James VI: October 1589

Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Originally published by His Majesty's General Register House, Edinburgh, 1936.

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'James VI: October 1589', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593, ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp162-186 [accessed 13 March 2025].

'James VI: October 1589', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Edited by William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp162-186.

"James VI: October 1589". Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp162-186.

In this section

James VI: October 1589

228. William Asheby to Burghley [Oct. 2.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 95.

There is yet no news of the Queen's arrival, neither hath the King heard anything from her since the day of embarking, which was the first of September. The fleet is probably carried into some sound of Norway. Certain ships have arrived which parted from Elsinore five or six days after the Queen's embarking, but they bring no news of the fleet. The wind was north and north-east the 26th, 27th, and 28th of September, "which put us in good hope to have sene the flet approching," but the 28th at night it turned to the south-west, and there continues, so that the King fears he is not like to see his love and joy before the spring: "beside thei feare the retorne of there navie, by reason those seas are often frosen in winter, if the windes should keape them here but twentie daies arriving this moneth in theise partes."

The King, passionate as true lovers be, having heard nothing of the fleet since Lord Dingwall arrived, who parted the first day of her embarking, sent Colonel Stewart to sea on the 28th to understand what he can of the fleet and bring him some comfort; "by this daie, with the wind he had, he is upon the costes of Norwaie," but if it change not, he must be slow in returning, and it is so strong that they can send no messenger from those parts.

pp. Draft. In Asheby's hand.

Ib. fol. 93.

Another copy of the same.

229. James Murray to Walsingham. [Oct. 2.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 361.

"I have oft and divers tymes heirtofoir burden[ed] zour honour in my affairis, quhais ayde and sure freindschip I have, mair of zour honouris courtasie and gude favour borne to me than of my . . . (fn. 1) esperance of the continewance of zour gude affectioun as experience mak . . . I have taken the baldnes humblie to imploir zour honouris help in my advis a . . . be offerit. Zour honour will pleas wndirstand I have oftymes befoir writtin . . . the incourtasie ressavit be me of the governouris of court for the tyme being abo[ut his] majestie my maister, specialie James Stewart, sumtyme callit Erlle of Arrane, and [his] confidderatis in debarring me fra my charge in his majesteis service, wardit a . . . but just caus or mereit on my parte be commiteing eny capitall cryme . . . sie reward gevin me, bot rather apone malice and evill will consavit . . . syspecting me to be the Quenis majesteis favorar, and that I professit hir . . . quhilk wes thocht ane caus sufficient be thame to seclude me his majes[teis] . . . Quhilkis injureis I have patientlie abiddin till it sall plais God . . . same, quhilk I trust be tyme to sie put in executioun."

"Now it will p[lais zour] honour, seing hir majestie is to direct the Erle Lyncon in this cuntrie, th . . . will tak apone zow to treat at hir majesteis handis for me, that ane letter . . . in my favouris or wtherwayis as hir majestie sall pleas be direct to the se . . ., that seing I have sustenit sic injurie and wrang for hir caus debarrit fra my service, that I may be repossessit agane, becaus Sir Williame . . . presentlie possessis the said office is to be promoittit to gritter honour."

"A . . . honour and service lyis in the power of sic ane as me to do hir majestie . . . experience sall follow at my utirmest. I doubt noct bot hir majestie will in . . . gud-will to me in this my honest and ressonable sute, for his saik quha pro . . . that place in his hienes service, I mene my deir kynsman of gude m[emory] Erle of Murray, quhome of hir majestie had experience of gudwill towart . . . alsu a writtin ane lettre to hir majestie tuiching this my sute quhairof it p . . . ressave the copie; and gif it sall pleas zour honour the same be presentit, I remit it to zour honouris wisdome; howbeit I be tedious and langsum, quhairby zour honowr hes occasioun to fasche in reding of the same."

"I am bauld and hamelie to burdene zour honour and to imploir zour help . . . honest sute. I doubt noct zour honour sall accept and tak the same in gude [part], as of him quhome zour honour hes creddeit to command at his wtirmest . . . zour honour. Quhatsaevir freindschip zour honour professis to me it sall noct . . . ingrat or wnthankfull persone." [Signature decayed.]

1 p. No flyleaf or address.

230. William Asheby to Walsingham. [Oct. 2.]

At the writing of his last letters, of September 27th, there was hope of some news of the Princess of Denmark, for the wind was favourable two or three days together, but the 28th at night it turned south-west, which dashed all hope. The King is as a lover "distracte with a wourld of passionat cogitacions," having heard nothing since her embarking on September 1st. She has been thirty days at sea, and no bark come from the fleet to advertise what state she is in: some ships are lately arrived here that parted six days after the Queen's embarking; they bring no news of the fleet, but guess that she is driven into the Sounds of Norway. "On Sondaie the 28 the King sent Coronell Steward to the sea, who by this is on the cost of Norwaie, to search for the fleet, and to retorne with such expedicion as the wether will give him leave." Monsieur Buzenval arrived here yesterday. The King is at Craigmillar, so it will probably be Sunday ere he have audience. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

1 p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

231. Persons coming with Princess Anne of Denmark. [Oct.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 97.

"Piter Monck, greate admerall of Denmark, and one of the four governors. N. Brave of the privie concell. N. Romsaw, the stateholder of Helfterstone, one of the privye concell. Henry Goldensterne, admyrall of the flete, wherin ther is ordayned 18 of the King's shipps. Accompaigned with a nomber of gentelmen of good parentaige and credite in ther trayne."

½ p.

232. Walsingham to William Asheby. [Oct. 5.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 105.

Whereas by my last despatch I gave you to understand that Mr. Vice-Chamberlain's letter was sent to Lord Scrope to be conveyed to him, it has fallen out that Lord Scrope has returned it, and therefore I send it here enclosed to you to be delivered to him. From the court. Signed: "Fra: Walsyngham."

Postscript—"I send you herewith all such occurrents as I have this day receaved out of Fraunce."

½ p. Addressed. Indorsed.

233. William Ashbey to Walsingham. [Oct. 8.]

Writes an account of the rumours of the princess's arrival, that the Earl of Lincoln may dispose his journey thereafter. The wind continues flat contrary, and so strong as no vessel can make hitherward to bring news. The King sent Colonel Stewart on September 28th to seek the fleet; he had a good wind to carry him thither, but holding in the same corner it keeps him back. The fear of some disaster is increased by two ominous chances, as they are here interpreted: "th'on upon her embarking a greate pece in the admiral's ship brake in shoting, and killed tow or thre of the gonners; th'other chance was here in the Firth, a boote passing the 7th of Sept. from Burntisland, in Fiffe, towardes Lythe, in the midwaie being under saile and the tempest growing great caried the boote with such force upon a ship which was under seale as the boote sunke presentlie, and almost all the passengers drowned, emongest whom was Madam Kenedie which was with the late Quene in England, and divers other gentlewemen and marchantes of Edenbrowghe to the nomber of fourtie perished, with plate and riche hangings which was all lost."

The King, passionate with long delay, flies to God, commanding public fast and prayer, hoping for good news upon Colonel Stewart's return; whereof Walsingham shall be advertised within four days after his arrival, if the posts do their duty. Edinburgh. October 6. Signed: W. Asheby.

First Postscript—Kept this letter hoping for Colonell Stewart's return with news. The wind turned to the south-east yesterday; if it continue, there will be some certainty in what state the princess has been since September 1st. This morning he received Walsingham's packet with the enclosed to Monsieur Buzenval, who had audience on Saturday, and means to take leave in a day or two, and return on the 13th instant. Edinburgh. 8th October. Signed: W. Asheby.

Second Postscript—He imparted the French news to the King at Craigmillar, who joys to hear of it, and wishes the King a glorious victory against the Leaguers.

