London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1967.
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'Separate wills: 1536-9 (nos. 106-22)', in London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547, ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online [accessed 1 April 2025].
'Separate wills: 1536-9 (nos. 106-22)', in London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Edited by Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online, accessed April 1, 2025,
"Separate wills: 1536-9 (nos. 106-22)". London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online. Web. 1 April 2025.
1536–9 (nos. 106–22)
106. [bdle. I. 11] Robarde Battes. 28 Jun. 1536.
I Robarde Battes, (fn. 1) carpentor, bequyre my sole to Allemyghty God my Maker and Redemer and to Hys Blesyd Mother and to alle the sayntes in hevyn and my body to be beryd in Crystyane beryall. I gyfe all my goodes and dettes to Jonne Battes, my wyfe, and I make Jonne, my wyfe, to be my sole execatryxe and sche to se my body onesteley beryd. In the presentte of Wyllyam Fyge, schep wrytte, and Wyllyam Spondell and Anne Sausten and other more.
[Note that the will was proved 1 Dec. and written on parchment with the probate and official seal. Endorsed that Elizabeth Powle of the parish of St. Botulph without Aldgate was constituted.]
107. [bdle. I. 12] William Smythe. [Undated.]
William Smythe, barboure, makythe his testament and last wyll. He bequaythed hys soule to Almytye God and Our Lady His Mother and Virgyne and to all the holy companye of hevyn, hys body to be buryed in the churche yeard of Saynt Edmund in Lumbard Strete. He makythe his wyf sole executryxe to gather all hes dettes and gooddes belongyng to hym and she to se hym brought home and hes dettes to be payed as farre as hes goodes wyll streche. Wytnes Sir Umfrey Robynsone, his gostlye father, Thomas Skynnar and other moo.
108. [bdle. I. 13] Antony Copage. 14 Dec. 1537.
I Hantony Copage bequethe my sole to Allmyte Gode and to all the company of hevne and my bodye to be beryde in Sente Benytes Fynkes cherche yarde. I geve to Master Doctor Laye my lowte and to his broder mye rynge, to Master Worle my harpe, to Whiliam Chelcham my skayne and my rydynge cowte, to Robarte Whetly my gyrkyne of lether foryde with foynes, to Edmonde Anger my rounde tabyll, to John Hogkyne my dobelete of satyn, to Whiliam Hethe a bowe and my kwyfer, to Hantoni Whitlese a bowe, to Lenarde Barge a bowe and a freseadawe cloke, to Thomas, the boteler, a bowe, and my shaftes to be devydyde a monnge them, to Austyn a payre of white spoures, to Robarte Whichecherche a bracer and a shotynge glove, to Thomas Austyn a wyndow and the glase that lonnge therto and my dobelete of lether and to his wyfe the ryng that is a ponne my fynger, to Francis Morys a fyne lance, to Thomas Bayle a lowte that he hathe in his kepynge, to John Conarde my seconde cape, to mystris Rogers 20d., to Gorge my sarvande a jaket of clothe gardyde with welwite (fn. 2) and my thorde cape and a dobelete of wostide and all my entermentes (fn. 3) of stele and if he be of the same crafte. This mi will parformyde I make my wife full excecatryx of mi goodes and Richarde Ferys my overseere and for his labour I geve him a dobelet of cason, a bowe, and 10 shaftes and a lanche and a prymer and I will that he sell all my boukes of surgery to the compani of surgenes and all my stufe that longes to surgeri at a resonabill pryse for the behoufe of mi wife, save the enturmentes that I geve to Gorge mi sarvant. Wetenis, Francis Moris, Thomas Austin, John Stuarde, Robarte Whitecherche, John Pultene.
[Note below the will 'Reg'.]
