St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 1901.
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'Accounts: December 1565 - December 1567', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603, ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Accounts: December 1565 - December 1567', in St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Edited by J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Accounts: December 1565 - December 1567". St Martin-in-The-Fields: the Accounts of the Churchwardens, 1525-1603. Ed. J V Kitto ([s.l.], 1901), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
December 1565 - December 1567
This is thaccompte of vs wyllyam whashe and Robarte Reade & John Evans Churche wardens (fn. 1) of the Paryshe of sainte Martins in the ffieldes by charinge Crosse in the Countye of Midd' Chosen and appointed for the space of twoo hoole yeres Endynge at the Natyvytie of our lorde god A thowsande fyue hundreth sixtie and seaven and in the tenth yere of the raigne of our Soueraigne lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Quene of Englande, ffraunce & Irelande Defendour of the ffayth &c' Aswell for the receyte as also for the Paymentes and other charges specified and conteyned in this our accompte as hereafter followeth &c'.
The receytes of all somes of money Receyued by vs in this our fyrste yere for buryalles knelles and suche like as heare after followethe etc'.
Januarye | In primis John Messinge (fn. 2) was buried the firste Daye | ijd | ||
Item the 9 daye was buried John Dane | nic' | |||
Item the 20 daye was Buryed Rycharde Warde | ijd | |||
It'm the 25 daye was buried Rycharde lambe | ijs | |||
Item the 26 daye was buryed Thomas Rochester | nic' | |||
ffebruarye | Item the viijth daye was buryed George Pattinson | nic' | ||
Item the 15 daye was buried Thomas Rychardson | ijs | |||
Item 22 daye was buried margarett marten | nic' | |||
Marche | Item the iiijth daye was buryed Thomas Starkaye | nic' | ||
Item the same daye was buried Nicholas Depinge | nic' | |||
Receiptes for burialles in our ladye daye quarter | iiijs iiijd | |||
Apryll | Item the 18 daye was buried Thomas Bull | ijd | ||
Item the 24 was buried John Robynson | ijd | |||
It'm the 30 daye was buried Rowlande from kocshootes | ijd | |||
Item the 310 daye was buriede Baltester Boclarins | ijd | |||
Maye | Item the 10 daye was buryed Owen Gryffyn | xvjd | ||
Item the 11 daye was buried Annys Bettes | ijd | |||
Item 14 daye was buryed Evane Aprobarde (fn. 3) | xvjd | |||
Item ye 19 daye was buried Jone Alcocke | nic' | |||
Item the 20 daye was buried Jeffery Lee | nic' | |||
Item the 25 daye was buried Rob'te madder | ijs iiijd | |||
June | Item the iij daye was buried Dorotie morton | xijd | ||
Item the same daye was buried Elyzabeth Smyth | nic' | |||
Item the 6 daye was buried John Mootte | nic' | |||
Item the 11 daye was buried John ffelton esquier (fn. 4) | ijs iiijd | |||
Item the 19 daye was buried mr Jackly pryste (fn. 5) | xvjd | |||
Receyved for buryalles Midsomer quarter | xs vjd | |||
Julye | Item the 2 daye was buried Elizabeth Bryan | xijd | ||
It'm the 4 daye was buried mr John Russell | iijs viijd | |||
It'm the viijth daye was buried Elizabeth Darlowe | vijs viijd | |||
Item the 18 daye was buried Rob'te Parkes | xvjd | |||
Item the 16 daye was buried John Paynton | nic' | |||
It'm the xxiijti day was buried a poore woman | nic' | |||
Auguste | Item the 310 daye was buried John harryson' | nic | ||
Septembre | Item the xij daye was buryed John Alyson | nic' | ||
Item the same daye was buried katherin morley | nic' | |||
Item the 16 daye was buried John (fn. 6) Ryder | nic' | |||
October | Item the 2 daye was buryed Poell bellhouse | nic' | ||
Item the 19 daye was buryed Sara Spenser | nic' | |||
Receyued for burialles in myghelmas quarter | xiijs viijd | |||
Novembre | Item the i daye was buryed hewe Bilstone | nic' | ||
