Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.
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'Roger Whitley's Diary: March 1686', in Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711, ed. Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online [accessed 31 March 2025].
'Roger Whitley's Diary: March 1686', in Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Edited by Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online, accessed March 31, 2025,
"Roger Whitley's Diary: March 1686". Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Ed. Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online. Web. 31 March 2025.
March 1686
1. Monday, Humfreys came to me about the money I am to pay Froude; Norman's sonne came from his father in the Counter; I sent him 20 shillings which I had gathered for him from Mainwaring, Dashwood & daughters; a boy came home from Castleton to know when he might come speake to me from Froude; I went to Lord Brandon; Ashton and the barber were with him; other servants below; his 2 sisters & another lady came to dine with him; I went into the roome to them but stayd not; took leave of my Lord; called on Claytons; spoke with Keck; came home to dinner; after dinner came a man from Froude about the money I am ordered to pay him; then came Alderman Lewes, then Mr Cooper; they drank a bottle of wine; parted about 4; I went to Mr Offleys; he was abroad; I met Sir Robert Cotton; he came into my coach & sate with me (in the streete) neare half houer. I went to Jones; had a pinte of wine; met Mr Yard in the Stone gallery; discoursed him about the papers I formerly left in his hands about the transport of poore seamen & soldyers in the pacquet boates; he promised to search for them; I came home.
2. Tuesday, Bernard came to me about Froud's money; I went to St Lawrence; Dr. Tilletson preached; I went to Claytons; Lord Nottingham was with him; after he went I spoke with Clayton & Keck; there was another gentleman also spoke with them both; I went to Grays Inne; Sir G.G. was abroad; I spoke with his man about gong to Done's; I called at Gerard's about Holland; came home; Mrs Tovey dined with us; I went to Humfreys (met Sir G.G. & his sonne in the Temple; Sir G.G went in my coach to ??????) , then to Keck, then home; Sir Willliam Gulston & Lady & Mrs Tovey & Mainwaring supt with us; they parted about 11.
3. Wednesday, I went to Clayton, spoke with him & Keck; went with Clayton on foote to Exchange Alley; went to Cosens shop but stayd not; then I went to Goulstons; stayd with him 1/2 houer, then to Westminster, met Humfreys by the way; he came to me to my coach; at Westminster I met Duncombe & Philip Howard; went with them to Lord Treasurer; there were Dr Lower, Skelton & some others; the Treasurer called me into his roome; was in passion, order'd me to pay the money that day; would not give me another day to provide it; was severe with me &c. Duncombe & I went to Claytons; Howard came after us in Duncombs coach; we agreed with Clayton & Duncombe about the money; I dined with Duncombe; Howard and Potts with us; went agen to Claytons; thither came Froude, Bernard & another with them (stranger to me); we settled our businesse; Clayton & I went to the 6 clarks to order 3 recognisances; went againe to Claytons; sealed another writing; about 8 I went to the Castle; there was Coote, Stephens, Wood, Rogers, Lea, Mainwaring & selfe; we parted about 11; went home.
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4. Thursday; I dined at home; Saladine came to me with a letter; stayd awhile; went in the evening to Sir Robert Clayton, then to the Temple; I met Keck there & walked a while with him; then I went to the Sunne taverne; there was Mainwaring, Dashwood & Heron; Dashwood stayd but awhile; then came Goulston about 9; we parted neare 11.
5. Friday, Mr Kenrick of Chester came to see us; stayd not long; the next barber trimmed me; Lady Delamer & her daughter & Lady Wood & her 2 daughters dined with us; in the evening I went to Duncombe; he was out of towne; Shales told me he had payd the money in spetie (the day before) into the Exchequer I called on Keck about the writings; I went to the Sunne, there was Mainwaring, Dashwood, Thomas, & one Mr Kyffin (stranger to me) then came in Lea; Thomas &c. Kyffin left us betimes; then came in Stephens, his brother in law & another gentleman; they desired to buy my coach geldings; we continued there treating about them till 12; then we parted; walked home.
