Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, Files 50-51

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, Files 50-51', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II( London, 1974), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, Files 50-51', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II( London, 1974), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, Files 50-51". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II. (London, 1974), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, Files 50-51

546. Henry de Ferariis of Groby, knight
Writ addressed to John, king of Castile and Leon, duke of Lancaster, or his chancellor in the duchy. 10 February, 11 Richard II.
LANCASTER. Inq. taken at Preston, Monday before Palm Sunday, 11 Richard II.
Long before his death he granted all his under-mentioned lands &c. in Chorlegh and elsewhere in the county of Lancaster to John de Aldeleme and Katharine his wife and John their son, for life, at a yearly rent of 8 marks; and on 12 November, 11 Richard II, he granted the said rent to William de Burgh, knight, John de Belton, clerk, John Morehous, clerk, and Robert Okebourne, and their heirs.
Chorlegh. Lands &c., held of the duke of Lancaster by service of providing a man to be king’s bailiff in Leylondshire.
Bolton on the Moors. Lands &c., held of John le Warr, lord of Manchester, by knight’s service.
He died on Monday after the Purification last. William de Ferariis, his son, aged 16 years, is his heir.
Writ, 10 February, 11 Richard II
ESSEX. Inq. (indented) taken at Chelmersford, Friday, 21 February, 11 Richard II.
He held no lands &c. in the county on the day of his death, because on 20 December, 11 Richard II, he demised the under-mentioned manors &c. by charter of feoffment to Robert, bishop of London, William de Burgh, knight, John de Belton, parson of the church of Swepston, William Haselbeche, parson of the church of Wodeham Ferers, John Morehous, parson of the church of Lutreworthe, Robert Rikedoun and Robert Okebourn, and their heirs and assigns.
Stebbyng, Wodeham Ferers, Fayrstede, Merkes and Gynge Joyberdlaundry. The manors, with all the lands &c., rents, reversions, services, advowsons, knight’s fees, wardships, reliefs, escheats, commodities and profits pertaining thereto.
He died on 3 February last. Heir as above, aged 15 years on 25 April last.
Writ, 10 February, 11 Richard II
LEICESTER. Inq. taken at Leycestre, Friday before St. Matthias, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor of Groby in fee tail by gift of Margaret de Ferrariis, sometime countess of Derby, to William de Ferrariis, her son, great-grandfather of Sir William de Ferrariis his father, whose heir he was.
He held the under-mentioned manor of Lutterworth in joint feoffment with Joan his wife, to them and the heirs of their bodies, by a fine levied in the king’s court in 45 Edward III, between him and the said Joan, querents, and John Farnbergh, Joan’s attorney, Simon Pakeman and Robert Bradham, deforciants.
Groby. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by knight’s service, amount not known. The extent includes 2 parks with deer, a close of pasture called ‘Liefeld’, a pasture called ‘Stywardesheye’, a close called ‘Burgh’, a pasture called ‘Pakemanheye’, 2 watermills, a several fishery in the water of Hadbrok, 2 mill-ponds, and the pleas and profits of a court, a view of frankpledge, and his share of the court of the honor of Winchester held at Leycestre. Long before his death he granted a yearly rent of 12 marks out of the said manor to a certain esquire, Robert Okeburn and Joan his wife, for life.
Lutturworth. The manor, held of the heirs of Hamo Maunser, service unknown.
Date of death as last above. Heir as above, aged 15 years on the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist last.
WARWICK. Inq. taken at Southam, Monday before St. Gregory the Pope, 11 Richard II.
He held no lands &c. in the county, because long before his death he demised the under-mentioned lands &c. to Henry his son, for life.
Flekenhoo. All his lands &c.
Date of death and heir as last above.
Writ, 10 February, 11 Richard II
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Chyrch Bryngton, 3 March, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor in his demesne as of fee.
Newbotell. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Date of death and heir (aged 15 years and more) as above.
Writ, 10 February, 11 Richard II
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. taken at Crundon, Thursday before St. Gregory, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned third part in his demesne as of fee.
Crundon. A third part of the manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by knight’s service. The extent includes pleas &c. of court, worth 13s. 4d., and the under-wood of a third part of a wood called ‘Tudreshull’.
Date of death and heir as last above.
