Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 11

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 11', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 11', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 11". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III. (London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 11

Writ, 8 August, 2 Edward III.
SURREY. Inq. Saturday, the morrow of St. Katherine the Virgin, 2 Edward III.
Werplesdon. The manor (extent given), held by service of half a knight’s fee, of Thomas de Seymor, who holds of the heir of the earl of Gloucester, as of the honour of Camberwell. She held nothing of the king in chief, in the county, on the day she died.
Roger de Heyham, her son, aged 40 years and more, is her next heir.
KENT. Inq. Saturday next after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 2 Edward III.
Rolvyndenn. A messuage, land and rents (extent given), held of Thomas de Polingges, by service of half a knight’s fee and by rendering 20s. rent every third year.
She held nothing of the archbishopric of Canterbury on the day she died.
Heir as above, aged 30 years and more.
KENT. Inq. Monday after the Nativity of the Blessed Mary, 2 Edward III.
Mapelescaumpe. A messuage, 55a. land, 20a. wood, and 11s. rent, held of William de Septem Vann[is], by service of 5s. yearly; 64a. land, held of the said William in gavelkind, by service of 2s. 8d. yearly, and by a rent of 3 hens, 1 cock, and 40 eggs; 19a. land, held of John de Wysham and Felicia atte Wode, in gavelkind, by service of 2 1/2 ploughshares, and by suit at their court of Suthcurt at Mapelescampe, every three weeks; 15a. land, held of Nicholas Malemeys and Gilbert de Kirkeby, as of the manor of Faukham, by service of 5s. yearly rent; 2a. land and 10a. wood, held of John de Mereworth and William de Chimbeham, for an eighth part of a knight’s fee, and by suit at their court at Frenyngham every three weeks; and 7a. land held of John le Guet in gavelkind, by service of 18d. yearly rent.
She held nothing of the archbishopric of Canterbury in the hundred of Acstan.
Roger de Hegham, her son, aged 30 years and more, is her next heir. The said Roger and John his brother, aged 28 years, are heirs of the lands held in gavelkind.
KENT. Inq. Saturday after St. Matthew, 2 Edward III.
Swanton. The manor (extent given), held for life of the gift of Master Henry de Northwode, by fine levied in the king’s court to her, Joan her daughter, and the heirs of the said Raulina, of Isabella, queen of England, as of the manor of Middelton, by service of 10s. 6 1/2d. yearly rent, and by two attendances at the great courts of Middelton yearly; and 60a. pasture, 5a. wood, and 3s. 6d. rent of assize similarly held of the abbot of St. Augustine’s, Canterbury, by the said fine, by service of 2s. rent yearly, and by suit at the said abbot’s court of Newenton every three weeks.
She held nothing in her demesne as of fee in the hundred of Middelton.
KENT. Inq. Friday after St. Matthew, 2 Edward III.
Herbaldon. The manor (extent given), held of the said archbishopric in gavelkind, as of the manor of Westgate, by service of 20s. yearly, to be paid at the said manor of Westgate, and by rendering there 8 hens at Christmas, and certain other manual services appraised at 10s. yearly, and by suit at the court of Westgate every three weeks; and 16s. yearly rent held of Hugh Daudele, as of the honour of Tonebrigg by homage, &c. (sic).
Strumoth. A messuage, 60a. land, 24a. marsh and 50s. rent of assize, held of Warisius de Valoynes by homage and by a rent of a pair of gilt spurs price 6d., and rendering 50s. yearly to Henry de Cobeham.
She held nothing of the archbishopric of Canterbury by knight’s service, on the day she died.
Roger de Hegham, her son, aged 30 years and more, is her next heir. The said Roger and John his brother are heirs of the lands held in gavelkind.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (1.)
Writ, 28 January, 2 Edward III.
NORFOLK. Inq. 13 March, 2 Edward III.
Islyngton. A moiety of the manor (extent given), now held of the king in chief, and sometime held of Henry de Essex, as of the honour of Hagenet, by service of a third part of a knight’s fee, and 40l. yearly for the ward of the castle of Dover.
Kenewick. The manor, held to himself and his heirs at fee-farm, of the prior of Lews, rendering 20 marks yearly.
Ennemeth. A messuage and 40a. land, held of the said prior at fee-farm, rendering 47s. 5d. yearly.
Ingoldesthorp. The manor (extent given); one part held of the said prior by service of 45s. yearly; and the other three parts held of the prior of Castelacre and Hubert Hacon by service of 9 marks yearly.
He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief, as of the crown, on the day he died.
He died on 28 November, 1 Edward III.
John his son, aged 33 years and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (2.)
E. Inrolments, &c. of Inq. No. 16, m. 3 and 3d.
133. JOHN LE MONEK, of Garboldesham.
Writ, 17 November, 2 Edward III.
NORFOLK. Inq. 21 December, 2 Edward III.
Garboldesham. 5a. land, held of the king in chief by service of a hundredth part of a knight’s fee, rendering 2d. yearly at the castle of Dover; and 2 messuages and 40a. land held of Peter de Bokynham by service of 2s. yearly.
Attele Burgh. A messuage and 40a. land, held of Costentine de Mortuo Mari by service of 20d. yearly.
He died on 10 November.
John, his son, aged 26 years and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (3.)
Writ, 18 March, 2 Edward III.
HEREFORD. Inq. 11 June, 2 Edward III.
La Ferne [or La Fen] and Bradford. A certain tenement held, by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of Joan his wife, of the lady of Kylpek, by service of a sixth part of a knight’s fee at the castle of Kilpek.
He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in the county on the day he died.
Baldwyn his son, aged 30 years and more at the feast of St. John the Baptist last, is his heir.
WILTS. Inq. 22 April, 6 Edward III.
