[N'hamp.] |
A. 11101. Demise (sciant . . . quod ego . . . dimisi) by John de
Catesby of Assheby Leger to John Nyghtyngale of Brawnston of his whole
tenement in Falclyff, between the tenement late Peter Malcher's, the tene-
ment of the lady Roos, and the tenements of the prior of Newstede; to
hold to the said John, his heirs and assigns for ever. Thursday after
Palm Sunday, 3 Henry V. Witnesses:—Robert Catesby, and others
(named). Seal of arms. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11102. Indenture of demise by William le Clerc of Geydon to
Richard de Lalleford of Magna Derset, Katharine his wife and John their
eldest son for the term of their lives in survivorship, of the moiety of a
messuage, opposite the market place of Derset, next the other moiety
which Ralph Kytten held of him; rent, 5s. for all service, save a heriot
on the death of the survivor. Sunday, the feast of the Translation of
St. Thomas the Martyr, 16 Edward III. Seal. |
Linc. |
A. 11103. Feoffment by Thomas son of Richard de Beaufo (Bellafago)
to Alexander son of Osbert Lung of Lincoln of a tenement in the parish of
St. Peter in Wykford, in the suburb of Lincoln, between the highway and
the Wythem. Witnesses:—Hugh le Tyghler, mayor, John de Mumby
and William de Humberstan, bailiffs, of Lincoln, and others (named).
Thursday after the Epiphany, 20 Edward II. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11104. Feoffment by Geoffrey Prest of Triston (sic) to John Hulot
of Thomeston, of a messuage and 1r. arable in the town of Thomeston.
Witnesses:—John Grene, master of the college of Thomeston, and others
(named). Sunday before the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr,
28 Edward III. |
Warw. |
A. 11105. Indenture being the defeasance of a statute merchant
whereby John de Catesby of Assheby Leger, co. Northampton, esquire, was
bound to John Buckemore of Coventry in 100l.; reciting that the said John
de Catesby had been enfeoffed by the said John, by charter indented, dated
at Lappeworth, Tuesday after St. Martin the Bishop in winter, 6 Henry V,
of all the estate the said John had in a moiety of the manor of Lappeworth,
subject to the payment to the said John of 12 marks, by quarterly payments
of 40s. in the church of the Hospital of St. John the Baptist of Coventre;
if the said payments be made at the said terms, or within twelve weeks, at
the said Hospital, to the said John, or in his absence, to the master of the
said Hospital, with acquittances under the proper seal of the said John,
(provided that the said acquittances, and the wax, shall be brought by the
said John de Catesby), the statute to be void. Lapworth, Thursday after
St. Martin the Bishop, 6 Henry V. Seal, a buck's head cabossed. |
Leic. N'hamp. |
A. 11106. Indenture being a feoffment by John Grantam, parson of
the church of Chirche Wover, Sir Henry, parson of the church of
Cotusbeche, and John Hykelyng, vicar of the church of Monks Kyrkeby, to
Joan late the wife of William Wright of Swynford, of the land, &c. with
the mill, &c. which, together with John Rabbas chaplain, since deceased,
they had by feoffment of William Wryght of Swynford, in Swynford and
Catthorp, co. Leicester, and Yelvertoft and Cleycoton, co. Northampton;
to hold to the said Joan for the term of her life, without impeachment of
waste, with remainder to John Wryght, son of the said William in tail,
with remainder in default to Henry, brother of the said John in tail, with
remainder in default to James, brother of the said Henry in tail, with
remainder in default to William bastard son of the said William Wryght
in tail, with remainder in default to the right heirs of the said William
Wright the father. Swynford, 22 January, 5 Henry VI. Witnesses:—
John and Simon Malory and others (named). Seal of arms, and fragment
of seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11107. Feoffment by Thomas Robynes, clerk, and Roger Groom
of Thorpmarket, to William Bockynge of Toun Bernygham, William Mayn
of Plumstede, John Basyngham of Basyngham and Richard Reed of Toun-
bernyngham, of all the land, &c. in Tounbernygham, Norwodebernygham,
Plumstede and Roughton, which they, together with William Howlyn,
clerk, John Hawele and John Holtman of Holtmarket, since deceased, had
by the gift and feoffment of Nicholas Bockynge of Tounnbernygham.
Witnesses:—Edmund Wynter and John Bakon, esquires, and others
(named). Tounbernygham, 7 November, 23 Henry VI. Seals, the second a
merchant's mark with legend, s. henrici. de. halen. |
[Westmd.] |
A. 11108. Release by Thomas de Langeker of Mansergh to John de
Lente of his right in the land, &c. in the hamlet of Mansergh, in the town
of Berburn, which formerly belonged to John de Mansergh the younger, by
the gift and feoffment of the said John de Lente. Monday after St. Hilary
the Bishop, 1349. Fragment of seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11109. Indenture, being a feoffment by John Haukyns and Thomas
Saunders of Hatton to Robert Grene of Hatton and Joan his wife for
the term of their lives in survivorship, with remainder to William Grene
their son and Alice his wife, and the heirs lawfully begotten between them,
with reversion in default to the right heirs of William, of all the land, &c.
in Hatton, and elsewhere in the county of Warwick, which they had by
the feoffment of the said Robert and Joan. Sunday after the Purification,
19 Henry VI. Seals. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11110. Feoffment by William Grom of Brunham St. Clement to
Hugh Porter, of the same, William Lexham, esquire, of Brunham Westgate,
Thomas Gygges, and Alexander Balton of Brunham St. Clement of a piece
of land containing 7r. in the said town, in 'Estgate,' between land late
of Robert Knoll', knight, and bond land of the prior of Wemedham, and
abutting on land of the said Thomas Gygges, &c. which he had by the gift
and feoffment of William Calver, late of Norton. Saturday after the
Conception, 9 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Warw ] |
A. 11111. Counterpart of demise by Rose Mountford of Toneworth
to William Chamberlayn, of the same, and Joan his wife, for the term of
their lives in survivorship, of a messuage, &c. in Toneworth, which Simon
Tove formerly held, at 16s. 8d. rent. Thursday after Whitsuntide,
6 [Henry] V. One seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11112. Feoffment by William Bokkyng of Toun Bernyngham to
Robert Wale, clerk, of the land, &c. in Toun Bernyngham, Norwode
Bernyngham, Plumstede and Roughton, which he had, together with
William Mayne of Plumstede and Richard Reed of Tounbernyngham, since
deceased, and John Basingham of Basingham, who had released his right
to him, by the feoffment (A. 11107) of Thomas Robynes, clerk, and Roger
Grome of Thorpmarket by their charter dated at Tounbernyngham,
7 November, 23 Henry VI; also of all other his lands, &c. which he had
by purchase, exchange or otherwise, there. Witnesses:—John Wynter,
esquire, John Basyngham the younger (minore) and others (named).
