
Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400.

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'1380-84', in Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400, ed. C.R.J. Currie , British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1380-84 [accessed 13 March 2025].

'1380-84', in Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400. Edited by C.R.J. Currie , British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1380-84.

"1380-84". Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400. Ed. C.R.J. Currie , British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1380-84.

Long title

In this section

96 SW HERITAGE CENTRE, DEVON R.O. 123M/TB97 [formerly 193M/44/14]

(Petre collection, Buckfast Abbey archives)

[19 Apr. 1380]

Face is indented lease of 1382 with seal tongue and no seal.

On Dorse: [badly rubbed and illegible in places]

262 x 90/94 mm

kyngsbrygge’. Curia legalis tenta die iovis proxime ante festum sancti Georgii Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi tercio ~ xii jurati (fn. 1) quorum nomina patent inferius videlicet / Galfridus Row. Robertus holdich. Ricardus hering. Johannes jaycock. henricus vele. johannes Cook. Johannes Colyn. Johannes pace. Johannes Radewill. Robertus / Soutere. Thomas Cokeman. Johannes pypere. Willelmus Boghwode. presentant quod Ales Batyn fuit seisita in dominico suo ut de feodo de uno / Burgagio cum pertinenciis in kyngysbrygge et illud dimissit Alicie uppehill ad terminum vite sue etc remanere Johanni Copyn /qui bastardus fuit et heredibus suis inperpetuum qui quidem Johannes remanere illud concessit Roberto combe cui predicta / alicia tenens ad terminum vite in vita (fn. 2) ipsius Johannis non attornavit Et defuncto (fn. 3) ipso Johanne sine herede de corpore suo / predicta Alicia Domino Abbati predictum Burgagium ut escaeta sua pro eo quod predictus Johannes Copyn bastardus fuit et obiit sine / herede de corpore suo reverteri deberet attornavit Et iam defuncta ipsa Alicia tenente ad terminum vite predictum Burgagium remanente ad dictum abbatem ut escaeta sua reverteri debet

Kingsbridge. Leet court held on Thursday next before the feast of St George in the third year of the reign of king Richard the second. 12 Jurors whose names appear below viz. Geoffrey Row, Robert Holdich, Richard Hering, John Jaycock, Henry Vele, John Cook, John Colyn, John Pace, John Radewill, Robert Soutere, Thomas Cokeman, John Pypere, William Boghwode present that Ales Batyn was seised in her demesne as of fee of a burgage with appurtenances in Kingsbridge, and let it to Alice Uppehill for the term of her life etc., to remain to John Copyn, who was a bastard, and his heirs for ever. Which John granted it to remain to Robert Combe, to whom the aforesaid Alice, tenant for the term of her life, did not attorn it in the life of the same John. And after John died without an heir of his body, the aforesaid Alice attorned the aforesaid burgage to the lord Abbot as his escheat, because John Copyn was a bastard and died without an heir of his body. And now, Alice, the life tenant, having died, the aforesaid burgage remaining, should revert to the said abbot as his escheat.

[Kingsbridge, Devon. No court rolls know for this year]


(Vernon of Hilton)

[30 May 1380]

254 x 133/129 mm. Seal tongue and seal missing [possible cut-off in middle bottom]. [Eaten by rodents on left side]

(97) Curia parva magistri Thome de Chesley Prebendarii prebende de Hulton tenta apud Wolverunehampton die mercurii proxima / post festum Sancti Trinitatis Anno regni Regis Ricardi Secundi post conquestum tercii Quo die Willelmus atte holte venit in plenam / curiam et reddidit sursum in manus domini unum toftum et omnia terras et tenementa cum omnibus suis pertinenciis et (fn. 4) pratum (fn. 5) vocatum le / holtebrodemedewe quod Adam de Bradeleye tenet ad terminum annorum ad opus Alicie que fuit uxor Willelmi Reycroft de / hulton tenendos ad terminum vite sue per servicia inde debita et consueta Ita quod post mortem predicte Alicie tenementa predicta cum / suis pertinenciis remaneant Johanni filio predicti Willelmi de Ruycroft et Elizabeth uxori eius heredibus et assignatis predicti johannis inperpetuum / per servicia etc qui dat domino pro seisina xijd et fecit fidelitatem In cuius rei testimonium (fn. 6)

[line gap]

(98) In eadem curia idem Willelmus atte holte reddidit in manus domini pratum predictum cum suis pertinenciis ad opus predictorum Johanni et Elizabeth heredum et assignatorum predicti Johannis inperpetuum per servicia etc qui dant domino pro seisina vjd Et quia predictus Willelmus atte holte / dimisit se de toto quod tenuit de domino dat domino nomine herietti vjd Et predicti Johannes et Elizabeth fecerunt domino / fidelitatem In cuius rei testimonium (fn. 7)

(97) Small court of master Thomas de Chesley prebendary of the prebend of Hilton held at Wolverhampton on Wednesday next after the feast of the Holy Trinity in the third year of the reign of king Richard the Second. On which day William atte holte came into full court and surrendered into the hands of the lord a toft and all lands and tenements with their appurtenances and a meadow called le holtebrodemedewe, which Adam de Bradleye holds for a term of years, to the use of Alice who was wife of William Reycroft of Hilton, to hold for the term of her life by the service due and accustomed from it. So that after the death of the aforesaid Alice the aforesaid tenements with their appurtenances shall remain to John son of the aforesaid William de Ruycroft and Elizabeth his wife, and the heirs and assigns of the aforesaid John for ever, by the services etc, who (fn. 8) gives the lord for seisin 12d and did fealty. In witness whereof...

(98) In the same court the same William atte Holte rendered into the hnds of the lord the aforesaid meadow with its appurtenances to the use of the aforesaid John and Elizabeth and the heirs and assigns of the aforesaid John for ever by the services etc, who give to the lord for seisin 6d. And because the aforesaid William atte Holte divested himself of everything that he held of the lord, he gives the lord by name of heriot 6d. And the aforesaid John and Elizabeth did fealty to the lord. In witness whereof...

