Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 29

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 29', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I, ed. J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 29', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Edited by J E E S Sharp( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 29". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 2, Edward I. Ed. J E E S Sharp(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 29

419. Alice, late the wife of William le Blund, sometime killed in the time of the disturbance of the realm.
Writ of certiorari super vero valore to the sheriff of Suffolk, 6 Aug. 10 Edw. I.
Suffolk. Extent (undated).
Yxeworth. The manor (extent given) held by the said Alice in dower.
C. Edw. I. File 29. (1.)
420. Robert de Grelle alias Grelle, Grezley, Grezlee, de Greley, de Greyle, de Grelly.
Writ (missing).
[Leicester.] Inq. Thursday after the Ascension, 10 Edw. I. (defective.)
Burstal. The service of free tenants rendering ..., 21 virgates land, pleas and perquisites, &c. Sum 15l. 12s. 1d., held by the enfeoffment of the ancestors of Gerard de Furnival in free ... (without ?) any service.
Thomas, his son, aged 2 ..., is his next heir.
[Lancaster. (fn. 1) ] Extent, [Saturday the feast of St. Mark] the Evangelist, 10 Edw. I. (defective.)
Mamecestre. The manor with its members (full extent given), including parks called Aldeport, Licheak, and Blakeley, [plots of land called] Bradford and Brunhull, a plot [by] the Cross of Opinsawe, plots of land called Grenlawemers, [le] Hullis, Kypirfeld, Milnwardcr[oft and] Sam land, land called [Kipir]clif, [land in Denton, a plot in Farnworthe], mills, rents of burgagers, tolls of the market and fair, rents in Opinschawe, Gorton and Hall land, lands in bondage in Atheriswyke, Twantirford and Curmisale, and [a fee in Wythington].
Heton Norays (extent given), including plots called le M[ilneridi]ng and le Sporthe.
[Bar]ton (extent given), including a mill, a third part of which is in the hands of a certain lady in dower.
[Kenerdeley.] A manor with garden (extent given), including [a pasture] called le Warthe with le Wodehey. This manor is held of Sir Edmund and renders nothing to him, [but does one suit at the county (court) of Lancaster and] one suit at the wapentake [of Derb]ie and it is [of the constableship of Chester]. Geoffrey de Chathirton holds of the inheritance of Robert Grelle [1 bovate land] in Foxdenton for 1d. at Christmas and it is of the fee of the earl of Lincoln.
Horewiche. The forest, containing eight vaccaries, and a plot which is not a full vaccary; and the pannage and eyries of sparrowhawks are worth 40s. yearly, and three foresters keep the forestry, and shall have escapes, and give 60s. yearly.
Sum of the whole extent of Mancestre with its members, 131l. 7s. 8¼d., from which must be subtracted the farm due to Sir Edmund of ancient custom, 6l, 16s.
[The manors of Mamecestre, Heton and] Barton are held of Sir Edmund, of the honour of Lancaster by service of doing [suit at the county (court) of Lancaster and wapentake of Salford; and the same Robert held nothing on the day he died of the king in the said [manors].
He [died] on the 15th day of February. Thomas his son, aged 3 at the feast of St. Laurence next, [is his next heir].
Wytyng[ton], held by John le Byrun [for life] for 1 knight's fee and suit at the court of the barony of Mamecestre.
Parbold, Dalton and Writhinton, held by Robert de Lathum, Adam de [Heton, William] le Botyler, Ralph de Cateral and Geoffrey de Wrythinton for 1 knight's fee, and Thomas de Eston does suit of court for the same.
Gorton and the other Gorton, held by the same Robert for ¼ knight's fee.
Childwalle, held by the same Robert for ½ knight's fee and suit of court.
Worthington, held by William de Worthington for ½ knight's fee and suit of court.
R[om]eworth held by William, son of William de Andirton, and Almaria his wife for ⅓ knight's fee and suit of court.
Pilkinton, held by Alexander de Pilkinton, for ¼ knight's fee and suit (of court).
Barton. The manor with members, held for 1 knight's fee, and it is in the lord's hand.
eton, held for ¼ knight's fee, and it is in the lord's hand.
Three churches pertain to the gift of the lord, viz.—Mamcestre, Chyldwelle and Ayston.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c. to the sheriff of Rutland, 24 May, 10 Edw. I.
Rutland. Extent, the morrow of St. John the Baptist, 10 Edw. I.
Wodeheved and Casterton Major. 4 bovates land held by Richard son of Geoffrey de Casterton, who is within age, of the said Robert in chief for 1/20 knight's fee; and 4 other bovates for 1/15 knight's fee, which Robert de Casterton holds of the said Richard by service of one pair of gilt spurs.
