Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400.
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'1360s', in Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400, ed. C.R.J. Currie , British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1360s [accessed 5 February 2025].
'1360s', in Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400. Edited by C.R.J. Currie , British History Online, accessed February 5, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1360s.
"1360s". Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400. Ed. C.R.J. Currie , British History Online. Web. 5 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1360s.
In this section
- 47 and 48 STAFFORDSHIRE RECORD OFFICE* D 593/J/5/4/1 (3)
- 51 NORFOLK RECORD OFFICE, NORWICH Phi/365/[577 x 7]/2
- 53 ETON COLLEGE ARCHIVES ECR 63/109, rot 19 m 2
- 55 WESTMINSTER ABBEY MUNIMENTS 7262* Loose next to WAM 7262, rot. 44, Steventon (Berks.) court rolls 1399-1413.
- 62 and 67 STAFFORDSHIRE RECORD OFFICE D 593/B/1/26/6/34/13*
- 67
(Honor of Clare)
[24 Apr 1360]
23 x 228 mm. No tongue, tag or seal
Ad curiam honoris de Clare tentam xxiiijo die mensis Aprilis Anno regni Regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum xxxiiij (fn. 1) Coram Johanne / Lygon tunc ibidem seneschallo Johannes Wotte finem fecit pro ingressu habendo in ij acras et dimidiam terre perquisitas de persona de Wythenham (fn. 2) /de feodo (fn. 3) domine in Shadewelle ad xvd etc
At the court of the honor of Clare held on 24th April in the 34 year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest in the presence of John Lygon then steward there John Wotte made fine, to have entry in 2 acres and a half of land purchased from the parson of Wythenham of the fee of the lady in Shadwell, for 16d etc.
[Original court roll entry: TNA SC 2/213/15, rot. 4]
(Oglander collection)
[17 Nov 1360]
287 x 68/73 mm. No tongue, tag or seal
Outdented: Boucombe (fn. 4) Ad curiam tentam ibidem die martis in crastino sancti Edmundi Episcopi et confessoris Anno regni Regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum / tricesimo quarto. Venit Willelmus filius et heres Thome Crouddenour (fn. 5) et etatem suam legitime probavit per sacramentum Walteri Rouche Johannis / Bereward Johannis Ward henrici Rouche Thome Gerneys Johannis Coukes Walteri Wyneman Johannis Luppere henrici Lovereeston’ Walteri Lovereeston’ / Walteri Wyneman (fn. 6) de Boucombe et Walteri Luppere juratorum Qui dicunt quod dictus Willelmus filius et heres Thome de Cruddemour (fn. 7) est / plene etatis. Et idem Willelmus fecit domine fidelitatem in plena curia. Et recognovit se tenere de domina unum mesuagium et totam / terram illam quam Galfridus Cruddemour nuper tenuit in Billingham (fn. 8) cum pastura adiacente sicut carta domine Isabelle de Fortibus nuper / domine Insule plenius proportat Reddendo inde Annuatim unum denarium ad Natale domini et duodecim denarios (fn. 9) ad festum sancti michaelis. Et sectam curie de Bouecombe bis / per annum pro omnibus serviciis
Bowcombe. At the court held there on Tuesday on the morrow of St Edmund the Bishop and Confessor (fn. 10) in the thirty-fourth year of the reign of King Edward the third after the conquest came William son and heir of Thomas Crouddenour and proved his age lawfully by the oath of Walter Rouch, John Bereward, John Ward, Henry Rouche, Thomas Gerneys, John Coukes, Walter Wyneman, John Luppere, Henry Lovereeston, Walter Lovereeston, Walter Wyneman of Bowcombe, and Walter Luppere, jurors. Who say that the said William son and heir of Thomas de Cruddemour is of full age. And the same William did fealty to the lady in full court. And he recognized that he held of the lady a messuage and all that land which Geoffrey Cruddemour lately held in Billingham with the pasture adjacent, as a charter of lady Isabella de Forz lately lady of the Isle shows more fully. Rendering thence yearly a penny at Christmas and 12d at Michaelmas. And suit of court of Bowcombe twice a year for all services.
[This appears to be the only court document of Bowcombe manor]
(Foljambe title deeds, Skegby)
[20 Nov 1360]
265 x 66/57 mm. Tongue, no seal but possible seal fragment or stain [may have been clerk’s seal]
Curia Ricardi de Pensax tentam Apud Skeggby die veneris in festo Edmundi Regis Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij / post conquestum xxxiiijto / Ad quam curiam Robertus Thursington capellanus venit in curiam et sursum reddidit in manus domini unum mesuagium / et viij acras terre harabilis (fn. 11) in villa et campis de Skeggby ad opus Johannis Woulhous de Skeggby quem quidem messuagium ad / quisivit de Thoma Stanleye habendum (fn. 12) et tenendum predictum mesuagium et viij acras terre harabillis predicto Johanni de Woulhous / heredibus et assignatis suis de capitalibus dominis feodi per servicia inde debita et jure consueta inperpetuum plegius de/ ingressu Robertus filius Johannis
/ line break: lower right: per Willelmum de Pensax clerk (fn. 13)
Court of Richard de Pensax held at Skegby on Friday on the feast of St Edmund the King in the 34th year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest. At which court Robert Thursington, chaplain, came into the court and surrendered into the hands of the lord a messuage and 8 acres of arable land in the vill and fields of Skegby to the use of John Woulhous of Skegby (which messuage he acquired of Thomas Stanley) to have and to hold the said messuage and 8 acres of arable land to the said John de Woulhous his heirs and assigns of the chief lords of the fee by the services thence due and by right accustomed for ever. Pledge of entry Robert son of John. By William de Pensax clerk.
[endorsed ‘Skegby No 80’ in 18th-century hand]
[No medieval court rolls known]
(Hatherton collection. Bundle of Walsall deeds)
[Nb the borough court was the lord of the manor’s court for the borough as opposed to the foreign: V.C.H. Staffs xvii 209]
[29 Jan 1361]
257 x 67/64 mm. No tongue, tag or seal.
Datum per copiam ad curiam burgi de Walsale tentam ibidem die lune proxima post festum sancti Hillarii Anno / regni regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum xxxiiijto Quo die Thomas atte holt venit in curiam et sursum /reddidit in manum domini medietatem unius burgagii cum pertinenciis iacentis in Rushalestrete iuxta mesuagium Rogeri atte hale / ad opus henrici leverych heredum et assignatorum suorum inperpetuum Tenendum secundum consuetudinem etc Et dat domino / de fine vj.d et fecit domino fidelitatem Cui concessa est seisina etc
Given by copy at the court of the borough of Walsall held there on Monday next after the feast of St Hillary in the 34th year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest. On which day Thomas atte Holt came into court and surrendered into the hand of the lord a moiety of one burgage with the appurtenances lying in Rushall Street next the messuage of Roger atte Hale to the use of Henry Leverych his heirs and assigns for ever. To hold according to the custom etc. And he gives to the lord as a fine 6d and does fealty to the lord. Seisin is granted to him etc.