3 pp. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

234. William Asheby to Burghley. [Oct. 8.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 414.

"The rumours geven out, right honourable, of the princes [ar]rivall, and those assured in England for certein, causes me now to writ to your lordship, having [no] newse thereof, that the Earl of Lincolne m[ay] dispose of his journey hitherwardes there . . . (fn. 2) " The wind has continued south and south-west since the princess's first embarking, which are flat contrary, and have been so strong as no vessel could come to bring news. "The King lyeth at Cragmillar, hard by Edenbrowghe, retyred, and as a kind lover spends the t[yme] in sighing till he heare of the retorne of [Coronell] Steward, whom he sent to the sea the [28] of the last moneth, to the cost of Norway to seek out the fleet; whose retorne is dai[ly] expected and wished for, that his heighnes might understand some good newse of [his] love and joye." This long uncertainty brings fear of some disaster, that is increased by two ominous chances, as they are here interpreted. "The [one] upon her embarking a great pe[ce in the] amiralles ship brake in shoting and killed tow o[r thre] of the gonners. Th'other chance hapened h[ere] in the Firth: a boote passing from Bru[nt] Island in Fiffe the 8 of Sept. towardes [Lythe], in the midwaie being under saile, and the tempest growing verie great caried th[em] with such force upon a ship under saile as the boote presentlie suncke, and almost a[ll the] passengers drowned; emongest whom was [Madam] Kenedie, who was with the late Quene in Eng[land], and divers gentlewomen and marcha[nts] of Edenbrowghe, to the nomber of fourtie that per[ished], with plate and hangings brought hither f[or] the mariage, which was all lost."

The King, somewhat passionate with these chances, long delay and contrary winds, flieth to God, and commands public fast and prayer. Yesterday the wind changed to the s . . .; if it hold two or three days, there is hope of Colonel Stewart's return with news of the princess. You shall be advertised within four days [of] his arrival if the posts do th[eir] d[uty]. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

pp. Holograph, also address. Indorsed by Burghley.

235. Sir John Selby to William Ashbey. [Oct. 9.] Eg., MSS., 2,598, fol. 107.

Has often troubled Asheby because he could not get justice "nor dayes of trew holden, neither of the Middell Marche of Scotlande nor the Easte Marche." Hears that by Asheby's endeavour both those Wardens had command from the Council of Scotland to meet and do justice. The Warden of the East March twice met Selby, and did justice, till they came to a bill of Captain Carye's, "wherat the Scotche Warden stopte." Captain Carye showed the King's letter that he should have justice; the Warden said he had a countermand from the lords of the Council, and would proceed no further in that bill. Proceeded in other bills, and the Scottish Warden promised to acquaint the King and Council with the matter, and give answer at their next meeting. "We apointed a new daye, and the Scotche Warden hathe shott it, to the great hurte of the trew subjectes on bothe sydes." Can get no day of meeting with the Warden of the Middle March: thieves are busy on both sides "and this slack of meetinges gives them good ocasion." If there be not speedy remedy her majesty's subjects are like to suffer great damages, as they have done already. He prays Asheby to deal with the King and Council "that dayes of trew may be kepte and justice ministred," and that he may hear of the proceedings, that he may the better take care of the country and let them understand what they may trust to. Received a letter from Asheby for providing of "cates" for the King's marriage; in his wardenry there is neither fallow deer nor pheasant, but only beef and mutton, and that no better than where Asheby is. Twizell. Signed: Jhon Selbye.

1 p. Addressed. Indorsed.

236. William Asheby to Burghley. [Oct. 10.]

This morning arrived a gentleman of Denmark, with message from the Princess, and is to have audience in the afternoon at one o'clock. In his company is a Scottish gentleman of the Earl Marishal's train, Andrew Synk[l]er by name, who says that the princess is in good health, and her company, but sorely beaten with the seas. She put out twice for this coast, but both times driven back by contrary winds. Divers of the great ships have taken leak and cannot undertake the voyage; they are now a-mending, but their burden is such as without a direct and constant wind—which at this season is uncertain—they cannot hope to recover Scotland.

There is controversy between the Scots and the Danes, the latter seeking to carry her back till next spring, the others importuning her to come aboard their light vessels, which would reach hither without difficulty: the Queen herself is most forward hitherwards. Earl Marishal has sent Colonel Stewart and John Skene into Denmark to solicit her immediate repair hither. It is thought the Danish gentleman is sent to crave light ships of his majesty for the Queen's transportation, and to communicate some other matter to the King. Asheby hopes to learn his embassage and the King's answer this afternoon. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

1 p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

Draft of the same, with addition of the following postscript:—

Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 109.

On Tuesday, the 7th of October, Mr. Sinclair parted from the coast of Norway, where he left the Queen, and landed at Leith on Friday, the 10th, at 4 in the morning.

237. William Asheby to Walsingham. [Oct. 11.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 449.

Yesterday Andrew Sinclair arrived, and with him a Danish gentleman sent from the Queen, who had audience the same day. Encloses information from Mr. Hay, Clerk Register, as to dangers she has passed, her present estate, and resolutions for her transport. They must attend the wind, which has kept the fleet four days since the Queen's embarking, being beaten with storms upon the coast of Norway.

It were well if the carriage came before the depth of winter, "and staie at Barwick till my Lord of Lincolne's comming, who ned . . . (fn. 3) to take his journey before he sh[albe] advertised of the Quenes arrivall, [for] the mariage will not be solemnised . . . twelve daies aftar; in which . . . will be here." The reports of Francis Dacres were false; he carries himself modestly, and reports honourably of her majesty. Signed: W. Asheby.

pp. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.

238. William Asheby to Burghley. [Oct. 12.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 112.

Yesterday arrived Mr. Andrew Sinclair, and with him a Danish gentleman sent from the Queen, who had audience the same day. What dangers she has passed, in what place she now remains, and what is resolved for her transporting hither, this enclosed will tell, from Mr. Alexander Hay, Clerk Register, one well affected to her majesty. There can be no certain time of her arrival, because they must attend the wind, which has kept her fleet these forty days since the Queen's embarking, and beaten it on to the coast of Norway sundry times. It were not amiss if the carriage came before the depth of winter, and stayed at Berwick till the Earl of Lincoln's coming; who need not take his journey before he hear of her arrival, for the marriage will not be solemnised in ten or twelve days after.

"Towchinge Mr. Frauncis Dacres I fynd not that true which is reported of him, but that he carieth himself modestly and reporteth right honorablie of her majestie as becometh a good subject." Edinburgh. Unsigned.

¾ p. Draft.

Enclosure with the same:—

[Intelligence from Alexander Hay.]

"Saturday xj of October 1589."

"Be the report of the gentlemen of Scotland quhilk arrived upon the x day in the morning, it is understand that the Quene and all the flete has bene in greit payne and dangier, having at five severall tymes bene drevin bak be storme and contrarious wyndis, sundrie of the schippis being lek, and specialie that quhairin the Quene wes."

"The Counsell of Denmark thair present deliberat to haif returnit in Denmark, were not the Colonell about the same tyme arrived; quhair the mater being a long tyme disputit, in end it wes remittit to the Quenis awin choice, quha choissit rather to cum forewart nor pas bak."

"Quhairupoun the Colonell and Mr. John Skene wer direct to Denmark to travell, as we heir, that it may be permittit that the Quene sall cum hame in Scottis vesschellis; and a gentleman namyt Stene Bleic send hither with letters to shaw the occasiouns of the stay, quha wes the sam day ressavit."

"And there is purpos taken to send away the Erll Boithuel, admirall, with the reddiest schippis that can be had, to visit the Quene now remanyng, as is reportit, at Ansloe, and yf salbe permittit—wynd and wedder serving—to convey her hither."

"Present dispatche maid to the townis on the coistside of Fiffe, Dundee, and other places, for shippis and mariners."

"The King himself intendis this day to pas to Leyt and remane there quhill he sall see the rigging out and dispatche of the schippis." Unsigned.

1 p. No flyleaf or address.

Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 273.

Copy of the inclosure. Added in Asheby's hand: "It wilbe eight or ten dayes before the shipes wilbe readie to set forward."

