Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 52

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 52', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II( London, 1974), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 52', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II( London, 1974), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 52". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II. (London, 1974), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 52

572. Baldwin Fryvell, knight
Writ, 4 February, 11 Richard II
WILTS. Inq. taken at Calne, Wednesday before St. Barnabas, 11 Richard II.
He held no lands &c. on the day of his death; but by his writing dated Sunday after Michaelmas, 1 Richard II, he demised the under-mentioned manor to Thomas de Preston, who is still living, to hold to him and his assigns for the term of his life, with reversion to himself and his heirs.
Yatesbury. The manor, held of the lord la Zouche, as of his manor of Calne, service not known.
He died about the feast of the Epiphany last, day not known. Baldwin Frevyll, age not known, is his son and heir.
Writ, 4 February, 11 Richard II
WORCESTER. Inq. taken at Wich, Wednesday after St. James, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned messuage and lands as of fee.
Beckenovere. A messuage, a carucate of land and 10 a. meadow, held of the bishop of Worcester, in right of his church of St. Mary, Worcester, by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee and suit to the court of Hambury by Wych and the palace of Worcester every three weeks, and by service of 18d. yearly.
He died on Monday after St. Thomas the Martyr, 11 Richard II. Baldwin his son, aged 19 years and more, is his heir.
Writ, 4 February, 11 Richard II
STAFFORD. Inq. taken at Thamworth, Monday before Easter, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned garden and advowson in fee tail, to him and Ida his wife, deceased, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to his right heirs, by gift and feoffment of Baldwin de Whiteneye by a fine levied in the king’s court and by the king’s charter.
Tamworth. A garden called ‘le Frere orchard’ and rents of 40d. and 1 lb. pepper, parcel of the castle of Tamworth. The said castle is held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Tamworth. The advowson of the deanery and five prebends of the collegiate church.
He died on Monday after Christmas last. Baldwin his son, aged 19 years and more, is his heir.
Writ, 4 February, 11 Richard II
LINCOLN. Inq. (indented) taken at Grymesby, Thursday, 5 March, 11 Richard II.
He died seised in his demesne as of fee of the under-mentioned messuages and land.
Wilkesby by Marum. 2 messuages and a virgate of land, parcel of the manor of Myddelton, co. Warwick, which manor is held of the king in chief by grand serjeanty.
He died in the county of Warwick on Monday before the Circumcision last. Heir as last above.
Writ, 4 February, 11 Richard II
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. taken at Suthwell, Saturday after St. Gregory, 11 Richard II.
He held no lands &c. in the escheator’s bailiwick on the day of his death; but long before his death he held the under-mentioned manor, and gave it by charter to John Butteturt, lord of Weleygh, Ralph de Bracebrugge, knight, William de Boule, clerk, Adam Breton, clerk, Henry de Walton and Henry de Standych, to hold to them and their heirs for ever, and the said feoffees are still seised of the manor.
Gunthorp and Loudham. The manor, held of the duke of Lancaster, as of the honor of Leicester, by knight’s service.
Date of death and heir as above (Worcester inquisition).
Writ, 25 January, 11 Richard II
HEREFORD. Inq. taken at Hereford, Saturday before the Annunciation of St. Mary, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manors in his demesne as of fee.
Worldende. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of half a knight’s fee.
Marssh Mawene. A moiety of the manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
Bradford. The manor, held of the earl of Ormund by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
Ferne. The manor, held by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee, of whom not stated.
Date of death and heir (aged 19 years and more, to wit from the day of St. Edmund the king to the day of this inquisition) as above (Worcester inquisition).
Writ, 25 January, 11 Richard II
WARWICK. Inq. taken at Tamworth, Tuesday after St. Chad the Bishop, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned castle in fee tail, to him and the heirs of his body, by a fine levied by Baldwin de Wytheneye, in the king’s court and with the king’s licence, to a certain Bladwin Frevyll and Ida his wife and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of the said Baldwin Frevyll. The Baldwin mentioned in the writ was son and heir of the last-named Baldwin and Ida.
Tamworth. The castle (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of coming to the king’s coronation, completely armed with royal arms of the king’s livery and seated on the king’s chief (?) destrier, and offering to make proof for the king against all persons disputing the king’s coronation; and if no one disputes it, then the king’s arms and horse …, but if anyone accepts the challenge and shows fight, then the said horse and arms … The extent of the castle includes a meadow called ‘Castelmedewe’. And the following rents pertain to the castle, to wit, a rent of a sparrowhawk or 2s. from the manor of Poleye, co. Warwick, which manor Richard de Herthull held of the said Baldwin by knight’s service, fealty and the said rent, but by what amount of fee the jurors know not, a rent of … at Freseleye for half a virgate of land payable by a free tenant, and another rent of … there payable by another free tenant.
He died on 30 December last. Heir as above.
Writ, 4 February, 11 Richard II
SURREY. Inq. taken at Leddrede, Wednesday before Michaelmas, 12 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned tenement &c. in his demesne as of fee.
Redeston. A tenement, 56 a. land and 4 a. meadow, held of the earl of Arundel.
Date of death and heir as above (Worcester inquisition).
Writ de feodis, 14 April, 11 Richard II
WARWICK. Inq. taken at Tamworth, Wednesday before SS. Philip and James, 11 Richard II.
Fylongley. Half a knight’s fee, held of the earl of Pembroke.
Wardon. Lands &c. held by the heir of Walter Culi, by what amount of fee the jurors know not.
Derdon. One knight’s fee, held by William Chetewynt, knight, and his parcenors.
Freseley. A third part of a knight’s fee, held by the heirs of Richard de Whitacre.
Whitacre. Half a knight’s fee, held by the same heirs.
Wardon. A fourth part of a knight’s fee, held by the heirs of John de Longedon; a fifth part of a knight’s fee, held by the heirs of William de Fago; and one knight’s fee, held by Roger Hillary.
Freseley. A third part of a knight’s fee, held by the heirs of Gregory de Freseley.
Whitacre and Drakeneche. One knight’s fee, held by the heirs of Thomas de Birmyngeham.
Polley. One knight’s fee, held by Richard Herthull, knight.
Herdeburgh. The advowson of the church.
LEICESTER. Inq. taken at Boseworth, Wednesday after St. Mark the Evangelist, 11 Richard II.
Snarkeston, Conyngeston, Shakston, Odeston, Barton, Sutton by Boseworth, Stapelton, Leyre, Wistenstowe and Flekeneye. 3 knight’s fees, held by the earl of Pembroke.
Aylmesthorp, Sharneford, Froleworth, Mouseley and Somerby. One knight’s fee, held by the heirs of William Maureward.
Stanton. One knight’s fee, held by the heirs of Ralph Basset of Sapcote.
Burgh. One knight’s fee, held by Robert Burgh.
Radeclif. Certain lands &c. held by Roger Ardene, but by what amount of a fee the jurors know not.
The said Baldwin held no advowsons of churches in the county.
C. Ric. II File 52 (1)
E. Inq. P.M. File 55 (4) (Worcester)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 259 (3) (Hereford)
Do. Do. No. 261 (13) (Nottingham)
Do. Do. No. 262 (9) (Stafford)
Do. Do. No. 264 (3) (Surrey)
Do. Do. No. 265 (5 & 6) (Warwick)
Do. Do. No. 268 (1 & 2) (Worcester)
582. Robert Grey of Retherfeld
Writ, 16 January, 11 Richard II
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Norhampton, 6 February, 11 Richard II.
John Grey of Retherfeld was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor, and granted it to William de Merston, parson of the church of Somerton, Gilbert de Honyngham, parson of the church of Retherfeld, and Robert de Rodyngton, parson of the church of Claydon, to hold to them and their heirs for ever. The said grantees then granted it to the said John and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to his right heirs, with the king’s licence. John had three sons by Maud, then his wife, to wit, Bartholomew de Grey, the elder, Robert de Grey and Richard de Grey, and died seised of the manor, which, together with other lands &c., was assigned after his death to the said Maud as her dower of all his lands &c. in the counties of Oxford and York. Bartholomew died without heir of his body during Maud’s lifetime, and Maud died seised of such estate in the manor on 23 January, 10 Richard II. After her death the said Robert, named in the writ, entered into the manor as son and heir male of the said John, and continued his estate therein all his life.