[No court rolls known]
(Farewell/Vicars Choral of Lichfield)
[14 May 1361]
288 x 70/60 mm. No tongue, tag or seal
Ad curiam de Ferewalle tentam die veneris proxime ante festum Pentecostes anno regni regis Edwardi tercii a conquestu xxxv / Walterus filius hugonis del Cannokes venit in plenam curiam et capit a domina priorissa unum cotagium cum curtilagium / adjacente in villa de Chorley cum pertinenciis quod Johannes quondam serviens Nicholai de Leacroft tenuit in eadem /villa habendum et tenendum sibi et heredibus suis de corpore suo legitime procreatis secundum consuetudinem manerii / et reddit per annum iiijd et faciet duas apparencias etc et dat de Fine pro ingressu xviijd
At the court of Farewell held on Friday next before Whitsun in the 35 year of the reign of Edward the third from the conquest Walter son of Hugh of Cannock came in full court, and took from the lady prioress a cottage with an adjoining curtilage in the vill of Chorley with its appurtenances, which John once servant of Nicholas of Leacroft held in the same vill; to have and to hold to himself and his heirs of his body begotten legitimately, according to the custom of the manor; and he renders 4d yearly and shall make two appearances etc and gives as fine for entry 18d.
[Farewell and Chorley, Staffs. No court roll for this year known]
(Yorkshire Archaeological Society: Staveley of North Stainley collection)
[8 Jan 1362]
230 x 85mm. No tongue, tag or seal. [Badly faded]
Slight outdent Curia capituli Riponensis tentam ibidem die Sabbati proxima post festum Epiphanii domini Anno regni regis Edwardi xxxvto / Johannes de Wynterburne et Elena uxor eius venerunt in curiam et sursum reddiderunt in manum domini unum mesuagium cum gardino / adiacente et novem acras terre cum pertinenciis suis in Noghstaynelay ad opus Willelmi maron (fn. 14) et Elianore uxoris sue salvo tamen / quod Johannes Everwag (fn. 15) et Agnes uxor eius antea fecerunt finem domino pro dicto mesuagio et dimidia acra terre que continet in se del Overend / de prato quod vocatur maker usque ad altam semitam de Staynelay tenenda eisdem Johanni Everwages et Agneti uxori eius et heredibus predicte Agnetis de festo sancti martini in yeme anno regni regis Edwardi tercii xxxvto (fn. 16) usque ad finem quindecim annorum proximorum tunc (fn. 17) plenarie completorum / post titulum unius curie Et predictus Willelmus et Elianora uxor eius facient omnia servicia capitali domino pro mesuagio et terris predictis per / totum terminum predictum Et super hoc predictus Willelmus et Elianora uxor eius ceperunt de domino dictum mesuagium et novem acras terre cum pertinenciis / suis ut predictum est Tenenda eisdem Willelmo et Elianore uxori sue et heredibus suis secundum consuetudinem manerii capitali Et super hoc / fecerunt finem domino vjd et domino (fn. 18) Ricardo atte Lane tunc prebendario prebende de Nunwyk Et dant domino pro ingressu videlicet ijs
Court of the chapter of Ripon held there on Saturday next after the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord in the 35th year of king Edward (fn. 19) John de Winterburn and Ellen his wife came into court and surrendered into the hand of the lord a messuage with a garden adjoining and nine acres of land with its appurtenances in North Stainley to the use of William Maron and Eleanor his wife, saving however that John Everwag and Agnes his wife previously made fine with the lord for the said messuage and half an acre of land, which includes of the Overend of the meadow which is called Maker up to the high path of Stainley, to hold to the same John Everwages and Agnes his wife and the heirs of the aforesaid Agnes, from Martinmas in the 35th year of King Edward until the end of fifteen years next then fully completed after the title of one court. (fn. 20) And the aforesaid William and Eleanor his wife shall do all services to the chief lord for the messuage and lands aforesaid for all the said term. And upon this the said William and Eleanor his wife took from the lord the said messuage and nine acres of land with its appurtenances as is aforesaid To hold to the same William and Eleanor his wife and their heirs according to the custom of the chief manor. And on this they made fine to the lord 6d and to lord Richard atte Lane then prebendary of the prebend of Nunwyk. And they give to the lord for entry viz 2s.
[Ripon chapter. No court rolls known before 1381]
47 and 48 STAFFORDSHIRE RECORD OFFICE* D 593/J/5/4/1 (3)
(Leveson-Gower collection)
[12 July 1362 and 23 Aug 1362]
225 x 119/127 mm. Seal tongue, Seal brown wax, round, 17 mm, no legend. Device not decipherable.
(47) Curia domini Philippi de Weston decani de Wolvernehampton tenta die martis proxima post festum translacionis sancti Thome / martiris Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum xxxvjo Quo die martinus Jurdan qui tenuit de domino certa / tenementa in Codeshale decessit eschaet’ domini et venerunt martinus de Dene henricus le Smyth et Willelmus lewyn / et abuerunt seysinam de omnibus terris et tenementis in quibus dictus martinus fuit seysytus et dant domino xxs habenda / et tenenda dicta terras et tenementa cum pertinenciis eorum heredibus et assignatis imperpetuum secundum consuetudinem manerij /
line break
(48) Curia domini predicti tenta ibidem die martis in vigilia sancti Bartholomei apostoli Anno supradicto Quo die martinus / de Dene reddidit sursum in manus domini tres buttos terre in Codeshale quorum unus iacet in Wyghtmonnes / croft alteram iacet in uchestonesfeld et tertius iacet in le morefeld qui quondam fuerunt martini Jur / dans . Ad opus Cristiane et Idonie filiabus (fn. 21) Johannis le muleward heredibus et assigatis suis imperpetuum / Tenendos secundum consuetudinem manerij que dant domino pro seisina ixd plegius prepositus et fecerunt fidelitatem / Eodem die henricus le muleward reddit sursum in manus domini dimidiam acram terre in Caldewalfeld / et unam selionem in uchestonesfeld in feodo de Codeshale Ad opus Cristiane et Idonie filiabus / Johannis le muleward de Codeshale heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum Tenenda secundum consuetu / dinem manerii que dant domino pro seisina ix d plegius ballivus et fecerunt fidelitatem
(47) Court of lord Philip de Weston dean of Wolverhampton held Tuesday next after the feast of the translation of St Thomas the Martyr (fn. 22). In the 36th year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest On which day Martin Jordan who held of the lord certain tenements in Codsall died escheating to the lord; and there came Martin de Dene Henry le Smyth and William Lewyn and they had seisin of all the lands and tenements in which the said Martin was seised and they give to the lord 20s. To have and to hold the said lands and tenements with their appurtenances to their heirs and assigns for ever according the the custom of the manor.
