James VI: November 1589

Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Originally published by His Majesty's General Register House, Edinburgh, 1936.

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'James VI: November 1589', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593, ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp186-206 [accessed 22 February 2025].

'James VI: November 1589', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Edited by William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online, accessed February 22, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp186-206.

"James VI: November 1589". Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online. Web. 22 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp186-206.

In this section

James VI: November 1589

266. Alexander Hay to William Asheby. [Nov. 2.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 148.

"Suerly zour honour hes writtin very effectually, and as apperis to me is meant indeid, and sall omit nathing that may do gude to my simple jugement. I heir of na new thing, saulffing that the Erll of Huntly hes chaissed and taken prisoner a gentilman named William Forbes of Monymusk, quha maried a daughter of the present Erll of Anguss. It apperis to haif happynned upoun a suddancie, and as zit I am incertaine quhat salbe the sequele." Signed: A. Hay.

½ p. Holograph, also address.

267. William Asheby to Walsingham. [Nov. 2.]

Received Walsingham's letter of the 24th October on the 29th, eight days after the King's embarking; he acquainted the Council with her majesty's care for the King's safety. The last of October here assembled in Council Lennox, Bothwell, Seton, the Master of Glamis, Sir Robert Melvile, the Lord Privy Seal, the Master of the Requests, the Clerk Register, and Ormiston. They have determined to write to her majesty signifying their devotion to the amity with her, and have sent for Hamilton, Marr, and others of the nobility, to be here on Tuesday the 4th instant to be associated in the tenour thereof. They have no word from the King, and have resolved to send out a ship to tell him of their proceedings and to be informed of his estate and purposes.

Bothwell has sent letters to the principal borderers, of whom many are repaired to him this day, to observe peace with England and among themselves. He has also travailed with the gentlemen of Lothian who are in feud, to draw them to a final reconciliation, or at least to some reasonable accord till the King's return; "wherein he is further assisted by the Counsell for putting such in assurance as he shall not by persuacion prevaile with otherwise." Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

2 pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

268. William Hunter to William Asheby. [Nov. 3 & 29.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 190.

"According to my promeis att parting to advyse your lordship off proceidingis; the 24 off October we departitt the coist off Scottland, and arryvitt att Fleckra the 29 off the same, all in good health praisid be God who preserve yours. The Kingis majestie was never seik."

"Stean Belde, who was imbassadour in Scottland for Denmark, is departitt frome this to Houslo, the town whair the qwene our maistres lyeth, 28 weke off seas frome this, everie weke off seas 4 Scottis myle. We abyd the wind to saill to the same place."

"We war onis pwrpoisid to have taikin boittis, and so in thame gone within sowndis to that place, bot that the boitting—eftir thair was some twentie off thame convenit for thatt pwrpois—war nott thoght sufficient for our transportatioun, so we proceidit not bot ar lying readdie with our pylotis for the first wind."

"Thair was a boy off our schip that was schot with a pece of ordenance owt off the Kingis schip—at the departour of Stean Belde—be neglegence off the gwner, quho thoght thair had bene no schott in hir. This schip is send back agane with suche personis in hir as ar nocht fwnd meit to ramane heir."

"And thus I take my hwmbill leaff off your lordship, who schall be advysed be me frome tyme to tyme off our proceidings according to promeis, praying yow with all expeditioun to send this wther letter away to Sir Francis with my moist hwmbill service, praying yow to advyse me off the estaet off boith our cuntreis." Fleckra, 3 November 1589. Signed: Will: Hvnter.

Postscript—Since this wther letter was writtn we went to sea agayne wpoun another determinatioun, and ramaynid thair on a verrie foull nyght, and on the morrow war set in to Long Sownd 15 Dens mylle frome Houslo the 9 off November: we arryvit thair the 19, and war mett withowt the toun be the nobill men off the cuntrie, and went derrectlie to the Qwenes hows, whair thar was a joyfull meiting on all sydis."

"The 23 day thay war mareit be Mr. David Lindsay, and a reasonabill banqwet beying on saitche a accedent."

"The King haith retrenchit his trayne so that him-selff is bot one off fiftie that ramaynith heir. I can not tell geve his majesteis purpois be to go to Denmark or not." "Houslo," 29 November 1589.

pp. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

269. Alexander Hay to William Asheby. [Nov. 5.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 103.

"I think the mater maist necessar to be insinuat be word, bot the letter quhilk heirin I returne unto your lordschip perillous to be shewed to all sortes of men, for the divers constructionis that mycht be maid of those personis that notoriously ar knawin (fn. 1) to be his inymeis, fearing that sum specialie employed in his majesties absence mycht demc thame selffis so estemit of be her majestie; I meane baith of the noblemen that wer authouris of the trouble this last zeir, or that ar thocht apparent in the successioun of this croun."

"I am incertane gif the lordis sall convene and do any thing this foir none, bot traistis that in default of thame not zit cum from Dalkeith all dealing sall differ quhill efter none. I trow upoun thair meting that thai sall cum or send sum to conferre with zow or then send for zow to cum to thame, quhen ze may declair the effect of this letter, bot not the letter it self becaus of this claus, for I wold noct haif it to gif occasioun of ony doubt or offence in the earis of our noblemen, ready anewch to suspect. Signed: A. Hay.

1 p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

270. Archibald Douglas to William Asheby. [Nov. 6.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 149.

"It may pleis your lordschip to ressave heirvyth ane p[acket] of letteris from your broder that for lack of ane assured [messen]geir hath lyn som few dayis besidis me, tr[ea]ti[ng] of mattoris heir and in uther cuntris ar bettir knawin to your lordschip be the information of utheris than I can be able to vryte of thaym to your lordschip, and thayrfor I forbeir to trowble you vyth the reading of that in hand gist at this tyme, bot most requeist [your] lordschip at the returning of this bearar that I [may] onderstand of your weilfayr be him, wyth what uthir mator it shalbe your pleasour to dessire me." Signed: A. Dou . . . (fn. 2)

½ p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

271. Alexander Hay to William Asheby. [Nov. 6.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 152.

"Heare is the letter fra my lordis and others of the Counsell heare to the Queens majestie your soveraigne. What is written you will here understand by the copy. For my owne opinnion towching the two demaundes. The first I thinck shalbe graunted, and the souner that her majesties derectioun cum downe the better. For the second, it wer not unmeit likewise to be graunted for a tyme, with admonition that better diligence be made heareafter on this part in furthering of the redresse nor hath bene since the comissyoners mett, and that a commaund be send to your self to deale with my Lord Hamiltoun allane or with the hole Counsell here, as likewise with the Englishe Wardenis, to understand the trew occasions that staris [sic] the redres and the relief of the Scottishe pleas, and to try the possibilitie how thingis accordit may be best and sounest performitt: wherin I shall be a furtheraunce to my uttermost, knowing it tendis to the common benifit of baith our soverainis and ther gude subjectis. In gude faith I want no gud will in these matters, but if I deale uncommandit or derectit, I may be counted over bussy quhar all men ar not peradventure alike inclined."

