Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1819.
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'Charles I, 1640: An Act for the releif of His Majesties Armie and the Northern Parts of the Kingdome.', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online [accessed 20 February 2025].
'Charles I, 1640: An Act for the releif of His Majesties Armie and the Northern Parts of the Kingdome.', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Edited by John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online, accessed February 20, 2025,
"Charles I, 1640: An Act for the releif of His Majesties Armie and the Northern Parts of the Kingdome.". Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online. Web. 20 February 2025.
In this section
- II. Lands, & of the Yearly Value of 20s. 4s. in the Pound.
- III. Aliens and others, who at the time of the said Assessments are out the Realm,
- IV. For the assessing the said Subsidies great Officers of State to appoint Commissioners.
- V. Commissioners to execute Act according to the tenor thereof.
- VI. Persons named in Precepts to appear before the Commissioners.
- VII. Assessors misbehaving.
- VIII. Commissioners to be rated at such Place where they shall be Commissioners;
- IX. Proviso for Persons having Two Mansions, or being Household Servants or Waiting Servants to the King or others.
- X. The Power of Commissioners to tax other Commissioners, and also Assessors.
- XI. Rates estreated under the Seals and Sign Manual of the Commissioners; and Estreats delivered to sufficient Inhabitants, &c. of Hundreds, &c.
- XII. Commissioners may appoint Collectors.
- XIII. Commissioners to take Recognizances of Collectors.
- XVII. Assessors, Attornies, Factors, &c. after being charged with Receipt of Assessment, dying or removing or concealing their Goods, &c. or when Monies comprized in Estreat cannot be levied by Distress, or where Distress cannot be sold;
- XVII. Allowance to High Collectors and their Accountants.
- XIX. Proviso for Stamford Baron.
- XX. Persons having Temporal and Spiritual Possessions, and also Personal Property, not to be doubly charged.
- XVIII. Orphans and Infants not chargeable to Subsidies.
- XIX. Proviso for Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Winchester College, Eton College, Poor Knights of Windsor, and Free Schools, and Readers, &c. in the Universities, and for Hospitals, &c.
- XX. Inhabitants of Cinque Ports for the most Part of the Year before the Grant not chargeable during Resiance only.
- XXI. Like Proviso for Inhabitants of Rumney Marsh.
- XXII. Alien or Denizen assigning his Lands, &c. to his Child with Intent to defraud the Subsidy, such Child chargeable as an Alien.
- XXIII. Recital that £50,000 had been advanced by the City of London, £50,000 by Sir John Harrison Knight, Member for the Town of Lancaster, and William Harrison Esq. Member for the Town of Queenborough in Kent.
- XXIV. Treasurer not to pay Monies on any other Warrant.
- XXV. The passing of this Act not to determine the Session.
Distresses of the Army and People in the Northern Parts.
For Relief whereof, Four entire Subsidies granted. What Persons and what Property to be rated. Aliens. Popish Recusants Convict.
MOST gracious Soveraign Your Majesties most humble and loyall Subjects the Commons in your high Court of Parliament now assembled haveing duly considered the great wants and distresses that your Army and People in the Northern Parts of this your Kingdome doe sustain and the eminent danger that your Kingdome is in Albeit Subsidies or the supply or support of publike affaires (by what name or names soever the same be called) are not used to be granted at the begining of Parliaments but after such time as the grievances of the people have beene heard and redressed which can never soe cleerely appeare to soveraigne Majestie as in Parliaments where people have theire immediate accesse unto theire soveraigne yet for the avoiding the eminent danger that your Kingdome is in for the present reliefe of your Army and of those distressed Countreys the safety of your Majestie and Children (soe that it bee not drawne into President for future times) they humbly beseech your Majestie that it may be enacted And be it enacted by the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by authority of the same that foure entire Subsidies shall be rated taxed levied and paid att two severall payments att the times hereafter in this Act expressed of every person Spirituall and Temporall of what estate or degree he or they be of according to the tenor of this Act in manner and forme following (that is to say) that aswell every person borne within this Realme of England Wales or other the Kings Dominions as all and every Fraternity Guild Corporation Mysterie Brotherhood and Comunaltie Corporate and not Corporate within this Realme of England Wales or other the Kings Dominions being worth three pounds as well in Coin and the value of every pound that every such person Fraternity Guild Corporation Mysterie Brotherhood and Comunalty Corporate or not Corporate hath of his or theire owne or any other hath to his or theire use As alsoe in Plate Stocke of Merchandize all manner of corne and grain Housholdstuffe and of all other goods moveable as well within this Realme as without and of all such su[m]ms of money as to him or them is or shall be owing whereof he or they trust in his or theire conscience surely to be paid (except and out of the p[re]misses deducted) such Su[m]ms of money as he or they doe owe and in his or theire consciences intend truly to pay and except alsoe the Apparell of every such persons their wives and children belonging to theire owne bodies (saving Jewells Gold Silver Stone and Pearle) shall pay to and for every of the said Subsidies twoe shillings eight pence of every pound And alsoe every Alien and Stranger borne out of the Kings obeysance aswell denizens as others inhabiting within this Realme and alsoe every popish recusant convictor which before the time of the Assesment of the severall subsidies by this present Act granted shall be a popish recusant convict or which are or shall be indicted for popish recusancy and theire Indictments either are or shall be removed by certiorari or being not removed shall not by appearance and traverse legally be discharged before the said Assesment soe to be made or shall not have received the holy Comunion according to the rites of the Church of England within one whole yeare next before the said Assesment shall be made of every pound that hee or they or any other to his or theire use in trust or otherwise shall have in Coine and the value of every pound in Plate Corn Grain Merchandize Housholdstuffe or other Goods Jewells Chattels moveables and immoveable as is aforesaid as well within this Realme as without and of all Su[m]ms of money to him or them owing whereof hee or they trust in his or theire conscience to be paid (except and out of the p[re]misses deducted every such sum and summes of money which he or they doe owe and in his or theire conscience or consciences intend truly to pay) shall pay to and for every of the said Subsidies five shillings and four pence of every pound And alsoe that every Alien and Stranger born out of the Kings Dominions being Denizen or not Denizen not being contributary to any the rates aforesaid and being of the age of seaven yeares or above and every Popish Recusant convict or which before the time of the Assesment of the severall Subsidies by this present Act granted shall be a Popish Recusant convict being of the age of seaventeen yeares or which being of the Age of one and twentie yeares hath not received the Holy Communion within one yeare then last past shall pay to and for every [of (fn. 1) ] the said severall Subsidies eight pence for every poll And the Master or he or shee with whom the said Alien-or such Papist is or shall be abiding att the time of the taxation or taxations thereof to be charged with the same for lacke of Payment thereof.
II. Lands, & of the Yearly Value of 20s. 4s. in the Pound.
Aliens, Denizen or not, and Popish Recusant Convicts, 8s. in the Pound. Value of Property charged certified; First Two Subsidies rated and set before the 27th Feb. 1640, and the Two other before the 1st April next ensuing. Names of Persons charged to be certified to Exchequer. Names of Persons to whom Sums of first Two Subsidies to be paid. The like of the Sums of the last Two Subsidies. Acquittances to be given to the Collectors.
And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that every person borne under the Kings obeysance and every Corporation Fraternity Guild Mysterie Brotherhood and Communalty Corporate or not Corporate for every pound that every of the same persons and every Corporation Fraternity Guild Mysterie Brotherhood and Communalty Corporate or not Corporate or any other to his or theire use in trust or otherwise hath in Fee Simple Fee Tail for term of life term of yeares by execution Wardshipp or by Copy of Court Roll of and in any Honours Castles Mannors Lands Tenements Rents Services Hereditaments Annuities Fees Corrodies or other yearely Proffits of the yearely value of twenty shillings as well within ancient demeasne and other places priviledged as elsewhere and soe upward shall pay to and for every the said Subsidies four shillings of and for every pound And every Alien Denizen or not Denizen born out of the Kings obeysance and every Popish Recusant convict of what Estate or degree soever they bee of or which before the time of the Assesment of the severall Subsidies by this present Act granted shall be a Popish Recusant convict or which shall bee indicted for Popish Recusancie and theire Indictments are or shall be removed by Certiorari or being not removed shall not by appearance and traverse legally be discharged before the said Assessement soe to be made or being of the age of twenty and one yeares shall not have received the Holy Communion according to the rites of the Church of England within one whole yeare next before the said Assessement shall be made in such case to pay to and for every the said severall Subsidies eight shillings for every pound. And that all summs to be presented and chargeable by this Act either for goods and debts or either of them or for Lands Tenements and other the p[re]misses as is in this Act contained shall bee att the said payments set and taxed after the rate and proportion according to the true meaning of this Act Lands and Tenements chargeable to the Dismes of the Clergy and yearely wages due to servants for theire yearely service (other then the Kings Servants taking yearely wages of five pounds or above onely excepted and foreprized) And that all Plate Coyn Jewels Goods Debts and Chattels Personalls and all Lands Tenements and other the premisses as aforesaid being in the rule and custody of any person or persons to the use of any Corporation Fraternity Guild Mysterie Brotherhood or any Communalty being Corporate or not Corporate be and shall be rated set and charged by reason of this Act att the value certified by the presenters in theire Certificate for every pound in goods and debts as is aforesaid and for every pound in Lands Tenements Annuities Fees Corrodies and other yeerely profits as is aforesaid and the Sums that are above rehearsed set and taxed to be levied and taken of them that shall have such goods in custodie or otherwise charged for Lands as is before rehearsed and the same person and persons and Bodies Corporate by authority of this Act shall bee, discharged against him or them that shall or ought to have the same att the time of the payment or delivery thereof or att his otherwise departure from the custodie or possession of the same (except and alwaies foreprized from the charge and assessement of the said Subsidies all goods chattels jewells and ornaments of Churches and chappels [which have beene ordained & used in Churches & Chappells (fn. 2) ] for the honour and service of Almighty God). And the twoe first of the said four Subsidies shall be by authority aforesaid taxed sessed and rated according to this Act in every Shire Riding Lathe Wapentake Rape Cities, Borough Town, and in every other place within this Realme of England and Dominion of Wales before the seaven and twentieth day of February in the yeare of our Lord God 1640 and the two other of the said four Subsidies shall by the authority aforesaid be taxed sessed rated before the first day of Aprill next ensuing and the particular Sums of every Shire Riding Borough Towne and other place aforesaid with the particular names of such as are or shall bee chargeable to and for the payment of the said Subsidies to bee taxed and sett by the Commissioners for the same to be limited or two of them att the least with the names of the high Collectors and in the same forme shall be certified into the Kings Court of Exchequer the first twoe of the said Subsidies before the fourth day of March next coming and the other twoe of the said Subsidies before the [twentieh (fn. 3) ] day of Aprill next coming. And the said su[m]ms in forme aforesaid to be taxed to and for the payment of the said two first Subsidies shall be paid in one intire Sum unto Sir Thomas Barrington Knight and Baronet Sir Robert Pye Knight Arthur Capell Esquire Thomas Soame & Isaac Penington Aldermen of the City of London now Members of the House of Commons in this present Parliament assembled and unto Robert Bateman Chamberlaine of the City of London att or before the tenth day of March next coming at or in a place within the Guildhall of the City of London comonly called The Chamberlains Office and the said su[m]ms in manner and forme aforesaid to be taxed for the payment of the two last of the said four Subsidies shall be paid att one intire sum unto the said Sir Thomas Barrington Sir Robert Pye Arthur Capell Thomas Soame Isaac Penington and Robert Bateman att or before the tenth day of May next coming at or in the said place called The Chamberlains Office and that the said Treasurers or Receivers or any one or more of them upon the receipt of any money from the high Collectors by this Statute to be authorised shall make unto every of the said Collectors one or more Acquittances under the hands and Seales of the respective Treasurers or Receivers that shall receive the same testifying the receipt of soe much money as hee shall receive and that the producing of the said Acquittances soe made shall be as a sufficient Warrant for the said Collectors to passe theire Account as any Tally or Constat out of the Receipt and the sums above said of and for the said Subsidies shall be taxed set asked and demanded taken gathered levied and paid to the persons and uses in this present Act expressed aswell within liberties franchises sanctuaries ancient demeasnes and other whatsoever places exempt or not exempt as without (except such shires places and persons as shall be foreprized in and by this present Act) any Grant Charter Prescription Use or Libertie by reason of any Letters Patents or other Priviledge Prescription Allowance for the same or whatsoever other matter or discharge heretofore to the contrary made granted used or obtained notwithstanding.
III. Aliens and others, who at the time of the said Assessments are out the Realm,
to be charged by the Certificate of Inhabitants of the Place where Property taxed is situate.
And it is further enacted by authority of this present Parliament That every such person aswell such as be born under the Kings Obeysance as every other person stranger born denizen or not denizen inhabiting within this Realme or within Wales or other the Kings Dominions which att the time of the same assessings or taxations or any or every of them to be had or made shall be out of this Realme or out of Wales and have Goods Chattels Lands or other Tenements Fees or Annuities or other Profits within this Realm or in Wales shall be charged and chargeable for the same by the Certificate of the Inhabitants of the place where such Goods Chattels Lands Tenements or other the p[re]misses then shall be or in such place where such person or persons or his or theire Factor Deputy or Atturney shall have his or theire most resort unto within this Realm or in Wales in like manner as if the person were or had beene att the time of the said assessing within this Realm and that every person abiding or dwelling within or without this Realm shall be charged and chargeable to the said severall Subsidies granted by this Act according and after the rate of such yearely substance or value of Lands or Tenements Goods Chattels and other the premisses as every person soe to be charged shall be set at at the time of the said assessing or taxation upon him to be made and no otherwise.
IV. For the assessing the said Subsidies great Officers of State to appoint Commissioners.
And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid That for the assessing and ordering of the said Subsidies to be duely had the Lord Chancellour of England or the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal the Lord Treasurer of England the Lord President of the Kings Councell the Lord Privie Seal the Lord Admirall of England the Lord Steward of the Kings Household and the Lord Chamberlain of the Kings most honourable Household for the time being or two of them att the least (whereof the Lord Chancellour or Lord Keeper of the Great Seale or the Lord Treasurer for the time being to be one) shall and may name and appoint such and soe many persons as they in theire discretion shall thinke fitt to be Commissioners for the rating and taxing of the honourable Household of the Kings Majestie in what Shire or other place the said Houshold shall happen then to be And the said Chancellour of England or Keeper of the Great Seale of England for the time being or such Co[m]missioners as shall have the Custodie thereof shall make and direct out of the Court of Chancery under the Great Seale severall Commissions for the sessing and levying of the said severall Subsidies according to the true meaning of this Act in manner and forme hereafter expressed (viz.)
For his Majesties houshold Unto the persons in manner aforesaid to be nominated.
