Separate wills: 1544-47 (nos. 200-45)

London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 1967.

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'Separate wills: 1544-47 (nos. 200-45)', in London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547, ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online [accessed 1 April 2025].

'Separate wills: 1544-47 (nos. 200-45)', in London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Edited by Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online, accessed April 1, 2025,

"Separate wills: 1544-47 (nos. 200-45)". London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Ed. Ida Darlington (London, 1967), British History Online. Web. 1 April 2025.

1544–47 (nos. 200–45)

200. [bdle. II. 30] Annys Borde. 20 May 1544.

Annys Borde of the pariche of Seynt Myhelles in Woodstrett in London made her testamentt and last wyll in thys maner, first sche bequethyd her soull to Allmyghty God, to Owr Lady Sentt Mary and to all the seynttes in hevyn, and her body to be beryyd in Crystyn berryall. Sche bequethyd to Thomas Holland and to hys brother a fether bed with a bolster, the whych fether bed to be prayssyd and the mony to be egally partyd betwyn them by the handes of Adam Gardener. Sche bequethed all the rest of her goodes on bequethed to Adam Gardener, cetezen and habardayscher of London, whome sche made her executore. Wytnys, Syr Thomas Jenensse, parson of the cherche aforesaid, and Richard Makyns with other.

A inventore of Anys Bord prayssyd by the Good man Ric Hanan and Thomas Makyns 24th Decembre

A fether bede with a bolstere and 2 pewlous 20s.
A mattrys at 2s.
3 old blankettes at 2s.
2 old coverlettes and old banker 2s.
Her aparrell.
A gowne of browne blew lynyd with russell worsted 16s.
Another gowne of broun blewe lynd with russell worsted 10s.
A olde skarlett kertell sore warn 5s.
A redd kertell body with worsted 5s.
An olde kertell of redd sore worne 2s. 8d.
2 old reed petycottes 6s.
A old gowne 12d.
3 old petycottes all to broke 20d.
A chest 2s. 8d.
3 old cheystes of bordes 2s.
4 smale kofferes 12d.
A old toynd (fn. 1) chayer 6d.
A showll with a baskett with other lumber 12d.
All the lynyn.
13 payr of canvas schettes att 20d. a payer 21s. 8d.
Halff a shett fyn (fn. 2) 12d.
2 playn tabell clothes 2s. 8d.
6 playn towelles 16d.
3 playn napkyns 10d.
A tabell cloth and a towell of dyaper sore worne and broken 3s. 4d.
20 napkyns of dyaper sore worne 5s.
3 playn pellewberres 12d.
5 raylles 3s. 4d.
22 kerchers sore worne 12s.
14 nekercheres all to brokyn 14d.
4 apronys with 3 hankercheres and other old ragges 16d.
5 smokes old 2s.
A dyvyssyng (fn. 3) with a crosse, 2 tachesse, a payr of sylver hokes and a sylver ryng of sylver and gylt wayyng all 3 oz and di att 3s. 8d. the oz. 12s. 10d.
A payr of gett beddes gawded with sylver 6 gawdeys and a lettell sylver crosse 2s.
Sertyn beedstonys with a payr of amber beedes 12d.
2 old cappes 8d.
2 old cappes and 3 old relys 2s.
2 old pynkassyns 8d.
A lettell pewther with a erthe pott 8d.
In mony 4 li. 4s.
In all 11 li. 10s.
Dettes dowttfull.
Crysten Fee 3 li.
Jeran Songer 40s.
Unfre Rycheston 6s. 8d.
Fenerall expenssys.
For her berryall, for pytt and knell and bell tollyng 14s. 4d.
Paid to the priestes and clerkes for dirg and masse 4s.
Paid to the chanler for tapperes and berreres 2s.
Paid to 4 berreres 16d.
Paid for the kossyn and the cloth 9d.
Gyve to the pore pelpe at the daye her beryall 6s.
Paid for 3 yeres keppyng and a woman tendyng upon her halffe yere 5 li.
Dettes she dothe ow.
Paid for all 13d.

[The sums, 12 li. 12d. and 56s. 8d. are written in different hands below the inventory.]

The inventory is on two pieces of paper joined lengthways.

201. [bdle. II. 31] Stayvyn Carslan. 10 Feb. 1545.

Jeshus. Stayvyn Carslan, Doctor of Physyk, syke in body, made his last wyll and testament as folowyth fyrst he bequeth his sole unto Allmyghty God, to His Mother Saynt Mary and to all the holy company in hevyn, his body to be beryd in the chyrch yard of the Hospytall of Lytyll Saynt Bartholomewyse besyd Smythfyld. He gave unto Allyson Caslan, his nyrse, all his goodes, wyche Alyce he mayde his sole executryx she to dyspose for his sole and to se his body beryd. He bequethe to his chylde all his landes. In wytnesse where of I Sir Wylliam Wynman, curat, his gostly father, have wrytyn this wyth my hand. Wytnesse, Thomas Foxyall, Nycolas Edwardes, Elsabeth Savyge, with dyvers other.

The will must at one time have been on the outside of a bundle, since it has on the dorse in a later hand, 'Odd wills in years 1544, 1543, 1542, 1541, 1540, 1545, 1546, 1548, 1550, 1589, etc.'

202. [bdle. II. 32] Thomas Cobbe. 13 Dec. 1544. (fn. 4)

I Thomas Cobbe, priest and chaplayn to the Company of the Breweres of the Cyte of London and of the parische of Owr Ladye Saincte Marye of Aldermanberye, bequeste my soulle to Almyghty Gode, my Maker and Redemer and to Owr Blisside Ladye Saincte Marye and to al the holy companye of hevyn, and my bodye to be beryde in the lytyll churche yearde of Owr Ladye Sancte Marye of Aldermanberye afforesayd where itt shall please Gode and my executore, William Peter. I bequest to the hye altare of the foresayde churche of Aldermanberye 12d., to the hey altare of Saincte Albans in Woodestrest 12d., and the resydewe of all my goodes I have gyvn with my owne handes in my lyffe tyme. Wittnesse, Nicoles Man, Henrye Farrer, and Sir John Webbe, curett, with other moo. Per me Thomas Cobe, (fn. 5) capellum, beyng present Richerd Pykeryng and John Swoffowld.

203. [bdle. II. 33] Wylliam Clarke. 14 Jun. 1544.

I Wylliam Clarke prest, bequethe my solle to Jesus Cryst, to Owre Lady Sent Mary and to all the holy company of hevyn, and my body to be buryyd in the chyrge yerd of Sant Jones in Walbroke (fn. 6) or elles where yt shall ples God that I shall depart. I bequethe to the hye alter of the sayd chyrche 4d. (fn. 7)

Of the wyche wyll or testament I make myne executores Mr. Acrod, parson of Towyn and Master Mycaell Wandyssford of Lyncolnes In, and overseares unto theme Sir Rychard Be, prest, and Sir Wylliam Smyth, prest, unto whome I wold that they shold gyfe credence for they knowe wher they shall receve my dettes better than them. By me Wylliam Clarke prest, and by me Sir Rychard Bee, prest. Wyttnes Mr. Symondes (fn. 6) and Sir Wylliam Heyley.

The will is on a sheet of paper folded bookwise. Except for the names of witnesses, it appears to be all in the same hand.

204. [bdle. II. 34] William Curson. 26 Nov. 1544.

I William Curson dwellyng withyn the precyncte of the late Blak Fryers of London beyng cytezen and haberdassher of London, byqueth my sowle to Almyghty God my Maker, Redemer and Sovyour and to the preyers of Our Blyssed Lady Seynt Marye the Virgyn and to all the holy compeny of hevyn, and my body to be buryed in the parisshe church of Seynt Martyn in Bowierrowe (fn. 8) in the suburbys of London. I geve to the prisoners of Newgate, Ludgate, eche of the Cownters, the Marshalsye, the Kyngis Bench and the Flete, to every of them 3s. 4d. I geve to Sir Roger Chomlmeley, knyght, Master Recorder of London, (fn. 9) oon royall of gold. I geve to Sir William Mooke, parson of Welborn, 40s. I wyll that the seid Sir William Mooke have delyverd to hym all such bookys as I have of his concernyng the cyvel lawe or other. I geve to Margarete, my wyfe, the lease of my howse wheyn I dwelle, she to dwell theryn and to do therwyth hir pleasure duryng hir lyfe and after the decease of the seid Margaret I geve the seid leace to Jasper Pownt, oon of the Clerkes of the Cownter in Bred stret, uppon condicion that the seid Jasper Pownt shall dwelle in the seid howse hymselfe. And in case the seyd Jasper Pount wil not dwelle hymselfe in the seid howse then I wyll that the seid lease be sold by my executrix and the money therof to be bystowyd for welth of my sowle. I geve to Richerd Cade, haberdassher, the joyned close bedsted of waynscott wheryn I lye, he to have yt after the decease of my seid wyfe. I geve to my doughter Alyce and to hir 4 childern 4 li. I geve to Jone, the wyfe of John Erby, 1 fetherbed, a bolster, a pyllowe, 6 cusshens and other thynges by the discrecion of my wyfe. I geve to John Lee, William Swan, Thomas Hoddys and Jasper Pownt, clerkys of the Cowntre in Bredstret, to every of them, an aungell noble. I geve to Julyan, my systers dowghter 20s. I remyt to Thomas Sudlow, oon of the clerkes of the Cowntre aforeseyd all such sommys of money as he hath receyved to my use of oon Richerd Serlys, or Rudston, his attorney. I geve to my oste Richerd Hodgis and to my ostes his wyfe, to eche of theym, angell noble. The residue of my goodys I geve them clerely to Margarete, my wyfe, she to do and dispose them at hir own fre wyll, the which Margaret I make my executrice. I make John Lee, Clerk of the Papers of the Cowntre in Bredstret and Jasper Pownt, oon other clerke ther, overseers. In wytnes wherof heronto I have sett my seale and subscribed my name with my own hand. Per me William Curson. (fn. 10)

[Signed and delivered in the presence of William Hone, John Hylton, Hugh Wodhouse.]

