Memorial XIII: Inventory of Effects, 1512

Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London. Originally published by Harrison, London, 1875.

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'Memorial XIII: Inventory of Effects, 1512', in Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London, ed. C M Clode (London, 1875), British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Memorial XIII: Inventory of Effects, 1512', in Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London. Edited by C M Clode (London, 1875), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"Memorial XIII: Inventory of Effects, 1512". Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London. Ed. C M Clode (London, 1875), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.


Be it remembred and had in mynde that herafter foloweth a true Inuentary of all the goodes, Jowelles, plate, vtensiles, Implementes, Hustilmentes, hangynges, napery, ornamentes, and necessaryes bilongyng in com[m]on to the Feliship of Merchuntes Taillours of the Fraternitee of Saint John Baptist of London, as well of their Hall, parloure, Chambres, Chapell and Jowell house, As of the Kechyn, larderhouse, pastrye and all other houses and rowmes of Office perteynyng to the said Hall viewed and made by the Right Worshipfull John Tresawell, Maister of the said fraternitee, John Wright, Robert Fayrethwatte, John Nechilles and Thomas Cole, Wardeyns with the said Maister. Whiche Inuentary is engrossed and clere written by Henry Mayour com[m]on Clerke of the same fraternitee atte com[m]aundement and requeste of the said Maister and Wardeins with thaduys of the more parte of the moste substaunciall and discrete persones Assistentez and Counsaillours of the forsaid fraternitee the 27th daye of the moneth of Marche in the yere of oure Lord God 1512, and in the thyrde yere of the Reigne of Kyng Henry the 8th, as by the Ordre and Fourme hereafter ensuyng more euydently shall appere, that is to say—

The Hall.

First an Image of Saint John Baptist, gilt, standyng in a Tabernacle, gilt.

Itm, 3 Costrynges of red Saye with borders steyned of the lyf of Saint John, hangyng there the more parte of the yere.

Itm, the high table dormaunt with a particion slydyng in the myddell.

Itm, 9 double stoles Joyned with fote paces for the same table.

Itm, a Joyned stole with a fote pace for thende of the same table.

Itm, 4 syde tables dormaunt.

Itm, 4 formes dormaunt.

Itm, 4 formes remevable.

Itm, 8 tables remevable

Itm, 3 torches garnysshed hangyng affore Saint John.

Itm, the high doysse matted and borded.

Itm, both sydes of the said hall matted and borded.

Itm, the fote pace atte high doysse borded thurgh oute.

Itm, thall crested rownd aboute.

Itm, a Cupborde with 4 fete in the South Wyndowe.

Itm, in the Cupborde Room on the North syde 3 hawle paces for plate and a shelve bylowe.

Itm, 9 pieces of Arays rychely made of the lyf of Saint John, wherof 2 of the first are made atte costes of the crafte, price 80l.
The 3de cloth of the same syde of the gyfte of Maistres Kateryn Pemberton, whose soule God pardon, the price 40l.
The 3 clothes of the high doysse of the gyfte of the Right honorable Sir Stephen Jenyns, Knight, late Mayre of London, the 100l. and above.
price 100l. and aboue. And the last 3 clothes of the gyfte of the Right Worshipfull William Buk, late Maister of this fraternitee, decessed on whom 123l.

Jhu have mercy, price 123l. Whiche 9 Clothes of Arays are well lined with canvas, lyred, lowped and corded, and ben putte in 9 seuerall bagges of canvas w strynges to them pertynent. Also the Right revered Dame Margaret, Wyfe of the forsaid Sr Stephen Jenyns, of hyr good mynde and zele that she bereth to this Company, hat gyffen a cloth of Saint John, richely browdered, sette vpon blewe velvet with a white Rose over the hed of Saint John, the sydes of grene velvet, browdered with floure de luces of venyce gold, and with thise Wordes browdered in golde Entere tenere, Which said clothe and all the forsaid 9 clothes of arays are remaynyng in a gret joyned chest wt 2 lokkes, standyng in the Chapell.

Itm, dyuers trestelles and stoles staked liying atte theste ende of the hall.

The Parloure.

First, a gret Image of Saint John Baptist in a clothe with browdery worke of tholde makyng.