Tounbernyngham the morrow of St. Nicholas the Bishop and Confessor,
11 Edward IV. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11113. Indenture being a feoffment by John Catesby, esquire, to
Master John Sowtham, clerk, of all the land, &c. in Lodbrook, late Henry
Glose's, with the exception of 4d. rent and the services issuing from John
Wryde's tenement there, which is held of the said Henry's late tenement
by the said rent and services; also of 15d. rent there, which he used to
receive from lands and tenements, late the said Henry's, which lands, rents,
&c. he recently recovered against the heirs and terretenants of the said
Henry, by the king's writ of cessavit; also of 1a. land in the fields of
Lodbrook, which he had by the gift of John Attekyns; to hold all the
above, in exchange for the land, &c. late William Colyns', in Rodburne,
of the chief lords of those fees by the services due and accustomed,
reserving to himself the rent of a rose at Midsummer and suit of his
court of Lodbrook twice a year for the tenement late Henry Glose's.
Witnesses:—Thomas Beaufitz of Lodbrook and others (named). Lodbrook,
the feast of St. Hilary, 7 Henry VI. |
Flint. |
A. 11114. Feoffment by Gruffud ap Ma[doc] ap Jevaun ap Ririt,
proprietor in the town of Llanel[wy] and hamlet of Brynpolyn, in the
lordship of the bishop, dean, and chapter of St. Asaph, to David ap Mad[oc]
ap Jor[worth] Goz, of two parcels of arable, with a house standing thereon
in the said town, the first, containing by estimation, 5a. land, in a place
called 'Kae y pruddyn,' the second, with the house thereon, containing 1½a.
in a place called 'Kae Moriddic' Llanel[wy], Monday after the Apostles
Philip and James, 1433, 11 Henry VI. |
Flint. |
A. 11115. Release by Jevaun ap Grono ap Mered[eth] to Gruff[ith] ap
Res ap Sir David, Robert ap Res ap Sir David, and John ap Res ap Sir
David, sons and heirs of the said Res, of his right in the land, &c. in the
town of Kilowayn, in the lordship of the bishop, dean and chapter of St.
Asaph, which he lately had by the gift and feoffment of Ithell ap Mad[oc]
ap Eign[on]. Kilowayn, Saturday after the Ascension, 18 Henry VII. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11116. Indenture of demise by William le Clerk of Geydon to
Ralph Kitten of Derset and Christian his wife and Thomas their son, for
term of their lives, of the moiety of a messuage in Chepyng Derset, lying
between the market and the messuage which Robert Magot held of him, at
5s. rent and a heriot on the decease of the survivor of them. Derset
Magna, Friday after the Purification, 16 Edward III. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11117. Release by Agnes Meryng, late the wife of Richard Danby
of Heyford, widow, to Henry 'othe Chaumbir,' of her right in 20s. in name
of her dower, issuing from the lands and tenements, formerly John Tuwe's,
in Welton. Heyford, 14 November, 6 Henry V. Fragment of. seal. |
A. 11118. "Knowe myn Executours and alle folke that I Alice
Duchesse of Suffolk have yeven and graunted and by this present dede
confermed to my dere and welbeloved sone John Duke of Suffolk and to
my Lady Elizabeth his wife suster to our soveraigne lorde Kyng Edward
the fourthe alle my stuffe of plate of sylver of gilte and of golde. And
all my beddys of clothe of gold and of silke and of arras and of tapiserye
werke. And all my tapices of arras and of tapiserye. Excepte the plate
and the olde beddes and olde tapices of silke and of tapiserye that dayly
serven me. Which also after my decesse I yeve to my seide sone and to
my seide lady his wife. To haue and to holde to my seide dere and
welbeloved sone and to my seide lady his wife and to their chyldyr of their
bodyes comyng alle the seide plate beddys and tapices with goddes
blessyng and myn for ever. In witnesse of whiche thinge to this my dede
and graunt signed of my honde I have sette my seale. Yeven at Eye the
thirde day of October in the xjth yere of our soveraigne lorde Kyng Edward
the iiijth aforewretyn. Alyce." |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11119. Feoffment by Simon Snowe of Helidene to Philip de
Franketon of Coventre, of two half-acres of arable in the fields of Helidene,
viz. ½a. extending 'in to le Dene' at 'Helideneforde,' next land of the nuns
of Catesby, and ½a. with two headlands (cheviciis) on 'Northrug' in the
same field. Palm Sunday, 45 Edward III. Seal. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 11120. Feoffment by Edith late the wife of John Stikeberd of
Salisbury, widow, to William Paynot the elder, of 4a. arable, which she
had of Stephen Regat in the field of Stratford, 1a. on 'Hundeshulle,' ½a.
called 'Langehalve,' ½a. in 'Pentrichesslade,' ½a. in 'Langelonde,' 1½a.
between land of the Succentor of Salisbury in 'le Rydelonde,' &c. Tuesday
after St. Barnabas the Apostle, 10 Edward III. Seal. |
[Warw] |
A. 11121. Feoffment by Henry son of Michael, dyer (tinctoris) of
Cowintre, to Geoffrey Penifader of land in 'Hulle' street running from the
high street (magno vico) to the red pit (ruffam foveam) &c.; rent, to him
and his heirs 1d. and to the lords of the fee 2s. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 11122. Chirograph indented being a grant by John Walrand of
Bluntesdon to Nicholas Walrand his brother of nine bondmen (villanos)
in the town of Overe Stretton, to wit, Gunnilda Aylward, Mathilda
Brouton, William Goffe, Sibyl Pigesman, Walter Hervy, William Jordon,
Adam Balle, Adam le Ferkere, William Wodeman, with all other belongings
as in their lands and chattels and all their issue; to have and to hold to
the said Nicholas for the term of Nicholas' life, with all advantages (comodo
et utilitate) and with escheats and heriots, and all other advantages (comodis)
and issues from the said lands, bondmen, and their issue, in exchange for the
whole land which Walrand (Walleranus), their father, gave the said Nicholas
in the manor of Piriton; so that, after Nicholas' death the said bondmen,
with all the issue they then might have, should revert to him and his heirs
in the same conditions and servitudes in which he delivered them to
Nicholas; also grant that those villains who should have made fine with
the said Nicholas for entry on their lands, or should have married their sons
or daughters, or should have advanced their sons to orders, should continue
in the same security and estate as if they had made fine with him; rent,
5s. to be paid halfyearly in the town of Overe Stretton; warranty of the
said bondmen, in consideration of the said exchange and rent. Witnesses:
—Sir Robert de Lustrushulle, and others (named). Seal, device with legend
s. johannis. waleran. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11123. Counterpart of demise by Dame Margaret Catesby and
William Catesby, esquire, to John Dawn of Henley in Arden, for 50 years,
at 7s. 4d. rent, of a tenement and 16 selions of arable, viz. 12 selions in
the field called 'Brodcrofte' in the parish of Belserte and 4 selions in
'Hulnale' field, and the tenement lies between the tenement of the Gild
of Henley, the little park of the lord of Henley, &c. Michaelmas,
25 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Norf] |
A. 11124. Feoffment by Nicholas Bardolf of Taverham to Roland
Smith (fabro) and John his son, of the same, for their homage and service
and 20s. in gersum, of a piece of land in the parish of Taverham in
'Mosihil'; rent, a clove at Christmas. Witnesses, Sir Godfrey Bemund
and others (named). |
[Camb ] |
A. 11125. Feoffment by Walter le New to Eustace son of Roger of
Wilburh [am], for his homage and service, and 4 marks in gersum, of
a piece of land there, 7 perches wide by 28 perches of 18ft. (perticas
mensuratas per decem et octo pedes); rent, 2d. Witnesses:—Walter, parson
of Wilburh [am] and others (named). Fragment of seal. |
A. 11126. Indenture being the memorandum of an agreement between
William Mauduit and John de Grimested, concerning the land which
William gave to John in the town of Ertheleya, to wit, the land which
Muriel, wife of Edulfus, formerly held in the same, namely, if William or
his heirs, wish to exchange the said land with John or his heirs, they shall
make to the said John a reasonable exchange, in a definite place (in certo
loco), by the view of good and liege men, to the value of the same (tanti
tenementi), with due compensation for improvements and the costs of
enquiry. Witnesses, Sir Ernand de Bosco, Sir N. de Haversham, Sir
James de Norton, Sir John de Venuz. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11127. Feoffment by Simon Clerk (clericus) of Beausal, to Hugh
de Manecestre, of the land which Alfred Clerk (clericus) held of him at
Cunte Lowe and in the town of Hattun, in free marriage with Felicia his
daughter, to hold to them and the heirs issuing from them; rent 3s. 6d.
