London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1967.
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'Separate wills: 1542-43 (nos. 149-99)', in London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547, ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online [accessed 1 April 2025].
'Separate wills: 1542-43 (nos. 149-99)', in London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Edited by Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online, accessed April 1, 2025,
"Separate wills: 1542-43 (nos. 149-99)". London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online. Web. 1 April 2025.
1542–43 (nos. 149–99)
149. [bdle. I. 54] Wylliam Whyteryg. 10 Feb. 1542.
I Wylliam Whyteryg of the parysch of Saynt Androis in Holburn bequeth my sooll to Almyghti God, to Our Blessyd Lady Saynt Marye and to all the holy company in heven and my body to be buryed in my parysch chyrch aforesayd. I bequeth in amendes makyng for my tythes neclygently forgoton 3s. 4d. I wyll to Saynt John and Saynt Christofers alters 3s. 4d. I wyll to Saynt Sythis alter 3s. 4d. I bequeth to 2 of my servauntes, Hamond and Robard, to every of them 20d. I bequeth to Thomas Nele 20d. I wyll all the resydue of my goodes moveable and unmoveable, my funeralles and dettes payd, to Isabell Whyteryg, my wyffe, and to John Whyteryg, my son, the whych sayd Isbell and John I make my executours to se me honestly buryed as thei shall thynke best. I doe charge my son John, as he desyrith to have my blessyng, to be gud chyld to hys mother so long as yt shall please God he and she shall lyve together. Wytness, Sir Nycholas Burton, (fn. 1) my goostly father, Thomas Nele, with other moo.
[Proved 19 Feb.]
150. [bdle. I. 55] Agnes Agerton. 26 Jan. 1543.
Jehus Maria. I Agnes Agerton, wedow, bequeth my sowle to the Blyssyt Trinite, desyryng the Father, the Sone and the Holy Gost to have mercy off my sowle, also I desyry the Blessyt Virgyn Mari, the Mother off Jehus my Savior and all the saintes yn hevyn to pray to Jehus my Savior for mercy, and my body to be buryd in the cherche or cherch yarde off Sant Androu in Estchepe, (fn. 2) and dirige and mas to be songe or sayd at my beryall. I wyll that there be to new torgges and 6 tapars the weche I wyll shall borne the derige and the mes wyly and thyn thay to reymene in the aforesayd cherche to be borynyd to the honor off God at tymys conveniant yf yt may so be, the costes and chirges and my kyepyng in the howse were I ly recompensyt. The resyde off all my goodes, my dettes, legacies and funerall deductyd and payd, I geve to Katheryn Dygby and to Maystris Tygo to dispose for my soule to my powr naybors, whom I make my executryces, to fulfyll this my laste well, and Mr. Charlay Cowper and George Hyde, porters off the Stylleard, to oversee yt and they to have eyder off thym for there paynys 6s. 8d. yf so moche reymayne after the costes and charges afore namyd payd. In the presens off Gorge Hyde, Thomas Wyllkyns with mo. By me Jhon Alderslay, clark.
[Overleaf: One line obliterated and then the names, presumably of witnesses are given, 'Thomas Clarke, Wylliam Hutte, John Lawless, Hare Keyschell'. Below the will is a note that administration was granted on 20 Mar. 1543, (fn. 3) but on the back of the will the date is given as 20 Mar. 1542 (fn. 3) and a note is added that it was granted to — Hyde as next of kin.]
The document has been damaged by damp and the ink is faint.
151. [bdle. I. 56] John Boulwerk. 9 Jan. 1543. (fn. 4)
I John Boulwerk of London, boucher, . . . my sowll unto Allmyghty God, my Maker and Redemer and my body to be buryed in the parich . . . Clementes wythyn Est cheppe in London be fore the cros yn the churche eard were the bodys of my . . . and kynred lyeth buryed. I bequeith to the hye alter of the sayd parisshe church for my tythys 12d. I will that my wyff exsecutryx, or her asynes, shal pay to Stevyn Andros 40s., the wych I ham bound to pay hym 40d. at a tym untyll the holle sum of the sayd mony be owtt. I wyl that my wyff tak of Wyllyam Kyng 7s. that he hoyth me. The poweyar (fn. 5) to owr soffryn lord the Kyng hoyth me for 3 lood of haye the wyche I desyre that yt be payd to my fore sayd wyff. The resydue of all my goodes and catel, movabull and unmovabul, dettes, I geve to Elizabeth, my wyff, home I make my sole executryx and I make Mr. Benet, my trusty frynd, to be supervysar of this my last wyll and present testament. Wytnys my gostly father, Adryan Arnold, curat of the fore sayd parisshe of Sent Clementes with other.
[Note that the will was proved and registered on 12 Feb. Endorsed 'Testamentum Jo. Bulwerke'.]
The top right-hand corner of the sheet has been torn away.
152. [bdle. I. 57] Henry Balle. 23 Sep. 154–.
I Henry Balle, sycke of body, be queve my sowlle to Almyghty God, to Our Blessyd Lady and to all the holy cumpany in heven, my body to be beryd in the churche yarde of Our Lady of Islendon. I be queve to the hyghtt auter 12d., to Jehus prest 12d., and to my curatt 16d. The reste of goodes I geve to Alce, my wyffe, whom I macke my hole executryx, she to be stowe hytt as she thyncke best for the helthe of my sowle. Wyttnes, Sir Henry Bryght, curatt, John Ferrer the yongger and John Ferrer the elder.
[In the bottom left-hand corner is a note that the will was proved on 7 Feb. and in the right-hand corner, 'Henry Ball Father and Mother'. (fn. 6) ]
153. [bdle. I. 58] Thomas Brase. 11 Oct. 1542.
I Thomas Brase, habardesher of London, be queth my soule unto Allmyght God my Maker and Redemer, to Our Lady Saynt Mary and to all the hooly company of heven, and my body to be buryed in the churche of Saint Nycholas with in the Cytty of London next unto my wyffe. The resydue of all my goods (my dettes payed) I geve them holy unto Katheryn, my wyffe. (fn. 7) And these men, Mr. Parcyvall Craswell, Robert Brase, Mr. Murfyn, to be supervysurs to my pore wyff. Wittnes, Sir John Mary, curat, the kyngges servant, Richard Jensen, with other.
[Note that administration was granted.]
154. [bdle. I. 59] Cecilye Clowgh. [?28 Jan. 1543.]
I Cecilye Clowgh, wedow of the parisshe of Seynt Bride the Virgin in Fletstret, being syke in my bodie, [bequeath] my sowll to Almyghtie God the Father that made yt and to the Sonne that Reyd . . . and to the Holy Goste that graciously hathe governyd yt thorow and by the intercession . . . Virgin Mary, with all the holy company in heven, and my bodie to be buryed in the churche yarde of Seynt Bryde at the crose in the northe syed of the churche by my chyldrene. I geve to the high alter of the foresaid churche for my tythis and oblacions forgotton a t. . . dyaper. I geve to Mary, my mayed, a good fetherbed, a bolster, a paier of shettes, a paier of bla . . . and a coverlett. I geve to my ostis, Coplonde, a fetherbed, a bolster, a paier of shettes and a paier of blankettes and a coverlett. I will that Agnes Cokered have my saddull with all thinges belongyng to a horse for a woman, paying to my executour 6s. 8d. I geve to Sir Bryan, my gostely father, a platter a dishe and a sawser, to pray for me. I will that my landes and tenementes, feys and other or eny manner of renttes the whiche I have right unto and am in peasible possession at this present daye where so ever they be within this the Kyng's Realme, the which draweth in value of 4 li. by the yere, that came by my father and geven to me, that those landes or tenementes or other parte of my levyng be any manner of rente, be solde to Master Richarde Haywod at a reasonable price, adjuged by indifferent men, to se me honestly buryed, my bequestes fulfilled and my dettes payed, and the resydue to be doon for my sowll, my fathers sowll and all my fryndes sowlles and all Cristyan sowlles. I will that Master Richarde Haywood forsake to bye . . . landes or eny persone or persones be proferred the byeng of theym. I will that my executour paye dulye these my dettes folowyng:— I owe to Mesteris Byrde 6s. 5d., the goodman Sporleston 12s. 8d., to Gaies 2s. 2d., . . . Creswell, for 7 yardes of chamelet 14s. I ordeyne my brother, Nicholas Chewne, for my sole executour. Also I geve to my brother, Nicholas Chowne, to doo for my sowll all . . . unbequethed movable and unmovable, savyng my londes whiche shalbe solde to M . . . Haywood, provyded allways that yf my brother Nicholas will not I will that Mr. Richard Haywood be my executour to fulfill and performe all thynges abo[ve] . . . Witnessed the 29th day of J . . . before Sir Stephen Bryan, Thomas Wylde with many othere.
[Note that the will was proved on 29 Jan.]
Formally written, with decorative initial letter, on one sheet of paper the right-hand side of which is much torn.
155. [bdle. I. 60] Robert Cavarden. 27 Feb. 1543.
I Robert Cavarden, (fn. 8) citizein and payntour steynour of London, syk in body, bequethe my sowle unto Almyghty God my Maker and Redemour, trustyng and faithfully belevyng thorough the merytes of Cristes most precious passyon my synnes be clerely forgyven, my body to be buryed in Cristen buryalle where God for yt shall dispose. I gyve to my cossyn, William Cavarden, a fetherbed, a bolster, a pyllow, a pyllowbere, a paire of fyne shetes, with the curteyns and valance to the same bed belongyng, a new table with a frame, three platters and 3 dysshis. I bequethe to John Ylard my best gowne and fyve shyllinges in mony, to Alexander Bele, fysshmonger, my long gowne furryd with whyte lamb. I bequethe to every servaunt aswele men as women being at the day of makyng herof in the howse of the same Alexander 5s. I bequethe to John Morrys a gowne of new coolerd clothe and 6s. 8d. I bequethe to Robert Mannyng, my godsone, 6s. 8d. I bequethe to Phylys Madok, the wyff of Mighell Madok, a paire of shetes, a patter and a dyssh. I bequethe to the chyldern of Davy Playne toward their preferment among them 20s. I will to have song by note at my buryalle, a masse and dyrige for my sowle and alle Cristen sowles and at the same to have 12 hand torches to be borne by 12 pouer men, and every of them to have for his labour therin 4d. I will 10s. to be spent for a recreacion to be had among them that shalbe at my buryalle. I bequethe to Thomas Owen, my brother, to my brother, Hugh, and to Thomas Cloggar, to every of them 5s. I bequethe to the doughter of John Ylarde fyve shellinges. I will to be distributed to the pouer at the discression of Fulk Mounslow certeyn implementes and goodes of myn now being in the custody of Robert Arnolde. I bequethe to Rychard Maddok my gowne faced with cony and 5s. I bequethe to Davy Playne my doblet of bukskyn, a cloke, 4 paire of shetes, 2 dysshes and 2 sawcers. I forgyve and acquyte Davy Playne of his det of 4 li. whiche he owith unto me 40s. I bequethe to Thomas Pecok a grene cott and a paire of shetes, and to Saunder, laborer, a doblet of fustyan. The residew of alle my goodes, cattailles and dettes, after my dettes paied, the costes of my burying doon, I holly gyve to the said Alexander and Davy Playne myn executours. And I bequethe to the same Alexander for his payne to be had in the premissis 20s. And overseers of the same I make said John Ylard and Rychard Maddok. In witnes wherof to this my present testament and last will I have set my seall. Witnis, Fulk Mounslow, Rychard Maddok and George Dowghty, apprentice of John Ruttur, scryvener.
Formally written on parchment the bottom of which has been turned up and slit in the middle for a seal tab which is missing.
156. [bdle. I. 61] Robert Fosster. 1543.
I Robert Fosster, very syk in body do make my last wyll and testament. My sowle I geve to All myghtty God the Maker and Creator both of sowle and body, by Whome I trust to be savyd throwght and by the meretes of our Savyour Jhesus Christ. I wyll my body to be beryed in the cherch yerde of Saynt Johns. I wyll my wyffe to be executerys of my goods acordyng to the cosstome of the Cete for my cheldren. I wyll Edmond Hobson to be the overseer wyth my wyffe, to whome for hys payns I geve 3s. 4d. I bequeth my mother my best gown with my best hosen and 5s. Wytnes, Henry Symonds, (fn. 9) clerk, Jerome Bone and Henry Foster.
[Proved 23 Feb.]
Prased by Jeram Lune, John Draper, citezeins, 20 Feb. 1542. (fn. 10)
[Endorsed 'Copia inventarii Robt. Foster'.]
The inventory is on two sheets sewn together lengthwise.
