Accounts: December 1563 - December 1565

St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 1901.

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'Accounts: December 1563 - December 1565', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603, ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Accounts: December 1563 - December 1565', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Edited by J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Accounts: December 1563 - December 1565". St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

December 1563 - December 1565

This is thaccompte of vs Will'm Golightlye And Thomas ffowll'r Churche Wardens of the p'ishe of St martens in the felde by Charinge Crose in the Countye of mydd' Chossen and Appoynted for the Space of two wholl yeres Endinge at the natyvitie of our Lord god A thowsande fyve hundrethe Sixtie and fyve And in the Eighte yere of the Raigne of our Soveraigne ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god Quene of Englande fraunce and Ireland Defendor of the faithe &c' As well for the Receipte as allsoe the payments and all other Ordynarye Chardges Specified and Conteynede in this our Accompte as heare After ffollowethe &c'

In p'mis Receyued of the masters of the p'ishe at our firste Entrance into our Office the xxvijth daye of febrewarij. 1563 . in the Sixte yeare of the Raigne of our Soueraigne Ladye Quene Elizabethe &c' the Some of viijli ixs iiijd

The Receipte of all Somes of monneye Receyued by vs in this our firste yeare for burialls knylles and Suche Lyke as heare After ffollowethe &c'

December pIn p'mis firste the xxvjth daye was Buryed Cornelis derickson Nic'
pIt'm the xxvijth daye was Buried Heughe Parratt (fn. 1) Nic'
pIt'm the xxviijth daye was Buried Thomas Rice Nic'
Januarij pIt'm the vth daye was Buriede ELizabethe Rickardes Nic'
pIt'm the vjth daye was Buried John Rickardes Nic'
pIt'm the viijth daye was Buried Marye Bonner Nic'
pIt'm the xvth daye was Buried ELizabethe Scrowe (fn. 2) Nic'
pIt'm the xvijth daye was Buried James Nicollsone Nic'
pIt'm the xviijth daye was Buriede Elline from plomb'es Nic'
pIt'm the xxxth daye was Buriede Marye Charltone Nic'
ffebruarij It'm the ixth daye was Buryed henrye Whittell Nic'
It'm the xth daye was Buriede Nicholas Charlton Nic'
pIt'm the same daye was Buried George Whellwright Nic'
pIt'm the xjth daye was Buried ELizabethe fletcher xxd
It'm the same daye was Buryed Christiane LoveLycke Nic'
pIt'm the xiiijth daye was Buried Roger Somner (fn. 3) Nic'
pIt'm the xvth daye was Buried Myghell hodsone Nic'
pIt'm the same daye was Buryed phillis Addersone Nic'
It'm the xvjth daye was Buried Thom's of the Lazar (fn. 4) Nic'
It'm the same daye was Buried John Nealle Nic'