205. [bdle. II. 35] Robert Drowre. (fn. 11) 1544.

Margaret Adam. Agnes Cusat. (fn. 12)

I Robert Drowre queve my sowle on to Allmyghty God, my body to buryed in the chirche yerd of Saynt Benettes at Paulis warfa. I beqve unto the hy auter 12d., to Alis Purcis 6s. 8d., John Kranshaff 5s. The resydew of my goodes I bequeve unto Artur Pursell, John Kranshaff, whiche I make myne executoris to be stowe for the welthe of my sole.

206. [bdle. II. 36] Thomas Hollton. (fn. 13) 9 Nov. 1544.

I Thomas Hollton bequeth my soule to Almyghty God to whom I gyve thangkes for my creation and most spetially for my redemption thorowgh His Most Blessyd Holy Pressious Bloud, my body to the Chrystiane buryall of S. Andrew Hubberd unto the whiche hegh autor I gyve my rynge of sylver and gylte. I wil to Annes Alton, my mother, 5 powndes sterlyng, to my brother, John Alton, 4 li., to Elyzabeth, my sister, 40s., unto Mary Alton, my syster, 40s. and the leyst chyste, to Robert, my brother, 26s. 8d., to my father in law 10s., to my mother in law 10s. I gyve unto Alys, my wyff, fyfftie shylienges and a coberd and the greattest chyest, to John Caro and his wyf 3s. I make my father, Cornelyus Johnson, and Garred Gyllys, my exsecutors and gyve to yche of them 7s. to see my debttes payd and thys my wil performyd. The resydew of my godes to be gyven in dedes of charite to the helth of my sowle and to the glory of God. Amen. Wytnessys John Caro, Mary Alton (fn. 14) and Thomas Grene, (fn. 15) clerk, and person of S. Andrew Hubberd.

207. [bdle. II. 37] George Hide. 9 Oct. 1544. [Latin and English.]

I George Hide portar de ly Stilliarde [bequeath my soul to Almighty God and to the Blessed Mary and to all saints, and my body to be buried in the cloister of the church of All Saints next ly Stilliard. I bequeath to the high alter 12d. and to the Fraternity of St. Mary in that church 3s. 4d. I bequeath to my fellows Jhoan Stone, Robert Mykelfeld and John Halle, to each of them 3s. 4d., to each of our servants and to William Carinton 12d. I bequeath to my wife], Elisabet, a gylt coppe with a cover. [I bequeath to Agnes, my daughter], a gylt nute with a cover. [The rest of my goods I bequeath one half to my wife and the other to Agnes, my daughter, whom I make my executrices]. Provided that yff Elsabet my wyff fortune to mary before the delyvery of the parte of my goodes bequethid to Agnes, my dowghter, I wyll that he that shall mary her shall fynde sufficient suertes befor the day of marige for the saufte and the delyvery off the sayd parte of the goodes belongingine to Agnes, my dowghter, or elles I wyll that the sayde part of goodes be delivered into the keping of Jhon Hale, my felow, or elles where he will apointe it. Also yff Agnes, my doughter dey beffore that she be maryd then I wyll that sayd parte of the goodes be devided amongys my pore kynsfolke at the discrescion of Elsabet, my wyff, and my oversears. I bequieth to Agnes, my dowghter, one howse wyth one acar of lande in the toune of Stephnege to her and to the hayers off her bodye laufully begottyn, and yf yt fortune Annes to dey wyth out any heyrres before Elsabett, my wyff, then I wyll that Elsabeth shall have the sayde howse and land duryng her lyff, and after the deth of her the sayd howse and land to be solde and the price of yt to be devided amongis my brother William chyldren by the discrescion of Robert Mykelfeld, John Hale, Wyllyam Hawkes and Jhon More, whome I make oversears of thys my last wyll, and every one off them to have for ther paynes 6s. 8d. In wytness therof by me Jhon Aldersley, chantri prest of Saynt Dunstones in the Est.

Formally written on parchment which has lines ruled in red.

208. [bdle. II. 38] Arthur Holmes. 24 Aug. 1544. (fn. 16)

I Arthur Holmes, marchant taylore of the parysh of Saynt Thomas thappostoles yn London, bequeith my soulle to God the Father Omnipotente, to Jeshu Cryste Hys Sone, to Owre Bleassed Ladye Saynt Marye and to all the holy companye yn hevyn, they to pray for me, my bodye to be burryed yn the parysh churche of Saynt Thomas before named. I geve to Sir John James, my goostly father and curatt, he to pray for me, 12d. I geve to Margett Bedall, my syster doughter, a fether bed, a bolstere, a payre of shettes, a brase pote, 2 platters, 2 dysshes, and 2 sawcers. I geve to the heldes sone of John Holmes 12d., to hys other 2 chyldren 16d. I geve to John Sorell an old payre of sherres. I geve to the parysche churche of Saxbye yn Lyncollshere 10s. for to bye a crosse of latten. The resydewe of all my gooddes bothe moveable and unmoveable, my funerall expensis, bequestes and dettes payd, I geve to Alys, my wyffe, whom I make my executrix, and I make Mr. Robert Davney myn overseere. Wyttnesse then present, Sir John James, curatt there, Rychard Hatkynson, Albon Senior and many mo.

209. [bdle. II. 39] Jasper Hylltreman. 20 Mar. 1544.

I Jasper Hylltreman, dowcheman and showemaker of the parysche of Seynt Anne and Agnes within Aldrychegate of London, bequeth my sowle to Almyghty God my Maker and Redemer and to His Blessed Mother Our Lady Seynt Mary and to all the gloryus company in heven, and my body to be buryed within the churcheyeard of Seynt afforesayd [sic] I bequeth to the hyght alter for my forgoten tythes and oblacyons 12d., to Harry Lobbis wiff, beinge a poore blynde woman, 6s. 8d. I bequeth for my funerall expences as my wif shall thynke convenient. The resydwe of my gooddes I geve to Joan my wiff and she to be my sole executrice. In witnes wherof to this my present testament I have putto my seale. (fn. 17) Wittnes, Sir John Glyn, curat, James Cremar, (fn. 18) James Walker.

Theys be the parselles of the goodes that belonght to Jone Hyltreyman, sumtyme wyffe to Jasspere Hyltreyman latte deceased, in the paryche of Senct Anne and Agnes at Aldersgate.

On gowne pryc 6s.
On jakett wusted pryc 20d.
On doblett pryc 8d.
On peyre of hoose nichil
A feyderbed 6s. 8d.
2 chuverynges (fn. 19) 12s.
A contere (fn. 20) 5s.
2 cubbardes 6s.
A joned bed 2s.
Longseatell and 2 chestes 3s. 4d.
Hangynges to the chambers 5s.
3 cheyres 4d.
A testere with hangynges 3s. 4d.
2 bolsters, 1 pellow 16d.
2 formes 4d.
4 payre of shettes 10s.
Bras 3s. 4d.
In puter 3s.
2 handyrnes, spyttes and tonges 2s.
2 gownes for hyrselfe 13s.*
2 kyrtylles 6s. 8d.*
2 cappes 16d.*
Reylles and charlanys 4 2s.*
6 pochyngeres (fn. 21) 10d.
2 pettycottes 2s.*
A drepyng pane 4d.
A watter pott 6d.
A rake 4d.
Summa 4 li. 19s.

Harry Wylliamson, Thomas Hastyng. The 5th day of Aprill Anno domini 1544. (fn. 22)

Items marked with an asterisk have been crossed through.

210. [bdle. II. 40] Moryce Jhones. 1544.

I Moryce Jhones, beyng seke in bodye, bequethe my sowle unto Almyghty God and my body to be buryed in the churcheyard off Bullen. I bequethe my goodys meveable and unmeveable to my wyffe, Elyzabeth Jhones and to my sone, Peter Jhones, onlye reservyd that I gyve unto my brother, Robart Jhones, my best furred gowne and my best chamlett dowblett. Also I gyve unto my brother, Morgane Jhones, myne other gowne and oon off my best cootes and a cappe. Off this my last wyll and testament I ordeyne myne executrexe Elzabeth, my wyffe, and my sone, Peter, executor and they to se my wyll fullffyled and to do for my sowlle as they thynke best. As far me, I am in no dett to no man but as here folowyth:

Fyrst dettes owyng unto me.
Mr. Wyllam off the Old Man 26s. 8d.
Mr. Mylward owethe me for my waygys 3 li. 16s.
Mr. Jhon Warner, Master off the Kynges Bakhowse 7s.
Wher off recevyd in parte off payment 5s.
I oowe unto Jhon Cowper 10s.

I wyll that Rychard Jhones and Thomas Cooke and Wyllm Rychardsone se me browght honestlye unto the erthe with the monye thatt ys owyng me in the Kynges handys and the rest to my wyfe and to my sone. Ao. 1544. (fn. 23)

[Endorsed with a note that administration of the goods of Maurice Jones deceased of the parish of St. Michael at Bassyngshawe London should be granted to Elizabeth, his widow, Sir Robert Markes, (fn. 24) rector of the church being surety.]

211. [bdle. II. 41] Margett Jeny. 14 Aug. 1544.

Margett Jeny of the parych of Seynt Myhelles in Woodstrett in London made her testamentt and last wyll in thys maner. She bequethyd her soull to Allmyghty God, to Owr Lady Seynt Mary and to all the sayntes in hewyn, and her body to be beryyd in Crystyn berryalles. She bequeth her best gowne to Mylles Sturleys wyf, her reed kertell to the good wyf Hartt. She bequeth all the rest of her goodes to Adam Gardener, cetezen and habardayscher of London, whom she made her executore. Wyttnysse Thomas Hunter and Jone Clark with other, Jana Styrley and Johan Hartt.

[Note that on 19 Aug. it was agreed that probate should be granted provided that an inventory was produced.]

The will has been altered in another hand to make it read in the third person as transcribed.

