Henry VIII: August 1529, 11-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: August 1529, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2615-2620 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: August 1529, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2615-2620.

"Henry VIII: August 1529, 11-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2615-2620.


August 1529

11 Aug.
R. O.
5843. HACKET to WOLSEY. (fn. 1)
I received your comfortable answer, dated 22 July. Came to this Diet not well furnished,—not doubting but my Lord's grace and you would see me provided. If I had not the secours of my lord of London's kitchen, and sometimes with Mr. More, I had not been able to appear in a condition honorable to the King, my master. I have borrowed 20l. ster. from my lord of London. Cambray, 11 Aug. 1529.
P.S.—My lord of London and Mr. More can tell the news.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
[12 Aug.]
R. O. St. P. IV. 79.
5844. GARDINER to WOLSEY. (fn. 2)
Showed the King last night the resolution taken by Wolsey with Angus; which his Grace liked very well, especially "the manner of delivering them such money as his Highness giveth them for their entertainment; that is to say, to be delivered without mention of yearly entertainment;" and that it be paid to him there before they repair to his Highness, that they may give him thanks for it. But the King will not agree to augment the portion of Archibald to 100l. He is content to send a gentleman, probably Ratclyf, not the captain of Berwick. He wishes Angus to come to Barnet this day at noon to take leave of him. Has spoken to Master Controller that Norfolk may tell him what inn to repair to. Gardiner would have come himself, but the King bid him stay. Barnet, this Thursday.
Hol. Add. Endd.: Maister Stevyns.
2 [Aug.]
Add. MS. 28,579, f. 44. B. M.
"Advises him to ratify the treaty concluded at Cambray with the Pope, the Emperor, and the kings of Hungary and England, otherwise a rupture would be the consequence."
Superscribed: "Summary of the letter of the Archbishop of Capua, from Lyons, 12th. Italian, p. 1."
English abstract of a document at Simancas.
12 Aug.
Add. MS. 28,579, f. 39. B. M.
5846. DE PRAET and MAY to CHARLES V.
* * * A courier has come from England in nine days with a duplicate of the Queen's procuration, and the process made. They say that sentence has been prorogued to the 1st Oct.; which is good, because meanwhile the inhibition and revocation will arrive. * * * Rome, 12 Aug.
Spanish, modern copy, pp. 10.
13 Aug.
R. O.
5847. TUKE to WOLSEY.
A courier is come from Lyons with letters from Rome, which have been opened at Florence, Genoa and Lyons. I have thought it good, for every man's discharge, to send them to the King, and have written to Mr. Stephens. You will see there will be no means of sending to Rome without the letters being read, unless they be written in cipher. I am sorry I have not yet been able to attend you, as I have a humour in one of my legs, that I cannot stand or go. Portgore, 13 Aug. 1529.
P.S.—I send you a letter from Sir Francis Bryan, expressing a wish to come home. If he tarry, he will be a costly ambassador. I have received the King's warrant for payment to Rob. Amadas almost of 1,000 marks for flagons, pots, basons, &c. of silver, and no bond for redelivery.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
14 Aug.
Vit. B. XI. 211. B. M.
The Pope is much disturbed, as the Imperialists have led their army, part into Abruzzo, part into the Papal States. The prince of Orange is here, trying to get money from the Pope. He has determined to advance the Germans at Aquila towards Florence on St. Laurence's day. News of the peace of Cambray has arrived, but no other letters to the Pope, except from card. Salviati, who writes that the capitulations were sent in the letters of the archbishop of Capua, and that the Florentines had detained them. The Pope thinks that the Italian allies are excluded, though mention is made of them in the treaty. Received lately from a friend in France some particulars of the peace.
Went to the Pope, as they heard that he had not come to any agreement with the Prince, but found that he had accepted the following conditions: that he would pay now 15,000 cr., 35,000 cr. as soon as the army left his territory, and 30,000 cr. a month after. Told him what they had heard about the peace. He said he wished for nothing more than peace among Christian princes, for which he would postpone his private interest. Told him they never would have believed that he would have supplied to the Imperialists the means of destroying Italy, which they could not have done without him. Said they did not know what he intended, but the Imperial army was of such a character that, when it was once in motion, neither he nor the Emperor could restrain it from destroying all Italy. The lady Margaret, the legate Salviati, and the archbishop of Capua had told him that nothing would be done in the treaty prejudicial to him; and before giving this money, he ought to wait to know the details of the treaty, by which he would obtain what he wanted, with honor, without expense or the destruction of his country. He said many times that he could not prevent the army going to Florence, and was obliged to pay this money to get the army out of his states. He had sent to the Emperor to know if Florentine affairs would be arranged to his satisfaction. They had sent four of their principal men to the Emperor, and were in despair, as they could hope for no help from France for three months, and were deserted on all sides. He thinks that the affairs of Italy will be entirely at the Emperor's disposal.