109. [bdle. I. 14] Jhon Franchys. 10 Jul. 1536. (fn. 4)
Jhesus. I Jhon Franchys, syke off body, bequethe my solle to Allmyghtty Gode and to Hys Blessyd Mother Vyrgyne Mary and to all the holly comppeny off heven and my body to be beryyd in the chyrcheyard off Sayent Martyns in the Orgor, wher I am now paryssenar, at the dyssechressyon off my fryndes. I wyll all my goodes moveabulles and unmoveaboulles to be solle to pay my dettes and I bequethe the remaynys to Jhone the wyche ys before Gode my wyffe. Be me Rychard Foyster. By me John Pullyver.
110. [bdle. I. 15] Diego Sanchez. 4 Apr. 1537.
I Diego Sanchez, Spaynyard, dweller at this present tyme in the Citie of London in the parisshe of Saint Benett, recommend my soule to God, Father, Son and Holy Gost, 3 Persones and Oon God, my Creatur and Redemour and to His Blissed Mother Our Lady Saint Mary and to all the company of hevyn, that they may pray to All myghty God to have pitie and compassion on my soule and to forgeve me my synnes and to bring yt to his blisse, amen. I do ordeign that yf God do take me out of this present lyf in this Realme of Englond than my body to be buryed whersoever my wyf, Elianor de la Palma, will ordeign and there to be said for me half a trentall of masses and in my said parissh the other half trentall. I bequeth to the high aulter of the said parissh 2s. for my offeringes forgotten. I ordeign that Johan, my sclave, after my deth shall serve the said Elianor de la Palma, my wyf, 2 yeres and after that I woll she shallbe free and than I woll shalbe gevyn to her honest rayment to her body, which shalbe at the discrecion of my wyf, and in redy money toward her fynding 4 docates of gold or the value therof, and morover I desire my said wyf that yf the said Johan my slave in this said 2 yeres do serve her truely and honestly than she to do well to her for my sake, and so I commaund the said Johan to be a good servaunt and as obedient to my said wyf as though yt were to me and so I trust she wyll do. I ordeign that 2 wynches which I have by the said Johan, my slave, named oon Agnes and thother Mary, the whiche be now present in my hous that my said wyf shall kepe them with her in her poer and governaunce and bringe them up till they come to lawfull age and to fynde them all thinges necessary till come to their lawfull tyme of maryage and to them both I biqueth toward their mariages 20 thousand marvades (fn. 5) that ys to say to either of them 10 thousand and theis to be gevyn in household stuf bicause yt shalbe a remembrance to them to pray for me, and in caas in the mean tyme any of theym to dye than the other to have hole 20 thousand and to be heyre, and yf bothe dye within the said tyme the said 20 thousand marvades shall remayne unto my wyf. All the residue of my goodes, my debtes paid, my funeralles doon and my legacies fulfilled, shall holly remayn to my said wyf and she to enjoye yt during her lyf. I ordeign that she shall not graunt nor gyve in her lyf noon of the said goodes by will or otherwise to no persone but oonly to my twoo sonnes, that ys to say, to John Sanchez, my elder sonne and lawfull begotton, twoo thirde partes of the said goodes, and to John Sanchez, my younger son and bastard, thother thirde part of the said goodes, and I ordeign that they love togeder lyke brothers and as they did in my lyf and that they do honour, reverence and entrete my wyf their mother as children ought to do to their mother as they did in my lyf, and rather more for now she hath nede, upon payn of my blessing. And I ordeign that of this my present testament and last will my wyf, Elianor de la Palma, to be hole executrice and also I ordeign and desyre John Deez, Portugale, dwellar in the Citie of London, to be oversear of this my said will because my wyf ys old and a straunger and cannot under stand the speche of the countrye and to helpe her in all thinges what she nedyth and to se this my wyll fulfylled, the whiche John Deez at my request dyd write this my said will with his owne properhand in the Spanysshe tonge bicause it shalbe the better understand in my countrye. I desire all Juges and Justices to whom of right this ought to appere that they not gaynsay yt for beyng in Spaynysshe tonge but to lett yt remayn and passe as yt is yn the said tonge because in my countrey myn heires and freindes may rede yt. And bicause this ys my last wyll I did ordeign yt to be wrytten in the presence of the witnes herafter folowing and to thentent to make this my will more surer and faithfull thay have written with their owne proper handes their names, the whiche witnesses be Alfonso Rodoriques, Portugale, lycenciat in physyk, and the Father Fryar Roderyke, Portugale, doctor of devinitie of the order of Saint Frances, and Hugh Rick, notary public of the Citie of London. And for asmoche as I am aged and weke of my sykenes and that my handes dyd shake I could not fyrme my name but seale, wherfore I did desire Fernando de Verdesse, merchaunt of Spayn, to fyrme for me in the presence of the witnes aforsaid.
