Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 12

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 12', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III(London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 9 March 2025].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 12', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III(London, 1909), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 12". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III. (London, 1909), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 12

Writ, 9 May, 2 Edward III.
NORFOLK. Inq. 21 July, 2 Edward III.
Hemenhale. The manor (extent given, with many field names), including 10l. 2s. 3 1/4d. rents of assize in Hemenhal, Pulham, Herdwick, and Shelton, and 6l. 19s. yearly for castle-ward from foreign fees in Whetacre, Categrave, Langele, Hales, Kirkeby, Brom, Boketon, Berton, Stradessete, Titeleshal, Haleholm, and Wickilwode, viz.——3s. 4d. from each fee every 24 weeks.
Fyncham. A capital messuage, lands and rent (extent given).
Disce. The manor (extent given).
All held, with his other manors in Suffolk and Essex, of the king in chief by service of three knights’ fees.
John his son, aged 13 years and more, is his next heir.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 19 July, 2 Edward III.
Shimplyngge. The manor (extent given), including 210a. in the park with deer, 25a. wood called Havelhey, and ‘of castle-ward 4l. 4s. 2d., at the end of 24 weeks 13s. 4d.,’ held, with his other manors in Norfolk and Essex, of the king in chief by service of three knights’ fees.
Heir as above.
ESSEX. Inq. Saturday next before St. Margaret, 2 Edward III. (defaced.)
Wodeham Water. The manor with the hamlet of Ultinge (extent given including a park with deer.
Burnham. The manor (extent given), including a water-mill.
Teye. The manor (extent given), including a wind-mill.
Lexeden. The manor (extent given), including a park with deer.
Little Donmawe [or Donmowe]. The manor (extent given).
Maldon. A moiety of the toll of the market, and a moiety of the perquisites of the court.
Henham. The manor (extent given), including a wind-mill and a park with deer.
Reyndon. The manor (extent given), including a park with deer.
Shenefeld. A messuage, land and rent of assize (extent given).
All held, with his manors in Norfolk and Suffolk, of the king in chief by service of three knights’ fees.
Suthminstre. A messuage, land and rents (extent given), held of the bishop of London by service of 17s. yearly.
Heir as above.
Extent or summary of the foregoing lands and tenements.
Writ of certiorari super vero valore to Robert Banyard and Thomas de Hendryngham, [14] May, 2 Edward III. (defective.)
[NORFOLK.] Extent, 8 June, 2 Edward III.
Fincham. Lands and tenements (extent given).
[NORFOLK.] Extent, 1 June, 2 Edward III.
Disce. The manor (extent given), including land in le Wrocroft, underwood in Derhawe, and 11l. farm of the hundred and market. Helen de Denardeston receives from this manor 10l. yearly for life.
[NORFOLK.] Extent, 30 May, 2 Edward III.
Hemenhale. The manor (extent given with many field names, &c.), as above.
[SUFFOLK.] Extent, 9 June, 2 Edward III.
Schrinplingge. The manor (extent given) as above, including a wood called Aveley, and 4l. 4s. 2d. castle-ward to be levied in divers townships.
Writ of certiorari super vero valore to Benedict de Cokefeld and Ralph Giffard, 14 May, 2 Edward III.
ESSEX. Extent, 7 June, 2 Edward III.
Wodham Wauter. The manor (extent given), including a water-mill and a fulling-mill.
Maldon. A moiety of the toll of the market.
Burnham. The manor (extent given).
Reyndon. The manor (extent given).
Little Donemawe. The manor (extent given).
Henham. The manor (extent given).
Teye. The manor (extent given).
Lexden. The manor (extent given).
Shenefeld. A messuage and lands (extent given).
Southmenstre. A messuage and lands, &c. (extent given).
Writ of certiorari de feodis, &c. 25 June, 2 Edward III.
ESSEX. Extent, 16 July, 2 Edward III.
Rameseye, Beauchamp, and Gosfeld. Three knights’ fees, held by the earl of Oxford.
Colne Quyncy. A knight’s fee, held by Thomas Wake.
Teye. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by Roger fuiz Wauter [or Fitz Wautier].
Langenho. A moiety and a quarter of a knight’s fee, held by Lyoninus de Bradenham.
Pakelsham. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by the heir of Hugh de Bromford.
Burnham. A third part of a knight’s fee, held by Sir Thomas Baynard; and a moiety of a knight’s fee, held by the prior of Dunmawe [or Dunmowe].
Little Stanbregge. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by Margaret, late the wife of Bartholomew de Batesmere.
Wymbish. A tenth part of a knight’s fee, held by John de Wauton; and an eighth part of a knight’s fee, held by the heir of John Gent.
Louteswenden. Two knights’ fees, held by Maud de Launeye and Alice le Boteler.
Hashedon. A [knight’s] fee, held by Helen de Denarston.
Brakstede, Plecheden, Quenden, and Little Anesty. Five knights’ fees, held by the countess of Pembroke.
Chygewell. A knight’s fee, held by John de Goldyngham.
Reyndon. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England; and a twentieth part of a knight’s fee, held by Margery Sharnebrok.
Little Badewe, Hokle, Tolleshunte, and Mokelynton. Five and a half knights’ fees, held by John Fillol [or Fillok (sic)].
Norton. A knight’s fee and a quarter of a knight’s fee, held by Oliver de Bohoun [or de Bohun].
Hanyngfeld. A knight’s fee and a moiety of a knight’s fee, held by William de Cleydon.