239. William Asheby to Burghley. [Oct. 12.]

Received Burghley's letter of the 6th on October 10th. Touching the motion he (Asheby) made for provision out of the Borders, is sorry it should be so mistaken. Did not presume to procure the same of himself, but only propounded the matter to Burghley "without anie progresse ether by promisse or performance here" until her majesty's and Burghley's pleasure were known. Indeed wrote to the Wardens of the Marches, but not to cause them to make any solemn preparation for such a purpose, which he knew the bareness of the Marches could not yield, "but onlie to make staye of such dainties as that countrie doth afford and this doth not," until he knew the Queen's pleasure, being advertised that the Scots, expecting their Queen's immediate arrival, had sent thither to furnish themselves. Thought meeter, if any such preparation came from thence, it should be "acknowledged whence it came, rather then to be smothered as it were in coverte and thankleslie bestowed otherwise"; intending that if any present of that nature were sent, it should be "as a necessarie supplie to there domesticall wantes here, wherewith thei might be overtaken at so short warning, and so to procead as from the good devocion of the King's neighbours her majestie's subjectes there, rather then to come in manner of a prince's present, which, consisting of complementes of that nature, it might seme nether honorable for her majestie to offer nor for this King to receave."

Only propounded the motion, craving Burghley's advice and answer whether such present as might come should be presented in her majesty's name, or as proceeding "of the voluntarie inclinacion of the gentlemen of the Borders for neighborehoode's sake, seing her heighnes gracious disposicion declared otherwise in gracing the King's mariage in most princelie manner."

The red deer sent by the Earl of Derby was hastened by the false alarm of the Queen's arrival, but "it was not so soone as welcome," being here esteemed a delicacy for the manner of baking, which is not used in this country. No oxen are provided by Mr. Vernon or any other: Asheby's motion to him was upon request of Alexander Hay, only to stay such "bevies" as were ordinarily provided for Berwick until he heard from him (Asheby), "and so to the rest of there venisons and other such dainties to the intent before specified, that if her majestie should like of such a mocion, there provicion should not be forestallen by the Scottes"; if otherwise, there should be no hurt done, no promise having been made.

Thanks Burghley for his care of him, and beseeches him to employ his endeavours towards her majesty for the qualifying of her misliking hereof and the continuance of her favour. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby. 12th October '88 [sic: but indorsed 1589].

pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

240. Mr James Colvile to Walsingham [Oct. 12.]

"Being arrivit heir I have directit this present, taking the bauldnes as I have doon ever hitherto to put zour lordship to pains as to caus convey my pacquet to my cousing Mester Jhone. Gif ther var not heir quha can advertis zou better nor I can in al thingis, I vald not spair my pains, nor shal never gif zour lordship think it gud. Gif ze think it necessair, lat me knaw be zour lordship's nixt letter, for I vald esteim my self happie gif I culd do zour lordship ony service. Gif thair cum ony letteris from Scotland to me, I prey zour lordship lat them be send as ony occatione presentis." Dieppe. Signed: James Coluill of Estveimes.

½ p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

241. Burghley to William Asheby. [Oct. 12.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 110.

Your last letters were of the 8th instant, from Edinburgh, at which time there was no knowledge of the Queen's arrival or of the fleet, which maketh her majesty of opinion that she should be stayed till the spring, except these easterly winds have brought her. Her majesty has caused the Earl of Lincoln, her ambassador, and those that are carrying her presents to the King and Queen, to stay on the way until they hear with more certainty of her coming or stay. "From my howse in Westminster." Signed: "W. Burghley."

Postscript in Burghley's handwriting: "I pray you tell Mr. Colvile, how I am here by my promiss engaged to sondry persons to paye them two thousand poundes, which I shuld have payd the 8th of this month: and yet I have his letter to answer the same at the end of two months from the tyme that he receaved that plate. I can not obteyne from her majesty any discharg as yet, so as without some meanes be used from thence by that King's thankes to hir majesty, as though he did receave the hole three thousand poundes of hir gift, I must in honesty paye the same, which I will doo, though I leave not my self a spoone of silver."

1 p. Addressed. Indorsed.

242. Walsingham to William Asheby. [Oct. 13.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 115.

Has received Asheby's letters of the 7th instant, and thereupon wrote to the Earl of Lincoln "to proceed onwardes by smale journies towardes Carlile," and there to await news of the Scottish Queen's arrival. In the mean time Asheby should write to the said Earl of such matters as pass in Scotland for his better instruction. Signed: "Fra: Walsyngham."

Postscript in Walsingham's hand: "The Earl passethe by Carlel in regarde of the infectyon that reygnethe in Nucastell."

½ p. Addressed. Indorsed.

243. William Asheby to [Burghley]. [Oct. 15.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 447.

"Upon the receaving here, right honorable, our m . . . (fn. 4) Stephan Bley, the Danishe gentleman, a[nd] the contentes of his letters perused, it was [de]termined, as I advertised your lordship, that [the] Erll Bothwell should have made to the s . . . and attended the Quene out of Norwaie hi[ther]. Sithence that the Erll is fallen sicke, and . . . this voiage is appointed divers of the Kings principall counsellours, nominatim the Lord Chancellor, the Justice Clerke, the Lord of Dingwell, [the] Provost of Linclowdane, the Lard Carmic[hell], the Lard of Barnbarrough, Sir William Keith [and] Peter Yong, with sundrie other gentlemen of [the] Kings house, such as are ordinarilie the ner[est] attendant on his parson: which makes some [of] the discretest here suspect that the [King] haith a resolucion to hazard his owne pa[rson] in the voiage, purposing to embarque h . . . secretlie to avoide such disturbance as [were] likelie to arise if his determinacion w[ere] publicklie knowen." It will be known within two or three days, if the wind serve. Signed: W. As . . .

1 p. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.

Draft of the same.

Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 122.

244. Alexander Hay to [William Asheby]. [Oct. 15.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 121.

"Zour lordschip hes bene sa lang acquaynted with this estait, that ze ar not ignorant of the conditioun of the officeris and counsellouris, of whome as I am the meanest, sa have I never presumed curiouslie to inquer further then simpillie I wes directit, and least of all in this purpos ze wrait, quhairof I can affirme na thing, bot abydis behalding quhat sall fall out. For quhaevir croce the seys, I think it salbe lang before I be employed in sic ane erand."

"The cheif personis that I think preparis ar the Chancellair, the Lord Dingwell, quha wes thair afoir, the Justice Clerk, the provost of Linclouden, the Lard of Carmichell, Sir Williame Keith, the Lard of Barmbarrauch, Maister Peter Zoung, with sundrie gentilmen of the Kingis hous."

"For my opinioun I think as zour lordschip dois, bot am far from place of geving advise in materis of sic importance: praying God to send his majestie happy succes in his proceidingis quhatsoevir." Leith. Signed: A. Hay.

1 p. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.

245. Alexander Hay to William Asheby. [Oct. 16.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 123.

"I beseke zow apardoun me that I forbeare to deale or gif ony advise or jugement in this mater, quhilk is sa fer above my reache that in guid fayt I dar not medle in it in sport or earnest. I think gif zour lordschip wer in my present cace in England, yow wold gif me being a Scott the like answer. And sa in simplicite I besek zow urge me noct in thingis that althoch I heir thame I dar not trust thame, specialie finding our materis and resolutionis subject to sa mony alterationis that he quha wald gadder occurrentis on thame mycht procuir unto him self the title of a very incertaine reportair, I will noct say lear. For my selff I rest upoun the event, and further can not say at this present." Leith. Signed: A. Hay.

