
London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1967.

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'Appendices', in London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547, ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online [accessed 1 April 2025].

'Appendices', in London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Edited by Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online, accessed April 1, 2025,

"Appendices". London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online. Web. 1 April 2025.

In this section


Appendix 1. Transcript of register 'Palmer', f. 1v.

Liber testamentorum presbiterorum decedencium in diocese London' ab Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo decimo quarto.

Et sunt alia testamenta presbiterorum et quorundam laicorum. ante ista. in libro pargameni tempore dicti (fn. 1) Reverendi in Christo patris et domini domini Ricardi FitzJames permissione divina London' Episcopi registrata.

[1.] In (fn. 2) dei nomine Amen Ego Thomas Palmer de Stortford in Comitatu Hertford' London' diocese bocher in bone memoria existens vicesimo die mensis Septembris Anno domini millesimo CCCCmo nonagesimo secundo et Anno regni Regis Henrici Septimi post conquestum octavo, Condo et facio testamentum meum ac meam ultimam voluntatem in hunc modum. In primis lego et recommendo animam meam deo patri omnipotenti salvatori meo beate que Marie Virgini matri eius ac omnibus sanctis suis Corpus que meum ad sepeliendum in Cimiterio ecclesie de Stortford predicti Item Lego summo altari eiusdem ecclesie pro decimis meis et oblacionibus oblitis necligenter ve solutis in plenam recompensacionem earundem sex solidos et octo denarios Item do et lego Willelmo Pratt et Agneti uxori sue totum tenementum meum in quo inhabito cum gardino adiacente et suis pertinentiis prout situatum et edificatum infra burgum de Stortford predictum in le Fisshe Rowe inter mesuagium Walteri Cristemas ex parte boriali et mesuagium nuper in tenura Willelmi Newman ex parte australi Uno capite inde abuttante super Regiam Viam vocatum le Fisshrow predictam versus orientem Alio vero capite inde abuttante super venellam vocatam Dedmanelane versus occidentem Habendum et tenendum totum predictum tenementum cum gardino adiacente ac omnibus et singulis suis pertinentiis prefato Willelmo Pratt et Agneti uxori eius de capitalibus dominis Feodi illius per serviciam inde debitam et de iure consuetem secundum libertates burgi predicti imperpetuum. Residuum vero omnium bonorum meorum non dum legatorum do et lego prefato Willelmo Pratt et ipsum ordino facio et constituo meum executorem ut ipse ordinet faciat et disponat pro funeralibus et expensis meis ac debitis acquietandis in missis celebrandis et aliis bonis operibus et elemosinis pro anima mea animabus parentum meorum et omnium Fidelium defunctorum fideliter faciendis de bonis predictis prout salubrius poterit animabus predictis expedirent, In cuius rei testimonium huic presento testamento meo Sigillum meum apposui Hiis testibus Magistro Willelmo London', vicario ecclesie predicte Johanne Smyth Clerico parochiale Roberto Berdney et aliis multis Datum die et anno supradictis.

Probatum (fn. 3) fuit retroscriptum testamentum coram nobis Ricardo Roston' decretorum doctore Reverendi in Christo patris et domini domini Ricardi permissione divina London' Episcopi commissario in partibus generali ac per nos approbatum et infirmatum legitime que pronunciatum pro eadem Commissa que fuit administracio omnium et singulorum bonorum defunctum retroscriptum et eius testamentum ac ultimam voluntatem concernencum Willelmo Pratt executori interius nominato in Juris forma iurato et admisso per eundem Datum sub Sigillo officii nostri ixo die mensis Novembris Anno domini retroscripto

Appendix 2. Transcript of register 'Palmer', f. 25v. (first part) (Plate II)

