Henry VIII: August 1529, 1-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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'Henry VIII: August 1529, 1-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530, ed. J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2599-2615 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: August 1529, 1-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Edited by J S Brewer( London, 1875), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2599-2615.

"Henry VIII: August 1529, 1-10". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Ed. J S Brewer(London, 1875), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol4/pp2599-2615.


August 1529

Last night reported Wolsey's answer to the King, who accepted it very well; especially Wolsey's saying that his intention was to have brought all to the King at the year's end, and that as yet he had received nothing, and that he considers that half year's rent to be due to the King, and not to himself. Has told lord Rocheford that Wolsey offers to write to those who were his officers in Durham, to pay here with all diligence the half year's rent due at Lady Day last. He thanks Wolsey, and says that as he does not wish it to be known that he had laboured for that half year's rent, he will be content to receive it from Wolsey, without making business with his officers for the receipt. If Wolsey wishes it to be thus, he had better make some arrangement for it tomorrow. Rocheford reckons it at "MCC." Did not say yea or nay, as he did not know whether Wolsey would like it. If not, he can give letters to the bearer, who is lord Rocheford's servant, so that it shall be paid before Bartholomew tide. Sends the bill signed by the King. Wishes it to be sealed and sent back. Greenwich, Sunday morning.
Sends also the King's "gists."
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace. Endd.
1 Aug.
R. O.
Since my last I have received letters from the Almoner out of Spain, directed to the King and you. I have presented all to the King. He would not break up your letters, but willed me to send them to you with the one directed to himself. He wishes you to show favor to John Coke, his registrar at Winchester. He says he has already spoken to you on the subject. Greenwich, Sunday, 1 Aug.
Master Treasurer moved the King how you were minded to receive him and his train at the More, and defray his charges.
Hol., p. 1. Sealed. Add. Endd.
Cal. D. XI. 19.
B. M.
* * * "[s]peake ani st ... the King's grace, but fin[ally] ... thereof to stick unto his Hig[hness] ... matter without binding ... further capitulation of concurr ... cion of his (fn. 1) ch ... King's grace do remit the ha ... pension due at May last past, and ... of the great costs which he hath ... that the French king was a ... in levying and entertaining of m[en] ... for the expedition of Italy this year ... it shall peradventure be well given and ... And as for lending of any more money ... said lord Cardinal supposeth that i[t] shall not stand with the King's commodity so to do, and [if] it did, it should be no wisdom [to] have so great and mighty a prince [owing] unto his Highness so great and large s[ums of] money.
"This the said lord Card[inal] * * * agreeable part.
"[The]r must be also a remembra[nce of such sums of money] as is due unto his Grace sy[ns the conc]luding of the perpetual peace.
"And finally, the Kiug's highness agreeing v[nto the] premises, or taking any other order ther[ein,] there must be a treaty by commissioners authoris[ed] on either party for the conclusion and perfectin[g] of the same."
Draft, mutilated.
Showed the King this morning the pollicitation conceived by Campeggio, which his Highness said could not be better devised. Should have come in person; but the King, before he came, appointed him a chamber and allowance, and also gave him special orders not to leave, "with this addition, Nescitis neque diem neque horam." Greenwich, Wednesday afternoon.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
R. O. 5820. CAMPEGGIO.
An engagement by Campeggio that he has not hitherto written or signified to the Pope or any one else, and will not write or signify, any opinion of the King's matrimonial cause by any person or in any way, or indicate what opinion he may be of in the same, or divulge any of the King's secrets at any time. Secondly, that on the avocation of the said cause, if the King objects, he will use all his efforts with the Pope, "ut nec a serenissima Regina permittat dictam causam prosequi aut tractari;" and he will do this, all reservation set aside. Thirdly, that he will do what is becoming in a sworn councillor of the King to advance the King's interests and dignity to the best of his abilities. London, Bath House, ... (fn. 2) Signed and sealed.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated. Endorsed by the King: Policitatio Campegii.
Vit. B. XII. 169.
B. M.
Showed to the King this morning the letters left by Master B[ryan ?]; told him how they came to Wolsey's hands, and his Grace's opinion about despatching the courier without altera[tion of the] letters devised; that Wolsey thought that the league between the Pope and the Emperor was the cause of despatching the advocation, and that probably there was a special article concerning it, with a general capitulation pro defensione ... et jurium. The King agrees to all his opinions, and desires that the courier may be despatched without any innovation. The King wishes him to speak to Campeggio "concerning the ... of the advocation according to his promise a ... as now it appeareth to be granted and sent, [and that] he will use all ways and means possible [that it come] into his hands, or it come to the Queen's [sight] ... it be possible, for his Highness feareth lest she w[ould not] facilely agree to the alteration, but use it as it m[aketh] most to her benetit." He, therefore, desires Wolsey to instruct Campeggio how to persuade the Q[ueen] "to be content to procure [that no] such thing be comprised in the said advocation [as shall] irritate the King's highness and his nobles, and [say that] a king in his own realm may not be violen[tly ... and] such other reasons" as Wolsey can add. The King has this greatly to heart, and sent for him twice while writing. The second time he asked for Campeggio's pollicitation, which Gardiner sent to Wolsey yesterday. He wishes to add to the sentence, "quod nunquam dicet aut aperiet," "quod hactenus non dixit nec aperuit," for he says that if Campeggio has already advertised the Pope, he may keep his promise, and yet the King's purpose be frustrate. Told him quod facta pactis non mutantur, and if he has already disclosed anything there is no remedy; but Gardiner had heard him say and swear to the contrary. Said that Wolsey could easily find out, but it could not well be inserted in the pollicitation; to which the King agreed, and desired Wolsey to remember it in his conversation with Campeggio.
The King has sent for the French ambassador to tell him the news of the league between the Pope and the Emperor, and of the Emperor's descent into Italy. He desires Wolsey to show the same to the ambassadors of Venice and Ferrara, and to tell them that this league is made in capita ipsorum, and that they must [look] unto it earnestly in time. Would gladly come to Wolsey, but dares not. Greenwich, this Mo[nday ?]
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add. Endd.
Cal. D. XI. 71.
