Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80

The statutes that passed into law under Charles I and Charles II, including the legislation of the Long and Short Parliaments before the Interregnum, and of the Restoration after.

Statutes of the Realm.

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Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online [accessed 21 February 2025].

Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Edited by John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025,

Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025.

Table of Contents

Title Page(s)
Engraving: Petition of Right, 3 Charles I 1
Engraving: Act for a perpetual Anniversary Thanksgiving on the Nine-and-twentieth day of May, 12 Charles II 2
Preface iii-iv
Chronological table of the titles of all the acts of parliament: Passed in the reigns of King Charles I and King Charles II v-xix
Charles I, 1625: An Acte for punishing of divers abuses co[m]mitted on the Lords day called Sunday. 1
Charles I, 1625: An Acte to enable the King to make Leases of Lands parcell of his Highnes Duchie of Cornewall, or annexed to the same. 2
Charles I, 1625: An Acte for the ease in the obtayning of Licenses of Alienacion, and in the pleading of Alienacions with License, or of pardons of Alienacions without License, in the Court of Exchequer and elsewhere. 2-3
Charles I, 1625: An Acte for the further restraint of Tipling in Innes, Alehouses, and other Victualling Houses. 3
Charles I, 1625: An Acte for the confirmacion of the Subsidies graunted by the Clergie. 3-9
Charles I, 1625: An Acte for the Graunt of two entire Subsidies graunted by the Temporaltie. 9-21
Charles I, 1625: An Act, that this Session of Parliament shall not determyne by his Majesties Royall assent to this and some other Actes. 21-22
Charles I, 1627: The Peticion Exhibited to His Majestie by the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Co[m]mons in this p[re]sent Parliament assembled conc[er]ning divers Rights and Liberties of the Subjects... 23-24
Charles I, 1627: An Act for the further reformacion of sondry abuses co[m]mitted on the Lords Day co[m]monlie called Sonday. 25
Charles I, 1627: An Act to restraine the Passing or Sending of any to be popishly bred beyond the Seas. 25-26
Charles I, 1627: An Act for the better Suppressing of unlicenced Alehouse keepers. 26-27
Charles I, 1627: An Act for Contynuance and Repeale of divers Statuts. 27-30
Charles I, 1627: An Act for the establishing of the Estates of the ten[a]nts of Bromfeild and Yale in the Countie of Denbigh and of the Tenures Rents and Servics thereuppon reserved according to a late Composicion... 31-33
Charles I, 1627: An Act for the confirmacion of the Subsidies graunted by the Clergie. 33-39
Charles I, 1627: An Acte for the Graunt of five entire Subsidies graunted by the Temporaltie. 39-53
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the preventing of inconveniencies happening by the long intermission.of Parliaments. 54-57
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the releif of His Majesties Armie and the Northern Parts of the Kingdome. 58-78
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the reforming of some things mistaken in the late Act made this p[re]sent Parliament for the granting of four Subsidies... 78-79
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the further releife of His Majesties Army and the Northern Parts of the Kingdome. 79-101
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the better raising and leavying of Mariners Sailers and others for the present guarding of the Seas and necessary defence of the Realme. 101
Charles I, 1640: An Act concerning the Limitation and Abbreviation of Michaelmas Terme. 102-103
Charles I, 1640: An Act to prevent inconveniences which may happen by the untimely adjourning proroguing or dissolving of this present Parliament. 103-104
Charles I, 1640: A Subsidie granted to the King of Tunnage Poundage and other sums of money payable upon Merchandize exported and imported. 104-105
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the speedie provision of money for disbanding the Armies and setling the peace of the two Kingdomes of England and Scotland, 105-110
Charles I, 1640: An Act for [the Regulating the Privie Councell and for taking away the Court commonly called the Star Chamber. 110-112
Charles I, 1640: An Act for repeal of a branch of a Statute primo Elizabethe concerning Commissioners for causes Ecclesiasticall. 112-113
Charles I, 1640: A Subsidy granted to the King of Tonnage and Poundage and other sums of money paiable uppon Merchandizes exported & imported. 114-115
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the securing of such moneys as are or shall be due to the Inhabitants of the Countie of Yorke and the other adjoyning Counties wherein his Majesties Army... 115-116