Duston. The manor, held of the king in chief, as of the honor of Peverell, by knight’s service.
The said Robert died on 12 January, 11 Richard II, without heir male of his body. The aforesaid Richard de Grey, aged 26 years and more, is son and heir male of the said John and brother and heir male of the said Robert.
Writ to the escheator, with reference to the above inquisition, to enquire touching an allegation made on behalf of several persons that the said Robert held the manor of Duston in his demesne as of fee, and not in fee tail. 12 July, 12 Richard II.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at the castle of Northampton, 24 July, 12 Richard II.
He was seised of the manor in his demesne as of fee, and by a fine levied in the king’s court granted it, together with other manors, to William de Aston, clerk, Ralph de Forthyngton, clerk, Thomas Coubrigge and John Babelake, to hold to them and their heirs. The said grantees then granted it to him and Joan his wife and the heirs of his body, with remainder to his right heirs. So on the day of his death he held the manor in fee tail to him and the heirs of his body, and not to him and his heirs male. Joan, his daughter by the said Joan, aged 2 years on the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist last, is his heir.
Writ, 11 May, 11 Richard II
YORK. Inq. taken in the castle of York, 25 June, 11 Richard II.
The said Robert held the under-mentioned manors, lands and rent in fee on the day of his death.
Bedale. A moiety of the manor.
Rumbaldkyrk, Ulvyngton, Scotton and Melsenby. 5 tofts and 6 bovates of land.
North Couton. A moiety of a toft and a moiety of a bovate of land.
Richemond. 30s. rent in the town.
Ayscugh. Two-thirds of the manor.
Kilwardby. The manor.
Askham Bryan. A moiety of the manor.
All the above are held of the honor of Richemond by knight’s service.
Drynghous. The manor, held of the treasurer of the cathedral church of St. Peter, York, by service of 5s. yearly.
Baynton. A fourth part of the manor, held of the Earl Marshal and of Nottingham, as of the manor of Thresk, by knight’s service.
Stylyngflete. The manor, held of the earl of Kent, as of his manor of Buttercrambe, by knight’s service.
Upton. The manor, held of John, duke of Lancaster, as of his honor of Pontefract, by knight’s service.
He died on 14 January last. Joan his daughter, aged 2 years and more, is his heir.
Writ, 20 February, 11 Richard II
OXFORD. Inq. taken at Henle, 13 March, 11 Richard II.
John de Grey of Retherfeld was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors of Retherfeld and Cogges, and granted them to William de Merston and others as above (Northants inquisition), who then granted them to the said John and the heirs male of his body, with remainder as above. John had three sons, as above, and died so seised of the manors. After his death Bartholomew, his eldest son, entered into the manors and died seised thereof without heir of his body. After Bartholomew’s death the said Robert de Grey, named in the writ, entered into the manors as son and heir male of John and brother and heir of Bartholomew, and died seised thereof by virtue of the aforesaid entail.
The said Robert died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Herdewyk, moieties of the manors of Somerton and Faryngford, and fourth part of the manor of Stanlak.
Retherfeld. The manor, whereof one moiety, with the advowson of the church, is held of the king in chief by knight’s service, and the other moiety, called ‘Baggerug’, is held of John, duke of Lancaster, by knight’s service.
Cogges. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Herdewyk. The manor, tenure unknown.
Somerton and Faryngford. Moieties of the manors, with the advowsons of the churches at every second turn, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Stanlak. A fourth part of the manor, held of John, duke of Lancaster, services unknown.
The said Robert died on 12 January, 11 Richard II, without heir male of his body. The aforesaid Richard de Grey, aged 26 years and more, son and heir male of the said John, is brother and heir of the said Robert to the above-mentioned manors of Retherfeld and Cogges. Joan daughter of the said Robert, aged 1 year on the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist last, is his next heir.
Writ to the escheator, with reference to the above inquisition, to enquire touching an allegation made on behalf of various persons that the said Robert held the manors of Retherfeld and Cogges in his demesne as of fee, and not in fee tail. 12 July, 12 Richard II.
OXFORD. Inq. taken at Oxford, 30 July, 12 Richard II.
Findings word for word as in the above inquisition of 24 July, 12 Richard II, concerning the manor of Duston, to the effect that Robert held the manors of Retherfeld and Cogges in fee tail to him and the heirs of his body, and not to him and his heirs male, and that Joan his daughter, aged 2 years on the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist last, is his heir.
Writ de feodis &c., 27 October, 12 Richard II
OXFORD. Inq. taken at Oxford, 4 November, 12 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned advowsons on the day of his death.
Retherfeld. The advowson of the church.
Somerton and Faryngford. The advowsons of the churches at every second turn.
How many knight’s fees he held the jurors know not.
Similar writ, 26 October, 12 Richard II
WARWICK. Inq. taken at Colleshull, Wednesday after All Saints, 12 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned advowson on the day of his death.
Arley. The advowson of the church in alternate turns with John Clynton, knight.
He had no other advowsons, and no fees, in the county.
Similar writ, 27 October, 12 Richard II
NORFOLK. Inq. taken at Norwich, Monday after St. Martin, 12 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned advowson on the day of his death, but no knight’s fees.
Sydesterne. The advowson of the church.
C. Ric. II File 52 (2)
E. Inq. P.M. File 54 (17) (Oxford and Northampton)
590. William Hanyngfeld
Writ, 28 April, 11 Richard II
ESSEX. Inq. taken at Esthanygfeld, 18 May, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned lands &c. in fee.
Esthanyngfeld, Westhanyngfeld, Southhanyngfeld, Sandon and Wodeham Ferers. A messuage in ruins, 270 a. arable, 6 a. meadow, 60 a. several wood which can be cut every 21 years and were cut 2 years ago, 24 a. wood lying in common, which are worth nothing because they are being eaten down and destroyed after the last cutting, which was a year ago, and 53s. 4d. rent, held of the heir of Walter FitzWauter, knight, a minor in the king’s wardship, by knight’s service, as of Castle Baynard, paying 5s. every 24 weeks to the said castle for castle-guard. Margaret late the wife of the said William ought to have dower of those lands &c. The said messuage cannot be properly repaired at an expenditure of 10l.
He died on Sunday in the Close of Easter last, to wit, on 5 April. William his son, aged 18 years on the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist next, is his heir.
C. Ric. II File 52 (3)
591. Robert son and heir of Raymond Heryng, a minor
Writ of devenerunt, 21 October, 11 Richard II
ESSEX. Inq. taken at Reylegh, Saturday, the feast of the Commemoration of Souls, 11 Richard II.
The under-mentioned third part came to the hands of Edward III by the death of the said Raymond and by reason of the minority of the said Robert, and is still in the king’s hand.
Plumbergh. A third part of the manor, with appurtenances in Hokkele (extent given), held of the king, as of the honor of Reylegh, by knight’s service.
The said Robert died on Monday before Michaelmas, 8 Richard II, while a minor. Margaret daughter of the said Raymond, aged 20 years and more, is his sister and heir, and was taken to wife by Robert Fovent 3 years and more before his death.
C. Ric. II File 52 (4)
592. Alan de Heton, knight
Writ, 16 March, 11 Richard II
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inq. taken at Alnewik, Wednesday, 15 April, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned moiety of the manor of Lowik on the day of his death in fee tail, to him and the heirs of his body, by gift and feoffment of John de Horton, with successive remainders to Thomas de Heton and the heirs of his body, to Isabel late the wife of Thomas Baxster and the heirs of her body, and to John de Heton and the heirs of his body, and with remainder over to Thomas de Heton, knight, and his heirs.
He held in fee simple on the day of his death the under-mentioned tenements and lands &c. in Lowik, Bamburgh, Wollore, Kyllom, Caldmerton, Tynemuth, Bolesdon and Charlton North.
He held the under-mentioned manor and advowson of Angram on the day of his death in fee tail, to him and the heirs male of his body, by gift and feoffment of John de Leybourn, knight, with successive remainders to Thomas de Heton and the heirs male of his body, to Isabel late the wife of Thomas Baxster and the heirs male of her body, and to John de Heton and the heirs male of his body, and with remainder over to Thomas de Heton, knight, and his heirs.
