Index of persons and places

London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1967.

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'Index of persons and places', in London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547, ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online [accessed 1 April 2025].

'Index of persons and places', in London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Edited by Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online, accessed April 1, 2025,

"Index of persons and places". London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online. Web. 1 April 2025.

Unless otherwise indicated, references are to the number of the will and not to the page. Numbers in bold type refer to testators. It has not always been possible to make a distinction between persons of the same name. Names of counties are normally abbreviated and citizen has been rendered as 'cit.'.


Abberton, Abaton, Averton, Essex, 191, 216

Abbess Roding, Abbeys Rowdying, Essex, rector of, 94

Abbot(e), Abbott:
-, Clement, 93
-, Larens, 118
-, Olyver, currier, 215
-, Thomas, priest of All Hallows the Less, 118, p. xviii,
-, Thomas, rector of St. George Botolph Lane, 3

Abram, Bartelmew, 120, p. 153

Abrigges, Myles, 157

Aburforth, John, 89

-, Thomas, 171
-, William, chantry priest of St. Peter Westcheap, 171

Achylford, see Ashford

Achynson, Ackenson, see Atkynson

Acrod, Mr., parson of Towyn, 203

-, Geffrey, 56
-, John, priest, 56

Acton, John, 4

-, Artour, 94
-, Hugh, chantry chaplain of Littleton, 31
-, Margaret, 205
-, Margery, 87
-, Philipp, 87
-, Thomas, 232
-, Thomas of Buntingford, 87

Adams, Master, 69

-, Jamys, 124
-, Peter, 124

Agerton, Agnes, widow, 150

Aidlington, Aydlington:
-, Anne, 238
-, Jamys, woolman, 238

Akred, Joan, see Rede, Joan

Alchure, William, priest, 17

Alcoke, John, 61

Alderman, Mistress, 164

Aldermary, 182; see also St. Mary Aldermary

Alderslay, Jhon, clerk, 150

Aldersley, Jhon, chantry priest of St. Dunstan in the East, 207

Alderwasley, Alderwasloe, Derbys., 32

Aldingsone, Wyl, 100

Aldyn, Harry, 93

Alen, Alyn:
-, Alyes, widow, 180
-, Andre, 124
-, Richard, 19
-, Thomas, 22
-, Thomas, chantry priest of St. Dunstan, 95, p. xvii

Alestry, John, 137

Alhallous Stanyng, see All Hallows Staining

Alhallowes on the Cellers, see All Hallows the Less

Alhallows in Hone Lane, see All Hallows Honey Lane

Alhalowen Barkynge, see All Hallows Barking

Alhalows in Bredestrete, see All Hallows Bread Street

Alhalows upon the Solar in Temes Strette, see All Hallows the Less

All Hallows Barking, churchyard, 115, 162; vicar, 189n

All Hallows Bread Street, priest of, p. 155

All Hallows Honey Lane, 175

All Hallows Staining, Our Lady altar in, 113

All Hallows the Great, All Hallowes the Mor, All Saints: cloister of, 50, 207; fraternity of St. Mary in, 207; high altar, 207

All Hallows the Less, Alhalows upon the Solar, 118, 231

All Halowes, Myche Stambridge, see Great Stambridge

All Halowes the Mor in Temystret, see All Hallows the Great

All Saints, North Allerton, see Northallerton

All Saints next the Steelyard, see All Hallows the Great

Alman, Robert, 89

Alstone, Edmond, priest, 236

Alton or Hollton:
-, Annes, Elyzabeth, John, Mary and Robert, 206
-, Thomas, 206

Alye, Andrew, 182

Alyn, see Alen

Alynson, Edmond, p. 154

Amner, Roger, 141

Amys, William, clerk, 17

Anable, John, 232

-, Alyce, 183, 184
-, James, 6
-, John, 183, 184
-, Jone, 183, 184

Andrewes, Andros:
-, Phelyp, 141
-, Robert, clerk, 30
-, Stevyn, 151

Andro, Alis and John, 141

Andros, see Andrewes

Angell Alley, 194

Anger, Edmonde, 108

Ansell, Harry, 222

Anstey, Ansty, Leic., 32

Anthonye, John, 182

Apot, Jeames, 191

Apowell, Owyne, merchant tailor, 232

Aprise, David, 182

Apurlay, Jone, 105

Archer, John, priest, 3

Archier, John, priest, 44

Ardern, George, king's servant, 184n

A Red(e), see Rede

Arkesden, Arkysden, Arcusden, Essex, church of St. Margaret, 33; churchyard, 70; guilds, yelds, in, 70

Arnedell, Thomas, 126

-, Adryan, curate of St. Clement Eastcheap, 151
-, John, 175
-, Robert, 155
-, Sesselle, 175

Artour, John, 46

Ashendon, Asshynden, Bucks., church of, 78

Ashford, Achylford, Middx., 31

-, Lady, 176
-, Master John, 168

Aslake, Lady Helene, 91

Asshewell, John, priest, 21

Asshton, Maurice, 28

Asshynden, see Ashendon

Atclyff, see Hatcliff

Athaye, Thomas of Retyngdon Hall, p. 157

Atkyns, Atkynnys:
-, Elizabeth, 172
-, Henry, cit. and barber, 172
-, John, 18, 172
-, William, rector of Little Oakley, 18, p. xvi

Atkynson, Achynson, Ackenson, Hatkynson:
-, Goodwyffe, 232
-, John, 84
-, John, baker, 90
-, John, priest, 52
-, Margaret, 12
-, Petir, 191
-, Richard, 12
-, Robert, 12
-, Rychard, 208

A Towne, Jamys, clothworker, 130

Attway, Petre, 226

Augusten, see Austyn

Austin Friars, Awstenys Freyrs, 102

Austyn, Augusten, Awsten, Awstyn:
-, Jhon, 140
-, Rychard, 65
-, Thomas, 108
-, Thomas, parson of Nevendon, 65

Averton, see Abberton

-, Mr., 244
-, Richard, 40

Awbee alias Whytte, Jone, 173

Awdlee, Awdley:
-, Elisabeth, 12
-, Thomas, mercer, 142

Awdy, Hawdy, Johanne, widow, 174

Aweere, Kateryn, 130

Awsten, Awstyn, see Austyn

Awstenys Freyrs, see Austin Friars

-, Elyonour, 143
-, Johan, 62
-, John, cit. and clothworker, 143

Aydlington, see Aidlington

Ayere, Elizabeth, 114

Ayewyne, Leuc, 121


Backe, Werner van, 121

Backer, John, 234

Backson, Edmunde, skinner, 157

Bacon, Gregorye, 224

Bake, John, 178 (p. 102)

Baker, Bakar:
-, Edmond, 141
-, Henry, chaplain, 91
-, Hugh, 6
-, John, 241
-, Robert, priest, 91
-, Thomas, priest of St. Michael Wood Street, 37
-, William, 241
-, William, notary, 36
-, William, pewterer, 130

Bakon, Wife, 53, p. 152

Balam, Thomas, rector of St. Mary Somerset, 166

Balarde, William, 23

Balford, Balfford:
-, Wylliam, curate of St. Mary Colechurch, 139, 140, 215

-, Alce, 152
-, Henry, 124, 152

Balsham, Balsam, Cambs., 219

Baltrop, Robert, 193

Bankes, Robert, 167

Banstyd, William, 26

Banyon, John, priest, 29

Barbar, Wylliam, 141

Barbour, Thomas, 24

-, William, 27
-, Mr. Wylliam, 159

-, Henry, priest, 33
-, Robert, 27

Barge, Lenarde, 108

Barkele, Mistress, 88

-, Elizabeth, 133
-, John, 11
-, Margaret, 138
-, Maude, 194
-, Robert, 11
-, Robert, priest, 46

Barking, Barkyng, Berkyng, Essex, 83; church of St. Margaret, 49, 71; convent of, 40, 83, 91, p. 157

Barley, Rychard, 160

-, Elsabeth, 56
-, George, clerk, 56
-, Johan, 56
-, John, 56
-, Margaret, 56

-, Alizaunder, 77
-, John, rector of St. Matthew Friday Street, 77, p. xvii
-, Richard, currier, 77

-, Cornelys, tailor, 113
-, Cuthbert, priest, 67
-, Robert, fuller, 67

Barnston, Bartillesdon, Bartelsdon, Essex, pp. 156, 157

Baro, see Barrow upon Soar

Baron, Petur, 34

Barones, Roberte, servant, 220

Barrow upon Soar, Baro, Leic., 32

Bartelsdon, see Barnston

Barthelmewe, Geritrudo, 47

Bartholomew, Bartellmew, Lane, 168

Bartillesdon, see Barnston

-, Anne, 176
-, Edward, apprentice, 177
-, Elizabethe, 176, 177, p. xx
-, Ellen, 177
-, George, 176
-, John, mercer, 177
-, Katherin, 177
-, Richard, 76
-, William, 177

Barwell, Thomas, priest, 80

Baryare, John, 111

Bas, Richarde, priest, 234

Basden, Richard, cit. and fishmonger, 27

Base, Henry, 144

-, Elazbeth, widow, 245
-, Margaret, 245
-, Richard, 245
-, Roger, alderman, 16

Bassett, Edward, 48

Bassishaw, Bassinges sawe, 38

Bassye, Annes, 144

-, Jonne, 106
-, Robarde, carpenter, 106

Bayghton, see Beyghton

Baylay, William, priest of Orsett, 8, 9

Bayle, Thomas, 108

Be(e), Rychard, priest, 203

Beche, Walter, dyer, 117

Bedall, Margett, 208

Bedford, house of Friars Minor in, 42

Bedlem, see Bethlem

Bee, see Be

Beerd, Richard, 64

Beeson, Thomas, 24

-, Elyn, 68
-, Roger, 68
-, Thomas, priest of Hadleigh, 68
-, William, 68

Belcheham, Richard, chaplain, 12

-, Alexander, fishmonger, 155
-, Jane, 140

Belerica, see Billericay

-, Master, 44
-, Eme, 236
-, Rychard, 222
-, Tomas, 99

Belynger, Agnes, 25

Belyngjam, Master Edwarde, 216

Ben, Thomas, parson of St. Olave Hart Street, p. 154

Bendelow, 222

-, , butcher, 168
-, Mr., 151
-, Alys, 147

Benfelde, Goodwife, 118

-, Jhon, 160
-, John, 182
-, John, priest, 111
-, Thomas, priest, 88

Bentley, Raphe, rector of St. John Zachary, 213

Benyson, Henrie, innholder, 130

Beowpre, see Bowpre

Berdney, Robert, 1, p. 151

Bere, Johan, 54

Beremor, Rychard, butcher, 220

Berkshire, see Winkfield

Berkyng, see Barking

Berman, John, 224

-, John, 116
-, Luke, 81

-, John, 97
-, Thomas, 97

Beswyk(e), Bessewyke:
-, William or Wyllyam, brewer, 178, 225

Betell, Henry, of Laindon, p. 157

Bethlem, Bedlem, 38, 219

Bettes, Thomas, tailor, 116

Beverley, William, 42

Bew, Henry, priest of St. Mary Magdalen Milk Street, p. 154

Bewdley, Jayn, 68

Beyghton, Bayghton:
-, Elsabeth, 175
-, Nycolas, leatherseller, 175

Beymon, Roberd, 185

Billericay, Belerica, Essex, foul ways in, p. 157; parishioner of, 75

Bingley, Byngley, Yorks., parsonage, 160

Birche, Chrystian, 177

Birchin, Burchyns, Lane, 182

Bird, Agnes, 34

Birkheid, William, 2

Bishop Burton, Bysshopsburton, Yorks., 229

Bishop's Stortford, Herts., churchyard, 1, p. 151; Dedmaneland in, 1, p. 151; le Fisshe Rowe in, 1, p. 151

Bishopsgate, Busshupsgate, 145

Biworthe, Richard, priest, 29

Blackewell, Blacwell:
-, , baker, 183
-, Thomas, priest, 192 (p. 117)

Blackfriars, Blak freres or fryers, 97, 121; church of, late St. Mary Magdalene, 171; precinct of, 204

Blake, Richard, cit. and tallow chandler, 131

Blakneye, John, 119

Blount, Rowland, p. 154

Blowk, Raynold, 243

Bloxham, Oxon., 92

Blunt, John, 182

Bocher alias Clyffe, John, 144

Bode, John, vicar of Heston, p. 155

Bokes, Richard, 74

Bolmer, John, 104

Bolser, Robert, mercer, 101

Bolter, John, 111

Bolton,, of Aldermary, 182

Bonaventura, Saint, 22n

Bonyface, Robart, 216

Borde, Annys, 200

-, Richard, 178 (p. 102)
-, Robert, 9

Borowys, Thomas, 224

Borying, Christofer, 66

Bostoke, Henry, 56

Boston, Lincs., brotherhood of, 86; guild of Corpus Christi, 88

-, Elizabeth, 151
-, John, butcher, 151

Boundewell, Mistress, 132

Boursede, John, 227

Bouttyngforth, see Buntingford

Bowbancke, Thomas, minstrel, 225

-, Annes, Edward, Elsaybethe, James, Jeffry, Jhon, 228
-, Raffaye, 228, p. xx n

-, Marget, widow, 179
-, Margit, 122
-, Morres, 179

Bowers, Bowres, Staffs., 75

Bowierrowe, see Bowyer Row

Bowpre, Beowpre, William, priest, 43

Bowres, see Bowers

Bowring, Bowrn, Bowryng:
-, Kateryn and William, 7

Bowyer Row, Bowierrowe, 204

Boyer, John, 165

Bracye, Brase:
-, Agneta, Edward, Hamlett, Henrye, Johan, 178
-, Katheren, 153, 178, pp. xvi n, xviii, xix, xx, 153
-, Lucye and Parcevall, 178
-, Robert, 153, 178
-, Thomas, haberdasher, 153, p. xviii

-, John, chandler, 215
-, Richard, priest, 28
-, Thomas, rector of St. Alphage London Wall, 28

-, Edward, vicar of St. Dunstan in the West, 6n
-, Thomas, 238

Bradocke, Thomas, priest, 19

Bradwell, Essex, 14

Bradwyn, Johan, 161

Brady, John, 27

Bradyns, Rychard, 241

Braintree, Branketre, Essex, 34

Bramley, Master Thomas, priest of Peter College, 77

Branketre, see Braintree

-, Lady Esabelle, 12
-, Ralph, 12

Brase, see Bracye

Brasse, John, 177

Braydy, Rauf, sexton, 191

Brayfeld, Wyllyam, 193

Braynford, see Brentford

Bred Stret Cownter, see Counter, Bread Street

Bregman, Kateryn, 9

Brentford, Braynford, Middx., 83

Bressewode, Myghell, 160

-, Master James, rector of Bulphan, 58, 75, pp. xiii, 1557
-, James of Pitsea, 75
-, Jamys of Dunton, 58
-, Johanne, pp. xiii n, 155
-, John, yeoman, 58, pp. xiii n, 155, 156
-, Richard of Dunton, 58, p. 157
-, Robert of Horndon, p. 157

-, Jhon, 122
-, Richard, priest, 198

Brighton, Brighthelmeston, Sussex, 36

-, Goodman of Reigate, 182
-, William, chantry priest of St. Margaret Pattens, 23