157. [bdle. I. 62] Robert Jennynges. 8 Sep. 1537. (fn. 11)
I Robertt Jennynges, draper of London, bequethe my sowle to Allmyghtie Jeshus, my bodye to be buryed where it shall please God. I have att this present daye 60 li. sterlyng in Northeren dossens, cottens and other wares, laden in the shipp of Harwoode wherein my servaunt ys Thomas Danyell, a bale of 30ti Northeren dossens, vi cottens wrapers grenes, in the Barnabe Pulmer, 30ti Northern dossens and 5 peces grene cottens. And in Harwoodes shipp I have asmyche clothe lynnen as cost me of Harborowe clothe 18 li. I do owe of all these to Myles Abrigges 30 li., that is 10 li. att Candlemas, 20 li. att Ester followynge, And so that God sende my goodes in savitie I wolde ytt shulde be first payd, and yf I dye by the waye I wolde that as ys recyvyd and commythe to my executours handes I gyve to the power nede (fn. 12) 5 li., to my fathers daughter dwellyng with John Jennynges, grocer, 10 li., to George Wylsons wyff, wydowe, 5 li. and unto William Jennynges, my cosyn, in recompence of that I receyvyd 3 li. dew to hym, gyven by my brother Richard. I gyve hym 10 li. I will that there be gyven to the most of myn acquentance and fryndes 20 rynges of golde of the value of 5s. a pese and to be flatt beyng over the in syde 'lawded be God'. And I gyve to the Good Companye of Awncienttes 5 li. to be bestowed att 2 or 3 dyners. Also I gyve to the nexte of my kynredd unnamed 10 li., to be devyded after 40s. a pese. The reste unbequethid I gyve to be desposed where hitt pleaseth my executours, whiche I make Thomas Dadye and John Horsepoll, drapers, and Edmunde Backson, skynner, my overseer. And I gyve every one of them for ther labour 3 li., so that they order my will well, and yf they cannott receyve ytt I will they shall perfourme yt portions lyke after my bequeste and substance, my debttes payed, and there to I fyrme my name. All thesse with my reamentt and other howsehold stoff to be deperted. Robertt Jennyns.
[Proved on 5 Mar.]
158. [bdle. I. 63] Wylyam Massyngere. 26 Feb. 1543.
I Wylyam Massyngere, cyteson off London, seke yn body bequethes my soll to God Allmythy and to all the celestyall compeny off heven, my body to be byryd yn the chorcheyord off Sen Sepourcors. Alle seche godes as y have, my dettes payd and my body brothg home, I geve to Wylyam Felype and to John Dofyeld, home y make my exsecretors. Wyttneseth, Symon Nichalson, John Marten, Edward Davys, also Symon Golsmeyth.
[Notes that the will was written on paper, and that it was proved and registered on 10 Feb.]
This inventary was presyd by Robert Hassill, coper, and Syman Goldsmyth, smyth of London, the 10th day of February in the 34ti yere of the raigne of our soveraigne lord Kyng Henry the VIIIth.
159. [bdle. I. 64] Thomas Otwell. 13 Jan. 1543.
Jehu. I Thomas Otwell, habberdasher, dwellynge in the parishe of Saynte Nicolas Cold Abbay in old Fyshstret, London, bequethe my sowle to our Saviour Christe Jeshu, my Redemer, Owr Blesyde Lady Saynt Mary, Saynt Nicolas and to all holy company of heven, my body to buryed in the churcheyarde of the sayd Saynt Nicolas. To the hye auter of the sayd churche for my tethes unpayd 3s. 4d. I wyll all my moveable goodes, as well dettes as other, to be devyded in thre partes, wherof I wyll my daughter, Chrystian Daren, to have one of the thre partes, and hir chylder to have a nother of the three partes, and the therd parte, the wiche I wyll to be better then any of the other 2 partes, by 5 or 6 li. I wyll that Thomas Otwell, my son, shall have, whom I make to be my sectour of this my wyll and honestly to do for my sowle. I wyll also that Mr. Wylliam Barde be overseer and that he have for his labore and paynes taken theryn 20s. Thes persones then beyng present, John Fox, preste and curat of the forsayde churche, Wylliam Cresney, the paryshe clerke, Wylliam Eggliston, Wylliam Dary, with other.
160. [bdle. I. 65] Rychard Pendryth. 19 Oct. 1523. (fn. 13)
I Rychard Pendryth off the paresche off Sent Bertholomey the litle nexte unto Smythfild in London, sycke yn body, bequethe my soll to Jehu Criste, to Hys Modur Sent Mary and to all the hooly cumpany yn heven, and my body to be buryde withyn the churcheyerde off Sent Bertholomey. I wyll have in tyme off my burryall 4 taperes to brane a bout me yn tyme of saying dyrige and masse. I bequethe to my brodur the lesce off the parsonage off Byngley or 16 li. wadur the wyll. I bequethe to my master, Rychard Barley, 6s. 8d. and a swerde, a velvett cappe. I bequethe to my goostly fader 6s. 8d. and velwett cappe, to Jhon Bysse a rossett coot, to Wyllyam Gammes a blacke rosett coott, ty Wyllyam Porter a cappe, to Jhon Marsche a pere off hoosse. To se that thys my last wyll be done I make Rychard Barley, my master, my excectur. The rest off my goods to be at the dyscretyon off my sayde excectur. Wyttnes, Sir Richard Bromley, my goostly fadur, Myghell Bressewode, Wyllyam Fuller, Jhon Benson.
These be dettes owyng to me. | |||
In primis to Chrystover Smythe of Gratius Strete | 26s. | 8d. | |
To Sir Wyllyam off the Kynges Colegge in Oxforde | 6s. | 8d. | |
To Markes off Northamptonshyre | 4s. | ||
To Wyllyam Nycoll, the colyer | 7d. | ||
To Hughes, the colyer | 9d. | ||
To Cubutt, the colyer | 3d. | ||
To Peter, servont to my lorde Bysschoppe off Westmyster | 6s. | 8d. | |
To the clerke off Hendun | 20d. | ||
To persones off Hendun, a chest and resth overpayd for the sayd chest | 4d. | ||
[Endorsed: Proved 28 Nov. 1542. (fn. 13) ] | |||
Inventori off the goodes off Rychard Pendryth layte of the paresche off Sent Betholomey in London nere to Smythfylde. | |||
In rede money | 25s. | 6d. | |
The leysse off a parsongge | 16li. | ||
To Chrysten Smyth | 26s. | 8d. | |
To Peter, sirvont to my lorde Byschoppe of Wesmyster | 6s. | 8d. | |
To master Mackes off Northampton | 4s. | ||
To the clerke of Hendun | 20s. | ||
For the coveryg off a bedde | 4s. | 4d. | |
A gowne | 9s. | ||
A shurt | 8d. | ||
A coot | 5s. | ||
A dublett | 12d. | ||
A gerkyn | 2s. |
161. [bdle. I. 66] Margery Rowth. 6 Nov. 1542.
Jehus. I Margery Rowth, vidow, seke yn body, bequeth my sowle to Almyghty God, Our Lady Saynt Mary and to all the holy company in hevyn, and my body to be buryed withyn the churche yorde of saynct Mary Magdalen in Mylkstret as ny to my howsebond as may be. My funeralles and dettes payd I gyff to Frances Elyat my weddyng ryng, to Jane Elyatt my second bedes, to Mistress Johan Page my best gowne, my best kyrtyll and my best peticote, to Elsabet Cowper on gowne pewke lyned with russell wolsted, to gudwyffe Golde on blak gowne lyned with russell wolsted, and to Johan Butlar my systers doowgter, one gowne pewke lyned with russell wolsted, to every pouer woman wythin Jhesus Alley one smoke, to every one of the 5 maydes in Mr. Pages howse one smok, every one of Mr. Hardynges maydes one smok, to Nicholas Byngham mayde one smoke, to Elsabeth Smerte one smok, to Mother Hoyser yn the parische of Saynct Peter at Paules Wharfe on smok, to Emmot Buttlar on red kyrtyll and one black kyrtyl and one old blanket, to Johan Bradwyn one gowne black lyned with coton, to Elsabet Rowth one kyrtyll of worsted upper bodyed with blew satyn of bryderies, to Mr. Laurens 2 sattylles, the hangynges in the hall with the joystes and bordes in the selar. Rest of my goodes not bequethyd I gyff to Mistress Johan Page to dyspose for the helthe of my sowle as she shall thynk best, whom I make my sole executryce. I gyff to Kateryn Page, doggter to the sayd Jone on sylver spone, to Mary Newton on kyrtyll of worsted black, Wytnes, Sir Geoffray Page, (fn. 14) ther parson, Mr. Laurens, parishe clerk, Johan Bradwyn, Emmet Butlar and other.
There is a rough cross or mark below the will.
162. [bdle. I. 67] Agnes Ryngland. 12 Feb. 1543.
I Agnes Ryngland, wydowe, bequeth my sowle to Almyghty God, and my body to be buryed in the churche yerd of Hallhallowne Barkynge. I do make Johan Vause myne executor of all suche thynges I have, to performe my wyll. I bequethe to small chylderne and pore folkes in bunnes 3s. I bequethe to my keper, Norreye, a kyrtle and a gowne, a kercher, a chest, a petycote, an yron pot, a skyllet and a kettell, to goodwyffe Myller a fetherbed and to bolsters, a red cauerlet and a counter, to my cossen Torynge a dogswayne, a brase pot and to dysshes, to Johan Ryngland doughter a chest, to Mystres Sherewood a latten basen, to Cape Wynes doughters, eche of them a pott, one hoped and a di pynt pot. Wytnesses, Thomas Hore, Robert Vouche and other mo.
I Wylliam Dewes, (fn. 15) vyker, there do testyfye that the seyd Agnes departydd made the within wrytten John Vawse the exec. of hyr last wyl when sche laye upon hyr dethe bed by these wrytton propria manu. (fn. 16)
163. [bdle. I. 68] Thomas Samon. 7 Dec. 1542.
I Thomas Samon, citezen and partler of London, of the parysshe of Seint Bothulphes without Aldrychegate bequethe my soule to Allmyghty God, my Maker and Redemer and to the gloryous Vyrgyn Our Lady Seint Mary and to all the holy company of heven, my body to be buryed in the churche yard of theforsaid parysshe wher I was a parissheoner. As for all suche goodes whiche that I found with my wyfe, Cycely, my concience will not geve eny porcion of it from her but utterly I geve itt unto her ageyne, whome I make my sole executryx to dyspose for me as she shall seme best, to the plesour of God and to the welthe of my soule. Wytnes, Sir Richard Mylle, (fn. 17) my curate, William Cotes, parysshe clerke, Edward Hennershe and other.
164. [bdle. I. 69] Agnes Smythe. 20 Oct. 1542.
I Agnes Smythe bequethe my sowle to Almyghtte God and to Hys Mother Owr Lady Saynte Mary and to all the holy compony of hevyn and my body to be buryd in paryshe of Saynt Barthomeys the Lyttyll with in London, ny unto husbande. I make Mastres Filipson and Mastres Farmar my exsecutorres and thato have for har payns 6s. 8d. a pyes. I geve unto the hey auter 8d. I geve for the pette in the cherches 6s. 8d., for makyng 2s. for the kneyll 6s. 8d. I wyll have all the prestes of the churth to feche my bode therto, allso 2 branchis of white wax, allso 12 childryn beryng 12 taperes. I wyll have gevyne in brede 2s. I geve unto Rocet, my prentis, a bed with all things belongyng to. I will, after my decheys, the sayd Robert have the use and kepynge of my howse, and I geve Roberd all the hangyns in the halle. I geve to Mastres Salter my beste gowen furrde with shankes, allso to Mastres Alderman an hoxsyade of verges. I geve unto Mr. Nycholes Willforde a kynderkyng of verges. I geve unto Nycholas Newman 3s. 4d. I geve unto my syster 2 plateres, 2 disshys, 2 sauseres, to Elynor Huste my best kertyll and my beste petycote, allso to Mewlland a ronde gowen, a petycote and 2 payr of cheys and lynon be syd.
[Proved on 24 Oct. 1542. (fn. 18) ]
165. [bdle. I. 70] Richard Tyry. 27 May 1542.
I Richard Tyry bequethe my soule unto Godd and to all the holy company of hevyn, and my body to be buryed within the churche yarde of Saint Botulphe without Algate and there to have dyrige and masse at the discresion of Jone, my wiff, whome I make my only executryce to see my dettes paid and to kepe my doughter Jacomyne. I bequethe all the tenementes that my father bequethed me after the decesse of my mother unto Johann, my wiff, and after hir decesse unto Jacomyne my doughter. The residew of my goodes, my dettes paid and my body brought unto the grounde, I bequethe unto Jone my wyff, whome I charge before Godd to see every man paid whose names be here subscribed. Witnesses John Boyer, Rowlland Whally, with other. Written by me John Goodwyn, curate of Algate.
Dettes that I Richarde Tyry owthe at the making of this wyll and last testament.
Unto Mr. Edgrave the Kinges brotherer | 20s. | ||
Unto Randall the porter | 13s. | 4d. | |
To Robert Yong | 5s. | ||
Unto Mr. Stokes | 4s. |
[Endorsed 'Proved on 10 Oct. 1542.' (fn. 19) ]
166. [bdle. I. 71] Elsabeth Ungulles. 7 Aug. 1542.
I Elsabeth Ungulles, wydowe, parochyane of Saint Marye Somersett by Broken Wharffe, bequeth my sowll to Allmyghty God, my Creator and Redemer, and my bodye to be buryed in the churche of Saint Mary Somersett as nygh as maye be unto the place wher my late husbonde Thomas Ungulles lieth buryed. The residew of all my goodes after my dettes payed, my buryall and funerall costes and expensis made, I holly gyve to Edmunde Ungulles and William Ungulles, my sonnes, whom I make myn executors to dispose for the welth of my sowll as shall seme them best. I will also Sir Thomas Balam, my curate, and John Harrys, inholder, be overseers to se this my last will fulfilled. Witnes, Thomas Balam, (fn. 20) prest, Markes Dowdale and John Harrys, with other mo.