pIt'm the xvijth daye was Buried Allis Bottell Nic'
pIt'm the xxijth daye was Buried Gawen Willsone Nic'
It'm the xxvth daye was Buried Richarde Jones Nic'
Marche. It'm the xxth daye was Buried Roger Cromptone xijd
It'm the xxijth daye was Buryed ELizabethe Ballarde Nic'
It'm the xxiijth daye was Buried persivall Woodde Nic'
It'm the xxvijth daye was Buried Dennys Bowsseye Nic'
Receyued for Burialls in our Ladye daye q'ter ijs viijd
Aprille It'm the seconde daye was Buried Jone Anyell Nic'
It'm the xvjth daye was Buryed A Comon Womane Nic'
It'm the xxjth daye was Buried Robarte Wrighte ixs
pIt'm the xxiiijth daye was Buried John Bracke Nic'
It'm the xxvijth daye was Buried Petter Evanes Nic'
It'm xxixth daye was Buryed Edwarde Crane ijd
Maye It'm the xvjth daye was Buried Will'm Allyson Nic'
It'm the xvijth daye was Buried mother petter that brake her Neecke (fn. 5) Nic'
June It'm the thirde daye was Buried Allis that dyed in the felde Nic'
It'm the xxvth daye was Buried Richard Tompson Jentillmane xs viijd
Receyved for Buryalls in mydsomer Quarter xixs xd
Juliij It'm the xvijth daye was Buryed Jone Johnsone Nic'
It'm the xxixth daye was Buryed Thom's Godfreye Nic'
Auguste It'm the xxijth daye was Buryed Will'm Johnsone Nic'
It'm the xxviijth daye was Buryed Will'm horslye Nic'
Septemb'r It'm the Seconde daye was Buried Dericke Johnson Nic'
It'm the xvij daye was Buryede Jone Tyddr (fn. 6) Nic'
It'm the xxviijth daye was Buryed Christiane marten Nic'
Receyued for Buryalls in Myghellmas Quarter Nic'
Novemb'r It'm the xxxthdaye of Novemb'r was Buryed Jone ffoskewe ixs
Decemb'r It'm the xxiiijth daye was Buryede Will'm potter xvjd
It'm the xxxthdaye was Buryed Catheren harvye ixs
Receyved for Buryalls in Chrisemas Quarter xixs iiijd
In p'mis Receyued and gatherede for the Clarke and Sextens wages and for the pewes in the Churche for Ladye daye Quarter Endinge the xxvth daye of Marche xlvs iiijd
It'm Receyued the ixth of Aprill 1564 for the halfe of the token monneye at Easter xxvjs viijd
It'm Receyued and gathered for the Clarke and Sextens wages & for the pewes in the Churche for mydsomer Quarter Endinge the xxiiijth daye of June .1564. xlvs iiijd
It'm Receyuede and gatherede for the Clarke and Sextens wages and for the pewes in the Churche for Myghellmas q'ter Endinge the xxixth daye of Septemb'r 1564 xlvs iiijd
It'm Receyued and gathered for the Clarke and Sextens wages and for the pewes in the Churche for Christmas Quarter Endinge the xxjth daye of December 1564 xlvs iiijd
It'm Receyued of mr Dockter huicke for the Rent of his Chamb'r for one yeare Endinge at the Natyvitie of our Lord god A thowsand vc lxiiijor vjs viijd
S'm Tols of the wholl Receipte of this our firste yere Amountethe to the Some of xxjli vs xd