Witnesses:—Osbert de Luncecumbe and others (named). |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 11128. Chirograph indented, being the memorandum of an agree-
ment between his lady, M[aud], countess of Warenne, in the first year
of her widowhood, and Sir Adam de Newmarch (Novo Mercato); to wit
she has granted to Sir Adam, and his heirs, in Balne (Balnea) a water-
course and ditch from Flaxcleyker to the Dike (usque in Dikettam) to be 8ft.
wide and 4ft. deep, of which ditch Adam's men shall make 200 perches
yearly at his expense, when need shall be; the remainder, to [Di]ker, the
countess' men shall make, under pain of 20s. to be paid to her; under-
taking by Adam not to lead more water into the ditch than of old was
accustomed. Executed by Richard de Calt[on], steward of the countess,
and Robert, rector of Camesal, attorney of Sir Adam. Done on the feast
of St. John the Baptist, 1241. Witnesses:—Sir Nicholas de Treton and
others (named). Fragment of seal. Cf. A. 10762. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11129. Feoffment by Simon de Draiton to Walter de Bissopes-
den, for his homage and service, of 60a. land, of his demesne, in the terri-
tory of Draiton and of his whole capital messuage in the same town, viz.
40a. in one field and 20a. in the other; rent 6d., viz. 3d. at Michaelmas,
and 3d. at Lady Day; consideration, 11 marks. Witnesses:—Sir Walter
de Daivill, Frederick de Bissopesden and others (named). |
A. 11130. Letter of attorney by John Dey and John Burman, clerks
John Danvers, knight, Henry Smyth, Thomas Barker and Elizabeth
Catisby, appointing as their proctors in all causes &c. before all judges,
ordinaries, delegates and sub-delegates or their commissaries, Master
James Whitstons, doctor of both laws (utriusque juris), dean of the royal
collegiate church of Leicester in the diocese of Lincoln, Master Thomas
Emson, esquire, Master Christopher Midelton, bachelor in laws, and Roger
Slee, John Lyteley, Richard Graunt and Hugh Mervyn, literates. Certified
under the seal of the official of the Archdeacon of Surrey. London, 9
March, 1508. Fragments of seal of official.
Endorsed: Littera attorn' pro arbitrio. |
[Middx.] |
A. 11131. Chirograph indented being the counterpart of a demise by
E. the prior and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to William Spyrc,
of 8a. land called 'Stynkindelond,' in the town of Edelmeton; to hold to
him and his heirs for ever, at 4s. rent for all service save two suits of their
court yearly and royal service when it happen; William and his heirs shall
not have power to enclose the said land so as to hinder the free ingress and
egress of the prior and convent to distrain; if he desire to sell or demise
the same, the prior and convent to be preferred by a bezant of two shillings;
for this William gave them 40s. beforehand. Witnesses:—Lawrence
Duket and other (named).
Endorsed: Contra Willelmum Sprik pro ijs. et ij sectis; Stynggynlond;
also Memorandum quod Willelmus Pymme et Johannes Goldyng senior
solvunt istum redditum videlicet quilibet eorum ijs. et ij sectas curie et
distringantur pro homagio faciendo priori. |
[Hunt.] |
A. 11132. Grant in pure alms by Daniel son of Thomas Cook (coci)
of Ramesey to God and St. Benedict and to Martin the sacristan of
Ramesey, of a croft which was Thomas his father's, and which the said
Thomas bought of John Kayel, between the house of Michael Rosary
(Rosarii) and the land of Roger le Freman; rent, to the cellarer of Ramesey
12d. yearly; for this Martin gave him 16s. beforehand. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 11133. Release by Thomas le Whyte of Natton to Roger le
Draper of Lacok of his right in two half acres of arable, one in the south
field of Natton in 'Langwatewarde,' the other in the north field in
'Wethewynde.' Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Relaxacio Thome le Wyte . . . . |
[Warw.] |
A. 11134. Release by Avice late the wife of William de Ardern
of Rodburne to the prioress and convent of Hynewde of her right,
in name of dower, in all the land which her said husband gave
to God and the church of St. Margaret of Hynewde and the nuns there in
pure and perpetual alms with his mother; rendering therefore for life to
her 12d. Witnesses:—Roger, parson of Bottend', and others (named).
Fragment of seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11135. Release by William Ace of Welton to Thomas de Sadynton
in Welton and Benedicta his wife, and the heirs and assigns of Thomas, of
his right in the third part of a water-mill &c. in Welton and in a yearly
rent of 4d. and 1a. arable in the fields of Welton, all of which they had by
his gift and feoffment. Welton, Thursday before Michaelmas, 15 Edward II.
Seal, effaced. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11136. Feoffment by Adam Haldeyn of Covintre to Thomas
Simund and Avice his wife of 12d. rent from a house in Gosford street,
between the land which Thomas Palmer (palmarius) held and the land which
Thomas de Fakenham held; rent, a rose at Midsummer; for this they gave,
him 11s. beforehand. Seal, broken. |
A. 11137. Demise by John and Alice . . . . . . to John de
. . . . . and . . . ., for the term of their lives, of . . .
which . . . . and Alice Hogekyn held of them in bondage . . .
