Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1819.
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'Charles I, 1627: An Acte for the Graunt of five entire Subsidies graunted by the Temporaltie.', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online [accessed 21 February 2025].
'Charles I, 1627: An Acte for the Graunt of five entire Subsidies graunted by the Temporaltie.', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Edited by John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025,
"Charles I, 1627: An Acte for the Graunt of five entire Subsidies graunted by the Temporaltie.". Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025.
In this section
Most gracious Soveraigne wee your Majesties most humble and loyall Subjects the Co[m]mons in your High Court of Parliament now assembled, having dulie considered the many and weightie occasions, which at this tyme doe presse your Majestie and require a greater expence of Treasure then your owne ordinarie Revenew can supply both for the defence of your kingdome at this tyme more then in our memory endaungered by forreine Enemies, as also for the assistance of your Majesties freindes and Allies abroad especially of those who to our great greife are much afflicted and distressed: And in most thankefull acknowledgment of your Majesties great goodnes many waies expressed in your just and tender care of the welfare of your people doe humblie p[re]sent your Majestie with a free and cheerefull Guift of five entire Subsidies to be paid within one yeare.
Grant of Five entire Subsidies: viz. on Personal Estate (after Payment of Debts, &c.) 2s. 8d. in the Pound.
And therefore wee humblie beseech your Majestie, That it may be enacted and be it enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majestie the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Co[m]mons in this p[re]sent Parliament assembled and by authoritie of the same, that our said Soveraigne Lord the Kings Majestie his Heires and Successors shall have receive and enjoy five, entire Subsidies to be rated taxed levied and paid at fower severall payments of every p[er]son Spirituall and Temporall of what estate or degree he or they be of according to the tenor of this Act in manner and forme following That is to saie, That aswell every p[er]son borne within this Realme of England Wales or other the Kings Dominions as all and every Fraternitie Guild Corporacion Misterie Brotherhood and Co[m]monaltie Corporate and not Corporate within this Realme of England Wales or other the Kings Dominions being worth three pounds aswell in coyne and the value of every pound that every such p[er]son Fraternitie Guild Corporacion Misterie Brotherhood and Co[m]monaltie corporate [and (fn. 1) ] not corporate hath of his or their owne, or any other hath to his or their use, As also in Plate stocke of Merchandize all manner of corne and graine houshold stuffe and of all other Goods moveable aswell within this Realme as without and of all such so[m]mes of mony as to him or them is or shalbe owing whereof he or they trust in his or their conscience surely to be paid (except and out of the p[re]misses deducted such so[m]mes of money as he or they doe owe and in his or their consciences intend trulie to pay, and except also the apparell of every such p[er]sons their wives and children belonging to their owne bodies (saving jewells gold silver stone and pearle) shall pay to and for every of the said Subsidies two shillings eight pence of every pound.
Aliens, and Popish Recusants Convis5s. 4d. in the Pound; Poll Tax on Aliens and Popish Recusants Convict not contributing as above, 8d.
And also every Alien, and Straunger borne out of the Kings obeysance as well Denizens as others inhabiting within this Realme and also every Popish Recusant convict or which before the tyme of the Assessment of the severall Subsidies by this p[re]sent Act graunted shalbe a Popish Recusant convict or which are or shalbe indicted for Popish Recusancie and their Indictments either are or shalbe removed by Cerciorari or being not removed shall not by apparance and traverse legallie discharge their said Indictment;s at the next Assizes or within two generall Sessions of the Peace where the said p[er]sons shalbe indicted respectivelie of every pound that he or they shall have in coyne and the value of every pound in plate corne graine merchandize housholdstuffe or other goods jewells chattells moveables and unmoveable as is aforesaid aswell within this Realme as without and of all so[m]mes of mony to him or them owing whereof he or they trust in his or their conscience to be paid (except and out of the p[re]misses deducted every such so[m]me and so[m]mes of mony which he or they doe owe and in his or their conscience or consciences intend trulie to pay) shall pay to and for every of the said severall Subsidies five shillings and fower pence of every pound. And also that every Alien and straunger borne, borne out of the Kings Dominions being denizen or not denizen not being contributorie to any the Rates aforesaid and being of the age of seaven yeares or above And every Popish Recusant convict or which before the tyme of the assessement of the severall Subsidies by this( (fn. 2) ) Act graunted shalbe a Popish Recusant convict, and being of the age of seaventeene yeares or which being of the age of one and twentie yeares, hath not received the holy Co[m]munion within one yeare then last past shall pay to and for every of the said severall Subsidies eight pence for every poll. And the master or he or she with whome the said Alien is or shalbe abiding at the tyme of the taxacion or taxacions thereof to be charged with the same for lacke of payment thereof.
II. Five Subsidies on Real Estates, 4s, in the Pound.
Aliens and Popish Recusants Convict 8s. in the Pound.; Plate, &c. held for Corporations to be rated.; Lands, Corodies, Fees, &c.; Proviso for Ornaments, &c. of Churches and Chappels.
And be it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid That every p[er]son borne under the Kings obeysance, and every Corporacion Fraternitie Guild Misterie Brotherhood & Co[m]monaltie corporate or not corporate for every pound that every of the same p[er]sons and every Corporacion Fraternitie Guild Misterie Brotherhood and Co[m]monalty corporate or not corporate, or any other to his or their use hath in Fee simple Fee taile for terme of life terme of yeares by Execucion Wardshipp or by Copie of Court Roll of and in any Honors Castles Mannors Lands Tenements Rents Services Hereditaments An[n]uities Fees Corrodies or ( (fn. 3) ) yearelie proffitts of the yearelie value of twentie shillings as well within auncient demesne and other places priviledged as elswhere and so [upward (fn. 4) ] shall pay to and for every of the said five Subsidies foure shillings of and for every pound And every Alien denizen or not denizen borne out of the Kings obeysance and every Popish Recusant convict of what estate or degree soever they be of, or which before the tyme of the assessement of the severall Subsidies by this p[re]sent Act graunted shalbe a Popish Recusant convict or which shalbe indicted for Popish Recusancie and their indictments are or shalbe removed by Cerciorari or being not removed, shall not by apparance and traverse legallie discharge their said indictments at the next assizes or within two generall Sessions of the peace where the said p[er]sons shalbe indicted respectivelie in such case to pay to and for every of the said five severall Subsidies eight shillings for every pound, And that all so[m]mes to be p[re]sented and chargeable by this Act either for goods and debts or either of them or for Lands Tenements and other the p[re]misses as is in this Act conteyned shalbe at every of the said Payments set and taxed after the rate and p[ro]porcion according to the true meaning of this Act, Landes and Tenements chargeable to the dismes of the Clergie and yearelie wages due to servants for their ( (fn. 5) ) service (other then the Kings servants taking yearelie wages of five pounds or above) onelie excepted and foreprised, And that all Plate Coyne Jewells Goods Debts and Chattellct p[er]sonalls and all Lands Tenements and other the p[re]misses as aforesaid being in the rule and custodie of any p[er]son or p[er]sons to the use of anie Corporacion Frat[er]nitie Guild Misterie Brotherhood or anie Co[m]monaltie being corporate or not corporate be and shalbe rated sett and charged by reason of this Act at the value c[er]tified by the presenters in their Certificate for every pound in goods and debts as is aforesaid. And for every pound in Lands Tenements An[n]uities Fees Corrodies and other yearelie p[re]ffitts as is aforesaid, and the so[m]mes that are above rehearsed sett and taxed to be levied and taken of them that shall have such goods in custodie or otherwise charged for Lands as is before rehearsed, And the same p[er]son and p[er]sons and bodies corporate by authoritie of this Act shalbe discharged against him or them that shall or ought to have the same at the tyme of the payment or deliverie thereof or at his otherwise departure from the custodie or possession of the same. Except and alwaies foreprised from the charge and assessement of the said Subsidies all Goodes Chattells Jewells and Ornaments of Churches and Chapples, which have been ordained and used in Churches and Chappells for the honor and service of Allmightie God.
III. Times of rating First and Second Subsidies.
Third Subsidy.; Fourth Subsidy.; Fifth Subsidy.; Sums of Money and the Names of Persons chargeable to the First Two Subsidies and of the Names of High Collectors certified to Exchequer before 9th July next; Subsidies paid into Exchequer in one intire Sum.; Payments in Liberties, &c.
And the first two of the said five Subsidies shalbe by authoritie aforesaid taxed sessed and rated according to this Act in every Shire Riding Lath Wapentake Rape Citie Borough Towne and everie other place within this Realme of England Wales and other the Kingct Dominions before the last day of June now next co[m]ming. And the third of the said five Subsidies shall by the authoritie aforesaid be taxed sessed and rated before the twentith day of September now next ensuing, And the fowerth of the said five Subsidies shall by the authoritie aforesaid be taxed sessed and rated before the thirtith day of November next coming, And the fift and last of the said Subsidies shall by the authoritie aforesaid be taxed sessed and rated before the tenth day of February now next ensuing. And the particular so[m]mes of every Shire Riding Borough Towne and other place aforesaid with the particular names of such as are or shalbe chargeable to and for the payment of the said two first of the said five Subsidies to be taxed and set by the Co[m]missioners for the same to be lymitted or two of them at the least with the names of the high Collectors and in the same forme shalbe c[er]tified into the Kings Exchequer before the nyneth day of July next co[m]ming. And the particular so[m]mes of every Shire Riding Borough Towne and other places aforesaid with the particular names of such as are chargeable for the third of the said five Subsidies to be taxed and set by the Co[m]missioners for the same to be lymitted or two of them at the least with the names of the high Collectors and in the same forme shalbe certified into the KingsExchequer before the tenth day of October next co[m]ming, And the particular so[m]mes of every Shire Riding Borough Towne and other Places aforesaid with the particular names of such as are chargeable for the fowerth of the said five Subsidies to be taxed and set by the Co[m]missioners for the same to be lymitted or two of them at the least with the names of the high Collectors and in the same forme shalbe certified into the Kings Exchequer before the tenth Day of December next co[m]ming And the particular so[m]mes of every Shire Riding Borough Towne and other places aforesaid with the particular names of such as are chargeable for the fift and last of the said Subsidies to be taxed and sett by the Co[m]missioners for the same to be lymitted or two of them at the least with the names of the high Collectors And in the same forme shalbe certified into the Kings Exchequer before the twentith Day of Februarie next co[m]ming, And the same so[m]mes in forme aforesaid to be taxed to and for the payment of the said two first of the said five subsidies shalbe paid in one entire so[m]me into the Kings receipt of the Exchequer aforesaid to the use of our said Soveraigne Lord at or before the tenth day of July now next co[m]ming, And the said so[m]mes in manner and forme aforesaid to be taxed for the payment of the third of the said five subsidies shalbe paied in one intire so[m]me into the Kings receipt of the Exchequer aforesaid to the use of our said Soveraigne Lord at or before the twentith day of Osober now next co[m]ming, And the said so[m]mes in manner and forme aforesaid to be taxed for the payment of the fowerth of the said five Subsidies shalbe paid in one intire so[m]me into the Kings receipt of the Exchequer to the use of our said Soveraigne Lord at or before the twentith day of December now next [co[m]ming, (fn. 6) ] And the said so[m]mes in manner and forme aforesaid to be taxed for the payment of the fift and last of the said five Subsidies shalbe paid in one intire so[m]me into the Kings receipt of the Exchequer to the use of our said Soveraigne Lord at or before the first day of March now next co[m]ming, And the so[m]mes abovesaid of and for the said Subsidies shalbe taxed set asked and demaunded taken gathered levied and paid to the use of our said Soveraigne Lord his Heires and Successors in forme aforesaid aswell within Liberties Francheses Sanctuaries Auncient [demesnes (fn. 7) ] and other whatsoever places exempt or not exempt as without (except such Shires places and p[er]sons as shalbe foreprised in and by this p[re]sent Act) any Graunt Charter Prescripcion Use or Libertie by reason of any lal[ia]sres Patents or other Priviledge Prescripcion Allowance for the same or whatsoever other matter or discharge heretofore to the contrary made graunted used or obtayned notwithstanding.
