Memorial XI: Treasury Accounts, 1489-1503

Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London. Originally published by Harrison, London, 1875.

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'Memorial XI: Treasury Accounts, 1489-1503', in Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London, ed. C M Clode (London, 1875), British History Online [accessed 31 March 2025].

'Memorial XI: Treasury Accounts, 1489-1503', in Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London. Edited by C M Clode (London, 1875), British History Online, accessed March 31, 2025,

"Memorial XI: Treasury Accounts, 1489-1503". Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London. Ed. C M Clode (London, 1875), British History Online. Web. 31 March 2025.


A.D. 1489 to A.D. 1503.

Memorand. that William Buk, beyng Master of the Felasship and Fraternytie of Saynt John Baptist of Taillours, in the yere of oure lorde, 1489, And the 4th yere of the Reigne of Kyng Henry the 7th, brought in this Boke to this Ende, that is to sey, that theryn shall be wreten all such money as shall be brought yn from hensforth into the tresorye. And also theryn to be wreten all such money as from hensforth shall be delyuered and payde oute of the same:—

And therupon a vewe taken of such money as is there nowe founde, there is founde the some of
Itm, the said William Buk hath brough yn and delyuered in to ye said Tresory the some of 50l. sterlinges, which was taken oute by the aggrement of Mr. Swan, Mr. Percyvale Aldremen, Mr. Stodard, Mr. Tego, Mr. Lee, Mr. Barlowe, Mr. Galle, Mr. Pemberton, the said Mr. Buk, and his Wardeyns, for a lone graunted to the Kyng by Co[m]en Councell for a certeyn retenewe of men of armes to Caleys, (fn. 1) and deliuered in ayene in the presens of Mr. Swan, Mr. Percyvale, Mr. Teyo, Mr. Stodard, Mr. Barlowe, Mr. Pemberton, Mr. West, William Hertand 50l.
Also the said Willia[m] Buk hath delyuered in 5l. which was taken oute and delyuered to him by Mr. Pemberton for to pay Danyelles Wif for an arrerage for the makyng of london Walles 5l.
Sum delyuered 55l.
Of the which there is alowed to hym for the 10th part of the lyvelode of the Crafte graunted to the Kyng by Parliament, as appereth by the particular parcelles therof sum in the Journall in the Countyng hous, fo. 2d. 58s. 1d. ob.
Itm, alowed to hym accordyng to the ordenaunce of the gyfte geven to the Mr Robert Tate, Mayre for the yere, beyng in his tyme 40s.
Itm, the said Williā hath brought yn vpon his Accompt in redy money, as appereth by his Accompt 35l. 16s. ob.
Itm, he hath brought in besedes that asmoch tymbr and bourde as in value ammounteth to the so[m]me (fn. 2) 6li. 4s. 8d. ob.
Sum of the said Mr. Bukkes Accompt, as appereth aforesaid, 42l. 9d.
Itm, the said Williā Buk hath brought yn to the tresory of the bequest of Mastres Padyngton, late Wif of Hugh Champernon of the said Bretherhede, A Cup of Syluer, couered double gilt, weying 51 vnces di. Appreysed at 4s. 1d. vnc, sum in value 10l. 4s.
Parcelles of money taken oute and brought yn the tyme of Stephen Jenyns, (fn. 3) Master—
Itm, delyuered to the said Master Jenyns the 5l. which was brought in by Mr. Buk for to pay Danyell Wif, as appereth on the leve before delyuered, to thentent to pay her yf she will reseyve it 5l.
Which 5l. was paid to Mr. Shirbourn, wt my lorde of Caunterbury Chaunceler and he hath discharged the Craft of her Clayme.
Tempore Steph[an]i Jenyns, Mag[ist]ri.
Md. taken owte of the Thresory hous oute of the Chist, the 14 day of May Ao 5to H. 7, towardes the payment of 200l. to be payde to Symond Byrlyngham and Thomas Benkes Carpenters for the makyng of the Saresyns hede (fn. 4) 26l. 13s. 4d.
Itm, payde to hym the same day of the 40l., which Richard Dyngley shall pay towardes the said byldyng 13l. 6s. 8d.
Itm, the said Mr. Stephen Jenyns hath brought in in (fn. 5) to the Thresory, as appereth by the Fote of his Accompt, the some of 37l. 9s. 8d. qv
Itm, the said Accomptaunt hath geven in to the said Thresory the some of 40s., which he hath paide to the vewer for his fee due in the tyme of Mr. Buk 40s.
Itm, he renounced allowaunce of 5s. 6d. of quite Rente due by Mr. Cotton which the said Mr. Jenyns paide, and in lyke wise 5s. 6d. due by Mr. Hede, sum 11s.
Itm, he hath geven yn asmoche lathes as cost 4l. 4s. 7d. (fn. 6) towards the byeldyng of the Saresyns hede 4l. 4s. 8d. (fn. 6)
Itm, he hath geven yn the so[m]me of 12l. which was geven to hym by the body of the Crafte for his Rewarde for his labour had by the yere past 12l.
Itm, he hath geven in the so[m]me of 53s. 4d. which he hath spent in the lawe ayenst the Wardens of Saynt Mathewes in Fryday strete 53s. 4d.
Itm, he hath geven yn 10s. which he hath payde for the makyng of the Cupbourde in the Gardyne 10s.