Wynterburne Assherton. A messuage, land and rent (extent given), held with Joan his wife, as the right and inheritance of the said Joan, of the earl of Salisbury, by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee.
He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief on the day he died in the county or in that of Southampton.
Baldewin de Frivylle, son of the aforesaid Alexander and Joan, aged 30 years and more, is his next heir.
WARWICK. Inq. Wednesday before the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 2 Edward III.
Tameworth. The castle held jointly by the said Alexander and Joan his wife (who still survives) for their lives of the king in chief, by fine levied in the king’s court between Baldewin de Frivill, plaintiff, and the said Alexander and Joan, deforciants, by service of coming to the king’s coronation, armed cap-a-pie (universaliter) with royal arms delivered by the king, seated upon the king’s chief charger (super principalem dextrarium regium sedens), offering himself to make proof for the king against all opposing his coronation; and if no one shall oppose him the arms and horse are the king’s, but if any one shall oppose and engage in combat (congressum faciat), the arms and horse shall remain to the aforesaid tenant.
Middelton. A third part of the manor, held jointly with Joan his wife, by the grant and enfeoffment of Baldewin de Frivill, to hold for their lives, of the church of St. Eadithe, Tameworth, by service of 2s. 2 1/2d. and a third part of a half-penny yearly.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
Heir as above, aged 36 years and more.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (4.)
E. Inrolments, &c. of Inq. No. 16, m. 2.
Writ (missing).
SOMERSET. Inq. 20 February, 3 Edward III.
Bradele. The manor held of the abbot of Glastonbury, by service of 15s. yearly, and doing suit at the said abbot’s hundred of Whitston every three weeks.
John his son is his next heir and of full age.
OXFORD. Inq. 8 January, 2 Edward III.
Baynton. A capital messuage, 90a. land, and rents &c. (extent given), held of Edmund de Hameldon, by service of 2 marks yearly.
Heir as above, aged 25 years and more.
BUCKS. Inq. 8 December, 2 Edward III.
Briddestorn. The manor, held of John de Whelton, by service of a clovegillyflower, except 6 1/2a. land, which are held of Philip de Ailesbury by service of 18d. The said manor is charged with 20 marks yearly to John Blaket for his life.
Adyngton. 3 virgates of land, held of the manor of Esele, which the Earl Marshal holds by the king’s grant, how the jury know not, by service of a sore sparrow-hawk or of 3s. yearly; and the site of a certain manor, and 75a. land, 10a. meadow, and rents, held of Robert de Monte Alto and Emma his wife by service of half a knight’s fee, and suit at the view of frank pledge of Querndon once a year.
Chaddesle. The manor held, together with Isabel his wife and Joan their daughter for their lives, and to the survivor, of the demise of Aylmer de Valencia, late earl of Penbroke, by rendering yearly to David de Estrabolgia, earl of Athol, one of the heirs and kinsmen of the aforesaid Aymer, 6 marks; and the reversion of the aforesaid manor, after their death, pertains to Elizabeth le Comyn, another of the heirs of the aforesaid Aymer, who holds it of the king in chief, service unknown.
He held nothing of the king in chief on the day he died.
Heir as above, aged 23 years and more.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (5.)
Writ, 10 May, 2 Edward III.
BEDFORD. Inq. 21 June, 2 Edward III.
Dontone. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, by service of an eighth part of a knight’s fee.
John his son, age unknown, is his next heir.
SUSSEX. Inq. 2 July, 2 Edward III.
Apsele. The manor (extent given), held of the heirs of William de Brewosa by service of closing a perch of sixteen feet (sic) in the hedge of the park of La Cnappe in a certain assigned place.
He held no lands &c. of the king in chief in the county on the day he died.
Heir as above, aged 2 years.
WILTS. Inq. 13 June, 2 Edward III.
Comptone Chaumberlayn. A messuage and 2 carucates of land (extent given), held of the king in chief, by service of a third part of a knight’s fee.
Fallardestone. The manor (extent given), including a several pasture called Oxedoune, held of the heirs of William de Brewese, as of the barony of Brembre, by service of a knight’s fee.
Cruchestone and Throp. A carucate of land, 56s. rent, and 4a. meadow, held of the heirs of Richard le Warener, by service of 60s. yearly.
Orchestone St. George. 40s. yearly rent held of Margaret de Nevile in free socage by service of a rose yearly.
Heir as above, aged 2 years on the feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle last.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (6.)
E. Inrolments &c. of Inq. No. 16, m. 4d and 5.
Writ, 2 September, 2 Edward III.
BEDFORD. Inq. 5 October, 2 Edward III.
Dountone Chaumberlayn. Two parts of a messuage and of a carucate of land (extent given), are in the king’s hand by reason of the minority of the said John, lately in the king’s wardship, son and heir of Thomas de Grymstede, deceased; which two parts, together with the third part, which is assigned to Joan, late the wife of the aforesaid Thomas, in dower, are held of the king in chief by service of a tenth part of a knight’s fee.
Margaret, aged 26 years, whom Thomas de Beyntone married, and Katherine, aged 22 years and more, the wife of Ralph de Bouklonde, aunts of the aforesaid John de Grymstede, and sisters of the aforesaid Thomas de Grymstede, his father, are next heirs of the said John.
SUSSEX. Inq. 24 September, 2 Edward III.
Apsele. On 2 September, 2 Edward III., the manor (extent given) was in the king’s hand by reason of the minority of John, son and heir of Thomas de Grymstede, deceased, who held of the king in chief; which manor is held of the heirs of William de Breouse, by service of closing a perch and (sic) sixteen feet in the hedge of the park of La Knappe in a certain assigned place.
