
Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400.

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'1385-89', in Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400, ed. C.R.J. Currie , British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1385-89 [accessed 5 February 2025].

'1385-89', in Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400. Edited by C.R.J. Currie , British History Online, accessed February 5, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1385-89.

"1385-89". Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400. Ed. C.R.J. Currie , British History Online. Web. 5 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1385-89.

Long title

In this section


[part of sewn bundle of copies; several manors]. Rubbed

[Thomas Mills charity, Parham deeds ]

[18 Mar 1385]

233 x 44 mm. Possible narrow tongue torn off at bottom left

Framlyngham. Ad curiam ibidem die Sabbati ad quarta Septimana quadragesime Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum / viij Agnes Whytyng sursum reddidit in manus domine unam rodam terre native cum uno cotagio et j roda prati / cum pertinenciis in Framelyngham ad opus Ricardi S.... (fn. 1) tradita est inde seisenda (fn. 2) tenenda sibi et heredibus suis / faciendo servicia et consuetudines Salvo iure etc Et dat de fine etc Et postea predictus Ricardus presens in curia sursum / reddidit eadem terram cum cotagio ad opus predicte Agnetis tenenda ad terminum vite sue faciendo servicia et consuetudines / Et dat de fine etc

Framlingham. At the court there on Saturday in the fourth week of Quadragesima in the 8 year of king Richard the second after the conquest, Agnes Whytyng surrendered into the hands of the lady a rood of bond land with a cottage and 1 rood of meadow with its appurtenances in Framelyngham to the use of Richard S... Seisin of it was handed over, to hold to him and his heirs, doing the services and customs, saving the right etc [of whomsoever]. And he gives for a fine etc. And afterwards Richard present in court surrendered the same land with cottage to the use of the aforesaid Agnes to hold for the term of her life doing the services and customs. And she gives as a fine etc.

[Framlingham, Suffolk. No court rolls known for this year]


(Vyner Mss.)

[16 May 1385]

235 x 175 mm. No tongue, tag or seal.

Ad curiam Burgi Riponensis tentam die martis proxima post festum assencionis domini Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Anglie octavo

two-line break

in margin: Ripon Venit Jurata inter dominum et Abbatem de Fontibus et Stephanum barker commisum eiusdem / abbatis super placita superius allegata de tolneto domini asportato super ipsos superius presentatos / videlicet Johannes Tavernier Willelmus de Eryom Johannes Dawson Johannes Brygnall Johannes Raper Johannes Shether Willelmus Fallan Willelmus de Ripon Thomas Alman Walterus / Taillisur (fn. 3) Johannes de Staunlay Junior et Robertus Eme jurati et electi Qui dicunt super sacramentum / suum quod Abbas de Fontibus confratres sui et omnes sui predecessores a tempore quo non / extat memoria semper libere (fn. 4) fuerunt de omnimodis marchandiis ad opus Abbate emptis / vel emendatis infra villam et dominium Riponense sine aliquo tolneto inde pacando et quod non sunt culpati de quadam presentacione nec de aliquo articulo superius contentis et super ipsos impositis Ideo consultum est per curiam quod dictus Abbas et Stephanus confrater eius eant inde quieti / sine die etc

At the court of the Borough of Ripon held on Tuesday next after the feast of the Ascension of the Lord in the eighth year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest

In margin Ripon

There came the jury between the lord, and the Abbot of Fountains and Stephen Barker, agent of the abbot, on a plea alleged above (fn. 5) about the toll of the lord avoided on those presented above; viz. (fn. 6) John Tavernier, William de Eryom, John Dawson, John Brygnall, John Raper, John Shether, William Fallan, William of Ripon, Thomas Alman, Walter Taillisur, John de Staunlay the younger, and Robert Eme, sworn and elected. Who say on their oath that the Abbot of Fountains, his brethren, (fn. 7) and all his predecessors from time immemorial were always free of all merchandise bought or repaired within the town and lordship of Ripon, without paying any toll, and that they are not guilty of any presentation or any article contained above and imposed on them. Therefore it was decided by the court that the said Abbot and Stephen his brother should go from there quit indefinitely etc

