Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.
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'Roger Whitley's Diary: April 1686', in Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711, ed. Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online [accessed 31 March 2025].
'Roger Whitley's Diary: April 1686', in Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Edited by Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online, accessed March 31, 2025,
"Roger Whitley's Diary: April 1686". Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Ed. Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online. Web. 31 March 2025.
April 1686
Ap: 1st. Thursday, I went to our church to prayers; Minshall dined with us; Mrs Saladine visited my daughters after dinner; I sate awhile with them in Biddolph's chamber; I went in the evening to Cosen's shop; there met with Saladine; walked with him awhile in the passage discoursing of a bill for Roger; called at the Sunne in Milk Streete, to enquire for Mr Newton; came home; Lea, Gleg & Mainwaring supt with us, they parted betimes.
2. Friday, (Good Friday) went twice to Parish church; dined about 5, Baskervile's daughter with us; neare 7 Mainwaring & I went out in the coach; at the bottome of Snow Hill a wheele fell off the coach; we step't into a goldsmith's shop (stayd only at the doore) till we got a hackney to carrey us to Lady Woods; saw her & her daughters; then came in Sir Edward; we dranck a glasse of wine; went then to the Bull Head; there was Oneby, Baroby, 2 Timms, Dee, Richardson, Mainwaring & selfe; parted past 10; in the afternoone Tovey came to see us; I gave him for some phisick for the next morning; he told me how Tuttle was questioned about Tongues papers; that he left them, with L' Estrange.
3. Satorday, I took phisick; Mrs Tovey came about one to know how it work't; my sonne & Mainwaring dined with us; about 6 Jones the scriveners clark came to see me seale the writings for a longer time in the house; I stayd within all day; the next barber trimmed me; past 9, Minshall came to me & Mainwaring but stayd not..
4. Sonday, I went twice to church; received the Sacrament; dined at home; after evening sermon Baskervile came to us & my sonne; then Bird & Mitton, then Gleg; we had a bottle of ale and a bottle of wine; I went with my daughters to take leave of Lady Delamer; there was Lady Gerard, Lady Wood, her daughters & many more & Lord Delamer's brother; we stayd but awhile; went home with Lady Wood; then went to Lady Gerards to visit cosen Fairefax; Sam: Gerard & his sister came in; we presently left them, came home; Lea supt with us.
5. Monday, Minshall dined with us; went away about 4; in the evening I went to visit Mr Hooks, he was abroad; I called on Sir William Aston's sonne; saw him at the doore; met Gerard in the streete, he came to the coach to me, asked me how we all did &c. I came home; found my sonne's wife there; she & Minshall supt with us; went away past 9.
6. Tuesday, I went to St Lawrence; Tillison preached; dined at home; Mrs Tovey & daughter Whitley with us; went in the evening to visit Cotton, he & Lady abroad; spoke with Mrs Lea; called at the Coffee House neare St Jame's church; there was Clargys, Colliton, Mr Hunt & 3 or 4 more; I cannot tell theire names; I left them; going out met Sir Edward Wood in the streete; talked awhile with him; went to the Bull Head; there was Dr Tims, Oneby, 2 Mittons, Richardson, Chandler, Page & Baroby; then came Mainwaring & Lea; we parted about 10.
7. Wednesday, cosen Jon Lloyd came to see us; Cosens trimmed me; I dined at home & Mainwaring, my sonne came before dinner but would not stay; about 3 Captaine Fenwick came, about money Roger owes him; I spoke with him in the Hall about it; my sonne came at 5 o'clock; before 6, I went to the Castle; then came Wood, Mainwaring Lea, Stephens & Coote; Wood parted past 9; the rest past 10.
8. Thursday, Lea came to see us; went out with Mainwaring; Cotton & his Lady & Lea dined with us; Minshall came after dinner; they parted past 4; neare 6 came Wood & Scotto; then came Lea & Mainwaring againe; we had a bottle of wine; they parted about 7; I stayd at home all night.
9. Friday, Mr Serle came to look in my eares; I went to Lord Brandon past 11; retorned to Mr Nokes his shop, past 12; stayd awhile there, with Mainwaring met Saladine in Exchange Alley; parted prsently; came home to dinner; in the evening I went to the Bull Head; there was Oneby, 2 Tims, Dr Timm's 2 sonnes in law; Mitton came in, but stayd not long; Richardson, Baroby & Ben: Gerard; Oneby brought him there & told me I must pay his club; which I did; they fell foule upon him about Bethel's picture, in his house; about Quaker's &c; we parted past 11.
