London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1967.
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'Separate wills: 1540-41 (nos. 123-48)', in London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547, ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
'Separate wills: 1540-41 (nos. 123-48)', in London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Edited by Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
"Separate wills: 1540-41 (nos. 123-48)". London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
1540–41 (nos. 123–48)
123. [bdle. I. 28] Brigade Coket. 10 Aug. 1540.
I Brigade Coket, gentylwoman, commend my sowle to Almyghtty God my Maker and Redeemer and my bodye to be buryed in the chyrch yerd of Watford. I wyll have gavyn at my buryall 20s. I geve to Margaret Vernon, gentylwoman, my bonet of vellet and a lytell nutt with a coveryng and hath a cocke in the toppe of the coveryng. I geve to Rowlond Ryce, pryst, a mantyll of worsted. The resydew of my goodes I geve to Mr. Jafrey Crispe, viker of Swafham Seynt Maryes in Cambregeshyr in recompense of that I owe hym, wych ys 30 li., desyryng hym to be content therwith. And of thys my last wyll I make the seyd Jafrey my executory, and Matthew Parker, (fn. 1) Doctor of Divinite, Deane of Stooke, supervisour to whom I geve for hys labur one sylver spone. Wytnes, Rowlond Ryce, pryst, Margaret Vernon, (fn. 2) gentylwoman and John Parman.
124. [bdle. I. 29] Jamys Agarston. 8 Sep. 154–.
I Jamys Agarston, syck of body, be queve my sowlle to Almyghty God, to Owre Blessyd Lady and all the holy cumpany in heven, my body to be beryd in the churtche yarde of Our Lady of Islendon. Also my wyll ys that my master Henry Balle (fn. 3) shall have my sone, Peter Agarston, and to use hym as hys awne, for I geve hym as frely unto hym as God gave hym me. I geve to the sayde Henry Balle all such goodes as I have moveable and on moveable, whom I macke my hole executor to use hytt as he thyncks beste for the helth of my sowlle. Wyttenes, Sir Henry Bryght, Andre Alyn, Katerine Rodyall.
125. [bdle. I. 30] [Balthazar Filoll. Undated. Before Christmas 1545.]
. . . t shall please God to dispose for it . . . indebted unto Jamys Staveley, citezeyn and vintoner of London, in 10 li., and to Richard Knyght of the same citie, mercer, in 20 li. without bill, I now charge my executrice that she pay or do to be paid the said 10 li. and 20 li. on this side the feast of the birth of our Lorde God which shalbe in the yere of our Lorde God 1545. And I knowyng the said Jamys Staveley and Richard Knyght do bere their honest favour toward me therfore wooll I that the said Jamys Staveley shall ymmediatly within 3 dayes next after the day of my diceasse have to hym delyvered my leasse of my shoppe and the kay with all the chistes therin for the assurannce and sure payment of the said 10 li. And I will that she delyver unto Richard Knyght within like 3 dayes the leasse of the stowre wherin I now inhabite for the suertie and sure payment of the said 20 li. And if she myne executrice be not advaunced onthisside the said feast of Christenmas 1545 then I requyre the said Mr. Staveley and Richard Knyght by thadvice of my said executrice to sell the said 2 leasses to the moost profile that the canne, and asmoche stuff as shalbe sufficient to pay my debtes. The residue of all my goodes meovable and unmeovable, my debtes paid and my funeralles done, I gyve unto Anne, my wiff, whome I make my sole executrice. And I make the said Jamys Staveley and Richard Knyght myne overseers. In Witnes wherof to this my present last will and testament I have putto my seale. Per me Balthazar Filoll. (fn. 4)
[A tongue of paper has been turned over the seal and below it is written, 'The testament sealyd was delyvered unto Rychard Goress.']
The will was originally on two sheets of paper sewn together to make a continuous sheet. The top of the first sheet has been torn away.
126. [bdle. I. 31] [— Hussher. Undated.]