¾ p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

246. James VI. to Elizabeth. [Oct. 17.]

"Thair came of late a subject of zours in our realme and to oure presence named Frances Dacres, lamenting his miserie and sorrowfull estait; how that being the sone of a nobleman that had proceidit of ane ancient race in England, and deservid weill of zow and zour worthy progenitouris thair soverains, wes be the offensis of his brother, and not be ony offens committit be himself, drevin fra the ancient inheritance of the hous of Dacres and utheris landis that accressit thairto, with sic possessionis quhairof he had his lyvelood; being in daunger alswa of imprisonment for sowmes recovered agains him in attendance of thay suittis, not being in his habilitie to pay, that he hazardit to repair in our realme and to mik sute to ws to be ane intercessour for him at zour handis. Quhairin we had na greit liking at the first to be a medlair, knawing how little princes ar accustomat to like of requeistis maid in the behalf of thair subjectis; bot efter we had informed our selff of the estait of his caus, and that the occasionis thairof ar sa weill knawin unto zour selff be his awin letter sent zow at his depairting furth of England, and na uther caus ayther allegit or knawin to ws, we perswadit ourselff that ze wald not only be pleased to accept our sute and requeist in gude pairt, bot favorablie to respect the same for our sake. The summe of quhais petitionis followis. First that it may be zour guid pleser to grant him, his sone, and servandis. thair pardoun for cuming furth of England without zour licence, the rather for our requeist, and that the causes of his said depairture ar sa weill knawin unto zow be his awin letter, as indeid thair is na uther caus allegit or knawin to ws. Nixt restis the consideratioun and pretijng of his caus, quhilk, according to his informatioun, standis thus. Ze have possessioun be the attendre of his brother Leonard of landis to the valu of nyne hundreth pund sterling, quhilkis landis quhairin ze are now intitulat, being the ancient landis of the Dacres, stand maist cleir to him be his faderis tailie gif his brotheris offences quhairof he is innocent had not bene. The dignitie and title of honour wer intailled in the tyme of zour worthy progenitour King Edward the fourth to the airis maill. And sa be the offences of the brether of this Frances the landis ar in zour curtesie. Edward Dacre, the other brother of this Frances, had landis of the valu of ane hundreth merkis be zeir, quhilkis ze haif bestowed on Sir Henry Knevett, quhilkis landis wer befoir the offence conveyed to this Frances, howbeit he could not find the conveyance till within this twelf moneth, sa that the tyme of his challenge thairunto is past be a lait statute, thogh otherwayes he had guid richt. And as he is informit all the befoir rehersed landis with the title of honour ar cleir to him gif the said lait statute sen his brotheris departure wer not; for the landis of Dacres quhilkis cam be Sir James Stranguishe and wer in the possessioun of Leonard Dacre liand in Zorkschyre and Northumberland they ar allegit to be maist cleir to this Frances be taillie quhilk his father maid. And howbeit ze had thame in possessioun evir sen the depairture of Leonard, zit it is thocht zour titill endit fyve zeiris syne, at quhilk tyme his brother died, and that ze haif na cullour of title to thay landis, as gif zour pleser wer to call Maister Justice Perron and Maister Justice Waunslay befoir zow thay twa could satisfie zow thairin."

"Sum other landis were in contraversie betuix the lait Erll of Arrundell now attainted, the Lord Williame his brother, and this Frances, quhilkis ar namyt the Graystockis landis, and sum pairt of the Dacres landis; to quhilkis albeit ze can not mak challenge, notwithstanding wes he put frome his possessioun of sum pairt of thay landis befoir his depairting furth of England."

"Now for the first theis our requeist for him is, that it wald pleas zow not to tak advantage of his broderis offences in owerthrawing that ancient hous, the heritouris quhairof in this name hes bene sa lang loyall servandis to zour auncesters, bot according to the conveyance maid be the fader of this Frances the landis may succeid, considdering they ar not forfaltit be him or be any his offences committit be him or his meanis; as also for that thay landis fallis not to zow be the commoun lawes of England bot be the said late statute quhilk we mon eirnestlie crave sall tak na effect upoun him. And for that it is thocht ze can pretend na guid title to the Stranguishe landis, that ze will restoir him thairto, ay and quhill he be lawfullie callet and put thairfra, as alswa that he may be restorit to the Graystockis landis and full possessioun thairof, unto sic tyme as tryell be tane of the titles of the saidis lait Erll of Arundell, his brother, and the said Frances, as also to utheris of the Dacres landis that ar not in the concealment."

"Thies his sutes as he hes informit ws we haif thocht convenient als specialie to remember in this our letter, that we may the better louke to ressave zour gude and speciall aunser heirof to his relief and confort; as we sall thankfullie retene in mynd a benefit shawin for our respect and caus, and salbe na les willing to aunser any to be maid be zow gif at any tyme ze sal have occasioun to put ws to pruif." Leith. Signed: James R.

1 large p. Addressed. Indorsed by Burghley.

247. William Asheby to Burghley. [Oct. 18.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 412.

By your letter of the 13th, which I received this morning, I see the news of the Queen could not be with you at the date of your last to me; but ere this you understand by my letters of the 10th, 12th and 15th what d[angers] the princess hath past, how oft driven back by southwesterly winds upon the coast of Norway, where she remains till she hear from Denmark and from this King, having sent word of her estate to both places. The ships I mentioned have put out of Leith harbour into the road, and provisions in readiness; they shall make away this day or tomorrow.

Bothwell is recovered from his surfeit, and is malcontent that he being . . . (fn. 5) is not employed in this sea service. "The Kinge seinge his purpose halfe discovered, and misdoubting what tumultes maie growe there u[pon], geveth out by vehement assercions that he intendeth no such matter as to hazard his pers[on] in the voiage; and the Chancellor, who standeth stro[ngly] suspected and charged at all handes to be the principall adviser herein, protesteth by all [he] maie that he is utterlie unacquainted . . . such resolucion in his majestie, and that his heighnes [con]cealeth his meaning herein from him."

Yesternight the King appointed a strong watch in . . . and Edinburgh to appease such disturbances as may arise upon this opinion of his embarking, to be continued till the . . . be made forth; some affirm that he will go, others no such matter: great inconvenience must follow if he were absent but a month.

Mr. Colvile has retired to his house for a few days. He acquainted me with that your honour mentioned in the end of your letter, and told me her majesty should hear from the King very shortly to show his grateful mind for her liberality; and he will also thank your lordship for your fatherly care.

It is uncertain when we shall see the Queen; she may stay in Norway, or return to Denmark, or come hither, for anything we know.

"I have written to my Lord of Lincolne that he maie repose himself where he thinkes good t[ill] the certeintie be here of her arrivall, whereof thei begin here to doubt before the spr[ing]." Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

Unfinished draft of the same.

Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 125.

248. James VI. to the Lord Chancellor. [Oct. 19.] Add. MSS., 23,241, fol. 29.

"I thocht not to haue urettin to you at this tyme, bot to haue remittid all my directionis to the sufficiencie of this bearare, uarr not the inconsiderat importunitie of this Maister of Glammes, quha, as a man cairless of me and onlie louaire of him self, pressis be all meanes uith his conuocationis for dayes of lau to interrupt and truble this tyme onlie dedicatt for my honoure: ueill thir faconis are intollerabill in subiectis quhais prince meritis sa ueill at thaire handis alluaye. This and all other thingis I remitt to the sufficiencie of this bearare as I have said, quhom ye may frelie credit, for I haue amplie aneuch informid him in all thingis. And as for siluer, in guide faith I ame making all the schift I can, bot I darr promeis nathing, this uarlde is sa false. For yett not to make presentlie, euin the morne, a proclamation to be proclamit throuch all Skotlande dischairging under paine of deade all conuocationis ather for dayes of lau, teindis, turfis, posessionis of cornis or comonountie, alsueill in respect of my order taine the last yeir in a convention thair about as be reason of this extraordinair tyme, and this to induire quhill the tuentie daye of October next betuixt; and the quhilke it sall promeis in the uorde of a prince that I sall sett doune a solide order to be folloued in all tymes cumming be the subiectis heirin, assuring all the contrauenaires heirof that I uill accoumpt thaim as hinderairis of my mariage and euilluillaris of any succession that euer I soulde haue; and lett this be proclaimid in Edinburghe the morne uithout faill. Fairueill. Urittin this Soundaye at nicht in haist." Signed: James R.

Postscript—" Johne Gibb remember on me at this tyme nou or neuer."

1 p. Holograph. Addressed: "To our Chancellor."

249. Discourse of James VI. on taking his Voyage. [Oct. 20]. Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 134. Printed in The Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, IV. 427-9; and in Papers relative to the Marriage of James VI. . . . Ban. Club, pp. 12-16.

"In respect I know that the motion of my voyage at this time wilbe diverslie scanned upon, the misinterpreting whereof may tend as well to my great dishonor as to the wrongous blame of innocentis, I have thereupon bene moved to set downe this present declaration with my owne hand, hereby to resolve all gude subjectis, first, of the causes breafely that moved me to take this purpose in head, and next, in what fashion I resolvid my self thereof."

"As to the causes, I doubt not it is manyfestly knowen to all, how farr I was generally fownd falt with by all men for the delaying so long of my mariage. The reasons were, that I was alone, without father or mother, brother or sister, king of this realme and aire apparrant of England."