Tempore Joh[an]is Spencer, Mag[ist]ri.
Md. taken oute of the so[m]me of 49l. 9s. 8d. remaynyng in the Tresory, which was brought yn by Mr. Stephen Jenyns vpon his Accompt aforesaid, viz.:—the 12 day of octobre Ao 6to H. 7, towardes the byeldyng of the Saresyns hede for the Carpenters, in the presens of Mr. Swan, Mr. Galle, Mr. Lee, Mr. Spencer, Th. Cromeflet, Thomas Howdan, and Ric. Hille 40l.
Memorand. that the 19th Day of January In the 6th yere of the Reigne of Kyng Henry the 7th in the tyme of John Spencer, Master of this Fraternytie, Thomas Bromeflete, Thomas Howdan, Roger Mone and Richard Hille, Wardeyns of the said Fraternytie For a perpetuell good Rule and memory to be had and kept in the said Fraternytie, of all Receptes and paymentes made into and oute of the Tresory of the said Fraternytie. It is condescended by the said master and wardens, and by all the masters of the said Felaship, that all the Receytes and paymentes to be made into and oute of the said Tresorye shall be Regestered and Wreten in this Boke in fourme as foloweth. And moreouer for a perfyte knowleche to be had what the tresorye of the said Fraternytie amountez vnto, A Rekenyng and a vewe was made of the said Tresorye, as well of the money as of the plate beyng in the said Tresorye, in the presens of the said master and Wardeyns and of the Right Worshipfull John Swan, Sir John Percyvale, Knyght, and Aldremen William Galle, Roger Barlowe, Hugh Pemberton, Robert Deplech, John Lee, William Buk, Stephen Jenyns, Masters, and Walter Povy, at which Day there was founde in the said Tresorye the som[m]es and parcelles of plate folowyng:—
First, in olde Nobles and other olde golde, to the nombre of 23 olde Nobles at 8s. 8d. the pece, sum 9l. 19s. 4d.
Itm, in other golde as Ryalles, Angelles, and half-Angelles 80l. 16s.
Itm, in other money white, as grotes 52l. 2s. 3d.
Itm, in olde grotes, 5l., weyng vnces, at the vnce, sum
Receytes in the tyme of the said Spencer, Master.
Md, that the said John Spencer, vpon his Accompt hath brought yn in to the Thresorye of this Fraternytie 57l. 15s. 8d. ob.
Receytes in the tyme of William Harte, Maister of this Fraternytie.
Md. that the said William Herte vpon his Accompt hath brought yn to the Thresory of this Fraternytie
And therof
Receiptes in the tyme of Waltier Povey, Maister of this Fraternitee.
Memorand, that the said Waltier vpon his Accompte hath brought into the Tresoury of this Fraternitee the 21 day of August, Ao 8° H. 7 69l. 17s. 2d.
Also in redy money to Mr. Pemberton, that shuld have comyn to his handes wtin the tyme of this accompt, in partie of payment of 8l. which he lent to the new bieldynges in Fryday strete, as it appereth more at large in the peticions of the said Walter Povey 6l. 13s. 4d.
Tempore Thome Randell.
Md. that the 11 daye of the moneth of Octobre, in the 9th yere of the Reigne of Kyng Henry the 7th, Maistres Rose Swan, late Wyf of John Swan, late Aldreman of London and Taillour, deliured to Mr. Thomas Randell, Maister of the Crafte of Taillours, in the presence of Mr. Pemberton, Aldreman, West, Lee, Buk, Jenyns, (fn. 7) his 4 Wardeyns, and Nichas Nynes, 149l. 6s. 8d. in gold and grotes, to disposed yerely after an intent specified in 2 indentures made bytwene the said Rose on that one partie, and the said Mr and his Wardeyns on that other partie, as in the same indentures more at large it shall appere 149l. 6s. 8d.
Tempore Thome Randyll.
Taken oute of Mr. Swanne's money towardes the payment of hir 2 prestes thobite of my Mr hir husbond for 3 quarters of a yere, to be ended at the feste of Nativitee of Seint John Baptist next comyng after the date here specified, accordyng to thentent of the same Maistres Swan recited in 2 indentures therof, made the 22 daye of Marche Ao 9, R. Rx. H. 7, in the presence of the Mr, Mr. Pemberton, Hill and Kyrkeby, Wardens, and Henry Mayour, Clerk of the feliship, then beyng present, the some of 9l.
Itm, taken oute of Mr. Swanne's money accordyng to thaggreament of the counseill of the crafte for the new bieldynges that shalbe made in the Vyntry with the money of the said Mr. Swan, and paid to Thomas Benkes, Carpynter, in partie of payment of his couenaunt recited in 2 indentures therof made, in the presence of the Maister, Thomas Randyll, Mr. Pemberton, Aldreman, Mr. West, R. Hill, and R. Smith, Wardeyns, and Henry Mayour, Clerk of the feliship, the 13 daye of Juyn, Ao 9° H. 7 20l.
Itm, taken oute the same daye and yere of the said Mr. Swanne's money for the same bieldynges in the vyntry, in the presence of the Mr and the persones affore named 4l. 5s.
Tempore Jacobi Wylford.