. . . Almyghte God my Maker and Red . . . glorius Mother and to all the holy . . . bodye to be buried within the parisshe church of Seynt Vedas . . . called Saynt Fayster in London. I geve to the . . . awlter in the sayd paryshe churche for my tythes and oblacyons 12d. I gyve unto my mother, Anne Hussher, 40s. to be payd unto hur quarterly 6s. 8d., oneles that she have grett neide of comforthe, then I wyll that she shall have the more as by myn executryce shall seme most best. I gyve to Harman, schomaker in Southewarke, 6s. 8d. I gyve to Dorathy Hussher, my brotheres daughter, 6s. 8d. I gyve unto my brother Robert Hussher my goune fassed with chamlet and lynned with buckeram and my dublet of blake satten and my jakyt of chamlet. I gyve to Thomas Arnedell, my wyffys brother, my dublet of tawny chamlet. I gyve unto my 3 chyldren, that ys to say Izabell and Alys, my daughters, and to the infant beyng in the wome of my sayd wyff when yt shall plese Allmyghte God to send yt there unto 10 li. that ys to say to every of them 3 li. 6s. 8d. and ether of them to be other heyre, wych sayd somme of 10 li. shall be for theyr full porcyons of all my goodes, what so ever they be, whiche unto thaem shud remane after the laudabyll custome of thys citie. And I wyll that my sayd executryce shall have the custodye and kepeyng of my sayd chyldrens partes unto suche tyme as thay shall come to theyr full agys 21 yeres, or to the day of thaer mariage, so that she put in good and suffecient sewertes to the chamer of London for the true contentacyon and payment therof. The resydue of all my goodes I bequythe unto Johane, my wyff, desyeryng hur to doe in dedes of petie and charite for my soule helth as she wold and I shuld doo for her in cawse lyke, whiche sayd Johane, my well belowyd wyffe, I make my sole executrice of thys my present testament and last wyll. And I wyll Rychard Clement, citezen and tyllar of London, to be my overseer. And I gyve unto hym for hys labour in that behalf 20s. In witnesse wherof to thys my present testament and last wyll I have setto my seale and subscribed it with myn owen handes. Rede and declared in the presens of thes persones, Robert Hussher, plommer, Alixander Bronne, talowchaunyler, and Martyn Gousse, scrivener, cetezens of London.
A full sheet and a half-sheet of paper have been sewn together to make one continuous sheet. The top of the will and the seal have been torn away.
127. [bdle. I. 32] Lewis Hayfford. 13 Mar. 1541.
. . . Lewes Hayfford, citiezein and baker of London, (fn. 5) recommend my soule unto Almyghty Jeshu my Creator, to Our moost gloryous Lady Saint Mary the Virgyn His Moder, and to all the holy company . . . and my body to be buried in the parysshe churche of the Holy Trynyte in Saint Lukes chappel of London. I bequethe to the hyghe alter of the said parysshe churche of the Holy Trynyte for my tythes and oblacions 20d. I bequethe to Sir John, the morow mas preste, to say for my soule fyve masses of the fyve wondes 20d. I bequethe to Agnes, my eldest doughter, seavyn poundes, to my other three doughters, Agnes, Alys and Margarete, the leas of my wode to be devyded amongst theym, and if any of theym departe, the other to enjoy their parte. I bequethe to Robert, my servaunt, my blew gowne, a jaket, a dublet of say and a paire of red hosyn. I bequethe to the Company of Bakers if they come to my buryall 10s. The residue of my goodes I gyve to Agnes, my wyffe, and to Antony, my sonne, whome I ordein my executours and overseers of the same my present testament and last will I ordein Morys David and John Lloyd and they to have for their labor 6s. 8d., either of theym.
128. [bdle. I. 33] — Horton. 28 Jan. 1541.
[— Horton] of the Citie of London, marchand tayler, dwellynge in the parisshe of Sanct [Peter] uppon Cornhull, bequeathe my sowlle to Almyghty God, my Maker and Redeamer and my bodie to be beried in the parochiall churche yarde of the saide Sancte Petures. Wher I owe certayne dettes wiche I am in dowte that my goodes is not able to paye, bicause of losses, charges and dettes that I dispeare of that be owynge to me, I wyll therfore that my wyfe Rose Horton, shall by thactorite of myn ordinarie take faculties to gather my said dettes etc. of tham so gatherd to make payment (her costes and charges exceptid in that behalfe) And as concernynge my howshold goodes wiche is smalle I knowe by the valure therof, it is to little for the perfirmance of my beriall and to rendre my wyfe a poore chambre, as wyll appeare whan yt is praysyd wherfore yt I wold she shuld have. Wytnes Edward Harbowrne, my gostlie father and curate of the said parysshe, John Lynsey, Thomas Peyrson and William Mathew, with other moo.
[Note that administration was granted. Endorsed 'Horton 1540'.]
There is a decorative initial letter. The top right-hand corner of the sheet has been torn off.
129. [bdle. I. 34] Curtt Haverbeke. 15 Jun. 1540.
I Curtt Haverbeke, (fn. 6) gold smythe, be queth my soll to Almyght God and to Owr Lady Sentt Mary and all the holly company in hevyn and my body to be beryd in Sentt Swythanns church yard. I make myn exsecutors, Rombold Johnson, bocher, and Katryn Van Ryne, my sester, the wyffe of Garad Van Ryne, gold smyth, and Wylliam Nowell my oversear to se me honnestly bery and my dettes payd, and the resadu of my goodes I gyve to my exsecutors seyng my dettes payd. I well that my ower sear shall have for hys panes takyng par of my goods with my exsecutors as the 3 cane agrey. Per me Wylliam Nowell.
[Endorsed 'Have me recommendyd unto . . .']
130. [bdle. I. 35] Robert Herryson. 4 Oct. 1540.