Broken Wharf, 166

Broman, William, 78

Bromefeld, Owen, 56

Bromley, Richard, priest, 160

Bromsgrawe, see Brumsgrow

-, , widow, 227
-, Avys, 227
-, Myhell, 227

Brotherhed of Clerkys, see Fraternity of the Trinity of sixty priests

Brown(e), Broune:
-, Alixander, tallow chandler, 126
-, Edithe, 12
-, Elsabeth, 75
-, Johane, 75
-, John, 75
-, John of the Swan, 2
-, Jone, 79
-, Margaret, 75
-, Mary, 54
-, Thomas, 65, 75, 79
-, William, rector of Pitsea, 58, 75, pp. xiii, 1557

Brumsgrow, Bromsgrawe:
-, Als, 241
-, John, 241
-, Stewyn, 241

-, Alyce, 236
-, Stephen, priest, 154

Bryand, Hary, haberdasher, 177

Bryght, Bryth:
-, Henry, priest, 124, 136, 152

Bryley, Frances, free poulter, 146

Bryth, see Bryght

Brytten, Jone alias Mylard, 122

Buckinghamshire, see Ashendon; Wendover

Buckland, John, p. xii

Bucknall, Robert, rector of Inworth, 46

Budge Row, 52n

Buerley, John, 84

Bukk, John, 11

Buknall(e), see Bucknall

Bulfan(n), see Bulphan

Bull, le, 184n

Bull, le, super le Hope, 184n

Bullen, 210

Buller, Robert, priest of Terling, 34

Bulphan, Bulfann, Bulffan, Essex, church of, 58, p. 157; poor of, p. 157; rector of, 58; tenement called Curteys in, 58, p. 155

Buntingford, Bouttyngforth, Herts., 87

Burchyns Lane, see Birchin Lane

Burdokk(e), Thomas, 239

Burell, Edward, curate, 231

Burgh, Master Edward, priest, 15

Burnett, John, cit. and tallow chandler, 131

-, Agnes, 49
-, Kateryne, 49
-, Richard, 49
-, Master Thomas, 49

Burstead, Burstedegrang, see also Great Burstead, Little Burstead

-, Nycholas, rector of St. Andrew Holborn, 149, 224
-, Robert, tiler, 229
-, Thomas, 220

Burton Lazars, Leic., fraternity of, 58

Bury, Friar John of Clare, 24

Busshoppe, Robert of Leyton, 220

Busshupsgate, see Bishopsgate

Butler, Butlar, Buttler:
-, Master, 12
-, Emmet, 161
-, Evi, 176
-, Johann, 161
-, John, priest, 22
-, Margaret, 37

Butree, John, 64

Byear, Willm, woolpacker, 190 (p. 116)

Byfeld, Byfyld:
-, Goodwife, 176
-, William, 53

Byggerstaff, Robartt, 132

-, John, 100
-, Kateryn, 100

Bygrave, John of Stotfield, husbandman, 174

Bykner, William of Shalford, 24

Byngham, Nicholas, 161

Byngley, see Bingley

-, Mistress, 154
-, Rycharde, 219

Bysowth, John, husbandman of East Reed, p. 155

Bysse, Jhon, 160

Bysshopsburton, see Bishop Burton

Byttynson, John, grocer, 215

Bywell, Christofer, 56


-, Elizabeth, 36
-, John, 143
-, Sebastian, 36

Cade, Richerd, haberdasher, 204

Cadgill, Thomas, chaplain of Gray's Inn, 196

Calde Norton, see Cold Norton

Cambridge, Cambrige, 88, p. xvii; church of St. Nicholas, 47; friars in, 11, 24

Cambridge University, 46; colleges, Jesus, 47; Pembroke Hall, 88

Cambridgeshire, see Balsham; Cambridge; Heydon; Ickleton; Swaffham St. Mary; Wisbech

Camswell, Jane, 148

Candisch, 19

Cannon, Canon:
-, Barnabe, king's servant, 113
-, Katheryn, 113
-, Wylliam, 232

Canterbury, hostel of St. Bernard in, 47; Prerogative Court of, pp. xii, xiv

-, Alice, 194
-, Nycolas, 194

Capar, Rychard, 98

Cardon, Cardyn, see Cavarden

Carinton, William, porter of the Steelyard, 207

Carleton, Master Richard, clerk, 36

Caro, John, 206

Caron, see Saron

Carrpenter, Robert, 141

Carse, Jone, 144

Carsington, Carston, Derbys., 32

Carslan, Stayvyn, doctor of physic, 201

Carsman, Alice, 144

Carson, William, 199

Carston, see Carsington

-, Thomas, cit. and draper, 83
-, Thomas, priest, 62, p. xvii

Carter, Cartter:
-, Edythe, 215
-, Emme, 215
-, John, 182, 215
-, Rytchard, 215

-, Cristabell, 20
-, John, 20

Cas, John, brewer, 185

Casbe, John, soldier, 185

Caslan, Allyson, 201

Cassiobury, Caysshoburye, manor, Herts., 213

Castell, Thomas, 140

Castle, Castyll, Alley, 194

Caswell, Laurence, 144

Casye, Agneys, Helen, Isabell, Margery and William, 115

-, Jhon, cit. and grocer, 103
-, Johan, 103
-, Martyne, 236

Caterwycke, Cateryke, William, rector of St. Alban Wood Street, 194

Catesby, William, 191

Cavarden, Cardon, Cardyn:
-, Hugh, 155
-, Robert, cit. and painter stainer, 155
-, William, 155

Cawode, Nicolas, clerk, p. 154

Caysshoburye, see Cassiobury

Chambarlayn, Chamberleyne:
-, John, brother of St. Thomas of Acon, 66
-, Jone, 230
-, Roberd, 230
-, Wylliam, cit. and skinner, 230 p. xxii

Chamber, John, 53

Chambre, John, 187

Chanon, Thomas, priest, 50

Chaplayn, William, 34

-, Agnes, widow, 58
-, John, 72
-, Margaret, 14
-, Richard, 14
-, Richard, clothworker, 190 (p. 116)
-, Thomas, curate of Pattiswick, 14, p. xvii

Chappell, John, 73

Chareley, John, cooper, 236

-, Finsbury, 38, 155n
-, Sheen, 5, 83

Chechesay, see Chertsey

Chelcham, Whiliam, 108

Chelmsford, Chelmysford, Chemsforth, Essex, friars of, 58, 75, p. 157

Chertsey, Elisabeth, 47

Chertsey, Chertesay, Chechesay, Surrey, 31; abbot of, 31

Cheshire, see Northwich; Vale Royal

Chevening, Chyvenyng, Kent, church of, 17

Chevis, Chevys:
-, Bartyelemewe, 179
-, Rychard, 179

Chewne, Chowne, Nicholas, 154

Chiborn, Alexander, Alyce, Cristofer and Marione, 6

Chickney, Chikney, Essex, 27, p. xvii

Childerditch, Childerdich, Essex, pp. 155, 157

Chipping Walden, see Walden

Cholmley, Cholmeley, Chomlmeley:
-, Elizabeth, 137n
-, Ranulph, sergeant at law, 137n
-, Roger, knight, recorder of London, 204

Chomlmeley, see Cholmley

Chowne, see Chewne

Chrystyen, Symond, priest, 227

Church, John, priest, 98

Chyvenyng, see Chevening

Clare, see Stoke by Clare

-, , baker, 168
-, Gregory, 231
-, Johan, 231
-, John, sherman, 168
-, Jone, 211
-, Richard, 2
-, Rychard, priest, 170
-, Thomas, 150
-, Wylliam, priest, 203
-, See also Clerk(e)

Clayton, Master William, 55

Clement, Rychard, cit. and tiler, 126

-, Elizabeth, 30
-, Elyn, apprentice, 62
-, John, 84
-, John, cit. and founder, 30
-, Robert, 62, p. xvii
-, Rychard, 64
-, Thomas, 30
-, William, 34
-, See also Clark(e)

Clerks, Brotherhood of, see Parish Clerks, Brotherhood of

-, Henry, priest, 86
-, Master Robert of Oxford, 12

Cloggar, Thomas, 155

Clowgh, Cecilye, widow, 154

Clyffe alias Bocher, John, 144

Cobbe, Thomas, chaplain to the Brewers' Company, 202

Cobbys, Thomas, rector of St. Martin Pomeroy, 202n

Cockes, see Cokes

Coggeshall, Goggishalle, Essex, monastery of, 46

-, Mistress, 223
-, Agnes of Chepyng Walden, 15
-, Margaret, 88
-, See also Cooke

Cokered, Agnes, 154

Cokes, Cockes:
-, An, 198
-, Robert, salter, 198
-, See also Koxe

Coket, Brigade, gentlewoman, 123

Cokitt, see Cokkett

-, Alis, Elisabeth and Elyn, 10
-, John, priest, 10
-, Mylys and William, 10

Cokkett, Cokitt:
-, William, priest, 45, 84

Cokyng, Jane, 85

Colby, Andrew, priest, 18

Colchester, Essex, abbot and convent of St. John, p. 157; archdeacon of, 93, p. xv; archdeaconry of, p. xii n; church of St. Mary, 93; friars of, 14; parish of St. Romwald, 93; resident in, p. 154

Cold Norton, Calde Norton, Essex, church of St. Stephen in, 84

Coldharbour, Cold Harbrough, 231n

-, Elizabeth and Johane, daughters of Thomas, 134
-, John, 134
-, Rychard, priest, 98
-, Rychard, son of Thomas, 134
-, Thomas, 134
-, See also Colle

Coleman, Joseph Frederick, record keeper of the Principal Probate Registry, p. xi n

Colfelde, Jhon, vicar of Hampton, p. 154

Collam, William, 63

Collay, Colley:
-, Jone, 138
-, William, 143
-, Wyl, 138

Colle, Richard, 25

College Hill, 177n

College in Crooked Lane, Comyns in Crokyed Lane, 79

Colley, see Collay

Collman, see Colman

Collop, Christofer, apprentice, 172

Collyn, Thomas, tailor of Staines, p. 154

Colman, Collman:
-, Goodwife, 77
-, John, 34

Colte, Master, 230

Coly, George, 116

-, John, 22
-, John, mercer, 38

Combe, John, 80

Comberbache, John, chaplain of St. Mildred Bread Street, 67

Combys, John, 227

Community of Jesus, see Jesus Commons

Commyngham, Thomas, priest, 113

Comyns, Petir, 77

Comyns in Crokyed Lane, see College in Crooked Lane

Conarde, John, 108

Conwey, Gregory, haberdasher, 221

Cony, William, carpenter, 106n

-, John, chantry priest of Braintree, 34
-, John, priest, 77
-, Thomas, 210
-, See also Coke

Cooper, Couper, Cowper:
-, Charlay, porter of the Steelyard, 150
-, Edward, vicar of Newport, 134
-, Elsabet, 161
-, Jhon, 210
-, John in Kyry Lane, 59
-, Nicholas, priest, 57
-, Richard, warden of Guildhall, 39
-, William, 80

Copage, Hantony, surgeon, 108, p. xxi

Coplande, Coplonde:
-, , 154
-, John, of Barking, 91

Coppynger, William, fishmonger, 83

Copyn, Roger, curate of St. Mildred Bread Street, 67

Corall, Gregory, 56

Corneforth, William, 56

Cossington, Cosynton, Leic., 32

Cotes, William, parish clerk, 163

Cotton, Coton:
-, Alice, 4n
-, John, 4n
-, Joone, 4

Cotys, John, salter, 92

Counter, Cownter, Contere, 196, 204; Bread Street, 204; sergeant of, 168

County Hall, London, pp. ix, xii

Couper, see Cooper

Cout, Cutt, John, knight, 21

Cowicke, Cowyk:
-, John, 171
-, William, 171
-, William, notary, 137n

Cowper, see Cooper

Cowyk, see Cowicke

Crake, Thomas, priest, 58, 75, p. 157

Craker, Master William, 39

Crane, Nicholas, 46

Craswell, see Creswell

Cremar, James, 209

Creppers, Esabell, 9

Cresney, Wylliam, parish clerk, 159

Cressing, Cressyng, Essex, church of, 14

Creswell, Craswell:
-, , 154
-, Parcyvall, 153

Crewse, Henri, 141

Cripse, Master Jafrey, vicar of Swaffham St. Mary, 123

Cristemas, Walter, 1, p. 151

Cristian, Robert, 51

Cromford, Cromforth, Derbys., 32

Crooked, Crokyed, Lane, 79

Crosapenye, John, 182

Crosby, Sir John, knight, 183n

Crose Kayes, the, see Cross Keys, the

-, , currier, 101
-, Alyn, 101
-, William, 101

Cross Keys, Crose Kayes, the, 194

-, Anthony, 227
-, Henry, priest, 41
-, James, 12

Crossid Freyrs, see Crutched Friars

Crowland, Lincs., abbot and convent of, 27; houses and land in, 27, p. xvii

Crowne, John, 11

Croxston, Nicholas, 87

Crutched Friars, Crossid Freyrs, 92, p. 154

Cubutt, , collier, 160

Cumberland, Comerland, see Thursby; Wigton

-, Margarete, 204
-, Raf, clothworker, 188
-, Thomas, 140
-, William, cit. and haberdasher, 204

Cusat, Agnes, 205

Cutt, see Cout


Dadye, Thomas, draper, 157

-, Elisabeth, 44
-, Willyam, priest, 44

Dalison, Dalysun:
-, Ellyn, 2
-, Thomas (1514), 2
-, Thomas (1542), 171

Dalton, John, 183

Damporte, Robert, servant, 193

Dan, John, 70

-, Jhon, goldsmith and merchant, 98
-, John, 171, 179
-, William, 181

-, Master, 46
-, Ranald, 197
-, Renolde, plumber, 232
-, Thomas, 157

Daren, Chrystian, 159

Darewke, Gudman, 214

Dary, William, 159

Dave, see Davy

David, Morys, 127

Davies, Dr. Conway, p. xii

Davney, Mr. Robert, 208

Davy, Davye, Dave:
-, Cicile, 182
-, John, 192
-, John, priest, 86
-, Roger, 182

-, Edward, 158
-, Master John, 17

Dawes, Dewes, Dowes:
-, William, vicar of All Hallows Barking, 162, 189

Dayle, John, rector of Abbess Roding, 94

Deculon, Harry or Henry, priest, 27, p. xvii

Dede, Anis, 179

Deez, John, 110

De la Se(e), Richard, rector of St. Bartholomew by the Exchange, 57

Dell, George, 145

Delowe, William, 33

Denby, John, 41

Dene, John, priest, 147

Denham, John, clerk, p. 154

Denman, John, 236

Denton, John, vicar of Stanstead Abbots, 72

-, John, 78
-, William, chaplain, 79

Deptford, Depford, Kent, 115

Derbyshire, see Alderwasley; Carsington; Cromford; Elton; Hope; Kirk Ireton; Monyash; Winster; Wirksworth; Yolgreve

Deryng, Robert, 18

Devereux, John, notary, 76

Dewes, see Dawes

Diche, William, the younger, 21

Diryckson, Anie, widow, 144

Distaff Lane, 182

Dobes, Master, 230

Dobson, Raffe, priest, 4

Dode, Richarde, priest, 22

Dodson, Robert, parson of Little Thurrock, 54

Dodycott, Artor, 168

Doff(e), Richard, priest, 56

Doffelde, Dofyeld:
-, John, 158
-, Wyllem, chantry priest of St. Mildred Bread Street, 180