"This my nakednesse made me to be weak and my enimies stronge; one man was as no man, and the want of hope of succession breades disdaine; yea, my long delay bread in the breastes of mony a great jolousie of inhabilitie as if I were a barron stock,"

"These reasons, and innumerable others howerlie objected, moved me to hasten the treatie of my mariage: for as to my owne nature, God is my witnesse I could have absteined longer nor the weill of my patrie could have permitted. I am knowen, God be praised, not to be verie interperatlie [sic] rashe nor conceatid in my weightiest affaires, nether use I so to be caried away with passion as I refuse to here reason."

"This treatie then beinge perfited, and the Quene my bedfellow cuming on hir journey, how the contrarious windes stayed hir and where she was driven it is more then notorious to all men, and that it was necessariely conclu[d]ed by the astates that it behoved necessariely to be performed this year, I remitt it to your selfes who concluded the same in the springe at th'earle Marshalls derecting. The word then comminge to me that she was stayed from cuming through the notorious tempestes of windes, and that hir shippes were not able to perfect hir voyage this yeare, throwgh the great hurt they had received,—remembring my self of hir inhabilitie on thone part to cum, and of the foresaid resolution of th' estates on the other, the like whereof I had oft solempnitlie avowed, I, upon the instant, yea verie moment, resolved to make possible on my part that which was impossible on hirs."

"The place where I resolved this in was Cragmillar, not one of the whole Counsell being present their. And as I take this resolution onelie of my self, as I am a trew prince, so advised with my self onelie what way to follow fourth the same."

"Whereupon I thought first to have had the culler of th' erle B[oth]well parting, whome first I imployed to have maid his voyage, as well in respect of his office as likewyse the rest of the Councell being absent all that hole daie after I came to Edenbrowghe, the Chauncellor and Justice Clark being yet unretorned owt of Lauder, and the whole rest of the officers of estate being all at your howse, the Clerk of Regester onelie except."

"B[ut], from I saw this voyage impossible to be perfected by th' erle Bothwell, in respect of the costes he had bestowed upon the preparations of my mariage, whereby he was unable to make it with such expedition and honour all [sic: as] the estate of that affair and his persoun did requier, I was then forced to seak sum other way and to abyde the Councell assembling."

"Who being convenit [f]and such difficulties in reckning owt a nomber of shippes for hir convoy, for so I geve it owt who should be the persons of the ambassa[age], as I was compelled, to make them the more earnest, to avow in great vehemencie that, if they could be gotten no other to gang, I should go my self alone, if it were but in one shipp: but if all men, said I, had bene aswell willed as became them, I neaded not be in that straiet."

"These speaches moved the Chancellor, upon thre respectes, to make his offer of goinge: first, taking those speaches of evell will unto him, because all men knowes how he hath bene this long time sclandered for over great slawnes in the matter of my mariage; next, his zeale to my service, seing me so earnest; and last, the feare he had that I should have performed my speaches if no better could have bene."

"From the time of their making of this offer I have ever kept my intention of my goinge as close as possible I could from all men, because I thought ever it was enoughe for me to put my foot in the ship when all thinges were readie without sparinge of further. And as I kept it cloce generallie from all men, so I say upon my honor, I kept it so from the Chanclor as I was never wont to do any secreates of my weightiest affaires, two reasons moving me thereto. First, because I knew that if I had maid him on the councell therof he had bene blamed of putting it in my head, which had not bene his dewtie, for it becomes no subject to geve princes advise in such matters; and therfore remembring what invious and unjust burding he daylie beares for leading me be the nose, as it were, to all his appetites, as if I were an unreasonable creature or a barne that could do nothing of my self, I thought petie then to be th' occasion of the heaping of further unjust sclander upon his head."

"The other reasons were, that as I perceaved it was for staying of me that he maid the offer of his going, so was I assured that upon knowledge of my going he would ether altogeather have stayed himself, or at least lingered as long as he could, thinking it over great a burden to him to undertake my convoy, as I know upon the rumors of my goinge he hath said no les to sundry of his frendes."

"This far I speake of his part, as well for my honor's sake, that I be not unjustlie sclandered as an [ir]resolute asse who can do nothing of him self, as also that the honesty and innocencie of that man be not unjustlie and untrewlie reproched."

"And as for my part, what moved me ye may judge by that which I have alreadie said, besydes the shortnes of the waie, the suretie of the passage, being cleane of all sandes, farlandes or such like dangers, the harbers in thesse partes so sure, and no forraine fleetes resorting upon these seas."

"It is my pleasure then that no man grudge or murmor at these my proceadinges, but let everie man live a peacable and quiet life without offending of anie, and that all men confirme himself to the directions in my proclamacion which may [sic: quhill my] returne, which I promise, so God willing, within the space of twenty dayes, winde and weather serving. Let all men assure themselves that whosoever contraries my directions in my absence I will thinke it a sufficient proofe that he beares no love towardes me in his hart; and by the contra[ry], these will I onelie have respect to at my returne that reverences my commandement and will in my absence."

"Farewell. James Rex."

"Clark of Register, it is my will that this declaracion be registred for the more force and attentivenesse (fn. 6)."

pp. Copy. Indorsed by Asheby: "The King's discourse for taking his voyage."

Another copy of the same.

Harl. MSS., 4,647, fol. 138b.

Another copy of the same, but dated 22 October.

Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 136.

250. The Earl of Lincoln to William Asheby. [Oct. 21.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 127.

Received his letters on the 1st of October, but none since, save such as were sent by the lords of the Council which Asheby had written to them. Desires Asheby to direct his letters to Sir Richard Maliverer, sheriff of Yorkshire, who lieth hard by the post way, where the Earl has left his carriages and some of his men, or to the post at Doncaster "for that I have left order with my servants whom I left purposly in that towne to bryng youre lettres with speed, fyndyng that where I lye out of the post way they are eather slowly brought to me or not at all by the posts."

Sees by Asheby's letters of October the 11th, received from Walsingham, that the princess is not looked for till ships go out of Scotland and return; whereupon he has resolved to retire to Lincoln, leaving his carriages and people at Doncaster and Allerton, and the gentlemen at York; being ready upon advertisement to return with speed. Desires Asheby to see that he be lodged well and near the court, and to think of anything fit for him which he may himself not remember. Doncaster. Signed: H. Lyncoln.

¾ p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

251. [William Asheby] to [James VI.]. [Oct. 21.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 129.

"The care I have of your estates makes me the more bould to acquaint your majestie with a feare crept into manie mens myndes that your heighnes is determined secretlie to embarque, and to hasard your parson in this fleete sent by your grace's commaundment to convoie hither the Queen, your love and joye. This resolucion, if you go foreward with it, will greatlie amase your good and faithfull subjectes, and make the wourld judge your grace rather a passionate lover then a circumspect prince, that will in this season comit yourself to so great hazard and danger, seing your presence in this accion can nether commaund the windes, nor rule the raging sea, nor bring hither that yong princess the souner."

"Remit all to God, and have pacience a while, and your majestie shall heare in few daies, by the good care and diligence of those honorable parsons now to be imploied, of that swete and gracious yong ladies safe arrivall here, to your heighnes great joie and the contentment of all your good and faithfull subjectes." Unsigned.

1 p. Draft in Asheby's hand.

Another draft of the same

Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 130.

252. James VI. to Asheby. [Oct. 22.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 132.

"Upon the difficulties objected towarde the transporting hither of the Queen our spous in this season, we have taken present deliberatioun to repair to Norwaie our self, whare, God willinge, our tary shall not be longe, winde and weather servinge. Were not the trust we have that our dearest sister the Queen, your soveraigne, sall take this our jorney in the best part, we had not interprised the same with so few a nomber of smale shippes. But as the principall matter hath proceded from the begininge with her good likeinge and advise, so doubt we not of her favorable interpretacioun of this our peregrination. We intended to have written to her our letters of thankes for that good aunswer which we received of late by Mr. John Colvin, but the time not servinge to write at lengthe, we thought best to remit the writinge of all together to a better lasure at our retorninge or souner as it shall please God to offer the commoditie, and to commit the makinge of our excuse to you, which we desire you effectuuslie to do in our most hertie manner." Leith.