[note: the meadow is included in the first surrender, but not in its remainder, which may explain the apparently contradictory second surrender]

[Hilton prebend in Wolverhampton college. No original medieval court rolls known]


(Honor of Clare)

[8 Aug. 1380]

181 x 37/34 mm. No tongue, tag or seal

Ad curiam honoris tentam apud Clare viijo die mensis Augusti anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum quarto coram / Henrico Engleis tunc ibidem senescallo Robertus de Wortham et socii sui finem fecerunt pro ingressu habendo in j mesuagio / ij molendinis aquaticis et lx acris terre perquisitis de Edwardo Gunnyll et sociis suis de feodo domini in Russhwor/the ad xls

At the court of the honor held at Clare on the 8th August in the fourth year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest, in the presence of Henry Engleis then steward there, Robert de Wortham and his associates made fine for 40s. to have entry in 1 messuage, 2 watermills, and 60 acres of land purchased from Edward Gunnyll and his associates of the fee of the lord in Rushworth [Rushford].

[Original court roll entry apparently missing]


Stitched to (1), a freehold deed of 1385


[11 Oct 1380]

224 x 50/38 mm. No tongue, tag, seal or cutoff. Badly rubbed

Outdent Knottyngleye In magna curia tenta ibidem die Jovis proxima post (fn. 9) sancti Dionisii anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post / indent conquestum quarto / Thomas Aste venit in curia et reddit sursum in manus domini unum mesuagium xj acras terre et terciam / bovatam (fn. 10) prati in Knottyngley et super hoc venit Johannes Derman (fn. 11) in curiam et cepit / de domino dictum mesuagium terram et pratum habenda et tenenda sibi et heredibus suis secundum consuetudinem manerii / et reddit domino per annum vjd et dat domino de fine pro ingressu xijd et sectam curie de / tribus in tres (fn. 12) habet seisinam et fidelitatem inde fecit etc

Knottingley. In the great court held there on Thursday next after the feast of St Denis in the fourth year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest. Thomas Aste comes into court and surrenders into the hands of the lord a messuage 11 acres of land and the third of a bovate of meadow in Knottingley; and upon this came John Derman into court and took from the lord the said messuage, land, and meadow, to have and to hold to him and his heirs according to the custom of the manor, and renders to the lord yearly 6d and gives to the lord as a fine for entry 12d and suit of court from three weeks to three weeks. He has seisin and did fealty for it etc

[Knottingley. No medieval court rolls known]


(Littleton MSS, Hagley Hall)

[c. 1380] (fn. 13)

243 x 54/44 mm. Seal tongue, seal, red wax, shapeless, no tie.

Ad curiam de Arley tentam ibidem ixo die mensis octobris coram Johanne Greate tunc senescallo ibidem Ricardus Penne ac Tibota uxor eius presentes in curia sursum reddiderunt / in manus domini unum mesuagium et unam Noake terre native vocatos le Godfraylond in le Nashe eynde ad opus Willelmi Chircheyard nativi domini Et dominus / concessit predictum mesuagium et predicta noka terre cum suis pertinenciis predicto Willelmo Tenenda sibi et suis secundum consuetudinem manerii pro redditu serviciis et consuetis inde / prius debitis qui dat domino de fine iijs. iiijd. et fecit domino fidelitatem In huius (fn. 14) autem testimonium sigillum senescalli predicti presentis /est appensum

At the court of Arley held there on 9th October in the presence of John Greate then steward there Richard Penne and Tibota his wife, present in court, surrendered into the hands of the lord a messuage and a Noake of bond land called le Godfraylond in le Nashe Eynde to the use of William Chircheyard, a bondman of the lord. And the lord granted the aforesaid messuage and the aforesaid noke of land with its appurtenances to the aforesaid William, to hold to hm and his according to the custom of the manor for the rent services and customs owed for it before; who gives to the lord for a fine 3s 4d and did fealty to the lord. In witness of this the seal of the aforesaid steward is affixed to the presents.

[Upper Arley, Worcs. No 14th-century court rolls known]


(Buckinghamshire properties)

[14 Jan 1381]

194 x 63 mm. Wrapping tie 4 mm.

Ad visum cum curia Thome de Nevill tentum apud Farnham die lune proxima post festum sancti hillarii Anno regni regis Ricardi / secundi post conquestum iijjto Willelmus Reynyld sursum reddidit in manus domini novem acras et dimidiam rodam terre iacentes ex parte / australi Bryennespeche ad opus Thome Rever. Cui dominus concessit predictam terram tenendam ad voluntatem / domini sibi et heredibus suis secundum consuetudinem manerii per servicia consueta et dat de fine xs (fn. 15) Et liberata est ei / seisina per virgam Et fecit domino fidelitatem plegiis de fine Willelmus Schaftesbury et hugo Gitte Et habet / diem de fine solvendo videlicet de medietate usque festum pasche proxime sequentem et de alia medietate usque / festum nativitatis sancti Johannis Baptiste extunc proximam sequentem etc

At the view with court of Thomas de Nevill held at Farnham on the Monday next after the feast of St Hilary in the 4th year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest, William Reynyld surrendered into the hands of the lord nine acres and half a rood of land lying on the south part of Bryennespeche, to the use of Thomas Rever. To whom the lord granted the aforesaid land, to hold at the will of the lord, to himself and his heirs according to the custom of the manor, by the accustomed services; and he gives as a fine 10s. And seisin is delivered to him by the rod. And he did fealty to the lord; pledges of the fine William Schaftesbury and Hugh Gitte. And he has a day to pay the fine viz. for a half up to the Easter next following and of the other half to the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist thereafter next following etc.

[Farnham Royal, Bucks. No medieval court rolls known]


[4 Feb. 1381]

209 x 61 mm. Wrapping tie, no seal

Memorandum quod ad curiam de Farewelle tentam ibidem die lune proxima post festum purificationis beate marie anno regni regis Ricardi secundi quarto Willelmus / Walle venit per Willelmum de halsey attornatum suum per literam suam patentem in plena curia et sursum reddidit / in manus domine unum toftum et duo croftos cum pertinenciis in Chorley ad opus Walteri shepherd tenenda / de domina sibi et heredibus suis secundum consuetudinem manerii pro serviciis inde debitis et consuetis et domina / habet unum bovem nomine herietti et dat domine de fine ex consuetudine manerii xiijd quadrantem et habet inde /saisinam

Be it remembered that at the court of Farewell held there on Monday next after the feast of the Purification of Blessed Mary in the fourth year of the reign of king Richard the second, William Walle came by William de Halsey his attorney by his letter patent in full court, and surrendered into the hands of the lady a toft and two crofts with the appurtenances in Chorley, to the use of Walter Shepherd, to be held of the lady to him and his heirs according to the custom of the manor for the services thence due and accustomed, and the lady has an ox by name of heriot and he gives to the lady for a fine, out of the custom of the manor, 13d and a farthing and he has seisin of it.