Lowik. A moiety of the manor, worth 100s. only because of destruction by the Scots, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Lowik. Certain lands &c., worth nothing because totally devastated and destroyed by the Scots, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Bamburgh. Certain burgage tenements and 10 a. land, worth 20d., held of the king in burgage.
Wollore. Certain burgage tenements and lands called ‘Hacford land’, worth nothing because of destruction by the Scots, held of Philip Darcy in socage.
Kyllom. One husbandland, worth nothing because of the aforesaid destruction, held of the heirs of John de Arundell by knight’s service.
Caldmerton. One husbandland, worth nothing at present for the same reason, held of John de Folbery in socage.
Tynemuth. A burgage tenement, worth 8s., held of the prior of Tynemuth in burgage.
Bolesdon. Certain lands &c., late of Simon de Weltden, worth nothing because of destruction by the Scots, held of Philip Darcy by knight’s service.
Charlton North. 2 messuages and 4 a. land, worth nothing for the same reason, held of the lord de Bemond in socage by service of 1d. yearly.
Angram. The manor and the advowson of the church, worth 10 marks only for the same reason, held of Sir Thomas de Umframvill, knight, by knight’s service and suit to his court of Chirmonden every three weeks.
He died on Thursday in the fourth week of Lent in the year aforesaid. Henry de Heton, knight, aged 26 years, son of Thomas de Heton, is next heir to the manor and advowson of Angrame because Alan died without heir male of his body. As for the moiety of the manor of Lowik and the other tenements aforesaid in Lowik &c., Elizabeth wife of John de Fenwik, knight, Mary wife of William de Swynburn, knight, and Joan wife of Robert de Ogle, knight, are Alan’s daughters and next heirs, and each of them is 30 years of age and more.
Writ of plura, 12 June, 11 Richard II
Writ of plenius certiorari touching the estate which Alan had in the manor and advowson of Angram, and the name and age of the heir thereto; as Henry de Heton, named in the above inquisition, has appeared in the Chancery and admitted that he has no right or entail therein. 12 June, 11 Richard II.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inq. taken at Corbrig, Saturday before St. Margaret the Virgin, 12 June, 11 Richard II.
He held all the under-mentioned manors and lands &c. in fee simple.
Unthanke. The manor, worth nothing because totally devastated and destroyed by the Scots, held of John Fox, lord of Dechande, by service of 1 lb. cummin yearly.
Folbiry. One husbandland, held of John Folbiry, lord of Folbiry, by service of 1 lb. cummin.
Bradforde. 2 husbandlands, held of the lord of Bradforde by service of 1/2 lb. pepper yearly.
Swynhow. 100 a. land, held of Henry de Percy, earl of Northumberland, by knight’s service.
Trikulton. The manor, worth nothing at present because of destruction by the Scots.
Schotley. 100 a. land, held of Ralph Hastyngges, knight, by knight’s service.
Horton. 100 a. land in Horton field, held of Thomas Gray, knight, lord of Horton, in socage.
Bradforde. ‘Gollodwynfelde’ in Bradforde field, worth nothing because totally devastated by the destruction aforesaid, held of Thomas, lord of Bradford, in socage.
Angram. The manor and the advowson of the church, held of Sir Thomas Humfurville, knight, by knight’s service and suit to his court of Chirmonden every three weeks.
Elizabeth, Mary and Joan, his daughters (as in the previous inquisition), are his heirs.
Writ to the escheator to make a partition of the lands &c. late of the said Alan among his three daughters and heirs and their husbands. 26 August, 12 Richard II. [Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1383–1391, p. 250]
NORTHUMBERLAND. Partition made at Alnwyk, 24 May, 12 Richard II.
(1)The share delivered by lot to Robert de Ogle, knight, and Joan his wife.
Lowyk. The manor (extent given), except the under-mentioned tenements called ‘Brousland’, ‘Geoffrey’s land’ and ‘Spitounland’. The extent includes a fort, lands called ‘Saumesland’ and ‘le Crok’, 17s. 6d. for the free farm of Bollesdon, 18s. for the land of Simon de Welden there, and 3s. for the free farm at Bayremor.
Caldmarton. A tenement with 24 a. land.
Neewton by Bamburgh. 13 burgage tenements.
Treclynton. A third part.
Unthank. A third part.
(2)The share delivered by lot to William de Swynborne, knight, and Mary his wife.
Lowyk. A tenement with 24 a. land called ‘Brousland’, held of the king in chief.
Angram. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, except the under-mentioned plot called ‘Huntlaw’. The extent includes a several pasture called ‘le Frewastes’, a close called ‘Grenchellis’, ‘le Halmedew’, the free farm of Brandon, the free farm of Revele, and 3s. 4d. for the farm of Thomas de Gray in Revele.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne. A burgage tenement.
Treclynton. A third part.
Unthank. A third part.
(3)The share delivered by lot to John de Fenwyk, knight, and Elizabeth his wife.
Lowyk. A tenement with 1 a. 1 r. land called ‘Geoffrey’s land’, held of the king in chief; and a tenement with 12 a. land called ‘Spytonland’, held of the king in chief.
Hethpole. Lands &c. rendering 10l. yearly.
Wullore. 5 burgage tenements, 4 other burgage tenements, and the lands &c. late of John Hakforth.
Akeld. A tenement with lands &c.
Kyllom. 2 husbandlands.
Dodyngton. 2 husbandlands.
Horton. 2 husbandlands, 2 cottages and 16s. rent in the mill.
Folbery. A tenement.
Bamburgh. A burgage tenement and a tenement with 10 a. land in the tenure of Roger Gournay; a tenement with a croft in the tenure of Adam Schepard; a tenement with a croft called ‘Malmaylescroft’ in the tenure of John Chanterell; a tenement with a dovecote and croft in the tenure of Roger Gournay; a garden in the tenure of John Gilson; a burgage tenement in Maleshend in the tenure of William Smyth; a burgage tenement in the tenure of Agnes Shethre; a burgage tenement in the tenure of Walter Taillour; a shop in the tenure of the same; a tenement in the tenure of Thomas de Booth in fee; a tenement in the tenure of Thomas Makson; a shop in the tenure of Robert Haayn; a shop in the tenure of Robert Chatton; a tenement in the tenure of John Lowe in fee; a burgage tenement with a croft in the tenure of John Bryl in fee; and a shop in the tenure of John Lokyre.
Swynhow. 2 messuages and 2 1/2 husbandlands.
Bradforth. Lands called ‘Goldwynland’ and ‘Walkerland’.
North Charlton. 2 tenements with a husbandland and 9 a. land; and 180 a. land called ‘le Brokes’.
Felton. Two-thirds of a tenement with the reversion of the other third.
Alnwyk. A moiety of a tenement in the bailiwick.
Tynmouth. A burgage tenement.
Blakhedle. A tenement late of John de Denom.
Angram. A plot called ‘Huntlaw’ containing 4 husbandlands in Angram moor.
Treclynton. A third part.
Hunthank. A third part.
C. Ric. II File 52 (5)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 270 (2 & 3)
595. Maud late the wife of John de Lisle
Writ of precipimus, 2 February, 11 Richard II
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Brackele, 13 February, 11 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned manor for life in joint feoffment with John her husband, deceased, by reason of a gift thereof made by Walter Not, clerk, and Philip Upton, clerk, by a fine levied in the king’s court, to her and the said John and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to John’s right heirs.
Walton. The manor, held of the heirs of John Kaynes, as of their manor of Walton, by knight’s service.
She died on 8 April, 4 Richard II. John de Lisle, aged 22 1/2 years and more, her son by the aforesaid John her husband, is her next heir.
William Brantyngham, tenant in fee of the said manor of Dodford by grant of the heirs of the aforesaid John de Kaynes, has had possession of the manor of Walton and received the issues thereof since Maud’s death by reason of the minority of John de Lisle, her son and heir.
