
Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400.

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'1370s', in Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400, ed. C.R.J. Currie , British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1370s [accessed 13 March 2025].

'1370s', in Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400. Edited by C.R.J. Currie , British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1370s.

"1370s". Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400. Ed. C.R.J. Currie , British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1370s.

Long title

In this section


(Vernon of Hilton)

[28 Oct 1370]

243 x 70/67 mm. Seal tongue, red wax seal, damaged. [Rubbed badly to right]

Curia Willelmi de Wynterton prebendarii de Hulton tenta die Lune in festo apostolorum Simeoni et Jude Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij xlmo / quarto. Quo die Willelmus de Engulton vicarius de Lappeley et Nicholaus de Wyghtewykes capellanus reddiderunt in manus domini unum / mesuagium et omnia terras et tenementa prata moras et pasturas cum omnibus suis pertinenciis que habuerunt in hulton ex reddicione margarete / filie Nicholai atte holt de hulton et Johannis filii Andree en le moor de eadem ad opus predicte margarete ad terminum vite eius et post / decessum ipsius margarete predicta mesuagium terra et tenementa prata mora et pasture cum omnibus eorum pertinenciis remaneant predicto Johanni et margerie / uxori et eorum heredibus et assignatis ipsius Johannis in perpetuum qui dant domino etc In cuius rei testimonium (fn. 1)

Court of William de Wynterton prebendary of Hilton held on Monday on the feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude in the 40-fourth year of the reign of king Edward the third. On which day William de Engulton, vicar of Lapley, and Nicholas de Wyghtewykes, chaplain, rendered into the hands of the lord a messuage and all the lands and tenements meadows moors and pastures with all their appurtenances that they had in Hilton by the surrender of Margaret daughter of Nicholas atte Holt of Hilton and John son of Andrew in la Moor of the same, to the use of the said Margaret for the term of her life; and after the decease of the said Margaret the said messuage lands and tenements meadows moors and pastures with all their appurtenances shall remain to the aforesaid John and to Margery his wife and their heirs, and the assigns of the aforesaid John for ever; who give the lord etc. In witness whereof....

[Hilton prebend in Wolverhampton college; no 14th-century court rolls known]


(Brooke of Haughton)

[22 Apr 1371]

Document wholly illegible and not fit for production. May be related to 5375/2/31/2, no 75 below.


(Manor of Ashford in the Water (Derbs). Smith Hill Child family archives)

[26 Apr 1371]

194 x65 mm. No tongue, tag or seal. [stitched to nos /70 and /71, 15th and 16th century copies]

Ad curiam de Assheford tentam ibidem die Sabbati proxima post festum sancti marco (fn. 2) Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum xlvmo hugo le sheperde et Emma uxor eius venerunt in curiam et sursum reddiderunt in manus domini unum mesuagium / et unam bovatam terre cum pertinenciis in Asshford ad opus Willelmi le Tynker Et super hoc predictus Willelmus venit / et cepit dictum mesuagium et dictam bovatam terre cum pertinenciis ad terminum vite sue tenenda de domino secundum consuetudinem / manerii Ita quod (fn. 3) decessum dicti Willelmi dictum mesuagium et dictam bovatam terre remaneant margerie filie dicti / Willelmi tenenda de domino secundum (fn. 4) consuetudinem manerii ...coibus (fn. 5) de corpore suo exeuntibus Et si margeria / sine heredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus obierit tunc remaneant Johanne sorori dicte margerie et heredibus suis / tenenda de domino secundum consuetudinem manerii in forma predicta Et dant pro ingressu (fn. 6) perplegium ballivi et inde sunt seisiti etc

At the court of Ashford held there on Saturday next after the feast of St Mark in the 45th year of the reign of Edward the third after the conquest hugh le Sheperde and Emma his wife came into court and surrendered into the hands of the lord a messuage and an oxgang of land with appurtenances in Ashford to the use of William le Tynker And upon this the aforesaid William came and took the said messuage and the said oxgang of land with its appurtenances for the term of his life to hold of the lord according to the custom of the manor So that after the decease of the said William the said messuage and the said oxgang of land should remain to Margery daughter of the said William to hold of the lord according to the custom of the manor.... issuing from her body And if Margery should die without heirs issuing from her body then it should remain to Joan sister of Margery and her heirs to hold of the lord according to the custom of the manor in the aforesaid form And they give for entry .. by pledge of the bailiff and they are seised of it etc

[No court roll known for this year]


(Leveson-Gower collection)

[4 Nov 1371]

231 x 107/86 mm. Central tongue; seal reddish-brown wax, round, 20 mm, no legend, device indecipherable.

memorandum quod Ad Curiam domini Almarici decani de Wolvernehampton tentam ibidem die martis proxima post festum omnium Sanctorum / Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum xlvto . Johannes filius Johannis le persones venit in curiam et reddidit in manu (fn. 7) domini / unum mesuagium et tres croftas nove terre de semine ij quarteras cum reversione tercie partis tenementorum predictorum quam terciam / Walterus at halleyate et Alicia uxor eius tenent in dote ipsius Alicie cum una acra terre et dimidiam antique / terre et unum pratum vocatum Barkersmedowe in Codeshale ad opus Johannis Wynter et Idonie uxoris eius habenda /et tenenda sibi et suis secundum consuetudinem manerii imperpetuum et dictus Johannes et Idonia dant domino de fine et ingresso habendo / vjs viijd et habent inde seisinam et fecerunt fidelitatem et predicti Walterus et Alicia attornati sunt de tercia parte terre / predicta et dictus Johannes filius Johannis dedit domino pro herieto vjd . In cuius rei testimonium sigillum philippi de Bobynton / tunc clerici dicte curie presentibus est appensum die et anno supradicto

Be it remembered that at the court of lord Aymery Dean of Wolverhampton held there on Tuesday next after the feast of All Saints in the 45th year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest John son of John le Persones came into the court and surrendered into the hand of the lord a messuage and three crofts of new land of two quarters of seed, with the reversion of the third part of the aforesaid tenements, which third Walter at Halleyate and Alice his wife hold in the dower of the said Alice, with one and a half acres of land of old land and a meadow called Barkersmedowe in Codsall, to the use of John Wynter and Idonia his wife; to have and to hold to theselves and theirs according to the custom of the manor for ever; and the said John and Idonia give to the lord as a fine and to have entry 6s 8d, and they have seisin of it, and did fealty; and the aforesaid Waler and Allice are attorned of the third part aforesaid of the land, and the said John son of John gave to the lord for a heriot 6d. In witness whereof the seal of Philip de Bobynton then clerk of the said court is affixed to the presents on the day and year abovesaid.

[Wolverhampton deanery. No court rolls known before 1397]


Duplicate of (5). May be the original draft, as it is in a less tidy hand and with an insertion.