I Robert Herryson, citezen and clotheworker of London, sycke in bodie, bequeth my soule unto Allmightie God and to all the hooly company of heavyn and my bodie to be buried in the churche yard of Seint Peter the Poore at the discrecion of myn executours. I bequeth unto the highe aulter there 12d. I bequeth unto Davyd Lewys, my son in lawe, a joyned trussing bedd of weynscott, two fetherbeddes, one bolster, two pillowes, two blankettes, two shetes, one couerlett of ymagery, one curtayne of blew bokeram, a valance of paynted lynen clothe. I bequeth unto Jamys A Towne one joyned bedstede and two fetherbeddes standing in the maydes chambre. I will that Kateryn, my wif, shalhave according unto the custome of the Citie of London, so that she will bring in vnto myn executours all suche my goodes as she hath enbaseled from me, which I have caused to be writen, and so I will that all my goodes be valewyd together and then she to have the third parte, but yf she shall refuse to bring in the same, then I will that she shalhave no parcell of my goodes more but hold herself contentyd to that same which she hath. I bequeth unto Kateryn, my mayde, my gowne of blacke pewke furred with lambe to make hur a gowne. All other my goodes I will to be at the disposicion of myn executours whome I make the said James a Towne, clotheworker, and William Baker, pewterer, they to dispose the same for the welth of my soule as shall lyke theim, and I bequeth to them for their paynes therin to be taken fourtie shillinges. In witnes wherof to this my presente last will and testament I have put my seale. In the presence of Henrie Benyson, inholder, William Stevyns, David Lewes, Kateryn a Weere, singlewoman, and John Rusburgh, servaunte to Richard Stanerton, scrivener.
[Note under the will and endorsed that it was proved on 12 Oct.]
Formally and clearly written (perhaps by John Rusburgh?), with a decorative initial letter.
131. [bdle. I. 36] William Joens. 24 Sep. 1540.
I William Joens, citezem and talloughchaundeler of London, beying syke of body, commytte my soule unto Almyghty God my Maker and Redemer and to Our Lady Seynt Mary the gloryous Virgyn His Mother and to alle the holy company in hevyn and my body to be buryed in the churche yarde of Seynt Sepulcre in London where as I am nowe a parisshener of. I bequethe to the high awter in the pariss[he] churche of Seynt Sepulcre in London for my tythes and oblacyons forgotten 12d. The resydue of alle my goodes moveable and onmoveable, alle suche dettes and dewtyes as is owying unto me, wh[ere] soever they be or maye be founde, with the leasse of my house with alle the profittes of the same, I wolle shalbe distributed by the good discressyon of Richard Blake and John Burnett, citezeins and talloughchaundelers of London, that is to saye after my body honestly buryed, my fewneralles discharged, to be devyded, the one halff with the more parte to paye my dettes and alle my sewertys discharged and their executours or executrices whiche nowe standen charged for me in any manner of somme or sommes, that done the resydue soo lefte to be devyded bitwene Alys, my wyff, and Margaret Gorey, her daughter, and I make my soule executrice of this my said testament and laste wyll, Alys, my welbelovyd wyff, desyeryng her to doo for me in dedes of pety and charyte as she wolde I shulde doo for her in case lyke. I make Gylbert Lawson and William Stephyns overseers of the same and to be assystyng to my wyffe. I geve Henry, my servaunte 13s. 4d. I geve to John Haynes, my servaunte, 3s. 4d. I geve to my cozen, Johane Joens, 13s. 4d., 2 platters, 2 dysshes, 2 sawcers and a candelstyke, and myn olde russett gowne. In witnesse wherof to this my laste wyll I have setto my seale. Witnesse, Sir Edwarde Hochekes, William Ettys, thelder, Richard Blake, John Burnett, William Prowtyng, William Pyper and Martyn Gowsse, scryvener.
[Note that an official letter to collect debts had been granted.]
This is a copy on parchment, of the original will on paper which is filed with it. The top part of the latter has been torn off. In the original the witness, William Pyper, is stated to be a 'taloughchaundeler', and a note is added that it was proved on 9 Feb. 1541; a tab of paper is folded back over the seal.
132. [bdle. I. 37] Thomas Martyn. 25 Jan. 1541.
I Thomas Martyn, bowtcher and citizein of London, sycke of bodye, bequeth my sowle to Allmyghtye God, Our Lady Seint Mary His Mother, and to all the hollye company of hevyn, and my body to be buryed in the church yearde of Saint Bothulphe Withowte Aldersgate. I will that the will and testament that I made afore this shalbe bourned and stonde in noo effecte. I wyll that my wyff, Jane, be my executrix and William Hurmande be my overseer of the same, he to have 40s. or 4 li., lesse or more as he thynkyth in conciens for his payns takyng. I will that William Martyn, my sonn, shall have all my goodes which were the goodes of Robartt Byggerstaff deceased, to whom I was executor, which goodes remayn in the handes and kepyng of John Hawkyns and William Skelke of Yorke shere, save a geldyng, or 40s. for the geyldyng, the which I will that my saide wiff, Jane, shall have, which geyldyng ys in there kepyng. I will that my 2 other sonnes, Harry and Thomas, shall have 2 howses in Hythe in Kent, Harry to have the begger howse and Thomas to have the lesser, which ys a store howse. I bequeth to my doughters, Mawde and Elyn, the halffe of my mothers goodes, the which be myne, that be in my brothers handes. I wyll that all suche instrumentes and toles that pertayneth to my occupacion that is in the handes of William Parson, boyecher, shall goo to the use of my buryall. Witnesses, Master Raffe Dyall, William Hurman, Masteres Boundwell, Masteres Turrydton, Goodwyff Sharp, with other.