Donton, see Dunton

Donyngton, John, 77

Doo, Richard, salter, 114

Dorking, William, 199

Dorsett, Simond, 74

Dovercourt(e), Essex, 18, p. 154

Dowdale, Markes, 166

Dowes, see Dawes

Dowgate Hill, 203n

Dowghty, George, apprentice, 155

Downer, William, 188

Downham, Downum, Kent, 75

-, John, 112
-, Nycolas, 172

Dowrieh, Jasper, 48

Dowse, Robert, priest, 52

Dowson, Robert, priest, 2

-, Johan, 21
-, Richard of Shenfield, 21, p. xvi

-, John (1517), 50
-, John (1542), 156
-, William in the Minories, 182

Drome, Bartilmewe, 217

Drowre, Robert, 205

Dryset, Goodwife, 116

Dubbill, Water, 216

Duckeworthe, Letice and Thomas, 20

Duke, John, priest, 181

-, Alis, 187
-, Richard, 187

Dunton, Donton, Essex, 58, p. 157

Dyall, Master Raffe, 132

Dygby, Katheryn, 150

Dykar, Thomas, 54

Dyker, Thomas, 16

Dykonson, William, priest, 63

Dyksoner, William, 55

Dyverdale, Alexander, priest, p. 154

Dyxson, Nycholas, cit. and stockfishmonger, 169


Ealing, Yelyng, Middx., church of St. Mary in, 83

East Ham, Essex, churchyard of St. Mary Magdalen in, 63

East Tilbury, Estylbery, Essex, tenement in, p. 155

Eastwood, Estwode, Essex, p. 155

Edden, Edon:
-, Fader, 85
-, Thomas, 9

Edgrave, Mr., king's broiderer, 165

Edon, see Edden

Edwardes, Edwardys:
-, George, currier, 177
-, Henry, 144
-, Margaret, 176
-, Mary, 177
-, Nycolas, 201

Edwyn, John, 90

Eeglyntyne, William, 117

Egerton, Hew, haberdasher, 178 (p. 102)

Eggliston, Wylliam, 159

Elderton, Elisabeth and Symond, p. 154

Elland, Yorks, 94

Ellerton, Erden, Yorks., monastery of, 12

Ellys, John, 58

Elmstead, Elmystede, Essex, vicar of, p. 155

Elryngton, Joone, widow of Hackney, p. 154

Elsing, William, 10n

Elsing Spital, Elsyng Spitell, Isyng Spytle, 10; brotherhood of St. Clement at, 101

Elton, Derbys., 32

Elyat, Elyott, Frances and Jane, 161

Elyston, Thomas, scholar, 12

Emerley, Agnes, 147

Enfield, Enfeld, Middx., church of, 61

Englyshe, Agnes, 236

Erby, John and Jone, 204

Erden, see Ellerton

Erith, Willm, priest, 193

Erlegh, Mistress, of Cambridge, 88

Eroke, William, 23

Essex, archdeacon of, 41; archdeaconry of, xii n; commissary in, 24, p. xv; see also Abberton; Abbess Roding; Arkesden; Barking; Barnston; Billericay; Bradwell; Braintree; Bulphan; Chelmsford; Chickney; Childerditch; Coggeshall; Colchester; Cold Norton; Cressing; Dovercourt; Dunton; East Ham; East Tilbury; Eastwood; Elmstead; Feering; Fyfield, Gosfield; Great Burstead; Great Stambridge; Great Warley; Hadleigh; High Laver; Hockley; Horndon; Inworth; Laindon; Lambourne; Leyton; Little Burstead; Little Laver; Little Oakley; Little Thurrock; Little Wigborough; Mayland; Mundon; Nevendon; Newport; North Ockendon; Orsett; Panfield; Pattiswick; Peldon; Pitsea; Pleshey; Polstead; Prittlewell; Quendon; Ramsey; Rettendon; Rickling; St. Lawrence; St. Osyth; Shalford; Shenfield; Stifford; Stisted; Stow Maries; Stratford; Terling; Thaxted; Theydon Bois; Thoby; Ugley; Walden; Waltham; Walthamstow; West Ham; Wethersfield; Widford; Woodham Walter

Essex County Record Office, p. xiin

Est Ham, see East Ham

Est Reed, see Reed

Estwode, see Eastwood

Estylbery, see East Tilbury

Eton, Goodwife, 118

Ettys, William, 131

Everade(e), Everard, Evored, Evoryd:
-, Ames, 194
-, Thomas, priest, 83, p. xvii
-, William, 194

Ewastas, Alice, widow, of St. Osyth, p. 154

Ewde, Phillebart, 227


Fairbanke, George, priest of Poynings, 216

Farmar, Mistress, 164

Farrer, Henrye, 202

Farryngton, Sir Nicholas, 171n

Fawlowe, Mr., 226

-, John, 187
-, Rychard, 187
-, Syssley, 187

Fee, Crysten, 200

Feering, Fering, Essex, 14n

Feld, Wylliam, 168n

Feltes, John, 147

Felype, Wylyam, 158

Felyx, John, of Little Oakley, 18

Fenchurch, Phanechurch, 194; St. Gabriel, 240

Fenrother, Robert, cit. and goldsmith, 12

Fering, see Feering

Fermour, Richard, 184n

Feroven, see Veroven

-, John, 152
-, St. Vincent, 58n

-, Richard (1514), 25
-, Richarde (1537), 108

Fetiplace, Elisabeth, 12

Fewaren, William, priest, 5

Fiefeld, see Fyfield

Filipson, Mistress, 164

-, Anne, 125
-, Balthazar, 125

Fincham, Fynscham, Joan, 40

FitzJames, Fyrsthiamys, Phejamys:
-, Richard, bishop of London, pp. xiii, xv, 1, 151, 154
-, Thomas, 217

Flechar, see Fletcher

Fleet, Flete, prison, 204

Fleet, Flete, Street, 114

Flemyng, Master, clerk of the kitchen of the bishop of London, 33

Fletcher, Flechar:
-, Alis and Annes, 94
-, Elisabeth, 94
-, Hery, 94
-, John, 2
-, John, rector of Little Laver, 94
-, Margerie, 94
-, Owyn, 168

Flete prison, see Fleet prison

Flete Street, see Fleet Street

-, Awsten, p. 154
-, Elizabeth, 5
-, Lewys, 5
-, William, 5

Fokes, see Fox

-, Margery, 180
-, Master William, 39

Forest, Anthony, priest, 240

Foster, Fosster, Foyster:
-, Adam, p. 155
-, Henry, 156
-, John, priest of Standlake, 190 (p. 114)
-, Richard (1536), 109
-, Richard (1544), 217
-, Robert, tailor, 156, pp. xx, xxi

Fowlar, Fowler:
-, John, 12
-, Robert, 12
-, Simon, clerk, 12
-, Thomas, 12

Fox(e), Foxse, Fokes:
-, Master, shearer, 194
-, Awsten, 179
-, Cristian, 179
-, Elysabeth, 232
-, John, 232
-, John (1518), 56
-, John, curate of St. Nicholas Cole Abbey, 159
-, Jone, 179
-, Joyce, 179
-, Richard, 179

Foxgall, Thomas, 201

Foxle, Rafe, 168

Foxse, see Fox

Foyster, see Foster

-, Jhon, 109
-, Jone, 109

Frankalyn, Johnne, 96

Franke, Jhon, beer brewer, 222, 230

Fraternity of the Trinity of sixty priests, see Trinity, brotherhood

Fraunces, Agnes, 56

Freman, Annis, 172

-, Moder, 77
-, Alice, 42

Frumyngham, John, fletcher, 238

Fuller, Wyllyam, 160

Fyfield, Fyeffeld, Fiefeld, Essex, church bells of, 94

Fyge, Wyllyam, shipwright, 106

Fynard, James, cit. and goldsmith, 12

-, Margaret, 56
-, William, pasteler, 56

Fynkyll, John, 104

Fynscham, see Fincham

Fyrsthiamys, see FitzJames

Fysher, , 176


Gaace, Nicholas, 89

Gaies, , 154

Galaway, Thomas, 92

Gale, William, chaplain of Staines, 74

Galtrope, Galtroppys:
-, Felice, 62
-, William, 62

Gammes, Wyllyam, 160

Gamon, Margarete, 91

Gardener, Adam, cit. and haberdasher, 200 (p. 125), 211

Garlond, Richard, cordwainer, 113

Gayler, George, yeoman of Stotfield, 174

Geers, Roger, 136

Genes, Wyllam, 97

Genkynson, see Jenkynson

Geoffrey the Grammarian, 38n

George, Henry, clerk, 112, 173, 212

Gerarde, John, 116

Gervys, Hugh, priest, 61

Gilberd, Henry of Laindon, p. 156

-, Margarette, 145
-, Recharde, cit. and merchant tailor, 145

Girdley, Gyrdley, Peter, priest, 34

Glascone, George, 34

Glew, Robert, 2

Gloucester, Thomas, Duke of, 42n

-, Harry, goldsmith, 215
-, Johanne, 182

Glyn, John, curate of St. Anne and St. Agnes Aldersgate, 209

Goffytt, Thomas, 92

Goggishalle, see Coggeshall

Goghe, Robard, soldier, 185, p. xxi

-, Goodwife, 161
-, Wylliam, 244

Goldsmyth, Golsmeyth, Syman, smith, 158

Gollond, Thomas, 90

Golsmeyth, see Goldsmyth

Goodard, Rychard, 134

Goode, Thomas, 119

Goodman, Thomas, 178, p. 153

Goodrich, John, priest of St. Nicholas Shambles, p. 155

Goodwyn, John, curate of Aldgate, 165

Goote, John, 20

Goress, Richard, 125

Gorey, Margaret, 131

Gorkum, Henry van, 121

Gose, Gosse:
-, Hary, 168
-, Johne, 212

Gosfield, Gosfeld, Essex, 4, 24

Gotson, Thomas, registrar of the bishop of London, 5, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 24, 32, 53, 75, pp. xv, 152, 154

Gousse, Gowsse:
-, Martyn, scrivener, 126, 131

Gracechurch, Gratius, Street, 160

Graunger, John, rector of High Laver, 94

-, John, priest, 38
-, Kateryn, 38
-, Marion, 38
-, Mawd, 38
-, Walter, 38

Gray, Grey(ne)
-, son, 4
-, Robert, priest, 2
-, Roger, curate of St. Christopher le Stocks, 146, 223
-, Sandar of Southwark, 168
-, Thomas, priest, 69
-, William of London, 101

Gray's, Greys, Inn, 196; butler of, 196; chaplain of, 196

Great Burstead, Myche Bursted, Essex, 58, 75, p. 157

Great, Much, Stambridge, Essex, church of All Hallows, 78

Great Warley, Essex, church of, 40

Great Weldon, Northants., 36

Greater London Record Office, pp. ix, x n, xii

Greene, see Grene

Greenwich, Grenewich, Kent, friars of, 38

Greeve, Greve:
-, Master Roger, 69

Gregory the Great, Pope, 7n

Gregory, John, curate of Ashford, Middx., 31

Gren(e), Greene, Greyne:
-, Goodwife, 118
-, Master Edward, 89
-, Dame Elisabeth, 40
-, John, knight, 89
-, Kateryne, 87
-, Mathew, 141
-, Thomas, rector of St. Andrew Hubbard, 206
-, William, 87, 118
-, Williar, 231

Grenhopp, Wylliam, 224

Greve, see Greeve

Grevys, Thomas, 61

Grey, see Gray

Greyfriars, Greyffryers, in London, 97

Grey(ne), see Gray and Grene

Grigges, Rychard, 172

-, Annis, 233
-, Nycholas, cit. and barber, 183, p. xxi
-, Nycholas, junior, 184
-, Robert, 183, 233
-, Thomas, 233
-, Thomas, cit. and barber, 183, 184
-, Thomsyne, 184

-, Elyzabeth, 236
-, Rychard, 236

Grygsone, John, 231

-, Agnes, 63
-, Thomas, 63
-, William, 63

Guildhall, Guylhall, Guylde Hall, London, 39; library in, 38, pp. xi, xii, xiii

Guisborough, Gysbrough, Yorks., 59

Guisnes, St. Peter's church in, 185

Gull, John, 93

-, Anne, 223
-, James, 223

Gunthorpe, Norfolk, 95, p. xvii

Gurre, Thomas, haberdasher, 167

Guylhall, see Guildhall

Guyshard, Stephyn, rector of Stifford, 54

Gybbons, Margery, 238

Gybson, Wylliam, 224

Gyfforde, Mr. George, 216

-, Joan, 67
-, John, priest, 67
-, Robert, 67
-, William, 67

Gylberd, Gylbert:
-, Master Jamys, 63
-, John, 81
-, Robert, 56

Gyles, Gyllys:
-, Garred, 206
-, John, 94
-, William, chaplain of St. Lawrence, Pountney, 86

Gyllyke, John, yeoman, 104

Gyllys, see Gyles

Gyrdler, Laurence, 2

Gyrdley, see Girdley

Gysbrough, see Guisborough

Gyttyns, David, 219


Hackney, Hakney, parishioner of, p. 154

Haddon, Richard of Shoreditch, 176

Hadleigh, Hadley, Essex, church, 19, 68; rector of, 19; steeple, 68

Hadynham, John, clerk, p. 154

-, Agnes of, 2
-, Christofer, 2
-, John, priest, 2
-, Roger, 2

Haine, John, 4

Hakney, see Hackney

-, Jhon or John, porter of the Steelyard, 207
-, William, 84

Halehed, Gabriell, priest, 44

-, Agnes, 222
-, Alice, 92
-, Gyllen, 175
-, John, 12, 148, 222
-, William, 34

Halle, John, see Hale, Jhon or John

Hallhallowne Barkynge, see All Hallows, Barking

Hamond, Hamand:
-, Alexander, 12
-, Cecely, 53
-, John, 53

Hampton, Phillip, 188

Hampton, Middx., vicar of, p. 154

Hanan, Richard, 200 (p. 125)

Hanby, Margarett, 3

-, Agnes, 42
-, Geoffrey, priest, 42
-, Jamys, curate of West Ham, 226

Hanson, Thomas, clothworker, 145

Hanworth, Middx., church of St. George, 80

Harbowrne, Edward, curate of St. Peter Cornhill, 128

Hardye, Robert, draper, 237

-, Mr., 161
-, John, rector of Cold Norton, 84

Harefield, Herfeld, Middx., 26

Hareyson, see Harryson

-, Annes, 6
-, John, 6

Harlston, Master, 46

-, , shoemaker of Southwark, 126
-, Barbara, 169
-, Isabelle, 47
-, John, cit. and brewer, 114
-, John, cit. and girdler, 83

Harow Alay, see Harrow Alley

Harre, William, 14

Harreward, William, 4

Harris, Harrys:
-, John, curate of St. Edmund Lombard Street, 239
-, John, innholder, 166
-, Richard, 13
-, Richard, priest, 98
-, William, of Burstead Grange, p. 157

Harrow Alley, 183

Harrys, see Harris

Harryson, Harrysun, Harysson, Hareyson:
-, George, 144
-, James, clothworker, 146
-, Jhon, 228
-, Margery, 244
-, Robert, curate of St. Michael Cornhill, 142, 214, 237
-, See also Herryson

Harte, Hartt:
-, Jone, 144
-, Josan, 211

Harthed, Hartrede:
-, Thomas, founder, 182

Hartt, see Harte

Harvey, Harvie, Harvy:
-, Mrs., 182
-, Elizabeth, 141
-, Margaret, 56
-, Robert, chaplain of Staines, 74