(Leveson-Gower collection)

[4 Nov 1371]

274 x 109/83 mm. Central tongue; seal brown, oval, 35x26 mm, appears to be two pieces of leather stitched together on either side of the tongue, no legend, no device.

memorandum quod Ad Curiam domini Almarici decani de Wolvernehampton tentam ibidem die martis proxima post festum omnium Sanctorum / Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum xlvto . Johannes filius Johannis le persones venit in curiam et reddidit in manus domini / unum mesuagium et tres croftas nove terre de semine ij quarteras cum reversione tercie partis tenementorum predictorum quam terciam / Walterus at halleyate et Alicia uxor eius tenent in dote ipsius Alicie cum una acra terre et dimidiam antique / terre et unum pratum vocatum Barkersmedowe (fn. 8) in Codeshale ad opus Johannis Wynter et Idonie uxoris eius habenda /et tenenda sibi et suis secundum consuetudinem manerii imperpetuum et dictus Johannes et Idonia dant domino de fine et ingresso habendo / vjs viijd et habent inde seisinam et fecerunt fidelitatem et predicti Walterus et Alicia attornati sunt de tercia parte terre / predicta et dictus Johannes filius Johannis dedit domino pro herieto vjd . In cuius rei testimonium sigillum philippi de Bobynton / tunc clerici dicte curie presentibus est appensum die et anno supradicto

Be it remembered that at the court of lord Aymery Dean of Wolverhampton held there on Tuesday next after the feast of All Saints in the 45th year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest John son of John le Persones came into the court and surrendered into the hand of the lord a messuage and three crofts of new land of two quarters of seed, with the reversion of the third part of the aforesaid tenements, which third Walter at Halleyate and Alice his wife hold in the dower of the said Alice, with one and a half acres of land of old land and a meadow called Barkersmedowe in Codsall, to the use of John Wynter and Idonia his wife; to have and to hold to theselves and theirs according to the custom of the manor for ever; and the said John and Idonia give to the lord as a fine and to have entry 6s 8d, and they have seisin of it, and did fealty; and the aforesaid Waler and Allice are attorned of the third part aforesaid of the land, and the said John son of John gave to the lord for a heriot 6d. In witness whereof the seal of Philip de Bobynton then clerk of the said court is affixed to the presents on the day and year abovesaid.

[Wolverhampton deanery. No court rolls known before 1397]


(Leveson-Gower collection)

[1 Apr 1372]

227 x 71/54 mm. Seal tongue. No seal.

Curia domini le Burnell tenta die Jovis in septimana pasche Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij a conquestu xlvjto Nicholaus Colle reddidit / in manum domini duos buttos terre cum pertinenciis iacentes in le Wyndefeld super le Buskeforlonge iuxta terram Johannis / de Rynge ad opus Thome Tauwer et Rogeri filii sui heredum et assignatorum suorum imperpetuum qui dant domino pro etc / Isdem Die et anno supradictis Johannes Westurne reddidit in manus domini duos buttos terre coniacentes in le / Wyndefeld super le Buskforlong iuxta terram Willelmi de moylowe Ad opus Thome Tauwer / et Rogeri filii sui heredum et assignatorum suorum imperpetuum qui dant domino pro seisina utrorumque viijd In cuius rei testi / monium sigillum Ricardi Leveson presentibus est appensum

Court of lord le Burnell (fn. 9) held on Thursday in Easter week in the 46th year of the reign of king Edward the third from the conquest. Nicholas Colle rendered into the hand of the lord two butts of land with appurtenances, lying in the Wyndefeld on the Buskeforlonge, next to the land of John de Rynge, to the use of Thomas Tauwer and Roger his son, their heirs and assigns, for ever; who give to the lord for ..etc. On the same day and year abovesaid, John Westurne rendered into the hands of the lord two butts of land lying together in the Wyndefeld on le Buskforlong, next to the land of William de Moylowe, to the use of Thomas Tauwer and Roger his son, their heirs and assigns for ever; who give to the lord for seisin of either 8d. In witness whereof the seal of Richard Leveson is affixed to the presents.

[Stowheath manor, Wolverhampton. No medieval court rolls known]


(Brooke of Haughton, Wolverhampton deeds)

[20 Apr 1372]

236 x 65 mm. 2 tongues.

Outdent Curia domini Almarici de Shirlond decani de Wolvrunehampton tenta die martis in crastino sancti Alfegi / episcopi anno regni regis Edwardi tercii xlo vjto. Quo die Henricus Chaloner et Agnes uxor eius reddiderunt in manum domini unum cotagium cum curtilagium / a (fn. 10) dimidiam acram in Codsale inter tenementum Johannis atte cres ex una parte et altam viam ex altera ad opus Willelmi milewart / heredum at assignatorum suorum inperpetuum qui dat domino pro seisina xd Et dicta Agnes examinata est si sit coacta per virum suum ad / dictam sursum redditionem que dicit quod non sed sponte voce fecit etc Et quia dimiserunt se de toto quod tenent de domino / dant domino nomine herietti vjd

Court of lord Aymery de Shirlond dean of Wolverhampton held on Tuesday on the morrow of St Alphege the Bishop in the 46th year of the reign of king Edward the third. On which day Henry Chaloner and Agnes his wife rendered into the hand of the lord a cottage with curtilage and half an acre in Codsall, between the tenement of John atte Cres on one side and the high road on the other, to the use of William Milewart, his heirs and assigns, for ever; who gives to the lord for seisin 10d. And the said Agnes is examined if she was compelled by her husband to the said surrender; she says that not, but she did it of her own voice [i.e. will]. And, because they divested themselves of everything they hold of the lord, they give to the lord in the name of a heriot 6d.

[Wolverhampton deanery. No court rolls known before 1397]


(Burgess of Rotherfield)

[29 Mar 1373]

264 x 52 mm. Possible tongue cut off at top

Ad curiam tentam apud Maresfeld die martis proxima post festum Annunciacionis beate marie Anno regni Regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum / quadragesimo septimo venit Nicholaus hothlegh et sursum reddit in manus domini unum cotagium et quinque acras terre veteris assarti iacentis / iuxta molendinum de hothlegh Et dominus concessit dictum cotagium et terram dicto Nicholao ad terminum vite sue secundum consuetudinem veteris assarti / Et post decessum vite dicti Nicholai dominus concessit dictum cotagium et terram Gilberto hothlegh filio dicti Nicholai tenendum dicto Gilberto / et suis secundum consuetudinem veteris assarti. Et predicti Nicholaus et Gilbertus dant domino de fine xijd et fecerunt fidelitatem et habent seisinam etc

To the court held at Maresfield on Tuesday next after the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Mary in the forty-seventh year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest comes Nicholas Hothlegh and surrenders into the hands of the lord a cottage and five acres of land of old assart lying next to the mill of hothlegh. And the lord granted the said cottage and land to the said Nicholas for the term of his life according to the custom of the old assart. And after the end of the life of the said Nicholas the lord granted the said cottage to Gilbert Hothlegh, son of the said Nicholas, to hold to the said Gilbert and his according to the custom of the old assart. And the aforesaid Nicholas and Gilbert give the lord for a fine 12d and did fealty and have seisin etc.

[Maresfield, Sussex. No court rolls known before 1457]


(Phillips collection, St Thomas’s priory outside Stafford) [in bundle of 20 deeds]

[3 Mar 1375]

243 x 103/86 mm. 2 tongues, seal missing, wax crumbs.