[Farewell, Staffs. No court roll for this year known]


[4 Feb. 1381]

207 x 6o mm. Wrapping tie, no seal

Memorandum quod ad curiam de Farewelle tentam ibidem die Lune proxima post festum Purificationis beate marie Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi quarto Johannes Schepherd venit in plena curia et sursum reddidit in manus domine j mesuagium et ij croftas terre cum pertinenciis suis in Chorley Ad opus Walteri Schepherd Tenenda de domina sibi et / heredibus suis secundum consuetudinem manerii per servicia inde debita er consueta inperpetuum Et predictus Johannes / dat domine de fine pro erietto xld Et predictus Walterus dat domine de fine ex consuetudine manerii vjd

Be it remembered that at the court of Farewell held there on Monday next after the feast of the Purification of Blessed Mary in the fourth year of the reign of king Richard the second, John Schepherd came in full court and surrendered into the hands of the lord 1 messuage and 2 crofts of land with their appurtenances in Chorley, to the use of Walter Schepherd, to hold of the lady to himself and his heirs according to the custom of the manor by the services thence owed and accustomed for ever. And the aforesaid John gives to the lady as a fine for the heriot 40d. And the aforesaid Walter gives to the lady as a fine, out of the custom of the manor, 6d.

[Farewell, Staffs. No court roll for this year known]


(Leveson-Gower collection)

[5 Mar 1381]

269 x 89/72 mm. No tongue, tag or seal.

Curia parva domini Ricardi Postell decani de Wolvernehampton / tenta die martis proxima post festum sancti Cedde Episcopi Anno regni Regis Ricardi / secundi post conquestum quarto Eodem die Johannes Wyntour de Codessale dedit domino xijd pro inquisitionem habendo per xij custumariorum / juratorum utrum Johannes filius Johannis persones de Codessale fuit proximus heres (fn. 16) post decessum predicti Johannis persones patris sui et utrum / poscet vendere terras et tenementa an non videlicet per Willelmum Colates Walterum le Kynth Johannem le Wrythe Adam Bysschop Thomam le / Clerk henricum le Smyth Johannem Cole Ricardum le Chaluner Nicholaum atte Wode Thomam le Kyng Willelmum filium Jacobi et Nicholaum / le yonge juratos qui dicunt per sacramentum quod dictus Johannes filius Johannis persones verus heres fuit post decessum Johannis patris sui /et bene poscit vendere terras et tenementa que sibi acciderunt post mortem Johannis patris sui et plene etatis fuit quando alienavit unum mesuagium / et tres croftos nove terre Johanni Wynter predicti et Idonie uxori eius

Small court of lord Richard Postell dean of Wolverhampton held on Tuesday next after the feast of St Chad the Bishop in the fourth year of the reign of King Richard the second after the conquest. On the same day John Wyntour of Codsall gave to the lord 12d to have an inquisition by 12 customary jurors (fn. 17) whether John son of John Persones of Codsall was the next heir after the decease of the aforesaid John Persones his father, and whether he can sell lands and tenements or not, viz. by William Colates, Walter le Kynth, John le Wrythe, Adam Bysschop, Thomas le Clerk, Henry le Smyth, John Cole, Richard le Chaluner, Nicholas atte Wode, Thomas le Kyng, William son of James, and Nicholas le Yonge, sworn, who say by their oath that the said John son of John Persones was true heir after the decease of John his father, and he could well sell the lands and tenements that fell to him after the death of his father John, and was of full age when he alienated a messuage and three crofts of new land to John Wynter aforesaid and Idonia his wife.

[Wolverhampton deanery. No court rolls known before 1397]

106 and 107 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES Badminton deeds, no 582 (a-b)

Pair of copies on 1 MS.

[8 Jul 1382]

274 x 127 mm. No tongue, tag or seal.


In margin Lanteliou Cressenny

Ad curiam domini episcopi Landavensis ibidem tentam die martis viijo die Julij Anno regni Regis Ricardi secundi post / conquestum sexto intrante coram llewellyn ap morgan tunc senescallo ibidem /

Janekyn Hudol reddit in manus domini j placeam cum crofto ad opus Wenllian Gethyn / fferch (fn. 18) dafydd Et accidit domino / nomine herietti iiijd Et dictus Janekyn dat domino de fine vjd pro licenciam domini habendo se dimittendi eidem de dicto tenemento Et venit dicta Wenllian et dat domino de fine iijd pro ingressum habendo (fn. 19) in predictum tenementum / Tenendum et habendum suis secundum consuetudinem manerii per redditus et servicia inde prius debita. habet inde seisinam et fecit domino / fidelitatem nativam Et mantenebit tenementum etc.


Adhuc ad eandem curiam Jevan ap meuric Geryn reddit in manus domini j mesuagium et ij Croftos ad opus Wenllian / Gethyn fferch dafydd Et accidit domini nomine herietti xijd Et dictus Jevan dat domino de fine vjd pro licenciam domini habendo / de dimittendi eidem de dicto tenemento Et venit dicta Wenllian et dat domino de fine iijd Pro ingressu habendo in dictum tenementum Tenendum sibi et heredibus suis secundum consuetudinem manerii per redditus et servicia inde prius debita et habet inde seisinam Et fecit / domino fidelitatem Et mantenebit tenementum etc

(106) Llantilio Crossenny. Ad the court of the lord bishop of Llandaff held there on Tuesday 8th July in the beginning of the sixth year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest in the presence of Llewellyn ap Morgan then steward there

Jenkyn Hudol renders into the hands of the lord one plot with a croft to the use of Wenllian Gethyn daughter of David And there falls to the lord by name of heriot 4d. And the said Jenkyn gives the lord as a fine 6d to have the lord’s licence to let the same tenement to the same woman. And the said Wenllian comes and gives the lord as a fine 3d to have entry into the aforesaid tenement To hold and to have to hers according to the custom of the manor by the rents and services previously owed from it. She has seisin of it and did bond fealty to the lord. And she shall maintain the tenement etc

(107) At the same court Jevan ap Meurig Geryn renders into the hands of the lord 1 messuage and 2 crofts to the use of Wenllian Gethyn daughter of David. And there falls to the lord by name of heriot 12d. And the said Jevan gives the lord as a fine 6d to have the lord’s licence to let to her the same tenement. And the said Wenllian comes and gives the lord as a fine 3d to have entry in the same tenement. To hold to her and her heirs according to the custom of the manor by the rents and services previously owed from it, and she has seisin of it. And she did fealty to the lord. And she will maintain the tenement etc.