[Note that administration was granted.]
133. [bdle. I. 38] Wyllyam Mason. 6 Oct. 1540.
Iesus. I Wyllyam Mason, tailor, bequeith my sowle to All myghty God, to His Blessid Mother Seynt Mary and to all the holy company of hevyn, my body to be buried yn the churchyerd of Seynt Dunstanys yn the West of London, next agayne Seynt Dunstanys aulter. I bequeith to the highe aulter for my tithis and oblacions necligently forgotyn 12d. I geve to Kelham, my man, for his long and diligent servys 10 li. and a fetherbed, a pillow, a bolster, 2 peire of schetes, a coverlett and all my gounys and jackettes and doblettes. I bequeith to Margarite, my olde woman, a fetherbed, 3 paire of shetes, a coverlett of the best sorte, bolster and pyllo to the same, 3 deschis, 3 platers, 3 saucers, 2 towlis, 2 table clothis of the best sorte. I bequeithe to Wyllyam Lawson, my man, all my vyneigars and verges beyng withyn my house at the tyme of my dethe. I bequeith to John, my boie, 20s. I bequeith to every preist beyng yn servyse yn the forsaid churche the day of my buryng sayng masse theire for my sawle 4d. The residue of all my godes, my dettes and funerall expences fully and honestly contented, I geve to Elizabeth Barkere, my maide, whom also I make myn sole executrice, she to dispose theym for the welthe of my saule. I ordeyne Richard Hopper, tailor, and Thomas Herryson, girdler, to be myn over seers to se this my testament and last wyll truly to be fulfyllid, they to have eche of theym for theire labours 40s. I bequeith to Elizabeth Weylott a fetherbed yn my chamber that I lyv yn, to Mr. Rathebone a hundred of faggott, to Herryson a 100 of faggot, to the gode wyf, Mighell, a hundred of faggot, to Edward Hutton a 100 of faggott. Wytnesse, Sir Richard Sever, preist, Mr. Rathebone of theschequer, Mr. Rychard Hopper, Edward Hutton and John Weylott with others mo.
Ferder I wyll that the 10 li. herewithyn writyn remayne yn the handes of Mr. Hopper to the use and profytt of the withyn wretyn Kelham when nede doithe to hym reqyre and after the dethe of Mr. Hopper the said 10 li. to remayne yn the handes of Thomas Herryson to the use aforsaid.
[Endorsed that it was proved 19 Oct.]
The bottom left-hand corner has been turned back over the seal.
134. [bdle. I. 39] Rychard Morys. [Undated.]
[I Rychard Morys] (fn. 7) recomend my soule unto Allemighty God my Maker and . . . to alle the holly company of heven, my body to be buryed in Christen buriall . . . I bequethe to my felowe, Robert Hebourne, fyve poundes, to my Awnte Saunder 33s. 4d., to my maisters 2 maydens nowe dwelling with hym, 20s., that is to say to either of them 10s., to Johane Cole, my brother Thomas Coles childe 30s., to Elizabeth Cole, doughter of the same Thomas Cole, 40s., to Rychard Cole, sonne of the same Thomas Cole, 40s. I geve to mother Lyster 20s. I bequethe to Roger Wannesley 20s. I will be distributed among pouere people where I shall departe for the helth of my soule and alle Christen soules 40s. I geve to the woman that kept me my gowne furryed with whyte lambe. I geve to my fellowe Robert Heborne alle suche howshold stuf that my mother hath in keping of myne, alle whiche said legacies of sommes of mony I will shalbe borne and paied oute of the 20 li. that my mother hath my land for, and the ressidue of the same 20 li. than remaynyng I will to be bestowed upon my buriall and funerall expences. I will that my mother, Johane Morys, shall pay to Thomas Hubbard, my overseer, and to myn executours oute of the 40 li. that she hath of myne in keping of the bequest of my late father the uttermooste peny of alle suche sommes of mony as the same Thomas Hubbard or myn executours shall lay forth for me the said Rychard Morys. I wyll that the same Johane doe pay to the said Thomas Hubbard oute of the said 40 li. the 20s. to hym bequethed. I will that my said mother shall pay to Thomas Cole and John Cole, myn executours, for theire labour 40s. that ys to say to either of them, and the ressidue of the said 40 li. remaynyng in my said mothers hand I geve to the same Johane, my mother, to doe therwith her free will as she shall thynk best, provyded alwey that yf my mother doe not pay the said 20 li. for my lande that than I will that the said Johane my mother, shalbe fully charged to pay to myn executours underwritten so moche of the said 40 li. as shall dyscharge alle the legacies, dettes and other charges conteyned in this my testament, and the ressidue of alle my goodes, cattalles and dettes I holly geve to Thomas Cole and John Cole, my brothern in lawe, whiche said Thomas Cole and John Cole of this my present testament and last will I make myn executours, and overseer I make the said Thomas Hubbard, and I bequethe to hym for hys labour therein 20s. Witnes, Syr Thomas Wythers, (fn. 8) clerk, Robert Hebborne, Rychard Goodard, and dyvers other.