Names of Commissioners
And for the County of Bedford
Unto Sir Robert Napper Knight and Baronet Sir Beecham St John Sir Oliver Luke Sir Peter Osborne Sir Lewes Dive Sir Samuel Luke Sir William Bryers Sir George Russell Knights Richard Taylor Serjeant att Law William Duncombe William Boteler Thomas Rolt William Palmer James Beverley John Wingate Henry Chester Humphrey Fish Walter Rolt John Vaux and Thomas Sadler Esquires.
For the Towne of Bedford
Unto the Maior for the time being Sir Samuel Luke Knight Richard Taylor, Serjeant at Law Francis Bannister Doctor of Phisick Thomas Paradyne Thomas Hanse Gentlemen.
For the County of Buckingham
Sir Peter Temple Knight and Baronet Sir Edward Tyrrell Baronet Sir Edmund Varney Sir Alexander Denton Sir Thomas Littleton Sir Richard Ingoldsby Sir Robert Dormer Sir William Andrews Sir Thomas Sanders Sir Henry Croke Knights Peter Dorrell Robert Busby Thomas Risley Raph Varney Richard Greenvile John Dormer Richard Winwood Thomas Tirringham [John Tirringham (fn. 4) ] Thomas Egleston of Rainslow Thomas Duncombe of Brickhill Thomas Tyrrel Thomas Longevile Thomas Lea the Elder Richard Serjeant William Hakewill Thomas Westall Esquires John Duncombe Gentleman.
For the Town and Borough of Buckingham
The Bailiefs for the time being Sir Peter Temple Knight and Baronet Sir Alexander Denton Knight Robert Smith and John Nicolls Gentlemen.
For the County of Berk
Sir John Backhouse Knight of the Bath Sir Richard Harison Knight Thomas Manwaring John Harison George Purefey Thomas Fetiplace Samuel Dunch Henry Pole Humphrey Dolman William Barker and Roger Knight of Gwinham Esquires.
For the Borough of New Windsor
Unto the Maior for the time being John Hersy William Tayleur Edmund Eyre William Stebing Thomas Johnson Esquires John Spencer Doctor in Physick William Boles Gentleman.
For the County of Cornwall
Unto Sir John Trelawny Knight and Baronet John Sentaubyn John Arundell de Sithine William Harris John Trefusis Rennattus Bellot William Pendarvis Charles Trevanin Thomas Herl Hugh Boscawen Peter Courtney John Carter Samuel Cosworth Samson Manaton Humphrey Nichols Hender Moulsworth Charles Roscarrock Paul Speccot Christopher Worthiall George Hele Timothy Brawning John Moyle Nicholas Trefusis William Courtney William Glin Walter Langdon and John Carew Esquires.
For the County of Cumberland
Unto Sir Patricius Curwen Baronet Sir George Dalson and Sir Thomas Dacres Knights Henry Fletcher Richard Barwis John Skelton Peter Senhouse Richard Tolson William Lawson and William Briscoe Esquires.
For the County of Cambridge
Unto Sir John Cuts and Sir James Reynolds Knights Francis Russell John Cotton James Reynolds William Allington Robert Peyton Michael Dalton Thomas Wendy Thomas Willis Isaac Barron Thomas Tyrrell William March Robert Lukin John Layer Edward Buckworth Besney Betts William Barnes John Craine Esquires James Ayliff Thomas Simonds William Fisher Robert Castle John Hubbard John Ducket John [Wildbore (fn. 5) ] and John Whistler Gentlemen.
For the Towne of Cambridge
Unto Sir John Cuts Knight the Maior for the time being Isaac Barrow Talbot Pepys Recorder Esquires Samuel Spalding John Sherwood Robert Twells Aldermen.
For the Countie of Chester
Unto Sir George Booth Sir Richard Wilbraham Sir Thomas Delves Sir Richard Grosvenor [Knighs (fn. 6) ] and Baronets Sir Edward Fitton Sir William Brereton Baronets Sir Tho. Brereton Knight Richard Brereton Henry Leigh Thomas Stanley William Davenport William Downs Peter Venables George Cotton Roger Wilbraham Hugh Wilbraham Peter Warburton of the Grange Henry Bunbury William Whitmore Henry Burkenhead William Glegg John Crewe George Purstowe Thomas Crackstone William Liversage Philip Manwaring William Marbury and Thomas Cholmeley Esquires.
For the City and the County of the City of Chester
Unto Thomas Aldersey Maior Sir Thomas Smith Knight Robert Brerewood Esquire Serjeant att Law Recorder Francis Goonall William Goonall Esquires Christopher Bleasse Charles Walley Nicholas Ince Aldermen.
For the County of Derby
Unto Sir George Greasley Sir Thomas Burdet Baronets Sir Edward Vernon Sir John Fitzherbert Sir John Fitzherbert Knights Thomas Greasley Christopher Horton William Cooke John Agard Samuel Sleigh John Bullock Simon Every Esq[uire] John Gell Esquire Henry Gilbert Gentleman the Maior of Chesterfield Christopher Fulwood John Milward John Manners John Shawcroft Randall Ashenhurst Francis Rhodes Edward Revell and Francis Revell Esquires and Lionell Fanshawe Gentleman.
And for the Borough of Derby
Unto Edward Long Maior John Hope Henry Wandell Luke Whittington Aldermen John Bullock Esquire Roger Allestry and Robert Meller Gentlemen
For the County of Devon
Sir Edward Seymer Knight and Baronet Sir George Chudleigh Sir Lewes Pollard Sir John Pole Sir Peter Prideaux Baronets Sir John Speccot Sir Samuel Role Sir Shilston Calmady Sir John Chichester Sir Nicholas Martin Sir John Young Knights John Bampfeild Arthur Basset John Ackland Arthur Champernoun John Harris Hugh Fortescue John Gifford Anthony Dennis Thomas Southcott Edward Arscote Samson Hele John Berry William Tothill Robert Savery Henry Waldron John Davy Francis Bluet Richard Columbe Walter Hele James Welsh Edward Yarde Richard Cabell Richard Duke Alexander Maynard William Maurice Thomas Risden Robert Stafford Edmond Fowell William Fry Humphrey Prouz John Peter and John Yeo Esquires
For the City and County of Exon
John Penney Esquire Maior Thomas Crossing John Lynn Nicholas Spicer John Hackwell Adam Bennet Roger Mallecke and James Tucker Esquires
For the County of Dorset
Unto Sir Thomas Trenchard Knight Sir John Miller Knight John Browne Angel Graye Gregory Gibs Richard Brodrip John Arnold James Frampton George Williams Richard Bingham Thomas Tregumell William Savage Esquires John Dolling Bampfeild Chafing Edmund Ogden John Hannam Esquires and Robert Tooe Gentleman
For the Towne and County of Pool
Unto Richard Mayer Maior George Scot Alexander Wayte Gentlemen
For the County of Yorke and for the Westrid of the County of Yorke
Unto Sir Francis Wortley Knight and Baronet Sir Henry Goodrick Sir William Lyster Sir Arthur Ingram junior Sir John Ramsden Sir Edward Rhodes Sir Thomas Wentworth Sir William Fairfax Sir Jerves Cutler Sir Richard Hutton Knights William Ingleby Henry Arthington John Key Robert Rockley Ingram Hopton William West Jerves Hamond Henry Cholmeley Nicholas Yarbrough John Farrar William White Thomas Parker William Wombwell George Marwood Thomas Lister John Robinson Gregory Armitage Thomas Stockdale Esquires Benjamin Wade and Joseph Hillary Gentlemen.
For the Northrid of the County of Yorke
Unto Sir Marmaduke Wyvell Sir Thomas Gore Knights and Baronets Sir Coniers Darcy Sir William Sheffield Sir Richard Darley Sir Thomas Layton Sir Thomas Gore Sir Henry Frankland Knights Henry Fowls Mathew Hutton John Dalton Henry Anderson John Calverley John Wastall John Dodsworth junior Arthur Awdbrough Roger Wyvell William Caley John Cholmely Christopher Perchehay Charles Tanckard John Talbot George Metcalf George Trotter James Pennyman Richard Wyn Christopher Waters Stephen Jackson Francis Rookeby Mathew Smelt Francis Lassels Esquires Robert Wild John Robinson Stephen Jackson James Cholmeley George Coniers Francis Tompson William Ford Richard Tompson William Standley James Moore Thomas Lassels William Pinckney John Dent Robert Colchester & William Fish Gentlemen
For the Eastrid of the County of Yorke
Unto Sir Henry Griffith Knight and Baronet Sir Thomas Metham Sir William Alford Sir. Philip Mountain Sir Michael Wharton Sir John Vavasor Sir Thomas Rennington Sir Arthur Robinson Knights Thomas Anlaby John Legard Richard Remington William Saint Quyntin Thomas Heblethwait Christopher Appleyard John Constable William Grimston Robert Crompton Francis Thorpe Christopher Ridley Gregory Crake John Anlaby Charles Bowes Stephen Tompson and John Overton Esquires.
For the City and County of the City of [the (fn. 7) ] Yorke
Sir Robert Belt Knight Lord Maior Sir William Allanson and Sir Roger Jaques Knights and Aldermen Sir Thomas Widdrington Knight Recorder Leonard Betson Christopher Croft Edmund Cooper Robert Hemsworth Thomas Hoyle James Hutchinsen Thomas Hodgson Henry Tompson John Vaux and William Scot Aldermen.
For the Towne and County of Hull
John Barnard Esquire Maior Robert Legard Esquire James Watkinson Christopher Legard Henry Barnard John Gaton Gentlemen
For the County of Essex
Robert Lord Rich Sir Thomas Barrington Sir Harbottle Grimston Knights and Baronets Sir Thomas Bendish Sir Benjamin Ayloffe Sir William Hicks Sir William Masham Sir Richard Everard Sir William Luckin Sir William Wiseman Baronets Sir Henry Mildmay Knight Master of the Jewell house Sir Thomas Cheeke Sir Henry Mildmay of Moulsham Sir William Maxey Sir Henry Holcroft Sir Thomas Bowes Sir Francis Cooke Sir Henry Saint George Sir William Rowe Sir William Martin Sir Thomas Honywood Sir Humphrey Mildmay Sir John Harrington ( (fn. 8) ) Sir John Barrington [Knights (fn. 9) ] Harbottle Grimston Esquire Sir Martin Lumley Knight and Baronet Robert Kempt John Argoll Edward Keightley John Wakering William Gouldingham Euseby Wright Edward Palmer William Coniers Thomas Fanshawe John Wright William Atwood George Walton James Altham Timothy Middleton Nathaniel Bacon Anthony Luther Thomas Smith John Meade John Brooke Cary Harvey Mildmay Deane Tindall Henry Wiseman Robert Mildmay de Tarling Edward Berket Esquires.
For the Town of Colchester
The Maior for the time being Harbottle Grimston Esquire Recorder Robert Buckston Esquire Henry Barret Aldermen Roger Coleman.
And for the Towne of Malden
Unto the two Bailiffs for the time being Jeremiah Browning and John Francis.
For the Towne of Harwich
Unto the Maior for the time being Harbottle Grimstone Esquire Recorder Richard Hankins Robert Hawkes.
For the County of Gloucester
Unto Sir Baynham Throckmorton Baronet Sir William Masters Sir Ralph Dutton Sir John Seamor Sir Maurice Berkley Sir Robert Cooke Knights Richard Berkley Henry Poole John Prettyman John Stephens Thomas Escourt John Fetyplace Esquires William Trye John Howe Robert Hope Esquires Stephen Fowler Gentleman Thomas Chester Edward Stephens John Cothrington Samuel Cothrington John Smith junior Anthony Kinscot Esquires William Stratford John Berrow Thomas Morgan William Jones Richard Ayleworth Esquires.
For the City and County of the City of Gloucester
Unto Thomas Hill Esquire Maior Anthony Robinson Toby Bullock John Brewster John Web William Singleton William Capell and James Powell Aldermen.
For the County of Huntington
Unto Sir Sidney Mountague Knight Sir William Armyn Baronet Onslow Winche John Castle James Ravenscroft Valentine Walton Robert Page Whetehill Audley Torrell Josselin William Cater Esquires.
And for the County of Hertford
Unto the Lord Viscount Cranbourn Sir John Boteler Knight of the Bath Sir John Jeninges Knight of the Bath Sir Thomas Fanshaw Knight of the Bath Sir Richard Lucy Baronet Sir Charles Cesar Sir William Litton Knights Sir John Gerrard Baronet Sir Charles Harbert Sir Thomas Fotherby Sir John Colte Sir Thomas Dacres Sir Edward Bash Sir John Wats Sir John Cesar Sir Peter Saltonstall Knights William Priesley George Tooke Francis Taverner Graveley Norton Edward Wingate Henry Anderson John Brocket James Mayne Francis Combes Esquires Thomas Blunt John Heydon Robert Dewhurst Edward Atkins Serjeant at Law Thomas Tooke Richard Hale Thomas Hewit ( (fn. 10) ) John Harrison Henry Gardner John Gulston Arthur Poulton Ralph Freeman William Newce John Brograve Edward Chester Edward. Cason Arthur Capell
For the Towne and Borough of Saint Albans
Unto Richard Ruth Maior Sir John Jenings Knight of the Bath John Robotham Thomas Cooley Ralph Pemberton Gentlemen.
For the County of Hereford
To John Kirle Baronet Sir Richard Hopton Sir Robert Whitney Sir Humphrey Baskervile Sir William Croft Knights Wallop Brabazon Esquire Henry Lingen Roger Vaughan John Scudamore of Kent Church John Vaughan Ambrose Elton James Kirle William Rudhall William Scudamore William Smallman Thomas Price Harbert Westfaling John Cornwall Paul Abrahall Epiphan Howorth Thomas Tomkins Walter Vaughan John Coles John Patshall Richard Barrowe Arnold Burghill William Cartwright Edward Broughton Henry Jones Henry Poole Bailiffe of the Borough of Leominster.
For the City of Hereford
Unto Edmond Ashton Esquire Maior of the said City James Rodes Anthony Pembridge Esquires James Lane Gentleman.
