[Hants.] |
A. 11001. Confirmation by Godfrey, bishop of Winchester, of the gift
made by William Alis to the canons of St. Denis beside Hamton of the
tenth penny of all his yearly rent in Aldinton, of 5s. yearly from the mill
of Aldinton and of the tithe of his pannage, with leave to have thirty pigs
quit of pannage in his wood, as in the charter of the said William which
he had inspected. Winchester, by the hand of Philip his clerk, VIII Kal.
Sept. in the fifteenth year of his pontificate. Witnesses:—John and
Robert de Luci and others (named).
Endorsed: . . . . de Audinton. [Monasticon, VI, 214.] |
[Dorset.] |
A. 11002. Chirograph indented being the counterpart of the demise
by John prior of Le Waast (Wasto) and the convent of the same to Richard
Reinger (Reingery), citizen of London, and John his son, for the term of their
lives, of all their manor of Wynterburn, with the advowson of the church
of the same town, and of all their lands of Bochampton and of Swanewich,
rendering therefore at Michaelmas a silver cup of the price of half a mark;
if the prior come to Winterburn for the rent, Richard and John shall find
what is needful for him for eight days with six horses, or if a monk come,
for the like number of days with three horses; the stock Richard and John
find thereon to remain to the church of Le Waast after their decease; war-
ranty by the prior; Richard and John have received 67a. sown with corn
but no stock; to the part of the deed made as a chirograph remaining with
the prior and convent they have put their seals together with the seal of
the Archdeacon of London, the seal of the chapter is put to the other.
Witnesses:—Andrew Bukerel, Ralph Aswy, Sir William de Blangy, then
reeve (preposito), Peter, rector of the church of Winterburn Wast and others
(named). Seals (1) figure of (?) Sampson, with legend, sigillum . . . .
. . . . . . coni de lond, with counterseal, figure, with legend, sigill.
ricard. fil. renger. (2) lost, (3) effaced, with legend, . . . . nis
renge[r]. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11003. Letters patent, under the common seal of the mayor and
barons of Dover, reciting that whereas the prior and convent of Lewes had
been seised of a tenement in Dover in Canoneswarde, which had been
forfeited and taken into their hands, according to custom, for arrears of the
king's service in the same town; at the instance of their beloved warden,
Sir Robert de Kendale, they have granted and surrendered the same
tenement to the said prior and convent, and have pardoned all arrears, to
hold subject to the king's service therefore when it happened. Tuesday
before the Annunciation, 6 Edward II. Fragment of seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11004. Demise by William le Veutre of Burnham to Peter his son
and heir, in consideration of an annuity of 12 marks, payable to him at
the House of Petruston of Burnham yearly for his life, of all his land and
all his tenement &c. with liberty of bull and boar and wreck of sea, in the
towns of Burnham, Holcham and Warham, with power of distraint for
arrears, damages and costs; Peter to do the services due and accustomed
therefore to the lords of the fee; the premises to remain at William's death
to Peter and his heirs, in fee and heredity &c.; if William survive he may
re-enter and hold the same, with the ward and marriage of Peter's heirs,
provided he make no sale or waste thereof to the disinheritance of Peter's
heirs. Witnesses:—Sir William de Kalethorp, Sir Hervey de Stanhowe,
Sir Reginald de St. Martin (Sancto Martino), Sir Roger de Thoftes and Sir
William de Castre, knights, and others (named). See A. 11006. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11005. Feoffment by William son of Charles (Karoli) of Burnham
St. Clement to Peter le Veutre of his right in all the liberties belonging to
him by reason of succession or hereditary gift from (per) Maud le Veutre
in the port of Burnham, to wit in tronage (m'sura), customs, rents, pleas,
amercements, plaints (querelis), attachments, with wreck of sea and
'terholm,' with liberty of pasture and with all other things to the liberty
of the said port, in his name, in whatever manner reckoned, belonging;
also grant to the said Peter and his heirs of all the liberties he had in the
name of the said Maud, to wit in liberty of bull and boar; also grant of his
right in a messuage called 'Chirreyerd,' with meadows, feedings, fisheries
and other things to the said messuage belonging; also grant that Lettice,
Peter's wife, shall have the same for her life after Peter's decease; for
this Peter gave him 8s. beforehand. Witnesses:—Sir William de
Calethorp and Sir Thomas de Snitertone, knights, Walter son of Sir
William de Calethorp and others (named). 10 Edward I. Seal broken,
with legend, s. will'i. fil . . . . . See A. 11007. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11006. Demise by William le Veutre of Brunham to Peter his
son and Lettice, Peter's wife, and their heirs (heorum eredibus), for their
homage and service, of all his messuage, and all his land and all his
tenement, in the towns of Brunham, Holcam, [and] Warram, with liberty
of bull, boar and wreck of sea &c., at a rent for his life of 12 marks
payable at the house of Peterston of Brunham, with power of distraint for
arrears, damages and costs; they are to do the services therefore due and
accustomed to the chief lords of the fee. Witnesses:—Sir William de
Caletorp, Sir Hervey de Stanhoe, Sir Roger de Toftes and Sir William de
Gastre, knights, and others named. See A. 11004, Seal a fleur de lys,
with legend: s. will'i. le. veavtr'. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11007. Confirmation by Richard son of William son of Charles
(Karol) of Brunham St. Clement to Peter le Weutre and Lettice his wife
and the heirs-of Peter, of his right in all liberties, by reason of succession
or hereditary gift by Maud le Weutre, in the port or moorings (stacionibus
navium) of Brunham, to wit in the tronage (mensura) of the said port,
customs, rents, pleas, amercements, plaints, attachments, with wreck of
sea and 'terholm' &c.; also of his right in a messuage called 'Chirreyerd'
and in a place called 'Hallegrene.' Sealed 14 Edward [I]. Witnesses:—
Sir Thomas de Sniterton and others (named). See A. 11005. |
[Suff.] |
A. 11008. Feoffment by Robert de Wildervile to Sir Philip Basset,
for his homage and service of all his land of inheritance in the town of
Chasfeld, to wit with his whole messuage, buildings, rents, mill, suit of the
said mill &c., with all his meadow which he had in the town of Debach, and
with ½ mark yearly rent in the town of Fresingefeld, to be received from
John de Gloucestre and Thomas de Bradefeld; together with the whole
land which John de Pinkeni for any time held of him in the same town of
Chasfeld, with all the appurtenances which could descend to him within and
without the town of Chasfeld; rent, to him and his heirs, a pair of white
gloves, price 1d., at Whitsuntide for all service. Witnesses:—Sir Matthew
de Leyham, Sir Ralph de Arderne, Sir Richard Filleil and others (named)
and John de Ressemere, who made this writing. Done, 30 Henry III, in
the month of May. Seal, perishing, with device and legend: . . . . .