[Llantilio Crossenny, later Mon. No medieval court rolls known]


(Ancient Deeds series C, no 6436)

[22 Sep 1382]

264 x 164 mm. No tag, tongue, or seal.

Outdent Westbury. Ad Curiam hugonis Calverlegh militis tentam ibidem die Lune proxima post festum sancti mathei apostoli et evangeliste Anno regni / Regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum sexto

line break

Venit Nicholaus Palmere filius et heres Thome Palmere et clamat tenere de domino unum cotagium cum quatuor acris terre / et ballivam custodiendi boscum domini vocatum Wodwardwyke cum pastura posteriora in Luciesmore videlicet a festo sancti martini / usque festum purificacionis beate marie et per totum annum subtus coopertum in eadem pastura cum omnibus ubique suis pertinenciis / sicut predictus Thomas pater suus et antecessores sui habere deberent et de antiquo habere consueverunt secundum consuetudinem / predicti manerii . Reddendo inde per annum in redditu duodecim denarios ad terminos usuales et in serviciis cludere predictam / pasturam de Luciesmore Ita quod nemo in dicta pastura dampnum faceret in defectu clausure et omnia attachiamenta / tam in dicto bosco quam in dicta pastura facere et presentare in curia domini et amerciamenta inde levare et domino solvere capiendo / feoda sua in eadem balliva sicut antecessores sui capere solebant et sectam curie pro omnibus aliis serviciis et / profert domino releivum suum videlicet dupplicare redditum et non servicium secundum consuetudinem predicti manerii Et quia / compertum est per presentacionem tocius homagii quod idem Nicholaus est filius et propinquior heres predicti Thome et clamium / suum est verum secundum consuetudinem dicti manerii. Concessum est ei habendum et tenendum sibi heredibus vel assignatis / suis per redditus servicia et consuetudines inde debita et de antiquo iure consueta secundum consuetudines predicti / manerij inperpetuum Et inde fecit domino fidelitatem suam Et postea idem Nicholaus in plena curia superreddit in /manus domini predicta cotagium terram ballivam pasturam et feoda cum omnibus ubique suis pertinenciis adeo plene et integre / sicut ipse Nicholaus vel antecessores sui illa unquam tenuerunt in Westbury ad opus Thome Martyn heredum /et assignatorum suorum quietum de se et heredibus suis imperpetuum in presencia Johannis de Westbury Willelmi Holeweye / Roberti Gibbes Thome Savery Johannis frempton Johannis Nicholes et aliorum tenencium et sectatorum eiusdem curie / De cuius herietto nullum quia de veteris cotagiis eiusdem manerii nullum inde de (fn. 20) iure debeat secundum consuetudinem / eiusdem manerii Et super hoc venit predictus Thomas martyn et dat domino de fine vjs et viijd ut feodum eius ingredi /permittetur. Et concessum est ei habenda et tenenda omnia predicta cotagium terram ballivam pasturam et feoda cum omnibus ubique suis / pertinenciis ut predictum est prefato Thome martyn heredibus vel assignatis suis de domino illius feodi per redditus servicia et / consuetudines inde debita et de antiquo iure consueta secundum consuetudinem eiusdem manerii inperpetuum Et inde fecit / fidelitatem suam Solvendo dictam finem perplegium Johannis Westbury et Johannis Frempton pro qua quidem superreddicione / fine et concordia predictus Thomas martyn dedit predicto Nicholao Palmere quadraginta solidos bone et legalis monete / in eadem Curia in presencia omnium predictorum sectatorum etc

Westbury. At the court of Hugh Calveley knight held there on Monday next after the feast of St Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist in the sixth year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest.

Nicholas Palmere, son and heir of Thomas Palmere, comes and claims to hold of the lord a cottage with four acres of land and the bailiwick of looking after the lord’s wood called Woodwardwyk, with the later pasture in Luciesmore, viz. from Martinmas to the feast of the Purification of Blessed Mary, and for all the year under covert in the same pasture with all its appurtenances everywhere, as the aforesaid Thomas his father and his ancestors should have had, and anciently were accustomed to have, according to the custom of the aforesaid manor. Rendering thence yearly in rent 12 pence at the usual terms, and in services to inclose the said pasture of Luciesmore so that no one should do damage in the said pasture from a defect of inclosure, and to make all attachments (fn. 21) both in the said wood and in the said pasture, and present them in the court of the lord, and raise amercements from them and pay them to the lord, taking his fees in the same bailiwick, as his ancestors were accustomed to take them, and doing suit of court for all other services; and he offers to the lord his relief, viz. double the rent, and not service, according to the custom of the aforesaid manor. And because it was found by presentation of all the homage that the same Nicholas is son and nearest heir of the aforesaid Thomas, and his claim is true according to the custom of the manor, it was granted to him to have and to hold to him and his heirs or assigns, by the rent, services, and customs due and by ancient right accustomed from it, according to the customs of the aforesaid manor, for ever. And he did his fealty to the lord for the same. And afterwards the same Nicholas in full court surrendered into the hands of the lord the said cottage, land, bailiwick, pasture, and fees, with all their appurtenances everywhere, fully and wholly as Nicholas himself or his ancestors had ever held them in Westbury, to the use of Thomas Martyn, his heirs and assigns, quit of himself and his heirs for ever, in the presence of John de Westbury, William Holeweye, Robert Gibbes, Thomas Savery, John Frempton, John Nicholes, and other tenants and suitors of the same court. From whom no heriot, because from the old cottages of the same manor no heriot is due by right according to the custom of the same manor. And upon this comes the said Thomas Martyn and gives the lord as a fine 6s 8d so that he can be permitted to enter his fee. And it is granted to him to have and to hold all the said cottage, land, bailiwick, pasture, and fees, with all their appurtenances everywhere, by the rents, services, and customs due from thence and of ancient right accustomed according to the customs of the said manor for ever. And he did his fealty for it. To pay the said fine by pledge of John Westbury and John Frempton, for which surrender, fine, and agreement the aforesaid Thomas Martyn gave to the said Nicholas Palmere forty shillings of good and lawful money in the same court in the presence of all the aforesaid suitors etc.