167. [bdle. I. 72] Robert Wigge. 26 Apr. 1538. (fn. 21)
I Robert Wigge, citezin and haberdassher of London, bequeth my soule unto Allmighty God . . . (fn. 22) companye of Our Blissed Lady Saynt Marye and all seyntes . . . bodye to be buriede in Christian burialle where it shalle please myn executours. I bequeth to the high awlter where I shalle depart owt of this transitorye lyve 4d. I bequeth to Robert Bankes an olde dublett, a pair of my shewes and a pair of my hoossen. I geve to Elizabeth Woddington my single gowne. The residewe of all my goodes, my dettes and funeralle chardges payede, I bequeth to Austyn Kitson (fn. 23) whome I constitute myn executour to execute this my testament and laste wille. In witnes whereof was specyally called John Williamson, preste, Jamys White, tailour, and Thomas Gurre, haberdassher, with other moo.
[Proved 9 Dec. 1542. (fn. 24) ]
168. [bdle. I. 73] Wylliam Walle. 26 Dec. 1542.
I Wylliam Walle, beying sex of body, do bequythe my solle to Almyty God and to Owr Laday and to all the holy company of hevyn, and my body to be beryed in thes paryssh of Abbchorch in the cloyster. I wyll that all my dettes be folle payd wych be thes parselles folloyng:
To Rafe Foxle I do owith on a leyse of my howse for to be payd at Crestymas next | 32 li. | 10s. | ||||
To Hary Rychardes for the rest of a rekenyng | 10 li. | 7s. | ||||
o Hary Rychardes for that he paid for me to Mores Kachen for that I owt hym this day in presens of Tomas Wellett | 7 li. | 10s. | ||||
I do ow to Benett the bochar | 6 li. | 10s. | ||||
I do ow to Master John Askew | 7 li. | 13s. | 4d. | |||
I dow ow to Artor Dodycott | 5 li. | |||||
I ow to Hary Gosse my servant for his wages I well that James, my servant, be made fre and 3 servantes mor to be in rowled and that Wylliam, my son, be made fre by my copy— |
40s. | |||||
I do ow to Master Jacson in Sowghtwark | 8 li. | |||||
For to comply the payment of all this my dettes and for all other that is forgotton in smalle parselles I do wyll that this parsells owyng me as here after folloyth may be rekonered part or all yef it may: | ||||||
To resseve of Meddellton of Sowgtwark | 9 li. | 11s. | ||||
Of John Clark Sherman | 3 li. | 6s. | ||||
Of Sander Grey in Sowghtwark | 4s. | |||||
Of Tomas Whytt, smeth, to be paid quarterly 6s. 8d. tyll 26s. 8d. be all payd | 26s. | 8d. | ||||
Of Elles Sander, Sergant of the Cownter | 8s. | 6d. | ||||
Of Owyn Flechar for a yard and di tavyta | 7s. | 6d. | ||||
Mor of hym for a gowne | 12s. | |||||
Mor of hym for 3 yardes northen dossen | 7s. | 3d. | ||||
Of Wylliam Smeth wych I paid for hym to Clark the bakar | 3 li. | |||||
Of a harnes skowrar in the Old Jury 2 payer of almon revyttes (fn. 25) and 3 sallets (fn. 26) and 2 payer of knyvys, the wych harnes, sallettes and knyves be werth 40s. | 40s. | |||||
To resseve of a cottelar in Bartellmew Lane be sydes Lawthebery a dagger that is wrthe | 5s. | |||||
I have in platt this parselles folloyng for to pay my dettes A salt of selver with a cover all gylt A nother salt of selver with a cover parsell gylt A nest of goblettes with a cover parsell gylt A stondyng cop with a cover all gylt A gret ston pott with a cover of selver gyllt 6 small pottes coveryd with selvyr lydes A pott of seller with a cover parsell gyllt A dossen of selver spones, 6 with lyons at the yendes and 6 with wrethis A massar nott gyllt A grett massar and 7 smaller wych is yech of the sevyn bygger then other Mor to pay my dettes I do lewe in tessells to the nombor 9 pakes that may be worth 12 li. Mor I do leve all my a paryll and ympullmentes of my hous wych may be worth a 100 li. or mor. |
I do leve the leyse of this my howse, wych is at Master Foxseles in gayg for 32 li. 10s. that I do ow hym, for to be sold for the most a vantege to pay my dettes and this my dettes beyng all complyed and payd, then I wyll that all the rest of mony and goodes that I have be yegolly devyded, the on halfe for my cheldorne and the other halfe for my wyfe, the wych I do mak my solle exsettors. I dessyer that Hary Rychardes and Artor Dodycot to be my oversears and that and the do perseve or know that my wyfe do in bessell or heyd or kepe any of my godes then I wyll that she shold have no mor but hir jost porsyon for hir part and my cheldorne my part of that I bequythed to hir a bofe hyr part. Wylliam Walle. (fn. 27)
[Endorsed 'This is the wyll of Wylliam Walle made the 26 day of Dessembr Anno 1542'. (fn. 28) ]
169. [bdle. I. 74] Cecylye Whaplett. 8 Oct. 1542.
I Cecylye Whaplett of the parishe of Seynt Katheryne Colman of the Cytey of London, sycke in bodye, commytt my soule to Allmyghtye God, to the Blessyd Vyrgyn Marye His Mother and to all tholy companye of heavyn, my body to be buryed in Christen buryall. I bequethe to Margerye Newman my best payre of sylver hokes. All the rest of my goodes I frelye gyve to Gabryell Newman he to dispose the same at his owne frewyll and pleasure. Wytnes Helene Hutchyns, Barbara Harman, Elyzabeth Wynter and Jane Hyckes.
[Endorsed 'Noted for an inventory 5th All Souls next'.]
Thys be the parselles of the movable goodes of Cescle Whaplyt, late of the paryshe of Saynt Katrynes Colmans in London.
2 olde fetherbedes and 2 bolstres | 20s. | ||
3 olde pellows | 3s. | ||
2 olde blankytes | 2s. | ||
2 payre of olde shetes | 4s. | ||
2 olde coverlets | 2s. | 6d. | |
1 olde tester of a bede | 12d. | ||
2 bedstedes | 2s. | ||
1 olde coborde | 2s. | ||
2 olde chestes | 20d. | ||
A olde cheyre | 6d. | ||
2 platres, 3 deshys and 3 saucers of peuter | 4s. | 6d. | |
A ketell and a skelyt of latyn | 8d. | ||
1 letyll brase pote | 16d. | ||
A latyn bacon (fn. 29) | 8d. | ||
2 spetes of eyron | 8d. | ||
A owlde gowne of clothe with boccram lyneng | 5s. | ||
Somma | 51s. | 6d. |
Praysed by Geffray Tull, citeson and teyler of London and Nycholas Dyxson, citeson and stokfyshemonger of the same cite, the 26th day of October 1542. (fn. 30)
170. [bdle. I. 75] Johannes Waterhows. 26 Feb. 1543.
JHS. Y John Waterhows of the parys of Saynt Lawrens yn the Old Jury beynge seyke in my body, beqweth my sowll unto All myghty God and to the Blessyd Virgen Saynt Mary Hys Mother and to all the holl company of hewyn, and my body to be buryd yn the churche of Saynt Lawrens. Y beqweth unto the mother churche of Powlys 2d. Y beqweth unto the hee awter of Saynt Lawrens for tythys forgotyn 4d. Y beqweth unto John Vaterhows my sone, 40s., to Elsabeth my dowghter 40s. the whiche 4 li. Y wyll that my wyffe shall paye ytt whan sche is abull, the which is not yett. The resydew of all my goodes Y gyffe unto Margared my wyffe whome Y make my full executryx and sche to paye my dettes and to se me honestly bured. Wytnes Sir Wylliam Jakson, my gostly father, Rychard Clarke, with dyvers moo.
171. [bdle. II. 1] Sir William Abye. 19 Oct. 1542.
I Sir William Abye, (fn. 31) chauntrye priest off the parishe churche of Seint Petries in Chepe in London, bequeth my sowle to Allmyghtye God, Our Lady Saint Marye and to all the hoole company of hevyn, my body to be buryed in the churche of Marye Magdalene, late called the Blak Frees Churche, where my stoone lyeth and my name uppon it or els wher in Cristen buryell. I bequeth to the power prisoners att Ludgate 6s. 8d., to the prisoners of the Cownter in Bredstret 6s. 8d., to the prisoners of the Counter in the Pultrie 6s. 8d., to the power folkes dwellyng in the steres in Woodstrete 6s. 8d., to the powre folkes in Yvy Aley 6s. 8d. I bequeth to the Bortherhed of Pappey to say a trentall of masses for my sowle 10s., to the prisoners of the Kinges Bench 20d., to the prisoners of the Marshallsye 20d., to every other powre householder of the parishe of Seint Peter in Chepe, to pray for my sowle, nott dwellyng in the sayd alye 6s. 8d., to one Roger Hunnyng off Swynsed in the countie of Lincoln 20s. The residue of my goodes I bequeth to William Cowyk of the parishe of Seint Gregoryes, John Dane of the parishe of Seint Peturs aforesaid and Thomas Abye of the parishe of Seint Brides, London, they to dispose them for my sowle and all Cristen sowles. Wyttnesse, Sir Jeorge Martyn and John Cowyk. Sir William Aby. Per me Georgium Marteyn.
[Note that on 29 Jun. 1543 it was testified that this was a true testament 'By me Thomas Nycolson, by me Thomas Dalysum, by me John Cowyk with other'. Endorsed 'The testament of Sir William Abye'.]
172. [bdle. II. 2] Henry Atkyns. 29 Mar. 1543.
I Henry Atkyns, cytizen and barbour of London, of the parishe of Saincte Bartholmews the Lytell, seeke in body, bequethe my sowle to Allmighty Godd, to Our Blessed Lady Saincte Mary and to alle the holy company of heaven, and my body to be buryed in Saincte Barthelmews chirche. I bequeth to the highe aulter for my tythes neglygently forgotton 12d. I constytute my welbeloved wyffe, Elizabeth, and John Atkyns, my sonne, my full executours, they to dispose my goodes and pay my dettes for the helthe and welthe of my sowle as they shall thincke best. I constitute Rychard Grigges my supervisour to se this my testament to be performed, and he to have for his labour as my executours shall thincke convenyent. I bequeth to Annes Freman, my litle mayden 5s., to John Stanley, my apprentyce, 20d., to Christofer Collop, my apprentice 20d. The residew of all my goodes, my debttes payd and my funeralles discharged, I holy give unto my executours. Wytnes, Rychard Grigges, Sir William Pentres, prest, John Quarles, Nycolas Downyng, Robert Hodgeson and Edward Messynger. Subscribed with myne owne hand by me Sir Myghell West, curet. Per me Hen. Atkyns. (fn. 32)
173. [bdle. II. 3] Jone Awbee (alias Whytte). 21 Oct. 1543. (fn. 33)
I Jone Awbee other wyse cawllyd Whytte, by God's vesetatione sycke off my body, geve my soole to Allmyghty God, to Our Lady and to all the company yn hevyn, and my body to Chrysten buryall off my parysche churche off Saynte Sepulcres. As for goodes I have none, as God doth know, but that I have hyt ys my brother yn lawse, Wyllyam Hollandes, and none off myne. Yff hyt were a greate deale more hyt wer to lytle for hym and for hys wyffe for the greate peynes and hynderance wyche they have takyn wyth me longe and many dayse yn my syckenes and my wekenes, and I pray yow my goostly father and yow that be here yn presence to bere wyttenes that thys ys my laste wyll and testamente, Henry George, clerke, Alys Olever.
Written on a small strip of parchment.
174. [bdle. II. 4] Johanne Awdy. 9 Oct. 1542.
I Johanne Awdy, wydow, bequeve my soule to God Allmyghtye, and my body to be burryed yn Saynt Pulkers Churche yerde yn London. I bequeve to the highe aulter of Stotfolde for my tythes neglygently forgotten 12d. The resydue of all my goodes I bequeve to my cossen, Henry Horne of London, grocer, whom I make my executour to distrybute and dispose as he shall thynke best for my soule. Yn the presens of John Southcot, gentylman, Rycharde Mortymer, tallow chaundeler of Baldocke, and John Bygrave of Stotfolde, husbandman, and George Gayler of Stotfolde, yeman.
[Proved 12 Nov.]
The inventory of the goodes and catalles of Johanne Hawdy, wydowe, praysed by Robert Jewett, lethersellor, John Ramsey, clothworker, and Gilbert Penyngton, upholder, citezens of London, the 21 day of November 1543.