C. Ric. II File 52 (6)
E. Inq. P.M. File 54 (13)
596. Alice late the wife of Gilbert del Legh
Writ to John, king of Castile and Leon, duke of Lancaster, or his chancellor in the duchy of Lancaster. 6 May, 11 Richard II.
DUCHY OF LANCASTER. Inq. taken at Cliderhowe, Tuesday in Whitsun week, 11 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned fourth part, manors, two-thirds and lands &c. to her and the said Gilbert and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to Gilbert’s right heirs.
Blakburnschire. A fourth part of the bailiwick of the wapentake, held of the king by fealty only.
Hapton. The manor, held of John, king of Castile and Leon, duke of Lancaster, by knight’s service, rendering 12d. yearly to him and his heirs at the feast of St. Giles the Abbot, and doing suit to the wapentake of Blakburnschire every three weeks.
Brittwysill. The manor, and other lands &c. in Hapton formerly of Adam de Brittwysill, held of the same John, king of Castile &c., by knight’s service, rendering 4s. yearly to him and his heirs and doing suit as above.
Tounlay. Two-thirds of the manor, held of the same John, king of Castile &c., by knight’s service, rendering 12s. 9d. yearly to him and his heirs and doing suit as above.
Clyvacher. Lands &c. worth 10 marks, held of the same John, king of Castile &c., in socage, rendering 12s. 8 1/2d. yearly to him and his heirs at the feast of St. Giles the Abbot.
Worstorn. Lands &c. worth 40s., held of Richard de Stansfeld and his heirs, rendering to them a certain rent sec at the same feast.
Brereclif with Extwysill. Lands &c. worth 40s., held of Laurence del Legh in socage, rendering to him and his heirs 6s. yearly at the same feast.
She died on Friday before St. Mark in the year aforesaid without heir by the said Gilbert. John de Tounlay, aged 38 years, son and heir of Richard de Tounlay, Gilbert’s brother, is next heir of the said Gilbert and Alice by virtue of the entail aforesaid.
C. Ric. II File 52 (7)
597. John de Loudham, knight
Writ, 26 February, 11 Richard II
DERBY. Inq. taken at Chestirfeld, Saturday after Holy Trinity, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manors in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death.
Walton. The manor (extent given), held of the king, as of the honor of Peverel, by service of doing suit to the court of Peverel every three weeks.
Brymyngton and Whytyngton. The manor, held of the earl of Kent, as of his manor of Chestrefeld, by service of 40s. yearly.
Rodyche. The manor, worth nothing because laid waste, held of the heirs of Henry Tochet by service of 3s. yearly. And there are there a carucate of land and 2 a. meadow worth 1/2 mark yearly.
He died on Thursday before St. Leonard last. John his son, aged 30 years and more, is his heir.
C. Ric. II File 52 (8)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 261 (8)
598. Ellis de la Lynde
Writ after the death of the said Ellis, who held of the heir of Edward le Despenser, knight, a minor in the king’s wardship, 12 September, 11 Richard II.
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Crukern, Thursday before St. Clement the Pope, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor and lands &c. in joint feoffment with Joan his wife, who survives, by gift and feoffment of John de Chidiok, knight, to him and the said Joan and his heirs and assigns.
Dynyngton. The manor, and a messuage and 3 a. land in Sevenhampton St. Michael with the advowson of the church of that town, held (with the exception of 2 messuages, 80 a. land, 6 a. meadow and 60 a. heath in the manor) of the heir of Edward le Despenser, knight, a minor in the king’s wardship, by knight’s service. Of the messuages &c. excepted above, a messuage, 60 a. land and 4 a. meadow are held of the abbot of Glastonbury in chief, service not known, a messuage, 20 a. land and 2 a. meadow are held of John Erle and Elizabeth his wife, in right of the said Elizabeth, by knight’s service and service of rendering 12d. yearly at Michaelmas, and 60 a. heath are held of Eleanor Daubeny by knight’s service.
He died on Friday before Christmas last. Alexander his son, aged 7 years and more, is his heir.
C. Ric. II File 52 (9)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 258 (2)
599. Thomas Marchal, knight
Writ, 12 October, 11 Richard II
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Crukerne, Thursday before St. Clement the Pope, 11 Richard II.
He held no lands &c. in the county.
He died on Friday before St. Gregory the Pope last. Joan daughter of Nicholas Reod, aged 4 years and more, is his heir.
C. Ric. II File 52 (10)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 258 (2)
600. John Malster of Sutton
Writ of precipimus, 7 February, 11 Richard II
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. taken at Maunesfeld, Friday after the Close of Easter, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned messuage and land in his demesne as of fee.
Sutton in Asshefeld. A messuage and 16 a. land, held of the king in chief by service of 12d. yearly and two appearances at the king’s two great courts of Maunesfeld, saving the king’s foreign service. The messuage is waste and the land uncultivated.
He died at Sutton on Tuesday the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Bishop, 42 Edward III. John Whytebrest of Sutton, aged 40 years and more, is his heir.
Immediately after the said John Malster’s death, William Pensax, chaplain, entered upon the premises by colour of a feoffment which he caused to be made to him and his heirs and occupied them for 12 years, after which Percival Pensax of Skegby, by virtue of a feoffment made to him and his heirs by the said William, occupied the premises for 7 years. Since then the said John Whytebrest has occupied them and is to answer the king for the profits.
Writ to the escheator, with reference to the above inquisition, to enquire by what consanguinity the said John Whitebrest of Sutton is next heir of the said John Malster. 25 October, 14 Richard II.
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. taken at Maunesfeld, Thursday after the Epiphany, 14 Richard II.
The said John Whitebrest is son of Thomas Whitebrest, deceased, brother of the said John Malster.
C. Ric. II File 52 (11)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 261 (6)
602. John Molyns
Writ after the death of the said John, who held by knight’s service of the heir of Giles Daubeney, knight, a minor in the king’s wardship. 24 October, 11 Richard II.
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Croukern, Thursday before St. Clement the Pope, 11 Richard II.
He was seised in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death of the under-mentioned messuage, 2 water-mills and dovecote &c. in Southpederton and lands in Brugg.
He was seised on the day of his death of the under-mentioned messuage, carucate, meadow and pasture in Little Lopen and Southpederton by gift of Joan late the wife of Thomas de Crauthorn, daughter and heir of John de Stafford, who by a fine levied in the king’s court gave them to him and Alice, sometime his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to his right heirs.
He was seised on the day of his death of the under-mentioned messuage, 30 a. land and 3 a. 1 r. meadow in Drayton and 2 messuages, 30 a. land and 1 1/2 a. meadow in Southpederton by gift of Thomas de Crauthorn and Joan his wife in free marriage with Alice, Joan’s daughter, to hold to him and the said Alice and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to Joan’s right heirs.
Southpederton. A messuage, 2 water-mills, a dovecote, 30 a. land, 8 a. meadow, 3 a. pasture and 10s. rent, held of the heir of Giles Daubeney, knight, a minor in the king’s wardship, as of the manor of Southpederton, by knight’s service and the service of rendering 4l. yearly to the said manor.
Brugg. 30 a. land, held of John Gophey by knight’s service.
Little Lopen and Southpederton. A messuage, a carucate of land, 10 a. meadow and 2 a. pasture, held of Eleanor late the wife of Giles Daubeney, knight, by knight’s service, as of the said Eleanor’s dower of the manor of Southpederton, whereof she was dowered by Richard Virgo, late escheator, before the death of the said John.
Drayton. A messuage, 30 a. land and 3 a. 1 r. meadow, held of the aforesaid Eleanor by knight’s service.
Southpederton. 2 messuages, 30 a. land and 1 1/2 a. meadow, held of the heir aforesaid by knight’s service.
He died on Wednesday before the Decollation of St. John the Baptist last. Nicholas his son, aged 7 years and more, is his heir. Thomasia wife of John Wyvelescomb, aged 30 years and more, and Alice wife of John Flory, aged 26 years and more, his daughters by the said Alice, are next heirs of him and the said Alice by the form of the gifts aforesaid.
Writ of plura, 16 December, 11 Richard II
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Yevelcestre, 10 February, 11 Richard II.
In addition to the lands &c. mentioned in the foregoing inquisition the said John Molyns was seised in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death of the under-mentioned reversions, rents and pasture.