Harwoode, 157

Hasard, Margaret, 9

Hassill, Hasyll:
-, Robert, 104
-, Robert, cooper, 158

Hastyng, Thomas, 209

Hasyll, see Hassill

Hatcliff, Hatclyff, Atclyff:
-, Roger, priest, 88, p. xvii
-, Dr. William, 88

Hatherscole, Thomas, curate of St. Peter Cornhill, 183, 184

Hatkynson, see Atkynson

-, Curtt, goldsmith, 129
-, Garrod or Gerard, 129n

Hawar, Humfrey, doctor of divinity, 10

Haward, John, 100

Hawardyn, William, 10

Hawdy, see Awdy

Hawes, Thomas, innholder, 114

Hawkes, Wyllyam, 207

Hawkyns, Hawkkynges:
-, Christopher, chaplain of Enfield, 61
-, John of Yorkshire, 132

-, James, 36
-, Margerie, 36

-, Agnes, 127
-, Alys, 127
-, Antony, 127
-, Lewes, cit. and baker, 127
-, Margarete, 127

-, Alys, widow of Colchester, p. 154
-, John, 131

Haywod, Haywood:
-, Elizabeth, 187
-, Johon, 187
-, Master Richarde, 154
-, Wyllyam, baker, 187

Hebbes, Wylliam, 197

Hebborne, Heborn, Hebourne:
-, Robert, 134

Hed, Henry, 179

Hedd, Hedde, Heede, Thomas, official commissary and vicar general of the bishop of London, 15, 1723, 25, 26, 2832, 3440, 42, 4549, 5183, 88 92, 95, p. xv

Hedge, Edward of Melford, 191

Hedger, Johane, 193

Heede, see Hedd

Hemyngton, William, priest, 82

Hendon, Hendun, Middx., 160

Hendry, Johanne, 53

Hennershe, Edward, 163

Henyngham, Dame Jane of Barking Abbey, 40

Herberd, Thomas, priest, 6

Here, William, 43

Herfeld, see Harefield

Hermon, John, priest of Stifford, 54

Herold, Johannes, 40n

Heron, Mr., 182

-, Robert, cit. and clothworker, 130, p. xxi
-, Thomas, girdler, 133

Hertfordshire, p. xvi; see also Bishop's Stortford; Buntingford; Cassiobury; Reed; Rickmansworth; St. Albans; Standon; Stanstead Abbots; Stevenage; Ware; Watford

Hertfordshire County Record Office, p. xii n

Heston, Middx., vicar of, p. 155

Hethe, Whiliam, 108

Heton, Master John, priest, 50, 105

Heydon, Cambs., rector of, p. 155

Heyland, William, 56

Heyley, Wylliam, priest, 203

Hid, Symond, 70

Hide, Hyde:
-, Agnes or Annes, 207
-, Elisabet, 207
-, George, porter of the Steelyard, 150, 207
-, John, innholder, 190 (p. 116)

High Laver, Lawer, Essex, 94

Highgate School, 204n

Hikkes, see Hyke

Hill, Hyll(e):
-, , Lady, 230
-, , shoemaker in Distaff Lane, 182
-, Henry, clerk, 213
-, John, 37
-, Robert, priest, 68
-, Rowland, knight, 230

Hilley, Elsabethe, 229

Hillingdon, Hillyngdon, Hyllyndon, Middx., church of, 13

Hilton, Hylton:
-, Master, rector of St. Mildred Bread Street, 67
-, Alice, 137n
-, Andrew, chaplain, 44
-, John, 204
-, William, chantry priest of St. Mary Woolnoth, 76

Hobson, Edmond, 156

Hochekes, Edward, priest, 131

Hockley, Hokeley, Essex, church of, 40

Hocsen, Henry, 121

Hoddys, Thomas, clerk of Bread Street Counter, 204

-, Miles, vicar of Thaxted, 89
-, Robert, 172

Hodgis, Richerd, 204

-, Goodwife, 118
-, John, priest, p. 155
-, Thomas, 5
-, See also Hudson

Hogkyne, John, 108

Hoinnes, John, 238

Hokeley, see Hockley

Holand, see Holland

Holborn, Middx., the Swan, 2

Hold, John, 81

Holland, Holand:
-, George, 183
-, Thomas, 200 (p. 125)

Hollandes, Wyllyam, 173

Hollton, or Alton, Thomas, 206

-, Alys, 208
-, Arthur, merchant tailor, 208
-, John, 208, 224

-, John, 56
-, Roger, clerk, 103

Holy Trinity, Aldgate, church of, 127

Hone, William, 204

Hoore, Hor(e):
-, Thomas, 162
-, Thomas, vicar of Arkesden, 33

Hope, Derbys., 32

Hopkynson, William, priest of St. Benet Fink, 57

Hoppekyn, Hoppkyn:
-, William, 8, 9

Hopper, Richard, tailor, 133

Hor(e), see Hoore

Horlelock, William and Alice, 18

Hormon, John, chaplain of St. Magnus, 55

-, Christofer, 48
-, Richard, 48
-, Robert, priest, 48

Horndon, Hornedon, Essex, 58; tenement called Dyckars in, 58, pp. 155, 157

Horne, Henry, grocer, 174

Horsepoll, John, draper, 157

Horsey, William, vicar general of the bishop of London, 27, 913, 19, 21, 27, pp. xv, 154

-, , merchant tailor, 128
-, Rose, 128

Horwode, Thomas, 190 (p. 116)

Horwood, John, 113

Hottrigh, William, 72

How, , at London Wall, 119

Howlte, Henrie, 194

Howr, see Ower

Howys, Adam, priest, 141

Hoyser, Mother, 161

Hubbard, Thomas, 134

Hubberd, Roberd, tailor, 232

Hublethorne, Mr., 178 (p. 106)

-, Elisabeth, 85
-, John, cit. and ironmonger, 85, p. xxi
-, John, priest, 86
-, John, servingman, 85
-, Marion or Maryon, 85, 86
-, Richard, 85
-, Richard, parson of Little Thurrock, 75
-, See also Hodson

Hudylston, Magarete, 220

Hughes, , collier, 160

Hughs, Gerard, cit. and goldsmith, 76

Hulke, Robert, 27

Humferis, , 182

Hungerford, Mr., 182

Hunne, Richard, 19 n, p. xv

Hunnyng, Roger of Swinstead, 171

Huntely, William, 155n

Hunter, Thomas, 211

Hurman(de), William, 132

-, Jamys, priest, 100
-, William of Orsett, p. 155

Hurte, Thomas, priest, p. 155

-, , 126
-, Alys, 126
-, Anne, 126
-, Dorathy, 126
-, Izabell, 126
-, Johan, 126
-, Robert, plumber, 126

Huste, Elynor, 164

Hutchyns, Helene, 169

Hutchynson, John, priest, 2

Hutte, William, 150

Hutton, Edward, 133

Hyde, see Hide

Hyggins, John, 145

Hyke, Hykkys, Hyckes, Hikkes:
-, Edward, rector of St. Olave Silver Street, 29
-, Jane, 169

Hylde, Nescken uppen, 121

Hyll(e), see Hill

-, Jaspar, Dutchman and shoemaker, 209
-, Joan, 209

Hyllyndon, see Hillingdon

Hylton, see Hilton

-, Austyn, clothworker, 198
-, John, 198

-, Margaret, 186
-, Peter, 186


Ickenham, Ykenam, Middx., rector of, 26

Ickleton, Iklyngton, Cambs., St. Mary Magdalene priory, p. 154

Inworth, Essex, rector of, 46, 60

-, Johane, 36
-, John of Great Weldon, 36

Isaack, Agnes, 18

Islington, Islyngton, Islendon, Islentton, Ysseldon, Middx., church of St. Mary, 99; churchyard, 99, 124, 136, 152, 195; Jesus Brotherhood in, 99

Isyng Spytle, see Elsing Spital

Ivy, Yvy, Alley, 171

Iyone, Yon:
-, William, of Billericay, 75


Jaclin, John, skinner, 145

Jacson, Jakson, Jaxson:
-, Master, of Southwark, 168
-, Arthur, 63
-, Cristofer, 53
-, Nykolas, priest, 230
-, Thomas, 217
-, Thomas, priest, 28
-, William, 16
-, Wylliam, curate of St. Lawrence Jury, 170, 241

James, Jamys:
-, Edward, priest, 90
-, John, curate of St. Thomas the Apostle, London, 208, 222
-, Margeri, 216

-, , tailor, 183
-, Elysabeth, 212

Jaxson, see Jacson

Jenensse, Jenins, see Jennynges

Jenkynson, Jenynson, Genkynson:
-, John, rector of St. John Zachary, 25, 59n
-, Nicholas, 51

Jenney, Jeny:
-, Margett of St. Michael Wood Street, 211
-, Lady Thomasine, 91

Jennynges, Jenyns, Jenins, Jennins, Jenensse:
-, John, grocer, 157
-, Katherine, 48
-, Richard, 157
-, Robert, draper, 157, p. xxi
-, Thomas, rector of St. Michael Wood Street, 122, 179, 200 (p. 125)
-, William, 157

Jenson, Richard, 153

Jeny, see Jenney

Jenynson, see Jenkynson

Jesspar, Allys, 198

Jesus Commons in Dowgate, Community of Jesus, 67

Jewett, Robert, leatherseller, 174

Jhesus Alley, 161

Jhones, see Jones

Jhonson, see Johnson

Joans, Joens, see Jones

Johanna, a slave, 110

Johns, Johannes:
-, , baker, 222
-, Edward, 54
-, Lady Elisabeth, 92

Johnson, Jhonson, Jonson:
-, Cornelyus, 206
-, Cristofer, chantry priest of Thaxted, 89
-, John, 140
-, Robartt, 188
-, Robert, priest, 45
-, Rombold, butcher, 129
-, Thomas, priest of All Hallows Bread Street, p. 155

Jokes, Master Rowland, 23

Jones, Jhones, Joans, Joens:
-, Agneys, 115
-, Alys, 131
-, Elysabethe, 210
-, Johane, 131
-, Maurice or Moryce, 210
-, Morgane, 210
-, Peter, 210
-, Richard, cit. and brewer, 114
-, Robert, 210
-, Rychard, 210
-, William, cit. and tallow chandler, 131

Jonson, see Johnson

Joyley, Thomas, 221

Joyner, Henry of Southwark, 144

Judd, Andrew, shearman, 198

Jugge, John, 40

Julius II, Pope, 5n


Kachen, Mores, 168

Kanunkle, Johne or Geneyn, 212

Kays, Richard, cit. and haberdasher, 101

Kechyman, , 64

-, John, archbishop of Canterbury, 17n
-, William of Laindon, p. 157
-, William, priest, 180

-, John, priest, 39
-, Richard, 6

Kene, William, 56

Kensington, Kensyngton, Middx., church of St. Mary, 32

Kent, Thomas, priest, 5

Kent, lands in, 102; see also Canterbury; Chevening; Deptford; Downham; Greenwich; Malling; Westerham; Wickham; Wye College

Kettill, Richard, vicar of St. Stephen Coleman Street, 120, p. 153

Ketylton, Henry, priest of St. Dunstan in the West, 6

Keyll, John, shoemaker, 225

Keyschell, Hare, 150

Kings, Kyngis, Bench prison, 196, 204, 230

Kirikell, Garret, 144

Kirk Ireton, Kyrkeyreton, Derbys., 32

Kitson, Austyn and Christian, 167

Knyght, Knyth(t):
-, John, priest, 10
-, Richard, mercer, 125
-, Robert, rector of St. Michael Wood Street, 16, 37

Knyghtley, Henry, priest, 55

Knynotte, Thomas, 58

Koxe, Hare, priest, 230
-, See also Cokes

Kranshaff, John, 205

Kyng, Wyllyam, 151

Kynges Benche prison, see King's Bench prison

Kyrkam, Dr. Thomas, curate of St. Vedast, 213

Kyrkeyreton, see Kirk Ireton

-, George, 40
-, William, priest, 40

Kyttchyn, John, wax chandler, 194


Lackford, Lakforde, Suffolk, 6

-, John, chaplain, 35
-, John, clerk, 73

Laindon, Layndon, Essex, chantry in, 75, pp. 1557; chapel of Our Lady and St. Thomas the martyr, 58; church of St. Nicholas, 58, 155, 157; copyhold land in, p. 156; priest of, 57; residents in, 58, 75, p. 156; tenement called Nocke in, 41, p. xviii

Lakforde, see Lackford

-, Ales, 234
-, John, 234
-, Thomas, 95

Lambert, , on London Bridge, 113

Lambourne, Lamborne, Essex, church of, 81; rector of, 81

-, Anne, 213
-, Joane, 213
-, John, cit. and goldsmith, 213

Lamyman, Laymyman:
-, Master Wyllem, 183, 184

-, , parson of St. Antonyne, 52
-, Thomas, Earl of, 13n

Lane, Robert, stockfishmonger, 47

-, John, 244
-, Richard, 4n

Langley, Henry and Kateryn of Rickling, p. 155

Langrage, Thomas, draper, 7

-, Elisabeth, 59
-, William, priest of St. John Zachary, 59

-, John, 9
-, Nicholas, 9

Lansum, Thomas, 55

La Riole, Ryall of London, 177

Larke, John, rector of St. Ethelburga, 85, 86

Latham, Elysabeth or Elyzabet, servant, 183, 184

-, Johane, 87
-, William, 87

Laudisdale, Mr., 182

Laurence, Lawrence:
-, Mr., parish clerk, 161
-, Richard, 38, 49
-, Tomas, skinner, 146

Laver, see High Laver; Little Laver

Lawe, Margaret, 34

Lawless, John, 150

Lawnde, William, 223

Lawrence, see Laurence

-, Gylbert, 131
-, Wyllyam, 133

Lawthebery, see Lothbury

-, Master doctor, 108
-, Elyn, 60

Laymyman, see Lamyman

Layton, see Leyton

Ledes, John, painter, 192

Lee, John, clerk of the papers of the Bread Street Counter, 204

Leicestershire, see Anstey; Barrow upon Soar; Burton Lazars; Cossington; Mountsorrel; Newton; Quorndon; Rothley; Sileby; Swithland; Temple Chapel; Thurcaston; Wanlip

Leicitere, , of Walbrook, 182

Leigtton, Leyghtton:
-, Allys, 198
-, Edward, cit. and salter, 29

-, Deryk or Dyreke van, 242
-, Ede, 242

Lenard, Thomas, cit. and haberdasher, 25

Lennalles, William, priest, 54

Letill Bursted, see Little Burstead

Levenson, John, 188

Leverington, Lyveryngton, Isle of Ely, 83, p. x

Lewen, Thomas, ironmonger, 92

Lewes, John, clerk and chantry priest, 191

-, David, 130
-, John, clerk, 235
-, Quennell, 244

Leye, Mr., 230

Leyghtton, see Leigtton

Leyskirtt, Leyskyrt:
-, Richard, rector of Widford, 45

Leyton, Layton, Essex, 220

Lichefeyld, Richard, 181

Lily Pot, Lyly Pott, 194

Lincoln, church of St. Mary, 35; high altar of, 86

Lincoln's, Lyncolnes, Inn, 203

Lincolnshire, see Boston; Crowland; Lincoln; Saxby; Scrooby; Swinstead

Little Burstead, Letill Bursted, Essex, chapel of St. Margaret, 58

Little Laver, Lawer, Essex, 94; Schypcotbrigg in, 94

Little Oakley, Lytyl Okley, Essex, church of, 18; land called Sonde in, 18

Little Thurrock, Litill Thurroke, Thorroke, Essex, parson of, 54, 58, 75

Little Wigborough, Litill Wigbarowe, Essex, rector of, 60

Littleton, Littlyngton, Middx., church of, 31

Lityll Lawer, see Little Laver

Lloyd, John, 127

Lobbis, Harry, 209

Locke, John, mercer, 113

Lombarde, Rychard, 189

Lombardus, Petrus, 23n

Lond, John, chaplain of Barking, 71

London, Master William, vicar of Stortford, 1, p. 151

London, archdeaconry of, pp. xi, xiv; chamber of, 126; commissary court, pp. xi, xii, xiv; consistory court, pp. ix, xi, xii, xiii, xiv, xvi; diocese of, p. xvi