[53.] In (fn. 4) (dei) (fn. 5) nomine dei Amen. Sexta die Augusti anno nono octavi Regni Regis Henrici Ego Henricus Lucas presbiter sana mente et compos memorie isto modo proposui voluntatem mean perfici primo lego animam meam deo patri omnipotenti beate Marie et omnibus sanctis eius et corpus meum sepelliri Semiterio sancti Olavi in veteri Judaismo London' iuxta Crucem ex parte australe inter crucem et viam processionalem: obsecro ex charitate fratres meos ex trinitatis fraternitate ut veniant suum debitum reddere panno calaficerio, et similiter volo obsequiis meis ut curatus habeat quatuor denarios subsilencio ad placitum et clericus duos denarios pro tunulo [sic] faciente octos denarios, Eciam desidero parvam campanam que pulsatur ad primam missam diliculo pulsari per spacium hore. et habeat qui pulsat sua mercede duos denarios Omnimo desidero iiijor funales ex marie fraternitate loco presente et ego illis munerare, et ut alii exemplificant nolo serios nec pulsacionis classicos Eciam lego decem solidos pauperibus in carbonibus tempore brumale Eciam lego Leonardo Swetyng filio Thome Swetyng fownder' viginti libras sterlingorum ad continuandam scolam suam si non exerceat scola sed si absens sit per spacium ebdomade vel duodecim dierum in quarterio. exceptum iacet infirmum tunc volo ut dicta viginti libra erogata sint pauperibus claudis et debilibus ad discrecionem executorum et ministrorum huius testament et ut continuat scolam per spacium septem annorum post obitum meum. et postea ad scolam forma scribendi per spacium unius anni usque bene. scit scribere Eciam lego uxori Bakon' olim manente in parochia sancte margarete lothbery duodecim denarios: ex charitate peto Willelmum Mathew et Thomam Swetyng ut istam voluntatem bene et fideliter ut illis confido ministrent executent et perficiant et eciam voluntas mea est ut dictum Willelmum Mathew habeat potenciam et custodiam dictorum viginti librorum ad usum supradictum recitatum Et reliquum omnium aliorum bonorum meorum ubicumque Inveniuntur volo ut dicti ministri habeant et disponant ad suum placitum et ad anime mee proficuum cuius propicietur deus Amen In cuius rei testimonio Johannes Mocley grosserius et Alisawnder Spakman Faber Sigillo meo subaravi (fn. 6)

Appendix 3. Transcript of original will of Henry Walton, bdle. I. 25

(Plate III)


[120.] In the Name of god Amen. the xiijth day of decembre in the yere of owre lord god. a thowssand fyve hundredth. thretty and Neyne. And in the xxxjth yere. of the Reigne of owr souerend lord Kynge henry the Eight. supreme hed Immediatly under christ here in earth of the catholycke church of England, I Henry Walton citezein of London in my hole and perfitte mynd beynge thanked be Almyghty god, Make and Ordeyn this my present testament and last wyll in maner and forme. ensuynge That is to say. First I geve and recommend my soule vnto Almyghty god my maker and Redemer in whom is all my truste to be saved thrugh The merites of his preceouse blodd etc And my body to be burried in the church yerde of seynte stephens in colmanstrete in London. wher I am a parisshener, The Residewe of of all my goodes. after my dettes paid. and my Burryinge done. I geve and bequeth theym holy vnto Mary my wyffe. And of this (fn. 7) my present testament and last wyll I make ordeyn and constitute the said mary (fn. 8) my sole executrice. she to be good to my chyldren to hir powere, In Witnesse wheroff to this my present testament and last wyll, I have putto my seale, the day and yere aboue wrytten. Thesse Wytnesse, Bartelmew Abram' Per me Richardum Kettill' vicarium ibidem with other by me harry Walton.

Appendix 4. Transcript of part of the inventory attached to the will of Katheryn Bracye, bdle. II. 8. (Plate I)

[178.] Funerall' exspenses and other Charges payed and layed owte by me Thomas Goodman' administer of the goodes of Katheryn Bracye late deceased wydow as here after Ensuethe

In Primis payed for wax for the buriall vijs xd
Item paid to the Prystes and clerkes xjs vijd
Item paid for the pitt and knyll xs
Item payed for oure Ladyes Clothe xijd
Item paid for a wyndynge Shete xxd
Item paid for bred ijs
Item paid for the charges of the howse while she laye sycke xijs
Item paid to three women for kepyng of here in here syckenes viijs viijd
Item for meate for the dyner vs iiijd
Item paid for the Letter' of administracion and the obligacion uppon the same iijs ijd
Item for the New writyng of the Testament in parchemente xxd
Item paid for the Preasynge of the goodes after ijd the pounde vs
Item paid for a dyner for them vjs
Item paid to the mayers Clerke for the Reconysance and to the Commen sargeant for his Fee iijs
Item paid for masse and diryge at the month mynde iijs iiijd
Summa iij li xviijs xjd

Appendix 5.