212. [bdle. II. 42] Johne Kanunkle. 11 Jun. 1544. (fn. 25)

I Johne Kanunkle ot[her] wyse cawllyd Geneyn Kanunkle, by the vesytation off my Lord God syckely and weke off my body, humble bequeth my sowle unto Allmyghty God, Hys Blessyd Mother Owre Lady Saynte Mary and to all the gloryose company yn hevyn, and my body to be honestly buryed wythyn halowed grownd yn the churche yard off Saynte Sepulcres. Also I pray my hoste and my hostes, Johne Gose and hys wyff, wyche ever hath byn my especyall good fryndes at my greate nede, that yt wyll please them to do for me and se my buryed and my funerall expensys honestly payde, for the wyche thynge I do frely geve them with owt ynter medlyng off ony person all my raymente and all other suche thynges wyche ys wythyn theyr howse at thys presente tyme, desyrynge them for the lowffe off God that they wyll be contentyd and to take hyt yn parte off recompence off the money wyche I do owe them and for the greate troble wych I have pute them to dyvers tymes. That thys my powre wyll schall stand yn full strenkyth and vertu I have cawllyd these persones to wyttenys. Henry George, (fn. 26) clerke, John Martyn, Elysabeth Janson.

213. [bdle. II. 43] John Lamkyn. 27 Sep. 1544.

Jesus Maria. Amen. I John Lamkyn, cytyzen and goldesmythe of London, bequethe my sowlle unto Allmyghty God my Maker, Salvyour and Redemer, to Our Blessyd Ladye Seynt Marye the Virgyn and to all the holy companye of seynttes in hevyn, and my bodye to be buryed in the parysche churche of Seynt John Zacharye of London, under the steppes goyng unto the aullter of Our Ladye in the northe ile of the sayd parysche church in the grave where as the bodye of Joane, late my wyff, lyethe. I wyll that all my dettes the whiche I owe to any persones be payd, and than I wyll that all my goodes, cattalles, plaate, apparell and household stuff shalbe sold for ready money, and the money to be dyvyded into three equall partes, wherof one parte I geve to Anne, my wyff, the second parte to all my chylldern nowe beyng unmaryed and unprefferred equally to be dyvyded accordyng to the rewllys and constytucions of the Cytie of London. And the other thyrde parte I wyll shall remayne to myn executryce or executour therwith to dyspose for my sowlle and all Chrysten sowlles after theyr dyscreacions. I wyll that Anne, my wyff, shall have all my landes and woodes or hedgerowes sett in Waterdell in the parysshe of Wattford in the Cowntye of Harttford, callyd Clerkys Landes, and to have duryng the terme of her naturall lyff accordyng to the copye of the Kynges Magyestys Cowrte Roll of Caysshoburye, and after her deceasse to remayne to the heyrs of my bodye lawefully begotten etc. And of thys my present testament I make the sayd Anne my execcutryce, and overseer of the same Wylliam Sowthewoode, cytyzeyn and goldesmythe of London and to have for hys labour 13s. 4d. owte of my parte. And yf the sayd Anne, my wyff, wyll not meadell with the execucion of thys my present testament than I ordeyn the sayd Wylliam Sowthewood as my full executour, and bequethe to the same Wylliam Southewood for hys laboures and payenes so taken in thatt behalff 20s. In wyttnesse wherof I the sayd John Lamkyn have wrytten thys my presentt testamentt with myne owne hande and for more sewrty of the trowthe I have subscrybed yt and setto my sealle. (fn. 27) Also I geve and bequethe to the hyghe awllter of the sayd paryshe churche of Seynt John Zacharye in ready money 12d. Witnesse Sir Raphe Bentley, parson, of Saynt John Zacharyes. (fn. 28) Per me Johannem Lamkyn. (fn. 29) Per me Thomas Kyrkam, doctorum and curatum ecclesiev edasti. Per me Henricum Hyll clericum.

The will is formally written with capitals for the beginning of each new phrase. It has been badly damaged by damp.

214. [bdle. II. 44] Anne Myller. 26 May 1544. (fn. 30)

I Anne Myller, wedoe, dwellynge within the pareshe of Sent Myghelles in Cornhill in London, beyng syck in bodye, gyve my sowle to Allmyghtye God my Savure and Redemer, to His Blessed Mother Sent Marye ever Virgin, and to all the holye compenye of heven, and my bodye to bewryd in Crysten bewryall within the precynct of the churcheyarde of Sent Myghelles a foresayde. I gyve to Ales Parker, my doghter, all my howsholde stuffe that ys in the handes, Ani Felys, (fn. 31) my syster, dwellynge at Ryckmansworth in Hatfordeshyre, payng to her 20s. sterlyng whyche I do oe to hir. The parselles of the sayd stuffe be theys foloyng; a fetherbed, 2 flocke beddes, 3 coverynges, 2 basens of laten, a materas, 3 bolsters, 2 peloys of downe, a matteras, 2 blanckeddes, a charger of pewter, 3 chestes, a joynyd table, 2 formes, 2 joynyd stoles, 2 cherys, on of kerved work, the other a holoe chere, a spytte, a gret brasse panne, a olen wheyll, 2 playne tables with trestylles, a bedsted and a grete paynted cloth. Also I gyve the sayd Ales a gowne of blacke pewke and a kyrtyll of red cloth, wheche sayede gowne and kyrtyll lyth in the handes of Jhon Robynson for 20s. sterlyng, the wheche somme of 20s. I wyll the foresayede Ales paye to the saede Jhon Robynson. I gyve the sayd Ales a grete brasse panne, a kandyllmode (fn. 32) and 2 grete tobbes beyng in the handes of the Gud man Darewke dwellyng in Wendover in Buckyngamshyre. All the rest of my goodes movable and unmovable whersoever they be I hoyly gyve to the foresayd Ales Parker, my doghter, my foresayd dettes of 40s. payed and my bodye onestlye bewryde, to dyspose them to the glory of God and the helth of my sowle and all Crysten sowles. I orden my welbeloved Robart Parker and Ales his wyffe, my foresayd doghter, my executores of thys my present testament and last wylle. I commend my sowle to Allmyghty God to whome be all honor for ever Amen. Wytnes, Robart Harrysun, curat of Sent Myghelles, Thomas Whygelsworth with dyverse other. Per me Robertum Harrysun, curatum antedictum. Thomas Wygylsworth.

215. [bdle. II. 45] Ritchard Mylles. 1 Mar. 1544. (fn. 33)

I Ritchard Mylles, being in good helthe, bequethe my soulle to Allmyghty God, and my body to be beryed in the paryshe ch[urch] of Sent Marie Colchertche. I be quethe to the heye awter of the said chertche 3s. 4d. The 6 torchis that is ordenyd for my beryall shall after that my monthes mynd be endid I wylle that 2 of them remayne in the said paryshe chertche of Sent Marie Colchertche and other 2 of them shalbe geven to Sent Sythes in Buxlersberie, (fn. 34) and the other 2 torchis I wyll be geven to Sent Stevens in Walbrouke to be burnyd in the said churche to the honer and prayse of All myghty God. I bequethe to a sone of John Byttynsons, grocer, who is my god sone 3s. 4d., to John Carter my best goune and my best jacket and my best dublet, to John Bradford, chaunlar, a frese goune forid with fox, to Wylliam Perry, brewar, a goune ferid with fytchis, to Olyver Abbote, corriar, a goune with shankes, to Hary Glover, gouldsmythe, a goune facid with chamblet. I bequethe to the Brotherhed of Sent Kattarnes in Colchertche (fn. 35) 6s. 8d., to the prestes of Pappe being at my berriall 3s. 4d. I geve to John Carters childarne, that is to saye, Edythe, Rytchard and Emme, to every won of them 10 li. and I wyll that every of them be others ayer. I wyll that the said money be in the custodie of ther father, John Carter, tyll thaye be of full adge or maryed. And I wyll that every of them have a fetherbed, a boulster, and a pyllow with a pyllow bere and a coverlet and 2 payer of shetes, 2 tabyll klothes and 2 towelles and every won of them a dosen of napkyns for ther tabyll, and every one of them 2 bras pottes, one bige and another les, and 2 bras pans in lyke wyse, and every one of them a kettell, and every one of them 6 platters, 6 dyschis and 6 sawsers, 2 candellstyckes, a pottell pote, a quart pote and a pynt pote of pewter, and to every one of them a bason of pewter, a chafer with fete and a chaffyngdysche, and to every one of them 2 latten basons, and to every one of them a rake to hang pottes on and a spite, and to every on of them a chyste and 3 coschins and a bancker. I bequethe to Edithe my lesser Turkey carpet and a typpet of sarsnet. The rest of my goodes, my dettes and founeralles paid, I geve to John Carter whome I ordayn my fulle executor and I wyll that Harry Glover be over sear of my said wyll. Witnes, Syr Wylliam Balford, curat of Sent Marie Colchertche.

216. [bdle. II. 46] John Shelle. 25 Oct. 1538.