½ p. Copy. Indorsed by Asheby: "A copie of Mr. Al. Hay's lettre with the copie of the Counsellis lettre to the Q. Majestie." "Rec. the sixt of Nov. at Eden."

Another copy of the same.

Harl. 4,647, fol. 120b.

Enclosure with the same:—

[The Council of Scotland to Elizabeth. 6th Nov. 1589.]

"Pleis it zour majestie: At the lait departing of the Kingis hienes our soverane lord furth of this cuntrie towardis Norroway to cut of the impedimentis objectit anent the consummatioun of his mariage and transporting of the Quene his dearest spous in this realme, he had na thing in grettair recommendatioun then the interteynment of the gude and happy amitie betuix zow, your realms and dominiouns, be all gude offices, and cheiflie be keping of the disorderit subjectis on baith partis inhabiting the cuntreis ewest the Bordouris in quietnes and gude ordour, leving a speciall charge theranendis to me the Lord Hammiltoun, unlouked for be me, quhairin I am maist willing to do the uttermaist of my endevoir, as experience, God willing, sall declair."

"Bot we all having bene eirnest and cair full sen his hienes foirsaid departure to understand the trew estait of ye Bordouris at this present, quhairof sundrie of ws quhill now wer ignorant, we haif found twa thingis principallie to be communicat unto zour hienes, first humblie and eirnestlie craving of zour majestie that zour commandement may be send to zour wardanis and ther deputtis to concur in all thingis tending to the observing of the peax, intertenying of the amitie, restrenyng of the disorderit people within thair chargis frome offending; and as neade sall requyre to assist in punissing of the subjectis of this realme offendouris, and to signifie zour hienes gude mynd heiranent unto ws be zour ambassadour heir resident with as convenient speid: for he hes informed ws of zour hienes guid cair of zour dearest cousins the King our soveranis weill doing and saulftie, and how he is assured zour hienes wilbe troubled to understand of his present daungerous voyage, quhilk notwithstanding we hoip, God willing, sall prosper to zour hienes contentment and to the confort of ws and otheris his subjectis."

"Nixt for that we find ane of the grittest difficulteis now at the Bordouris to be for the non redresse of certane billis fylit be the lait commissioneris, for quhilkis plegis wer enterit, and sum other particulariteis in contraversie betuix the wardanis quhilkis hardlie can tak perfite end without sum new meting of commissioneris or uther dealing beside the wardanis them selffis, and that the staying of justice for present attemptatis in that respect myct breade gritter inconvenientis; oure eirnest requeist is that zour hienes commandiment may be directe to zour wardanis or their deputyes to meitt, proceid in justice, and gif and tak redres first of all upoun the maist recent attemptatis alreddy attemptit sen the King our soveranis departure, or that sall appin to be perpetrat quhill his returning, unstaying for ony uther thingis resting as zit unredressit of the former billis fylit be the commissioneris or uther wayis; quhairof we mynd, God willing, to be still cairfull and to seik the best meanis how the personis fylit salbe maid anserable; quhairin as zit we find na little difficultie."

"As we thus crave zour hienes assistance be zour officeris to further the quietnes of the Bordouris, according to the will and directioun of our soverane, sa sall we be reddy to assist in all thingis lyand in ws quhilk may tend to the honour of zour hienes and intertenying of the peax and amytie." Edinburgh.

pp. Copy. Indorsed by Asheby: "Copie of the Counsellis of Scotland to the Q. Majestie."

Another copy of the same.

Harl. MSS., 4,647b. fol. 136.

Draft of the same.

Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 151.

Another draft of the same.

Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 154.

272. William Asheby to Burghley. [Nov. 7.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 409.

I received your honour's letter of the 29th of October on the 3rd instant, to my special encouragement in that I perceive my service acceptable to your lordship. The next day followed yours of the 30th, with her majesty's to Lord Hamilton enclosed. In answer to them both you shall understand that I have endeavoured to incite the Council, nobility, and clergy here to an answerable correspondence to her majesty's motherly care toward this King and realm. Whereupon the Council have addressed letters to her majesty, as I foreshowed in my last of the 2nd; I enclose the copy, with the Clerk of the Register's private letter to me touching their contents. Her majesty's to Lord Hamilton I delivered with some further compliments, as directed, which he received as I could have wished, protesting his joy at the charge committed to him, that he had so fit an opportunity to declare his devotion and gratitude to her highness.

The ministers are not a little comforted to see the affiance her majesty and your honour repose in them, acknowledging her majesty's continual [care] of this church, and thanking you for your advice concerning Jes[uits].

"Towching the endorcement of the letters, I find [that] errour groweth of the custome here to m[ake] everie counsellour the Kinges cosin; and in par[t of] the oversight of a yong clerke that superscribed the letters."

Your advertisements given by postscript in your own hand give comfort to the well affected here, half dism[ayed] with false rumours spread by the papists and factions. For further particulars I refer you to this bearer, Richard Wigmore, well experienced in this country, whom I have found forward in all good offices for her majesty's service.

Huntly's late stir is but the renewing of an old feud betwixt the Gordons and the Forbeses. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

Postscript—"After I had receaved the Counselles letter to her majestie. Sir Robert Melvile came to me to excuse that thei had left out of there letter humble thankes to her majestie for the greate present of plate it pleased [her] heighnes to send to the Kinge, which thei [did] overslip in there . . ." (fn. 3) By my next you shall receive Lord Hamilton's letter to her majesty. Mr. Colvile is sickly, asking your pardon, and meaning to excuse himself by writing with . . .

3 pp. Holograph. Addressed.