(48) Court of the aforesaid lord held there on Tuesday on the eve of St Bartholomew the Apostle in the aforesaid year On which day Martin de Dene surrendered into the hands of the lord three butts of land in Codsall, of which one lies in Wyghtmonnes croft another lies in Uchestones field and the third lies in le Morefeld; which once were of Martin Jurdans. To the use of Christine and Idonia, daughters of John le Muleward, their heirs and assigns for ever. To hold according to the custom of the manor; who give to the lord for seisin 9d, pledge the reeve, and did fealty. On the same day Henry le Muleward surrendered into the hands of the lord half an acres of land in Caldewal field, and one selion in Uchestones field, in the fee of Codsall, to the use of Christine and Idonia daughters of John le Muleward, their heirs and assigns for ever. To hold according to the custom of the manor; who give the lord for seisin 9d by pledge of the bailiff and did fealty.
[Wolverhampton deanery. No court rolls known before 1397]
(Dyke (Hutton) mss)
7 Mar 1363]
237 x 41 mm. No tongue, tag or seal [Stitched to /419]
Ad curiam tentam apud Rotherfeld vij die marcij anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum tricesimo septimo venit Robertus Deman et sursum reddidit in manus domini octavum partem unius ferlingate terre native cum pertinenciis apud Shelyngstol quondam Emme Gibbe / ad opus Nicholai Stadhird qui admissus est tenendam sibi et suis ad voluntatem domini secundum consuetudinem manerii per servicia pertinentes Et fecit domino feoditatem Et dat domino de fine pro ingressu ut patet in rotulis curie et habet seisinam
To a court held at Rotherfield on 7 March in the thirty-seventh year of the reign of Edward the third after the conquest came Robert Deman and surrendered into the hands of the lord the eighth part of one ferlingate of bond land with its appurtenances at Shelyngstol, once Emma Gibbe’s, to the use of Nicholas Stadhird who is admitted, to hold to himself and his heirs at the will of the lord accorging to the custom of the manor for the services pertaining. And he did feodity. (fn. 23) And he gives to the lord for a fine for entry as appears in the court rolls and has seisin.
[Rotherfield, Suss. No 14th-century court rolls known]
(Leveson-Gower collection)
[15 Aug 1363 ]
262 x 77/69 mm. No tongue or seal; possible tongue cut off bottom left but not certain.
Two lines outdented Curia domini Philippi de Weston decani ecclesie beati Petri de Wolvernehampton tenta ibidem die martis in festa assumpcionis beate marie / virginis Anno regni Regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum tricesimo septimo.
Line break
Eodem die Willelmus Lewyn venit in curiam et sursum reddidit in manus domini tres placeas terre cum pertinenciis suis in Codeshal / vocatas le Rudynges above the lythynges prout includuntur cum sepibus et fossatis . Ad opus Juliane le meleward de / Codeshale et Cristiane et Joanne filiarum Johannis le meleward de codeshale et heredum et assignatorum suorum imperpetuum Tenenda per serviciis / et consuetudines manerii etc . que dant domino pro seisina iijs perplegium Johannis Gamull Et fecerunt domino fidelitatem In cuius rei testimonium presens copia extracta /est a rotulo curie in tempore Edmundi atte lee eiusdem curie senescalli qui huic copie sigillum suum apposuit Datum die et / anno supradicto
Court of the lord Philip de Weston dean of the church of blessed Peter of Wolverhampton held there on Tuesday on the feast of the Assumpton of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the thirty-seventh year of the reign of king Edward the Third after the conquest. On that day William Lewyn came into court and surrendered into the hands of the lord three plots of land with their appurtenances in Codsall called le Rudynges above the Lythynges as they are inclosed with fences and ditches. To the use of Gillian le Meleward of Codsall and Christine and Joan daughters of John le Meleward of Codsall and their heirs and assigns for ever. To hold by the services and customs of the manor etc. Who give to the lord for seisin 3s by pledge of John Gamull. And they did fealty to the lord. In witness whereof the present copy was extracted from the court roll in the time of Edmund atte Lee, steward of the court, who affixed his seal to this copy. Given on the day and year abovesaid.
[Wolverhampton deanery. No court rolls known before 1397]
(bound with straw or parchment tag in a bundle of copies)
[11 Sep 1363]
236 x 39 mm. No tongue, tag or seal.
Ad curiam et letam tentam apud sutton die Lune proxima ante festum Exaltacionis sancte crucis Anno / regni regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum xxxvijo venit / Willelmus Courtgamen et sursum reddidit in manus domini quandam parcellam unius messuagii cum quodam Wyght adjacente quondam / michaelis Fyssher prout iacet in longitudine inter messuagium Willelmi Corbyn ex una parte et messuagium Johannis Waltshepes ex altera / ad opus Johannis hocher cui concessa est inde seisina tenendum sibi et heredibus suis secundum consuetudinem manerii per servicia etc /salvo iure etc Et dat domino de fine etc Et fecit fidelitatem
In a later (17th-century) hand parcell of a mess’ cum quodam Wyght adjacente
At the court and leet held at Sutton on Monday next before the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in the 37th year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest came William Courtgamen and surrendered into the hands of the lord a certain parcel of a messuage with a certain Wyght adjoining once Michael Fissher’s as it lies in length between the messuage of William Corbyn on one side and the messuage of John Waltshepes on the other. To the use of John Hocher, to whom seisin thereof is granted, to hold to him and his heirs according to the custom of the manor by services etc saving the right etc And he gives to the lord as a fine etc and he did fealty.
Addition in a 17th-century hand: Parcel of a messuage with a certain Wyght adjoining.
[Sutton, Norf. No medieval court rolls known]
(Bagot deeds from William Hamper of Birmingham)
[2 Jul 1364]
236 x 15/8 mm. No tongue, tag or seal. Bottom edge cut off along middle of last part-surviving line.
Memorandum quod ad curiam de Cannokes et Ruggeleie tentam apud le Waterwyndyng die martis proxima post festum Apostolorum Sanctorum Petri et Pauli anno regni /Regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum tricesimo octavo Rogerus Bagot et Elena uxor eius confessa et examinata venerunt in plena curia et sursum / reddiderunt in manus domini omnia terras et tenementa que (fn. 24) habuerunt ex reddicione willelmi filii Nicholai...