Margaret of full age, and Katherine aged 13 years and more, sisters of the aforesaid Thomas de Grymstede, father of the aforesaid John, are next heirs of the said John.
Memorandum that the manor of Fallardeston, and Crucheston and Thorp, co. Wilts, and the manor of Apesle, co. Sussex, are assigned to Thomas de Benton and Margaret his wife, except a messuage and a virgate of land, which Stephen in-the-lane holds in villenage in the manor of Fallardeston, which are assigned to Ralph de Bokelonde and Katherine his wife, as the pourparty of the said Katherine.
Memorandum that the manor of Compton Chamberlein and 40s. rent in Wynterborn and Orcheston, co. Wilts, and the manor of Donton, co. Bedford, are assigned to Ralph de Bokelonde and Katherine his wife, except a messuage and a virgate of land which Walter Stork holds in villenage in the manor of Compton Chamberleyn, which are assigned to Thomas de Benton and Margaret his wife, as the pourparty of the said Margaret.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (7.)
WILTS. Enrolment of Inq. (undated).
Comptone Chamberlayn. Two parts of a messuage and of 2 carucates of land (extent given), held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Fallardeston. Two parts of the manor (extent given), which manor is held of the heirs of William de Brewosa by service of a knight’s fee.
Croucheston and Thorp. Two parts of a carucate of land and other tenements, held of the heirs of Richard le Warrener by service of 60s. (yearly).
Crocheston (rectius Orcheston) St. George. Two parts of 40s. rent held of Margaret de Nevill, tenure unspecified.
All in the king’s hand by reason of the minority of the said John.
E. Inrolments &c. of Inq. No. 16, mm. 2, and 2d.
Writ, 26 January, 2 Edward III.
OXFORD. Inq. 14 February, 2 Edward III.
Cote and Astone. A messuage, lands, rents, &c. (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of finding and being with bow and arrows, without other armour, in any war of the king within his realm, for forty days, at his own cost.
Lewe. Lands and tenements (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of carrying a goshawk before the king, whenever the king shall wish, at the king’s cost.
Elevorde [or Eleford]. A messuage, lands and tenements (extent given), held of John de Grey, Robert de Morby, and Rauland de Hasting’ by service of 10s. yearly.
He died on Tuesday before SS. Fabian and Sebastian.
Robert, his son, aged 25 years and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (8.)
E. Inrolments &c. of Inq. No. 16, mm. 2d. and 3.
Writ, 20 May, 2 Edward III.
NORFOLK. Inq. 31 May, 2 Edward III.
Brunham. A messuage, land, rent &c. (extent given), including a moiety of a market every Saturday in the year, held of the king in chief, as of the honour of Hagenet, by service of a knight’s fee, paying 20s. for the ward of the castle of Dover every fifty-two weeks, and doing suit at the court of Hauele every three weeks; and land, rent &c. (extent given), held of the earl of Hereford by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee.
Pulham, Stirston, Herdwyk and Redenhale. A messuage, 200a. arable and 30s. rent, held of the bishop of Ely by service of 6d. yearly.
Hemenhale and Neton. (fn. 1) A messuage, land, rent &c. (extent given), held of the heir of Robert son of Walter, who is under age and in the king’s wardship, by service of 1d. yearly.
He died on 16 May last.
John, his son, aged 36 years and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (9.)
E. Inrolments &c. of Inq. No. 16, m. 1.
Writ, 16 February, 2 Edward III. (defective.)
SOUTHAMPTON; ISLE OF WIGHT. Inq. 26 September, 2 Edward III.
Niwetone. A messuage, land and rent (extent given), held for life only, with reversion to Richard de Stapeldon and his heirs, of the king in chief, as of the castle of Caresbrok, by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee.
He held no lands or tenements as of fee in the county.
Who is his heir, and of what age, is unknown to the jury.
DEVON. Inq. 20 May, 2 Edward III. (defective.)
Wynkelegh or Wynkeleighe. A capital messuage and a carucate of land (extent given), including 100a. of high wood (bosci alti), and 12d. of capitagium garcionum, held of the honour of Gloucester, now in the king’s hand through the forfeiture of Hugh le Despenser, by service of half a knight’s fee; out of which there is paid yearly to the church of St. Michael, Wemmeworthi, for the lamp of St. Mary there at the feast of St. Michael, 5lb. of wax.
Werynggeston. A messuage and a carucate of land (extent given), held, by service of a sixth part of a knight’s fee, of the manor of [Bra]neys, now in the hand of Hugh de Audele of his wife’s assignment of dower from lands and tenements pertaining to the earldom of Cornwall.
Thorrey by Hertilonde. A messuage and a carucate of land (extent given), held of John de Dynhamp, by service of 1lb. of pepper.
He held no lands &c. of the king in chief in the county on the day he died.
Thomas de Kaynnes, son [ (fn. 2) of the said John, aged six months at the feast of St. Barnabas last,] is his [next heir].
C. Edw. III. File 11. (10.)
Writ, 29 August, 2 Edward III.
DORSET. Inq. 24 September, 2 Edward III.
Hineton Martel. A moiety of the manor, and a fourth part of the manor of Mayne, held by the courtesy of England, of the inheritance of Joan his first wife, of the heirs of Peter son of Reginald, who are in the king’s wardship, as of the manor of Chuweton, by service of a third part of a knight’s fee.
Mapoudre. A moiety of the manor, held of Roger de Mortuomari, by service of an eighth part of a knight’s fee.
He held no lands &c. of the king in chief in fee in the county on the day he died.
Reginald, son of Herbert son of the aforesaid Reginald, aged 16 years at the feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle last, is his next heir.
SOMERSET. Inq. 16 September, 2 Edward III. (defaced.)