B. M.
* * * "[l]est they s ... saying that the obligations ... re and not revived nor renewed in any t ... se albeit we told them not so, we intend if ... some clause for your debts between them and us in ... [pay]ment by the French king for any cause aforesaid, how[beit] we shall have much to do to bring them thereto. After this we [talked] of your indemnity, and of the sums of money to your Grac[e owed] by the Emperor, and to reckon how much it might amount u[nto], whereof they made with us none other sticking but that it could be ... longer to endure the payment thereof than unto the intimation of th[e war] unto the Emperor. And after a great sum made, thereupon they [told] us that the Frenchmen and they were agreed and fully accorded t[hat the] French king should discharge the Emperor of that indemnity, how [great] soever it were, [will]ing us to treat with the Frenchmen thereupon, wh[o they] were sure would satisfy us as they were bound to do hereupon .... to demand the penalty of breach of the marriage. Whereupon we had ... and likewise of the demand of Tournay, and after much reasoni[ng on both] sides of those two matters, nothing agreeing in any point either in [one or] the other, put over these two matters unto we should have communed of the * * * of the clock like as we did ... [in]trecourse, and after overture made by us ... was before the war, they said that that wa ... and many of their subjects did complain, and it tou ... he must be heard in it, as well upon the one side as on the o[ther, and that my] Lady in that matter had no sufficient commission, but must adver[tise the Em]peror, wherefore that matter must be put in a surceance unto hi[s pleasure be h]ere known." Answered, that we marvelled that they should make any sticking or question therein. If they did, it was as much as to say that they would have no amity with the King. Particular matters might be either remitted to justice, in the place where they pretend to be wronged, or else be ordered at a diet; but the general treatise of intercourse could not be deferred, but must be ordered with the treaty of peace, whereof the intercourse is a great part, for there could be no peace between the princes if the people did not know how to deal with each other * * * ... journey as they did ... they might write to the Emperor and ... [m]atter to be reasonably and indifferently ordered ... ted by the Princes therefore. Whereunto, after a little [consultation am]ong us, we gave them a short and plain answer ... disposed to renovell the intercourse as well as the amity, and [in] s[uch] case as it was before the war, your Highness, for the great ze[al you] bear unto peace, had sent us to conclude it; and on the other sid[e, for] anything of the intercourse, we had no commandment of your [Grace to] agree to nother." They said they would relate this to the lady Margaret, and inform us of her pleasure on the morrow. Told the French chancellor what we had done. He thought the motion very unreasonable, and said he tr[usted they] would come to some better point on the morrow. This morning, found all the Imperialists assembled, except Mons. de Berges, who, by r[eason of the] rainy weather, was accrased and diseased, "and there the lor[d] ... declared unto us that he and other of the Council had made re[lation] * * * to move unto us th ... come to some good point, howbe[it] ... said that the lady Margaret thought it ver[y] ... so press her therein as though we would force th ... te unto us those things which now are clear at his lib[erty] ... forfeited from us by the intimation of the war. And whe[reas she had no] power nor commission to speak, which, notwithstanding for the q ... ace, she would be content to conclude the amity," and had already taken reasonable order for the debts, and would further be content to take a surceance of six months, during which the subjects might occupy together as they have used before; the Emperor and the King might then give commissions for a diet to be held to take further order. Asked whether they brought this from the lady Margaret for a resolute answer; to which Hostrate said, yea, for it was the answer upon which she had resolved with the Council. Told them that we marvelled that the lady Margaret should think it strange that we should stick for * * * part of that ... when they might not be freely c ... after that accustomed manner. And as touch[ing the] ... s thereof, will as well bear the matter as it will ... endauntys of the peace concluded between the French ... And over that we showed them that at our first coming [unto the lady] Margaret, we did, among other things, as well mention unto [her the intercourse] as the peace and amity; so that she needeth not now so [marvellously] think it strange to hear speak of the intercourse, nor to lay t[he fault upon the com]mission, in which, if they had found any such faults, th[ey would] have told unto us in the beginning, and not have kept us [here a] month for nought. Whereunto they answered that forasmuch [as, after] their demand and question asked us, we showed them that [we could] not conclude any peace with them, but if the French king had h ... also therefore they determined no further to commune with us [until the] Frenchmen and they were accorded, and that they ha[d forborne] to tell us this matter before. And they said that sithens the [Emperor] was as well king of Spain as lord of these Low Count[ries it] should be peradventure his pleasure not to conclude any * * * the one part to take a ... at large; whereupon it was answ[ered] ... ation for the Emperor never did nor convenie ... [your Gr]ace and your people one treaty of intercourse, for the ... and customs being so divers the one from the other ... self neither as king of Spain having any authority in thie[s Low Coun]tries, nor as lords of any of the Low Countries having any auct[ority in] Spain." Besides, he can make no intercourse for Spain, except in his mother's name as well as his own. Then they said that lady Margaret was not advertised before that any man would come to this diet from the King; and if she had been, she might have provided a commission, but, being destitute of one, she cannot treat. Told them that "I, John Hackett," gave them warning thereof at Valenciennes, and that her commission was good enough, and might be further helped w[ith] a clause de rato and a covenant of a confirmation. They replied that she might not so covenant, as the privileges were forfeited by the intimation of war, "[an]d that your Grace and the French king had done all that ye could * * * ... [t]he morrow being the th ... [coun]saill and we met together again. At ... an article in writing concerning thenterco[urse] ... de that the lady Margaret by deliberation taken by ... [r]esolved [herse]lf upon as the utterest and final point [which she coul]de condescend unto, which article was indeed such as the [same woul]de, if it had been agreed, have stond your subjects in little ste[ad]... thereupon after long debating they condescended in conclusion that [the F]rench [coun]saill should see that article of their making, and the article al[so] which we had devised; and that thereupon we should further experime[nt] whether we could come to any nearer point. Whereupon s[ince] that time we have had divers meetings, as well in presence of the [Frenc]he counsa[ill] as apart, and the Imperials have brought in concerning the intercourse dy[vers c]hanges, and ever the longer the worse. Whereupon we had such business [with] them, and founden them so stiffly set upon the sore impairing of the interco[urse], that surely, for aught we can perceive, we could never have taken an[y reas]onable end with them but they would plainly have broken with us for ..." * * *
P.S.—" As we were about to have fold up thie[s letters, the] Chancellor, the Great Master, and the French counsa[ill sent for us], and at our coming showed unto us that the Great M[aster had] informed my lady Regent of the manner of the departi[ng] between the Emperor's council and us, and that him se[lf had] thereupon by her commandment spoken with the lord Hokstra[t in her] name, showing him expressly that without an end taken [in this] contentation, there should nothing go forthward, which h[ad been] accorded between them, but that the French king would rather [give up] the peace, and never have his children home, than take and [have] his peace without agreeable end by us taken for your Highn[ess. He] showed us further that the Lord Master had answer aga[in from the] lord Hokstrat that the lady Margaret was minded to take * * * old inter course ... they should break off in like wise ... [Wh]erof we most heartily thanked them on your [behalf, and d]eparted. And in this case standeth the affairs [at present,] [unless] God better them, as we trust he shall." Howbeit, in ca[se] the diet should break up without peace being concluded, we intend to depart with the lady Regent, and come home by France, not by Flanders.