Memorandum that at the court of Cannock and Rugeley held at the Waterwyndyng on Tuesday next after the feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the thirty-eighth year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest Roger Bagot and Ellen his wife, confessed and examined, came in full court and surrendered into the hands of the lord all lands and tenements that they had by the surrender of William son of Nicholas....
[Courts of Cannock and Rugeley held jointly by 1309: VCH Staffs. v. 54. No court roll known for this year]
53 ETON COLLEGE ARCHIVES ECR 63/109, rot 19 m 2
(Miscellaneous properties: Grovebury court rolls)
[29 Jul 1364; roll 3 Feb 1374] [Cat has 31 July 1364 in error]
247 x 90 mm. Stitched to foot of court roll of Friday next after feast of Purification of BVM 48 Edward III. [copy of copy with note of new proceedings. This membrane is in different hand from m 1. Cat refers back to 63/103, file 7]
Outdent Ad curiam tentam apud Leghton Busard tempore Johannis Bele domini ibidem die lune proxima ante festum sancti Petri advincula Anno regni regis / Edwardi tercij a conquestu xxxviijmo concessum fuit Thome Emmessone quod tenere possit et habere sibi et suis inperpetuum (fn. 25) secundum consuetudinem manerii unum mesuagium et quinque acras terre que quondam fuerunt henrici parker que quedem terra et tenementum devenerunt / in manus domini tanquam escaeta sua eo quod predictus henricus feloniam fecit pro qua (fn. 26) utlagatus fuit Et admissus est / tenens et fecit fidelitatem et dedit de fine xxvjs viijd perplegium Willelmi heyward.
Et modo ad istam curiam venit predictus Thomas et cepit de domino viz de Waltero Walssh predictum mesuagium et quinque / acras terre cum toto redditu ad dictum mesuagium et terram pertinente quod tenere possit et habere sibi et suis inperpetuum Reddendo inde / annuatim quando campus de Shaldon seminatur iiijs et quando campus de Shaldon non seminatur ijs et de vere (fn. 27) / pans (fn. 28) annuatim quando campus predictus (fn. 29) seminatur et non seminatur xviijd et inveniet unum hominem ad metendum bladum domini / per unum diem in autumpno videlicet ad hirippe pro omnibus aliis serviciis preter sectam curie et nichil dat de fine quia concessum per dominum etc
At a court held at Leighton Buzzard in the time of John Bele lord there on Monday next before the feast of St Peter in Chains in the 38th year of the reign of king Edward the third from the conquest it was granted to Thomas Emmessone that he could hold and have, to him and his for ever according to the custom of the manor, a messuage and five acres of land that once were of Henry Parker; which land and tenement came into the hand of the lord as his escheat because the aforesaid Henry committed a felony for which he was outlawed. And he is admitted tenant and did fealty and gave for fine 26s 8d by pledge of William Heyward.
And now to this court (fn. 30) came the said Thomas and took from the lord, viz. from Walter Walssh, the aforesaid messuage and five acres of land, with all the produce (fn. 31) pertaining to the said messuage and land, that he can hold and have to him and his for ever. Rendering thence yearly when the field of Shaldon is sown 4s and when the field of Shaldon is not sown 2s and of vere pans (fn. 32) yearly when 18d and he shall find a man to reap the corn of the lord for one day at harvest-time viz ad hirippe for all other services except suit of court and he gives nothing for a fine because it was conceded by the lord etc.
(Court roll of manor of Udimore. 1 Main membrane, courts of 1368-9 (42 & 43 Edward III))
[4 Oct 1364]
200 x 39 mm. No tongue, tag or seal [Stitched to the court roll at top. Badly rubbed. Might just be 6 Oct 1363]
Ad curiam tentam apud Udimer die veneris proxima post festum sancti michaeliis Anno regni Regis Edwardi tercij post conquest[um / xxxviij Petrus ... (fn. 33) per licenciam domini dimisit Ricardo mersh et suis unam peciam terre vocatam Fogelyng’ continentem circa dimidiam acram terre sive plus sive minus tenendam dicto Ricardo et suis ad voluntatem domini secundum consuetudinem manerii per servicia et consuetudines inde debita / et fecit fidelitatem et habet seisinam nihil dat de fine quia dominus condonavit
On the court roll: [4th court] Court held there Thursday next after feast of St Gregory anno xliii (fn. 34) Ad istam curiam venit Ricardus marsh liber et sursum reddidit in manus domini unam peciam terre native vocatam Ferelyng (fn. 35) et continet circa dimidiam acram terre sive plus sive minus et preceptum est seisire meliorem bestiam dicti Ricardi nomine herietti et eciam preceptum est ballivo respondere de exitu
At the court held at Udimore on Friday next after Michaelmas in the 38th year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest Peter … by licence of the lord let to Richard Marsh and his a piece of land called Fogelyng containing around half an acre of land more or less, to be held to the said Richard and his at the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor by services and customs owed for it; and he did fealty and has seisin. He gives nothing as a fine because the lord forgave it.
On the court roll: Court held there Thursday next after the feast of St Gregory in the 43rd year. To this court came Richard Marsh, a free man, and surrendered into the hands of the lord a piece of bond land called Ferelyng and it contains around half an acre more or less and it is ordered to seize the best beast of the said Richard and it is also ordered to the bailiff to answer for the issues.
55 WESTMINSTER ABBEY MUNIMENTS 7262* Loose next to WAM 7262, rot. 44, Steventon (Berks.) court rolls 1399-1413.
[27 May 1366]
Dimensions not recorded. No tongue, tag or seal
Stevyngton’ Ad visum Francplegii cum curia tenta ibidem xxviiio de maii anno regni regis Edwardi tercii quadragesimo venit Johannes Foulere et reddit in manus domini unum mesuagium unam croftam terre contra montanam et totum clausum ad opus Roberti Mortoneo et matilde uxoris sue qui presentes sunt in Curia dant domino de fine xxs pro ingressu habendo in terras et tenementa predicta habenda et tenenda ad terminum vitarum eorum per redditus et servicia que pertinent et faciendum domino duas magnas precarias in autumpno onerant se ad solvendum dicto Johanni annuatim dimidiam marcam ad duos annuales terminos pro qua quidem solucionem dictus Johannes onerat se acquietare dictos Robertum et Matildam (fn. 36)...domini de redditu dictum (fn. 37) terram et tenementum tangente
Steventon. At the view of franpkledge and court held there on 28 May in the fortieth year of king Edward the third John Foulere comes and renders into the hands of the lord a messuage, a croft of land opposite the hill, and a whole close, to the use of Robert Mortoneo and Maud his wife, who being present in court give the lord for a fine 20s to have entry in the aforesaid lands and tenements. To have and to hold for the term of their lives by the rents and services pertaining, and by doing for the lord two great boonworks at harvest-time. They bind themselves to pay to the said John yearly half a mark at two terms of the year, for which payment the said John binds himself to acquit the said Robert and Maud ...of the lord for the rent touching the said land and tenement.
