
Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400.

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'1350s', in Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400, ed. C.R.J. Currie , British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1350s [accessed 7 March 2025].

'1350s', in Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400. Edited by C.R.J. Currie , British History Online, accessed March 7, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1350s.

"1350s". Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400. Ed. C.R.J. Currie , British History Online. Web. 7 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/tenants-copies-pre-1400/1350s.

Long title

In this section


(Littleton MSS, Hagley Hall)

[Probably 24 Mar 1350] (fn. 1)

235 mm x 75/80 mm. Seal tongue, wrapping tie. Seal red wax, fragmentary.

Ad curiam nigrarum monialium de Brewode tentam apud Brome die mercurii proxima (fn. 2) post festum sancti benedicti Abbatis Anno xxo iiijo (fn. 3) vinuit (fn. 4) Johannes de / Dunclent et reddit in manus domine duo mesuagia et unam virgatam terre que quedam mesuagia et terre quondam Philipus Crabbe (fn. 5) et henricus / Wattus concesserunt et alias parcellas terre quas idem Johannes habuit ex dono et concesione Nigelli de Brome et thome le Thayler / cum omnibus suis pertinenciis ad opus Edmundi de Dunclent et Matilde uxoris sue et heredum predicti Edmundi in excambium pro / omnibus terris et tenementis que et quas idem Edmundus habuit et tenuit in Dunclent faciendo capitali domino de Brome / servicia et consuetudines que ad dicta tenementa pertinent secundum consuetudinem dicti manerii de Brome et dat unum hogettum precii xd pro herietto et dicti Edmundus et Matilda dant domine pro ingressu in dicta terras et tenementa in forma predicta habenda plegio / de fine Ricardi Wattesone et Johannis le Ducye et fecerunt fidelitatem et congnotenda servicia et consuetudines usque ad proximam In /cuius rei testimonium sigillum johannis de herehull tunc senescalli est apensum die et anno supradictis

To the court of the black nuns of Brewood held at Broome (fn. 6) on Wednesday next after the feast of St Benet Abbot in the 24th year comes John de Dunclent and renders into the hands of the lady two messuages and a yardland of land, which messuage and land Philip Crabbe and Henry Wattus once granted, and other parcels of land that the same John had of the gift and concession of Nigel de Brome and Thomas le Thayler, with all their appurtenances, to the use of Edmund de Dunclent and Maud his wife, and the heirs of the said Edmund, in exchange for all the lands and tenements that the same Edmund had and held in Dunclent, doing to the chief lord of Broom (fn. 7) the services and customs that belong to the said tenements according to the custom of the said manor of Broom; and he gives a hoggett worth 10d. for a heriot; and the said Edmund and Maud give the lady for having entry in the said lands and tenements in the form aforesaid, by pledge, for the fine, of Richard Wattesone and John le Ducye, and they did fealty; and the services and customs are to be found out for the next court. In witness whereof the seal of John de Herehull then steward is appended on the day and year abovesaid.

[Broom, Worcs. No medieval court rolls known]


(out-county material of Kingsmill of Sydmonton collection, including other Somerset copies)

[1 July 1350]

284 x 60/70 mm. Tongue, probably for wrap; no seal

Stoke tristre ad curiam ibidem tentam die Jovis proxima post festum Nativitatis beati Johannis Baptiste anno regni Regis / Edwardi tercii post conquestum vicesimo quarto Johanne de Bekyngton senescallo Johannes Austyn Edittha uxor eius et Alicia filia eorundem ceperunt de domino unum toftum cum pertinenciis que Willelmus Balheved pretenuit in Bayford (fn. 8) habendum ad terminum vite eorundem / Reddendo inde per annum xiiijd ad quatuor terminos pro omnibus serviciis Et nichil dabunt de herietto citius ultimum decedentem / predictorum Johannis Edithe et Alicie et tunc heriettum consuetum Et dant de fine ij capones Et inde habent seisinam Et fecerunt fidelitatem /

Stoke Trister. At the court held there on Thursday next before the Nativity of St John the Baptist in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest, John de Bekyngton being steward, John Austyn, Edith his wife, and Alice their daughter took from the lord a toft with appurtenances that William Balheved previously held in Bayford, to have for the term of their lives. Rendering thence yearly 14d at four terms for all services. And they shall give nothing for a heriot until the death of the last of the aforesaid John Edith and Alace, and then the accustomed heriot. And they give as fine 2 capons. And they have seisin of it. And they did fealty

[Stoke Trister, Som. No medieval court rolls known]


[bound with straw or parchment tag in a bundle of copies]


[27 Sep 1350] (fn. 9)

182 x 50 mm. No tongue, tag or seal.