I John Shelle of Perching, seke in body, bequeth my sowll in to the hondes of Almyghty God the Father, the Son, and Holy Gost, to His Blised Mother Mary and to all the hooly company of heven, and my body to be buried within the church of Sante Andrewe of Abarton before Owre Lady of Pety. For recompence of my consience I geve unto the hye and principall aultar 12d. I geve to the reparacions of the same churche 3s. 4d., to the mothar church of Mawllinge 4d., unto the Trinite churche of Pownynges for the reparacions 3s. 4d. I geve unto every on of my god chyldrene an ewe to be delivered at my monthis myne. I geve unto Margeri Jamys 3s. 4d., unto the 3 sones of my brothar, William Shelle, ych on of theme, 2 ewys, unto my brethren Thomas and William, on quartar of wheat of the nexte crope, to my servant Gyllam one ewe. I geve unto my son Richard (fn. 36) 15 li., unto Marget, my dowyghter, 15 ma[r]ke, unto Ame, my wyfe, 20 li. and hir chawmbar. I make my executors my sones, Jhon and Water, to have all and singular the resydewe of my goodes, thereof to paye my dettes, to reseve all the which is oynge unto me. I wyll thes myne executors at my buriall shall cause 10 priestes to synge for my sowyll and all Cristyn sowyles, 10 at my monthis myne and 10 at my yers mene. I will that my wyfe and my executors shall have my hole terme and yeres which I have in my farme. I wyll yf it shall please God to viset any of my aforesaid children and take theme to His mercy that than on shalbe executor to anothar, that is to saye that yf Jhon or Water shall fayle that than Richard shall stonde for half executor with the other his brother then over levyng and his stocke to be devidide betwyxe theme twene. Yf both the said John and Water decease that than Richard shall be executor of all and entar in to the hole stocke. Yf that Richard fayll his stocke to be devidyde betwyxt Jhon and Water. Yf my dawghter Marget fayll hir stocke shall remeyne to hir mothar. Yf that all the aforesaid children feyll, as God forbede, that than Jhone and Isabell to be hole executors and enter in to the whole. I will that yf my dowghter, Marget, doe mary than myne exsectors shall delyver unto hir hir parte and yf she doe not mary that then myne exsectors shall kepe hir part and stocke unto she be 21 yers of age and than to delyver hit to hir. I will my son Richard shall have his stocke delyvered at 22 yers of age at the discression of myne oversears. I make oversears my speciall good maister, Mr. George Gyfforde Esquire, Maister Edwarde Belyngjam esquyre, Water Dubbill and Robart Bonyface, to see that this my last will be fulfillid. I will my maister, Mr. George Gyfforde, for his payns takyng 10s., to Mr. Edwarde Beylingjam 10s., to Water Dubbill 6s. 8d., to Robart Bonyface 6s. 8d. I will that yf the priest of Powmynges [sic] nowe beynge Sir George Fairbanke any tyme within this twelmonthe or 2 yere do lacke servys that he shall have 10s. to praie for my sowill and all Cristyn sowyles. At Perching. Wittenessyth, Water Dubbyll, Robert Bonyface and Sir George Fairbancke, with other more.

The draft of this will on paper and the formal copy on parchment have both survived and have been filed together. Neither has been signed or sealed and there is no note of registration or of probate having been granted. The will was, in fact, registered in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (P.C.C. 22 Pynnyng). There are a number of verbal differences between the two and on the parchment copy there are several alterations in a different hand. The text given above follows that of the parchment copy as altered. The only substantial variations occur in the dedicatory phrases near the beginning, where the draft on paper reads 'I bequethe my sawyll into the hond of Almyghty God the Father and to His Son Jesus Crist which soffarryd His passion for hit and all Cristyn sowylls and to the holy gost' and the unaltered parchment copy has 'to Jhus Crist His only begottyn Son aor saveyour and to the Holy goste'. The formula in the registered copy of the will follows that of the altered parchment draft. The will was proved on 7 Feb. 1545 by the oath of William Cowyk, notary public, procter of John Shelle.

217. [bdle. II. 47] John Sannys. 21 Oct. 1544.

I John Sannys, letherseller and citezein of the Citie of London, commende my soule unto Almyghty God, my Maker and Redemer, and my bodye to be buryed in the parisshe churcheyarde of Saynt Benett in Grace Churche of London. I wyll that all suche dettes and dewties as I owe of righte to any person be paied by myn executour withoute any delaye. I make Richard Foster myn executour to distrybute bothe my goodes and dettes as shall seme to be for the most quyetnes of my soule and of the execucion of the same I make Bartilmewe Drome my overseer. I utterly revoke all former testamentes. Witnesses, Thomas Jaxson, Phelip Ryppyngton, Thomas Phejamys with other moo.

[The will was registered in the prerogative court (P.C.C. 17 Pynnyng) and there is a note that for various reasons Richard Foster refused executorship, but administration of the goods of the deceased was granted to Robert Stannys, his brother.]

Written on a small slip of parchment with the bottom slit for a seal strip which has been lost.

218. [bdle. II. 48] William Smythe. 3 Sep. 1540.

William Smythe of the parishe of Seyncte Jonys in Walbroke in the Cytey of London, servyngeman, comendyd his sowle to Allmyghtye God, to Owr Lady Seyncte Marye and to all the holy company of heavyn, and wylled his body to be buryed in Christen buryall. He gave to William, his kynesman, a payre of hose gartors of sylke. All the reste of his goodes, his dettes payde and his funeralls don, he gave to Margarett, his wyff, and namyd her his sole executrix, beynge there presente Sir Raffe, his gostly father, and the seyd William his kynsman.

219. [bdle. II. 49] George Symonde. 4 Sep. 1544.

I George Symonde, sytezeyn and vyntner of London, bequeth my sowle unto Almyghty God, my Maker and Redemer, and to His Glorius Mother Mary and unto the holy cumpany of heven, and my body to be burred in the chancell of Seynt Martyns in the Vyntre or elleswere yt schall seme best to myde executores. I wyll that my executors provide a lytyll stone over me for a remembraunce with my marke. I bequeth unto the high auter of the saide chirch for my tythes forgoten 16d. I bequeth towardes the reparacions of the olde warkes of Powlles in London, 20d. I bequeth unto the pore peple in Bedlem to bestowed in bred and mete 16d. I gyve unto the Compayny of Vynteneres for a recreacion a mongest them 20s. I gyffe unto the almes pore peple adioynng to the Vynteneres Hall 16d. I gyve unto my brother son, Robart Symon of Balsam nere unto Newmarket, 40s. in redy money, my gowne off vyllet furred with budge, my dublet off sylke chamllett and my best jaket and a jayket of blacke clothe, a scyrte, a payr of hosen and a bonet. I gyffe unto the saide Robardes wyffe a dobull rayle, a syngill raylle, a nekercher, a payr of fore sclevys of Flaunderes makyng, and one payr of my best schetys, a peyer of course brodeschetes and 2 pellow beres, a pece of lennyg clothe of 4 yerdes and 3 quarteres brode, a wytte quylltyd lynnyng cape, the whiche mony and stuffe I wyll be delyverid unto the saide Robarte and hys wyffe at soche tyme as he or his wyff schall requyre, condysyonally that the sayde Robart and hys wyffe make unto my executors a generall acquyttance. I bequeth unto the Vynteners Hall in sylver to make a cuppe with my marchauntes marke theron fyve markys sterlyng yff it may be borne. I will immediatly after my dyscease that my executores and overseer make sale of all my stuffe and plate to performe thys my testament and last will. I make Mr. George Stroger, curat of Seynt Jamys in Garlykhythe, and David Gyttyns my executores, and to eyther of them I gyffe twenty shelynges. The resydew of my goodes, my dettes payde, my funaralles don, I will be destributyd at the dyscrecyon of my executores in dedes of charyte to pray for my sowle and all Christen sowles. In wytnes hereof I the saide George Symond hath subscribed my name and putto my seale. Wytnes, Rycharde Byrde and Thomas Ludlow with other moo. Per me George Simon. (fn. 37)

[There is a cross above the will and a note at the bottom that probate was granted.]

220. [bdle. II. 50] Thomas Taby. 6 Aug. 1544.

I Thomas Taby of Westham in the Countie of Essex, yoman, bequeth my sowle unto Almyghty God, my Maker and Redemer and to all the celestyall compeny of heyvyn, and my body to Crystyn buryall. I gyve to the hyghe aulter of the pariche chyrche of Westham for my tyths neclygently forgoten 3s. 4d. I gyve Kateyryn Taby, my mother, a leasse of certen londe lynge in thabaye marshe of Westham called New Solodes (fn. 38) wyche I hold of Peter Mewtys knyght, she to have the same leasse for terme of hyr lyve and after hyr dysceace the reste of the yeres in the seid leasse, yf eny then be to remayne to my too doughters, Agnes Taby and Joane Taby. I gyff to Roberte Barones my servaunte 10 li. and all my apparell, soe that the seid Robert make a generall acquitaunce to my executours in dycharge of me and them frome the begynnyng unto the daye of the delyverance therof. I gyve to be devydyd among pore fawke after the dyscrescyon of the supervisors of thys my wyll 40s. I wyll that the rest of all my coyne, plate, goodes, catell moveable and unmoveable, the leasse of my dwellyng howsse with thappurtenance only excepte, to be devydyd egally into 2 partes, the one parte wherof I gyve unto Elyn Taby, my wyff, and the other parte to be devydyd egally betwe my two dowghters, Agnes and Johane. And the said leasse of my seid dwellynge howsse, with thappurtenance, I wyll that my seid wyff shall have durynge hyr lyff naturall yf she contynwe sole, vidua, and nott marye. And yf yt fortune my seid wyff to marye or els to departe frome hyr lyff wythin the yerez conteynyd within the seid leasse then I wyll the seid leasse to remayne to my seid 2 dowghters, ether to have the proffettes therof, porcion lyke. And yf yt fortune other of them to dye before they be maried that then hyr porcion to remane to the other. And yff the both dye unmaried then I wyll that there seid porcions shall remayne to Margarete Hudylston, my dowter in lawe, and to hyr heyrez. Of thys my present wyll I make myne executrix Agnes and Johane Taby, my dowhters, and Robart Stepheneth of Westham, gentylman, and Robert Busshoppe of Layton, supervisers, and they to have ruele and oversyght of my seid 2 dowhgter and ther goods unto they come to lawffull age or els be maried, they to have for ther paynes takynge therin, ether of them 20s. In wyttnesse wherof to thys my present wyll I have sett to my hande and seale. (fn. 39) Per me Tomam Taby. Redde, sealed and delyvered in the presence of John Vauunce of Stratford, harnes maker, Rychard Beremore, bucher, and Thomas Burton.

[Endorsed 'Thomas Taby'.]

Written on a sheet of paper folded bookwise.

221. [bdle. II. 51] James Veroven. 27 Mar. 1544.

