White Plate parcelles gilte. |
First, 12 doseyn spones and one spone wt gilt Images on the
knoppes, weying by troy weight |
181 vnces. |
Itm, 6 bolles with a cover wt lambes and sonnes in the
botoms, bought in Master Depleches tyme, weying |
151 vnces. |
Itm, 2 pottes whyte, with lambes on the lyddes, weying |
95 vnces 3 qrtrs. |
Itm, 2 pottes whyte, with armes of 3 griffithes hedes on the
lyddes |
72 vnces. |
Itm, 2 basons and 2 ewers, with blak lyberdes hedes in armes,
of the gyfte of Master Colwiche |
116 vnces. |
Thise 2 basyns wt 2 ewres be chaunged into better
facion as it appereth in the 5 leef next folowyng. |
Itm, 2 basons, one wt armes of 3 lybardes hedes and the other
wt a Flome, and 2 Ewers white, wt the armes of 3 lybardes
hedes on the lyddys, of the gifte of Mr Stone, weying
106 vnces |
106 vnces. |
Also thise 2 basyns and 2 ewres be chaunged into better
facion apperyng in the 5 lefe folowyng. |
Itm, 2 basons with lambes and soñes in the botoms and
2 ewers white, of the gyfte of William Chapman, weying |
127 vnces 3 quarters. |
Thise 2 basyns and 2 new ewres late made appereth the
weight of theym in the 5 lefe folowyng. |
Itm, 2 basons with lambes and sonnes on the botoms, and
2 ewers wt lambes and sonnes of the Crafte |
137 vnces di. |
The weight of thise 2 basyns and 2 ewres appereth in
the 5 lefe folowyng. |
Itm, a Clubbe pece, couered, stondyng vpon 3 fete, weying |
32 vnces. |
This pece, wt thaggreament of the counceill of the crafte
was solde vnto Ric. Smyth for 31 vnces and di., as it
appereth in thaccomptes of W. Fitz Willm than Mr.
A Stondyng Cup, Couered, chaced, half gilt, wt a floure in
the botom |
22 vnces. |
Itm, a Stondyng Cup, Couered, pounced half gilt of the
gyfte of Maister Prynce, weying |
41 vnces. |
Sum of the vnces, 1,081 vnces, at 3s. 4d. the vnce. |
Sum in argent, 180l. 3s. 4d. |
Nottes and Masers. |
Itm, a maser, couered, wt an Image of Saynt Kenelme,
weying |
9 vnces. |
Itm, a stondyng maser, wtoute couer, weying |
11 vnces. |
Itm, a grete maser, wt a cover with Floure of syluer on the
knop |
17 vnces. |
Itm, a blak not, couered, garnysshed wt syluer and gilt |
15 vnces. |
Sum of the vnces of the Nutte and masers, 52 vnces,
at 2s. 8d. the vnce. |
Sum thereof in argent, 6l 18s. 8d. |
Gylte Plate. |
Itm, a grete stondyng gilt cup, couered, wt a lambe and a
sonne on the knop of the cover, for the chesyng of the
master on mydsomer day |
66 vnces. |
Itm, a nother standyng gilt cup, couered, wt a lambe and a
son[n]e on the couer, graven wt Gaudete in Dño on the Fote,
weying |
51 vnces 3 qrtrs. |
Itm, a nother stondyng gilt cup, wt 3 Angelles for the Fete,
wt a lambe and a sonne on the couer, graven with Ecce
Agnus Dei on the cover, weying |
55 vnces. |
Itm, a nother stondyng Cup, couered, gilt, wt a lambe and a
sonne on the couer, of the gyfte of John Fulthorp,
weying |
45 vnces. |
Itm, a stondyng gilt cup, couered, of the gifte of Hugh
Champernons Wif, weying |
51 vnces di. |
m, a stondyng gilt cup, couered, chaced, of the gifte of
William Nordon, weying |
23 vnces di. |
Itm, a stondyng gilt cup, couered, chaced wt a Tyger in the
botom, of the gifte of master Tego, weying |
25 vnces 3 qrtrs. |
Itm, a stondyng grete Nutte, couered, wt an Image of Saynt
John Baptist on the Couer, of the gyfte of mastres Breux,
weying |
39 vnces. |
Itm, a square salt, couered gilte, made wt Turrettes, and a
lambe and a sonne on the couer, weying |
70 vnces di. |
Itm, a square salte, couered gilt, wt a pellican on the couer,
of the gifte of mastres Bate, weying |
42 vnces di. |
Itm, a grete rounde salte, couered gilte, wt a lambe and a
sonne on the Couer, weying |
44 vnces. |
Itm, 2 gilt pottes, wt lambes on the lyddes, one weying
58 vnces, and that other weying 65 vnces, sum of bothe |
123 vnces. |
m, 2 grete gilte Basyns, with lambes and sonnes, of the
gyfte of William Chapman, weying |
149 vnces. |
Item, 2 gilt spones, weying |
3 vnces. |
Itm, a layer of syluer, all gilt, of the gyfte of Roger Gerves,
weying |
14 vnces di. |
Sum of the vnces of the gilt plate 804 vnces at
3s. 8d. the vnce. |
Sum in argent, 147l. 8s. |
Sum total in Argent of the plate aforesaid, 334l. 10s. |