3 sylver sponys | 7s. | ||
A payre of blacke gett beddes with 4 rynges, a Saynt Jamys shell and a litle cheyne to yt, and a broche with a rede ston in yt | 4s. | ||
A payre of currall beades with 15 gawdyes of sylver | 3s. | ||
An old blewe silke gyrdle with pendauntes and buckilles of sylver and amylled (fn. 34) and stoddes for the same | 12s. | ||
Another gyrdle callyd a caurse gyrdle with demysens belong to the same | 6s. | ||
In napery worke and othr thynges in her chambre. | |||
A fether bed and a bolstar | 9s. | ||
A coveryng | 5s. | ||
An old matrys and an old coverlett | 2s. | ||
4 payre of fyne shetes | 12s. | ||
9 caurse shetes and some of them broken | 7s. | 6d. | |
3 playne table clothes, one with an other | 4s. | ||
3 towelles, one of dyaper, 2 of playne cloth | 3s. | ||
6 playne towelles | 12d. | ||
A white tester of lynen cloth for a bed | 20d. | ||
A olde paynted tester | 6d. | ||
6 kerchyffes one with an other | 2s. | ||
2 old pyllowe berys | 4d. | ||
In pewter and brasse. | |||
9 platers of pewter | 4s. | 6d. | |
5 dyshes | 20d. | ||
A basyn and a boll dyshe | 12d. | ||
6 sawcers | 12d. | ||
2 old saltys of pewter | 6d. | ||
A latyn basyn and 2 ewrys of latyn | 12d. | ||
5 old candylstyckes of latyn | 16d. | ||
3 brasse pottes and 2 possenettes of brasse | 7s. | 6d. | |
A latyn basyn with 2 hearys and a chaffyng dysshe | 2s. | ||
2 grete brasse pannys | 5s. | ||
An old brasse pan without any bandes | 16d. | ||
A kettyll and 2 litle pannys of brasse | 2s. | ||
4 chystes | 4s. | 8d. | |
In her apparell. | |||
Two gownys very old | 7s. | ||
An other old gowne | 20d. | ||
3 olde kyrtylles | 5s. | ||
2 old petycotes | 12d. | ||
Summa totalis | 6 li. | 8s. | 2d. (fn. 35) |
175. [bdle. II. 5] Joan A Red or Rede. 12 Feb. 1543.
I Joon A Red, (fn. 36) wedo, of the parerse of Sent Martens in the Ventrie, bequeythe my solle unto Allemyghte God, my Redemer, and to Owre Lade Sent Mare and to the cumpene of all the senttes in heyvne, and my bode to be bered in the clostur of Sent Martens, in the paresse were I dwelle yf I mey haffe the gronde for 3s. 4d. I bequeyv to the he auter of Sent Martens for tethes forgot yf there be ony 2d. I vyll that there be borne 7 taperys of vaxe weche were my Wytsons kandelles be borne and brent abowte my bode to my bereall and mas, and after vord I vyll that tre of the seyd taperys be geffen to the he auter of Sent Martens there to be brent afor the Blessed Sacarment, and odur fore of the seyd taperys to be geffen to the paresse chyeche of Alhallows in Hone Lane in Chepe. I vyll that my debes be peyd weche ys for howse rent at Owre Ladeday in Lent next 10s. I bequeythe to my mysterys, Elsabeth Bayghton, my blake gowne on lyned, to Mare Teller my olde blake keyrtell, to Gyllen Hall, my neybur, a puter platur and a puter dysse and a kyrcheffe, to Joan Swane, my neybur, a kyrcheffe. The rest of all my godes, reyment and howsseholde stuffe on bequeythed I gyfe to Nycolas Beyghton, letherseller, wome I make my exsectur he to dysprise hyt as he thenkes best and so I beseche Allemyghte God haffe merse apon me. Wetnes, fyrst my selffe, Mare Teller, and John Arnold, my neybur, and Sesselle Arnolde. Johan Rede.
[Proved on 15 May 1543. (fn. 37) ]
176. [bdle. II. 6] Elizabethe Barton. 30 Sep. 1543.
I Elizabethe Barton of the parishe of Saynt Leonardes in Shordiche, widow and servaunt to the right honorable Ladye Semer, (fn. 38) geve my sowle unto Almighti God my Maker and Redemer and to the Blessyd Virgyn Marye and to all the holie companie of heven, and my bodye to be buryed within the parishe churche of Saynt Leonardes afforsaid at the discrescyon of myne executour. I geve to my eldest sonne William Starlyng 20s., to his wife, a kerchew, a rayle, a smock, a paire of black long bedes with a black tassell and a riband of crane colour sylk with 2 golden buttons. I geve unto my second sonne, Thomas Starlyng, 20s. in money, 2 paire of shetes, 2 playne towells, a playne table clothe, and 2 pelowberes. I geve to my third sonne, Philip Starlyng, 20s. in money, lykewise a paire of shetes, a plaine towell, a black sylkyn ryband, and to his wife a pewke gowne, a tawnye worsted kyrtyll and a peticott of redd, a kerchew, a rayle, 2 neck kerchews and 3 paire of foresleves. I geve to my sonne, George Barton, 20s., 2 paire of shetes, 2 pelowberes, a playne table clothe and a towell. I geve to Evi Buttler a long riband of crane colour wroght with gold. I geve to my suster Fysher a paire of black bedes and a black gyrdyll of stolework, a kerchew, a rayle and 2 neck kerchews. I geve to goodwife Byfyld a paire of shetes, 2 smokes, a kerchew, a rayle, a neck kerchew, a quylt capp and an woollen capp. I geve to Margaret Edwardes a kerchew. I geve to Elizabethe White 2 smockes, a rayle and a kerchew. I geve to every one of my lady servauntes 12d. a pece. I geve to Richard Haddon of the forsaid parishe of Shordiche 10s. I bequethe also unto Sir Gryffith Williams, vicar of Shordiche, (fn. 39) my gostely father, 10s. The residew of all my goodes not bequethed, my dettes paide, my legacyes performyd and all my funerall expencys bestowed, I geve to my doughter Anne Barton, the whiche goodes whatsoever it be I will to be delyvered unto the handes of Joan Spicer, mastres unto my said doghter, untyll suche tyme as my said doghter come to age lawfull and then she to make delyverance thereof unto my said doghter as my esspecyall trust is in her, and allso I will that the said Joan Spicer shall kepe all the legacye bequethed unto my sonne George untill suche tyme as he do come home, and at his returnyng home to be delyvered unto hym. And if by mysfortune he come not againe I will the same to be delyvered unto my forsaid doghter, Anne Barton. I ordayne of this my last will the forsaid Richard Haddon sole executour and the fornamyd Sir Griffith overseer. Wittnes per me predictum Griffium, per me Ralf Wolbe.
Also if my doghter, Anne Barton, do chaunche to dye beffor she cume to laufull age then I will all the legacyes bequethed to herr to be delyvered to my sonne, George Barton, and if bothe they do dye then I will my other 3 sonnes to have the legacyes bequethed to them bothe to be egally devyded betwixt them 3.
Dettes owyng to the testatice. In primis my Lady Askew oweth me 20 li.
[Proved 10 Oct. A strip of paper is cut and folded back over the seal.]
This is the inventorie of all the goodes, cattelles and dettes off Elizabeth Barton of the paryshe of Shordyche, wydow, late deseased, made and preased by Philipp Staarlyng and William Westrawe, the 8th daye of Octobre in the yere of oure Lorde God 1543. (fn. 40)
The inventory is on paper, with a copy, with some variations in spelling, on parchment.
177. [bdle. II. 7] Edward Barton. 4 Nov. 1543. (fn. 41)
I Edward Barton, sonne of the late John Barton, late mercer of London, departed, and at this present making apprentice with Hary Bryand of London, haberdassher, geve my sowle unto my Maker and Redemer and that He of His mercy woll reseve the same and to Our Blessed Lady Saynt Mary Hes Mother and to all the holly company of heaven, and my boddy to be buryed within the parishe churche of Saynt Thomas thapostels within the Ryall (fn. 42) of London where my sayd father was buryed yf it may so lawfully be don. And after my buryall, first suche mone payd as I owe I will every particular as hereafter shall followe to be accomplysshed, that is to say, First, I will unto my mother Chrystian Birche to have in reddy mone the somm of twenty powndes. Secondly I be will to Mary Edwardes twenty powndes, my best gret chest, a prymer in Lattin, the leves of parchemont with a claspe sylver and gylte the which was my father Bartons [and my payr of clavycordes] (fn. 43) Thirdly I be will to Andrew Loxdon all manner londes and tenementes the which I have, provyded that the sayd Andrew shall suffer Edward Wrayt to possesse the same during the tyme of 7 yeres next after my decease he payeing the sayd Andrew yerely 5 nobles untyll the sayd 7 yeres be expered. Fourthly I be wyll unto my sister Ellezabeth Ellen and Katherin fortye shillinges a pese and all suche gere as I have in gage of my sister Katherins saving the torkes. Fifthly I be will to my cowssin, William Barton, 30s. Sixtly I be will to mistress Edwardes a torkes, a hatt thrimbed with blacke sylke. Sevently I be will to George Edwardes a cote, a dobblett, a payr of hose, a jerkin, my worst bowe with 6 shaftes. Eightly I be wyll to my master Hary Bryand thre powndes. Nynghtly I be wyll to Alyce my mothers girle twenty shillinges. Tenthly I be will to Edward Wrayt a gret stonepott, a salt of pewter, a pott of pewter with a standing fote and halfe a dossin of pewter spones. [I be will unto John Brasse, Mr. Edwardes servant, a dagger, a hat of sattin, a swerd girdell, a capp, and a sattin nyght capp.] (fn. 44) I be will unto Isabell, mistress Edwardes mayde, my lyttell chest of waynskot. I be will unto John at Mr. Carters my best capp. I be will unto Humfrey at Mr. Carters my swerde. [I be wyll unto Hary Prowd my masters servant, my best shirt and a vellet nyghtcap.] (fn. 44) I be will unto the poore to be delt at my burying 20s. I will the resedew of all my goodes and dettes to be don with all after the discression of my mother, Chrystian Birche and Mr. Edwardes, coryar, whom I hartely desire to be supervyser conjunctly with my mother untill suche tyme as Andrew Loxdon come to lawfull age. For his payns I will hem a doblet of the price of 40s. and then I will the sayd Andrew to be executor with my mother in every parcell and particuler. Bering witnes this myne owne hande, per me Edwardum Barton. (fn. 45)
178. [bdle. II. 8] Katheren Bracye. 21 May 1543.
I Katheren Bracye, (fn. 46) seke of body, bequeth my sowle to All myghte God, to Our Lady Saynt Mary and to all thet holy company of heven and my bode to be bured in the churche of Saynte Nycholas as ney my howsbunde as it may be, also I bequeth to the hyght aulter 3s. 4d. The resydou of all my goodes after my dettes payed I gyve to my chylder whose namys be as her after folowyt, Parcevall Bracye, Edward Bracye, Henrye Bracye, Agneta Bracye, Agneta Bracye, Johan Bracye, Lucye Bracye, and I wyll that iffe Gode calle any of them oute off thys vale of mysery that then hys or ther pocyon or therys to remene to the rest that God shall a puntte to tary her in this woreld and these my fore named chelder I dow and make my holle executures, and thys men howse namys foloyeth to be my supervysures, that is to say, Robart Bracye, Hamlett Bracye, Thomas Goodman, Wyllyam Besseweke and Wyllyam Smallwode. Wytnys, Sir John Marye, curat, Rychard Borne, John Bake with other.
[Administration was granted on 28 May 1543 (fn. 47).]
Thys ys the inventory of all the goodes of Katheryne Brase, wedow, of the parische of Saint Nycholas Sham bylles in London, made and praysed the fyrst day of June in the 35th yere of King Henry the VIIIth by Thomas Wattes, merchant tayler, Hew Egerton, haberdascher and dyverse other moo.