Ad curiam tentam apud Suttun die lune proxima ante festum sancti michaelis Archangeli Anno regni regis Edwardi / tercii xxiiijo matilda que fuit uxor michaelis le Fyssher sursum reddidit in manus domini unum cotagium quod quondam fuit predicti michaelis Et super hoc venit Johannes hocher et cepit de / domino dictum cotagium Tenendum sibi et sequele secundum consuetudinem manerii faciendo servicia Etc Et dat de fine etc Et fecit fidelitatem

In a later hand: 1 cotag’.

At the court held at Sutton on Monday next before Michaelmas in the 24th year of the reign of king Edward the Third Maud who was wife of Michael le Fysher surrendered into the hands of the lord a cottage that once was of the said Michael. And on this came John Hocher and took from the lord the said cottage. To hold to himself and his brood accourding to the custom of the manor doing services etc. And he gives as fine etc. And he did fealty. In a later hand: 1 cottage.

[Sutton, Norfolk. No medieval court rolls known]


(Yorkshire Archaeological Society: Foster-Greenwood collection)

[26 Oct 1350]

[A2 is fid of copies of Brighouse court rolls, 14th century-13 Eliz. I. Tied with string]

240 x 39 mm. No tongue, tag or seal.

Ad curiam domini tentam Apud Brighous die martis xxvjo die Octobris Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum xxiiij / Johannes de Northclif et Johanna uxor eius examinata et sabina soror dicte Johanne reddiderunt in curia sex acras terre cum pertinenciis in shipden sursum Ad opus (fn. 10) / henrici filii mathei de Ilyngworth Tenendis sibi et heredibus suis secundum consuetudinem manerii Et dat pro ingressu xviijd

At the lord’s court held at Brighouse on Tuesday 26 October in the 24th year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest John de Northclif and Joan his wife, examined, and Sabina sister of the said John, surrendered in court six acres of land with appurtenances in Shipden to the use of Henry son of Matthew de Ilyngworth. To hold to him and his heirs according to the custom of the manor. And he gives for entry 18d.

[No court rolls known before 1400]

32 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES Sir John Williams Deeds and Papers, file 127

[3 Sept 1352]

245 x 125/124 mm. Seal tongue missing, cut off. No seal. Badly damaged in places

Ad placita sessionis domini Willelmi de Monte Acuto Comitis Saresberiensis etc tenta apud Dynbegh coram Johanni de monte acuto et aliis sociis / suis ad dicta placita audiendum et terminandum assignatis die Lune proxima ante festum nativitatis Beate Marie virginis Anno regni Regis Edwardi / tercii post conquestum vicesimo sexto