273. William Asheby to Burghley. [Nov. 7.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 411.

The packet enclosed being despatched, and Mr. Wigmore in readiness toward horseback, hither came letters from Archibald Douglas to Bothwell, advertising him of her majesty's acceptance of his forward disposition towards her, which she will shortly signify by special letter to him. Whereupon he resorted to me, protesting his joy, giving me thanks for intimating his serviceable offers to her majesty, and promising to do such offices for the discovery of the Spanish designments, and otherwise to her service, as might not be expected but should surely be performed. He was very earnest for the staying of Mr. Wigmore, as one to whom he would impart more to be delivered by word of mouth to her majesty than were meet to be committed to writing. These forward offers I was loth to slake or neglect, especially in respect of his constancy. "Some alienation here was betwene him and [the] ministers upon an unkindnes he conceaved of [some] parsonall invective, wherewith on of tham s[ome]what indiscretlie welcomed him at his fi[rst] repaire to the sermons: whereupon he abs[ented] himself from the church. Notwithstanding h[e haith] well disgested the matter, and frequentes [the] preching againe of his owne inclinacion, [and] is purposed to reconcile himself finallie [to] the whole presbiterie on Sondaie next. He informeth me that the faccions here [have] dispatched the bailife of Arrols sone [with] letters into Flanders, to be imploied for in[telli]gence betwene the Spaniards and them. The gentleman is by name a Hay, verie n[ere] in consanguinitie to the Earl of Arroll, [a] man verie serviceable and of good sufficiencie." This makes us conceive the better hope of further progress of reformation in Bothwell's defects. If her majesty would honour him with a letter it would [help] him to make amends. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

2 pp. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.

274. William Asheby to Burghley. [Nov. 10.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 155.

Told him in his last that Bothwell meant to reconcile himself to the church: now the said Earl has accomplished that resolution. Yesterday at the general celebration of the public fast he humbled himself before God and the congregation, acknowledging his former insolencies and requiring their assistance in prayer to God for him in his "new birth" as he termed it. The congregation broke out "into abundance of teares in testificacion of their joye." That this penitence might not be thought to proceed from any sudden humour, declaration was made by a minister of long inward remorse which he had communicated to one of them a good while since, and that it was his own choice to make public humiliation before two principal congregations, before and after noon, which was more than their ecclesiastical laws required. The strangeness of his conversion is imputed, after God's inward working, to the generosity of his own nature kindled by the dignity whereto his majesty has advanced him, whereas when in disgrace he was forced to follow the worse disposed, who were "ready to enterteigne his greatest abuses with sycophanticale admiracions."

Even the ministers thought, within these six days, that it was but lost labour to seek his reformation. His submission to them was "voluntarily resolved upon, penned by his owne hand, and exhibited in writing unto them by him selfe." Edinburgh.

1 p. Draft. Indorsed by Asheby: "To the L. Thres. the 10 of November, '89."

275. Mr. Archibald Douglas to Burghley. [Nov. 10.]

"In the letteris that I ressawed yisternycht, whearin is conteaned ane relation of the present estait of that cuntrey, vyth ane discourse of some accidentis apparing to fall owt in that realme, thayr is besidis mention mayde of ane heavy displeasour consawed against Mr. Thomas Fowlar be the erll Bothewell, whearupon the sayde Thomas for awoyding of suddan inconwenientis hes retired him self in the castell of Edinbruhe, thayr to remayn quhill the king his hyenes returning or than quhill he may be reconciled to the sayde Erll. It is consawed be some that the sayd Erllis displeasur is for the most part stirred uppe be your andbassadour and Mr. Wyguemoyr thayr resident, which I can not beleawe. Some of my freyndis ar presentlye dealing that the sayde Erll may ressawe him to his fawour, and the rather for that he is knawin to be my freynd. And in lyk maner I am vrytin to be some freyndis to ernistlye move his lordship to that effect, bot as zit he hathe gevin no wthir anser bot that for my saik he vill aggre wyth him if he shall not be able to schaw his awin letteris derected to this realm conteaning untreu and harde mater against him self. For the recoveri of suche lyk letteris Hudsone was apprehendit [cum]ming to this cuntrey; his papirris takin from him, whearin no ill mater against the sayd Erll coulde be fownde, so that it doethe thayrbye appeir that no suche letteris ar zit cummed to his hands. Be ressone that in my letteris of requeist to be derected to the sayd Erll I am myndit to affirme that no ill mater was ewir vrytin be him to ony consalour in these partis, I wold be glayde to onderstand of your lordship and of Mr. Secretary, to whom I haif vrytin for the samin effect, how far I may affirme in this poynct."

"I am the moyr bolde to mak your lordship and his honour acquaynted wyth this mater for that so far as I onderstand he nevir wrote to any uthir consalour, and that onelye for solliciting his awin pryvat effairis. I wold be hartlye contented to do him gude if I culd tell how to do it."

"I forbear to vryt any particularteis of the state of that realm least I may do injurye to your sayde ambassadour thayr resident." Signed: A. Douglas.

1 p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

276. [William Asheby] to [Walsingham]. [Nov. 11.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 156.

"Αἱ δευτέραι φροντίδες σοφώτεραι"

Mentioned in his last letter touching her majesty's private letter to Bothwell. "The noble man is able to offend more then anie subject in Scotland, for his place and birth and the offices he beareth, beside an able and undertaking man, as theie here terme such. Without him the malcontentes dare attempt nothing, so as the winning of him wilbe a bridle to the rest: he makes great promisses to do good offices towardes her majestie, seing her gracious dealing and motherlie care she haith of the King his master."

It appears the said Earl means faithfully, and Asheby wishes to know whether her majesty would accept of him, should he offer himself by letter before hearing from her privately. Should a letter come from her to the Earl, Asheby will stay it till he receives an answer to this. Edinburgh.

1 p. In Asheby's hand.

277. William Asheby to Walsingham. [Nov. 11.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 157.

"I had forgotten in my packet addressed this afternone to your honour to advertise that the E[rle] B[othuel] haith alreadie written to the Duke of Parma a few ceremoniall complementes, with intent to drawe him to some renued course of intellgence by his profered service, which his promise is to discover to the advancement of the contrarie cause."

"Here be sixty Spanniardes readie to embarque and to cast aboute Ireland for Spaigne, for feare of being intercepted by the Flushingers." They are to be transported in three small ships. The men are in appearance of good service; there were not so many of sufficiency in all the six hundred that went hence into Flanders last summer.

These were the remnant of five hundred which perished in Maclane's country by the firing of their ship by casualty, and came hither two days after the six hundred were embarked for Flanders. They embark in this Firth and compass the Isles of Orkney towards Spain. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

1 p. Holograph. Addressed.

278. Walsingham to William Asheby. [Nov. 15.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 159.

Is to tell Bothwell that her majesty received great contentment of his offer. He shall receive such thankful requital that he shall have no cause to repent. He is to be assured "that her majestie meaneth to remove all former jealosies she had conceaved of the coldnes of his affection and devotion towards her and this crowne, assuring her self that a man of his witt and birth, and protesting to be so devoted towards the King his master as he doth, would thinck no course so honorable or so profitable for him, as also for both the kingdoms, as to runne the course of England."