Wher of disbursede and Laide owt for the vse of the Churche in Anno A thowsande fyve hundrethe Syxtie and fower as heare After followethe &c'

In p'mis paid to the Clarke and Sexten for ther q'ters Wages dewe at the An'nciacion of our Ladye beinge the xxvth daye of marche 1564 xxxs
It'm Laid owt the xxjth daye of febrewarye at the Chowsinge of the Sydmene at Sainte CLements Churche 1564 xijd
It'm paid to John howe Organ maker for his q'ters wages Endinge as Aforesaid —vjd And for two Springes of Brase—iiijd xd
It'm paid to the Carpenter for hanginge vpp of the Bannars vjd
It'm for two Bokes Sett forthe by my Lorde of london the third of marche (fn. 7) iiijd
It'm paid to the paynter the thirde daye of marche 1564 viijd
It'm paid to the Clarke for washinge of his Surplis for our Ladye q'ter vjd
It'm paid to the Sexten for Bromes jd
The Chardges laid owtel in our Ladye daye q'ter xxxiijs xjd
It'm Laide owt the xth of Aprill 1564 when we went to St Clements to Receive our Artickles and for drynkinge by the waye iijs ijd
It'm Laid owt the xvjth daye of Aprill to John Begerleye for mendinge of the Lockes of the Churche xd
It'm paid to the CLarke and Sexten for ther Quarters wages dewe at mydsomer Beinge the xxiiijth daye of June 1564 xxxs
It'm paide to John howe Organ maker for his Quarters wages Beinge dewe at mydsomer 1564 vjd
It'm paide to the CLarke for Washinge of his Surples for mydsomer Quarter 1564 vjd
It'm paide to OLyver deppinge the xviijth of June 1564 for Bromes—iijd, for washinge of his Surples—iiijd, for grese for the bells—iijd, for Ringinge when the quene went A prograce and at her comynge Againe to St James—ijs ijs xd
The Chardges Laide owt in mydsomer Quarter xxxvijs xd
It'm paid to OLyver deppinge the xvjth of Julye 1564 for Sixe daies worke occupied in makinge of A newe Sellinge (fn. 8) by the belfreye at xd the daye—vs, for xiiij busshels of hear (fn. 9) at iiijd the Busshell—iiijs viijd, for the cariage of the Said here—ijd for x Bundells of Lathe at xjd the Bundell—ixs ijd, And for v ml of ijd n'lls at xiiijd the ml—vs xd, And for pavinge tilles for the churche—ijs iiijd xxvijs ijd
It'm Laid owt when we went to St Clements wth the Sidemen and for deliveringe vp of the Booke of p'sentments ijs iiijd
It'm paide to the Somn' the xxjth daye of Auguste 1564 for Somnynge of Jone Clockemaker to the Spirituall Courte ijs viijd
It'm paid to Will'm Bovington for one ml & ijc of playne tilles—xijs, for xij Ruftilles at jd the pece—xijd xiijs
It'm paide to the Clarke and Sexten for ther Quarters wages Dewe at the feaste of St myghell tharcke Angell beinge the xxixth of Septemb'r 1564 xxxs
And for washinge of ther Surpleces xd
It'm paid to John howe Organ maker for his Quarters wages Endinge the xxixth daye of Septemb'r 1564 vjd
It'm paid to Robarte Langraye Labowrer for vj daies worke occupiede in Srvinge of the plasterer at viijd the daye iiijs
It'm paide to John marche Lyme mane for A hundrethe of Lyme vijs
It'm paide to Gefferaye Smythe for A Loode of Sande viijd
The Chardges Laide owt in myghellmas Quarter iiijli viijs ijd
It'm Paide to George Carpenter the firste of Novemb'r 1564 for two C of q'terbourd to Cover the Sance bell in the steple at vs the hundrethe—xs, for A dowble q'ter—vd, for ijC of vd n'ls—xijd, for a C of vjd n'lls—vijd, for ijd n'lls—jd, for A payer of henges for A dore in the Stepple—viijd, for A hooke for the Saide dore—ijd, And for one daye and a halfes woorke at xiijd the daye—xixd ob xiiijs vjd
It'm paide to OLyver deppinge the xxixth daye of decemb'r 1564 for Ringinge at the Qven's Removinge from St James to Whighthall the vijth of decemb'r—viijd, for A tyller for iiij daies woorke—iiijs, And for his labowrer the space of iiij daies at viijd the daye—ijs viijd, for pavinge Certaine graves in the Churche—ijs, for xxiiij pavinge tilles—ijs iiijd, for A bell Roppe for the great Bell—ijs, for A Coller to hange the Bell by—ijs, for hollye and Ivye—xijd, for Bromes—iijd, for x Ruftilles—xd, for washinge of the Church Towells—xijd, for Woodd and Coolles for the plomb'r—ixd, And for one daies woorke Occupied in helpinge of the plomb'r—viijd xxs ijd
It'm paide to henry deacon plomb'r the laste of decemb'r for xxvli of Sodore at vd the pounde—xijs vjd, And for fower daies worke occupiede in Sowdringe of the leades at xijd the daye—iiijs xvjs vjd
It'm paide to John howe the Organe maker for his q'ters wages dewe at the Natiuitie of our Lorde gode in 1564 vjd
It'm laide owt for halfe a hundrethe of pavinge tylles to pave the graves in the Churche iiijs iiijd
Item paid to the Clarke and Sexten for ther q'ters wages Dewe at the Natiuitie of our Lord god A thowsande fyve hundreth Sixtye & fower xxxs
And for washinge of ther Surpleces xd
The Chardges Laide owt in Christmas Quarter 1564 iiijli vjs xd ob'
S'm of the wholle Receipte of the firste year 1564 xxjli vs xd
S'm of the wholl' Expenc's laide owt in the firste yeare xijli vjs ixd ob'
And Soe Remaynethe of the Receipte Above the Expenc's of the firste yeare viijli xixs ob'

The Receipte of this our Seconde yere as here After ffollowethe 1565.