The Chancellor, the Gr[eat] Master, and the French council have divers times been in hand with us for some capitulation between the two Kings in case the Emperor should not perform his covenants nor deliver the children; to which we have always made fair and courteous answer, without showing them that there is no cause so to do, because we are not sure what need we might happen to have. Have told them that we doubt not Francis will find the King as willing as he can wish.
"As we shall see the matters proceed, we shall furth[er] * * * [t]hre months and th ... the space of that three months i ... rse together. Whereunto we answered that ... be taken, the matter could be little amended fo ... edy; whereunto said the lord Fynes that the truce w ... three parties, and they concluding peace with France whi ... the parties, the truce were dissolved, seeming thereby tha[t they would] make us a demonstration, and a fear that France and they s[hould] conclude without us. We answered them that if peace were [made by] one, it breaketh not the truce between the remnant; howb[eit whether] they should make, break, or conclude, we neither could nor would conclude one or other except the articles which we first p[roposed], that is to wit, the amity, the debt, and the intercourse hole [and] unchanged. Now after our departing from them we [went] this afternoon to the Chancellor, the Great Master, and [the French] council, recounting unto them all the premises at len[gth; where]-upon they made us answer that they would make report [unto] my lady Regent, and that they were sure that she would [commune] with the lady Margaret thereof, whereupon they trusted * * * ... would make a peace with us worse t ... intimation, our people and theirs have b ... were before by the space of two year which ... s peace they would that they should never be again p ... [s]ix months; which surceance of six months, though th[ey should ma]ke it a surceance for 6 years, and for 600 years after, [yet w]e had no power to conclude it, nor to limit it to any day, nor ... nally concerning the intercourse any other thing to do than to renove[l i]t, and put it in the former terms without one syllable changed; wher[fore] sithens they had given this unto us for a resolute answer that the[y] might not meddle with the intercourse, they should if they would stond ... thereby take this for our resolute answer again, that we could no[t] meddle with their amity, whereof we desired them to advertise the la[dy] Margaret, and that if she would give us none other answer, that then we might know her pleasure whether she would admit us to her presence to take our leave at her, which, if it liked her not, we desired them to make our humble recommendations unto her; which [they] said they would, and that they would also send us word the * * * Guy[l]ders to make ... he had said he could show by your ... [Whereu]nto we answered that as touching the ... [your] Grace had not done it but upon great considerat[ion] ... r of such treaties as your Grace had made with the ... for the observing of your part had been at immeasurea[ble] charge, hurt, and travail of your people, yet was ther ... part almost never of one article nor appointment kept, w[hereof we] might well at large enter into many a great speciality, w[ere it not] that your Highness had sent us hither for the furtherance and [aid] of peace, and not to enter into the requiting of any displeasa[unce] or exprobation of your gratuity and kindness; and yet all [this not] withstanding your Grace never intimated the war but for a godly purpose, for conducing the peace, as hath well appe[ared by] your Grace's proceedings after the intimation made, which [if the] Lords well esteemed, they should well find not so much [to] the Emperor's harm as to the saving of his and their con[tries, how]soever it liked the duke of Guylders thus to lie for his pl ... far as ever any of us had heard we durst well * * *
Pp. 12, mutilated.
3 Aug.
R. O.
The master governor is angry with him because the merchants at their accustomed election gave Vaughan 40l. Fl. a year, and when he himself asked for a reward gave him only 20l. in addition to the 20l. from the Coldemart. He has procured the lewdest woman and harlot in the land to accuse Vaughan of heresy. Has written to the bishop of London and Mr. More, who have commissioned him to search for heretics, and make them give surety to appear in London, or else go to prison. He then called persons to testify to Vaughan's deeds, but they swore they knew no such thing. Vaughan's friends then compelled him to produce his other witnesse to justify himself. He called "the honest woman mine accuser," who swore she knew nothing about him. "There is place of justice where I could be right well avenged, were it not that God willed me to refer the same to him." Antwerp, 3 Aug.
Has searched for some goodly things for Crumwell, but can find none. Wishes to know what he desires.
Pp. 2. Hol. Add.: To his right worshipful master, Mr. Crumwell in London. Endd.
Cal. D. XI. 10. B. M.
"[Please it] your Grace, by the French king ... every payment six months after other ... e of November, after the delivery of their ch ... e shall in March next in every payment to be pai[d] ... [crow]nes of the sun for three first payments: the fourth pay[ment to be] 30,000 angelotts, or the value in crowns of the sun; [the fifth] payment to be all the residue, that is to say, 10,000 ang[elotts]... 35,000 cr., or the value in cr. of the sun. An[d as for] your fleur de lys that ye have in pledge, we have left it to be accor[ded] by your Grace to put what days of payment ye shall think conv[enient]; but surely we think they will make great instance in alleging [their] necessity at this time, which we think to be unfeigned; albeit in [discourse] here late of their matters with the Imperials they bragged that they were ... so rich to maintain their estate, but the contrary doth appear ... they cannot furnish the money to be paid before March next o ... should take money by exchange of merchants paying them th ... which if they should do, considering the dearth and scarceness ... now being in the world, would make the French king's raun[som] ... that pledge your Graces ... ye will, the longer ye give the more p ... and in the short the more strain them.