"I praie you tell his lordship from mee that I will, in respect of the honour I receaved of him when I was in Scotland, do my best endevour to nourish this good opinion that her majestie hath lately conceaved of him." Barn Elms. Signed: Fra: Walsyngham.

¾ p. No flyleaf or address.

279. Walsingham to William Asheby. [Nov. 16.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 160.

Her majesty having received the letter of the nobility and council of Scotland to whom the King committed his kingdom at his departure towards Norway, and understanding thereby the occasion of the King's journey and the good order he left behind him, especially for the state of the Borders, wishes Asheby to signify to them in her name how thankfully she accepts their friendly letters, and that although she cannot but be "aggreeved" that the King at this time of year attempted such a journey, "yet considering the same is attempted to so good and holie a purpose, she doubteth not but God will blesse the same with good and happie successe," as she desires for his sake and the honourable house he matches in, "to whose parentes she can not but alwayes acknowledge hir self infinitely bounde for sundrey most kinde and frendly offices she hath receyved from them." Also she is beholden to the King for his care for the preservation of the amity of the realms in his absence, and his choice of men well affected to discharge the trust reposed in them.

Concerning their two requests touching the Borders, Asheby is to tell them that order is already taken with the wardens to look well to their charge and avoid just cause of offence to Scotland, which order shall be renewed: and for the second point, that her majesty has commanded her council to devise a way for the contentment of the subjects of both countries. From the court at Somerset House. Signed: Fra: Walsyngham.

1 p. No flyleaf or address.

280. George Tollye to Lord Hunsdon. [Nov. 17.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 427.

I sent your honour on Sunday last by the post, with Mr. Marshalles, such news as were current, as also Captain Reade's handling. Since then the S . . . Marr, whom your honour remembers was wont to come to my chamber, hath told me that Ferniherst shall marry on Sunday next the Lord of Buccleuch's sister, and so their friendship be stablished which were in deadly feud. Sir Andrew Karr and the Lord of Buccleuch and old Lord Cesford are become friends, the younger Lord fast to the Regent. Those lords and their allies "meane to bend with the [Lord] of Hume, who meanes to be att Eden . . . (fn. 4) the lawe daye for the Lord Lyddington . . . poore they can make; to whom, as he sayeth, . . . joyne the Hameltons and ther frendes," and so be at the law day with a great number, in spite of proclamation by the Regent that but certain should come, and they with an appointed number.

"The abbott of Jedworth, brother to the Lord Hume, . . . in pryson in the Black Nesse, which stomackes the Lord Hume not a littell. Mortall hatred ys betwen the Lord Hume and th'Erle of Morton. The Heb[urns] will joyne with the Hameltons. The Davisons, [the] Pringles, the Yonges, the Bornes and others of Tivid[ale] will go with the yonge Lord Sesforth."

"The . . . Crosiers, with the nomber of a iiijxx hors, and persons ha[ve] burnt and spoyled muche in Kelham. ij of Sandy Pringles sons wer on Thursdaye with the Lord Hume. One Befford and his b . . . usethe to travell muche to the Scotche Quene, . . . the Beffordes of Edenborrowe; which Beford dwell[eth] abowte Northallerton" . .

"The talke of your honors retorne . . . manie praiethe—ys cause that we w . . . oftner, for that the talk is that ther ys . . . of stoppe by the waye. I have sent thes [by] sea, by whome I have sent Mistres Rese . . . and Mistres Wottons: yt ys one that h[ath] promised me to deliver them safelye."

"Wh . . . your service towchinge the Kinge certen your shippes . . . ware which was stolen from Sowthhampton; [his] name is Ryvelye, and dothe retorne to Ne . . . This very night ys Mr. Bankes and certen of [the] Treasurers men retorned from York; who . . . the Awditour stayes ther, so that the soldyars . . . the paye wilbe after Christmas. Your hon[ors] rent for Newater was payed this daye t[o the] Collector, which was iiij li. Frome whome Mr. Ma . hath stayed the monye which he shold have had to the awdytt, to be imployed ab[out] the Quenes Majestes affayres: yt is iijxxxiij li. . . ."

"Here is no ane in the pallace. Here inc[losed] ys the note of soche as arr unpaied att my ladyes departure, whose billes I have of the p . . which my lady willed me to aunswer them . . . . paiede at the paye daye, wherunto they trust. Might yt therfore please your honor to send som warrant to receue hytt, or otherwise [as] to you shall seame best. No ane will hy[re] the castell fyeld, sainge ther is wynter pas[ture] enoughe; and will geve not passing [xl. s. ?] for a hors for this wynter. I wold gladlye kno your pleasur therin, for I . . . best to tak cattell to Jestmentes. Yt b . . . begyns to rott on the ground." Signed: George Tollye.

2 pp. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.

281. William Asheby to Burghley and Walsingham. [Nov. 18.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 161.

Encloses Lord Hamilton's answer to her majesty; the copy of it he could not come by, "my lord being gone from this towne to his house at Hamelton from whense it was addressed." The north easterly winds have brought no news of the King; it is suspected the seas be not navigable by reason of the frosts, "or els his majestie gone into Denmarke."

"Here are some 100 Spanniardes readie to imbarque at Lythe for Spain. There course intended is to cast about the north of Scotland for feare of intercepcion by the Hollanders. Thei appeare to be men of better service then those which past awaie from hense the last sommer, being the choise men culled out of 500 by Maclane for his service against on of the lordes of the isles: the remnant perished the last yere together with there ship at the Isle Mula by mischance of gunnpouder whiles theise were interteined by Maclane in service by land."

In September last a ship manned with Spaniards, and appointed in warlike manner, sounded about Dumbarton, Irvine, and Ayr, and being "made to" by a couple of Scottish vessels, professed herself a friend, but would only come near enough to hear one another speak, and departed without further pursuit.

Bothwell went northward on the 10th instant to Dunkeld, the Earl of Atholl's house, to draw Huntly and the Forbes's to agreement, and to compound a feud betwixt the Earl of Murray and Huntly, "that all quietnes might be keapt during this interregnum." He returned the 16th, but no great good done: the Scottish nature is hardly reconciled.

The state continueth in as good terms as the King left it, but if he delay till the spring as now they fear, the long smothered flames will break out by instigation of the papists and malcontents, "as men readie to blowe the coole and vigilant for there purpose." Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

pp. Holograph. Indorsed.