For the County of Kent
Unto Sir Edward Hales Sir Edward Dering Knights and Baronets Sir George Sandys Knight of the Bath Sir Michael Levisey Baronet Sir William Brooke and Sir Edward Scot Knights of the Bath Sir Humphrey Style Baronet Sir John Sedley Knight and Baronet Sir Roger Twisden Knight and Baronet Sir William Stock Knight of the Bath Sir Thomas Palmer Barronet Sir Humphrey Tufton Sir James Oxenden Sir Edward Boys Sir Peter Wroth Sir John Honywood Sir Peter Heyman Sir Thomas Walsingham Sir Edward Gilburne Sir Francis Barnham Sir John Culpeper Sir Cheyney Culpeper Sir Percivall Hart Sir Robert Filmer Sir William Brockman Sir Anthony Weldon and Sir Henry Grimston Knights Edward Monyngs Anthony Hammond Thomas Blechenden Edward Boys Reynold Edwards William Boys Samuel Short John Henden William Boys Edward Dering Nicholas Tooke Henry Heyman John Harvey Peter Godfrey Thomas Diggs Norton Knatchbull Richard Lee George Strode Thomas Blunt Thomas Selyard Stephen Leonard Robert Barnham William James Edward Partrich Henry Dixon and Henry Gilburne Esquires
For the City and County of the City of Canterbury
Unto the Maior for the time being Sir Edward Masters Knight John Nutt Esquire Francis Lovelace Esquire William Man Esquire Thomas Courthope Esquire Avery Savyn and James Masters Aldermen
For the City of Rochester
Unto Philip Ward Maior Henry Clearke Esquire Serjeant att Law Recorder Richard Lea George Newman Esquires and John Cobham Gentleman
For the Parts of Lyndsey in the County of Lyncolne
Unto Edmund Lord Sheffeild Sir John Wray Knight and Baronet Sir Philip Tirwhit Sir John Rowles Baronets Sir Edward Askew Sir William Pelham Sir Charles Bowles Sir Christopher Wray Sir John South Sir Henry Roodley Knights Nathaniel Fynes John Bellasis Thomas Grantham Samuel Oldfeild Anthony Meeres Thomas Sanderson Edmund Anderson Willoughby Hickman Charles Pelham John Broxholm Vincent Sheffeild Marmaduke Darell Edward Rositer Richard Toothby Thomas Ayscough senior John Bradley William Godfrey Francis Wolbey Esquires William Loddington Gentleman the Maior of Grimsby William Coney Esquire Rutland Snowden Esquire.
For the Citie of Lincolne
Unto the Maior of Lincolne Thomas Grantham Esquire John Broxholm Esquire Richard White William Watson Stephen Dawson Aldermen and Richard Ward Citizen.
For the Borough of Boston
Unto Edward Tilson John Whiting Thomas Askham Thomas Welby Gentlemen and the Maior of Boston.
For the Parts of Holland in Com. p[re]d
Unto Sir Anthony Irby Knight Thomas Ogle Thomas Reade Bevill Wimberley William Ellis Dymock Walpole Philip Welby Thomas Ogle Esquires John Hobson Charles Empson Gentlemen John Harrington Esquire.
For the Parts of Kestaven in the County of Lincolne
Unto Sir Robert Carr Sir William Armyn Baronets Sir Hamond Whitchcot Sir Jerves Nevil Knights Thomas Hussey Charles Dymock Thomas Hatcher Edmund Hall Thomas Harrington John Brownelowe William Brownelowe Edward King Henry Pelham Esquires Edward Skipworth Robert Treadway William Savile John Archer Esquire the Alderman of Stamford and the Alderman of Grantham
For the County of Leicester
Unto William Halford Esquire Thomas Brewdnell Richard Bent Henry Font Arthur Staveley William Roberts William Quarles William Jerves Peter Temple George Puchin Simon Ridgeley Thomas Babington William Davers Roger Smith John Saint Johns Thomas Merry Francis Hacker senior William Standley and Gilbert Fosset of Leicester
For the County Palatine of Lancaster
Unto Sir Gilbert Houghton Knight and Baronet Sir Thomas Stanley Baronet Sir Thomas Barton Knight Sir Ralph Ashton Baronet Richard Holland John Atherton Robert Holt Ralph Ashton Roger Kirkby Richard Shuttleworth John More Thomas Standish Ralph Ashton Alexander Rigby Hugh Rigby Alexander Rigby of Burgh William Farrington Thomas Preston John Gerlington George Dodding Edmund Hopwood Nicholas Townly Henry Ashhurst John Bradshaw Edward Veale Esq (fn. 11) Henry Ogle Savile Radclif John Starkey Edward Butterworth William Ambrose Thomas Whittingham John Bradell Esquires.
For the County of Middlesex
Unto Sir Edward Spencer Knight Sir Thomas Fowler Knight and Baronet Sir Edward Barkham Knight and Baronet Sir William Balfour Knight Leiutenant of the Tower of London Sir Francis Darcey Sir John Davers Sir Thomas Lake Sir Edward Wardour Sir William Roberts Sir Henry Roe Sir John Bennet Sir Thomas Allen Sir Robert Wood Sir Nicholas Raynton Knights John Page Esquire one of the Masters of the Chancery Thomas Gardiner Esquire Recorder of the City of London William Hill Justinian Povey John Hawtrey Francis Poulton John Herne John Huxley George Long Edward Roberts Richard Blower Anthony Croft Richard Sprygenell Esq (fn. 12) John Smith Thomas March John Hoker Edward Noell Gideon Awnsham Thomas Jenings Richard Page and Thomas Wilcox Esquires.
For the Citie of Westminster
Unto Sir Richard Winn Knight and Baronet Treasurer to the Queenes most excellent Majestie Sir William Uvedall Knight Sir Edmund Verney Sir William Ashton Sir Gregory Fennor Sir Randolph Crew Sir Robert Pye Sir Arthur Ingram Sir Edward Wardour Knights Thomas Baldwyn Robert Dixon Michael Oldesworth Mathew Hale Edward Nicholas John Parker Arthur Squibb John Glynn Peter Heyward Henry Lyde Robert Dixon George Bleverhaset William Bell William Wheler Esquires John Brigham Gentleman John Chicheley John Trenchard Robert Scawen Anthony Wither Esquires.
And for the Dutchy of Lancaster
Edward Lord Newburgh Chancelor of the Dutchy Sir Thomas Bedingfeild Knight Attorney Edward Harbert Esquire Solicitor Generall to the Kings most excellent Majestie and Challenor Chute Esq[uire]
For the City of London
Unto Edmund Wright Lord Maior Sir James Cambell Sir George Whitmore Sir Nicholas Raynton Sir Christopher Cletherow Sir Maurice Abbot and Sir Henry Garway Knights and Aldermen Thomas Gardiner Esquire Recorder Thomas Soame Isaac Pennington Aldermen Nathaniel Cradock and Samuel Vassell Citizens.
For the County of Monmouth
Unto Edward Lord Herbert Sir Edmund Morgan and Sir William Morgan Knights William Harbert Richard Harbert Thomas Morgan de Maughen Trevor Wynns John Harbert of Coulbrock Nicholas Kemeyes John Milbury Henry Probert David Lewes William Baker Philip Jones John Morgan de Pemrick William Jones de Usk George Probert Thomas Morgan de Layfore William Morgan of Tredonock Gentleman and Thomas Williams Gentleman.
For the County of Northampton
Unto William Lord Fitzwilliams of Milton Sir Rowland St. John of Woodston Knight of the Bath Sir Lewes Watson of Rockingham Sir John Isham Knights and Baronets Sir Christopher Yelverton Sir William Chancey Sir Richard Samuel Sir William Milmore Sir Edward Watson Sir Humphrey Ormes Knights Richard Lane Esquire Attorney to the Prince his Highnes Richard Knightley the elder Charles Edmonds Francis Nicholls William Elmes Edward Harby John Barnard Robert Mildmay John Cartwright Philip Houleman John Creswell Richard Trist William Pargiter John Wyrley James Anyan Edward Farmer Richard Owsby Clifton Catesby Robert Britton George Clarke Lawence Manley Thomas Andrew Thomas Genison John Gayes John Sawyer Thomas Pentlow Thomas Dove Francis Quarles John Claypool Edward Dudley Thomas Elmes John Norton Edward Hanbury Edward Shugborough John Norwich John Syres Edward Palmer Robert Kirkeham and Thomas Rud Esquires and William Hack Esquire
For the Borough of Northampton
Unto John Fisher Maior Richard Lane Esquire Recorder Attorney Generall to the Princes Highnes Sir Richard Samuel Knight Francis Nicolls Tho. Martin Joseph Sergeant John Gifford John Herbert & John Bret Aldermen.
For the County of Nottingham
Francis Peirpoint Esquire Sir Bardolph Wastneys Baronet Sir Gervas Clifton Knight and Baronet Sir Francis Thornhigh Sir Thomas Hutchinson Knight Sir Mathew Palmer Knight Isham Parkins Anthony Eyre Richard Byron John Nevill Thomas Williamson John Wood senior Timothy Pusey John Digby John Odingsels Gervas Lee Hugh Cartwright John Wood junior William Sanderson Robert Sutton Gilbert Millington Esquires.
For the Towne of Nottingham
Unto William Drury Maior Francis Peirpoint Esquire Sir Gervas Clifton Knight & Baronet Sir Thomas Hutchinson Knight Acton Burwell William Gregory John James Aldermen Huntington Plumtree Doctor in Phisick Robert Greeves Gentlemen.
For the County of Norfolk
Thomas Knivet John Spelman of Narborough Robert de Grey Thomas Dereham Roger Townsend Clement Herne John Smith John Spelman of Haydon Robert Wilton John Palgrave Francis Jermy Gregory Gawsell Jeoffry Cobb Charles Suckling Philip Beddingfeild Edward Gurney Philip Calthrop George Fowler Robert Walpoole Edward Mileham John Houghton Robert Houghton Brigg Fountain James Scambler Robert Mapes Thomas Wright Thomas Fincham Martin Sidley Edward Chamberlaine Henry Taylor Thomas Reeve and John Kendall Esquires
For the Towne of Thetford
Thomas Lincolne Maior to the Coroner Edward Moore John Chapman Robert Snelling Thomas Snelling Giles Alden John Salman Edmund Mobbs Gentlemen and Henry Mendham Gentleman.
And for the City of Norwich
Unto Henry Lane Maior Sir William Denny Knight Francis Bacon Sergeant at Law Richard Rose Thomas Shipdham Christopher Barret Robert Sumpter John Tooley John Thacker Lynewell Sherwood Francis Norris Thomas Barret Gentlemen.
For the Towne of Lynne Regis
To William Doughtie Esquire Maior Thomas Gurlin Thomas Greennell Joshua Frene John Percivall Bartholomew Warmell John Mayo Thomas Toll Thomas Nelson John Basset Edmond Hudson Esquires Thomas Slaney Nathaniel Maxey Gentlemen.
For the Towne of Yarmouth
Thomas Greene Robert Wakeman Henry Davis Thomas Johnson Aldermen
For the County of Oxford
Sir Thomas Pope Sir John Curton Sir Giles Bray Sir Robert Dormer Sir Robert Jenkinson Sir John Lacy Sir Francis Norris Sir William Cobb and Sir Peter Wentworth Knights John Doyly Thomas Chamberlaine William Walter Thomas Tipping Robert Scroope Edmund Symeon Unton Croke Humphrey Elmes Richard Hampden John Taverner John Goddier William Tipping John Griffith Edmond Chamberlaine Bartholomew Hone Rice Jones and Walter Duns Esq (fn. 13).
And for the City of Oxon
Unto the Maior of the said City for the time being William Potter Henry Southam John Sayer Martin Wright John Nixon Aldermen Timothy Carter Town Clerk
For the County of Rutland
To Sir Edward Harrington Knight and Baronet Sir Francis Bodenham and Sir Henry Mynn Knights Henry Noell Alexander Noell Brian Palms Edward Heath Evers Ermyn John Osborne Edward Falkener Edward Cheseldine and Andrew Burton Esquires.
For the County of Surrey
Unto Sir Anthony Vincent Knight and Baronet Sir Richard Young Sir Ambrose Browne Baronets Sir Nicholas Carew Sir Richard Onslow Sir Arthur Manwaring Sir Thomas Grymes Sir Francis Howard Sir Charles Howard Sir Francis Stidolph Sir John Howland Sir John Lenthall Sir John Lydcote Sir John Tunstall Sir Thomas Evelyn Sir William Elliot Sir Dudley Carleton Sir Robert Parkhurst Knights Nicholas Stoughton Henry Hilliard George Evelyn Arthur Squibb George Mynn John Duncombe William Muschamp Robert Hutton John Evelyn Robert Goodwin Edmond Sanders John Turner Henry Weston Robert Holman Edward Bish the elder Edward Bish the younger Haward Bickerstaffe Esquires and John Wayte Gentleman
For the Borough of Southwarke
Sir John Lenthall Knight Samuel Warcop Esquire Robert Haughton Cornelius Cocke.
For the County of Stafford
To Sir Harvy Bagot Sir Edward Littleton Baronets Sir Charles Egerton Sir William Bowyer Knights Ralph Snede Walter [Wrotresleye (fn. 14) ] George Digby Thomas Crumpton Humphrey Worley Mathew Morton John Scrimshire William Cotton John Fowke Edward Manwaring Walter Grosvenor Richard Pygot Michael Biddulph John Wedgewood William Brooke Esquires Richard Jeven Richard Hinton Gentlemen.
For the City and County of the City of Litchfeild
Unto the Bailiffes of the City for the time being John Burnes Humphrey Mathewe Randall Terrick Richard Baxter Richard Drafgate Gentlemen.
For the County of Salop
Unto Sir Paul Harris Knight and Baronet Sir Richard Newport Sir William Whitmore Sir William Owen Sir Robert Eyton Knights Edward Kynaston Francis Charleton Walter Berker Edward Jones Thomas Exton Peter Corbet Edward Cresset Thomas Otley Thomas Corbet Adam Littleton Thomas Kettleby Francis Harbert William Littleton Henry Bromley Morton Briggs Thomas Wolrich Walter Acton Humphrey Walcott John Newton Thomas Nicholls Arthur Sandford William Fowler Thomas Mitton Andrew Lloyd Richard Lloyd Francis Thornes Robert Powell Thomas Screven William Blunden Richard Oakeley Walter Waring Thomas Sotherne Esquires Roland Hill Arthur Ward Thomas Lochard Gentlemen
For the Towne of Shrewsbury
Unto Hugh Harris Esquire Maior Sir Richard Prince Knight Timothy Turner Thomas Jones senior Esquires Edward Jones Thomas Owen Humphrey Mackworth Esquires William Rowley Simon Weston Charles Benyon Robert Betton Thomas Winfeild John Studley Aldermen.
For the County of Southampton
Unto Sir John Milles Baronett Sir Richard Gifford Sir Francis Dowse Sir Thomas Bilson Sir Henry Clarke Sir John Compton Knights Henry Sands John Doddington William Kingsmill Richard Norton Thomas Neale Edward Pit Benjamin Tichburne Dowse Fuller Edward Goddard Thomas Edmonds Edward Hooper John Hooke John Bunkley Thomas Betsworth Joseph Wale Richard Major Esquires
For the Isle of Weight
Unto Sir Robert Delington and Sir William Lisle Knights Barnaby Ligh William Boreman John Richards Arthur Bromfeild William Wither John Worsley Richard Goddard Esquires.