Itm, 18 newe quysshens of the gyfte of John Skevyngton than beyng Maister, George Sall, Henry Dacre, Gefferey Vaughan, and John Harryes, Wardeyns that tyme, with Angelles holdyng tharmes of the said Mr Skevyngton and with the markes of the said 4 Wardeins and tholy lambe, which quysshyns coste 7l. 14s. 10d.
Itm, 6 quysshens with tholy lambe browdered of the gyfte and bequest of John Powke late a brother of this fraternitee decessed whose soul God assoyle.
Itm, the tapet liying upon the table there of the gyfte of Thomas Speight late Maister, whiche coste 3l. 8s. 8d.
Itm, the hangyng aboute the parlour of the gyfte of Henry Dacre, Richa Hall, George Harward, and John Benet than Wardeins with the said late Mr, which coste
Itm, a banker, with tholy lambe in a sonne and Ecce agnus dei, lyned thurghout (fn. 1)

Itm, a table of grene, paynted of Kyffyns gyfte.

Itm, an olde verdour for the same table.

Itm, 3 trestelles and 3 formes joyned.

Itm, 2 course olde Aundyrorons and a pair of tonges.

Itm, a Coffyn of Estriche borde with the buriyng clothe and half a shete to lay within it.

Itm, 3 peces of led to lye vpon the bankers.

Itm, an olde Curteyn wt a wyre affore the dore.

Itm, in a gret Coffyn 3 baners of silke, whereof one is beten with an Image of our Lady, the 2de with Saint John, and the 3de with tholy Crosse and a dyademe in paper gilt.

Itm, 4 scocheons in bokeram, wth tharmes of Quene Elizabeth, late decessed.

Itm, 8 trumpet banners whiche were made whan Sir John Percyvale was mayre.

Itm, 8 large trumpet banners made in Mr. Duplage dayes.

Itm, 2 stremers and a banner of Saint John all closed in a cofyn of Estryche borde, whiche coffyn William Erle hath gyffen to the crafte.

Itm, a yerd of syluer and an other of iren.

Itm, a table of the suffragies bilongyng to this fraternitee.

Itm, a pece of waynescote framed for the chymney.

Itm, a double Almery of the coste and gyfte of Henry Mayour, wherein be dyuers boxes and bookes of Maisters Accomptes and other.

Itm, vpon the same Almery an hawte pace of Estryche borde to set ouer plate.

Itm, an almery with 3 dores, of the coste of Mr. Doget, behynde the parlour dore.

The Kinge's Chambre.

First, an olde longe table of vyrre.

Itm, 4 trestelles with 4 fete.

Itm, an horse trapper with tharmes of the crafte.

Itm, a staf for the Resurrexion, the Crosse thereof gilt.

Itm, a bedsted with strawe.

Napery, playne.

First, a table clothe playne, with A. B. and an oylet hole, conteyning 12 yerdes and di.

Itm, a table cloth of 10 yerdes, wt Saint Anthonyes crosse and the lre J.

Itm, a pece of 21 yerdes, marked with J. B. and H. C.

Itm, a litell clothe feble of 4 yerdes, marked wt J. & B.

Itm, a table clothe marked J. & B. of 13 yerdes.

Itm, a table clothe wt J. & B. of 6 yerdes and di scant.

Itm, a table clothe with H. & C. of 13 yerdes.

Itm, a table clothe with B. and an oylet hole, of 12 yerdes and di.

Itm, a pece of 23 yerdes and di.

Itm, a table cloth with J. & B. of 11 yerdes and di.

Itm, a table clothe wt J. & B. of 12 yerdes and di.

Itm, a table clothe with J. & B. of 10 yerdes scant.

Itm, a table clothe, rent in the one ende, with J. & B. of 10 yerdes and di.

Itm, a table cloth with B. and an oylet hole, of 9 yerdes.

Itm, a table clothe wt J. & B. of 14 yerdes.

Itm, a table clothe with J. & B. of 20 yerdes.

Itm, a table clothe with J. & B. of 10 yerdes and 3 quarters.

Itm, a table clothe with J. & B. of 19 yerdes.

Itm, a table clothe with J. & B. of 7 yerdes and di.

