James VI: September 1589

Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Originally published by His Majesty's General Register House, Edinburgh, 1936.

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'James VI: September 1589', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593, ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle( Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp151-162 [accessed 22 January 2025].

'James VI: September 1589', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Edited by William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle( Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online, accessed January 22, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp151-162.

"James VI: September 1589". Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle(Edinburgh, 1936), , British History Online. Web. 22 January 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp151-162.

In this section

James VI: September 1589

203. William Asheby to Walsingham. [Sept. 1.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 70.

Seeing by your letters of August 28th, received this day, her majesty's gracious mind to yield the King all honour at his marriage, I have thought good to advertise Lord Scrope and the other wardens in time, "that what good provicion of all manner of vivars and dilicates fitt for such an occacion may be made, it be by there honours meanes stayd in the countrie there, and not sould or presented to anie Scottishe, but reserved and sent hither to be presented in her majesties name when tyme shall require." They desire to have three or four English oxen.

The Queen's arrival is uncertain, depending upon wind and weather: it is thought it will be about the 20th instant.

"The King is unwilling I shall depart before the mariage: I beseche your honour for direccion herein with speed." Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

1 p. Draft in Asheby's hand. Indorsed by Asheby: "To Mr. Secr. the first of Sept."

204. Nobles of Scotland well affected to England. [Sept. 1.]

"The Lord Hamilton with his dependantes, videlicett, the Earles Glencarne and Cassills, the Lordes Rosse, Symmervyll, Fleminge, and Master of Forbesse, the Lordes Lusse, Lamenton, Evindall, Carfin, Dayell, with sundrie other Barrons in Clidsdale, Renfrewe, Lanaricke, and Carricke."

"The Lord Chancelor with his suite, videlicet, the Masters of Eglinton and Cassalls, the Lordes Hume, Yester, and Borthicke, the Lardes Cowdonknowes, Drunlanricke, Cesfourde, Beaucleuche, Parbrothe, Comptroller, Caddell, Spott, with sundrie other Barrons."

"The Earle of Marre with a worshipfull denpendance (sic) videlicet, the Lord Drumond and his brother the Lord of Inchaferay, the Masters of Leviston, and Elphiston, the Lardes Tyllibarne, Keir, Carse, Baquhanen, Pomeise, Culcrothe, Dentrethe, Saquhy, Clakmannen, Ady, with sundrie others."

"The Earles of Morton and Angusse."

"The Earle Marshall."

"The Earle of Gowrye, thoughe he be but younge yett is he ruled by your frendes."

"The Master of Gray and Lyndsey."

"The Justice Clarcke."

"The mynistrie contynue verie constant, but the burroughes are alienatt, because of the contynual pyrracies."

¾ p. Indorsed.

Copy of the same.

Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 175.

205. Mr. Archibald Douglas to Burghley. [Sept. 3.] Cf. Letters of John Colville, Ban. Club, p. 248.

"This morning thayr is cummed to my handis be accident some letteris whearof thayr is some moyr suspition to be collected than at the first doethe appeir, as moyr particularlye wilbe knawin be some materis that heirtofore I did communicate to Mr. Philippes. The letteris ar derected to the Master of Graye, and be one unhonest Scottisman called Chalmeris whome I knaw to be such a one. I haif thocht it expedient to send thaym to your lordship, to the end that yow may persawe that thayr is in thaym ane schiphre termed in Frenche le bastone, which must be dischipherd be compasse. I dowt nott bot that your lordship hes wyth you suche as can do it, and thayrfor I leawe that mater to thaym."

"Be the circumstancis of uther mater conteaned in the saydis letteris I do collect that thayr is somme moyr hidde mater in thayme then be the expres wordis doeth appair, necessayrye to be onderstand to your lordship and to those that handlis the effairis of this state. Thayrfor if it may stand wythe your lordshipis pleasur ather to mowe Sir Francis Valsingham to send some trustye servitour of his to me, or than that your lordship may be pleased to send some of your awin experimented in these effaris, and I shale inform thaym, or ony of thaym, of the hoill circumstancis that I haif considered in thaym."