. . . . which Henry le Cartere used to pay them, 9 . . . . .,
. . . s. rent to be received from John Houden, 7s. . . . . . .,
. . . . . from Robert Houwet, 3s. 3d. . . . . from Sir Alan
Talebot, knight, 10s. . . . . ., . . . . 9d. from John Ketel;
to hold all the said lands, tenements and rents . . . . by service of
a rose at Midsummer . . . . . . . brok, Friday, Michaelmas,
. . . . Edward . . . . Seal of arms, (a chevron) effaced. |
[Middx.] |
A. 11138. Feoffment by Geoffrey son of Sigar of Edelmeton to
Richard the prior and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 2a. land
which he held of them in the town of Edelmeton, next the street, extend-
ing eastward to the messuage of Robert son of Sweyn and his own
messuage on the west; for this gift, warranty &c. they gave him 20s. and
released to him 8d. out of a rent 12d. which he used to pay them for his
messuage and the said two acres. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11139. Feoffment by John son of Roger de Badeby in Esseby St.
Leger to Nicholas de Stoke and his heirs, of 1a. arable in the territory of
Esseby on 'Bernehul,' between lands of the said Nicholas and abutting on
the headland (foreram) under the garden of the said Nicholas; rent,
½ mark. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11140. Indenture of demise by Elias Holcote, warden of the
house of the scholars of Merton in Oxford, and the scholars of the same
college, to Thomas Beynham, of Hendle in Arderne, for eighty years from
the Purification, 17 Henry VI, at 3s. 4d. rent payable at Oxford at
Michaelmas yearly, of a pasture called 'Haynlayes,' in the parish of
Lapworth, the advowson of the church of Lapworth excepted. Oxford,
the feast and year abovesaid.
Endorsed: Martyncolage. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11141. Indenture, being a feoffment by Nicholas Wynter of North-
wodbernyngham and William Snetirton, clerk, to William Bockyng of
Tounbernyngham, of 2a. ½r. in Tounbernyngham, in three pieces, &c.;
rent, 4d. Witnesses:—Edmund Wynter and John Bacoun, esquires, and
others (named). 10 September, 20 Henry VI. Seals. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11142. Release by Robert de Berneye, knight, William Wynter
and John atte Medwe, vicar of the church of Saxthorp, to John Belys of
Northwodebernyngham, of their right in three pieces of land, viz. two
pieces of ½a. and 1½a. in Northwodebernyngham and the third of ½a. in
Tounbernyngham, near 'Gungate mylle,' &c. Friday after St. Wynwal',
14 Richard II. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11143. Release by William Wynter to Thomas Abbes, smith
(fabro), of Matelask, of his right in a messuage in Matelask, formerly Philip
Tynker's of the same. Saturday after the Annunciation, 10 Richard II.
Seal of arms (chequy and a fess) with the legend, sigillum. willelmi.
wynter. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11144. Feoffment by Thomas Fleccher of Lapworthe to Robert,
rector of the church of Lapworthe, William Hycones, chaplain, and Richard
Parsons of Lapworth, of all his land &c. in the lordship of Lapworth, the
land &c. excepted which he held for term of life and the lives of Margaret
his wife and Paul his son. Witnesses:—John de Brome, Geoffrey 'othe
heth,' and others (named). 1 August, 23 Richard II. Seal. |
[Camb.] |
A. 11145. Feoffment by Nicholas de Cunitona son of Sir Robert de
Cunitona, knight, to Gerard de Knylle, son of Jordan de Knille, for his
homage and service, of all the land, with toft and croft and messuage,
which the said Jordan formerly held of the said Sir Robert in the fields
and town of Gravele; rent, 6s. 6d.; consideration, 6 marks beforehand.
Witnesses:—Walter de Pappewrth, Geoffrey Marshal (Marescallo) of Gilling
and others (named). Fragment of seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11146. Release by Robert Bulman of Holkham to John Preste, of
Brunham Overey, John Smyth and William Thaxter, of the same, of his
right in 1½a. land lying together in the field of Brunham Overey, the lands
of the lord of Calthorp on either side, and the east end abutting on land
of the lord of Burghalle. 20 December, 11 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Leic.] |
A. 11147. Notification by the brethren of St. Lazarus in England at
Burton, that whereas Hugh, bishop of Lincoln, at their instance, and by
mandate of the Pope Innocent, came to their house to bless their grave
yard, the said bishop being anxious to provide for the indemnity of the
mother church, they, assenting to so reasonable a desire, had sworn
that they would admit none to burial in the grave yard save their
own brethren, to wit those who had given themselves to the house
(se in incolumitate sua domui nostre reddiderint), had taken their habit
with its mark and so persevered among them; they had farther sworn
that in accordance with their rule they would admit none to the habit
of their fraternity unless fully absolved from parish jurisdiction (jure
parochiali) by the assent of the rector of the church, absolved from
the bond of matrimony and other such bonds; they had also sworn to
endeavour to procure the present agreement to be confirmed under the seal
of their common chapter; they had promised that new masters on their
appointment should renew this oath before the dean of the place and the
rector of the church of Mealton, &c. Witnesses:—Master Roger, dean of
Lincoln, Richard, sub-dean, Richard de Swaleclive, Hugh the chaplain and
Andrew, canons of Lincoln, and others (named).
Endorsed: Meautune . . . . . |
[Glouc.] |
A. 11148. Feoffment by John Gerard of Wudemankot with the assent
of Sibilia his wife to Henry Peverel for his service and 15s. beforehand of
6a. of land in the field of Morcumb, whereof 2a. in Middelforlung below
the road from Colesburn to Cirencestre, 1a. in Wodefolde next Mariot land,
1a. at Heynesthorne next Robert Maleward's land, 1a. at Rugwey, next
land of the son of the chaplain Walter, 1a. on Doune next Gores; also
of 6a. in the other field of Burcumb, whereof 1a. on Doune next land
of the parson of Nort Cerney, 'Brodacra' before the grove next land
of Robert Maleward, 1a. in Burkeling near Wudemankot, 1a. on
Stilhangre next land of Richard Crochun, 'pikedeacra' in Botterug
and 1a. extending in Fildeneweye; to hold to the said Henry Peverel for life
and for the life of any other person to whom he may give, bequeath, sell or
assign the same; rent, 12d. for all service save royal, as much as belongs
to so much land in the town of Wudemanekot. Witnesses:—Gilbert
Blund (albo) of Bagingedun, Reginald Peverel, Gilbert de Anley, Geoffrey
Peverel, and others (named). |
[Wilts.] |
A. 11149. Chirograph indented being a demise Michaelmas 10
Edward [I] for twenty years, by Reginald Crock of Haselburi, son and heir
of Sir Henry Crock, of his meadow in 'Mannemed' in the parish of Lacoc,
lying next the Avon between the meadow of Sir William Bluet, called
'Emede' and the field called 'Beueley,' in the east part of the said
meadow, &c.; consideration, 10 marks beforehand. Witnesses:—Sir
William Bluet, knight, and others (named). Fragment of seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11150. Feoffment by Henry Sutton of Coventre to Walter Hunte
of Coventre and Juliana his wife, their heirs and assigns, of a messuage
and four cottages in Coventre in Sponne street &c.; also feoffment to them
of 9a. land in Prioures Herdewich. Witnesses:—James Benyngton, mayor,
John atte Park (parci) and Edward de Wedon, bailiffs of Coventre, and
others (named). Coventre, 20 October, 44 Edward III. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11151. Chirograph, not indented, being a letter by P. the prior and
the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Roger the chaplain of Little
Waltham, the heirs of Osbert the clerk and their guardians, and Adam de
Sewell, bidding them answer their rents to Hasculf Gernet, who had
satisfied them for (fecit gratum nostrum, de) their lands, men and rents in
Little Waltham. Cf. A. 6537. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 11152. Feoffment by Roger Loff of 'La Rigge' to Dame
Katharine Lovel of all his land of Wecklescote; rent, 1lb. of cummin at
Michaelmas for all service; consideration 40l. beforehand. Witnesses:—
Sir John Lovel, Sir William de Kaune, Sir William de Torny, Sir Richard
Pipard and Sir Robert Bluet, knights, John Elys, William Everard,
Richard Stiue, Hugh Huse. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 11153. Release by Margery late the wife of Adam de Merifelde to
Maud and Alice her daughters of her right in a messuage in the parish of
Suthenover beside the mill of Watergate, between the messuages of Richard
Bissop and John Fukkebeggere. Done at Suthenovere, in 'le Estporte,'
the eve of the Epiphany 1282. Seal.