6. Satorday, I went to Humfreys; then to Mr Warrings house & chamber but he was abroad; his clarke came to the coach to me by Staple Inne gate; I told him my businesse to get discharge from the Sheriffe &c. about Plimleys business; I called on Mr Pickerings at the end of Paternoster Row to see Mr Aston, &c; I stayd but awhile; went home to dinner; Mainwaring dined abroad: about 5 went to Keck, then to Humfreys, he was out, then home; Minshall came about 8 but stayd not; I supt &c.
7. Sonday, went twice to church & to the Sacrement; dined at home; no strangers; after evening prayer Baskervile & his kinsman, Bird, Jones & Cosens came to me; we had a bottle of wine & a bottle of ale; Mainwaring & I went to the Fountayne; Wood & Rogers came to us; we parted before 9.
8. Monday, Mainwaring & I went to Offleys, he was sick abed; we did not goe in; we went to Sandford's house (the Herald) to looke for lodgings: spoke with his wife & mayd; walking along, we met with Major ........., ((he halts, I cannot remember his name); we had a short discourse about lodgings, houses &c; we went to Humfreys, he was abroad; I spoke with his clarke in the walke; went home; Mr Kenrick & his wife dined with us; Humfreys came at the end of dinner; told me he had bin with Lord Chancelor; would not stay; then came Lea, then Cotton, Lady & daughter; stayd an houer; then Mrs Pigot; she supt & played at cards with my daughters; Kenrick & his wife went away past 5; Mainwaring & Lea went out past 6; left me at home alone; after dinner a French man came to me about some of Roger's bills; drank a glass of ale with me in the parlour; I would not promise to pay any of them; he told me he was going into France &c; I stayd at home all night; Pigot supt with us; I left them at cards; went to bed.
9. Tuesday, Dr Lower came to my daughter; Keck came to speake with me about the writings; I went to Claytons; saw him, Keck & other clarks; sealed the writings; came home; spoke with Baskervile in the streete &c; dined at home; in the afternoone my sonne came; then Lea, Neale & another (I think his kinsman) to buy my horses; they drank a bottle of wine; about 6 they went away; then came Baskervile; I went to the Bull Head; thither came 3 Kenricks, Mainwaring. Lea, my sonne & Baskervile; Oneby came in, drank a brimmer & left us; the discourse was much about one Major Williams and an odde hayre brained Parson, his neighbor; they told severall extravagant ridiculous storyes of him, as his mad assertions that the Crowne of England was adoptive & calling his Majesty his Semi Catholique Majesty &c. we parted past 10.
10. Wednesday, Tovey came to see us; then Jack, Sir Edward Wood's man; then came 2 odd men (both strangers) to desire me to give some money for the discharge of a prisoner for debt; they shewed me a list of severall that had contributed small summs, but not any of our neighbors names; I told them if my neighbors had contributed I would doe the like but I neither knew them nor the party, soe refused; they left me unsatisfyed &c; Sir G: G: came to take leave; stayd about ¼ houer; Sir Edward Wood, Lea, Minshall, my sonne & Mainwaring dined with us; they went away past 4; in the evening I went to the [fo. 51v] March 10. Castle Taverne in Fleete streete, there was Wood, Mainwaring, Lea; then came Coot & Stephens, then my sonne; Wood left us about 9; I went past 10; came home.
11. Thursday, I met Wickley at the gate; Alderman Lewes in the streete; had but a short discourse with either; I went to Lord Dovers, he was abroad; I called on Lady Wood, saw her, her sonne & daughters & cosen; Mrs Wood went with me to St Martyns Lane; then I went to Mr Offleys; found Sir Robert Cotton with him; left them presently together; called at a stationers in Holborne, to have bought the Life & Gloryes of the Blessed Virgyn; he promised to get one for me; I went home to dinner; Mainwaring and my sonne dined with us; after dinner Ben Gerard came to speake with Mainwaring; drancke a glasse of wine & left us; then came a man from Fowlis with a note from Roger to pay 150 li. I refused it; told him I must consider; would not promise; I went in the evening to Humfreys, he was abroad; I spoke with his clark; I went to Duncombe; he was out; I spoke with Shales at the doore; I went to Garroways; Sir Ben: Newland & Polixen desired me to sit by them, no discourse past; they left me; Goulston came & sate with me neare one houer; Jones, & Saladine came to me but stayd not; I went home, 1/2 an houer past 8.