Januarij In p'mis the forthe daye was Buried John howse Nic'
It'm the xjth daye was Buried Richard Atsell ijs iiijd
It'm the xiijth daye was Buriede John Boogge xvjd
It'm the xxth daye was Buried Dericke Jones Nic'
It'm the Same daye was Buried John haies xijd
It'm the xxiiijth daye was Buried Julyane A Comon womane (fn. 10) Nic'
It'm the xxvth daye was Buried Thom's Weelles preste (fn. 11) ijs iiijd
It'm the xxvijth daye was Buried Agnes Lyvinge xvjd
It'm the xxixth daye was Buried OLive Robensone ijs iiijd
It'm the Same daye was Buried Thom's forlayne xvjd
ffebrewarij It'm the thirde daye was Buryed Rychard Baylye ixs
It'm the xjth daye was Buryede John whighte Nic'
It'm the xxiiijth daye was Buryede mr Edmonde foster (fn. 12) ijs iiijd
It'm the xxvjth daye was Buryede ELizabethe holmes Nic'
It'm the vth daye was Buryede Will'm Monneye Nic'
It'm the viijth daye was Buryede Mathewe tayller Nic'
It'm the xth daye was Buryede Jone Vankane (fn. 13) Nic'
It'm the xxjth daye was Buriede Robarte Awcoke (fn. 14) Nic'
Receyved for buryalls in our Ladye daye Quarter 1565 xxiijs iiijd
Aprille It'm the vjth daye was Buriede Jone washe xijd
It'm the ixth daye was Buryede margarett kellshawe xijd
It'm the xxiiijth daye was Buried Jone Cooke Nic'
Maye It'm the xijth daye was Buryede Robarte foxe Nic'
It'm the xviij daye was Buryede Bridgett powell Nic'
It'm the xxvth daye was Buryed John hunte (fn. 15) ijd
It'm the xxviijth daye was Buryede John Bettes Nic'
June It'm the xviijth daie was Buryede Boes Lyzarde xvjd
It'm the xixth daie was Buryede John knoldone Nic'
It'm the xxth daye was Buryede Thom's Sharpe ijd
It'm the same daye was Buryede Robarte Christiane xvjd
It'm the same daye was Buryed Will'm Sclatter Nic
It'm the same daye was Buryede Robarte Stockedene Nic'
It'm the same daye was Buryede John Caltone Nic'
It'm the xxvjth daye was Buryede John Rutter Nic'
It'm the xxxth daye was Buryed Eme glover Nic'
Receyved for Buryalls in Mydsomer q'ter vs
Julij It'm the vth daye was Buryed John Thymbelbye xvjd
It'm the xvjth daye was Buryede John Jordaye (fn. 16) Nic'
It'm the xxth daye was Buryede Margarett Lyster Nic'
It'm the xxvjth daye was Buryede John Johnsone xvjd
It'm the Sam daye was Buryed John haryson Nic'
Auguste It'm the xxijth daye was Buryede Margarett godacare ijs iiijd
It'm the same daye was Buryed Thomas Stoes mane (fn. 17) ijd
Septemb'r It'm the vth daye was Buryede Jayne vrshawe ijs iiijd
It'm the vijth daye was Buryed Thom's payllame (fn. 18) ijd
It'm the xxvth daye was Buryede Thom's harper Nic'
It'm the same daye was Buryede marye Robensone Nic'
It'm the same daye was Buryede Will'm horslye ijs iiijd
Receyued for buryalls in myghellmas q'ter xs
Octob'r It'm the seconde daye was Buryede Richarde Beaste (fn. 19) Nic'
It'm the vijth daye was Buryede ELizabethe more Nic'
It'm the xviijth daye was Buryede Robarte flecher Nic'
It'm the xxvjth daye was Buryede John Jones ijd
vemb'r It'm the vth daye was Buryede henrye Turner Nic'
It'm the xxth daye was Buryede Mawdlyne Stillcrage Nic'
It'm the xxiiijth daye was Buryede A pore mane that dyed in the tiltyarde Nic'
Ithe xxvjth daye was Buryede Agnes Johnsone Nic'
cemb'r It'm the viijth daye was Buryede A pore boye that dyed at Ivye Bridge (fn. 20) Nic'
It'm the xijth daye was Buryede G'over Robensone Nic'
It'm the xiijth daye was Buryed Jone fremane Nic'
It'm the xxjth daye was Buryede will'm Bridymane xijd
(fn. 22) It'm the xxijth daye was Buryede A pore wench that dyed at Ivye brige (fn. 20) Nic'
Item the xxiijth daye was Buryede Cateren Browne ijd
Receyued for Buryalls in Christmas Quarter (fn. 21) xvjd
In p'mis Receyuede and gathered for the Clarke and Sextens wages and for the pewes in the churche for our ladye daye q'ter Endinge the xxvth daie of marche 1565 xlvs iiijd
It'm Receyued the xxviijth daie of Aprill 1565 for the halfe of the token monneye at Easter xxxviijs vjd
It'm Receyued and gathered for the Clarke and Sextens wages and for the pewes in the Churche for mydsomer q'ter Endinge the xxiiijth of June 1565 xlvs iiijd
It'm Receyued and gathered for the Clarke and Sextens wages and for the pewes in the Churche for myghellmas q'ter Endinge the xxixth of Septemb'r 1565 xlvs iiijd
It'm Receyued and gatherede for the Clarke and Sextens wages and for the pewes in the Churche for Christmas Quarter Endinge the Laste of Decemb'r 1565 xlvs iiijd
It'm Receyued of mr Docketer huicke for the Rente of his Chamb'r for one yeare Endinge at Christmas Laste 1565 vjs viijd
S'm of the wholle Recipte of the Seconde yeare 1565 xiijli vjs ijd