[Westbury Priory manor, Wilts. No medieval court rolls known]


[31 Oct. 1382]

225 x 60 mm. tongue (tie), No seal.

[Set of copies stitched on left hand end. Second and later items post 1399]

Tybenham. Ad primam curiam domini Johannis de Roos tentam ibidem in vigillia omnium sanctorum Anno regni regis Ricardi /secundi / post conquestum sexto Johannes Ford cepit de domino 1 acram et dimidiam terre cum uno tofto de tenemento / JeWynes et 1 acram cum uno tofto de tenemento Cranes et I acram terre de tenemento Osgeres in tybenham tenenda / sibi et heredibus suis sine vasto faciendo quousque aliquis venerit ad tenendum dicta tenementa per antiquos servicios et consuetudines / et si aliquis venerit ad calumniandum dictam (fn. 22) sic tenementa tum non ei deliberabit donec satisfecerit tenenti de misis / quas fecerit in emendando domorum arura et semine si alique fuerunt per districionem senescalli Reddendo per annum / iiijs vid ad festa sancti andree Ramis/ palmarum et sancti Petri Advincula equalibus porcionibus cui liberata / est seysina etc Et faciat sectam curie etc

Tibenham. At the first court of lord John de Roos held there on the eve of All Saints in the sixth year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest, John Ford took from the lord 1 acre and a half of land with one toft of the tenement of Jewynes, and 1 acre with one toft of the tenement of Cranes, and one acre of land of the tenement of Osgeres in Tibenham, to hold to him and his heirs without making waste until someone should come to hold the said tenements by the old services and customs, and if anyone should come to claim the said tenements then it shall not be delivered to him until he shall have satisfied the tenant for the expenses that he will have made in mending the buildings, ploughing and sowing, if there should be any, by distraint of the steward. Rendering yearly 4s 6d at the feasts of St Andrew, Palm Sunday, and St Peter in Chains by equal portions; to him is delivered seisin etc And he shall do suit of court etc

[Tibenham, Norf. No original 14th-century court rolls known]


(Calmady family of Langdon, Wembury. Deeds. 372/1/13 mainly Lydford deeds; this one stray)

[5 May 1383]

232 x 155/134 mm. Wrap tongue and 4 seal tongues with 2, 2, 3, 1 seals.

Seals: from left: round, black, 12 mm, ?L?; pale brown, round/oval, 27 mm, device illegible; round, black, 15 x 18 mm, smudge?; oval, black, image round, 18 mm, C [?]; image round, black, 14 mm, ?? 2-pronged anchor or R; round, black, geometric flower, 6-petalled; round, black, 13 mm, ? Wave and dolphin or C; round, black, 13 mm, illegible.

Collated with 2202/5, Bax transcript

Outdent Okehampton. Ad Curiam legalem Burgi ibidem tentam die martis proxima post festum Invencionis (fn. 23) sancte Crucis (fn. 24) Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi sexto

line break

Ad quam Curiam Johannes bakere de Okehampton et Johanna uxor eius venerunt et cum senescallo finem fecerunt pro inquisitione / ex officio habendo quale Jus habuerint in quodam tenemento situato in burgo de Okehampton Inter tenementum Radulfi Walshe ex parte / occidentale et tenementum Johannis Trewena ex parte orientale quod quidem tenementum quondam fuit Balduini atte Wille etc / Et ad dictam curiam Inquisitio capta fuit coram senescallo ibidem per sacramentum Willelmi langston Willelmi Fryllard (fn. 25) Johannis / Smyth Walteri Wodeman henrici Sampson Johannis Selyman Roberti Tayllor Johannis Batyn Junioris henrici / Wadelond henrici Weryng Rogeri Quyk (fn. 26) et Johannis Ffolker Qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod predictus Balduinus / atte Wille fuit seisitus in dominico suo ut de feodo de tenemento predicto cum pertinenciis et inde obiit seisitus post cuius mortem / Willelmus Bandyn filius et heres predicti Balduini in predicto tenemento intravit et inde obiit seisitus in dominico suo ut de / feodo qui quidem Willelmus habuit exitum (fn. 27) unum filium vocatum Willelmum et unam filiam vocatam Johannam que nunc est / uxor predicti Johannis Bakere Et dicunt quod predictus Willelmus filius (fn. 28) predicti Willelmi Baudyn (fn. 29) post mortem predicti Wilelmi patris / sui in predicto tenemento cum suis pertinenciis intravit et in pace continuavit et inde obiit seisitus in dominico suo ut de / feodo sine exitu etc Et predicta Johanna que nunc est uxor predicti Johannis Baker soror predicti Willelmi filii Willelmi / Baudyn infra etatem at in custodiam Willelmi Wodeword (fn. 30) existens in predictum tenementum intravit et per longum tempus post / decessum predicti Willelmi fratris sui ut soror et propinquior heres predicti Willelmi fratris sui dictum tenementum cum pertinenciis habuit et / ocupavit (fn. 31) et cepit in virum predictum Johannem Bakere iam longo tempore post quam maritati fuerunt dictum tenementum cum pertinenciis habuerunt et ocupaverunt (fn. 32) quousque quidem Robertus Glasier de Launceston et henricus Trudya de Launceston et alii predictos / Johannem et Johannam de dicto tenemento abiecerunt et sic predicti Johannes et Johanna dicto tenemento cum pertinenciis jus habent etc / In cuius rei testimonium tam predictus senescallus quam predicti Jurati sigilla sua apposuerunt Datum die loco et anno supradictis etc

Okehampton. At the leet court of the borough held on Tuesday next after the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross in the sixth year of the reign of king Richard the second