London Bridge, Brige, 113

London County Record Office, pp. xii, xiv; see also Greater London Record Office

London Wall(e), 119; anchorite in, 38

Lone, see Lune

-, John, canon, 60
-, John, vicar of Barking, 49n, 71, 91
-, Wylliam of Angell Alley, 194

-, Beatrice, 49
-, Richard, priest of Barking, 49

Loreng, Recred, 97

Lorymer, Symon, scrivener, 7

Lothbury, Lawthebery, 168

Loveles, Mr., 182

-, Beatrice, 34
-, John, 34
-, Thomas, 34
-, Thomas, vicar of Braintree, 34, p. xvi

Loxdon, Andrew, 177

Lucas, Henry, priest, 53, pp. xvii, xxii, 152

Ludgate prison, 101, 196, 204, 230; Lumbertes ward in, 101

Ludlow, Thomas, 219

Lune, Lone:
-, Jeram or Jerome, 156

Lydgall, Richard, 196

Lyly Pott, see Lily Pot

Lyncolnes In, see Lincoln's Inn

Lynd, Richard, chaplain of Gray's Inn, 196

-, Margery, 22
-, Margery, widow, 66

Lynsey, John, 128

Lyra, Nicholaus de, 47n

-, Mother, 134
-, John, 196

Lytyll Halhallois in Temes Strett, see All Hallows the Less

Lytyl Okley, see Little Oakley

Lyveryngton, see Leverington


Mackes, see Markes

Madock, Maddock, Madok:
-, Mighell, 155
-, Phylys, 155
-, Rychard, 116
-, Rychard, 155

Madysone, John, 185

Magges, Thomas, curate of Great Stambridge, 78

Maine, see Mayne

-, Herry, 54
-, Walter, rector of St. Benet Paul's Wharf, 232

-, Richard, 200 (p. 125)
-, Thomas, 200 (p. 125)

Malbroke, William of Hornden, 58

Male, Robert, priest, 51

Malling, Kent, abbess of, 123n

-, Nicoles, 202
-, Wylliam, 240

Mancell, Thomas, currier, 72

Mandavelle, Annys, 198

Maners, Charles, priest, p. 155

-, Robert (1519), 85, 86
-, Robert (1542), 155

Mapes, Margaret, widow, 191

Marion, Mother, Moder, 38

Markes, Mackes:
-, of Northampton, 160
-, Robert, rector of St. Michael Bassishaw 210n

Markose, Stevyn, brewer, 117

Marsche, Jhon, 160

-, Christofer, clerk, 32, p. xvii
-, Ursula, 32
-, William, 215n

Marshalsea, Marshallsy, Marshalsye, prison, 196, 204, 230

Martyn, Marten:
-, Alys, 96
-, Elyn, 132
-, George, 171
-, Harry, 132
-, Jane, 132
-, John, 158
-, John, 212
-, Mawde, 132
-, Robertt, 195
-, Rycherd, 96
-, Thomas, 132
-, Thomas, cit. and butcher, 132
-, William, 132
-, William, 195

Mary, John, curate, king's servant, 153, 178 (p. 102)

Mase, Henryk, 242

-, John, 56
-, Robertt, curate of St. Botolph Aldgate, 238
-, Wyllyam, tailor, 133

Massy, John, 168n

Massyngere, see Messenger

-, John, cit. and baker, 16, 37
-, John of Northampton, 17
-, Richard, vicar of Elmstead, p. 155
-, William, 53, p. 152
-, William, 128

Mawdesley, William, rector of Lambourne, 81

Mayck, Jeremiah van, 121

Maydeston, Clement, 3n

Maye, Fyllys, 194

Mayland, Maylond, Essex, church of, 20

Mayne, Maine:
-, Margerie, 194
-, Richard, 194

Maynnarde, beer brewer, 119

-, Master John, French secretary to the King, 32
-, Philip, 32n

Meddellton, , of Southwark, 168

Meesse, William, chaplain, 79

Melford, Suffolk, 191

Mere, see Merry

Meriot, Meryot, Richard, clothworker, 191

Merry, Mere:
-, Allys or Alys, 190 (p. 114)
-, Bertilmewe or Bartellmu, of Standlake, woolpacker, 190, pp. xix, xxi
-, George, 190 (p. 114)
-, Marget, 190 (p. 114)

Meryealle, Mr., 182

Meryt, Rychard, clothworker, 235

Messenger, Messynger, Massyngere:
-, Edward, 172, p. xiv
-, Wylyam or William, cit., 158

Metcalf, Mettcalfe:
-, George, 194
-, Gregory, priest, 69
-, Saverey, 194

Mewlland, 164

Mewtys, Peter, knight, 220

Middelton, Robert, 13

Middlesex, p. xvi; archdeaconry of, p. xii; see also Ashford; Brentford; Ealing; Enfield; Hackney; Hampton; Hanworth; Harefield; Hendon; Heston; Hillingdon; Holborn; Ickenham; Islington; Kensington; Littleton; Ruislip; Shoreditch; Staines

Middlesex Record Office, p. xii n

Mighell, Goodwife, 133

Milard, see Mylard

Mildnall, Wylliam, 234

Miller, alias Schirwyn, Robert, priest, p. 154 See also Myller

Millis, William, 77

Minories, Mynoris, 182

Mocley, Mokley, Mokelay:
-, Mr., 233
-, Joane, 53
-, John, grocer, 53, p. 152

Mody, John, chantry chaplain of St. Ethelburga, 91

-, Clowe, 9
-, Henri of Orsett, 8, 9
-, Marget, 8
-, William, 8, 9

Mokelay, Mokley, see Mocley

Molox, Lady, 86

Momeforth, Jamys, 69

Mont Rocher, Guido de, 84n

Montsorell, see Mountsorrel

Monyash(e), Derbys., 32

Mooke, William, parson of Welborn, 204

Morcor, Robert, curate, 244

Mordon, Cecely, 43

-, Elene, 79
-, John, 207
-, Sir Thomas, 97n

Morrys, Morys, Mores, Morris:
-, Annes, 52
-, Francis, 108
-, Johane, 134
-, John, 155
-, John, rector of Woodham Walter, 50
-, Rychard, 134

Morton, Master Robert, gentleman, 92

Mortymer, Rycharde, tallow chandler of Baldock, 174

Mounslow, Fulk, 155

Mounstevynge, John, notary public, 191

Mountsorrel, Montsorell, Leic., 32

-, Ellyssabeth, 102
-, Wyllyam, 102

Mowton, Edward, rector of Panfield, 4

Moyr, William, 45

Much Stambridge, see Great Stambridge

Muche Bursted, see Great Burstead

Mundon, Muttendon, Essex, fraternity of the Holy Trinity, 58

Murfyn, Mr., 153

Mute,, tailor, 182

Muttendon, see Munden

Myche Bursted, see Great Burstead

-, Foulke, 143
-, William, chaplain, 36

Mykelfeld, Robert, porter of the Steelyard, 207

Mylard, Milard:
-, Master, 122
-, Jone alias Brytten, 122

Mylborne, William, 93

Myll(e), Richard or Rychard, curate of St. Botolph Aldersgate, 147, 163

-, Goodwife, 162
-, Anne, 214
-, See also Miller

Mylles, Ritchard, 215

Mylward, Mr., 210

Myners, Jone, 239

Mynoris, see Minories

Myre, John, priest, 6


Naneothyn, Elisabeth, 7

Nashe, Nassh(e):
-, , 119
-, John, 4
-, Robarte, 222

Nele, Thomas, 149

-, Alys, 40
-, Margarete, 40
-, Richard, 40
-, Thomas, rector of Great Warley, 40, pp. xvii, xviii
-, William, priest, 40

Neskyn, 144

-, Elizabeth, 191
-, Johane, 191
-, John, 191
-, Thomas, merchant tailor, 191

Nevendon, Newynden, Nevyndon, Essex, churchyard, 65; parson of, 65; resident of, 58; tenement called Grymesbeys in, 75, pp. 155, 157

Nevet, Richard, shearman, 101

Nevinson, John, 183n

Nevyndon, see Nevendon

Newcastle on Tyne, Tine, 47; church of St. Nicholas in, 47, p. xvii

Newell, John, 94

Newgate, Neuegate, prison, 196, 204, 230

Newman, Neuman:
-, Gabryell, 169
-, Margerye, 169
-, Nycholas, 164
-, Thomas, priest, 6
-, William, 1, p. 151

Newport, Essex, vicar of, 134

-, Mary, 161
-, Mawde, 34

Newton, Leic., 32

Newynden, see Nevendon

Neyle, Neyll:
-, John, 19
-, Margaret, 19
-, Robert, 19
-, Thomas, priest, 27

Nichalson, Nycollson, Nycolson:
-, Roberd, 139, 140
-, Symon, 158
-, Thomas, 171

Nicholl(s), Nycoll(es):
-, Isbell, 135n
-, John, 9, 135n
-, Wyllyam, collier, 160

Norfolk, see Gunthorpe

Norreye, 162

Norryc, Thomas, 186

North Ockendon, Wokendon, Essex, 54, 58

Northallerton, Northalverton, Yorks., church of All Saints, 12, p. xvii; fraternities in, 12

Northampton, Northamreton, 17

Northamptonshire, 160; see also Great Weldon; Northampton

Northamreton, see Northampton

Northumbria, 47

Northwich, Cheshire, church of, 56

Norton, Margarett, 38

Norwood, Keterine, 47

Notte, Agnes, 74

-, Robert, butler of Gray's Inn, 196
-, William, 129

Nycoll, see Nicholl

Nycolles, see Nicholl(s)

Nycollson, see Nichalson

Nyxon, Nyckeson, Nycson:
-, John, innholder, 117
-, John, priest, 144
-, Johon, plumber, 187


Odam, Mother, 182

Ody, Bartilmewe, vicar of St. Paul's, 66

Oghtryche, Willyam, 44

Okes, Agneys, widow, 115

Old Jewry, Jury, 168

Oleppe, see Wanlip

Olever, Alys, 173

Orsett, Orsed, Orshed, Essex, Balles Lane in, 9; church of St. Giles, Gilles, 8, 9, p. 157; Grayes pond in, 9; great bell of, 9; parish priest of, 8, 9; parishioners of, 8, 9, p. 155; tenement called Fancroft in, 58, p. 155

Osborn, Thomas, 10

Otwell, Thome, haberdasher, 159

Our Ladye Abchurche, see St. Mary Abchurch

Oure Ladye off Wullchyrche, see St. Mary Woolchurch

Overton, John, priest at St. Thomas of Acon, p. 154

Owen, Thomas, 155

Ower or Howr:
-, Johne, 24
-, Joone, 24
-, Thomas, vicar of Wethersfield, 24, pp. xv, xvii

Oxford(e) University, 12, 77, p. xvii; colleges, Balliol, 77; King's, 160; Lincoln, 77; Magdalen, 190; Merton, 17; University, 77

Oxfordshire, see Bloxham; Oxford; Standlake; Thame


-, Master, 44
-, John of Newcastle, 47
-, Robert, clerk, 47, p. xvii
-, See also Pecok

-, Geoffray, rector of St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street, 161
-, Johan or Jone, 161
-, Kateryn, 161

-, Margarete, 58
-, Mathewe, 58
-, Robert of Laindon, 58, p. 157

Palma, Elianor de la, 110

-, John, 186
-, Symonde, goldsmith, 198
-, Thomas, 16
-, Thomas, butcher of Stortford, 1, pp. xiii, 151
-, Thomas, curate, 95

Panfield, Panfeld, Essex, 4

Pappey, brotherhood or fraternity of St. John the Evangelist, 10, 23, 36, 38, 39, 171

Parfatt, Wyllyam, 183

Parish Clerks, brotherhood of, 22, 23, 77

Parke, John, rector of Little Wigborough, 60

-, Ales, 214
-, Mathew, doctor of divinity, dean of Stoke by Clare, 123
-, Robartt, 214
-, Thomas, 68, 86

Parman, John, 123

Parson, Andrewe of Great Burstead, 58

Parsons, William, butcher, 132

Parysche, Robert, 35

Passage, Lewys, 2

Paswyke, see Pattiswick

Patryck, Patryk:
-, Elizabeth or Elyzebeth, 188, 192 (p. 117)
-, John, porter of the King's Wardrobe, 188, 192

Pattiswick, Paswyke, Essex, church of, 14, p. xvii

Pawlyn, Thomas, 63

Pawlytt, Henri, 141

-, Christofer, 181
-, Thomas, 45

Paynter, William, curate of Islington, 195

Peahen, Peyhen, the, 86

-, John, cit. and haberdasher, 148
-, John, priest, 95
-, Thomas, 155
-, See also Pacok

Peers, Robert, curate, 99, 137

Peerson, see Pierson

Pegden, John, clothworker, 234

Pekys, Thomas, 48

Peldon, Richard of, priest, 60

Peldon, Essex, 60

-, Fraunces, 227
-, Jeromyne, 227

Pelton, Edmund, 44

Pendon, William, 230

Pendryth, Rychard, of St. Bartholomew the Less, 160, p. xiv

Pentres, William, priest, 172

Penyngton, Gilbert, cit. and upholder, 174

-, Johanne, 95
-, William, 95

Percevall, William, of the Peyhen, 86

Perching, Sussex, 216

Percivall, John, knight, 76

Pere, John, 241

Perry, Wylliam, brewer, 215

Person, see Pierson

-, William, 202
-, William, linen draper, 114

Peterson, Peter, 140

Peyhen, the, see Peahen, the

Peyhgam, Wylliam, 137

Peyrson, see Pierson

Phanechurch in Phane Strette, see St. Gabriel, Fenchurch

Phejamys, see FitzJames

Philippe, William, 87

Philippis, Master Rowlande, rector of St. Margaret Pattens, 23

Picarde, 4

Pierson, Peerson, Person, Peyrson:
-, John, priest, 69
-, Richerd, 194
-, Stephen, 194
-, Thomas, 111
-, Thomas, 128
-, William, clerk, 236

Pitsea, Pittsay, Pytsea, Essex, church of, 75, p. 157; parishioners of, 58, p. 157; rector of, 58, 75

Plasshey, see Pleshey

Playne, Davy, 155

Pleshey, Plasshey, Essex, college of, 42

Pleyvys, John, 103

Plomeley, Alexaunder, 77

Plommer, Jhon, chantry priest of St. Mary at Hill, p. 154

Poell, Thomas, curate of St. Martin Ludgate, 187

Pokynhorn, Wylliam, cit. and cook, 243

Pollet, Thomas, white friar of Cambridge, 24

Polstead, Polsted, Essex, 191

Pontifex, William, priest of East Ham, 63

Poope, John, 3

-, Master, 230
-, Widow, 135

Porter, Wyllyam, 160

Pott, Henry, 193

Powle, Elizabeth, 106

Pownt, Jasper, clerk of the Counter in Bread Street, 204

Poynings, Pownynges, Sussex, 216

Prat, Pratt:
-, Agnes, 1, p. 151
-, Garanne de, 227
-, John, 97
-, Jone, 138
-, Roger de, 227
-, William, 1, p. 151