"[Afte]r our last letters were closed and gone with the post, we found ... [h]alf a leaf to have been left out for haste of the writer, which [was so h]astie to write the part of postscripta that he left out a piece of ... of our letter of the 2nd of August, wherein was contained our adverti[sement] and advice in a matter moved unto us by the French council."
Have always kept within the terms of their answer given at that time. The whole advertisement, of which only the beginning, and that imperfect, is in their letters, is as follows. The Chancellor, Great Master, and the Council have divers times been in hand with them again for a capitulation for the mutual concurrence of the two Kings in case the Emperor should not perform his convenants, ... should so do because we were ... e to have of them as it now seemeth to ha ... [we sho]wed them that we doubt not but that your good [brother will find your] Grace as willing as he can wish to anything that h[e may req]uire as he hath already of your Grace's manifold gratuities ... experience, and we showed them, according to your Grace's most ... instructions, what peril might insurge if any capitulation of con[currence] of the war should be mentioned or spoken of here, and that w[hat] were requisite to be done concerning such concurrence was more ... after the peace concluded and this diet absolved to be treated by y ... abiding each with other; with which our answer the Chancellor an[d the] French council appeared but meanly satisfied, for the Chancellor a[nswered] somewhat warmly that by this mean they should lose the force of th ... de bello offensivo; at which words the Great Master and other of[the] Council communed secretly with him; and after that the Great M[aster] said that there was no doubt of your Grace's goodness, and that [your] brother the French king understood that by the good hearty me ... your said good brother ... y to your Grace, which, as we hear say, sh ... se and what other message that he shall have ... part of his errand shall be for the forementioned ... hereof we have thought it necessary to advertise your Gr[ace] ... [th]at using your accustomed prudence ye neither put them at the ... despair of your concurrence, nor enter presently to any treaty ... whereof you might wish afterwards to be discharged. As we [shall] see the matters proceed,. we shall further advertise your Grace with [all] diligence." Cambray, 2 Aug.
Have thus redintegrated their late letter. Repeat it that the King may see that the French king intends probably to press for a capitulation for mutual concurrence in the war "in case the ... de bello offensivo stondith ... trust and think the contrary, yet made ... but that we had not the words of the treaties ... [we thou]ght it not good to fall into any such disputions (sic) with them, [lest it sh]old appear unto them that we reckoned your Grace discharge[d, or] that your Grace gladly so would be."
Have taken leave of lady Margaret, who dismissed them with demonstrations of affection [to] the King, and determination to entertain the peace and amity between him and the Emperor. Took leave of the lady Regent, not intending to tarry for the King's coming to Cambray, as they heard that he intended to come secretly; but she desired them to stay for his coming, for she knew he would be glad to speak with them. "Whereupon this day we have ... him, who gave us very hearty thanks for our good and ... rred with us, and thus ... to your Highness in very benign manner ... he we took our leave of the lady Regent in ... iously and most humbly recommended her unto yo[ur Grace, with] very great testification of your singular goodness both sh[owed unto the] King her son in his captivity, and often sithens from ty[me to tyme re]newed, and now specially at this present diet well shewed ... servants fastly concurring with the King her son and his council for the concluding of the peace and deliverance of the King's children, which ... else she recognised, and said had not been brought to so good a point ... but she said she reckoned, and so did the King her son also, that your Grace was the cause first of his own deliverance, and now shall be by God's grace the deliverer of his children also, which shall eve[r] as they grow more and more in age, so more and more knowledge the[m]self deeply bounden and beholden unto you. And with these words and such other, in very benign manner, she bade us farewell. And thus therefore to morrow, God willing, or else as soon after as we can get carriage for our stuff, which is here at this time very hard to [get,] we intend to take our journey homewards towards * * * folding up this letter, the lady [Margaret sent us word by a gentlem]an of her chamber that the Emperor w ... [which] God turn, if it be true to the wealth and com[modity] ..." Signed.
Pp. 7, mutilated. Add. Endd.: ... [a]t the diet of Cambray, ... [Au]guste.
4 Aug.
R. O. Ellis, 3 Ser. I. 345.
Has read his letter to the King, received last night, except the latter part of it concerning the king of Denmark. Since the King's resolve to visit the More he has heard that the sweat has been thereabouts this year. "The only name and view whereof is too terrible and fearful to his Highness' ears that he dare in no wise approach unto the place where it is noised to have been." He will instead visit Tittenhanger;—intends leaving Barnet for that purpose, Saturday se'nnight. As Wolsey will at that time be removing with his company to St. Alban's, the King thinks that Tittenhanger will be large enough for him. Wolsey's letter to Strangwish was well accepted. Waltham, 4 Aug.
Hol. Add. Endd.
4 Aug.
Galba, B. IX. 134. B. M.
Hears that the English ambassadors in Spain have been allowed to go to France. Will now leave this place unless the King or Wolsey wish anything more from him. Antwerp, 4 Aug. 1528. Signed.
Lat., p. 1.
4 Aug.
Add. MS. 28,579, f. 20. B. M.
5827. MAI to CHARLES V.
On the 19th June, a signatura was intimated, and I was with the Pope, beseeching him to revoke the cause of the divorce from England. He said he perceived it would disturb the peace that was treating at Cambray, where, perhaps, the affair might be treated by itself. I said I thought the contrary; for the king of England, finding himself undeceived in that he must proceed by justice, and not hope to do it by favour and bribery, "se començaria a conortar dello;" and it appeared to me this was a great blow that his Holiness gave to the peace. Nothing has been done since, because the Pope had a relapse on the 21st. The king of England has sent a lawyer hither as his ambassador,—I don't know if he be of his council,—for whom the other ambassadors here are waiting; and the Pope has told me he is a very great lawyer, and comes on this business. I besought his Holiness that he should call us hither, and that, great lawyer as he was, his Holiness should there declare for justice. With him came another doctor, named Silvester Darius, who has come to be auditor of the Rota; he already has the mandate; and it is said that the bishop of Torba (Tarbes) also is coming to favour this cause. The Pope also told me that they had petitioned him that a new decretal should be made in prejudice of the poor Queen. I told him he might see their regard for justice when they made such demands.