Yevelchestre. The reversion of 2 burgage tenements, a toft and 10 a. land, held of the king in chief by knight’s service; whereof the toft, one burgage tenement and 7 1/2 a. land are held by John Fissher and Alice his wife, for the life of the said Alice, by demise of the said John Molyns, at a rent of 5s. 8d. yearly; one burgage tenement is similarly held by Nicholas Houpere(?) at a rent of 2s; and 2 1/2 a. land are similarly held by John Bernard at a rent of 20d.
Northovere. The reversion of 5 a. land, held of Richard Brice by knight’s service. The said 5 a. are held for life by Henry Person, by demise of the said John, at a rent of 5s. yearly.
Sokke Denys. The reversion of 2 a. 13 r. land, held of John Berkeleigh and Joan his wife, by knight’s service. The said 2 a. 3 r. are held for life by John Fissher, by demise of the said John Molyns, at a rent of 2s. 6d. yearly.
Southpetterton. 5 a. pasture, held of John Meriet, knight, as of his manor of Meriet, by knight’s service.
The said John Molyns died on 28 August last. Nicholas his son, aged 7 years and more, is his heir.
Writ to the escheator to assign dower to William Frebody and Clemence his wife, late the wife of the said John Molyns. 4 March, 11 Richard II. [Calendar of Close Rolls, 1385–1389, p. 374]
SOMERSET. Assignment of dower of various chambers, outhouses, lands and rents &c. in Southpederton, Little Lopen and Yvelchestre. 12 March, 11 Richard II. [Calendar of Close Rolls, 1385–1389, p. 621]
Writ. Whereas lately, in pursuance of the above inquisition taken at Croukern, so far as it concerns the messuage &c. in Little Lopen and Southpederton held jointly by the said John and Alice his wife, by grant of Joan late the wife of Thomas de Crauthorn by a fine levied in the king’s court, the king ordered the escheator to cause John Wyvelescombe and Thomasia his wife and John Flory and Alice his wife (the said Thomasia and Alice being daughters of the said John Molyns and Alice) to have full seisin of the said messuage &c.; and whereas the king is now given to understand that the aforesaid Joan in her pure widowhood granted the said messuage &c. to the said John Molyns and Alice for the term of her (Joan’s) life, and afterwards, while she was sole and long before the levying of the fine aforesaid, by her writing released and quitclaimed all her right in the said messuage &c. to the said John Molyns and Alice and the heirs of John, so that at the time of the levying of the fine she had no estate in the messuage whereby anything could pass by the fine; and whereas the said John and Alice are dead, John’s heir male being a minor, whose marriage and the keeping of whose body and lands pertain to the king during his minority because the said messuage &c. are held by knight’s service of the heir of Giles Daubeney, knight, a minor in the king’s wardship: the king orders the escheator to enquire as to the truth of the premises. 5 March, 12 Richard II.
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Suthpederton, Thursday in Easter week, 12 Richard II.
The facts are as stated in the latter part of the above writ. (The lands in question are described as 4 messuages, a carucate of land and 80 a., 16 a. meadow, 10 a. pasture, 4 a. heath and 40s. rent in Little Lopene and Southpederton, namely, all the lands &c. of the said Joan in those towns.) Immediately after the death of John Molyns the said John Wevelyscombe and John Flory intruded into the said lands &c. over the king’s possession and took all the issues and profits thereof from Wednesday before the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, 11 Richard II, on which day John Molyns died, until 14 May following, when the lands &c. were in the king’s hands.
C. Ric. II File 52 (12)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 258
Do. Do. No. 263
606. Richard son and heir of Richard de Orleton, a minor
Writ of devenerunt, 16 June, 11 Richard II
SALOP. Inq. taken at Shrewbury, Thursday after St. Laurence, 12 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned part of a messuage &c. on the day of his death.
Erleton. Two-thirds of a messuage and carucate of land, held of the king in chief by knight’s service and the service of rendering 6s. 8d. yearly by the hands of the sheriff. The other third part of the messuage and carucate is held for life by way of dower by Joan late the wife of Richard de Orleton his father.
He died on Monday before St. Barnabas last. Giles de Erleton, aged 30 years and more, is his kinsman and heir, to wit, son of Warin brother of John father of Richard his father.
C. Ric. II File 52 (13)
E. Enrolments &. of Inq. No. 262 (4)
607. Robert Person
Writ of precipimus, 15 February, 11 Richard II
DEVON. Inq. taken at Exeter, Wednesday before the Annunciation, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned messuage and land in fee and demesne on the day of his death.
Exeter. A moiety of a weak and ruinous messuage, with an underground cellar, held of the king in chief in free burgage as parcel of the fee-farm of the city. It is worth nothing beyond deductions, because it is charged with 15d. to be rendered yearly to the lepers of the house of St. Mary Magdalen by Exeter.
Toppisham. 4 a. land, held of the prior of St. James by Exeter, and worth no more than 2s. yearly because they are charged with 15d. yearly rent to the said prior.
La Forde in the hundred of Exemr’ (sic). A ferling of land, held of John Hille and worth no more than 40d. yearly because of a rent of 2s. 7 1/2d. due to the said John; and 4 ferlings of land, held of the prior of St. James by Exeter, and worth no more than 1/2 mark yearly because of a rent of 4s. due to the said prior.
He died on 31 May last. John Persoun, his brother, aged 40 years and more, is his heir.
John Aston, then escheator, had possession of the premises from the time of Robert’s death until the following 15 November, on which day he delivered his office to John Bere, who had possession until Easter following, to wit, in 10 Richard II. Since then Henry Tyrell has had possession by the king’s letters patent.
C. Ric. II File 52 (14)
608. Richard Polglas, an idiot
Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands of the said Richard, now in the king’s hand by reason of his idiocy, and as to the date of his death and his heir. 18 February, 11 Richard II.
DEVON. Inq. taken at Northcote, Friday in Easter week, 11 Richard II.
The under-mentioned two-thirds were taken into the king’s hand by reason of the idiocy of the said Richard.
Northcote. Two-thirds of 12 cottages, of a mill, and of a carucate of land, held of the lord of Lamerton by knight’s service and service of 4d. yearly and suit to the court of Lamerton every three weeks. And the said two-thirds render 8d. to the prior of Launceston for the weir of the aforesaid mill.
He died on Tuesday in Whitsun week, 10 Richard II. Margaret his sister, aged 23 years and married to John Herle, esquire, is his heir.
C. Ric. II File 52 (15)
609. Edward Payn, knight
Writ, 17 July, 11 Richard II
DORSET. Inq. taken at Blaneford Forum, Monday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 11 Richard II.
He held no lands in the county on the day of his death; but on Sunday after Michaelmas, 48 Edward III, he enfeoffed John atte Forde of Holewall, William Irissh and Philip Iryssh of the under-mentioned manor of Edmondeshame, to hold to them and their heirs for ever, and on Thursday the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 9 Richard II, he enfeoffed the same persons of the whole of his under-mentioned manor of Stoure Payn, to hold as above.
Edmondeshame and Stoure Payn. The manors, held of Walter Catecote and Joan his wife, as of their manor of Estharpetre, in right of the said Joan daughter and heir of Thomas de Gornay, deceased, by knight’s service.
He died on 3 April last. Heir not known.
C. Ric. II File 52 (16)
610. Richard Ponynges, knight
Writ, 12 September, 11 Richard II
SURREY. Inq. taken at Merstham, Monday in Michaelmas week, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned messuage and land in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death.
Merstham. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of the prior of Canterbury in socage.
He died on Saturday the eve of Whitsunday, to wit, 25 May last. Robert de Ponynges, aged 6 years on Thursday in Whitsun week last, is his son and heir.
SUSSEX. Inq. taken at Crawle, Monday in Michaelmas week, 11 Richard II.
He held in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death the under-mentioned manors of Chyltyngg and Walderne and tenement at Bedynghame, out of which he had granted to Hugh Waterton a rent of 10 marks for life.