For the City of Winchester
Unto Edward White Maior Ralph Riggs William Longland John Trussell Aldermen
For the Towne and County of Southampton
Nicholas Peascodd Peter Seale Thomas Mason Peter Clungeon Gentlemen.
For the County of Suffolke
Unto William Spring Esquire Sheriffe of the said County Sir Edmond Bacon Sir William Playters Sir Robert Crane Knights and Baronets Sir John Barker Baronet Sir Roger North Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston Sir Philip Parker Sir Simon Dewes Sir William Soames Sir Charles Crofts Sir Robert Brooke Sir John Wentworth Sir William Harvey Sir John Rowse Knights Thomas Jermin William [Hevingham (fn. 15) ] John Gurdaine Wiseman Bokenam Morrice Barrow William Ryvet of Bilson Isaac Appleton Henry North Thomas Cole Richard Pepys Edmond Harvey of Wickhamsith Thomas Playters Francis Bruster John Scrivener Henry North the elder Arthur Jenney Nicholas Bacon of Dennington Nathaniel Bacon of Fristow Nicholas Ryvet of Drinson Nicholas Ryvet of Brandston John Laney Francis Bacon William Bloys of Grand Boroners and John Clench junior Esquires.
For the Towne of Ipswich
Unto the Bayliffes of the said Towne of Ipswich William Cage John Laney Esquires Robert Sparrow John Sicklemore Gentlemen.
For the Borough of Saint Edmonds Bury
Unto William Grigg Alderman Robert Brown Alderman Richard Gipps and John Lelham
For the Town of Aldborough
Unto John Bence and Richard Browne Bayliffs and unto John Wall and Thomas Johnson
For the Towne of Orford
Unto the Maior of Orford for the time being, and to Daniel Harbert and Francis Burwell
For the Towne of Hadleigh
Unto the Maior for the time being Francis Bacon John Gale Thomas Allablaster and Thomas Richardson
For the County of Somerset
Unto Sir John Horner Sir Charles Berkley Sir Edward Berkley Sir Francis Doddington Knights John Mallet Thomas Smith Edward Phillipps John Harrington William Walrond Thomas Mallet Serjeant at Law George Powlett Richard Cole Anthony Stocker William Capell John Symms the elder John Symms junior William Every William Bull Robert Harbyn Thomas Bridges Francis Hawley Edward Orainge John Bourne John Trevillian Amias Bampfeild John Saint Alban Edward Bisse John Hunt John Preston Charles Stenings William Blanchard Edward Dyer Thomas Prynn William Hill Edward Weekes William Barnes senior John Babor & John Merefield Esquires.
For the City and County of the City of Bristow
Unto John Taylor Maior John Goning the elder John Tomlinson Andrew Carleton Aldermen Richard Aldworth Alexander James Francis Creswicke and Giles Elbridge Merchants
For the County of Sussex
Unto Sir Thomas Pelham Sir Thomas Bowyer Baronets Sir John Chapman Sir William Morley Sir Henry Dawtry Sir Thomas Parker Knights Anthony Stapeley Edward Ford Thomas Grey John Alford Thomas Milles Nicholas Wolfe Ralph Cooper Henry Goring Edward Goring Thomas Maye Thomas Middleton Hall Ravenscroft William Marlott Edward Apsley William Michelborne James Rivers Harbert Morley Anthony Fowle Henry Shelley John Ashburnham William White Harbert Hay John Baker Laurence Ashburnham Harbert Bourd John Busbridge Peter Farneden & Thomas Eversfeild Esquires
For the Citie of Chichester
Unto the Maior of Chichester George Green Gent William Margerom Merchant Henshaw Stephen Humphreys Gent.
For the County of Westmerland
Unto Sir John Lowther Baronet Sir Richard Sandford Knight Christopher Phillipson Gawen Brathwaite Allen Bellingham George Gilpin Richard Crackenthorpe Edward Fisher Esquires.
For the County of Wiltes
Unto Sir John S (fn. 16) Johns Sir John Danvers and Sir William Button Knights and Baronets Sir Charles Pleydall Sir George Ayloffe Sir John Lambe Sir Thomas Hall and Sir John Earneley Knights George Vaughan Laurence Hide Richard Goddard Alexander Thistlethwaite Edward Tucker Francis Swanton Francis Baskervile Vincent Goddard Edward Goddard of Upton William Daniel John Sadler William Sadler Francis Wroughton of Wilcott Robert Drew Edward Earneley William Bower John Hiscocke John Penruddocke Robert Hide Thomas Bennet John Tapp William Willoughby John Marvin William Gifford Jasper Moore Robert Eyres William Wallis Walter Long Edward Long Edward Earbury John Ducket Edward Escourt Thomas Hungerford of the Lee Henry Baylie Charles Gore Esquires John Inge Stephen Bowman Thomas Newbye and Philip Francklyn Gentlemen.
For the Citie of New Sarum with the Close
Unto Emanuel Gauntlet Gentleman Maior Richard Goddard Esquire Mathew Bee Thomas Hancocke the elder James Abbotts John Ivy and John Dove.
For the County of Worcester
Unto Sir Walter Devereux Knight and Baronet Sir John Rows Knight Edward Dingle Edward Pitt William Jefferyes of Hamm Castle Philip Brace Henry Townsend Henry Ingram John Savage John Nawfan Edward Vernon Thomas Cooke Thomas Good William Child Esquires.
For the City and County of the City of Worcester
The Maior for the time being Daniel Tyas Roger Gough John Hadslocke John Hamburye Francis Streete Esquires
For the Borough of Evesham
The Maior of the said Borough for the time being Sir John Rows Knight Francis Hurwell William Martyn Samuel Gardiner Thomas Cresheld Gentlemen.
For the County of Warwick
Unto Sir Thomas Holte Knight and Baronet Sir Peter Wentworth Knight of the Bath Sir Simon Clarke Sir Job Fisher Baronets Sir Grevill Verney Sir Edward Underhill Sir Hercules Underhill Sir Henry Gibbs Sir Thomas Lee Sir Francis Willoughby Sir Simon Archer and Sir George Devereux Knights William Boughton William [Comb Robert Lee William Browne Robert Andrew Richard (fn. 17) ] Chamberlain Spencer Lucy Rowley Ward Serjeant at Law Walter Chetwyn Clement Throckmorton Richard Shugborough John Lisle James Onyon John Temple Thomas Boughton Anthony Stoughton Robert Shelton Thomas Combe and John Fetherston Esquires.
For the City of Coventrey
Samson Hopkins Maior Henry Million John Clarke Thomas Ware Aldermen John Hayles Richard Greene Esquires.
For the County of Anglesey and Town of Bewmares
Unto Sir Arthur Terringham Sir Thomas Holland Knights Thomas Bulkeley John Bodnel Hugh Owen de Boden Owen Woods William Robinson Richard Owen Henry White William Bold Esquires.
For the County of Brecknocke
Unto Henry Williams Thomas Guynn John Williams Richard Games John Walbieffe Jeoffry Jefferyes Edward Rumsey Edward Williams Meredith Lewis Roger Vaughan Esquires William Harbert Bailiffe of Brecknock and William Watkins Daniel Winter Lewis Meredith Hugh Meredith.
For the County of Cardigan
Unto Sir Marmaduke Lloyd Knight Richard Price James Lewis Henry Vaughan Evan Gwynn John Stedman Thomas Price John Pugh David Evans John Phillips Esquires and John Vaughan Esquire.
For the County of Carmarthen
Unto Sir Richard Vaughan Knight of the Bath and Earle of Carbery Sir Rees Rudd Baronet Sir William Vaughan Knight Henry Jones David Gwynn Richard Vaughan Rowland Gwynn Richard Phillips John Harris Esquires.
For the Borough and County of the Borough of Carmerthen
Unto Morris James Esquire Maior Sir Richard Vaughan Knight of the Bath and Earle of Carbery Griffith Lewes Martin Bynon Thomas Wood Lewes Jones [Thomas Jones (fn. 18) ] Rowland Phillips and John Bloome Aldermen.
For the County of Carnarvan
Unto Sir Richard Wynn Knight and Baronet Sir William Williams Baronet and unto Thomas Glynn Griffith Jones John Griffith Owen Wynn William Thomas John Owen Griffith Thomas Humphrey Jones Thomas Glynn of Wanley William Glynn John Bodarda John Robins Thomas Madryn William Griffith William Lloyd Arthur Williams Hugh Griffith Hugh Wynn Esquires.
For the County of Denbigh
Unto Sir Thomas Salisbury Baronet Sir Thomas Middleton Sir Edward Broughton Knights William Wynn Robert Wynn Roger Holland John Lloyd Simon Theloall Gerard Eyton Thomas Trafford Edward Thelloall John Roden Richard Lloyd Esquires.
For the County of Flint
Unto Sir Thomas Hanmer Baronet Sir Roger Mostyn Knight [Sir (fn. 19) ] Thomas Brewerton Knight Sir Thomas Mostyn Knight Richard Grosvenor Thomas Ravenscrofte Humphrey Dymocke Robert Davies Thomas Mostyn John Mostyn and John Pilson Esquires John Salisbury John Eaton Robert Morgan William Mostyn Peter Griffith and Peter Evans Esquires.
For the County of Glamorgan
Unto Philip Lord Harbert of Cardiff Sir William Lewes Sir Thomas Lewes Knights Edward Stradling John Carne John Awbrey Nicholas Kemes Thomas Mathews Richard Basset William Harbert of Swansey Anthony Gwinn William Harbert of Cogan Edward Thomas Thomas Lewis Thomas Carne David Evans Marmaduke Mathewes Watkin Lougher Jenkin Morgan Walter Thomas Esquires and Richard Seyes Gentleman.
For the County of Merioneth
Unto Sir James Price Knight William Salisbury Edmond Merrick Hugh Nanny William Lewes Lewes Anwell William Wynn John Lloyd [Esquires (fn. 20) ] and John Morgan
For the County of Pembroke
Unto Sir Richard Phillips Baronet John Langhorne Thomas ap Rice Hugh Bowen Arthur Owen George Bowen David Parry Lewis Barlowe and Hugh Phillips Esquires.
And for the Towne of Pembroke.
Unto Phillip Thomas Esquire Maior
For the Towne and County of Haverford West
Unto William Williams Esquire Maior Sir John Stepney Baronet Maurice Cannon William Mayler John Davies Gentlemen Jenkyn Howell Roger Bevens Aldermen William Bowen Esquire
For the County of Mountgomery
Unto Arthur Price Francis Herbert Lloyd Perce John Price and Thomas Owens Esquires and unto Edward Wynn Charles Lloyd de Hem William Cuffyn Gentlemen Rowland Pugh Edward Corbet Esquires.
For the County of Radnor
Unto William Vaughan James Price Richard Johnes John Powell Rodericke Gwyn Morgan Vaughan Nicholas Meredith Hugh Lloyd Harbert Weston Esquires.
Commission to be delivered to Commissioners before Feb. 10th, 1640, and Ten Schedules, and also Schedules and Certificates of Popish Recusants, and to execute Commission and sever themselves.
Which Commissions for the payment of the said Subsidies shall be severally and respectively delivered to the said Commissioners or to one of them before the tenth day of February in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fourty And to every of the said Commissions ten Schedules containing in them the tenour of this Act shall be affiled. And for the Commissioners better discovery of Popish Recusants severall Schedules shall be delivered unto them with theire severall Commissions out of the Exchequer and Certificates from the Clerkes of the Assizes and of the Peace and other the like Officers and from the Ministers and Church Wardens of every Parish of the names of such Popish Recusants as are to bee charged by this Act. by the which Commission the Commissioners in every such Commission named according to this Act and as many of them as shall bee appointed by the said Commission shall have full Power and Authority to put the effect of the said Commission in execution and that by authority of this Act after such Commission to them delivered they may by theire assents and agreements sever themselves for the execution of theire Commission in Hundreds Lathes Wards Rapes Wapentakes Townes Parishes and other Places within the Limitts of the said Commission in such forme as to them shall seeme expedient to be ordered and betweene them to be communed and agreed according to the tenour and effect of the Commission to them therein directed.
V. Commissioners to execute Act according to the tenor thereof.
Persons who receive Precepts are to shew such Precepts to the other Inhabitants or Officers named therein. Penalty 40s.
And be it alsoe Enacted by authoritie of this present Parliament That the Commissioners and every of them which are named limited and appointed according to this Act to be Commissioners in every such Shire Ryding Lathe [Wapetake (fn. 21) ] Rape City Town Borough Isle and the said Houshold or any other place and none other shall truly effectually and diligently for theire parts execute the effect of this present Act according to the tenour thereof in every behalfe and no otherwise by any meanes without omission favour dread malice or any other thing to be attempted or done by them or any of them to the contrary thereof And the said Commissioners or as many of them as shall bee appointed by the said Commission and none other for the execution of the said Commission and Act shall for the taxation of the said two first Subsidies before the fifteenth day of February in the Yeere of our Lord God One thousand six hundred fourty And for the taxation of the said twoe other of the said four Subsidies before the twoe and twentieth day of Aprill next ensuing by vertue of the Commission delivered to them in form aforesaid direct theire severall or joynt precept or precepts unto eight seaven six five foure three or twoe (as for the number of the Inhabitants shall be requisite) of the most substantiall discreet and honest persons Inhabitants to bee named by the said Commissioners or by as many of them as shall be appointed by the said Commission of and in Hundreds Lathes Rapes Wapentakes Wards Parishes Townes and other places aswell within Liberties Franchises ancient demesne places exempted and Sanctuaries as without within the limits of the Shires Rydings Lathes Wapentakes Rapes Cities Townes Boroughs and Isle aforesaid and other Places within the limits of theire Commission and to the Constables Subconstables Bailiffes and other like Officers & Ministers of every of the said Hundreds Towns Rapes Wapentakes Wards Parishes and other places aforesaid as to the said Commissioners and every number of them or to three or two of them by theire discretion in division shall seeme expedient and as by the manner and use of those parts shall be requisite straightly by the said Precept charging and commanding the said Inhabitants Constables and other Officers aforesaid to whom such Precept shall be soe directed to appeare in theire proper persons before the said Commissioners or such number of them as they shall divide themselves according to the tenour of the said Commission at certain dayes and places by the said Commissioners or any such number of them as is aforesaid within Cities Boroughs or Towns Corporate or without in any other place as is aforesaid by theire discretion to be limited thereunto to do and accomplish all that to them on the part of the Kings Majestie shall be enjoyned touching this Act-Commanding further by the said Precept that he to whose hands such Precept shall come shall shew and deliver the same to the other Inhabitants or Officers named in the same Precept And that none of them faile to accomplish the same upon pain of forty shillings to be forfeited to the Kings Majestie.