On the 9th July I received by a courier from Madame the procuration which the Queen has made for me to procure the revocation; and Don Ynigo writes that it has been obtained with much trouble, but, now that we have it, we shall speak plain. He has also written how the King declared publicly that the Pope had lately given a commission to the Legates to proceed in the cause, and had said to the Queen that she should make ready for her defence. On receiving this letter I went and read it to the Cardinals Sanctorum Quatuor and Ancona, who are commonly fathers of the signatura, and left them pretty well satisfied.
I then complained to the Pope very strongly, and read the letters to him, in order that he should promise to revoke the cause and to hold the signatura. I said that not to wish to hold it was not to wish to revoke the cause, and to keep your Majesty for ever in suspense. He made excuses, as on former occasions, by his illness, "y con el fin de bien, y Dios quiere que como Jacobo Salviati tiene poca bondad tambien tiene poco seso para saber cobrir sus trampas." He said he wished to show me the minute of the letter they had written to Campeggio; and I saw the most stupid and knavish letter that could be concocted in Hell, "porque decia que nunca dijese que no queria declarar en la causa sino que los entretuviese, aunque esto venden ellos por bueno, porque si dijera que no queria declarar el Eboracense, sola la declarara en virtud de la comision que va a los dos o al uno dellos, tambien decia que si no podia executarlo que precediese en la causa hasta sentencia, y que antes de sentenciarlo consultase, y que si era posible disimulase esta orden, porque el reyno se desganase." On seeing this, Andrea del Burgo and I lost patience. I said I would not write this to your Majesty, for fear of disturbing more valuable things than the peace; but I begged him to bear with me when I said that this letter was contrary to the promise he had repeatedly made to your Majesty and the Cardinal S. Crucis that he would in good faith revoke the cause. To write now that they should proceed in it was a worse injury than the original sending of Campeggio; and I said your Majesty could in no wise suffer it, as it was against the honor of yourself and the kings of Hungary and Portugal, and much more that of his Holiness, &c.
Urged the Pope once more, by these and other arguments, to revoke the cause, as did also Andrea del Burgo on the part of the king of Hungary.
On the 10th July there came to his hands a copy of a letter written from England on the 21st June, in which it was stated that they had already commenced the cause and done three acts, that the Queen's appeal had been rejected, and that she had been declared contumacious. Went immediately to the Pope with Micer Andrea to complain of these proceedings, urging him without delay to intimate a signatura and revoke the cause. With this he complied; and on the 13th, notwithstanding the direct and indirect opposition of the English, it was concluded in signatura that the cause should be revoked. God grant they may give it us with a clause de decreto irritante, annulling all that has been done. Del Burgo and I, and all Rome, are as glad as if it was the particular cause of each of us.
The Pope, for his better discharge, wished to pass it in a Consistory of the Cardinals. Thus three more days were lost, during which the English ambassadors entered into a design that these acts should not be intimated here or in Flanders, but should be sent to the Queen; and as they have good luck in their follies, they found means to be believed (hallaron aparejo de ser creidos). The Pope intimated this to me, and I said it could not be, and that this was a device to prevent the poor Queen daring to present herself. I prayed the Pope that he would forbear to favor "these strange proceedings" (estas strañedades), and affix (afixar) the citation here and in Flanders, according to usage, and afterwards send it.
The day before the Consistory was to be held we were told by St. Quatuor the Pope was unwell, and that his Holiness "no estaba para tener Consistorio otro dia que viesemos si queriamos que esto se enviase a la Reina y que nos lo darian sin pasar por Consistorio." Micer Andrea and I nearly lost (hobimos de perder) patience once more, and after much discussion insisted on one of three things, viz., 1, either that they should give us the revocation without passing it in Consistory, to do therewith what is right according to custom, as they wished to give it, doing that which the English requested, which was unjust and artful; or, 2, that the Pope, ill as he was, should hold a Consistory, or, if not by himself, that it should be done by a Congregation, as the thing is called when the Pope is not present; or, 3, that they should set us right (nos desengañasen), because we promised them that nothing more should be said of this cause in Rome, and if they did not mean to do justice your Majesty would find other methods. St. Quatuor went up to the Pope, and a Congregation was appointed for next day (el otro dia). The matter at length proceeded so well that they found the cause should be revoked and committed to the Rota; and they spoke much of its disgraceful character (en la indignidad della).
The cause is now safe, thank God; for all they have done there will be revoked hither under three heads: 1, by the litis pendentia alleged by the Queen; 2, by the appeal por via de attentado (against the proceedings as being unwarranted); and, 3, by the clause del decreto irritante. It is committed to the dean of the auditors, Micer Paulo Capisucio, by whom I feel sure of justice; "y aun de asentado arbitrios que antes que se la hiciese cometer me asegure bien del con medio del cardenal Cesarino y de otros." The English ambassadors have not forborne to press the same thing: "despues que la citacion se inviase a la Señora Reina, y vino uno dellos aqui y desengañele, y tambien al Papa que me hablo sobre ello, el qual postreramente me dixo que hiciese lo que me parescia."
With this will be sent (con esto se hicieron) six duplicates of the acts; for I know that we have taken the steps, and one has been affixed here in Rome, on the 23rd. Two are to be affixed in Flanders;—the one at Bruges, and the other at Dunkirk. The rest I shall send by different ways to Madame, to be transmitted to the Queen, or to whomsoever may be thought best.
There came with De Praet a gentleman of the Queen, who joined him at Genoa, and who brought me letters from her Highness, with a copy of the acts done there, enjoining me to procure revocation. As it was already obtained he left yesterday for Germany, with a duplicate of these despatches. Will send others to the bishop of Capua for the lady Margaret. The Pope also writes to Campeggio, but he has behaved so badly in this matter that nothing could have been worse, and so I told him plainly about one letter he showed me.
I have spoken with the Pope, the cardinal of Ancona, and the English ambassador, advising that a brief should be sent to the King, exhorting him to live with his wife, and supplying any defects that may exist in the dispensations, and commending him for his past efforts to ascertain the truth, for the safety of his conscience; but since the cause has to be removed from England, he will by this course the better remove suspicions as to his past conduct, and earn for himself the name of a just and conscientious man. I do not know if they have sent it, but, if so, I believe they have all agreed that it should be secret, "por reputacion del negocio."