. . . . . w'dervil[e]. |
[Chester,] |
A. 11009. Indenture made 24 March, 20 Henry VII, being the
memorandum of an agreement between John Danyell, 'sqwyer,' and William
Sergeand that William 'shalbe of councell wythe sayde John in his causes
and maters concernyng the temperall lawes and when he shall happe to be
in ridyng or abowte the sayd causes allwayes opon the cost of the sayde
John'; John to pay William 'duryng thayre two lyffys' xiijs. iiijd. yearly
and in default his tenement in Sutton, 'now in the holdyng of James
Litterlonde' to be 'charged wyth a distresse.' English. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11010. Feoffment by William son of William atte Well (ad fontem)
of Great Creton to Edmund de Watford and Margaret his wife and Edmund's
heirs, of a messuage there lying between their respective messuages, 60ft.
long by 30ft. wide, called formerly the kitchen of William his father. Seal,
with legend: . . gil . [willi]. fil. henr . . |
[Norf.] |
A. 11011. Feoffment by William de Veautre of Brunham to William
March of Stanhowe, Walter and Thomas sons of the said William March,
and Sir John, vicar of the church of St. Clement of Brunham, of all his
lands and tenements in Brunham, with the appurtenances, in messuages,
mills, lands, meadows, pastures, marshes, rush-beds (juncar'), turbaries,
waters, ways, paths, sheepfolds (faldagiis), view of frank pledge, pleas and
perquisites of courts, liberties of seaport, free bull and free boar, rents and
services of free and bond &c. Witnesses:—William de Calethorp, knight,
Robert de Veautre and others (named). 12 November, 3 Edward III. |
Warw. |
A. 11012. Release by Peter de Careswell, knight, son and heir of
William de Careswell, knight, to Baldwin de Frevyll, knight, of all his
right in the manors of Pynleye beside Coventre, Wykene and Stivychale,
in 10l. 6s. rent in Herdeborogh and in the advowson of the church of
Herdeborogh, and in all other the land, &c. co. Warwick, which may have
accrued to him on his father's death. Lychefeld, Monday before Christmas,
45 Edward III. Copy. Memorandum, in French, at foot that there is
another release of even date, of the same quantity, made to Thomas de
Morhall, parson of Dinynton, Henry . . ., . . . . Wayt, clerk,
Adam de Bradewell and William de Norton of Barewell, |
[Salop.] |
A. 11013. Indenture of demise by Richard Archer lord of Appeley to
Richard Sudbury, chaplain, of two pastures within the fee of Appeley,
one called 'Churchemon lesowe' [and] 'Brode les[o]w' with the parcel
of land called 'Cullen Hurne,' and the other 'Knolle Closse,' for nine years
from the Purification next, at 40s. and 6s. 8d. rent respectively. Wit-
nesses:—Thomas Hord, esquire, and others (named). Stokton, Thursday
the feast of St. Hugh, the Bishop and Confessor, 36 Henry VI. |
[Hunt.] |
A. 11014. Release by William Flote of Rameseye to John Ravele
of Rameseye of his right in two parts of a messuage, with the reversion of
the third part thereof, in Rameseye, in 'la Wyghte,' next Peter le
Breustere's, which two parts &c. he and Roger Clere lately had by the
gift of John de Wodeford. Thursday after Midsummer, 22 Edward III. |
Flint |
A. 11015. Release by Gruffith ap Jevaun ap David to Gregory ap
David Annwill ap Jevaun ap David, clerk, of his right in all his land &c. in
Kilowayn in the lordship of the bishop, dean and chapter of St. Asaph,
which the said Gregory had bought of him. Kilowayn, Thursday before
St. James the Apostle, 1483. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11016. Feoffment by John le Machun of Esseby St. Leger to his
chief lord Sir Seman de Stok of 5½a. 1 rood arable and 1 rood meadow
lying dispersed in the territory of Esseby, and of 6¾d. rent from persons
named. Witnesses:—John de Craunford and others (named). |
[Leic.] |
A. 11017. Release by William de Lodbroc to Philip le Bretun of
Bareswrth of his right in a virgate of land in the town of Bareswrth, a
messuage and 1a. land excepted, to wit that virgate whereof a fine was
levied between the said Philip le Bretun and his brother Philip; so that if
the said fine levied should be found or exhibited (reperiatur vel ab aliquo
exhibeatur) it should have no validity for him and his heirs but they should
be barred from all claim in the said virgate.
Endorsed: Occasione mortis Philippi fratris mei. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11018. Feoffment by Lawrence de Preston, knight, to Sir Thomas
de Goldesbourg, rector of the church of Holebecch of his manor of Gretton,
with bondmen &c., also of all his lands &c., in the town of Boketon with
the advowson of the church of the same town. Witnesses:—Sir Richard
Basset, John de Deen John de Geyton and Stephen Rabaz, knights, John
son of William de Deen, Geoffrey Petyt of Soutton and Gilbert de Gretton.
Seal of arms (fusily), broken.
Endorsed: Gretton. Buketon. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11019. Feoffment by Robert le Gris to William Chapman
(mercatori) of Turtune of a piece of his land &c.; consideration, homage
and service and 12s. paid him in gersum, and 12d. paid to his wife, and 4d.
rent yearly, viz. at Michaelmas, St. Andrew's Day, Lady Day (festum
Sancte Marie Marcialis) and Midsummer, for all service saving the King's
service, viz. 1d. to every 20s. Witnesses:—Alan de Mundham, Hervey de
Siselonde, William de Wassingford and others (named). |
[Norf.] |
A. 11020. Feoffment by Robert Glaskyryon of Secheford to Richard
Kocman, otherwise called Smyt, of Burnham Norton, John Golde, William
Heyward of Burnham Westgate and James Wausse of Burnham Norton,
of a messuage, with buildings, in Burnhame Nortone, between Robert de
Dysse's and Ralph Koc's, abutting on the road to 'le mylle hyl.' 24
August, 35 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11021. Counterpart of demise by Richard de Boreford, clerk, and
Christian daughter of Simon atte Grene of Hatton, wife of the same, to
William Reynfrey of Hatton, for life, of the land &c. which they had by
his feoffment in Hatton and Haseley. Witnesses:—Sir John de Dufford,
knight, lord of Schreueleye, and others (named). Monday the feast of
St. Katharine the Virgin, 2 Edward II. |
[Chester.] |
A. 11022. Counterpart of demise by William Danyell to Alice late
the wife of Ranulph de Merbury of two parts of the manor of Over
Walton, with two parts of the land thereto belonging in Over and Nether
Walton, from the day of date to the full age of Hugh son and heir of
the said Ranulph; rent, 26s. 4d. at Midsummer and St. Martin in winter.
Witnesses:—Richard de Aston, knight, William Danyell the younger,
Lawrence de Aston, John de Merbury, John de Hallum, and others
(named). Over Walton, Monday after St. James the Apostle, 3 Henry IV.
Seal. |
[Hunt.] |
A. 11023. Release by Agnes late the wife of William Hotot of Wold
Weston, widow, to Simon, abbot of Rameseye and the convent of the same,
of her right in the land &c., services of free and bond &c, in Wold Weston,
which Sir William de Corton and Robert of Peterborough (de Burgo) clerks,
at any time had by the feoffment of her said late husband; also release to
them of her right in a corrody of bread and beer and other victuals
(ferculorum) from the abbey kitchen daily, granted for the lives of her
husband and herself; also release to them of her right in the livery
(redditu) of a robe alternate years. Rameseye, 3 March, 16 Edward III.