VI. Persons named in Precepts to appear before the Commissioners.
Such Persons making, Default, or refusing to serve. Penalty 40s. Upon Appearance charged; to make Enquiry into the Substance of Persons to be charged; but such Enquiry not to be taken on Oath, and to certify before Commissioners. Penalty £5. Commissioners thereupon to read the Rates openly, and to declare how Certificates to be made, &c. Afterwards another Day appointed by Commissioners for such Persons to appear. Not appearing. Penalty 40s; Or refusing to make Certificate. Penalty 40s. Commissioners may examine Presenters of Certificate. Further Proceedings on Assessments by Precept to Constables, &c. to warn Persons named therein to appear. Oath not allowed on Enquiry into the Substance of Persons charged. Persons named in the said Precept called upon and not appearing. Penalty, Double Rate. On Enquiry into the Substance of Persons charged, Commissioners may increase Taxation. Spiritual Persons how rated for Temporal Possessions.
And it is further ordained by the authority of this present Parliament that at the said day and place prefixed and limited in the said precept every of the said Commissioners then being in the Shire and not having sufficient excuse for his absence at the day and place prefixed for that part whereunto he was limited shall appeare in his owne proper person and there the same Commissioners being present or as many of them as shall be appointed by the Kings Majesties Commission shall call or cause to be called before them the said Inhabitants and Officers to whom they have directed theire said Precepts and which had in Commandment there to appeare by vertue of the said Precept And if any person soe warned make default unlesse he then be letted by sicknes or lawfull excuse and that let be then witnessed by the Oathes of two credible persons [or (fn. 22) ] of any appearing refuse to serve in forme following then every such person soe making default or refusing to serve shall forfeite to the Kings Majestie Forty shillings and soe att every time appointed by the said Commissioners for the said severall taxations untill such time as the number of every such persons have appeared and certified in forme underwritten every of them soe making default or refusing to serve shall forfeit to the Kings Majestie fourty shillings and upon the same appearance had they shall be charged before the Commissioners by all convenient wayes & meanes other then by corporall oath to enquire of the value of the substance after the usuall manner of every person dwelling and abiding within the limits of the places that they shall be charged with and of other which shall have his or theire most resorte unto any of the said places and chargeable with any su[m]me of money by this Act of the said Subsidies and all other thinges requisite touching the said Act and according to the intent of the same and thereupon as neere as it may be or shall come to theire knowledge without respect of any former taxation heretofore had truly to present and certifie before the said Commissioners the names and surnames and the substance and values of every of them after the usuall manner as aforesaid aswell of Lands Tenements and other Hereditaments Possessions and Profits as of Goods Chattels Debts and other things chargeable by the same Act without any concealment love favour affection dread or malice upon paine of forfeiture of five Pounds at the most to be taxed extracted and levied in forme as hereafter in this present Act shall be limited or appointed And thereupon the said Commissioners shall openly there read or cause to be read unto them the said rates in this Act mentioned and openly declare the effect of theire charge unto them in what manner and forme they ought and should make theire Certificates according to the rates and sums thereof abovesaid and of all manner of persons aswell Aliens and Strangers denizens or not denizens inhabiting within this Realme as of such Popish Recusants and [other (fn. 23) ] persons as be borne under the Kings obeysance chargeable to this Act and of the Possessions Goods and Chattells of Fraternities Guilds Corporations Brotherhoods Mysteries Communalties and other as is abovesaid and of persons being in the parts beyond the Seas having Goods and Chattels Lands or Tenements within this Realme as is aforesaid and of all Goods being in the custody of any person or persons to the use of any other as is abovesaid by the which information and shewing the said persons may have such plaine knowledge of the true intent of this present Act and of the manner of theire Certificate that the same persons shall have no reasonable cause to excuse them by ignorance And after such charge and the Statute of the said Subsidies and the manner of the said Certificate to [be (fn. 22) ] made in writing conteyning the names & sirnames of every person and whether he be borne without the Kings Dominions or within and the value of every person in every degree aswell of the yearely value of Lands and Tenements and of such like Possessions and Profits as of the value of Goods and Chattells Debts and every thing to theire Certificate requisite and necessary to them declared the said Commissioners there being shall by theire discretions limit and appoint unto the said persons another day and place to appeare before the said Commissioners and chargeing the said persons that they shall in the meane time make diligent enquiry by all wayes and meanes of the premisses and then and there every of them upon pain of forfeiture of fourty shillings to the Kings Majesty to appeare att the said next prefixed day and place there to certifie unto the said Commissioners in writing according to theire said charge and according to the true intent of the said Grant of Subsidies and as to them in manner aforesaid hath beene declared and shewed by the Commissioners At which day and place soe to them prefixed if any of the said persons make default or appeare and refuse to make the said Certificate then every of them soe offending to forfeite to the Kings Majesty forty shillings (except there be a reasonable excuse of [this (fn. 22) ] default by reason of his sicknesse or otherwise by the oaths of two credible persons there witnessed) and of such as appeare ready to make Certificate as is aforesaid the said Commissioners there being shall take and receive the same Certificate and every parte thereof and the names values and substance of every person soe certified And if the said Commissioners see cause reasonable they shall examine the said presenters thereof and thereupon the said Commissioners att the said dayes and places by theire Agreement amongst themselves shall from time to time there openly prefix a day att a certain place or places within the limits of theire Commission by theire discretion for theire further proceeding to the said assessing of the same Subsidies. And thereupon att the said day of the said Certificate as is aforesaid taken the same Commissioners shall make theire Precept or Precepts to the Constables Subconstables Bailiffes or other Officers of such Hundreds Wapentakes Townes or other places aforesaid as the same Commissioners shall be of comprising and conteyning in the said Precepts the names and sirnames of all persons presented before them in the said Certificate of whom if the said Commissioners or as many of them as shall bee thereunto appointed by the Kings Commission shall then have vehement suspect to be of more greater value or substance in Lands Goods Chattels or sums of money owing unto them or other substance aforesaid then is upon such person or persons soe certified and specified as aforesaid the same Commissioners shall make theire Precept or Precepts directed to the Constables Bailiffes or other Officers commanding them to whom such Precepts shall be directed to warn such persons whose names shall be comprised in the said Precepts at theire Mansions or to theire persons that the same persons named in such Precepts and every of them shall personally appeare before the said Commissioners att the said new prefixed day and place there to be examined by all wayes and meanes (other then by corporall oath) by the said Commissioners of theire Substance and value in manner as aforesaid and of all and every sums of money owing to them and other whatsoever matter concerning the premisses or any of them according to this Act. At which day and place soe prefixed the said Commissioners then and there being or as many of them as shall be thereunto appointed by the Kings Commission shall cause to be called the said persons whose names shall be comprised in the said Precept as is aforesaid for theire examination. And if any of those persons which shall bee warned as aforesaid to bee examined which at any time after the warning and before the day prefixed shall be within such place as he may have knowledge of his said appearance to be made shall make default and appeare not unlesse a reasonable cause or excuse by the Oathes of two credible witnesses before the said Commissioners be truly alleadged for his discharge that then every of them soe making default to be taxed and charged with and att the double sum of the rate that he should or ought to have beene set att for and after the value aforesaid of his Lands or substance upon him certified if he had appeared by the discretion of the Commissioners there being which Commissioners shall travell with every of the other persons soe then and there appearing whose names shall be expressed in the said precept or precepts and in whom any vehement suspition was or shall bee had in forme aforesaid by all wayes and meanes they can (other then by corporall oath) for there better knowledge of theire value as aforesaid either in Hereditaments or Possessions or else in Goods or debts and thereupon shall have power and authority by vertue of this Act according to theire discretions to inlarge and increase the taxation of such persons as they shall soe finde by due examination to be of greater value or substance in lands or goods then they were presented at. And that every Spirituall Person at every of the said taxations of the said Subsidies shall be rated and set according to the rate abovesaid of and for every pound that the same Spirituall Person or any other to his use hath by descent bargain or purchase in Feesimple or Feetail terme of Life terme of Yeares by execution wardshipp or copy of Court Roll in any Mannors Lands Tenements Rents Services Offices Fees Corrodies Annuities and Hereditaments after the true just and yearely value thereof and according as other the Kings Majesties Subjects born within this Realme be charged in form above remembred soe the same extend not to the yearely value of twenty shillings or above.
VII. Assessors misbehaving.
Commissioners may set a Fine upon them not exceeding £10, and certify the same. Persons aggrieved by Assessment may complain to Commissioners. Proceedings thereon; Commissioners may abate or increase Assessment. False Oath of Value of Lands, &c. Penalty.
And it is further enacted That if the said Taxers or Assessors shall not duely behave themselves in the Inquiry Taxation Assessement or Certificate but shall affectionately corruptly or partially demeane themselves in that behalfe in such wise that the Commissioners shall by theire considerations deem them offenders worthy of punishment for not doing theire duties therein that then four or more of the Commissioners in that County for the said Subsidies shall have power and authority by theire discretions either to charge the said Assessors upon theire corporall oaths for the better Service aforesaid in that behalfe or els by theire discretion to tax and set upon the said Assessors for theire misdemeanours in that behalfe such a Fine or Pain as they shall thinke good soe that it exceed not the Sum of ten Pounds and the same Fine or Pain at theire discretions to certifie to the persons nominated as aforesaid every which fine soe taxed and set by foure of the said Commissioners or more and being certified with the Schedule and Books of that limit shall be levied and answered in like manner and forme to all intents & purposes as any other sums that shall bee taxed and become due by vertue of this Statute and Act of Subsidie and not in any otherwise or manner. And if any person certified or rated by vertue of this Act whether he be a Commissioner or other to any manner of value doth find himselfe greived with the same presentment sessing or rating and thereupon complain to the Commissioners before whom he shall be called sessed or taxed or before twoe of them before the same taxation be certified in the Court of Exchequer that then the said Commissioners or twoe of them shall by all wayes and meanes examine particularly and distinctly the person soe complaining upon his oath and other his neighbours by theire discretions of every his Lands and Tenements above specified and of every his Goods Chattels and Debts above mentioned and after due examination and perfect knowledge thereof had and perceived by the said Commissioners or twoe of them which shall have power by authority aforesaid the said Commissioners or any twoe of them to whom any such complaint shall be made by theire discretions upon the oath of the said person soe complaining may abate defaulk increase or inlarge the said Assessements according as it shall appeare unto them just upon the same examination and the same sum soe abated defaulked increased or inlarged shall be by them certified in forme as is hereafter specified and if it be proved by witnesses or by the parties owne confession or other lawfull wayes or meanes within a yeare after any such Oath made that the same person soe rated and sworn was of any better or greater value in Lands Goods or other things above specified at the time of his said Oath then the same person soe sworne did declare upon his said Oath that then every such person soe offending shall lose and forfeit to the Kings Majestie soe much lawfull money of England as he the same person soe sworn was sett at or taxed to pay.
VIII. Commissioners to be rated at such Place where they shall be Commissioners;
other Persons where they have resided for the most Part of the Year preceding. Absentees assessed where last abiding. Remedy for Commissioners and other Persons taxed in any Place other than where they were Commissioners, or where resiant for most Part of the preceding Year. Fee for Allowance. Double Charges not allowed.
And alsoe it is enacted by the same authority that every person to be rated and taxed as is aforesaid shall be rated and sett and the Sum on him set to be levied att such place where he and his family were resident for the most part of the yeare next before the presentment and taxation made and noe where els And that noe Commissioner for his Subsidie shall be taxed or rated for his Goods or Lands but in the shire or other place where he shall be Commissioner And that if any person chargeable by this Act at the time of the said Assessings happen to be out of this Realme and out of Wales or far from the place where he shall be knowne then he to be sett where he was last abiding in this Realm or in Wales and after the substance value and other Profits of every person to be knowne by examination certificate or other manner of way as is aforesaid and that every person taxed in any County or Place other then where he or his family were resiant for the most part of the yeere then next before or in any County or Place other then where he is a Commissioner for the Subsidie If he be a Commissioner upon Certificate made to the said Court of Exchequer under the hands and seales of two Commissioners for the same Subsidie in the same County or place where such person and his family where resiant for the most part of the yeere then next before or where he is a Commissioner for the taxation and payment of the same Subsidie testifying his most resiance having a family or being a Co[m]missioner shall be a sufficient discharge for the taxation of that person in any other places and of and for all other sums of money upon such persons soe set and taxed save onely the taxations made in that county or place from which such Certificate shall be made as is aforesaid and for the sum of money upon such person there assessed or taxed and that such Certificate without any plea or other circumstance shall be a sufficient Warrant aswell to the Barons and Auditors of that said Court of Exchequer as to all and every other Officers to whom the allowance thereof shall appertain paying for such discharge and allowance onely six pence and noe more. Provided alwaies that every such person that shall be rated or taxed according to the true meaning of this Act for paying of and to the said Subsidies for and after the yeerely value of his Lands Tenements or other reall Possessions or Profits at any of the said Taxations shall not after be set and rated for his Goods and Chattels or other moveable substance at the same taxation and that he that shall be set charged or taxed for the same Subsidy for his Goods Chattels and other moveables at any of the said taxations according to the true meaning of this Act shall not after be taxed charged or chargeable for his Lands or other Reall Possessions or Profits aforesaid nor that any person by any taxation be doubly charged for the said Subsidies nor set or rated at severall places by reason of this Act any thing contained in this present Act to the contrary notwithstanding.
IX. Proviso for Persons having Two Mansions, or being Household Servants or Waiting Servants to the King or others.
Persons unduly escaping Taxation; on Proof thereof before Commissioners or Barons of the Exchequer; Taxed at Treble Value.
And be it ordained and enacted by the authority of this [present (fn. 24) ] Parliament that noe person having two Mansions or two places to resort unto or calling himselfe Household Servant or waiting Servant to the Kings Majestie or other Lord or Lady Master or Mistres be excused upon his saying from the taxes of the said Subsidies in neither of the places where he may be set or taxed unlesse he bring a Certificate in writing from the Commissioners where he is so set or taxed in deed at one place And if any person that ought to be set and taxed to these present Subsidies by reason of his removing or resorting to two places or by reason of his saying that he was else where taxed or by reason of any priviledge of his dwelling or abiding in any place not being foreprised in this Act or otherwise by his covin or craft or by any words or sayings or otherwise or if any that is a Commissioner or Assessor of others happen to escape from the said taxations for the payment of the said Subsidies or either of them and be not set and taxed according to the true intent of this Act and that proved by presentment examination information or otherwise before the said Commissioners or twoe of them or before the Barons of the Kings Majesties Exchequer or two Justices of Peace of that County where such person dwelleth then every such person that by such meanes or otherwaies willingly by covin or without just cause shall happen to escape from the said taxations or payments aforesaid or any of them and shall not be rated taxed and set shall be charged upon the knowledge and proofe thereof with and att the treple value of soe much as he should might or ought to have beene set or taxed at by vertue of this Act and the same treple value to be leavyed gathered and paid of his Goods and Chattels Lands and Tenements towards the said Subsidies.