Also, taken oute of Mr. Swanne's money toward the bieldynges in the vyntry, the 30 daye of August, Ao 10° H. 7, in the presence of Mr. Pemberton, the Maister, Kellow, Fitz Willm, and Kelham, 3 Wardeyns of the same Crafte, and deliuered to Benkes the Carpynter in partie of payment of his bargayne 10l.
Also, taken oute of the Tresourye of the money of the said Mr. Swan towardes the said bieldynges in the vyntry, the 18 daye of Septembre, Ao 10, H. 7, accordyng to thaggreament of the Company, In the presence of Mr. Pemberton the Mr, T. Howden, H. Kellow, W. Fitz Willm, R. Kellambe, and H. Mayour, Clerk of this Company 10l.
Also, taken oute of the Tresourye of the money of the said Mr. Swan, towardes the said bieldynges in the vyntry. the 7th daye of Aprill, Ao 10, H. 7, accordyng to thaggreament of the Company, In the presence of Mr. Pemberton the Mr, T. Howden, Roger Mone, W. Fitz-Willm, and H. Mayour, Clerk of the Company 10l.
Also, taken oute of the Tresoury of the money of the said Mr. Swan towardes the said bieldynges, the 20th daye of Juyn, Ao p'dc'o, In the presence of Mr. Pemberton the Mr, W. Fitz-Willm, R. Kelambe, and H. Mayour, Clerk of the Company 20l.
Tempore Ewin Boughton, Mag[ist]ri Artis Scissoȝ London.
Taken oute of the Tresoury of Mr. Swanne's money towardes the bieldynges in the vyntry, accordyng to the aggreament of the counseill of the crafte, In the presence of the Maister, Mr. Pemberton, Aldreman, Mr. Duplache, Mr. Buk, John Povey, Edmond Floure and John Herst, Wardeyns, and Henry Mayour, Clerk, the 28 daye of August, in the 11th yere of the Reigne of Kyng Henry the 7th 36l. 20d.
Receiptes in the tyme of Thomas Randyll, Maister of this Fraternitee.
Md that the said Maister Randyll, vpon the yeldyng vp of his Accompte brought into the Tresoury of this Fraternitee in gold of divers coignes and in siluer 49l. 9s. 7d.
Also, the said Maister Randyll deliuered to James Wylford, now Maister, in redy money that Mr. Swan gafe to thuse of this Feliship for the sclatying of the hall 6l. 13s. 4d.
Sum total brought in at this tyme is—56l. 2s. 11d.
Receipts in the tyme of James Wylford, Maister of the Fraternitee of Taillours.
Be it in mynde that James Wylford, late Maister of the crafte of Taillours, atte daye of the yildyng vp of his accompte, brought into the Tresoury of this Fraternitee and delivered vnto Ewen Boughton, now beyng Maister of the same Fraternitee, In the presence of Mr. Hugh Pemberton, Aldreman, Willm Gall, Richard West, Robert Duplache, Willm Bukk, and Waltier Povey, late Maisters of the said Fraternitee, and John Povey, James Grene and Edmond Floure, now beyng Wardeyns, Thomas Howden, Roger Mone, Willm Fitz-Willm, and Robert Kelambe, late Wardeyns, wt the said James Wilford, in full satisfaccion of all and almaner duties or dettes that the said crafte of Taillours cowde aske or demaund of the said James Wilford by reason of his said Accompte, the 18 daye of August, Ao R. Rx. H. 7, 10 73l. 2s. 2d.
Tempore Andsem Boughton M. Artis Scissoȝ London. Ao gre 1494.
Taken oute of the Tresoury of Mr. Wylforde's money towardes the bieldynges in Chepe and the vyntry, accordyng to thaggreament of the company, In the presence of the Mr J. Povey, James Grene, Edmond Flour, and John Herst, Wardeyns, Mr. Pemberton, Mr. West, late Mr, and Henry Mayour, Clerk, the 19 daye of Decembre at sundry tymes 73l. 22d.
Receiptes In the tyme of Mr. Ewen Boughton, Maister of this Fraternitee.
Md that the said Ewen vpon the yeldyng vp of his accompte brought into the Tresoury of this Fraternitee in redy money and gold, all thinges rekened and accompted 15l. 2s. 8d.
And so even and quiet.
Of which 15l. 2s. 8d. Nichas Nynes now Mr the 10th Daye of August Ao 11, H. 7, In the presence of the said Ewen and diuers Worshipful persones to Mr. Buk, in partye of payment of an obligacion of 20l. 6l. 13s. 4d.
To Mr. Jenyns, in partye of payment of an obligacion of 10l. 100s.
And so Remayneth Clere 3l. 9s. 4d.
Receiptes in the tyme of Nich'as Nynes, Master of the Fraternitee of the crafte of Taillours.
Be it in mynde that the said Nichas Nynes, late Maister of the crafte of Taillours, the 22d day of August, the 12th yere of the Reigne of Kyng Henry the 7th, which 22d daye was the yeldyng vp of thaccomptes of the same Nichas, which deliuered in redy money vnto Thomas Petyt, now being Maister of the Fraternitee abouesaid, In the presence of the right honorable Sir John Percyvall, Knyght and Aldreman, Robert Dupleage, John Lee, Willm Bukk, late Maisters, Roger Mone, Rauf Bukberd, John Bodyam, and Willm Batyson, now Wardeyns, John Kyrkeby, Richard Smyth, Thomas Werton, and Richard Couhill, late Wardeyns of the Fraternitee abouesaid, wt the said Nichas in full contentacion, satisfaccion and payment of all and almaner dettes and duties that the said crafte of Taillours cowde aske or demaunde of the said Nichas by reason of his said accompte, the day and yere aboue rehersed 131l. 3s. 4d. ob.