282. Elizabeth to the Council of Scotland. [Nov.] Cf. Acts of the Privy Council of England, N.S. xviii. 241.

(fn. 5) "And as touching the two requestes conteyned in your late letter, the one that we would be pleased to give order to our wardens and their deputies not onlie to have a care for the due observacion of the enterteyning of the peace and amitie uppon the Borders by restrayning of the disordrered people within theire charges from offending, but also as neede should require to assist in punishing of the subjectes of that relme that should be found offendours; the other in signifyeng unto us that in case justice should be stayed—in yeilding redresse on the present attemptates in regard that no satisfaccion hath bene made touching the bills filed by the late commissioners for which pledges were entred—there would arrise manie inconveniences, and therefore doe desire that justice might proceede and redresse taken for the most recent attemptates that have bene comitted since the King your soveraignes departure, or that shalbe perpetrated untill his retourne:"

"For the first, we are to let you understand that imediatlie uppon knowledge geiven of the departure of your said soveraigne we gave order to our wardens and there deputies that theie should carefullie looke to the due observacion of peace in the said Borders, which we meane also further to enlarge touchinge the point you desire that assistance maie be given to our wardens in punishinge the subjectes offendours of that relm."

"For the second, althoughe we must confes that it hath bene a most greivous thinge unto our subjectes that the satisfaccion promised for the bills filed by the late commissioners hath bene so longe delayed, and doe also knowe that the greife wilbe greatlie encreased when theie shall see redresse yeilded for the recent attemptates before anie order be taken for the satisfaccion of the ould: yet for the love that we beare to the King and the desire we have that in his absence no inconvenience maie fall out by standing uppon strict termes touchinge the point of satisfaccion agreed uppon, we can be content that the urginge therof shalbe suspended, and will geive order that our said wardens and there deputies shall proceed to the presente redresse of the recent disorders and attemptates as you require, in hope that uppon the King's retourne there wilbe present order geiven—the rather thorough your earnest and carefull sollicitacion—for the satisfaccion of our subjectes touching the bills filed by our said late commissioners."

12/3 pp. Indorsed: "Minute of the Counsaile of Scotlande two requestes and her majestes awnswer."

283. Alexander Hay to William Asheby. [Nov. 19.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 165.

"There cam na pacquet from the King of Denmark, nor any certane word from the King. The schip—as we heir—came from Elsonure bot twenty dayes synce and mair. The pacquet wes from the toun of Hamburgh upoun the complaynt of ane of there neyghbouris for a ship spoyled in Orknay; and the letter is daited in Junij last."

"We had sum apparent querrell yesterday maid by my Lord Boithuile, for that the Maister of Glammis, Sir Robert Melvill, the captaine of the castell, and I past yesterday and conferrit with my Lord Hammyltoun anent Bordour materis. In end all wes aggreed befoir supper and my Lord Boithuile sowped with my Lord Hammiltoun, quha I think trewly menis honestly and shall do weill yf he be not hinderit."

"We heir that justice proceidis furthwardly betuix the wardanis at the eist and middle marche. My Lord Hammiltoun menis to be at the Borderis about the aucht of December." Signed: A. Hay.

¾ p. Addressed. Indorsed.

284. Passport. [Nov. 19.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 163.

Passport for Arthur Clephane to pass with hawks to Mr. Millworth in Staffordshire. (fn. 6) Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

1 p. Indorsed.

285. Earl of Bothwell to William Asheby. [Nov. 19.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 166.

"I pray your lordship to lett the Clerk of Register haif a copy of the letter that ze ressauit last from the court, for we wald send it in Denmark at the first commodity." Signed: Bothuell.

¼ p. Addressed.

286. William Asheby to Burghley. [Nov. 21.]

The King's silence puts all in hope that he is not minded to be long absent; either he must return speedily, or abide on yonder side the sea till the spring, which may breed a world of inconveniences in a people of such turbulent spirits. Some unkindness was of late between Hamilton and Bothwell, upon partiality in taking up one another's feuds, increased by the resorting of the Master of Glamis, Sir Robert Melville, Sir James Hume and the Clerk Register to Lord Hamilton for conference about Border matters, without the advice of Lennox or Bothwell: atque hinc in animis jam ante exulceratis suspicionum portenta.

"But all was finallie accorded err night by the discrecion of such of the Counsell and ministers as were at hand, and ech of them have since receaved other with all courteouse interteignment both at table and otherwise"—but this will not last, unless the King prevent the inveterate jealousies of these two houses by his speedy return as his good subjects wish. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

Another of the same, but beginning thus:—

Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 169.

"I have, right honorable, with some adoe procured the inclosed from the Lords of the Counsell to her majestie, in significacion of the receapt and gratefull acceptance of her heighnes late liberalitie toward there King, as your honour shall perceave by the copie."

"Here arrived the 18 of this present a ship which came from Elsonure about 20 daies since; in her was brought a pacquet from the towne of Hamborough to the King, in complaint of a neighbours ship of theres spoiled in Orkeney. It appears by report of the messengers that at there being in Denmarque there was no knowledg there had of his majesties voiage intended that waie."

"The continuance of the Kings silence" [&c.].

287. William Asheby to Walsingham. [Nov. 24.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 171.

Notes the Council's kind acceptance of her highness's answer, requiring a copy thereof to send to the King. Also Bothwell's contentment in her majesty's and Walsingham's correspondence. Walsingham's instructions in two letters, as to dealings with the Council and Bothwell, Asheby has accomplished, and finds correspondency in them to her majesty's liking. The Council profess themselves greatly bounden to her for her acceptance of their duty, finding encouragement at her hands in this dangerous time, acknowledging her care of their King and his realm, and avowing their devotion to her.

Bothwell, "upon this inclinable disposicion of her majestes to enterteigne his service," is resolved to prosecute his course with all honourable endeavour, so that both sovereigns shall find "he will in time make heaped amends for all offences past"; and thanks Walsingham for his assistance, which he will endeavour to requite.

1 p. Draft.

Part of the same in William Asheby's hand.

Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 172.

Another draft of the same.

Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 170.

288. William Asheby to Burghley. [Nov. 24.]

Walsingham's letters to him of last week, signifying her majesty's acceptance of the Council's devotion, yielded great contentment to the whole Council—who have required a copy of the letter to communicate it to the King—and specially to Bothwell, confirming him in his honourable resolution.

"This people, howsoever otherwise not altogether of the civilist, yet are thei both in speaking and in speering, as thei terme it, of newes and novelties mere Athenians; Immo ipsis Athenis Ἀττικώτεροι; magis utique φιλοκέινοι quam φιλσόδοι."

There are continual inconveniences here through flying rumours crossing one another touching proceedings in France;—"everie faccious head devising how to broach and set afoote such reportes as maie make best for there purpose and practices."—The ministers and others come to Asheby for information on foreign affairs, and therefore he asks Burghley to send him news of foreign states that he may answer their expectation. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

Postscript—"The Earl Bothwell giveth faire wourdes; what he will do tyme must trie."