VI. Absentees whether Natives or Aliens charged by Certificate of Inhabitants of the Place.
Rule by which they are to be charged.
And it is further enacted by authoritie of this p[re]sent Parliament, that every such p[er]son aswell such as be borne under the Kings obeysance as every other p[er]son Stranger borne Denizen or not Denizen inhabiting within this Realme or within Wales or other the Kings Dominions, which at the tyme of the same assessings or Taxacions or any or every of them to be had or made shalbe out of this Realme or out of Wales and have goods chattells lands or tenements Fees or an[n]uities or other p[ro]ffitts within this Realme or in Wales shalbe charged and chargeable for the same by the Certificate of the Inhabitants of the place where such Goods chattells lands tenements or other the p[re]misses then shalbee or in such place where such p[er]son or p[er]sons or his or their Factor Deputy or Attorny shall have his or their most resort unto within this Realme or in Wales in like manner as if the said p[er]son were or had byn at the tyme of the said assessing within this Realme. [And that every p[er]son abiding or dwelling within or without this Realme (fn. 8) ] shalbe charged and chargeable to the said severall Subsidies graunted by this Act according and after the rate of such yearelie substance or value of lands or tenements goodes chattells and other the p[re]misses, as every p[er]son so to be charged shalbe set at, at the tyme of the said assessing or taxacion uppon him to be made and no otherwise.
VII. Commissioners to be appointed by Lord Chancellor and other great Officers.
Commissioners not to execute Act out of their Limits;Certificate by Commissioners into the Exchequer.
And be it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, that for the assessing and ordering of the said five severall Subsidies to be duly had the Lord Chauncellor of England or the Lord Keeper of the great Seale, the Lord Tresurer of England the Lord President of the Kings Councell the Lord Privie Seale the Lord Admirall of England the Lord Steward of the Kings houshold and the Lord Chamberlayne of the Kings most honorable Houshold for the Tyme being or two of them at the least (whereof the Lord Chauncellor or Lord Keeper of the great Seale for the tyme being to be one) shall and may name and appoint of and for every Shire Riding and other Places aswell within this Realme as within Wales and other the Kings Dominions, as also of and for every Citie and Towne being a Countie of it selfe and of and for the Isle of Wight such certaine nomber of p[er]sons of every of the same Shires Ridings Lathes Wapentakes Rapes Cities Towne and Isle of Wight and every other Place as they shall thinke convenient to be Co[m]missioners of and within the same place whereof they bee inhabitants, and also of and for the honorable houshold of the Kings Majestie, in what Shire or other place the said houshold shall happen then to be. And the Lord Chauncellor or Lord Keeper of the great Seale for the tyme being and other with him before named or two of them as is aforesaid in like manner may name and appoint of every other such Cittie Borough and Towne corporate aswell in England as in Wales and other the Kings Dominions as they shall thinke fitt and requisite sixe five fower three or two of the head Officers and other honest inhabitants in every of the said Citties Boroughes and Townes corporate according to the nomber and multitude of the people being in the same, The which p[er]sons (if any such be) thereunto named of the said Inhabitants of the said Cities Boroughes Townes Corporate not being Counties of themselves shalbe joyned and put in as Co[m]missioners with the p[er]sons named for such Shires and Ridings as the said Cities Boroughes and Townes corporate not being Counties in themselves be set and have their being: Which p[er]sons soe named of and for the said Cities Boroughes and Townes corporate not being Counties by reason of their dwelling in the same shall not take uppon them or any of them to put any part of their Co[m]mission in execucion for the p[re]misses out of the said Cities Boroughes and Townes corporate wherein they be soe named nor to execute the said Co[m]mission within the Citie Burrough or Towne corporate where they shalbe so dwelling, but at such daies and tymes as the said other Co[m]missioners for the same Shire or Riding shall thereunto lymitt and appoint within the said Citie Borough and Towne corporate not being a Countie whereof they be soe named and not out of the said Citie Borough or Towne and in that manner to be ayding and assisting with the said other Co[m]missioners in and for the good executing of the effect of the said Co[m]mission uppon paine of every of the said Co[m]missioners soe named for every such Citie Borough and Towne corporate not being a Countie to make such Fine as the said other Co[m]missioners in the Co[m]mission of and for the same Shire or Riding so named or three of them at the least shall by their discrecions set and certifie into the Kings Exchequer there to be levied to the use of the Kings Majestie in like manner as if such or like so[m]mes had byn set and rated uppon every such p[er]son for the said Subsidies.
VIII. Such Commissioners not to have Fees.
Several Commissions directed out of Chancery.; Schedules delivered to Commissioners.; Commissioners to divide themselves.; copellable to act out of their Shires.
The which Co[m]missioners so named of and for the said Cities Boroughes and Townes not being Counties, and onelie put into the said Co[m]missions by reason of their dwelling in the same, shall not have any part or porcion of the Fees [or (fn. 9) ] rewards of the Co[m]missioners and their Clerkes in this Act [afterwards (fn. 10) ] specified and allowed. And the Lord Chauncellor of England or Keep of the great Seale of England for the tyme being shall make and direct out of the Court of Chauncery under the great Seale severall Co[m]missions, That is to saie, for every Shire Riding Lathe Wapentake Rape Citie Towne Borough Isle and the said houshold unto such p[er]son and p[er]sons as by his discrecion and such of the other with him before named and appointed as is before rehearsed shalbe thought sufficient for the sessing and levying of the said five severall Subsidies in all Shires and Places according to the true meaning of this Act, which Co[m]missions for the payment of the said two first of the said Subsidies shalbe directed and delivered to the said Co[m]missioners or to one of them before the twentith day of June now next co[m]ming, And the Co[m]mission for the payment of the third of the said five Subsidies shalbe directed and delivered to the said Co[m]missioners or to one of them before the last day of the Moneth of August now next co[m]ming. And the Co[m]mission for the payment of the fourth of the said five Subsidies shalbe directed and delivered to the said Co[m]missioners or to one ( (fn. 11) ) before the tenth day of November next comming, And the Co[m]mission for the payment of the fifth and last of the said Subsidies shalbe directed and delivered to the said Co[m]missioners or to one of them before the twentith day of Januarie now next ensuing. And to every of the said Co[m]missions tenne Schedules conteyning in them the tenor of this Act shalbe affiled. And for the Co[m]missioners better discovery of Popish Recusants severall Schedules shalbe delivered unto them with their severall Co[m]missions out of the Exchequer and Certificates from the Clerkes of the Assizes and of the Peace and other the like Officers and from the Ministers and Churchwardens of every Parishe of the names of such Popish Recusantctas are to be charged by this Act, By the which Co[m]mission the Co[m]missioners in every such Co[m]mission named according to this Acte and as many of them as shalbe appointed by the said Co[m]mission shall have full power and authoritie to put the effect of the said Co[m]mission in Execucion And that by authoritie of this Acte after such Co[m]mission to them delivered they may by their assents and agreements sever themselves for the execucion of their Co[m]mission [by (fn. 12) ] Hundreds Lathes Wardes Rapes Wapentakes Townes Parishes and other Places within the lymitts of the said Co[m]mission in such forme as to them shall seeme expedient to be ordered and betweene them to be co[m]muned and agreed according to the tenor and effect of the Co[m]mission to them therein directed, Uppon which severance every p[er]son of this p[re]sent Parliament that shalbe Co[m]missioner shalbe assigned to the Hundred where he dwelleth. Provided alwaies that no p[er]son be or shalbe nominated or appointed to be any Co[m]missioner to or for the execucion of this p[re]sent Act, but onelie in the Shire where he hath a Mansion house wherein he or his familie have resided and inhabited by the greatest part of three yeares last past, And that any p[er]son assigned to the contrary thereof in any wife shall not be compelled to put in execucion the effect of this Act or anie part thereof.
IX. Commissioner being a Popish Recusant, &c.
or not having a Mansion-house, &c.; Acting, Penalty £100.
Provided alwaies, and be it enacted by the authoritie aforesaid that if any p[er]son or p[er]sons shalbe named a Co[m]missioner or Co[m]missioners for the assessing or ordering of the said five Subsidies or anie part of them that either shalbe a Popish Recusant that hath forborne [to repayre (fn. 10) ] to some Church Chappell or usuall publike place of Co[m]mon, Prayer to heare divine Service by the space of six moneths next before the end of this Session of Parliament, Or that hath not in his or their owne possession and occupacion a Mansion house wherein he or they or his or their family or families, or part of them have resided for the most part of three yeares next before the end of this Session of Parliament scituate and being within the Countie wherein he or they shalbe named a Co[m]missioner or Co[m]missioners as aforesaid and shall by vertue or colour of such Co[m]mission take uppon him or them to assesse or order any of the said five Subsidies or anie part of them shall forfeit for every time that he or they shall take uppon him or them to assesse or order any of the said five Subsidies or any part of them the so[m]me of one hundred pounds of lawfull mony of England, The one Moytie to be to the use of the poore within the Countie or within the Riding or Division of the Countie wherein he or they shall offend contrary to this Act, and the said Moitie shalbe disposed of by the Co[m]missioners of the Peace within the said Countie Riding or Division or by the greater nomber of them at their generall Sessions of the Peace to be holden within the said Countie Riding or Division where the offence shalbe co[m]mitted as aforesaid and the other moytie to such p[er]son or p[er]sons as shall sue for the same in any Court of Record by Accion of Debt Bill Plaint or Informacion wherein no Essoyne Proteccion or Wager of Law shalbe allowed.
X. Commissioners to execute Act according to the Tenor thereof.
Commissioners to direct Precepts to certain Number of Inhabitants of Hundreds, &c. to appear before Commissioners.; Persons who receive Precepts are to show such Precepts to the other Inhabitants named therein.; Penalty 40s.