Wherof is paid, in the presence of the persones afforenamed, vnto Willm Bukk, late Mr, in full payment of his obligacion of 20l. 6l. 13s. 4d.
Also, the same tyme, to Stephen Jenyns, in full payt of his obligacion of 10l. 100s.
Also, taken oute of the tresoury the same daye and yere, in the presence of the said persones, for the new bieldynges in the vyntry, and with their consent deliuered vnto the said Thomas Petyt, now Maister 100l.
Also, taken oute of the Tresoury, the 12th daye of Octobre, In the 13th yere of the reigne of Kyng Henry the 7th, of 3 sondry bagges towardes the new bieldynges in the Vyntry, In the presence of the Mr Maister Pemberton, Aldreman John Bodyam, W. Batyson, Wardeyns, Willm Fitz Willm, late Wardeyn, and Henry Mayour, Clerk of the Company 40l.
Also, taken oute of the Tresoury the 17th daye of Nouembre, Ao 13° H. 7, toward the new bieldynges in the vyntry, In the presence of the Mr, 4 Wardeyns, Mr. Pemberton, Aldreman, John Lee, Thomas Randill, and Nichas Nynes, late Mr, and Henry Mayour, Clerk, in gold grotes and pensse 6l. 6s. 8d.
Tempore Venerabilis viri Thom'e Petyt nup Mag'ri Artis Scissoȝ london' defunct' ac Nichi Nynes dualz vicilz p' consiliu' dco Artis Mag'ri el[e]ci and noīiāti. Ao gre 1498°.
Be it had in mynde that the said Thomas and Nich[ol]as, vpon the yeldyng vp of their Accompte, brought into the Tresoury of this Fraternitee divers sūmes of money as it appereth herafter to thententes folowyng:—
Paid the 21 daye of August Ao gre 1498.
21st die Augusti Ao 14 R. Rx. H. 7.
First, the said Thomas and Nichas deliuered vnto Thomas Bromfelde, now Maister, 71l. 13s. 4d. to be applied euery yere, parte therof duryng the terme of 10 yeres from the feste of Natiuitee of our Lord god after thaccomptyng of the Chirch of Englond 1497 than begynnyng, to the payment of a Seculer prestes salary singyng at Benet Fynkes for the soule of Mr. (fn. 8) Rose Swan, 6l. 13s. 4d., to be payed atte festes of Thannu[m]ciacion of seint Mary Virgyn, Natiuitee of Seint John Baptist, Seint Mighell Tharchaungell and Cristesmas, by even porcions to the full sūme of 71l. 13s. 4d. be so fully paid and contented, And also the forsaid 100s. to be applied euery yere durying the terme of 10 yeres afforsaid to the Maister and 4 Wardeyns of this craft for their attendaunce, beyng present at the said Chirch of Seint Benet at hir obite, 10s., as in the composicion indented therof, made more playnly appereth. Sum of all 71l. 13s. 4d.
Also, the said Thomas and Nichas deliuered vnto the said Maister for the kepyng of hir said obite of 20 yeres, paying therfore yerely 40s. as it appereth more at large in the said composicion, these parcelles of plate folowyng, that is to sey,—2 basyns of siluer and 2 Ewres parcell gylt. weiyng to gyders 174 vnces, price of euery vnce 3s. 8d.: sum 31l. 16s.; and 46 vnces in gilt plate at 4s. the vnce, which is parcell of the 6 bolles that the said Rose gafe into this company. Sum in money is 40l.
Also, the said Nichas and Thomas deliuered vnto the said Maister in redy money 5l. 10s. 11d.
Of which 66l. 13s. 4d. for the paiyng of the prestes syngyng at the said Chirch of Seint Benet for Mrs. Rose Swan, ther is paid vnto Stephen Jenyns, Nichas Nynes, and John Pentour, Executoures of the testament of the same Rose 3l. 6s. 8d.
Also paid for the tyme of Mr. Bromfelde vnto thexecutours of Mrs. Rose Swan, for hir prestes yeres salary 6l. 13s. 4d.
Also to theym to the said executours for the same tyme for the kepyng of hir obite 50s.
Receiptes in the tyme of the Right Worshipfull Thomas Bromefelde, late Mr of the Fraternitee of St John Baptist, founded in the crafte of Tailloures.
Be it in mynde that the said Thomas Bromefelde, late Maister of the crafte of Taillours, the 21 daye of August, In the 14th yere of the Reigne of King Henry the 7th, In which daye and yere was the yildyng vp of thaccomptes of the same Thomas, and deliuered them in Redy money, all thinges rekened and allowed vnto the right worshipfull Willm Fitz-Willm, than Maister of the Fraternitee abouesaid, In the presence of Mr. Hugh Pemberton, Aldreman, Willm. Buk, Nichas Nynes, Mr. Dupleage, Thomas Randyll, Ewen boughton, late Mr. Richard Smyth, Edmond Floure, Ric. Toll, and Th. Speight, then Wardeyns, and Hugh Acton, in full contentacion, and payment of almaner dettes and duties that the said crafte of Taillours cowde aske or demaund of the said Thomas by Reason of his Accompte 64l. 17s. 10d.
