Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400.
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'1390-94', in Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400, ed. C.R.J. Currie , British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1390-94 [accessed 13 March 2025].
'1390-94', in Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400. Edited by C.R.J. Currie , British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1390-94.
"1390-94". Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400. Ed. C.R.J. Currie , British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1390-94.
In this section
(Gregory of Stivichall, Kingshill in Stoneleigh deeds and papers)
[3 Mar 1390]
290 x 180 mm. No tongue: copy is on dorse of two memoranda on histories of three daughters of Richard Forthewyn, explaining the claim in this copy
Ad curiam tentam apud Stonleye die Jovis iij mensis marcij Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum xiiio Willelmus de Stoketone et Alicia / uxor eius veniunt et clamant tenere de domino tria mesuagia et tres virgatas terre cum pertinenciis in hull iuxta Stonleye prout de iure eiusdem Alicie (fn. 1) de quibus Willelmus / Hull consanguineus predicte Alicie cuius heres ipsa est obiit seisitus in dominico suo ut de feodo etc sine herede de corpore suo etc / ideo resorciabatur ius et feodum predicte Alicie ut consanguinee et heredi predicti Willelmi hull videlicet de uno mesuagio et una virgata terre / supradicta cum pertinenciis ut filie Johannis filij Ricardi Jones fratris Philippi patris predicti Willelmi Hull etc et de aliis duobus mesuagiis et duabus / virgatis terre supranominatis cum pertinenciis ut filie Johannis filii margerie sororis Edithe matris predicti Willelmi Hull etc
At a court held at Stoneleigh on Thursday 3 March in the 13th year of the reign of Richard the Second after the conquest, William de Stoketone and Alice his wife come and claim to hold from the lord three messuages and three yardlands of land with appurtenances, in Kingshill (fn. 2) next to Stoneleigh as by right of the same Alice of which William Hull kinsman of the aforesaid Alice, whose heir she is, died seised in his demesne as of fee etc without a heir of his body etc therefore resource was had to the right and fee of the aforesaid Alice as kinswoman and heir of the said William Hull, viz. of one messuage and a yardland of land abovesaid with their appurtenances as daughter of John son of Richard Jones brother of Philip father of the said William Hull etc, and of the other two messuages and two yardlands of land abovenamed with their appurtenances as daughter of John son of Margery sister of Edith mother of the aforesaid William Hull etc.
[No evidence of admission]
[Stoneleigh, Warws. This court missing from TNA, SC2/207/77]
[Pakington Estate Record (Birmingham Fibus) M7, Buckinghamshire Property]
[Nos 1016-1455 are a large collection of deeds of Buckinghamshire properties, mainly Aylesbury, listed and filed chronologically. No 494142, MF 7/1356, is a grant by Richard Cordener of Aylesbury to Thomas Schafford of Bishopeston [Bucks] of ½ a meadow in the field of Aylesbury. 3 Henry V [6 Oct. 1415]]
No. 1250
[16 May 1390]
Approximately 250 x 50/44 mm. Possible torn-off tongue bottom left.
In Margin: Ayllesbury super /feodum ‘ OtereviJ
Ad curiam tentam ibidem die Lune proxima ante festum Sancti Dunstani Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi / post conquestum xiijo / venit Ricardus Cordywaner et cepit de domino unum curtilagium iacentem in / le Otereslane inter curtilagium Rogeri Phelip’ ex parte una et stagnum domini ex parte altera Habendum et /tenendum sibi et Willelmo filio eius ad terminum vite eorundem Reddendo inde per annum xviiid ad duos / anni terminos usuales (fn. 3) et sectam curie de tribus in tres pro omnibus aliis serviciis Et sic fecit domino fidelitatem
Aylesbury: on Otter’s Fee
At the court held there on Monday next before the feast of St Dunstan in the 13th year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest came Richard Cordywainer and took from the lord a curtilage lying in le Otereslane (fn. 4) between the curtilage of Roger Phelip’ on one side and the lord’s pond on the other. To have and to hold to himself and William his son for the term of their lives. Rendering thence yearly 18d at two usual terms of the year, and suit of court of three weeks to three weeks for all other services. And thus he did fealty to the lord.
[Aylesbury, Bucks., manor of Otter’s Fee.No court rolls known]
(Swinburne family papers, title deeds to Ninebanks property). (Ninebanks is an ecclesiastical parish centred at OS NZ 78 53 in West Allendale a long way SW of Hexham)
[13 Jun 1390]
265 x 66 mm. No tongue, tag or seal, but indented at left-hand end.