[Steventon, Berks. No court roll known before 1382]
(Kentwyns estate collection)
[19 Oct 1366]
268 x 100 mm . No tongue, tag or seal
Ad curiam tentam apud Nuttfeld die Lune proxima post festum Sancti Luce Evangeliste anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum xlmo venit Johannes / atte Hale et sursum reddidit in manus domini duos campos terre sue vocatos Brombreches et unam peciam terre sue vocata Shorteshee / cum suis pertinenciis et unam viam pro plaustris et carectis per medium terre Johannis de Chilmede pro libero intratu et exitu habendo ad totam / terram prefatum ad opus Nicholai atte Hatche et Caterine uxoris sue habendum et tenendum predictos duos campos et predictam peciam /terre et viam predictam cum omnibus suis pertinenciis predictis Nicholao et Caterine uxori sue (fn. 38) heredibus dicti Nicholai imperpetuum reddendo inde per annum / capitali domino feodi illius sex denarios ad terminos usuales et liberata est eisdem seisina et fecerunt fidelitatem et dant domino de fine pro /ingressu iiijs
To the court held at Nutfield on Monday next after the feast of St Luke the Evangelist in the 40th year of king Edward the third after the conquest came John at Hale and surrendered into the hands of the lord two fields of his land called Brombreches and one piece of land called Shorteshee with its appurtenances, and a road for wagons and carts through the middle of the land of John de Chilmede to have free entry and exit to all the aforesaid land; to the use of Nicholas atte Hatche and Catherine his wife, to have and to hold the aforesaid two fields and the aforesaid piece of land and the aforesaid road with all its appurtenances to the aforesaid Nicholas and Catherine his wife [and] the heirs of the said Nicholas for ever, rendering thence yearly to the chief lords of that fee six pence at the usual terms; and seisin is delivered to them and they did fealty and give to the lord for a fine for entry 4s.
[Nutfield, Surrey. No 14th-century court rolls known]
[2 May 1368]
220 x 115/98 mm. Thin wrap tongue 3.5 mm, and seal tongue 10 mm, seal red wax, fragmentary [protected by muslin sleeve]
Ad curiam magnam magistri Thome le yonge prebendarii prebende de Kynewaston in ecclesia de Wolvernehampton / tentam ibidem die lune proxima post festum Sancti Dunstani episcopi Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum xlmo secundo Nicholaus de / Wyghtewykes capellanus venit in curia et sursum reddidit in manus domini totam terram cum marleris sepibus et fossatis adiacentibus / cum pertinenciis suis quam (fn. 39) habuit ex sursum reddicione Elene filie Ricardi le Skyner apud Barideley (fn. 40) in magna curia predicti magistri Thome tenta die Lune in crastino sancti Petri quod dicitur Advincula Anno regni regis Edwardi tercii xlo primo (fn. 41) ad opus / matillde uxoris Willelmi atte Lee ad terminum vite sue et post decessum dicte matillde tota predicta terra cum marleris sepibus et fossatis adiacentibus cum pertinenciis suis predicte Elene et heredibus de corpore sue legitime exeuntibus remaneant inperpetuum Et si dicta Elena decedat sine herede de corpore suo legitime exeunti tunc tota predicta terra cum marleris sepibus et fossatis adiacentibus cum pertinenciis suis rectis heredibus dicte matillde remaneat inperpetuum Tenenda per servicia / et consuetudines manerii que dant domino per seisinam habenda iiijd per plegium ballivi Et fecit domino fidelitatem In cuius rei / testimonium huic recordo extracto a rotulo curie Johannes de Ruyhsshal tunc temporis senescallus sigillum suum apposuit / Datum die et anno supradictis
At the great court of master Thomas le Yonge, prebendary of the prebend of Kinvaston in the church of Wolverhampton, held there on Monday next after the feast of St Dunstan the Bishop in the 40-second year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest, Nicholas de Wyghtewykes, chaplain, came into court and surrendered into the hands of the lord all the land with marlpits hedges and ditches adjoining, with its appurtenances, which he had by the surrender of Ellen daughter of Richard le Skyner at Barideley, in the great court of the aforesaid master Thomas held on Monday on the morrow of St Peter that is called in Chains in the 40-first year of the reign of king Edward the third, to the use of Maud wife of William atte Lee for the term of her life; and after the decease of the said Maud all the aforesaid land with marlpits hedges and ditches adjoining with its appurtenances shall remain to the said Ellen, and the heirs of her body lawfully issuing, for ever. Ans if the said Ellen should die without an heir lawfully issuing from her body then all the aforesaid land with the marlpits hedges and ditches adjoining with its appurtenances shall remain to the right heirs of the said Maud for ever. To hold by the services and customs of the manor. Who give to the lord to have seisin 4d by pledge of the bailiff. And he did fealty to the lord. In witness whereof John de Ruyhsshal, at that time steward, affixed his seal to this record extracted from the court roll. Given on the day and year abovesaid.
[Kinvaston prebend in Wolverhampton college. No medieval court rolls known]
[part of sewn bundle of copies; next is 11 Hen. VI]
(Ipswich town charities, title, Smart’s foundation, Foxe’s in Falkenham and Kirton, megapacket of copies including 1 loose copy temp. Hen. VIII)
[10 Jun 1368]
193 x 22 mm. No tongue, tag or seal
Walton. Ad curiam ibidem die Sabati proxima ante festum Sancti barnabe apostoli anno xlii (fn. 42) mabilia et / alicia howe sursum reddiderunt in manum domini iij rodas terre native in kerketon ad opus Johannis atte Wode / tenendas sibi et heredibus suis faciendo servicia etc Et dat de fine etc. (fn. 43)
Walton. At the court there on Saturday next before the feast of St Barnabas the Apostle in the 42nd year Mabel and Alice Howe surrendered into the hand of the lord 3 roods of bond land in Kirton to the use of John atte Wode; to hold to them and their heirs doing services etc And they give for fine etc.
[No court rolls known before 1381]
(Wilmot-Horton of Osmaston and Catton)
[4 Jul 1368]
209 x 203 mm. Seal tongue. Seal red wax, round, 22 mm, device illegible. Badly stained in places.