Where of Dysburssede and Laide owt in this our Seconde yeare as heare After followethe &c'

It'm paid to the Clarke and Sexten for ther Quarters wages dewe at the Ann'unciacion of our ladye beinge the xxvth daye of marche 1565 xxxs
And for washinge of ther Surpleces for one q'ter xd
It'm paide to John howe Organe maker for his q'ters wages dewe at the Ann'nciacion of our Ladye beinge the xxth daye of marche 1565 vjd
It'm Laide owt the xxixth daye of marche 1565 whene we wente to the courte at St Clements and for makinge of the Sydmen dryncke iijs viijd
It'm paide to Oliver deppinge the xxth daye of marche 1565 for mendinge of the Churche towells—xvjd, for makinge of A Surples—iiijd, for pavinge of ij graves—xvjd, for Bromes—iijd, for grese for the Bells—ijd iijs vd
The Chardges laide owt in our ladye daye q'ter xxxviijs vd
It'm payde to markes fynkell Joyner the xviijth daye of Aprill for a newe pece of Sellinge (fn. 23) conteyninge ij yardes Di' & one foote at ijs the yard—vs ijd, for a newe bord of xij fot longe—ijs, for n'lls to Set vp the said stofe (fn. 24) —ijd, for halfe a daies worke —vjd, And for mendinge of A frame wth A newe footte—ijd viijs
It'm Laide owt the firste daye of June 1565 when we wente to St. Clements to chowse the Sidde mene And for A Booke of Artickles and the Enterance of ther names And for makinge of the Sid mene Drincke xjs iiijd
It'm paid to OLiver Deppinge the xxth daye of June 1565 for Ringinge at the Remove of the quen from westmr to grenwch—viijd, for Ringinge at the Comynge of the quen from grenwch to westmr the xiiijth of Julij—viijd, for Ringinge at the Remove of the quene from westmr to Richmonde the xvijth of Julij—viijd, for pavinge the eyll (fn. 25) newe vnto the wedinge (fn. 26) Churche dore—viijd, for A Baldreke for the gret bell—ijs, for washinge of the vickars Surples and the sextens—vjd, for Bromes for the churche—ijd, for grese for the Bells—ijd vs vjd
It'm paide to the Clarke and Sextene for ther Quarters wages dewe at mydsomer Laste beinge the xxiiijth daye of June 1565 xxxs
And for washinge of the Clarkes Surples vjd
It'm paid to John howe Organe maker for his q'ters wages dewe at mydsomer laste 1565—vjd, And for mendinge of the Organes—ijs ijs vjd
The Chardges laid owte in mydsomer quarter lvijs xd
It'm paide to OLyver Deppinge the laste of Septemb'r for washinge of the vickars Surples and the Sextens—viijd, for A baskett—iijd, for Bromes—ijd, for pavinge in the northe Eaylle (fn. 25) —viijd, And for Ringinge at the Remove of the q'ene from windsor to whighthall the xiiijth of Septemb'r—viijd ijs vd
It'm paid to mr keyme smythe for the newe pessinge (fn. 27) a gret bell Clapper wth A newe Ringe Abowte the Bowlle the xvjth daye of Septemb'r 1565 vs