Itm, a table clothe with J. & B. of 19 yerdes.

Itm, a table clothe with J. & B. of 10 yerdes.

Itm, a table cloth with J. & B. of 10 yerdes.

Itm, a table clothe with J. & B. of 13 yerdes scant.

Itm, a table clothe with B. & 2 oylettes, of 12 yerdes.

Itm, a table clothe with J. & B. of 9 yerdes.

Itm, a table clothe with J. & B. of 7 yerdes and di.

Itm, a table clothe wt J. & B. of 4 yerdes.

Itm, a table clothe wt J. & B. of 4 yerdes.

Diaper Table Clothes.

First, a table clothe of 14 yerdes and a quarter in lengthe, and 2 yerdes and 1 quarter in brede, of R. Draper's gyfte.

Itm, a clothe of 9 yerdes and a quarter in lengthe and 2 yerdes in brede and a quarter.

Itm, a clothe of 8 yerdes and 1 quarter in length and in brede a yerde and di.

Itm, a clothe of 7 yerdes in lengthe and in brede a yerde and di.

Itm, a clothe with J. & B. of 5 yerdes and 1 quarter in lengthe and in brede a yerd and di.

Itm, a clothe with crosse diamauntes J. & B. of 13 yerdes di in lengthe, and in brede 1 yerd and di, of Maister Colettes yefte.

Itm, a clothe with crosse diamauntes of 11 yerdes in lengthe, and in brede 1 yerd and 1 quarter.


First, a towell of 12 yerdes and di, with J. & B.

Itm, a towell with J. & B. of 17 yerdes.

Itm, an olde towell of 4 yerdes.

Itm, a towell with J. & B. of 14 yerdes.

Itm, a towell with J. & B. of 13 yerdes.

Itm, a towell of 31 yerdes, wt a sone in one parte thereof.

Itm, a towell of 16 yerdes, with J. & B.

The Kechyn.

First, 3 gret brasse pottes, 2 with bayles of iron, the 3de without.

Itm, a brasse potte, wt 7 scores on one of the eres.

Itm, 4 ranges with rakkes by the walles.

Itm, a standyng rak in the myddes of the kechyn.

Itm, 7 stone morters sette in the grounde, of dyuers sortes.

Itm, a standard to cutte mete to the dresser.

Itm, a long borde affore the dresse, wt 3 course trestelles.

Itm, 3 bordes vndre the 3 wyndowes of the dresser.

Itm, a boket hoped with iron for the well, and 2 ropes for the same, and a cheyne of iron and a bayle therto.

Itm, a litell borde and 2 trestelles.

Itm, an olde feble kymlyn.

Itm, an olde hoggeshed with one botom.

Itm, an olde tubbe.

Itm, a table dormauut for the cokes.

Itm, 2 fourmes.

Itm, 2 shelves.

Itm, a standard a long affore the dresser.

The Larder Hous.

First, in the myddell, 2 bordes and 3 trestelles.

Itm, to the gardyn warde, a borde and 4 trestelles.

Itm, 2 bordes and 4 trestelles next the kechyn wall.

Itm, 3 plankes and 3 trestelles next to the wey house.

Itm, a gret almery with 3 flores.

Itm, 4 shelves.

The Pastrye.

First, a moldyng borde sette ouer 2 standardes.

Itm. 4 standardes.

Itm, 2 ranges of shelves.

Itm, without furth 3 copyng bordes.

Itm, a sawcery borde on 2 standardes.

Itm, in the bultyng house a tonne.

Itm, a brake and a brake borde.

Itm, 2 scullery pannes sette in a furneys.

Itm, in the drye larder house 9 shelves.

The Botery.

First, a gret almery of waynescote, with 3 flores and 2 boltes

Itm, a rakke for wete pottes or wete cuppis.

Itm, a stole with 4 stakes.

Itm, a planke and 2 trestelles.

Itm, 5 bred bynnes.

Itm, 2 shelves.

Itm, 2 bordes and 2 trestelles.

Itm, a borde in the wyndowe.

Itm, an old wyndowe ouer a byn.

The Storehous.

First, an almery with the Napery affore written.

Itm, 2 olde tubbes.