"The resson that movis me to absteyn from cumming to your lordship my self is for that I haif promised induring the aboade of Mr Jhone Colville nather to com to court, nather to consale, to the end that I may remayn unsuspected in onything concerning my maister his effairis in ony mater whearin he is to negotiate, which I must pray your lordship to ressawe in gud parte."

"Be letteris from my nephew I do onderstand that the Maister of Gray vold now persuade me that it is Mr. Fowlar that is the occasion of this fallin owt betuixt him and me, and that thayr vas ane fals alarm gevin to him be our Chancellar, who feared that the amitye betuixt us mycht breade harme to him, that mayde Mr. Fowlar to beleawe that suche mater as he vrote of was trew, whearof no part vas of verite; bot in this I mynd to beleawe him as in uthir materris I intend to do." Signed: A. Douglas.

Postscript—"I send to yowr lordship wyth this bearar ane lettir I ressawed from France. I knaw the contentis to be bettir onderstan to your lordship than be it can appeir, bot my meaning is thus—if you lack intelligens at ony tyme you may haif it be this moyen if no bettir can serwe."

1 p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

206. Camplaints of Cattle-reiving from Northumberland. [Sept. 3 & 4.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 71.

"Complain Thomas Reade of Burroton and Johne Reade of Farnem his brother upon Jame Hall of Heaviside younger, James Robson of the Burvens, Johne Mowe sonne to Launce Mowe, with there accomplices to the nombre of xx men, who forceablie refte and caried awaye xxiiij kye and oxen and a horse worthe x li. starlinge; done the iiijth of September 1589."

Cf. Cal. of Border Papers, i, 362,363.

"Complains Robert Roddam of Lytle Hoghton upon Androwe Rotherforde and George Rotherforthe sonns to William of Lytle Hewghe, Androwe Dowglas of the Brea and Jocke Dowgles tennents to the Lairde of Hunthill, Anton Pott of Carricke, George Hall of Burdupe, Anton Hall of Sharperton, Thome Hall of Dewishill, beinge fugetives and recept by William Rotherforde of Lytle Hewghe with there accomplices, who stale and recept xvj kye and oxen frome Lytle Hoghton the 3 of September 1589."

½ p. Indorsed.

207. Henry Lord Scrope to William Asheby. [Sept. 4.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 72.

Received yesternight Asheby's request for provision, wanted for the marriage of the King: "wherin these partes where I am yeildeth no viandes nor delicates fitt for such an occasion." He has sent to friends in Yorkshire and elsewhere to help to furnish this provision, and hopes thus to provide one or two good stags against the day appointed. Touching his footcloth, being of velvet, but plain without gold or silver trimming, it can be sent if desired. Wishes to know the certain day of the Queen's arrival and marriage. Carlisle. Signed: H. Scropp.

½ p. Addressed. Indorsed.

208. Mr. Archibald Douglas to Walsingham. [Sept. 7.]

"I send onto you this inclosed, not thayrbye to gewe ony awertisemente that is not alreadye to you knavin, bot that yow may onderstand be it that the vrytar is able to do service if yow hawe to do vyth it, and that he is weill knavin to Mr. Stafforde, who may mak yow acquaynted vyth his abilite."

"I am informd that ane Scottis man called James Forrete is cummed to this towne; he is broder to one Villiam Forritte that is maryed in Brudges, who helped to sell the sayd towne to the ennemye. His erand, so farre as I can learne, is to go to his sayde broder. If the secreit of his erand be to you knavin, it is weill; if not I can nott tell what to say of it, nather of his jorney. The man whom he hath served is honest, to vitt, my Lorde Hammilton, and I can say nothing against him self excepted that he whom he is myndit to repayr onto is be publick fame knavin to be of the vorst sort. Thairfor I must leawe it to your discretion how to examyn this matter leist it appearis to be weill don that some adwertisment thayrof may be gevin to the commissionaris heir, that thay may cause som regarde be gevin to him and his behaviour be thayr freyndis in those quarteris." Signed: A. Douglas.

½ p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

209. [William Asheby] to Walsingham. [Sept. 8.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 74.