I James Veroven, (fn. 40) servyng man, of the parisch of Saint Martens within Ludgate in London, bequeth my sowle unto Almyghty God, my Maker and Savyor, to the Gloryous Vyrgyn His Moder, Our Lady Saint Mary, and to all the hooly company of hevyn and my body to be buryed in Polles church yerde. I bequeth to hight aulter of Saint Martens aforesaid for my tythes neclygently forgotten 4d. I geve to Thomas Joyley a pressyng yron and a payre of taylors sheres. The resydue of all my goodes moveabull and unmoveabull, after my dettes payed I hooly geve them to Elisabeth Veroven my welbelovyd wyff whome I make my soole executryce of this my present testament and last wyll. Wytnes, Sir Christofer Wryght, prest, Mr. Gregory Conwey, haburdasher, and Thomas Joyley with other mo.

[Proved 7 May.]

222. [bdle. II. 52] Wyllyam Walker. 8 Dec. 1544. (fn. 41)

I Wyllyam Walker, clothwarkere, of the parysch of Saynte Thomas thappostoles yn London, (fn. 42) geve my soull to God Allmyghty the Fathere Omnipotente, to Jeshu Cryste Hys Sone my Redemer, to Owre Bleassyd Lady Saynt Marye and to all the holy companye of hevyn they to pray for me. My bodye to be buryed yn the churche yarde of the sayd parysche of Saynte Thomas befor namyd. I geve to John Hall, my sone yn lawe, and to Agnes hys wyffe, my doughter, a bed stede, a fether bed with all thynges belongyng to abed. I geve to the sayd John and Agnes, hys wyffe, 3 payre of sheres of my 7 payre, provided alwaye my wyffe to have the beaste payre and the othere 6 to be equalye dyvyded betwexe the sayd John and my wyffe. I geve to the sayd John and Agnes, hys wyffe, 2 bollen brasse pottes, a chaffere of brasse with a lyon upon it, 3 platters, 3 dysses, 3 sawssher, 4 candelstykes, a saltsalere, a quarte potte, a pynte potte of pewter and a blake gown unlyned. The resydewe of all my gooddes both moveable and unmoveable, my funerall expenses and my dettes payd, I geve to Alys, my wyffe, whom I make my hole executrix. Witnesse, Sir John James, curatt, Harry Ansell, Robarte Nasshe, Rychard Bell and many mo.

Dettes that I owe.
To Franke the bere bruare 33s.
To Johns the bakere 3s.
To Bendelows wyffe 16d.
To Tomsons wyffe 4d.

223. [bdle. II. 53] Elizabeth Wescott. 22 May 1544.

I Elizabeth Wescott of the parishe of Saynt Christophers at the Stockes in London, wydow, bequethe my soule to Almygty God and my body to be buryed in the parishe churche of Saynt Christophers. I geve to the high aulter there for oblations forgotten 12d. I geve to Jamys Gunter 2 gilted saltes, a potte of silver and gilte with a cover, a payre of bedes of corall doubbell gauded with silver and gilte, 3 unces of silver in the harnes of a girdell, a spone or els the valew that hit lyith for, that is 10s., a newe fetherbedde, with a new bolster, a flockbedde, a piler for a bedde of redde and grene saye. I geve to the sayd Jamys the oon halffe of my pewter vessell, the oon halffe of my lattyn candelstickes that be grete candle stickes, a grete kettell, the biggest panne of 3, a bedde panne, a latten ladell, a brasse potte, a brasse porsenett with a slette, a pane of lucretia. I geve to the sayd Jamys halffe a dosen of my smalle cushens, my chamlett frocke, my chamlett kertyll, the one halffe of my shetes, the one halffe of my pillow beres, and a dosen of new plaen napkyns. I geve to the sayd Jamys the one halffe of my perott if my sonne Harry do sell hyt, orels not. I geve to Cecyly, my nurse, a kercher of calycow clothe, a new smocke, a raell that Mistres Coke gave me, a paer of shetes, a frocke of clothe, 2 platters, 2 dishes, 2 sawcers, a candlestick and a pillowbere. The resydew of all my goodes not bequethed I geve to Harry Wescotte, my sonne and Margaret Wescott, his wiffe. I make myn executors James Gunter, Anne Gunter, his wyfe, Harry Wescott and Margaret, his wiffe. Witnes, Roger Greyn, clerke, curat there, William Ramsey and William Lawnde.

Written on parchment in an informal hand.

224. [bdle. II. 54] Rychard Wycherley. 13 Jun. 1544.

I Rychard Wycherley bequeth my sooll to Almyghti God, to Our Blessyd Saynte Marye and to all the holye compeny in heven and my body to be buryed in Crystian buryall wher yt shall please Almyghti God. All syche poor goodes as I have moveable and unmoveable I wyll to Thomas Borowys, my kynnisman, whom I make my sole executur to see my dettes payd and to receyve syche dettes as ys owyng to me and also to see me honestly buryed as my specyall trust is in hym. I wyll that the sayd Thomas shall please my kepers honestly for theyr paynstakyng. Wytness, Syr Nycholaus Burton, my curate and goostly fayther, Gregorye Bacon with other moo.

Dettes owyng to Rychard Wychyrley.
Fyrst Roger Townkes 26s. 8d.
Wylliam Grenhopp 10s.

A crown that my hostes owyth me yff yt please God I departe thys present lyffe I gyff hyr the forwayd crown for her kyndnes and paynes takyng.

[The testament was exhibited.]

This ys the Inventory of all the goodes, cattelles and dettes of Rychard Whycherly, late deceaced, praisyd by John Holmes, Wylliam Gybson, John Berman, the 19th daye of August 1544.

A plome clocke 5s.
A bowe, shaftes and the quuyver 20d.
A jackett 12d.
A nolde payer of hose 16d.
Desperat dettes owyng to the sayed testator 36s. 8d.

225. [bdle. II. 55] Syr William Walker. 27 Dec. 1544.

Syr William Walker, clerke, bequethid his sowle to Allmightie God and to Owr Blessid Lady and to all the holy company of hevyn, and his bodye to be buryed in the church of Saynt Andrew in Baynard Castell in London. He bequethyd all suche goodes, cattalls, monye, juelles, specialties, napery, implymentes and stuffe of howshold what so ever they were, as well all suche as then were within the messuage of Robart Walker beyng in the Kynges Wardroppe in the parishe of Saynt Andrew in London, or in the possession of the same Robert, as allso all suche as were in the handes of any other persons, to the fore said Robert Walker, whome he namyd his full executor of this present will. Wittenesses, John Walker of London, gentillman, William Beswyke, bruar, Thomas Bowbancke, minsterell, and John Keyll, showemaker.

226. [bdle. II. 56] Rychard Yong. 28 Feb. 1545. (fn. 43)

I Rychard Yong, off the paryshe off Westham in the cownty of Essex, gyff my solle to Gode Almyghty, my Maker and Redemer, and my body to be burid in the chirche yarde off Allhalows att Westham. I gyffe to every childe I have 20s. Of this my present wyll I make Joan Yong, my wyff, my executrix, and all the resydewe off my goodes. I make Mr. Fawlowe, my brothir in lawe, overseer, with her. And he to have for his paines takyng 5s. Wytnessyt, Jamys Hancok, curat, Petre Attway, with dyverse othir.

227. [bdle. II. 57] — Brossard. 26 Aug. 1545.

This present writynge is for my testament and laste wylle besechinge my executors that is to wyte Roger de Prat and my dowghter Garanne de Prat, his wyfe, to fulfylle my laste gyftes at ther pleasure. Furste, I geve my sowle to God to thende that with hit He do at His pleasure praynge Hym by His beningne grace to graunt me His mercy. I leve my bodye to be buryed yn the churche of Saynte Lawrence Powntney requiringe our Medyator Jeshus Christe to geve me His grace. I geve all my moveable goodes and ynmoveable, my dettes payde, to my dowghter, Avys Brossard, to be payde to her yn the age of 20 yeres acordinge to the tenor of her fathers wylle late deceased, the whiche testament is lefte yn thondes of my sayde executors, praenge them that they may have petye and compassyon of my poore dowghter to kepe and governe as welle the goodes as my sayde dowghter. And if hit chawnce the sayde Avys to be maryed before the age aforesayde then the sayde legacye to be payde to her at the tyme of her mariage. As towchinge my sonne, Fraunces Pellysonne, I geve hym my blessyng prayeng the Creator Jeshus and Medyator of the worlde to Whome is all my hope that hit wolde please Hym to geve hym His grace and at the laste the lyffe eternall. To my dowghter, Jeromyme Pellysonne, whiche hathe kepte me yn my syckenes I leave her for all my gyftes and dowghter love my blessinge, prayenge the Lord Jeshus Chryste that hit wylle please Hym to geve her His grace and at thende lyffe eternalle, and fulfyllinge of her desyers. I pray acordinge to my wylle that the sayde testament of my deceased husbond, Myhell Brossard, be fulfylled yn every poynte. I confesse to have cawsed this present testament to be wryten as my laste wylle, prayeng the Lorde to be my helpe and to geve me His grace withe marcye and remyssyon of my synnes. Yn the presens of Symond Chrystyen, my father confessor, Phillebart Ewde, John Boursede, Ramon Troyte, Anthony Crosse and John Combys.

Formally written on a sheet of paper folded bookwise. With it is another copy of the will and a rough draft of the clause concerning Avys Brossard.

228. [bdle. II. 58] Raffaye Bowdon. 21 Oct. 1545.

I Raffaye Bowdon, beyng syckly, fearing dethe which is naturall for every lyvyng creature willyng to dyspoase me the best for the wellthe of my solle, bequethe my solle unto Allmyghty Gode that creatyde and redemyd hit, desyering of Hys infynite mercy to have mercy one hit and put yt in Hys glory that it wasse creatyd for the lawde and prese of Hys name. I be quethe unto my brother, Edward Bowdon, a swerde. I bequethe to my brother, James aBowdon, Jake [sic] a plate. I bequethe to my brother, Jhon Bowdon, 2 freshe cottes graye. I bequethe to Alles Rosse, my master Robbins mayde, twenty pens, to my sester, Annes Bowdon, 8 yardes of graye frese to mayke her a froke. I mayke my wyfe, Elsaybethe Bowdon, my solle and holle excecutrix and my cowsyn Jeffry Bowdon my oversear. In casse that awght sholde come to my wyfe then I will my cowsen Jeffrey Bowdon shalbe my solle excecutor and all the ressydew of my goodes which I will sholde be my wyfes then to be at the ordering of my sayd cossene Jefferey as he shall thinke best. Wettneses, Jhon Robson, merchant tayler, Jhon Harryson, Lewce Radmelle, Rayffe and Jhone Syxe.