Middesomeresnorte. A fourth part of the manor (extent given), held of the heirs of Peter son of Reginald as of the manor of Cheweton, by service of a sixteenth part of a knight’s fee.
Shepton Malet. A fourth part of the manor (extent given), held of the abbot of Glastonbury, by service of an eighth part of a knight’s fee.
Heir as above.
Writ de melius inquirendo, 19 October, 2 Edward III.
The king being given to understand that the said Reginald died seised of certain lands and tenements in Luton, co. Bedford, of which no mention is made in former inquisitions.
BEDFORD. Inq. 6 November, 2 Edward III.
Luyton. A moiety of a sixth part of the manor (extent given) excepting that he held nothing of the capital messuage, held of the king in chief, by service of a twenty-fourth part of a knight’s fee; and a moiety of a messuage, held of Robert Bisshop, by service of 19d. and 1 1/2 lb. of wax yearly.
Name and age of the heir unknown.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (11.)
E. Inrolments &c. of Inq. No. 16, m. 2d.
Writ, 1 August, 2 Edward III.
NORFOLK. Inq. 24 August, 2 Edward III.
Stristone [or Stirston]. The manor (full extent given), including a fishery, held of the heir of Robert le FizWauter, deceased, who is under age and in the king’s wardship, by service of half a knight’s fee, as of the honour of Castle Banyard, and by service of 40d. to be paid yearly at the said castle; and there is a rent of 15d. paid yearly at the hundred of Grimeshouwe for a certain custom called ‘briggeweye,’ and 17 1/2d. yearly for ‘schirreves schot’; and he shall do suit at the hundred of Grimeshowe every three weeks.
He died on 21 July, 2 Edward III.
John, his son, aged 4 weeks, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (12.)
E. Inrolments o Inq. No. 16, m. 2.
Writ, 25 November, 2 Edward III.
LINCOLN. Inq. Friday next after the Purification, 3 Edward III.
Eston. The manor (extent given), held in dower of the inheritance of the aforesaid Payn, of the king in chief, without doing any service for the same.
John, son of Payn Tibetot, aged 16 years and more, is next heir of the same Payn.
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. Tuesday next before the Purification, 2 Edward III.
Langar. The manor (extent given), held of the king, as of the honour of Peverell, for her life, by the grant of Sir Roger de Wortham, made to the aforesaid Payn and Agnes and the heirs of the said Payn, by service of a knight’s fee, and by rendering to the aforesaid Sir Roger 10s. at Michaelmas by the hands of the bailiff of the honour of Peverell.
Heir as above.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. 15 January, 2 Edward III.
Hardleston. The manor (extent given), held for her life, of the enfeoffment of her aforesaid husband Payn, of Gilbert Pecche, by service of half a knight’s fee.
Borewelle. The manor (extent given), held for her life, of the inheritance of the aforesaid Payn, of the earl of Oxford, by service of half a knight’s fee.
She held no other lands or tenements of the king in chief in the county.
Heir as above, aged 16 years at the feast of St. Margaret the Virgin last past.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 10 January, 2 Edward III. (defaced.)
[Netlestede.] The manor (extent given), held, along with the aforesaid Payn, of the king in chief, by fine levied in the king’s court, by service of …… . .; land and pasture held of the bishop of Ely, by service of 12s. yearly; land held of William de la More, by service of 2s. 6d. yearly; and land, &c. held of the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, by service of 5s. yearly.
Branford. A capital messuage, land, &c. (extent given), held of the bishop of Ely by service of 30s. yearly.
Heir as above.
Writ, 25 November, 2 Edward III.
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. Wednesday, the feast of St. Peter in cathedra, 3 Edward III. (defaced.)
Epreston. The manor (extent given), held for her life of the inheritance of the aforesaid Payn, of Sir John de Doddingseles, by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee.
Heir as above.
YORK. Inq. Monday next after St. Matthias the Apostle, 3 Edward III. (defaced.)
Haghentwayt and Shipenes. A toft, lands, and rent (extent given), held in dower of the inheritance of the said Payn, of William son of William by service of 1/4d. yearly at Christmas.
Heir as above.
YORK. Inq. Sunday next before St. Gregory the Pope, 3 Edward III.
Wyghton. The manor (extent given), held for her life, as in tail; which manor the said Payn and Agnes acquired of William de Roos of Hamlak deceased, to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, with the king’s licence; it is held of the king in chief as of socage.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (13.)
Writ, 12 June, 2 Edward III.
SURREY. Inq. 25 June, 2 Edw. III.
Gostrode in Chidingefolde [or Chudyngfold]. A messuage, 40a. arable, 6s. 5d. rent, and 10a. wood, held of the king in chief by service of 6d. yearly, to be received by the hands of the sheriff.
Le Hechlond [or La Hachlond]. 10a. arable and 4s. 6d. rent, held of Laurence de (sic) Gras, by service of 16d. yearly.
Dallyngewyk and Brodefelde. 10a. arable, held of Maurice de Moustede by service of 4d. yearly.
William, his son, aged 40 years and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (14.)
E. Inrolments &c. of Inq. No. 16, m. 1.
Writ, 28 February, 2 Edward III.
ESSEX. Inq. 21 March, 2 Edward III.
Little Shoberi [or Little Shobury]. A messuage, 243a. land, and 40s. rent, held of the king in chief, as of the honour of Reylegh, by service of half a knight’s fee, and suit at the king’s hundred of Rocheford every three weeks, and at the court of the honour of Reylegh monthly; and 3a. land, held of Robert de Benflet by service of 2d. yearly.
Estwode. 6a. wood, held of the heir of Thomas de Todenham, by service of a clove-gillyflower at the feast of St. John the Baptist.