In the Drynkyng Howse beneith. | |||
A tabyll and a payer of trestylles | 5s. | ||
Stakyd furmeys | 12d. | ||
A low joyned long setyll | 20d. | ||
1 chest, olde with levys | 12d. | ||
A bred byn | 20d. | ||
A leyd to boyle meit in | 6s. | 8d. | |
2 bordes with benches with other lomber and settys | 6s. | 8d. | |
Summa | 23s. | 8d. | |
In the Halle. | |||
All the hangynges, olde payntyd clothys with 30 yardes 3d. ob. [3½d.] le yard | 7s. | 6d. | |
A tabyll set on a frame | 5s. | ||
A nold folldyng tabyll | 3s. | 4d. | |
A nold cobord with a hale pase and deske | 3s. | 4d. | |
A jonyd chayer and a turnyd chayer | 16d. | ||
6 joyned stolles | 2s. | ||
3 samle stolles | 6d. | ||
A payer of aund irons, a payer of tonges and a tostyng forke | 5s. | ||
2 fott pacys and 2 lytell fott paces | 8d. | ||
2 payer of playeng tabylles | 8d. | ||
A nold clocke with plomettes | 13s. | 4d. | |
Summa | 45s. | 8d. | |
In the Buttrye. | |||
A tube bound with olde iron and shelvys and other olde
lomber In bras pottes and iron pottes |
16d. | ||
2 bras pottes and a chaffer wayeng 30 lb. at 2d. a lb. In pas bras |
5s. | ||
3 pannys and ketilles wayenge 35 lb. at 2d. ob. [2½d.] le lb. In lattyn |
7s. | 3½d. | |
Canstyckes, chaffyndysches wayeng 25 lb. at 4d. a lb. | 8s. | 4d. | |
2 iron pottes wayeng 20 lb. at 3di. [3½d.] le lb. | 5s. | 10d. | |
Summa | 27s. | 9½d. | |
In the Wyffes Owyn Chamber. | |||
All the hangynges paynted at 2d. le yard | 3s. | 8d. | |
A jonyd bedsted, selar and tester of the same with a fotte pase | 20s. | ||
3 curtyns of olde brokyn sylke | 3s. | ||
2 setilles at 4s. a pes | 8s. | ||
A nold chest of wayneskotte | 3s. | 4d. | |
1 close chayer with a spruse coffer | 3s. | ||
A basket and a hamper | 8d. | ||
4 cussyons olde with hauckes and flowers | 2s. | 8d. | |
1 cussyon of nedyll worke | 2s. | ||
2 cussyons of Breges satyn stuffyd with flockes | 2s. | 8d. | |
6 smalle cussyons and cover of cussyen | 12d. | ||
A banker verder cont' 6 yardes | 2s. | ||
A Kentysche carpyt | 2s. | ||
A carpyt of cloth of baudkyn | 5s. | ||
3 olde peces of Dorneckes (fn. 48) | 20d. | ||
3 small peces of Dorneckes | 8d. | ||
A carpet of Kentysche | 12d. | ||
A lytell tapstery kever letill | 2s. | 6d. | |
A brokyn vederkeveryng | 12d. | ||
2 Norwyche coverynges | 5s. | ||
A verderkeveryng lyned with canvas | 13s. | 4d. | |
A nother verder keveryng | 13s. | 4d. | |
A nold Norwysche koverlet | 8d. | ||
3 payer of blankettes | 4s. | ||
3 olde curtyns of bokyrom | 16d. | ||
A selar of a bede payntyd | 12d. | ||
A nolde blake [blank] | |||
Summa | 5 li. | 5s. | 6d. |
In the Kytchyn Chamber. | |||
18 peces of olde payntyd hangnges cont' 18 yardes at 3d. a yarde | 4s. | 6d. | |
A sellar paynted | 12d. | ||
A tryndyll bedsted with a hed | 2s. | 8d. | |
A joyned cheste with locke and key | 5s. | ||
A round tabyll with fotte | 8d. | ||
A lytell payer of crepers (fn. 49) | 8d. | ||
A fatherbed and a bolster | 16s. | ||
2 pelowys of doune | 2s. | ||
A payer of blankettes | 16d. | ||
A nold cussyon of fethers | 6d. | ||
Summa | 34s. | 4d. | |
In the Chamber Ovyr the Welhowse. | |||
28 yardes at 2d. a yard | 4s. | 8d. | |
A joyned bedsted with postes with gerthys | 6s. | 8d. | |
A lytell fether bedes, 3 bolsters | 13s. | 4d. | |
A selar and a testar paynted with a frynge | 2s. | 6d. | |
A nolde tryndyll bested | 12d. | ||
A curtyn of yelow and red (fn. 50) | 16d. | ||
A turnyd chayer and a nold cobord | 16d. | ||
Summa | 25s. | 4d. | |
In the Entre. | |||
A nold chest and all the olde hanynges | 2s. | ||
In the Chamber Ovyr the Wyffes chamber. | |||
All the hangynges, old gere cont' 18 yardes at 2d. a yard | 3s. | ||
2 standyndyng bedsteddes | 2s. | 8d. | |
A small fetherbed and a bolster | 10s. | ||
A nold matres | 12d. | ||
2 olde testeres payntyd | 2s. | ||
An eperlyng, a basket, a sett | 16d. | ||
A nold shipe chest with a setyll with all olde lomber | 20d. | ||
Summa | 21s. | 8d. | |
In the Brusshyng Chamber. | |||
A tabyll with a payer of trestilles | 16d. | ||
A nold joyned chest | 12d. | ||
2 fether beddes with a bolster | 30s. | ||
3 pelowys | 4s. | ||
A nold matres | 20d. | ||
2 furmys with other lomber | 6d. | ||
Summa | 38s. | 6d. | |
In the Connye Chamber. | |||
A payer of Almayne revettes, bake brest gorget, a skole, a salet (fn. 51) | 5s. | ||
2 clapers for conys with 6 breders in them | 5s. | ||
A payer of bottes, other lomber | 20d. | ||
Summa | 11s. | 8d. | |
In Bake Garet. | |||
A bedsted, a matres with all other lomber in a nother garet | 2s. | ||
A satyll with a brydyll | 2s. | ||
A frame with a brokyn cradyll with all other lomber | 12d. | ||
In naperye. | |||
A tabill cloth of dyaper cont' 5 yardes long 2 yardes brode | 6s. | 8d. | |
2 diaper tabill clothys cont' 7 yardes both | 4s. | 8d. | |
3 diaper towelles | 5s. | ||
14 fyne diaper napkyns | 5s. (fn. 52) | ||
A dossyn course napkyns | 2s. | 2d. | |
8 playne tabyll clothys | 8s. | ||
7 payer shett canvas | 15s. | ||
3 payer of shettes | 6s. | ||
A payer of fyne shettes | 4s. | ||
A berying (fn. 53) shet with a blake seme | 8s. | ||
A nother beeryng shett | 5s. | ||
5 pelowberys | 10s. | ||
4 pelowberys at 8d. a pec | 2s. | 8d. | |
4 playne towelles | 2s. | ||
15 old raylus and kerchers gevyn to the chylder | 5s. | ||
4 payer of fore slevys | 16d. | ||
2 course aprons | 6d. | ||
A payer of whytte satyn slevys | 12d. | ||
4 sherttes, 1 shomoke | 9s. | ||
Summa | 5 li. | 12d. | |
In the Kytchyn. | |||
In spettes, cobardes, fryeng panys and drepyng pannys, rackes and pott hockes wayeng 3 quarters 106 lbs. at 1di. a lb. | 7s. | 3d. | |
In pewter wayeng | |||
In platers, dysches, sawsers and in fyne metayle wayeng 135 lb. at 4 le lb. | 49s. | ||
In laye metell | |||
In pottes wayeng 32 li. at 2d. ob. lb. | 6s. | 8d. | |
A crystenyng bassyn with an ewar | 2s. | 6d. | |
A ston morter with a pestyll | 12d. | ||
A lytell cobord | 16d. | ||
A nold cope | 12d. | ||
A water tancard | 12d. | ||
A planke with all other lomber | 6s. | ||
In the Yarde. | |||
A wascheyng bolle, a bokyng tubbe with other olde tubys | 2s. | ||
Summa | 3 li. | 17s. | 9d. |
In Rayment of hys. | |||
A pewke goune furyd lame facyd with conye | 16s. | 8d. | |
A russett gowne lyned bookeram facyd with chamlet | 10s. | ||
A jaket of tauny chamlet with a brod welt of velvet | 10s. | ||
A jakett of russell worsted | 3s. | 4d. | |
A dublet of blake damaske | 3s. | 4d. | |
A dublet of russell worsted | 2s. | ||
A payer of blacke hossyn | 2s. | ||
A nold lether jherkyn | 6d. | ||
Summa | 47s. | 2d. | |
In hyr Rayment. | |||
A goune of broune blew lyned with olde brokyn taffyta | 8s. | ||
A nold blake goune | 3s. | 4d. | |
A tauny goune | 6s. | ||
A blacke gowne | 15s. | ||
A nother olde blacke gowne | 2s. | 8d. | |
A kyrtill of russell worsted uperbodyd with chamlett | 7s. | 6d. | |
A skerlett kyrtyll | 10s. | ||
A nold kyrtyll of worsted | 3s. | 4d. | |
A rede petycotte | 6s. | ||
A nother olde redy peticotte | 2s. | ||
Summa | 3 li. | 4s. | 6d. |
Juelles. | |||
A payer of bedys of corall gaudyed with sylver and gylt | 15s. | ||
A payer of blacke bedys gaudyd with sylver | 3s. | 4d. | |
A box for a purcyvant, a sylver wyscyll, a tothe pycke with other brokyn sylver | 13s. | 4d. | |
A quylt cape and 2 olde partlattes of velewet | 2s. | 4d. | |
A manys cape | 8d. | ||
Summa | 34s. | ||
4 rynges of gold, 3 with stones and 1 without | 56s. | 6d. | |
In redy monye | 5 li. | 7s. | 4d. |
A lease of the house wiche ys sold for | 6 li. | 13s. | 4d. |
This inventory is written on two sheets of paper folded lengthways and sewn together bookwise. The arithmetic is unreliable. | |||
Funerall expenses and other charges payed and layed owte by me Thomas Goodman, administrater of the goodes of Katheryn Bracye late deceased, wydow, as here after ensuethe. | |||
Payed for wax for the buriall | 7s. | 10d. | |
To the prystes and clerkes | 11s. | 7d. | |
For the pitt and knyll | 10s. | ||
For Oure Ladyes clothe | 12d. | ||
For a wyndynge shete | 20d. | ||
For bred | 2s. | ||
For the charges of the howse while she laye sycke | 12s. | ||
To three women for kepyng of here in here syckenes | 8s. | 8d. | |
For meate for the dyner | 5s. | 4d. | |
For the letter of administracion and the obligacion uppon the same | 3s. | 2d. | |
For the new writyng of the testament in parchemente | 20d. | ||
For the preasynge of the goodes after 2d the pounde | 5s. | ||
For a dyner for them | 6s. | ||
To the mayers clerke for the reconysance and to the commen sargeant for his fee | 3s. | ||
For masse and diryge at the month mynde | 3s. | 4d. | |
Summa | 3 li. | 18s. | 11d. |
Debttes that she dyd owe. | |||
To Mr. Hublethorne for a gown clothe | 22s. | 1d. | |
To William Besweke, brewer, of here olde debtt | 5 li. | 7s. | 2d. |
For here husbandes pytt and knyll and for keveryng of his grave | 11s. | ||
To William Smalwoode for spyces | 6s. | 8d. | |
To the butter wyff | 8d. | ||
To Hamlett Bracye | 18s. | ||
To William Beswyke | 33s. | 4d. | |
To Margett here maide for here wayges for one quarter | 5s. | ||
For a dosen and di. of bredd | 16d. | ||
To the sayde William Besweke for ale | 7s. | 4d. | |
Summa | 10 li. | 13s. | 11d. |
For the Charges of the Childer. | |||
To the tow norses for 2 monthes wayges | 10s. | 8d. | |
For 2 waste coottes and tow nyght capps and 2 payers of slyves | 3s. | 1d. | |
For thre wekes for Anne Bracye | 2s. | ||
For a payer of shettes | 2s. | ||
For the kepyinge of here while she laye sycke and for mete, drynke and howserowme | 4s. | 4d. | |
Summa | 22s. | 1d. | |
For the ingrossynge of the inventoryes in parchment, duplicate and indented | 6s. | 8d. | |
Summa totalis allocacionem supradictorum | 16 li. | 18d. | |
And restyth in thandes of me the sayde Thomas Goodman | 33 li. | 9s. | 10d. |
Payed for a quarters rent of here howse dew att the feaste of the Nativities of Sent John | 18s. | 4d. | |
Payed for an upper body of a cote and makyng of a cote for lytyll Nanne Bracye (fn. 54) | 10d. | ||
For a payer of slevys and a petycote for the sayd Nanne | 12d. | ||
For 3 wekes norssing of hyr | 2s. | ||
For the norssing of 2 children for a fortnyte | 2s. | 8d. | |
For 2 cotes for the same children | 3s. |
179. [bdle. II. 9] Marget Boweman. 7 Sep. 1543. (fn. 55)
I Marget Boweman, widdo, beyng seke in mi body, bequethe mi sole unto All migthy God and unto Owere Blessyd Lady and unto all the holly comepani of hevon and mi body to be berid in Pollys chyrcheiard. I bequethe unto the hi auter of Saynt Michaele in Wodestrete for my tythes neclentle forgot 3s. 4d. I wyll att my byriall a trintall of massis to be sayd for my sole and all Cristyn soles 11s. I wyll at mi byrriall that 3 li. shall be delt unto pore pepull of the parische where I am a parischener that ys to say everi pore howse holder 4d., and as so moche agene at my monthe day, and yf ther be not pore howse holderes within the parysche to receve the sayde almis I wyll that the rest to be gevyn where mi exsecutur and my ovyr sear shall thynke most nede. I bequethe unto mi son, Morres Boweman, a stondyng gylte cope with a covyr and 2 nuttes gilte, one with a blake nott and the other of sylvyr, hole gylt, and a sylvir salte, parsell gylte, and 6 sponis with morrenhedes and a pere of hokes gylte, garnishyd with perle, and a sylvir gyrdyll with a dimesent gilt and a pere of bedis with dobbull gawdys of sylvir gilte and a gowne purlevet with velvet and lyned with sarcenet. I bequethe unto Joyce Fox a kyrdyll of stoleworke with the demesent gylt and Cristian, her systur, a pomandur of sylvir and unto Jone Foxse 4 spones with slepes and 4 spones unto Awsten Foxse. I bequethe unto Anis Dede a gowne furrid with schankes, unto cossyn Bartyelemewe Chevys a goblet parsell gylte, unto my cossyn Rychard Chevis a goblet parsell gilte, unto Jone West a ryng of golde with the 5 wondys, unto Masteres Foxse mi best ryng with a medas, unto Clement West the second ryng with a amedas, unto my curat a ryng with a jassyng, unto Wyllyam Robynson 2 platteres and a pere of schetes, unto Mare dwellyng with Robynson a ryng with a sparke turkes, unto Mores wyffe a brase pot of 2 gallyns. The rest of my godys and my dettes oweyng I bequethe unto Morres Boweman, my sone, and unto Rychard Fokes to the performans of thys my last wyll, whome I make my exsecutures and the sayde Rychard Fokes to have for hys labur 20s. I orden my ovyrsear Thomas Jenins, the parson of the chyrche and my curet, and he to have for hys owyr sygthe of the perfomans of thys my last wyll 10s. Wrytten by me Thomas Jenyns, parson of Saynt Michaelis in Wot Strete, (fn. 56) in the presens of thys wyttnes folloyng: John Dane, Henry Hed Also I ade and bequethe unto Elizabethe Rede a gowne lynyd with tweke. Per me Thomas Jenins.