And be it alsoe enacted by [the (fn. 13) ] authoritie of this p[re]sent Parliament, that the Co[m]missioners and every of them which shalbe named lymitted and appointed according to this Act to be Co[m]missioners in every such Shire Riding Lathe Wapentake Rape Citie Towne Borough Isle and the said houshold or any other place and none other shall trulie effectuallie and diligentlie for their Parts execute the effect of this p[re]sent Act according to the tenor thereof in every behalfe and no otherwise by anie meanes without omission favour dread malice or anie other thing to be attempted or done by them or anie of them to the contrary thereof, And the said Co[m]missioners or as many of them as shalbe appointed by the said Co[m]mission and none other for the execution of the said Co[m]mission and Act shall for the taxacion of the said two first of the said five Subsidies before the five and twentith day of June next co[m]ming And for the taxacion of the third of the said five Subsidies shall before the tenth day of September next ensuing, And for the taxacion of the fourth of the said five Subsidies shall before the twentith day of November next co[m]ming And for the taxacion of the fift and last of the said Subsidies shall before the one and thirtith day of January next ensuing by vertue of the Co[m]mission delivered unto them in forme aforesaid direct their severall or joynt Precept or Preceptct unto eight seaven sixe five foure three or two (as for the nomber of Inhabitants shalbe requisite) of the most substanciall discreet and honest psons inhabitants to be named by the said Co[m]missioners or by as many of them as shalbe appointed by the said Co[m]mission of and in Hundredct Lathes Rapes Wapentakes Wards Parishes Townes and other Places aswell within Lib[er]ties Francheses Ancient demesnes places exempted and Sanctuaries as without within the lymitts of the Shires Ridings Lathes Wapentakes Rapes Cities Townes Boroughs and Isle aforesaid and other places within the lymitts of their Co[m]mission and to the Constables Subconstables Bayliffs and other like Officers and Ministers of every the said Hundreds Townes Wards Lathes Wapentakes Parishes and other places aforesaid as to the said Co[m]missioners and every nomber of them or to three or two of them by their discrecion in division shall seeme expedient and as by the manner and use of those parts shalbe requisite, straightly by the said Precept charging and co[m]maunding the said Inhabitants Constables and other Officers aforesaid to whome such Precept shalbe soe: directed to appeare in their p[ro]per p[er]sons before the said Co[m]missioners or such nomber of them as they shall divide themselves according to the tenor of the said Co[m]mission at certaine dayes and Places by the said Co[m]missioners or any such nomber of them as is aforesaid within Cities Boroughes [and (fn. 14) ] Townes corporate or without in any other places as is aforesaid by their discrecion to be lymitted thereunto to doe and accomplish all that to them on the part of the Kings Majestie shalbe enjoyned touching this Act Co[m]maunding further by the same Precept that he to whose hands such Precept shall come, shall shew and deliver the same to the other Inhabitants or Officers named in the same Precept, And that none of them faile to accomplish the same uppon paine of fortie shillings to be forfeited to the Kings Majestie.
XI. Persons named in such Precepts to appear before the Commissioners.
Such Persons making Default or refusing to serve.; Penalty 40s.; Oath not allowed on Inquiry into the Substance of Persons liable to be charged.; Penalty.; Commissioners to read Rates openly.; and after such Charge, ; Commissioners to limit another Day.; Persons not attending.; Penalty 40s.; Penalty 40s; Commissioners to examine Presenters.; Further Proceedings on Assessments.; Commissioners suspecting greater Substance or Value than specified, ; to order personal Appearances of Persons charged.; Such Persons not appearing, ; Penalty double Value of Rate.; Oath not allowed on Inquiry into Substance of Persons liable to be charged.; Spiritual Persons how rated for Temporal Possessions.
And it is further ordeyned by the Authoritie of this p[re]sent Parliament that at the said day and place p[re]fixed and lymited in the said Precept every of the said Co[m]missioners then being in the Shire and not having sufficient excuse for his absence at the day and place p[re]fixed for that [place (fn. 15) ] whereunto he was lymitted shall appeare in his owne p[ro]per p[er]son and there the same Co[m]missioners being p[re]sent or as many of them as shalbe appointed by the Kings Majesties Co[m]mission shall call or cause to be called before them the said Inhabitants and officers to whome they have directed their said Precepts and which had in co[m]maundement there to appeare by vertue of the said p[re]cept, And if any p[er]son so warned make default unles he then be letted by sicknesse or lawfull excuse and that let be then witnessed by the oathes of two credible p[er]sons, or if any appearing refuse to serve in forme following, Then every such p[er]son so making default or refusing to serve shall forfeit to the Kings Majestie fortie shillings, and soe at every tyme appointed by the said Co[m]missioners for the said severall Taxacions untill such tyme the nomber of every such p[er]sons have appeared and certified in forme underwritten every of them soe making default or refusing to serve shall forfeit to the Kings Majestie fortie shillings, and uppon the same appearance had they shalbe charged before the Co[m]missioners by all convenient waies and meanes (other then by corporall oath) to enquire of the value of the substance after the usuall manner of every p[er]son dwelling and abiding within the lymitts of the places that they shalbe charged with, and of other which shall have his or their most resort unto any of the said places and chargeable with any so[m]me of mony by this Act of the said Subsidies and of all other things requisit touching the said Acti and according to the intent of the same, and thereuppon as neere as it may be or shall come to their knowledge without respectof any former taxacion heretofore had trulie to p[re]sent and certifie before the said Co[m]missioners the names and surnames and the substance and values of every of them after the usuall manner as aforesaid as well of Lands Tenements and other Hereditaments possessions and proffitts [and (fn. 16) ] of goods chattells debts and other things chargeable by the same Act.e without any concealment love favour affeccion dread or malice upon paine of forfeiture of five pounds or more to be taxed extracted and levied in forme as hereafter in this p[re]sent Act shalbe lymitted or appointed And thereuppon the said Co[m]missioners shall openlie there reade or cause to be read unto them the said rates in this Act menc[i]oned and openlie declare the effect of their charge unto them in what manner and forme they ought and should make their Certificates according to the rates and so[m]mes thereof abovesaid and of all manner of p[er]sons as well Aliens and Straungers Denizens or not Denizens inhabiting within this Realme as of such Popish Recusants and others p[er]sons as be borne under the Kings. obeysance chargeable to this Act and of the possessions goods and chattells of Fraternities Guilds Corporacions Brotherhoods Misteries Co[m]monalties and other as is abovesaid and of p[er]sons being in the parts beyond the Seas having Goodes and Chattells Lands or Tenements within this Realme as is aforesaid and of all goods being in the Custodie of any p[er]son or p[er]son to the use of any other as is abovesaid, by the which Informacion and shewing the said p[er]sons may have such plaine knowledge of the true intent of this p[re]sent Act and of the manner of their Certificate, that the same p[er]sons shall have no reasonable cause to excuse them by ignorance, And after such charge and the Statute of the said Subsidies and the manner of the said Certificate to be made in writing conteyning the names and surnames of every p[er]son and whether he be borne without the Kings Dominions or within and the value of every p[er]son in every degree as well of the yearelie value of Lands and Tenements and of such like possessions and proffitts as of the value of goods and chattells debts and every thing to their Certificate requisite and necessarie to them declared the said Co[m]missioners there being shall by their discrecions lymitt and appoint unto the said p[er]sons another day and place to appeare before the said Co[m]missioners and charging the said p[er]sons that they shall in the meane tyme make diligent inquiry by all waies and meanes of the p[re]misses, and then and there every of them uppon paine of forfeiture of fortie shillings to the Kings Majestie to appeare at the said next p[re]fixed day and place there to certifie unto the said Co[m]missioners in writing according to their said charge and according to the true intent of the said Graunt of Subsidie and as to them in manner aforesaid, hath byn declared and shewed by the Co[m]missioners, At which day and place so to them p[re]fixed if any of the said p[er]sons make default or appeare and refuse to make the said Certificate then every of them so offending to forfeit to the Kings Majestie fortie shillings (except there be a reasonable excuse of his default by reason of his sicknes or otherwise by the oathes of two credible p[er]sons there witnessed) and of such as appeare ready to make Certificate as is aforesaid the said Co[m]missioners there being shall take and receive the same Certificate and every part thereof and the names values and substance of every p[er]son so certified, And if the said Co[m]missioners see cause reasonable they shall examine the said Presenters thereof, and thereup[p]on the said Co[m]missioners at the said daies and place by their agreement amongest themselves shall from tyme to tyme there openlie p[re]fixe a day at a certaine place or places within the lymitts of their Co[m]mission by their discrecion for their further p[ro]ceeding to the said assessing of the same Subsidies And thereuppon at the said day of the said Certificate as is aforesaid taken the same Co[m]missioners shall make their Precept or Precepts to the Constables Subconstables Bailiffes or other Officers of such Hundreds Wapentakes Townes or other places aforesaid as the same Co[m]missioners shalbe of comprising and contayning in the said Precepts the names and surnames of all p[er]sons p[re]sented before them in the said Certificate of whome [if (fn. 17) ] the said Co[m]missioners or as many of them as shalbe thereunto appointed by the Kings Co[m]mission shall ( (fn. 18) ) have vehement suspect to be of more greater value or substance in Lands Goods Chattells or so[m]mes of mony owing unto them or other substance aforesaid then is uppon such p[er]son or p[er]sons soe certified and specified as aforesaid the same Co[m]missioners shall make their Precept or Precepts directed to the Constables Bailiffs or other Officers co[m]maunding them to whome such p[re]cept shalbe directed to warne such p[er]sons whose names shalbe comprised in the said Precepts at their mansions or to their p[er]sons that the same p[er]sons named in such Precepts and every of them shall p[er]sonallie appeare before the said Co[m]missioners at the said new p[re]fixed day and place there to be examined by all waies and meanes (other then by corporall oath) by the said Co[m]missioners of their substance and value in manner as aforesaid and of all and every so[m]mes of mony owing to them and other whatsoever matter concerning the p[re]misses or any of them according to this Act. At which day and place so p[re]fixed the said Co[m]missioners then and there being or as many of them as shall be thereunto appointed by the Kings Co[m]mission shall cause to be called the said p[er]sons whose names shalbe comprised in the said Precept as is aforesaid for their examinacion And if any of those p[er]sons which shalbe warned as aforesaid to be examined (which at any tyme after the warning and before the day p[re]fixed shalbe within such place as he may have knowledge of his said appearance to be made) shall make default and not appeare unlesse a reasonable cause or excuse by the oathes of two credible p[er]sons before the said Co[m]missioners be trulie alleaged for his discharge, that then every of them soe making default to be taxed and charged to the Kings Majestie with and at the double so[m]me of the rate that he should or ought to have byn sett at for and after the value aforesaid of his lands or substance uppon him certified if he had appeared by the discrecion of the Co[m]missioners there being, which Co[m]missioners shall travaile with every of the other p[er]sons so then and there appearing whose names shalbe expressed in the said p[re]cept or p[re]cepts and in whome any vehement suspect was or shalbe had in forme aforesaid by all waies and meanes they can (other then by corporall oath) for the better knowledge of their value as aforesaid either in Hereditaments or possessions or else in goods or debts, and thereuppon shall have power and authoritie by vertue of this Act according to their discrecions to inlarge and increase the taxacion of such p[er]sons as they shall soe finde by due examinacion to be of greater value or substance in lands or goods then they were p[re]sented at, And that every Spirituall p[er]son at every of the said taxacions of the said Subsidies shalbe rated and sett according to the rate abovesaid of and for every pound that the same spirituall p[er]son or any other to his use hath by discent bargaine or purchase in Fee simple or Fee taile terme of life terme of yeres by execucion wardshipp ( (fn. 19) ) coppie of Court Roll in any Mannors landes tenements rents s[er]vices offices fees corrodies an[n]uities and Hereditaments after the true just and yearelie value thereof and according as other the Kings Majesties Subjects borne within this Realme be charged in forme above remembred so that it extend to the yearelie value of twentie shillings or above.
XII. Proviso as to Englishmen being Nobility of Scotland and Ireland only residing in England.
And it is further enacted by the Authoritie of this p[re]sent Parliament that every Englishman residing in England being a Viscount of Scotland or Ireland and not a Peere of the Realme of England shall not be taxed or rated in the Subsidie Booke under one hundred pounds in lands And that every Englishman residing in England being a Baron of Scotland or Ireland and not a Peere of the Realme of England shall not be taxed or rated in the Subsidie Booke under one hundred markes in land, And that every Englishman being a Baronett of Scotland or Ireland shall not be taxed or rated in the Subsidie Booke under fortie pounds in land.