Itm, a trough for the conveyaunce of water into the kechyn.

Itm, a gret panne of brasse.

Itm, certeyn peces of an olde frame for a clere story.

Itm, a short forme with 4 stakes.

Itm, a trestell with 3 stakes.

Itm, a short table with 2 trestelles of 6 stakes.

In thandes of the Bedell.

2 old bankers of red saye lyned, both cont. 9 yerdes.

Itm, 5 old quysshons stuffed with flokkes.

The Jowell House.

First, a new Almery of waynescote, with 3 flores, 4 lokkes, and 6 keys of the prouysion and ordynance of the forsaid Maister Tresawell and his Wardeyns, for the conserucion and sauf kepyng of the plate, jowelles, chartres, evydences, and munymentes concernyng and bilongyng to this fraternitee. The parcelles of all whiche plate and jowelles herafter folowen, that is to sey:—

Basyns and Ewres.
First, 2 gilt basyns of estate, with lambes and sonnes, pois togiders by the weight of troye 149 vnc.
Itm, 4 basyns of siluer parcell gilte, with lambes and sonnes in the botoms, pois togiders by the said weight 191 vnc.
Itm, 4 ewres of siluer, with lyke tokens on the lyddes, pois togiders 93 vnc.
Itm, 3 basyns, with sterres and lambes in the botoms, pois togiders 193 vnc. and di.
Itm, 3 ewres, parcell gilt of the same makyng, with lambes on the liddes, pois 87 vnc. and di.
Saltes, gilt.
First, a large square salt, with a couer with torettes, and a lambe wt a sonne on the pomell, pois 70 vnc. and di.
Itm, a square salt couered, with a pellycane on the knop, of the gyfte of Maistres Bate, pois 42 vnc. and di.
Itm, a round salt, gilt, couered, with a lambe and sonne on the pomell, pois 44 vnc.
Spones, gilt and white.
First, 6 spones of the gyfte of Mr. Barther Reed and Thomas Wyndowte Shreffs, wt Saint John Baptist on the spones endes, pois togiders 9 vnc. 3 quarters.
Itm, 6 gilt spones, with wrethen knoppes, late Mr. Swannes 15 vnc.
Itm, 6 gilt spones, with strawbery knoppes, pois togiders
Itm, 6 gilt spones, with acornes, of the gyfte of John Herst, pois togiders 10 vnc. quarter di.
Itm, 2 gilt spones, with round knoppes and sonnes, pois 3 vnc.
Itm, a gilt spone, of the gyfte of Grey, with Saint John on the knoppe, and the stele graven wt his name 2 vnces di quarter lesse.
Itm, spones, whyte, with Saint John vpon the knoppes, 12 dossen and one spone, pois togiders by the weight of troye 181 vnc.
Itm, 3 spones gylt, which Richard Barton gafe to thuse of this place for to haue his lees sealed wt the comen seale of the tent that he holdeth in Lumberd Strete, pois 3 vnces.
Stondyng Cuppes.
First, a gret gilt stonding cup, couered, for the chosyng of the Maister, pois 66 vnces. 66 vnces.
Itm, an other gilt cup, couered, with a lambe and the sonne graven in the fote, with gaudete in dño, pois 51 vnc. 3 quarters.
Itm, a stondyng gilt cup, couered, with 3 angelles on the fote, and ecce agnus dei on the couer, pois 55 vnces.
Itm, a stondyng gilt cup, couered, with a lambe and the sonne on the couer, of the gyffe of John Fulthorp, pois 45 vnc.
Itm, a standing cup, couered, of the gyfte of Maistres Champernon, pois 51 vnc. and di.
Itm, a stondyng cup, couered, chaced wrethen, of the gyfte of Maister Stodard, pois 40 vnc.
Itm, a stondyng cup, couered, with a pomell castell wyse, of the gyfte of Maistres Rose Swan, pois 42 vnc.
Itm, 2 stondyng gilt cuppis, couered, chaced with son beames, of Mr. Materdale's yefte, pois togiders 80 vnc.
Itm, a stondyng gilt cup, couered, and chaced with the Resurrexion on the pomell, of the gyfte of my Lady Bergevenny, pois 40 vnc. 3 quarters.
Itm, 2 standyng cuppes, couered, a more and a lesse, of the gyfte of Mr. Petyt, pois togiders 63 vnces.
Itm, a standyng cup, couered, of the gyfte of Mr. Boughton, pois 34 vnces and di.
Itm, a standyng cup, couered, chaced di. gilt, of the gyfte of Mr. Prince, pois 41 vnces.
Itm, a standyng cup, couered, chaced di. gilt with a floure in the botom, pois 22 vnces.
Itm, a standyng cup, couered, with Saint Mighell on the knop, with a spere and a perle on thende, of the gyfte of Margery Materdale, pois 32 vnces and di.
Itm, a grete notte, garnysshed with siluer and ouergilt with Saint John on the knop, of the gyfte of Mr. Breux, pois 39 vnc.
Itm, a standyng cup, gilt wt a couer, and a columbyn on the pomell, of the gyfte of Dame Thomasyn Percyvale, pois by the troye weight 47 vnces.
Itm, of hyr gyfte a layer of siluer parcell gilt, weiyng by the same weight 39 vnces.
First, 2 gilt pottes, playne, with lambes on the lyddes, pois 123 vnc.
Itm, 2 gilt pottes, with bayles, of the gyfte of Sir John Percyvale, Knight, late Mayre of London, pois 251 vnces.
Itm, a layer of syluer and ouergilt, of the gyfte of Roger Gerveys, pois 14 vnc. and di.
First, 4 bolles, with a couer, parcell of 6 bolles, parcell gilt, with lambes and sonnes, bought in Mr. Duplage tyme, pois togiders the 4 wt the couer 106 vnc.
Itm, 6 bolles, playne gylt, with a couer, whiche late were Maistres Swannes, pois 170 vnces.
Itm, 6 gret bolles, with a couer, chaced, that late were Mr. John Kyrkebye's, pois togiders 397 vnc.
For the whiche 6 bolles and couer the Company is bounde by indenture vnder their comon seale to kepe an obyte for the said Mr. Kyrkeby, (fn. 2) the 6th daye of Juyn, duryng the terme of 80 yeres, expendyng atte same obyte at the blak freres yerely, 20s. As in the said indenture thereof made more playnely is conteyned.
Itm, a white standing cup, with a couer, of the gifte of Thomas Gardyner, poys by troy weight 24 vnces.