12. Friday, I went to Lord Dovers, Depuys & Clargy's; they were all abroad, I called at Lady Woods; there was Captaine Gladston & another gentleman with her; I called at Lady Gerards, saw her aunt & Ashton; he told me they had hope of Lord Brandon's coming spedily out of the Tower; I called at the stationers in Holborne & bought the Life of the Blessed Virgin &c. dined at home; Alderman Lewes, Mainwaring & my sonne with us; in the evening I went to Humfreys, with him to Lord Chancellors; he was out; then to Depuy, he was also out; I called at Tovey's; spoke with the prentice; went to the Bulls Head; there was Mainwaring, Oneby, Dr Timmes; another Tymms, my sonne; Page, Baskervile, Mosse & 2 others (I think their names were Sandford & Tongue) & Richardson; we parted, past 10.
13. Satorday, Offely came, to take his leave; Norden came after him; they went away together; I went to Humfreys, Truant was with him; I went to Depuy's; he was out, I spoke with his man; I went to Duncombs, spoke with Shales about my talley; met Bernard in the Swan Passage; went then to Humfreys house; he, & his wife were at dinner; a gentlewoman sate by; I told him my businesse; Offley called on me; we went to Feilders, we dined there, Mainwaring, Dashwood, Thomas & my sonne with us; we parted past 4; I went to Mr Page, sate with him 1/2 houer; then to the Exchange; there was Mr Heron; walked 1/2 round with him; met Jones the Scrivener; spoke to him about my house to keep a month longer; spoke to Mrs Saladine going by; called at Garrats, he set my watch right; there were 2 or 3 strangers in the shop with him; called at Borobys; went home and about 7 went to the Bull Head; there was Mainwaring, Oneby; my sonne & Baskervile; we parted at 10.
14. Sonday, went twice to church; Jones came to me after evening sermon; I went to Lady Wood, saw her, her sonne, daughters & Langston; went to Jones; there was my sonne, Mainwaring, & Jones; we stayd an houer & 1/2, came home before 9.
15. Monday, Pickmore came from France; gave account how he left my sonne &c. I dined at home, my sonne & Mainwaring with us; about 5 came Lord Stanford to visit my sonne & Mainwaring; they were abroad; he asked for me; I went downe to him into the parler; presently my sonne & Mainwaring came in; we had a bottle or 2 of Cheshire ale & wine; Minshall came to us; I left them, went with my daughters to take leave of Mrs Offley; when I retorned I found his Lordship & the company together; Minshall went first; it was neare 9 before my Lord went, I stayd at home all night after.
16. Tuesday; I dined at home, Thomson & Captaine Gilby (unexpectedly) dined with us; also Mainwaring & my sonne; afternoone came one Mr Coulston & Price (both strangers to me) to buy my horses; they stayd still 6; Thomson & Gilby went soone after; Saladine brought me a letter from Roger in the afternoone; I went past 8 to the Bull Head; there was Oneby, 2 Timms, Mainwaring, Jones, Baskervile, another or 2 strangers; they went off by degrees; the last of us parted past 10.
17. Wednesday, next barber trimmed me; I dined at home; in the afternoone Sir Frances Clark came to us; we dranck a glasse of wine; I went to Sir Thomas Golds funerall; stayd [fo. 52r] 17. but awhile in the house; went with them to church; Sir Thomas, Clargys & Mr Robert Welsh walked before us; Clargys, Page & I sate together; after sermon I went to the Castle there was Wood & Lea; then came Stephens & Cooke; we parted about 10.
18. Thursday, I went to Lord Dovers & Depuy's; they were both abroad, called at Sir Edward Wood's; saw him, his Lady, daughter & Martyn; called at Lady Gerards, only saw her servants; Lady Wood & her daughter went home with me to dinner; brother Peter dined with us; betwixt 4 & 5 Humfreys & Lord Dunganon made me a visit, stayd not 1/2 hour; about 6 I went to the Tower to see Brandon; there was his sister Gerard; his Lady, her sister & aunt & 3 men ( strangers to me, one of them played on the harpsicalls &c.) I stayd but a while; called at the Vulter; there was Millington & Scotto; we parted about 10.