Barlinge. A capital messuage and 6a. land &c. held of Sir Thomas de Cornheth, by service of 1/2d. yearly at Michaelmas; 30a. land and 20s. rent, held of Henry de Holwelle, by service of a clove-gillyflower at Christmas; and 26a. land, held of the heir of Peter de Southcherch, by service of a clove-gillyflower at Easter.
Shopelonde. 29a. land, held of William Farman, heir of John Fitz Baudewyne, by service of a clove-gillyflower at Easter; and 100s. of dry rent yearly from William de Barwe, held of Eleanor de Bryaunzon, by service of a peppercorn at Easter.
Great Wakeringe. 10s. rent coming from two molmanni, held of the aforesaid Eleanor by the aforesaid service.
Southbenflete. 2 marks rent, held of the aforesaid Eleanor, by the aforesaid service.
Great Wakeringe. 6a. land, held of Hugh de Neville, knight, by service of 1d. yearly.
Pakelesham. 40a. marsh, held of Hugh de Naunton, lord of Leyre Breton, (fn. 3) by service of a tenth part of a knight’s fee.
Little Wakeringe. 60a. marsh, held of Hugh de Nevill, lord of the manor of Wakeryngg, by service of a tenth part of a knight’s fee.
Edmund his son, aged 24 years and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (15.)
E. Inrolments, &c. of Inq. No. 16, m. 3d.
Writ, 28 December, 2 Edward III.
WARWICK. Inq. Saturday next before the Purification, 3 Edward III.
Spernovere. The manor (extent given), including a water-mill and park, held of the heir of Guy de Bello Campo, late earl of Warwick, a minor and in the king’s wardship, by service of coming to his castle of Warwick, or to his manors of Clavirdon, Toneworth, or Sutton, whereever the said heir should be staying, at Christmas, Easter, or Whitsunday, to serve the said heir as his chief butler with his cup (de cupa sua), and to take his fee for the same, as his ancestors have been yearly accustomed to do.
He held no other lands of the king nor of the said heir by knight’s service, nor of any other on the day of his death.
John, his son, aged 28 years and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (16.)
Writ, 9 August, 2 Edward III.
SOMERSET. Inq., 24 September, 2 Edward III.
Jatton and Ywode. Two messuages and 2 carucates of land, held by the said Stephen and Constance his wife, jointly enfeoffed, of the bishop of Bath by knight’s service.
He held no lands &c. of the king in chief in fee in the county on the day he died.
William, his son, aged 15 years on the feast of St. John the Baptist last, is his next heir.
GLOUCESTER. Inq., 15 September, 2 Edward III.
Holdelonde in Button. A capital messuage, lands and rent (extent given), held of the king in chief, by service of half a knight’s fee.
He held no other lands &c. of any other lord in the county.
Heir as above, aged 14 years at the feast of All Saints last.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (17.)
E. Inrolments &c. of Inq. No. 16, m. 2.
Writ to Roger de Mortuo Mari, justice of Wales, 4 August, 2 Edward III.
[CARDIGAN.] Inq. taken at Kermerdyn on Saturday after St. Michael, 2 Edward III.
Hanunyauk [Anhuniauk or Anhunauk]. The whole commote, held of the king in chief by Welsh law.
Gwynneonyth Uchkerdyn. A moiety of the commote.
Kerwedros [or Cayrwedros]. The whole commote, except a ‘westua’ called Drefreyr [or Drefdreyr]; and after the death of the said Oweyn, Lewelin ap Oweyn, his son, exchanged the said commote of Kerwedros with Gruffin ap Mereduth, his uncle, for the commote of Iscoyt Uchirwern; which Gruffin afterwards forfeited the said commote of Cayrwedros by war waged against the king, by which it remains until now in the hand of the king of England.
Oweyn ap Lewelin [ap Oweyn] and Thomas ap Lewelin, both aged 28 years and more, are his next heirs.
The said commote of Hanunyauk came into the hand of Edward, sometime king of England, grandfather of the present king, and has until now been in the hand of the kings of England, viz.—for fifty-two years; and this was in the time of Payn de Cadurciis, then justice of South Wales, who took the said commote into the king’s hand, and so it remains until now.
[CARDIGAN.] Inq. Saturday after St. Michael, 2 Edward III.
Anhuniauk. The commote &c., to the same effect as above, with the variations there noted within square brackets.
Heirs as above.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (18.)
Writ, 6 November, 2 Edward III.
SOMERSET. Inq. 17 December, 2 Edward III.
Meriet. 27 messuages, lands, and rent (extent given), whereof he and Isabel his wife were jointly enfeoffed for their lives by fine levied in the king’s court, held of the king in chief by service of a knight’s fee. He did not die seised in fee of any lands &c. in the county.
John, his son, aged 7 weeks, is his next heir.
The advowson of the church of Meriet belongs to the king, by reason of the minority of the said heir.
LINCOLN. Inq. Monday, 21 November, 2 Edward III.
Castelcarlton. The manor (extent given), including a fair on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, held of the king in chief for a third part of a knight’s fee.
Riston. 100a. land, held of Peter de Scremby, by service of 2lb. of cummin, 2lb. of pepper, and 1d. yearly, at Michaelmas.
Little Carleton. A messuage, 22a. land, and two fishponds unstocked, one around the manor and another in the wood, held, jointly enfeoffed with Isabel his wife, of the abbot of Louth Park (de parco Lude) by service of 12d. yearly.
He died on 5 November last.
John his son, aged 28 days, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (19.)
Writ, 21 October, 2 Edward III.
WILTS. Inq. 25 October, 2 Edward III.