Line break

Cum quam pluries prefuit omnibus heredibus Ade filii Johannis de Blakebourn liberi tenentis domini de villa de Lewenny in pestilencia defuncti quod essent hic ad / clamandum quater viginti acras terre quas idem Adam tenuit in villa supradiicta ac iidem heredes sepius summoniti et premuniti predictis terris releivandum et serviciis / et consuetudinibus inde debitis faciendum non venerunt sed per biennium et ultra de serviciis pro supradicta terra debitis penitus cessaverunt. Adhuc hic in plena / sessione coram prefatis justiciis iniunctum est per eodsdem quod dicti heredes solempniter vocentur de veniendo ad presens (fn. 11) ad releivandum terram supradictam et ad / arreragia redditus dicte terre plenarie tunc ibidem persolvendum. Et quia testatur ad presens (fn. 12) per Johannem de Delves seniorem ac unum justiciarum predictorum quod in anno proximo post pesti/lenciam ad festum sancti michaelis et alias plures vices quedam proclamacionem per ministrum domini comitis per totum dominium suum de Roos Reweynokes et keymergh tam inter /Anglicos quam inter Wallenses in qualibet curia publice facta fuit quod quicunque clamare voluerit aliquid tenementum terram vel ius infra dominium predictum . quod infra certam / diem per predictum senescallum ex parte domini eis limitatam (fn. 13) venirent ad clameum suum faciendum et ulterius capitali domino ea que de jure pro dictis terris et tenementa et juribus / facere tenentur et que ad ea pertinent sub pena amissionis eorundem. Et quia ijdem heredes non venerunt pro serviciis predictis faciendo prout decet etc Ideo per / discretionem Justiciarum consideratum est quod eadem terra remaneat domino ut terra sua dominica inperpetuum Et quod heredes predicti ab omni juris accione prefate terre / sint exclusi inperpetuum Super quod venit Thomas filius Rogeri de Lauton et cepit de domino dictam terram cum pertinenciis quibuscunque / Tenenda et habenda sibi et heredibus et assignatis (fn. 14) suis inperpetuum Reddendo inde domino annuatim Redditus consuetum videlicet xls. terminis consuetis Et liberata / eidem Thome inde seisinam etc Et super hoc in testimonium et Warantizacionem predicti processus presens copia predicto Thome sub sigillo seneschalli / dominij predicti liberatur.

At the pleas of the session of lord William de Montagu Earl of Salisbury etc held at Denbigh in the presence of John de Montagu and his other colleagues assigned to hear and determine the said pleas on Monday next before the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the twenty-sixth year of the reign of King Edward the third after the conquest.

Line break

Whereas a warning has several times been given to all the heirs of Adam son of John de Blakebourn, a free tenant of the lord from the vill of Lewenny, dead in the pestilence, that they should be here to claim fourscore acres of land that the same Adam held in the aforesaid vill, and the same heirs [were] more often summoned and warned to pay a relief for the said lands and do the customs due from them, they did not come, but for two years and more utterly ceased the services due for the said lands. Hitherto, here in full session in the presence of the aforesaid justices, it was ordered by them that the said heirs be solemnly called to come to the present court to pay the relief for the said lands and to pay in full the arrears of rent of the said lands. And that it was witnessed at the present court by John de Delves the elder and one of the aforesaid justices that in the year next after the pestilence, at Michaelmas and several other times, a certain proclamation was publicly made, by a servant of the lord earl, throughout all his lordship of Rhos, Rhufoniog, and Ceinmerch, as well among the English as the Welsh, in every available court, that whoever wished to claim any land, tenement or right within the said lordship, that, before a certain day limited to them by the said steward on the part of the lord, they should come to make their claim and further to do to the chief lord those things that they by right are held to do for the said lands and rights, and that relate to them, (fn. 15) on pain of losing the same. And that the said heirs did not come to do the said services as was proper. Therefore by the discretion of the justices it was considered that the same land should remain to the lord as his demesne land for ever. And that the aforesaid heirs should be excluded for ever from all action of right for the said lands. Upon which Thomas son of Roger de Lauton came and took the said land whith all its appurtenances soever from the lord. To hold and have to himself and his heirs and assigns for ever. Rendering thence yearly to the lord the accustomed rent viz. 40s at the accustomed terms. And seisin of it was delivered to the same Thomas. And upon this, in witness and warranty of the aforesaid process, the present copy was delivered to the aforesaid Thomas under the seal of the steward of the aforesaid lordship.

[Denbigh lordship; Lleweni, Denbs.; Rhos, Rhufoniog, and Ceinmerch, later Denbs.; No medieval court rolls known]


(Foljambe title deeds, Ashford (Derbs.) etc)

[12 Apr 1354]

206 x 53 mm. No tongue, seal or cutoff.