Ad curiam de Audeley tentam ibidem die martij proxima post festum apostolorum Petri et Pauli anno regni regis Ed /wardi tercij post conquestum xlijo. Venit Ricardus filius Egidij de Audeley et Sibilla uxor eius in curiam / et sursum reddiderunt in manus domini illud mesuagium et xiij acras et iij rodas terre in vetere parco de / Audeley quod Thomas filius Ranulphi Croket prius tenuit qui venerunt et seperunt (fn. 44) seysinam tenenda / sibi predicto Ricardo et Sibille uxori eius et heredibus inter ipsos legitime procreatis et si ita contingat quia predictus Ricardus / et Sibilla sine heredibus de corporibus eorum exeuntibus obierint quod tunc predictum mesuagium et xiij acras et iij rodas terre / remanuerit Matilde filia predicte Sibille tenenda sibi et heredibus suis secundum consuetudinem manerij videlicet / terre parce et dat ad ingressum iijs iiiid
Line break
Ad eandem curiam venerunt predicti Ricardus et Sibilla in curiam et sursum reddiderunt in manus domini capitali mesuagium / cum omnibus terris et tenementis quas (fn. 45) tenet (fn. 46) in vetero (fn. 47) parco de Audeley et continent per estimacione xiiij acras / et dimidiam terre ac essiam (fn. 48) duo cotagia cum curtilagia et cum j acra et iij rodis terre quarum unum cotagium cum / curtilagio Johannes miestart quondam tenuit et aliud cotagium cum curtilagio et cum 1 acra et iij rodis terre quam (fn. 49) Johannes le Taylour quondam tenuit qui predictus Ricardus et Sibilla uxor eius venerunt (fn. 50) in curiam et seperunt (fn. 51) / seysinam tenenda predictis Ricardo et Sibille et heredibus de corporibus eorum exeuntibus et si ita contingat / quia predicti Ricardus et Sibilla sine heredibus de corporibus eorum exeuntibus obierint quod tunc predictum mesuagium cum cotagiis / et cum omnibus terris sicut predictum est remaniant Beatrise filie predicti Ricardi et heredibus de corpore su (fn. 52) o exeuntibus / et si ita contingat quia dicta Beatrix sine herede de corpore suo exeunte obierit tunc predictum mesuagium / cum cotagiis et cum omnibus terrs et tenementis sicut predictum est revertantur Johanni filio predicti Ricardi et / heredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus Et si ita contingat quia idem Johannes sine herede de corpore suo exe/ unte obierit quia tunc predictum mesuagium cum cotagiis et cum omnibus terris sicut predictum est remaniat / (fn. 53).et heredibus eius per racionabilem finem tunc domino faciendo tenenda secundum consuetudinem / terre parci in (fn. 54) forma predicta et dant ad ingressum iijs iiijd
To the court of Audley, held there on Tuesday next after the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul in the 42nd year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest, came Richard son of Giles of Audley and Sibyl his wife into court and surrendered into the hands of the lord that messuage and 13 acres and 3 roods of land in the old park of Audley which Thomas son of Ranulph Croket previously held; they came and took seisin to hold to themselves the aforesaid Richard and Sibyl his wife and the heirs lawfully begotten between them, and if it so happen that the said Richard and Sibyl should die without heirs lawfully issuing from their bodies then the said messuage and 13 acres and 3 roods of land shall remain to Maud daughter of the said Sibyl to hold to herself and her heirs according to the custom of the manor viz. of the park land; and she/he gives for entry 3s 4d.
At the same court the aforesaid Richard and Sibyl came into court and surrendered into the hands of the lord a capital messuage with all the lands and tenements that they hold in the old park of Audley and they contain by estimation 14 acres and a half of land, and also two cottages with curtilages and with 1 acre and 3 roods land, of which one cottage with its curtilage John Miestart once held, and the other cottage with its curtilage and with 1 acre 3 roods of land which John le Taylour once held; who (the aforesaid Richard and Sibyl his wife) came into court and took seisin to hold to the aforesaid Richard and Sibyl and the heirs issuing from their bodies; and if it so happen that the said Richard and Sibyl should die without heirs issuing from their bodies, then the said messuage with cottages and with all lands as is aforesaid should remain to Beatrice daughter of the said Richard and the heirs issuing from her body; and if it so happen that the said Beatrice should die without an heir issuing from her body, then the said messuage with cottages and all lands and tenements as is aforesaid should revert to John the son of the said Richard and the heirs issuing from his body; and if it so happen that the said John should die without an heir issuing from his body then the said messuage with cottages and with all the lands as aforesaid should remain … and his/her heirs by a reasonable fine then to be made to the lord, to be held according to the custom of the park land in the aforesaid form and they give for entry 3s 4d.
[Audley, Staffs. No medieval court rolls known]
(WAM 7262, Steventon court rolls 1399-1413, attached to rot. 34)
[17 Oct 1368] (fn. 55)
212 x 62/51 mm. No seal. Single tongue cut or pulled off from bottom left. [Date area rubbed]
Stevyngton’ Ad curiam tentam ibidem die martis xvijo die octobris anno regni regis Edwardi tercij xlijo venit Rogerus / Skarlat et dat domino de fine xiijs iiijd pro ingressu habendo in unum (fn. 56) bordellum cum pertinenciis quod quondam fuit Roberti / pipercorn in Stevyngton tenendum sibi et heredibus suis secundum consuetudinem manerii faciendo capitali dominis feodi redditus / et servicia inde debita et consueta imperpetuum et fecit domino fidelitatem
Steventon. To the court held there on Tuesday 17 October in the 42nd year of the reign of king Edward the third comes Roger Skarlat and gives to the lord for a fine 13s 4d to have entry into a bordewe (fn. 57) with appurtenances, that once was of Robert Pipercorn in Steventon, to hold to himself and his heirs according to the custom of the manor, doing the rents and services due and accustomed from it to the chief lord of the fee for ever; and he did fealty to the lord.
[Steventon, Berks. No court rolls known before 1382]
62 and 67 STAFFORDSHIRE RECORD OFFICE D 593/B/1/26/6/34/13*
(Leveson-Gower, Wolverhampton deeds)
265 x 134 mm. No tongue, tag or seal, but a slight nick at bottom centre, and a descender overunning the bottom margin at right, may indicate that a seal tag or tongue and fold has been trimmed off. Hand with some split risers more old-fashioned than that of 34/12, authenticated as 1369.