Endorsed: De Granatorio. |
[Worc.] |
A. 11154. Chirograph, indented, being the memorandum of an agree-
ment, Wednesday the feast of St. Michael 16 Edward II, between John le
Freynssche of Goldicote and Hugh de Cokeseye, lord of Goldicote, to wit
that John has demised to Hugh 2a. arable in the fields of Goldicote, one
on 'Stanydelf' and the other on 'Knaveslade,' for ten years. Witnesses:—
Richard de Croupes of Aldermustone and others (named). Seal, with
legend, crede michi. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11155. Feoffment by John de Dufford, knight, lord of Schreueleye,
to Thomas Lovekyn of Schreueleye, in tail, of a place of land in the lane
leading to the said Thomas' house, to build an oven and house beyond it;
rent, to the chief lords, 1d. at Christmas. Tuesday the feast of St.
Martin, 3 Edward II. |
[Camb.] |
A. 11156. Feoffment by Walter le New (nepos) to Roger Curteys,
for his homage and service, and for 2½ marks in gersum, of 3r. land in the
town of Little Wilburgeham &c.; rent, 6d. for all service, save the king's
service belonging to a half croft in the said town. |
[York W.R.] |
A. 11157. Feoffment by John son of Roger son of Davit of Burton
in Lonesdal to John de Holm, of his whole burgage in the town of
Burton, between the highway and the ditch of Briseselmyre, &c. Tuesday
before the Chair of St. Peter, 9 Edward II. |
[Camb] |
A. 11158. Feoffment by William Talemasche with the consent of
Alice his wife to Eustace (Heustatio) son of Roger of Little Wilbureham,
of a messuage with the whole croft &c. in the town of Little Wilbureham
&c.; rent, 18d. for all service, save the king's service, so much as belongs
to a croft of the said fee in the said town. One seal remaining. |
[Hunt.] |
A. 11159. Release by Oger son of Michael de Walton to God and the
church of St. Mary and St. Benedict of Ramesey and H. the abbot, and
the monks of his right in the whole tenement of Walton, with the patronage
and advowson of the church, which tenement Michael his brother held
there and wherein he succeeded the said Michael, to wit the homage and
service of Robert de Baynvill for the tenement the said Robert held of him
in the same town, of Michael son of Beringer for a virgate, of Robert son
of Giles for a virgate, of Robert the chaplain for a half-vigate, of Leonius
his uncle, of William de Baynvill for la. and 'Blakemere' with the
adjacent alder-grove, of Oliver le Moyne (monachi) for a virgate, of Walter
de Baynvill for a croft, of Mirabil[ia] his sister for a virgate, of Alice late
the wife of Michael his brother; the whole tenement which Oliver his
uncle held; the wood he had in demesne between Portweye and the
monks' wood of Sautr[e] and between the clearing (trencheam) which Roger
de Neovill made in the wood of Walton and the town of Walton;
and the half-virgate of land which Richard son of Herbert holds in
bondage, together with the said Richard and all his issue and his
chattels and the virgate which Richard son of Roger and the half-
virgate which William son of Quenred' held in bondage, with, &c.;
and Sibrand the cottar, with his cottage and all his issue and his
chattels, and Wibert the cottar with his cottage, &c.; to hold to the said
abbot and convent as they hold their other tenements of the king in chief;
saving to Alice late the wife of Michael his brother her dower for life,
and saving to Robert de Beynvill the yearly and accustomed services of
free and bond aforesaid which he had granted the said Robert to farm
from the second Christmas aftes the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr
for fifteen years at 1 mark rent, which rent he had granted to the said
abbot and convent, to be received from the said Robert, with the reversion
of the said services at the end of the said term. For this release &c. the
said abbot and convent have received Andrew, his brother, into the service
of their church to be supported and kept, while the said Andrew faithfully
serve them, and have given him 20 marks. Witnesses:—Sir William de
Whichenton, Sir Walter son of Robert, Sir Berengar le Moyne (monacho),
Sir Oliver le Moyne (monacho) and Sir Geoffrey de Hemmingford, knights,
and others (named). See Ramsey Cartulary, Rolls Series, II. p. 327. |
[Camb.] |
A. 11160. Release by Lawrence son of Daniel of Wilingham to the
prior and convent of Lewes of his right in a tilth (cultura) called
'Willinghamwude' containing about 60a. so that, neither in the name of
common nor of other right, shall he or his heirs be able to claim anything
in the said wood, or in the said tilth; for this Albert prior of Lewes gave
him 20s. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11161. Feoffment by Henry Roger of Lodbrok to William son of
William son of Robert of Rodburne of 6d. rent from William Walter of
Lodbrok, his tenant, and from the tenements the said William holds in
Lodbrok. Monday before St. Mark the Evangelist, 9 Edward II. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11162. Acquittance by John de Bysshopesdone, knight, to Hugh
son of Henry de Braundestone, for 5 marks, in part of 10 marks yearly
rent from the manor of Lappeworth and from lands and tenements in
Bysspewod which the said Hugh and Christina, his wife, held of him for
term of years, which said 5 marks are for Michaelmas term, 11 Edward III.
Ernesford, Sunday after St. Luke the Evangelist in the year abovesaid.
Seal of arms, effaced. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11163. Counterpart of demise by William de Geydon and
Margaret his wife to John de Rokeby, vicar of Hullemorton, for twelve
years, of all their lands &c. in the towns of Hullemorton and Rokeby, viz.
their capital messuage, with all the land, &c. except the escheats which
might arise from the tenements formerly Thomas de Walton's, Thomas
Orm's and Thomas Raulyn's; rent 6 marks payable at the three terms
usual in the town of Hullemorton, viz. Michaelmas, the Purification and
Whitsuntide, &c. Hullemorton, Wednesday the feast of the Holy Cross,
31 Edward III. French. Seal. |
[Hants.] |
A. 11164. 'This endentour witnesseth for as moch Jon Gounter
squyer is bounde in an obligacion of xl. li. to William Jonsone and the
said William is bounde in an obligacion of xl. li. to the said Jon Gounter
and the obligacions date is the tenth day of December. Either partie
willeth and graunteth for hem her eires and assignes that yef the said
William Jonesone and Alys his wyfe make all so gode and sure state to Jon
Gounter and as his lerned. counsaill wille or can devyse in all the landes,
rentis and tenemente that late were Robert Snokeshull with in Frendestaple
Farlyngton and Farham by the utas of seynt Hillary next folwyng and
rather yef he be called ther to Alle so the said Jon Gounter shall make
suer to the said William Jonsone and to Alis his wyfe whether lenger leveth
of hem an annuell pension of xx. s. as thei can devise bi her counsaill . that
then the obligacions of xl. li. standeth for nought And ellis in streynth
and effecte un to which witnesse either partie un to these endentoures have
putte to her seles.' Seal.