XIII. Assessors misbehaving.
Commissioners may set a Fine upon them.; Estreated into the Exchequer.
And it is further enacted that if the said Taxors or Assessors shall not dulie behave themselves in their inquirie taxacion Assessement or Certificate but shall affeccionatelie corruptlie or partially demeasne themselves in that behalfe in such wise that the Co[m]missioners shall by their consideracions deeme them offenders worthie of punishment for not doing their duties therein, that then foure or more of the Co[m]missioners in that Countie for the said Subsidie shall have power and authoritie by their discrecions either to charge the said Assessors uppon their corporall oathes for the better service aforesaid in that behalfe or else by their discrecions to taxe and set uppon the said Assessors for their misdemeanors in that behalfe such a fine or paine as they shall thinke good, so that it exceed not the so[m]me of tenne pounds and the same fine or paine at their discrecions to estreat into the Court of ( (fn. 20) ) Exchequer, Every which Fine so taxed and set by foure of the said Co[m]missioners or more and being estreated with the Scedule and Bookes of that lymitt shalbe levied and aunswered to the Kings use in like manner and forme to all intents and purposes as any other so[m]mes that shalbe taxed and become due by vertue of this Statute and Acte of Subsidie and not in any other wise or manner.
XIV. Remedy for Persons aggrieved by the Assessment.
And if any p[er]son certified or rated by vertue of this Acte whether he be a Co[m]missioner or other to any manner of value doth finde himselfe greived with the same p[re]sentment sessing or rating and thereuppon complaine to the Co[m]missioners before whome he shalbe called sessed or taxed or before two of them before the same taxacion be certified in the Court of Exchequer, that then the said Co[m]missioners or two of them shall by all waies and meanes examine particulerlie and distinctlie the p[er]son so complayning uppon his oath and other his neighbors by their discrecions of every his Lands and Tenements above specified and of every his goods chattells and debts above mencioned, And after due examinacion and p[er]fect knowledge thereof had and p[er]ceived by the said Co[m]missioners or two of them which shall have power by Authoritie aforesaid the said Co[m]missioners or two of them to whome any such complaint shalbe made by their discrecions upon the oath of the said p[er]son soe complayning may abate defaulk increase or inlarge the said assessments according as it shall appeare unto them just uppon the same examinacion, and the same; so[m]me soe abated defalked increased or inlarged shall be by them estreated in forme as is hereafter specified, And if it be proved by witnesses or by the parties owne confession or other lawfull waies or meanes within a yeare after any such oath made that the same p[er]son so rated and sworne was of any better or greater value in lands goods or other things above specified at the tyme of his said oath then the same p[er]son so sworne did declare upon his said oath, that then every such p[er]son so offending shall lose and forfeit to the Kings Majestie soe much lawfull mony of England as he the same p[er]son soe sworne was set at or taxed to pay.
XV. Commissioners to be rated at such Place where they shall be Commissioners;
other Persons where they have resided for the most Part of the Year.; Absentees assessed where last abiding.; Rate to be according to Substance of Persons liable.
And also it is enacted by the same Authoritie that every p[er]son to be rated and taxed as is aforesaid shalbe rated and set and the so[m]me on him set to be levied at such place where he and his family were resident for the most part of the yere next before the same p[re]sentment and taxacion made and no where else And that no Co[m]missioner for his Subsidie shalbe rated or taxed for his goods or lands but in the Shire or ( (fn. 21) ) place where he shalbe [a (fn. 22) ] Co[m]missioner And that if any p[er]son chargeable by this Act at the tyme of the said assessings happen to be out of this Realme and out of Wales or farre from the place where he shalbe knowen then he to be set where hee was last abiding within this Realme or in Wales and after the substance value and other proffitts of every p[er]son to bee knowen by examinacion Certificate or other manner of way as is aforesaid, And that the said Co[m]missioners or as many of them as shalbe appointed by the Kings Majesties Co[m]mission or Co[m]missions shall after the rate and rates aforesaid cause every p[er]son so to be set rated and taxed according to the rate of the substance and value of his lands goods chattells and other proffitts chargeable by this Act, whereby the greatest or best so[m]me or so[m]mes according to his substance as aforesaid by reason of this Act might or may be set or taxed.
XVI. Remedy for Commissioners and other Persons taxed in any Place other than where they are Commissioners, or where resiant for most part of the preceding Year.
Fee for Allowance.
And that every p[er]son taxed in any Countie or place other then where he ( (fn. 23) ) is a Co[m]missioner for the Subsidie if he be a Co[m]missioner upon certificate made to the said Court of Exchequer under the hands and seales of two Co[m]missioners for the same Subsidie in the same Countie or Place where such p[er]son and his family were resiant for the most part of the yeare then next before or where he is a Co[m]missioner for the taxacion and payment of the same Subsidie testifying his most resiaunce, having a family or being a Co[m]missioner shalbe a sufficient discharge for the taxacion of that p[er]son in any other places and of and for all other so[m]mes of mony uppon such p[er]sons [to be (fn. 24) ] set and taxed save onelie the taxacions made in that Countie [and (fn. 25) ] place, from which such certificate shalbe made as is aforesaid, and for the su[m]me of mony upon such p[er]son there assessed or taxed, And that such certificate without any Plea or other circumstance shalbe a sufficient warrant as well to the Barons and Auditor and Auditors of the said Court of Exchequer as to all and every other Officers to whome the allowance thereof shall appertaine paying for such discharge and allowance onelie sixe pence and no more.
XVII. Double Charge not to be allowed.
Remedy in respect of Double Charges.
Provided allwayes that every such p[er]son that shalbe rated or taxed according to the true meaning of this Act for paying of and to theise Subsidies for and after the yearelie value of his Landes Tenements or other reall possessions or proffitts at any of the said taxacions shall not after be set and taxed for his goods and chattells or other moveable substance at the same taxacion, and that he that shalbe set charged or taxed for the same Subsidie for his goods chattells and other moveables at any of the said taxacions according to the true meaning of this Act shall not after be taxed charged or chargeable for his lands or other reall possessions or proffitts aforesaid at the same taxacions or any of them, nor that any p[er]son by any taxacion be doubly charged for the said Subsidies nor set or rated at severall places by reason of this Acte, But if any p[er]son happen to be double set taxed or charged either in one place or [in (fn. 26) ] severall places then he to be discharged of the one taxacion and charged with the other according to the [true (fn. 27) ] meaning and intent of this Act, any thing contayned in this p[re]sent Act to the contrary notwithstanding.
XVIII. Proviso for Persons having two Mansions, or being Household Servants or Waiting Servants to the King or others.
Persons unduly escaping Taxation; ; on Proof thereof before Commissioners or Barons of Exchequer; ; Taxed at double Value.
And be it ordayned and enacted by the authoritie of this present Parliament That no p[er]son having two mansions or two places to resort unto or calling himselfe Houshold servant or Waiting servant to the Kings Majestie or other Lord or Lady master or mistresse be excused uppon his saying from the taxes of the said Subsidies in neither of the places where he may be set or taxed unlesse he bring a Certificate in Writing from the Co[m]missioners where he is so set or taxed indeed at one place And if any p[er]son that ought to be set and taxed to these p[re]sent Subsidies by reason of his removing or resorting to two places or by reason of his saying that he was elswhere taxed or by reason of any Priviledge of his dwelling or abiding in any place not being foreprised in this Act or otherwise by his covine or craft or by any words or sayings or otherwise, Or if any that is a Co[m]missioner or Assessor of others happen to escape from the said [taxacion (fn. 28) ] from the payment of these Subsidies or any of them and be not set and taxed according to the true intent of this Act and that proved by Presentment Examinacion Informacion or otherwise before the said Co[m]missioners or two of them or before the Barons of the Kings Majesties Exchequer or two Justies of Peace of that Countie where such p[er]son dwelleth Then every such p[er]son that by such meanes or otherwise willinglie by covine or without just cause shall happen to escape from the said taxacions or payments aforesaid or any of them and shall not be rated taxed and set shalbe charged upon the knowledge and proofe thereof with and at the double value of so much as he should might or ought to have bene set or taxed at by vertue of this Act, And the same double value to be levied gathered and paid of his goods and Chattells Lands and Tenements towards the said Subsidies, and further to be punished according to the discrecions of the said Barons Justices or Co[m]missioners before whome he shalbe convicted for his offence and deceit in that behalfe.
XIX. The Power of Commissioners to tax other Commissioners, and also Assessors.
Barons and Persons of higher Estate taxed by the Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer, and other Persons named by the King.; Rate estreated and certified.
And be it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid That the said Co[m]missioners in every Co[m]mission which shalbe or inhabite in any countie or place within the lymitts of their Co[m]mission or the more part of them shall have full power and authoritie by this Act to set taxe and sesse every other Co[m]missioner joyned with them in every such Co[m]mission and the said Co[m]missioners within their Division shall ( (fn. 29) ) assesse every Assessor within their Division for his or their goods lands and other the p[re]misses as is [aforesaid; (fn. 30) ] By which said Co[m]mission the said Co[m]missioners to whome it shall appertaine shall indifferentlie sett taxe and sesse them[selves (fn. 31) ] and the said Assessors, and that aswell the so[m]mes uppon every of the said Co[m]missioners and Assessors so assessed rated and taxed as the so[m]mes made and p[re]sented by the Presenters as is abovesaid shalbe written certified sett and estreated and the Estreats thereof to be made with other the inhabitants of that part and within the lymitts of the same Co[m]mission and Division so to be gathered and levied in like manner as it ought and should have byn if the said Co[m]missioners had not byn in the said Co[m]mission And that all p[er]sons of the estate of a Baron or Baronesse and every estate above shalbe charged with their freehold and value as is aforesaid by the Chauncellor or the Lord Keeper of the great Seale of England and the high Treasurer of England for the tyme being or the one of them together with other such p[er]sons as by the Kings Majesties authoritie or co[m]maundement shalbe named and appointed and they to be charged for the said severall payments of the said Subsidies after the forme of the said Graunt according to the taxacion aforesaid And the so[m]mes of and uppon them to be taxed and sett with the names of the Collectors appointed for gathering and paying of the same to be estreated delivered and certified at the daies and places above specified by the Lord Chauncellor or Lord Keeper of the great Seale and Lord Tresurer or one of them together with such other p[er]sons as thereunto shalbe named as is aforesaid.
XX. Rates estreated under the Sign Manual and Seals of Commissioners; and Estreats delivered to Sufficient Inhabitants, &c. of Hundreds, &c.
By virtue of Estreat Officers, &c.; to levy Rate.; Distress.; If Rate not paid in Eight Days, then Distress appraised and sold.; Officers, &c. to answer for the Portion limited to them only.; Allowance to Officers on Rate recovered.