It'm payde to mr watters the Cutler for Dressinge of the Churche harnes at dyverse and Sundrye tymes & scouringe ane yron deft (fn. 28) xs ixd
It'm Laide owt for A horslode of Lyme xiiijd
It'm paide to the Clarke and Sexten for ther q'ters wages dewe at myghellmas Laste beinge the xxixth daye of September 1565 xxxs
And for washinge the Clarkes Surples vjd
It'm paide to John howe Organe maker for his q'ters wages dewe at myghellmas Laste 1565 vjd
The Chardges Laide owt in myghellmas q'ter ls iiijd
It'm paide to george Castell glasyer the xvjth of decemb'r 1565 for the newe Settinge of xviij foote of old glase in newe lead at iijd the foote—iiijs vjd, And stopte (fn. 29) lj q'rell at jd the Quarrell viijs ixd
It'm paide to Oliver deppinge the xxijth daye of decemb'r 1565 for washinge of mr vickars Surples and the Sextens for Christmas q'ter—viijd, for A baskett —iijd, for grese for the Bells—jd, for hollye and Ivye for the churche —xvjd, And for A bell roppe for the greate Belle—xxijd iiijs ijd
It'm Laide owt the xxth daye of Novemb'r 1565 when we weare at St Clements to make the Sidde men drincke vjs viijd
It'm Laide owte for Bookes for the vickare iiijd
It'm Laide owte for puttinge in of A bill of p'sentmente iiijd
It'm Laide owte when the vickear wente hyme Selfe viijd
It'm Laide owte for Lace and n'lls to drese the Jentillmens pewes (fn. 30) xijd
It'm paide to will'm dewberye Carpent' the xxixth of decemb'r 1565 for xxv foote of planche bourde (fn. 31) —xviijd, for ij C of vjd n'lls—viijd, And for one daies worke—xiiijd iijs iiijd
It'm paide to the Clarke and Sexten for ther q'ters wages Endinge at Christmas q'te Laste beinge the xxvth of Decemb'r, 1565 xxxs
And for washinge of the Clarkes Surples vjd
It'm paid to John howe Organ maker for his Quarters wages dewe at Chrystmas laste 1565—vjd, And for mendinge of the Organes—xijd xviijd
It'm Laide owt for paper At Sundrye tymes xijd
It'm Laide owt for parchmente and Ingrossinge vpp of the Booke of Accompte and makinge the gatheringe Booke xiijs iiijd
It'm Laide owt to make the masters of the p'ishe Dryncke at the geveinge vp of our Accompte xs
The Chardges Laid owte in Christmas Quarter iiijli xixd
S'm of the wholle Receipte of the Seconde yeare xiijli vjs ijd
S'm of the Chardges laide owt in the Seconde yeare xjli viijs ijd
And Soe Remaynethe of the Recepte Above the Exspences of the Seconde yeare xxxviijs
S'm Tols of the wholle Recepte for Boothe the yeares xxxiiijli xijs
S'm of the whoolle Chardge Laide owt in Bothe the yeares xxiijli xiiijs xjd ob'
And Soe Remaynethe in our handes of the Receptes Above the Exspences for Bothe the yeares—xli xvijs ob' Wch we are Reddye to Deliu' at the geveinge vpp of our Accompte. xli xvijs ob'