10. Satorday, I went to the George to visit Mr Lewes; Tovey came to see us; I acquainted older Pickmore of his brother's miscariags (before him) that I must part with him &c. Lady Charlotte Mainwaring, her daughter & Lewes dined with us; about 6 I went to Humfreys; there was my sonne, brother, Jones & Morgan Whitley; we discoursed the businesse in difference betwixt my sonne & brother; my sonne, Humfreys & Morgan came home with me, dranck a glasse of ale & parted; the next barber trimmed me.
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Apr: 11. Sonday, I went twice to Church; Morgan Whitley dined with us; after evening sermon Bird & Baskervile came & dranck a glasse of ale with me; my daughters & I went to Hogsden to visit Alderman Lewes &c. there were the 2 Dashwoods & their wifes; Humfreye & his wife, Mainwaring, Lea, Gleg, (one Rud & another contry gentleman, strangers to me) my sonne, Lewes &c. I & my company supt there; came home 1/2 houer past 8; about 1/2 houer past 9 came Mainwaring, Lea & Gleg, dranck a bottle of wine, parted at 10.
12. Monday, Lady Ellis servantt; came, about the money due to her; Dr Stratford came, about the collection for the French Protestants; Mrs Miles came to see us; from Lady Wood &c. Lee & Mainwaring dined with us; in the evening I went to La=mendes; there was Mainwaring, Lee, Thomson & Sir Edward Wood; he found us & left us there; we all parted about 10; came home.
13. Tuesday, Dr Stratford & the church wardens & clark came about the collection for the French Protestants; I went to sermon at St Laurence; then to speake with Keck; he was abroad; I called at Baroby's; he was abroad & on Baskervile, spoke with him about drawing money from Chester hither; I dined at home, daughter Whitley & brother Peter with us; after dinner came Humfreys, stayd but awhile; at 5 came his wife; she & my daughters went with me to the Neatehouse (one Teags) there was also my sonne, Mainwaring & Humfreys; we supt there; came home past 9.
14. Wednesday, Cosens trimmed me; I went to Mr Mosier; then to the East Indya house to speake with Page; he was not there; I met him in Change Alley; afterwards on the Change, I also met Saladine, Pale & severall others in Change Alley; I called at Cosens to look for Saladine; found Millington, Griffith, Cannon & severall others on the Exchange & a French man (whose name I know not, but have knowne him long) sitting on the seates; I sate by him a good while; told me the troubles of the Protestants of France; promised to help me with a French cook, or barber; I called on Keck; dined at home; Minshall & Mainwaring with us; after dinner came Baskervile & Kinaston (of Chester) then came Bedisford; we had a bottle of wine & about 5, my sonne came to see us; I went in the evening to visit cosen Manley; then to the Castle; there was Wood, Mainwaring & Lee; then Stephens; we parted past 9.
15. Thursday, I went to Sir Robert Claytons, both he & Keck were abroad; Mainwaring & I went to the Temple gate, found Clayton in Collins shop; there was with him, Mr Bertie & another; Bertie told me he was sorry to heare I was to pay £21,000; I sayd it was neare £23,000; I spoke with Clayton about my businesse; there came in a gentleman & sayd, Prance had confessed that Sir Edward Godfrey was not murdered, at Somerset House; but that all he had swore, was a lye &c.; Mr Bertie went in my coach to Exeter Exchange; went out there; Mainwaring & I went to St James Parke; Mainwaring went to Jones: I met Lord Newport & Lord Preston; Lord Newport asked for my sonne & his wife & whether Frodesley would be sold &c. I went to call Mainwaring at Jones; we and Jones had a pinte of white wine; came home, Lady Charlotte Mainwaring & cosen Fairefax dined with us; in the evening I went to the Sunne; there was Mr Lewes, his sister & my sonne & Mr Cook & his 2 neices; my sonne & his wife left us; then came Gulston; we had a bottle of wine & parted past 10.
16. Friday, Lady Ellis man came to me about her money; I went to Sir Thomas Chichtley; spoke with him about my money; then to Sam: Gerards & Lady Wood's, they were all abroad; then to Lady Gerard; stayd awhile with cosen Fairefax; came home; found there Lady Wood & daughter; Mrs Spurslow & another lady, they dined with us, also Sir Edward Wood & Tovey; Sir Edward went about 4; his Lady & daughter before 5; the rest before 6; I went to Humfreys; met Morgan Whitley there; discoursed him about his brother John to get him into some honest way of living &c. went then to the Bull Head; there were 2 Tims, Biddolph, (a stranger) Wallys, Baroby, Oneby, Jones &c. Dr Tims & Biddolph went first then Jones; the rest of us parted before 10 o'clock.