Ad curiam de hexaldesham tentam ibidem die lune proxime post festum sancti Bernabe apostoli anno regni Regis Ricardi etc xiij Elena relicta Willelmi de /Federstanhalgh venit in curiam et fecit finem cum domino pro inquisicionem habendo ad inquirandum quale jus eadem Elena habet ad omnia illa terras et tenementa cum pertinenciis de quibus Johannes Federstanhalgh obijt seisitus in villa de Nynbynkes et que terre et tenementa dessenderunt katerine margarete matilde / et mariote Filiarum Willelmi de Federstonhalgh fratris eiusdem Johannis cuius heredes ipse sunt Et de quibus terris et tenementis prefate katerina margareta ma / tilda et mariota intraverunt et seisite fuerunt cum (fn. 5) cognatis et heredibus (fn. 6) ipsius Johannis ut predicta Elena dicit. Et postea katerina matilda et margareta plene / etatis infefferunt predictam Elenam matrem suam de omnibus terris et tenementis predictis cum omnibus suis pertinenciis pertinentibus ad partes suas ut predicta Elena dicit et super hoc Johannes Forster Alexander Collanwood Johannes schell Bett’ (fn. 7) Somerson (fn. 8) Thomas Taillor Thomas Ricardson Walterus Ricardson Willelmus /Wodmouse Adam Dykson Robertus del Tanner (fn. 9) petrus Taillor et Willelmus Bales jurati Qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod Johannes Federstanhaulgh de Dunelm’ fuit seisitus de quatuor terris et dimidia terra husband et de xix acris terre slatij (fn. 10) in Nynbynkes Et inde / obijt seisitus Et dicunt quod katerina margareta matilda et mariota filie Willelmi de Federstanhaulgh fratris predicti Johannis sunt consanguinee (fn. 11) et heredes /ipsius Johannis et in predictis terris et tenementis cum suis pertinenciis intraverunt cum heredibus (fn. 12) et seisiti fuerunt et post prefate katerina margareta et matilda / de predictis terris et tenementis cum pertinenciis infefferunt Elenam de Federstanhaulgh matrem suam prout predicta Elena dicit et ostendit cartam / inde
At the court of Hexham held there on Monday next after the feast of St Barnabas the Apostle in the 13 year of the reign of King Richard etc Ellen relict of William de Federstanhalgh came into court and made fine with the lord to have an inquisition to inquire what kind of right the said Ellen has to all those lands and tenements with appurtenances of which John Federstanhalgh died seised in the vill of Ninebanks, and what lands and tenements descended to Katherine, Margaret, Maud, and Mariot, the daughters of William de Federstonhalgh, brother of the same John whose heir they are. And about what lands and tenements the aforesaid Katherine, Margaret, Maud, and Mariot entered and were seised of with the kinsmen and heirs (fn. 13) of that John as the aforesaid Ellen says. And afterwards Katherine Maud and Margaret, being of full age, enfeoffed the aforesaid Ellen their mother of all the lands and tenements aforesaid, with all their appurtenances belonging to their shares, as the aforesaid Ellen says; and upon this John Forster, Alexander Collanwood, John Schell, Bett’ Somerson, Thomas Taillor, Thomas Ricardson, Walter Ricardson, William Wodmouse, Adam Dykson, Robert del Tanner, Peter Taillor, and William Bales [were] sworn. Who say on their oath that John Federstanhaulgh of Durham was seised of four lands and a half of husbandry land, and of 19 acres of slaty land, in Ninebanks. And he died seised of it. And they say that Katherine, Margaret, Maud, and Mariot, daughters of William de Federstanhaulgh, brother of the aforesaid John are kinswomen and heirs of that John, and entered in the aforesaid lands and tenements with their appurtenances as heirs, (fn. 14) and were seised. And afterwards the aforesaid Katherine Margaret and Maud enfeoffed Ellen de Federstanhaulgh, their mother, of the said lands and tenements, as the aforesaid Ellen says, and shows a charter thereof.
[Hexham. No court rolls known before 1559]
(Wilmot-Horton of Osmaston and Catton)
[28 Jul 1390]
261 x 59 mm. No tongue, tag or seal.
Ad curiam tentam apud Audeley die Jovis proxima post festum sanct Jacobi apostoli anno regni regis Ricardi secundi xiiijo Willelmus le milleward venit / in Curiam et sursum reddit in manus domini unum cotagium et quatuor acras terre et quartam partem unius acre terre in Erdeley ad / opus Thome de Erdeley qui venit in Curiam et inde cepit seisinam Tenenda sibi et suis secundum consuetudinem manerii et (fn. 15) / domino ad ingressum quatuor solidos et vj denarios
At a court held at Audley on Thursday next after the feast of St James the Apostle in the 14th year of the reign of king Richard the second William le milleward comes into court and surrenders into the hands of the lord a cottage and four acres of land and the fourth part of one acre of land in Eardley, to the use of Thomas of Eardley, who came into the court and took seisin of the property, to hold to himself and his according to the custom of the manor; and [he gives] to the lord for entry four shillings and six pence.