2/3 p. Copy. Addressed. Indorsed.

253. James VI. to [Lord Scrope]. [Oct. 22.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 443.

"Trustye and welbeloved cosin we grete you hartelye. Upon occacion of the impedimentes objected towarde the trans[porting] hether of the quene our spous in this season, we have ta[ken] present purpose to passe to Norroway our self, wher she presentlie remaynes, and wher, God willinge, our tarrye shalbe ver[y] . . . (fn. 7) wynde and wether servinge. In the meane tyme we have . . . our will how thinges shalbe governed in our absence, and sp[ecially] conserninge the kepinge of good reule on the borders, ha[ving] committed the chefe care and oversight of them to our cosing Lord Hammelton, a nobleman verye well effected to jus[t] interteyninge of the amitie betwixt the realmes, and the . . . haith derected and admonished the Lord Maxwell with the ot[her] noblemen, barrons, and gentilmen, inhabitinge the whole Marches, specialye that our Westmarches foranenst you, to take special . . . that the committinge of disorders by ther men and depe[ndents] be left of and forborne, and quietnes and good neighberhode [be] kept, princypallye till our returninge, that we may res . . . establishe the justiciarie and wardanrie their, beinge c . . . upon necessarye respectes to take Carmichaell, present officer, in [our] awne companie. Wherefore our lippyninge ys accordinge to . . . accustomed good will for kepinge of the peace and amitie e . . . declared, that you will do your uttermost indevoure . . . the quietness and restrayne the trublesome men under your . . . by your auctority and wisdome att this tyme, as also to cause the people under your rewll to stande the better on ther awn . . . in case our disorderte subjectes wolde take occacioun upo[n our] absence to make further breake. Wherin we doubte no[t] . . . shall be verye acceptable seruice to the Quene your sovera[yne our] dearest sister, and to us yt wilbe right thankfull . . ."

1 p. Copy. No flyleaf or address. Indorsement illegible.

254. [William Asheby] to Burghley. [Oct. 22.] Cott. Calig. D. I., fol. 408.

"I find that Mr. Fowler doth not "ορθοποδειν," as I will acquaint your honour at larg heareafter. In the meane while your lordship is so to use and trust him as your honour be not abused by his craftie dealing. He makes you beleave that no man knowes of his writing, but he followes the Chancellors advise, and acquaints him with his letters, and shewes himself a right Scott, for that he dare not retorne to his countrie. His cariage here haith ben such, and so hate[d] popularlie, as in the Kinges absence he dare [not] come abrode, or keape his house in Caniga[te], but haith gotten himself lodged with the captein of the castell. He will not stike to give out that it is for the service of his cou[ntry], whereof he haith small regard, as your honour shall further understand at my retorne."

Bothwell begins to show himself ready to do her majesty any service, and desires hereafter to be thought of as he shall deserve. He showeth great kindness to our nation, using her majesty's players and canoniers with all courtesy.

1 p. Holograph. Signature decayed. Addressed. Indorsed.

255. Proclamation Made in Edinburgh. [Oct. 22.] Cf. The Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, IV., 424-7, and Papers relative to the Marriage of James VI., Ban. Club, pp. 3-11.

"A collection of the speciall pointes of the proclamacion publiquely made at the market crosse in Edenburgh the morrow after the Kinges embarquing."

1. "A declaracion of his majesties private and proper resolucion to enterprise this viage in his owne person, which he hath taken upon speciall consideracion of the hurte and danger that may growe to his estate by delay of the consummacion of the mariage; as also in respecte of his requisite and decent correspondence in all good affection and kindnes towards the Queen his lady, having endured such travaile and undergone such dangers for the enjoyinge of his love and presence as she hath."

2. "A diligent commemoracion of his majestes due care had of the government of his realme duringe the uncertaine space of his absence, which induced him of his owne mere and voluntary mocion, without advise taken of any his councellours or other subjectes whatsoever, to set downe in writinge his majestes francke resolucion, will, and minde, which he will have to take place for the administracion of his country till his returne whensoever; notwithstanding a late president of longer want of any established government in this realme, which continued from the death of the Queen Regent his gudam till the arrivall of the Queen his mother out of France, to the full space of 14 moneths: all which time there was so quiet and peaceable an estate continued here, as never the like at any time in the best government whensoever before or since. Upon which example his highnes might as probably have presumed of the like tranquillity for so small a season, had not his exceding tender care and princelie regarde of the weale and safetie of his liege subjectes prevailed with him, even in the extremity and heate of his most impacient passions, to geve particular directions for their securitie and good regiment in most carefull maner as followeth."

3. "The ordinary Privy Councel to remaine at Edenburgh: the Duke of Lennox to be president therof, accompanied with the Earl Bothuel, admirall, who is to make continuall abode with the said Duke, together with the barons and landed men of Louthian, Fife, Sterlinshire and Stratherne; which being divided into four quarters, every quarter to attend the Duke at Edenburgh for fifteen daies in course, beginninge with Louthian; the Earl Bothuel havinge in charge to see the said attendance geven at all handes in due sorte."

"Item, the whole officers of estate to attend continually on the Councel at Edenburgh."

"Item, the Lord Threasurer or his depute, the Comptroller, Master of Requestes, Lord Privy Seale, Capten of Edenburgh Castle, the Lard of Ormeston, the King's Advocate, and the Clerke of the Register, or five of them at the least, to be allwaies present at Councell with the Duke and the Earl Bothuel."

"For the nobilitie resident, the Earles of Anguse and Athol, with the Lords Fleming and Invermeith, to attend and remaine together the first fifteen daies. And the Erls of Marre and Murton, with the Lords Seton and Yeaster, to remaine together here the next fifteen daies; and so the former four to renue their residence, and theis to succede in course four and four."

"All matters incident to the hearring of the Privy Councel to be thus heard at Edenburgh, where in pointes of difficultie they may and ar to require advise of the Lordes of the Session, who also ar to convene at their termes appointed for the due ministracion of justice in all causes, excepting only such causes and cases as shall happen in the south partes, being committed to the charge of the Lord John Hamilton as followeth."

4. "The oversight and commandement of all the south partes within the boundes of the three wardenries and the whole sherivedome of Lannerike committed to the Lord John Hamilton, to be assisted and advised by the Earl of Glencarne, the Lordes Boyde, Maxwel, Heres, Hume, the Lard of Sesford, and other the cheife barons within the boundes of the Marches, at all suche times as he shall thinke meete to require and imploy them."

"All Border matters to be heard and determined by him. To that intent he to make abode at Jedburghe or Dunfrise as occasion shall require. His charges to be borne by the King, and he the first man to be paied out of the readiest of the taxacion—appointed for furtherance of the mariage—by Mr. John Colvil collectour."

5. "If any thinge fall out that shall necessarilie require the advise of the whole nobilitie and Councell, that then the Duke and the Lord Hamilton, with the Councel and their assistantes for the time present, shall convene, treate, deliberate, conclude, and put in execucion whatsoever they shall see convenient for the Kinges honour and service and the common weale."

6. "The burghows, aswell others as this of Edenburgh, to kepe them selves in order, suffering none to resort into them with convocacion or in armour, and to be ready to kepe watche and warde for that effecte, as they shalbe directed by the Councell."

7. "A request to the ministers earnestly to pray for the good successe and returne of his majesty and the Queen and hir company; to put the people in mind of their duties toward God and their prince; to eschue all occasions of troble and dissention among them selves, etc."

"Geven under our signet at Leith the xxijth of October Anno Domini 1589, regni nostri 23. Per Regem."

2 pp. Abstract. Indorsed.

Copy of the same.

Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 173.

256. William Asheby to Elizabeth. [Oct. 23.]

Encloses letters from the King to himself signifying his grateful acceptance of her princely liberality, which as he thankfully acknowledges has been always extended to him; "wherewith of late it pleased your majestie to grace the manneging of his mariage now instant" in such ample manner as he will never forget. The King defers his own letters to her majesty, excusing himself by want of leisure, but the real cause is "a passionate extremitie of an impacient affection towardes his love and ladie," committing him self and all his hopes "Leanderlike to the waves of the ocean, and all for his beloved Eroes sake."