[Signed] p' me Robertu' best vycariu'
James harman
Wylly'm Downes
Harold byngam R.H.
thomas browne Robert Best.
willyam whasshe


  • 1. Prott (R.)
  • 2. Stowe (R.)
  • 3. Gunar (R.)
  • 4. At Knightsbridge.
  • 5. Gaol Delivery Roll, 6th October, 6 Eliz. (Middlesex County Record Society). Coroner's Inquest on May 16th. Verdict that she fell down stairs in the house of her mistress, Mistress Coffin.
  • 6. Tedder (R.)
  • 7. In Jan. 1563–4, a form of prayer and thanksgiving for delivery from the plague was issued by authority (vide State Papers Dom: xxxiii, No. 9).
  • 8. Ceiling.
  • 9. Hair.
  • 10. Giliana Meretrix (R.)
  • 11. Mr. Tho. Wells, Clericus Vicarius Eccl. St. Martini (R.), vide n. 4, p. 178. The Register, no doubt, gives a purely honorary distinction to one who had been vicar. Best is declared by Newcourt (Repertor. Londin.) to have been reinstated in 1558–Mr. Hennessy has edited this statement out of his edition of Newcourt—but there seems little doubt that it was, at any rate, approximately correct. If Wells had been vicar when he died, the Churchwardens' Accounts would almost certainly have described him otherwise than simply as "preste." But it is possible that Wells conformed and kept his place; at any rate his name is not in the list of ejected ministers given by Nicholas Sanders in "De Visib. Monarch. Eccles."
  • 12. "Anteambulator regia maiestati" (R.), i.e. Harbinger to the Queen.
  • 13. Vaca (R.)
  • 14. Barbara Aucocke (R.)
  • 15. Houlte (R.)
  • 16. Jordan (R.)
  • 17. Thomas from Stowes (R.)
  • 18. Pala (R.)
  • 19. Best (R.)
  • 20. vide note 4, p. 138.
  • 21. cf. p. 208 immediately below the burial entries. It will be noticed that the names given to the quarters of the year vary; numerous other instances may be found in this volume.
  • 22. Not in the Register.
  • 23. Ceiling or other plaster work (cf. pp. 81, 193, 247).
  • 24. Stuff.
  • 25. Aisle "newe" qy. for "near."
  • 26. Wedding, i.e. where the first portion of the marriage service was performed—the name, although new to these accounts, was probably a survival of pre-Reformation days, vide Ludlow Churchwardens' Accounts, p. 97 (Camden Soc.)
  • 27. i.e. Readjusting the weight, cf. poise, or perhaps "piecing" i.e. patching. The tone and durability of a bell are largely dependent on the correct proportion between the size of the bell and its clapper, cf. n. 2, p. 320.
  • 28. qy. for heft, i.e. haft.
  • 29. mended.
  • 30. The sexes were separated (cf. pp. 77–82, Kerry's History of St. Lawrence, Reading.
  • 31. Plank boards—chiefly of flooring (Halliwell).