And so quiet.
Be it had in mynde that 29 daye of the moneth of Septebre, Ao 15, H. 7, there was taken oute of the Tresoury, than beyng Maister of the Feliship of Taillours, Willm Fitz-Willm, accordyng vnto thaggreament of the counceill of the crafte to gyders assembled, the 27 daye of the same moneth, of their benyuolence loue and fauour that they bere towarde the right worshipfull Mr. James Wylford, now Shrefe of London, towardes his charges of Shrefewyk 26l. 13s. 4d.
There beyng present Willm Buk, Nichas Nynes, late Mr. Edmond Floure and Thomas Speight, than Wardeyns, John Kyrkeby, late Warden, and H. Mayour.
Be it had in mynde that the first daye of the moneth of Octobre, Ao 15, R. Rx. H. 7, there was taken oute of the Tresoury accordyng vnto thaggreament of the counceill of the crafte to gyders assembled the last daye of Septembre the same yere for the new makyng of 3 basyns wt sonnes and lambes in the botoms, and 5 new ewres after the same makyng with 5 lambes, one the lyddes 20l.
There beyng present Willm Fitz Willm, than Maister of the crafte, Willm Buk, Nichas Nynes, late Mr. Richard Smyth, Edmond Floure, Richard Toll, and Thomas Speight, than Warden, John Kyrkeby and H. Mayour.
Receiptes in the tyme of the right worshipfull Will'm Fitz-Will'm, late Maister of the Fraternitee of Seint John baptist, founded in the crafte of Taillours. Ao gre 1500.
Be it had in mynde that the said Willm Fitz-Willm, the 4th daye of August, in the 15th yere of the Reigne of Kyng Henry the 7th, In which daye and yere was the yeldyng vp of the accomptes of the same Willm, Which deliuered than in redy money all thinges rekened and allowed vnto the Right Worshipfull John Doget, than Maister of the Fraternitee abouesaid, In the presence of the Right honorable Sir John Percyvale, Knyght, Mr. Hugh Pemberton, Aldremen, Walker Povey, late Mr. John Bodyam, Richard Couhill, Thomas Gardyner, and George Sall, than Wardeyns, Richard Smyth, Edmond Flour, and Thomas Speight, late Wardeyns, in full contentacion and payment of almaner dettes and duties that the said crafte of Taillours cowde aske or demaund of the said Willm by reason of his accompte 114l. 3s. 10d.
114l. 3s. 10d.
And so quiete.
Tempore Ric'i Smyth, Mr Artis Scissoȝ Ao 18° H. 7, p'd[ict]o.
Be it had in mynd that the 6th daye of Decembre, Ao 18° Rx. H. 7th, Accordyng vnto thaggreament and consent of the more parte of thonorable councell of the crafte, In the presence of Richard Smyth, Mr of the crafte, Hugh Acton, Willm Batyson, John Skevyngton, and James Moncastre, Wardens of the same crafte, there was taken oute of the Tresoure hous towardes the expenses, costes, and charges that shuld be borne in and aboute the purchacyng of the new graunte (fn. 9) that the Kynges grace hath gyffen vnto this company, which was tolde and noumbred oute of the sūme of 114l. 3s. 10d. abouesaid 87l. 10s. 6d.
Be it in mynde that in the 3de leef herafter folowyng there was taken oute of the same 114l. 3s. 10d. toward the Shreffes charge (fn. 9) gyffen vnto hym by thole body of the company, as it appereth more at large in the same 3d leef 26l. 13s. 4d.
Be it had in mynde that the 7th daye of the moneth of Aprill, In the 16th yere of the Reigne of Kyng Henry the 7th there was taken oute of the tresoure hens for the makyng and towardes the Fynysshyng and full garnysshyng of the newe tresour hous, with the consent, will, and aggreament of the right honorablez sir John Percyvall, Knyght, Stephen Jenyns, and James Wilford, Aldreman, John Doget, than Maister of the fraternitee afforsaid, John bodyam, Richard Couhill, Thomas Gardyner, and George Sall, Wardeyns, Willm Fitz Willm, late Maister 26l. 13s. 4d.
Md that the 6th daye of August, Ao 16 H. 7, there was taken oute of the tresour hous and deliuered vnto Mr. Fitz Willm for the makyng of the said new Tresoure hous 53l. 4d.
Nō spialit' qr. post.
Receiptes in the tyme of the right Worshipfull John Doget, late Mr of the crafte of Taillours. In the yere of oure lord, 1501, the 6th daye of August.
Be it had in mynde that the said John Doget, the 6th daye of August, In the 16th yere of the reigne of kyng Henry the 7th, In which daye and yere was the yildyng vp of thaccomptes of the said John, which delyuered than in redy money all thynges rekoned and accompted, abated and allowed vnto the right worshipfull John Kyrkeby, now Maister of the fraternitee afforsaid, In the presence of the right honorable Mr. Nichas Nynes, Aldreman, Waltier Povey, and Willm Fitz-Willm, late Maister, John Bernard, Robert Kelambe, and Humfrey Ruggeley, Wardeyns, wt the said Mr. Kyrkeby, Richard Couhill, Thomas Gardyner, and George Sall, late Wardeyns, with the said Accomptaunt in full contentacion, satisfaccion, and payment of almaner duties and dettes that the said crafte of Taillours can aske or demaunde of the said accomptaunt by reason of the said Accompte 76l. 11s. 1d.