[Endorsed 'Mr. Couper, vicar of Newport'.]
135. [bdle. I. 40] — Pope. 1540.
. . . don, (fn. 9) wydowe, beyinge sicke of boddye by the vicytacion of Almyghtie God, I gyve my sowle unto Almyghtie God my Maker and Redeemer, to Our Blessed Lady Seynt Marye the gloryouse Virgyn His Mother, and to alle the holy companye of sayntes in heavyn, and my boddye to be buryed within the parysshe churche of Seynt Leonarde in Foyster Lane in London, in the same place where as the bodye of John Wylkockes, my firste husbande was buryed. I gyve to the high aulter of the same paryshe churche where I am a parysshener for my tythes and oblacions neclygently withholden 4d. (fn. 10) I woll that incontynent after my deceasse, my executour delyver unto Richarde Shammon, myn apprentyce and servaunte, his indenture of apprentyzode so that then it shalbe leifull to the said Richarde Shammon at his free wyll and lybertie to chose a man of the same occupacion whome he shalle thynke best and with the same man to serve owte the resydewe of his yeres comprysed in his said indenture withoute any trouble, hynderaunce, vexacion or interrupcion of my executor or of any other person. I will that the said Richarde shall have my shoppe with all maner of toolis belongyng to myn occupacion the space of one hole yere after my decease rentfre, and as for the toolis pertayneyng to the said occupacion I geve them freely unto him. I will that the said Richard shall have his bedd and bedd rome within my house the space on one hole yere after my decease, and yf it fortune that the said Richarde, my servaunte, have accomplysshed the full yeres of the terme of his apprentyzode then I will that my executor at his costes and charges shall cause the said Richarde to be made free and admytted unto the lyberties of the Citie of London, withoute any more servyce. (fn. 11) The resydewe of alle my goodes moveabylles and unmoveabylles, dettes, wayres, playte, jewelles, redy money and the leasse of my howsse, I holy gyve unto Thomas Wylkockes, my sonne, and he to do therewith his fre wyll and pleasure, which said Thomas I make my sole executour of this my testament and last wyll, desyrynge him to do for my sowle healthe as he wolde I shulde do for hym yf he were in case ly[ke], and I desyre Hugh Tayllor . . . testament and last wyll. . .
136. [bdle. I. 41] John Rowlonde. 8 Oct. 1540.
I John Rowlonde, sycke of body, be queve my sowlle to Almyghty Gode, to owre Blessyd Lady and to all the holy company of hevene, my body to be beryd in the churcheyarde of Owre Lady of Islentton. I be queve to the hythe awtter 3s. 4d., allso to Jehus prest, 12d. My wyll ys that John, my son, shall have 5 li. delyvered to hym when he commyth to the statt of 20 yeres of age. The reste of my goodes nott be queste moveabul and on moveabull I geve to Katrine, my wyffe, whom I macke my sole executryx to be stowe hytt as she thyncks best for the helthe of my sowlle. Wyttenes, Sir Henry Brytht, Roger Geers, Wylliam Rogers.
Also my wyll ys that Christofer Westheforde, my father, shalbe overseer of thys my wyll; to have for hys labour 6s. 8d.
137. [bdle. I. 42] Robert Redmane. 21 Oct. 1540.
I Robert Redmane, (fn. 12) stacionare and freman of London, of the parishe in Saint Donstonis in the Weste, geve my sowle to Allmyghti God, Our Lady Saint Mary and all hole company of hevy[n] and my body to be buryed in Christon mannys buryall. I wyll that my gooddes be departyde in thre partes, the fryste to fullfyle my bequests and funerall exspensis, the seconde parte to my wyff, the thurde parte to my chyldern to be devydyd a monge them in equll partes. I be quethe to the hyght autor of Seint Dunstanns 20d. I wyll that 40s. shalbe destributyde among power pepull at the day of my dysseis. I orden Elzabeth my wyf, soole executrix of thys my laste wyll and testament and I orden Wylliam Peygham and my son in law, Henry Smyth, oversearse and the to have for their labowres at the dyshressyon of my executrix. Wittnesses, Robert Peers, curat, William Peyhgam, Henry Smyth, John Alestry. (fn. 13)
[Note that the will was proved in the Prerogative Court.] (fn. 14)
138. [bdle. I. 43] Elyzabeth Spenser. 27 Dec. 1540.