And be it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, That after the Taxes and assesses of the said so[m]mes uppon and by the said assessing and certificate as is aforesaid made, the said Co[m]missioners or as many of them as shalbe thereunto appointed and have authoritie by the Kings Majesties Co[m]mission shall with all speed and without delay by their writing estreate the said taxes thereof under the Seales and Signes Manual of the said Co[m]missioners or as many of them as shalbe appointed at the least; And the same shall deliver unto sufficient and substanciall Inhabitants Constables Subconstables Bayliffes and other Officers joyntlie of Hundreds Townes Parishes and other places aforesaid within their lymitts and to other sufficient p[er]sons Inhabitants of the same onely by the discrecion of the ( (fn. 32) ) Co[m]missioners with the assent of the high Collector and as the place and parties shall require aswell the particuler names and surnames as the remembrance of all so[m]mes of mony taxed and sett of and uppon every p[er]son as well man as woman chargeable by this Act Housholders and all other Inhabitants and dwellers within the said p[er]ishes Townes and places contributory to this Act of Subsidies: By authoritie of which writing and estreat soe delivered the said Officers and other p[er]sons soe named and deputed severally shall have full power and authoritie by vertue of this Act ymediatelie after the delivery of the said writing or estreat to demaund levy and gather of every p[er]son therein specified the so[m]me and so[m]mes in the same writing [or estreat (fn. 31) ] comprised and for non payment thereof to distreyne the same p[er]son or p[er]sons soe being behind by their goods and chattells and the distresse soe taken to keepe by the space of eight daies at the costs and chargs of the owner thereof And if the said owner doe not pay such so[m]me of money as shall be taxed uppon him or her by authoritie of this Acte within the same eight daies, then the same distresse to be appraised by foure three or two of the inhabitants where such distresse is taken, and alsoe then to be sold by the Constable or other Collector for the payment of the said mony and the overplus co[m]ming by the sale (if any be) over and besides the charge of keeping the said distresse to be imediatelie restored to the owner thereof, Which said Officers and other p[er]sons so deputed to aske take gather and levie the said so[m]mes shall aunswere and be charged for the porcion onelie to them assigned and lymitted to be gathered levied and comprised in the said writing or estreat soe to them as aforesaid delivered to the use of our Soveraigne Lord the Kings Majestie and his Heires and Successors, and the said so[m]me in that writing or Estreat to be comprised to pay unto the high Collector or Collectors of that place in manner and forme under written, thereunto to be named and deputed and the same Inhabitants and Officers so gathering the same particular so[m]mes for their colleccion thereof shall retaine for every twentie shillings so by them received and paid two pence, And that to be allowed at the payment of their colleccion by them to be made to the high Collector or Collectors.
XXI. Commissioners may appoint Collectors.
Qualification, ; to be High Collectors.; Commissioners to deliver Estreats under their Seals and Sign Manual to Collectors.; Collector to answer the Sums comprized in Estreat.
And further be it enacted by the said Authoritie that such of the said Co[m]missioners or the more part of them as shall take uppon them the execucion and busines of the said Co[m]mission shall for every of the said payments of the said Subsidies name such sufficient and able p[er]sons which then shall have and possesse lands or other Hereditaments in their owne right of the cleere yearelie value of fortie pounds or goodes to the value of foure hundred pounds at the least as he shalbe taxed in the Subsidie Booke (if anie such be in the said lymitts) and for want of such so assessed, then those to be appointed Collectors that then shalbe sufficient and rated and taxed in the Subsidie Bookes in lands and goods neerest to the values aforesaid as by their discrecions shalbe thought good in Shires Ridings Lathes Wapentakes Rapes Cities Townes corporate and other whatsoever places aswell within places priviledged as without not being foreprised in this Acte to be high Collectors and to have the colleccion and receipt of the said so[m]mes set and leviable within the p[re]cincts lymitts and bounds, where they shalbe so lymitted and appointed to be high Collectors And to every of the said Collectors soe severallie named the said Co[m]missioners or two of them at the least with all speed and without delay after the said whole so[m]me, of any payment of the said Subsidies be set by all the lymitts of the same their Co[m]mission or in such lymitts as the high Collectors shalbe soe severallie assigned shall under their Seales and Signes manuall deliver one estreate indented in Parchment comprising in itt the names of all such p[er]sons as were assigned to levie the said particular so[m]mes and the so[m]mes of every Hundred Wapentake Towne or other place aforesaid with the names and surnames of the p[er]sons soe chargeable according to the Estreate so thereof first made and delivered as is aforesaid, And the Collectors to be assigned shalbe charged to aunswere the whole so[m]me comprised in the said Estreate lymitted to his colleccion as is aforesaid.
XXII. Commissioners to take Recognizances of Collectors.
Condition of Recognizance for first Two Subsidies; ; for Third Subsidy; ; for Fourth Subsidy.; for Fifth Subsidy; Commissioners to certify Recognizances into the Exchequer.; Penalty, £10.; Collectors not making Recognizance, Penalty £20.; Exchequer to cancel Recognizances on Payment of Collection into Exchequer without Fee.; Collectors may appoint Days and Places for Payment of Collection.; Assessor, &c. not paying Collection to High Collector, abating the Allowance of 2d. in the Pound.; Distress.; Proceedings thereon.
Provided allwaies and be it enacted by the authoritie aforesaid that the said Co[m]missioners having authoritie by this Acte to name and nominate the said high Collectors of every the said Subsidies shall ymediatelie uppon their no[i]acion and eleccion take by authoritie of this p[re]sent Parliament sufficient Recognizances or Obligacions without any Fee or reward to be paid therefore of every p[er]son so by them to be named to be high Collectors to be bound to the Kings Majestie in the double so[m]me of the so[m]me of his colleccion and to be indorsed and made uppon such condicion that is to saie for the colleccion of the payment of the said two first of the said five Subsidies: That if the said Collector his Heires or Executors doe trulie content and pay to the use of the Kinges Majestie his Heires or Successors in the receipt of the said Exchequer att or before the tenth day of July now next co[m]ming soe much of the said so[m]me of mony allotted and appointed to his colleccion as he shall collect and gather and content and pay the residue of his colleccion and charge within one moneth next after such tyme as he hath collected and gathered the same residue, that ( (fn. 33) ) the said Recognizance or Obligacion to be void or els to stand in full strength and vertue And for the colleccion of the third of the said five Subsidies uppon condicion, That if the said Collector his heires or executors doe trulie content and pay to the use of the Kings Majestie his Heires or Successors in his receipt of Exchequer at or before the twentith day of October next ensuing soe much of the said so[m]me of mony allotted and appointed to his colleccion as he shall collecte and gather and content and pay the residue of his colleccion and charge within one moneth next after such tyme as he hath collected and gathered the same residue: That then the said Recognizances or Obligacions to be void or els to stand in full strength and vertue, And for the colleccion of the said fourth Subsidie of the five Subsidies aforesaid, uppon condicion, That if the said Collector his heires or executors doe trulie content and pay to the use of the Kings Majestie his Heires or Successors in his receipt of Exchequer at or before the said twentith day of December now next ensuing soe much of the said so[m]me of mony allotted and appointed to his colleccion as he shall collect and gather and content and pay the residue of his colleccion and charge within one moneth next after such tyme as he hath collected and gathered the same residue, That then the [same (fn. 34) ] Recognizances and Obligacions to be void or els to stand in full strength and vertue And for the colleccion of the said fift and last of the said Subsidies uppon condicion That if the said Collector his heires or executors doe trulie content and pay to the use of the Kings Majestie his heires and Successors in his receipt of Exchequer at or before the said first day of March now next ensuing so much of the said so[m]me of mony allotted and appointed to his colleccion as he shall collect and gather and content and pay the residue of his colleccion and charge within one moneth next after such tyme as he hath collected the same residue, That then the said Recognizances or Obligacions to be void or els to stand in full strength and vertue, Which said severall Recognizances or Obligacions soe taken the said Co[m]missioners shall severally certifie and deliver into the Kings Majesties Exchequer with the severall Certificates of the said Taxacions and Rates of the payments of the said Subsidies at and by the tymes to them p[re]scribed and appointed by this Acte for the certificate of the said severall Taxacions of the said Subsidies uppon paine of forfeiture of ten pounds to the Kinges Majestie for every Recognizance or Obligacion not soe certified And that every such Collector soe elected named and chosen uppon request to him made shall knowledge and make the said Recognizance or Obligacion uppon paine of forfeiture of twentie pounds to the Kings Majestie for the refusall thereof, And that the Tresurer and Barons of the Exchequer for the tyme being uppon payment of the said severall colleccions of the Subsidies at the dayes and tymes herein lymitted for the payment thereof ( (fn. 35) ) to the Collector or Collectors without any other warrant and without any fee or reward to be paid for the same to any p[er]son, And every Collector so deputed having the said Estreat in parchment as is aforesaid shall have authoritie by this Act to appoint daies and places within the circuit of his colleccion for the payment of the said Subsidies to him to be made and thereof to give warning by p[ro]clamacion or otherwise to all the Constables or other p[er]sons or inhabitants having the charge of the particular colleccion within the Hundreds Parishes Townes or other places by him or them lymitted to make payment of the said particuler colleccion of every so[m]me as to them shall appertaine And if at the same day and place so lymitted and p[re]fixed by the said high Collector the said Constable Officers or other p[er]sons or inhabitants as is aforesaid for the said particular colleccion assigned and appointed within such Hundred Cittie Towne or other place doe not pay unto the said high Collector the some within their severall Hundreds Townes Parishes and other places due and comprised in the said Estreat thereof to them delivered by the said Co[m]missioners or some of them as is aforesaid or so much thereof as they have by anie meanes received (two pence for every pound for the said particular colleccion as is aforesaid allwaies thereof to be allowed excepted and abated) that then it shalbe lawfull to the said high Collectors and every of them and to their assignes to distraine every of the said Constables Officers and other inhabitants for their said severall and particular colleccion of the said so[m]mes comprised in the said Estreat and writing thereof to them and every of them as is before expressed delivered or for so much of the same so[m]me as so then shall happen to be gathered and levied and behind and unpaid by the goods and chattells of every of them so being behind and the distresse so taken to be kept and appraised and sold as is aforesaid and thereof to take and levie the so[m]mes soe then being behinde and unpaid and the overplus co[m]ming of the sale of the said distresse (if any be) to be restored and delivered unto the owner in forme above remembred.
XXIII. Persons having been Collectors of former Subsidies not to be appointed Collectors of subsequent Subsidies unless they shew Quietus est.
Penalty £100.
Provided alwaies, and be it enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, That no p[er]son or p[er]sons shalbe nominated or appointed to be a high Collector or Collectors for the second or other Subsidie graunted by this Act which before that tyme hath byn a Collector or Collectors for the first or for any former Subsidie unlesse such p[er]son or p[er]sons so to be nominated or appointed high Collector or Collectors for the second or any [such (fn. 36) ] other former Subsidie doe first shew forth before him or them by whome he shalbe nominated and appointed his Quietus est for his discharge of his colleccion before appointed to his charge uppon paine of one hundred pounds to be paid and forfaited by him or them that [shall so (fn. 37) ] nominate and appoint any such Collector contrary to this p[re]sent Act.
Persons living in Cities, &c. not to be appointed Collectors or Assessors out of them.
Provided alwaies, that no p[er]son inhabiting in any Cittie Borough or Towne corporate shalbe compelled to be any Assessor or Collector of or for anie part of the said Subsidies in any place or places out of the said Cittie Borough or Towne corporate where he dwelleth.
XXIV. Assessors, Attornies, Factors, &c. after being charged with Receipt of Assessment, dying or removing or concealing their Goods, &c. or when Monies comprized in Estreat cannot be levied by Distress, or where Distress cannot be sold;
Process out of the Exchequer, and the Commissioners may direct Precepts to Officer to levy such Money.; Who may distrain.; Distress appraised and sold.; If Distress taking out of Limit assigned, Allowance.; Persons charged discharged by Distress.