[Audley, Staffs. No medieval court rolls known]
(Leveson-Gower collection)
[29 Aug 1390]
265 x109/103 mm. Seal tongue cut off. No seal. Staining and holes in places.
Curia magna domini hugonis Burnell militis tenta apud Wolvernehampton die lune in festo Decolacionis sancti Johannis Baptiste anno / regni Regis Ricardi secundi xiiijo etc Quo die Thomas Clare et Felicia uxor eius venerunt in plena curia et sursum reddiderunt in manus domini / duas placeas terre inclusas et duas parcellas prati cum sex buttas terre cum pertinenciis iacentes in feodo de Wolvernehampton unde dictarum placearum terre una iacet inter le sladelone et Compton Wey sicut includitur cum sepe et fossato et vocatur Sladebruche et (fn. 16) altera / placea terre sicut includitur iacet inter horshullefeld et terram Johannis de hampton et Nicholai Waryng et vocatur Peche.. (fn. 17) et unde (fn. 18) /dictarum parcellarum prati una iacet in le Quebbefeld inter le Redestret et Gosebrokfeld extendent’ (fn. 19) se usque ad rivilum (fn. 20) currentem in le (fn. 21) / Gosebrok et altera parcella prati iacet apud Woundon sicut includitur inter pratum de Saffemor ex una parte et aquam currentem / versus Tunstall ex parte altera et dicte butte terre iacent in le Bent inter terram Rogeri atte Newbrugge exutraque parte ad / opus Nicholai Bewmys Willelmi Poort et Rogeri levedene Capellanorum heredum et assignatorum suorum imperpetuum qui dant domino pro seisina vjs ijd et habent inde seisinam Et quia predicti Thomas et Felicia uxor eius dimiserunt se de toto quod tenent domino (fn. 22) dant / domino nomine herietti vjd ex consuetudine et dicta Felicia examinata per senescallum si sit cohacta per virum suum ad dictam sursum / reddendam an non que dicit quod non sed sponte hoc fecit et sine cohercione viri sui In cuius rei testimonium Ricardus leve / son tunc clericus curie etc
Great court of lord Hugh Burnell, knight, held at Wolverhampton on Monday on the feast of the Decollation of St John the Baptist in the 14th year of the reign of King Richard the second etc. On which day Thomas Clare and Felice his wife came in full court, and surrendered into the hands of the lord two inclosed plots of land, and two parcels of meadow, with six butts of land with the appurtenances, lying in the fee of Wolverhampton, whence of the said plots of land one lies between the Sladelone and Compton Wey as it is inclosed with a hedge and ditch and is called Sladebruche, and the other plot of land as it is inclosed lies between Horshullefeld and the land of John de Hampton and Nicholas Waryng and is called Peche... and whence of the said parcels of meadow one lies in le Quebbefeld between le Redestret and Gosebrokfeld extending as far as the stream running into the Gorsebrook, and the other parcel of meadow lies at Woundon as it is inclosed between the meadow of Saffemor on one side and the water running towards Tunstall on the other side, and the said butts of land lie in le Bent between the land of Roger atte Newbrugge on either side; to the use of Nicholas Bewmys, William Poort, and Roger Levedene, chaplains, their heirs and assigns for ever, who give to the lord for seisin 6s 2d, and they have seisin of it. And because the aforesaid Thomas and Felice his wife divested themselves of all that they hold of the lord, they give to the lord in the name of a heriot 6d out of the custom; and the said Felice [was] examined by the steward if she was compelled by her husband to the said surrender or not, who says that not, but she did this of her choice and without coercion from her husband. In witness whereof Richard Leveson, then clerk of the court, etc.
[Stowheath manor, Wolverhampton. No medieval court rolls known]
(Leveson-Gower collection)
[20 Sep 1391]
238 x 79/56 mm. Seal tongue cut off. No seal.