2 pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

289. Lord John Hamilton to William Asheby. [Nov. 25.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 173.

"Haifand intelligence sein my coming forth of Edinburgh of sic thingis as may tend to the hurt and inquieting alsweill of this cuntrie as in like maner of your countre of Ingland, by the wickit and craftie conspiracis of papists in this cuntrey, I thoucht guid to advertise your lordship therof, that they being forsein you might make her majestie acqueint thairwith, to the ende we all with ane uniforme consent might inarme ourselfes to resist and prevent their wicket devises. Therfor I pray your lordship eftir ye have maide her majestie forsein in their matters, that ye shold shaw unto me what I and the rest of all the guid men quha trewlie feires God in this countrie may luike for at her majestes hands; and in case they come to ane manifest and open doing, quhat waild be her majestes parte herein. For I doubt not, seing her majestie knawis the earnest affectioun I have to her majestes service and to the weile and quietnes of baith thir realms, but her majesty sall haild hand and assist us in the same, baith with men and likwise money if neede be." "From Hamilton."

Postscript—As I can learne ony further your lordship sall be advertisit. Prayeng your lordship to keip this to your seilfe."

1 p. Copy. Indorsed by Asheby: "From the L. Hamilton. Rec. at Eden. 25 of Novemb. at 10 in the night."

290. [William Asheby to Walsingham.] [Nov. 25.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 174.

Upon the late decease of a Catholic gentleman here, Mr. Mungo Graham, one of the masters of the King's household and uncle to the Earl of Montrose, the principal papists are resorting to this town, as Lord Claude Hamilton, the Earl of Montrose and his friends; whose coming, though it seemed only for the funeral, yet was suspiciously interpreted, being a more general convention than is usual on such occasions, the time and persons being specially dangerous, and the Earl of Erroll having secretly come among them, seeking to lurk here unknown.

Bothwell has informed him (Asheby) of a surmise of a dangerous enterprise to be attempted by these factionaries for the surprise of Edinburgh, but Asheby thinks it improbable. While he has been "skanning out" what their design might be, he received letters and instructions from Lord John Hamilton, which he forthwith addressed to [Walsingham]. A letter of compliment to Bothwell would not come out of time, to retain him "certum in re incerta." "Thes goulden profers made to the Earl Athol I feare they have bene used for baits to inveigle other." Edinburgh,

¾ p. Draft. Indorsed by Asheby: ". . . at mid night."

291. The Clerk Register to William Asheby. [Nov. 25.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 177.

"There departed furth of Leith in on ship Mr. William Crihton, Edward Hay, and Robert Bruce, all three Jesuitis directed by the papisticall faccion. Mr. William Crihton was directed to the Prince of Parma, and Edward Hay to Rome to the Pope, Robert Bruce to the King of Spaigne. The effect of there commission was to declare how commodious the tyme was now in the Kings majesties absence to come to there intent in this countrie: great men and frendis thei had enow, onlie monie was lakin, which thei desired to be sent them with diligence. Mr. William Crihton haith advertised backe againe from Flanders that he thinkes to speed at the Prince of Parma his hand, and haith promised to retorne to them in this countrie by the 6 of December next."

"The Earl of Huntley is to be in Edenburgh within ten daies, who with the faccion at Edenburgh presentlie haith sent to the Earl of Atholl and offers to him 5000 markis in hand for his intertenment to come to Edenburgh; which offers as yet he haith altogether refused. Thei of this faccion sent likwise to the Lord Maxwell willing him to joyne with them in this there interprise; who refuses to meill in onie wayes in sic matter.

¾ p. Copy in Asheby's hand. Indorsed by Asheby: "Re. from the Cl. R. the 25 of November '89 at Eden. at 10 in the night."

292. Elizabeth to Lord John Hamilton. [Nov.]

"As we are verie sory for the imbarking and vyage taken for Norwaye by our good brother the Kinge your master, whereunto for the care and affection we have of his well doing we wolde not in any sort for manie respectes have advised him; so considering his resolucion therein so firme as that he was not to be removid, it dothe yet somwhat content us to understand the care he hathe shewed for the gouvernement of his realme during his absence by suche good order as appeereth he hath established for the same, having in that charge appointed yow a cheif person, which giveth us cause to hope that as yow have heretofore shewed your self well affected to us and ours, so yow will still contynue, specially at this time: And doe trust that you have allready considered to take order for the preventing and impeaching of any disorders that may be attempted by loose and evill disposed persons to the disturbance or hurt of our subjectes upon the Borders, you having as we understand the rule of the south partes and Borders of Scotland; wherein as yow shall doo acceptable service to the Kinge your master, so we will allso acknowledge the same with all thankfullnes and good favor towardes yow; which we confesse we owe unto yow and you must be assured to finde at our handes, not only for the good offices don to the publick good, but allso for your speciall good affection sondry wayes manifestly declared to our self in particuler, which we cannot nor never will forgett."

1 p. Copy. Indorsed: "Copie of her Majesteis lettre to the Lord John Hamilton."

293. Elizabeth to the Earl of Bothwell. [Nov. 27.]

"You may very well think that the most parte thinges of waight which happening in the remotest partes from us betweene prince and prince and between princes and subjectes and other persons of qualitie doo com to our knowledge, so are we not allso careles nor ignorant of matters that are handeled and attemptid in plaices neerer unto us, as namely of the attempte not long tyme paste wrought with a greate potentate by som persons of accompte in that relm, to have brought in strangers to a most greate perill of the King your master, and the disturbance of the wholle state of that relm. Amongest whom, although it were very unpleasant unto us to heare that you were one that should beare a parte, as drawen therunto by the conning of others, yet now we greatly rejoyce agayne to perceave by that which is since folowed that you have cast about and retournid to a right course agayn, by seeing your own errors, and with a change from them to a more advised waye. Which givith us cause to hope that you will for ever heerafter be warnid to stand upon your garde against such subtill spirites as might allure you agayne to the lyke, and never be wonne to harken to them in any matter that may be perillous to the King and his estate, contrary to your profession in religion, and prejudiciall to your own honour and reputation, and to the offence and hurt of your frendes. In which good opinion and hope of yow we are the more confirmid, not only by our servant Ashby, but allso by som other your good frendes heere, who are not farre from us. And upon this good bargayne we are to assure yow on our parte of all thankfull requitall by any our meanes wherby we may doo you any good, both toward the King and otherwise, whom we doubte not but our frendship will bynde to use all gracious favour that we will require towardes yow."