He held in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death the under-mentioned manors of Ponynges, Hangelton, Asshecombe and Twynem, and 4l. rent in Crawle. He had granted out of the said manors of Twynem, Hangelton and Ponynges a yearly rent of 54 marks to Agnes daughter of Robert Northwode, knight, for life, with power of distraint therein, and in the manors of Rokesle, Totyngton, Eccles and Westwode, co. Kent. He had also granted out of the said manors of Ponynges, Hangelton and Crawle (sic) a yearly rent of 40 marks to Richard Scoteneye and Isabel his wife, for life, with power of distraint.
He also held in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death the under-mentioned manor of Little Perchyngge, tenement at Westmeston, rent and land in Ifelde, and park called Shulleghe.
He also held the under-mentioned manor of Ifelde jointly with Robert Fitz Payn, Thomas Kynardesle, Hugh Quecche and John Giffard, clerk, to them and their heirs, by gift and feoffment of Thomas Blast and John Newdegate.
Chyltyngg. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Walderne. The manor, held of the duke of Lancaster, as of the honor of Laigle, by knight’s service.
Bedynghame. A tenement, held of William Echynghame, knight, services not known.
Ponynges, Hangelton and Asshecombe. The manors, and 4l. rent in Crawle, held of the earl of Arundel, as of his castle of Lewes, by knight’s service.
Twynem. The manor, held of the earl of Arundel, as of his castle of Lewes, in socage, by service of rendering yearly a pair of gilt spurs, worth 6d., or 6d.
Little Perchyngge. The manor, held of Robert Bevyl by knight’s service.
Westmeston. A tenement, held of William Percy, knight, in socage.
Ifelde. 60s. rent, and a parcel of land called ‘le Hurstlonde’, held of the earl of Nottingham by knight’s service.
Shulleghe. A park so called, held of John Sondes, knight, by knight’s service.
Ifelde. The manor, held of the earl of Nottingham by knight’s service.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ, 12 September, 11 Richard II
KENT. Inq. taken at Osprenge, Tuesday after St. Faith, 11 Richard II.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors of Terlyngham and Newynton Bertram, advowson of the church of Hastyngleghe, moiety of the hundred of Folkstan, manor of Westwode and tenement in Frythyndenn. Of the value of the manor of Newynton 10l. 4s. 1d. are assigned for life to Blanche late the wife of Thomas de Ponynges, whose brother and heir the said Richard was, as her dower after the death of Thomas her husband. Long before his death the said Richard granted a yearly rent of 4 marks out of the manor of Westwode to Thomas Ikham for life.
On the day of his death the said Richard held the under-mentioned manors of Staundon and Coumbesdale jointly with Sir William Percy, knight, Thomas Blast, Thomas Kynardesle, Thomas Ikham and William Wysbeche, who are still living, by gift and feoffment of Richard Blore, John Kirkeby, clerk, and Jordan de Bladyndon to them and their heirs for ever.
Long before his death he purchased the under-mentioned manors of Northcreye and Levelonde with the advowson of the church of Northcreye, jointly with William Percy, knight, Thomas Kynardesle, Thomas Blast and Thomas Saundres, clerk, from John Kyrkeby, Ellis Reyner, Jordan de Bladyndon and Thomas Byfelde, by the name of all the lands &c. which they had in Levelonde and Northcreye except the lands late of John de Gatton in Northcreye. Afterwards the said purchasers granted the manor of Northcreye to Agnes daughter of Robert de Northwode, knight, William Makenade, William Scharpynge, Richard Westmerland, clerk, John Base and Thomas Holt, to hold to them and their assigns for term of the life of the said Agnes, rendering a rose yearly at Midsummer, with reversion to themselves and their heirs. So the said Richard held on the day of his death the manor of Levelonde and (jointly with the said William Percy, Thomas Kynardesle, Thomas Blast and Thomas Saundres, who are still living) the reversion of the manor of Northcreye.
He was lately seised in his demesne as of fee of the under-mentioned lands and rents in Faversham, Gravene, Herteye, Sheldwych &c., and long before his death enfeoffed thereof Nicholas Carru, William Schirbourne, clerk, Robert atte Hyde, John Gyffard, clerk, and Thomas Ikham, who are still living, and Master Adam Wykemere and John Bures, citizen of London, now deceased, to hold to them and their heirs for ever. Afterwards the said feoffees granted the premises to him, to hold at their pleasure only; and he held them thus on the day of his death.
He died seised in his demesne as of fee of the under-mentioned manor and advowson of Totyndon, manor of Ecclys, and manor and advowson of Rokesle.
He also died seised on the under-mentioned advowson of the church of Estwell.
He also died seised in his demesne as of fee of the under-mentioned 14 1/2 knight’s fees.
Terlyngham and Newynton Bertram. The manors (extents given), and the advowson of the church of Hastyngleghe and a moiety of the hundred of Folkstan, held of the king in chief by homage, service of half a quarter of a knight’s fee, and service of maintaining a moiety of a chapel and of a hall in the castle of Dover, rendering 2s. 6d. at the end of every 28 weeks for great ward of the said castle and 15d. at the end of every 28 weeks for little ward of the same, and paying 10s. to the sheriff of Kent for farm of the moiety of the hundred of Folkstan. The extent of Terlyngham includes a pasture called ‘Northcroft’ and a wood called ‘Reyndene’. The extent of Newynton Bertram includes a wood called ‘Essholte’, and rents payable by tenants of Dunmersch and Newynton.
Westwode. The manor (extent given), held of the king by service of three parts of a knight’s fee, as of the honor of Ledes, and by service of rendering 3s. 4d. at the end of every 24 weeks to the ward of the castle of Dover.
Frythyndenn. A tenement, held of the abbot of Faversham by divers services in gavelkind.
Staundon and Coumbesdale. The manors, held of Simon de Burley, knight, as of his manor of Milton, by divers services in gavelkind.
Northcreye and Levelonde. The manors, with the advowson of the church of Northcreye, held of the archbishop of Canterbury by knight’s service.
Faversham, Gravene, Herteye, Scheldwych, Harnhell, Osprenge, Chilham, Sellynge by Chilham, Preston by Faversham, Upchurche, Eastwell, Kenyngton, Wy, Henxhull, Alkham, Wolfreton, Terlyngham and Folkstan. 100 a. arable, 200 a. pasture, 12 a. meadow, 17 a. wood, 6l. 17s. 11d. rent, and rents of 4 cocks, 30 hens, 170 eggs, 20 quarters of palm-barley and 42 quarters of oats, held of the abbot of Faversham, the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, Nicholas de Loveyn, knight, and William Makenade, by divers services in gavelkind and by yearly rent of 63s. 7d. to the abbot, 10s. 4d. to the prior, 18d. to the said Nicholas and 8d. to the said William.
Totyndon. The manor (extent given), and the advowson or gift of the free chapel of St. Stephen therein, held of the king by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee, as of the honor of Crewker. The extent includes 1 r. land of gavelkind.
Ecclys. The manor (extent given), held of the duke of Lancaster and the earl of March by service of half a knight’s fee, to wit, of the duke of Lancaster by a fourth part of a knight’s fee, as of the honor of Lisle, and of the earl of March by a fourth part of a knight’s fee, as of his manor of Swannescompe. The extent includes lands &c. in Stotenlese, Wyvelynge, Napilton, Rissham, Worthe, Reed, Breche, Funtaynescrofte, Bromfeld bottel, Kyngesfeld and Dittonesmeed, and divers lands &c. of gavelkind tenure. From the said manor 6s. are payable yearly to the castle of Rowchestre, and 10s. to the lord de Gray, as well as suit to his court of Eillysforde every three weeks.
Rokesle. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church thereof, held of the king, as of the honor of Crewker, by knight’s service and the service of rendering 3s. 4d. at the end of every 24 weeks for ward of the castle of Dover. The extent includes a water-mill and certain lands of gavelkind tenure, lands &c. called ‘Wulwardislond’, ‘Okholtisheth’ and ‘Kyngesmed’ in Derteforde marsh. The following rents are payable out of the value of the manor to divers lords of fees, to wit, to the prior of St. John of Jerusalem 9s., to the court of Kymenhole 4s., to Margaret Furneux 2s. 6d., to the sheriff of Kent 15d., and to the abbot of Lesnes 18s. 4d.; also 5d. for ‘Romscot’ and 12d. to the archbishop of Canterbury for a tenement in Litelorpynton.