[Ripon borough. No court rolls known]


(Honor of Clare)

[17 May 1385]

224 x 33/32 mm. No tongue, tag or seal. Left stitch marks

Ad curiam honoris de Clare tentam ibidem xviio die maii anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum viijo coram henrico / henglissh tunc ibidem senescallo Thomas Fuller finem fecit pro ingressu habendo in dimidiam acram terre perquisitam de Alexandro / Geldeneslene de feodo domini in Schadwelle ad (fn. 8) iijd

At the court of the honor of Clare held there on 17th May in the 8th year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest, in the presence of Henry Henglissh then steward there, Thomas Fuller made fine to have entry in a half acre of land purchased of Alexander Geldeneslene, of the fee of the lord in Shadwell (fn. 9) for 3d.

[Original court roll entry apparently missing]


(Pakington estate collection: Bucks.) [large collection of deeds of Buckinghamshire properties, mainly Aylesbury, listed and filed chronologically.]

[4 Sep 1386]

267 x 81/72 mm. No tongue, tag or seal.

Ad curiam tentam apud Aylesbury die martis proxima post festum Decollationis sancti Johannis Baptiste Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum decimo venerunt Johannes Smyth et Alicia uxor eius et ceperunt de domino totum illud tenementum cum / fabrica et traves quod quondam Willelmus Ferour tenuit prout continet in longitudine et latitudine Et eciam aliud tenementum vocatum / mothall predicte fabrice annexatum cum una vacua placea extra dictum tenementum ex parte orientali et continet in longitudine xxviij pedes / et in latitudine xij pedes Et eciam unam aliam vacuam placeam ex parte occidentali predicti tenementi et continet in longitudine / vj pedes et in latitudine iij pedes ad superedificandum unum bouche/bonche (fn. 10) habendum et tenendum sibi et suis secundum consuetudinem / manerii Reddendo inde per Annum xxviijs ad duos anni terminos usuales et sectam curie et dant de fine pro / ingressu habendo xxvjs viijd perplegium ballivi Et sic fecerunt domino fidelitatem.

At the court held at Aylesbury on Tuesday next after the feast of the Decollation of St John the Baptist in the tenth year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest came John Smyth and Alice his wife and took from the lord all that tenement with forge and travis that William Ferour once held as it contains in length and breadth And even another tenement called Mothall (fn. 11) annexed to the aforesaid forge with an empty plot outside the said tenement on the east side and it contains in length 28 feet and in breadth 12 feet and even another empty plot on the west side of the said tenement and it contains in length 6 feet and in breadth 3 feet to build a privy/bench on, to have and to hold to himself and his according to the custom of the manor Rendering thence yearly 28s at two usual terms of the year, and suit of court; and they give as a fine to have entry 26s 8d by pledge of the bailiff. And thus they did fealty to the lord.

[Aylesbury, Bucks. No 14th-century court rolls known]


(Leveson-Gower collection)

[3 Oct 1386]

252 x 51/48 mm. Seal tongue cut off. No seal.

Curia magna domini Ricardi Postell decani libere Capelle domini Regis de Wolvernehampton / tenta ibidem die martis post festum sancti michaelis Anno regni regis Ricardi / secundi post conquestum xo etc Quo die Johannes Wyntour dedit domino de fine ijs pro Inquisicionem habendo per xij juratos videlicet per sacramentum Thome Fileson Willelmi atte lee Johannis atte / mersch Thome Wilkys Willelmi muleward henrici de stretton hugonis henney Ricardi Oldepetch Johannis Sprot Willelmi moykys Willelmi Palmer et Johannis / del Grene utrum accidit ei de jure facere officium prepositure in Codeshale cum electus fuerit per Custumarios de eadem an non qui dicunt super / sacramentum suum quod non accidit predicto Johanni Wyntour de iure facere officium predictum pro eo quia non habet aliquod anticum tenementum sed est novus veniens et ideo / consideratum est quod dictus Johannes de dicto officio disoneratur In cuius rei testimonium Nicholaus Waryng tunc senescallus sigillum officii est appensum (fn. 12) etc