I Fernando de Verdesse, Spaynyard, was present and witnes to the said will and at the desire of the said Digo Sanchez did signe for hym in the presence of the said witnesses my name, Fernande de Verdeze. For witnes, Alphonsus, Frater Roderiques.
I Hugh Rick, notary, was witnes to the said will with the other abovesaid and also have copied yt out of Spanysshe into Englesshe indifferently worde for worde thurgh the helpe and interpretation of the forsaid John Deez. H. Rick. (fn. 6)
[At the bottom of the page is the note 'Reg'.]
Written on two sheets of paper folded and sewn together bookwise.
111. [bdle. I. 16] William Smyth. 7 Jun. 1537.
I William Smyth, citezein and goldesmyth of London, beyng sick in body, bequeth my soule to Almyghtie God my Maker and Redemer, to the glorious Virgyn Our Lady Seint Mary His Mother and to all the holie company of seintes in heven, and my body to be buried in the churche yarde of Seint Mathewe in Friday Strete of London in such a place there as shalbe thought most convenyent by my executrice. I gyve to the high alter of the same parisshe churche for my tithes forgotten 8d., and after my body so buryed and my dettes paied I gyve all the residue of my goodes, catalles, plate, houshold stuffe and redy money to Elyn, my wyff, she therwith to do her free will and pleasure and to do for me as she wolde I shulde do for her in case like, which Elyn I make my soole executrice of this my present testament and last wyll. In witnesse wherof I have setto my seale. Provided all way yf Ellyn my weffe do marie she schall gyffe to Jon, my dowter, 3 li. of sterlyn monay or to the value of so metchet. Wettnes Sir John Benson. Per me Wyllyam Smyth.
[Note that the will was sealed and delivered in the presence of Thomas Pierson, servant of John Worsopp, notary. Further note that it was enrolled by John Baryare and John Bolter.]
Written on parchment with the bottom turned up and threaded by a seal tab, but the seal is missing. The note of sealing and delivery is written on the turn-up and the note of enrolment under the turn-up.
112. [bdle. I. 17] Jone Temple. 10 Aug. 1537.
I Jone Temple, by the vysytatyone off my Lord God seke and weke off body, humely bequeyth my soole unto Allmyghty God, to Our Lady Saynt Mary and to all the gloryose company off hevyne. My body to be ber[ied] yn the churche yarde off my parrysche churche namyd Saynt Sepulcres beyng wyth owt the Newgat yn Londone. I do ynstantly desyre my faythfull and well belovyd brother, Johne Downynge, wyche ys now at gret costes for me yn my sekenys, to se my funerall exspences honestly dyschargyd. And thys done I wyll that he schall be full executour off all suche goodes moveable and unmoveable wyche I have here and allso all placys at home yn my cowntre wyth owte yntermedlynge off ony persones. And he to dyspose hyt as he schall thynke moste necessary and specyally for the helth off my soole, hys soole, our fryndes soolys and for all Chrystyne soolys. Wyttenys, Henry George, clerke, Edmunde Yerome, Johne Yerome, Johne Wytryd. (fn. 7)
113. [bdle. I. 18] Barnabe Cannon. 8 Feb. 1539.