With the first wind the Queen is expected out of Denmark. It is thought that she embarked about the 2nd instant, but that contrary winds keep the fleet back. Great preparation is made at Leith to receive her, and to lodge her till the solemnity, which shall be twelve days after her arrival. The King is at Seaton till her arrival. He is loth that Asheby should depart before the marriage. The Chancellor told him that the rumours of the Queen's dislike of the match would be increased by his departure, so thinks good to stay, the time being so short, to avoid hard constructions.

Lord Wemyss and Monsieur Civille embarked with their companies ten days ago for France, but were by a south-west wind driven back into Leith road, where they await a favourable wind "thinking it longe till they be in France."

The rumours that the King of Navarre is defeated make many of their soldiers to steal from them: "such craftes use the papistes to lessen what they can the forces that ar to goe from hence. The King doth expecte some honorable personage from her majestie to honour his mariage." Edinburgh.

1 p. Draft. Indorsed by Asheby: "To Mr. Secr. the 8 of Sept. '89."

210. Safe-conduct for John Kelston. [Sept. 10.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 75.

By Sir Henry Widdrington, marshal and deputy governor of Berwick, for John Kelston, servant to William Asheby, horse and guide, to go to Carlisle and return. Berwick. Signed: Henry Wodrington.

1 p. Seal.

211. Henry Lord Scrope to William Asheby. [Sept. 12.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 76.

Sends his footcloth, such as it is, by this bearer, Asheby's servant. Desires to be advertised of the Queen's arrival and date of the marriage, "that such thinges as can be gotten here maye be reserved for the tyme withoute waste, forasmuch as such delicates will not kepe." Carlisle. Signed: H. Scrop.

½ p. Addressed. Indorsed.

212. G[ ] S[ ] to Mr. Archibald Douglas. [Sept. 13.]

Monsieur de Men (Maine) took Neuchatel on the 11th instant, and the King expected him at Arques. The governor of Dieppe sent the King four pieces of battery. The Duke of Longueville sent word to the King that on the 10th instant Marshal Dowmont and he should join at Compiégne. The King thinks they should both join him at Arques on the 18th instant. On the 12th instant the said Duke marched to Eu, beside Treport, and is besieging it. Maine is lodged in the abbey of Treport, where the King lodged on the 8th instant. On the 12th instant the King rode to Dieppe to frustrate the plans of the Duke of Maine. The latter's army is estimated at 32,000, or, according to two Walloon prisoners, 40,000.

"Apone the xij of this instant the Kingis grece send out iij of his Scottis gardis of our compeney to sey quheir Monsieur de Menis campe was lyand; the quhilk iij lygis frome Arkis thir iij Scottis men tewk ij presonaris of the lyge of Monsieur de Menis compeney. The ane is a zoung gentillman was newryssid page with the Cardenall of Gueis. He that tewk this gentillman is callit Thomas Wardlaw, halfe broder to the Lerd of Torry [in] Fyfe."

"The King lewkes dey frome dey for some help frome Ingland, and marvellis grytlie of the Lerd of Wemys long tary." Arques. Signed: "G. S."

pp. Holograph. Addressed.

213. William Asheby to Burghley. [Sept. 15.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 362.

"I have not written of late to your honour, because I was preparing for my journey whomeward; but I, finding the King unwi[lling] I should depart before the mariage w[as] solemnised, and considering the hard construccions that would here have ben m[ade] thereon at this present, as the Lord Chanc[ellor] tould me, and as I will further acquaint [your] lordship at my retorne, I thought good to staie the solemnities, most humblie [be]seching your honour to excuse me to [her] majestie if it be taken otherwise than well."

"We dailie now expect the fleet of De[nmark]. The Quene embarqued at Copmanhaven [on] Moundaie the first of this moneth, and [hath] not set foote on ground sithence, except [the] last storme, which continued the 12 and thirten of this present southwest, haith driven the fleet back into Norwaie, [as] in all likliehode it haith done."

"The Lord Dingwall arrived here this [day]. He left the Quene and the whole fleet on [this] side of Elsenoure, and had sight of the same nere the Skaw. It is certen[ly] looked that the Quene shall arrive in this Firth within as shorte space as [wind] and wether cane serve from Norwaie [to] this cost, which maie be in foure or fi[ve] daies, if thei have keapt the seas, and not entred over farr the Sound of . . ."