Great court of lord Richard Postell dean of the free chapel of the lord king of Wolverhampton held there on Tuesday after Michaelmas in the 10th year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest etc. On which day John Wyntour gave the lord for a fine 2s to have an inquisition by 12 jurors, viz. by the oath of Thomas Fileson, William atte Lee, John atte Mersch, Thomas Wilkys, William Muleward, Henry de Stretton, Hugh Henney, Richard Oldepetch, John Prot, William Moykys, William Palmer, and John del Grene, whether it falls to him by right to perform the office of reeve in Codsall, when he shall have been elected by the customers (fn. 13) of the same or not; who say on their oath that it does not fall to the aforesaid John Wyntour by right to perform the office aforesaid, because he does not have any old tenement, but is a new incomer; and therefore it was decided that the said John should be exempt from the said office. In witness whereof Nicholas Waryng then steward, the seal of office is affixed.

[Wolverhampton deanery. No court rolls known before 1397]


(Honor of Clare)

[20 Mar. 1387]

253 x 31/44/46 mm. No tongue, tag or seal. Left stitch marks. Torn off bit at upper left – not tag

Ad curiam honoris de Clare tentam ibidem xxo die martij anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum xo coram Roberto hethe tunc ibidem / senescallo Alexander Tokyl finem fecit pro ingressu habendo in dimidiam acram terre perquisitam de Petro Gryston de feodo domini in Russheworthe ad iijd

At the court of the honor of Clare held there on 20th March in the 10th year of the reign of Richard the second after the conquest, in the presence of Robert Hethe then steward there, Alexander Tokyl made fine for 4d to have entry in half an acre of land purchased of Peter Gryston of the fee of the lord in Rushworth [Rushford].

[Original court roll entry should be at TNA, SC 2/213/35, rot. 6, but illegible]


(Honor of Clare)

[20 Mar. 1387]

253 x 39 mm. No tongue, tag or seal. Left stitch marks.

Ad curiam honoris de Clare tentam ibidem xxo die martij anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum xo coram Roberto hethe tunc / ibidem senescallo Alexander Tokyl et socii sui finem fecerunt pro ingressu habendo in 1 cotagio perquisito de Johanne knyght de feodo domini in Russcheworthe ad xijd

At the court of the honor of Clare held there on 20th March in the 10th year of the reign of Richard the second after the conquest, in the presence of Robert Hethe then steward there, Alexander Tokyl and his associates made fine for 12d to have entry in 1 cottage purchased of John Knyght of the fee of the lord in Rushworth [Rushford].

[Original court roll entry should be at TNA, SC 2/213/35, rot. 6, but illegible]


(Honor of Clare)

[20 Mar. 1387]

242/253 x 34/29 mm. No tongue, tag or seal. Left stitch marks.

Ad Curiam honoris de Clare tentam ibidem xxo die martij Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum xo coram Roberto hethe / tunc ibidem senescallo Ricardus Larke finem fecit pro ingressu habendo in 1 cotagio perquisito de Johanne Waleys de feodo domini in Russcheworthe ad xijd

At the court of the honor of Clare held there on 20th March in the 10th year of the reign of Richard the second after the conquest, in the presence of Robert Hethe then steward there, Richard Larke made fine for 12d to have entry in 1 cottage purchased of John Waleys of the fee of the lord in Rushworth [Rushford].

[Original court roll entry should be at TNA, SC 2/213/35, rot. 6, but illegible]


(artificial collection of material relating to manor of Awre, including other copies in this bundle)

[2 May. 1387]

259 x 67/45 mm. Tongue, 12 mm; lower tongue torn off; no seal

In Margin: Aur’.