[Endorsed 'Mistres Bowman wyll'.]
180. [bdle. II. 10] Wyllem Doffelde. 24 Apr. 1543. (fn. 57)
Jhesus. I Syr Wyllem Doffelde, chantre prest of the pariche of Saynt Myldret in Bredstrett within the Cety of London, bequeth my sowll to Allmygthey God my Maker and Redemer, to Hyes Blyssyd Mother the Vyrgyne Mary and to all the holy cumpany of hevyne, and my body to be beryde in the chansell of Saynt Nycolas Olyve in Brede Stret. I beqwethe for the brekyng up of the grownde ther 40d. I bequethe to the hey awlter of the sayd chyrche 2s. I beqwethe to Jhon Rosse, sadler, 40s., and to hyes wyff 10s., and her gyrdyll agene. I beqwethe to the sayd Jhon Rosse a dublet of a bokes skynne. The resedue of my goodes, movabulles and one movabulles, I put yt yn to the dyspocission of Sir Wyllem Kempe whmo I alecte my sool excecutor and Jhon Ross, sadler, my supervyser. Whyttness, Katerynge Presten, Margery Forde, Alyes Alen wedow, with other more, by me Jhon Rosse.
[There is a note that the will was not proved or registered.]
181. [bdle. II. 11] William Dane. 25 Sep. 1543.
I Wyllyam Dane, in the parysche of Seynt Peters in West Chepe, bequethe my soule unto Almygghty God, to Our Blessyd Lady and all the glorous cumpany of hevyn, besechyng Hym on hyt to have mercy, and my body to be buryed in Poulys churche yarde, and my goodis to my wyffe and my sonne. Y do mak my wyff hole executryx and to dyspose for the wealthe of my sowle as sche thynkes most convenyent. Wytnes, Sir John Duke, Richerd Lichefeyld and Christofer Payne.
[The will is headed 'Anno Domini 1543'. The first three lines have also been written on the dorse in a different hand.]
182. [bdle. II. 12] Roger Davye. 20 Sep. 1543.
I Roger Davye give my soul to God Almity, my bodie to be buried wher it shall please God. All my goodes and dettes moveable and unmoveable I give to Cicile, my wiff, whom I make my true executrix to dispose at her pleaser as it shall please God to put in her mynd. Witnes, Gervies Walter, Will Wryght and Sir Robert West, priest, with other mo.
The dettes that I awe the daye and year within wrytten:
I the seid Roger do awe to Mr. Hungerford | 15 li. (fn. 58) | ||
To John Anthonye | 5li. | ||
To Mr. Loveles | 8 li. | ||
To Mr. Laudisdale | 30s. | ||
To the beare man | 30s. | ||
To the goodman Broke of Rygate | 26s. | 8d. | |
To the landlord for di [half] a yeare at Mychelmes This bill of det maid the 20 daye of September 1543 (fn. 59) | |||
William Draper dwellyng in the Mynoris | 33s. | 6d. | |
Johanne Glover in Rushys for brode cloth and for a cote and for the chaurges in the chauncerey | 38s. | 6d. | |
Delyvered to Mr. Roffe, purvior for the kynges shippys for biskyte bread 11000 weyght | 29li. | ||
Whereof receaved in part of payment | 10li. | ||
and so remaneth to me cleare | 19 li. | ||
Leiciteres wiff in Walbroke | 38s. | ||
Humferis bill of accompt | 13 li. | ||
Mr. Meryealles score | 4 li. | 3s. | 6d. |
Muse the tailior score | 7s. | ||
The capper that dwelleth within Muse | 14s. | ||
John Cartter | 20s. | 6d. | |
Wryght in Burchyns Layne | 7s. | ||
Thomas Vaughtham, clotheworker | 5s. | ||
Mother Odam | 20s. | ||
Harthed founder (fn. 60) | 44s. | ||
Hill the shomaker in Distaff Layne | 17s. | ||
John Smyth, laboror | 14s. | 2d. | |
John Benson | 10s. | 6d. | |
Godwiff Grene in Temmys strete | 10s. | ||
Uncle tayllior | 9s. | ||
Thomas Smyth | 54s. | 6d. | |
John Blunt | 9s. | 6d. | |
Bolton of Aldermarye | 42s. | 2d. | |
John Crosapenye | 29s. | 6d. | |
David A prise | 54s. | ||
Boltons maid of the Raynbow | 8s. | 6d. | |
Tod, marchaunt tayllior | 14s. | 2d. | |
Thomas Worth | 3li. | 4s. | 7d. |
Andrew Alye 46s. which shuldbe paid weikely and as yet no peny paid | |||
Mr. Heron | 10s. | 3d. | |
Mrs. Harvie | 10s. | 6d. |
183. [bdle. II. 13] Nycholas Grove. 24 Nov. 1543. (fn. 61)
I Nycholas Grove, cytesyn and barbar off London, weke of body, bequeth my sowle unto Allmyghty God, Our Lady Saynt Mary and all the holy company of hevyn and my body to be buryed yn Chrystyn buryall yn Saynt Peters off Cornehulls churche yard under the lyberary (fn. 62) by my father, Thomas Grove. I geve unto my uncle, Robert Grove, 2 sylver pottes parcell gylt with 2 yeres a pece, with the blacke gowne wyche he hathe yn possessyon and 20ti gryndyng stonys, to the wyff off my uncle Robert a kyrtle off russell worsted blacke. I gyve unto Master Scopam a doblett off fustyan with a tronke slyve off blacke vellyt, unto Master Lamyman a doblett with tawne vellett slyvys, unto Master Holond a doblett with a tronke slyve off tawne vellet, unto Alyce Renold my moders best gyrdyll and a payre off bedes off corall gaudyd with square gaudes, sylver and gylt, unto Masteres Lamyman a gowne that whas my moders off browne blew lynyd with george decan (fn. 63) [and] a sylver pott with 2 yeres parcell gylt, unto my uncle Jamys Standfyld, a somer gowne of rustell wurstedd and a payre of shetes, and unto Elyzabet Latham, my mayde, 3 sylver pottes parcell gyld with eres and 20s. in mony, [and] a womans gowne off vyllett lyned with taffata. I gyve 2 payre off canvas shettes unto Wyllyam and Thomas, servantes with John Dalton. I gyve unto Alic Renoldes 3 brothern, 2 cotes and a jakett, unto Blackewell, the baker, a doblett off blacke velvett that lyyth yn my chest, unto Janson, the tayler, my jaket off blacke chamlett. Unto the pore howseholders yn and off the paryssche off Saynt Peters yn Cornehyll I gyve 20s., unto the good wyff Stamford yn Harow Alay 5s., unto Jamys Renoldes a gold ryng to the valewe off 3 angells, unto Jamys Stamfyld yn Sowtheworke a fether bedde, a bolster, a payre off shetes, unto my uncle Robert Groves 4 cheldern 5s. a pece. I gyve unto Wyllyam Parfatt a fether bedd, a bolster, a payre off schettes and a case with rasers. I forgyve Wyllyam Standfyld the yeres off hys prynteshoode to cum. I gyve 3 sylver pottes with a couver parcell gylt unto Master Scopam, unto the Company off the Clothyng of Barbers and Surgeons 3 grett gobbletes parcell gylt with a cover and a knopp on the topp and a gravyn on the topp and thay for ten yeres ensuyng yerely to kepe a obett yn the parishe churche off Saynt Peters in Cornehyll for my fathers and my mothers sowles and myne and all Chrystyn sowles. All my other goodes moveable or unmoveable, landes, leces, reversyans, tenamentes with the aportenans, I gyve unto Robert Sawtry and hys wyff whom I make my full and hole executors joyntely. And as for my landes and leces affter the dycese off these my executors then the landes and leces to remayn unto the use off my Anwte Andersons chelder wose names be John, Jone and Alyce, and for lacke off ysew off them to remaynde unto the chelder off Robert Grove, my uncle, to them and ther herys. I gyve unto 6 chelder off Jamys Renoldes 6 sponys with dymonds on the toppe. I gyve unto Alyce Renoldes mayd 3 platters, 3 dysshes, 3 sawcers and a payre off shettes. To se thys my last wyll and testament and to be overseers off the same shalbe Thomas Scopam, George Holand and Jamys Renoldes and Wyllyam Lamyman. In wyttnesse wher off I the sayd Nycholas have subscrybed thys with my owne handes.
Per me Nycholas Grove.
Per me Thomam Hatherscole, curat.
Per me Thomam Scopham.
Per me Georgeum Holand.
Per me Wyllelmum Laymyman.
[Note that the will was proved 4 Dec. 1543.]
On two full sheets of paper sewn together end to end. The name of Nicholas Grove and of the witnesses are all in different hands and appear to be genuine signatures.
184. [bdle. II. 14] Thomas Grove. 1 Nov. 1543.
I Thomas Grove, (fn. 64) cytesyn off London and barbar, beyng weke off body, bequeth my sowle into the handes off Almyghty God, Our Lady Saynt Mary and all the sayntes yn hevyn and my body to the erth yn Chrystyn buryall to be buryed under the lyberary in the paryshe churche off Saynt Peters in Cornehyll. I gyve unto Master Scopam a gowne lynyd with sarcenet, unto hys wyffe a gowne off russell worsted, unto Wyllyam Lamyman a gowne furred with conye and a sylver pott with a cover, unto Alyce Renoldes my wyffes best gowne furred with calybre, (fn. 65) unto Alyce Anderson a fether bed, a bolster, a pelow off downe, a pere off shetes, a payre off blankyttes, 6 napkyns, a smocke and a rayle, unto Jone, hyr syster, a fether bed, a bolster, a pelow off downe, a payre off shetes, a payre off blankettes, 6 napkyns, a smocke and a rayle, unto John Anderson a payre off shetes, a coveryng off a bedd off tapstery, 2 pelows off downe, 6 napkyns, unto Thomas Spryng, my servantt, 20 gryndyng stonys, 6 wrynchys, a payre off shetes, a payre blankyttes and a matteres, and 3 basyns, unto my syster, Thomsyne, a sylver salter parcell gylte, a cappe, a rayle and an hold velyt partlet. I gyve unto Thomas Scopam a salt off parcell gylt, unto Elyzabethe Latham servant, a vylett gown lynyd with russelles, a smocke and a rayle, unto my Company off the Barbar 15s., unto Costyn Stanfyld 7s. 6d. All my other goodes moveable and unmoveable I geve unto Nycholas Grove, my sonne, whome I make off thys my present wyll my full executor to bestow yt for my sowle helthe, and Master Thomas Scopam and Wyllyam Lamyman my overseers. Unto Jamys, Thomas and Edward Stanfyld an angell a pece. To Jamys Stanfyld a gowne off vylet facyd with chamlett. Per me Tomas Grove. Per me Thomam Scopham. Per me Wyllam Lamyman. Per me Thomas Hatherscole, curatum. (fn. 66)
To Robert Sawtry a gowne furred with buge with a rownd slyve, unto Mastrys Lamyman a redde petycote off stryped russelles.
[Under the will is a note that administration was granted on 4 Dec. 1543, (fn. 67) a lot of doodling mainly of the letter Y, a list:—'1. 46s. 2¾d. 2. 38s. 6d. 3. 12s. 11d. 4. 13s. 5. 10s. 1d.', and at the bottom of the page in arabic figures '78 li. 10s. 2d.']
185. [bdle. II. 15] Robard Goghe. 26 Oct. 1543. (fn. 68)
I Robard Goghe, sogyer off the retynues off Guysnes, bequethe my sowle to Almyghty God, to Our Lady Sent Mary and to all the holy company off hevyn, and my body to be beryed wythe in the church yerd off Sent Peturs Church wythin Guysnes. I gyve to the hye altre 4d. I wolle have at the daye of my beryall dyryg and mes. The resydeu off all my goodes, my dettes payd, I gyve them to John Casbe, my bedfellou, the wych hath taken grett payens wythe me in my seknes, and to John Cas, breuer in Londone. I gyve to John Casbe, my bedfellou, my bed severaly to hyme selff and the resydeu off my chambr in London to be devyded betwen John Cas, breuer, and John Casbe my bedfellow. For thys to be knowne myn owne act and ded off thys my last wyll, I have her onto set my hand tokene. In the presence off Sir John Sawnder, vys curat off Guysnes, Scharles Ryddysdale, John Madysone, Roberd Beymon.
[There is a cross below the will and a note that probate was granted.]
186. [bdle. II. 16] Peter Hynsley. 15 Aug. 1543. (fn. 69)
Peter Hynsley dyd make hys laste wyll in maner and forme followyng. Fyrst he beqwethyd hys soole to Allmyghty God and to be buryed hys body in the church yarde of Saynt Myghelles, Qwenhyth, and all hys gooddes he gave to Margaret, hys wyffe, and mad hyr full executryc; she to se hys dettes payde. Wytnesse, Thomas Norryc, John Palmer, and Rychard Sex.
[Proved on 10 Oct.]
187. [bdle. II. 17] Johon Haywod. 21 Sep. 1543.