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the declaring unlawfull and void the late proceedings touching Ship money and for the vacating of all Records and Processe concerning the same. 116-117
Charles I, 1640: An Act against diverse Incroachments and Oppressions in the Stannarie Courts. 117-118
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the certainty of Forrests and of the Meers Meets Limits & Bounds of the Forrests. 119-120
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the Pacification between England and Scotland. 120-128
Charles I, 1640: An Act for securing by publique faith the Remainder of the freindly assistance and releife promised to our brethren of Scotland. 128-129
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the better ordering and regulating of the Office of Clarke of the Market allowed & confirmed by this Statute and for the reformation of false Weights and Measures. 129-130
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the prevention of vexatious proceedings touching the Order of Knighthood. 131
Charles I, 1640: An act for the free bringing in of Gun-powder and Salt peter from Forraign parts and for the free making of Gunpowder in this Realme. 131
Charles I, 1640: A Subsidie granted to the King of Tonnage Poundage and other sums of money payable upon Merchandize exported & imported. 132-133
Charles I, 1640: An act for the better raising and levying of Mariners Saylers and others for the present guarding of the Seas and necessary defence of the Realme & other his Majesties Dominions. 133-134
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the releife of the Captives taken by Turkish Moorish and other Pirates and to prevent the taking of others in time to come. 134-135
Charles I, 1640: A Subsidy granted to the King of Tonnage Poundage and other summes of money payable upon Merchandize exported and imported. 135-137
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the better raising and levying of Mariners Sailers and others for the present guarding of the Seas & necessary defence of this Realme & other his Ma[jes]ties Dominions. 137
Charles I, 1640: An Act for disinabling all persons in Holy Orders to exercise any temporall jurisdicc[i]on or authoritie. 138
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the better raising and leavying of Souldiers for the present defence of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland. 138-139
Charles I, 1640: A Subsidy granted to the King of Tonnage Poundage and other su[m]mes of money payable upon merchandize exported and imported. 139-141
Charles I, 1640: An Act for a speedie contribuc[i]on and loan towards the releife of his Majesties distressed Subjects of the Kingdome of Ireland. 141-143
Charles I, 1640: A Subsidy graunted to the King of Tonnage Poundage and other su[m]ms of money payable upon Merchandize exported & imported. 143-144
Charles I, 1640: An act for the raising and leavying of Moneys for the necessary defence and great affaires of the Kingdomes of England and Ireland and for the payment of debts undertaken by the Parliament. 145-167
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the speedy and effectuall reducing of the Rebells in his Majesties Kingdome of Ireland to theire due obedience to his Majesty & the Crowne of England 168-172
Charles I, 1640: An Act for adding unto & explaining of certain Clauses in another Act made this Parliament Intituled An Act for the speedy & effectuall reducing of the Rebels in his Majesties Kingdome of Ireland... 172-173
Charles I, 1640: An Act to inable Corporations & Bodies Politique to participate of the benefit of an Act lately passed entituled An Act for the speedie and effectuall reducing of the Rebells... 173-174
Charles I, 1640: A Subsidy graunted to the King of Tonnage Poundage & other su[m]ms of money payable upon Merchandize exported & imported. 174-176
Charles I, 1640: An Act for the further advancement of an effectuall and speedy reduction of the Rebels in Ireland to the obedience of his Majestie and the Crowne of England 176-177
Charles II, 1660: An Act for removing and preventing all Questions and Disputes concerning the Assembling and Sitting of this present Parliament. 179
Charles II, 1660: An Act for putting in execution an Ordinance mentioned in this Act. 179
Charles II, 1660: An Act for the Continuance of Processe and Judiciall Proceedings. 180-181
Charles II, 1660: A Subsidy granted to the King of Tonnage and Poundage and other summes of Money payable upon Merchandize Exported and Imported. 181-205
Charles II, 1660: An Act for continuing the Excise untill the twentyeth of August One thousand six hundred & sixty. 206
Charles II, 1660: An Act for the present Nominating of Commissioners of Sewers. 206
Charles II, 1660: [15. An Act for restoreing unto James Marquesse of Ormond all his Honours Mannours Land and Tenements in Ireland whereof he was in possession on the 23th of October 1641 or at any time since.] 206