Ad curiam cum visu tentam ibidem secundo die mensis maij Anno / regni regis Ricardi secundi (fn. 14) decimo / Rogerus Steymer venit hic in curiam et reddidit sursum in manum domini ii bottes inter terram Walteri Goffrey ex una parte / et terram Ricardi hornar ex altera parte iacentes super Northruydyng ad opus Ricardi hornar habendos et tenendos dicto Ricardo hornar et /assignatis suis secundum consuetudinem manerii Et dat domino de fine pro recepcione vijd Et fecit domino fidelitatem In cuius rei testimonium /sigillum senescalli est appensum

Awre. At the court and view held there on the second of May in the tenth year of the reign of king Richard the second, Roger Steymer came here into court and surrendered into the hand of the lord 2 butts (fn. 15) between the land of Walter Goffrey on one side and the land of Richard Hornar on the other side, lying on Northrudyng, to the use of Richard Hornar, to have and to hold to the said Richard Hornar and his assigns according to the custom of the manor. And he gives to the lord for a fine for reception [entry] 7d. And he did fealty to the lord. In witness whereof the seal of the steward is affixed.

[No medieval court rolls known]


(Phillipps collection)

[DATE WRONG. Probably Friday 20 Dec 1387 (eve not feast), but could be Saturday 21 Dec 1387, or Friday 21 Dec 1386 (reading decimo for undecimo). [Friday 27 Dec 1387 (post festum) improbable. Catalogue reads 1387]

240 x 85/82 mm. Possible seal tongue torn off. Parchment torn and restitched near bottom.

Memorandum quod ad curiam tentam apud Brome die veneris in festo sancti Thome apostoli anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum undecimo / Isabella Dunclent reddit in manus domini (fn. 16) terciam partem unius virgate terre et unum curtilagium cum quodam crofto adjacente / quod vocatur le Bokelars ad opus dicte isabelle et Johannis filii quondam Thome Dunclent in forma que subsequitur videlicet venit eadem Isabella in curiam predictam et cepit de domino (fn. 17) predictam terciam partem virgate predicte et curtilagium predictum cum eorum pertinenciis / habenda et tenenda predictam terciam partem virgate predicte ac curtilagium predictum cum crofto adiacente et omnibus pertinenciis suis predicte Isabelle at terminum vite sue reddendo annuatim servicia et consuetudines inde debita et post decessum predicte Isabelle tota / dicta tercia pars virgate predicte ac curtilagium predictum cum crofto adiacente et omnibus pertinenciis suis remaneant predicto Johanni filio predicti Thome Dunclent et heredibus de corpore suo legitime procreatis reddendo ut prius et si predictus Johannes decedat sine herede / de corpore suo legitime procreato tunc tota tercia pars virgate predicte ac curtilagium predictum cum dicto crofto adiacente / et omnibus pertinenciis suis revertantur dicte Isabelle et heredibus suis inperpetuum et dant pro fine viijd datum per copiam die / et anno supradictis In cuius rei testimonium sigillum Thome de Evesden tunc senescalli est appesum (fn. 18)

Be it remembered that at a court held at Broom on Friday on the feast of St Thomas the Apostle in the eleventh year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest, Isabel Dunclent renders into the hand of the lord [lady] the third part of a yardland of land and a curtilage with a certain croft adjoining which is called le Bokelars, to the use of the said Isabel and John once son of Thomas Dunclent in the form that follows, viz. the said Isabel came into the aforesaid court and took from the lord [lady] the aforesaid third part of the aforesaid yardland, and the aforesaid curtilage, with their appurtenances, to have and to hold the aforesaid land with the croft adjoining and all their appurtenances to the aforesaid Isabel for the term of her life, rendering yearly the services and customs due from it; and after the death of the aforesaid Isabel all the said third part of a yardland aforesaid and the aforesaid curtilage with the croft adjoining, and all its appurtenances, shall remain to the aforesaid John son of the aforesaid Thomas Dunclent, and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, rendering as before; and if the aforesaid John should die without an heir of his body lawfully begotten, then the whole third part of the aforesaid yardland, and the aforesaid curtilage with the said croft adjoining, and all its appurtenances shall revert to the said Isabel and her heirs for ever and they give as a fine 8d. Given by copy on the day and year abovesaid. In witness whereof the seal of Thomas de Evesden then steward is affixed.