Uggeforde St. James. An acre of garden and three virgates of land, held of the lordship of the manor of Suttone Maundevile, which manor by reason of the forfeiture of Hugh le Despenser, the elder, came to the hands of King Edward II, by service of rendering at the said manor 4s. 5 1/2d. yearly; a messuage and a virgate of land, held of the abbess of Wylton, by service of rendering to her and her successors 15s. yearly; a parcel of garden and a virgate of land, held of the abbot of Stanlegh by service of 30s. yearly; another parcel of the same garden, held of the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, by service of 1lb. of cummin yearly; and another parcel of that garden, held of Agnes de Brudecombe and Robert her son, by service of 1/2lb. of cummin yearly.
John, his son, aged 21 years on Monday after the octave of the Purification last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (20.)
Writ, 1 August, 2 Edward III.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inq. Friday next after St. Peter ad Vincula, 2 Edward III.
Cramlyngton. Lands &c. (extent given), lying waste on account of the devastation of the Scots, held of King Edward II. in chief, by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee.
Hertelowe. A bondage now rendering but 5s. yearly on account of the devastation of the Scots, held of Robert de la Vale by service of 1 1/2d. yearly.
Trewik. A ruinous capital messuage and 200a. land, held of Thomas de Bekeryng, by service of rendering 6s. 8d. yearly, worth nothing this year because lying wholly waste for the same reason, and default of tenants.
Belshou. 40a. land, held of Simon de Weltden, by service of 1lb. of pepper, 1/2lb. of cummin, and a pair of gloves, yearly, at Christmas, now worth nothing for the same reason.
Bolum. 18a. land, held of Thomas de Bekeryng, by service of doing suit at the said Thomas’s court of Bolum every three weeks, now worth nothing for the same reason.
John, his son, aged 10 years at the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (21.)
Writ, 26 January, 2 Edward III.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. 24 October, 2 Edward III.
Burton. An acre of land, as glebe of the church of Burton, together with the advowson of the church, descended by hereditary right to John de la Beche, after the death of Philip de la Beche his brother; after whose death it was taken into the king’s hand by a writ of diem clausit extremum, and the said John died before his right had been prosecuted against the king. The said acre of land and advowson are held of the heirs of Gerard de Furnival, as of a certain manor in Burton, which is held of William son of William le Latymer by service of an ounce of silk.
Thomas, his son, aged 15 years and more, is his next heir.
SURREY. Inq. 29 July, 2 Edward III.
Wandlesworth. He held no lands, &c. in his demesne as of fee in the county on the day he died, but Philip his brother died seised of 12a. meadow, in Wandlesworth; after whose death, his right and inheritance descended to the aforesaid John, but immediately after the said Philip’s death the king’s escheator took the meadow into the king’s hand, and so held it, until the said John had prosecuted his seisin in the king’s court; this obtained, the said John enfeoffed thereof his brother Nicholas de la Beche, who similarly enfeoffed Robert de Dumbelton, who now holds it. The aforesaid meadow is held of the abbot and convent of Westminster, by service of rendering 18d. yearly at the manor of Batricheseye, at the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist.
Heir unknown.
BERKS. Inq. 2 June, 2 Edward III.
West Compton. An acre of land, held of Philip de la Beche, by service of 1d. yearly.
Basteldon. A toft and a carucate of land, held of Nicholas atte Crouche by knight’s service.
Yatyndene. The manor (extent given), including a market, held jointly with Isabel his wife and Thomas their son, of the lord of Bradefelde by knight’s service and suit of court every three weeks.
Comptone. A messuage, 60a. land, and 16s. yearly rent, held jointly with Isabel his wife, of Philip de la Beche by service of 4s. yearly.
Ashdene. A messuage, lands, and rent (extent given), held jointly with Thomas de la Beche, of the honour of Tuttebury by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee.
Le Haghe. A messuage and 40a. land, held jointly with Thomas de la Beche, of the lord of Ashdene by knight’s service.
Benetfeld. A messuage, land and rent (extent given), held jointly with Thomas de la Beche his son, of Isabella queen of England, as of the king’s ancient demesne, by service of 5s. yearly and suit at the said queen’s hundred of Cokham every three weeks.
Botenhampstede. A capital messuage, land and rent (extent given), held jointly with Isabel his wife, of the lord of Pusemere by service of 1lb. of cummin.
Heir as above.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (22.)
Writ, 20 October, 2 Edward III.
HUNTINGDON. Inq. Monday after All Saints, 2 Edward III.
Brampton. A ruinous messuage, lands and rent (extent given), held of the king in chief in free socage, by rendering 6s. yearly at Michaelmas at the king’s exchequer, by the hands of the sheriff.
He held no other lands or tenements on the day he died.
He died on Sunday before St. Luke the Evangelist last.
Reyner, his son, aged 46 years and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (23.)
Writ, 22 December, 2 Edward III.
SUSSEX. Inq. 3 April, 3 Edward III.
Suntynng and Ywhurst. The manors, held jointly with Alice his wife, by fine levied in the king’s court, of Aline de Mounbray, as of the barony of Brembre, by service of three knights’ fees and suit at the court of Brembre every three weeks; to hold the said manors to them for their lives, with remainder to Andrew, son of the aforesaid Andrew, and the heirs of his body.
Andrew, his son, aged 20 years, is his next heir.
DORSET. Inq. 11 March, 3 Edward III.
Neweton. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of the heirs of Walter le Mareschal, lords of Stormenstremarreschal, by service of doing his fealty, for all service.
La Bere. A messuage and 180a. or 80a. land held of the heirs of Thomas de Leukenore, by service of 1d. at Michaelmas; and 60a. heath near there, held of John earl of Warenne, as of the lord of Caneford, by service of twelve barbed arrows or 12d., at Michaelmas.
Lytchet or Litchet Mynstre. 50a. heath, held of the said earl, by service of 1lb. of pepper at Michaelmas.