Memorandum quod ad curiam parvam de Acton Rounde tentam ibidem die sabbati proxima post festum sancti Cedde Episcopi anno xlixo Regis (fn. 11) Edwardi tercii post conquestum Adam de / Corne et Juliana uxor eius filia et heres quondam Willelmi de lotewiche venerunt in plena curia et sursum reddiderunt in manus domini dominium suum et totum / ius et clameum quod habent ut de iure ipsius Juliane in omnibus terrris et tenementis que Ricardus de Lynleye de eis quondam tenuit in mokeleye (fn. 12) per / homagium et servicium viijs ijd per annum eisdem Ade et Juliane annuatim solvendum que terras et tenementa Ricardus Campion de eis modo tenet per / eadem servicia que terras et tenementa ijdem Adam et Juliana tenent de domino comite (fn. 13) ut de iure ipsius Juliane per homagium et fidelitatem et pro / viijs argenti eidem domino comiti apud Acton Rounde annuatim solvendos et sectam ad curiam suum ibidem de tribus septimanis in tres Et volunt / et concedunt predicti Adam et Juliana pro se et heredibus suis quod predictus Ricardus qui iam terras et tenementa tenet et heredes sui qui imposterum eadem terras et tenementa tenebunt a modo sint intendentes et respondentes eidem domino comiti et heredibus suis inperpetuum quieti ab omne accione / seu demando predictorum Ade et Juliane et heredum suorum Et quod idem Ricardus teneat terras et tenementa predicta de domino Comite per servicia inde debita / et consueta et per servicium ijd per Annum de incremento redditus quos ijdem Adam et Juliana percipere consueverunt ultra annuale redditu octo / solidorum predictorum et predictus Ricardus Campion admissus est est (fn. 14) ut tenens domini de terris et tenementis predictis loco dictorum Ade et Juliane / Et fecit domino fidelitatem et predicti Adam et Juliana occasione tenure predicte erga dominum comite omnino exonerentur inperpetuum

Be it remembered that at the small court of Acton Round held there on Saturday next after the feast of St Chad the Bishop, in the 49th year of king Edward the third after the conquest, Adam de Corne and Gillian his wife, daughter and heir of the former William de Lotewiche, came in full court and surrendered into the hands of the lord their lordship and all the right and claim, which they have as by right of the said Gillian, in all the lands and tenements that Richard de Lynleye once held of them in Muckley by homage and service of 8s 2d a year to be paid yearly to the said Adam and Gillian, which lands and tenements Richard Campion now holds of them by the same services; which lands and tenements the same Adam and Gillian hold of the lord earl, as by right of the same Gillian, by homage and fealty, and for 8s silver to be paid yearly to the same earl at Acton Round, and suit of his court there from three weeks to three weeks. And the said Adam and Gillian will and grant, for themselves and their heirs, that the aforesaid Richard, who now holds the lands and tenements, and his heirs who in future shall hold the same lands and tenements, from now should be submitting and answering to the same lord earl and his heirs for ever, quit of all action or demand from the aforesaid Adam and Gillian and their heirs. And that the same Richard should hold the aforesaid lands and tenements of the lord earl for the services due and accustomed thence; and by service of 2d a year of increment of rent that the same Adam and Gillian were accustomed to charge beyond the annual rent of the aforesaid eight shillings; and the aforesaid Richard Campion is admitted as tenant of the lord of the aforesaid lands and tenements in the place of the said Adam and Gillian; and he did fealty to the lord; and the aforesaid Adam and Gillian, in respect of the aforesaid tenure, are wholly exonerated for ever towards the lord earl.

Acton Round, Shropshire [no court roll known between 1305 and 1571]


(Honor of Clare)

[4 Apr 1375

262 x 28/27 mm. No tongue, tag or seal

Ad curiam honoris de Clare tentam quarto die mensis Aprilis Anno regni regis Edwardi tercii a conquestu xlixo coram Roberto de / Bedydone tunc ibidem senescallo Thomas Fuller et socii eius finem fecerunt pro ingressu habendo in vi acras terre perquisitas de Ricardo atte Baysende de feodo domine in Russheworthe ad iijs

At the court of the honor of Clare held on the fourth day of the month of April in the 49th year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest in the presence of Robert de Bedydone then steward there Thomas Fuller and his associates make fine for 3s to have entry into 6 acres of land purchased of Richard atte Baysende of the fee of the lord in Rushworth. (fn. 15)

[Original court roll entry has Baynesend. TNA SC 2/213/25, rot. 4]


(Loseley Mss.)

[3 Oct 1375]

254 x 154 mm . No tongue, tag or seal

Ad curiam personatus de Godalmyngges tentam ibidem die mercurii proxima post festum Sancti michaelis Archangeli Anno regni regis (fn. 16) xlixo / Ad istam curiam venit Johannes le meson et monstravit quoddam (fn. 17) cartam videlicet in hec verba Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego / Stephanus le mason dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Isabele le mason sorori mee totum tenementum meum / quod mihi descendebat hereditarie post mortem Johannis le meson patris mei cum pertinenciis in Godalmynges excepto quoddam solario ad / borialem finem aule tenementi predicti Dedi eciam et concessi eidem Isabelle unam domum quam nuper adquisivi de Thome le forier cum pertinenciis / in eadem villa Dedi eciam et concessi eidem Isabelle totum moram meam apud Oleford quem adquisivi de Johanne Jordanne cum / pertinenciis in eadem villa Habendos et tenendos predicta tenementum solario excepto domum et moram cum pertinenciis predicte Isabelle et heredibus de se exeuntibus de / capitali domino feodi illius per servicia que ad illa pertinent Et si predicta Isabella obierit sine herede de se exeunte tunc / omnia predicta tenementum solario excepto predicto domus et mora cum pertinenciis integre remaneant Johanni filio predicto (fn. 18) Isabelle ad terminum vite ipsius Johannis / tenenda de capitali domino feodi illius per servicia que ad illa pertinent Et post mortem predicti Johannis omnia predicta tenementum solario excepto domus et mora cum pertinenciis integre remaneant Rose uxori Willelmi Hydon et herede de se exeunte tenenda de capitali domino feodi illius per servicia que ad illa pertinent inperpetuum Et si predicta Rosa obierit sine herede de se exeunte tunc omnia predicta tenementum solario excepto predicto domus et mora cum pertinenciis integre remaneant Juliane uxori Johannis Tytyngges heredibus et assignatis suis tenenda de capitali domino feodi illius per servicia que ad / illa pertinent inperpetuum Et ego predictus Stephanus et heredes mei omnia predicta tenementum solario excepto predicto domus et mora cum pertinenciis / predicte Isabelle et heredibus de se exeuntibus et si obierit sine herede de se Johanni filii predicte Isabelle ad terminum vite sue et post mortem / ipsius Johannis Rose uxori Willelmi Hydon et heredibus de se exeuntibus et si obierit sine herede de se Juliane uxori Johannis Tytyngges heredibus et assignatis suis contra omnes gentes Warantizabimus inperpetuum In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti carte / indentate sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Johanne de kenyngton Johanne atte Marsch Johanne le clerk Tannere / Thome le Forier Johanne Batte et aliis Dat apud Godalmyngges die mercurii in crastino translationis Sancti Swythini anno / regni Regis Edwardi tercii a conquestu vicesimo octavo (fn. 19) /

Et postea ven[erunt Joh[annes Arnold J[un[ior et Cristiana et fecer[unt fidelit[atem p[ro rev[ercione ten[ementi p[red[icti et dant de fine iijs iiijd