Little Badewe. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by Robert Vedelu.
Mundon. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by James de Burres.
Stokhalle and Langeford. A sixth part of a knight’s fee, held by John de Ultyngge.
Tolleshunte Chivaler. A knight’s fee, held by Walter de Pateshull.
Chalvedon. A moiety and a quarter of a knight’s fee, held by the prior of Bissoppesgate.
Maylond. A quarter and a sixteenth part of a knight’s fee, held by the prior of Bykenacre.
Pentelawe. A knight’s fee and a quarter of a knight’s fee, held by Walter son of Humphrey.
Pentelawe and Chelveston. A knight’s fee and a moiety of a knight’s fee, held by Master Robert de Rodeswell.
Great Teye. The advowson of the church.
Wymbish. The advowson of the church.
Lexeden [or Laxeden]. The advowson of the church.
Dunmawe [or Dunmowe]. The advowson of the priory.
London city. The advowson of the church of St. Andrew by Baynardes chastel.
NORFOLK. Extent, 21 July, 2 Edward III.
Whetacre, Chategrave, and Hardele. Four knights’ fees held by Robert Banyard.
Ravenyngham. A fee held by Gregory de Castello.
Halas [or Hales], Kirkeby, and Brom. A fee held by John de Hales.
Wykilwode. Half a fee, held by William de Hales and his parceners; and a quarter of a fee, held by Robert de Replis and his parceners.
Runhal. Half a fee, held by William de Whitewell; and half a fee, held by Roger de Stokesby.
Titteleshal. A fee held by John de Sutton.
Haleholm. Half a fee held by John de Blumstede.
Hale. A fee held by Edmund de Illeye.
Sterston. Half a fee held by the heirs [or heir] of Edmund de Clare.
Boketon. Half a fee held by Robert de Hale.
Berton. Half a fee held by William de Lenne.
Hemenhal. A twentieth part of a fee, held by William Baynard.
Hewode, Tateleston [or Tatteleston], and Hasingham. Five fees and a half, held by John de Monteniaco.
Wikilwode. A quarter of a fee, held by Adam de Morle and his parceners; and an eighth part of a fee, held by John Hochede.
Disce. The advowson of the church.
Hadeston, Merton, Bonewelle, Carleton, Tibenham, Tomeston, Threkeston and Threston. Eight and half fees were also held of the said Robert, which Fulk Banyard held; of which [fees] the said Robert did not die seised, because they came into the hands of Sir Robert son of Walter, his father whilst the said Sir Robert the father lived, by reason of the minority of the heir of the said Fulk, and the wardship of the said heir, with all the profits of the aforesaid fees, he bequeathed and assigned in his will for discharging his debts and carrying out his will, until the lawful age of the heir of the said Fulk.
SUFFOLK. Extent, 19 July, 2 Edward III.
Whidesho. A knight’s fee held by Edmund de Sutton.
Poslyngworth. A fee held by the heirs of John de Hastingg’.
Kedynton. Two fees held by Simon de Kiwardesle, as of the right of Margaret his wife.
Keditton. An eighth part of a knight’s fee, tenant unspecified.
Thorneye by Stowe. Half a fee held by Richard de Amundewil.
Stanfeld. A fee held by Edmund de Illeye.
Shimplyngg. Half a fee held by Stephen de Sidolfismere; and half a fee held by John de Luton and John Tristrem.
Frostenden. Two fees held by Richard de Biskele.
Henham. A fee held by Thomas de Craven.
Reidon. Two fees [held by] the heirs of Aymer de Walencia [or Valencia].
Brampton and Stoven. A fee held by the wife of Robert del Cleif.
Ubston. A quarter of a fee held by John de Claveringg’.
Cratfeld. A fee held by the Earl Marshal.
Henham and Stoven. Half a fee held by Roger de Kerdiston.
Siswell. Half a fee held by the prior of Wangeford in frankalmoin.
Ubston. Half a fee held by Robert de Redesham.
Shimplyng. The advowson of the church.
Bernyngham. The advowson of the church.
HERTFORD. Extent, 18 August, 2 Edward III.
Ayssewell. A knight’s fee held by John Neirnuit, John Gisors, and Maud de Cauntebrigg.
Almesho, Gravele, and Radewell. Two knights’ fees held by Hugh son of Simon.
Alswyk and Hormad. A third part of a knight’s fee held by Alphunsus [or Alphonsus] de Veer.
CAMBRIDGE. Extent, 22 August, 2 Edward III.
Gamelyngeye. Half a knight’s fee held by William Avenel; and half a knight’s fee held by the master [or warden (custos)] and scholars of the house of scholars of Merton, Oxford.
Stepilmordon. A quarter of a knight’s fee held by John de Bressy.
Westlee. Half a knight’s fee held by John de Creik [or John Creik].
He had no advowsons of churches in the county.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. 26 August, 2 Edward III.
Daventry and Drayton. A knight’s fee held by Walter son of Robert. The said Robert [le Fuitz Wauter] had no advowsons of churches in the county.
Extent or summary of the above-mentioned fees in the counties of Essex and Norfolk, with variations there given within square brackets.
Extent or summary of the above-mentioned fees in the counties of Suffolk, Hertford, and Cambridge, and of the above-mentioned advowsons of churches in the counties of Norfolk, Essex, and Suffolk, with variations there given within square brackets.
C. Edw. III. File 12.
E. Inrolments &c. of Inq. No. 16, mm. 1 and 1d.