(62) [14 Nov 1368]
outdent Memorandum quod ad curiam domini Johannis de Newenham Decani ecclesie beati Petri de Wulverunehampton tentam ibidem die martis / proxima post festum sancti martini Episcopi Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum quadragesimo secundo / Johannes de Ruyshale dat domino iiijd pro seisina habenda sibi et heredibus et assignatis suis de quattuor selionibus et / septem buttis nove terre cum capiteris marleris sepibus et fossatis adiacentibus cum pertinenciis suis in Wolvernehampton / iacentibus in campis vocatis thromlowe et Quebbefeld apud cronemere quos quidem seliones et buttos terre / cum omnibus prenominatis dictus Johannes de Ruyshale perquisit de Johanne filio Andree de la Lone per cartam / contra conseuetudinem manerij etc cui liberata est seisinam tenenda secundum consuetudinem manerij Et fecit domino fidelitatem
(67) [28 Aug 1369]
outdent memorandum quod ad curiam domini Johannis de Newenham Decani ecclesie beati Petri de Wulverunehampton tentam ibidem die martis in crastino / sancti Rufi martiris Anno Regni Regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum quadragesimo tertio ~ /
outdented marker – Johannes de Ruyshale dat domino iiijd pro seisinam habendo sibi (fn. 58) heredibus et assignatis suis de uno prato cum quadam venella / adiacente cum pertinenciis suis in Wodnessfeld iacentibus iuxta pratum Willelmi de Tyford quod quidem pratum cum dicta / venella dictus Johannes de Ruyshale perquisivit de Johanne de la Lone per cartam feoffamenti contra consuetudinem manerii / etc cui liberata est seisina tenenda secundum consuetudinem manerij etc Et fecit domino fidelitatem etc In cuius rei testimonium Willelmus Colesone / de Walshale tunc temporis eiusdem curie senescallus sigillum suum huic recordo (fn. 59) Apposuit datum die et Anno supradictis
(62) Be it remembered that at the court of lord John de Newenham Dean of the church of blessed Peter of Wolverhampton held there on Tuesday next after Martinmas in the forty-second year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest John de Ruyshale (fn. 60) gives the lord 4d to have seisin to himself and his heirs and assigns of four selions and seven butts of new land, with headlands, marlpits, hedges, and ditches adjoining, with their appurtenances, in Wolverhampton, lying in the fields called Thromlowe and Quebbefeld at Cronemere, which selions and butts of land with all the aforementioned the said John de Ruyshale bought of John son of Andrew de la Lone by charter contrary to the custom of the manor; and to him is delivered seisin to hold accurding to the custom of the manor. And he does fealty to the lord.
(67) Be it remembered that at the court of lord John de Newenham Dean of the church of blessed Peter of Wolverhampton held there on Tuesday on the morrow of St Rufus the Martyr in the forty-third year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest.
John de Ruyshale gives the lord 4d to have seisin to himself and his heirs and assigns of a meadow with a certain lane adjoining with their appurtenances in Wednesfield, lying next to the meadow of William de Tyford, which meadow with the said lane the said John de Ruyshale bought of John de la Lone by a charter of feoffment contrary to the custom of the manor; and to him is delivered seisin to hold according to the custom of the manor etc. And he did fealty to the lord etc In witness whereof William Colesone of Walsall at that time steward of the same court affixed his seal to this record. Given on the day and year abovewritten.
[Wolverhampton deanery. No court rolls before 1397]
(Smythe of Acton Burnell collection)
[1 Mar 1369]
210 x 74/62 mm. Wrap tongue, seal tongue, seal concealed in wrapper
Ad curiam nove ville de Ruyton tentam die Jovis in vigilia sancti Cedde episcopi Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum xliiio Tota / communitas burgensium eiusdem ville venerunt in plena curia et ostenderunt cartam domini per quam concessum fuit eis ~ Tota terra de Aloudeswoude tenenda sibi et heredibus suis imperpetuum ~ Reddendo inde annuatim pro qualibet acra vjd. Et quia maior pars / dicte terre alienata fuit diversis extraneis extra dominium in preiudicium dictorum burgensium ~ de quibus extraneis dominus hucusque nullum / pertinuit heriettum aut aliquod proficuum nisi solomodo redditum predictum. concessa est eisdem burgensibus rehabere et tenere dictas / terras sic alienatas secundum tenorem carte eorundem et dant domino xls pro presente irrotulamento inde eis faciendo / In cuius rei testimonium dominus Willelmus de Wolverton tunc senescallus ibidem huic copie irrotulamenti sigillum suum apposuit
At the court of the new town of Ruyton held on Thursday on the eve of St Chad the Bishop in the 43rd year of the reign of Edward the third after the conquest, All the community of burgesses of the same town came in full court and showed a charter of the lord by which they were granted all the land of Aloudeswoude to hold to themselves and their heirs for ever. Rendering thence yearly for each acre 6d. And because the greater part of the said land was alienated to various outsiders outside the lordship to the prejudice of the said burgesses, from which strangers the lord hitherto got no heriot or other profit except only the said rent, it was granted to the said burgesses to have again, and to hold, the said lands thus alienated, according to the tenor of their charter, and they give to the lord 40s for making the present inrolment of that for them. In witness whereof the lord William de Wolverton then steward there affixed his seal to this copy of the enrolment.
[Ruyton-xi-towns. Apparently no court roll for this year known]
(Leveson-Gower, Wolverhampton deeds)
[13 Mar 1369]
265 x 82 mm. Seal tag, through groove, seal 18 mm diameter, shield of arms 10 mm, may be meant to be 3 horseshoes sideways.
Ad curiam domini Johannis de Newenham decani ecclesie beati Petri de Wulverunehampton tentam ibidem die martis proxima post festum sancti Gregorii pape Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum quadragesimo tercio Nicholaus de Wythwykes / et Johannes lovekys venerunt in curiam et sursum reddiderunt in manus domini sex seliones terre cum capitera ad utrumque caput / et cum marleris sepibus et fossatis adiacentis in Wolvernehampton coniacentes in quodam campo vocatum thromlowe / iuxta terram Johannis de Ruyshale quam perquisiverunt de Johanne hykins del hethe ad opus predicti Johannis de Ruys/hale heredum et assignatorum suorum inperpetuum tenendos per servicia et consuetudines manerii etc qui dat domino pro seisinam habenda iiijd et / fecit domino fidelitatem In quorum omnium testimonium presens recordum extractum est A rotulo curie in tempore Willelmi Colesone / de Walshale eiusdem curie senescalli
qui huic transcripto irrotulamenti sigillum suum apposuit Dat die et anno / supradictis et cetera
At the court of lord John de Newenham, dean of the church of blessed Peter of Wolverhampton, held there on Tuesday next after the feast of St Gregory the Pope in the forty-third year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest, Nicholas de Wythwykes and John Lovekys came into court and surrendered into the hands of the lord six selions of land with a headland at either end, and with marlpits hedges and ditches adjoining, in Wolverhampton lying together in a certain field called Thromlowe next to the land of John de Ruyshale, which they purchased of John Hykins of the Heath, to the use of the aforesaid John de Ruyshale his heirs and assigns for ever, to hold by services and customs of the manor etc. Who gives to the lord to have seisin 4d. And made fealty to the lord. In witness to all of which the present record was extracted from the court roll in the time of William Coleson of Walsall, steward of that court, who affixed his seal to this transcript of the enrolment. Given on the day and year abovewritten etc.