Jhesus. I Barnabe Cannon, servaunt unto our soveraygne lord the kyng, bequethe my soulle unto Almyghtty Jhesu my Maker, Savier and Creature, to Our Lady Saint Mary His glorius Mother the Virgyn and to all the sayntes in hevyn and my body to be buryed in the parisshe churche of Alhallous Stanyng within London affore Our Lady alter in the same churche. I ordeyne my sole executryx Katheryn, my wyffe, to se all suche my dettes to be payd as here-after ensewythe. Fyrst unto John Symondes fowre pownde sterlynges, the wiche he lent yt unto me in redy moneye. I do owe unto John Locke, mercer, 33s. 4d. for the wiche the seyd John Symondes stondyth bounden for me. I owe unto the seid John Symondes for a keveryng of Arras worke some 14s. I do owe unto John Horwood 20s. I owe unto Cornelys Barne, tayllor, for 4 yardes of Irysshe Fryes and for the makyng of a cloke. I do owe unto one Lambert dwellyng on London Brege for a cappe 3s. 8d. The reasedue of all my goodes, cattelles, dettes, moveable or onmoveable, I gyve theym unto Katheryn my wyffe afforsaid to dyspose and dystrybute for my sowle and all Christen soulles by hir dyscrecyon. And supervysour I ordeyne Richard Garlond, cordewayner, to thentent that the said Richard shall se my seid wyffe in as ferre as in hym lyethe. Wytnesse John Symondes, John Horwood and Sir Thomas Commyngam with other.
114. [bdle. I. 19] Richard Jones. 14 Feb. 1539.
I Richard Jones, citizen and bruer of London, commende my sowle unto my Makr and Redemer, to Hys Mother Our Lady Seynt Mary Virgyn and to all the holy cumpany in heven, and my body to be buryed within the churche yard of the parisshe churche of Seynt Marie Staynynges of London beffore the crosse there. I geve for my said bistow 3s. 4d. And for my knylle 3s. 4d. I beqweth unto William at the Swan in Flete Strete, bruer, 3s. 4d. I beqweth unto Elizabeth Ayere, my late servaunt, 6s. 8d., and a garnysshe of pewter vessell, a pair of shetes and a gowne. I beqweth unto John Harman 2 of my gownes, 2 doblettes, a paire of my hose, a paire of shetes, a shyrt and a paire of blankettes. I make myn executour William Tyllysworth, goldsmyth, and I geve hym for hys payne to be taken in the premisses 20s. in money and my gowne furred with martrone. I ordeyne overseers Thomas Hawes, ynholder, and William Peter, lynnen draper. The residew of all my goodes, catalles and dettes, I geve unto my cosen, Jone Tyllysworth, and her chyldern. In witnes wherof to this my present testament and last will I have sett my seale, Wytnes, Richard Doo, salter, and John Harman, bruer, citizens of London. Per me Rychard Doo beyng present.
[Note that it was proved on 10 Mar. The bottom right-hand corner has been turned back for seal, and 'non adhuc registrar' has been written across it.]
115. [bdle. I. 20] Agneys Okes. 18 May 1538.
I Agneys Okes of London, widowe, sike of body, bequeth my sowle unto Almyghty God my Maker and Redemer, to Our Blyssed Lady Saynt Mary and to alle the company in heven and my body to be buryed in the chirche yarde of Alhalowen Barkynge in London. I bequeth to the high alter of the same chirche for tithes neclygently forgotten 2s. I bequeth unto my dowter, Agneys, wiff of William Casye, and unto Isabell, Margery and Helyn, her doughters, alle my weringe gere, as gownes, kyrtilles and petycotes equally to be devided amongst theym. I bequeth unto Agneys Joans, my kynneswoman, 3 coysshens of flowers. The residue of alle my goodes I fully give unto Hugh Provest of Depforde in the Countie of Kent, yoman, whome I make my soole executour. Witnesses, Sir William, chauntrye preest of Alholowen Barkynge in London, and John Tetworth, servaunt unto Henry Standyssh.
116. [bdle. I. 21] Wyllam Symons. 28 Dec. 1538.