Ad Curiam parvam domini Ricardi Postell decani de Wolvernehampton / tentam ibidem die martis in vigilia sancti mathei apostoli Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi xiiijo / henricus de stretton et Adam Tayllor venerunt in plena Curia et sursum reddiderunt in manus domini unum Toftum unius veteris mesuagii et omnia illa terras / et tenementa cum suis pertinenciis universis que et quas habuerunt ex sursum redditione Ade Busschop de Codeshale in Codeshale ad opus / predicti Ade Busschop et Agnetis filie agnetis Gamell et heredibus de corpore ipsius agnetis filie agnetis legitime procreatis imperpetuum. Ita quod si dicta Agnes / filia agnetis sine herede de corpore suo legitime procreato obierit quod tunc dictum Toftum et omnia illa terras et tenementa predicta cum suis pertinenciis / rectis heredibus dicti Ade Busschop remaneant imperpetuum et habent inde seisinam Tenenda de domino secundum consuetudinem manerii per servicia ut prius debita et / consueta qui dant domino pro seisinam habendo ijs In cuius rei testimonium etc
At the small court of lord Richard Postell dean of Wolverhampton held there on Tuesday on the eve of St Matthew the Apostle in the 14th year of the reign of king Richard the second., Henry de Stretton and Adam Tayllor came in full court, and surrendered into the hands of the lord a toft of an old messuage, and all those lands and tenements with all their appurtenances that they had out of the surrender of Adam Busschop of Codsall in Codsall, to the use of the aforesaid Adam Busschop and Agnes daughter of Agnes Gamell, and the heirs of the body of that Agnes daughter of Agnes lawfully begotten for ever. So that if the said Agnes daughter of Agnes shall die without an heir of her body lawfully begotten, that then the said toft and all those lands and tenements aforesaid, with their appurtenances, shall remain to the right heirs of the said Adam Busschop for ever; and they have seisin of it. To hold of the lord according to the custom of the manor, by services as owed and accustomed previously; who give to the lord to have seisin 2s. In witness whereof etc.
[Wolverhampton deanery. No court rolls known before 1397]
(Holden of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent)
[1 Feb 1392]
245 x 52/43 mm. Wrap tie. No seal.
Ad curiam de Beaureper tentam apud Holbrok primo die Februarii Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum xvmo / Emma que fuit uxor Thome Souter venit in curiam et sursum reddidit in manum domini duo cotagia de / bondagio et xiiij acras terre ad voluntatem ad opus Johannis de Erluston qui venit et cepit dicta terram et tenementum / tenenda de domino sibi et heredibus suis secundum consuetudinem manerii Et dat domino pro Ingressu vjs viijd et facit fidelitatem
At the court of Belper held at Holbrook on the first of February in the 15th year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest Emma who was wife of Thomas Souter came into court and surrendered into the hand of the lord two cottages held in bondage and 14 acres of land at will to the use of John de Erluston, who came and took the said land and tenement to hold of the lord to him and his heirs according to the custom of the manor. And he gives the lord for entry 6s 8d and does fealty.
[Belper. Court roll survives at TNA, DL 30/34/326; this court is on rot. 7d, but it lacks this entry! One other surrender and admission is recorded there. Other court rolls survive from 1278-9 onwards.]
(Adair family archives, including mostly freehold deeds and leases)
[1 Apr 1392]
265 x 44/37 mm. One tongue torn off.
Outdent Flixton Ad curiam ibidem tentam die lune proxime ante dominicam Ramis palmarum Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi a conquestu Quinto decimo / Domina concessit Roberti Fole de Southelmham unam peciam terre iacentem in Tollescroft continentem per estimatum iij rod sive / plus sive minus Tenendam sibi et assignatis suis ad terminum x annorum termino incipiente ad festum sancti michaelis ulterio / elapso Reddendo inde domine per annum iijd ad terminos usuales
Flixton. At a court held there on Monday next before Palm Sunday in the fifteenth year of the reign of king Richard the second from the conquest the lady granted to Robert Fole of South Elmham one piece of land lying in Tollescroft containing by estimation 3 roods more or less, to hold to him and his assigns for the term of 10 years, the term beginning from the feast of Michaelmas last past, rendering thence to the lady 3d yearly at the usual terms.
[Flixton, Suffolk. No court roll known for this year]
(Ancient Deeds series C, no 11037)
[4 May 1392]
261 x 186/150 mm. Two tongues with respectively 2 and 4 seals, red wax. First 2 meaningless blobs. Remaining 4 ovoid, images: (I) I or bird’s foot; (ii) O or U; (iii) J; (iv) V. Third seal tag cut off.