I Elyzabeth Spenser bequethe my soule unto Allmyghty God, Our Lady Saynt Mary and unto all the holy company of heaven, and my body to be buryed in the chyrchyarde of Saynt Barthylmews the Lytell. I gyve my best fetherbed to Mary, my daughter, 2 of the best blankettes, a coverlet, 2 bolsters, 2 best pyllowes of downe, a tester, 2 of my best shetes, 2 best pyllowberes, the best cupborde, a great brasse pot, 3 platters, a saltseller, 2 best candel styckes, a quarte pot, a pynt pot of pewter, the hangynges in the hall, a table and the trestles, the best chyst, my best gowne, my best kyrtell of worsted, a payre of sylver hokes, a payre of currall beedes, 2 fyne kercheffes, 3 best rayles, my best rybande, a sylver spone, a golde ryng, 2 neckercheffes, the best chayre, a great ketle, a lytell chaffer, the cobyrons with the spyt, 2 joyned stoles and 2 foote stoles, a fryengpan, a fyrepan, a bedstede and a cusshyn. [To] Jone, my doughter, a fetherbed with all that longeth therto and all the rest of my stuffe. Wytnes, Syr Myghell West, curate, Wyll Collay, Margaret Barker, Jone Collay, Jone Prat.
[Note that administration was granted on 29 Jan.]
139. [bdle. I. 44] Jhon Taylor. 12 Aug. 1540.
Jeshus. I Jhon Taylor, off the paryssh off Saynct Bottollphyes wyth owgt All gate parysshyoner, beyng sycke, bequeth my soll to God, my body to the ecclesyastycall sepulture. I bequeth to the hye awter for my tythys 12d. To the curatt then beyng 12d. The resydew off my guddes moveabull or unmoveabull wyth my lease off my howse (my dettes and funeralles dyschargyd) I geve them to Margett Taylor, my wyff, whome I ordeyne for my exequtryx. Wytness Wyllyam Balfford, curatt, Roberd Nycollson, Thomas Rutter.
140. [bdle. I. 45] Margett Taylor. 13 . . . 1540. (fn. 15)
Jehus. I Margett Taylor, wyddow (fn. 16) . . . curatt then beying 12d., to Jhon Jonson, my hussbandes best gowne, George Yeman my hussbandes second best gowne, to Alys Y. . . satten of Cypress, to Jane Bele, a mattress, a bolster, a koverlett, . . . shettes, a payer off blanckettes, or els 20s. The resydew off my guddes I geve them to Ages Taylor, my hussbandes doughter, whom I ordeyne for my exequtryx: so that she be orderyd yn alle thynges by the gudd councell off Thomas Castell, and Jhon Austen. That ys affter my dyssease, my funeralles dyschargyd, then my guddes to be . . . and my dettes to be payyd by the sayd Thomas Castell and Jhon Augusten. And that the sayde Thomas and Jhon to pay my servantes wages; and see every man and woman [who] toke paynys wyth my hussbond and me yn tymys off ower syckness to be honestly rewardyd as there dyscretyon wyll serve, there owne paynys also substancya[lly] consydered. That Thomas Castell shold do whatt he wyllyd to doe yn all thynges for hyr hussbond and hyrs behalf as he thougt best wyth the assystens off Jhon Austen. And yff the above named Ages wolde refuse the honest order off these two honest men, I wyll that she shall have a portyon as ther dyscretyon wyll serve, and the resydew to be devydyd amongst my fryndes. Wyttnesses Wyllyam Balfford, curatt, Peter Peterson and Thomas Curson, Thomas Rutter, Roberd Nycollson.
[Note under the will that administration was granted.]
141. [bdle. I. 46] Robert Turner. 25 Aug. 1540.
I Robert Turner, seke of body, beqwythe my sole to God Almyghty and to Owr Laydy Sant Mary and to all the holy cumpany of heven and my body to be buryd in the churche yard wher it schall plese God to call me to Hys mercy. I beqwythe to Sir Edmond Tomson 20s. to pray for my sole and al Crystyn solles. I beqwythe to Elezabeth Harvy and to Alis Andro a crowne of 5s. to be devidyd betwene them. I beqwyth to Wylliam Wathell my beste gowne wyche is here at London. The residew of my goodes I gyve to Sir Adam Howys, Wylliam Barbar whome I make myne exsecutores to dyspose amonge powyr peple for the helthe of my sole. Wyttnys, John Andro, Wylliam Wathell, Edmond Bakar, with many other.
Thys foloyng be the dettes that ar auyng to Robert Turner at this present time.
In primis Mathew Grene | 46s. | 8d. | ||
Henri Pawlytt | 28s. | 4d. | ||
Phelyp Andros | 7s. | 6d. | ||
Roger Amner | 2s. | 8d. | ||
Henri Crewse | 20d. | |||
John Robynson | 8s. | 6d. | ||
Richard Salisberi | 3s. | 0d. |
Memorandum that Robert Carrpenter haythe in his kepyng of myne a gowne furryd with fox, a jakytt of lether and a dublytt of lether and a payr of hose, wyche I wyll he schall delyver to myne exsecutores and they to pay hym for kepyng.
[Note that the will was proved 18 Jan.]