Estwell. The advowson of the church, held of the king, as of the honor of Arsyk.
Folkstan hundred. 8 1/4 knight’s fees.
Lullyngeston. 1/2 fee.
Litelorpynton. 1/4 knight’s fee.
Whitstaple. 1/2 knight’s fee.
Soles in Nonynton. 1 knight’s fee.
Bokherst in Lymene. 1 fee.
Pette. 1 fee.
Rolvyndenn. 1 fee.
Schyngelidhal in Romene marsh. 1 fee.
Whereof the last 4 fees are held of the king by knight’s service, the 1/4 fee in Litelorpynton is held of the archbishop of Canterbury by service of paying him 12d. for suit to his court of Otteford, and the remaining fees are held of the king in chief.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ, 12 September, 11 Richard II
NORFOLK. Inq. (indented) taken at Southlenn, 28 September, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned fourth parts, advowson and knight’s fee in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death.
Flicham. A fourth part of the manor (extent given), tenure not known. The extent includes a pasture in Wlfurton at Westfen and Nothusmedwe, a pasture in Hylyngton, and pleas of court with a sixth part of a leet.
Wylton. A fourth part of the manor (extent given), held of the earl of Arundel, service not known. The extent includes 60 a. arable, worth nothing by the year because of destruction by the coneys of the duke of Lancaster’s warren there, and a several marsh and fishery there.
Hokewold. The advowson of the church.
Hokewold. 1 knight’s fee, held by Osbert de Mundeford.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ to the escheator to make enquiry touching a complaint by John de Wilton, knight, that by pretext of the above inquisition he has been unjustly removed from a yearly rent of 10 marks out of the above-mentioned fourth part of the manor of Wylton which the said Richard de Ponynges granted to him for life. 20 January, 11 Richard II.
NORFOLK. Inq. taken at Southlenn, 19 March, 11 Richard II.
The rent was granted to John de Wylton, knight, as stated in the writ, and he was seised thereof long before the death of the said Richard.
SUFFOLK. Inq. (indented) taken at Wrentham, 29 September, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor jointly with Isabel his wife and Richard Bokyngham, who are still living, by gift and feoffment of Thomas Blast, Thomas Kynardesle, John Wallyngton, Thomas Flicham, William Wysbech and Thomas Ikham to him and the said Isabel and Richard and his heirs and assigns.
Wrentham. The manor called ‘Northalle’, held of the earl of Arundel, as of the honor of Lewes, service not known.
He died on 25 May last. Robert his son, then aged 6 years and more, is his heir.
Writ of certiorari super vero valore feodorum &c., 26 May, 11 Richard II
NORFOLK. Inq. taken at Brandoneferye, 8 August, 12 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned fees and parts of fees.
Wylton. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held of him by the heirs of Roger Skalys.
Wylton, Hokewold, Mundeford and Reymerston. One knight’s fee and a fourth part of a fee, held by Osbert de Mundeford.
Shypedham. A fourth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by Robert de Knolles, knight, and the heirs of Humphrey Baylly and John atte Stokes.
Shypedham and Letton. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held of him by Thomas Howard, William Cursoun and John his son.
Hokewold. The advowson of the church.
None of these fees have fallen in since the day of the death of the said Richard.
SUFFOLK. Inq. taken at Henhowe, 10 September, 12 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned fees jointly with Isabel his wife, who is still living, as pertaining to their manor of Wrentham.
Cove and Wrentham. 2 knight’s fees, held by Robert de Ufford, knight.
Benacre. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by the heirs of John de Cove.
Similar writ, 12 February, 14 Richard II
SURREY. Inq. taken at Guldeford, Saturday after SS. Peter and Paul, 15 Richard II.
He held no knight’s fees or advowsons of churches of the king in chief.
SUSSEX. Inq. taken at Crawle, Thursday after St. Barnabas, 14 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned knight’s fees and advowsons.
Wylcombe. One knight’s fee, held of him by Nicholas Wylcombe.
Crawle. A fourth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by Robert atte Watere and Alice Petyt.
Ponynges. The advowson of the church, and the advowson of the chantry of St. Mary.
Crawle. The advowson of the chantry.
Hangelton. The advowson of the church at every alternate presentation.
Similar writ, 7 July, 15 Richard II
KENT. Inq. taken at Canterbury, Saturday after St. Faith, 15 Richard II.
He died seised of the under-mentioned knight’s fees and advowsons.
Cheryton. Two knight’s fees and a half, held by Thomas Fog and the heirs of Thomas Casebourne.
Haukynge, Holemed, Coumbe and Shedresfeld. Two knight’s fees and a fourth part of a fee, held by the abbot of St. Radegund.
Alkham. Half a knight’s fee, held by the same abbot, William Hoptone and their parceners.
Swynefeld. An eighth part of a knight’s fee, held by John atte Sartry.
… Half a knight’s fee, held by Peter Alkham.
Halle in Swynefeld. One knight’s fee, held by John Coumbe and Felicia late the wife of Henry Cook.
Enebroke. One knight’s fee, held by the abbot of Langedone and John Elys, the abbot holding a third part.
Morhale. One knight’s fee, held by John Holdene.
Sechevyll. A fourth part of a knight’s fee, held by the heirs of Thomas de Belhous.
Oxeneye. One knight’s fee, held by the heirs of John de Cryell and of William Hokenyour.
Soles by Berfreston. One knight’s fee, held by Thomas … bregg and the prior of Dover, the prior holding 120 a.
Bokesherst. An eighth part of a knight’s fee, held by Thomas bastard son of Thomas de Sancto Nicholao, by the latter’s gift.
Akstan hundred. Half a knight’s fee, formerly Simon de Echyngham’s and now held by Reynold de Cobham.
Langham in Rolvynden. Half a knight’s fee, held by Joan late the wife of William Guldeford.
Pette by Cherrynge. A fourth part of a knight’s fee, held by Thomas Newecourt.
Lytelorpynton. A fourth part of a knight’s fee, held by Richard William.
Shyngledehall in Romene marsh. Half a knight’s fee, held by William Barry, knight, and … T …
Tangreton in Whitstaple hundred. Half a knight’s fee, held by the master of the Domus Dei of Osprenge.
Estwelles, Hestynglegh and Rokesle. The advowsons of the churches.
Westwode. The gift of a free chapel.
Totynton. The gift of a free chapel.
St. Radegund. The patronage of the abbey.
Modyndenne. The patronage of the house of Holy Trinity.
(Writ missing)
SUSSEX. Assignment of dower to Isabel late the wife of the said Richard, made on 18 November, 11 Richard II, in the presence of Richard Bokyngham, Isabel’s attorney, to receive dower.
Ponynges. A third part of the manor, including specified rooms, buildings, parcels of land, rents and services; and a third part of the game, pannage, agistment, grazing and underwood in the park, and of the profit of three mills and the fishery in two fishponds there.
Rooms and buildings mentioned:— Knyghtenchambres, le Wrengehous, Foderbern, le Couhous, le Werkhous, Frerenchamber.
Field-names &c. mentioned:— le Westgardyn, Bywestebroke, Bynorthecourt, Oxethe, Gore, le Faunecroft, Chalfcroft, Pilleshammesmede, Twynem, Stonstaple.
Tenants mentioned:—Levechild, John Page, ‘middelion’, John Page, the younger, Adam Jakelyng, Adam Clerk, John Hunte, John Whyche, John Taillour, Robert Jakelyng, Joan Isaak, Killesle, Lullyng.
Hangelton. A third part of the manor, including the whole of the hall of the mansion with the granary, the whole south close, a third part of ‘le Othous’ at the east end, a third part of the profit of the dovecote and mill there, and certain specified parcels of land, rents and services.
Field-names &c. mentioned:— Slonke, Compe, Combe, les Croftes, Tendene, Sheplond, le Hamme, le Vanne.
Tenants mentioned:— Richard Cartere, John Philip, Roger Depyng, Godfrey Carpenter, Alice Philip.
Twynem. A third part of the manor, including a little stable on the west side of the hall, a moiety of the grange, the whole close within ‘le mote’, and certain specified parcels of land, rents and services.