And it is also by the said authoritie enacted That if any Inhabitants or Officers or whatsoever p[er]son or p[er]sons charged to and for the colleccion and receipt of any part or porcion of the said Subsidies by any manner of meanes according to this Act: or any p[er]son or p[er]sons for themselves or as Keeper Gardian Deputie Factor or Attorny, of or for any other p[er]son or p[er]sons for any goods or chattells of the owner thereof at the tyme of the said assessing to be paid being out of this Realme or in any other parts not knowen, or of and for the goods and chattells of anie other p[er]son or p[er]sons of anie corporacion Fraternitie Misterie or other whatsoever Commonaltie being corporate or not corporate and all p[er]sons having in their rule governance and custodie any goods [and (fn. 38) ] Chattells at the tyme of the said [assessings (fn. 39) ] or anie of them to be made or which for any cause for and by colleccion of for himselfe or for any other or by reason that he hath the rule governance or custodie of anie goods or chattells of any other p[er]son or p[er]sons Corporacion Commonaltie Fraternitie Guild or Mistery or any such other like or as Factor Deputie or attorny of or for any p[er]son shalbe taxed valued [rated (fn. 40) ] and sett to anie so[m]me and so[m]mes by reason of this Act and after the taxacion and assessing uppon any such p[er]son or p[er]sons as shalbe charged with the receipt of the same happen to die or depart from the place where he was so taxed [or (fn. 41) ] sett or his goods or chattells to be soe eloined or in such privie or covert manner kept as the same p[er]son or p[er]sons charged with the same by Estreats or other [writings (fn. 42) ] from the said Co[m]missioners or as many of them as shalbe thereunto appointed by the said Co[m]mission as is aforesaid can ne may levie the same so[m]me and so[m]mes comprised within the same Estreats by distresse within the Lymitts of their colleccion as is aforesaid or cannott sell such distresse or distresses as be taken for anie of the said payments before the tyme lymitted to the high Collector for his payment to be made in the Kings Majesties Receipt then uppon relacion thereof with due examinacion by the oath or examinacion of such p[er]son or p[er]sons as shalbe charged with and for the receipt and colleccion of the same before the said Co[m]missioners or as many of them as by the said Co[m]mission shalbe thereunto appointed where such p[er]son or p[er]sons or other (as is aforesaid) their Goods and Chattells were set and taxed and uppon plaine Certificate thereof made into the Kings Majesties Exchequer by the same Co[m]missioners as well of the dwelling place names and [surnames (fn. 43) ] of the said p[er]sons of whome the same so[m]mes cannott be levied, and had as is aforesaid: Then aswell the Constable and other Inhabitants appointed for the same particuler colleccion against the high Collector as the high Collector uppon his account and Oath in the said Exchequer to be discharged thereof and p[ro]cesse to be made for the Kings Majestie out of the same Exchequer by the discrecion of the Barons of the same Exchequer against such p[er]son his Heires or Executors so being behind with his payment. And over that the same Co[m]missioners to whome any such declaracion of the p[re]misses shalbe made in forme aforesaid from tyme to tyme shall have [full (fn. 40) ] power and authoritie to direct their precept or precepts to the said p[er]son or p[er]sons charged with anie so[m]me of for and uppon any such p[er]son and p[er]sons or other as is aforesaid or to any Sheriffe Steward Bayliffe or other whatsoever Officer Minister p[er]son or p[er]sons of such place or places where any such p[er]son or p[er]sons so owing any such so[m]me or so[m]mes shall have Lands or Tenements and other Hereditaments or reall possessions goodes and chattells whereby any such p[er]son or p[er]sons so indebted his Heires Executors or Assignes or other having the Custodie governance or disposicion of any goods or chattells landes tenements or other Hereditaments which ought or may by this Act be lawfullie distreined or taken for the same hath and shall have goodes chattells landes tenements or other possessions whereof such so[m]me and so[m]mes which by any such p[er]son or p[er]sons may or ought to be levied be it within the lymitts of such Co[m]mission where such p[er]son or p[er]sons was or were taxed or without in any place within this Realme of England Wales or other the Kings Majesties Dominions Marches or Territories, by which p[re]cept as well such p[er]son or p[er]sons shalbe charged to levie such monie as the Officer of the place or places where such distresse may be taken shall have full power and authoritie to distreine every such p[er]son indebted charged or chargeable by this Act or his Executors or Administrators of his Goodes and Chattells his Gardians Factors Deputies [Leassees (fn. 40) ] Farmors and Assignes and all other p[er]sons by whose hands or out of whose lands any such p[er]son shall have Fee Rent An[n]uitie or other proffitt or which at the tyme of the said assessing shall have goods or chattells or any other thing moveable of any such p[er]son or p[er]sons being indebted or owing such so[m]me and the distresses so taken cause to be kept appraised and sold in like manner and forme as is aforesaid for the distresse to be taken uppon such p[er]sons to be taxed to the said Subsidies, and being sufficient to distreine within the lymitts of the Collectors Inhabitants or other officers charged with or for the said so[m]mes so uppon them to be taxed And if any such distresse for non payment happen to be taken out of the lymitt of the said p[er]sons charged and assigned to levie the said p[er]sons so charged for the levying of any such so[m]mes by distresse shall p[er]ceive and take of the same distresse for the labour of every p[er]son going for the execucion thereof for every mile that every [p[er]son (fn. 40) ] so laboureth for the same two pence. And every Farmor Gardian Tenant Factor or other whatsoever p[er]son being distreined or other p[er]son charged for payment of any such so[m]me or so[m]mes or any other so[m]me by reason of this Act shalbe of such so[m]me or so[m]mes of him or them soe levied and taken discharged and acquitted at his next day of payment for the same or at the delivery of such Goods and Chattells as he that is so distreyned had in his custodie or governance against him or them that shalbe soe taxed and sett Any graunte or writing Obligatorie or other whatsoever matter to the contrary made heretofore notwithstanding.
XXVI. Persons distrained having no Lands, &c.
Proceedings.; Imprisonment until Sums due, and also Fee for Arrest paid.; Officer not excuting Process.; Penalty 20s.; Gaoler suffering Escape.; Penalty 40s. and double Value of Rate and Fees.; Like Process for Subsidies due by any persons charged for another unpaid.; Certificate of Default, ; Imprisonment, &c. by Commissioners.; Collectors, &c. disobeying Commissioners; ; or Persons suspected not to be indifferently taxed refusing to be examined, or resisting Distress, &c.; Penalty 40s. or under, at discretion of Commissioners.; Commissioners may punish by Imprisonment.
And if any such p[er]son that should so be distreyned have no Lands or Tenements sufficient whereby he and his Tenants and Farmors may be distreyned or have aliened eloyned or hid his Goods and Chattells whereby he should or might be distreyned in such manner that such goods or chattells should not be knowen or found, so that the so[m]me of or by him to be paid in the [forme aforesaid (fn. 44) ] shall not ne can be convenientlie levied, then uppon relacion thereof to the Co[m]missioners or to as many of them as by the said Co[m]mission shalbe thereunto appointed where such p[er]son or p[er]sons was taxed and sett by the oathes of him or them that shalbe charged with the levying and payment of that so[m]me or somes the same Co[m]missioners shall make a precept in such manner as is aforesaid for to attach take and arrest the body of such p[er]son or p[er]sons that ought to pay the said so[m]mes, and by this [Act (fn. 45) ] shalbe charged with and for the said so[m]me and so[m]mes and them soe taken safelie to keepe in prison within the Shire or other place where anie such p[er]son or p[er]sons shalbe taken and attached there to remaine without baile or Maineprise untill he [have (fn. 46) ] paid the said so[m]me or so[m]mes that such p[er]son for himselfe or for any other by this Act shalbe chargeable or ought to be charged withall, and alsoe for the Fees of every such Arrest to him or them that shall execute such precept twentie pence And that every Officer unto whome such p[re]cept shalbe directed doe his true diligence and execute the same uppon every p[er]son so being indebted uppon paine to forfeit to the Kings Majestie for every default in that behalfe twentie shillings And that no keeper of anie Gaole from his Gaole suffer any such p[er]son to goe at large by letting to Baile or otherwise to depart out of his prison before he have paid his said debt and the said twentie pence for his Arrest uppon paine to forfait to the Kings Majestie fortie shillings: And the said Gaoler to pay to the Kings Majestie the double value aswell of the rate, which the said p[er]son soe imprisoned was taxed at as of the said twentie pence for the fees, And like processe and remedie in like forme shalbe graunted by the said Co[m]missioners or as many of them as by the said Co[m]mission shalbe thereunto appointed at like Informacion of every p[er]son or p[er]sons being charged with any so[m]me of mony for any other p[er]son or p[er]sons by reason of the said Subsidies and not thereof payed but wilfullie withdrawen nor the same leviable within the lymitts where such p[er]sons were thereunto taxed, And if the so[m]me or so[m]mes being behind unpaid by any p[er]son or p[er]sons as is aforesaid be levied and gathered by force of the said p[ro]cesse to be made by the said Co[m]missioners, or if in default or for lacke of payment thereof the p[er]son or p[er]sons so owing the said so[m]me and so[m]mes of mony by processe of the same Co[m]missioners to be made as is aforesaid be co[m]mitted to prison in forme abovesaid, that then the said Co[m]missioners, which shall award such p[ro]cesse shall make Certificate thereof in the said Exchequer of that shalbe done in the p[re]misses in the Terme next following after such so[m]me or so[m]mes of mony soe being behind shalbe levied and gathered or such p[er]son or p[er]sons for non payment of the same co[m]mitted to prison And if it happen any of the said Collectors to be assigned or anie Maiors Sheriffs Stewards Constables the Headborough Bursholder Bayliffe or anie other Officer or Minister or other whatsoever p[er]son or p[er]sons to disobey the said Co[m]missioners or anie of them in the reasonable request to them made by the said Co[m]missioners for the execucion of the said Co[m]mission, or if any of the Officers or other p[er]sons do refuse that to them shall appertaine and belong to doe, by reason of anie Precept to him or them to be directed or any reasonable co[m]maundement instance or request touching the p[re]misses or other default in any appearance or colleccion to make, or if any p[er]son being suspected not to be indifferentlie taxed as is aforesaid doe refuse to be examined according to the tenor of this Acte before the said Co[m]missioners or as many of them as shalbe thereunto assigned as is aforesaid or will not appeare before the same Co[m]missioners uppon warning to him made or else make resistance or rescues uppon any distresse uppon him to be taken for any parcell of the said Subsidies or co[m]mitt any misbehaviour in any manner or wise contrary to this Act or co[m]mitt any wilfull omission or other whatsoever wilfull doing or misdoing contrary to the tenor of this Act or Graunt, The same Co[m]missioners and every nomber of them above remembred or two of them at the least uppon certaine knowledge of any such misdemeanors had by Informacion or Examinacion shall and may sett uppon ( (fn. 47) ) every such offence in the name of a Fine by the same offendor to be forfaited fortie shillings or under by discrecion of the same Co[m]missioners. And further the said Co[m]missioners and every nomber of them or two of them at the least shall have authoritie by this p[re]sent Act to punish every such offendor by imprisonment there to remaine and to be delivered by their discrecion as shall seeme to them convenient the said Fines if any such be to be certified by the said Co[m]missioners that so assessed the same into the Kings Majesties Exchequer there to be levied and paid by the Collectors of that part for the said Subsidies retorned into the said Exchequer to be therewith charged with the payment of the said Subsidies in such manner as if the said Fines had byn sett and taxed upon the said offendors for the said Subsidies.