"The wind haith ben southwest and gre[at] this foure daies last past. This daie it groweth calmer and northwest, so as in . . . daies the Quenes arrivall is expected at Le[ith], where great preparacion is made to receave her."

"The Lord Maxwell is taken out of the castle and lodged in a burghers house in Edenborough; such severitie is used to rebells in [this] countrie, which I beleave will draw repentance with it err it be long." Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

2 pp. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.

214. George St. Pole to the Privy Council. [Sept. 15.]

Upon receipt of their letters for his attendance on the Earl of Lincoln into Scotland, being sheriff of the county of Lincoln, and having to collect money and appear with it at the Exchequer on November 1st, he cannot be dispensed withal without her majesty's special warrant. Melwood. Signed: George St. Poll.

1 p. Addressed. Indorsed.

215. Walsingham to William Asheby. [Sept. 16.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 78.

Sends a copy of proceedings in France. Oatlands. Signed: Fra: Walsyngham.

p. Addressed. Indorsed.

216. Francis Dacre to Elizabeth. [Sept. 17.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 429.

Writes to excuse his sudden and forced departure; has never before hazarded the Queen's displeasure. Disclaims all disloyalty or evil practices, whatever his "unfrendes" may say, of whom he has many, especially those whom his father brought up from mean estate and who now live in wealth on the lands that were his ancestors'. Their untruths have often taken effect with the Council, but never with the Queen till now.

Has suffered many things trusting in the Queen's promises. Has made shift to get money by selling his house, in order to come up to attend the Queen's pleasure.

"Being within a weike of taking my jurney, your majesties commission in the (fn. 1) . . . upoun the said landes haith not only dispossessed me by vertu of a letter [from] my Lord Tresurer writen by your majesties comandment of all thos tenantes which was a . . . to me, both of the Grastockes landes and also of the Dacres which were purchased and ou . . . concealment, but also haith called me and very earnestly demanded the rentes ag . . . my landes that I have receyved therof."

It is hard that Arundel's attainder should forfeit his [Dacre's] lawful possessions. He fears his adversaries have withdrawn the Queen's favour from him, as he had no answer to his petition to her majesty last Easter. Begs consideration of his poor estate, his lawfull possession being taken from him by another's fault. The [Louthers (?)] and Carltons, who never deserved well at the Queen's hands, are preferred before him, and evil men are maintained. (fn. 1) Has been accused of defrauding her majesty: had he done so he would have made a better . . . for himself than he has done. Has lost all hope, knowing . . . the Strangwaies landes, and considering the interest that Sir Thomas Cecil's son hath in those lands from the Queen, so must let them rest in their hands and abide in poverty. Has no shift left: "to begg I am ashamed, to work I cannot, and to want I will [not]." He determined to employ the little that should have taken him to her majesty to carry him elsewhere, and has taken his son with him, that they may live or starve together. He leaves his daughters to such friends as God may provide. Croglin. Signed: Francis Dacre.

pp. No flyleaf or address.

217. Henry Lord Scrope to Asheby. [Sept. 20.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 82.

Upon a letter he received from Roger Aston, signifying the King's desire to have her majesty's players to repair into Scotland, he sent to them where they were in the furthest parts of Lancashire, whereupon they returned, and have now been ten days at Carlisle. Prays Asheby to give notice thereof to his majesty. Carlisle. Signed: H. Scropp.

1 p. No flyleaf or address.

218. Henry Lord Scrope to William Asheby. [Sept. 22.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 83.

Has provided some red deer for the marriage, through the Earl of Derby, who sent him "a brace of verie fatt stagges redy baked." He sends them by his bearer to be presented to the King. Prays Asheby that Derby may have thanks for the same. Desires news of the young Queen and of occurrences in France. Carlisle. Signed: H. Scropp.

½ p. Addressed. Indorsed.