229. [bdle. II. 59] Robert Burton. 6 Aug. 1545.

I Robert Burton, tyler of London, beynge syke of boddy, bequeve my sole into the handes . . . Almyghtie Gode, to Our Lady Saynt Marie ande to all the company of heven, ande my body to be buried in the churcherd of Saynt Butulph, in the aley where the procession entrethe. I bequeve unto Elsabethe Hilley, my coson, my howse that is standynge in Bysshopsburton, in the weste ende of the towne, ande also the rent that is behynd for 4 yeres. I bequeve to the wardens of my company for theire paynes commynge to my buryinge 10s. I bequeve to the Fraternitie of the Trinitie 20d. I bequeve to my too prentesys, theare yeres beynge expyred, all my toolis that pertaynethe unto my occupation to be equall devyded by the discrescion of my wyff ande my overseer. All the reasedu of my goodes, I beynge honestly buried, I bequeve to Alis, my wiff, . . . makynge . . . full executrix. Ande I make my overseer of this my will William . . . and for his paynstakyn I doo gyve unto hym my second beste gowene. Wittnes, John Underhill, bruear. Per me Georgium Tovy, curat.

The paper is badly torn down the right hand side.

230. [bdle. II. 60] Wylliam Chambarlayn. 20 May 1542.

Jeshus Rex. I W[ylliam] Chambarlayn, setesen and skynar off Lundon, bequeythe my soule unto Allemyty God my Makar and Redemar and to the gloryous Wyrgen Our Lady Sent Marry and to alle the holy company off heven and I wyll that my body be bured in the churche yard nex to mastars Popes Walle as nythe as maye be. I bequethe to the heye halter to the blesed sacramente 12d. I wylle, aftar my fynyal expensys done and my detes wyche off ryght I do houe any parson payd, that alle suche gudes and monye off myne as then shalbe remaynyng shalbe devyd[ed] in tou egalle partes, the one parte ther off to Jone, my wyfe, therwith to do hare fre wyll and plesare acordyng to the custome of the Cetey off Lundon, and the other partey shalle remayne unto my selfe and to the parformans off my legases. I bequeyth hevery on off my god cheldarne 12d. apes, to Renold Pytman 6s. 8d., to William Penden 3s. 4d., to Jorge Taylesers doutar, my kynsewomane and god doutar, att the day of har marage 10s., to my cosen Jhon Franke, berebruar, 20s. for a blake gune. I bequethe to my Lady Hyll a crusado for a jemy, to my spesyall frend, Syr Rouland Hylle, (fn. 44) a byge houpe off gollde, to Myster Leye a crusado, to Mysterys Colte a golde rynge with a dyamond, to Mastar Colte a crusado, to my brodar Robard Chambarlayn, my best gune furd with blake boge, my best dobelet, my best gaket, my best hoson, my best shert and cape, and my best puche with a loke of selver, and to his wyfe a crusado. I bequethe to the yemenry off my company 40s. to make them a recrasyon att my beryall daye, to the fundars 20s. so that the cum to my beryall. I wyll that ther shall be geven to my neburs that wyll take ytt and in the parys 4s. among them. I wyll that shalle be geven in Sent Oloves in the Holde Jury to pur housholdrs 5s. I bequethe to Syr Nykolas Jaxson 2 dosen bogy (fn. 45) pryse 12s., to Syr Hare Koxe 2 dosen boby 12s. I bequethe to alle that hathe ben my sarvantes for a remembrans 20d. a pes. I bequethe to the 4 presen houses, Ludgatte, Neue gat, the Kynges Benche, the Marshalseye, 3s. a pes. Halle the resedeue off my parte that ys lefte I wyll that Jone my wyfe shalle have ytt wyche I make and orden myne exseketryx off thys my laste wylle, and Syr Rouland Hyll, knyght, and Johan Franke, berebruar, myne overseayars. In wetnes were off I have wreton thys with myne hound hand. I bequethe mastar Dobes doutars, heche off them a crusado, in wetenes I have set to my sell. By me Wylliam Chambarlayn, skynar.

Wyttenys to this will I Sir Rowlland Hill, the 18 day of October anno 1545. (fn. 46) Per me Roland Hill.

The bottom right-hand corner of the sheet has been turned back over the seal.

231. [bdle. II. 61] Gregory Clarke. 15 Dec. 1545.

I Gregory Clarke off the parysche off Alhalows upon the solar (fn. 47) in Temes Strette, beyng seke in body, commend my sowlle to Almythi God, to His Mother Our Lady and to all syanttes. My body to be buryed in the churche yard of Alhallows afforsaid. I gyve to Johan Clarke, my wyffe, all my goodes, moveable and unmoveable, to brynge my body to the earth honeastly to hyr powre whom I ordeyne my ssolle excecutrix. Witnesse, Sir Edward Burell, curat, Williar Gren, John Grygsone, Elyzabeth Swetyng with other.

232. [bdle. II. 62] Elyzabeth Foxe. 15 . . . 1545.

I Elyzabeth Foxe, latte the wyffe of John Foxe my weded howsbonde, beqweth my solle onto Almyghty Gode and . . . Laydy Saynt Mary and to all the holy company of hevyn them to pray for me, and my body for . . . in the cherch yerde of Saynt Benettes at Polles Wharffe nexte to my howsbonde. I beqweth onto the hye awter of Saynt Benettes 12d. I beqweth onto the goodwyf . . . my froke of worstede, to the goode wyffe Ackenson my blake gowne, unto the goode wyffe Spryng mi best petycott, to Thomas Wa . . . my prentes, my husbondes gowne, to Elyzabeth, my servaunt, my cecende petyc . . . and my seconde kertyll, to Jone, my mayde, 10s. I beqweth unto my mo . . . a velvett partlett and my best kertyll, unto John Anable, a jakett and a doblett of . . . worsted. I beqweth unto Sir Henry Smyth my lytyll table, to . . . syster Elyn, my gowne that ys new drest. The recydow of all my goodes, my dettes payd, I gyffe . . . Foxe, my dowgtter of my body lawfully begottyn, whome I make my executrex and also Wylliam Canon, my father, that he shall se the goodes whyche ys lefte be gy . . . World that the sayd Wylliam Canon, my father, for to take yt into hys custody for to se yt kept for the be hoffe of the sayd Elyzabeth my chylde untyll she come to a lawfull age, . . . the whyche Wylliam Canon I make the ruler and governor of my chyld and of my goodes. I wyll that Owyne Apowell, merchant tayller of London, that he shall take an invytory of all my good and he for to se me browght unto the erthe for to se every thynge dyschargyde untyll my father, Wylliam Canon, come to London. Wytnesse, Sir Water Maior, parson of the same cherche, (fn. 48) Sir Henry Smythe and Thomas Adam.

The pressement of the goodes that was gevyn the 23 day of June.
A syllver pynne and gyrdell of gete 2s.
A payer of bedes with 8 gawdes 2s. 8d.
A basin and yewer 2s.
A basin and yewer 2s. 8d.
A depe bason and 2 dyssys of puter 20d.
4 cussyns with fethers 3s. 4d.
Holde fetherbede 5s.
A holde fetherbede with bolster 6s.
A holde fetherbede with bolster 6s. 8d.
A holde gowne and holde kyrtyll 2s.
2 canstykes 8d.
A pottell potte and 2 quarte potes and 2 pynte potes 2s.
2 platters, 2 dyssys and 2 sacers 22d.
A gowne furryd with fychys 7s.
Mannes gowne and kyrtyll of red 6s. 8d.
Renolde Danyell, plomer; Nycollas Wydes, puterer; Robord Hubberd, taylor, the pressers.
Somma of thys ys 52s. 2d.

The will has been badly torn down the right-hand side. The inventory is on a halfsheet of paper folded bookwise.

233. [bdle. II. 63] Thomas Grove. 1 Jun. 1544.

I Thomas Grove, beyng in gud helthe, beqwethe my solle unto Allemyghtty God, the Father, the Sone and the Holley Gost and to the Blessed Wergen Our Lady Saynt Marey, and to all the holley componey of hevene, and my body to bered ther where as yt pleas All myghty God. I make my wyffe, Annes Grove, my full exsetres, and my cosen, Robert Grove, mayn oresear and all my gudes I geve to my wyffe. And to my cosson, Robert Grove, for ys paynes takyng 4d. I bequest to Mr. Mokelay for ys paynes takyng for to be gud unto my wyffe 3s. 4d. And thys ys my last wylle. Per me Thomas Grove.

This will appears to have been written by the testator.

234. [bdle. II. 64] John Lambe. 1545.

Jesheus. Anno 1545. (fn. 49) Witnessethe that I John Lambe bequeathe my soule unto Almightye God and Our Blessede Ladye Saynt Marye and unto all the companye of heaven, and my bodye to be buryede in the churche yerde of Our Ladye Abchurche, wherin I was paryshoner. I geave unto the highe aulter for my tythes neglygentlye forgotten 12d. I bequeathe unto Ales, my doughter, a coberde, a feather beade and fower payer of sheetes, 2 blanketes, 2 coverlightes, 2 brasse pottes and an iorne potte, a table clothe, a pewtar salte, 2 candlestyckes, a fryenge panne and a drypinge panne, pott hanginges, 2 cheastes, a quarte pott, a pinte pott, a payer of tonnges, a fyer racke, 2 cheyers and all the paintede clothes. I make Ales, my dougtar, my full executryx and do geave unto her all my goodes, deates due unto me to be paide, seynge me honestlye buryede. My will ys at the daye of my buryall to have duryge with not and masse songe. I make John Pegden, cloth worker, myne oversear and I geave unto him for his payne takinge Ales, my dowghtar and all thinges with her. In witnesse herof Sir Richarde Bas and John Backer hath sett to both their handes. (fn. 50) Per me Wylliam Mildnall.