To which court John Bakere of Okehampton and Joan his wife came, and made fine with the steward to have an official inquisition, as to what right they had in a certain tenement situated in the borough of Okehampton, between the tenement of Ralph Walsh on the west side, and the tenement of John Trewena on the east side; which tenement indeed was once of Baldwin atte Wille etc. And at the said court an Inquisition was taken, in the presence of the steward there, by the oath of William Langston, William Fryllard, John Smyth, Walter Wodeman, Henry Sampson, John Selyman, Robert Tayllor, John Batyn the younger, Henry Wadelond, Henry Weryng, Roger Quyk, and John Folker, who say on their oath that the aforesaid Baldwin atte Wille was seised in his demesne as of fee of the aforesaid tenement with its appurtenances, and died seised of it, after whose death William Bandyn, son and heir of the aforesaid Baldwin, entered into the aforesaid tenement, and died seised of it in his demesne as of fee; which William had issue a son called William and a daughter called Joan, who is now the wife of the aforesaid John Bakere. And they say that the aforesaid William, the son of the aforesaid William Baudyn, after the death of the aforesaid William his father, entered into the said tenement with its appurtenances, and continued in peace, and died seised of it in his demesne as of fee without issue etc. And the aforesaid Joan, who now is wife of the said John Baker, sister of the aforesaid William son of William Baudyn, while under age and in the wardship of William Wodeword, entered into the said tenement, and for a long time after the decease of the aforesaid William her brother, as sister and nearest heir of the aforesaid William her brother, had and occupied the said tenement with appurtenances; and she took as husband the aforesaid John Baker, and already for a long time after they were married they had and occupied the said tenement with the appurtenances, until Robert Glasier de Launceston, and Henry Trudya of Launceston, and others threw the aforesaid John and Joan out of the said tenement; and so the aforesaid John and Joan have the right to the said tenement etc. In witness whereof both the aforesaid steward and the aforesaid jurors affixed their seals. Given on the day and year abovewritten etc.

[Okehampton, Devon. No 14th-century court rolls known]


(Kentwyns estate collection)

[7 July 1383]

226 x 39 mm. No tongue, tag or seal

Ad curiam tentam apud Nuttfeld die martis in festo translacionis Sancti Thome (fn. 33) Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum septimo venit / Johannes marton et Amicia uxor eius et ceperunt de domino tenementum nativum quondam Ricardi nichole seniori avunculi / dicte Amicie Tenendum eisdem johanni et amicie heredibus ipsorum in bondagio secundum consuetudine manerii per servissia / inde debita et consueta et predicti Johannes et amicia uxor dicti Johannis amissi (fn. 34) sunt et fecerunt fidelitatem et dant domino / de fine xiijs iiijd

To the court held at Nutfield, on Tuesday on the feast of the translation of St Thomas in the seventh year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest, came John Marton and Amice his wife, and they took from the lord a bond tenement once of Richard Nichole the elder, uncle of the said Amice. To hold to the same Amice and John and their heirs in bondage, according to the custom of the manor, by the services due and accustomed from it, and the aforesaid John and Amice wife of the said John were admitted and did fealty, and they give to the lord for a fine 13s 4d.

Nutfield, Surrey. No original medieval court rolls known


(Vernon of Hilton, Walsall deeds from 13th century onwards)

[nb Borough court is the lord of the manor’s court for the borough as opposed to the foreign: V.C.H. Staffs xvii 209]

[24 Aug 1383]

215 x 80/65 mm. Seal tongue missing, cut off. No seal.

Curia burgi de Walshale tenta ibidem die lune in festo Sancti Bartholomei Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum / septimo Eodem die Johannes Harewode de Coventre per Willelmum atte Boudocke attorniatum suum et Emma uxor eius et Elizabeth que / fuit uxor Johannis de Canneley de Coventre in propriis personis venerunt in curiam et sursum reddiderunt in manus domini totam partem illorum / unius burgagii cum suis pertinenciis Universis in Walshale iacentem inter burgagium Rogeri hillarii ex una parte et burgagium Johannis Page ex altera parte / ad opus predicti Johannis Page et Alicie uxoris eius heredum vel assignatorum eorum imperpetuum tenendum de domino secundum consuetudinem burgi (fn. 35) / de Walshale. Qui dant domino de fine iiijd Et fecerunt domino fidelitatem etc Et predicta Emma examinata fuit coram senescallo si sit coacta per virum suum ad hoc faciendum que dicit quod sua mera voluntate hoc fecit et sine aliqua cohercione viri / sui etc In cuius rei testimonium sigillum Willelmi Coleson tunc temporis senescalli presentibus est appensum

Court of the borough of Walsall held there on Monday in the feast of St Bartholomew in the seventh year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest. On that day John Harewode of Coventry, by William atte Boudocke his attorney, and Emma his wife, and Elizabeth who was wife of John de Canneley of Coventry, came in their own persons into court, and surrendered into the hands of the lord all that their part of one burgage and all its appurtenances in Walsall, lying between the burgage of Roger Hillary on one side, and the burgage of John Page on the other, to the use of the aforesaid John Page, and Alice his wife, their heirs and assigns for ever. To hold of the lord according the the custom of the borough of Walsall. Who give the lord for a fine 4d. And they did fealty to the lord. And the aforesaid Emma was examined in the presence of the steward if she was compelled by her husband to do this and she says that by her own will she did it without any coercion by her husband etc. In witness whereof the seal of William Coleson then steward was affixed to the presents.

[No court rolls known]


(Bradfer-Lawrence, Medieval Deeds)

[3 Oct 1383]

215 x 60/53 mm. Seal tongue, seal, reddish-brown wax, damaged 28 x 13 mm. Image about 10 mm diameter, indecipherable.

Stanford Ad curiam generalem ibidem tentam die sabbati proxima post festum sancti michaelis Archangeli anno regni Regis Ricardi /secundi post conquestum septimo Preceptum fuit ad ultimam curiam seisire in manus domini dimidiam acram terre cum mesuagio / unde Rogerus Atte Ston obiit seisitus prout homagium iuratum extitit in ipsa curia presentans (fn. 36) Et modo ad hanc / curiam Elena que fuit uxor eiusdem Rogeri petit ea sibi restitueri eo quod ipsa Elena clamat titulum et /statum heredis in eisdem tenendo coniunctim cum prefato Rogero in feodo secundum consuetudinem tenurie villenagii /

ex adquisitione alias in curia hic tenta per ipsos Rogerum et Elenam facta ac eo quod rotuli de anno et die quibus / ipsa redditio fiebat remanent in tesauro domini Inquisicio capta ex homagio predicto iurato qui dicunt quod ipsa Elena / coniunctim cum prefato Rogero tenuit in feodo ut premittitur et ideo idem Elene restitucio de eisdem tenementis / concessa que quidem Elena concessit et reddit sursum in manus domini prefatam dimidiam acram terre cum messuagio ad / opus Thome filio Clementis Blake et margerie uxoris sue et heredum ipsius Thome reservata ad eidem Elena ad / totam vitam suam quandam parte domus ad capud boriale eiusdem continentem in longitudine xxij / pedes et in latitudine xvij pedes prout patet per metas et bundas desuper constructas cum libero ingressu / ac aysiamentum fontis pro indiuiso optinendo quibus quidem Thome et margerie concessa est eis inde seisina / Et liberata tenenda eisdem Thome et margerie et heredibus ipsius Thome in forma supradicta ad voluntatem domini per servicia et consuetudines salvo iure et dant de fine pro ingressu habendo in dicta terra fecerunt fidelitatem