-, Agnes, 12
-, Elisabeth, 12
-, Richard, 12

Prestlay, Robert of Yorkshire, 94

Preston, Presten:
-, Katerynge, 180
-, Richard, curate of Harefield, 26
-, William, merchant of London, 33

Prittlewell, Essex, prior and convent of, 40n

Provest, Hugh, yeoman of Deptford, 115

Prowd, Hary, 177

Prowtyng, William, 131

Prynce, Prynse:
-, Anne, 235
-, John, cit. and carpenter, 235
-, Margaret, 235
-, Robert, 235

Public Record Office, p. xii

Pullyver, John, 109

Pultene, John, 108

Purcil, Pursell:
-, Alis, 205
-, Artur, 205

Pygotte, Margarete, 91

Pykemer, Richard, 56

Pykeryng, Richerd, 202

Pynchard, Goodwife, 77

-, James, priest of Hillingdon, 13
-, Ralph, 13
-, Richard, 13

-, Master John, chantry priest, 76
-, John, clerk, 42

Pyper, William, tallow chandler, 131

Pytman, Renold, 230

Pytsea, see Pitsea


Quarles, John, 172

Quendon, Essex, church of, 11

Quorndon, Querndon, Leic., 32


Radley, William, 9

Radmelle, Lewce, 228

Rainbow, Raynbow, the, 182

Ramme, William, 61

-, John, clothworker, 174
-, William, 223

Ramsey, Essex, 18

Rand, William, 9

Randall, porter, 165

Ranold, John, 54

Rathebone, Master of the Exchequer, 133

Rawlyn, John of Laindon, p. 157

Rawlyns, Richard, doctor of divinity, rector of St. Mary Woolnoth, 76

Raynbow, the, see Rainbow

Raynnard, Phyllep, 119

Reddes, Alys, 9

Rede, Reede, Redde:
-, Agnes, widow of Colchester, 93, p. xv
-, Elizabethe, 179
-, Joan, widow, (A Red(e), Akred), 175
-, John, 93
-, John, saddler, 145
-, Jone, 93
-, Robert, priest, 69

Reder, John, priest of St. Mary Aldermary, 82

Redgrawe, Walter, priest, 13

-, Alice, 137n
-, Elizabeth, 137
-, Robert, cit. and stationer, 137, p. xiv

Redynglyngton, John, sacrist, 61

Redyth, Thomas, 74

Reed, Est Reed, Herts., p. 155

Reede, see Rede

Reigate, Rygate, Surrey, 182

-, Alyce, 183
-, Jamys, 183

Repyngdon, Philip, bishop of Lincoln, 7n

Rettendon, Retyngdon, Hall, Essex, p. 157

Reve, William, 4

Revenar, Hugh, 31

Revys, Richard, 105

Ria, see Rye

-, Ame, widow, 194, p. xix
-, Johane, 194

Rich, John, 13

Richmond, Rychmonde, Surrey, 56

Rick, Hugh, notary public, 110

Rickling, Ryklyng, Essex, parishioner of, 11, p. 155

Rickmansworth, Ryckmansworth, Herts., 214

Robbins, Master, 228

Robertes, John, 82

-, Ales, 237
-, Dorothe, 237
-, Elyzabeth, 237
-, James, 237
-, Jhon, cit. and draper, 237
-, Kateryne, 237
-, Wyllyam, 237

Robson, Jhon, merchant tailor, 228

Robyns, Jone, 144

-, Elsabethe, 146
-, Jhon, 214
-, John, 141, 146
-, Robert, chantry priest of St. Michael Wood Street, 37
-, Umfrey, priest, 107
-, William, cit. and clothworker, 146
-, William, priest, 10
-, Wyllyam, 179

Roch(e)ford, Thomas, grocer, 30

Roderyke, Rodoriques:
-, Alfonso or Alphonsus, friar, 110

Rodman, George Hook, record keeper of the Principal Probate Registry, pp. x-xvi

Rodyall, Katerine, 124

-, Mr., purveyor for the king's ships, 182
-, Alyce, 195
-, John, 195
-, Kateryn, 195
-, Robertt of Islington, 195
-, William, 195

Rogers, Rogeres:
-, Goodwife, 194
-, Mistress, 108
-, Wylliam, 136

Roiston, Johane, 46

Rolson, Robert, 24

Rome, church of Scala Coeli in, 5n; fraternity of St. Thomas in, 58

Ronacre, Richard, 25

-, John, 2
-, Robart, apprentice draper, 237

Roper, Rooper:
-, Anne, 97
-, Crystoffyr, 97
-, Edwarde, 97
-, Elsobyt, 97
-, Margaret, 97n
-, William, 97

Rose, Richard, priest, 86

-, Alles, 228
-, Jhon, saddler, 180

Roston, Richard, commissary of the bishop of London, 1, p. 151

Rotheley, see Rothley

Rothewell, 11

Rothley, Leic., 32; Temple Chapel near, 32

Rowkesby, Master, 144

-, John of Islington, 136
-, Katrine, 136

Rowlyn, Thomas, priest of Ugley, 11

-, Elsabet, 161
-, Margery, widow, 161

Rudston, 204

Ruislip, Ryschlyp, Middx., church and rector of, 26

Rumpayne, John, clerk, 25

Rusburgh, John, 130

Rutland, John, the elder, 21

Rutter, Ruttor, Ruttur:
-, Florence, 31
-, John, scrivener, 155, 191
-, Thomas, 139, 140

Ryall of London, see La Riole

Ryce, Rowland, priest, 123

Rychardes, Hary, draper, 168

-, Goodman and Goodwife, 118
-, Wyllm, 210

-, Edwarde, innholder, 193
-, Phylyppes, 193

Rycheston, Unfre, 200

Rychmonde, see Richmond

Ryckmansworth, see Rickmansworth

Ryddysdale, Scharles, 185

Rydysshe, Isabell, widow, 101

Rye, Ria, Sussex, church of, 17

Rygate, see Reigate

Ryghton, Petyr, priest, 11

Ryklyng, see Rickling

Rynggolde, William, curate, 22

-, Agnes, widow, 162
-, Johan, 162

Ryngstyd, Robert, clerk of Ruislip, 26

Ryppyngton, Phelip, 217

Ryschlyp, see Ruislip


Sadler, Thomas, 87

Saffron Walden, see Walden

Saffy, see Savoy

St. Albans, archdeaconry of, xii n

St. Alban(es) Wood(e) Street, churchyard, 194, 197; curate of, 194; high altar, 202; parishioners of, 194, 197, p. 154

St. Alborowus Bisshopusgate, see St. Ethelburga Bishopsgate

St. Alphage London Wall, St. Alphege within Crepulgate, 10, 28n

St. Andrew by the Wardrobe, 188, 192 (p. 117), 225

St. Andrew Holborn, 2,149,196; chapel of St. John, 2, 149; St. Christopher altar, 149; St. Syth altar, 149

St. Andrew Hubbard, 150, 206

St. Andrew Undershaft, 116

St. Andrewes by Baynardes Castell, see St. Andrew by the Wardrobe

St. Androis in Holburn, see St. Andrew Holborn

St. Androu in Estchepe, see St. Andrew Hubbard

St. Andrw nexto Castell Baynarde, see St. Andrew by the Wardrobe

St. Anne and Agnes within Aldrychegate, see St. Anne within Aldersgate

St. Anne within Aldersgate, 82, 209; churchyard, 209

St. Antholin, Budge Row, churchyard and parson of, 52

St. Anthony, hospital of, near St. Benet Fink, 57n

St. Antonyne, see St. Antholin

St. Augustine London Wall, 10n

St. Barnabe of Maylond, see Mayland

St. Bartholomew by the Exchange, 138, 164, 172; churchyard, 138, 143

St. Bartholomew, Smithfield, prior and canons, 81n

St. Bartholomew the Less, Smithfield, 160

St. Bartholomew's, St. Bartholomewyse, Hospital, 201

St. Barthylmews the Lyttell, see St. Bartholomew by the Exchange

St. Benet Fink, 57

St. Benet Gracechurch, 217

St. Benet Paul's Wharf, churchyard, 205, 232

St. Benett, parish of, 110

St. Bertholomey the little next Smythfild, see St. Bartholomew the Less, Smithfield

St. Bonaventura, 22n

St. Botolph, Butulph, 229

St. Botolph Aldgate, 139, 144, 165, 238

St. Botolph Bishopsgate, 238

St. Botolph without Aldersgate, 132, 147, 163

St. Bottollphys wyth owgt Allgate, St. Botulphe without Algate, see St. Botolph Aldgate

St. Bride, St. Bredes, St. Bridis, St. Bryde, Fleet Street, chapel of St. John, 97; choir, chere, 97; churchyard, 154; high altar, 23, 154; Jesus altar, 97; parishioners of, 97, 101, 154, 171; priest (clerke) of, p. 154

St. Buttolles Bysshoppsgaite, see St. Botolph Bishopsgate

St. Buttolls att Algate, see St. Botolph Aldgate

St. Butulph, see St. Botolph

St. Christopher le Stocks, church, 63; churchyard, 146; fraternity of, 12; high altar, 223

St. Clement Eastcheap, churchyard, 79, 151, 235; high altar, 79; sexton of, 191

St. Clement's Lane, 5

St. Dionis, St. Denys Backchurch, 243; rector of, 193n

St. Dunstan in the East, chantry priest of, 207

St. Dunstan in the West, altar of St. Catharine, 6; churchyard, 6, 56, 133; high altar, 56, 133, 137

St. Edmund, Lombard Street, churchyard, 107, 239

St. Elene, Busshopsgate, see St. Helen Bishopsgate

St. Ethelburga Bishopsgate, St. Alborowus, 38, 85; steeple, 85

St. Fayster, see St. Vedast Foster Lane

St. Gabriel Fenchurch, Phanechurch, churchyard, 240

St. George Botolph Lane, 3, 69

St. George Hanworth, see Hanworth

St. Gregory by Paul's, 171; altar of St. Michael, 122

St. Helen Bishopsgate, 198; chapel of St. Catherine and St. Margaret, 85, 86

St. James, Jamys, Garlickhithe, curate of, 219

St. John the Baptist, Holywell, chapel of Blessed Mary, 51; high altar, 51; rector of, 156

St. John the Baptist, Walbrook, 48; cemetery or churchyard, 42, 203; high altar, 67; parishioner of, 218

St. John Zachary, 25, 59; altar of Our Lady, 213; high altar, 213

St. Kateryne Cristechurche, see St. Katherine Cree

St. Katherine by the Tower, peculiar of, p. xii n

St. Katherine Coleman, parishioner of, 169

St. Katherine Cree, churchyard, 90; fraternities of Our Lady and of St. George, 90

St. Katheryne Colman, see St. Katherine Coleman

St. Lawrence, Essex, 41

St. Lawrence Jewry, St. Laurens in the Old Jury, 10, 170; brotherhoods in, 22; porch, 22, 241

St. Lawrence Pountney, 277; cloister of, 86

St. Leonard Foster Lane, 135

St. Leonard Shorditch, 176

St. Leonarde at Stratforth of the Bowe, see Stratford, Essex

St. Magnus the Martyr, 55

St. Margaret Lothbury, 117; parishioner, 53

St. Margaret Pattens, priest of, 23

St. Margittes in Loithberye, see St. Margaret Lothbury

St. Marie Colchertche, see St. Mary Colechurch

St. Marie Staynynges, see St. Mary Staining

St. Martens at Ludgatt, see St. Martin Ludgate

St. Martens in the Ventrie, see St. Martin Vintry

St. Martin in the Fields, St. Martens nygh Charyng Crosse, 32

St. Martin le Grand, 28

St. Martin Ludgate, 204; curate, 187; parishioners of, 148, 221

St. Martin Orgar, 109, 134n

St. Martin Vintry, chancel, 219; cloister, 96, 175; high altar, 175

St. Martyn in Bowierrowe, see St. Martin Ludgate

St. Martyn in le Vyntre, see St. Martin Vintry

St. Martyn in the Orgor, see St. Martin Orgar

St. Mary Abchurch, cemetery or churchyard, 36, 234; cloister, 168; high altar, 234; priest of, 64; Winchcomb chapel, 36

St. Mary Aldermanbury, churchyard, 101, 202

St. Mary Aldermary, 82; chantry in, 82

St. Mary at Hill, chantry priest of, p. 154; curate of, 193; great bell, 236; parishioners of, 193, 236; rector of, 88n

St. Mary Axe, p. 155

St. Mary, Colchester, see Colchester

St. Mary Colechurch, 215; brotherhood of St. Catherine, 215

St. Mary, Islington, see Islington, church of St. Mary

St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street, churchyard, 161; priest of, p. 154; rector of, 161

St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street, churchyard, 119

St. Mary Magdalene late Black Friars church, 171

St. Mary Magdalene, Littlyngton, see Littleton

St. Mary Magdalene next Guildhall, 39

St. Mary Magdalene priory, Iklyngton, see Ickleton

St. Mary Magdalyn, Est Ham, see East Ham

St. Mary Mawdleyn in Mylkestrete, see St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street

St. Mary Mawdlyn yn Old Fysh Strete, see St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street

St. Mary Somerset by Broken Wharf, 166

St. Mary Staining, churchyard, 114

St. Mary Woolchurch, chaplain, 12; churchyard, 103; fraternities of Blessed Mary and St. Anne, 12; high altar, 12; priest of, 43

St. Mary Woolnoth, chantry priests of, 76, p. 155; image of St. John Evangelist in, 76

St. Mathewe in London, see St. Matthew Friday Street

St. Matthew, Mathew, Friday Street, chancel, 77; churchyard, 111

St. Michael Bassishaw, 39; high altar, 39; parishioner of, 210; porch, 38; rector, 210

St. Michael Cornhill, 237; churchyard, 142, 214; parishioners of, 142, 214

St. Michael Crooked Lane, 5, 38

St. Michael Queenhithe, churchyard, 186

St. Michael Wood Street, chancel door, 37; high altar, 16, 179; parishioners of, 122, 200, 211; parson, 37

St. Michell in Crokyd Lane, see St. Michael Crooked Lane

St. Mighelles in Bassingeshawe, see St. Michael Bassishaw

St. Mighelles in Crokid Lane, see St. Michael Crooked Lane

St. Mihellis Wodstrete, see St. Michael Wood Street

St. Mildred Bread Street, chantry priest, 180; curate, 67; rector, 67

St. Myghelles in Cornhill, see St. Michael Cornhill

St. Myghelles Qwenhyth, see St. Michael Queenhithe

St. Myhelles in Woodstrett, see St. Michael Wood Street

St. Myldret in Bredstrett, see St. Mildred Bread Street

St. Nicholas, Laindon, see Laindon

St. Nicholas Cole Abbey, 27, 159

St. Nicholas Olave, chancel, 180; rector, 92

St. Nicholas Shambles, curate, 153, 178; parishioners of, 153, 178; priest, p. 155

St. Nycolas Olyve, see St. Nicholas Olave

St. Olav(e), churchyard, 73

St. Olave Hart(e) Street, parishioner of, 238; parson, p. 154

St. Olave Old Jewry, cemetery, 53; poor householders in, 230

St. Olave Silver Street, high altar, 29

St. Olave Southwark, 242

St. Olove in the Holde Jury, see St. Olave Old Jewry

St. Oseys, see St. Osyth

St. Oswald of Scrubby, see Scrooby, Lincs.