"In the meanetyme, besides the order we gave to Ashby to lett you know our thankfull acceptance of your honourable offer lately made, we wold not allso but our selfe by these our own letters give you a testimoniall therof, in regarde both of your qualitie and calling, and of the honourable offer it self, and specially of the assurid accompte we now make that you will honorably perform that which you volontarily promised; and rest for your parte assured that you shall allwais finde us most ready upon any occasion offred to acknowlidge the same with the best effectes we may." Somerset House.

2 pp. Draft. Indorsed: "xxvijth of November, 1589. Draught of the letter from her Majestie to the Earle Bothwell, by instructions given to me from her Majestie self."

294. [Alexander Hay to William Asheby.] [Nov. 28.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fols. 175, 178.

"I hard nathing of before of the departing of the Jesuits furth of the countrie, bot rather that thei sould be still in the north. At the retorne of the Earl Bothwell from Dunkle it was thoucht that the cheif instrument and counsellour that moved the Earl of Atholl not to be conformable to accord with the Earls of Huntly and Arroll was the Master of Gray; and that the Master had the said Jesuites and the Laird of Fintre in his house of Broughtie. Sensyne the Master of Gray is come here as you see, a bissi and earnest sollicitour to have a matter in law advanced agains the Earl of Huntley for the abbay of Dunfermling; which is apparent enowch to drawe the Erll Huntley to this countrie, who otherwise as appearit seamyt to be desiorus to repose quietlie at his house of Boig . . . (fn. 7) and sometymes at Elgin in Murry, occupiet in procuring agreement betwix the Erles of Sutherland and Cathnes his frendis and allies. Thair hath no messenger come from him to my knawlidge thir 10 or 12 dayes ago. Sumthing I heard of the coming of a letter from this same Mr. William Crichton to some nobleman of his acquaintance here, quhairof I trust ye have intelligence either by my Lord Bothuel or by Mr. Robert Bruce our minister: the bearer of quhilke letter I conjecture to be one named James Knawis, a servant of the Erle of Huntlyes, quha commonly awayted on the Jesuistis, and this last sommer, when the King was in the north country, tuike a victuel boite and with some of the Jesuistis or their company past into Flanders. I heard of late that the sa[me] boite was returned, quhilke gives me this cause of conjecture. I will be carefull to enquire the maner maire speedily. I can not yet beleive that there is any dealing betwix [the said Huntly] and Atholl, nor I can not understand quha suld be counted in favour at Edenburgh presently, except the writair wald me[an] Bothuel and Murrey, quhilke wer lately at the Erle of Athol, all honest [men of the] name of Stewarte, rather I thinke to make prayer for . . . (fn. 7) against the Erle of Huntly, quha of late hes moved some quarell agains the Erle of Murrey, quhilke caused him and his wife retire to the south. I waite not what faction he meines wrate to the Lord Maxwelle, except of late their was familiarity and intelligence betwix him and the Erle Boithuel, their wives being sisters."

"Their appeares undoubtedly faccionis to be arisand, bot quha salbe on the contrarious side as yet fully kythis not. The Master of Grey saith that if the Erles of Huntly and Erroll come to Edenburgh agains him, that he sall bring hither alsua the Erle of Athol and the Lord Hume. Sume thingis further in all thir particularitis will appeare be the meeting quhilke the Lord Hamilton keipes at Peibles with the noblemen and barons of the Borders this nixt Monday, quhaire I trow the Lord Hume and Lord Maxwell sall be; and nixt by another meeting quhilke I trust sallbe at the Erle of Montroise house of Kincardin the nixt Sonday thirafter for the baptizing of the Lord Flemingis sonne, quhairunto it is meanit that the Duke of Lennox sall ride."

"In my awin opinion this persuite in law of the Master of Greys micht have restit at this time. Allwaies the Erle Bothuel and he knawis best what is intendit every way, and allthough they seeme to agree outwardly at the present, it may well be that they ronne diverse courses, and with time the ane sall procure the other out of this towne."

"Yesterday Sir Robert Melvile moved that the Councell mycht wraite to the Kings majesty touching that quhilke Mr. John Colvile broucht; bot the principalls that were present affirmed that it became them not to deale in a matter quhairin they were not privy. I find no eare geven to the mocion anent the stayeng of the ships bowin with the Spanyards to Spayne. In deid I have not bene curious to understand the contrary courss of our yonge nobilitie, being haldin otherways still occupyet. I wald ye enterteignit your familiar acquaintance still with the Earl Boithuell, for if he be kept in temper there appeares the lesse daunger. And surely I culd wishe the Master of Gray rather to be absent nor present in this towne. He hes ben sa ofte on contrair sidis, and I thinke will not ceasse to be occupyet."

"Yestrene thair wes a rumour that he quha somtime wes Chancellour —I meane James Stewart—wes prively in this towne. And if so be, it may be for no cause of quietnes, quhilke I thinke he wald not attempt without the Earl Bothuels privity. Our provest of Edenburgh and Mr. Robert Bruce our minister ar maire hable to try out the verity of these thingis nor ony other that I knaw, and menis richtly. Soundry thingis may be spoken and reportit be otheris without guid grundis." Edinburgh.

Postscript—"As I returne your Lordship's letter, sua I pray you send this againe when ye haive perused it. And I will write the oftener."

2nd Postscript—"Sen the writing hereof I have spoken this morning with a man cum from Murrey, quha sais that it is a moneth or thair about sen this James Knowis arrived in the boit at Aberdine, with quhom I think verely the letter and the advertismentis came fra the Jesuitis. He and thei departed from Sutherland in June or Julie last and landit at Hamburgh and past by cart to Flanders. The boit past in Norroway, and being their fraucht with tymmer sailled other to Flanders or France, quhair this James Knowis trystit to meitt hir, and sa finding hir returne in her. This the man with quhome I spoke understude of sum of the marners that wer in the same boit."

pp. Copy, partly in Asheby's hand and partly in that of his clerk. Indorsed: "Re. the 28 of Nov. at Eden. and sent the same . . ."

295. [Alexander Hay] to [William Asheby]. [Nov. 28.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 179.

"I have spoken with the man that sawe Mr. William Crichton, and inquirit of the tyme, quhilk by conference I understand to have bene in somer, and before the boit mad sale out of Sutherland; quhairin I trow now assuredlie that all the three mad sale, I meane Creichton, Hay and Bruce; and that James Knawis brocht hame thair answer in the same boitt quhilk laitlie arrived within this moneth at Abirdene."

¼ p. Copy in Asheby's hand.

296. [William Asheby] to [Burghley.] [Nov. 28.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 180.