Item the 3 daye was buried Thomas Clarke | xvjd | |||
Item the 16 day was buried Elizabeth browne | nic' | |||
It'm the 13 daye was buried Annys morgins | nic' | |||
Decembre | Item the 1 daye was buried Thomas Coulter | viijs | ||
Item the 5 daye was buryed John (fn. 7) Wilsone | nic' | |||
Item the 4 daye was buried Richard kestone | xvjd | |||
Item the 8 daye was buryed Will'm Lam'as | nic' | |||
Item the 11 daye was buried Rob'te ffyssher | nic' | |||
It'm the 14 daye was buried ffrancys Tayler | xvjd | |||
It'm the 22 daye was buried Jone Turner | nic' | |||
It'm the 23 daye was buryed katherin Teder | nic' | |||
Receyved for buryalls in Crystmas quarter | xijs | |||
In primis Receyved and gathered for the clarke an sextons wages and for the pewes in the churche for our ladys day quarter endinge the 25. daye of Marche | xlvjs iiijd | |||
It'm receyved and gathered the xxvth of Apryll 1566 for half of ye token money at Ester | xxviijs viijd | |||
Item receyved and gathered for the clarke and Sextons wages and for ye pewes in the Churche for midsomer quarter endinge the 24. daye of June Ano d'ni 1566 | xlvjs iiijd | |||
It'm receyved and gathered for the clarkes and sextens wages and for the pewes in the Churche for myghelmas quarter endinge the 29 day of September 1566 | xlvjs iiijd | |||
Item receyved for the Clarkes and sextons wages and for the pewes in the Churche for Crystmas quarter endinge the 25. day of December 1566 | xlvjs iiijd | |||
It'm rec' of mr Docter huicke for the rente of his Chamber for one yere endynge at the natyvitie of our lorde god a thowsande vclxvj | vjs viijd | |||
S'ma totalis of the hole receyte of this our firste yere amounteth to the some of | xxiijli xviijs ijd ob' | |||
Wherof disbursed and layed oute for the vse of the Churche in Anno a thowsande vclxvj as hereafter followeth. | ||||
In primis for the clarke and sextons wages d[e]we at thann'cyac'on of our ladye beinge the xxv daye of marche 1566 | xxxs | |||
Item paied to the sexton the xth daye o marche for candelles for Crystmas last. wch mr golyghtlye and mr ffowler lefte to paye | vjd | |||
It'm payed the same daye for the reste of the drinkinge wch the mrsl of the p'yshe had when mr golyghtlie and mr ffowler gave vp their accom'pte | iijs | |||
It'm pd to castell the same daye for mendinge of the nether windowe in the Churche | viijd | |||
It'm payed ye xxijth day of marche for mendinge the steple & for viij pounde of soder [a vijd a pounde | iiijs viijd | |||
It'm for workmanshipe of the same | xvjd | |||
It'm for fyer to the same | iiijd | |||
It'm to the saxton for helpinge the plum'er for one dayes Worke | viijd | |||
It'm payed for ringinge at the quenes removinge from whithaule to grenewyche the fyfth of ffebruary | viijd | |||
It'm paied for wasshinge the vicars Clarkes and sextons surplyces foror lady day quarter | xijd | |||
It'm for bromes for the Churche | iijd | |||
It'm for grease for the belles | jd | |||
It'm for wasshinge the churche clothes | xijd | |||
The Chardges layed out in our ladye dayes quarter | xliiijs ijd | |||
It'm payed to lee of kilbourne for twoo thowsande of tyle and xxiiij of rufe tyle at xs the thowsande & at ijd a peace of ye rufe the xij daye of Apryll | xxiiijs | |||
It'm paied the same daye for viij loodes of lyme | vijs | |||
It'm paied for ij bunches of hart lath & iiij singell quarter the same daye | ijs xd | |||
It'm paied the xiij day of Apryll for half a thowsande of ijd nales the pryce | vijd | |||
It'm payed the same day for half pecke of tyle pin'es | ijd | |||
paied the same daye for ijd worthe of ijd nayles | ijd | |||
It'm paied the xiiijtene of Apryll for ij loodes of sande at viijd a loade | xvjd | |||
It'm paied to a tyler the xxth daye of Apryll for x dayes worke | xs | |||
It'm paied to a laborer for x dayes worke the same daye | vjs viijd | |||