Md that the same daye and yere, In the presence of the persones afforenamed, the said Accomptaunt deliuered vnto thuse of the said crafte 26l. 13s. 4d. st., which 26l. 13s. 4d. after tholde presidentez was of custhume and vsage deliuered vnto the new Mr to remayne in his handes and kepyng for a yere, towardes the payment of prestes wages and other charges concernyng the said crafte 26l. 13s. 4d.
Tempore venerabilis viri Joh'is Kyrkeby Mag'ri Artis Scissoȝ london, Ao Gr'e 1502.
For the Kechyn att Yeldhall.
Be it had in mynde that the 29th daye of Aprill, Anno p'dcō, there was taken oute of the Tresourhous accordyng vnto the consent and aggreament of the counceill of the crafte to gyders assembled the 21st daye of January, Ao 17° H. 7, towardes the newe makyng of a Kechyne and other houses of Offices at the Guyldhall (fn. 10) of london, dyuysed and firste ordeigned by the right honorable Sir John Shaa, Knight, than Mayre of london, wt the consent of his worshipfull brethern Thaldremen, for the yerely kepyng and holdyng of the Mayres feste and Shreffes for the worshipfull Feliships, Citezens of this Citee, within the said Guyldhall. There beyng Mr. John Kyrkeby, John bernard, Robert Kelambe, Robert Johnson, and Humfrey Ruggeley, than Wardeyns 20l.
Be it had in mynde that the 10th daye of Juyn, Ao 17, H. 7, there was taken of the Tresoure hous toward the payt of the clothes of Arrays (fn. 11) for the south parte of thall wt the consent of the counceill of the crafte the same daye assembled 40l.
Receiptes in the tyme of the right worshipfull John Kyrkeby, late Mr. In the yere of our lord, 1502, the 20th daye of August Ao 17, H. 7.
Be it had in mynd, that the said John Kyrkeby, the 20th daye of August, Ao 17, H. 7, In which daye and yere was the yeldyng vp of the accomptes of the same John, which deliuered than in redy money, all thinges rekened and accompted, abated and allowed vnto the right worshipfull Richard Smyth, Maister of the Crafte of Taillours of london, in the presence of the right honorablez James Wylford and Nichas Nynes, Aldremen, Waltier Povey, late Maister, Hugh Acton, Willm Batyson, John Skevyngton and James Moncastre, now Wardeyns, wt the said Mr. Smyth, John bernerd, Robert Kelambe, and Humfrey Ruggeley, late Wardeyns, with the said John Kyrkeby and Henry Mayour, Clerk of the Company 71l. 8s. 3d. 0b.
Tempore Venerabilis Viri Ric'i Smyth Mr Mag'ri Artis Scissoȝ, london, 24 die Septembr. Ao gr'e 1503.
Be it had in mynde that the same daye and yere there was taken oute of the Tresoure hous, In the presence of the said Maister, Mr. Jenyns, Aldreman, Mr. Doget, Mr. Kyrkeby, late Mr. Hugh Acton, W. Batyson, John Skevyngton, and James Moncastre, Wardeyns, Henry Clugh, and Edmond Floure, with the consent, will, and aggreament of the Assistentez and Counceillours of the crafte, of their grete zele, fauour, and affecion that they owe and bere to the right worshipfull Nichas Nynes, Aldreman and Shrefe of London, towardes his charges that he shall bere in the yere of his Shrefewyk, where unto he is admytted 26l. 13s. 4d.
Be it had in mynde that the 4th daye of Marche, Ao 18°, H. 7, Accordyng vnto thaggreament and consent of the more part of the honorable counceill of the crafte, In the presence of the Right Worshipfull Richard Smyth, Maister of the crafte, Hugh Acton, Willm Batyson, John Skevyngton, and James Moncastre, Wardeyns of the same crafte, there was taken oute of the Tresoure hous towardes thexpenses, costes and charges that shalbe borne in and aboute the purchacyng of the new corporacion of the Kynges graunte, (fn. 12) of late gyffen and graunted vnto this company 74l.
Herafter Folowen the paymentes made oute of the Tresorye of this Fraternitie from the 19th Daye of January, Ao R. Rx. H. 7, 6th. In the tyme of John Spencer, master, Thomas Bromeflete, Thomas Howdan, Roger Mone, and Richard Hyll, Wardens of the said Fraternite:—
First taken oute of the said Thresory the 24th day of June, Anno 7, H. 7, for a gyfte to Mr. Hugh Pemberton, Shyryf of london, towardes his grete Charges the same yere, which was graunted to hym the 19 day of May, Ao p'dcō, by hole 24, whos names folowe, that is to say:—Mr. John Swan, Aldreman, Sr John Percyvale, Knynght and Aldreman, Mr. Galle, Mr. Keys, Mr. West, Mr. Barlowe, Mr. Lee, Mr. Hede, Mr. Buk, Alen Hoberd, Walter Povy, Ewen Boughton, Richard Adyf, James Fitz Thomas Randyll, Thomas Martyn, James Wilford, William Grene 20l.