Headed in outdent left margin: Barnestaple
Ad Curiam legalem Burgi ibiidem tentam die sabbati proxima post festum Invencionis sancte Crucis Anno regni Regis Ricardi secundi (fn. 23) / a conquestu Anglie Quintodecimo. venerunt Simon Sturmy et Johanna uxor eius et dant domino de fine etc pro Inquisitionem ex officio habendo / adquirendum (fn. 24) de iure ipsius Johanne quod clamat habere in quodam tenemento situate in burgo de Barnestaple inter tenementum quod quondam fuerit Stephanis capelle / ex parte (fn. 25) australi et tenementum (fn. 26) quondam Walteri marschal ex parte boriali etc Et super hoc capta est Inquisitio per sacramentum Walteri Spenser .. / Johannis puleswerthe Johannis mayour Roberti meddon Thome Idgrey Johannis Okryges Willelmi morys Willelmi skyber Thome Webbe / Ricardi Tanecote Radulphi Colecote Philippi Jacob Qui dicunt per sacramentum suum quod (fn. 27) nuper fuit quidam Robertus Kynewecote qui / habuit tres pueros videlicet Bernardum Kynewecote Philippum Kynewecote et Agnetem Kynewecote etc et quod predictus Bernardus / fuit seisitus in predictum tenementum quod predicta Johanna modo clamat ut in dominico suo feodi (fn. 28) Et quod in possessione sua eiusdem tenementi quidam Willelmus / Brithleghe pater Johannis Johannis (fn. 29) Brithleghe qui semiliter dictum tenementum nunc clamat pro se et heredibus suis imperpetuum remisit et relaxavit / predicto Bernardo et heredibus suis totum Jus suum quod habuit (fn. 30) in dicto tenemento per scriptum suum peractum Datum die lune proxima ante festum sancti georgii martiris / anno regni regis Edwardi tercij xixo (fn. 31) Et quod postea predictus Bernardus per scriptum suum (fn. 32) dedit et concessit cuidam Willelmo coulynges alias vocat le Rakoer (fn. 33) / et Agneti uxori sue videlicet soror eiusdem Bernardi et heredibus suis inter eosdem legitime procreatis et quod predictum tenementum ad predictum / Bernardum Kynewecote et heredes suos revertere deberet etc cuius scripti datum est die veneris proxima post festum sancti Nicholai anno regni regis Edwardi / tercij xixo (fn. 34) Item dicunt quod inter eosdem Willelmum Covlynges et Agnetem uxorem eius exivit Alina legitime procreata etc Item dicunt quod / predicta Alina cepit in virum quendam Johannem hirsman que Alina obiit in dicto tenemento seisita sine exitu de corpore suo etc Et quod / predictus Johannes hersman superstes fuit et (fn. 35) illud tenementum tenujt ad terminum vite sue de iure et consuetudine regni Anglie Item dicunt quod / predictus Johannes hersman jam obiit etc Et quod supradictum tenementum cum suis pertinenciis de iure revertere et resortire debet Johanne uxori predicti / Simonis qui nunc clamat etc ut filie et heredi Johanne que nuper fuit uxor Johannis Palmer de Barstrete in Barnestaple que Johanna fuit / filia et heres cuiusdam Alicie nuper uxoris Ricardum (fn. 36) Kelsy que Alicia fuit filia et heres supradicti (fn. 37) Philippi Kynewecote fratris predicti Bernardi / Kynewecote etc Et quod sic predicta Johanna que nunc clamat est propinquior heres predicti tenementi Incuius rei testimonium (fn. 38) predicti Juratores / sigilla sua apposuerunt Datum loco die et anno supradictis
Barnstaple. To the leet court of the borough held on Saturday next after the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, in the fifteenth year of the reign of King Richard the second from the conquest of England, came Simon Sturmy and Joan his wife, and give to the lord as a fine etc to have an official inquisition to inquire about the right of Joan herself, that she claims to have in a certain tenement situated in the borough of Barnstaple, between the tenement that once was of Stephen Capelle on the south side, and the tenement once of Walter Marschal on the north side etc. And on this was taken an inquisition by the oath of Walter Spenser... John Puleswerthe, John Mayour, Robert Meddon, Thomas Idgrey, John Okryges, William Morys, William Skyber, Thomas Webbe, Richard Tanecote, Ralph Colecote, [and] Philip Jacob. Who say by their oath that there was lately a certain Robert Kynewecote who had three children viz. Bernard Kynewecote, Philip Kynewecote, and Agnes Kynewecote etc; and that the aforesaid Bernard was seised in the aforesaid tenement, which the aforesaid Joan now claims, as in demesne of fee. And that in his possession of the said tenement a certain William Brithleghe, father of John Brithleghe, who similarly now claims the said tenement, for himself and his heirs perpetually remitted and released to the said Bernard and his heirs all his right that he had in the said tenement by his writing enacted, given on Monday next before the feast of St George the Martyr in the 19th year of the reign of king Edward the third. And that afterwards the aforesaid Bernard by his writing gave and granted to a certain William Coulynges, otherwise called le Rakoer, and Agnes his wife, viz. the sister of the same Bernard, and to their heirs lawfully begotten between them, and that the aforesaid tenement ought to revert to the aforesaid Bernard Kynewecote and his heirs etc; which writing is dated on Friday next after the feast of St Nicholas in the 19th year of the reign of king Edward the third. They also say that between those William Covlynges and Agnes his wife issued Aline, lawfully procreated, etc. They say further that the aforesaid Aline took for her husband a certain John Hirsman; which Aline died seised in the said tenement without issue of her body etc. And that the aforesad John Hersman survived her, and held that tenement for the term of his life by the right and custom of England. (fn. 39) They say further that the said John Hersman already died etc. And that the abovesaid tenement with his appurtenances ought by right to revert and resort to Joan the wife of the said Simon who now claims it etc, as daughter and heir of Joan, who lately was wife of John Palmer of Bar Strete (fn. 40) in Barnstaple, which Joan was daughter and heir of a certain Alice, late wife of Richard Kelsy, which Alice was daughter and heir of the abovesaid Philip Kynewecote brother of the aforesaid Bernard Kynewecote etc. And that thus the aforesaid Joan who now claims is the nearest heir of the aforesaid tenement. In witness whereof the aforesaid Jurors affixed their seals. Given in the place, day and year abovesaid.