142. [bdle. I. 47] Roger Wyett. 30 Dec. 1540.
Jeshus. I Roger Wyett, maryner dwellynge within the pareshe of Sent Myghelle in Cornehyll within the Cytye of London, beynge sycke in bodye, gyve my sowle to Allmyghty God my Savure and Redemer, His Blessed Mother Sent Marye, ever Virgen, and to all the holye cumpenye of heven and my bodye to be buryd in Crysten buryall within the presyncte of the churcheiorde of Sent Myghelles aforesayd. All my goodes movable and unmovable I holye gyve to my welbeloved Jone, my wyffe, to burye my bodye withall and towardes paynge of my dettes, whome I orden my sole executryxe of thes my testament and last wyll and soo I commytt my sowle to Allmyghtye God, the Father, the Sunne and the Holye Gost to whome be ever honor and glorye, amen. Wytnes, Robert Hareyson, curat, Thomas Wrygglles, smith, Thomas Awdlee, merycer, with dyversse other.
[Note that administration was granted.]
143. [bdle. I. 48] John Ax. 28 Jan. 1541.
I John Ax, cittezein and clotheworkar of London, bequethe my soull to Almyghtie God, my Maker and Redemer and to Our Blessed Ladie Saynt Mary the Virgyn and to all the holy company in heven, and my bodie to be buryed in the churcharde of Saynt Barthilmews the Lytull of London. I make my executrix, Elyonour, my wyf, to whome I geve all my goodes movable and unmovable and she after her distrecion to rewarde my children and hers. I make my brother, Foulke Mychell, my overseare. Also I will that all the prestes with the clarkes to the said Church of Saynt Bartilmew belonging to be at my buryall. Witnes, Sir Michell West, curate, and my gossop, John Cabote, William Colley with moo.
[Note that administration was granted on 31 May 1541 (fn. 17) and this is repeated on the dorse.]
144. [bdle. I. 49] Anie Diryckson. 17 Sep. 1541.
. . . Diryckson, wydowe, beyng sycke in my body, . . . [bequeath] my soll unto Allmyghti God, trustyng in His mercy and in the merytes of Cryst . . ., my body to be buryed within the chirchyarde of Saynte Botolphe withowt Allg . . . after the discression of my executors, and unto the use of that Chirch I bequethe one halfe unto the profyttes of the chirche, the other halfe unto Jesus Brotherhed to maynte[n] the torchelyght. I bequethe unto Alice Carsman 26s. 8d. and a peare of shetis, unto my sister, Jone Robyns, 40s. and a peare of shetes, unto my sister, Annes Bassye, 26s. 8d. and a peare of shetes, unto Laurence Caswell, 26s. 8d. and a pese off clothe of 8 ellys or ther a bowte. I bequeth unto Jone Harte 40s., a peare of shetes, a playn table clothe, a towell, 2 platteres, 2 pewter dischis and 2 candylstyckes, unto the 4 childerne of Jone Harte, eyther of them 6s. 8d. I bequethe unto Henry Joyner, dwellyng in Sowthewarke, 40s., and to his 4 childerne eyther of them 6s. 8d. I bequethe unto Garret Kirikell his unculles beste gowne, his beste jackett of worsted, a blacke cloke and 40s. of money, unto my cosyn Neskyn 40s., 3 platteres, 3 dischis, 2 sawceres, a quarte pott, 2 candellstyckes and a peare of sylver hokes, 2 kerchers and 2 raylis, unto John Clyffe, otherways callyd John Bocher, 20s., unto Homan Cowper 20s., unto every howseholder dwellyng in the small rentes 12d. a pese, unto pore people in tyme of nede 2 lode of colles, unto Sir John Nyxen 13s. 4d. and a peare of shetes, unto Jone Carse 20s., unto my curate a peare of shetes. The resydew of my goodes I bequethe unto Henry Base, George Harryson and Henry Edwardes whome I make myne executors to se this my laste wyll fullfyllyd. Wytnesses John Wylde and Rowland . . . and to iche of them I gyffe for ther paynes 12d. Writtyn by me, Sir John [?Nyxen].
[Note above the will that it was proved 27 Sep. in the presence of Master Rowkesby in the cathedral. Endorsed 'Testamentum Anie Dirykson et reg'.]
The paper has been torn down the right-hand side. The old index omits any Christian name, but the endorsement leaves no doubt that it was 'Anie'.
145. [bdle. I. 50] Recharde Gillitt. 8 Sep. 1541. (fn. 18)
I Recharde Gillitt, cittezein and marchant taylor of London and Sarjant at Mase of the same cittie, bequethe my soule unto All myghty God my Maker and Redemer, and my bodye to be bured in the churche yerde of Sainte Poule a gainste the doore of Jeshus Chapell. I bequethe my cosain Reddes wiffe, saddelar in Bussupsgatte Strette, 5s. I bequethe unto my cumpany the Shargantes to make them merrey at there pleasure 6s. 8d. All the resedue of my goodes where soo ever thay be, my dettes payde and my funeralles discharged, I bequethe them to the disposision of my wiffe, Margrette Gillitt, whiche I make my soole executrice, and all soo I doo make my wiffes cosain Thomas Hanson, clotheworcar, the oversear and I geve unto hime for his paines taking my taunay gowne fourryde with fox. In witnes wherof I the fornaned Rechard have caused this presente wille to be wreten in the presens of John Jaclin, skinner, of London.