XXVII. Allowance to High Collectors and their Accountants.
Allowance to be paid by Collectors to Commissioners for their Expences and the labour of their Clerks.; Remedy for the same for Commissioners against Collectors.
And be it also enacted by the said authoritie of this p[re]sent Parliament, That every of the said high Collectors, which shall account for anie part of the said Subsidies in the said Exchequer uppon their severall accounts to be yeilded shalbe allowed at every of the said payments of the said Subsidies for every pound lymitted to his colleccion whereof any such Collector shalbe charged and yeild account six pence as parcell of their charge (that is to saie) of every pound thereof for such p[er]sons as then have had the particuler colleccion of the Townes and other places as is aforesaid specified in his colleccion two pence and other two pence of every pound thereof every of the said cheife Collectors or their Accomptants to retaine to their owne use for their labour and charge in and about the p[ro]misses and two pence of every pound residue to be delivered allowed and paid by the said Collector so being thereof allowed to such of the Co[m]missioners as shall take uppon them the business and labour for and about the p[re]misses, that is to saie Every Collector to pay that Co[m]missioner or Co[m]missioners which had the ordering of the writings of and for every of the said Subsidies where the said Collector or Collectors had their colleccion for the expences for the said Co[m]missioners so taking, uppon them the said busines and labour of their Clerkes writing the said Precepts and Extracts of the said Colleccions, the said last two pence of every pound to be devided amongest the said Co[m]missioners having regard to their labour and busines taken by them and their said Clerkes in and about the p[re]misses, for which part so to the said Co[m]missioners appertayning the said Co[m]missioners six five foure three or two or as many of them as shalbe thereunto appointed by the Kings Majesties Co[m]mission and every of them joyntlie and severallie for his and their said part may have his remedie against the Collector or Collectors which thereof byn or might have byn allowed by accion of debt, in which the Defendants hall [not (fn. 48) ] wage his Lawe neither p[ro]teccion neither Injunccion or Essoine shalbe allowed.
XXVIII. Commissioners, &c. not compellable to make Presentment other than to Exchequer.
And that no p[er]son now being of the nomber of the Company of this p[re]sent perliament nor any Co[m]missioner shalbe named or assigned to be any Collector or Subcollector or Presenter of the said Subsidies or any part thereof, nor any Co[m]missioners shalbe compelled to make any p[re]sentment or Certificate other then into the Kings Majesties said Exchequer of for or concerning the said Subsidies or any part or parcell thereof, And likewise that no other p[er]son that shalbe named and assigned to be Co[m]missioners in any place to and for the execucion of this Act of Subsidies be or shalbe assigned or named head Collector of anie of the Payments of the said Subsidies neither of anie part thereof.
XXIX. Head Collector for First Subsidy not compellable to be Collector for the other Subsidies.
Taking Fees of Accountants.; Penalty.; Imprisonment.; Commissioners at Meetings to shew Certificates and Presentments to the other Commissioners.; Indenture of Collectors' Names, and of Sums written to Collectors, Fines, &c. to be certified by Commissioners into the Exchequer.; Collectors answerable for their own Collection only.; Commissioners, if they cannot agree, may make several Indentures of their several Limits; &c.; Collectors not chargeable for other Collectors.; Commissioners or Collectors or Persons taxed dying before discharged, Heirs and Executors chargeable as such Persons would have been if alive.
And that every such p[er]son and [p[er]son (fn. 49) ] which shalbe named and appointed as is aforesaid to be head Collectors of and for the payment of the said first Subsidie or of anie part thereof shall not be compelled to be Collector for the payment of the said second or other Subsidie nor anie part thereof And the said Collectors Wch shalbe assigned for the colleccion of the said five Subsidies or of anie part thereof and every of them be and shalbe acquited and discharged of all manner Fees and Rewards and of every other charge in the Kings Majesties Exchequer or elswhere of them or any of them by reason of that colleccion payment or account or any thing concerning the same to be asked, And that if any p[er]son receive or take any Fees Rewards or pleasures of any such Accomptants or use any unnecessary delay in their accompt that then he shall forfait to the Kings Majestie for every penny or value of every pennyworth soe taken five shillings and five pounds to the partie greived for every such delay and suffer imprisonment at the Kings Majesties pleasure And after every taxing and assessing of the said severall Subsidies as is aforesaid had or made and the said extracts thereof in Parchment unto the Collector in manner and forme before rehearsed delivered, The said Co[m]missioners which shall take uppon them the execucion of this Act within the lymitts of their Co[m]mission by their agreements shall [have (fn. 50) ] meetings together, Att which meeting every of the said Co[m]missioners which then shall have taken uppon them the execucion of any part of the said Co[m]mission shall by himselfe or his sufficient Deputie trulie certifie and bring forth unto the said Co[m]missioners named in the said Co[m]mission the Certificate and p[re]sentment made before him and such other Co[m]missioners as were lymitted with him in one lymitt soe as the same certificate may be accounted and cast with the other certificats of the other lymitts within the same Co[m]mission, and then the said Comissioners and every nomber of them unto two at the least as is aforesaid if any bee in life or their Executors or Administrators of their goods (if they then be dead) shall joyntlie and severallie as they were devided within their lymitts under their seales by their discrecions make one or severall writings indented contayning in it aswell the names of the said Collectors by the Co[m]missioners for such colleccions and accounts in the Exchequer and payments in the said receipt deputed and assigned as the grosse and severall so[m]mes written unto every such Collectors to receive the said Subsidies and also all Fines Amerciaments and other Forfeitures if any such by reason of this Acte happen to be within the lymitt and p[re]cinct of their Co[m]mission to be certified into the Kings Majesties said Exchequer by the said Co[m]missioners, In which writing or writings indented so to be certified shalbe plainelie declared and expressed the whole and entire so[m]me or so[m]mes of the said Subsidies severallie lymitted to the colleccion of the said Collectors severallie deputed and assigned to the said so[m]mes; Soe as none of the said Collectors soe certified in the said Exchequer shalbe compelled there to accompt or to bee charged but onelie to and for the so[m]mes lymitted to his colleccion and not to or for any so[m]me lymitted to the colleccion of his fellowes, But every of them shalbe severally charged for [their fellowes for (fn. 51) ] their part lymitted to their Colleccion And if the said Co[m]missioners joyned in one Co[m]mission amongest themselves in that matter cannott agree or if any of them be not readie or refuse to make certificate with the other of the same Co[m]missioners that then the said Co[m]missioners may make severall Indentures in forme aforesaid of their severall lymitts or separacions of Collectors within the lymitts of their Co[m]mission uppon and in the Hundreds Wards Wapentakes Lathes Rapes or such other like divisions within the said severall lymitts of their Co[m]mission as the places there shall require to be severed and divided and as to the same Co[m]missioners shall seeme good to make divisions or other lymitts or Colleccions for the severall charges of the same Collectors soe that alway one Collector shalbe charged and account for his part to him to be lymitted only by himselfe and not for any so[m]me lymitted to the part of any of his fellowes And the charges of every of the Collectors to be set and certified severallie uppon them, And every such Collector uppon his account and payment of the so[m]me of mony lymitted within his colleccion to be severallie by himselfe acquited and discharged in the said Exchequer, without paying any manner Fees or Rewards to any p[er]son or p[er]sons for the same uppon paine and penaltie last abovesaid and not to be charged for any porcion of any other Collector And if any Co[m]missioner after he hath taken certificate of them, that, as is aforesaid shalbe before any Co[m]missioners examined and the somes rated and set and the bookes and writings thereof being in his handes or if any Collector or other p[er]son charged with any receipt of any part of the said Subsidies or any other p[er]son taxed or otherwise by this Act charged with or for any parcell of the said Subsidies or with any other so[m]me Fine Amerciament Penaltie or other Forfeiture happen to die before the Co[m]missioners Collectors or other whatsoever p[er]son or p[er]sons have executed accomplished satisfied or sufficientlie discharged that to which every such p[er]son shall appertaine or belong to doe according to this Acte, Then the Executors and Heires of every such p[er]son and all other seised of any Lands and Tenements that any such p[er]son being charged by this Acte and deceaseing before he be discharged hereof or any other to his use onelie had of an Estate of Inheritance at the tyme that any such p[er]son was named Co[m]missioner Collector or otherwise charged with or for any manner of thing to be done satisfied or paid by reason of this Acte: And all those that have in their possession or hands any Goods Chattells Leases or other things that were to any such p[er]son or p[er]sons at the tyme of his death or any Lands or Tenements that were the same p[er]sons at the tyme that he was as is aforesaid charged by this Acte shalbe by the same compelled and charged to doe and accomplish in every case as the same p[er]son so being charged should have done or might have byn compelled to doe if he had byn in plaine life after such rate of the Lands and Goods of the said Co[m]missioner and Collector as the partie shall have in his Hands.
XXX. Commissioners not thinking fit to join in one Certificate, Proceedings.
Commissioners making Default of Certificate, Process out of Exchequer against them.
And if the said Co[m]missioners for causes reasonable them moving shall thinke it not fitt to joyne in one Certificate as is aforesaid then the said p[er]son or p[er]sons that shall first joyne together or hee that shall first certifie the said writing indented as is aforesaid shall certifie all the names of the Co[m]missioners of that Co[m]mission whereuppon such writing shalbe there then to be certified with division of the Hundreds Wapentakes Wards Tythings and other places to and among such Co[m]missioners of the same Co[m]mission with the names of the said Co[m]missioners where such Separacions and Divisions shalbe with the grosse so[m]mes of mony aswell of and for the said Subsidies taxed or sett of or within the said Hundreds Wards Wapentakes or other places to him or them divided or assigned that shall soe certifie the ( (fn. 52) ) first Writings as of the Fines Amerciaments Penalties and other Forfeitures if any happen to be within the same Lymitts whereof the same writings shalbe certified And after such writings indented which as is aforesaid shalbe certified and not containe in itt the whole and full so[m]mes sett and taxed within the Lymitts of the same Co[m]mission the other Co[m]missioners of the same before the day of payment of the said Subsidie shall certifie into the said Exchequer by their writing or writings indented to be made as is aforesaid the grosse and severall so[m]mes sett and taxed within the places to them lymitted for every of the said Subsidies and other fines amerciaments penalties and forfeiture with the names of the Hundred Wards Wapentakes and other Places to them assigned or els by their said writings indented to certifie at the same place before the same day of payment such reasonable causes for their excuses why they may not make such certificate of and for the said Subsidies Fines Amerciaments and other forfeitures growing or sett by reason of the causes of their letts or of their not certifying as is aforesaid, or else in default thereof p[ro]cesse to be made out of the Kings Majesties said Exchequer against the said Co[m]missioners and every of them not making certificate as is aforesaid by the discrecion of the Treasurer and Barons of the said Exchequer.
XXXI. Proviso for Stamford Baron.
Provided alwaies and be it enacted by the authoritie aforesaid That the inhabitants of the Parish of Saint Martine called Stamford Baron in the Suburbes of the Borough and Towne of Stamford in the South part of the waters there called Wellands which hereafter shalbe contributorie to the payment of theise p[re]sent Subsidies granted to the Kings Majestie his Heires and Successors shalbe assessed rated and taxed for the same by such Co[m]missioners which shalbe appointed for the taxing rating and sessing of the same Subsidies within the Countie of Lincolne and shalbe for the same contributory and pay the said Subsidies to the Collector or Collectors which shalbe assigned and appointed for the levying and gathering of the same with the Aldermen and Burgesses of the same Borough and Towne of Stamford.