Finding a general fear in this people of some sudden uproar, and every man uncertain whom to fear in particular by reason of the diversity of factions, has communicated the contents of his last letter to Burghley to a councillor here, one of whose letters he has already sent to Burghley, in order to discover about this presupposed enterprise. Asheby now sends that councillor's answer. Has also conferred with the provost and Mr. Bruce, but received no fresh intelligence from them, saving that the council have written this day to Earl Huntly, to enjoin him to omit his intended voyage hither, assuring him that his absence shall not be prejudicial to his law-suit, which is like to be put over till the King's uncertain return.

"Touchinge the Earl Bothwell it seemeth both their opinions do jompe in this, that he affecteth to ἀμφοτεριξειν, or at leaste to play the Suysser, "ibi fas ubi maxima merces." He soareth daily in the winde, hovering now hither now hither, only expecting—as he would seeme— who should reclaime him with the loudest lure. Yet his franke protestacions of all alleagiance and devocion to his soveraigne, and for his sake to her majesty, makes us all presume of his resolved inclinacion to the better parte, and that this lieing aloofe tendeth to nothing els but to procure some reall interteignement from her majestie."

[In Asheby's hand.] No news where or when the King arrived.

1 p. Draft. Indorsed by Asheby: "28 of November at 8 at night '89."

297. William Asheby to [? Burghley]. [Nov. 28.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 184.

(The same in substance as his letter to Walsingham,—No. 300). Edinburgh. Dated 24 November, but indorsed 28 November.

1 p. Draft. Indorsed by Asheby: "To Mr. Secr. 28 of November."

298. [Memorandum of William Asheby's conduct towards Thomas Fowler.] [Nov. 28.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 181.

"He intercepted his letters for his ordinarie buisines, packet after packet, and made Wygmore acquainted with them. He railed upon me, calling me knave and other vile speaches to diverse, and brought his gentilitie in question. He examined men of Edenburgh what gould or mony they had received of me, and what I brought in with me. He hath set him out to his best frends to be a sedicious man, mervailing that the King wold geve him credit or countenance, being a spie in this country. And deteined from the King diverse riche thinges that were his grandmothers. He made him an evill speaker of all men."

"No English man could come to him but Mr. Ashby did examin him. He sought his life betwixt Wygmour and Mr. Ashebie, as it is manifestly knowen. That he shewed his letter to the Earl Bothuel beinge written in some sharp maner, and procured the Erle to intercept his letters sent by James Hudson."

2/3 p. In the hand of one of Asheby's clerks.

299. William Asheby to [Michael] Throckmorton. [Nov. 28.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 182.

Doubts not but the storm will be overblown, and hopes to see those make shipwreck that have by their enchantments raised the tempest. Will in the end be honorably dealt with by "that honorable parson" (fn. 8) who in his letter seems so greatly moved against him. Asheby will appeal "a Cesare irato ad Cesarem non iratum." Honest dealing will prevail, and patience, according to Throckmorton's counsel, for the present, the only shield to quench the fiery darts of all sycophants. Encloses a letter to "his honour," and prays Throckmorton to learn the cause of his displeasure: if it is for searching James Hudson and taking his letters from him, Asheby knew nothing of it till Bothwell brought the letters to his house. If it be touching Mr. Fowler "who is retyred into the castle of Edenburgh for feare of the Erle Bothwell," he had taken sanctuary before Asheby knew of the Earl's displeasure against him.

1 p. Draft in Asheby's hand. Indorsed by Asheby: "To Mr. Throg. the 28 of November."

300. William Asheby to Walsingham. [Nov. 28.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 183.

Is overwhelmed with grief upon the receipt of Walsingham's letter of Nov. 16th, and requests him to suspend judgment till his return, which he hopes will not be many days, and to vouchsafe his accustomed favour meanwhile. "If I be found anie waie in fault, towching the informacion made against me, let me never receave good countenance from you." Has always joyed to honour and serve Walsingham; "and what I have honori tuo acceptum fero." His request was not to draw Walsingham to any party, but to give warning of a dissembling person, "that feareth nether God nor loveth man, as appeareth both in his wourd and lyfe past, whereof I se no amendment."

1 p. Draft in Asheby's hand. Indorsed by Asheby: "to Mr. Secr. Wall."

301. Walsingham to William Asheby. [Nov. 29.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 185.

Encloses her majesty's letter to the council of Scotland; if the council seem to think they should have had answer sooner, Asheby is to allege for a cause her majesty's weighty affairs of France, the Lord Treasurer's sickness, and the slackness of the posts.

Her majesty understands that since the King's departure divers disorders have been committed upon her subjects on the Borders of the Middle Marches. Asheby is to make this known to the council, reminding them that it will be almost impossible to prevent her borderers seeking revenge if speedy redress be not provided. She has sent order to Sir John Forster not only to keep his borders in good order in the King's absence, but to yield assistance to the council for repressing or punishing disordered persons if they shall so require.

Also sends a letter from her majesty to Bothwell, as Asheby advised, with a copy for himself "that in case you should perceave the Erle should think the same to conteyne somwhat to much remembrance of matters past that might touch him, you may the better consider how to aunswere therupon." Somerset House. Signed: Fra: Walsyngham.

Postscript—"Because you can best judge whither the Duke of Lennox or the Lord Hamilton is to be first namid in the subscription of her majesties letter, the indorsement is therfore left to be made by you according to this form heerunder written."

(The form of address follows.)

1⅓ pp. Addressed. Indorsed.

Copy of the same.

Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 188.

302. John Crawford [otherwise William Crichton, Jesuit, to Mr. Bog] otherwise the Earl of Bothwell. [Nov.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 199.

"Our great merchant in thir pairtis hes bein this lang tyme diseasit and death luikit for to him, quhilk will stay our tread for ane quhyll: bot his master is verie willing to hald fordwart his jurnay with great preparacione. Quhen the tread breakis up ze sall hawe zour large pairt of the blok quhither loss quhither vantage, for the multitud off zour offices and infinit meritis hes oblisit mee perpetuallie to zow, sa that I can newer be unmyndfull to do the thing that lyis in me to recompens zow with sic plesure as I dow or may. Off the estate off this cuntrie and how thingis gangis heir the berar quha delyveris zow the litill buik will advertiss zow."

"From Bruxelis." Signed: "Jhone Crawfurd." [In Asheby's hand]: "Sir I praie you decipher this merchant cypher; whom you thinke is ment by Bog, and other names here set doune."

1 small page. No flyleaf or address.


  • 1. Underlined in the original.
  • 2. Decayed.
  • 3. Decayed.
  • 4. Decayed.
  • 5. First page wanting.
  • 6. Altered from "Sir George Chaworth in Notinghamshier."
  • 7. Decayed.
  • 8. Thomas Fowler ?