At the court of the parsonage of Godalming held there on Wednesday next after Michaelmas in the 49th year of the reign of the king. At this court came John le Meson, and showed a certain charter viz. in these words: “Know present and future men that I, Stephen le Mason, gave, granted, and by this my present charter confirmed to Isabel le Mason my sister all my tenement that descended to me hereditarily after the death of John le Meson my father, with the appurtenances in Godalming, except a certain solar at the north end of the hall of the aforesaid tenement. I have also given and granted to the said Isabel a building that I lately acquired from Thomas le Forier with its appurtnances in the same vill. I have also given to the same Isabel all my moor at Oleford that I acquired from John Jordanne with its appurtenances in the same vill. To have and to hold the said tenement (except the solar), the building, and the moor with their appurtenances, to the aforesaid Isabel and the heirs issuing from her, of the chief lord of that fee, by the services that pertain to them. And if the aforesaid Isabel should die without an heir issuing from her then all the aforesaid tenement (except the solar), the aforesaid building and moor, with the appurtenances, shall wholly remain to John the son of the aforesaid Isabel for the term of the life of the said John, to hold from the chief lord of that fee by the services that belong to them. And after the death of the aforesaid John all the said tenement (except the solar), building, and moor, with appurtenances, shall wholly remain to Rose wife of William Hydon and the heir issuing from her, to hold from the chief lord of that fee by the services that belong to them for ever. And if the aforesaid Rose should die without an heir issuing from her then all the said tenement (except the solar), building, and moor, with appurtenances, shall wholly remain to Gillian wife of John Tytyngges, her heirs and assigns, to hold from the chief lord of that fee by the services that belong to them for ever. And I the aforesaid Stephen and my heirs shall warrant for ever, to the aforesaid Isabel and her heirs issuing from her, and if she dies without an heir of herself, to John the son of the said Isabel for the term of his life, and after the death of the same John to Rose wife of William Hydon and her heirs issuing from her; and if she dies without an heir from her, to Gillian wife of John Tytyngges, her heirs and assigns. In witness whereof to this present indented charter I affixed my seal, these being present: John de Kenyngton, John atte Marsch, John le Clerk, tanner, Thomas le Forier, John Batte, and others. Given at Godalming on Wednesday in the morrow of the translation of St Swithun in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of king Edward the third from the conquest.” And afterwards came John Arnold the younger and Cristiana, and did fealty for the reversion of the aforesaid tenement, and give for a fine 3s. 4d.

[Cf. Surrey Archaeological Collections, xxii, p. 134. (15th c. English version of 14th cent custumal) John Mason holds messuage with curtilage for suit and rent of 6d at 4 terms. Has to gather hay and nuts (details)]

[Godalming rectory manor. No court roll known]


(Newborough and Rug collection)

[18 Oct 1375] [ Thurs. Cat has 13 Dec., Thurs on St Lucy’s day, but she is not an evangelist!]

248 x 60mm. No tongue, tag or seal [possibly 15th-century hand]

In margin left: Collion ff

Curia de Collion tenta die Jovis in festo sancte (fn. 20) Luce evangeliste Anno xlixo Edwardi iij irrotulatur sic / David ap Blethyn sant dat domino vs xjd dimidium pro licenciam habendo dimittendi xj parcellas terre et totam / partem suam de quadam (fn. 21) placea terre vocata Gursheucha (fn. 22) in llannannes Jevan ap dafydd Vaghan pro lxxjs viijd / de predicto Jevan pre manibus receptum habendis et tenendis predictis parcellis terre cum gursheucha predicto Jevan et heredibus suis de iiijor anno in iiijor annos secundum modum et formam de Tirprid

[addendum] : Datum pro copia

Court of Colion held on Thursday on the feast of St Luke the Evangelist in the 49th year of Edward III it is enrolled thus: David ap Blethyn Sant gives the lord 5s 11½ d to have licence to let 11 parcels of land and all his part in a certain plot of land called Gursheucha in Llanynys to Jevan ap Dafydd Vaghan for 71s 8d received by the hands of the said Jevan, to have and to hold the said parcels of land with the gursheucha to the said Jevan and his heirs from 4 years to 4 years according to the mode and form of Tir Prid. (fn. 23)

Given for a copy.

[Colion or Coleigion commote. Court rolls may survive in TNA SC 2/219/11]


(Spencer-Stanhope archives.)

[4 Jan 1376]

248 x 62mm. No tongue, tag or seal.

Ad curiam tentam apud Wakefeld die veneris iiijo die januarii anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum xlix / Johannes de Willay / taillur per Rogerum Taillur tenentem domini per virgam reddidit in curia sursum in manum domini iij schoppes in Brodebothes / in Wakefeld inter tenementum Willelmi Castelford et tenementum Johannis de Thurstanland. Que concessa sunt Katerine filie eius / Johannis et heredibus de corpore eiusdem Katerine exeuntibus. et si eadem Katerina obierit sine herede de corpore suo exeunte / tunc predicta iij Schoppes remanebunt Willelmo fratri eiusdem Katerine et heredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus. et si idem willelmus / obierit sine herede de corpore suo exeunte tunc predicti iij schoppes remanebunt Johanne sorori eiusdem Willelmi et heredibus / suis inperpetuum tenendis secundum consuetudine manerii Et dat pro ingressu (fn. 24)


At the court held at Wakefield on Friday 4th January in the 49 year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest John de Willay, tailor, by Roger Tailor tenant of the lord, by the rod surrendered in court into the hand of the lord 3 shops in Brodebothes in Wakefield between the tenement of William Castelford and the tenement of John de Thurstanland. Which are granted to Katherine his, John’s, daughter and the heirs of the body issuing from the same Katherine. And if the same Katherine should die without an heir issuing from her body then the aforesaid 3 shops shall remain to William brother of the same Katherine and the heirs issuing from his body. And if the same William should die without an heir issuing from his body then the aforesaid 3 shops shall remain to Joan sister of the said William and her heirs for ever to hold according to the custom of the manor And she gives for entry...

[Note: seems to be a stray preceding a long set of copies of Wakefield manor relating to land in Fulston and Holme, the tenants being from the Whewall and Allott families (15th-17th century). Cf 24/2, which is a list of estreats of same. Court rolls for 1376 may survive at University of Leeds, Brotherton Library, Special Collections, YAS MD225/78-262]


(Leveson-Gower collection)

[9 June 1376]

205 x 97/81 mm. Seal tongue partly broken off. No seal.

Ad Curiam domini le Burnell tentam apud Wolvernehampton die Lune in festo sanctorum Primi et Feliciani Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij quinquagesimo. Dominus Johannes Costnought rector ecclesie de Derlaston reddit in manus domini / unum mesuagium et omnia terras et tenementa prata et pasture et cum omnibus eorum pertinenciis que idem dominus Johannes et dominus Clemens de Bilston et Robertus de Derlaston qui mortuus est nuper habuerunt ex sursum reddicione / Willelmi de Blumenhull et Juliane uxoris sue in Willenhal. ad opus predicti Willelmi et Juliane uxoris sue / et heredum inter eos legitime procreatorum ita quod si decedant sine herede inter eos legitime procreato tunc omnia predicta me/suagium terre et tenementa cum pertinenciis rectis heredibus ipsius Juliane remaneant imperpetuum – qui dant / domino pro seisina etc Et quia idem dominus Johannes non tenet etc dat domino nomine herietti etc In cuius rei testimonium / sigillum Ricardi Leveson eiusdem curie senescalli (fn. 25) est appensum Datum ut supra

At the court of lord le Burnell (fn. 26) held at Wolverhampton on Monday on the feast of Sts Primus and Felicianus in the 50th year of the reign of king Edward the third, lord John Costnought, rector of the church of Darlaston, renders into the hands of the lord a messuage and all lands and tenements meadows and pastures, and with all their appurtenances, which the same lord John and lord Clement de Bilston and Robert de Derlaston, who is dead, lately had by the surrender of William de Blumenhull and Gillian his wife in Willenhall. To the use of the aforesaid William and Gillian his wife and the heirs between them lawfully begotten, so that if they should die without an heir lawfully begotten between them, then all the aforesaid messuage lands and tenements, with the appurtenances, should remain to the right heirs of the same Gillian – who give to the lord for seisin etc. And because the same lord John does not hold etc he gives to the lord by name of a heriot etc In witness whereof the seal of Richard Leveson steward of the same court is affixed. Given as above.