219. Burghley to William Asheby. [Sept. 22.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 85.

Asheby's letter of the 15th instant came not to Berwick till the 17th, nor to Burghley till the 21st. The Queen approves of Asheby's staying till after the marriage: "by your letter yt showld seme she weare not then landed, yet doth the Lord Chamberlaine by such intelligence as he hath assure hir majestie of hir arrivall; and my lord of Lincolne is hastned awaie, whoe will depart hence abowt Thorsday or Fridaie at the furthest." Prays Asheby to advertise by what noblemen and ladies of her nation she is accompanied, and the manner of her receiving. From the court. Signed: W. Burghley.

¾ p. Addressed. Indorsed.

220 William Asheby to Walsingham. [Sept. 24.]

The 20th of September is come and gone when it was supposed the marriage should be solemnized. The winds have been so great and so contrary that it is presumed the fleet is driven back into the Sounds of Norway and attends a fairer gale. The King, as a true lover, wholly passionate, and half out of patience with the wind and weather, is troubled that he hath been so long without intelligence of the fleet, "and thinketh everie daie a yere till he se his joye and love approche." With an indifferent wind four days would suffice from Norway hither.

Francis Dacres is come to Edinburgh with his young son. "He giveth out himself for a malcontent"; he is countenanced by Bothwell, and to win him favour here it is alleged that he is forced to forsake his country for certain speeches by him uttered derogatory to her majesty's and her Council's proceedings against the late Scottish Queen. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

Postscript—"If her majestie think anie thing of my staie, I most humblie besech your honour to excuse me herein, for that the King will not geve me leave before the mariage be here solemnised to departe."

pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

Two drafts of the same.

Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 87.

221. William Asheby to Burghley. [Sept. 25.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 89.

It pleased her majesty to give him the penalty of Mr. Draycote's recusancy, as he desired, as appears by her grant signed and sealed, through Burghley's favour. Asheby compounded with the gentleman before going to Scotland, and the arrears are paid. Mr. Draycote is troubled by process out of the Exchequer for these arrears; Asheby being already satisfied desires Burghley's favour for him that he may be no more troubled. Edinburgh. Sept. 25 [sic].

1 p. Draft in Asheby's hand. Indorsed: "To the Lord Threasurer, the 27 of Sept. [sic] 1589."

222. Thomas Fowler to Walsingham. [Sept. 26.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 444.

Sends this packet at Mr. Hudson's request. Few of the nobility are like to be at this marriage, only the Earls Marischal, Mar, and Bothwell, Lord Hamilton, Claud, "Maxwell who cawles him selffe and is cawled by all his servantes and frendes Erll of Morton, and will passe all the rest in trayne and bravery, for he is wayted apon alreddy with a hundrethe jentellmen in Edenbrowghe," Seaton and other petty lords, the Chancellor and officers.

One Dacres is with Bothwell, who protects him: he hath presented the earl with two fair horses; he brought in six. He calls himself Francis Dacres, and has a son with him, a boy of 12. He came in by Liddisdale, brought hither by the Elliots; "he geves out he hathe righte to the lordship of Dacres and shewes to be mall content. When I goo to cowrt I will better looke to him."

Hears the ambassador received letters for him about the 14th instant, but cannot hear of them. Mr Aston told him that Walsingham wrote to him, but he has received none this month. The ambassador breaks his letters and keeps them, but probably would not dare do so to Walsingham's. Whittingham. Unsigned.

¾ p. No flyleaf or address.

223. James Hudson to Walsingham. [Sept. 27.]

"I have resavid your letter of the 16 of this month. The Master of Grae is noct now at court, but att his cuminge I shal doe after your honoris derecssyon. The King is well sattisfyed with hir majestes bownttefull deallinge att this tym, and wil yeild hir majeste very harte thanks for the saem. He is vere hevy and sorowfull for the Quein hir longe stae, and the church of Edinborow haeth had a dae of fast and praer for hir saeff aryvall."

"For the staett hear Mr. Fowller haeth writtin att lenghtt to your honor, as also a particuler letter to me of ane other matter, whiche, if your honor have noct sein, it mae pleas your honor to break up and read. Mr. Fowler mendith well daelly, and is comforttid by the King and Chanceler by ther oftin sending to him." Edinburgh. Signed: J. Hudson.