Jhesus. Y Wyllam Symons, marchant taylor of London, syke off body, bequethe my solle unto Allmygty God, to the Blessyd Virgyn Mari and unto all the holy compeny yn heven, and my body to be buryd yn the parysch church or churchyard of Sayn[t] Androw Undershaft or els yn sum other halowyd grownd where myne executors shall thynke most convenyent. I bequethe unto the hy auter of my parysche church for oblacyons neclygently forgoton 12d. I wyll that there be geven unto the pore people withyn the same parysch to pray for my sol 3s. 4d. I bequethe to John Symon, my son, 12 li., with a maser bownd with sylver and gylt, the wich sayd 12 li. and the maser I wyll that hytt be delyveryd unto the handes and safe custody off Mr. John Gerard to the use off the sayd Jhon Symon, my son, to be delyveryd unto the same John Symon when he shall cum to the age of 18 yere. And yff the sayd John Symon dy with yn the sayd age of 18 yers I wyll the sayd 12 li. with the maser be geven unto the 3 sons off my sysster Elyzabt equally to be devydyd and any of them dy the longer levers to be the others hyres. Also I geve unto the doggter of my syster, callyd Cysely, a peyre of bedes of corall dobull gawdyd with sylver, unto Margaret, my brothers dogghter, a peyre of black bedes of gett gawdyd with sylver, unto Thomas Bettes, taylor, a gowne of russett and forryd with fox, unto Davyd Smyth a gyrkyn of Spaynys lether furryd with cony, unto Mr. Madockes maydes, ether of them, 4d. Alle the resydew of my goodes I gev unto Angnes, my wyf, whome I make myne executrys and with here to be overseers I ordeyne Rychard Madock, my father yn law, and Tomas Symons, my brother, and for theyre peynys I geve unto Rychard Madocke, my father yn law, a cloke of grene medley and a dublett of tauny satten. I geve to Tomas Symons, my brother, a jakett of charjabull chamlet (fn. 8) and dublet of black satten. In wytness hereof thys to be my last wyll I have put to my hand. I geve unto the good wyff Dryset for here peynes takyng, 10s. By mee Wyllyme Symonds. Wytnessys, George Coly, John Bernard, Tomas Bettes, Davyd Smyth.
[In the bottom right-hand corner is the note 'Reg'.]
117. [bdle. I. 22] Thomas Smyth. 13 Dec. 1538. (fn. 9)
I Thomas Smyth of the Cittie of London, cloth worker, very sycke in body, bequeith my soule unto Almyghty God the Father of hevyn and to Hys Oonly Soone our Lorde Jeshus Cryste and to the Holy Gooste, Thre Persones and Oone Verye God, the whiche I be leve faithfully and stedfastly, besechyng Our Moste Blessyd Lady Saint Marie the Virgyn and all the saintes in hevyn to praye with me and for me to our Lorde God to be mercyfull to my poar soule. I will that my body shall be buryed in Saintes Margittes cherche yard in Loithberye. I gyffe to Walter Beche, my cussyn, my best dublet and my best jakett, to Joane, my servaunt, my syngill gowne of broune blew in recompence of hyr wages and servys, to William Eeglyntyne a dublet and a jherkyn of fustyan, I gyffe to John Nyckeson my bow and myn arrowes. All the resydew of my goodes I gyffe to Rychard Smyth, my brother, and to Joane Smyth, my syster, my dettes payd my be qwestes and funeralles dyscharged and my bodye onestly brought and erith[ed] and I will that eche of theym be others hayer. I constytute for my sole executour my wellbylovyd frend Roger Tayler, cittizen and lattyn founder, and I will that the said Roger Tayler shall have the custody and keppyng of all my goodes untyll my said brother and syster cum to their laufull age. Wytnessith, John Nyckson, inholder, Stevyn Markose, brewar, and Waltere Beche, dyar, with othere moo.