Endorsed: Mr. Gunter. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11165. Feoffment by Angerus called Humfrey of Lapworth to
Thomas son of William Humfrey his brother for his service of 19 selions
4 headlands (foreras) of land in Lapworth field, in a tilth (cultura)
called 'Snelleslond,' whereof 14 selions with 4 headlands lie between land
of Henry de Braundeston and land of the prioress of Pinneleye and 5 selions
&c. Sunday after St. Matthias the Apostle, 12 Edward II. Seal with
legend: s. aungeri. de. bispwod. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11166. Feoffment by Robert Makemayden of Brunhamnorton to
Thomas Jygg, Alexander Walton, John Thirlow of Brunham St. Clement
and Robert Gruggon of Brunhamnorton of a messuage, with croft adjacent,
containing in all 3½a. land, together with 14½a. and the quarter of a rood
of arable land lying in twenty-two pieces and two pightells and two
marshes of the fields of Brunhamnorton and the marshes of the same town,
situate as described. Witnesses, Henry Inglowse, knight, and others
(named). Brunhamnorton, Monday after St. Hilary the Bishop 3 Henry
VI. Seal. |
[Camb.] |
A. 11167. Feoffment by Walter le New and Walter Bissop to Walter
son of William the clerk of Wilburham of the land they had in 'Shorte-
made' in exchange for lr. land, lying before the gate (portam) of William
son of Philip, which he had given them. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11168. Feoffment by Richard de Duston in Weleton to Robert de
Caldecot of the same and Alice his wife of 2r. arable, in the east field of
Welton, to wit 1r. on 'Langefurlong,' &c. and 1r. on 'Tounstal,' &c., to
hold of the chief lord by ¼d. at Michaelmas. Wednesday after the
Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr 26 Edward [1]. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 11169. Feoffment by Robert Gereberd to Nicholas de Haveresham,
for his homage and service, of two virgates of land in Nether Aven, to
wit one virgate which Gilbert son of Eborard sometime held of him,
together with the said Gilbert, &c. and one other virgate which Serl de
Nether Aven sometime held, together with the said Serl, &c.; rent, 1lb. of
cummin or 2d. at Michaelmas, for all service; consideration, 20 marks
beforehand and 100 sheep (bidentes) for the marriage of (ad maritandam)
Margaret his sister. Witnesses:—Sir John Gereberd, William and
Robert Trenchefoyll and others (named). Seal of arms, effaced. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 11170. Feoffment by William Musard, son and heir of Richard
Musard, to God and St. Pancras and the monks of Lewes of the hide of
Trepeham, with croft and meadow, which his father formerly gave them,
together with the way to the meadow by which he carried his hay to his
court, which are in the town of Ipinges; to hold in pure alms, quietly, &c.
in wood, &c. and in all the pastures in which his men commoned, and with
quittance of pannage; he and his heirs will defend and acquit the said
land from scutage and all royal service, &c. from their own land, except
hidage and carucage when they run. Dated in the year of the word
incarnate 1212, 14 John. Witnesses:—Ralph Saunzaver (sine Averio),
Hugh his son and others (named).
Endorsed: In Rapa de Arundel . . . . |
[Lanc.] |
A. 11171. Feoffment by John de Laysci, constable of Chester, to
Simon de Reinhul and Walthef, Simon's brother, of four bovates of land in
Reinhul, which were their father's, to hold in fee and heredity &c. in wood
&c., mills, assarts, and all other easements belonging to the said town of
Reinhul, by knight service, as much as belongs to four bovates of land,
whereof ten make the service of a knight, for all service save the farm which
belongs to Richard de Eccleston and foreign service, which the other
knights of the same honor do. Witnesses:—Hugh Dispencer (Disspensatore),
Hugh de Dotton, Geoffrey de Dotton, Geoffrey son of Adam de Dotton and
others (named). |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11172. Indenture, being a release by Hugh le Flemyng of
Heyford to John de Tewe of Weltone, of his right in two cottages, la.
arable, meadow, and 4s. rent, which the said John had by his feoffment in
Weltone, in exchange for 20s. rent yearly from all John's land, &c. in
Weltone. Wednesday after the Epiphany, 17 Edward II. Witnesses:—
Sir John Malore of Welton and Sir Robert de Daventre, knights, and
others (named). Fragment of seal. |
[Camb.] |
A. 11173. Release by William Talemasche, knight, with the consent
of Alice his wife and of his heirs, to the prior and convent of St. Mary of
Angleseye, of all the land in Little Wilburham, of his fee, which was their
escheat after the death of Master Roger, who held it of them, to wit 5a. lr.;
for this they gave him 7s. Witnesses:—Sir Philip de Stantone, knight,
Master John de York (Eboraco), Ralph son of Fulk, knight (milite) and
others (named). Fragment of seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11174. Feoffment by Simon de Draiton to Henry son of Henry
de Buvinton, for his homage and service, of 12d. rent in the town of
Draiton, which Wa lter de Bissopedon held of him and used to pay him;
rent, for all service, a pair of gloves at Easter. Witnesses, William de
Bissopedon and others (named). Seal, broken, with legend, sig . . . .
. . onis. de. draitona. |
Linc. |
A. 11175. Indenture, reciting that Sir John de Cubildyk demised to
Thomas Tours of Hagwurthyngham certain land, &c. in Hagwurthyng-
ham and Dalderby for life, and subsequently granted the same to the said
Thomas, and his heirs for ever, by charter, by which charter Peter de
Grymesby, Richard de Osbaldwyk, chaplain, the said Thomas, and John
Wade, parson of the church of Aswardby, were enfeoffed by the said Sir John
of divers other lands in the county of Lincoln; and reciting that the said
charter was in the keeping of Dame Maud, lady of Swyne, by the delivery
and assent of the said Peter, and the others; covenant by the said Dame
Maud to produce the said deed should the said Thomas, or his heirs, be
impleaded touching the said land, &c. by Sir John's heirs, the said
Thomas, or his heirs, giving sufficient security to redeliver the said deed to
to her, or to her daughter Dame Maud, without delay, many other tene-
ments being comprised in the said charter, whereof the said Sir John and
Dame Maud were enfeoffed to them and the heirs of their bodies begotten.
Dated at Swyn in Hewdernesse, Palm Sunday, 44 Edward III. French.