[Stowheath manor, Wolverhampton. No medieval court rolls known]


(Ashburnham mss)

[19 Jun 1376]

272 x 119 mm. 2 seals at top left and bottom left corner of the document obscuring part of text. No tongues or tags. 27 mm in diameter, one partly fragmented, red wax

Ad curiam tentam apud Cattesfeld xixmo die Junii anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum lmo venit Johannnes Poteman filius et / heres Johanniis Poteman qui tenet de domino unum mesuagium et xxv acras terre native cum pertinenciis in Cattesfelde per certum redditum / cum dictum est per dominos istius manerii videlicet Johannem Weyvyle et Thomam Lyvet quod de cetero tenebit predictum messuagium et terram / in bondagio per consuetudines et servicia debita dicentes ipsum fore nativus eorum quem hoc facere expresse recusat affirmans / se esse libere condicionis et non servilis quia dicit quod quidam Willelmum Poteman avus suus primus de sanguine suo erat / adventivus et nascebatur apud Burghersshe de quo quidem Willelmum (fn. 27) exiit predictus Johannes Poteman pater suus quod petit / quod inquiratur ad lucrando et perdendo per sacramentum tocius homagii istius curie nec ne et liberorum hominum de visneto parochie de / Burghersshe quod predicti Johannes Weyvyle et Thomas Lyvet coniunctim domini personaliter comparentes in plena curia in presenciis / Johannis de Assheburnhamme Johannis filii eiusdem Johannis Johannis Lounsforde Thome Stonlynke Willelmis Aneston et aliorum / concesserunt. Et preceperunt Johanni atte hethe Bedelle istius curie quod convocet totum homagium istius curie et quod / retornet nomina sex liberorum hominum de visneto de Burghersshe per quos rei veritas melius inde inquiri et sciri poterit / Qui retornat nomina Jacobi Colyn Johannis Plot Johannis Gyldyng Johannis Hardyng Willelmi Glydewysshe et Willelmi Aneston / qui presentes in curia spontania voluntate presenterunt sacramentum ad inquirendum super premissis. Qui habito inde consilio cum / homagio predicto dicunt super sacramentum suum quod predictus Willelmus Poteman avus predicti Johannis nascebatur apud Burghersshe et quod / erat adventivus prout predictus Johannes Poteman superius supponit. Et quod dictus Johannes Poteman libere condicionis est / non servilis Ideo consultum est quod de nativitate de cetero eat quietus In cuius rei testimonium predicti Johannes Wayvile et Thomas Lyvet / (fn. 28) . . . cedere (fn. 29) sigilla sua apposuerunt

To a court held at Catsfield on 19th June in the 50th year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest came John Poteman, son and heir of John Poteman, who holds of the lord a messuage and 25 acres of bond land, with appurtenances, in Catsfield for a certain rent. Since it is said by the lords of this manor, viz John Weyvile and Thomas Lyvet, that besides he holds the said messuage and land in bondage by customs and services owed, saying that he was a bondman of theirs; he expressly refuses to do that, (fn. 30) affirming that he is of free condition and not servile, because he says that a certain William Poteman his grandfather, the first of his blood, was an incomer and was born at Burwash, from which William indeed issued the aforesaid John Poteman his father; which he seeks that it be investigated, to win or lose by the oath of all the homage of this court, and indeed of free men of the neighbourhood of the parish of Burwash. Which the aforesaid John Weyvile and Thomas Lyvet, jointly lords, granted, personally appearing in full court, in the presence of John de Assheburnhamme, John son of the same John, John Lounsforde, Thomas Stonlynke, William Aneston and others. And they ordered John atte Hethe, bedel of this court, that he should convoke all the homage of this court, and that he should return the names of six free men of the neighbourhood of Burwash, through whom the truth of the matter can be better inquired and known. Who returns the names of James Colyn, John Plot, John Gyldyng, John Hardyng, William Glydewysshe, and William Aneston who, present in court, of their own free will present the oath to inquire about the premises. After consultation about that with the aforesaid homage, they say on their oath that the said William Poteman, grandfather of the said John, was born at Burwash, and that he was an incomer, as the aforesaid John Poteman supposes above. And that the said John Poteman is of free condition and not servile. Therefore it was agreed that he should go quit of bondage. In witness whereof the aforesaid John Wayvile and Thomas Lyvet affixed their seals to this document.

[Catsfield, Suss. No medieval court rolls known]


(Bradford collection) [sealed in envelope]

[29 Jun 1376]

184 [incomplete] x 88 mm. No seal. Indented at top.

[Much of text torn off on left side]

curiam (fn. 31) de Audeleye tentam ibidem die sabbati in festo Apostolorum Petri et Pauli anno regni / … post conquestum quingentesimo Ricardus de Delves reddidit in manus domini totam terram et tenementum /.. henrici shert Johannis de Pewode et terram dictam hornesrudyng cum domibus ibidem / … cum fossatis includitur iuxta vastum de Salteredeleye Ad opus Ricardi de Boghay qui / … de modo sicut predictus Ricardus de Delves ea prius tenuit ad totam vitam domine Ene / ...secundum consuetudinem manerii predicto Ricardo de Boghay et heredibus suis inperpetuum Et predictus Ricardus de / Delves... heredes suos ad warantezando predicto Ricardo de Boghay et heredibus suis contra omnes homines illas sex / acras...que nuper fuerunt Willelmo le Fouler Ita scilicet quod si predicte sex acre terre per placitum iuri per aliquod / … recuperate fuerint statim predictus Ricardus de Delves solvet predicto Ricardo de Boghay valorem / … idem Ricardus de Boghay solvet predicto Ricardo de Delves ultra illos Cs quos eidem solverit ...Marie proxima futurum Cs et ad festum Sancti Michaelis tunc proximum sequens (fn. 32) Cs et ad festum Trinitatis / …. ig[?] Johannis de Boghay senioris Johannis de Boghay junioris Willelmi de Boghay et Thome de /..Boghay habeberit totam propartem totius bladi in dictam terram crescentis et ipsum Ricardum de / ….in cuius rei testimonium predicti Ricardus de Delves et Ricardus de Boghay huic scripto indentato / … plena curia supradicta tenta die et loco supradictis

[Be it remembered that at] the court of Audley held there on Saturday on the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul in the fiftieth year of the reign [of King Edward the third] after the conquest Richard de Delves renders into the hands of the lord all the land and tenement (fn. 33) … of Henry shert John de Pewode and the land called hornesrudyng with the buildings there .. is inclosed with ditches next to the waste of Salteredeleye To the use of Richard de Boghay who … in the way in which the aforesaid Richard de Delves formerly held it for the whole life of lady Ena ..according to the custom of the manor to the said Richard de Boghay and his heirs for ever. And the aforesaid Richard de Delves … his heirs to warrant to the said Richard de Boghay and his heirs against all men those six acres... which lately were of William le Fouler. I.e so that if the aforesaid six acres by a plea of right for any … should be recovered then immediately the aforesaid Richard de Delves shall pay to the aforesaid Richard de Boghay the value ...the same Richard de Boghay shall pay to the aforesaid Richard de Delves beyond those 100s which he shall have paid to the same (fn. 34).. Mary next coming 100s and at Michaelmas next following 100s and at the feast of Trinity …. of John de Boghay the elder John de Boghay the younger William de Boghay and Thomas de … Boghay shall have all the purparty of all the corn growing on the said land and the same Richard de... in witness whereof the aforesaid Richard de Delves and Richard de Boghay to this indented writing (fn. 35) ...in full court abovesaid held on the day and place abovesaid.