[Barnstaple, Devon. No 14th-century court roll apparently known for the borough]
(Honor of Clare)
[1 July 1392]
248 x 36 mm. No tongue, tag or seal. Left stitch marks.
Ad Curiam honoris de Clare tentam ibidem primo die mensis Julij Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum xvjo coram Roberto / hethe tunc ibidem senescallo Willelmus Bretenham fecit finem pro ingressu habendo in uno manerio cum pertinenciis perquisitum de Jacobo Bretenham de feodo domini in Bretenham ad xls
At the court of the honor of Clare held their on the first day of July in the 16th year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest in the presence of Robert Hethe, then steward, William Bretenham made fine for 40s. to have entry in a manor with its appurtenances bought of James Bretenham of the fee of the lord in Bretenham. [Original court roll entry adds: As appears in the head of the roll. And it is not worth more because Robert Breuge so witnesses.]
[Original court roll entry TNA SC 2/213/39 rot. 4 adds: ut patet in capite Et non plus valet quia sic testatur per Robertum Breuge]
(Loseley Mss.)
[12 Dec 1392]
280 x 38 mm. Tongue possibly torn off . No seal
Ad hundredum tentum apud Godalmyng die Jovis proxima ante festum Sancte Lucie virginis Anno regni regis Ricardi Secundi sextodecimo venit / Thomas Knollere et sursum reddidit in manus domini omnia terras silvas et prata sua apud medinefelde iuxta hasulmure in parochia / de Pyperham ad opus Ricardi Knolere et Cristine uxoris eius tenenda prefato Ricardo et Cristine heredibus et assignatis ipsius Ricardi secundum consue / tudinem manerii Et dant domino de fine 5s Et faciunt fidelitatem
At the hundred court held at Godalmyng on Thursday next before the feast of St Lucy the Virgin in the sixteenth year of the reign of king Richard the Second came Thomas Knollere, and surrendered into the hands of the lord all his lands woods and meadows at Medinefelde next Haslemere, in the parish of Peperham, to the use of Richard Knolere and Christine his wife, to hold to the aforesaid Richard and Christine and the heirs and assigns of the same Richard according to the custom of the manor. And they give to the lord as a fine 5s. And they do fealty.
[Godalming hundred. No medieval court roll known]
(Donne family of Shrigley deeds) Endorsed Potte Shryggeley
[20 Jan. 1393 ]
257 x 283 mm. Seal tag through groove in fold of 21 mm. Red wax seal of arms 24 mm diam, inner circle with arms on shield, cross lozengy, inscription surround, legend, Gothic: sigillum * Petri[?] * de * Legh *
Heading: Hallemota Foreste de macclesfeld ibidem tentum coram Petro de Legh senescallo domine Anne Regine / Anglie dominici sui de macclesfeld die lune proxima ante festum conversionis Sancti Pauli Anno regni/ Regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Anglie sextodecimo
Galfridus filius Willelmi de Dounes venit huic in pleno hallemoto supradicto coram petro de Legh senescallo / domine Anne Regine Anglie dominii sui de macclesfeld Roberto filio Willelmi del Dounes Rogero Alkot tunc maiore de Macclesfeld / Willelmo Slegh Roberto Byran Johanne de Shriglegh Johanne del Sherd de Stanlegh Johanne de Cressewell Ricardo de kyngeslegh clerico et aliis dicte domine Regine / fidelibus ibidem tunc presentibus et reddidit in manus eiusdem domine quandam / parcellam terre iacentem in le haukesherd in villa de Potte et Shriglegh que reddit domino de macclesfeld qui /pro tempore fuerit duos solidos et decem denarios per annum et unam aliam parcellam terre nomine incrementi / dicte terre adiacentem que reddit domino de macclesfeld duos denarios per annum et unam aliam parcellam / terre vocatam potteskerr que reddit domino quatuor denarios et obolum per annum Que quidem domina ex assensu / supplicacione et voluntate predicti Galfridi omnes predictas parcellas terre cum pertinenciis per senescallum suum predictum dedit et concessit eidem Galfrido habendos et tenendos sibi et heredibus de corpore suo legitime procreatis secundum / consuetudinem manerii de macclesfeld imperpetuum Ita quod si contingat predictum Galfridum sine herede de corpore / suo legitime procreato obire tunc omnes predicte parcelle terre cum pertinenciis Johanni del Dounes filio margarete filia Ade molendinarii et heredibus masculis de corpore suo legitime procreatis remaneant tenenda in forma predicta Et si idem Johannes sine heredibus masculis de corpore suo legitime procreatis obierit etc tunc omnes predicte parcelle terre cum pertinenciis / Ricardo del Dounes fratri ipsius Johannis et heredibus masculis de corpore ipsius Ricardi legitime procreatis remaneant inperpetuum / tenende in forma predicta Et si contingat ipsum Ricardum sine herede masculo de corpore suo exeunte obierit tunc omnes / predicte parcelle terre cum pertinenciis Galfrido del Dounes filio Johannis Byran et heredibus masculis de corpore legitime procreatis remaneant inperpetuum tenenda in forma predicta. Et si idem Galfridus sine herede mascule de corpore suo legitime procreato obierit tunc omnes predicte parcelle terre cum pertinenciis Elene del Dounes et