Itm, a litell image of Saint John Baptist in gold enamelled, whiche Richard Haydyf, late a brother of this fraternitee, deliuered for 20s., assessed vpon hym towardes the byeldynges in Fridaye Strete.

Itm, a potell potte, parcell gilt, whiche Mr. Richard Smyth, late Shreffe, had to pledge for 10l., whiche 10l he gafe freely vnto the crafte, and deliuered the same potte ayen wthout any peny therfore payng, weiyng of troye weight, 47 oz. and di. (fn. 3)

Plate for kepyng of Obyttes.
First a blak Notte couered garnysshed with siluer and ouergilt, pois 15 vnc.
Itm, a maser couered with an Image of Saint Kenelme on the Couer of the gyfte of John Cober, pois 9 vnc.
Itm, a standyng maser without a couer, pois 11 vnc.
Itm, a standyng maser with a couer and a lowe fote of the gyfte of Roger Doket, preste. As it appereth on the fote of the same maser, pois 14 vnc. 1 quarter.
Itm, a gret lowe maser with a couer and a floure on the couer, pois 17 vnc.

Itm, a swerde wherof the Crosse and pomell is plated with siluer and ouergilt, whiche late was occupied by Sr John Percyvale and Sr Stephen Jenyns, late Mayres of this Citee.

Itm, 3 scaberdes perteignyng to the same swerd, wherof the chief is rychely browdered with thise wordes, sequere iusticiam and inuenies vita.

The 2de is of cloth of gold, both chaped and gyrdelled with siluer and ouergilt, and the 3de is of blak velivet wt a chape of siluer and ouergilt, wt a lyke corsse and wt a bocle and pendaunt.

Itm, an olde cheste strongly bounde with iron, wherein the plate was wont to lye with a lok and a key, a barre oner and 2 hangyng lokkes.