Jesus Maria. I Johon Haywod bequeth my soole to Allmyghty God, besechyng Owre Blessyd Lady Mother of Chryst, the 9 ordyrs of angells, the 12 apostylles, martyrs, confessors, virgyns, with all the holy company of hevyn to pray for me. And my body to be beryd in Polles churcheyearde. I bequeth to Rychard Fayrmaner, my brother in law, a puke gowne lynyd with russell woystyd, to my brother, Wyllyam Haywod, dwellyng in Wossetter, my best bow and quever of arowys, to my cosyn, Thomas at Wossetter, my taffetta hatt, to my cosyn Wyllyam Haywod, baker, in Smythfyld, my chamlett jackett, to Rychard Dun a tawny satan dublett. I forgeve Rychard Dun all dettes betwene hym and me. I bequethe to Alis hys wyffe, 6s. 8d. I bequeth to the hye auter for tethynges and oblations forgottyn 12d. I bequeth to Johon Fayrmaner, my godson, 20s. to be delyveryd when he cumyth to lawfull age, to Syssly Fayrmaner 6s. 8d. The resydu of all my goodes moveable and unmoveable I geve to Elyzabeth, my wyffe, whom I make my hole executrix; and I make Johon Nycson, plummer, my overseer. Witnesses, By me Sir Thomas Poell, curatt of Sanct Martens at Ludgatt, Richard Dunne, Richard Fayremaner. [The goods of the deceased amounted to £20 and more according to the appraisal of Robert Shanke and John Chambre.]
188. [bdle. II. 18] Phillip Hampton. 3 Jun. 1543.
Phillip Hampton of the parysshe of Seint Andrewes by Baynardes Castell in the Citie of London, syke in body, bequethed his sowle to Almyghtie God, and his bodye to the hollye seputure. He gave to his brother so that he be now alyve 2 of his coottes. The resydew of all his goodes and debttes he gave to John Patryck (fn. 70) and Elizabeth his wyffe which John and Elizabeth he ordeyned his soole executers, they to dispose his saide goodes accordyng to there discression for the reste of his sowle and all Christyan sowles. Wittnesse, William Downer and Robartt Johnson and other.
[Proved 13 Jun. 1543.]
The inventarie of Philip Hampton made the 17 day of Juli in the 35 yere of the regne of our soveraigne lord Kynge Henry the VIIIth.
Speratt Debtes. | |||
Imprimis an obligacionem wherin Adriane Speid ys bounde to the sayd Philipp (fn. 71) | 14 li. | ||
An oither obligacionem wherin William Selbye, marchaunt taylor, Raf Curson, clothworker and Symon Wagan, lether seller, be bownd to the same Philip in (fn. 72) | 10 li. | ||
A tawny cote preysed by John Levenson and John Whittyngton at | 10s. | ||
An olde tawny cote at | 2s. | 4d. | |
A blak cote at | 2s. | ||
A russet cote | 16d. | ||
A dublet of do skyn | 10d. | ||
A canvas dublet | 6d. | ||
A dublet of blake and an other of Darnyx | 8d. | ||
A peyre of hose blak | 16d. | ||
An other peyr of blak hose patchyd | |||
A peyre of over stokes | 8d. | ||
The body of a dublet | 6d. | ||
2 shertes | 2s. | 8d. | |
2 cappes | 2s. | ||
A chest preysyd at | 7s. | 6d. | |
In redye monye | 11s. |
189. [bdle. II. 19] Rychard Lombarde. 5 May 1543. (fn. 73)
I Rychard Lombarde bequethe my sowle to God and al the holy company of hevyn, and my body to be buryed in the buryall of Christen men wher it shalbe pleasynge unto Gode, and my modere myn exsekitre, and my brwder Wrythtt overesyere, wytt my good fryndes to pay my dettes and to take awlle my dettes whiche is owynge my, and to plese evey man and woman fore there paynys. Wytnes, Syr Wyllm Dowes, wycar off All Hallos (fn. 74) with other.
[Given 10 Jul. Endorsed 'The well of Rychart Lombart'.]
190. [bdle. II. 20] Bertilmewe Merry. 3 Oct. 1542.
I Bertilmewe Merry, seike in body, commyt my sowlle unto Allmyghtie God, to Our Lady Seynt Mary and to all the holy companye of heven, and my bodye to be burryed in the church yarde of Stanlaeke. I bequeyth unto my son, George, my gaberden and a cloek beinge of on couller, a syngell gowne newe maede and 20s. for recompence of sheepe, also a maere or a geldinge wheche he will chuse. To Marget, my dowghter, my blacke gowne. I geve and asighne unto my wyffe, Allys Merry, my lease of my ferme in Stanlaeke taken of Maudelyn Colledge of Oxforde and to my son, George Merry, and to the lenger lyver of them both. The resdue of my goodes after my dettes be payde I geve unto Alys, my wyffe, to succur hyr and my chyldren with all, whome I make my sole executrix of this my last will and testament. Wytnessis, John Foster, parson of Stanlaeke, Thomas Thurowar with other mooe.
[Administration granted 18 Jun. 1543. (fn. 75) ]
Prased by John Hyde, inholder, William Byear, wollpacker, and Richard Chapman, cloothewarker, of London, John Yeate, Thomas Horwode and [?] Roger Shakespere of Stanlake in the Countie of Oxfode the 18th daye of June anno 35th Henrici octavi.
The inventory is on a full-sized sheet of paper folded bookwise. The totals, in a different hand from the rest, are all incorrect.
191. [bdle. II. 21] Thomas Nevell. 20 Mar. 1543.
I Thomas Nevell, citezein and merchauntaillour of London, bequethe my soule to Almightie God, my Maker and Redemer, trusting and faithfully belief thorough the merytes of Cristes mooste precious passion my synnes be clerely forgevyn, and my body to be buried in Christen burial where God for it shall dispose. I bequethe to Rauf Braydy, sexton of Seint Clementes churche of London, my furryd jerkyn. The ressidue of alle my goodes, cattalles, and dettes whatsoever they be after my dettes paied, the costes of my burying don, I holly gyve to Margaret Mapes of London, widowe, to dispose therwith her free and voluntary will. And of this my present testament and last will I ordeyne Richard Meriot, clothwerker, my sole executour, and overseer therof I make Sir John Lewes priest, and as to the dispocision of alle those my londes and tenementes, gardeyns, medowes, lesnes and pastures, with theire appurtenaunces, set lying and being within the parisshes of Averton and Polsted in the Countie of Essex, whiche I late had of the gyft of Johane Nevell, late the wif of John Nevell, late of Averton disceased, and daughter and heire of Edward Hedge, sometyme of Melford in the Countie of Suffolk, also disceasid as by a dede to me and to other by the said Johane made more pleynly may appere, I bequethe alle the same londes and tenementes and premisses unto Elizabeth Nevell my daughter, to have and to holde to the same Elizabeth to her heires and assignes for evermore. And if it shall fortune the same Elizabeth to dye withoute issue of her body laufully begotten, than I will alle the same londes, tenementes, gardeynes, lesnes and pastures with their appurtenaunces shall holly remayne to the said Richard Meriot, to have and to hold for evermore of the chief lordes of the fee of the same by service due and accustomed. I will that Margaret Mapes, widowe, shall have and yerely take of the issues and proffites that shall come yerely of alle the same londes and tenementes 13s. 4d. during her naturall lif, and to have full power and auctoritie at alle tymes for lak of payment of the same yerely rent to entre and distreyne in alle the same londes and tenementes for the same and for the arrerages therof if any shalbe. Witnes, John Lewes, clerk and chauntre priest, Jeames Apot, William Catesby, Petir Atkynson, John Scampion, servaunt of John Rutter, scryvener, and divers other.
[Written 'de novo' by me John Mountstevynge, notary public.]
This will is formally written on parchment, with decorative initial. The bottom has been folded and slit for a seal tag which is missing. The will is endorsed, 'Richard Meryot, T. Nevell testament'.
192. [bdle. II. 22] John Patryk. 29 Sep. 1543.
I Iohn Patryk, porter of the Kyngges Wardropp in Lundon, in the parysh of Saynt Andrw nexto Castell Baynarde, am syke in body and make thys my present testament and last wyll. I bequeth my sowle to Jhesu Chryste, the Blyssyd Virgyn Mare and aull the holy company in hevyn to pray for me, and my bode to be beryed in the chyrche of Saynt Andrw aforesayd. I bequethe to the hye auter of the same chyrche 5s. I bequeth to the mother chyrche of Powles 4d. and to the nue rode lowte in my paryshe chyrche 3s. 4d. I qweth to my father in law my fox furryd gowne and to hys sun my swerd, my bucler and my daggar. The resydu of my goodes, my dettes payd, I bequethe to my wyfe and to my chyld, and Elyzebeth, my wyfe, I make my sole executryx, and my supervyser my father in law John Dave. Wytnesses, John Ledes, paynter, John Whyttyngtun, habbardashar, and Sir Thomas Blacwell. (fn. 76)
Thys hynnvetory made the 3 day of November the yere of owre Lorde God 1543 of the goodes of Jhon Pattryck.
Imprimis in the hall, a tabyll, a payre of tressylles and a forme to the same and 6 stowlles | 5s. | ||
A carpent of 3 yardes longe to the same | 2s. | ||
A cobborde | 3s. | 4d. | |
A carpett to the same | 4d. | ||
4 cherys—howld | 3s. | 4d. | |
4 cusshens of taperstre worke and 2 onfyllyd | 2s. | ||
2 chestys bonde wyth iryne at | 5s. | ||
4 olde playne chestes at | 4s. | ||
A owlde square chest | 12d. | ||
3 playne bedstydes at | 3s. | ||
A forme by the bed syd | 6d. | ||
A mattrys and a bolster of fetheres | 2s. | 8d. | |
2 feyther beddes wyth bolsteres, 1 of them olde | 20s. | ||
3 fustyan pyllowes | 2s. | 8d. | |
2 payre of blankettes | 3s. | 4d. | |
A covering made of carpettes | 5s. | ||
A covering of taperstre worke | 10s. | ||
A tester to the bed | 16d. | ||
The hangynges, 22 yardes 1½d. the yard | 2s. | 9d. | |
A square cloth of armys | 12d. | ||
4 bowttes of blacke thred at 2s. 8d. the boultt | 11s. | 4d. | |
2 li of browne thred | 16d. | ||
30 li of browne leyre at 8d. the pownd | 20s. | ||
11 li of blew leyre at the 12d. the li | 11s. | ||
10 payre of shetes | 20s. | ||
2 pyllow beyres | 10d. | ||
2 playne tabyll clothys | 2s. | 8d. | |
3 towelles playne | 16d. | ||
A dosen of napkyns | 18d. | ||
A doblet of canvas | 6d. | ||
A doblet of grene sarsnett | 12d. | ||
A doblett of russell worstyd | 2s. | ||
2 payre of owld whytt hose | 5s. | ||
4 payre of blacke hosse | 7s. | ||
2 olde gyrkynes of leyther | 10d. | ||
A jakett of rossell worstyd | 5s. | ||
A cott of tawne cloth | 6s. | 8d. | |
A cott of blacke cloth | 3s. | 4d. | |
A cott of tawne fryse | 2s. | ||
A gown of rossett fasyd wyth fox | 20s. | ||
A skarlet cap | 2s. | ||
2 blacke owlde cappys | 16d. | ||
3 shurttes wyth blacke bandes | 6s. | ||
2 shurttys wyth whytt bandes | 2s. | ||
A swerde and buckler | 4s. | ||
A dagger | 8d. | ||
Summa | 12 li. | 6s. | 6d. |
The Kechyne. | |||
Collys | 8d. | ||
A owlde cowpe | 4d. | ||
2 payre of cobbordes | 12d. | ||
2 trevyttes | 8d. | ||
3 spyttes | 12d. | ||
3 payre of pott howkes | 6d. | ||
A gydiryne | 3d. | ||
A dryppyng pan | 4d. | ||
A fryne pan | 4d. | ||
A chafer of brass | 16d. | ||
3 brass pottes, 2 small of them | 4s. | ||
4 small possnettes | 20d. | ||
2 lyttyll pannys | 8d. | ||
A grett kettyll | 12d. | ||
A ladyll of lattyne | 1d. | ||
2 choppyng knyvys | 2d. | ||
A bason of latten | 6d. | ||
A chafynge dysshe | 5d. | ||
4 candyllstyckes | 16d. | ||
8 plattres of puter | 5s. | ||
11 dysshes of puter | 3s. | 4d. | |
11 sawsseres | 20d. | ||
4 poddengeres | 12d. | ||
3 sawllt sellares | 8d. | ||
a pottell pott and 3 quart pottes | 2s. | ||
A holy water stocke of putter | 4d. | ||
Sume | 30s. | 3d. | |
Dettes owyng unto hyme. | |||
Owynge unto hyme in the wardrobe | 7 li. | ||
Jhon Whitwell owyth unto hyme | 18s. | ||
Awthre Spede owyth unto hyme | 24 li. | ||
Wylliam Selbe owyth unto hyme | 10 li. | ||
Sume | 41 li. | 18s. | |
Sume totall, | 55 li. | 14s. | 9d. (fn. 77) |
Jonne Whyt, Robert Thorns. |
193. [bdle. II. 23] Edwarde Rycheforth. 19 Dec. 1543.