Seal, a pelican in her piety. |
[Chester.] |
A. 11024. Indenture of demise by William le (sic) Stanley, steward
of Halton, to Hugh de Moreton of Cong[ulton] of a parcel of land called
'le Flaskes,' within the lordship of Cong[ulton] for twenty-one years from
date at 4 marks 6s. 8d. rent. Witnesses:—Philip del Grene, then mayor,
Richard del Clyff, 'cachepoll,' and others (named). Cong[ulton], Tuesday
after the Apostles Simon and Jude, 2 Henry V. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11025. Feoffment by Julian late the wife of Henry le Eyr of
Welton, widow, to her son John of 9a. arable in Welton fields. Witnesses:—
Sir John Mallore, knight, and others (named). Sunday before St. Gregory
the Pope, 16 Edward III. |
Bedf. |
A. 11026. Feoffment by John son of Sir Edmund de Gacelyn, lord
of Southyevel, to Peter James (Petro Jacoby), apothecary of London, of the
land &c. in Southyevel which he lately had by the feoffments respectively
of Henry Paas and Robert le Harpour of the same. Friday the feast of
the Assumpton, 11 Edward III. Seal of arms, effaced. |
Essex. |
A. 11027. Release by Alexander de Goldyngham, knight, to King
Edward [III] of his right in certain lands and tenements in Chekewelle,
co. Essex, within the king's forest of Waltham, commonly called 'the
Neweloggelandes in Chekewelle,' which the said king lately acquired, in
fee, of Matthew de Torkeseye, clerk; to hold for his life quit of all rents
and services. Westminster, 30 November, 46 [Edward III]. Seal.
Memorandum endorsed of enrolment on dorse of Close Roll in November
of same year. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11028. Feoffment by William de Harecurt, son of Robert de
Harecurt, to Walter de Cotes, of two virgates of land, to wit two half
virgates in the town of Greneburg held by Nicholas Pottere and Agatha,
the widow, with their bodies and issue (sequela sua corporali), and two
half virgates in the fields of [W]alecote and Wlscote which Peter de
Burthone and Alfred Mervyn held, with the bodies of the said Peter and
Alfred and their issue; also grant of a toft in Greneburg which William
son of Roger held, and two headlands (chevecios) of meadow at 'le Heye-
weye' and one headland at 'les Sortelondes'; rent, 1lb. of cummin (cimini)
at Easter. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas de Farendone, knight, and others
(named). |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11029. Feoffment by Nicholas Craunford of Assheby Leger to
Master Ivo de Oxendon, chaplain, of his capital messuage in Assheby
Leger and three carucates of land there, with meadow &c, and with
a windmill, with the suit to it of tenants free and bond; also of the lands
there which John Batesone, Thomas le Meleward, Alan Hopewas and
Roger Atoun, his bondmen, held of him, together with them and their
issue. Witnesses:—Eustace, de Burneby, William Bretoun and others
(named). Saturday after the Holy Trinity, 6 Edward III. |
Cornw. |
A. 11030. Feoffment by William Howell to Sir John Holand, earl
of Huntingdon, of all his lands &c. in the town of Stratton which he had
by the feoffment of Margaret, late the wife of William Whiteston; also of
all his land &c. in Westgrove Estwode in the manor of Stratton, with the
rents and services of all his tenants in Dounrewe in the manor of Hilton.
16 December, 12 Richard II. Seal. |
N'hamp. |
A. 11031. Feoffment by William Osbarne of Asscheby Ligger,
'gentilman,' and John Osbarne of Lilleburne to Richard Ryvell of
Bukkeby, esquire, and Agnes his wife and his heirs assigns of the manor of
Bukkeby, with the land &c. in Bukkeby which they had by his gift.
Monday after the Finding of the Holy Cross, 16 Henry VI. Seals. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11032. General release by Richard Goddeswowes of Coventry,
merchant, to Robert de Teynton of London. Monday the eve of
St. Thomas the Apostle, 41 Edward III. Fragment of seal. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 11033. Feoffment by John Sheld and Alice his wife and Maud
Alice's sister, daughters and heirs of John Herberd of Brembre, to John
Haycok of Brembre, of a salt cot (cotagium salinum) with its appurtenances
in Brembre which descended to them on their father's death, situate between
the marsh of the lord of the barony on the south, the marsh of the abbot
of Dureford which Robert Symeneye holds, on the west, the tidal water
(ripam aque maritime) descending in its course from Sprottesmersh to the
bridge of Brembre on the north, and another salt cot in the occupation of
the said John Haycok, on the east. Thursday the feast of All Hallows, 5
Henry IV. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11034. Feoffment by John Lyng of Little Walsingham to John
Jygges of Wyghtoun of the manor in Brunham called 'Veautres,' with all
the lands &c. thereto belonging in Brunham St. Clement, Brunham Thorp,
Brunham Suuttoun, Brunham Ulp, Brunham St. Andrew, Brunham
St. Edmund, Brunham Westgate, Brunham Northtoun, Depdale, Holkham,
Wyghtoun and Warham, with mills, marshes, rushbeds (junctar'), turbaries
view of frank pledge, pleas, &c. of courts, free bull and boar, &c, which of
late belonged to Simon son and heir of John Veautre. Brunham, Saturday
after St. Peter's Chains, 1 Henry VI. Seal, lamb and flag. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11035. Feoffment by Robert Tebald of Schipedene to John le
Reymes, knight, Simon de Bliclynge and Thomas de Bliclynge, citizens of
Norwich, Robert Herward of Aldeburgh, Thomas and Clement his brothers
and John atte Fen of Great Yarmouth, of his messuage in Schipedene,
with lands &c. in Schipedene, Rughtone, Northreppes and Felbrigge.
Witnesses:—John de Reppes and Roger de Becham, knights, and others
(named). Sunday after the Nativity of the B. V. M., 42 Edward III. |
N'hamp. |
A. 11036. Release by Peter West of Daventre to John Catesby,
esquire, and and Margaret his wife and the heirs and assigns of John of his
right in a messuage in Braundeston, co. Northampton, and in a croft in
Falclewe, in the same county abutting 'in to Fallamgrene,' and in a virgate
of land adjoining, and in 5a. land in the fields of Braundeston and Falclewe,
which Nicholas West, Henry Brewes otherwise called Henry Neuport, and
Thomas Fyssher, all of Daventre, had by the gift and feoffment of John
Nyghtyngale late of Daventre; the estate of which Nicholas, Henry and
Thomas in the premises the said William and Margaret had. Wednesday
after the Annunciation, 9 Henry VI. Seal. Names of witnesses endorsed. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11037. Acquittance by Robert Gloys of Hyndryngham and John
Gloys, chaplain, to William Groom, of Brunham St. Clement, for 10l.
