he is to appoint good Catholics. Besides the 100 arquebusiers à cheval which M. De Martigny has, Berteville shall have fifty light horse and fifty mounted arquebusiers, who are to be paid by the clergy. Berteville is not to forget what has been told him touching those who have returned to Orleans. He is to assure the Duke of Bouillon of the satisfaction that the King of Navarre and the rest have of his proceedings, and also that he may make use of 4,000 livres that are in the hands of the treasurer at Caen. With respect to Alençon, the King directs that M. De Rabaudiere shall levy 200 infantry and some cavalry.—Blois, 23 July 1562. Signed.
Apparently an abstract in a narrative form. Copy. Fr. Pp. 2.
July [23]. 359. The Duke of Guise to the Duke D'Aumale.
M. De Berteville arrived here two days ago with a despatch from the Duke De Bouillon, containing what he thinks necessary to be done for Lower Normandy. D'Aumale may understand more fully of his devotion to the cause from Berteville.—Blois, July 1562. Signed.
Add. Endd. Copy. Fr. P. 1.
July 23. 360. The Constable Montmorency to the Duke D'Aumale.
Knowing his zeal for the King's service advises him to join with the Duke of Bouillon in retaking the places in Normandy which are held by the Huguenots. Thinks that they might do as he has done in Touraine and Anjou, and as he hopes to do in Poitou, where M. De Sansac is with some infantry, and also the Count De Villars. Begs him to send some news.— Blois, 23 July 1562. Signed.
Copy. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
July [23]. 361. Cruelties done to the Protestants in France.
1. The 10th April.—The Constable pulled down the house where preachings were held in Paris, burnt the forms and pulpit, and committed to prison two advocates named Rusey and Du Pré.
2. April 7th.—At Sens the Papists killed and wounded 200 persons.
3. May 8th.—The Papists of Paris assailed the Protestants, spoiled their goods, and caused two of them to be publicly hanged. M. De La Motte Gondrin, hearing forty persons singing psalms without the town of Valence, slew them all.
4. May 28th, June 9th.—All who profess the Protestant religion within Paris were put out without any weapon for defence, and their goods were left at the mercy of the Papists.
5. June 24th.—The Duke D'Aumale suffered his soldiers to spoil the camp.
6. June 29th.—M. De Somariva committed great cruelties in Orange, killing men, women and children wherever they went.
7. July 12th.—The Duke of Guise, the Constable, and Marshal St. André marching towards Blois, refused to accept the keys, and so by battery entered the town. The Papists of Paris committed the most atrocious cruelties, which Marshal Brisac (Governor of Paris) could not prevent. The Captain of Abbeville, M. De Haulcort, and his son, were murdered in that town by the inhabitants.
8. July 23rd.—At Pont Audemer the inhabitants brought their keys to the Duke D'Aumale, but he caused the Minister and divers others of the best burgesses there to be hanged. The Queen Mother met the Count Palatine's messenger sent to the Prince of Condé, and caused him to be murdered, and afterwards sent the packet to the Duke of Guise. The Conte De Villars has taken Chinon and Loudon, in Touraine, by force, and has slain 1,000 persons. The Duke of Guise has procured 1,200 "swart reiters," fifteen ensigns of Swiss, and twenty ensigns of "lantzkneights," with 300 reiters. He also solicits the Pope, the King of Spain, the Dukes of Piedmont and Ferrara, some of the Swiss cantons, and divers German Princes, for more forces. Thomas Lower, an English merchant, and seven others, being at Conquet, were beaten and robbed of their money, and other English merchants have been like handled.
9. On the 31st of July Throckmorton's servant, taking letters to the Queen from him, was robbed between Rouen and Dieppe by Baron De Clere's men, and though he escaped from their hands he was pursued by another company by arquebus shot.
Marginal dates inserted by Cecil, and endd. by him: The cruelties of the house of Guise from April 1562. Pp. 4.
July 24. 362. Margaret, Countess of Lennox, to Cecil.
Has received his answer by Fowler that her husband must acknowledge an offence and submit himself to the Queen; wherein she is not able to say anything unless she might speak with him, and so give her best advice, or else send to him. Except the schoolmaster's going into Scotland without the Queen's leave, she knows of no offence.—Shene, Friday. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 24. 363. The Bishop of Aquila to Cecil.
Hearing that all ships are prevented from sailing, he reminds him that his master's subjects have over 70 vessels in port, and therefore will suffer great loss by the delay.— 24 July 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
July 24. 364. The Duke of Guise to the Duke of Bouillon.
Is glad to be able to send him news by M. De Berteville, the bearer, whom he commends for his zeal, as does also the Duke of Montpensier, who has arrived in the camp two days ago.—Blois, 24 July 1562. Signed.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 25. 365. Sir H. Sidney to Cecil.
Departed from London on the 16th, at noon, and arrived at Berwick on the 19th about the same hour, and came to this town on the 21st, and had audience on the 23rd. With great grief his embassade was heard concerning the deferring of the interview, "as well appeared by divers manifest demonstrations, not only in words but in countenance and watery eyes." The Queen had some inkling of his message by the Earl of Mar and Lethington, who deferred Sidney's hearing one day, which drove her into such a passion that she kept her bed all that day. Her sorrow would have showed much more, but now she is so satisfied with the Queen's perfect amity that she accepts the considerations as reasonable for the delay of the meeting.—Edinburgh, 25 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 25. 366. Marsilio della Croce to John Shers.
Letters from Prague of the 16th inst. say that Bebech, the Chief Baron of Hungary, has been led into an ambush with 300 cavalry, and taken prisoner by the Turks. Preparations are being made at Milan for the payment and muster of the troops. The places held by the French in Savoy will not be restored to the Duke without bloodshed; but the King of Spain has promised to interfere. That King has made an agreement with the two brothers of the Marquis of Pescara. The Pope has sent Dr. Burcio into Spain with congratulations upon the recovery of the Prince. On the rejection of the treaty in France the Pope hastens the despatch of 1,000 infantry to Avignon.—Venice, 25 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add.: To Shers, at London. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
July 25. 367. — to Shers.
In consequence of the departure of the pirates, the Senate has disarmed ten galleys. The Imperialists have been defeated by the Turks. The Council of Trent in its session of the 16th has treated of the Communion under both kinds, and has decided to continue the usage of the Church of Rome. The Pope has restored Marc Antonio Colonna. Has not heard from Shers since 4th March.—Venice, 25 July 1562. Signature torn off.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add.: To Shers, in London. Endd.: Advertisements. Ital. Pp. 4.


  • 1. Over this signature is written, apparently for the purpose of concealment, Franc Ormsby of Ryddesdale forest. The spelling and handwriting show that the writer was a Scotchman.
  • 2. Cecil had directed attention to this sentence by a mark placed opposite it in the margin,