[Audley, Staffs. No medieval court rolls known]


(Ancient Deeds series C, no 11036(a))

[22 Sep 1376]

290 x 210 mm [actual copy depth 42 mm]. Paper. No tongues. (fn. 36)

Headed: Rysbergh

Ad curiam tentam ibiidem xxijo die Septembris Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum Quinquagesimo. venit Willelmus Beel et cepit / de domino unum mesuagium (fn. 37) quindecim acras terre et unam rodam que terre et tenementa decendebant vincencio le Cartere post mortem et de / iure matris sue. Qui vincencius feloniam fecit. per quod positus fuit in exigendis et pro inde tenementa predicta forisfecit etc ideo / concessum est predicto Willelmo tenementa predicta tenere sibi et suis secundum consuetudinem manerii. Salvo iure cuiuslibet etc Et dat domino de / fine pro ingressu vs et fecit fidelitatem etc

Risborough. To the court held there on 22nd September in the fiftieth year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest came William Beel, and took from the lord a messuage and fifteen acres of land and a rod, which lands and tenements descended to Vincent le Cartere after the death of, and in the right of, his mother. Which Vincent committed a felony, for which he was outlawed, and for that he forfeited the aforesaid tenements etc. Therefore it is granted to the aforesaid William to hold the said tenements to himself and his heirs according the the custom of the manor. Saving the right of whomsoever etc. And he gives to the lord as a fine for entry 5s. And did fealty etc.

[No 14th-century court rolls known]


(Chancery, Master Farrer’s Exhibits: bundle of copies of court rolls of Manor of Heybridge, Essex, rot. 1)

[Incorrect date. Year 51 ended 21 June 1377. Probably 28 Sep 1376, but may be 27 Sep 1 Richard II, 1377. A scribal error seems more plausible than ignorance in Essex of the king’s death three months later. Cf below, no. 89]

220 x 32 mm. No seal. Wrapping tie.

Ad curiam cum visu tentam apud hebrigge die Dominico proximo ante festum Sancti michaelis Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij a conquestu ljo / venit Thomas Sumpilton et sursum reddidit in manus domini unum mesuagium cum xxx acris warecti terre native / ad opus Anabilie uxoris sue tenendis sibi et sequele sue per servicia et consuetudines manerii et dat de fine/ pro ingressu ij marcas et concessum est ei inde seisinam per plegium omnes (fn. 38) capitales plegios

At the court with view held at Heybridge on Sunday next before Michaelmas in the 51st year of the reign of king Edward the third from the conquest came Thomas Sumpilton and surrendered into the hands of the lord a messuage with 30 acres of fallow bond land to the use of Anabilia his wife, to hold to him and his brood by services and customs of the manor, and he gives for a fine for entry 2 marks, and seisin is granted to him by the pledge of all the chief pledges.

[No court rolls before 1381 known]


(Honor of Clare)

[14 Jan 1377]

258 x 25/28 mm. No tongue, tag or seal

Ad curiam honoris de Clare tentam xiiijo die mensis Januarii anno regni regis Edwardi tercii a conquestu quinquagesimo Coram / henrico Engleys tunc ibidem senescallo petrus de Gristone capellanus et socii eius finem fecerunt pro ingressu habendo in xxx acras / terre perquisitas de Johanne persona ecclesie de Q_Wydenham de feodo de feodo (fn. 39) domini in Russheworthe ad xiijs / iiijd

At the court of the honor of Clare held 14th January in the fiftieth year of the reign of king Edward the third from the conquest in the presence of Henry Engleys then steward there, Peter de Gristone, chaplain, and his associates made fine for 13s 4d to have entry in 30 acres of land purchased of John the parson of the church of Quidenham of the fee of the lord in Rushworth [Rushford].

[Original court roll entry should be on TNA SC 2/213/27, but relevant membranes damaged or illegible]


(Battle, Huntington Library)

[18 Jun 1377]

271 x 93 mm. No tongue, tag or seal

Ad curiam de Wode tentam ibidem die Jovis proxima ante festum Sancti Johannis Baptiste Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij ljo / venit Willelmus ate Beche et petit licenciam de domino dimittendo Johanni motay (fn. 40) totam illam terram quam / tenet native de sacristario de bello et Willelmo Frere A festo sancte trinitatis proxima predicti anni datam consenciam usque finem / et terminum quinque annorum proximorum sequencium et plenario completorum (fn. 41) tenenda de domino (fn. 42) pro antiqua (fn. 43) servicia et consuetudinibus inde prius debitis et consuetis et fecit domino fidelitatem et dat domino / de fine pro ingressu habendo ijs.

To the court of Wode held there on Thursday next before the feast of St John the Baptist in the 51st year of the reign of king Edward the third comes William at Beche and seeks licence from the lord to let to John Motay all that land which he holds in bondage of the sacrist of Battle and William Frere, from the feast of the Holy Trinity next of the aforesaid year, given consent, until the end and term of five years next following and fully completed, to hold of the lord for the ancient service and the customs previously owed from it and accustomed; and he did fealty to the lord and gives the lords as a fine to have entry 2s.

[Wode manor. No court rolls survive from before 1400. An entry in a late-medieval calendar may survive.]


(Foxley estate collection)

From photograph supplied by Herefs. R.O. Access to original closed.

[25 June 1377]

297 x 61/40 mm. Large tongue probably for seal: not clear if any of seal survives.

Ad curiam domini Thome Dufforde prebendarii prebende de Pendeford in ecclesia collegiata de Tetenhale tentam ibidem die Jovis proxima (fn. 44) / post festum nativitatis Sancti Johannis Baptiste Anno regni regis Edwardi (fn. 45) post conquestum lmo primo (fn. 46) Johannes filius Ricardi Barndhurstes reddit in manus domini / vj Buttes terre iacentes in campo de Allerleye iuxta semitam ducentem A Tetenhale usque Allerleye et extendunt se a terra / Willelmi Holte usque terram prebende de Wrottesleye et unam acram terre iacentem super Tetenhalehul inter terram prebende de Wrottesleye / ex una parte et terram Willelmi Robardes ex altera parte ad opus Rogeri Wilkus et Agnetis uxoris eius heredibus et assignatis predicti Rogeri tenende / secundum consuetudinem canonicorum qui dant domino pro seisina xijd et fecerunt fidelitatem In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti scripto / senescallus curie sigillum suum apposuit

At the court of lord Thomas Dufforde prebendary of the prebend of Pendeford in the collegiate church of Tettenhall held there on Thursday next after the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist in the 50-first year of the reign of King Edward after the conquest, John son of Richard Barndhurstes renders into the hands of the lord 6 butts of land lying in the field of Aldersley next to the path leading from Tettenhall to Aldersley and they extend from the land of William Holte as far as the land of the prebend of Wrottesley; and one acre lying upon Tettenhall Hill between the land of the prebend of Wrottesley on one side and the land of William Robardes on the other side; to the use of Roger Wilkus and Agnes his life, and the heirs and assigns of the aforesaid Roger, to hold according to the custom of the canons; who give to the lord 12 for seisin and did fealty. In witness whereof the steward of the court affixed his seal to this present writing.