X. The Power of Commissioners to tax other Commissioners, and also Assessors.
Barons, and Persons of higher Estate, taxed by the Lord Privy Seal and others. Rate estreated and certified.
And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the said Commissioners in every Commission which shall be or inhabite in any County or Place within the limits of theire Commission or the more parte of them shall have full power and authoritie by this Act to set tax and sesse every other Commissioner joyned with them in every such Commission. And the said Commissioners within theire division shall alsoe assesse every Assessor within theire division for his or theire Goods Lands and other the Premisses as aforesaid by which said Commission the Co[m]mission[er]s to whom it shall appertain shall indifferently set tax and sesse themselves and the said Assessors and that aswell the su[m]ms upon every of the said Commissioners and Assessors soe assessed rated and taxed as the Sums made and presented by the Presentors as abovesaid shall be written certified set and estreated and the Estreats thereof to be made with other the Inhabitants of that part and within the limits of the same Commission and division soe to be gathered and leavied in like manner as it ought and should have been if the said Commissioners had not been in the said Commission And that all persons of the Estate of a Baron or Baronesse and every Estate above shall be charged with theire Freehold and value as is aforesaid [by Henry Earle of Manchester Lord Privie Seale Thomas Earle of Arundell and Surrey Earle Marshall of England Phillip Earle of Pembroke and Mountgomery Lord Chamberlain of His Majesties Household Henry Earle of Bathe Thomas Earle of Southampton Robert Earle of Essex Edward Earle of Dorset William Earle of Salisbury Robert Earle of Warwick John Earle of Bristoll Oliver Earle of Bullingbrooke Thomas Earle of Berks Henry Earle of Dover William Lord Viscount Say & Seale Mountague Lord Willoughby de Er Ferdinando Lord Hastings Phillip Lord Wharton Edward Lord Mountague Charles Lord Howard de Char William Lord Grey de Warke John Lord Roberts John Lord Paulet George Lord Goring and Thomas Lord Savill or any eleven of them or more (fn. 25) ] for the severall Payments of the said Subsidies after the form of the said Grant according to the taxation aforesaid and the Su[m]ms of and upon them to be taxed and set with the names of the Collectors [which Collectors shall bee appointed by the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seale for the time being (fn. 25) ] for gathering and paying of the same to be estreated delivered and certified at the dayes and places above specified [by the said Henry Earle of Manchester Lord Privy Seale Thomas Earle of Arundell & Surrey Earle Marshall of England Phillip Earle of Pembrooke and Mountgomery Lord Chamberlain of His Majesties Household Henry Earle of Bathe Thomas Earle of Southampton Robert Earle of Warwick John Earle of Bristoll Oliver Earle of Bullingbrook Thomas Earle of Berks Henry Earle of Dover William Lord Viscount Say and Seale Mountague Lord Willoughby de Er Fardinando Lord Hastings Phillip Lord Wharton Edward Lord Mountague Charles Lord Howard de Char William Lord Grey de Warke John Lord Roberts John Lord Paulet George Lord Goring & Thomas Lord Savill or any eleven of them or more. (fn. 25) ]
XI. Rates estreated under the Seals and Sign Manual of the Commissioners; and Estreats delivered to sufficient Inhabitants, &c. of Hundreds, &c.
By authority of Estreat. Officers, &c. to levy Rate. Distress. If Rate not paid in Eight Days, then Distress appraised and sold. Officers, &c. to answer for the Portion limited to them only, and to pay same to High Collectors.
And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that after the taxes and assesses of the said Summes upon and by the said assessing and certificate as is aforesaid made the said Commissioners or as many of them as shall be thereunto appointed and have authority by the Kings Majesties Commission shall withall speed and without delay by theire writing estreat the said taxes thereof under the seales and signes manuall of the said Commissioners or as many of them as shall be appointed att the least and the same shall deliver unto sufficient and substantiall Inhabitants Constables Subconstables Bayliffes and other Officers jointly of Hundreds Townes Parishes and other Places aforesaid within theire limits and to other sufficient persons Inhabitants of the same onely by the discretion of the said Commissioners with the assent of the high Collectors and as the place and parties shall require as well the particular names and sirnames as the remembrance of all Sums of Money taxed and set of and upon every person as well man as woman chargeable by this Act householders and all other Inhabitants and dwellers within the said Parishes Townes and Places contributary to this Act of Subsidies by authority of which writing and estreat soe delivered the said Officers and other persons soe named and deputed severally shall have full power and authority by vertue of this Act immediately after the delivery of the said writing or estreat to demand levie and gather of every person therein specified the Summe and Summes ( (fn. 26) ) the same writing or estreat comprised and for non payment thereof to distreyne the same person or persons soe being behinde by theire Goods and Chattels and the distresse soe taken to keepe by the space of eight dayes att the Costs and Charges of the owner thereof and if the said owner doe not pay such summe of money as shall be taxed upon him or her by authority of this Act within the same eight dayes then the same distresse to be appraised by foure three or two of the Inhabitants where such distresse is taken and alsoe then to bee sold by the Constable or other Collector for the payment of the said money and the overplus coming by the Sale (if any be) over and besides the charge of keeping the said distresse to be immediately restored to the owner thereof which said Officers and other persons soe deputed to aske take gather and levie the said Summes shall answeare and be charged for the Portion onely to them assigned and limited to be gathered levied and comprised in the said writing or estreat soe [to (fn. 27) ] them as aforesaid delivered to the persons and uses in this Act expressed and the said Summe in that writing or estreat to be comprised to pay unto the high Collector or Collectors of that place in manner and forme underwritten thereunto to be named & deputed.
XII. Commissioners may appoint Collectors.
Qualification. Commissioners to deliver Estreats under their Seals and Sign Manual to Collectors. Collector to answer Sum comprized in Estreat.
And further be it enacted by the said authority ( (fn. 28) ) that such of the said Commissioners or the more part of them as shall take upon them the execution and businesse of the said Commission shall for the payment of the said Subsidies name such sufficient and able persons which then shall have and possesse Lands or other Hereditaments in theire owne right of the cleere yearely value of fourty pounds or goods to the value of foure hundred pounds at the least as hee shall be taxed in the Subsidy booke (if any such be in the said limits) and for want of such soe assessed then those to be appointed Collectors that then shall be sufficient and rated and taxed in the Subsidy bookes in lands and goods neerest to the values aforesaid as by theire discretions shall be thought good in Shires Ridings Lathes Wapentakes Rapes Cities Townes Corporate and other whatsoever places as well within places priviledged as without not being foreprised in this Act to be high Collectors and to have the Collection and receipt of the said Su[m]ms set and leviable within the Precincts limits and bounds where they shall be soe limited and appointed to be high Collectors and to every of the said Collectors soe severally named the said Commissioners or twoe of them att the least with all speed and without delay after the said Subsidies be set by all the limits of the same theire Commission or in such limits as the high Collectors shall be soe severally assigned shall under theire seales and signes manuall deliver one Estreat indented in Parchment comprising in it the names of all such persons as were assigned to levy the said particular Su[m]ms of every Hundred [and (fn. 29) ] Wapentake Towne or other Place aforesaid with the names and Sirnames of the persons soe chargeable according to the Estreat soe hereof first made and delivered as is aforesaid and the Collectors to be assigned shall be charged to answeare the whole Su[m]me comprised in the said Estreat limited to his Collection as is aforesaid.
XIII. Commissioners to take Recognizances of Collectors.
Condition of Recognizance for first Two Subsidies; for Third and Fourth Subsidies. Commissioners to certify Recognizances into the Exchequer. Penalty, £ 10. Collectors not making Recognizance, Penalty £ 20. Exchequer to cancel Recognizances on Payment of Collection into Exchequer without Fee. Collectors may appoint Days and Places for Payment of Collection. Assessor, &c. not paying Collection to High Collector, abating the Allowance of 1d. in the Pound. Distress. Proceedings thereon. Persons living in Cities, &c. not to be appointed Collectors or Assessors out of them.
Provided alwaies and be it enacted by the authority aforesaid that the said Commissioners having authority by this Act to nominate the high Collectors of the said Subsidies shall immediately upon that nomination and election take by authority of this present Parliament sufficient Recognizances or Obligations without any Fee or Reward to be paid therefore of every person soe by them to be named to be high Collectors to be bound to the Kings Majestie in the double sum of the sum of his Collection and to be endorsed and made upon such condition that is to say for the due [Collections (fn. 30) ] and payment of the said twoe first Subsidies that if the said Collector his heires or executors doe truly content and pay to the persons aforesaid at the place aforesaid at or before the tenth day of February now next comeing soe much of the said su[m]me of money allotted and appointed to his Collection that he shall collect and gather and content and pay the residue of his Collection and Charge within one moneth next after such time as he hath collected and gathered the same residue that then the said recognizance or obligation to be void And for the collection of the said two other of the said foure Subsidies upon condition that if the said Collector his heires or executors doe truly content and pay to the persons aforesaid at the place aforesaid at or before the tenth day of May next ensuing soe much of the said su[m]me of money allotted and appointed to his Collection as he shall collect and gather and content and pay the residue of his collection and charge within one moneth next after such time as hee hath collected and gathered the same residue that then the said Recognizance or Obligation to be void or else to stand in full strength and vertue which said severall and respective Recognizance or Obligation soe taken the said Commissioners shall severally certifie and deliver into His Majesties Court of Exchequer with the severall Certificates of the said taxations and rates of the payment of the said Subsidies at and by the times to them prescribed and appointed by this Act for the certificate of the said taxations of the said Subsidies upon paine of forfeiture of ten pounds to the Kings Majestie for every Recognizance or Obligation not soe certified And that every such Collector soe named and chosen upon request to him made shall acknowledge and make the said Recognizance or Obligation upon pain of forfeiture of twentie pounds to the Kings Majestie for [the (fn. 31) ] refusall thereof And that the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer for the time being upon payment of the said severall collections of the subsidies at the dayes and times herein limited for the payment thereof shall cancell and deliver the Recognizances or Obligations for the payment thereof to the Collector or Collectors without any other Warrant and without any fee or reward to bee paid for the same to any person And every Collector soe deputed having the said Estreat in parchment as is aforesaid shall have authority by this Act to appoint dayes and places within the circuit of his Collection for the payment of the said Subsidies to him to be made and thereof to give warning by Proclamation or otherwise to all the Constables or other persons or inhabitants having the charge of the particular Collection [with (fn. 32) ] the Hundreds Parishes Townes or other places by him or them limited to make payment of the said particular collection of every sum as to them shall appertein and if at the same day and place so limited and p[re]fixed by the said high Collector the said Constable Officers or other persons or inhabitants as is aforesaid for the said particular Collection assigned and appointed within such Hundred City Towne or other Place doe not pay unto the said high Collector the Sum within theire severall Hundreds Townes Parishes and other Places due and comprised in the said Estreat thereof to them delivered by the said Commissioners or some of them as is aforesaid or so much thereof as they have by any meanes received (one penny for every pound for the said particular collection as is aforesaid alwaies thereof to be allowed excepted and abated) that then it shall be lawfull to the said high Collectors and every of them and to theire Assignes to distrain every of the said Constables Officers and other Inhabitants for theire said severall and particular collection of the said Sums comprised in the said Estreat and writing thereof to them and every of them as is before expressed delivered or for soe much of the same su[m]m as soe then shall happen to be gathered and leavied and behinde and unpaid by the Goods and Chattels of every of them soe being behinde and the distresse soe taken to be kept and appraised and sold as is aforesaid and thereof to take and leavy the sums soe then being behinde and unpaid and the overplus coming of the Sale of the said distresse (if any bee) to be restored and delivered unto the owner in form above remembred. Provided alwaies that noe person inhabiting in any City Borough or Towne Corporate shall be compelled to be any Assessor or Collector of or for any part of the said Subsidies in any place or places out of the said City Borough or Towne Corporate where he dwelleth.
XVII. Assessors, Attornies, Factors, &c. after being charged with Receipt of Assessment, dying or removing or concealing their Goods, &c. or when Monies comprized in Estreat cannot be levied by Distress, or where Distress cannot be sold;
Process out of the Exchequer, and the Commissioners may direct Precepts to Officer to levy such Money; Commissioners to direct Precepts to Officers, who by virtue thereof may distrain. Distress appraised and sold. If Distress taking out of Limit assigned, Allowance. Persons charged discharged by Distress. Persons distrained having no Lands, &c. Proceedings. Imprisonment until Sums due, and also Fee for Arrest paid. Officer not executing Process. Penalty 20s. Gaoler suffering Escape. Penalty 40s. and Double Value of Rate and Fees. Like Process for Subsidies due by any Persons charged for another unpaid. Certificate of Default, Imprisonment, &c. by Commissioners. Collectors, &c. disobeying Commissioners; or Persons suspected not to be indifferently taxed refusing to be examined, or resisting Distress, &c. Penalty 40s. or under, at Discretion of Commissioners. Commissioners may punish by Imprisonment.