I Edwarde Rycheforth, inholder off the Cyty off London and then dwellyng in the paryshe off Saynct Mary Hyll at Bylynggesgate, beyng dyessed in my body, bequethe my selfe and chefely my superior part my solle, to Allmyghty God, the Creator and Redemer off ytt, and my body I bequethe to be beryed where ytt shall please Phylyppes, my wyfe, the whyche Phylyppes my wyfe I make my holle executryx. I gyve to Johane Hedger my grett chest with all that ys and shall be left in ytt. I gyve to the sayde Jone a fetherbed, a bolster, on payre off shetys and a whyte dyaper coweryng drawen with gold. I gyve to Henry Pott 20s., to Robert Baltrop, my son in law, 40s. The rest off all my gooddys and dettes, my dettes and funerall expensys dyscharged, I gyve to Phylyppes, my wyfe, sawe that I gyve to Wyllyam Brayfeld a bowe and a quyver of shaftes and to John Tomson my pesed (fn. 78) bowe. I make owerseer off thys wyll and my last testament the aforenamed Wyllyam Brayfeld and for hys labor I gywe hym 3s. 4d. Thus my gooddes whyche God hathe lent med ysposed I mekly submytt my selfe to the mercy off God, my Maker and Sawyowr besechyng Hym as He with Hys precyus blowdd redemed me at my departure when yt shall please Hym to call me from thys transytory world to take me to Hym and hawe mercy on my solle. In wyttnesse that this ys my last wyll I hathe sett to my marke and sealed this presentes with my seale. (fn. 79) I gywe to Robert Damport, my servant, doyng owt hys yerys servys truely and honestly with my wyfe, my foxe furred gowne. Wylliam Brayfeld. (fn. 80) Edward [Blank]. Per me Willm Erithus (fn. 81) parochum.
194. [bdle. II. 24] Ame Rian. 27 Apr. 1543. (fn. 82)
I Ame Rian, vydow, bequythe my soull unto Allmyghty God and to Owr Blessyd Ladie Sancte Marie and to all the companye off hevyn, and my body to be buryd within Chrystyn buryall with in the churche yearde off Sancte Albanes in Woodestret, London, where off I am a parish[oner] And as towchyn my wordlye goodes, my dettes payd, I wyll that there be 20s. bestowyd at my bury . . . I beqwythe my best fether bede off thre fetherbedes to Saverey Mettcalfe, my best gown and my best kyrtyll and the lesser bolster to . . . sayd bede. I beqwythe a tawny gown that was my hosbanes to George . . . wiche is fourryd with fox fure. I beqwith to Johan Rian my blake gown and kyrtyll and a lyttyll fether bede with the best bolster, 1 lytyll frying pan and a . . . off pewther, the gretest bellyd candyllstyke off latyn, a gret quarte po[t]. I beqwithe to Ame Tute, my gode doughter a christyning basyn and a yowre off p . . ., to Mare Walsche my seconde basyn and a yowre off pewthere, to John Watson, son to Richard Watson, and to Richerd Person, son to Stephen Person, . . . Longe, son to Wylliam Longe in Angell Alley, wiche where my housbandes g . . . to eche off them 40d. I beqwithe to Ames Evoryd my best beades gaudyd with syl . . ., to Alice Toute my blake gyrdell off bowgle or geett and my best sylver pyn, to my cosyng Margerie Mayne, my best ryng with a rede stone and my best tache off sylver and 2 off my best qweschynes. I beqwithe Syre Wylliam Smythe 2 off my best qwyschynes and 4s. off money to pray for my housbondes soulle and myne. I beqwithe to Fyllys Maye my grene coffer and a pewther dische and a platter and a sawcer and a pynt p . . . and a qwart pott off pewthere, to lytyll Alice Cantwell a pewther platter and a dys . . . and a sawcer and a pottyll pott off pewther and my second belld candylstyk, to my cosyng Nycolas wyffe in Castyll Alley, 2 sqware pewther dysches off pewther and a hand basin, to my cosyng Richard Mayne, my seconde fetherbed and the cov . . . Richard Mayne I make my full executour off all the resydew off my goodes to se me hon[est]ly beryd and to se my legaces fullfyllyd and my dettes payd. I owe to Nyc . . . Cantwell 30s. I owe for 5 barelles off ale to the goodman off the Lylye Pott, to the goodman Roodes off the Crose Kayes for 2 barrelles off ale. I owe to Mr. William Evorerd 4s. 4d. off a tayll. I owe to Master Foxe, a foschard sherer, 2s. I owe to Syre Wylliam Smythe 7s. I owe to John Kyttchyn waxe chanler, in Fanchurche 17s. I owe the goode wyffe Rogeres 16d. I owe to Maude Barker 6d. I owe to Michaell the frewterer at Temple Bare for a prekele off ware 18d. (fn. 83) I beqwythe to the hey altare 4d. I wyll that ther be gyvyn for me to poore peple off this parische 15d. I wyll that Sir William Smythe shalbe the overseer off my wyll and testament. I wyll that my cosyng, Richard Maine, my sayd exequetor, shall sell all my enterest off my howse at Water Lambet, wiche hais bene callyd Walles, towardes the payments and to paye my dettes and perfomans off this my last wyll. In wytnes whereoff to thes presentes I have sett my seall, thes being present: Henrie Howlte, George Mettcalfe and William Cateryke, priest and curet and other moo. Per me William Cateryke presbiterum et curatorem ibidem. (fn. 84)
The pressment of seche stuffe as was in my cussyns housse, in Wodstrete, the 11 day of Maye. (fn. 85) | |||
In prymus for hys gowne fasyd with blake cunny | 5s. | ||
For a womans gowne furryd with graye cunny | 2s. | ||
For a keverlyte lynyd with canvas | 16d. | ||
2 bedestedes and a furme | 14d. | ||
4 holde pellos, 2 with fethers and 2 with flokes | 18d. | ||
3 holde baskets | 4d. | ||
A holde cotte and rement of frys | 12d. | ||
2 holde testers and hangyns | 8d. | ||
A holde blake gowne syngyll | 3s. | 4d. | |
7 holde pesses | 3s. | ||
A frying pane, 2 spetes and 2 handyarns | 16d. | ||
20 li. of holde puter at 3d. li. | 5s. | ||
2 payer of shetes | 18d. | ||
2 holde towels and tabull clothe | 12d. | ||
2 payer of shetes | 18d. | ||
3 holde towels and 4 napkyngs | 20d. | ||
3 holde chestes | 2s. | ||
87 li. of holde brasse at 1½d. | 10s. | 10d. | |
2 holde bedstedes | 16d. | ||
3 holde mates | 4s. | ||
2 cussyns and 2 bankers | 2s. | 8d. | |
A holde cubbord | 4s. | ||
2 holde chears | 8d. | ||
A foldyng tabbull | 16d. | ||
A tabull, a peyer of trestels, and furme | 14d. | ||
Holde hyerne | 12d. | ||
A holde dryfate (fn. 86) | 4d. | ||
The holde pantyde clothes in the halle | 2s. | ||
For the lomber in the howsse | 2s. | ||
Som of all the presment by sydes that ys gevyn ys | 3 li. | 4s. | 8d. |
195. [bdle. II. 25] Robert Roff. 18 Aug. 1543.
Jeshus. I Robertt Roff bequethe my sowle to Almygty God and to His Blessyd Mother Seynt Mary and to all the holly company of hevyn and my body to be buryed with in the chyrch yarde off Our Lady in Islyngton. I bequeth to the hygh alter 12d. I bequethe to my brother, John Roffe, 5 nobelles 5s., to my brother, William Roffe, 5 nobelles 5s., to my sister, Kateryn Roffe, 5 novelles 5s., to my sister, Alyce Roff, 5 nobelles 5s., to William Martyn 6s. 8d., and to his wyff 6s. 8d., and to my godson, his chyld Robertt, 6s. 8d. I bequeth to Alyce Walker 6s. 8d., to Rose Tilkot 6s. 8d., to Battell Turpyn 6s. 8d., to Sir William Paynter, curatt here, for to pray for me and for his paynes takying with me 2s. I bequethe that at the daye of my buryen 10s. to be bestowed in bred and drynke amonges pore folk. All the ressydew of my goodes movable and unmovable I bequethe to Mr. William Smyth dwellyng at the Townes End and to William Marten, whom I make myne executores and my master Walker to overse that this my will be fulfylled and eche of them to have for ther labor 6s. 8d. and they to se me honestly beryed and to dispose the resydew of my goodes as the thynk best. In wittenes wherof I have subscrybed my name herunto. (fn. 87) Wittenes, Sir William Paynter, prest and curatt there.
[Proved 17 Oct.]
196. [bdle. II. 26] Robert Yedaill. 27 Aug. 1543. (fn. 88)
I Robert Yedaill, buttyler of Grays Inne, beqwethe my sowle unto Allmyghtye God and to all the hooly companie of heaven and my body to be buryed wythin the parysshe churche of Seint Andrews in Hollburne. I gyff unto my bed ffelow my tawny satyn dowblett, my best chist and my parte of the bed, wythe all thynges pertenyng therto, wyche afore was joint betwext us. Unto Sir Ric. Lynd, on of the chapleyns of Greys Inne, a pare of hoose clothe and 20s. in money to pray for my sowle, unto Sir Thomas Cadgill, an other of the chapleyns of Greys Inne 10s., to pray for my soule. I gyff unto John Lyster all the bokys and deskys wyth in my study and 2 chistes, unto my brother my best gowne, my best capp and my fyne woorsted dowblett, unto my brothers elldysts one my study gowne furred wythe black lam, my chamlett jakett, a kapp and a pare of hoose, unto my syster in law a gowne, clothe of puk, unto Ric Lydgall myn old gowne furred wythe cony, unto Stanley myn old blak worsted coot and an old woorsted dowblett, myn old study gowne and my fustyan dowblett unto my keper. I dyscharge my brother of all the dettys that he owythe me. I dyscharge my bed ffelow of all thinges betwext hym and me. I gyff a marke unto the prisoners of Neugate, a marke unto the prisoners of the Kynges Benche, a mark unto the prisoners of the Marshallsy, a mark unto the prisoners of Ludgate, a nobill to the prisoners of Westmynster, 4 li. for my buryeng, and yf enie therof remayne I will that to be gyven unto poore folkes. I resyve to kepe me duryng the tyme that I am sycke 3 li. I ow a nobill unto my master. I gyff unto my brother 3 li. 3s. 4d. I had fyftene pound in my chist at the makyng of this my will and the some here expressyd dothe amount to fyftene pound or therabout, but wher I have reservyd 3 li. for my charges during the tyme that I am sycke, yf that will not serve, then my mynd ys that myn executors shall abute of every on of the somes wheras they thinke convenyent so moche as my charges dothe amont unto above 3 li. for to se all these thynges dooly and truly executyd. I desyar Sir Ric. Lynd, chaplein of Greys Inne and Robert Nowell, buttyller of the same howse, to be myne executors.
197. [bdle. II. 27] Rychard Watson. 18 Mar. 1543.
I Rychard Watson in the paryssche of Sant Albanes in Wod streytt in London, seyk in bodye beqwythe my sowle to God Almyghtye, to Owre Ladye Sant Marie and to all the holye cumpanye of hevyn, and my bodye to be buryd in the churcheyerd of Sant Albones. I gyffe to Margarett Watson, my wyffe, all my goodes soo that sche se my bodye be broyght honestlye to the erthe whome I mayk my sole exeqwtryx, and Wylliam Hebbes to be supervisor of this my last wyll, and he to hayff for hys labore my velveytt doblett. Wyttnes, Sir Wylliam Smythe, Ranold Danyell, Georg Vayghan, with other moo.
[Registered and proved on 7 Apr. 'Johannis pro inventario.']
198. [bdle. II. 28] Joone Wharnebe. 28 Sep. 1543.
. . . (fn. 89) Wharnebe, secke off body, bequethe my solle unto Alle myghtty Jesu and to Our Blyssytt Lady Sentt Mary the Vyrgyn and to alle the holly cumpany off heyven, and my body to be beyryyd in Crystonmens beyryalle. I bequethe untoo my cossyn, John Hynd, 10 li. I bequethe unto Eynery, sarvantt in my master and ounckullys husse, Austyn Hynd, clotheworker off London, a ryng off syllvar, unto Mistress An Cokes, the wyffe of Robert Cokes, sallter, a stone boune a bowtt wythe syllver. I bequethe a mongist myn ounckkulles chyldarn alle my platt and juellys to be dystrybutyd a mongyst them at hys discrecyon. I bequethe unto my systar Annys Mandavelle, alle my hussholld stuffe the wytche reymeynys in hur hussbans hannys. The reysydw off alle my guddis and cattellys, platt, dettis and impplymenttes, wythe alle other thynges movabullys and un movabulleys, I gyff unto Austyn Hynd, them to be stow att hys discrecyon, the wytche Austyn Hynd I make myn executor off thys my pressentt testamentt and last wylle. Wytnyssithe, An Cokes, the wyff off Robert Cokes, sallter, Allys Leyghtton and Allys Jesspar with other.
[Proved 13 Nov.]
Prased the 20th day of Novembre in the 35th yere of the raigne of kyng Henr theight by Robart Cockes, salter, and Symonde Palmer, goldsmyth. [Endorsed with a note in Latin concerning the church of St. Elene in Busshopsgate: Sir Robert Stokeporte receives per annum 6 li. 13s. 4d. paid by Andrew Judd, sherman. Sir Richard Brigges receives per annum 6 li. 13s. 4d. paid by Jeronium Shelton there.]
199. [bdle. II. 29] Accounts in respect of the will of Thomas Walden. 10 Oct. 1543.
This is the Accomptes (fn. 90) of Margery Thompson, late wyf and executrice of the testament and last wyll of Thomas Walden deceessed, citezen and haberdassher of London, of all and singuler the goodes, catalles and dettes of the said Thomas, made by the said executrice the 10th day of Octobre in the yere of our Lord Godd 1543.