Letters from England say that they were hurrying on the affair, either that Wolsey might go afterwards to Cambray, or for fear of the revocation. The latter cause is more likely, because they have already commissioned the bishop of London to go to Cambray. They also write that on the 29th June the bishop of Rochester, a very learned and holy man, had prayed publicly, and said that he was now an old man, and had studied this cause, and for discharge of his conscience he declared it a valid marriage, which only God could dissolve. Many affirmed the same opinion; and it may be that, seeing this, they will hesitate to proceed in the sentence, though I doubt it from what Campeggio writes.
I am now going to try and obtain the writings (scripturas) of Staphileo, a doctor of the Rota, who is dead, and who was the author of that absurdity, to see on what they founded themselves, and also those which the Pope has, and which they have sent him. It is now known why the English did not wish the edicts to be affixed;—not merely to gain time, as I thought, but for fear of the people, who wish well to the Queen, as the edicts make mention of the injuries and constraint to which she is subjected.
An Imperial captain has taken a post with a number of letters which I gave to De Praet. Among them was one from the English ambassadors at Venice, saying that care ought to be taken lest the citation and inhibition should be sent. I have sent one despatch of all this by a gentleman of the Queen, who has now left; another by Genoa, to Figueroa; another to the archduke of Capua, under cover from the Pope, to be given to Madame. Rome, 4 Aug.
Modern copy, Spanish, pp. 15.
4 Aug. 5828. NOTLEY ABBEY.
Restitution of temporalties to the Augustinian monastery of Notley, Linc. dioc., on the election of Richard Ridge as abbot. Westm., 4 Aug.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 27.
5 Aug.
R. O.
1. Attestation, by the town of Cambray, of the letters of Charles V., dated Saragossa, 8 April 1529, by which he promises to ratify any arrangements made between Margaret of Savoy and Louise of Angoulême. 4 Aug. 1529.
French. Vellum. Seal lost.
Vesp. F. V.
B. M. Rym. XIV. 326.
2. Treaty of Cambray. Cambray, 5 Aug. 1529.
R. O. 3. Notarial attestation of the mutual oaths to the treaty of Cambray, of Margaret of Savoy on the part of Charles V., and of Cuthbert bishop of London, Sir Thos. More and John Hacket, on the part of England. St. Mary's, Cambray, 5 Aug. 1529.
Galba, B. IX.
212. B. M.
4. Draft of the English counterpart of the preamble to the treaty of Cambray, and also of the conclusion. Cambray, 5 Aug. 1529.
Lat., pp. 3.
R. O. 5. Articles of the treaty between Henry VIII. and Charles V. made at Cambray, with a separate article for mutual defence and aid.
Lat., modern copy, pp. 4.
R. O.
Rym. XIV. 327.
6. The second and third articles of the treaty of Cambray.
Fr., pp. 4.
Galba, B. IX.
226. B. M.
7. "Considerandum est cum quo principe fœdus primo initum fuerit.
"Considerandum est an bellum sit justum quia in injusto non tenetur defendere.
"Considerandum est an alii principes servarint ex parte sua articulos fœderis."
Galba, B. IX.
227. B. M.
8. Abstracts of the treaties between Henry VII. and the archduke of Flanders, London, 1495; Henry VIII. and Charles king of Spain, Brussels, 1515; Henry VIII. and Maximilian, and John and Charles, kings of the Spains and Navarre, 1516; Henry VIII. and the Emperor, 1522; and Henry VIII. and the Emperor, Cambray, 1529.
Pp. 5.
R. O. 9. Ratification by Charles V. of the treaty between England and the Emperor made at Cambray.
Great seal attached.
R. O. 10. Ratification by Margaret of Savoy of the treaty of peace made by Jaques de Luxemburg, lord Fyennes, Anthoine de la Laing, count Hochstrate, John lord Berghes, on the one part, and Cuthbert Tunstal bishop of London, Sir Thomas More, and John Hacket, on the other. Cambray, 5 Aug. 1529. Signed and sealed.
Very mutilated and rotten.
Galba, B. VIII.
225. B. M.
11. Release by Henry VIII. of the sums due to him by the Emperor by the obligation of indemnity of 19 June 1522, on condition of the liberation of the dauphin of Vienne and the duke of Orleans, according to the treaty of Cambray; and commission to Anne de Montmorency, great master of France, Francis de Turre, viscount of Turenne, John du Bellay, bishop of Bayonne, and Sir Francis Bryan * * *
Lat., draft, pp. 2. Imperfect.
Cal. D. X. 279.
B. M.
12. * * *
"[The Kin]g our sovereign lord doth give you ... [hon]or and pleasure of Almighty God and to come ... [t]he weal of all Christendom, there is passed ... between his Highness for this his realm of Eng[land and] his countries, isles, seignories, and dominio[ns, where] ever they be on this side the sea or beyond, th[e French king] for the realm of France, his countries and se[ignories on] this side the mountains, and the Emperor for his earldoms, counties, and seignories of Brabant ... Faulquemont, Dalhem, Luxembourg, Flanders ... Hainault, Holland, Zealand, Frize, onne y ... namer, and also Tournay, Tournesis, and ... whereof the lady Margaret, Archduchess of Aus[tria,] ... and countess of Burgundy, and dowager of S[avoy holds] the regime and governance, their heirs and ... good, true, sincere, and firm truce, abstine[nce of war], and deposition of armour, by land, sea ... for the space and term of eight months ... to begin the 15th day of this pres[ent month] ... [an]d endure over and above * * * [certi]fied and given knowledge to the ... ge hold and keep it, and also tw ... any such signification, to the intent ... and subjects of the one part and of the other may ... months bring home their persons, merchandises ... in surety, by the which truce, abstinence of [war, and] putting off of armour, it is covenanted and ... concluded that during the same there shall ce[ase between] the said princes, their vassals, subjects, men of [war,] soldiers and other whatsoever they be, be[ing under their] commandment, all force of arms, hostilities, ... wastes, roads, pilleries, burnings, and taking of p[risoners and] of goods, and all other manner of exploits of war a[s well] by sea as by land and fresh water, so that all the sa[id va]ssaulx, merchants and other subjects of the said princes ... [remain]ing and dwelling respectively in ther said r[ealms and countre]ys, may do their businesses and aff[airs] * * *"
In Tuke's hand.