Casterton. The church worth 10l. yearly.
Similar writ to the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, 24 May, 10 Edw. I.
[Norfolk.] Extent and appraisement of knights' fees and advowson pertaining to the manor of Tunstede (undated).
Tunstede. The advowson of the church.
Spikeswrth. Three parts of 1 fee held by Sir Thomas Bardolf, rendering 6 marks yearly at the said manor.
Houton. ¼ fee held by John son of Henry de Houeton, rendering nothing but scutage.
[Suffolk.] Extent and appraisement of knights' fees and advowsons pertaining to the manor of Willasham (undated).
Ilketlishale. 2½ fees held by Roger son of Osbert, rendering nothing but scutage.
Little Blakeham. ⅓ fee held by Robert Tybetot, rendering 40d. yearly and scutage ; and 1/5 fee held by Gerard de Wachesham, rendering 2s. yearly and scutage.
Risebi. 1 fee held by Wakelin de Queye, rendering 10s. yearly and scutage.
Willasham. ⅓ fee held by Robert de Willasham, rendering 40d. yearly and scutage; and 1/10 fee held by the prior of St. Anthony, John de Belstede and Robert de Willasham, rendering nothing but scutage.
Alnesbronne. ⅓ fee held by John de Mertone, rendering nothing but scutage.
Similar writ to the sheriff of Lancaster, 24 May, 10 Edw. I.
Lancaster. Extent of knights' fees and advowsons pertaining to the manor of Mamecestre, Saturday before the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 10 Edw. I.
Wythington, with its fee, held for 1 fee.
Pilkington, held for ¼ fee.
Worthington [and] Copphul, held for ½ fee.
Childwall [alias Childewelle], held for 1 fee.
(Unspecified.) 2 fees held by Sir John de Kirkeby.
Mamec(estre). The advowson of the church.
Childwalle. The advowson of the church.
Aston. The advowson of the church.
Similar writ to the sheriff of Lincoln, 24 May, 10 Edw. I.
Lincoln. Extent of knights' fees and advowsons pertaining to the manor of Swyneheved, Tuesday after the Assumption, 10 Edw. I.
Swyneheved. The advowson of the church.
[Haye.] 1/20 fee held by Robert son of Alexander de Haye.
Swyneheved and Wyketoft (alias Wigetoft). 8 bovates land held by Richard son and heir of Geoffrey de Casterton, who is within age, for 1 knight's fee.
Lincoln. Extent of fees and advowsons pertaining to the manor of Sixel (undated).
Heyngton near Sixel. 1 fee held by John de Worth, who is within age and in the wardship of Henry de Cheveleye, by the demise of the said Robert.
Bekeby. ½ fee held by Robert de Arches.
[Bernetteby.] Two parts of 1 fee held by Henry de Funteneye; and a third part held by John le Clerck, of Bernettheby.
Bracebrigg and Chanewyck [alias Canewyk]. ½ fee held by Geoffrey de Bracebrigg, knight.
Similar writ to the sheriff of Oxford, 24 May, 10 Edw. I.
Oxford. Extent of knights' fees and advowsons pertaining to the manor of Pyryton (undated).
Stanidelve (alias Stanydelve). 1 fee held by John de Esseby [of the heir of John de Coleby].
Cleyore. 1 fee held by the same John.
(Unspecified.) ½ fee held by Henry Grapinel.
Goldhor and Pyriton. ½ fee held by John de Esseby, Hugh Cleremond, Thomas de Eppenor and William le Graunt.
Pushull. 1 fee held by Thomas de Fall.
Goldhor. 1 fee held by Ralph de Dernedene.
(Unspecified.) ⅓ fee and 1/10 fee held by the abbot of Dorkecestre, Richard de Stonhor, Adam de Assendene, John de la Dene, Emma de Herlinggerugge, and John de Hweresdene.
Pyryton. The advowson of the church, and it is in the use of the priory of Northon'.
Writ (undated fragment).
York. Inq. Tuesday the octave of St. Michael, 10 Edw. I.
Flasceby. 4 carucates land, whereof 12 carucates make 1 knight's fee, held by John Mauleverer by service of wardship and relief, of the said Robert who did not die seised thereof.
Memorandum of dower of Hawis, late the wife of the said Robert, of advowsons and knights' fees, viz.—some of the above-mentioned in the counties of Lincoln, Lancaster, Rutland, Norfolk and Oxford.