And it is alsoe by the said authority enacted that if any Inhabitants or Officers or whatsoever other person or persons charged to and for the Collection and receipt of any part or portion of the said Subsidies by any manner of meanes according to this Act or any person or persons for themselves or as keeper guardian deputy factor or atturney of or for any other person or persons for any Goods or Chattels of the owner thereof at the time of the said assessing to be paid being out of this Realm or in any other parts not knowne or of or for the Goods and Chattels of any other person or persons of any Corporation Fraternity Mystery or other whatsoever Comunalty being Corporate or not Corporate and all persons having in theire rule governance and custody any Goods or Chattels at the time of the said assessing to be made or which for any cause for or by collection or for himselfe or for any other or by reason hee hath any rule governance or custody of any goods or chattels of any other person or persons Corporation Co[m]munalty Fraternity Guild or Mystery or any such other like or as factor deputy or atturney of or for any person shall be taxed valued rated and set to any sum or sums by reason of this Act and after the taxation and assessing upon any such person or persons as shall be charged with the receipt of the same happen to die or depart from the place where he was soe taxed and set or his goods or chattels to be soe eloyned or in such privy or covert manner kept as the same person or persons charged with the same by estreats or other writings from the said Commissioners or as many of them as shall be thereunto appointed by the said Commission as is aforesaid can ne may leavy the same sum and sums comprised within the same Estreats by distresse within the limits of theire Collection as is aforesaid or cannot sell such distresse or distresses as be taken for any of the said payments before the time limited to the high Collector for his payment to be made as aforesaid then upon relation thereof with due examination by the oath or examination of such person or persons as shall be charged with and for the receipt and collection of the same before the said Commissioners or as many of them as by the [same (fn. 33) ] Commission shall be thereunto appointed where such person or persons or other as is aforesaid theire Goods and Chattels were set and taxed and upon plain Certificate thereof made by the same Commissioners as well of the dwelling place names and sums of the said persons of whom the said Sums cannot be leavied and had as is aforesaid then as well the Constable and other Inhabitants appointed for the same particular Collection against the high Collector as the high Collector upon his account and oath in the said Exchequer to be discharged thereof and Processe to bee made in the Kings Majesties name out of the same Exchequer by the discretion of the Barons of the same Exchequer against such person his heires or executors soe being behinde with his payment And over that the same Commissioners to whom any such declaration of the p[re]misses shall be made in forme aforesaid from time to time shall have full power and authority to direct theire precept or precepts to the said person or persons charged with any sum of for and upon any such person and persons or other as is aforesaid or to any Sheriffe Steward Bailiffe or other whatsoever Officer Minister person or persons of such place or places where any such person or persons soe owing any such sum or sums shall have Lands or Tenements and other Hereditaments or reall Possessions Goods and Chattells whereby any such person or persons so indebted his heires executors or assignes or other having the custody governance or disposition of any goods or chattells Lands Tenements or other hereditaments which ought or may by this Act be lawfully distreined or taken for the same hath and shall have Goods Chattels Lands Tenements or other possessions whereof such Sum and Sums which by any such person or persons may or ought to be leavied be it within the limits of such Commission where such person or persons was or were taxed or without in any place within this realme of England Wales or other the Kings Majesties Dominions Marches or Territories by which Precept as well such person or persons shall be charged to leavy such money as the Officer of the place or places where such distresse may be taken shall have full power and authority to distreyn every such person indebted charged or chargeable by this Act or his Executors or Administrators of his goods and chattels his guardians factors deputies lessees farmours and assignes and all other persons by whose hands or out of whose lands any such person should have Fee Rent Annuity or other profit or which at the time of the said assessing shall have goods or Chattels or any other thing moveable of any such person or persons being indebted or owing such summe and the distresses soe taken cause to be kept appraised and sold in like manner and forme as is aforesaid for the distresse to be taken upon such persons to be taxed to the said Subsidies and being sufficient to distrein within the limits of the Collectors Inhabitants or other Officers charged with or for the said Sums soe upon them to be taxed and if any such distresse for non payment happen to be taken out of the limit of the said persons charged and assigned to leavy the said persons soe charged for the levying of any such sums by distresse shall perceive and take of the same distresse for the labour of every person goeing for the execution thereof for every mile that every person soe laboureth for the same two pence and every farmour guardian tenant factour or other whatsoever person being distreined or other person charged for payment of any such sum or sums or any other summe by reason of this Act shall be of such sum or sums of him or them soe levied and taken discharged and acquitted at his next day of payment for the same or at the delivery of such goods and chattels as he that is so distreyned had in his custody or governance against him or them that shall bee soe taxed and set (any Grant or writing obligatory or other whatsoever matter to the contrary made heretofore notwithstanding) And if any such person that should [be soe (fn. 34) ] distreined have no Lands or Tenements sufficient whereby he and his Tenants and Farmours may be distreined or have aliened eloyned or had his Goods and Chattels whereby he should or might be distreyned in such manner that such goods or chattels should not be knowne or found soe that the sum of or by him to be paid in the said forme shall not ne can ( (fn. 35) ) be conveniently levied then upon relation thereof to the Commissioners or to as many of them as by the said Commission shall be thereunto appointed where such person or persons was taxed and set by the oathes of him or them that shall be charged with the levying and payment of that summe or summes the same Commissioners shall make a precept in such manner as is aforesaid for to attach take and arrest the body of such person or persons that ought to pay the said sums and by this Act shall be charged with and for the said Sum and Sums and them soe taken safely to keepe in prison within the shire or other place where any such person or persons shall be taken and attached there to remaine without baile or mainprise untill he have paid the ( (fn. 36) ) Sum or Sums that such person for himselfe or for any other by this Act shall be chargeable or ought to be charged withall and alsoe for the Fees of every such Arrest to him or them that shall execute such Precept twentie pence and that every Officer unto whom such Precept shall be directed do his true diligence and execute the same upon every person soe being indebted upon pain to forfeit to the Kings Majestie for every default in that behalfe twenty shillings And that no keeper of any Gaole from his Gaole suffer any person to goe att large by letting to baile or otherwise to depart out of his prison before he hath paid the said debt and the said twenty pence for his arrest upon pain to forfeit to the Kings Majestie fourtie shillings and the said Gaoler to pay to the Kings Majestie the double value aswell of the rate which the said person soe imprisoned was taxed at as of the said twentie pence for the Fees and like Processe and remedy in like manner forme shall be granted by the said Commissioners or as many of them as by the said Commission shall be thereunto appointed at like information of every person or persons being charged with any sum of money for any other person or persons by reason of the said Subsidies and not thereof paid but wilfully withdrawne nor the same levyable within the limits where such persons were thereunto taxed and if the Sum or Sums being behinde unpaid by any person or persons as is aforesaid be leavyed & gathered by force of the said Processe to be made by the said Commissioners or if in default or for lack of payment thereof the person or persons soe owing the said Sum and Sums of money by processe of the same Commissioners to be made as is aforesaid be committed to prison in forme abovesaid that then the said [Commissioner (fn. 33) ] which shall award such Processe shall make certificate of that shall be done in the p[re]misses after such sum or sums of money soe being behinde shall be leavyed and gathered of such person or persons for non payment of the same comitted to prison And if it happen any of the said Collectors to be assigned or any Maiors Sheriffes Stewards Constables Headboroughs Bursholders Bailiffes or any other Officer or Minister or other whatsoever person or persons to disobey the said Commissioners or any of them in the reasonable request to them made by the said Commissioners for the execution of the said Commission or if any of the Officers or other persons doe refuse that to them shall appertain and belong to doe by reason of any Precept to him or them to be directed or any reasonable commandement instance or request touching the p[re]misses or other default in any appearance or collection to make or if any person [be (fn. 34) ] suspected not to bee indifferently taxed as is aforesaid do refuse to be examined according to the tenour of this Act before the said Commissioners or as many of them as shall be thereunto assigned as is aforesaid or will not appeare before the same Commissioners upon warning to him made or else make resistance or rescues upon any distresse upon him to be taken for any parcell of the said Subsidies or commit any misdemeanour in any manner or wise contrary to this Act or commit any wilfull omission or other whatsoever wilfull doeing or misdoing contrary to the tenour of this Act or grant the same Commissioners and every number of them above remembred or two of them at the least upon certaine knowledge of any such misdemeanour had by information or examination shall and may set upon every such offendour for every such offence in the name of a fine by the same offendour to be forfeited forty Shillings or under by discretion of the same Commissioners And further the said Commissioners and every number of them or twoe of them att the least shall have authority by this present Act to punish every such offendor by imprisonment there to remaine and to be delivered by theire [discretions (fn. 35) ] as shall seeme to them convenient the said fines if any such be to be certified by the said Commissioners that soe assessed the same into the Kings Majesties Exchequer to be levyed and payed by the Collectors of that part for the said Subsidies returned into the said Exchequer to be therewith charged with the payment of the same Subsidies in such manner as if the said fines had beene set and taxed upon the said Offendors for the said Subsidies.
XVII. Allowance to High Collectors and their Accountants.
Allowance to be paid by Collectors to Commissioners for their Expences and the Labour of their Clerks. Remedy for the same for Commissioners against Collectors. Commissioners, &c. not to be named Collectors, nor compellable to make Presentment other than to Exchequer. Head Collectors discharged of Fees, &c. Taking Fees of Accountants Penalty. Imprisonment. Commissioners at Meetings to shew Certificates and Presentments to the other Commissioners. Indenture of Collectors Names, and of Sums written to Collectors, Fines, &c. to be certified by Commissioners into the Exchequer; Collectors answerable for their own Collection only. Commissioners, if they cannot agree, may make several Indentures of their several Limits, &c. Collectors not chargeable for other Collectors. Commissioners or Collectors or Persons taxed, dying before discharged, Heirs and Executors chargeable as such Persons would have been if alive. Commissioners not thinking fit to join in one Certificate, Proceedings. Commissioners making Default of Certificate, Process out of Exchequer against them.
And be it alsoe enacted by the said Authority of this present Parliament that every of the said high Collectors which shall accompt for any part of the said Subsidies upon theire severall Accompts to be yeilded shall be allowed upon payment of the money chargeable upon his collection for every pound limited to his Collection whereof any such Collector shall be charged and yeeld accompt three pence as parcell of theire charge (that is to say) of every pound thereof for such persons as then have had the particular collection of the Towns and other places (as is aforesaid) specified in his collection one penny and one other peny of every pound thereof (every of the said cheife Collectors or theire accomptants to retain to theire owne use for theire labour and charge in and about the premisses and one peny of every pound residue to be delivered allowed and payed by the said Collector soe being thereof allowed to such of the Commissioners as shall take upon them the busines and labour for and about the p[re]misses) that is to say every Collector to pay that Commissioner or Commissioners which had the ordering of the writing of and for the said Subsidies where the said Collector or Collectors had theire Collection for the expences for the said Commissioners soe taking upon them the said busines and labour of theire Clerks writing the said Precepts and Extracts of the said Collections the said last peny of every pound to be devided amongst the said Commissioners having regard to theire labour and busines taken by them and theire said Clerks in and about the p[re]misses For which part soe to the said Commissioners appertaining the said Commissioners six five foure three or two or as many of them as shall be thereunto appointed by the Kings Majesties Commission and every of them jointly and severally for his and theire said part may have his remedy against the Collector or Collectors which thereof been or might have beene allowed by Action of debt in which the defendant shall not wage his law neither protection neither Injunction or Essoine shall be allowed And that no person now being a member of this present Parliament nor any Commissioner shall be named or assigned to be any Collector or Subcollector or Presentor of the said Subsidies or any part thereof nor any Commissioner shall be compelled to make any Presentment or Certificate other then into the Kings Majesties said Exchequer of for or concerning the said Subsidies or any part or parcell thereof and likewise that noe other person that shall be named and assigned to be Commissioners in any place to and for the execution of this Act of Subsidies be or shall be assigned or named head collector of any [of (fn. 37) ] the said Subsidies neither of any part thereof and that every such person and persons which shall be nominated and appointed as is aforesaid to be head Collectors of and for the payment of the said Subsidies or of any part thereof be and shall be acquitted and discharged of all manner of Fees and rewards and of every other charge in the Kings Majesties Exchequer or else where of them or any of them by reason of that collection payment or accompt or any thing concerning the same to be asked and that if any person receive or take any Fees Rewards or Pleasures of any such Accomptants or use any unnecessary delay in theire account that then he shall forfeit to the Kings Majestie for every peny or value of every peny soe taken five Shillings and five pounds to the party greived for every such delay and suffer imprisonment at the Kings Majesties pleasure And after every taxing and assessing of the said Subsidies (as is aforesaid) had or made and the said Extracts thereof in Parchment unto the Collector in manner and forme before rehearsed delivered the said Commissioners which shall take upon them the execution of this Act within the limits of theire said Commission by theire Agreements shall have meetings together at which meeting every of the said Commissioners which then shall have taken upon them the execution of any part of the said Commission shall by himselfe or his sufficient Deputy truly certifie and bring forth unto the said Commissioners named in the said Commission the Certificate and Presentment made before him and such other Commissioners as were limited with him in one limit (soe as the same Certificate may be accompted and cast with the other Certificates of the other limits within the same Commission) and then the said Commissioners and every number of them unto twoe at the least as is aforesaid if any be in life or theire Executors or Administrators of theire goods if they then be dead shall joyntly and severally as they were divided within theire limits under theire seales by theire discretions make one or severall writings indented containing in it aswell the names of the said Collectors by the Commissioners for such Collections and Accompts in the Exchequer and payments and assigned as the grosse and severall sums written unto every such Collectors to receive the said Subsidies and alsoe all Fines Amerciaments and other Forfeitures if any such be by reason of this Act happen to be within the limit and precinct of theire Commission to be certified into the Kings Majesties said Exchequer by the said Commissioners in which writing or writings indented so to be certified shall be plainly declared & expressed the whole and entire Sum and Sums of the said Subsidies severally limited to the Collection of the said Collectors severally deputed and assigned to the said Sums soe as none of the said Collectors so certified in the said Exchequer shall be compelled there to accompt or be charged but onely to and for the Sums limited to his Collection and not to or for any Sum limited to the collection of his Fellowes but every of them shall be severally charged for theire part limited to theire Collection And if the said Commissioners joyned in one Commission amongst themselves in that matter cannot agree or if any of them be not ready or refuse to make certificate with the other of the same Commissioners that then the said Commissioners may make severall Indentures in form aforesaid of theire severall limits or separations of Collectors within the limits of theire Commission upon and in the Hundreds Wards Wapentakes Lathes Rapes or such other like divisions within the said severall limits of theire Commission as the places there shall require to be severed and devided and as [to (fn. 38) ] the same Commissioners shall seeme good to make divisions or other limits or collections for the severall Charges of the same Collectors soe that alway one Collector shall be charged and [accompted (fn. 39) ] for his part to him to be limited onely by himselfe and not for any Sum limited to the part of any of his Fellowes and the Charges of every of the Collectors to be set and certified severally upon them and every such Collector upon his Accompt and payment of the Sum of Money limited within his Collection to be severally by himselfe acquitted and discharged in the said Exchequer without paying any manner of Fees or Rewards to any person or persons for the same upon pain and penalty last abovesaid and not to be charged for any portion of any other Collector. And if any Commissioner after he hath taken Certificate of them that as is aforesaid shall be before any Commissioners examined and the Sums rated and set and the Books and Writings thereof being in his hands or if any Collector or other person charged with any receipt of any part of the said Subsidies or any other person taxed or otherwise by this Act charged with or for any parcell of the said Subsidies or with any other Sum Fine Amerciament penalty or other forfeiture happen to die before the Commissioners Collectors or other whatsoever person or persons have executed accomplished satisfied or sufficiently discharged that which to every such person shall appertain or belong to do according to this Act then the Executors and Heires of every such person and all other seised of any Lands and Tenements that any such person being charged by this Act and deceasing before he be discharged thereof or any other to his use onely had of an Estate of Inheritance at the time that any such person was named Commissioner Collector or otherwise charged with or for any manner of thing to be done satisfied or paid by reason of this Act And all those that have in theire possession or hands any Goods Chattels Leases or other things that were to any such person or persons at the time of his death or any Lands or Tenements that were the same persons at the time that he was as is aforesaid charged by this Act shall be by the same compelled and charged to doe and accomplish in every case as the same person so being charged should have done or might have beene compelled to doe if he had bene in plene life after such rate of the Lands and Goods of the said Commissioner and Collector as the party shall have in his hands And if the said Commissioners for causes reasonable then moving shall think it not fitt to joyne in one Certificate as is aforesaid then the said person or persons that shall first joyne togeather or hee that shall first certifie the said Writing indented as is aforesaid shall certifie all the names of the Commissioners of that Commission whereupon such writing shall be there then to be certified with the division of the Hundreds Wapentakes Wards Tithings and other places to and among other such Commissioners of the same Commission with the names of the said Commissioners where such separations and divisions shall be with the grosse Sums of Money as well of and for the said Subsidies taxed or set of or within the said Hundreds Wards Wapentakes or other places to him or them divided or assigned that shall soe certifie the said first Writings as of the fines Amerciaments Penalties and other forfeitures if any happen to be within the same limits whereof the same writings shall be certified And after such writings indented which as is aforesaid shall be certified and not contain in it the whole and full Sums set and taxed within the limits of the same Commission the other Commissioners of the same before the day of payment of the said Subsidies shall certifie into the said Exchequer by theire Writing or Writings indented to be made as is aforesaid the grosse and severall Sums set and taxed within the places to them limited for every of the said Subsidies and other Fines Amerciaments Penalties and Forfeitures with the names of the Hundreds Wards Wapentakes and other places to them assigned or else by theire said Writings indented to certifie at the same place before the same day of payment such reasonable causes for theire excuses why they may not make such certificate of and for the said Subsidies Fines Amerciaments and other Forfeitures growing or set by reason of the causes of theire lets or of theire not certifying as is aforesaid or else in default thereof Processe to be made out of the Kings Majesties said Exchequer against the said Commissioners every of them not making Certificate as is aforesaid or else in default thereof Processe to be made out of the Kings [Majestie (fn. 37) ] said Exchequer against the said Commissioners and every of them not making Certificate as is aforesaid by the discretion of the Treasurer and Barons of the said Exchequer.