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17. Satorday, Mr Steete came to visit me (about 12), sayd he was sorry for my troubles; asked severall questions as what was the charge against me, what was the exceptions &c. I told him there was no frawde nor inneovacon by me; Lord Arlington made & concealed the covenants &c.was dead,&c.soe the burthen falls on me &c.he stayd above 1/4 houer; then came Jack to my daughter Mainwaring from Lady Wood; dined at home; the next barber trimmed me past 4; about 5 I went to Humfreys; he was abroad; then to Lord Dungannons; he was also abroad; I spoke with his servantt; called at Mr Wrights lodgings to enquire after his health; spoke with his andlord at the doore; then went to visit Mrs Philips; stayd with her a 1/4 houer; her brother was abroad; then went to the painters; saw my daughters pictures; then to the Nags Head; there was Dr Tims and his sonne, Oneby, Biddolph & a minister (a stranger to me) Baroby, & one Mr Walleys; he treated us; we parted, about 10.
18. Sonday, went twice to church; Baskervile came home with us; stayd not, then came Jones, then Lord Coote & Sir Richard Bulkley, then Lee, then Millington; Dr Shalford came to the Hall; would not come in, stayd not; the rest parted about 8; then came Baroby; he & Lee supt with us; parted about 10.
19. Monday, Saladine came to me, with a letter from Roger & Patmore to speak about his brother; I went to Mosyer; then to Cosens; there I met Saladine; he walked with me to my coach; I called on Keck; soe home to dinner; after dinner a French man came with a bill from Roger; then came Hilman to receive directions about making some clothes; I went to see my sonne & daughter at Hogsden; came thence to Garroways where I was with Gulston & Fauche; came home about 10.
20. Tuesday, Sir G.G. man came to see us from his master; Hilman came with patternes; Leeson to draw a tooth; Michley about Sir Thomas Chitchleys morgage; Tovey came to see us; I & Mainwaring went in the evening to the Temple to see Lutwitch; he was abroad; I met Humfreys & Barcroft in the Court; onely spoke to them; went to visit Williams at Grays Inne, then to Sir G.G.; dranck a bottle of wine with him in his chamber; went to Lady Wood; supt with her, her daughters & cosen; then came Sir Edward, dranck a bottle of wine; came home before 10.
21 Wednesday, next barber trimmed me; a man came for money, for the New River water; a Cooper came from Mr Page with a quarter caske of Canary; I went to Mosier, he was abroad; left my papers with his clark; went to the Change; discoursed awhile with Millington; then with Mr Knightley of Hackney; then with Prole I went to Gerards to look on a watch; then to the Sunne; there was Mainwaring, Lewes, my sonne, Nokes, Bedisford & Hilman; I stayd not; Mr Cook told me Sir G.G. was at Joe's Coffee house; there I found him, Sir Miles Wharton & Sir William Russell (a stranger to me); we immediately parted; I came home to dinner; in the evening I went to Lutwitch, there were 2 lawyers with him; I dranck 2 or 3 glasses of wine & left them; then to Humfreys; then to the Castle; there was Wood, Stephens & Lee; then came Lord Coote; then Mainwaring; Wood parted before 10; the rest soone after.
22. Thursday, cosen Brereton came to me from his mother to know, where she should pay her interest &c. then Lieutenant Brereton came about renewing his leases of the Hospitall land; I went to Chitchley; dined at home; Duncombe, my sonne, Mainwaring & Lewes with us; in the afternoone came Lee; we stayd together till past 8; onely my sonne left us about 5.
23. Friday, Sir. G.G.'s man came to know if I would dine at home; I went to Mosiers, spoke with his clark; came home; Minshall came to me; stayd not; Tovey came to see us; Martyn to speake with daughter Biddolph; Sir G.G. dined with us, also Minshall, Mainwaring, Mrs Blackamore, sister Whitley & her sonne; after dinner came Stephens, then Pickering; Minshall went first; then Sir G.G. then Stephens; at last Pickering; I stayd within all night.
24. Satorday, next barber trimmed me; I went to Geratts about the watch; then to Mosier; then to Garroways where I met Oneby & Scotto & Zouch (though I had no discourse with him) then Mr Foche & I discoursed about Sir Thomas Chitchleys businesse; then I went to the Sunne, there was Sir S: Dashwood, Daniell, Wade, Mainwaring, Lee, my sonne, Thelwall, Nokes, Payne &c. we all parted presently; passing the Exchange Mr Duncan [fo. 54v] 24. saluted me, talked of the French fleete; I came home to dinner; Mainwaring, Lee, & my sonne with me; then came Lewes; they stayd till neare 4; Minshall called in the morning but stayd not, in the afternoone Mrs Griffith & Mrs Lee came to visit my daughters; I stayd awhile with them; then I went to Depuy's; he was abroad; then to Lord Dover's, left word with his servant that I had bin there; then to the Coffee house by St James Church; there was Clargy's, Netterfield, Vernon, a Frenchman, one Mr Howard (a little deafe), Philip Howard came in, but stayd not; there were 2 or 3 gentlemen, more strangers to me; I stayd about 1/2 , went to Lady Wood; stayd awhile with her & her daughters; called at the Fountain to enquire for Mr Mainwaring; he was not there; the drawer came to the doore; I went not in; came home before 9.