Rogerus de la Dale venit in curiam tentam apud Esseford die Sabbati in vigilia pasche Anno regni regis Edwardi tercii post / conquestum xxviijo . et reddit in manus domini . unum mesuagium . Et unam bovatam terre et unum cotagium cum gardino / et unam placeam prati in Swyndale cum pertinenciis in Esseford ad opus Johannis filii dicti Rogeri tenenda et habenda / sibi et heredibus suis de corpore suo procreatiis secundum consuetudinem manerii. Et si contingat dictum Johannem sine herede / de corpore suo procreato obire tunc omnia predicta tenementa dicto Rogeri et rectis heredibus suis revertantur et de ingressu / habet diem

Roger de la Dale comes into the court held at Ashford on Saturday in the eve of Easter in the 28th year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest, and renders into the hands of the lord a messuage and an oxgang of land and a cottage with garden and a plot of meadow in Swyndale with its appurtenances in Ashford, to the use of John son of the said Roger, to be held to him and his heirs begotten of his body, according to the custom of the manor. And if it happens that the said John should die without an heir begotten of his body then all the aforesaid tenements should revert to the said Roger and his right heirs; and he has a day for entry.

[Ashford in the Water, Derbs. No court roll known for this year]


(Donne family of Shrigley deeds)

[date of court: 5 May 1354; date of document: 2 Sept. 1354 ]

243 x 107/90 mm. Wrap tongue, seal tongue. Brown wax seal of arms 18 x 30 mm, 3 leopards passant, possibly gardant, with fragment of gothic surround (cinquefoil head) (fn. 16)

Heading: Placita hallemoti manerii de macclesfeld coram Johanne Chaundos ballivo manerii predicti die lune proxima post / festum Invencionis sancte crucis Anno regni Regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum vicesimo octavo.

Galfridus de Stanlegh venit hic et in plena curia cepit de domino comiti Cestrie omnia illa tenementa cum pertinenciis que /fuerunt Ricardi de Bromhale in Dysterlegh seisitus in manus dicti domini comitis eo quod Galfridus filius et heres predicti / Ricardi in faciendo servicia pro tenementis predictis domino debita per biennium iam cessavit et unde proclamatio publice / hic in curia facta fuit virtute brevis dicti domini comitis Ballivo predicto manerii predicti directi habendo et tenendo / dicto Galfrido de Stanlegh heredibus et assignatis suis secundum consuetudinem manerii predicti faciendo dicto / domino comiti servicia que ad illa tenementa pertinent. Et dabit domino pro ingressu duodecim solidos et duos de/narios Solvendos ad festa Purificacionis beate marie et sancti barnabe apostoli proxima futura per equales porciones per plegium / Willelmi Joudrel In cuius rei testimonium ad exemplificacionem faciendam sigillum scaccarii Cestrie presentibus est / appensum. Datum apud Cestriam secundo die Septembris Anno regni regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum vicesimo /octavo

Heading: Pleas of the hallmoot of the manor of Macclesfield in the presence of John Chandos bailiff of the aforesaid manor on Monday next after the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest

Geoffrey de Stanlegh came here and in full court took from the lord earl of Chester all those tenements with appurtenances that were of Richard de Bromhale in Distley, seised in the hands of the said lord earl, because Geoffrey son and heir of the aforesaid Richard already ceased, for two years, doing the services owed to the lord for the aforesaid tenements, and whence a proclamation was publicly made by virtue of a writ of the said lord earl, directed to the aforesaid bailiff of the said manor, to have and to hold to the said Geoffrey de Stanlegh his heirs and assigns according to the custom of the aforesaid manor, doing to the said earl the services that pertain to those tenements. And he shall give to the lord for entry twelve shillings and two pence. To be paid at the feasts of the Purification of the Blessed Mary and of St Barnabas the Apostle next to come by equal portions by pledge of William Joudrel. In witness whereof to make an exemplification the seal of the exchequer of Chester is appended to the presents. Given at Chester on the second of September in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest.

[Macclesfield hallmoot. Court not found on roll at TNA SC 2/252/6, m. 3]


(Aqualate papers)

[10 Oct 1355]

232 x 122/105 mm. Wrap tongue, no seal.