segrede sorori eiusdem / Elene et heredibus de corporibus suis legitime procreatis remaneant tenendo in forma predicta Et si contingat ipsas elenam et Segredam sine herede de corporibus suis legitime procreato obire tunc omnes predicte parcelle / terre cum pertinenciis Alicie del Dounes filie Elene de Worth et Agneti sorori eiusdem Alicie et heredibus de corporibus / suis legitime procreatis remaneant tenenda in forma predicta Et si contingat ipsas Aliciam et Agnetem sine /heredibus de corporibus suis legitime procreatis obire etc tunc omnes predicte parcelle terre cum pertinenciis suis rectis heredibus / predicti Galfridi filii Willelmi del dounes integre remaneant inperpetuum Et plena seisina earundem parcellarum / terre eidem Galfridi filio Willelmi per senescallum predictum secundum consuetudinem predictam in forma predicta / liberata fuit die et anno supradictis. Et preterea idem Galfridus filius Willelmi del Dounes dabit dicte domine Regine pro ingressu terre predicte sex solidos et novem denarios per plegium Johannis del Sherd de Stanlegh / In cuius rei testimonium prefatus senescallus huic Recordo sigillum suum apposuit.
Hallmoot of the Forest of Macclesfield held there in the presence of Peter de Legh steward of lady Anne, Queen of England, of her lordship of Macclesfield, on Monday next before the feast of the Conversion of St Paul in the sixteenth year of the reign of King Richard the second after the conquest.
Geoffrey son of William de Dounes came hither in the full hallmoot abovesaid in the presence of Peter de Leg, steward of lady Anne, Queen of England, of her lordship of Macclesfield, Robert son of William del Dounes, Roger Alkot then mayor of Macclesfield, William Slegh, Robert Byran, John de Shriglegh, John del Sherd of Stanley, John de Cressewell, Richard de Kyngeslegh, clerk, and other faithful men of the said lady Queen, and rendered into the hands of the same lady a certain parcel of land, lying in le Haukesherd in the vill of Pott and Shrigley, that renders to the lord of Macclesfield for the time being two shillings and ten pence yearly, and one other parcel of land by name of an increment, adjoining the said land, that renders to the lord of Macclesfield two pence yearly, and another parcel called potteskerr that renders to the lord four and a half pence yearly. Which lady indeed out of the assent supplication and will of the said Geoffrey gave and granted to the said Geoffrey, by her steward aforesaid, all the aforesaid parcels of land with their appurtenances, to have and to hold to himself and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, according to the custom of the manor of Macclesfield for ever. So that if it happens that the said Geoffrey should die without an heir of his body lawfully begotten, then all the aforesaid parcels of land with appurtenances shall remain for ever to John del Dounes, son of Margaret daughter of Adam the miller, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, to hold in the aforesaid form. And if the said John should die without heirs male of his body lawfully begotten etc then all the aforesaid parcels of land, with their appurtenances, shall remain for ever to Richard del Dounes, brother of that John, and the heirs male of the body of the said Richard lawfully begotten, to hold in the aforesaid form. And if it happens that that Richard should die without heirs male issuing from his body, then all the aforesaid parcels of land, with their appurtenances, shall remain for ever to Geoffrey del Dounes, son of John Byran, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, to hold in the aforesaid form. And if the same Geoffrey should die without an heir of his body lawfully begotten, then all the aforesaid parcels of land with appurtenances shall remain for ever to Ellen del Dounes and Sigrid, sister of the same Ellen, and the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten, to hold in the aforesaid form. And if it happens that Ellen and Sigrid die without heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten, then all the aforesaid parcels of land, with their appurtenances, shall remain to Alice del Dounes, daughter of Ellen de Worth, and to Agnes, sister of the same Alice, and the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten, to hold in the aforesaid form. And if it happens that Alice and Agnes die without heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten etc, then all the aforesaid parcels of land, with their appurtenances, shall wholly remain for ever to the right heirs of the aforesaid Geoffrey son of William del Dounes. And full seisin of the same parcels of land was delivered to Geoffrey son of William by the steward aforesaid, according to the aforesaid custom, in the aforesaid form, on the day and year abovesaid. And moreover the same Geoffrey son of William del Dounes shall give to the said lady Queen, for entry of the aforesaid land, six shillings and nine pence, by pledge of John del Sherd de Stanleigh. In witness whereof the aforesaid steward affixed his seal to this record.