[Broom manor in Broome, Worcs. No medieval court rolls known]


(Leveson-Gower collection)

[1 May 1388]

249 x89/88 mm. Wrapping tie bottom left partly cut off. No seal. [large, untidy hand failing to keep to faint ruled lines; slips in spelling and Latinity: probably elderly scribe]

Curia domini Ricardi de Paris prebendarius prebende de Willenhalle tenta die vene/ris in festo apostolorum phelipi (fn. 19) et jacobi ano (fn. 20) regni Regis Ricardi secundo (fn. 21) post conquestum xjmo (fn. 22) / Quo die johannes filius johannis et Rogerus franceys reddunt in manus domini /omnes terras et tenementa quod habuerunt ex feoffeamento (fn. 23) Johannis atte knolle in / Wolvernehampton ad opus dicti Johannis atte knolle (fn. 24) et petronilla uxori eius / heredibus de corpore (fn. 25) eorum exeuntibus et si decedant sine herede de corpore eorum tunc rectis heredibus dicti johannis remaneat (fn. 26) imperpetuum qui dat domino / pro seisina xviijd In cuius rei testimonium sigillum Rogeri levesone tunc senescalli /est apensum (fn. 27)

Court of lord Richard de Paris prebendary of Willenhall held on Friday on the feast of the Apostles Philip and James in the 11th year of the reign of King Richard the second after the conquest. On which day John son of John and Roger Franceys render into the hands of the lord all lands and tenements that they had from the feoffment of John atte Knolle in Wolverhampton, to the use of the said John atte Knole and to Parnel his wife, [and] the heirs issuing from their body; and if they die without an heir of their body then it (fn. 28) shall remain to the right heirs of the said John; who gives to the lord for seisin 18d. In witness whereof the seal of Roger Leveson, then steward, is affixed.

[Willenhall prebend in Wolverhampton college. No medieval court rolls known]

129 STAFFORDSHIRE RECORD OFFICE LD 30/12/8 (formerly apparently Lichfield Joint Record Office, B/A 27/1)

(miscellaneous collection)

[4 Aug 1388]

260 x 55/33 mm. Seal tongue missing, cut off. No seal. Badly damaged in centre, possibly by fire.

Curia parva domini Ricardi Postell Decani libere Capelle domini (fn. 29) Regis de Wolvonehampton tenta ibidem die martis proxima post festum Sancti petri advincula Anno Regni / Regis Ricardi ij xijo Quo die Willelmus Colesone venit in plenam curiam et sursum reddidit in manus domini unam parvam parcellam prati cum suis pertinenciis iacentem / in hatherdon iuxta pratum vocatum Soghale Ad opus Thome filii predicti Willelmi et heredibus de corpore suo legitime procreatis et si accidit sine herede de corpore suo legitime procreato tunc dicta parcella prati …. remaneat Johanni filio dicti Willelmi heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum. heriettum inde habendum qui dat / domino pro seisina vjd Et dictus Thomas fecit fidelitatem (fn. 30) In cuius rei testimonium Nicholaus Waryng tunc senescallus etc

Small court of lord Richard Postell Dean of the free Chapel of the lord King in Wolverhampton, held there on Tuesday next after the feast of St Peter in Chains in the 12th year of the reign of King Richard II. On which day William Colesone came into full court and surrendered into the hands of the lord a small parcel of meadow with its appurtenances, lying in Hatherton next to the meadow called Soghale. To the use of Thomas son of the aforesaid William and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, and if he happens [to die] without an heir of his body lawfully begotten, then the said parcel of meadow.... shall remain to John son of the said William, his heirs and assigns, for ever. A heriot [is] to be had; he gives to the lord 6d for seisin (fn. 31). And the said Thomas did fealty. In witness whereof Nicholas Waryng then steward etc.