235. [bdle. II. 65] John Prynce. 19 May 1545. (fn. 51)

I John Prynce, cytyzyn and carpynter of London, syke in body, bequethe my sole to Allmyghty God my Maker and Redemer, and to the Blessyd Virgyn Owre Lady Saynte Mary, and to all the holy company of hevyn, and my body to be buryd in the churchard of Saynte Clement in Est Cheppe yn London. I bequeth unto Robert Prynse, my father, one of my gownes, a dowblet, a cootte and 20s. I bequeth to Anne, my dowthter, her portyon or parte a cordyng to the custom of London. Moreover yff Margaret, my wyff be with chylde I wyll that the chylde to have hys or hyr parte. The resydew of my goodes, my dettes and funerall payyd, I geve to Margaret, my wyff, whome I make sole executryx of thys my testament and laste wyll. Wytnes, Syr John Lewys, clarke, Rychard Meryt, clotheworker, and Rychard Symons with other.

[Note 'not pd.' (fn. 52) ]

The writer of this will began with a decorated initial letter and an attempt at a professional script which deteriorated after the first few lines.

236. [bdle. II. 66] William Peyrson. 5 Nov. 1545. (fn. 53)

I William Peyrson, clerke, being sycke in bodey, bequeth my soule into the handes of Almyghtye God my Creator and Redemer, to Our Blessed Ladye, Most Purest Virgyne, and to all the companye of heaven, and my bodye to be buryed in the peryche churche of Saynt Marye at Hyll in London, and there to have masse and dyrige by note accordyng to the use and custome of the sayd churche, and every prest and clerke of the sayd churche to have for there paynes 12d. I wyll also that the great bell shalbe ronge for the space of 6 oures accordyng to the custome of a knell. I bequeth to my syster, Agnes Englyshe, fyve poundes. I geve to Edward Scory, clerke, 3s. 4d., to Sir Meryot 3s. 4d., to Syr Scott 3s. 4d. I gyve to my hostes, Elyzabeth Gryffyn, 40s., unto Rychard Gryffyng 10s. I gyve to John Denman the stone cruse coveryd wyth sylver, unto Alyce Bryan 8s. The resydew of all my goodes moveables and unmoveables I gyve to my lovyng mother, Eme Bell, to use them as she shall thynke most convenient to the peasure [sic] of God and health of my soule and she to be my full executryx. I make oversear of my will John Chareley, cooper of London. Wryten in the presence of Syr Edmond Alstone, prest, Martyne Cater, John Stot, clerke, wyth other. Per me William Peyrson. (fn. 54)

237. [bdle. II. 67] Jhon Robotom. 11 Oct. 1545. (fn. 55)

I Jhon Robotom, draper and cytizen of London, beyng sycke in bodye, bequeth my sowle to Allmyghtye God my Savure Redemer and Maker, to His Blessed Mother Sent Mary the Virgen and to all the holy compenye of heven, and my bodye to be bewryd in Crysten bewryall within the precynct of the churche yard of Sent Migh . . . in Cornhill in London wherof I am a paryshener, as nye where my chylthern do lye as may be convenyent. I geve to my 6 chyltherne, Jhon Robotom, James, Wyllyam, Ales, Kateryne and Elyzabeth, 20s. sterlyng a pec at the tyme of lawfull ages, or els at the day of mariage and in case anye of my sayed chyltherne to depart thys mortall world before they shal com to ther lawfull age then I wyll that every one of them to be others eyre. I geve to Kateryn, my doghter, my olde gowne of blacke cloth. I geve to Robart Roo, my prentyse 20s. to be paid to him when he comyth owt of his yeres. The resydue of all my goodes, my deptes payed, my funerall expenses performed, I holy geve them to my welbeloved Dorethe, my wyff, whome I ordyne my sole executryx. Wyttnes, Robert Harrysun, curat, of the pareshe of Sent Myghelles above named, Robert Hardye of London, draper, with dyverse other. Per me Robertum Harrysun curatum antedictum. By me Robart Hardye.

The right-hand side has been torn.

238. [bdle. II. 68] Rycharde Strete. 22 Dec. 1545.

I Rycharde Strete, of the Cety of London cetinizar and wolman, bequethe my soull to God Almightie, Our Lady Sancte Mary and to all the holy company of hevyn, and my body to be bured within the paroche churche of Sancte Buttolls att Algate within the libertes of London. I give to the hye awter of the same churche 3s. 4d. I give one hole years rent of the housse that I now dwell in and also of the next housse that ys myn to ytt withe all ther appurtinances, immediatlie after my deathe to be bestoyd in almes among the poore people of the saide parishe of Sancte Buttolles by the discrecion of my executors and supervisor of this my last wyll. I give to my kynswoman, Anne Strete, 10 li. to her mariage, to Anne Aydlington, my kynswoman, 40s. to her mariage, to my servant, Margery Gybbons, 5 li. to her mariage. I give to our Company of Wolmen, 40s. to be receavid of a specialitie. The residew of all my goodes, moveable and unmoveable, and all my landes, renttes, tenementes, withe all ther appurtenances I give to my kynsman, Jamys Aidlington, dwelling within the parishe of Sancte Buttolles at Bysshopps gaite within the libertes of London, wolman, and also to my kynswoman, Isabell Strete, dwelling in Kentt, the wiche James Aidlington and Isabell Strete I ordeane my executors, to paie my dettes and to bestoye my goodes to the pleasure of God, to the healthe of my soull and all Christen soulles. I will my nebur, John Frumyngham, fletcher, to be the supervisor of this my testament and last will, and he to have for his labors and panys 40s. Witnesse, Sir Robertt Mason, (fn. 56) curate of Sancte Buttolles at Algaite, John Hoinnes of Sepulchres parishe, Robertt Starky of the same, Thomas Bradley of Sancte Toylles in Marke Lane, (fn. 57) withe other mo.

[At the end of the will are the intertwined initials R.S.]

239. [bdle. II. 69] Thomas Verdon. 1 Oct. 1545.

I Thomas Verdon, [be] queythe my soule unto Allmyghty God, and my body to be buryed in the churche yeard of Saynte Edmunde in Lumbard Streete, I geve to the hey auter 20d. I bequeythe to Jone Myners a bla[ck] gowne, to Margarett Semar 6s. I make my hole executoure and ovyrsear Thomas Burdokk, to dispose my goodes movable and unmovable according as he shall thynke yt moste beste, so that my dettes be payde and the rest to be distrybutyde after the discressyone of the forsayde Thomas Burdokke. Wyttnesse, Syr John Harrys, curate of Saynt Edmundes in Lumbarde Street and Symond Semar.

The top right-hand corner has been torn off.

240. [bdle. II. 70] Anthony Westynton. 26 Oct. 1545.

I Anthony Westynton of the City of London within the parec of Phane church (fn. 58) in Phane Strette, cobler, beqwieth my soull hole into the handes and mercy of our Saviour Jesu Chryst thorowgh Whose Redemptyon and Goodnes of all my synnes I trust to have remyssyon and free pardon, and my body to be bereid within the parec chirchyerd of Saynt Gabriell in Phane Stryt. I wyll that Margaret Westynton, my wiff, be my executrix and to her I gyve all my goodes movable or unmovable, my dettes paid and funeralles dyscharged. Witnesse, Sir Anthony Forest, prest and William Man. Per me Anthonium Forestum.

Written on part of a sheet of paper in a scratchy unformed hand. The signature is much more clearly written.

241. [bdle. II. 71] Stewyn Brumsgrow. 22 Feb. 1547. (fn. 59)

IHS. I Stewyn Brumsgrow of . . . parys of Saint Lawrens in the Old Jure in London, beynge seyke in my body, beqweth my sooll unto Allmyghty God my Redemer, which hath redemyde me with Hys most precyus blood, and my body to be burede in the churche porche of Saynt Lawrens. Y beqweth unto the hee awter for tythys forgotten 12d., unto the mother churche of Pawlys, 2d., unto my brother, John, my rydyng cote, unto my craft 6s. 8d., unto my cosyn, John Bakar, one of my lyvere gownys wich plees hym to take, unto John Pere my nyghgowne, unto Wylliam Bakar 3s. 4d., unto Als Bromsgrawe, 2 dyshys, 2 sawsars and 3s. 4d. in mony, unto John Baker my wood knyffe. All the resedew of my goodes unbeqweth y gyffe unto my wyffe, who y mayke my full exectryx and she to se my lygacies performyd, unto Sir Wylliam Jakson, curat, 20d. Y forgyff Rychard Bradyns of hys dettes. John Bakar, John Pere, Sir Wylliam Jakson to be my oversears of thys my last wyll and testament.

I John Walker testyfy that this ys of trewth above wretten. I John Baker do also wytnesse this for trewthe. (fn. 60)

242. [bdle. II. 72] Deryk Leke. 5 Jun. 1546.

It chaunces so that I Deryk Leke (fn. 61) most nedes taky my viage beyonde the sea to my frendys, so have I, the forenamed Derik Leke, seing that the liffe of man is shorte and the deathe sure and the howre of deathe unsure, therefore have I made my laste will and testament, for all trobles that myght come of it to my owne maryed wife. For cause she hathe helped me with grett paynes to get that I have, therefore it ys right that I shulde remember her, so I geve and commende to God Allmyghty my soole wiche He hafe made and more I geve of that God hathe sent me an Englishe grotte to the churche where I was crystened in, the rest of all my goodes I geve to my maryed wiffe, Ede Leke, and that she do with the goodes whatt so ever please her selfe and that she paye all my dettes that I owe, and she to have all the dettes that ys owyng to me. Witnes, Mr. Jacobb Swynewryght, John Vantright, Henryk Mase. In more witnes have I Sir Peter of Venlowe, prest of Seyn Barbaros chapell in Seynt Tolos in Southewerke.