19. Friday, Kent came to me about Rogers debt; complained of the hardness of the times, no money to be got; I told him I was disabled by my late great payments to the Exchequer &c. but I must submit to the King's pleasure in this & all things; we discoursed of redeeming some of Roger's goods that were pawned, I promised to send Houseman to him with 10 li. &c. I dined at Mr Millingtons where was he, his wife, sisters & daughter, Sir Edward Mansell, his sonne, Alderman Jeffreys, Mr Morgan & myself; we parted about 9; I put Millington downe at the Vulture; I went to the Bull Head; there was Oneby, 2 Tims, Sandford sonne, Richardson, Smith, Mitton & 2 or 3 more, I know not their names; they went away all but Oneby, Smith, Sandford & selfe; they pressed wine upon me; fell into discourse of Monmouth's rebellion; I blamed Sir Thomas Armstrong for his drawing him first into his disloyal practices; look't upon his attempts all along as perfect madness; could not hope to prevaile; no considerable sober people would joyne with him; they must needs see that consequence if he had prevailed would have entayled a perpetual war & armyes upon us; the Prince of Orange would have pursued his Princesses-right; if she failed Princesse Anne would have mainteyned her right; if she failed the Prince of Orange & Madame's issue would have their pretentions soe that nothing but continuall troubles could have bin the consequence; it was perfect madnesse & brought destruction to a great many poore people &c. then they talked of the Black Box with reflexions on Sir G.G.; I sayd he was my intimate old acquaintance & had often solemnly swore to me there was nothing in it; he never had or heard of any such thing; they fell upon severall other discourses but I still stood on my guard, finding them pressing drink upon me & having no acquaintance with them (except Oneby) & having no very good opinion of their conversation we parted past 11 20. Satorday, next barber trimmed me; dined at home; went to Humfreys; he was abroad; I came home; about 8 my sonne, his wife & children & Mainwaring &c. came to towne, supt with us; Lea & Bedisford came with them but did not stay; Minshall came & supt; they parted past 10.
21. Sonday, went twice to church; my sonne, his wife, children & Minshall dined with us; in the afternoone Humfreys came with us from church; Bird came after him; we had a bottle of ale; Humfreys left us then Bird; afterwards Bedisford & Baskervile came in; had a bottle of wine; I left them, went with Mainwaring & my daughters to take leave of Lady Bellot; she was abroad; went to Sir Edward Wood, saw him, his Lady, sonne, daughter & Mrs Gant; dranck a glasse of wine; went home; my sonne, daughter & Baskervile supt with us; my sonne &c. went about 9; Baskervile at 10.
22. Monday, dined at home, Mainwaring my sonne & his wife with us; I went in the evening to Mrs Piggots, there were my daughters, Mrs Baskervile & her daughters with her; I stayd but awhile, went to the Castle, where was Mainwaring & my sonne; then came Pickering; past 10 my daughters called in their coach; we went home. Baskervile with us.
23 Tuesday I went to St. Lawrence, one Dr Moore preached; spoke with Mr Baskervile going past his doore; my old gardiner came to me in the streete to desire me certify in his behalf; I came home to dinner; Pickering, Minshall, Lee, Sir Edward Wood. Mainwaring & my sonne dined with us; Wood went before 4; the rest soone after; Mr Luson Gore sent his servant to enquire of me about my old gardiner. I could not say very much for him; I thought him honest.
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23. in the evening, I went to Baroby's to enquire whether he would be in towne; then to the Bull Head; there was Oneby, Dr Tims, one that married his daughter, another Tims, Richardson, Noden & Mainwaring he came in late; Dr Tims, Noden & Richardson went first, we all parted, before 11.
24. Wednesday, Cosens trimmed me; Mainwaring & I dined at Sir Robert Cottons; himselfe, Lady, sonne and daughter with us; we went to Lady Wood; there was another woman with her & her daughters & cosen; we went to the Castle Taverne; thither came Sir Edward Wood, Coote, Stephens, Lea, my sonne & Mr Neale (Stephen's brother in law) Wood went before 10; the rest about 11.