C. Edw. I. File 29. (2.)
421. Oliver de Ingham alias de Engeham.
Writ to the sheriff of Southampton, 15 July, 10 Edw. 1.
Southampton. Inq. (undated.)
Little Sumburn and Wollopp. A messuage and 2 carucates land, held of Robert Waleraund and worth 20l. yearly, whereof he paid to Beatrice Mauduit 15l. yearly for her life, to Thomas de Maydenhatch 5 marks and 4s. yearly for ever, to Patrick de Cadurcis 18d. yearly for ever, and to John de Farlington 12d. yearly for ever.
John his son, aged 22 and more, is his next heir.
Writ to the sheriff of Dorset, 15 July, 10 Edw. I.
Dorset. Inq. (undated.)
Bardolveston. A moiety of the manor (extent given) held of Robert son of Payn in chief by service of ⅓ knight's fee.
Heir as above.
Writ to the sheriff of Wilts, 15 July, 10 Edw. I.
Wilts. Inq. Sunday the eve of St. Bartholomew, 10 Edw. I.
Est Codeford manor. 100s. rents and services, pasture worth 10s. yearly, 10a. meadow, a court &c., 300a. arable in demesne, and the advowson of the church of St. Mary, held of the king in chief, as part of [his] portion pertaining to the barony of Deone.
Dene and Est Grymstede manor. A messuage, 1 virgate land, and 50s. rents and services at Est Grymstede, all held of the king in chief of his portion of the barony of Deone by service of 1 knight's fee, with Codeford as above.
Hampteworth. A messuage, 40a. arable, and 40s. rent, held of the bishop of Winchester by service of 5s. yearly.
Heir as above, aged 24 and more.
Norfolk. Inq. (undated.)
Redham. The manor (extent given) held of Bartholomew de Redham in chief by service of a barbed arrow yearly.
John de Igham, aged 23 within the quinzaine of St. Michael next, is his next heir.
Suffolk. Inq. (undated and defective.)
Weybrede. The manor held of divers lords, viz.—a messuage, 193a. arable, 5a. meadow, 2 groves with an alder wood, and a watermill with fishery, held of Thomas de Clare by service of 43½d. yearly rent for the guard of the castle of Eye; 12a. arable, held of Valentine de Schotford by service of 12d. yearly; 4a. land held of Robert Houel by service of a chaplet of rose; 4a. land held of Richard Noloth; and a several pasture worth 18d. yearly.
John de Ingham, aged 22 and more, is his next heir.
[Norfolk.] Inq. (undated and defective.)
[Ing]ham. A messuage, 365a. arable ... 120a. pasture ... 6l. 15s. ½d. rents, works of customers, pleas &c. Sum 62l. 5s. 4½d.
Waxton. A messuage, 160a. arable, 16a. meadow, 20a. rushes (juncher'), pasture, 2 windmills, 105s. 2¾d. rent of assize, 61s. 3½d. works of customers, pleas &c. Sum 25l. 7s. 5¼d.
Palling. 34a. arable, and 4s. 11½d. rent.
Catefeld. 52a. arable.
Brunsted. A messuage, 60a. arable, and 8a. meadow.
All held of Robert de Tateshal in chief by service of 1 knight's fee.
Waxton. A tenement, held of John de Jelham by service of 2d., but rendering 100s. to the fee farm of the abbot of St. Benedict (Hulme), and 19s. 10d. to the heir of William de Fleg.
Horseie. A message, 40a. arable, 10a. meadow, 5a. rushes, 14s. 8d. rent &c. held of Thomas de Horseye, rendering a chaplet of rose.
Heir as above, aged 22 on the ... of St. Michael, 9 Edw. I.
C. Edw. I. File 29. (3.)
422. Geoffrey Gacelyn alias Gascelyn.
Writ to the sheriff of Dorset, 24 July, 10 Edw. I.
Dorset. Inq. (undated.)
Pytrickesham. A messuage and 3 virgates land held of the inheritance of Joan his wife, of which a messuage and 1 virgate held in chief of the earl of Gloucester in socage, rendering 1 lb. cummin yearly, and 2 virgates held of John de Deverel in chief by knight's service, rendering 22½d. when scutage runs. And the said Joan immediately after the death of the said Geoffrey enfeoffed Edmund Gacelin her son, who was in peaceful seisin for three weeks before these lands &c. were seized into the king's hand, for the said Geoffrey held nothing of the king in chief.
Edmund, his son, aged 30, is his next heir.
Wilts. Inq. Sunday, the eve of St. Bartholomew, 10 Edw. I.