[Pendeford prebend in Tettenhall college, Staffs. No court rolls known]


(Battle, Huntington Library)

[17 Dec 1377]

195 x 50 mm. No tongue, tag or seal. Indented on left

Ad curiam tentam apud le Wode die jovis proxima post festum Sancte Lucie virginis (fn. 47) venit Willelmus de Beche et petit licensiam a domino dimittendi Johanni Motay et mariarie uxori eius (fn. 48) unam peciam terre vocatam Essche jacentem in parochia de Whatlyngton iuxta quandam placiam vocatam le goldherd dicto Johanni et mariarie uxori eius et heredibus et assignatis dicti Johannis quam quidem terram dictus /Willelmus tenet de sacristis de Bello et Willelmo Frere in navitate Reddendo inde et faciendo dictis dominis xjd ad duos anni terminos videlicet ad festos Sancti Johannis Baptiste et Sancti Michaelis ad voluntatem dominorum Scriptus Anno Regni Regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum primo

To the court held at le Wode on Thursday next after the feast of St Lucy the Virgin comes William de Beche and seeks licence from the lord to let to John Motay and Mariaria his wife a piece of land called Essche, lying in the parish of Whatlington next to a certain place called le Goldherd, to the said John and Mariaria his wife and the heirs and assigns of the said John; which land indeed the said William holds of the sacrists of Battle and William Frere in bondage. Rendering thence and doing to the said lords 11s at two terms of the year viz. at the feasts of St John the Baptist and Michaelmas at the will of the lords. Written in the first year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest.

[Wode manor. No court rolls survive from before 1400. An entry in a late-medieval calendar may survive.]


(Archer of Tanworth)

[two contemporary entries on same parchment]

[24 Jul 1378]

240 x 84/72 mm. Seal tongue; seal red wax, ovoid 26 x 19 mm


Ad curiam de Tonworthe tentam die sabbati in vigilia sancti Jacobi Apostoli Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum secundo Johannes / Wilcokes cepit de domino unum cotagium cum curtilagio et crofto adiacente cum pertinenciis suis quondam Rogeri Idonell habendum et / tenendum totum predictum cotagium cum curtilagio et crofto adjacente cum pertinenciis suis predicto Johanni et matilde uxori eius et Willelmo filio / eorundem ad totam vitam eorum et eorum diutius viventis Reddendo inde annuatim ijs vijd ad terminos usuales et heriettum / post decessum ultimi viventis Et dat pro ingressu xs Et invenit plegios in dicto cotagio commorare et illud com/petenter sustentare videlicet Thomam Colyns et Johannem muleward et fecit fidelitatem /


Ad eadem curiam (fn. 49) Johannes Wilcokes cepit de domino unum campum vocatum Godyngeslond cum pertinenciis suis habendum et tenendum eidem / Johanni et heredibus suis ad terminum decem annorum proximorum sequentium post datum huius curie Reddendo annuatim xxviii/s ad terminos usuales Et dat pro ingressu nil quia nimis cara In cuius rei testimonium presentibus sigillum Thome / de Bromleye tunc locum tenentis senescalli est appensum

(91) At the court of Tanworth held on Saturday in the eve of St James the Apostle in the reign of king Richard the Second after the conquest John Wilcokes took from the lord a cottage with a curtilage and croft adjoining with its appurtenances, once of Roger Idonell, to have and to hold all the aforesaid cottage with curtilage and croft adjoining with its appurtenances to the aforesaid John and Maud his wife and William their son for all their lives and the life of the longest liver of them Rendering thence yearly 2s 7d at the usual terms and a heriot after the decease of the last liver. And he gives for entry 10s. And he finds pledges to live in the said cottage and competently maintain it viz Thomas Colyns and John Muleward and he did fealty.

(92) At the same court John Wilcokes took from the lord a field called Godyngeslond with its appurtenances to have and to hold to the same John and his heirs for the term of ten years next following after the date of this court. Rendering yearly 28s at the usual terms. And he gives for entry nothing because it is too dear. In witness whereof the seal of Thomas de Bromleye then lieutenant of the steward is affixed to the presents.

[Tanworth, Warws. No original court rolls known before 1441]


(Leveson-Gower collection)

[19 Oct 1378]

197 x 69/59 mm. Central tongue cut off. Wrapping tie possibly cut off bottom left. No seal.

Ad Curiam parvam domini Ricardi Postell decani libere capelle domini Regis de Wolvernehampton / tentam ibidem die martis proxima post festum sancti Luce Evangeliste Anno regni regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum secundo / Eodem die Adam Cocker de Willenhale venit in curiam et sursum reddidit in manus domini dimi / dietatem unius placee terre vocate Fyburseleye et unam placeam terre vocatam le longelane cum pertinenciis / suis coniunctim iacentes in Willenhale prout bene dinoscuntur Ad opus Johannis filii eius heredum /vel assignatorum suorum imperpetuum et habet inde seisinam Tenenda de domino secundum consuetudinem manerii per / per servicia inde debita et de iure consueta qui dat domino de Fine iiijs iiijd Et fecit domino fidelitatem In / cuius rei testimonium senescallus curie presentibus sigillum suum Apposuit Datum die et anno supradictis

At the little court of lord Richard Postell, dean of the free chapel of the lord king of Wolverhampton, held there on Tuesday next after the feast of St Luke the Evangelist in the second year of king Richard the second after the conquest. On the same day Adam Cocker of Willenhall came into court and surrendered into the hands of the lord half of a plot of land called Fyburseleye and a plot of land called le Longelane with their appurtenances lying together in Willenhall, as they are well known. To the use of John his son, his heirs and assigns, for ever; and he has seisin of it. To hold from the lord according to the custom of the manor by the services thence due and by right accustomed; who gives to the lord as a fine 4s 4d. And he did fealty to the lord. In witness whereof the steward of the court affixed his seal to the presents. Given on the day and year abovesaid.

[Wolverhampton deanery. No court rolls known before 1397]


(Honor of Clare)

[13 Apr. 1379]

243 x 26/28 mm. No tongue, tag or seal

Ad curiam honoris de Clare tentam xiij die mensis Aprilis anno Regni Regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum secundi coram / henrico Engles tunc ibidem senescallo Petrus de Gristone capellanus et Adam Taywene et socii sui fecerunt finem iiij acrorum terre perquisitarum / de Johanne mabylye de feodo domini in Russheworth xviiid

At the court of the honor of Clare held on the 13th of April in the second year of the reign of king Richard the second after the conquest in the presence of Henry Engles then steward there, Peter de Gristone, chaplain, and Adam Taywene and their associates, made fine for 18d of 4 acres of land purchased of John Mabylye of the fee of the lord in Rushworth [Rushford].

[Original court roll entry may be TNA SC2/213/29, rot 2 near top, but illegible.]


(Trevor-Roper of Plas Teg)

[20 Nov 1379]