The book referred to at the beginning of register 'Palmer' (see Appendix 1) consists of thirteen parchment folios and is stitched into the back of register FitzJames (Guildhall MS.9531/9) It is headed (in Latin): Here follows the register of testaments of priests of the reverend father in Christ, Richard Fyrsthiamys, Bishop of London, registered and proved in the time of me, Thomas Gotson, notary public, and of the reverend father aforesaid, in the presence of the venerable Master William Horsey, doctor of laws and vicar general and chancellor of the said Reverend Father, and by him approved and confirmed, and of other letters of commission.

The wills registered are those of:

Thomas Thornton, vicar of Dovercourt, 29 Apr. 1508. (No note of probate.)

Sir Jhon Wodecoke, preist, 9 Sep. 1508. Proved 9 Jul.

Sir Jhon Plommer, chauntrye preist of St. Mari at Hill, 12 Jun. 1509. Proved 6 Jul.

Sir Robert Schirwyn, otherwise Miller, 6 Jun. 1509. Proved 21 Jul. 1509.

Sir John Overton, prest at Seynt Thomas of Acres London, 1 May 1507. Proved 3 Oct. 1509.

Alys Haynes of Colchester, wydowe, 14 Feb. 1508. (Marginal note that it was not proved, because the executors refused to act.)

Awsten Flower of Saint Albons in Wodstrete, 18 Oct. 1509. Proved 27 Feb. 1510.

Sir Alexander Dyverdale, prist, 20 Jan. 1510. Proved 22 Feb. 1510.

Sir John Wenloke, priste, 19 Oct. 1509. Proved 6 Mar. 1510.

Thomas Ben, parson of Saynt Olave in Hartestrete next the Crowchyd Freers, 24 Apr. 1510. Proved 12 Jun. 1510.

Rowland Blount, 4 May 1509. (Marginal note that it was not proved, because the executors refused to act.)

Edmond Alynson, 3 Aug. 1510. Proved.

Jhoone Elryngton, wedowe of Hakney, 1510. (Marginal note that it was not proved.)

Sir William Wele, preeste of Saynt Petres, Cornhyll, 2 Aug. 1510. Proved 13 Sep. 1510.

Alice Ewastas of Saynt Oseys, wedow, 26 Aug. 1510. (No note of probate.)

Nicolas Cawode, clerke, 1 Aug. 1509. Proved 23 Jan. 1511.

Sir John Smith, clerke, of Sainct Bride, Fletstret, 26 Apr. 1509. Proved.

John Hadynham, clerk, 9 Aug. 1510. (No date of probate.)

Sir Henry Bew, prest of Saincte Mary Mawdleyn in Mylkestrete, 10 Mar. 1511. Proved 2 Jun. 1511.

Sir John Denham, clerke, 28 May 1511. Proved 9 Aug. 1511.

Elisabeth Elderton, wedow of Symond Elderton, jentilman, 21 May 1502. (Marginal note that it was not proved.)

Elisabeth Trottour, nun of the priory of St. Mary Magdalene of Iklyngton. Proved 15 Nov. 1511.

Thomas Collyn of Stanes, tailliour, 26 May 1493. (Note that it was not proved, because the executors had died.)

Jhon Colfelde, vicar of Hampton, 3 Dec. 1511. Proved 10 Dec. 1511.

Sir Thomas Jhonson, preste servyng in the cherch of Alhalows in Bredestrete, 27 Nov. 1511. Proved 11 Dec. 1511.

Kateryn Langley, late wife of Henry Langley of Reckling, 23 Apr. 1510. Proved 17 Dec. 1511.

Christopher Swalow, rector of Heydon, 15 Dec. 1511. Proved 9 Jan. 1512.

Thomas Hurte, priste, 30 Sep. 1511. Proved 13 Jan. 1512.

William Hurste of Orsed, 19 Oct. 1511. Proved 4 Feb. 1512.

Sir John Goodrich, priest of St. Nicholas Shambles. Proved 14 Feb. 1512.

Richard Mathew, vicar of Elmystede, 3 May 1511. Proved 27 Feb. 1512.

Adam Foster, 11 Oct. 1511. Proved 1 Apr. 1512.