St. Osyth, Oseys, Essex, p. 154

St. Paul's Cathedral, bequests to, 13, 17, 29, 31, 34, 39, 55, 75, 80, 170, 192, 241; bequests to reparations or works of, 18, 58, 65, 92, 93, 94, 219, p. 157; consistory in, 22, p. xv; crypt, 42, p. xv; Dean and chapter, p. xiin; Jesus chapel in, 38, 145; library, p. xii n; long chapel in, 22, p. xv; Rood chapel in, 74; wills proved in, 15, 17, 21, 23, 43, 44, 144

St. Paul's Churchyard or cemetery, 67, 145; Pardon churchyard, 10, 10n; Pollys chyrcheiard, 179; Poulys churcheyarde, 181; Polles churchyearde, 187, 221

St. Peter, Petres, Cornhill, Cornehulls, altar of St. Mary and St. George, 35; churchyard, 128, 183; curate, 128, 183, 184; library, lyberary, 183, 184; parishioners of, 128, 183, 184; priest of, 43, p. 154

St. Peter le Poor, churchyard, 130

St. Peter Paul's Wharf, 161

St. Peter, Petres, Westcheap, St. Petres in Chepe, 171, 181

St. Pulkers, see St. Sepulchre without Newgate

St. Romwalde, Colchester, see Colchester

St. Sepulchre without Newgate, St. Sepourcors, 88, 104, 105, 112, 131, 158, 173 174, 212

St. Sithe, church of, 215

St. Stephen, Steven, Coleman Street, churchyard, 100, 120

St. Stephen, Stevens, Walbrook, 215

St. Steven yn Colman Stret, see St. Stephen Coleman Street

St. Stevens in Walbrouke, see St. Stephen Walbrook

St. Swithin, Swythenn, London Stone, Candylwykstrete, 7, 129

St. Sythes in Buxlersberie, see St. Sithe

St. Theobald, St. Tebote, 54

St. Thomas Lancaster, 13

St. Thomas of Acon, hospital of, 47; cloister, 66; gate, 66; master of, 66; priest of, p. 154

St. Thomas the Apostle, thappostoles, Knightrider Street, 67, 177, 208, 222

St. Tolos, Southewerke, see St. Olave Southwark

St. Toylles in Marke Lane, see St. Olave Hart Street

St. Vedast Foster Lane, called St. Fayster, 126

Sale, Robert, 23

Salisberi, Richard, 141

-, Mistress, 164
-, John, priest, 119

-, Cycely, 163
-, Thomas, cit. and partler, 163

-, Diego, Spaniard, 110, p. xxi
-, John, 110

Sandal(l), Yorks., 2

Sandell, William of Barnston, p. 157

Sander, Saunder, Sawnder:
-, Aunt, 134
-, , labourer, 155
-, Elles, sergeant of the Counter, 168
-, John, priest of Guisnes, 185

Sannys, John, cit. and leatherseller, 217, p. xiv

Saron, Caron:
-, John, rector of St. Nicholas Olave, 92, p. xxii
-, Richard, 92
-, William, 92

Saunder, see Sander

Sausten, Anne, 106

Savage, Savyge:
-, Edward, priest, 20
-, Elsabeth, 201

Savell, Katerne, 11

Savoy, Saffy, 97

Sawnder, see Sander

Sawtry, Robert, 183, 184

Saxby(e), Lincs., church of, 208

Saylys, Robert, 22

Scala Coeli, Cely, 5, 57, 58, 65, 75, 92

Scampion, John, 191

Scause, see Scouse

Scharpe, Rapheell, 100

Schene, see Sheen

Schirwyn, alias Miller, Robert, priest, p. 154

Schytilworth, Richarde, 23

Scoos, Rychard, priest, 244

Scopam, Scopham, Master Thomas, mercer, 183, 184

Scory, Edward, clerk, 236

Scouse, Scause, John, 75

Scrooby, Scrubby, Lincs., church of St. Oswald, 39

Scrope, Lady Anne, 91

Scrubby, see Scrooby

Selbye, Selbe:
-, William, merchant tailor, 188
-, Wylliam, 192

Sele, Agnes, 38

Seller, John, 81

Sellerer, Herry of Lamborne, 81

Selyman, Geffrey, priest, 20

-, Margarett, 239
-, Symond, 239

Semer, Seymour:
-, Lady Mary, 176
-, Sir Thomas, 176

Senior, Albon, 208

Serll, Thomas, 100

Serlys, Richerd, 204

Servis, William, 9

Seth, John, 97

Sewell, Thomas, commissary of the bishop of London, 16, 17

Sewyer, Sewer, Sevyer, Seuer:
-, Richard, vicar of Standon, 87
-, Thomas of Ware, 87

Sex, Rychard, 186

Shakelady, Mr., 244

Shakespere, Roger of Standlake, 190

Shalford, Essex, church of, 24; copy and freehold lands in, 24, p. xvii; tenement called Hodgekyng in, 24

Shammon, Richarde, 135

Sharp, Goodwife, 132

Sharpeles, Sharpullys:
-, Richard, priest, 20, 60

Sheen, Schene, Surrey, Charterhouse of, 5

-, Anne, 216
-, Isabell, 216
-, John of Perching, 216, p. xiv
-, Marget, 216
-, Richard, 216
-, Thomas, 216
-, Water, 216
-, William, 216

Shelton, Jeronium, 198 (p. 124)

Shenfield, Shenefelde, Shenfelde, Essex, church of, 21

Shephard, John, pp. ix, x

Sherare, Tomas, 99

Sherburn, Sherborne, Sheyrborn, Yorks., 77, p. xvii

Sherewood, Mistress, 162

Sherle, Thomas, currier, 101

Sheyrborn in Elmett, see Sherburn

Shoreditch, Middx., 176

Shoter, William, priest of Standon, 87

Shrewsbury, Shrosbery, 244

Sileby, Sylebe, Leic., 32

Simondes, Simound, see Symondes

Simpson, Symson:
-, Esabell, 54
-, Robert, 67
-, Master Robert, 46
-, Thomas, vicar of Arkesden, 70

Skarzoke, John, 40

Skelke, William of Yorkshire, 132

Skelton, Jon, 104

-, Foulke, 147
-, Rychard, 147
-, Symon, 69
-, Thomas, 147

Skynnar, Skynner:
-, Aunt, 87
-, John, 9
-, Robert, 55
-, Thomas, 107

-, Garratt, 119
-, Peter, 119

Slyng, William, 20

Smallwode, Wyllyam, 178 (p. 106)

Smerte, Elsabeth, 161

Smeth, Wylliam, 168

Smith, Smyth(e):
-, Agnes, 164
-, Chrystover, 160
-, Davyd, 116
-, Elyn, 111
-, Henry, 137
-, Henry, priest, 232
-, Joan, 15
-, Joane, 117
-, John, clerk of St. Bride, Fleet Street, p. 154
-, John, labourer, 182
-, John, parish clerk of Stortford, 1, p. 151
-, John, record keeper of the Principal Probate Registry, p. xin
-, Margarett, 218
-, Richard, 34, 59
-, Robert, 46
-, Roger, 85
-, Roger, chaplain of Staines, 74
-, Thomas, 24, 182
-, Thomas, cit. and clothworker, 117
-, William, 12, 195
-, William, barber, 107
-, William, cit. and goldsmith, 111, p. xiv
-, William, priest, 194, 197, 203
-, William, servingman, 218

Smithfield, Smythfield, 187; see also St. Bartholomew

Snowdon, William, cordwainer, 101

Somerset, Edward, Duke of, 38n

Somerset House, pp. ix, xiii, xiv; Literary Search Room, p. xi; Principal Probate Registry, pp. x, xi

Sone, William, 20

-, Anna, p. 155
-, Jeran, 200

Sore, Wyllyam, vicar of St. Martin in the Fields, Charing Cross, 32

Sorell, John, 208

Southcot, John, gentleman, 174

Southwark, Sowtheworke, Sowghtwark, 126, 144, 168, 183

Sowthewoode, Wylliam, cit. and goldsmith, 213

Sowtheworke, see Southwark

Spakman, Alisawnder, smith, 53, p. 152

Spede, Awthre, 192 (p. 119)

-, Alis, 101
-, Henry, 10

Speid, Adriane, 188

Spencer, Spenser:
-, Elyzabeth, 138
-, Henry or Herry, 85, 86
-, Jone, 138
-, Mary, 138
-, Thomas, 104

Spicer, Spycer:
-, , 21
-, Joan, 176
-, Richard, 7
-, Thomas, clerk of St. Antholin, 52

Spondell, Wyllyam, 106

Sporleston, Goodman, 154

-, Goodwife, 232
-, Thomas, servant, 184

-, Fraunces, 84
-, John, 148

Staarling, see Starlyng

Stace, Katerine, 46

Staffordshire, see Bowers; Yoxall

Staines, Stanes, Stanys, Middx., church of, 74; parishioner of, p. 154; poor of, 31; rector of, 28n

Stamford, Goodwife, 183

Standfyld, Stanfyld, Stannfeild:
-, Edward (1514), 2
-, Edward (1543), 184
-, Jamys, 183, 184
-, Wyllyam, 183

Standlake, Stanlacke, Oxon., churchyard, 190; farm in, 190, p. xxi

Standon, Herts., church and rector of, 87

-, Gilbert, priest, 81
-, Henry, 115

Stanerton, Richard, scrivener, 130

Stanes, see Staines

Stanfyld, see Standfyld

Stanlack, see Standlake

Stanley, John, apprentice, 172

Stannfeild, see Standfyld

Stanstead Abbots, Stanstede Abbot, Herts., church, 72; house called Chandelers in, 72

Stanton, William, stockfishmonger, 47

Stanys, see Staines

Starky, Robertt, 238

Starlyng, Staarling:
-, Philip, 176
-, Thomas, 176
-, William, 176

Staveley, Jamys, cit. and vintner, 125

Steelyard, Stilliarde, 150, 207

Stekerd, Rychard, monk, 58

Stell, Thomas, 70

Stepheneth, Robart of West Ham, gentleman, 220

Stephens, Stephyn, Stevyns:
-, John, 54
-, Marget, 54
-, Stephyn, 54
-, William, 130, 131

Stephnege, see Stevenage

Stephyn, see Stephens

Stevenage, Stephnege, Herts., land in, 207

Stevyns, see Stephens

Steward, Dame Mawde, 40

-, Robert, chaplain of St. Mary Woolchurch, 12, p. xvii
-, Thomas, 12
-, William, 12

Stifford, Styfford, Essex, church and rector of, 54

Stilliarde, see Steelyard

Stiropp, Styropp, Edward, 27

Stisted, Stysted, Essex, church, 14

Stoke, Stooke, by Clare, Suff., college of, 24; dean of, 123

Stokeporte, Robert, priest, 198

Stokes, Stokys:
-, Mr., 165
-, Thomas, clerk, p. 155

-, John, gentleman, 7
-, Richard, chantry priest of St. Swithin, Candlewick Street, 7 pp. xv n, xvi
-, Roger, priest, 7

Stone, Jhoan, porter of the Steelyard, 207

Stooke, see Stoke

Storax, John, 25

Stortford, see Bishop's Stortford

Stot, John, clerk, 236

Stotfield, ? Essex, 174

Stow Maries, Essex, 45; church, 84

-, Master John, gentleman, 84
-, Thomas, 84

Stratford, Stratforth, Essex, church of St. Leonard, 80

Stratton, Thomas, priest, 5

-, Anne, 238
-, Isabell, 238
-, John, rector of St. Augustine Watling Street, 92
-, Rycharde, cit. and woolman, 238

Strettes, Margery, 49

Stroger, George, curate of St. James Garlickhithe, 219

Strought, Richard, vicar of Dovercourt, 18

Stuarde, John, 108

Sturley, Styrley:
-, Jana, 211
-, Mylles, 211

Styfford, see Stifford

Styrley, see Sturley

Styropp, see Stiropp

Stysted, see Stisted

Sudlow, Thomas, clerk of the Counter in Bread Street, 204

Suffolk, see Lackford; Melford; Stoke by Clare

Suliarde, Sulyard:
-, Franceys, 244
-, John, priest, 91

Surdivall, Master John, clerk, 77

Surrey, see Chertsey; Reigate; Richmond; Sheen

Sussex, see Brighton; Perching; Poynings; Rye

Swaffham, Swafham, St. Mary, Cambs., 123

Swalow, Christopher, rector of Heydon, p. 155

-, Joan, 175
-, John, priest, 78
-, William, clerk of the Counter in Bread Street, 204

Swan, the, in Fleet Street, 114

Swan(e), the, in Holborn, 2

Swayne, John, 8

-, Elyzabeth, 231
-, John, rector of Hadleigh, 19
-, Leonard, 53, pp. xvii, xviii, 152
-, Thomas, 19
-, Thomas, founder, 53, p. 152
-, William, 19

Swifte, Edwarde, priest, 38

Swine, Swyne, priory, Yorks., 34

Swinstead, Swynsed, Lincs., 171

Swithland, Leic., 32

Swoffolwd, John, 202

Swyne priory, see Swine priory

Swynewryght, Mr. Jacobb, 242

Swynsed, see Swinstead

Sylebe, see Sileby

Symonde(s), Symon(s), Simondes, Simound:
-, Agnes, 116
-, George, cit. and vintner, 219, p. xxi
-, Henry, 42
-, Henry, rector of St. John Walbrook, 48, 156, 203
-, John, 113, 116
-, Margaret, 74
-, Rawff, cit. and fishmonger, sheriff, 83
-, Robart of Balsam, 219
-, Rychard, 235
-, Thomesyn, 83
-, Tomas, 116
-, Wyllam, merchant tailor, 116

Symson, see Simpson

Synkynson, Richard, priest, 82

Syvell, William, 3

-, Jhone, 228
-, Raffe, 228


-, Agnes, 220
-, Elyn, 220
-, Joane, 220
-, Kateyryn, 220
-, Thomas of West Ham, yeoman, 220

Tallan, Richard, 68

Tallfer, Alexander, 103

Tame, see Thame

Tayler, see Taylor

Taylesers, Jorge, 230

Taylor, Tayler, Taylour, Tayllior:
-, Uncle, 182
-, Ages, 140
-, Elisabeth, 92
-, Hugh, 135
-, Jamys, priest, 90
-, Jhon, 139
-, John, 77
-, Margett, widow, 139, 140
-, Richard, 92
-, Richard, priest of Ruislip, 26, 117
-, Roger, cit. and latten founder, 117

Teller, Mare, 175

Temes Strette, see Thames Street

Temple, Jone, 112

Temple Bar(e), 194

Temple Chapel near Rothley, Leic., 32

Temystret, see Thames Street

Tendryng, Thomas, 65

Tennet, Sir Robart, priest of the Guildhall, 22, 98

Terhoven, see Veroven

Terling, Terlynge, Essex, 34

Tetworth, John, servant, 115

Thame, Tame, abbey of, Oxon., 77

Thames, Temes, Temy, Street, 50, 182; All Hallows the Less in, 118, 231

Thatcher, John, 32

Thaunclott, Elisabeth, widow, 66

Thaxted, Thaxsted(e), Essex, church, 89

Theydon Bois, Boyce, Essex, 81

Thiraston, see Thurcaston

Thirkell, Henry, apprentice, 148

Thoby, Tobye, Essex, prior and canons of, p. 157

Thomas the butler, 108

Thomas, Rychard, 147

-, Margery, 199
-, Thomas, vicar of Enfield, 61n
-, William, 24
-, See also Thomson and Tomson