Field-names &c. mentioned:— Palmeres, le Knolle, Brodefeld, Estwod, le Hamme, Bernardes, Hunteres.
Tenants named:— Elizabeth Burle, Godwed.
Little Perchyng and Chyntyng. The manors, and 6s. 8d. of rent in Crawele (3s. from John Blast, 3s. from William atte Court, 6d. from William Wyngeton and 2d. from Thomas atte Hyde, with their services), assigned to the said Isabel in allowance of her dower for the manors of Asshecombe, Westmeston, Walderne [and] Doddes. 4l. of rent in Crawele and 40s. of rent in Ifeld.
Shullegh. A third part of the underwood, grazing, agistment, game and other profits of the park.
Writ to the escheator to assign dower to Isabel late the wife of the said Richard. 14 November, 11 Richard II. [Calendar of Close Rolls, 1385–1389, p. 350]
KENT. Assignment of dower to the said Isabel (undated).
Totynton. Certain specified rents and parcels of land in the manor, the chapel and other buildings in the manor, and a third part of the profit of the court.
Tenants named:— John Cosynton, Robert de Rowe, John Peak, Richard Raulyn, John Wealder, John Person, John Bounde, Stephen Scharnale, John Smyth, John Whyberd, Robert Rayner, Richard Bal.
Field-names &c. mentioned:— Garlynfeld, Rowedoun, le Schephoris, le Polhell, le Undirdoune, Todyndon Meed, Todyndon Pastur’, Abovedoun, Chaloner.
Ecclys. Certain specified rents and parcels of land in the manor, and a third part of the profit of the court.
Tenants named:— Prior of Clerkynwell, Thomas More, John Wiberd, heirs of William Cog, Simon Chevene, John Morel, John Paulesherst, William Seffoghil, Richard Coupere, Juliana Sterthende, Robert Rowe, Thomas Petsmyth.
Field-names &c. mentioned:— Stonhelde, le Brech, Wyvelynge, Rischam, Worthe, Reed, Mersche, Southfeld.
Rokeslee. Certain specified rents, buildings and parcels of land in the manor, and a third part of the profit of the court.
Tenants named:— Thomas Ludlowe, John Goldwyne, Richard Baker, John Mauger, Thomas Colyn.
Field-names &c. mentioned:— Clayrede, Chalke, Tannerisfeld, Southfeld, Pilcher, Hatherisland, le Gardynesgrove.
Terlyngham. Certain specified buildings, rents and parcels of land in the manor, and a third part of the profits and perquisites of a moiety of the hundred of Folkstan.
Field-names &c. mentioned:— Rumfeld, Belmounte, Kyngesdane, Northcroft, Horscroft, le Brome, Oxenlese, Reyndene.
Newynton. Certain specified parcels of land and rents in the manor, and a grange in the park.
Field-names &c. mentioned:— Middelforlong, Stoweye, Formed, Essholte.
Tenant named:— Thomas Hood.
Westwode. Certain rooms, buildings and rents in the manor, and a parcel of land.
Field-names &c. mentioned:— Brusshynge, Parkfelde.
Tenants named:— John Dreylonde, Richard atte Berne, Valentine Barret, John Brynkyll, William Smyth.
Writ to the escheator to assign dower to the said Isabel. 14 November, 11 Richard II. [Calendar of Close Rolls, 1385–1389, p. 350]
NORFOLK. Assignment of dower to the said Isabel (undated), made in the presence of Edmund Lakyngheth, her attorney, and Thomas Kynardele, attorney and friend of Robert son and heir of Richard de Ponynges.
Flicham. A third part of the site of a fourth part of the manor, certain lands, rents and services, in the said fourth part, and a third part of the pleas and perquisites of the court of the said fourth part.
Wylton. A third part of the site of a fourth part of the manor, certain lands, rents and services in the said fourth part, a third part of the marsh and fishery there, and a third part of the pleas and perquisites of the court there.
C. Ric. II File 52 (17)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 256 (Sussex)
624. Isabel de Quynton
Writ, 1 June, 11 Richard II
ESSEX. Inq. (indented) taken at Canefeld, 13 June, 11 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned manor and advowson in joint feoffment with William de Quynton, knight, her husband, deceased, for the term of their life, by a fine levied in the king’s court at Westminster in the quinzaine of Easter, 38 Edward III, with remainder to Henry son of Henry de Grene of Isham, and the heirs of his body, and, failing such heirs, to Henry de Grene, the elder, father of the said Henry son of Henry, and his heirs.
Whyte Rothyng. The manor and the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by service of petty serjeanty.
She died on 28 May last. The aforesaid Henry son of Henry, aged 32 years and more, is her next heir by virtue of the said fine.
Writ, 1 June, 11 Richard II
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. (indented) taken at Cantebrigg, Saturday before St. Barnabas, 11 Richard II.
Findings as in the previous inquisition, with regard to the under-mentioned manor.
Comborton. Manor called ‘Merkes’, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Date of death and heir as above.
C. Ric. II File 52 (18)
626. Alesia late the wife of Ralph Russell, knight
Writ, 18 March, 11 Richard II
BERKS. Inq. taken at Upton, 31 March, 11 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned fourth part for life, with remainder to the right heirs of the said Ralph her husband.
Upton. A fourth part of the manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
She died on Monday in the fourth week of Lent last. Maurice Russell, knight, aged 26 years and more, is son and heir of the said Ralph and Alesia.
Writ, 18 March, 11 Richard II
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Winchester, Monday after St. Mark, 11 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned third part in dower, by the king’s assignment, of the inheritance of Maurice Russell, knight, son of Ralph Russell, knight, sometime her husband.
Everlond, Roughbergh, Wade. A third part of the manor, which manor is held of the king by knight’s service.
She died on 16 March last. Heir as above, aged 30 years and more.
Writ, 18 March, 11 Richard II
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Jevele, 10 April, 11 Richard II.
She held two-thirds of the under-mentioned manor of Horsyngton, with the advowson of the church of the manor, in joint feoffment with Ralph her husband, by gift and grant of Maurice Brun, the elder, Maurice Brun, the younger, and Gilbert de Bradegate, chaplain, to her and the said Ralph for life, with successive remainders to Theobald their son, and the heirs of his body, to John their son, and the heirs of his body, and to the right heirs of the said Ralph, the king’s licence having been obtained. The said Theobald and John are both dead without heir of their bodies.
Eleanor late the wife of Theobald Russell, Ralph’s father, held a third part of the same manor, and a third part of the advowson of the church, in dower by the king’s assignment after the death of Theobald her husband. She died during the lifetime of the aforesaid Ralph and Alesia. After Ralph’s death, the said Alesia held a third part of the said third part in dower by the king’s assignment, and the other two-thirds of the same third part remained in the king’s hand by reason of the minority of Maurice Russell, Ralph’s son and heir, then in the king’s wardship. The said Maurice, on reaching full age, obtained seisin by the king’s writ of the said manor and advowson in demesne and reversion.
Horsyngton. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Alesia died on 8 March last. The aforesaid Maurice Russell, aged 30 years and more, is Ralph’s son and heir.
DORSET. Inq. taken at Shirbourne, 11 April, 11 Richard II.
Findings as above (manor of Horsyngton) with regard to the under-mentioned manor and advowson of Athelyngton.
The said Alesia held the under-mentioned manor of Kyngeston Russell for life, of the inheritance of the aforesaid Maurice Russell, the reversion after her death belonging to Walter de Clopton and Edith his wife, both still surviving, for life, and to their heirs and assigns for a whole year after their death, by gift and grant of the said Maurice with the king’s licence, and after the said year to Maurice and his heirs. By virtue of the aforesaid grant she attorned to the said Walter and Edith.
She also held the under-mentioned rent in Shirbourne for life, the reversion belonging to the aforesaid Maurice.
Athelyngton. The manor and the advowson of the chapel of the manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Kyngeston Russell. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Shirbourne. 78s. rent from lands held in fee of the bishop of Salisbury by Roger Galeon.
Date of death and heir as last above.
C. Ric. II File 52 (19)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 263 (Somerset and Dorset)