Endorsed: Endenture ove Mat [ilde] de Hilton. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11176. Award of Gilbert (Folioth) bishop of London, to whom
the cause had been delegated by the pope, of the advowson of Depedale to
William, abbot of Ramsey, with the consent of Sir Walter de Grismont
(grisio monte) and upon the surrender of Godfrey the priest, whom the said
Sir Walter had unjustly presented to the same. Done at St. Paul's,
London. Witnesses:—Ralph de Dici and Richard Folioth, archdeacons,
Master Hugh and Master Henry, canons of St. Paul's (nostris), John and
Alexander, monks, the dean of Holm (Holmo), Rueland, Peter de Brances-
tre, Hugh, the archdeacon of Brainc[estre], Adam the priest of Burnaam,
William de Depedale. See Ramsey Cartulary, Rolls Series, II, p. 192. |
[Camb.] |
A. 11177. Feoffment by Everard de Middiltun to Sir Philip de
L'Isle (insula), of a building, with croft, and all the land which he had in
Pappewrthe by the gift of Sir Peter de Beche, son of Peter de Beche, except
one acre, whereof ½a. lies on 'Middelfurlong,' next land of Sir Philip and
abutting on 'le Brochaueden' and ½a. on 'Bosegerfurlong,' next land of
the nuns of Huntedun and abutting on 'Bosegerdene,'; for this the said
Sir Philip, his heirs and assigns are to find him reasonable sustinence to
the end of his life. Seal, with legend, s. ever'di. de. mideltun. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11178. Feoffment by Philip de Fraunketon of Coventre to William
de Catesby of a messuage in Coventre in the street leading from Broad Gate
(lata porta) to Cross Market (forum crucis), between Thomas Comber's and
Joan de Daventre's tenements; also of 5s. rent from a messuage in the
tenure of John Bonde in 'le Irenmonger Rowe'; also of 4s. rent from a
messuage in the tenure of John Luke in Cross Market; also of 4s. rent from
a messuage in the tenure of Richard Skathelok in the said street; also of
2s. 6d. rent from a tenement in the tenure of Edward de Wedon in the said
street; also of 3d. rent from a selion of land which William Palmere
formerly held of him in fee in the field besides the church of St. Nicholas;
also of 40s. rent from a messuage beside the stream below the bridges
of St. John, which James de Benyngton and Katharine his wife held of
him for the term of their lives and term of years, and 10l. rent from the
same messuage if they survived the said term of years, together with the
reversion of the whole messuage expectant on their decease. Witnesses:—
Nicholas Michel, mayor of Coventre, Richard Buttere and John de
Swyneshed, bailiffs of the same, and others (named). 22 September, 36
Edward III. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11179. Feoffment by Robert son of Simon Bertilmeu, of Hattone,
to Simon son of Hugh de la Grene, of Hatton, in free marriage with his
sister Alice, of 1r. land with its appurtenances (cum suis pertinenciis tante
terre pertinentibus) in the territory of Hattone, lying on the tilth (culturam)
called 'Medweforlong,' &c. extending to 'le Havedwey'; rent, a rose at
Midsummer for all service. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11180. Feoffment by John le Meyr, of Holkham, to William
Stampe, and Alice, his wife, of Holkham, of a messuage with buildings at
'Holkham Stathe,' between the messuages of Emma Asty and Rycheman
Brun, &c. being 8½p. by 3½p. Holkham, Sunday the feast of St. Ambrose,
the Bishop, 24 Edward III. Seal, effaced.
Endorsed: The messuage and land within contained are held of Simon
le Veautre of Brunham, and it is enrolled in the court of the said Simon
held at Brunham, Thursday the feast of St. Gregory, the Pope, 11
Richard II. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11181. Feoffment by Walter de Groby, chaplain, to Simon
Pakeman, of Coventre, and Agnes, his wife, and Elias de Lenne, and
Maud, his wife, and the heirs of Simon, of a place of arable in 'Watburleye
feld,' which is called 'le Botine,' with a headland (forera) adjacent next
'Hetheshale,' &c. to hold with ditches, hedges, marlpit, &c. Witnesses:—
John de Clifton, bailiff, Roger de Pacwode, coroner, of Coventre and others
(named). Watburleye, Thursday in Easter week, 10 Edward II. |
[Salop] |
A. 11182. Counterpart of demise by Walter de Huggeford, knight,
to Nicholas de Eymor, son of Richard de Eymor, and Edith his wife
(uxori), for the term of their lives, of the messuage and land which the
said Richard formerly held of him within the manor Abbots Astleye; rent,
12s. Appeleye, Tuesday after St. Augustin, Bishop of the English, 3
Edward III. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 11183. Feoffment by John de Lacok, merchant, and Alice de
Rindweye, his wife, to Roger de Hedingtone, of their entire burgage in the
town of Lacok, situate between the burgage of the abbess and convent of
Lacok and the burgage of Nicholas Makebotere, doing to the said abbess
and convent the service due and accustomed; for this Roger gave them 24s.
in garsum beforehand. Witnesses:—Richard de Wyke son of Ralph,
Jordan de Haydoneswik and others (named). Seals, with legends, (1) s.
johans. de lacoc, (2) s. al'. de. rindwei. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 11184. Feoffment by Ela, abbess of Lacok, and the convent of the
same, to Walter son of Gilbert de Buvedon of a burgage in their manor of
Lacok, situate between the burgage of Nicholas de Melkesham and the
burgage of Walter Cloudegilofre; to hold to him, his heirs and assigns,
except religious and Jews, &c.; rent 12d. Witnesses:—Robert the
chaplain and vicar of Lacok, Robert chaplain of Risendon, Robert the
clerk of Holt, Walter Cloudegilofre and others (named). Conventual seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11185. Feoffment by Richard Colbrond to Henry Carpenter
(carpentario) of a part of his curtilage behind Richard son of Hernisius'
garden, between the lands which William Fordwin and Walter de Wilnhal
held; rent, 4d.; consideration, 10s. Witnesses:—Hugh de Luddelowe,
Adam Redecnave, William de Sponna, Richard son of Ok (Oki) and others
(named). Seal, with legend: sigill. ricardi. Colbrond. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11186. Feoffment by Alice de Witemor late the wife of Anketill
Loccard, widow, to Geoffrey Penivader, of a moiety of her land on Hull
(super Hullam) which she held of William Fordwin; rent, 2s., and when
the earl of Chester takes an aid of his burgesses the said Geoffrey and his
heirs shall be quit for 2d.; for this Geoffrey gave her 8s. acknowledgment
(de recognitione). Witnesses:—Hugh de Luddelowe, William de Ludde-
lowe and others (named). Seal, with legend: sigillum. aliscie. de. witmo . . |
[Warw.] |
A. 11187. Feoffment by Henry son of Michael the dyer (tinctoris)
of Covintre to Geoffrey Penifader, of land in the street of Hulle, between
the land which William de Soleby held and land of the said Geoffrey and
from the high (vico magno) street to the red pit (ruffam foveam); rent, 25d.
at the usual terms according to the custom of Covintre; for this Geoffrey
gave him 8s. acknowledgment (de recognitione). Witnesses:—John the
butcher (mascecrario) and others (named). |
[Norf.] |
A. 11188. Feoffment by Margaret late the wife of Ralph Smyth of
Brunham to John Godman of Brunham Thorp, the younger, and John
Sewale of the same, of a piece of 1½r. arable in the field of Thorp, next land
of the prior of Walsyngham on the west and of Simon le Veutre on the
east, abutting on the common way at 'Watermers.' Brunham, Monday
the morrow of All Souls, 8 Richard II.