Great Cheverel. The manor (extent given) held of Walter de Balun in chief through Joan his wife, by service of 1 knight. The whole manor is of the inheritance of the said Joan, who is 40 years of age and more.
C. Edw. I. File 29. (4.)
423. William de Stotevile.
Writ to Thomas de Normanvill, escheator beyond the Trent, 4 Sept. 10 Edw. 1. (defective.)
Derby. Inq. Thursday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 10 Edw. I.
Ekinton. The manor, held of Robert de Stotevill by 1 knight's fee.
Robert de Stotevill, aged 30 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. l. File 29. (5.)
424. Joan de Somery.
Writ to the sheriff of Cambridge, 14 Aug. 10 Edw. I.
Cambridge. Inq. (undated.)
Haslygfeud. A manor held of the heirs of Stephen de Somery in dower, who held of the king in chief by service of ½ knight's fee; and 3a. land, held of the fee of Robert de Aldrefeld by service of 6½d. yearly.
She had no heir of the said manor because she held in dower of the said heirs, viz.—Roger de Bachewrthe, Robert de Munteny, Peter Pykot, and John de Monte Caniso, who are the next heirs, and of full age.
Similar writ, 24 Sept. 10 Edw. I.
Cambridge. Inq. (undated.)
Haselingfel. ½ knight's fee held in dower of the abovesaid heirs; and 3a. land held of Eustace de Eldefeld by service of 6½d. yearly.
Heirs as above, the youngest of whom is aged 40 and more.
C. Edw. I. File 29. (6.)
425. John de Mares.
Writ to the sheriff of Northampton, 2 July, 10 Edw. I.
Northampton. Extent (undated).
Esseby Mares. The manor, held of the king in chief by service of a pair of gilt spurs.
John his son, aged 6 at Christmas day, 10 Edw. I., is his next heir.
Writ of extent to the same sheriff, 18 Oct. 10 Edw. I.
Northampton. Extent (undated).
[Esseby Mares ?] A capital messuage, 3 virgates land in demesne, 7a. meadow, 70s. 8d. issues of the wood &c., 68s. 5d. rent of freemen, 12 virgates land held in free socage, and 6 virgates in villenage, whereof Isabel late the wife of John de Mares holds a third part in dower.
C. Edw. I. File 29. (7.)
426. Ralph le Bret.
Writ to the sheriff of Somerset, 2 May, 10 Edw. I.
Somerset. Inq. (undated.)
Wydecumbe. A messuage and 6 bovates land, held of Anselm de Gurnay in socage, rendering 10s. yearly.
Thomas his son, aged 24 and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 29. (8.)
427. Agnes de Athewyk.
Writ, 9 Oct. 10 Edw. I.
York. Inq. Sunday after St. Edmund the king, 11 Edw. I.
Bugethorp. A messuage and 7 bovates land, held for her life of Sir Walter de Grey, and after the death of the said Sir Walter she did her service to Sir Thomas de Chauncy as chief lord, viz.—scutage when it shall happen. She held nothing of the king in chief.
She died without heir of her body, because she held the said land for life.
C. Edw. I. File 29. (9.)
428. Philip Burnel.
Writ to the sheriff of Northampton, escheator there, 10 Nov. 10 Edw. I.
Northampton. Extent (undated).
Wotton. The manor held of Sir Robert Burnel, service unknown.
Wotton. 1 virgate land held of Lady Alice de Preston rendering 1d. yearly.
Sir Robert Burnel is his next heir, and of full age.
Writ to the sheriff of Buckingham and Bedford, escheator there, 10 Nov. 10 Edw. I.
[Buckingham.] Inq. Sunday after St. Edmund the king, 11 Edw. I.
Chelmecot. 9¼ virgates land in villenage, held of Walter de Trayly for life, service unspecified.
Wiminton. ½ virgate land held of Sir Robert Burnel, service unspecified, and two parts of the advowson of the church.
Heir as above.
Bedford. Inq. Sunday after St. Edmund the King, 11 Edw. I.
Risle parish. A messuage and 2 hides land (extent given) with divers goods and chattels, held of Simon son of Roger Pertesoyl for a term of eight years commencing at the feast of St. Michael, 6 Edw. I., for 18 marks yearly rent, or if the said Philip should die within that term the said messuage &c. by the consent of the executors should revert to the said Simon, who is his heir and successor of the said tenement and of full age.
C. Edw. I. File 29. (10.)


  • 1. Throughout this extent the words &c. within square brackets have been supplied from an Inspeximus pinted by the Chetham Society, Vol. 53, p. 132.