5 Aug.
Cal. D. XI. 8. B. M.
* * * "oute they have in con ... he we have put the treatise of their ... effect such as it had before the war beg[un] ... e almost as much to do to get any clause whereby y[our Grace] ... your desires again of the Emperor in case your good bro[ther the French] king, for lack of delivery of his children, should not be bound ... howbeit at length with much work and with the first com ... French council, we have a clause that for lack of deliverance [of his] children, restoreth your obligations to their former strength ... the indiction of the war. So that finally your Grace hath the p[eace] with the intercourse in manner abovesaid, and sealed and sworn th[is day], the fifth day of August, with very honorable and solemn s ... as your good brother the French king's peace with the Emperor [like]wise is at the same time in the cathedral church of this t[own of] Cambray, of which our Lord send good and long conti[nuance].
"As touching your Grace's debts, we have had communication with [the] Council, in which, albeit they desire much longer d[ay] ... [w]hole sum into six payments ... [yet forasmu]che as your good brother shall not be con[tent] ... ent of the deliverance of his children ... [n]ot be before March next coming; therefore for your ... of payment, we were fain to give them the half ... [to] be paid at such time as your Grace's half year's pens[ion must be] paid. Howbeit this end have we agreed unto, but only for so [much as] the Emperor's obligations do amount unto. For as touching [the] ... thousand crowns for which your Grace hath the fleur de lys [in] pledge," and which the French king has bound himself to pay to the Emperor's ambassador, at the deliverance of his children, they refuse to meddle, but have remitted them for that parcel to the King, and told them they had not the jewel with them. Did this so as to leave it to the King's pleasure whether he would compel them to pay ready money for that pledge, or else give them further days, "for which we perceive your good brother s ... driven to forbear their ... of money sooner to furnish the pay ... which he must pay at their deliverance and ... council and we accorded, howbeit the writings be ... ne us. And yesterday they were in doubt because we ... them for the jewel whether they will covenant with us for any ... by their orators make their covenants with your Grace and your couns[el for] all your whole debts." If they return to that the King can take no loss thereby. According to their instructions, put off the indemnity, to be further considered at ... of the two Kings. Could obtain nothing about the restit[ution of] Tournay and the penalty of the marriage, and have therefore let it slip. "And thus after the writings once made [between] the French council and us for the Emperor's obligations due to [your Grace], if they will conclude with us, or else after the remitting of them ... Grace and your council there for the same; we thus having t ... * * * once departing and disse ... homeward and give attendance up[on] ... as we suppose that your good brother shall ... de depeche some gentleman of his chamber unto ... who by reason thereof is likely to be with your Grace before ... [hum]bly beseech your Grace that it may like you to let him know."
The lady Regent, the Council, and specially the Grand Master, have done as much for the King's affairs here as they could have done for their own master. Cambray, 5 Aug. Signed.
Pp. 4, mutilated.
6 Aug.
R. O.
Showed the King your letters concerning his visit to Tittenhanger, which liked him well. Expedited my lord Dacre's bill, which I send. Does not like that Dr. Kamuchius should have any charge, as it is not for the King's honor to seek for amity with the king of Denmark. If you could speak to Kamuchius, so that he might as of himself "conduce the matter," it might be well. He signed a letter, at Norfolk's desire, to the king of Denmark, for delivery of a ship of Newcastle. He desires instructions to be sent to my lord of Worcester. He wishes to have the names of the borough towns. I have written to Pexall for them, but I hear he is not with you. The King wonders he has had no letters. I have been from morn to night hunting, by the King's commandment. Hunsdon, 6 Aug.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
6 Aug.
Léonard, Recueil des Traitésde Paix, II. p. 344.
Arrangement made by Cuthbert bishop of London, Sir Thos. More, and John Hacket, with Anthoine cardinal of Sens, and Montmorency the Grand Master of France, whereby Francis engages, in consideration of the deliverance of his children, to accept certain obligations contracted by the Emperor with Henry VIII., paying for the same at the rate of 50,000 cr. per annum. These obligations to be returned, and the arrangement to be cancelled in the event of the children not being restored. The first instalment to be paid 1 Nov. 1530. Cambray, 6 Aug. 1529.
6 [Aug.]
Add. MS. 28,579, f. 36. B. M.
"News from Cambray, sent by Hieronymo Francho.
"The day before the date of this letter, the bishop of Cambray said mass. After the mass the two ladies, (fn. 4) assisted by the legate Salviati, the ambassadors of king Ferdinand and of the king of England, swore to the treaty with great solemnity. The dean of Cambray announced then in a loud voice that peace was concluded between the Pope, the emperor Charles, Francis king of France, Ferdinand king of Bohemia, and Henry king of England.
"Afterwards a separate peace between king Henry and Madame Margaret was promulgated.
"The confederates were not mentioned in this solemnity. Before leaving, the ambassadors were called to a conference, and there the article concerning Venice was shown to the Venetian ambassadors, who had not seen it before. They feel much aggravated by that article," &c.
Superscribed: "News from Micer Hieronymo Francho, of the 6th, from Cambray. Italian. Seems to be the original. Pp. 2."
English abstract of a document at Simancas.
Add. MS.
28,579, f. 37. B. M.
2. "Letter from St. Quintin.
"A letter sent from St. Quintin to Pomponio Trivulzio in Lyons says that on Thursday morning peace between the Pope, the Emperor, the kings of France, of England, of Scotland, and king Ferdinand, was published. Mass. Money thrown to the crowd. Theatricals," &c.
"Italian. Contemporary summary. p. 1."
English abstract of a document at Simancas. Dated in margin: 7 August.
7 Aug.
Galba, B. V. 298 b. B. M.