in full of 30l. which he was bound to pay them for a messuage in Brunham
St. Clement and for all their lands there, and in Brunham Thorp
and Brunham Sutton. Saturday the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle,
5 Henry VI. Seals. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11038. Grant in free alms by Alexander [rector] of the church of
Great Frausham to the convent of St. Mary of Wendling of two pieces [of
land] in Frausham; rent, 3d. and 1d. respectively. Witnesses:—Sir
Gilbert [de Fraus]ham, Sir Saer de Frivill, . . . . ., knights, and
others (named). |
[Essex.] |
A. 11039. Grant by John the prior of St. Botolph of Colchester
and the convent of the same to Sir Fulk Basset of 6s. 5d. rent which they
used to receive from Alard de Langenho and his heirs for the land Alard
held of them in the town of Peltindon; to hold in meadows, fisheries &c,
rendering therefore yearly at the high altar 1d. at Easter; consideration,
5 marks beforehand. Witnesses:—Sir William Turbern, knight, and
others (named). |
[Warw.] |
A. 11040. Indenture of demise by Parnel late the wife of Robert de
Brome of Lappeworth, for the term of her life, to John, called Parsones,
of a messuage with a curtilage in the town of Lappeworth, with three
crofts, two meadows, with moor and hedges (hayciis) adjoining, which
Thomas Ally formerly held; rent, for the first five years, 4s., and thereafter
8s. as long as she lived. 24 June, 19 Edward II. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11041. Feoffment by William son of Robert ate Berne of Borham
to John Dodebrok, Etheldreda his wife and William their son, of 2a. land
in a croft called 'Le Longefeld,' which he had by inheritance from Richard
de Aldeolte in Little Waltham; consideration, 40s. Monday the feast of
St. Martin the Confessor, 2 Edward [I]. Seal (a falcon preying on a coney),
with legend . . . . . |
[Warw.] |
A. 11042. Indenture of demise by Hugh de Brandeston to Peter
Aleten of Grenbourgh and Margery his wife for the term of their lives of a
messuage, a rood (quatrona) and 5a. land in Grenbourgh at 10s. 4d. rent
and suit of his court of Grenbourgh. Wednesday the feast of St. Martin,
34 Edward III. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 11043. Feoffment by John le Glovere of Retherhithe to Stephen
de Preston, citizen and corder of London, of 1a. arable in 'la Doune' field
in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen of Bermundeseye. Saturday after the
Purification, 11 Edward II. Seal. |
[Chester.] |
A. 11044. Chirograph indented being the memorandum of an agree-
ment between Sir Hugh le Despenser and Walter de Langeton, bishop of
Coventry and Lichfield, to wit that the said bishop may close the deer leap
descending from his park of Terven into the said Hugh's park in his manor
of Barewe and keep it closed while bishop of that see. Witnesses:—
Reginald de Grey, John de Grey, Hamo de Macy, Richard de Macy and
Ratph de Vernoun, knights, and others (named).
Memorandum, endorsed, of enrolment on the Close Roll, 5 February,
25 Edward [I]. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11045. Feoffment by Adam called Proctor (dictus procurator) of
Helidene to John del Hul of Fleckenho of la. arable in Helydene, viz. ½a.
in the north field with headland (cherese'), under 'le Abbey,' and ½a. in the
south field on 'Atlefeld' at 'Hetheneberyeles.' Thursday, the feast of the
Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul, 35 Edward I. |
N'hamp. Rutl. |
A. 11046. Feoffment by Thomas le Despenser, knight, to King
Edward [III] of the castle and manor of Morende, the manor of Plumton
Pirye and all his land &c. in Morende, Potterspirie and Yerdelegh Gobyon,
co. Northampton, with the knights' fees, advowsons &c. thereto belonging
in exchange for a moiety of the manor of Burghle, co. Roteland, which the
king gave him in tail male, with remainder in default to William de
Ferrariis and his heirs. Witnesses:—John duke of Lancaster, Edmund
earl of Cambridge, Humphrey Bohun, earl of Hereford; and Thomas de
Veer, earl of Oxford; Edward le Despenser, Ralph de Nevill, Ralph Basset
of Drayton and Reginald de Grey, knights. Morende, 30 September,
37 Edward III. Seal of arms (Despencer), with legend, sigill. thome.
sp[encer]. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11047. Indenture of demise by Sir Robert le Fuit of Berhangel to
William Dunchurche and Custance Paris of the same, for the term of their
lives in survivorship, of the place of land in the town, and the half virgate
in the fields, of the same, for the maintenance of a lamp burning, as
accustomed, in Bulkynton church, which Robert Paris held for the term
of his life; rent, 2s. 4d. Midsummer, 11 Edward III.
Endorsed: Indentura Roberti le Fizwyth clerici domini ibidem. Ber-
nangre; also Berhangel. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11048. Feoffment by Robert del Hul of Welleton to Richard
Martin of the same, for his service and 10s. beforehand, of 2 roods of land,
with headland (chericio), viz. 1 rood in the east field on 'Herdeberue,' and
1 rood in the west field above 'le Heye Stret,' next land of Sir Robert
Mallori, abutting 'into Brantham Wey'; rent, a rose at Midsummer.
Seal, with legend, s. robeeti. del. hul. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11049. Release by Amy late the wife of William de Kyngesford
to Sir Peter de Mountford (Monteforti) of her right by way of dower in a
pond (vivario) in Kynton beside Kyngesford, which he had by the feoffment
of the said William. Solyhull, Thursday after St. Chad the Bishop,
22 Edward III. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11050. Grant by John de Benyngton to William de Catesby, of
all his stock (averia) and also all his goods and chattels being in the
messuage in Coventre, which he had by the gift of Robert son of Giles le
Waydour. Witnesses:—Richard le Frebern, mayor, Richard de Stoke and
John de Heydon, bailiffs of Coventre, and others (named). Friday after
the first Sunday in Lent, 24 Edward III. Seal, quasi heraldic. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11051. Feoffment by William son of the late Robert atte Well
(ad fontem) of Helydene to Henry son of the late Richard Asser of
Norhamton. chapman (mercatori), of a grange, with a portion of his court,
with a dovecot in the said court, in the town of Helidene, separated by
a hedge from the court of Alice his mother, &c. Thursday before
St. Barnabas the Apostle, 8 Edward III. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11052. Indenture being a feoffment by Thomas Gygges of
Brunham Hovere to John Gygges his son and Alice John's wife and the
heirs and assigns of John of the reversion of his manor in Brunham St.
Clement, called 'Vewtrys,' with land &c. in Brunham St. Clement,
Brunham Thorp, Brunham Sutton, Brunham Ulp, Brunham St. Edmund,
Brunham Westgate, Brunham Norton, Brunham Debdale, Holkham,
Wyghton and Warham, formerly Simon le Veutre's, with mills &c.,
turbaries, rushbeds (arundinet') &c, view of frank pledge &c, liberty of
bull and boar &c.; with remainder, in default of their issue, to his own
right heirs. Witnesses:—William Calthorp and Thomas Gurney, esquires,
and others (named). Monday, the eve of The Apostles Peter and Paul, 29
Henry VI. Fragment of seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11053. Release by Joan de Elenhale of Coventre, widow, to Giles
le Waydour of the same of her right in 10s. yearly rent, which her son
Adam granted to her for her life, out of a tenement between the bridge of
Smitheford and the lane which is called 'le West Orchard,' in Coventre.
Witnesses:—John de Clifton, then bailiff in Coventre, Roger de Packewod,
coroner, and others (named). Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11054. Feoffment by Henry and William de Bosenho to Richard
de Bosenho and Agnes his wife and his heirs and assigns of the land &c.
in Shittelhanger beside Stokebruere, which they had by his feoffment. St.
Mark the Evangelist, 23 Edward III. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11055. Acknowledgement by Walter Wrighte of Watford that he
had received from Margaret late the wife of Robert de Craunford two
horses (affras) price 9s., two cart-horses (equos carectar') price 17s., eight
oxen price 12s. a piece, two coalters and plough-shares price 40d., and two
iron harrows price 40d., to be returned to her, or their value, at Michaelmas
next. Assheby Leger, Sunday before the Purification, 30 Edward III.