Endorsed: . . . apud Watermerez . . . . |
[Norf.] |
A. 11189. Feoffment by Edmund Pall of Brunhamthorp to John
Porter of Brunham Overeye and Geoffrey Swalowe of the same and
Geoffrey Porter of Holcham of a piece of arable in the field of Brunham-
thorp and Brunham Overeye, containing 1½r. land, between land of the
prior of Walsingham on the west and land of Simon de le Veutre, now
John Porter's, on the east, abutting north on the common way at 'le
Watyrmerys.' Brunhamthorp, 17 August, 33 Henry VI. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11190. Feoffment by Roger Coldham of Brunham Thorp to John
Porter, Geoffrey Sualoue of Brunham Overey and Geoffrey Portere of
Holkam, of three pieces of arable in the field of Brunham Overey and
Brunham Thorp called 'Suthfeld,' at 'le Watyrmeres,' whereof l½a. lie next
land of the prior of Walsingham and land of Pontfreyt on the east and
west, abutting north on 'le Watyrmeres,' ½a. lies next land of the prior of
Walsingham and Edmund Pall on the east and west, abutting north on 'le
Watyrmeres,' and 3r. lie at 'Foxhole,' next lands of Ralph Wolman, clerk,
and John Porter on the east and west, abutting south on 'le Watyrmeres.'
Brunham aforesaid, 12 February, 31 Henry VI. Fragment of seal. |
[Norf] |
A. 11191. Release by William Hard of Southcreyk to Roger Coldham
of Brunhamthorp of his right in three pieces of arable in 'Southfeld,' as
in A. 11190. Brunham Overey, 7 February, 31 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11192. Feoffment by Thomas Barowcer of Cockysford, son and
heir of John Barowcer, late of Burnham Thorp to John Porter, Geoffrey
Porter his son, Geoffrey Swalow of Burnham Overey, and William
Schropham of Burnham Norton, of 1a. in one piece in the field of Burnham
Thorp at 'Watermers,' between land of Robert Palle, late Coketes on the east,
bond land of the abbot and convent of Wyndam in the hands of Denis Kyng
on the west, abutting on Foxole to the north; the said acre was formely John
Chapman's of the parish of St. Clement of Burnham, as appears by deed
dated at Burnham aforesaid, Friday after the Ascension, 3 Richard II.
Witnesses: Thomas and Hugh Therlow, Denis Kyng and others (named).
Burnham Overey, 8 January, 1 Henry VII. Seal. |
[Staff.] |
A. 11193. Feoffment by James de Rommesore to John de Oldryohe,
younger son of Richard de Oldryche, of a messuage and four bovates of
land and meadow within the fee of Chetulton, which he had by the feoffment
of Nicholas de Bentilegh. Tuesday after the Conception 8 Henry VI.
Fragments of seal.
Endorsed: Chedleton. |
[Derby.] |
A. 11194. Feoffment by John Hullesone Rudde of Foston to Thomas
D . . . . . . of Foston of a messuage with a curtilage adjacent, which
Henry Symound formerly held, lying between the tenement of the said
Thomas and the tenement late of Thomas de Foston; also of a place of land in
the same between the tenement late Gerard Wildegos' and the common way
leading from the mill-leat (ductu) to the tenement of John Mascory and the
tenement formerly Hugh Rudde's. Witnesses: Nicholas de Colsall and
others (named). Foston, Thursday after the Conversion of St. Paul
3 Richard II. |
[Staff.] |
A. 11195. Feoffment by William de Hamchirche to Sir Geoffrey
de Wolseleye, rector of the church of Chetulton, of 9a. land, which Robert
son of Ronulf of Leyes had by the feoffment of Henry sometime lord of
Chetulton between the highway and 'le Withynesiche,' and between the
land of Adam son of Roger and 'le Melnestonesegge.' Witnesses:—
William Syrard, of Chetulton, Richard, his brother, Adam de le Bothom,
Robert and Adam de Moncoforde. Fragment of seal, with legend, . . . . .
de. hamchich. |
[Staff.] |
A. 11196. Feoffment by William Peryn to Thomas de Chaturley and
Henry de Rockenale, chaplains, of his land &c. within the fee of Chetulton.
Witnesses:—John de Holynes, William de Mosse, Hugh de Morhall,
William Schirard, John de Bradeschawe. The feast of St. Matthew,
1 Henry IV.
Endorsed: Chedleton. |
[Worc.] |
A. 11197. Feoffment by Agnes, late the wife of Robert atte Hulle of
Ymeneye, widow, to her daughter Margery, of 10 selions of land in
Westefeld within the manor of Hambury beside Wych (inrta Wychium), viz.
one selion on 'Hordesdone' between land late of Robert Bolvinch of Wych
(de Wychio) and land of Thomas Bertram, extending from 'Blakemores-
havedlondes' to the headland (foreram) of Alice le Crumpe; another on
'Stobaldesti' &c.; another in the same furlong between lands of Nicholas
de Hambury and Nicholas Levinch, extending to Robert Eggulf's land &c;
another on 'Hordesdone,' between land of Thomas le Frensche &c.; another
extending to 'Gatebrugge' &c; another on 'Cottesberewe' between lands
of Nicholas de Hambury and Agnes Eleveyn, extending from 'Vynnessiche'
to the moor of the lord bishop; another on 'Overebotine' &c.
Endorsed: Imeney . . . . in Impney. |
[Staff.] |
A. 11198. Letter of attorney by John Savage the younger to James
de Legh to receive seisin of a meadow called 'Hondemore,' in the fee of
Chedelton, which he had by the gift and feoffment of Hugh le Tumour.
Adelyngton, Monday before St. Margaret the Virgin, 6 Henry V. Seal. |
[Staff.] |
A. 11199. Feoffment by John de Oldrech the younger, son of Richard
de Oldrech, to Hugh Whetereue, vicar of Leeke, and Sir Oliver Feney,
chaplain, of all the lands which were James de Roumsowr's lying within
the lordship of Chetulton; rent, to the chief lord of Chetulton, 5s.
Witnesses:—William Bate, William de Fernyhalgh, William del Feney.
Chetulton, the feast of St. Nicholas the bishop, 17 Henry VI. |
[Staff.] |
A. 11200. Release by Richard Lovot to Margery wife of Benet
Uttyng of his right in a meadow called 'Hondemor,' within the fee of
Chetulton, formerly Richard de Scharpclyf's. Thursday after St. Martin,
18 Richard II. |