[Wolverhampton deanery. No court rolls known before 1397]


(Vernon of Sudbury)

[25 Nov 1388]

191 x 97/90 mm. Seal tongue lower left. Fragmentary red wax seal.

Curia domini Johannis de Stoke de Lisle prebendarii prebende de Fetherston tenta apud / Wolvernehampton die mercurii in festo sancte katerine virginis Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum xijo / Quo die Johannes Enchell de horsley de comitatu Wygornie et Betonia uxor eius filia et heres / Johannis Derkyns de Fetherston per Ballivum attornatum eorum sursum reddiderunt in manus domini unum / mesuagium et omnia terras et tenementa cum pertinenciis que et quas Johannes Beneth tenet de domino apud / Fetherston ad terminum vite sue ut de iure Johanne uxoris eius et que post mortem predicti Johannis Beneth dictum mesuagium et tenementa predicta remanere deberent ad opus predictorum / Johannis Enchell et betone uxoris eius ita quod remaneant ad opus hugonis cookes de hulton / et margerie uxori eius et primo filio masculo dicti hugonis si habeat et si non habeat puerum masculum / tunc prime filie predicti hugonis ita quod post decessum predicti hugonis et margerie uxoris eius et heredis / masculi vel femelle tunc dictum mesuagium et omnia terrras et tenementa predicta cum pertinenciis remaneant / Johanni de Swynnerton heredibus et assignatis suis inperpetuum qui dant domino pro seisina (fn. 32) et habent / inde seisinam In cuius rei testimonium Ricardus Leveson tunc senescallus sigillum suum presenti / est appensum (fn. 33)

Court of lord John de Stoke de Lisle prebendary of the prebend of Featherstone held at Wolverhampton on Wednesday on the feast of St Katherine the Virgin in the 12th year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest. On which day John Enchell of Horsley in the county of Worcester, and Betony his wife, daughter and heir of John Derkyns of Featherstone, by the bailiff as their attorney, surrendered into the hands of the lord a messuage and all lands and tenements with the appurtenances, which John Beneth holds of the lord at Featherstone for the term of his life, as by the right of Joan his wife, and after the death of the aforesaid John Beneth, the aforesaid messuage and tenements ought to remain to the use of the aforesaid John Enchell and Betony his wife; so that they shall remain to the use of Hugh Cookes of Hilton, and Margery his wife, and the first male son of the said Hugh if he has one, and if does not have a male boy then to the first daughter of the aforesaid Hugh, so that after the decease of the aforesaid Hugh and Margery his wife, and the male or female heir, then the said messuage and all the aforesaid lands and tenements, with their appurtenances, shall remain to John de Swynnerton, his heirs and assigns, for ever; and they give to the lord for seisin [blank], and have seisin of it. In witness whereof Richard Leveson then steward affixed his seal to the present [document]. (fn. 34)

[Featherstone prebend in Wolverhampton college. No medieval court rolls known]


177 x 50/44 mm. No tongue, tag or seal

[11 Feb. 1389]

[Tibenham court not stated in source]

Ad curiam et lectam tentam die Jovis proxime ante festum sancti Valentini anno regni regis Ricardi secundi / post conquestum xii Robertus Lettcold sursum reddidit in manus domini per nos Johannem Estehagh / v acras terre native cum j messuagio edificato ad opus Willelmi Bocher tenendo sibi et heredibus suis ad voluntatem domini per servicios ac opera etc salvo jure etc Et dat domino / de fine pro ingressu per plegium Johannis Esthagh (fn. 35)

At a court and leet held on Thursday next before the feast of St Valentine in the 12 year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest, Robert Lettcold surrendered into the hands of the lord, by us John Estehagh, 5 acres of bond land with 1 messuage built [on it], to the use of William Bocher, to hold to him and his heirs, at the will of the lord, by services and works etc, saving the right etc And he gives to the lord for a fine for entry, by pledge of John Esthagh.