Seal. |
Warw. &c. |
A. 11056. Feoffment by Anne countess of Warwick to King Henry
VII of the castles, manors, lordships and honors of Warwyk, Tonneworth,
Lighterne, Morton, Berkeswell, Brayles, Claiverdon, Sutton, Wynterton,
Budbrook, Haseley and Sneterfeld, co. Warwick; the manors and lordships
of Abbotteley, Shraueley, Elmeley Levett, Salwarp, Hulplace, Wych,
Elmeley Castell, Chadesley, Hervyngton, Shyrefesbench (sic), Yerdley,
Crombe Symondes, Weripedell, Hanley, Busshley, Rydmerley, Upton on
Severn and the city of Worcester, co. Worcester; the manors and lordships
of Tewkesbury, Stokearcher, Whityngton, Fayreford, Sobbury, Tredyngton,
Pamyngton, Fydyngton, Northey, Muth, Berton Regis beside Bristoll,
the hundred called Barton Hundred, Kenmerton, Chedworth and Lydney,
co. Gloucester; the manors and lordships of Burford, Shipton, Spellisbury,
Chadlyngton Hundred and Langley, co. Oxford; the manors and lordships
of Caversham and Stanford, co. Berks; the manors and lordships of
Cheryell, Sherston and Brodton, co. Wilts; the manors and lordships
of Dertford, Willyngton and Hendon, co. Kent; the manors and lordships
of Walkamstowe and Fraunceys, co. Essex; the manors and lordships
of Flamsted, co. Herts; the manors and lordships of Porterispury,
Assherygge Hundred, Querendon, Aylesbury, Bukland, Agmondesham,
Slyngesbury, Hanslape, Olney and Marlow, co. Bucks; the manors and
lordships of Bukby, Multon, Couesgrave and Yelvertoft, co. Northampton;
the manors and lordships of Walshale, Purybarre, Pypehalle and Tonworth,
co. Stafford; the manors and lordships of Patyngham and Shenton, co.
Salop; the manor and lordships of Bernardescastell, in the bishoprick of
Durham; the manors and lordships of Kebworth, co. Leycestre; the
manors and lordships of Kymworth, Bawtre and Hothom, co. York; the
manors and lordships of Essendon, Shellyngthorp, Groteham, Barow-
don, Preston and Uppyngham, co. Butland; the manors and lordships of
Shellyngthorp, co. Lincoln; the manor and lordship of Kertelynge, co.
Cambridge; the manor and lordship of Snodell and Fawnhope, co.
Hereford; the manors and lordships of Sahamtony, Outsokyn, Nekton,
Panneworthhalle and Little Cressyngham, co. Norfolk; the manors and
lordships of Carnaunton, Hoston Tony, Blyston, and Lancran, co. Corn-
wall; the manors and lordships of Glamorgan, Morganok, Burgevenny,
Elvell, Snodehill, Llangere, Llangero, and Walehbiknour (sic) in Wales
and the marches of Wales; the manors and lordships of Chedlesley, Her-
vyngton and Shyrefesbench (sic), co. Worcester; the manor and lordships
of Southtauton, Sele, and the Hundred of Southtauton, co. Devon; the
islands and lordships of Jernesey and Guernesey, and the castle and
manors of Gurrey, Cornet, Serk, Erme, and Aureney, in the islands
aforesaid, in the county of Dorset; the fourth part of two messuages
and the office of the pesage (officium passagie sive passagii) in the town
of Southampton; and all other her castles, manors &c, with knights'
fees, advowsons &c. in England, Wales, the marches of Wales, Ireland,
the town of Calais and the marches thereof; the manor and lordship
of Erdyngton, with all her lands &c. there, in the county of Warwick,
excepted and reserved to her and her heirs; to hold all the above castles,
manors &c., with the above exception, to the king and the heirs male of
his body. Dated 13 December, 3 Henry VII.
Memorandum endorsed of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Boll of
the third year. |
Salop. |
A. 11057. Indenture of demise, 12 April, 9 Henry VII, by Edmund
Lucy, esquire, and Joan his wife to Thomas Dun of Apley in the parish
of Stokton, 'yoman' of the 'maner' of Apley, for thirty years from Lady
Day last, at 5 marks rent; 'yf hit lyke the said Thomas to ere and plowe
up any parcell of pasture,' he shall have any trees growing on the land 'so
ered and plowed'; 'he shall have the fery other whyles called the loode
of Apley with the were to the same fery or lode be longyng,' for the same
term at 20s. rent. English. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11058. Feoffment by Eichard at Grene of Plumstede to
Thomas atte Grene and William atte Grene the younger of the
same, William Loumour, 'gentilman,' John Bayly of Little Bernyng-
ham and John Bulwer of Shyryngham, of a piece of land in Plum-
stede called 'Mooremarm' in a place called 'the Lound,' between the
free land of the church of Tounbernyngham, his own land, and the
path called 'Millesty,' which piece of land he had, jointly with William
Bonde and John Heygate, of Plumstede, since deceased, by the gift
of Richard Thurkeld, of Little Bernyngham, chaplain, by charter dated at
Plumstede Monday after St. Martin in the winter, 3 Henry VI; also of
a piece of land of 1½a. at Dudpyttes, in Little Bernyngham, abutting on
bond land of John Paston, esquire, &c, which he had jointly with the said
William Bonde and John Heythegate, since deceased, by the gift of Roger
Talyour, of Little Bernyngham by charter dated there Sunday before
St. Luke the Evangelist, 4 Henry VI; also of a piece of land containing
1a. 1r. between the path leading to Plumstede Church, land called
'Cryppynglond,' &c.; and of another piece containing la. next his own
land &c, which two pieces he had jointly with the said persons, since
deceased, by the gift of Joan late the wife of William Thurkeld of Little
Bernyngham, by charter dated at Plumstede, Friday the eve of the
Epiphany, 3 Henry VI. Witnesses:—William atte Grene, clerk, and
others (named). Plumstede, 4 March, 83 Henry VI. Seal, broken. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11059. Release by William Broughton of Craneele and John
Peek of Rothewell to William Reve, of Lynne Bysshop, of their right in
land &c. in Wolde, which they had by his gift and feoffment. Ascension
Day, 17 Henry VI. Seals. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11060. Grant by William Beneth of Welton to Sir John Mallorre
of the same, knight, of 6s. 8d. rent from a messuage and 8a. land and
meadow there, which John de Buckeby formerly held. Sunday after St.
Hilary, 3 Edward III. |
[Linc.] |
A. 11061. Grant by John de Copuldyk, knight, to Joan de Silkeston
his cousin, for service rendered him and to be rendered to him and Margery
his wife, of 14a. land lying dispersed in Thoft, which Thomas de Thoft of
Thoft lately held for life by his grant; to hold to her for life, rendering
therefore a purse at Easter at her pleasure (unam loculum per disposicionem
ipsius Johanne) for all service. Harryngton, the morrow of St. Martin the
Bishop, 2 Henry IV. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11062. Feoffment by Walter de Seynesbury, rector of the church
of Beovynton, and William Muleward of Liththorn to Thomas de Wyncote
and Alice daughter of John Wendakes, his wife, jointly, of the manor of
Beovynton, for the term of their lives and to the heirs of their bodies.