118. [bdle. I. 23] Thomas Abbott. 25 Jul. 1539. (fn. 10)
I Thomas Abbott, prest off the parische off Lytyll Halhallois in Temes Strett in London, beqwythe my soolle unto Almyghty Gode, to Owr Bessyde Laydy Sante Mayrye and to all the company off hewyne and my body to be buryyde in the same parische at ordynatione off my master. And as for my worldly goodes all that ever is betwyne my master and me, as wayges or lewerays, I gyffe them unto my master, desyerryng hym to se me honestlye buriyde. I gyve unto my brother, Larens, my best gowne and unto goodewyffe Rychardeson my fetherbede, my coveryng and all that longes to my bede, saywyng one bowlster wiche I gyve unto Anne, owr mayde, for hyre paynes with me att Walkamstowe. I gyve unto Tysdayle one pare off shettes and the best. I gyve unto Sir Wylliam, parische prest, my second gowne and my typatt. Also unto Wylliam Grene I gyve my best jakkett. I gyve unto goodeman Rychardson my best dowblett. I gyve unto olde Annes one pare off shettes, unto Jane Thornton my jonyde chyst by my bede syde, unto Sir John at Walkamstowe my olde jerkyng and my best cape, unto goode wyffe Eton a peyctour off Owr Ladye, unto goodewyffe Greyne a peyctour off Chyrst hagyng att my bedes sede with my baskett off foilles, unto goodewyffe Benfelde my threde gowne, unto goodewyffe Rychardeson my 4th gowne and unto the wyffe wiche kepes me my worst gowne, unto goodewyffe Rychardsones mayde one pare off shettes, my baysyn and my pynt potte. I wyll that my master gyve unto goddewyffe Hodson 2s. and unto mother Thornton 4d. Also I gyve my woode knyffe unto my master with all the resydewe off my goodes to dysposse at his plesure desyerryng hym to be goode master to my boy Raphe. I make William Thornton, my master, my hole exequutour to do as he thynkythe best in every thyng in wyttnes whereoff I sett to this my sealle, beyng present at that same tyme, Sir William, the curat, John Twytte, Wylliam Greyne with other moo.
119. [bdle. I. 24] Peter Slowtar. 18 Jun. 1539.
I Peter Slowtar, beyng syke and febull of boddye, be qwethe my sole unto All myghtye God Owre Blessyd Ladye Sent Marye and unto all the hollye compannye that ys yn hevyn, and mye boddye to be buryed yn the churche yarde of Marye Mawdlyn pariche yn olde Fyshtrete. I make myne full executour Garrat Slowtar, my brother, and Phyllep Raynnard and Josen for to be my over sears. I bequethe unto the highe awlter of the same churche 12d. I doe owe unto Mr. Maynnarde, bere brewer, for 7 kylderkyns of dowbull bere and 8 of single bere. I doe owe unto How at London Wale 6s. 8d., to Mr. Nashe for my howse rente dewe at mydsomer next followynge 4s., to the other 2s. at mydsommer, to Sir Wylliam, Mr. Wynkfyldes preeste, 15d. All the rest of my goodes, my dettes payde, I put hyt unto the desposysyon of my brother Garratt Slowtar, and my oversears abovenamyd for the helthe of my sole. Wyttnes, Mr. Richard Whithers, (fn. 11) parson of the sayde churche, Sir John Salter, preste, Thomas Goode, John Blakneye, with other moe.
120. [bdle. I. 25] Henry Walton. 13 Dec. 1539.
Jhesus. I Henry Walton, citezein of London, recommend my soule unto Almyghty God my Maker and Redemer in whom is all my truste to be saved thrugh the merites of His Preceouse Blodd, etc. (fn. 12) and my body to be burried in the churche yerde of Seynte Stephens in Colmanstrete in London, wher I am a parisshener. The residewe of all ny goodes after my dettes paid and my burryinge done I geve theym holy unto Mary my wyffe, and I make the said Mary sole executrice, she to be good to my chyldren to hir powere. In witnesse wheroff to this my present testament and last wyll, I have putto my seale. (fn. 13) Wytnesse, Bartelmew Abram, per me Richardum Kettill (fn. 14) vicarium ibidem with other. By me Harry Walton. (fn. 15)
121. [bdle. I. 26] Leuc Ayewyne. [Undated.] [Dutch and Latin.]