It'm paied the xxijti daye of Apryll for mendinge the beare (fn. 8) for ij dobell quarters at vjd a pece & xvj foote of q'ter borde xijd & iijd nayles and for mendinge twoo pewes in the churche | iiijs | |||
It'm paied the xx daye of June to the Clarke and sexton for their quarters wages dwe at midsomer beinge the xxiiijti daye of June 1566 | xxxs | |||
It'm paied to John howe organe maker for his q'ters wages dewe at midsom' | vjd | |||
It'm paied the same daye for wasshinge the vikers Clarkes and sextons surplyces for mydsomer quarter 1566 | xijd | |||
It'm paied the same daye for an hundred and a quarter of boordes for mendinge the wyndooes in the steple | vjs viijd | |||
It'm paied the xxij day of June for a hundred & a half of vjd nayles | ixd | |||
It'm the same daye for a planke for braggeth (fn. 9) | viij | |||
It'm payed the same daye for a Carpenter and his man for one dayes worke | ijs | |||
It'm paied the same daye for roopes for the orgaynes conteyninge vj fadomes (fn. 10) | iiijd | |||
The charges layed out in mi'som' q't' | iiijli xviijs v | |||
It'm payed to the Clarke and sexton for their quarters wages the laste of September for myghellmas quarter 1566 | xxxs | |||
It'm paid the ij daye of July for payuinge a grave in the middest of the Church | viijd | |||
It'm paied the same daye for payvinge a grave in the crosse Ile (fn. 11) | viijd | |||
It'm pd for ringinge at the quenes remove from grenewich to St James the 29 of June | viijd | |||
It'm for ringinge at ye quenes remove from grenewich to St James to hir p'gresse theight of Julye | viijd | |||
It'm for ringinge the 27 day of september at ye quenes remove from Rychmonde to Whithaule | viijd | |||
It'm paid the same daye for xijli of solder for one of the churche gutters at vijd a pounde | vijs | |||
It'm paied to a plum'er for one dayes woorke the same daye | xijd | |||
It'm for cole and woode to the same | iiijd | |||
It'm paid to the saxton for one dayes worke forr helpinge the plumer the same daye | viijd | |||
It'm for wasshinge the vicar Clarke and sextons surplesses the laste daye of septemb'r | xijd | |||
It'm for bromes for the Churche the same daye | iijd | |||
It'm for gresse for the belles the same Daye | jd | |||
It'm paid for layenge lyme and here (fn. 12) in the Churche windowes the same daye | iiijd | |||
It'm paid for ij newe bookes of the prayer agaynst the turke (fn. 13) the same daye | vjd | |||
It'm paid to John howe the organ maker for his quarters wages 1566 | vjd | |||
It'm for mendinge of the organes | vjd | |||
It'm paied the same daye for makinge the sidemen drinke when we went to St clements | vjs viijd | |||
It'm payed to the sumner (fn. 14) the same daye | iiijd | |||
The charges laid out in myghelmas q'tr | lijs vjd | |||
It'm paied to a Carpenter for iij dayes worke the x day of november | iijs | |||
It'm paied to the Clarke and sexton for their quarters wages dewe at the natyvitie of or lorde god 1566 | xxxs | |||
It'm paied the 25 of December for wasshinge the viker clarke and sextons surplyces | xijd | |||
It'm paied for Ivye holly bayes and rosemary the same daye | xvjd | |||
It'm pd for a bell rope the same daye for the fore bell | xxijd | |||
It'm paied for bromes the same daye for the Churches | iijd | |||
It'm paied the same day for mendinge the vicars and Clarkes surplesses | viijd | |||
It'm paied the same Daye for ij poundes of Candelles | vjd | |||
It'm for mendinge mr hamden and mr pateryckes pewe and the belles | viijd | |||
The charges laid out in Crystmas quarter | xxxixs iijd | |||
S'ma of the hole receiptes of this or first yere | xxiijli xviijs ijd ob' | |||
S'ma of the hole expences laid out in this or first yere | xjli xiiijs iijd | |||
So remaynethe of the receyte aboue the expences of the firste yere | xijli iijs xjd ob' |
The receytes for burialles and knelles in or lady dayes quartes in the seconde yere of or accompte 1567, as hereafter followeth.