Witnesses:—William Spyne and others (named). Thursday, the feast of
St. Hilary, 35 Edward III. One seal, effaced. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11063. Feoffment by Andrew son of Alan Dorling to William de
Franketon of the land in 'West' Garden which the said William held of
Richard Dorling and further of the land which the said William held of
William his brother; rent, 4d. for all service; consideration, 4s. Seal,
with legend: sigill. andrei. filii. alani. |
N'hamp. |
A. 11064. Grant by John abbot of St. German of Seleby and the
convent of the same, at the king's instance, to Francis, lord Lovell,
knight, and William Catesby, esquire, of the office of steward of their manor
of Staneford for the term of their lives in survivorship. 5 October,
1 Richard III. Fragment of conventual seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11065. Indenture being a feoffment by Robert Gloys of Hyndryng-
ham and John Gloys, chaplain, to John Hay ward, Roger Heryessone and
William Groom of Brunham, of a messuage in Brunham St. Clement and
of all their land, &c. there and in Brunhamthorp and Sutton, subject to the
payment of 30l. at certain dates, the present charter of feoffment in default
to be void. Saturday before Midsummer, 1 Henry VI. Seals. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 11066. Release by Scolastica daughter of Richard Anketin
(Anketini) and her heirs to Alan Basset and his heirs of the half-hide of
land in Bradetune which Anketin Tailur held, and after him Richard his
son; which half-hide she claimed against Hugh Bernard, whereof duel was
waged (duellum wagiatum fait) in the court of Merleberg; for this Alan
gave her 1 mark. Witnesses:—Adam de Estun, Reginald de Calne,
William the clerk of Berewik and others (named).
Endorsed: Brodeton. |
[Norf ] |
A. 11067. Feoffment by William Thaxster alias Grom of Brunham
St. Clement and John de Schropham of the same to Thomas Rycheman,
chaplain, Thomas Jygges and John Goldale of Brunham of a cottage and
curtilage called 'Qateshous' in the parish of St. Clement, which they
had by the feoffment of Alexander Balton. Monday before St. Thomas the
Apostle, 9 Henry V. Seals, one of arms.
Endorsed: Cateshous . . . . . . . unde .j. parcella est in le
Symsons barn et al' in stabul' et cotag' Ro' Boston voc' le Croshous
. . . . . |
[Camb.] |
A. 11068. Feoffment by Cecily daughter of Richard son of Peter of
Saham, widow, to Robert de Munford of Shotesham, for his homage and
service, and 10 marks beforehand in gersum, of her land in Saham and
Fordham, and her fishery in Selode, and her fishery elsewhere, and her
fold (faldagium), and her part of the mill of Fordham, and all her tene-
ment in the said towns; rent, 1d. at Easter. Witnesses:—Sir Nicholas de
Hasting, Sir Henry de Bodekesham, and others (named). Seal with legend,
si. ciscile. fil'e. ricad. Cf. A. 6645. |
Camb. |
A. 11069. Chirograph indented, being a grant by Warin the abbot
and the convent of the church of St. Alban to Anchit[el] de G[r]antebreg',
son of Herebert, and his heirs, in fee and heredity, of the within-named
lands, which they have in Grantebreg, to hold for ever of the said
church, for 20s. yearly which they shall pay yearly to the hospital of
sick women of St. Mary de Pré (de prato) for their raiment (indu-
menta), by the charitable and pious assignment of the said abbot
and convent; to wit the land Walter son of Ace gave to the church of St.
Alban in Bridge Street in St. Sepulchre's parish; a messuage adjoining
which was Mary Boniface's; a messuage in St. Michael's parish which was
Ysand's (Ysandi); another messuage in the same parish which was Gunilda
de Len' 's; a messuage without the gate towards Bernewelle in Holy Trinity
parish, next land which was Galiung's; a messuage in the market which
was Spileman's, in St. Mary's parish; and 17d. rent from the house of
Stephen Corviser (corvesarii) in the same parish, next land which was
Frebern Bigeton's; Anchit[el] has sworn for himself and his heirs to be
faithful to us and our church. Witnesses:—Nicholas, brother, Reginald,
nephew, of the abbot, and others (named).
Endorsed: Cambrigge. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11070. Feoffment by John Topy of Wynterton and Simon
Chestanye of the same to William Elys of Wynterton, Nicholas Bakere of
the same, and Ralph Aleyn of Hemesby, of their land &c. and marsh in
Wynterton, Hemesby, Somerton and Horseye, or elsewhere in the hundreds
of Westflegg and Happyng. 4 December, 35 Henry VI. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11071. Feoffment by Robert Gygges of Wyghton to Thomas
Gygges of Brunham Overey, 'gentilman,' and Olive his wife, Roger
Touneshend, esquire, Thomas Blakeney, esquire, and Christopher Gygges
of Wyghton, 'gentilman,' of three pieces of land in the fields of Brunham
Overey, viz. one piece containing 2a. between lands of William Calthorp,
knight, and of the house of Petyrston &c, another at 'Huncrundele' &c,
and the third on 'le Dale' &c, all which he had, together with Thomas
Gygges late of Brunham Overey, Roger Touneshend late of Reynham,
knight, Robert Pylley late of Bishops Lynn, 'marchaunt,' John Gygges
the elder, brother of the said Thomas, and John Gygges, son of the said
Thomas, since deceased, by the feoffment of Geoffrey Shropham late of
Brunham Norton, by charter dated at Brunham Overey 27 June, 6 Edward
IV.; also feoffment to the same of a place of land, formerly built on, in
Brunham St. Clement, west of 'le Dale,' between a messuage of the prior
of Petyrston and land of the abbot of Derham, on the north and south,
and abutting on the common marsh on the east and on the path from
Holmys to Holkham church on the west, with 3a. land in the fields of the
same, viz. 1½a. at 'Marketmere' &c, 3½r. west of 'le Dale,' called
'hedlondlond,' abutting on land on the manor of Burghalle &c, and ½a. ½r.