Itm, a Joyned table and 2 Trestelles.

Itm, a newe Comptor of Waynescote with 8 tylles, whereof 2 be lokked.

Itm, in the same Comptor 2 beames wt 4 balaunces.

Itm, a pyle of weightes of 16 lb. after Troye weight.

Md that the Basyn and Ewer wt tharmes of Mr Hugh Pemberton, late Aldreman, weyen togyders by the weight of Troye 78 vnces lakkyng di qrt.
Itm, 5 playne bolles parcell gylt wt the couer weyen to gyders by the same weight 94 vnces 3 quarters.
Itm, 2 salters wt a couer parcell gylt, chaced wt sonnes and small roses of the biquest of Thomas Howdan, late Mr, weyer togyders 30 vnces and di.
Itm, a standing gylt cup, couered chaced vpright of his said biqueste, weieth by the weight afforsaid 39 vnces and di.
Itm, a gilt spone wt seint John of the gyfte of agnies benet poys 2 oz.
Itm, 12 spones wt seint John of the gyfte of Alane Hubert, late decessed, weyen to gyders 20 vnces, quarter.
Itm, a standyng Notte, couered, garnysshed wt siluer, and ouergilt of the biqueste of Willm. Erle, late bedell, decessed, weieth 35 vnces.
It, a nott wt a handyll, and A couer fast to hyt of syluer and geltt, of the geft of John avncell, weyyng 21 ownces A quarter 21 ownces A quarter.
Itm, a gilt cup of the gifte of John Smyth, wt a couer weiyng of Troye weight 26 vnces and 3 quarters.
Itm, of the gift of maistres Boughton, widow, a nut wt a couer weiyng of troye weyght 24 oz. and 3 quarters, tree and al
Itm, of the gift of S Laurence Wareyn, chauntrie preest, of Sr John Percyval Knight, A pair of Knyves and a bodkyn harnesid wt siluer, and the shethe also hernesid wt siluer
Itm, a gilt cup of the gifte of Maister Richard Hal, weiying of troye weight 16 oz. and di. quarter
Itm, 1 dossen gilt spones of the gift of maister John Wilkynson, Alderman, poiz 26 oz. 3 quarters, given in the tyme of Mr Goner, maister.
Itm, of the gift of maister flour, 1 gilt cup wt 1 couer, wt a columbyne weiying 28 oz.
Itm, of the gift of Hugh fener, towardes the fynding of an obite, 3 goblettes wt a couer, wt 10l. of redy mony, the goblettes weiyng 64 oz. 1 qrt.
Itm, of the gift of maister Button, (fn. 4) a stondyng maser garnysshed wt siluer and gilt, poiz.
It, of the gyft of Sir Willm. Fitz Willm., Knyght, A standyng cupp wt a cover all gilt, weying of Troye weight vnces.
It, A little Ale pott, pownced parsell gylt wt a cover, of the gyft of Master Ric. Gibson, weying of troye weight vnces.
Itm, of the Gifte of Master Henr. Dacres, A Basyn and An Ewar of Siluer, parsell gylt wt his Armes in the Botom of the saied basyn, weyeng poiz. Md that the said Basyn hath bene alteryd syns, and made weghtier, as apperith by thaccompte of Mr. Botyll and tharmes of the companey is also engraven in the same, and the same doth nowe wey 112 ounces, di.
Itm, one dosyn of spones, parcell gilte, of the gifte of John Fysher, poiz vnces.
Itm, of the gifte of Robert Wilford, one Ale potte, wt A couer of syluer, all gilte, poiz vnces.
Itm, of the gyfte of the worshipfull Mr. Rychard Wadyngton, A standynge Cuppe of Syluer wt a couer, all gylte, poiz 30 ounces.


  • 1. See Mem. XXVII., p. 135.
  • 2. See Mem. xvii., p. 108.
  • 3. Md that the 6th daye of October, Anno r. H. 20, deliuered to Mr. Skevington Shrief the 2 gilt pottes, weiyng 124 oz., and the said white pot weiyng 47 oz. and di., which is lent to him to occupie during the tyme of his shirifvaltie.
  • 4. "Britton" in margin.