[Macclesfield forest hallmoot. No court roll known for this year]
(stray deposited 1989)
[6 Feb. 1393]
255 x 115/90 mm. Wrap and seal tongues. Seal missing
Water and rub damage
In Margin: Aure.
Ad curiam ibidem tentam die Jovis proxima post festum purificationis beate marie Anno / regni regis Ricardi secundi xvjo curia irrotulatur ut Robertus Cookes venit et reddit sursum in manus domini j mesuagium et xij acras terre cum pertinenciis in /Aure ad opus Ricardi Cradokes post mortem Johanne Cockes uxoris sue si illam supervixerit Et / unde incidit domino de herietto et reddicione j bos precii xiijs iiijd habenda et tenenda predicta mesuagium et terre / cum pertinenciis predicto Ricardo ad terminum vite sue secundum consuetudinem manerii post mortem predicte Johanne / si illam supervixerit Reddendo inde domino per annum omnia redditus servicia et consuetudines que predictus Robertus reddere vel facere (fn. 41) / consueverit et que predicta Johanna modo reddit vel facit si illam supervixerit Et predicti Johanna et Ricardus / dant domino de fine pro ingressu et reversione inde habendo ut predictum est xiijs iiijd. Et fecerunt domino /fidelitatem In cuius rei testimonium presentibus sigillum suum est appensum
Awre. At the court held there on Thursday after the feast of the Purification of Blessed Mary, in the 16th year of the reign of king Richard the second, the court was enrolled that Robert Cook came and surrendered into the hands of the lord 1 messuage and 12 acres of land with appurtenances in Awre. to the use of Richard Cradokes, after the death of Joan Cockes his wife, if he should survive her. And from that there falls to the lord, from heriot and render, 1 ox price 13s 4d. To have and to hold the aforesaid messuage and lands, with appurtenances, to the aforesaid Richard for the term of his life, according to the custom of the manor, after the death of the aforesaid Joan, if he survives her. Rendering thence to the lord yearly all the rents services and customs that the aforesaid Robert was accustomed to render or do, and which the aforesaid Joan now renders or does, if he survives her. And the aforesaid Joan and Richard give to the lord 13s 4d for a fine for having entry and reversion of it, as is aforesaid. And they did fealty to the lord. In witness whereof his seal is affixed to the presents.
[Awre. No medieval court rolls known]
[Blois family archives].
Bundle of deeds
[6 Mar 1393]
250 x 58/44 mm. Tongue torn off at bottom
Outdent Yoxford. Ad curiam ibidem die jovis in secunda septimana quadragesime Anno regni regis Ricardi xvjmo henricus Offord et felicia uxor eius in secreto / examinata et concensiens venerunt hic in curiam et sursum reddiderunt in manus domine unam peciam terre cum una via coadiacente vocata le Wodeweye cum pertinenciis in Ioxforde ad opus Johannis Baldewene et Amicia uxoris eius et eorum heredum quilibet (fn. 42) et / tradita est inde seisina tenenda ad voluntatem domini per servicia et consuetudines etc sicut predicti henricus et felicia tenuerunt etc salvo iure / etc Et includent predicta tenementa infra sex annos proximos sequentes cum fossatis preter quatuor acras etc Et dant de fine etc
Yoxford. At the court there on Thursday in the second week of Quadragesima, (fn. 43) in the 16th year of the reign of king Richard, (fn. 44) Henry Offord and Felice his wife, [she being] examined in secret and agreeing, came here into court and surrendered into the hands of the lady one piece of land with a way lying next to it called the Wodeweye, with the appurtenances, in Yoxford, to the use of John Baldwin and Amice his wife and their heirs soever, and seisin of it is handed over, to hold at the will of the lord, by services and customs etc as the aforesaid Henry and Felice held it, saving the right etc. And they shall inclose the aforesaid tenements within six years next following with ditches, except four acres etc. And they give as a fine etc.
[Yoxford, Suffolk. Court rolls may survive]