at Lynghowe abutting on the road called 'Dalgate' &c, all of which he
had, inter alia, together with the said John Gygges of Brunham Overey,
and Roger Towneshend, John Gygges of Southcreyk, and Thomas Gygges
of Bermer, since deceased, by the feoffment of John Gryckes late of
Langham, by charter dated at Brunham 8 February, 49 and 1 Henry VI;
also feoffment to same of 5a. land, in four pieces in the fields of Brunham
aforesaid, which formerly were John Preste's of the same, viz. 7r. next land
of the college of Powmfrect on the west, 'le Gougmer' on the east, land of
Thomas Thyrlowe on the south &c, 1½a. in 'le Estfeld' &c, 1a. in 'le
Mershefeld' between land of John Halcloo, and the path from Holkham to
Oystersheldale &c.,and 3r. in 'le Nethirfurlong' &c, all of which, together
with John Gygges and William Fuller, late of Walsyngham, since deceased,
he had by the feoffment of Thomas Gygges, son and heir of John Gygges,
late of Wellys next the Sea, by charter dated at Brunham aforesaid, 5 May,
13 Edward IV; to hold to the said Thomas, Olive, Eoger, Thomas and
Christopher, their heirs and assigns, to the use of the said Thomas Gygges,
for the performance of his last will; attorneys to deliver seisin, John
Brownyng, clerk, and Henry Waylond. Brunham Overey, 2 December,
21 Henry VII. Seal, apparently of arms. |
[Bucks.] |
A. 11072. Chirograph being a memorandum that on the eve of the
Ascension, 1274, at the end of the same year, the lady Eleanor Queen of
England, mother of King Edward, granted and demised to Sir John de
Kirk, archdeacon of Stafford, the custody of the lands and tenements
which dame Emma Peyvre, late the wife of Sir John Peyvre, held
in dower of her said husband's lands till the lawful age of John Peyvre,
Sir John's son and heir, to hold to the said Sir John de Kirk, with
homages, reliefs &c, advowsons of churches excepted, rendering therefore
yearly to the Queen, or to her co-executors of the will of Beatrice late the
wife of Sir John de Britannia, 50l. viz. 25l. within the quinzaine of
Michaelmas, 1275, 25l. within the quinzaine of Easter following, and so
from year to year till the full age of the heir, for all service, saving foreign
service of the King, service due to the chief lords and a rent for life to
Henry de Lavenden of 58s.; and although the said heir may have attained
his majority before the feast of Michaelmas in the last year, the rent
nevertheless shall be paid up to that date; the said John de Kirk has
acknowledged himself to be bound to pay the said rent before the barons of
the exchequer, and caused his recognisance to be enrolled. Witnesses:—
Sir Stephen de Monte Ferr[andi], Sir Robert Pugeys, and. Sir William de
Faukham, knights, and others (named). Copy. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11073. Indenture of demise by William Lewys, burgess of Coven-
tre, to Beatrice daughter of the late Geoffrey Alote of Fleckenho and Maud
her daughter, for the term of their lives, of 6s. 8d. rent in the town of
Coventre, from a messuage which Alice Gamel held in 'le Pottererowe'
next the bridge. Sunday after All Hallows, 11 Edward II. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11074. Feoffment by Henry son of Henry de Craunford of
Yelvertoft to Richard son of Thomas de Craunford and Sibyl his wife of
½a. 1r. arable in Yelvertoft viz. ½a. at 'Lillebournemere' next land of
William de Craunford and 1r. 'in to Portweye' next land of Richard Botiler.
Wednesday the morrow of the Assumption, 20 Edward III. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11075. Feoffment by John Broun, and Agnes his wife of
Braundeston to John Nythyngale and Margery his wife of the same, of a
messuage there, of a croft in Falclyve and a virgate of land in the fields of
Braundeston and Falclyve. Sunday before St. Gregory the Pope, 2 Henry
V. Seals. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11076. Letter of attorney by William de Codbarwe of Henleye to
John le Whyte and William Parker to deliver seisin to Richard de
Mountford (Monteforti) of the land &c. in Thoneworth, which descended
to him on the death of Nicholas his brother, and which he had granted by
charter to the said Richard. Sunday after St. Mark the Evangelist, 36
Edward III. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11077. Counterpart of demise by John de Catesby to John
Woburne of Coventre, 'typpere,' and Maud his wife, for forty years from
Michaelmas next at 12s. rent, of a messuage in Well Street (vico fontis)
extending from the highway to the stream from Hulle Mylle. Witnesses:—
Richard Lychefyld, mayor, John Smythyzere and John Preston, bailiffs of
Coventre, and others (named). Thursday after St. Matthew the Apostle,
19 Richard II. Seals. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11078. Grant by Henry de Plokenek of Schytelhanger that whereas
he had enfeoffed Robert de Bosenho and Izod (Isolde) his wife of ½a. land
and ½a. meadow there, he would save them harmless against the chief lords
of the fee touching their entry thereon. St. Margaret's Day, 23 Edward [I].
Fragment of seal. |
[Somers.] |
A. 11079. Feoffment by Robert Muscegros of Wollaushulle to
Richard Muscegros his son and John de Brome, chaplain, of his manor of
Sindercombe together with all lands, meadows, pastures, woods, being to
wit in Horewode, in Clivele, in Clerkunwode, and with watercourses, and
with a water-mill in the same manor; to hold the said manor with
messuages, lands, meadows, pastures, &c. to the said manor belonging,
together with lands, meadows, pastures, woods, being in Horewode, Clivele,
Clercunwode, &c. Witnesses:—Robert Amyas, rector of the church of
Great Comberton, Master William Allot, rector of the church of Little
Combertone and others (named). Wolasshull, Friday before St. Thomas
the Apostle, 14 Edward III. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11080. Feoffment by Richard de Craunford to Richard son of
Robert de Esshebi of Yelvertoft of 3r. land there. Tuesday after the Close
of Easter, 23 Edward III. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11081. Feoffment by Adam atte Hall (de aula) of Coventre,
chaplain, to Giles de Lannoy, 'waydour,' in Coventre, of the tenement
next the bridge of Smythesforde, in Coventre, lying between the stream
called 'Shirbourne,' 'le Westhorchard' Lane &c. Witnesses:—John de
Clifton, bailiff, Roger de Pacwode, coroner of Coventre, and others (named).
Friday after the lifting up of the Holy Cross, 1 Edward III. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11082. Feoffment by Richard Yngelond of Welton to John
Yngelond of the same and Agnes his wife for the term of their lives in
survivorship, with remainder to Richard their son, in tail, with remainder
in default to John's right heirs, of a messuage with a garden and croft
next the tenement late Henry Yngelond's in Welton. 10 June, 36
Henry VI. Seal. |
Somers. |
A. 11083. Counterpart of demise by William Malett and Alice his
wife to William Rousewell and Thomas and Henry his sons, for the term
of their lives in survivorship, at 6s. 8d. rent to them and the heirs of
William, of the land &c. in Bouecomb, in the parish of Bokelond, which
Thomas Thachbere lately held there; attorneys to deliver seisin, William
Spyryng and John Hawkyn of Bradford. Witnesses:—Nicholas and
Richard Bluett and Alexander Hamlyn, esquires. 29 May, 16 Henry VII.
Seals, broken and effaced. |
Salop. |
A. 11084. Feoffment by Thomas Gryme of Seete to Thomas
Acton, William Bastard, Richard Caumbrey, William Clerk and Richard
Gryme, of 20s. rent from his land &c. in West Bradeley. 1 January,
35 Henry VI. |
[Middx.] |
A. 11085. Grant in free alms by Thomas son of Picot (Pikotti) of
Edelmeton marsh to the prior, Richard, and the canons of Holy Trinity,
London, of a croft called 'Settecuppe' in Edelmeton and of 1a. land in the
field called 'Hyda' in the same town.
Endorsed: Carta Thome Picot de crofta que vocatur settecuppe.