Three sheets of paper sewn together down the left-hand side. The first sheet has the English version of the will as above. The second sheet has the will in Dutch and underneath it a sign like a beehive with the initial 'P' one side and 'T' the other. The third sheet is blank.

243. [bdle. VII. 3] Wylliam Pokynhorn. 9 Jun. 1545.

JHS. I Wylliam Pokynhorn, setyzyn and cooke of London, beying seke in body, comyt my sowle unto Allmyghtty God and my body to berued in the churche or churcheyeard of Sent Deonyse (fn. 62) paryshe, wher I now dwell. I wyll that all my detbts be payd. I wyll to my father and to my mother my joynyd bedstyd in the parlowr and the fethyr bed with all other thynges that to hyt doth apertayn as yt stondythe. I bequethe to my said father and mother in mony or other goodes the valuew of 4 li. sterlyng to be worthe to kepe and fynde them wythe all and so that thay abyde and dwell in London but yf they wyll go out of London at any tyme to dwell then I wyll them no thing of that spokyn of before. I bequeth to my father my gown furyd with fox and to my mother my gown of pewke to make hyr a gown wythall. I bequeth to Wylliam my servant, a small brase pot and 4 small broches short and square. I bequeth to Raynold Blowk my doblet. All the rest of my goodes, cataylles and debtes I geve thym to my wyfe and my chyldryn acording unto the custom of the Sety. I make my wyfe my exsecutryx and Raynold Blowk to be my ower sear in thys thynges. In wytnes here of I have causyd this to be wrytten in the presens of my mother, my wyfe, the said Raynold Wylliam, turn wayll and dyvers others.

[Endorsed '1547'.] (fn. 63)

244. [bdle. VII. 7] Agnes Yardely. 1 Jul. 1532.

I Agnes Yardely, wedowe, bequeth my sowle to Allmyghtty God and to Ower Blessyd Lady Seynt Mary and to all the saynttes in heven, and my body to be buryed in the churche yarde besyde my husbond and I bequeth to the hygh auter for my tythes necclygently forgotten 12d. I wyll inespecyally my husbondes dettes furste to be payd accordyng to the inventory. I bequeth to my sone Wylliam Yardly my howse with the leasses that husbond had oone of Saynt Johns and the other of Mr. Herne and all the deades consernyng 2 howses in Shrosbery. Yf yt fortune the sayd Wylliam my sone to dye withowt issue then I wyll all the sayde howses together with the evydencys belongyng to the same to remayne to my dawghttes and ther heyers and the overlyffers of them. I bequeth to my cosen, Querell, a gowne and a kyrtell and 6 kerchers to be delyveryd unto hyr at the dyscrecyon of myne executors and supervysor as they shall think convenyentt. I gyffe to Margery Harysson a gowne, 2 smokks . . . to be delyveryd in maner and forme as ys afforesayd. I gyffe to Wylliam Trysty . . . of my supervysor and for hys good . . . to Francys Sulyard. Also . . . to Mr. Avery and Goodman Farro . . . and agrement of my sayd supervysor whome . . . performyd before all other . . . gyffe to my sayd brother John, a crosse of sylver and gyllt and my weddyng ryng. I gyffe to Sir Rychard 5s. or elles the pyllow and the pyllowbere that was Mr. Shakeladys. I gyffe to the sayd Francys Sulyard for hys paynes to be taken in the oversyght of my sayd last wyll and testamentt, a boten (fn. 64) of gold, a chayne of sylver and gylt and a ryng with a saphure. In wittnes wherof I the sayd Agnes to thys my last perffett wyll and testament have sett my sealle. Also to Elyzabeth Tyder a mantell. Also I wylle the rest of all my goodes to my dowghtters and I wyll my sayd dowghtters to be at the settenforth of my sayd executors and supervysor. Also I gyve to my sayd supervisor (fn. 65) Seallyd and delyveryd in the presens of me, Frauncys Sulyard, Wylliam Golde, John Langham, Wylliam Trystyltnot, Sir Rychard Scoos, Queqnell Lewys, Sir Robert Morcor, curett.

The paper is so badly damaged by damp that the centre part is lost. A strip for a seal has been cut out and torn away. Because of its date this will is included here, but it has been endorsed '1547' in a late hand and it has been listed under that year in the old index.

245. [bdle. VII. 8] Elazbeth Basford. 18 Dec. 1544.

I Elazbeth Basford, weddoo, bequeythe my sowell to Allmythe God besecheing Hys graces of marcy. I bequeythe my body to be berryd in the cherche or cherche yarde at the dyscressyon of my executores. I bequeythe to my dawter, Margaret, my hanggens in the hall and 3 platers and the foute pase in the hall. I wyll that my detes and my leggers fulfyllyd that then all my res [rest] of my goddes to remayne unto my soune Richard Basford, my full executor. In wetnes I the sayd Elsabeth dothe knollyg to be my wyll in dede and her to I have sete to my hand and seyll.

The bottom right-hand corner, cut to cover the seal, has been torn away. This will is listed under 1548 in the old index, but there is nothing on the document itself to indicate this date.


  • 1. Turned.
  • 2. Fine.
  • 3. Device.
  • 4. The year is in arabic numerals.
  • 5. The signature is in a very shaky hand. The testator may have been the Thomas Cobbys who was rector of St. Martin Pomeroy, 1482–83.
  • 6. St. John the Baptist, Walbrook, which formerly stood on the west side of Dowgate Hill. Henry Symonds was chaplain there in 1506–45.
  • 7. Gap of half a page.
  • 8. 'Bowierrowe' which Stow (I, 339) says was 'so called of Bowiers dwelling there in olde time', became Ludgate Hill. The church is therefore St. Martin Ludgate.
  • 9. Sir Roger Cholmley, Recorder of London in 1535–45, later Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench. He was the founder of Highgate School.
  • 10. The testator's signature is very cramped and shaky. The bottom right-hand corner of the document has been turned back to cover the seal.
  • 11. The testator's name is given as Drowse in the old index, but Drowre appears to be correct.
  • 12. These two names are in a different hand from that of the will.
  • 13. The will is endorsed 'Thomas Alton'. The year is in arabic numerals.
  • 14. First written with an initial 'H' which has been partially erased.
  • 15. Thomas Greene was rector of St. Andrew Hubbard from 1537 until his death in 1545.
  • 16. The year is in arabic numerals.
  • 17. A strip of paper is turned back over the seal.
  • 18. There is a cross against Cremar's name.
  • 19. Coverings.
  • 20. Counter.
  • 21. Porringers.
  • 22. The year is in arabic numerals.
  • 23. Arabic numerals.
  • 24. Not given by Hennessy.
  • 25. The year is in arabic numerals.
  • 26. The will appears to have been written by Henry George. The other two names appear to be signatures.
  • 27. A strip of paper has been cut to fold back over the seal.
  • 28. This is an earlier date than that given by Hennessy.
  • 29. Lambkyn's signature is followed by an elaborate mark.
  • 30. The year is in arabic numerals.
  • 31. This is written in one word 'amfelys' and is possibly meant for 'am' (i.e. of) 'Fylys'.
  • 32. Candlemould.
  • 33. The year is in arabic numerals.
  • 34. The church of St. Sithe was joined with that of St. Benet Sherehog.
  • 35. Founded by William Marshall, temp. Henry IV.
  • 36. Written as 'Ric' throughout.
  • 37. The testator's signature is so shakily written as to be almost indecipherable.
  • 38. Stoke Alder has been crossed out and New Solodes substituted.
  • 39. The bottom right-hand corner of the paper has been cut and turned back over the seal.
  • 40. Perhaps the 'James Terhoven, keper of Burgaynye place' who was listed as a stranger in the parish of St. Martin Ludgate in the subsidy roll of 1541 (Returns of aliens in London, pt. 1, p. 67, Huguenot Society, vol. X, 1900). In the will the name was first written as 'Feroven', but this has been crossed through and 'Veroven' substituted.
  • 41. The year is in arabic numerals.
  • 42. The church of St. Thomas the Apostle stood in Knightrider Street.
  • 43. The year is in arabic numerals.
  • 44. Sir Rowland Hill, knight, was a member and four times master of the Mercers' Company. He was chosen lord mayor in 1549. According to the D.N.B. he never married, but no authority is given for this statement.
  • 45. Skins of budge fur.
  • 46. The year is in arabic numerals.
  • 47. 'Alhalows upon the solar' was All Hallows the Less, called 'Alhallowes on the cellers', says Stow (I, p. 235), 'for it standeth on vaults. . . . The Steeple and Quire of this Church standeth on an arched gate, being the entrie to a great house called Cold Harbrough.'
  • 48. Walter Major, rector of St. Benet's, Paul's Wharf, 1544–52.
  • 49. In arabic numerals.
  • 50. The witnesses' signatures are not given as stated.
  • 51. The year is in arabic numerals.
  • 52. 'not pd.' may mean 'not produced' or 'not proved'.
  • 53. The year is in arabic numerals.
  • 54. The signature is cramped and shaky.
  • 55. The year is in arabic numerals.
  • 56. Perpetual curate, 1543–?46.
  • 57. St. Olave Hart Street.
  • 58. St. Gabriel Fenchurch, which stood in the middle of Fenchurch Street.
  • 59. 'The 22 daye of February and in the fyrst yer of the reagne of our soverane lord kynge Edward the Syxte.'
  • 60. The witnesses' statements are in different hands and are flanked by crosses.
  • 61. This must be the 'Dyreke van Leke, master' who is listed in the subsidy roll of 1541 as a stranger in the parish of St. Olave Southwark, paying 20s. and having two servants named Antony who each paid 4d. (Returns of Aliens in London, pt. 1, p. 35, Huguenot Society, vol. X, 1900).
  • 62. St. Dionis Backchurch.
  • 63. Listed under that year in the old index.
  • 64. Button.
  • 65. Amount blotted out.