Nb 9/58B is a receipt from Robert Lytylgod of Freton to Wm Bocher of Tedynham [?Tibenham] £12 silver and legal money in full payment for my messuage Tebynham .. 14 Ric II. Seal tag.

[No original 14th-century court rolls known]


(Ancient Deeds series C, no 5189)

[26 Apr 1389]

204 x 88/78 mm. No tag, tongue, or seal. Stitched to a freehold gift apparently of the same tenement on 23 April.

Curia de brideport ibidem tenta die lune proxima post festum sancti marci evangeliste Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Anglie / duodecimo

line break

Ad quam curiam venit Alicia uxor Willelmi hamond de Dorchestr quondam uxor Roberti Budde secundum Consuetudinem / manerij de Brideport iurata et rite examinata recognovit Jus cuiusdam tenementi cum pertinenciis in Brideport predicta situati in vico / orientale eiusdem ville ex parte boriali inter tenementum dicte Alicie ex parte una et tenementum quondam Johannis Cole ex altera esse / jus hugonis hyder ut illud habet ex dono et concessione dictorum Willelmi et Alicie quid quidem tenementum cum pertinenciis predicto / hugoni heredibus et assignatis suis relaxat et quietum clamat imperpetuum Et predicta Alicia et heredes dicte Alicie waran / tizabunt imperpetuum In presencia Edwardi Tyte et Johannis Syre tunc ballivorum Johannis Tracy Johannis hayward / Simonis atte Forde et aliorum ibidem existencium in plena curia

Court of Bridport held there on Monday next after the feast of St Mark the Evangelist in the twelfth year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest of England.

At which court came Alice wife of William Hamond of Dorchester, once wife of Robert Budde, and according to the custom of the manor of Bridport, having been sworn and duly examined, she recognized the right of a certain tenement with its appurtenances in Bridport aforesaid, situated in the east street of the same town, on the north side, between the tenement of the said Alice on one side, and the tenement once of John Cole on the other, to be the right of Hugh Hyder, as he has it from the gift and concession of the said William and Alice; which tenement with its appurtenances she releases and quitclaims to the aforesaid Hugh, his heirs and assigns, for ever. And the aforesaid Alice, and the heirs of the said Alice, will warrant [it] for ever. In the presence of Edward Tyte and John Syre then bailiffs, John Tracy, John Hayward, Simon atte Forde and others being there in full court.

[Bridport, Dors. No court rolls known]


  • 1. Illegible.
  • 2. Presumably for seisina.
  • 3. Possibly Tailliour.
  • 4. Rectius liberi.
  • 5. i.e. in a previous court roll or higher in the same roll.
  • 6. The names of the jurors, not apparently of those presented.
  • 7. i.e. fellow-monks.
  • 8. Flourish after ad.
  • 9. A hamlet in Rushford parish, Norfolk.
  • 10. Reading uncertain. Might mean a privy or a bench.
  • 11. Possibly for moot hall.
  • 12. Ungrammatical sentence. Should either be Nicholai Waryng tunc senescalli... or … officii apposuit.
  • 13. Customary tenants.
  • 14. xo deleted after secundi.
  • 15. Cat. has ‘woods’.
  • 16. sic, rectius domine or dominarum.
  • 17. sic, for domina.
  • 18. Rectius appensum; no abbreviation for ‘n’.
  • 19. For philippi.
  • 20. For anno.
  • 21. Recte secundi.
  • 22. Pocketed at right-hand end of line following conquestum.
  • 23. Middle e is intrusive here.
  • 24. case changes to dative here .
  • 25. For corporibus.
  • 26. Rectius remaneant.
  • 27. For appensum.
  • 28. The lands and tenements.
  • 29. Domini largely obliterated.
  • 30. Fidelitatem destroyed.
  • 31. Not clear if the 6d is the heriot or an entry fine, with payment of the heriot to be made later.
  • 32. Sum blank.
  • 33. Recte either Ricardus … apposuit or Ricardi..est appensum.
  • 34. Literally Richard Leveson... his seal is affixed to the present.
  • 35. Sum not stated.