December. | In primis the xxixth daye was buryed Joane ffrancys | xvjd | |||
It'm the 7 daye was buryed John Eggelfide | nic' | ||||
January | It'm the 10 daye was buried Rowlande ffryse | ijs iiijd | |||
It'm the 11 daye was buryed a poore man out of the streete | nic' | ||||
It'm the 22 daye was buryed katheryn ffoxe | nic' | ||||
[February] | It'm the 2 daye was buried kateryn sinke (fn. 15) | nic' | |||
It'm the same daye was buryed Elyzabeth Whar'ton | xvjd | ||||
It'm the 16 daye was buried Jone Person | nic' | ||||
It'm the 24 daye was buried Edwarde will'ms | nic' | ||||
It'm the 27 daye was buried Elizabeth Allin | xvjd | ||||
It'm the 3 daye was buried Thomas Morrys | ijs iiijd | ||||
Marcij | It'm the 6 daye was buried Thomas browne | nic' | |||
It'm the 9 daye was buried humfrey bate | ijd iiijd | ||||
It'm the 15 daye was buried Annis mathewe | nic' | ||||
It'm the 16 daye was buried James Grigsone | nic' | ||||
It'm the 21 daye was buried harry goldhurste | nic' | ||||
It'm the 26 daye was buried Sysseley Crystian | ijs iiijd | ||||
The receipte of orladye daye qrter—xiijs iiijd | |||||
Aprilis | It'm the seconde Daye was buried one williamson (fn. 16) | nic' | |||
It'm the 7 Daye was buried Edwarde Turner | nic' | ||||
Maij | It'm the 10 Daye was buried margarett harmon | nic' | |||
It'm the 14 Daye was buried Catherin godfry | ixs | ||||
It'm the 16 Daye was buried John Barber | ijs iiijd | ||||
Junij | It'm the 2 daye was buryed George James | nic' | |||
It'm the 14 day was buried Will'm Thorpe | ixs | ||||
It'm the 18 day was buried George worthington (fn. 17) | ixs | ||||
It'm the 25 daye was buried Jone Apryse (fn. 18) | nic' | ||||
It'm the same daye was buried Jone wyle (fn. 19) | nic' | ||||
It'm payed by mrs Russell for hir housbandes monethes mynde (fn. 20) | xijd | ||||
The receite for mydsomer quarter 1567—xxxs iiijd | |||||
It'm the 4 daye was buried Sara Worthington | nic' | ||||
It'm the 5 daye was buried Mr Reade | iijs iiijd | ||||
Receyved for burialls in myghelmas qrter | iijs iiijd | ||||
September | It'm the 28 daye was buried Crystofer Dyer | nic' | |||
It'm the 2 daye was buried Rycharde (fn. 21) bredeman | xvjd | ||||
Octobre | Item the 16 daye was buryed John (fn. 22) Smythe | nic' | |||
Novembris | It'm the 10 daye was buried Elizabeth Shereman | nic' | |||
It'm the 14 daye was buried Anne Moreton | nic' | ||||
It'm 19 day was buried Elyzabeth Clayton | xvjd | ||||
Decembris | It'm the 2 daye was buryed will'm wilkenson | nic' | |||
It'm the 20 daye was buryed John Browne | nic' | ||||
(fn. 23) It'm the 23 daye was buried harry huckabourd | nic' | ||||
It'm the same daye was buried John glyn | ixs | ||||
Receyued for burialles in Cristmas qrter | xjs viijd | ||||
In primis Receyved and gathered for the Clarke and sextons wages & for the pewes in the Church for or ladie day qrter endinge ye 25 of march | xlvjs iiijd | ||||
It'm Rec' and gathered the 25 of Apryll 1567 for half of the token money at Easter | xxviijs viijd | ||||
It'm rec' and gathered for the Clarke and sextons wages and for the pewes in the church for mydsomer q'ter endinge the 24 daye of June 1567 | xlvjs iiijd | ||||
It'm receyved and gathered for the Clarke and sextons wages and for the pewes in the Churche for myghelmas qrter Endinge the 29 daye of September Ano 1567 | xlvjs iiijd | ||||
It'm receyved and gathered for the Clarke and sextons wages and for the pewes in the churche for Crystmas quarter endinge the 23 of December 1567 | xlvjs iiijd | ||||
It'm receyved of mr Docter hewicke for his rente of his Chamber for one yere endinge at the natyvitie of or lorde god a thousande vclx and vij | vjs viijd | ||||