Thomson, Marion, 2

Thorns, Robert, 192 (p. 119)

Thornton, Thorneton:
-, Edmond, 74
-, Edward, priest of Inworth, 60
-, Jane, 118
-, Thomas, vicar of Dovercourt, p. 154
-, William, 118
-, William, priest, 60

-, Henry, rector of Hanworth, 80
-, John, 43, 80
-, Robert, priest, 52

Thred, Water, 21

Throgmorton, Master Doctor, 56

Thurcaston, Thiraston, Leic., 32

Thurowar, Thomas, 190 (p. 114)

Thursby, Thurysbye, Cumb., church, 67

Tilers Hall, 38

Tilkot, Rose, 195

Tirrell, Master John, 40

Tobye, see Thoby

Tod, merchant tailor, 182

-, , 222
-, Agnes, 56
-, Edmond, priest, 141
-, John, 193
-, See also Thompson and Thomson

-, Nicholas, 46
-, Thomas, priest, 46
-, William, 46

Topnar, Margaret, servant, 7

Torynge, 162

Tothill, William, 40

Toute, see Tute

Tovy, George, curate of St. Botolph, 229

Tower of London, 106n

Townes End, 195

Townkes, Roger, 224

Townysend, Townshend, Townsende:
-, Dame Agnes, 40
-, Herry, 11
-, Thomas, parish clerk of Rothwell, 11
-, William, priest, 11

Towyn, 203

-, Master Edward, 19
-, Thomas, servant of the master of St. Thomas of Acon, 66

Tresise, Rauff, cooper, 101

Trinity, brotherhood or fraternity of sixty priests, 22, 35, 38, 92, 229

Trottour, Elisabeth, nun, p. 154

Troyte, Ramon, 227

Tryge, William, 33

Trystyltnot, Wylliam, 244

Tudeschis, Nicholaus de, 58n

Tull, Geffray, cit. and tiler, 169

-, Elizabeth, 148
-, Richard, 148
-, William, cit. and haberdasher, 148

Turner, Robert, 141

Turnwayll, Wylliam, 243

Turpyn, Battell, 195

Turryston, Master, 132

Tute, Toute:
-, Alice, 194
-, Anne, 194

Twisilton, John, goldsmith, 77

-, John, 118
-, Richarde, 84

-, Isabell, 51
-, John, 51
-, Robert, chaplain, 51
-, Thomas, 51

Tyder, Elyzabeth, 244

Tye, Stephen, 54

Tygo, Mistress, 150

-, Jane, 114
-, William, goldsmith, 114

Tylor, Robert, priest, 17

-, Jacomyne, 165
-, Jone, 165
-, Richard, 165

Tysdayle, 118


Ugley, Uggley, Essex, church and vicar of, 11

Underon, William, priest, 46

Ungley, Richard, mercer, 7

-, Edmunde, 166
-, Elsabeth, widow, 166
-, Thomas, 166
-, William, 166

Upton, John, chaplain, 12


Vale Royal, Varyall, Cheshire, abbot and convent, 10

Van Backe, Werner, 121

Van Ryne:
-, Garad, 129
-, Katryn, 129

Vantright, John, 242

Varyall, see Vale Royal

Vaterhows, see Waterhows

Vaughtham, Thomas, clothworker, 182

Vaunnce, John of Stratford, harness maker, 220

Vause, Johan, 162

Vawdy, James, 70

Vayghan, Georg, 197

Venlowe, Peter, priest of St. Barbara's chapel in St. Olave Southwark, 242

Verdesse, Fernando de, merchant of Spain, 110

Verdon, Thomas, 239

Vernon, Margaret, gentlewoman, 123

Veroven, Feroven, Terhoven:
-, Elisabeth, 221
-, James, servingman, 221

Vicary, Robert, 77

Vintners', Vynteneres, Hall, 219

Voragine, Jacobus de, 7n

Vouche, Robert, 162

Vynteneres Hall, see Vintners' Hall


Wael, Jan onder den, 121

Wagan, Symon, leatherseller, 188

Walbrook, Walbroke, 182; see also St. John Walbrook

-, Robert, 199
-, Stephen, 199
-, Thomas, 199, p. xvi n

Walden, Chipping, Essex, abbey, 70; parish church, 15

Wales, John, 84

Walkamstowe, see Walthamstow

Walkar, see Walker

Walkeden, John, rector of Bradwell, 14

Walker, Walkar:
-, , 195
-, Ales, 222
-, Alyce, 195
-, George, 68
-, James, 209
-, John, 241
-, John, gentleman, 225
-, Robert, 225
-, Thomas, 122
-, William, clerk, 225
-, Wyllyam, clothworker, 222

Walkerlyne, John, priest, 16

-, Jamys, priest, 85
-, John, 168n
-, Margatt, 168n
-, Nicholas, priest, 85
-, Wattar, 168n
-, William, 168n
-, Wylliam, 168, p. xxi
-, Ylsabeth, 168n

Waller, William, 71

Wallpoll, Thomas, 72

-, John, 50
-, Walter, 50

Walsche, Mare, 194

Walsingham, Sir E., 184n

Walter, Gervis, 182

Waltham, Richard, 7

Waltham, Essex, abbot and convent of, 72

Walthamstow, Walkamstowe, Essex, 118

-, Henry, cit. 120, pp. xxii, 1523
-, Mary, 120, p. 153

Walworth, 184n

Wandyssford, Master Mycaell of Lincoln's Inn, 203

Wanlip, Oleppe, Leic., 32

Wannesley, Roger, 134

Warburton, Geffray, priest, 64, p. xviii

-, Myles, 89
-, Robart, 89, 99
-, Thomas, chaplain, 79

Ware, Herts., 87

Waren, Warryn:
-, Laurence, priest, 76
-, William, priest, 19

Warley, Nicholas, cit. and goldsmith, 76

-, Alice, 67
-, William, 67

-, Elisabeth, 62
-, Jhon, master of the king's bakehouse, 210

Warryn, see Waren

Water Lambeth, house called Walles in, 194

Waterhows, Vaterhows:
-, Elsabeth, 170
-, John, 170
-, Margared, 170

Watford, Wattford, Herts., churchyard, 123; Clerkys Landes and Waterdell in, 213

Wathell, Wylliam, 141

-, John, 194
-, Margarett, 197
-, Richard, 194
-, Rychard, 197

-, John, grocer, 16
-, Richard, vicar of Hillingdon, 13
-, Thomas, merchant tailor, 178 (p. 102)

Wayt, Stephyn, 54

-, Agnes, 93
-, John, curate, 202

Wele, William, priest of St. Peter Cornhill, p. 154

Welewes, Wellis, Welwyn, Wellows:
-, Master Harry, rector of St. Nicholas Olave, 92

Wellett, Tomas, 168

Wellows, see Welewes

Wendover, Bucks., 214

Wenloke, John, priest, p. 154

-, Henry, 4n
-, John, 4
-, Roger, knight, 4
-, Roger, vicar of St. Olave Old Jewry, 53

Wescott, see Westcott

-, Clement, 179
-, Master Henry, 2
-, Jone, 179
-, Michell or Myghell, curate, 138, 143, 172
-, Robert, priest, 182

West Ham, Essex, Abbey Marsh in, 220; church, 220; churchyard of All Hallows, 226

Westbye, Master Edward, rector of Fyfield, 94

Westcott, Wescott:
-, Elizabeth, 223, p. xix
-, Harry, 223
-, Margaret, 223

Westerham, Whestram, Kent, church of, 17

Westheforde, Christofer, 136

Westminster, bishop of, 160, p. xiii; dean and chapter of, pp. xi, xii n; diocese of, p. xvi

Westminster Abbey, abbot and convent of, 14n; Scala Coeli in, 5, 57, 58, 65, 75, 92

Westminster (Gatehouse) prison, 196

Westminster Public Library, p. xii n

Weston, William, 58

Westrawe, William, 176

-, Anthony, cobbler, 240
-, Margaret, 240

Wether, Richard, vicar of Eastwood, p. 155

Wethersfield, Wethirsfeld, Essex, church and vicar of, 24, p. xv

-, Elizabeth, 133
-, John, 133

Whally, Rowlland, 165

Whaplett, Cecylye, 169

Wharnebe, Wharnby:
-, Joone, 198, p. xx
-, Symonde, 198

Wheittes, Richard, curate of Thaxted, 89

Wherthe, Richard, priest, 15

Whestram, see Westerham

Whetly, Robarte, 108

Whichecherche, see Whitchirch

Whitakers, Thomas, priest, 2

Whitchirch, Whichecherche, Whitecherche:
-, Robarte, 108
-, Robert, 12

White, Whyt, Whytt(e):
-, Elizabethe, 176
-, Jamys, tailor, 167
-, Jone (alias Awbee), 173
-, Jonne, 192
-, Tomas, smith, 168

Whitecherche, see Whitchirch

Whithedde, Whitehede, Whythed:
-, Cristofer, 20
-, John, vicar of Mayland, 20
-, Letice, 20

Whithers, Wythers:
-, Richard, rector of St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street, 119
-, Thomas, rector of St. Martin Orgar, 134

Whithouse, Wythowse:
-, John, 8, 9

Whitlese, Hantoni, 108

Whitpayne, Richard, 7

Whittyngton, Whyttyngtun:
-, John, 188
-, John, haberdasher, 192 (p. 117)

Whitwell, Jhon, 192 (p. 119)

Whitwham, Robert, chaplain in St. Mary Axe, p. 155

-, Elisabeth, 12
-, Thomas, 12

Why College, see Wye College

Whycherly, see Wycherley

Whygelsworth, Wygylsworth:
-, Thomas, 214

Whyt, see White

-, Isabell, 149
-, John, 149
-, Wylliam, 149

Whytfeld, Christofer, 148

Whythed, see Whithedde

Whytt(e), see White

Whyttyngtun, see Whittyngtun

Whytyng, Thomas, 58

Wickham, Wykeham, Kent, bishop's manor at, 45, p. xv

Widford, Essex, rector of, 45

Wiett, see Wyett

Wigge, Robert, cit. and haberdasher, 167

Wigton, Wygton, Cumb., 14

Wikfeld, see Winkfield

Wilcok, see Wylcokkys

Wilkynson, Wylkynson:
-, Jamys, 86
-, Richard, priest, 71, 88

Willforde, see Wylford

William, chantry priest of All Hallows Barking, 115

William, curate of All Hallows the Less, 118

Williams, Wyllyhams:
-, Griffith or Gryffith, vicar of Shoreditch, 176
-, John, 80
-, Matilde, 91

Williamson, Wylliamson:
-, Harry, 209
-, John, priest, 167

Wilson, Wylson:
-, George, 157
-, Thomas, rector of Shenfield, 21

Wilton, Robert, 42

Winchcomb, Simon de, 36n

Winkfield, Wikfeld, Berks., 27, p. xvii

Winster, Wyndster, Derbys., 32

Wirksworth, Wyrkesworth, Derbys., 32

Wisbech, Isle of Ely, 83

Wisman, William, draper, 38

Woddington, Elizabeth, 167

Wodecoke, Jhon, priest, p. 154

Wodham Water, see Woodham Walter

Wodhowse, Hugh, 204

Wokendon, see North Ockendon

Wolbe, Raff, 176

Wolstoncroft(e), William, priest, 66

-, Richard, priest of St. Dunstan in the West, 56
-, William, parson of North Ockendon, 54

Wood Street, Wodstrete, 37n, 194, 204n; St. Michael in, 122n; stairs in, 171

Woodham Walter, Wodham Water, Essex, rector of, 50

Woodhouse, Wudhowse, Leic., 32

Worcester, Wossetter, 187

Worle, Master, 108

Worsopp, John, notary, 111

Worth, Thomas, 182

Wortley, John, parish priest of St. Anne, Aldersgate, 82

Wossebiche, see Wisbech

Wossetter, see Worcester

Wotton, Annes, 105

Wrayt, Edward, 177

Wright, Wryght, Wrythtt:
-, , 189
-, Christofer, priest, 221
-, John, 23
-, Richard, 24
-, Simon, chaplain, 35
-, Thomas, 24, 71
-, Will, 182
-, William, rector of Ickenham, 26

Wryggylles, Thomas, smith, 142

Wryght, Wryhtt, see Wright

Wudhowse, see Woodhouse

Wulman, Master Richard, commissary of the bishop of London, 43, 44, p. xv

Wycherley, Whycherly:
-, Richard, 224

Wydes, Nycollas, pewterer, 232

Wye, Thomas, 54

Wye, Why, College, Kent, 17

Wyett, Wyet, Wiett:
-, Jone, 142
-, Roger, mariner, 142
-, Master William, 40

Wygton, see Wigton

Wygylsworth, see Whygelsworth

Wykeham, see Wickham

Wykes, John, 93

Wylcokkys, Wylkockes, Wilcok:
-, John, 28, 135
-, John, chantry priest of St. Mary Woolnoth, p. 155
-, Thomas, 135

-, John, 144
-, Thomas, 154

Wyldon, John, rector of Littleton, 31

Wylford, Willforde:
-, J., notary, 25
-, John, scrivener, 148
-, Nycholas, 164

Wylkockes, see Wylcokkys

Wylkynson, see Wilkynson

Wylliamson, see Williamson

Wyllkyns, Thomas, 150

Wyllyhams, see Williams

Wylson, see Wilson

Wyman, John, official of the archdeacon of Essex, 41

Wyndster, see Winster

Wynes, Cape, 162

Wynkfylde, Mr., priest of, 119

Wynman, Wylliam, curate, 201

Wynter, Elyzabeth, 169

Wynyslond, Philipp, 16

Wyrkesworth, see Wirksworth

Wythers, see Whithers

Wythowse, see Whithouse

Wytryd, Johne, 112

Wytston, Richard, 26


-, John of Laindon, 58
-, Kateryne, 58
-, William, 58

Yardley, Yardely:
-, Agnes, 41
-, Agnes, widow, 244
-, John, 41, p. xviii
-, Jone, 41
-, Thomas, 41
-, William, 41
-, Wylliam, 244

Yeate, John, 190 (p. 116)

Yedaill, Robert, butler of Gray's Inn, 196

Yelyng, see Ealing

Yeman, George, 140

Yerome, Edmunde, 112

Yexsale, see Yoxall

Ykenam, see Ickenham

Ylard, John, 155

-, Agnes, 99
-, Johan, 99
-, John, 99
-, Mathew, 99
-, Stevyn of Islington, 99
-, Wylliam, 99

Yngywe, Sir John, chaplain, 96

Yolgreve, Yolgraff, Derbys., 32

Yon, see Iyone

-, Joan, 226
-, John, 70
-, Richard, 94
-, Robert, 165
-, Robert, rector of St. Michael Crooked Lane, 5
-, Roger, 59
-, Rychard of West Ham, 226

Yorke, widow, 53

Yorkshire, 132, see also Bingley; Bishop Burton; Elland; Ellerton; Guisborough; Northallerton; Sandal; Sherburn; Swine priory

Yoxall, Yexsale, Staffs., 7, p. xvii

Ypswiche, Ypwswyche:
-, Master Thomas, 40, 91

Yrond, Necallys, 96

Ysseldon, see Islington

Yvy Aley, see Ivy Alley