25. Thursday, Humfreys came early, found me in bed; proposed Lord Dungannon; for my daughter Charlotte; I promised him an answer in a day or 2: I dined at home; my sonne, his wife & Mainwaring with us; I went about 4 to visit Stephens; we went to Coote & thence to visit Sir Edward Wood; I saw his Lady & daughters; Mrs Gaunt was with her; we went thence past 5; I put Coote down in Coven garden & Stephens at the Temple; I called on my daughters at the picture drawers; saw the pictures & came home with them, 26. Friday, I went to St Lawrence; Dr Woodruffe preached; called on Baskervile, saw him & his wife in the shop, came home to dinner; afternoone Sir Edward Wood & his sonne called on me but stayd not; past 5 I went to Humfreys then to Collins shop; there was Sir Edward Wood & his sonne; I bought Dr Delamere's Tryall; brought Wood over against Somerset House; called on daughter Whitley at Mr Coles; went to the Bull Head; there was Oneby, 2 Tims, Baroby, Richardson, Jone's, Sandford, another ( I think his name is Brough) & Jones; we parted past 10; Baroby, Oneby, Richardson & I together.
27. Satorday, brother Peter dined with me; about 5 one Mr Brereton came to me about renewing a lease which his father had from the Hospitall at Chester; he promised to bring his lease and I promised to doe what was convenient in the matter; about 7 Baskervile & Mr Parker of Chester came to us; Mainwaring came home before 9; we parted before 10.
28. Sonday, I went twice to Church; my sonne & his wife dined with us; after evening sermon Baskervile & Jones came to us: dranck a glasse of wine & parted; about 8 Baroby came to us; supt with us; parted before 10.
29. Monday, I went to Lord Dovers, he was out of towne; I went to Clargys; met his sonne & another gentleman in the Hall; Sir William: Petty was with him in his closet; came out, saluted me; I stayd with Sir Thomas Clargys 1/2 houer; he promised, to write to Sir Paul Rycant to speake to Lord Lieutenant about my businesse; I called on Lady Wood; she was in her chamber with Langton & another woman working; then came in her 2 daughters; I stayd but awhile; called at Lady Gerards, spoke only with her servants; she was above in her chamber; came home to dinner; in the afternoone came Captaine Brereton (and another officer with him) about his lease at Chester; they dranck a bottle of wine & parted past 4; about 7 I went to the French Cooks; there Mainwaring entertayned me, my daughters, sonne, Tovey & Lea; we parted about 10, went home.
30. Tuesday, I went to St Lawrence; Dr Tilletson preached; my sonne & his wife dined with us; past 6, Sir Robert Cotton & lady came to visit us, stayd past 7; Sir Edward Wood's man came to aske howe we did; then I went to the Bull Head; there was Thomson & Gilby; Baroby came in but stayd not; John Nixon brought me a letter that Mary Browne found at the staires foote; it was directed to me or my sonne; an unknowne counterfeite hand & no name to it; the contents thus, viz: Sir, you are desired to goe out of towne this night or stand upon your guard; for there is a report there will be an earthquake; you know how to interpret this; from your servant and freind; in the postscripti, follow my advise; I shewed it to the 2 gentlemen that were with me; they went with me to Whitehall, I left them at Mr Jones, I delivered the letter to Mr Wynne at my Lord Middletons office (his Lordship being abroad) I writ at the bottome, how I came by it, at what tyme, I received & delivered it; I went to the 2 Gentlemen at Jones; we had 2 bottles of wine, buttered egs &c. we went thence at 11; I carryed them in my coach to the Strand; put them downe severally neare their lodgings; came home.
[fo. 53r]31. Wednesday, I went to St Lawrence to sermon; Wagstaffe preached; went to Claytons; he was abroad; spoke with Keck; came home to dinner; Mainwaring & Lea dined with us; I went in the evening to Humfreys; found him before his doore; Sir Thomas Orbe came to us; we had but little discourse; I left them & went to the Castle; there was Wood, then came Stephens, Mainwaring & Lea & then Coote; Wood went before 10; we all parted soone after.