It'm rec' of mr harman and mr Careles when they gave vp their accompte for the hie wayes | xxviijs ijd | ||||
S'ma totalis of the receite of this or seconde yere amounteth to the some of | xvli vijs vjd | ||||
Wherof disbursed and laied out in this or ij yere as herafter folloeth | |||||
It'm paied to the Clarke and sextons for their q'ters wage Dewe at the Annu'cyac'on of or ladie beinge the 25 daye of marche 1567 | xxxs | ||||
It'm paied for Wasshinge the vicars Clarkes and Sextons surplyces for one quarter | xijd | ||||
It'm paied to John howe Orgayne maker for his quarters wages Dewe at or ladye Day beinge the 25 of marche 1567 | vjd | ||||
It'm paied the 5 day of ffebruarye for a key for the churche Doore | xijd | ||||
It'm paied the 16 daye of Januarye for ringinge at the remove of the quene from Whitte haule to Croydon | viijd | ||||
It'm paied the firste Daye of ffebruary at the com'inge of the quene from mr gressames (fn. 24) to whitte hawell for Ringinge | viijd | ||||
It'm paied the 2 daye of ffebruarye for pavinge a grave in the middell Ile | viijd | ||||
It'm paied the same Daye for mendinge the pavinge in the Churche where it was broken | viijd | ||||
Item paied for a bell roope for the greate bell the 4 of ffebruary | ijs iiijd | ||||
It'm paied the 5 daye of marche for 4 loade of lime at xiiijd the loode | iiijs viiijd | ||||
It'm paied the same Daye for a loode of sande | viijd | ||||
It'm paied to a tyler the 10 daye of marche for three dayes worke for mendinge the Churche | iijs | ||||
It'm paied to a laborer the same Daye to sarue the tyler for iij Dayes worke | ijs | ||||
It'm paied to the sexton the xj daye of marche for clothe to make him a surples and for the makinge of the same | iiijs vjd | ||||
It'm paied the 25 daye of marche to John howe the orgayne maker for mendinge the orgaynes when they were broken | xijd | ||||
It'm paied the same Daye for the Churche | ijd | ||||
The charges laied out in our ladie qrter—liijs vjd | |||||
It'm paied for ringinge the 25 daye of June at the removinge of the quene from Whithaule to Rychmonde | viijd | ||||
It'm paied the 26 daye of June for makinge the sidemen to Drynke and for or artycles | ixs xjd | ||||
It'm paied the 21 of June for ij hundred of vjd nayles for mendinge of the pewes of the churche | xijd | ||||
It'm paied the 28 daye of June to a karpenter for one Dayes woorke for mendinge the pewes in the Churche | xiiijd | ||||
It'm paied for a C (fn. 25) of pavinge tyle the same Daye | viijs viijd | ||||
It'm paied for a loade of sande the same Daye | viijd | ||||
It'm paied the same Daye for payvinge of twoo graves in the middell Ile in the Churche | xvjd | ||||
It'm paied for payvinge of a grave the same Daye in the south yle | viijd | ||||
It'm for ij loades of lyme the same Daye | ijs iiijd | ||||
It'm paied the same Daye for ijd worthe of penye nayles | ijd | ||||
It'm paied the same Day for jd worth of Dobell x penye nayles | jd | ||||
It'm pd for a bell rope for the middell bell the 10 daye of June | xxijd | ||||
It'm paied the same Daye for ij baldrickes for the gret bell & littell bell | ijs viijd | ||||
It'm paied the same Daye for makinge of a pewe for the church wardens and sidemen to sytt in | ijs | ||||
It'm paied the same Daye for half an hundred of bourdes to make the same pewe | ijsvjd | ||||
It'm for mattes and hassockes for the same pewe | xiiijd | ||||
It'm paied the 12 daye of June for the clarke and sextons wages Dewe at midsomer 1567 | xxxs | ||||
It'm for wasshinge the same daye the vicar Clarke & sextons surplyces | xijd | ||||
It'm for bromes for the Churche | ijd | ||||
It'm for grease for the belles | jd | ||||
It'm paied to John howe orgayne maker for his qrter dewe at midsom' | vjd | ||||