Sir Thomas Stokys, clerke, 16 Apr. 1512. Proved 16 Jun. 1512.

Sir Richard Wether, late vicar of Estwode, 1505. (Note that it was not proved.)

John Bysowth, husbandman of Est Reed, 1 Jan. 1513. Proved 5 Jan. 1513.

Anna Songer, 10 Mar. 1513. Proved 29 Jun. 1513.

Charles Maners, prest, 1 Aug. 1513. Proved.

Robert Whitwham, chaplain in St. Mary Axe, 8 Sep. 1513. Proved.

Sir John Hodson, 1 Oct. 1513. Proved 9 Nov. 1513.

John Bode, vicar of Heston, 30 Nov. 1513. Proved 7 Dec. 1513.

Sir John Wilcok, one of the chauntry preests of Saynt Mary Wolnoth, 14 Feb. 1514. Proved 31 Mar. 1514.

The page ends with a note in Latin that there are many other testaments of priests and of some laymen in a paper book specially made for the registration of testaments also of the time of the said reverend father and registered and approved by his vicar-general. This note refers to register Palmer.

Appendix 6.

[This will, which is referred to in two wills (58 and 75) in register Palmer, is entered on f. 13 of the parchment sheets sewn into the back of register FitzJames (Guildhall MS. 9531/9). It is of later date than the testaments on the previous sheets and was probably only entered there because there happened to be a spare sheet of parchment.]