Lest he (Asheby) prosecutes this excuse too far, he refers her majesty to the King's letter to him. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

2 pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

257. William Asheby to Sir Thomas Heneage. [Oct. 24.]

Received in a packet from Walsingham a letter from Heneage to Frances Dacres, who has been in Edinburgh some few weeks. Dacre's behaviour here is that of a good subject of her majesty; he has acquainted her with his leaving his house and country, and desires the continuance of Heneage's favour. Encloses letters brought to him (Asheby) from the King the day after the latter's embarking. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

Postscript—Touching the order left by the King for government during his absence, refers to advertisements sent to the Queen.

1 p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

258. James Hudson to Walsingham. [Oct. 24.]

"Becaws Mr. Colveil haeth writtin to your honour the efect of things present in this estaett and also haeth informid hir majestes imbasador thereof, I forbear to truble your honor ther with, only this: it apearith that truble wil aryes hear, and that shortly, but the best is the most turbolent man hear wil have his horns so well keptt in by the Lord Hom that he wilbe abil to doe nothinge in his owin person unles he stur up Bakcleuch and other suche evill men. I have staed from this jorney for suche reassons as I shal maek knowen to your honor. Mr. Fowler is in the castel of Edinborow with his good frend the lard of Coldonknowes, captayne therof, for Bothwel is his unfrend."

"If ther be no other cawes knowen to your honour then that whiche he ether deservith or is knowen to me, I must under your honor's corecsyon mervel that your honors acustomid favor and clemensse is with drawen from him, as paertly apeareth by your honors long sylence. It is only your honors favor that he buildith and restith upon, and in secret he haeth soar lamentid to me the fear he consavith of the loss therof. Signed: J. Hudson.

Postscript—"I must humble prae your honour to prove my lord Theasurer if his lordship wil grant me the parsel of wood your honor movid him in for me, which I have left with Mr. Thomas Sanders his servant Ingram. Mr. Fowler is not indettid to hir majeste, unless my lady Lester mak hir det the Quein's."

pp. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

259. Lord Scrope to William Asheby. [Oct. 26.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 138.

"I have this daye received your letter advertisinge the Kinges jorney towardes Norwaye, whereof I was by others informed, but could hardly credyte the same before the cominge of yours to my handes, for the which I hartely thanke you, prayinge that as any other matter shall succeede hereof you will make me acquainted." Carlisle. Signed: H. Scrop.

½ p. Addressed. Indorsed.

260. Burghley to William Asheby. [Oct. 29.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 141.

Has received three letters from him since the King's departure from Scotland, and the Queen is pleased with his diligence. Is glad that the south of Scotland is committed to Lord Hamilton, but sorry that the Duke is made president of the Council, and Bothwell next after him, "whereby it is to be feared that some stirrs and trobles maye be moved in the Kinges absence by the papistes and that faction." Asheby must do what he can to keep things there "in as good estate as they were lefte," and should deal with the clergy that they may endeavour to stay any mutinies and uproars. "To which end also her majestie meanes verie shortlie to write her selff to the Lord Hammilton to have a speciall regard thereof." Westminster. Signed: W. Burghley.

Postscript in Burghley's handwriting: The French King is in the suburbs of Paris and the Duke of Maine sick. Nemours commands the army. "I do conceave by the late westerly wyndes that the Scottish King is afor this tyme in Norwaye; but if the wyndes come not esterly befo Martillmas it will be hard for the King to retorn afor the spring."

1 p. Addressed. Indorsed.

261. Burghley to William Asheby. [Oct. 30.] Add. MSS., 2,598, fol. 143.

As he signified to him yesterday that her majesty would write to Lord John Hamilton, so he now sends the letter, concerning his charge of the south part of Scotland with the three wardenries: Asheby is to assure him "that she cowld not have wisshed anie nobleman of that realme afore him to have had that charge." Her majesty disapproves of the Privy Council being directed by so young a person as the Duke of Lennox, "and he accompanied with noe more constant a person than the Erle Bothwell"; nevertheless, Asheby is to "deale inwardlie with the rest" of the Council, the Treasurer or his deputy, the Clerk of the Register, the Earls of Angus, Marr, and Morton, and all well bent to the maintenance of peace, specially against the Spanish and Popish faction, "which is feared will putt owt theire heades at this time of the Kinges absence."

The ministers of the church should have care to have the Jesuits that lurk in that realm apprehended, for that it is likely they will now be bold to show themselves abroad. (fn. 8) "I am sure yow will of your self have as great care as I can direct yow."

Asheby may tell Mr. Colvill that the delay in giving thanks to her majesty for the 2,000li. lent in plate is like to turn to Burghley's private burden, for she has no mind to discharge it as she would have done if the King had written specially to her in that behalf: "for though she hath sene the Kinges letter to your self, tendyng that yow shuld gyve thankes in a generall sort, yet she is not therwith moved, but rather mislyketh that the Kyng wold wryt to yow and not to hir self." Colvill bound himself to procure Burghley's discharge within two months, but Burghley was bound to pay the merchants within one month. They openly charge him, and he must find means to pay them, though he leave not himself a piece of silver plate; for beside his credit, which he cannot neglect, he has compassion on many of the creditors, they being very poor. This inconvenience ought to have been thought of by Mr. Colvile, who might have obtained the King's letter to her majesty. "I do not repent me of my good will towardes the Kyng, but I must hereafter forse my own harmes, not to depend uppon the negligence of any whom I shall trust."

A bundle of letters has come from the King, addressed to the Lord Chancellor, Burghley, the Lord Mayor, Heneage, Walsingham and others, with one fond manner of writing, such as "To our lovyng coosyn Mr. Martyn mayre of London," etc. "Suerly whan these cam to my handes I was ashamed to behold. They all ar wrytten in on tenor, very generally, and signed by the Kyng. How those letters cam hyther I know [sic], but the post of London brought them to me. I pray yow inquyre of the secretoryes or clerks of Counsell how those war depeched, and lett me understand how this gross error did come." "From my house in Westminster." Signed: W. Burghley.

pp. Addressed. Indorsed.

262. William Asheby to Burghley. [Oct. 30.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 407.

His majesty embarking the 2[4]th in the night, was the next day at even beaten back by sudden storms upon the point of Pittenweem, and there harboured till toward the morning of the 25th, not suffering any of his company that were seasick to refresh themselves on land: since which time the winds have blown so direct for Norway that we have no doubt of his safe arrival there ere this. Nothing is wished here but a fair g[ale] to prosper his return. His people in his absence bear themselves in accordance with his contentation and their own duties.

The Duke and Bothwell, being governors, endeavour to show their respect to their office, carrying themselves with seemly gravity, frequenting sermons, and ready to proffer all good [offices] toward her majesty and her realm. Lord Hamilton hath signified his dutiful acceptance of the charge his majesty has enjoined him.

"The ministers have instituted a publique fa[st] with comon supplicacion for his majesties prosp[erous] navigacon to be solemnised everie Sonda[ie till] his retorne, which is dulie observed aswell [by] the nobilitie as the common people." This commendable demeanour makes us conceive good hope of their prince's good s[uccess] in his enterprise attempted. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

2 pp. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.

Copy of the same.

Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 140.

263. Memorandum by Alexander Hay. [Oct. 31.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 145

"The last of October 1589."

"Thair convenit in Counsell the Duke, Boithuile, Master of Glammis, Setyon, Newbottle, Sir [Robert] Meluill, Coldenknowis, Blantyre, Ormistoun, clerk of Registeris."

"Befoir the writing to the Quenis majeste of England—quhilk is intendit—the Counsell present hes writtin to my Lord Hammyltoun to be heir this nixt Tysday, that thay may all write togidder as ane body concurring."

"Thay have bene earnest to put sic in Lowthaine as ar in feade under assurance quhill the Kinges arrivall and fifteen dayes thairefter for the better keping of quietnes."

"The borderaris writtin for be my Lord Boithuile ar not zit all cum. He speikis very honorably that he sall move thame ben[e]volently to keip the peax and gude rule within this cuntrie of Scotland quhill the Kinge returnis."

2/3 p.

Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 146.

Copy of letter to Burghley and Walsingham dated Nov. 1 and endorsed Nov. 2, embodying the above, and with the addition of the following postscript and notes:—[See Nos. 266 and 267 post].