[Wolverhampton deanery. No court roll known before 1397]
(Petre collection, Buckfast Abbey archives, Bonneville Axminster deeds, Balle family of Mamhead manor deeds (fn. 61) ). The abbot is presumably of Buckfast
[18 Apr. 1369]
290 x 100/190 mm. No sign of tongue or tag despite claim that seals affixed.
Ad curiam Burgi tentam apud Aysperton die mercurie proxime ante Festum Sancti Georgii Anno regni Regis Edwardi tercii xliijcio Ad hanc curiam venit Willelmus /yeurl senior et dat domino de fine xld pro quadam Inquisitione ex officio habenda Ad inquirendum si ipse aliquo tempore ante istud tempus feoffavit Willelmum / yeurl filium suum et matildam uxorem eius de et in omnibus terris et tenementis suis propriis de hereditate sua propria infra Burgum de Aysperton an non Et super / hoc inquisitio capta est per sacramentum Nicholai Gravetore Willelmi Ryke Willelmi Gybbe senioris Davidi kyng Walteri Sytadon / Johannis Tanner henrici Baker Ricardi Straytelace Willelmi mathewe Stephani Tauton Johannis Halwell Ricardi Caton Qui dicunt quod Willelmus yeul (fn. 62) senior supradictus / nunquam feoffavit Willelmum filium suum nec matildam uxorem eius (fn. 63) in omnibus terris et tenementis suis propriis de hereditate sua propria infra Burgum de aysperton predicta nec / in aliqua parcella eorundem pro ut ipsi iuratores audierunt vel sciverunt. Set dicunt quod predictus Willelmus yeurl filius supradicti Wilelmi yeurl senioris nuper / impetravit unam falsam cartam feoffamenti sibi et matilde uxori sue per quemdam Robertum atte waye de exonia de omnibus terris et tenementis predictis prout / dicitur in patria etc In cuius rei testimonium supradicti iurati huic presenti recordo sigilla sua apposuerunt. Data die loco et anno supradictis
At the court of the borough held at Ashburton on Wednesday next before the feast of St George in the forty-third year of the reign of king Edward the third To this court comes William Yeurl the elder and gives the lord for a fine 40d for having a certain official Inquisition to inquire whether he at any time before that time enfeoffed his son William Yeurl and Maud, his son’s wife, of and in all his own lands and tenements, of his own inheritance, within the borough of Ashburton or not. And upon this an inquisition was taken by the oath of Nicholas Gravetore, William Ryke, William Gybbe the elder, David King, Walter Sytadon, John Tanner, Henry Baker, Richard Straytelace, William Matthewe, Stephen Tauton, John Halwell, Richard Caton, who say the William Yeul the elder abovesaid never enfeoffed William his son, nor Maud his son’s wife, in all his own lands and tenements, of his own inheritance, within the borough of Ashburton aforesaid, nor in any parcel of them, as far as the jurors have heard or knew. But they say that the said William Yeurl, son of the aforesaid William Yeurl the elder, lately obtained a false charter of feoffment to himself and Maud his wife, through a certain Robert atte Waye of Exeter, of all the aforesaid lands and tenements, as is said in the district. In witness whereof the aforesaid jurors have affixed their seals to the present record. Given in the day, place, and year abovesaid.
[Ashburton. A copy of a copy, the hand suggests made in the late 14th century. Cf seals of no. 91]
[No court roll known before 1424]
(Yorkshire Archaeological Society: Foster-Greenwood collection))
[28 May 1369]
[A3 is file of copies, Edward III-Henry VIII]
233 x 65mm. No tongue, tag or seal.
Slight outdent Ad curiam tentam apud Brighous die lune xxvjiio die maij Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum xliijo / Thomas de Wolker qui de domino tenuit quatuor acras terre cum pertinenciis in hiperom diem suum clausit extremum / post cuius mortem venit Willelmus Cosseson et heriotavit dictas quatuor acras terre cum pertinenciis ut consanguineus et heres / propinquior predicti Thome tenendas sibi et heredibus suis per serviciis (fn. 64) secundum consuetudinem manerii Et dat domino de fine pro heriotis xxd / Willelmus Cosseson venit hic in curiam et sursum reddidit in manus domini quatuor acras cum pertinenciis suis in hiperom ad / opus Willelmi de hemmyngway et heredum suis (fn. 65) inperpetuum Que concesse sunt predicto Willelmo de hemmyngway et heredibus / suis tenendas per serviciis secundum consuetudinem manerii Et dat domino de fine pro ingressu habendo xxd
At the court of Brighouse, held at Brighouse on Monday 28 May in the 43rd year of king Edward the third after the conquest, Thomas de Wolker, who held of the lord four acres of land with appurtenances in Hipperholme, died; (fn. 66) after whose death came William Cosseson, and paid heriot for the said four acres of land with appurtenances, as kinsman and nearest heir of the aforesaid Thomas, to hold to him and his heirs by services according to the custom of the manor. And he gives the lord for a fine for the heriot 20d. William Cosseson came here into the court and surrendered into the hands of the lord his four acres with appurtenances in Hipperholme, to the use of William de Hemmingway and his heirs for ever. Which [acres] are granted to the aforesaid William de Hemmyngway and his heirs, to be held by services according to the custom of the manor. And he gives to the lord for a fine to have entry 20d.
[No court rolls known before 1400]
See above with no 62.
(Wilmot-Horton of Osmaston and Catton)
[12 Oct 1369]
279 x 50 mm. Seal tongue. Seal red wax, round, 21 mm, seal of arms, legend illegible, shield per bend [possibly lozengy, not clear] counterchanged paly of six [probably or and gules; Knightley of Knightley]
Curia tenta apud Rushton die Veneris proxima post festum sancti Deonisij anno regni regis Edwardi tercij xliijcio quo die Stephanus de Sotton venit / in Curiam hic et reddit in manum domini unum mesuagium et unam placeam terre prout includitur quas (fn. 67) Rogerus de Sotton prius tenuit Et unam / placeam terre vocatam le helde ad opus Willelmi Alcokes qui in plena Curia habuit seysinam suam tenenda sibi et suis secundum consuetudinem / manerij per servicia debita In cuius Rei testimonium huic presenti scripto Robertus de knyghteley tunc senescallus sigillum suum apposuit
Court held at Rushton on Friday next after the feast of St Denis in the 43rd year of the reign of king Edward the third, on which day Stephen de Sotton comes into the court here and renders into the hands of the lord a messuage and a plot of land as it is enclosed, which Roger de Sotton previously held, and a plot of land called le Helde, to the use of William Alcokes, who in full court had his seisin, to hold to him and his according to the custom of the manor by the services owed. In witness whereof Robert de Knyghteley then steward affixed his seal to the present document.
[Rushton Spencer, Staffs. No medieval court rolls known]