This is the last will and testament of me, James Breton, prest, of me, William Browne, prest, and of me John Breton, yoman, and Johanne, my wyffe. Firste, we will that our feoffes of our londys, tenementys, sedynges, pastures, medows, wodes, with all their commodies lieng in the parysshis of Childerdich called Cuttelers, of Bulphan called Curteys, of Orsett called Fancroft, of Hornedon called Dyckars, of Nevendon called Grimmesbies, and of Estylbery called Clerkes and Dakenhams, in the Countie of Essex, requiringe that an honest prest of good name to be elect be the more parte of our said feoffes, and the prest soo chosyn to pray and synge in the chapell of Our Lady and Sainct Thomas the Martir in the parisch church of Layndon for the sowlys of the saides James, William, John and Johanne, John, John, Elianore and Elene, fathers and moders of the saides James, William and John and all Cristen soules and for all the soulys of our feoffes that now be alyve or elles dede continually for evermore. The seid prest shall say ones every quarter in the yer fyve masses of the fyve woundes of our Lorde Jeshu Crist for the sowles of the seid James, William, John, Johanne, John, John, Elianore and Elene, with this collet 'adiura nos deus'. Also the seid prest shall say ones every quarter placebo and dirige with 9 lessons and commendacion for the soules of the seid James, William, John, Johanne, John, John, Elianore and Elene and masse of requiem on the morowe. We will that the seid prest shall say incontinent after he is certefied of the deth of eny of our feoffes placebo and dirige and commendacion and masse of requiem for the soule of the seid feoffes so dede. Furthermore as we cannot sufficiently recompence all our feoffes as shalbe diligent abowte the performance of this our last will in worldely reward we will that the seid prest shall pray for the good astate and lyff of all our good feoffes in his memento for evermore. We will that the seid prest shal have of the yerly ferme of all the forseid londes 6 li. 6s. 8d. yerly to be paide att the ende of every quarter after his begynnyng 36s. 8d. We will that the saide honest prest have the house with all the londe therto belongynge that the fore-names James purchaced and bieldyd of Henry Gilberd and John Breton, copieholde, lyenge in Layndon, to dwell in as long as he continewys in our forseid service and noo lenger, and as longe as [he] kepith al maner reparacions and berith all maner charges of the same. And yf the seid prest be founde negligent by the space of oon yere next after he be monyshed be 3 or 4 of our feoffes then we will that the seide feoffes shall put oute the seid prest of all the seid houses and landes except the lower chamber next to the south dore of the hall ther unto the tyme that the reparacions and all other charges ther be paide and done, and we will that the seid howses and landes shalbe letten to a fermour that will giff moste by the yer as long as the more parte of our said feoffes shall see it moost necessarie for the performance of this our will. We will thatt the seid honest prest shall nott be putt oute of his service during his naturall lyff except a resonable cause provid befor his ordinarie, and then we will an oder to be chosen as it is before rehersed and so as oftyn as the seid service shalbe voyed. The feoffes we will shalbe twelfe in nowmbre and immediatly after the decesse of 8 of the seid 12, the 4 on lyve make a leefull astate be good dede in fee simple to be made to other 12 honest and discrete persones as ofteyn as the case shall require. The which 4 feoffees with the counsell of the chauntery prest shall choese oder 12 honest men in Layndon, Bartillesdon and in all oder parisshys next lyeng to Layndon, to the whiche 12 we will on Goddes behalf that the said 4 feoffees make a sufficient astate to the entent that this owr last will may be perfourmed. We wyll that 2 of the seid 12 feoffes be named by the 2 churchwardens of Laindon with the oversight of the saide chauntry prest to have the lettyng to ferme and rewlyng in all the seid londes and tenementes to se all maner reparacions in howsyng and londes made, and to pay the prest his wages. The which 2 feoffes shall continewe as longe as the more parte of our said feoffes shall see the 2 said rewlers to be feithfull and just. We will that the seid 2 rewlers yerly make a trew accounte of all ther rewle and occupyeng of all the seid londes and tenementes and their premisses in the seid prestes house in Layndon before the seid prest, 2 cherchwardens and 3 of the cofeoffes att the lest, the 2 feoffes shalhave for their labur of the ferme of the said londys ech of them 2s. yerly. The overplus, yf any be, we will that it be put in to the chauntry box ther to be kept unto such tyme as the more parte of our feoffes shall see causys nedefull wheruppon the seid money to be expended. We wyll that, yf the lawe of this londe in tyme to come will not permitt that the said londes and tenementes continew aftir the maner of this our last will, then, by the agrement of all our said feoffes, all the londes and tenementes be sold to those that will pay most and all the money we wyll that 3 of our said feoffes, att the election of the seide chauntry prest and the 2 churchwardens of Layndon, dispose in this maner; First the prest to continewe in his service 3 yers and he to have for every quarter 33s. 4d., to the reparacions of the church of Layndon 40s., of Bulphan 40s., of Pittesey 40s., of the cathedrall church of Seinct Powle 40s., of the cherch of Bartillesdon 20s., of Childerdich 20s., of Orsett 10s., of Horndon 10s., of Nevendon 20s., to the amendment of the most fowle wayes betwyn Belerica and Horndon 5 li., to the moost pore people in the parish of Bulphan 20s., in Layndon 20s., to the reparacions of the cherch of Gret Bursted 40s., to the poor parisshons ther 40s., in Pyttsey 10s., in Bartillesdon 6s. 8d., to the freyers of Chelmysford for 3 trentals 30s., to the prior and chanons of Tobye 20s., to the abbesse and convent of Berkyng 40s., to the abbot and convent of Sainct John of Colchester 20s., to ech of the paymaisters for ther labour beside expences 40s., to ech of the cherchwardens of Layndon 6s. 8d., to the curat of Laindon 6s. 8d. for thys intent that the cherchwardens and curatt shall by the strength of this our will compell the seid paymasters to giff a trew accompte of all the money; to either of our feoffes then being a lyve 6s. 8d., to every poor mariage to be solennisat within 3 myle of the parish of Layndon 6s. 8d. We will that all such personys man or woman that helpeth toward the performacion of this our will we will that the seid prest shall pray for all the soulys of all such for evermore. The residew of the seid money by the discrecion of the churchwardens and curatt we will be expended in dedys of charitie. Witnesse Thomas Crake of Layndon, clerk, Thomas Athaye of Retyngdon hall, Richard Breton of Donton, Robert Breton of Horndon, William Harrys of Burstedegrang, William Sandell of Bartelsdon, John Rawlyn of Layndon, Robert Pake, William Kempe, Henry Betell, James Breton and Henry Gilberd of the same towne, with many other. 1 Nov. 1517.


  • 1. 'dicti' interlineated.
  • 2. In the margin 'Testamentum Thome Palmer'.
  • 3. In the margin 'Probacio eiusdem'.
  • 4. In the margin, 'Testamentum domini Henrici Lucas'.
  • 5. 'dei' deleted.
  • 6. In the margin, 'Facta collacione concordat cum originali T. Gotson Registrarius'.
  • 7. 'This' interlineated.
  • 8. 'The said Mary' interlineated.