XIX. Proviso for Stamford Baron.
Provided alwayes and be [ (fn. 40) ] it enacted by the authority aforesaid that the Inhabitants of the Parish of Saint Martin called Stamford Baron in the Suburbs of the Borough and Town of Stamford in the South Part of the Waters there called Wellands which hereafter shall be contributary to the payment of the said Subsidies shall be assessed rated and taxed for the same by such Commission[er]s which shall be appointed as aforesaid for the taxing rating & assessing of the same Subsidies within the County of Lincoln and shall be for the same contributary and pay to the Collector or Collectors which shall be assigned and appointed for the levying and gathering of the same as aforesaid.
XX. Persons having Temporal and Spiritual Possessions, and also Personal Property, not to be doubly charged.
Proviso for Scotland, Ireland, Jersey, and Guernsey. Proviso for Patents of Liberties, &c.
Provided alwaies and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that all and every person and persons having Mannors Lands Tenements and other Hereditaments chargeable to the payment of the said Subsidies granted by this Act and alsoe having Spirituall Possessions chargeable to his Majestie by any Grant made or to be made by the Clergie of this Realme in theire Convocation and over this having substance in goods and Chattels chargeable by the said Act that then if any of the said person or persons be hereafter charged assessed and taxed for the said Mannors Lands and Tenements and spirituall Possessions and alsoe charged assessed and taxed for his and theire Goods and Chattels that then he or they shall be onely charged by vertue of this Act for his and theire said Mannors Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Spirituall Possessions or onely for his said Goods and Chattels the best thereof to be taken and not to be charged for both or doubly charged for any of them any thing in this Act contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Provided alwaies that this Grant of Subsidies or any thing therein contained in any wise extend not to charge the Inhabitants of Scotland Ireland Jersey and Garnsey or any of them of for or concerning any Mannors Lands Tenements or other Possessions Goods Chattels or other moveable substance which the said Inhabitants or dwellers or any others to theire Use have within Scotland Ireland Jersey and Garnsey or in any of them or of for or concerning any Fees or Wages which any of the said Inhabitants or dwellers have of the Kings Majestie for theire attendance and doing Service to our Soveraigne Lord the Kings Majestie in Scotland Ireland [Jersey (fn. 41) ] and Garnsey or any of them any thing in this present Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Provided alsoe that all Letters Patents granted by the Kings Majestie or any of his noble Progenitors to any Cities Boroughs or Townes within this Realme of any manner of Liberties Priviledges or Exemptions from the burthen and charge of any such Grants of Subsidies which be at this present time in force and available shall remaine good and effectuall to the said Cities Boroughs and Townes hereafter according to the purports thereof although the Inhabitants of the same and alsoe the said Corporations shall upon the great and weighty considerations of the Grant aforesaid be for this Grant charged and contributary in like manner forme and sort as other Cities Boroughs and Townes which be not in any wise priviledged but by this Act charged.
XVIII. Orphans and Infants not chargeable to Subsidies.
Provided alwaies and be it enacted by the authority aforesaid That no Orphant or Infant within the age of one and twenty yeares borne within any of the Kings Majesties Dominions shall be charged to the payment of the Subsidies for his or theire Goods and Chattels to him or her left or bequeathed any thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
XIX. Proviso for Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Winchester College, Eton College, Poor Knights of Windsor, and Free Schools, and Readers, &c. in the Universities, and for Hospitals, &c.
Provided alsoe that this Act nor any thing therein contained shall extend to the Lands or Goods of any Colledge Hall or Hostell within the Universities of Oxon and Cambridge or any of them or to the Goods or Lands of the Colledge of Winton founded by Bishop Wickham or to the Goods or Lands of the Colledge of Eaton next Windsor or to the Lands Tenements or Revenues onely assigned and appointed for the sustentation and living of the poore Knights founded in the Castle or Colledge of Windsor by our late Soveraigne Lord King Henry the Eight or to any the Goods or Chattels of the same Knights or any of them or to the Goods or Lands of any Co[m]mon Free Grammar Schoole within the Realme of England or Wales or the Goods of any Reader Schoolmaster or Scholer or any Graduate resiant or remaining for studie without fraud or covin within any the said Universities and Colledges or Townes of Oxford and Cambridge or Suburbes of the same or to any of them or to any of theire Servants attending dayly upon any of them nor to the Goods of any Officer Minister Almesmen or Servants belonging to any of the said Universities Colledges Halls or Hostells and dwelling and resiant within the said Universities or either of them or within either of the said Townes of Oxford & Cambridge and the Suburbs of the same without fraud or covin or to the Goods and Lands of any Hospitall Measondieu or Spittlehouse prepared and used for the sustentation and reliefe of poore people any thing in this Act contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
XX. Inhabitants of Cinque Ports for the most Part of the Year before the Grant not chargeable during Resiance only.
Provided alsoe and be it further enacted That the said Grant of Subsidies or any thing therein contained do not in any wise extend or be prejudiciall or hurtfull to any of the Inhabitants or resiants having dwelt for the most part of the yeare next before the taxing and assessing of the Subsidies aforesaid within the Five Ports Corporate or to any theire members incorporated or united to the said Five Ports but such the Inhabitants or Resiants as aforesaid in the said Five Ports Corporate and theire members be and shall be of and from the same Grant and payment of every of the said Subsidies and every part thereof and onely during theire resiance as aforesaid and no longer clearly acquitted and discharged any matter or whatsoever thing in this p[re]sent Act had or made to the contrary notwithstanding.
XXI. Like Proviso for Inhabitants of Rumney Marsh.
Provided alsoe that the said Grant of Subsidies do not in any wise extend tobe prejudiciall or hurtfull to the English Inhabitants or Resiants at this present time within the liberties of Rumney Marsh of or for any part of the said Sums granted in this p[re]sent Parliament of the said English Inhabitants now there resiants or any of them to be taxed set asked levied or paid but that the English Inhabitants and now resiants of Rumney Marsh aforesaid and every of them be and shall be of and from the Grant and Payment of the said Subsidies during theire resiance there and no longer acquitted and discharged any matter and whatsoever thing in this present Act made to the contrary notwithstanding.
XXII. Alien or Denizen assigning his Lands, &c. to his Child with Intent to defraud the Subsidy, such Child chargeable as an Alien.
Provided neverthelesse and be it enacted by the authority aforesaid that if any Alien or Stranger born denizen or not denizen and dwelling and inhabiting within this Realme of England shall assigne and convey over unto any his or theire Child or Children borne within the said Realm of England his or theire Lands Tenements Goods or Chattels to the intent thereby to defraud or safeguard themselves of and from the payment of the Subsidies aforesaid or any part thereof that then all and every such Child and Children soe being seized of any such Lands & Tenements or possessed of any such Goods or Chattels shall be charged & chargeable to and with the payment of double the said Subsidies for the Lands Tenements Goods and Chattels at the said rates and values as Aliens and Strangers Denizens or not Denizens are before limited and appointed to pay. Provided alwaies that the said Grant of and for the Subsidies aforesaid or any Clause matter or thing whatsoever therein contained shall not in anywise extend or be construed to extend to charge the Shire or County of Northumberland the Towne Borough or County of Newcastle upon Tyne the Towne or Borough of Barwick upon Tweede or unto the Bishopprick of Duresme or Countie Palatine of Duresme or any Parts or Places within them or any of them or any the resiants or inhabitants thereof but that the said Shire and County of Northumberland the Towne Borough and County of Newcastle upon Tyne the said Towne or Borough of Barwick and the Bishopprick and County Palatine of Duresme and alsoe all and every the resiants and inhabitants of and within them and every of them respectively be and shall be of and from the said Grant and payment of the said Subsidies and every part thereof cleerely acquitted & discharged any matter or whatsoever thing in this present Act had or made to the contrary notwithstanding.
XXIII. Recital that £50,000 had been advanced by the City of London, £50,000 by Sir John Harrison Knight, Member for the Town of Lancaster, and William Harrison Esq. Member for the Town of Queenborough in Kent.
The Repayment of the said Sums provided for out of the Subsidies together with Interest at the Rate of £8. per Cent. per Ann. Surplus of the Subsidies to be applied to the Purposes of this Act. Warrant of Commissioners & Receipt of Collectors a sufficient Discharge to the Treasurers named in this Act.
And whereas the Sum of Fifty thousand pounds hath beene laid out and advanced before hand by the Citizens of the City of London and the Sum of Fifty thousand pounds by Sir John Harrison Knight one of the Members of the House of Commons Burgesse for the Towne of Lancaster in the County Palatine of Lancaster and William Harrison Esquire Son of the said Sir John Harrison alsoe one of the Members of the House of Commons and Burgesse for the Towne of Quinborough in the County of Kent for the present supply of your Majesties Army and the releife of the Northerne Parts of this your Majesties Kingdome of England. Be it enacted by the Authority of this present Parliament That the said Sir Thomas Barrington Sir Robert Pye Arthur Capell Robert Bateman Thomas Soame Alderman and Isaac Penington Alderman nominated by the said Citizens and Sir John Harrison & William Harrison his Son and by this present Act of Parliament constituted and ordained to be Receivers of the said Subsidies shall and may satisfie pay and deliver unto the Chamber of the City of London out of the said Subsidies and Moneys by this Act appointed to be received the said Su[m]me of Fifty thousand Pounds and unto the said Sir John Harrison and William Harrison his Son the Sum of Fifty thousand Pounds Togeather with such other and further Sum and Sums of Money as the damages of and for the said Sums shall amount unto after the rate of eight pounds per centum for a yeere from the day and time that the same was laid out and advanced as aforesaid untill they shall respectively have received the said Sums so disbursed and the surplusage of the said Sums so to be received shall pay imploy and disburse for the reliefe of the Kings Army and of the Northern Counties and for payment of such person and persons as shall lend or advance any Sum or Sums of Money for the use and purposes last before menc[i]oned with theire damages in such manner and forme as Francis Earle of Bedford William Earle of Hertford Robert Earle of Essex William Earle of Salisbury Robert Earle of Warwick John Earle of Bristoll Henry Earle of Holland Thomas Earle of Berkshire Philip Lord Wharton William Lord Paget Robert Lord Brooke Edward Mountague Lord of Kimbolton John Lord Paulet Edward Howard Lord Howard of Estcrick Thomas Savill Lord Savill of Pomfret Francis Leigh Lord Dunsmore or any foure or more of them Denzill Hollis Esquire John Pymm Esquire Sir Christopher Wray Knight Sir John Hotham Baronet Thomas Lord Weynman Sir Peter Heyman Knight William Cage Esquire Henry Martin Esquire Sir Dudley North Knight Sir Thomas Bowyer Baronet Sir Edward Aiscough Knight Sir John Culpeper Knight Sir Robert Crane Knight and Baronet John Hampden Esquire Sir Edmund Mountford Sir Walter Earle Sir Arthur Ingram Knights Sir Gilbert Gerard Baronet Sir Guy Palmes Knight Samuel Owfeild Esquire William Mallory Esquire John Ashburnham Esquire Edward Kirton Esquire Sir Hugh Cholmeley Knight Harbottell Grimstone Esquire Sir Philip Stapleton Knight Sir Edward Hales Knight Sir Thomas Widdrington Knight Thomas Lord Gray Norton Knatchbull Esquire Edmund Waller Esquire Henry Lord Gray of Ruthyn or any eight or more of them and soe proportionably in such manner and quality by any one or more writing or writings under theire hands during this sitting of Parliament shall limit appoint and declare And that the Warrant or Warrants of the said Commissioners before named or of such number of them as before is expressed proportionably togeather with the acquittance and acquittances from the person or persons which shall be appointed as aforesaid by the said Commissioners or of such number of them proportionably as before is expressed for the receipt of the said Sum or Sums of money to the uses and purposes in this present Act expressed shall be a sufficient discharge to the Treasurers in this Act named for so much money as shall be comprehended in such Acquittance or Acquittances for the issuing out and payment of the said Sum and Sums of Money respectively.
XXIV. Treasurer not to pay Monies on any other Warrant.
And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the said Treasurers shall not at all pay any Sum or Sums of money to be by them received upon any other direction warrant or command whatsoever.
XXV. The passing of this Act not to determine the Session.
Lastly provided that [the passing of (fn. 42) ] this present Act or His Majesties Assent thereunto shall not be anydeterminac[i]on of this present Sessions of Parliament [but that this p[re]sent Sessions of Parliame (fn. 42) ] and all Bills and Matters whatsoever depending in Parliament and not fully enacted or determined & all Statutes and Acts of Parliament which have theire continuance untill the end of this present Sessions of Parliament shall remaine continue and be in full force as if this Act had not beene.