310 x 165 mm. No tongue, tag or seal

Outdent: Villa Leonis/

Ad curiam terciam tentam ibidem xxmo die Novembris anno regni regis Ricardi secundi tercio Cum Johannes de Wodehalle nuper prosecutus fuit penes Dominum pro liberacione habenda diversas / terras et tenementa que Johannes pater eius tenuit de domino Comite defuncto per serviciam 1 rose per Annum et unde obijt seisitus et que post decessum ipsius Johannis seisita / fuerunt in manus dicti Comitis defuncti sine causa racionabili prout idem Johannes per billam suam domino suggebat unde dominus super dictam peticionem volens sertiorare / mandavit litteras suas senescallo suo clausas in hec verba Richard Counte Darrundell et de Surreye A nostre cher et bien ame clerc sire William Bealschawe / nostre seneschal de Bromfeld et de Yale salutz Parce que John de Wodehalle ad pursuy devere nous par bille daver liveree de certeine terre que le son piere / a qi il est filz et heir tenoit de nostre treshonore seigneur et piere que deux assoille en Bromfeld et la quele apres le deces son dit piere entour xviij annees passez / fust seise en menis de nostre dit treshonore seigneur et piere com vous parez pleinement estre enformer par la dicte bille quelle nous vous envoyins enclos deins / cestes Si vous mandoms que vous bien et diligitment examinez pur que le cause la dicte terre fust seise come desus est dit et nous eut certifiez par le proschain / entervenant oue la value dicelle et que le profit nous ent avoms annuelement etc A dieux soiez escrit a loundrez le xvij iour de Septembre virtute / cuius mandati capta est inquisitio secundum tenorem litterarum pre dictarum per sacramentum Willelmi Bagh Willelmi de Stocley Johannis de Stocley Rolonis de Ednam Johannis de Aldeford Willelmi Clintowe Ricardi Clintowe David de Frogloue Jorum le Warte Johannis debowis Roberti de Wodehay hugonis de Grene qui dicunt / per eorum sacramentum quod dominus Comes Warreni ulterius contulit illas terras quas Johannes de Wodehalle nunc clamat cuidam Johanni Crakestring heredibus et assignatis suis / inperpetuum pro servicia de xijd per annum per cartam suam confectam prout talliatur dominis progenitoribus domini Comitis qui nunc est quas quidem terras idem Johannes de Wodehalle / defunctus adquisivit de filio et heredis dicti Johannis Crakestring per cartam sibi et heredibus imperpetuum factam Et quia dicta terre et tenementa taliter alienata fuerunt post dominium talliatur per comitem Warrennum quod de iure fieri non potuit dominus Comes Arrundell ultimus defunctus ad quem dicta terre et tenementa cum omnibus aliis terris eiusdem / dominii taliter alienate descendere deberent per formam dicti tallij fecit illas in manus suas consisteri racione predicta et extendi ad xxxixs vjd per annum et / tandem pro laudabili obsequio quod idem Johannes Wodehalle temporibus retroactis sibi impendeberet contulit eadem terras et tenementa eodem Johanni ad terminum vite sue / per serviciam j rose et unde idem Johannes obiit seisitus post cuius decessum predicta terre et tenementa recapta fuerunt in manus domini racione predicta et dimissa pro xxxixs / vjd per annum unde responsum est domino annuatim a tempore mortis dicti Johannis per xviij annos preteritos usque nunc etc

Town of Lyons. At the third court held there on 20th November in the 3rd year of the reign of king Richard the second Whereas John de Wodehalle lately brought suit in the lord’s presence to have livery of divers lands and tenements which John his father held of the late lord earl by the service of 1 rose yearly, and of which he died seised, and that after the decease of John they were seized into the hands of the said late earl without reasonable cause, as the same John by his bill suggested to the lord; whence the lord wanting to be certain about the said petition sent his letters close to his steward in these words:

“Richard Earl of Arundel and of Surrey to our dear and wellbeloved clerk sir William Bealschawe, our steward of Bromfield and of Yale, greeting. Because John de Wodehalle has pursued before us by bill to have livery of certain land which his father, to whom he is son and heir, held of our very honoured lord and father, whom God absolve, in Bromfield, and which after the decease of his said father around 18 years past was seized in the hands of our said very honoured lord and father, as you appear to be fully informed by the said bill which we send you enclosed within these letters. So we order you that you well and diligently examine for what cause the said land was seized as is said above, and have us certfied by the next speaker (fn. 50) the value of it and what profit we have from it yearly etc. God guard you. Written at London 17 September.”

By virtue of which mandate an inquisition was held, according to the tenor of the aforesaid letters, by the oath of William Bagh, William de Stocley, John de Stocley, Rollo de Ednam, John de Aldeford, William Clintowe, Richard Clintowe, David de Frogloue, Iorwerth le Warte, John de Bowis, Robert de Wodehay, Hugh de Grene, who say by their oath that lord Earl Warenne further conferred those lands, which John de Wodehalle now claims, on a certain John Crakestring, his heirs and assigns for ever, for service of 12d a year, by his charter made, as it was tallaged by the lords predecessors of the lord Earl who now is; which lands John de Wodehalle, deceased, acquired from the son and heir of John Crakestring by a charter made to him and his heirs for ever. And that the said lands and tenements were so alienated after the lordship was tallaged by earl Warenne which by right could not happen. The lord earl of Arundel last deceased, to whom the said lands and tenements with all other lands of the same lordship so alienated should have descended, by the form of the said tallage made them to be taken up in his hands for the reason aforesaid, and extended at 39s 6d yearly; and at last, for the praiseworthy service that the same John Wodehalle in past time had done for him, he granted those lands and tenements to the same John for the term of his life by the service of 1 rose and the same John was seised of them. After whose death the aforesaid lands and tenements were taken back into the hands of the lord for the reason aforesaid, and let for 39s 6d a year; for which it has been answered to the lord yearly from the time of the death of the said John for 18 years past until now etc.

[Court of Lyons (now Holt, Denbs). No court rolls apparently known]


  • 1. Text ends here. Does not say seal affixed, though it is.
  • 2. Recte marci.
  • 3. Post omitted.
  • 4. Parchment rubbed here, probably for an incomplete alteration. Maner’ just visible after cons’. No room for sibi et heredibus as expected.
  • 5. Communibus possible if a minim abbreviation has been omitted, but sense unclear.
  • 6. Sum not given.
  • 7. Rectius manum.
  • 8. et unum pratum vocatum Barkersmedowe inserted.
  • 9. Sir Hugh Burnell, KG, second lord Burnell (d 1420).
  • 10. For ac.
  • 11. One R’ omitted, either for Regni or Regis.
  • 12. Muckley, in Acton Round parish.
  • 13. Of Arundel.
  • 14. Est duplicated.
  • 15. Now Rushford.
  • 16. Name omitted, but must be Edward III.
  • 17. Rectius quandam.
  • 18. Recte predicte (Isabel aforesaid, not John).
  • 19. 16 July 1354.
  • 20. For sancti. (St Lucy is not an evangelist).
  • 21. Catalogue has 4.
  • 22. Catalogue gives Gws..., definitely wrong.
  • 23. Welsh mortgage.
  • 24. Sum omitted.
  • 25. A second sigillum deleted here.
  • 26. Sir Hugh Burnell, KG, second lord Burnell (d 1420).
  • 27. Recte Willelmo.
  • 28. Text here obscured by seal.
  • 29. Cedule probably intended, preceded by huic.
  • 30. i.e. to admit servile obligations.
  • 31. Beginning of text missing: probably memorandum quod ad.
  • 32. Rectius sequentem.
  • 33. Perhaps ‘in the tenure of’.
  • 34. Presumably ‘at the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed’.
  • 35. Presumably ‘affixed their seals’.
  • 36. One of three near-contemporary transcripts of deeds concerning property in Risborough, all of September 50 Edward III. Possibly part of a paper cartulary. The other two are gifts of freehold land in Culverton (a separate manor, now a southwestern suburb of Princes Risborough).
  • 37. Et omitted.
  • 38. Rectius omnium capitalium plegiorum.
  • 39. De feodo repeated.
  • 40. te cancelled.
  • 41. Deleted: Reddendo inde annuatim domino servisia inde / debita.
  • 42. Domino deleted.
  • 43. Antiqua inserted.
  • 44. Additional post deleted.
  • 45. Tercii omitted.
  • 46. Rectius ...regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum primi. Edward III had died four days earlier, but officials in Tettenhall may not have heard the news.
  • 47. No year given, but see end of document.
  • 48. inserted: et mariarie [word deleted] uxori ei[us].
  • 49. Curiam inserted.
  • 50. i.e. presumably by the next messenger, by return.