½ p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

224. William Asheby to Burghley. [Sept. 27.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 90.

Burghley's letter of the 22nd instant arrived this 27th; small haste is made in the conveyance of letters. The Princess's arrival is uncertain, whatever may be reported to the contrary. The 24th instant his majesty caused public fast to be had, with supplications for her preservation since when the wind has turned, and her speedy approach is hoped for, if it continue but two days longer in the north-east.

Mr. John Colvile arrived here on the 22nd at night, and the next day acquainted the King with her majesty's bountifull consideration: the King came the 25th to see the plate and furniture he brought, which is such as was never known in Scotland, and is kindly accepted.

Bothwell the same day presented Francis Dacres, known here as Lord Dacres; "who delivering some small speache upon his knee, was heard with as small countenance," and returned without answer of the King or any other, except such as by Bothwell's importunity were drawn to salute him: Bothwell and Lord Maxwell conveyed him back to his lodging. Bothwell is ridden today to the King at Craigmillar, taking Dacres with him to procure favour for him.

Rumours of the Princess's approach caused gentlemen here to seek provision of victual from the Borders for her entertainment. Whereupon, learning the Queen's disposition to countenance the marriage, Asheby presumed to move the Wardens of the Marches to stay such preparation as the country afforded till her pleasure were known, so that if any provision came hither from those parts it might be acknowledged, "rather then it should be conveyed in hugger mugger and smothered under hand": since which Lord Derby, at Lord Scrope's request, sent hither a brace of fat stags baked after the English fashion, and other provision is stayed on the Borders in readiness against her landing. Asks for direction herein. Edinburgh.

1 p. Draft. Indorsed by Asheby: "To the L. Thre. the 27 of Sep., by Brown."

225. Walsingham to William Asheby. [Sept. 29.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 91.

Sends news from France. Encloses letters to James Hudson. Richmond. Signed: Fra: Walsyngham.

¾ p. Addressed Indorsed at several places on the road between London and Edinburgh.