XXXII. Persons having Temporal and Spiritual Possessions, and also Personal Property, not to be doubly charged.
Provided alwaies, and be it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, That all and every p[er]son and p[er]sons having Mannors Lands Tenements and other Hereditaments chargeable to the payment of the said Subsidies graunted to the Kings Majestie by this Act, and also having Spirituall possessions chargeable to his said Majestie by any graunt made or to be made by the Clergie of this Realme in their Convocacion, and over this having substance in goods and chattells chargeable by this said Act, that then if any of the said p[er]son or p[er]sons be hereafter charged assessed and taxed for the said Mannors Lands and Tenements and Spirituall possessions and also charged assessed and taxed for his and their goods and chattells, that then he or they shalbe onelie charged by vertue of this Acte for his and their said Mannors Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Spirituall possessions or onelie for his said goodes and chattells, the best thereof to be taken for the Kings Majestie and not to be charged for both or double charged for any of them, Any thing in this Act contayned to the contrary [in any wise (fn. 53) ] notwithstanding.
XXXIII. Proviso for Scotland, Ireland, Jersey, and Guernsey.
Provided allwaies that this graunt of Subsidies or any thing therein contayned in any wise extend not to charge the Inhabitants of Scotland Ireland Jersey and Garnesey or any of them of for or concerning any Mannors Lands Tenements or other possessions goods chattells or other moveable substance which the said Inhabitants or dwellers or any [other (fn. 54) ] to their use have within Scotland Ireland Jersey and Garnesey or in any of them or of for or concerning any Fees or Wages which any of the said Inhabitants or dwellers have of the Kings Majestie for their attendance and doing service to our Soveraigne Lord the Kings Majestie in Scotland Ireland Jersey and Garnesey or any of them Any thing in this p[re]sent Acte to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
XXXIV. Proviso for Patents of Liberties.
Provided also that all Letters Patents graunted by the Kings Majestie or any of his [most (fn. 55) ] noble Progenitors to any Citties Boroughes or Townes within this Realme of any manner of Liberties Priviledges or exempcions from the burthen and charge of any such graunts of Subsidies which bee at this p[re]sent tyme in force and availeable shall remaine good and effectuall to the said Citties Boroughes and Townes hereafter according to the purports thereof although the Inhabitants of the same and also the said Corporacions shall uppon the great and waightie consideracions of the Graunt aforesaid be for this Graunt charged and contributarie in like manner forme and sort as other Citties Boroughes and Townes which be not in any wise priviledged but by this Acte charged.
XXXV. Orphans and Infants not chargeable to Subsidies.
Provided alwaies and be it enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, That no Orphan or Infant within the age of one and twentie yeares borne within any of the Kings Majesties Dominions shalbe charged to any payment of theise Subsidies for his or their Goods and chattells to him or her left or bequeathed, Any thing in this Act conteyned to the contrary notwithstanding.
XXXVI. Proviso for Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Winchester College, Eaton College, Poor Knights of
Windsor, and Free Schools, and Readers, &c. in the Universities, and for Hospitals, &c.
Provided also that this Acte nor any [thing (fn. 56) ] therein contayned shall extend to the lands or goods of any Colledge Hall or Hostell within the Univ[er]sities of Oxford and Cambridge or any of them or to the Goods or Lands of the Colledge of Winton founded by Bishopp Wickham or to the goods or lands of the Colledge of Eaton next Windsor or to the Lands Tenenments or revenews onelie assigned and appointed for the sustentacion and living of the poore Knights founded in the Castle or Colledge of Windsor by our late Soveraigne Lord King Henry the eight or to any the Goods or Chattells of the same Knights or any of them or to the Goods or lands of any ( (fn. 57) ) free Grammer Schoole within the Realme of England or Wales or the goods of any Reader Schoolemaister or Scholler or any Graduate or Resiant or remayning for studie without fraude or covine within any the said Univ[er]sities and Colledges or townes of Oxford and Cambridge or Suburbes of the same or to any of them or to any of their servants attending dailie uppon any of them nor to the goods of any Officer Minister Almes men or servants belonging to any of the said Univ[er]sities Colledges Halls or Hostells and dwelling and resiant within the said Univ[er]sities or either of them or within either of the said Townes of Oxford and Cambridge and the Suburbs of the same without fraude or covin or to the goods and lands of any Hospitall Maisondieu or Spittlehouse p[re]pared and used for the sustentacion and releife of poore people Any thing in this Act contayned to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
XXXVII. Inhabitants of Cinque Ports for the most Part of the Year before the Grant not chargeable during Resiance only.
Provided also and be it further enacted that the said Graunt of Subsidies or any thing therein contayned do not in any wise extend or be p[re]judiciall or hurtfull to any of the inhabitants or resiants having dwelt for the most part of the yeare next before the taxing and assessing of the Subsidies aforesaid within the five ports corporate or to any their members incorporated or united to the said five Ports or to any of the said five Ports, but that such the inhabitants or Resiants as aforesaid in the said five Ports corporate and their members be and shalbe of and from the said Graunt and payment of every of the said Subsidies and every part thereof and onelie during their resiance as aforesaid and no longer clerelie acquitted and discharged. Any matter or whatsoever thing in this p[re]sent Act had or made to the contrary notwithstanding.
XXXVIII. Like Proviso for Inhabitants of Rumney Marsh.
Provided also that the said Grant of Subsidies do not in any wise extend to be p[re]judiciall or hurtfull to the English Inhabitants or Resiants at this p[re]sent tyme within the Liberties of Rumney Marsh of or for any part of the said so[m]mes graunted in this p[re]sent Parliament of the said English Inhabitants now there Resiants or any of them to be taxed set asked levied or paid but that the English Inhabitants and now Resiants of Rumney Marshe aforesaid and every of them be and shalbe of and from the graunt and payment of the said Subsidies during their Resiance there and no longer acquited and discharged, Any matter and whatsoever thing in this p[re]sent Acte made to the contrary notwithstanding.
XXXIX. Alien or Denizen assigning his Lands, &c. to his Child with Intent to defraud the Subsidy, such Child chargeable as an Alien.
Provided neverthelesse, and be it enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, That if any Alien or straunger borne Denizen or not Denizen ( (fn. 58) ) and inhabiting within this Realme of England shall assigne and convey over unto any his or their childe or children borne within the said Realme of England any his or their Lands Tenements Goods or Chattells to the intent thereby to defraud the said Kings Majestie of the said Subsidies of or for the same, that then all and every such childe and children so being seised of any such Lands and Tenements and possessed of anie such goods or chattells shalbe charged and chargeable to and with the payment of double the said Subsidies for the same Landes Tenements Goodes and Chattells at the said rates and values as Aliens and Straungers Denizens or not Denizens are before limited and appointed to pay.
ITEM quedam Petic[i]oes privatas p[er]sonas conc[er]nentes in se formam Actus continen exhibite fuerunt p[re]dco D[omi]no Regi in Parliamento p[re]dco Quar[um] Tituli subscribuntr videlt.
1. An Acte for the establishing and confirming of the foundacion of the Hospitall of King James founded in Charterhouse in the Countie of Midd at the humble Peticion and onelie Costs and Charges of Thomas Sutton Esquire and of the Possessions thereof.
2. An Acte for assurance of a Joynture to Dame Fraunces wife of Sir Thomas Nevill Knight sonne and Heire apparant of Sir Henry Nevill Knight Lord Abergavenny and to enable the same Lord and Sir Thomas to sell certaine lands for payment of their Debts and p[re]ferment of their younger children.
3. An Acte concerning the Inheritance Freehold and possessions of William Earle of Devon.
4. An Acte concerning the Title Name and Dignitie of Earle of Arundell and for the annexing of the Castle Honor Mannor and Lordshipp of Arundell in the Countie of Sussex: with the Titles and Dignities of the Baronies of Fitz Allen Clun and Oswaldstre and Matravers and with divers other lands tenements and hereditam[en]ts hereafter in this Acte menc[i]oned being now parcell of the possessions of Thomas Earle of Arundell and Surrey Earle Marshall of England to the same Tytle Name and Dignitie of Earle of Arundell.
5. An Acte for the enabling of the right honorable Dutton Lord Gerrard Baron of Gerards Bromley to make a Joynture to any wife which he shall hereafter marry and to make provision for any his younger children. And for the better securing of porcions and lymittacion of maintenance for Alice Gerrard Fraunces Gerrard and Elizabeth Gerrard sisters of the said Dutton Lord Gerrard and daughters of the late right honorable Gilbert Lord Gerrard deceased.
6. An Acte for the confirmacion of tres Patents made by our late Soveraigne Lord King James to John Earle of Bristoll by the name of John Digby Knight.
7. An Acte for reestating certaine Mannors Lands and Tenements in the Countie of Somersett late of William Morgan of Penrose in the Countie of Monmoth Esquire & discharging the trust concerning them.
8. An Acte for the Naturalizing of Sir Robert Dyell Knight one of the Gentlemen of His Majesties Privie Chamber and George Kerke Esquier one of the Groomes of His Majesties Bedchamber.
9. An Act for the Naturalizing of Sir Daniell Deligne of Harlaxton in the Countie of Lincoln Knight.
10. An Acte for the Naturalizing of Isaac Asteley Henry Asteley Thomas Asteley and Bernard Asteley children and sonnes of Sir Jacob Asteley Knight one of the younger sonnes of Isaac Asteley late of Melton Constable in the Countie of Norff Esquire deceased.
11. An Acte for the Naturalizing of Sir Robert Ayton Knight.
12. An Acte for the Naturalizing of Samuell Powell borne at Hanborough in the parts beyond the Seas of English parents.
13. An Act for the amendement of a word casuallie mistaken and miswritten in an Act of Parliament made in the Session of Parliament holden at Westminster the nyneteenth day of Februarie in the one and twentith yeare of the Raigne of our late Soveraigne Lord King James of England intituled An Acte to enable Vincent Lowe of Denbigh in the Countie of Derbie Esquire to sell part of his Lands for payment of his Debts.
14. An Act for the Naturalizing of Alexander Levingston Gent.
15. An Act for the Naturalizing of James Freese borne in Russia.
16. An Act for restitucion in blood of Carew Raleigh sonne of Sir Walter Raleigh late attainted of high Treason and for confirmacion of certaine l[ia]res Patents made by our late Soveraigne Lord King James to John Earle of Bristoll by the name of John Digby Knight.
17. An Acte for the Naturalizing of John Aldersey Mary Aldersey now the wife of Robert Crane Ann Aldersey Elizabeth Aldersey and Margarett Aldersey children of Samuell Aldersey of the Citie of London Esquire.
18. An Acte for the p[er]fect setling and confirmacion of the Estates and Customes of the Customary Tenants of the Right honorable Henry now Lord Morley and Lord Mountegle Baron of Rye within the Mannor of Horneby and elsewhere within the Towneshipps of Tatham Gressingham and Eskrigg in the Countie Palatine of Lancaster.
19. An Acte for the Naturalizing of John Trumball and Anne Trumball children of William Trumball Esquire and of William Bere Edward Bere and Sidney Bere sonnes of John Bere Esquire and of Samuell Wentworth sonne of William Wentworth of Dover Marchant.