Itm, at the said daye was taken oute of the said Thresory toward the byldyng of the Saresyns hede, to the Carpenteers, that is to sey:—for the bargayne of the Fore Fronte of the same hous 20l.
Itm, paide for Trumpettes and hattes for them at the presentyng of Mr. Hugh Pemberton, Shyryf, and for other costes, to the some of 3l. 9s. 9d.
Itm, paide for bourde and other stuf bought at Kyngeston (fn. 13) 6l. 4s. 6d.
Paymentes made oute of the said Thresory in the tyme of William Hert, master.
First taken of the bagges in the said Thresory, the 18 day of July, Ao 6°, H. 7, in the presence of the Masteir and of Mr. John Swan, Sr John Percyvale, Aldremen, William Galle, Henry Clough, Nichas Nynes, Thomas Bromflete, Thomas Howdan, and delyuered the same day to the said Henry Clough and to John Doget, supervisours for the newe byldyng of the saresyns hede 10l.
Itm, paide to Simond Byrlyngham and Thomas Benkes, Carpenteers, the 19 daye of August, Ao 6, H. 7, in party of payment of the money to them due for the byldyng of the saresyns hede 40l.
In the presence of Mr. Swan, Mr. Percyvale, Mr. Hert, Mr. Spencer, Henry Clough, Nichas Nynes, Rauf Bukberd, and Thomas Bromflete.
Itm, the said 19 day of August, in the presence aforesaid, was taken oute and paide to Richard Fardyng, Smyth, for makyng of Iren werk for the newe byldyng of the saresyns hede 3l. 6s. 8d.
Itm, the said 19 day of August, in the presence aforesaid, delyuered to Henry Clough and John Doget, by the handes of the said Henry, for their necessary paymentes for the byldyng of the saresyns hede, 6l., that is to sey, of the money Remaynyng of Mr. Spencers Accompte, 4l. 14s. 8d., And taken owte of a Canvas bag 25s. 4d., sum 6l.
Itm, taken oute of the Tresory the 6th daye of Septembre, Ao 7, H. 7, in the presence of the Master, Mr. Swan, Mr. Percyvale, Henry Clough, and Rauf Bukberd, and delyured to Henry Clough and John Doget, Supervisours for the byldyng of the saresyns hede, for their necessary expences taken oute of the leder bag, in gold 20l.
Itm, taken oute of the Thesory, the 3d day of Octobre, Ao 7, H. 7, in the presence of the Master and the Wardeyns, and of Mr. Swan, Mr. Percyvale, Mr. Pemberton, Mr. Buk, Mr. Deplech, Mr. Hede, Mr. Spencer, and delyuered to Henry Clough and John Doget, Supervisours of the byldyng of the saresyns hede in Frydaystrete for the Necessary expences of the same byldyng 20l.
Itm, taken oute of the Thresory, the 16 day of Novembre, Ao 7, H. 7, in the presence of the Master and Wardeyns, and of Mr. Swan, Mr. Percyvale, Mr. Pemberton, Aldremen, and Mr. Keys, Mr. Barlowe, and Mr. Deplech, delyuered to Henry Clough and John Doget, Supervisours of the byldyng of the Saresyns hede in Fryday strete for the newe beyldyng of the same hous, and delyuered to the said Henry Clough.
Itm, taken oute the same day and delyuered to Simond Byrlyngham and Thomas Benkes, Carpenters, towardes there makyng of the said saresyns hede, in the presence aforesaid 40l.
Itm, taken oute the same day, in the presence aforesaid, and delyuered to William Duryvale, Clerk, and Thomas Gresyll, Badyll of this Crafte, in Augmentacion of their Wages, 23s. 4d., that is to sey, to the Clerk, an old noble and an half in gold, and 4d. in white money, sum 13s. 4d., and to the bedyll, 10s. in gold 23s. 4d.
Paymentes made of the money that Walter Povey, Maister of thys fraternitee brought into the Tresory the 21 daye of August, Ao 8, H. 7.
First, paid to Mr. (fn. 14) John Percyvale, Knight, of the money that he of his beniuolence lent to the feliship towardes the new bieldynges in fryday stret 13l. 6s. 8d.
Also to Mr. Pemberton, for his porcion that he lent to the said new bieldynges, as it appereth affore 6l. 13s. 4d.
Also taken oute of the Tresoury, the 9th daye of Octobre, Ao 9, H. 7, towardes the bieldynges and Repairyng of the hall ende, estwardes the Chapell, (fn. 15) the Chapell Chambre, the botery, the pantry, and other places, as it shall appere more at large in a boke therof made by the consent of the worshipfull persones here named, Mr. Percyvale, Mr. Pemberton, West, Lee, Buk, Spenser, Hill, Kyrkeby, bedford, Haydys, bromefeld, greene, Nynes, and Doget, to gyders assembled the 16 day of Septembre 30l.
Also, taken oute of the tresoury the 22d daye of Marche, Ao 9, H. 7, towardes the bieldynges of thall, and other bieldynges of the crafte, as it shall appere more at large in a boke therof made, In the presence of the Maister, Mr. Pemberton, Aldreman, Richard Hill, and John Kyrkeby, Wardeyns, and Henry Mayour, Clerk of the feliship, the sume of 20l.
Tempore Ewin Boughton, Ao gr'e 1495to.