Has received the King's letters and Wolsey's by his ambassadors, the bishop of London and Thomas More. Is pleased at the arrival of the ambassadors, though the duchess of Angosmois and herself much desired Wolsey's presence, to give them his advice and assistance. Writes to the King of their proceedings. Cambray, 7 Aug. 1529. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
7 Aug.
R. O.
Has shown the prior of Dunstable his bill obligatory, which he thought he never should have paid. He will attend on Cromwell in the first week of next term to arrange about it, for he is very needy. Has been to Bradwell, where John Assheby was the last prior, and thence to Tykford. Has seen the stuff remaining there in Mr. Whalley's custody. Has sent what is mentioned in the enclosed bill. Sends a bill of the stuff in the keeping of Andrew Stocks. If Cromwell wants it, he had better write to Whalley. Can do nothing at Ravenston, for lack of Mr. Throgmerton. 7 Aug.
Hol., p. 1.
8 Aug.
R. T. 137. R. O.
5836. FRANCIS I.
Ratification of the engagements made by Du Prat and Montmorency with England for the payment of certain sums lent by Henry VIII. to Charles V. in 1522 and 1517; and also of certain other sums arranged between England and France, in consequence of the treaty of Cambray, for the recovery of the King's children. Crevecoeur, 8 Aug. 1529.
Lat., copy, pp. 9.
9 Aug.
Rym. XIV. 302.
Summonses to a Parliament to be holden in the city of London on the 3rd November. Westm., 9 Aug. 1529.
Close Roll, 21 Hen. VIII.
9 Aug.
S. B.
5838. HOLY CROSS, WHERWELL, Winc. dioc.
Assent (fn. 5) to the election of lady Anne Colte as abbess of the above monastery, vice Avelena Cowdrey, 8 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII. Westm., _.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20.
2. Restitution of temporalties for the above. Tyttenhanger, 9 Aug.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20.
9 Aug.
Colbert MS. 468. V. p. 178.
If I agree with the king of England, and obtain a resolution in accordance with my instructions, so that there is no necessity to send me back to France, he may require me to swear to the treaty in accordance with the power which I now have; and I think he is likely to urge me to do it, in order to confirm his subjects in their opinion about his marriage, and to free them from the fear they have always felt, that, when the said marriage is made, Francis will join with the Emperor for purposes of revenge. This the Flemings have always impressed upon the English.
I wish to know, therefore, the King's intention, so that I may shorten my journey.
If he wishes me to take the oath, I think it should be only in some chapel, after a mass, without ceremony, a few lords being present; but so that none of the council understand the substance, seeing only the mysteries without hearing anything distinctly. Vingonne (Waltham), 9 Aug.
French, from a transcript. pp. 2.
10 Aug.
R. O.
As we have finished all our charge, and the French king, who banquet with the lady Margaret, intends to leave tomorrow, and the two ladies the day after, we have taken our leave of them. They desired their commendations to you. The lady Margaret tells us that the Emperor has arrived in Geane. Hokstrate desires us to inform you that Raynyer Cossyn's ship was robbed by a galleon of Biscay, and the ship brought by John Rycanera into Southampton as a French prize. He desires your favor in behalf of the said Raynyer. Cambray, 10 Aug. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
10 Aug.
Vit. B. XI. 209. B. M.
Wrote last on Aug. 1. Has heard from the bishop of Feltre that the Imperialists are pressing the Pope pro causæ absolutoria; but nothing will probably be done without the advice of the Emperor, who is reported to have arrived at Genoa. The Florentines have sent four ambassadors to him, and have enlisted 10,000 foot to defend themselves from the Imperialists, in addition to the 5,000 now in their service. The Pope is very anxious. He thought the fear of the Emperor's arrival would prevent them from preparing for war, but that they would put themselves into the hands of his Holiness. They have, however, gained boldness from despair, and not only prepare to defend their own, but are annoying the Pope by means of the abbot of Farfa and Malatesta. His Holiness endures these injuries more than suits the dignity of the Holy See. If he wishes to send any one anywhere, he is obliged to ask for a safe-conduct from the abbot of Farfa, who holds the castle of Bracciano. He had promised the Pope not to stop legates to the Emperor, on the faith of which cardinals Farnese and Medicis were sent, and Santa Croce followed them. Before he had passed the Abbot's power, the Abbot heard that the Imperialists had intercepted 3,000 ducats sent to him by the Florentines, and he pursued and took the cardinal S. Croce to Bracciano. When the Pope complained, he said that he demanded his money from S. Croce, not as a Legate, but as an Imperialist. A Consistory is held today in consequence of this. The prince of Orange allowed this to be done in the sight of his army. The German and Italian foot are daily making greater demands.
There are various reports about the peace of Cambray. Some say that all the allies are excluded; others that they are comprehended, and that, in addition to the sum which they are bound to pay to the Emperor, the French king will pay 300,000 ducats to him in their name. Some say there is no mention of the king of England; which Vannes does not believe, as his comprehension would benefit the Emperor.
With the present crowd of soldiers it is dangerous not merely to go out, but even to look out of the window. De Prat is here; he speaks most honorably of the King. The Emperor's chancellor has been created a cardinal. Rome, 10 Aug. 1529.
Hol., Lat., pp. 4.
10 Aug.
R. O.
Coroner's inquest taken in the ward of Farringdon Within, London, 10 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII., before John Wylford, coroner, and Ralph Warren and John Longe, sheriffs, on the body of Thomas Case, cutler, who, it was found, was killed by Thomas Pyers in self-defence, in St. Paul's Churchyard.
Pp. 2, large paper.


  • 1. "his." This word is interlined in place of "the said French king's," struck out.
  • 2. Date lost by mutilation.
  • 3. The following abstract is given of this letter in Masters' MS., f. 103:—"That in the treaty for peace with the Emperor they had much ado to effect that the intercourse should continue in form as it did before the war, the Emperor's commissioners alleging that the said intercourse is lost and forfeited by denunciation of war, so that we cannot tie the Emperor to renew it again. Our agent will not conclude any peace without this intercourse. And the French will not go further in this treaty (at Cambray) without that the Emperor and the king of England be first accorded. So the intercourse is at last granted and renewed in the ancient form, and, after that agreed, the conclusion of the treaty."
  • 4. Archduchess Margaret and Louise of Savoy.
  • 5. The petition for this assent is in the name of Morpheta Kyngismyll, the prioress, and the convent.