The charge laid out in midsom' qrter—iijli viijs vijd | |||||
It'm paied the 10 Daye of September for 13 poundes of soulder at vijd ali for to mende the Churche gutters | vijs vijd | ||||
It'm paied to a plummer for iiij dayes worke occupied in sowderinge and makinge cleane of the gutters at xiiijd a Daye the same Daye | iiijs viijd | ||||
It'm paied to the sexton for ij Dayes worke in helping the plumer at viijd the Daye | ijs | ||||
It'm payed for wood and Coole | vjd | ||||
It'm paied the 17 Daye of September for a belrope for the saunce bell wayenge vli at iijd a pounde | xvd | ||||
It'm paied the 29 daye of September for the Clarkes & sextons wages Dewe at myghelmas 1567 | xxxs | ||||
It'm paied for wasshinge the vicars Clarkes and sextons surplyces | xijd | ||||
It'm for bromes for the Churche | ijd | ||||
It'm for gresse for the belles | jd | ||||
It'm paied the same Daye to John howe orgayne maker for his quarters wages endinge at myghelmas 1567 | vjd | ||||
The charges laid out in myghelmas qrter—xlvijs ixd | |||||
It'm paied the 29 Daye of November to the sum'er of Westmynster for som'inge mr ffowler (fn. 26) & iij more & for their articles | xviijd | ||||
It'm paied the same daye for makinge the sidemen Drinke when we wente to geve vp or accom'pte afore my lorde of london & my lorde mayor of london when enquire was made for Straungers (fn. 27) | vs | ||||
It'm paied for ingrossinge of or booke for the straungers names the same daye | ijs | ||||
It'm paied mr waters the same Daye for Dressinge the Church harnys dyverse and sondry tymes | xs | ||||
It'm laied out the firste daye of December when we wente to St Clementes to make the sidemen to Drynke | ijs | ||||
It'm paied the 10 day of December for a baldrycke for the fore bell | xvjd | ||||
It'm paied the same Daye for mendinge the belles and for foure wegges of Iron for an axaltre (fn. 28) and nayles | viijd | ||||
It'm paied the same daye for pavinge of a grave in ye south Ile | viijd | ||||
It'm paied for ringinge at the quenes remove from hampton Courte to Whytte hawle the 22 daye of December | viijd | ||||
It'm paied the xx day of December for the Clarkes and sextons wages Dewe at the natyvitie of or lorde god 1561 ? (7) | xxxs | ||||
It'm paied for ij poundes of Candelles the same Daye | vjd | ||||
It'm paied for ij rolers (fn. 29) for the Churche the same Daye | viijd | ||||
It'm for wasshinge of the vicars Clarkes and sextons surplyces the same day | xijd | ||||
It'm paied for wasshinge of the Churche clothes the same Daye | xijd | ||||
It'm paied for hollye Ivey Bayes and rosemary for the Churche | xvjd | ||||
It'm payed for bromes for the Churche | iijd | ||||
It'm for gresse for the belles | iijd | ||||
It'm laied out for parchement and ingrossinge vpp the booke of accompte and makinge the gatheringe booke | xiijs iiijd | ||||
It'm laied out to make the mrs of the p'yshe (fn. 30) to Drinke at the gyvinge vp of our accom'pte | xiijs iiijd | ||||
The charges laid out in Crystmas quarter | iiijli vs vjd | ||||
S'ma of the hole receyte of the seconde yere | xvli vijs vjd | ||||
S'ma of the Charges laied out in the ij yere | xijli xvs iiijd | ||||
And so remaneth of the receyte aboue the expenses of the seconde yere | lijs ijd | ||||
S'ma totalis of the hole receyte for bothe the yeres | xxxixli vs viijd ob' | ||||
S'ma of thole charges laied out in bothe the yeres | xxiiijli ixs vijd | ||||
And so remayneth in our handes of the receytes above the expenses for bothe the yeres—xiiijli xiiijs jd ob' wch we are redie to delyuer at the gevinge vpp of this our accompte | xiiijli xiiijs jd ob' | ||||
[Signed] Thom's ffowler John Colbrand humfre louell harrold byngham [mark] |