He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in the county on the day he died.
Heir as above, aged 20 years and more.
SUSSEX. Inq. 4 April, 3 Edward III.
Blachynton. Two parts of the manor, held jointly by the said Andrew and Alice his wife, by fine levied in the king’s court, with the king’s consent, between them and Richard de Rademeld, parson of the church of Kyngeston, and Roger, parson of the church of Blachynton, of the king in chief, by service of two parts of a knight’s fee, and by rendering half a mark yearly at the castle of Pevenese, which is of the honour of Laigle; to hold to the said Andrew and Alice for their lives, with remainder to Andrew, son of the aforesaid Andrew, and the heirs of his body. And so the aforesaid Andrew and Alice continued their seisin to the day of the death of the said Andrew, and the said Alice still survives.
Excete. A third part of the manor, with 70a. land in Sherynton and Alfricheston, held jointly with Andrew his son and the heirs of the body of the said Andrew, by fine levied in the king’s court, of Isabella queen of England, as of the honour of Laigle, by service of two little fees of Mortain (Moriton’).
Ryp. 60a. land, similarly held of Hugh Daudele, as of the honour of Tonebrugge, in free socage, viz.—by service of rendering a pepper-corn yearly at Christmas at the said Hugh’s castle of Tonebrugge.
Hethfeld. 50a. land, similarly held, of Thomas Heryngaud, son and heir of John Heryngaud lately deceased, and in the king’s wardship as the jurors believe, by service of 5s. yearly at the said Thomas’s manor of Waldern.
Heir as above, aged 20 years.
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. 22 February, 3 Edward III.
Bertone by Swathelynge. The manor (extent given), whereof long before his death, by the king’s licence, he enfeoffed Richard de Rademelde, parson of the church of Kyngeston, and Roger, parson of the church of Blechamptone, who re-enfeoffed the aforesaid Andrew to hold for his life, with remainder to Andrew his son and the heirs of his body, by the king’s licence and by a fine levied in the king’s court, held of the king in chief by service of half a knight’s fee.
He held no lands, &c. in fee in the county on the day he died.
Heir as above, aged 20 years and more.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (24.)
Writ, 20 October, 2 Edward III.
YORK. Inq. Monday after the Epiphany, 2 Edward III.
Halgton. A capital messuage in ruins, 160a. land, 5a. meadow, and a windmill, held of the prior and brethren of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, by service of rendering to them 6s. yearly at the feast of St. Martin; and 90a. land lying uncultivated, 2a. meadow, rents, and a wood of oaks, held of Geoffrey Luterell by knight’s service. A certain Jurdan de Insula, who was lord of the aforesaid tenements, which are held of the master and brethren of St. John of Jerusalem, charged all his tenements with a yearly rent of 14s. to Alice de Insula for her life.
Robert son of the said Robert, aged 17 years, is his next heir.
DERBY. Inq. Thursday next before the Nativity of the Blessed Mary, 3 Edward III.
Dalbury and Workesworth or Wyrkesworth. The manors (extents given), held with Maud his wife, who still survives, for their lives, of Henry earl of Lancaster, by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee, by fine levied in the king’s court; with remainders to Alan, son of the said Robert, and the heirs male of his body, and to the right heirs of the said Robert.
He held no lands, &c. of the king in chief on the day he died.
Heir as above, aged 17 years and more.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c., 6 November, 2 Edward III.
WARWICK. Inq. Wednesday next after St. Chad, 3 Edward III.
Wolfeye. A quarter of a knight’s fee, held by the master of the late Knights Templars in England; and three parts of a knight’s fee, held by the abbot of Coumbe and the heir of Thomas de Leyc[ester].
Wolfey and Wardun. A knight’s fee, held by the heir of Master William de Bosco.
Halford. A knight’s fee, held by Robert Bordet.
Seckindun. A sixth part of a knight’s fee, held by William Martyn.
Edulvescote and Milverton. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by John Sprigirnel.
Of all which he died (seised) as of the right and inheritance of Maud his wife.
LEICESTER. Inq. Monday after St. Chad, [3] Edward III. (defective.)
Chaucoumbe Dalby. A knight’s fee, held by the heir of William de Boys.
Bitlesby. A knight’s fee, sometime held by Theobald de Verdon.
Norton and Stretton Parva. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by Edmund de Ber’ford.
Minstreton and Polteneye. A knight’s fee, held by Robert de Napton.
Glen Magna, Carleton Curly, Rolleston, and Shanqeton. A knight’s fee, held by Reginald son of Reginald and Peter son of Reginald.
Hunecote. A knight’s fee, held by Robert Burdet.
Petling Magna. A knight’s fee, held by the abbot of St. Evroul in Normandy.
Lokinton. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by the abbot of Leicester.
Siston. An eighth part of a knight’s fee, held by John son of Peter de Glenefeld.
Watton. A quarter of a knight’s fee, held by William de Bredon.
Dadlinton. A sixteenth part of a knight’s fee, held by John Spigurnel.
High Raveneston. A twelfth part of a knight’s fee, held by Ralph [Bass]et of Sapecote.
Overton Sawse. A twelfth part of a knight’s fee, held by Nicholas de Craunford.
Blacfordeby. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by the abbot of Lilleshul; and a twelfth part of a knight’s fee, held by William Truan.
Shanqeton and Herdewik. A twentieth part of a knight’s fee, held by John de Wyluby.
Lilleshul. The advowson of the abbey.
Gerondon. The advowson of the abbey.
Laucton. The advowson of the church.
Mercfeld. The advowson of the church.
Of all which he died seised, as of the right and inheritance of Maud his wife.
Writ to the Mayor of London, 3 February, 3 Edward III.