Ad curiam de mere tentam die sabbati proxima post festum Sancti Dyonisij anno regni regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum / vicesimo nono. Sibilla atte Nasshe reddidit in manus domini unum selionem terre in Berecroft / Jacentem inter terram Johannis Borstax et le Lyedych in longitudine . In latitudine vero inter terram Rogeri Robyns / et terram agnetis de morton et unam placeam prati iacentem apud aspesych prout se proportat per / certas metas et bundas ibidem factas et divisas et per vissinos melius cognoscitur Ad opus Agnetis hi /cokes. Habenda et tenenda omnia predicta tam terram quam pratum predicte Agneti ad totam vitam suam / secundum consuetudinem manerii et post decessum dicte agnetis predicta terra et pratum remaneant Augnete / filie dicte Agnetis et heredibus de corpore dicte Agnetis maioris legitime exeuntibus et si predicta Agnes / junior obierit sine herede de corpore suo legitime procreato predicta terra et pratum remaneant ma/ tillde sorori dicte Augnete junioris tenenda sibi et heredibus de corpore sue procreatis secundum consuetudinem manerii Et /post decessum dicte matillde predicta terra et pratum remaneant Amissie uxori Ricardi filii Thome et heredibus / de corpore sue legitime exeuntibus et si predicta amissia obierit sine herede de corpore suo exeunte / omnia predicta tam terra quam pratum remaneant custodibus bonarum beate marie ecclesie de Forton’ qui pro / tempore fuerint tenenda eisdem secundum consuetudinem manerii inperpetuum et dat domino pro iste recordo xls / In presencia Rogeri de Wirleye tunc senescalli domini et Ade de Bradwell clerici

At the court of Mere held on Saturday next after the feast of St Denis in the twenty-ninth year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest. Sibilla atte Nasshe rendered into the hands of the lord a selion of land in Berecroft lying between the land of John Borstax and the Lyedych in length, but in breadth between the land of Roger Robyns and the land of Agnes de Morton, and a plot of meadow lying at Apesych as it is proportioned by certain metes and bounds made and divided there and better known by the neighbours. To the use of Agnes Hicokes. To have and to hold all the aforesaid land and pasture to the aforesaid Agnes for all her life according to the custom of the manor; and after the decease of the aforesaid Agnes the aforesaid land and meadow shall remain to Agnes daughter of the said Agnes and the heirs of the body of the said Agnes the elder lawfully issuing; and if the aforesaid Agnes the younger dies without an heir lawfully begotten of her body the aforesaid land and meadow shall remain to Maud sister of the said Agnes the younger, to be held to her and the heirs born of her body according to the custom of the manor. And after the decease of the said Maud the said land and meadow shall remain to Amice wife of Richard son of Thomas and the heirs lawfully issuing from her body; and if the said Amice should die without any heir issuing from her body all the said lands and meadow shall remain to the wardens of the goods of blessed Mary of the church of Forton who shall be for the time being, to be held to them according to the custom of the manor for ever; and he gives to the lord for this record 40s. In the presence of Roger de Wirleye then steward of the lord, and of Adam de Bradwell clerk

[Mere in Forton, Staffs. No court roll known before 1386]


(Honor of Clare)

[23 March 1356]

155 x 46 mm. No tongue, tag or seal.

Ad curiam honoris de Clare tentam xxmoiijo die marcii Anno regni regis Edwardi / tercii / a conquestu xxxmo Coram Johanne de Assh tunc ibidem senescallo etc Thomas le / Fulller finem fecit pro ingressu habendo in duabus acris terre perquisitis de Alicie / matri dicti Thome de feodo domine in Shadewell pro viijd

At the court of the honor of Clare held on the 23rd March in the 30th year of the reign of king Edward the third from the conquest in the presence of John de Assh then steward there etc Thomas le Fuller makes fine to have entry in two acres of land purchased of Alice the mother of the said Thomas of the fee of the lady in Shadwell for 8d.

Original court roll entry: TNA SC 2/213/13, rot. 7d


[Dyke (Hutton) mss]

[31 Jan 1357]

248 x 44 mm. No tongue, tag or seal [Stitched to /420. Badly rubbed at LH end.]