Stanford. At a general court held there on Saturday next after Michaelmas in the seventh year of the reign of King Richard the second after the conquest. It was ordered at the last court to seize into the hands of the lord half an acre with a messuage of which Roger Atte Ston died seised, as the sworn homage presented in that court. And now at this one, Ellen who was the wife of the same Roger seeks to have them restored to her, because Ellen herself claims title and status of an heir in those tenements, holding together with the aforesaid Roger in fee, according to the custom of villein tenure, from an acquisition otherwise made in a court held here, made by the same Roger and Ellen, and because the rolls of the year and day, on which that grant was made, remain in the treasure of the lord, an inquisition was taken on the part of the aforesaid sworn homage, who say that the same Ellen together with the aforesaid Roger held in fee as is premised, so the restitution of the same tenements was granted to the same Ellen. Ellen indeed concedes and surrenders, into the hands of the lord, the aforesaid half acre of land with a messuage, to the use of Thomas son of Clement Blake and Margery his wife and the heirs of that Thomas, reserving to the same Ellen for all her life a certain part of the house at the north end of the same, containing in length 22 feet and in breadth 17 feet, as appears by metes and bounds drawn up thereon, with free ingress, and an easement of a spring, to be accessed jointly; and to Thomas and Margery is granted seisin of it. And it is delivered to be held to the same Thomas and Margery and the heirs of the same Thomas, in the abovesaid form, at the will of the lord, by services and customs, saving the right [of anyone], and they give as a fine to have entry in the said land; they did fealty.

[Stanford, Norfolk. Court rolls survive for 1343-52 and from 1378, in private collection]

114 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES Coed Coch & Treworth estate deeds, 775

[16 Feb 1384]

224 x 69/68 mm. No tongue, tag or seal. Stitching holes on left side.

In margin: Ingr’ vjs.

Curia ville Ruthyn tenta die martis proxima post festum Sancti Valentini Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum vijo. / Johannes le sergeaunt venit in curiam et reddidit in manus domini omnia burgagia sua inter tenementum domini Johannis de la Legh Receptoris / ex parte una et tenementum Willelmi filii Thome le Clerkes ex parte altera ad opus Jeuan hagolegh et katerine uxoris eius / habenda et tenenda omnia burgagia predicta cum omnibus suis pertinenciis predictis Jeuan et katerine heredibus suis sive (fn. 37) assignatis / tenenda de capitali domino per servicia debita et consueta. Et fecit fidelitatem et seisina eis liberatur salvo iure cuiuslibet / Et dat pro Ingressu. (fn. 38)

In margin: Entry 6s.

Court of the town of Ruthin held Tuesday next after the feast of St Valentine in the 7th year of the reign of king Richard the second. John le sergeaunt came into court and rendered into the hands of the lord all his burgages between the tenement of lord John de la Legh the Receiver on one side, and the tenement of William son of Thomas le Clerkes on the other side, to the use of Ieuan Hagolegh and Katherine his wife, to have and to hold all the said burgages with all their appurtenances to the aforesaid Ieuan and Katherine, their heirs or assigns, to hold from the chief lord by the services due and accustomed. And he did (fn. 39) fealty, and seisin was granted to them saving the right of whomsoever. And he gives for entry.

[Ruthin (Rhuthun), Denbs. Court roll survives at TNA SC2/220/4; this entry on rot. 4d.]


(Leveson-Gower collection)

[5 May 1384]

199 x88/65 mm. Wrapping tie torn off bottom left. Central seal tongue. Seal white wax, oval, 25 x 18 mm. Device indecipherable.

Curiia magna domini Petri Galoun prebendariius prebende de fetherston in ecclesia collegiata de Wolvernehampton tenta ibidem die / Jovis proxima post festum Invencionis sancte crucis Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi septimo /

line break

Quo die Thomas le Wruyhte de Gosebrok venit in curiam et sursum reddidit in manus domini quatuor butte terre cum quadam / marlera superexistente et cum pertinenciis suis coniacentes in quodam campo vocato le Quebbefeld inter terram domini Decani ex una / parte et terram Johannis atte lovehende ex parte altera ad opus Ricardi fillesone heredum et assignatorum suorum imperpetuum tenenda per servicia / et consuetudines manerii ut prius qui dat domino pro seisina vjd plegius dictus Ricardus Et predictus Thomas dimisit se de omnibus tenementis / que tenet de domino (fn. 40) dat domino nomine herietti vjd ex consuetudine . In cuius rei testimonium presenti recordo extracto a rotulo Curie Johannes / de Ruysshale tunc temporis eiusdem curie senescallus sigillum suum apposuit Dat die et anno supradicta

Great court of lord Peter Galoun prebendary of the prebend of Featherstone in the collegiate church of Wolverhampton held there on Thursday next after the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross in the seventh year of the reign of king Richard the second

On which day Thomas le Wruyhte of Gorsebrook came into court, and surrendered into the hands of the lord four butts of land with a certain marlpit on them, and with their appurtenances, lying together in a certain field called le Quebbefeld, between the land of the lord Dean on one side and the land of John atte Lovehende on the other, to the use of Richard Fillesone, his heirs and assigns for ever, to hold by services and customs of the manor as before; who gives to the lord for seisin 6d, pledge the said Richard. And the aforesaid Thomas divested himself of all the tenements that he holds of the lord, [so] gives to the lord by name of a heriot 6d, out of the custom. In witness whereof John de Ruysshale, at that time steward of the same court, affixed his seal to the present record extracted from the court roll. Given on the day and year abovesaid.