Think that the Pope wishes the army to proceed as fast as possible to Florence, that they may be compelled to treat with him; and they conjecture from his words that the Emperor will settle Italian affairs by taking money from all quarters, and that he will not keep the terms agreed to with the Pope. The Florentines have determined to defend themselves, and have a picked army, by which they can defend not only Florence, but Pisa, Pistoia, Cortona, Arezzo and Prato. Hear from the Imperialists that the King had put off his cause until Oct. 1. Have complained, in consequence of this, to the Pope, for advoking the cause without waiting for the King's answer. He seems grieved that he cannot correct what he has done. Told him that the ensuing scandals and the King's indignation would fall on him. He knew not what to reply, except that he would not have advoked the cause except for the constant reports of its progress. Rome, 14 Aug. 1529. Signed.
Lat., pp. 5.
14 Aug.
R. O.
The abbot of St. James knew nothing about Cromwell's fee, and had made no such grant, but he will pay it. Was with Mr. Bernard, the King's escheator for Northamptonshire, at the sitting for the enquiry concerning his office. Mr. Rowse was there also, and sent half a deer for the escheator's dinner. There was much business before the office was found, but it is now in the escheator's hand to send up. Does not know whether he has received the letter from Newport with the stuff remaining in Whalley's hands. Cromwell's kinsman, Mr. Morgan, with the marquis of Dorset, is in good health. Leicester, 14 Aug.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To, &c., Mr. Thos. Crumwell. Sealed. Endd.
15 Aug.
R. O.
Sends letters received by the King out of Ireland, for Wolsey "to take order therein;" also a supplication presented to the King, in which he wishes him to see justice done to the complainants. Suit has also been made to the King by John Coke, captain of the 100 gunners at Berwick, Norham, and Wark, for payment of their wages. Is commanded to send him to Wolsey that he may pay, and, if he think fit, discharge them. Barnet, 15 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace.
16 Aug.
R. O.
Enclosing letters received by the King, which he was commanded to read and forward. Barnet, 16 Aug. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace.
16 Aug.
R. O.
I have received the letters of Rinconi and the bishop of Transylvania, which you were good enough to send me. They are not of any importance. News of the Turks, of the state of Germany, and of the preparations of Ferdinand. I know nothing of the peace, which they say was arranged on the 5th, except by report. I am every day expecting the arrival of my brother. London, 16 Aug.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.: "Francia, 1528 & 9."
16 Aug.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 306.
5853. FRANCIS I.
Commission to John bishop of Bayonne and his brother William Du Bellay, to treat with England for the restoration of certain jewels and securities left in pawn with Henry VIII. by the Emperor, for a debt which Francis I. has undertaken to pay, by the treaty of Cambray, for the liberation of his children. S. Quentin, 16 Aug. 1529.
Lat., vellum.
18 Aug.
Add. MS. 28,579, f. 54. B. M.
5854. DE PRAET and MAY to CHARLES V.
* * * This cause of England, like a young palm tree, sends forth new shoots every day. Yesterday the English ambassadors were with the Pope more than two hours, and today also a good while. Have found out that they have requested that the revocation which has been made be not done in the usual form, and that it be committed to no one but the Pope. We have replied that your Majesty is quite willing to defer to the king of England in everything not to the prejudice of the Queen. Will speak with the cardinal of Ancona, to whom the Pope has committed the matter, and see that they do not deceive us, for at the first blush it looks as if there were some trick. Here were three English ambassadors, and now two depart, leaving only the lawyer. It may be a sign that they mean to prosecute the cause. * * * Rome, 18 Aug. 1529.
Spanish, modern copy, pp. 9.
18 Aug.
R. O.
Perceive the regard that he has to the town of Ipswich, as well for the making of the college lately erected there, as for the setting up of a grammar school for the increase of their learning, to their singular comfort, for which they give him hearty thanks, and will pray for his prosperity. Ipswich, 18 Aug.
Signed: Henry Stannard and Nicholas Hervy, bailiffs,—James Hill, Wm. Stysted, John Butler, portmen.
Apparently not signed by themselves.
P. 1. Add.: To the lord Cardinal's good grace. Endd.: 17 Aug.
19 Aug.
Vesp. C. IV. 334. B. M.
5856. LEE to [WOLSEY].
Has received Wolsey's Latin letters to him and the bishop of Worcester concerning the Queen. Wrote on Aug. 3, by way of Bilbao, the news he heard from an English merchant from the fair of Medina del Campo, touching the divorce, and the report that the King intended to make the Queen a nun. Franciscus Philippe has been here with letters for the Emperor,—to what effect Lee does not know, but he pretended to come on his own business. Cannot perceive that he or the physician have done anything touching this matter. Accounts himself without tongue or knowledge now that the bishop of Worcester has left.
Asks for a minute of all things, except the secrets, in French, to be communicated to the Emperor. Will write again directly he has an answer, for which he daily labours. Valladolid, 19 Aug.
The bishop of Worcester has received 400 ducats of Wolsey's money, for which Lee has received a bill to Sir Henry Wyatt, to be taken off Worcester's diets.