Memorandum Adam Fraunceys detinet injuste et nescitur quomodo
occupat. |
[Suff.] |
A. 11086. Feoffment by John son of Sir John de Hudebovill to Sir
John de Peyton, knight, of the homage of John de Le Dowere and of ½d.
the said John was accustomed to pay him for 3a. meadow in the meadow
called 'Aketon medwe,' at Holgate, abutting on the Sture running between
Holgate mill and Bromdon mill; rent, a clove at Christmas. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11087. Release by Thomas de Maundewyle to Master Walter,
archdeacon of Norfolk, rector of the church of Brumfeld, of his right in the
fair of St. Leonard of Brumfeld, together with a right of way (itinere) before
the door of the church aforesaid; so that the said Walter and his successors
may have free entry in his fields to ride, lead and carry through the middle
of them from the house of the said rector to the church; and at the head
of Reginald de la Ho's land there shall be a gate (porta) with a lock and
two keys, to remain, one in his custody, the other in the rector's; and the
other gate shall be opposite the churchyard gate, similarly with two keys;
also grant to the said rector and his successors of free ingress and egress
over his fields with carts (bigis) to collect their tithes; also grant for the
correction of his conscience (pro anima mea emendenda) in respect of a
transgression of his against God and the church of Brumfeld in breaking
and carrying off a wood, that he will warrant 3a. land which William
Pinkenee gave to the said Master Walter, his heirs and assigns, for the
service of 2lb. wax, price 9d. . . . . . . Copy. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11088. Feoffment by Simon de Draiton, son of Nicholas de
Draiton, to Walter de Bisshopesdun, for his homage and service, of a virgate
of land in Draiton which Richard son of Aldwin held, together with the
same Richard, with his issue; rent, 1d. at Easter for all service; for
this Walter gave him 15 marks. Witnesses:—William de Bisshopesdun,
Frederick (Frethericho) de Bisshopesdun and others (named). |
[Berks.] |
A. 11089. Indenture being a feoffment by John de Hanewod of the
parish of Sonnyngges to John and Thomas his sons, in tail, with remainder
in default to Joan wife of William Havard and Agnes her sister, his
daughters, in tail, with remainder in default to his right heirs, of two parts
and the reversion of the third, expectant on Christina Vyel's death, of the
land &c. in Denesden, in the parish of Sonnyngg, formerly Thomas de
Hampstede's, which he lately bought of James de Neuport, citizen and
fishmonger of London, together with the land &c. which he had by the
gift and feoffment of Geoffrey Blanmouster, subject to an annuity of 10l.
payable to him half-yearly. Witnesses:—John de Ingelfeld, and others
(named). Denesden, Sunday after the lifting up of the Holy Cross, 42
Edward III. Seal. |
[Camb.] |
A. 11090. Radulphus de Toenio omnibus suis hominibus Francis et
Anglis salutem. Sciatis quod reddo Anneti de Valoniis terram suam de
parva aula de Westl' ita quiete et libere sicut ipsa et antecessores sui
tenuerunt ex meis. Salvo juste meo servicio. Inde sunt testes Rogerus
de Hotot. Rogerus de Portis. Radulfus capellanus. Christoforus
capellanus de Berching. Gislebertus miles. Gaufridus miles. Gaufridus
miles. Wimarus milites Alexander filius Torgari Radulfus filius Godul. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11091. Grant by Simon de Embertone to the abbot of Rameseye,
that whereas he had taken to wife Joan daughter of Richard Wagge,
bondman of the lord abbot in Ringstede, and had acquired 3a. 1 rood for
domicile (causa domicilii) of the bond lands of the abbot in Ringsted and
Hulm, with the abbot's leave, though himself a free man (licet libere sim
condicionis), so long as he and his heirs are pleased to hold the said bond
land (terram servilem), they shall be bound to satisfy the abbot in respect of
the bond services incident thereto, as though his customary tenants (omnia
servicia servilia dicte terre pertinencia tam de me et heredibus meis quam de suo
custumario predicto domino abbati teneamur solvere, &c.); for this grant he
gave the abbot 4s. in gersum. |
[Herts.] |
A. 11092. Feoffment by William Cook (cocus) of Standon to Roger
son of Eustace for his homage and service, of 7½a. land there, viz. 6½a. &c.
and 1a. towards Puterel Cross &c.; rent, 20d. for all service, save the king's
service, in respect of four acres (quod deffendet per avenantum quatuor
acrarum); for this gift, confirmation and warranty Roger gave him 21s. in
gersum, and to Izod (Ysolde) his wife, 12d., to Adam his son and heir, 12d.
and to Agnes his daughter 12d.
Endorsed:—Willemus Cocus, Rogerus de Standon. Angleseie. tradatur. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11093. Feoffment by William Borden of Stretton to Henry le
Bouhestringere of Coventre and Maud his wife of a messuage in Gosforde
Street, Coventre, next Walter le Buttere's land, &c.; rent, 12d. quarterly
and a pair of gloves or ½d. at Easter; consideration, 20s. beforehand.
Witnesses:—Robert de Chilton, then bailiff of Coventre, and others (named).
Endorsed: Carta bouestretmaker. |
[Camb.] |
A. 11094. Feoffment by Hilary (Hyllarius) son of Osebert of
Wilbureham to Eustace son of Roger of ½a. in Westefeld, for his homage
and service, and 19s. in gersum; rent, 4d. for all service, saving the king's
service, to wit for a half croft (quantum pertinet ad defensionem dimidie
crofte in eadem villa). Fragment of seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11095. Release by Henry le Eyr to John de Catesby and Emma
his wife and John's heirs and assigns of his right in a messuage in
Welton, extending from the highway opposite John Mallore's gate, &c.,
which William atte Brygge, vicar of the church of Asscheby Leger, had
by his gift and feoffment. Friday, the Translation of St. Benedict, 17
Richard II. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11096. Grant by John Mychell of Scrouteby to Robert Beucelyn
and John Levote, of the same, of the land, &c., which formerly were
Edmund de Clepesby's in the towns of Scrouteby, Hemmesby and Ormesby
in Flegg, and which he, together with William Caston, since deceased, had
by the gift and feoffment of John, parson of the church of Salle, Thomas
atte Strete, parson of the church of Little Plumstede and Robert de Kent
of Ormesby. 2 January, 7 Henry V. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11097. Feoffment by Nicholas Dryvere of Plumstede, William atte
Grene, chaplain, and William Bonde, of the same, to William Bockyng of
Tounbernyngham and William Mayn of Plumstede, of 1a. land in Plumstede
in the furlong (quarentena) called 'Westewodefeld,' between free land of
the church of Tounbernyngham, land late John Madour's, land of William
Plumstede, 'gentylman,' and land of James Lytylporte, parson of the church
of Matelaske, which they had by the gift of William Howlyn, parson of
the church of Plumstede, since deceased, and William Prince of Little
Walsyngham by charter dated at Plumsted, Monday after the Epiphany,
13 Henry VI. Witnesses:—John Bakon and Edmund Wynter, esquires,
and others (named). Plumsted, 26 October, 23 Henry VI. Seals, one
broken. |
N'hamp. |
A. 11098. Counterpart of demise by John Malore of Welton to John
Welton of Wolde of 10 marks rent payable half yearly out of the manor of
Welton, for life. He had put the said John in possession by the payment
of 5 marks part thereof. Welton, 18 April, 5 Henry V. Witnesses:
John Pilkyngton, knight, and others (named). Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11099. Release by Lucy late the wife of Nigel Richard of
Bobynhull to Thomas Wylby her son of her right in the land, &c.
which formerly belonged to William Wilby, her father, and came by descent
to her, and which Sir John Stafford, canon of Lincoln, had by her gift and
feoffment, in Bobynhull. Tuesday, Midsummer, 6 Richard II. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 11100. Feoffment by Richard Martin of Welleton to his son
Richard of 1a. arable in the west field there, viz. ½a. at 'Wakelowe' and
½a. on 'Weyetuesel'; rent, 1d. at Midsummer. Witnesses:—Simon de
Twe, and others (named). Seal. |