Memorandum, the saide Recharde hathe in the handes of John Redde, sadler, 20s., and in the handes of George Dell 30s., and in the handes of John Hyggins 15s.
[Proved 7 Nov.]
The paper has been turned back at the bottom right-hand corner for a seal tab.
There is a cross below the will.
146. [bdle. I. 51] William Robynson. 22 May 1541. (fn. 19)
I William Robynson, cytezen and clotheworker of London, beqwethe my sowlle to God Almyghtty, Our Blessed Lady and all the hoolle company of heven, and my boddy to be buryed yn the chyrcheyarde of Saynte Crystofers at the Stockes yn the dioces of London. I ordayn Elsabethe, my wyffe, my full executor and gyffe unto hyr all my gooddys and dettes due unto me (she seynge me honestly buryed and payynge my dettes) I beqwethe to the hy awter for necglygences downe at any season 20d. I make Frances Brysley, cytezen and fre pulter of London, my overseer and for takynge paynes to helpe my wyffe yn gettynge up of my dettes and otherwysse I gyffe to hym 20s., and my gowne that was laste maed, furred before with blacke coney and behynde with black lame. I beqwethe to my brother, John Robynson, my gowne of browne blew furred before with buge and all the rest with lambe savynge the slevys with clothe and also to hym my wacchynge harness. Wytnesses, James Harryson, clotheworker, Tomas Laurence, scynner, and Roger Grey, curate, with other.
147. [bdle. I. 52] Rychard Skydmore. 24 Apr. 1541.
I Rychard Skydmore of the parysshe of Seint Bothulphe without Aldyrsegat of London, bequethe my soule to Allmyghty God my Redemar and to Our Lady Seint Mary and to all the holy cumpany of heven, and my body to be buryed in the churche yard of Seint Botolphes aforsayd. I bequethe to my brother, Foulke Skydmore, 5 li., to my brother, Thomas Skydmore 5 li. home I make myne executors. I bequethe to myn oste, John Feltes 5 li. home I desyre to be ovarsear to thys present testament. I bequethe to Alys Benet one of my kepers in my syknes 5s. and to Agnes Emerley another of my kepers in my syknes 5s. and to myn host, John Feltes, for hys paynes and hys wyfes takyn with me in my sykenes I bequethe hym alle my rayment that I have here. The resydue of my goodes I wyll that they be dysposyd at the dyscrecyon of myn executors so that myn host, John Feltes, may be payde for the costes that I have put hym unto so that yt may be to the plesure of God and to the welthe of my soule. Wytnes, Syr Rychard Myll, (fn. 20) my curat, Syr John Dene, clarke and Rychard Thomas and othar.
148. [bdle. I. 53] William Turke. 14 Aug. 1541.
I William Turke, citezen and haberdassher of London, bequeth my soule to Allmyghty God, my Maker and Redemer, and to Our Moo[st] Blessed Ladye Seynt Mary and Vyrgen His Mother and to all the hoolly and blessed company of seyntes of hevyn, and my bodye to be buryed in the parisshe churche of Seynt Marten withyn Ludgate of London wherof I am a parysshener. After that my dettes be paid and my funerall charges doon I woll that all my goodes, catalles and dettes, after the laudable custome of London, shalbe devyded into three egall partes, wherof I woll that Elizabeth, my wyff, shall have oon parte, and the childe that she nowe goeth with all shall have an other parte and the thirde parte I reserve to myself for the performannce of my legacies. I gyve . . . of the said parisshe churche of Seynt Marten for my tithes and obla[cions] forgotten . . ., to my brother, Thomas Turke, oon blak gowne, to my brother, Richard Turk, oon blak g[own] I bequeth to every of the three childern of John Pecok, haberdas[sher], 10s. I bequeth to Jane Camswell 3s. 4d. . . . release to Henry Thirkell, my apprentyce, oon yere of his term. I gyve to hym 3s. 4d. I bequeth to Christofer Whytfeld my . . ., to John Hall, my godson, 20d. The residue of all my gooddes, catalles and dettes I gyve to Elizabeth, my wyff, whom I make my sooll executryce, and of the oversight of the execucion of this my present testament and last wyll I make John Pecock, citezein and haberdassher of London, overseer, and I gyve to the same John Pecock for hys paynes oon blak gowne and a ryng of golde of the value 20s. In witnesse wherof to this my present testament I have sett my seale and subscrybed my name with myn owen hand. Per me Wylliam Turke. Witnesse John Squyer, servaunt to John Wylford, scryvener.
The will is written on two sheets of paper sewn together at the top and 'per me William Turke' is repeated in the margins of both sheets. The document has been badly torn along the edges.