25. Sonday, went twice to church; after evening sermon, Baskervile came home with us; Mainwaring & I went to Jones & Mr Bromhall of Namptwitch with us; Rogers came into our roome, dranck a glasse then left us; soe did Mr Bradley, I dranck the Kings health to him; he left us; we parted past 8; left Bromhall in Wood streete, came home, supt.
26. Monday, there came an old lawyer from the Temple about the purchase of Mrs Marberys lands; then came 2 French men, one for a cook; the other a valet de chambre; I went to Lord Dovers; he was abroad; met Bulstroade in the lower gallery; he told me Powis was made sollicitor. I went to Lord Treasurers; his footeman told me he was gone out of towne; I went to Lord Sunderland's office & spoke with Yard & Bridgman about the papers I left in Yards hands; I spoke with Jones in the court before the Cellar; came home to dinner; Minshall & Bromhall dined with us; stayd but awhile, my sonne & Lee came past 4; went away before 5; a young man, came to be a cook; stayd not..
27. Tuesday, next barber trimmed me; I went to Lord Dover, spake with him about my businesse; met Sir John Baber in the passage before his doore in Whitehall; he discoursed me about Lord Kilmurrey's businesse & Mr Venables; Colonel Napper & Colonel Leg met me in the same place; Oneby saluted me &c. I went to Westminster; met Captaine Langley in the Exchequer; discoursed him about transport of soldyers in the paquet boates; spoke with Humfreys; met Palmer, Williams, Lord Rivers, Bretland & severall others in the Hall; also Mr Fisher, he told me Mr Harbord was beyond seas; went to Sir Robert Cottons; stayd above ½ houer with him; called at Westminster Hall; brother Peter came in my coach to Charing Crosse; dined at home; Lady Wood & daughter with us; about 5 I went to the East Indya house; gave in my names for the comitte; discoursed with Child, Bancks & severall of the Company; went with Paige, Guston, Cannan, Scotto, one Ball & another (both strangers to me) to the Hoop taverne close by; we parted past 7; I went to Humfreys; Morgan Whitley was there; but we had little discourse about my sonne; Lewes &c. Humfreys & I went to Lord Chancelors; I delivered my peticon to his Lordship; Sir John Bancks was there; I called at the Bull Head; no company was there, I came home past 9.
28. Wednesday, Midchleys came to me about Chitchley's mortgage; Sir Robert Cotton, & his Lady dined with us; also Mr Lee of Booth, Bradshaw & Thomson; about 4 Sir Cotton & his Lady left us; then came Mr Champion about recommending a French cook & valet de chambre to me; Lee, Thomson & Bradshaw left us past 5; Champion went soone after; Mainwaring & I went to Sollicitor Powis at Lincolnes Inne to visit him; then to the Fountaine; there was Wood, Stephens & Lee; we parted about 10; sett Stephens & Lee downe at Chancery Lane end; called at Baskerviles; there was Bromhall with him in the shop; I wished him a good journey & came home.
29. Thursday, Mr Tovey came to see us; I called on Foche, spoke to his servant; went to Mosier; discoursed him & Mr Mount about my settlements; then to Keck; then home to dinner; Minshall dined with us; went away past 3; I went about 7 to Mount, then to Duncombe; supt & stayd with him till past 10; came home.
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30. Friday, I went to Lord Treasurer; there was Duncombe, Brett, severall others; & G. Wiltshire; I spoke with Lord Treasurer; I went with Palmer, in his coach to Westminster; spoke with Clayton, Meeres & severall others in the Hall; Foche came home in my coach; Lady Wood, her daughter, cosen Baskervile & Minshall dined with us; they parted soone after dinner; in the evening I went to Hogsden; saw my sonne, his wife & Lewes; retorned presently; went to the Bull Head; there was Dr Tims, Oneby, Page, Richardson, Baroby, Jurmey & the Captaine of our Company, he and Page went soone after; Mainwaring came in; then Baroby and Richardson went; we all parted past 10.