Ad curiam tentam apud Rotherfeld ultimo die Januarii anno regni regis Edwardi tercij post conquestum tricesimo primo coram Johanne de Westwycombe/ ibidem senescallo venit Emma Gibbe et sursum reddidit in manus domini octavum partem unius ferlingate tere native cum pertinenciis in Rotherfeld / ad opus (fn. 17) Roberti muleward qui admissus est tenendum sibi et suis ad voluntatem domini secundum consuetudinem manerii per consuetudines et servicia pertinentes Et dat / domino de fine pro ingressum habendo ut patet in rotulo curie fecit feoditatem et habet seisinam.

At the court held at Rotherfield on the last day of January in the thirty-first year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest, in the presence of John de Westwycombe steward there, came Emma Gibbe, and surrendered into the hands of the lord the eighth part of one ferlingate of bond land with appurtenances in Rotherfield, to the use of Robert Muleward, who is admitted to hold it to him and his at the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor by the customs and services pertaining to it. And he gives to the lord as a fine for having entry as appears in the court roll; he does fealty and has seisin.

[Rotherfield, Suss. No 14th-century court rolls known]


(Honor of Clare)

[24 Oct 1357]

45 x 234 mm. No tongue, tag or seal.

Ad curiam honoris de Clare tentam xxiiijo die mensis Octobris Anno regni regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum xxxj / Coram Johanni Lygoun tunc ibidem seneschallo Willelmus persona ecclesie de Lyrlyng Thomas le may Ricardus Fadbe (fn. 18) et Nicholaus / in le Wylwes finem fecerunt pro ingressum (fn. 19) habendo in 1 mesuagio cum xxxij acris terre perquisita de Johanne de Stok / et de persona de cranehous de feodo domine in Russheworth ad vjs viijd et non plus quia non habet seisinam nisi in securitate termini xxx annorum.

Ad curiam supradictam predicti Willelmus Thomas Ricardus et Nicholaus finem fecerunt pro ingressu habendo in 1 mesuagio /perquisito de Isabella Spenser de feodo domine in Russheworth ad iiijd &c

At the court of the honor of Clare held on the 24th October in the thirty-first year of the reign of king Edward the third after the conquest in the presence of John Lygoun then steward there, William parson of the church of Lerling, Thomas le May, Richard Fadbe, and Nicholas in le Wylwes made fine to have entry in 1 messuage with 32 acres of land purchased from John de Stok and of the parson of Cranhouse of the fee of the lady in Rushworth (fn. 20) for 6s 8d and not more because he does not have seisin except in the security of a term of 30 years.

At the aforesaid court the aforesaid William Thomas Richard and Nicholas made fine to have entry in 1 messuage purchased of Isabella Spenser of the fee of the lady in Rushworth for 4d etc.

[Original court roll entry apparently missing from TNA SC2/213/14]


[part of sewn bundle of copies]

(Ipswich town charities, title, Smart’s foundation, Foxe’s in Falkenham and Kirton, megapacket of copies including 1 loose copy tempore Hen. VIII)

[12 Mar 1358]

130 x 43 mm; No tongue, tag or seal. Faint

Walton. Ad curiam tentam die Lune in quarta septimana quadragesime Anno regni regis Edwardi tercii / a conquestu xxxij (fn. 21) Johannes Burrych reddidit in manus domine tres acras / et dimidiam terre in kyrketon Ad opus Roberti atte Wod et heredium suorum tenendas ad voluntatem / domine per servisia et consuetudines salvo iure cuiuslibet Et dat pro ingressu habendo 15d (fn. 22)

Walton. At the court held on Monday in the fourth week of Quadragesima in the 32nd year of king Edward the third from the conquest John Burrych rendered into the hands of the lady three acres and a half of land in Kirkton. (fn. 23) To the use of Robert atte Wod and his heirs to be held at the will of the lady by service and customs saving the right of whomsoever. And he gives for having entry (fn. 24) [15d.]