226. Plate Delivered to the Ambassador of Scotland. [Sept.]

"Guilt Plate."
oz. dr. gr.
"Imprimis a paire of flagons poiz 175 15 0
"A nest of boules with one cover 90 9 0
"A nest of boules with one cover 85 7 12
"iij candell stickes 49 2 12
"A spoute pott 42 7 12
"vj boules without covers 43 12 12
"A basson and ewer 104 0 0
"A boule and cover 22 10 0
"ij boules and covers 44 12 12
"A chase salt and a cover 43 0 0
"A chase salt and a cover 25 17 12
"A chase salt and a cover 26 7 12
"A nest of boules and a cover 73 7 12
"A basson and ewer 88 5 0
"A basson and ewer 131 0 0
"A paire of pottes 67 7 12
"A paire of pottes 50 7 12
"ij rounde saltes and covers 38 1 12
"iij boules without covers 58 12 12
"A basson and ewer shipp fashion 69 10 0
"A boule and cover 55 15 0
"A boule and cover 41 15 0
"iij boules without covers 74 15 0
"ij boules without covers 25 17 12
"A standing cupp and cover 48 2 12
"iij plaine boules without cover 32 10 0
"iij boules with one cover 42 15 0
"iij boules without cover 28 12 12
"iij boules without cover 35 7 12
"iij smale boules without cover 20 10 0
"A greate basson and ewer 116 7 12
"A boule and cover 36 10 0
"A boule and cover 57 7 12
"iij dosen of spones 82 15 0
"A round salt with a cover 11 5 0
"A greate round salt with a cover 68 12 10
"A double bell salt 20 17 12
"A nest of deip boules without cover 25 0 2
"iij rased boules without cover 27 12 10
"iij graven boules without cover 21 10 2
"iij boules without covers graven without 28 1 10
"v celler boules without covers 55 5 2
"ij fruite dishes 18 17 10
"A christall pott 37 7 12
"A paire of saltes without cover 91 17 12
"A paire of livery pottes 70 5 2
"iij boules without covers gilt 29 5 0
"A paire of flagons 143 15 0
oz. dr. gr.
"A couble cupp 38 2 12
"A spout pott 30 7 0
"ij crewettes 23 2 12
"A boule and cover 17 15 0
"A cupp with cristall 58 5 0
"A couble cupp 62 5 0
"iiij gilt boules and covers 126 0 0
"ij peare cuppes and one boule and cover 67 7 12
"A basson and ewer 63 5 0
"A salt and cover 11 7 12
"A dosen of spones 17 10 0
"A nest of boules without cover 75 17 12
"Totall of the parcells conteyned one both sides is in ownces oz. dr. gr.
3279 5 0
"Percell gilt plate"
oz. dr. gr.
"A double bell salt 18 0 0
"ij parcell guilt boules 19 17 12
"vj bowles with one cover 116 5 0
"A nest of tonne cuppes 51 15 0
"A basson and ewer 80 10 0
"A paire of pottes 77 15 0
"A basson and ewer 74 17 12
"A basson and ewer 98 12 12
"A basson and ewer 86 7 0
"A paire of pottes 101 17 12
"A basson and ewer 92 12 12
"A basson and ewer 83 10 0
"vj boules without covers 51 10 0
"ij dozen of trencher plates 146 0 0
"A dozen of trencher plates 78 15 0
"x dozen of spones 192 0 0
"iij . . . [sic] 26 12 12
"A smale shallow boule 8 0 0
"A basson and ewer 55 0 0
"Totall of the parcells above written being parcell gilt is in ounces oz. dr. gr.
1459 15 0
"White Plate"
oz. dr. gr.
"v boules without covers 43 17 12
"A bason and ewer 64 10 0
"xvij white boules 155 0 0
"ij chaffing dishes 63 17 12
"A basson and ewer 100 0 0
"vj bowles white 66 10 0
"ix boules and one spoute 136 12 12
"A perfuminge pann 27 17 12
oz. dr. gr.
"iij candellstickes 28 2 12
"vj candellstickes 70 0 12
oz. dr. gr.
"Totall of the parcells of white plate is in ounces 756 7 12
"The parcells of gilt plate delivered weyinge 3279 oz. at vijs. the ounce do amount in money to the some of 1147li. 14s. 9d.
"The parcells of parcell gilt plate delivered weyinge 1459 oz. 15 dr. at vjs. the ounce do amount to in money 437li. 18s. 6d.
"The parcells of white plate delivered waying 756 oz. 9 dr. do amounte to in money at vs. viijd. the ounce 214li. 6s. 9d.
"More paide to Mr. Stone mercer in money for silkes the somme of 200li. 0s. 0s.
"Summa summarum amountes to 2000li. 0s. 0d.

32/3 pp. Indorsed by Burghley: "Sept. 1589. Plate sent into Scotland to the vallew of ij thousand by Mr. Colvile."

227. Mr John Colvile to William Asheby. [Sept.] Eg. MSS., 2,598, fol. 69.

"That I writ nocht in former paquettis the caus wes for that I thocht your lordship had bein on your journey, and noct of forgetfulnes. This mariage of Mr. Robert Cicill, and Mr. Secretaris seiknes, hes retardit my arand, bot now I look for hesty and favorable answer, whiche salbe signifeit wnto your lordship how sone I sall resave it."

"At my first audience I trust—as my dewite wes—I haif done your lordship no harm, and I think hir majeste will declair the same at your meting. I assurit hir highnes that your lordship, sem[ing] to do nothing, had effectuat a good work, considdering in quhat disposition our estat wes into at [your] arryvall amang ws, whiche hir highnes confessit to be trew, with other spechis that passit amang ws whiche I om[it], lest yow suld think I did flatter."

"I fere the matteris of France be noct in werey good estat. Mr. Lillie is returnit home, and schawis the King l[eft] at Arques, abyding till Monsieur de Longeville and Marischall d'Aumont joyin with him; and that De . . . (fn. 2) is at D'Aumall, noct distant above ten legis. I think or now thai haif ether fowgin or ellis on of the par[ties] hathe quat the place: bot your lordship heris theis [mat]teris better nor I can writt." Signed: Jo. Colvile.

1 p. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.


  • 1. Partly illegible here.
  • 2. Decayed.