Be it in mynde that the 23 daye of Octobre, In the 11th yere of the reigne of Kyng Henry the 7th, there was taken oute of the Tresoury by the said Ewen Boughton, now maister, towardes the bieldynges atte grete conducte and atte Vyntry, In the presence of Richard West and James Wylford, late Maisters, John Povey, Edmond Floure and John Herst, now Wardeyns, wt the said Ewen and Henry Mayour, Clerk of the company, of the money that the said James Wilford brought in at his accompt, makyng 30l.
Be it in mynde that in the daye of Seint Thomas the Apostell the yere aboue writen, there was taken oute of the tresoury by the said Ewen, now maister, toward the bieldynges atte grete Conduite and atte Vyntry, In the presence of Mr. Hugh Pemberton, Aldreman, Willm Gall, Richard West, Robert Duplache and Waltier Povey, late Maisters of the Crafte of Taillours, John Povey, and John Herst, now Wardeyns, wt the said Ewen and Henry Mayour, Clerk of the company of Taillours afforesaid, of the money that the said James brought into thuse of this crafte atte the tyme of his accompte, makyng the daye and yere abouesaid 43l. 2s. 2d.
Tempore Nich'i Nynes Mag'ri Artis Scissoȝ london', Ao gr'e 1496.
Be it had in mynde that the 7th daye of Decembre, In the 12th yere of the Reigne of Kyng Henry the 7th, there was taken oute of the Tresoury by the said Nichas, now Maister, for the costes of Willm Fitz Willm and Edmond Flour, late Wardeyns, which opteigned the plakkerd, and also for the costes of Walter Povey, late Mr, whan he rode wt the Drapers to bristoll, (fn. 16) accordyng vnto thaggreament of the counseill of the crafte, the 3de day of Decembre to gyders assembled, In the presence of Mr. Hugh Pemberton, Aldreman, James Wylford, late Mr, Richard Smyth, Thomas Werton, and Richard Couhill, now Wardeyns, wt the said Nichas, Edmond Flour, late Wardeyn, and Henry Mayour, Clerk of the Company 20l. 24d.
Tempore Venerabilis Viri Thom[m]e Bromeflete Mag'ri Artis Scissoȝ london, Ao gr'e 1498.
Be it had in mynde that the 26 daye of Septembre, Ao p'd[ict]o, There was taken oute of the Tresoury accordyng vnto thaggreament of the counceill of the crafte to gyders assembled, In the parlour (fn. 17) bilongyng to this hall and next adioynyng, the 22 daye of Septembre afforsaid, by wey of gyfte, wt the goodwill and consent that the Feliship bere and owe to the right worshipfull Mr. Stephens Jenyns, now of late electe Shrefe of london, toward his charges that the same Shrefe is admytted vnto this yere 26l. 13s. 4d
There beyng present in the said parlour the same 22 daye, the Mr, Fitz Willm and Hugh Acton, Wardeyns, Sir John Percyvall, Knyght, Hugh Pemberton, Aldremen, Robert Dupleage, John Lee, W. Povey, J. Wilford, Ewen boughton, N. Nynes, J. Fyttes, W. Grene, T. Howden, J. Kyrkeby, J. Povey, R. Smyth and R. bukberd, and H. Mayour, Clerk of the same Feliship.
Be it in mynde that the 20 daye of Octobre, In the 14 yere of the Reigne of Kyng Henry the 7th, there was taken oute of the Tresory accordyng unto thaggreament of the counceyll of the crafte to gyders assembled in the parlour bilongyng to this Hall, the 15 day of Octobre last passed, by wey of gyfte wt the good will and consent of the feliship that they bere and owe vnto the right honorable Sir John Percyvall, Knyght, of late electe and chosen into thoffice of Mayraltee of this Citee, toward his charges 40l.
Also, the same daye and yere, there was taken oute of the same tresoury for certeyn thinges of new made and charges at this same tyme, as trumpet, banars, and waytes and wages, wt other thinges necessary, graunted wt the consent of the counceill afforsaid, as in the boke of Recordes therof made more playnly appereth 7l. 4s.
These beyng present, the Maister Fitz-Willm, T. Pole, H. Acton, Wardeyns Dupleage, Wylford, Nynes, late Maisters John Dogete, T. Howden and Henry Mayour.


  • 1. See Mem. ix., par. 9; and p. 517.
  • 2. See the last Ordinance of 1507.
  • 3. See Mem. i., p. 12.
  • 4. The Company had two houses bearing this sign, one in "Bread" and the other in "Friday" Street.
  • 5. Sic in orig.
  • 6. These contracts between persons connected with the Fraternity and the Company, for the fulfilment of some good or charitable design, were not unfrequent. They are an evidence of the implicit faith which was reposed in these Guilds, scrupulously to carry out whatever they had agreed to do for the contracting party.
  • 7. Mrs., the widow of John (?).
  • 8. See Mem. XXXVII.
  • 9. See Appendix F.
  • 10. See Mem. III., par. 13.
  • 11. From the large town of Arras in France, the capital of the Department of Pas de Calais.
  • 12. See Mem. XXXVII.
  • 13. See Ordinance, p. 226.
  • 14. Sic in orig.
  • 15. See Mems. III. and IV.
  • 16. See Mem. I., par. 49.
  • 17. This is the first mention I have met with of the present parlour as the place of meeting for the Court of Assistants.