[Featherstone prebend in Wolverhampton college. No medieval court rolls known]


(Yorkshire Archaeological Society: Foster-Greenwood collection)

[16 May 1384]

[A2 is fid of copies of Brighouse court rolls, 14th century -13 Eliz. I. Tied with string]

209 x 38/50 mm. No tongue, tag or seal. Possible wrap tag torn off at bottom. [Badly worn and faint in places]

Ad curiam tentam apud Brighous xvjo die maij anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum septimo / Robertus Pynder et Alicia uxor eius confessa et examinata hic in curia reddiderunt sursum in manus domini / unum assartum continentem septem acras et viam vocatam beryrodde cum pertinenciis in hiperom Quod concessum / est predictis Roberto et Alicie ad totam vitam suam Ita quod post decessum ipsorum Roberti et Alicie / predictum assartum cum pertinenciis suis remaneat Johanni de Halteworth de Astay tenendo sibi et heredibus / suis per servicia secundum consuetudinem manerii Et debet domino de fine pro ingressu xijd

At the court held at Brighouse on 16th May in the seventh year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest, Robert Pynder and Alice his wife, confessed and examined, here in court surrendered into the hands of the lord an assart containing seven acres, and a way called Beryrodde, with their appurtenances, in Hipperholme. Which was granted to the aforesaid Robert and Alice for their whole life, so that after the decease of Robert and Alice the aforesaid assart with its appurtenances shall remain to John de Halteworth of Astay, (fn. 41) to hold to him and his heirs by services according to the custom of the manor. And he owes to the lord as a fine for entry 12d.

[No court rolls known before 1400]


(Ancient Deeds – series C, no 11060)

[26 May 1384]

240 x 48 mm. Tongue, c. 5 mm, cut horizontally at bottom from right to left, up to 34 mm from left edge. Some other (later) copies in file have this sort of tongue. Rubbed and stained in places

Ad curiam tentam apud mannesfeld die jovis proxima post festum Sancti Dunstani episcopi Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi aconqestu septimo venerunt Willelmus Benne de Warsope et Agnes uxor eius et sursum reddiderunt in manus domini Regis ad opus Johannis de Layston (fn. 42) de Wodhouse / et Alicie uxoris eius omnia terras et tenementa cum pertinenciis suis que et quas sibi descendebant iure hereditario post decessum cicilie Smyth / in villa et campis de Wodhouse habenda et tenenda omnia predicta terras et tenementa cum pertinenciis suis predictis Johanni et Alicie heredibus / et assignatis suis de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia inde debita et consueta inperpetuum et quia predicta terre et tenementa fuerunt / ex hereditate predicte Agnetis examinata et iurata fuit in absencia viri sui que tactis sacrosanctis dixit quod mera sua volun/tate et nihilominus (fn. 43) coacta et predicta Agnes sic exclusa ab omne actione iuris vel clamis inperpetuum per istud recordum

At the court held at Mansfield on Thursday next after the feast of St Dunstan the Bishop in the seventh year of the reign of king Richard the second from the conquest came William Benne of Warsop and Agnes his wife, and surrendered into the hands of the lord, to the use of John de Layston of Woodhouse and Alice his wife, all the lands and tenements with their appurtenances that descended to them by hereditary right after the death of Cicely Smyth, in the vill and fields of Woodhouse, to have and to hold all the said lands and tenements with their appurtenances to the aforesaid John and Alice, their heirs and assigns, from the chief lords of that fee by the services due and accustomed from them for ever; and because the aforesaid lands and tenements were of the inheritance of the aforesaid Agnes, she was examined and sworn in the absence of her husband, and after touching the holy objects, she said that it was by her own mere will and no way forced, and the aforesaid Agnes is thus excluded from all action of right or claim for ever by this record.

[Mansfield, Notts. No court rolls known]


  • 1. 13 listed!
  • 2. Damaged, reading uncertain.
  • 3. Reading uncertain.
  • 4. Et rubbed.
  • 5. note: the meadow is included in the first surrender, but not in its remainder, which may explain the apparently contradictory second surrender.
  • 6. Text ends here.
  • 7. Text ends here.
  • 8. Alice?
  • 9. festum omitted.
  • 10. Terre erased.
  • 11. Cat has Darman.
  • 12. Badly rubbed from here on.
  • 13. Note on date: cat says c. 1330. But the widow of Wm. Churchyard quitclaims to John Churchyard … Godfreylond in 1403 (I.H. Jeayes, Descriptive Cat. Of Charters and Muniments of the Lyttleton Family in the possession of the Rt. Hon. Viscount Cobham, at Hagley Hall, Worcestershire (London, 1893), p. 66 no. 252.) So the copy is probably c. 1380. The handwriting fits that date much better than 1330, which is probably a catalogue copy-typist’s misreading of an MS catalogue-box slip or an earlier typescript.
  • 14. Not cuius.
  • 15. V of xvs deliberately erased.
  • 16. Heres inserted.
  • 17. i.e. 12 customary tenants as jurors.
  • 18. Or possibly filie.
  • 19. Habendo duplicated.
  • 20. Inde de obscured by crease.
  • 21. Arrests.
  • 22. For dicta.
  • 23. Invencionis (i.e. finding) inserted.
  • 24. Bax: carnationis.
  • 25. Bax: Fullard.
  • 26. Bax: Smythe.
  • 27. Exitum Bax.
  • 28. predicti Willelmi Baudyn inserted.
  • 29. Not Bandyn here.
  • 30. Bax: Wodelleye; should be Wodeweye].
  • 31. Bax: comparavit.
  • 32. et cepit in virum predictum Johannem Bakere iam longo tempore post quam maritati fuerunt dictum tenementum cum pertinenciis habuerunt et ocupaverunt all inserted.
  • 33. Of Canterbury; Becket.
  • 34. Rectius admissi.
  • 35. Damaged, but reading not in doubt.
  • 36. Reading uncertain.
  • 37. The court roll has assuis.
  • 38. sum omittted. Court roll also has Ingr’ vjs in margin.
  • 39. Fecit. Court roll has fec’, for fecerunt, i.e. they did fealty.
  • 40. Et or ergo omitted.
  • 41. Not identified. Possibly Astley.
  • 42. Discovery has Larston, TS cat Lavston, but clearly y.
  • 43. Rubbed after tate, reading uncertain.