Charles II, 1660: An Act for continuing of the Excise till the five and twentyeth day of December One thousand six hundred and sixty. 207
Charles II, 1660: An Act for the speedy provision of money for disbanding and paying off the forces of this Kingdome both by Land and Sea. 207-225
Charles II, 1660: An Act for supplying and explaining certaine defects in an Act entituled An Act for the speedy provision of money for disbanding and paying off the forces of this kingdome both by Land and Sea. 225-226
Charles II, 1660: An Act of Free and Generall Pardon Indempnity and Oblivion. 226-234
Charles II, 1660: An Act for Confirmation of Judiciall Proceedings. 234-236
Charles II, 1660: An Act for restraining the takeing of Excessive Usury. 236-237
Charles II, 1660: An Act for a Perpetuall Anniversary Thanksgiveing on the nine and twentyeth day of May. 237
Charles II, 1660: An Act for the speedy disbanding of the Army and Garrisons of this Kingdome. 238-241
Charles II, 1660: An Act for inabling the Souldiers of the Army now to be disbanded to exercise Trades. 241-242
Charles II, 1660: An Act for the Confirming and Restoreing of Ministers. 242-246
Charles II, 1660: An Act for the Encourageing and increasing of Shipping and Navigation. 246-250
Charles II, 1660: An Act to prevent Fraudes and Concealments of His Majestyes Customes and Subsidyes. 250
Charles II, 1660: An Act for raising seavenscore thousand pounds for the compleate disbanding of the whole Army and paying off some part of the Navy. 250-251
Charles II, 1660: An Act for the speedy raising of Seaventy thousand pounds for the present Supply of his Majestye. 252-253
Charles II, 1660: An Act for the Regulating of the Trade of Bay makeing in the [Dutchy] Bay Hall in Colchester. 253-254
Charles II, 1660: A Grant of certaine Impositions upon Beere Ale and other Liquors for the encrease of His Majestyes Revenue dureing His Life. 255-259
Charles II, 1660: An Act takeing away the Court of Wards and Liveries and Tenures in Capite and by Knights Service and Purveyance, and for setling a Revenue upon his Majesty in Lieu thereof. 259-266
Charles II, 1660: An Act for the better Ordering the Selling of Wines by Retaile, and for preventing Abuses in the Mingling Corrupting and Vitiating of Wines, and for Setting and Limitting the Prices of the same. 266-268
Charles II, 1660: An Act for the levying of the Arreares of the twelve moneths Assessment... 268
Charles II, 1660: An Act for granting unto the Kings Majestic Fower hundred and twenty thousand pounds by an Assessment of three score and ten thousand pounds by the moneth for six moneths for disbanding the remainder of the Army, and paying off the Navy. 269-277
Charles II, 1660: An Act for further suplying and explaining certaine defects in an Act intituled An Act for the speedy provision of money for disbanding and paying off the forces of this kingdome both by land and sea. 277-282
Charles II, 1660: An Act for the raiseing of seaventy thousand pounds for the further supply of his Majestie. 282-287
Charles II, 1660: An Act for the Attainder of severall persons guilty of the horrid Murther of his late Sacred Majestie King Charles the first. 288-290
Charles II, 1660: An Act for Confirmation of Leases and Grants from Colledges and Hospitalls. 291-293
Charles II, 1660: An Act for prohibiting the Exportation of Wooll Woolfells Fullers Earth or any kinde of Scouring Earth. 293-296
Charles II, 1660: An Act for Confirmation of Marriages. 296
Charles II, 1660: An Act for Prohibiting the Planting Setting or Sowing of Tobaccho in England and Ireland. 297
Charles II, 1660: An Act for Erecting and Establishing a Post Office. 297-301
Charles II, 1660: An Act impowering the Master of the Rolls for the time being to make Leases for yeares in order to new build the old houses belonging to the Rolls. 301-303
Charles II, 1661: An Act for Safety and Preservation of His Majesties Person and Government against Treasonable and Seditious practices and attempts 304-306
Charles II, 1661: An Act for Repeal of an Act of Parliament Entituled An Act for disinabling all persons in Holy Orders to exercise any Temporall Jurisdicc[i]on or Authority. 306
Charles II, 1661: An Act for the declaring vesting and setling of all such Moneys Goods and other things in His Majesty which were received levied or collected in these late times... 306-307
Charles II, 1661: An Act for a free and voluntary p[re]sent to his Majesty. 307
Charles II, 1661: An Act against Tumults and Disorders upon p[re]tence of p[re]paring or p[re]senting publick Petic[i]ons or other Addresses to His Majesty or the Parliament 308
Charles II, 1661: An Act declaring the sole Right of the Militia to be in King and for the present ordering & disposing the same. 308-309
Charles II, 1661: An Act for confirming Publique Acts. 309-310
Charles II, 1661: An Act for providing necessary Carriages for His Majestie in His Royall Progresse and Removalls. 310-311