"Since thes inclosed, I am geven to understand that the Earl Huntley beginnes to riot in the north, and hath chased and taken prisoner a gentleman named Mr. William Forbose, one that hath maried a dawghter of the Earl of Angus. What the sequel will be it is yet in expectacion."

"The Lord Hameltons letters."

"The King haith sent none from him."

"The Earl Bodwell gone to compound the quarrell betwene Huntley and Forbose."

"The sounding of the west costes in summer last."

264. [Thomas Fowler] to [Burghley.] [Oct. 31.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 419.

I need not write to you of the King's going and the order he hath left, because it is common. All things remain quiet. "But this is onely to ma[ke] my complaynt to your lordship of the cruell dealing of the ambassadour Ashby, who I never offended in wourde, dede, or wrytynge, but advaunced h[is] credit here by all meanes, as Kinge and Chau[ncelour] can wytnes; helped him in his weakenes of spiryt, when he had no power by his owne confessyon to speke to the Kinge nor Cowncell. In matters of importaunce he hath byn fayne to wryght his mynde, and I have at his request drawne it for him and advised him; gave him all the intelligence he had, for he bestowes not a grote for any: and onely for that my credit was suche with the Kinge as one Wigmour enveynge and growinge great with the ambassadour perswaded him what a disgrace it was to him that any Inglishe man shold have more cowntenance and in . . . (fn. 9) with the Kinge then he, allso put in his hed th[at] I wrote to the Cowncell of Ingland, and wa . . . credit frome him; which styrred his lordship up [not] a lyttell, and yet they knew nothinge. I being ignorant of all this sent my lord ambassadour my letters for my bussynes and to my fre[ndes], desyrynge him to convoy them as before ty[me] in his paquetes. He receaved them, and, cawlinge Wigmore to cowncell, brake th[em] up and perused them and kept them; and [so] he served me iij or iiij tymes or I kne[w for] serteyn; and when I sent to him being . . . abowt it, he sayd he might doo it b . . . awcthoryte; and he avowched it . . . sayinge I was a perylowse fellow, and . . . knowne as he knew me and his Cownc[ell] . . . told the Kinge so, but sense the ambassadour . . . spoken it to divers of good accompt here that [I] am a spie, that I geve intelligence conty[nually] to your lordshipes, that he marveyles the Kinge will suffer suche one in his cowrt or coun[try], muche more that he will geve me the . . . and credit he dothe. And he tells them [that] I do the Kinge wronge in kepinge from him muche riches that was the Lady . . . my old mistress. They have set my Lord B . . . agaynst me, perswadinge him that I h[ave] byn and is his enemy in perswadinge all evell that I myght agaynst him in Ingland; and now that I worke for the Lord Hu . . . credyt there agaynst him: God knowe[s I] never dealt in the matter; and the . . . day Mr. Hudson departynge hence homeward, havinge divers letters of sundry per[sons] and sum of myne for my bussynes to [my] wyffe, hir father, and sum marchantes which I wold not have had all men know, the day before they understode of James Hudsons goinge, the ambassadour and Wig[more] went to the Erll Bodwell, and perswade[d him] that by interceptynge his letters great . . . wold be discovered of my dealinges. And there apon the Erll sent a man in ar[mour] and lay in wayt at Seton and toke all his letters and browght theme to the ambassadour him selffe at viij a clok at [night], sayinge he wold not breke none open. Quode the ambassadour, 'My awcthoryte . . .', and there they brake up all my . . . others, scoffynge at sum thinges in th[em]. Sence which he sent me word that if I wold submit my selffe to him and acknowlege [my] fawlt in gevinge intelligence to the Cowncell with owt his knowlege he wold be frendes with me, ells not. And when by my frend I aunswered I wold acknowlege no fawlt . . . him, and if he were discharged of h[is] commissyon for hir majestis service I wold let him knowe he had offended me often; he then raged and sayd he dowted not to fynd that I had spoken evell of [Mr.] Secretory to this Kinge; which makes me th[ink] he hathe no expectacyon of his returne, f[or] when God shall send it he shall have proffe of that to be true or falsse apon the othe of a Kinge. But now the new aquay[ntance] with the Erll Bodwell browght on by Wig[more] betwen the ambassadour and him shall s[erve] theyre turne. They hoope to discredit me with the Kinge at his returne, which will [not] lye in all theyre powers, your lordship sh[all] here tell."

"But, my good Lord, there was [never] poore gentellman used so dispightfully as [I] am. Wigmore now gydes the ambassadour [like] a childe; and if your lordship knew the man and his lyffe here, you wold thinke him a fytt gyde for a ruffyan or ho . . . master, then an ambassadour for his lordship."

"At this tyme in anger I will say no [more], but if I shall do any service I beseche [your] lordship take order with him, yet not to aqu[aynt] him therewith, for his malicyowse ha . . . overcomes all other consyderacyon of honesty or service of his prynce. B . . . he was once cawled home frome h . . . he is in this styr, for God knowes a[nd all in] this towne how myserable . . . he hathe lyved here. Sence . . . for to come he hathe mended sumwhat . . . tell your lordship one parte that he hathe pla[yed] me which I knew not tyll even now that it [is] layd to my charge."

"When the Kinge wa[s in] his jornay to Straboggy agaynst his rebels, the Erll Bodwell gathered the second ty[me and] cam abowt Edenbrowghe and Leethe, th[inking] to doo great thinges, and in truthe ab[le] to doo lyttell. One aperteyninge the sa[yd] Erll that was a crafty fellowe pro[mised] our ambassadour to goo mete my Lord Bodwell at Leethe and perswade him to go . . .; which presently he did."

"The Erll made . . . advantage of this, and stode apon termes that if he cowld get the Kinge to rem[it] all past for him and his he wold be perswaded, ells not. The ambassadour se[nt] his letters presently to cowrt to perswad[e the] Kinge for the sayd Erll. Then [the] Erll was evell thowght of by his majeste, a[nd] he cawles ane to him, sayinge,— 'What d . . . hathe your ambassadour to do with the E[rll] Bodwell, to be a suter for him that is the greatest enemy to Ingland and Inglyshe men that may be ?' And bad me perswa[de] the ambassadour frome his folly. Where[apon] I wrote to him, perswadinge him frome dealinge with the Erll, specyally at [this] tyme, for I thowght he shold doo h[ir] majeste best service and please the Kinge . . . so doinge; addinge that it was a disg[race] to hir majestes ambassadour to be browght to [go] so far to seke to speke with suche an . . ."

"This letter I wrote frome Haberdene . . . promised . . . the rest to your lordships owne consyder[acyon. I] have for borne tyll it toche the quyke." "Edenbrowghe Castell, for my owne saffety, thowghe the ambassadour hathe geven owt I am pryssoner."

Postscript—" . . . my advice. Now within this iij dayes he hathe shewed the same le[tters to the] Erll to styr him up agaynste me, even to the cuttinge of m[y] . . ."

pp. Holograph, signature decayed.

265. Preparations for Princess Anne of Denmark. [Oct.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 98.

"As sone as her majestie shall appeare in the roade, the Erle Bothuel, the Lord Seeton, Sir Robert Melvile, with some 30 persons of good accompt, ar appointed to goe aborde, and with them Mr. Peter Yonge to make the harangue in Latine, if her health may permitte to heare the same. At her cominge to the scaffold upon the shore, the Ladye Marre, principall, and with her the ladies Seton, Boyne, the ladie Chancellour, and Diddop, with some 30 persons shall meete her, and upon the scaffold one Mr. James Elphinston, one of the college of justice, shall make the oracion. His majestie meets her there, and shall convey her to her lodging in Leith, where she is to remaine till she shall have well reposed herselfe. When she shall come to the towne of Edenburgh, one Mr. John Russell, advocate, shall make the oracion to her entrie."

½ p. In the hand of Asheby's clerk.


  • 1. Decayed.
  • 2. Decayed.
  • 3. Decayed.
  • 4. Decayed.
  • 5. Decayed.
  • 6. The Register of the Privy Council reads 'authentiknes.'
  • 7. Decayed.
  • 8. From this point in Burghley's own handwriting.
  • 9. Decayed.