[In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Amen. I Leuc Ayewyne (fn. 16) make my testament as from my knowledge I am able to do. First I commend my soul to God the Lord, then my body there . . . then as to what I owe and is owing to me I testify as follows; as for Werner van Backe and Henry Gorkum and Jeremiah van Mayck and Henry Hocsen I will give as at the beginning, [i.e. as I have already provided:] first I owe Nescken uppen Hylde 10 stoeters, Margaret one chest, Tan onder den Wael, (fn. 17) of what he owes me, that is to say, in the first place, for art-work, and further I have 48 stoeters for nails and saws, [for] Thomas I have made 1 chair for which I have received 1 noble and there remain (fn. 18) due to me 10 stoeters, Dyc Har . . . stoeter, Henry Hocson 2 stoeters, Jeremiah Mayck 5 stoeters and 1 penny. Further I [give] to my . . . (fn. 19) and (fn. 20). . . brother Werner all that I have, out of which he will [pay] what is to be paid. As for debts due to me I give them all to Henry van Gorcum. Bartholomew owes me 11 shillings for a table and furthermore 6 and 1 marks for a tabard and 2 pieces [? coats or costumes] and 2 pairs of hose. (fn. 21) Albrecht who [?kept my accounts] has 5 stoeters from Norwarke. This is testified unto by me brother John of [?Haddington] in the presence of the persons written or named above (fn. 22) brother at Blackfriars.]
This document, written in Dutch with a few Latin words interspersed, is very difficult to decipher or translate. It has been badly affected and discoloured by damp and the right-hand side of the paper has been torn off so that no line is complete. Professor Bindoff has kindly supplied the above translation and the notes.
122. [bdle. I. 27] Jone Brytten. 1 Oct. 1540.
I Jone Brytten of the parrische off Saynt Michaels in Wodstrete, syke in my body, be quethe my sole unto Allmygthy God and unto Owre Blessid Lady and unto all the holli company in hevon, and my body to be byrrid within the parrische chyrche of Saynt Gregoris by Poles undur a stone ther preparid all redy for me. I be quethe unto the hi awter of Saynt Michaels for mi tithes necligent forgotton 8d. I will have at the tyme of mi biriall halffe a trintall of massis 5s. 4d. I wyll have 6 pristes bysyd the parson, the clarke and the sexten and be quethe them for there labur 4s. 10d. I will have a fore nonis knill 20d. The peles 6d. I wyll have 5 1lb tappres the prise 15d. and 5 childyrne to bere them 10d. and 200 pownd tapires and the childyrne to bere them by fore the crose 10d. I vill that 4s. be delid in obolos (fn. 23) bred at the tyme off mi birriall, also I will that a dyner be made for them that be put in trust of mi wyll the day of mi byriall, the pris 3s. 4d. Also I will at my dethe a inveteri off mi plat and off all the rest off mi godis be made and so presid and sold and then when the charges off mi birring and mi be questes payd the rest off mi godis I wyll that a prist schall syngke for mi sole, mi master Milard sole, his wiffes sole and all Cristin soles with in the chirch off Saynt Gregores in London for one halffe ere, and in the cherche off Saynt Michaels in Wodestret for the space off one quarter off a ere or more yff the godes will exsetende, yff not as so far as the godys will exstende and the wages off the prist to be aftur the rate off 6 li. 13s. 4d. bi the ere. I wyll Jhon Brigges to be mi sole exsecutor and he to have for his labur 16s. 8d. I ordyn Thomas Walkar ovyrsear off thys my last wyll and he to have for his labur 3s. 4d. Witenes my curet that hathe charge off my sole, Jhon Brigges, Margit Boweman. Per me Thomas Jennins. (fn. 24)
[Under the will is a note that letters to collect were granted, but it is not clear to whom. The will is endorsed 'Johanna Mylard alias Brytten'.]