LONDON. Inq. Saturday before St. Valentine, 3 Edward III.
Ward of Farndon. A messuage and ten shops in the parish of St. Faith, and a brewhouse in the parish of St. Nicholas in the Shambles, held of the king in chief by service of 6d. socage yearly.
Heir as above, aged 16 years.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (25.)
157. JOHN COMYN of Badnagh.
Writ de melius inquirendo to Anthony de Lucy and others, the king being given to understand that the said John was seised of certain lands, &c., and of a forest in Tyndale of which there is no mention in the inquisition made by command of the late king, 16 October, 2 Edward III.
[NORTHUMBERLAND.] Inq. Monday, 3 April, 3 Edward III.
Hensalgh. The manor (extent given), including a several pasture among ‘le Denes,’ a park, the forest of Lowes, and the shieling (skalinga) of Le Hardoure, and in Le Huntland the shielings of Le Grenheved, Whestricroke, Lightbirkes, Hindley, Gilbridbogg, Helholm, and Lampard, and a shieling called Haukhopley.
Thorngrafton. A bondage of 30 acres.
Tyrcet manor. 42a. land in demesne not before extended, a ‘hope’ (hopa) pertaining to the manor called Shovelburn, and a ‘hope’ called Smal and Yerhalgh, not before extended.
Thornton. The site of the manor with an orchard, worth 6s. 8d. beyond the former extent.
Walwyk. The site of the manor, and 40a. meadow not before extended.
[NORTHUMBERLAND.] Another extent of the lands and tenements, which the said earl claims as his right and inheritance, after the death of his father, made at the suit of Richard Talbot,” viz.—a summary of the lands &c. above mentioned in Hensalgh and Thorngrafton. (undated.)
C. Edw. III. File 11. (26.)
Writ of amotus, 8 May, 2 Edward III.
SUSSEX. Inq. 9 May, 2 Edward III.
Estbourne. 12a. land held of the king in chief, by service of a seventh part of a knight’s fee, of the fee of Mortain, and by rendering 13d. yearly for the ward of the castle of Pevenese, and 2s. 1d. for aid of the sheriff of Sussex; a messuage and 12a. land, held of John de Radmelde, by service of 9s. yearly; and 9a. meadow held of Thomas atte Wode, by service of 4s. 6d. yearly.
Walter le Bat, nephew of the said Geoffrey, aged 25 years and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (27.)
Writ, 16 January, 2 Edward III.
ESSEX. Inq. Saturday after the Purification, 3 Edward III.
Little Shoberi. A messuage, 140a. arable, rents and works (extent given), held of the king in chief, as of the honour of Reyhle, by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee, and suit at the hundred of Rocheford every three weeks, and at the barony (court) of Reyhgle monthly, and at the hundred of Rocheford he shall give 16d. at the terms of St. Andrew and the nativity of St. John the Baptist.
Hadleye. A wood held of the lord of Barlinge, which pertains to the church of St. Paul, by service of 1/2d. yearly at Michaelmas.
Great Shoberi. 3a. land, held of the prior and convent of Pritelewelle, by service of 6d. at the term of St. James; and 2a. land, held of the heir of John Godde, by service of 8d. at Easter and Michaelmas.
Hockele. 10s. dry rent to be received yearly of the heirs of John Abel from a certain field called Millefeld.
William his son, aged 16 years and more, is his next heir.
ESSEX. Inq. Monday after the Purification, 3 Edward III. (defective.)
Wodeham. A messuage, 20a. arable and 2a. wood, held of Henry de Ferers in socage, by service of 4s. yearly, 6d. hidage at Michaelmas, and suit of court; 60a. arable, 2a. wood, 4a. meadow, and 6a. pasture, held of the abbot of Saveneye, by service of 13s. 4d. yearly; 16a. arable, held of the prior of Bykenacre, by service of 2s. yearly; 20a. land, held of the heirs of William Ayote, by service of 3s. yearly; 10a. land, held of William Joye, by service of 2s. yearly; and 20s. rent of assize.
Bemflete. A hall, 15a. arable, 1a. pasture, and a marsh called Landmerch, held of Margaret de Nevile in socage, by service of 20s. yearly; lands and rent (extent given), held in socage of Oliver de Booun, by service of 12s. 9d. yearly; 4a. land called Clenemannescroft, held of Thomas de Haudlo, by service of 1lb. of pepper at Michaelmas, which rent of pepper the said Thomas de Haudlo paid every year to the prior of Bischopesgate; a marsh called Northmerssh, held of the manor of Thonderle, by service of two marks yearly; and Westmerssh, held of the aforesaid manor of Thonderle, by service of 73s. 4d.
Schikewelle. A hall, kitchen, &c. held of Nicholas de Barnton, by service of 3s. 6d. yearly and a pair of gilt spurs, price 6d., at Michaelmas; 40a. arable and 2a. meadow, held of the aforesaid Nicholas ………; 18a. land, held of the earl of Warenne (Garennie), by service of 2s. 6d. yearly; 30a. land, and 6a. meadow, held of John …………, by service of 20d. yearly; and …… . . 14s. 4d. (rent of) assize, payable at Easter and Michaelmas.
Heir as above.
Endorsed. For a fine of 40 marks the king granted to Thomas de Evesham the wardship of the said lands, &c. in (Little) Shobury, together with the marriage of the heir without disparagement, and so from heir to heir, if the heir should die before coming to lawful age and being married by the said Thomas de Evesham.
C. Edw. III. File 11. (28.)


  • 1. In the Exchequer Inrolment this place is given as ‘Stretton.’
  • 2. Supplied from Close Roll, 2 Edw. III. m. 8.
  • 3. In the Exchequer Inrolment ‘the heirs of William de Monte Caniso of Edwardeston.