Hol., pp. 2.
19 Aug.
Harl. MS. 442, f. 105. B. M.
Proclamation to be published by the sheriff of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire forbidding the regrating of corn and grain, and combinations to increase the price thereof. The More, 19 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, pp. 2.
20 Aug.
R. O.
Sends a copy of a letter written yesterday, and sent by John Joachim. The Turk is in Hungary, and is marching towards Vienna. Ferdinand is preparing to oppose him. The Emperor has written to the marquis del Guasto to remain in Apulia. He is coming into Italy. He states that he has a large army raised in Germany. In the peace between France and the Emperor nothing has yet been decided in regard to the confederates. Venice, 20 Aug. 1529. Signed and sealed.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
20 Aug.
R. O.
Notarial attestation of a bull exhibited, 20 Aug. 1529, before Ric. bishop of Norwich, in the chapel of his manor-house of Hoxne, in presence of Ralph Cantrell, notary public, by Humph. Wingefelde, councillor of Charles duke of Suffolk. The bull, which is dated Orvieto, iv. id. Maii 1528, 5 Clement VII., recites that Suffolk in the days of Henry VII. had married Margaret Mortymer alias Brandon, of London diocese, on the strength of a dispensation which was not valid, and with her had cohabited although he had previously contracted marriage with Ann Browne, and was related to the said Margaret in the second and third degrees of affinity. Besides, the said Anne and Margaret were related in the second and third degrees of consanguinity, and Suffolk's grandmother was the sister of the father of a former husband of Margaret's (ac etiam ex eo avia tua et genitor olim conjugis dictæ Margaretæ frater et soror fuerant). For these causes, feeling that he could not continue to cohabit with Margaret Mortymer without sin, he caused his marriage with her to be declared null by the official of the archdeacon of London, to whom the cognisance of such causes of old belongs. After this sentence Suffolk married the said Anne, and had some daughters by her, and after her death he married Mary queen dowager of France. The bull ratifies this sentence, and supplies all defects both of law and fact, and visits with ecclesiastical censure all who call it in question.
The bishop of Norwich certifies that the bull has been read and handled by the witnesses named below, the Bishop himself being blind, and found to be authentic. Present: Robert prior of Holy Trinity, Norwich, and Ric. Redemayne and Will. Newton, the Bishop's chaplains. (fn. 3)
Lat., copy, pp. 8. Endd.: The copy of the register from Norwich.
20 Aug.
R. O.
Has already written to him of the spiteful behavior of the Governor. Thanks to God and his friends, his opposition is in vain, and has only served to show his malicious or rather frantic mind against Vaughan. Regrets to see his age so weakly furnished with the virtues that should become it. Malice apart, "he is meter to sit by the fire and dally with children than in a council house to govern and rule a multitude." Has sent his brother Johnson 10 ells of linen cloth in a truss to make shirts for Cromwell. Is going to buy him a dining table either for himself or for a present to my Lord, of such size as there are few in England. "It hath about it a border superficially made, wherein is set out certain Scripture in the Greek, Hebrew, and Latin, the neatest piece of work that I have seen." It is offered him at 40 crowns. Antwerp, 20 Aug. 1529.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To his right worshipful master, Mr. Crumwell, in London.


  • 1. Probably intended for Tuke.
  • 2. Inaccurately ascribed to the year 1524 in S.P.
  • 3. In connection with this matter the following extract from a MS. in the possession of the marquis of Salisbury will be interesting:—"But for the declaration of the truth in this matter," (viz., the legitimacy of Suffolk's children), ... "ye shall understand that the Duke, being Sir Charles Brandon, living in the court, and being sole and unmarried, made a contract of matrimony with a gentlewoman called Mrs. Anne Browne, and before any solemnization of that marriage not only had a daughter by her, which after was married to the lord Powes, but also brake promise with her and married the lady Mortimer. Which marriage the said Mrs. Anne Browne judicially accused to be unlawful, for that the said Sir Charles Brandon had made a precontract with her, and had carnally known her. Which being duly proved, sentence of divorce between the said Sir Charles and the lady Mortymer was given, and he married solemnly the said Mrs. Anne Browne; at which marriage all the nobility was present, and did honor it; and after had by her another daughter, who was married to the lord Mont eagle. After this, the said Mrs. Anne Browne continued with him all her life as his wife, and died his wife, without impeachment of that marriage. After whose death king Henry, having the said Sir Charles Brandon in great favor, meant he should, for his better preferment, have married the lady Lisle, being a young maiden and an inheritor. Whereupon the said Sir Charles was created viscount Lisle; but that marriage, by reason of her youth, took no place. After this he was created duke of Suffolk; and Lewys, the French king, dying, and leaving the said lady Mary, king Henry the Seventh's daughter, a widow, the said duke Charles, being sent into France for her, with the consent of king Henry the Eighth, married her twice, first secretly in France, and after openly here in England, as before is declared," &c.