[Walton, Suff. No court rolls known before 1381]


(Yorkshire Archaeological Society: Staveley of North Stainley collection)

[26 Oct 1359]

264 x 95/85 mm. Seal tag and seal. Second tag torn off. Seal black wax, oval, 30 x 22 mm. Impression round, 20 mm diameter

In margin: Finis vjd

Curia capituli Ryponensis Tenta apud Rypon die Sabbati proxima ante festum Omnium Sanctorum Anno regni regis Edwardi tercij xxxiij (fn. 25) Ad quam / curiam venit Alicia Warner et sursum reddit in manu (fn. 26) capituli Ryponensis totum ius et clameum quod habuit vel habere poterit / ad opus Willelmi mazon et Elianore uxori eiusdem heredibus vel assignatis de uno mesuagio xvme acras terre cum pertinenciis in Northestay/nlaye Tenenda secundum consuetudinem capituli etc Et super hoc venerunt dicti Wllelmus mazon et Elianora uxor eiusdem et cepit (fn. 27) de / capitulo dictum mesuagium et terras cum pertinenciis predictis Tenenda secundum consuetudinem etc (fn. 28) Et dederunt capitulo pro fine /vjd plegium Ricardi de Howgrave Et in eadem curia venit Willelmus Littester de Rypon consanguineus dicte Alicie Warner (fn. 29) / remisit et quietavit clameum predictis Willelmo et Elianore pro se (fn. 30) heredibus suis totum ius suum de predictis mesuagio et terra cum pertinenciis In cuius / rei testimonium Johannes de Cloutherem tunc Seneschallus capituli sigillum suum apposuit etc.

In margin: fine 6d

Court of the chapter of Ripon held at Ripon on Saturday next before the feast of All Saints in the 33 year of the reign of king Edward the third To which court comes Alicia Warner and surrenders into the hand of the chapter of Ripon all the right and claim that she had or could have, to the use of William Mazon and Eleanor his wife their heirs and assigns, of one messuage 15 acres of land with appurtenances in North Stainley. To hold according to the custom of the chapter etc. And on this came the said William Mazon and Eleanor his wife and took from the chapter the said messuage and lands with the aforesaid appurtenances. To hold according the custom etc. And they gave to the chapter for a fine 6d by pledge of Richard Howgrave. And in the same court came William Littester of Ripon kinsman of the said Alice Warner and remitted and quitclaimed to the aforesaid William and Eleanor for himself and his heirs all his right in the aforesaid messuage and land with the appurtenances. In witness whereof John de Cloutherem then Steward of the chapter affixed his seal etc.

[Ripon chapter; No court rolls known]


  • 1. Note on date: the handwriting rules out 1296 (24 Edw. I), so the king must be Edward III. The feast of St Benet, abbot, falls on 21 March [Palm Sunday in 1350], so the next Wednesday was 24 March [eve of Lady Day]. The Translation of St Benet falls on Sunday 11 July, so the next Wednesday was 14 July 1350. The feast of St Benedict Biscop, abbot, was Wednesday 12 Jan. 1351, so next Wednesday was 19 Jan. 1351. 24 March 1350 is perhaps most likely since the court-holders were Benedictine nuns. Cat thinks so.
  • 2. Prox inserted.
  • 3. Anno xxo iiijo inserted.
  • 4. Damaged; recte venit.
  • 5. Damaged, reading not certain.
  • 6. The parish and village are spelled with a final e and the manor without.
  • 7. See previous footnote.
  • 8. In Bayford inserted.
  • 9. Misdated to 1360 in cat.
  • 10. Faint; reading uncertain.
  • 11. Rectius presentem.
  • 12. Presens inserted. Rectius presentem.
  • 13. Rubbed, reading uncertain.
  • 14. Et assignatis inserted.
  • 15. i.e. to the lands and rights.
  • 16. Discovery records another example of the Exchequer of Chester seal, 1364, Cheshire Archives, DCH/F/82.
  • 17. Ad op missing through damage at left hand edge.
  • 18. Reading uncertain.
  • 19. Thus, with minim abbreviation; recte ingressu.
  • 20. Now Rushford.
  • 21. Blank follows; possibly something erased.
  • 22. In later hand in Arabic numerals.
  • 23. Apparently Kirkton or Kirton, although it is somewhat remote from Walton.
  • 24. Originally sum blank.
  • 25. Cardinal form.
  • 26. Rectius manum.
  • 27. Recte ceperunt.
  • 28. Erasure follows, but looks blank.
  • 29. Et omitted.
  • 30. Et omitted.