Writ, 10 February, 11 Richard II
Writ of certiorari super vero valore feodorum &c., 18 February, 11 Richard II
Similar writ, 26 April, 11 Richard II
OXFORD. Inq. taken at Bircestre, 6 March, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned toft &c., but held no advowson or fees in the county.
Heth. A toft and a carucate of land and 6l. rent, held of the earl of Gloucester by service of 2s. yearly.
Date of death and heir as last above.
BERKS. Inq. taken at Wantynge, 8 March, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned land and part of a knight’s fee in his demesne as of fee.
Westhildesley. 7 virgates of land, for a third part of a knight’s fee which the heirs of Roger de Bello Campo hold.
Lokersley. A third part of a knight’s fee which the heirs of William de Wykyngeston hold.
Writ, 10 February, 11 Richard II
STAFFORD. Inq. taken at Stafford, Monday before St. Gregory, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor in tail male and the under-mentioned hamlet and rent in his demesne as of fee.
Tetenhale. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, free of rent. The extent includes pleas &c. of court worth 4s. There is no capital messuage in the manor, nor any demesne lands.
Wotton under Wever. The hamlet (extent given), held of the king in chief by knight’s service. The extent includes pleas &c. of court worth 3s. There is no capital messuage in the hamlet, nor any demesne lands. On 1 October last the said Henry gave to John Temple, his esquire, a yearly rent of 6 marks for life out of the said hamlet.
Fenton Culvarde. 13s. 4d. rent of assise of free tenants, held of the duke of Lancaster by service of doing suit to the duke’s court of Newcastle under Lyme every three weeks.
Date of death and heir as above (Leicester inquisition).
SALOP. Inq. taken at Neuport, Saturday before St. Gregory, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor of Stok upon Tyerne in his demesne as of fee.
He held the under-mentioned bailiwick and the manor of Claverly in tail male.
Stok upon Tyerne. The manor (extent given), together with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by knight’s service. The extent includes a park and pleas &c. of court worth 4s.
Bradford. The bailiwick of the hundred, held of the king in chief, free of rent.
Claverley. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, free of rent. The extent includes pleas &c. of court worth 4s. There is no capital messuage in the manor, nor any demesne lands.
Date of death and heir as last above.
Writ to the escheator to enquire whether the hundred and bailiwick of Bradford mentioned in the above inquisition are one and the same thing, or different things; as the late escheator, by whom the above inquisition was taken, has complained that, although the said bailiwick is the said hundred, and he has delivered by the king’s orders two-thirds of the bailiwick or hundred to the king’s farmers of two-thirds of the lands &c. late of the said Henry, and one third thereof to Joan late the wife of the said Henry as part of her dower, nevertheless he is distrained by summons of the Exchequer to answer for the issues or profits of the hundred as if it were a different thing from the bailiwick, whereas it is not. 10 May, 13 Richard II.
SALOP. Inq. taken at Shrewsbury, Thursday before Holy Trinity, 13 Richard II.
Henry de Ferrariis of Groby, knight, father of William de Ferrariis who now is, held of the king in chief the hundred of Bradford, to him and the heirs male of his body, by grant of Edward III to Henry de Ferrariis, his grandfather, free of rent. The hundred of Bradford and what was called the bailiwick of the hundred in the previous inquisition are one and the same thing.
Writ of certiorari super vero valore feodorum &c., 18 February, 11 Richard II
HERTFORD. Inq. taken at Markzate, 19 March, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned rent in his demesne as of fee.
Ware. 6s. 8d. rent, held of the king in chief. The [earl of] Kent holds the manor of Ware of the said Henry by that service yearly, and by a knight’s fee, as of the manor of Groby, co. Leicester. The earl is still alive.
Similar writ, 18 February, 11 Richard II
LEICESTER. Inq. taken at Leycestre, Friday after St. Matthias, 11 Richard II.
Fenydrayton. A moiety of a knight’s fee, which is held by Hugh Husee, knight; and a moiety of a knight’s fee, which is held by John de Whelesbergh.
Berleston. A sixth part of a knight’s fee, which is held by John Sergeaunt; and a sixth part of a knight’s fee, which is held by Richard Yerward and Joan his wife, in right of the said Joan, kinswoman and heir of Richard Boteler.
Sibbesdon, Shepey, Hegham and Wikham. 2 knight’s fees, which are held by John Burdet, knight.
Sytheston. 2 virgates of land formerly of John de Stafford, clerk, which are now the prior of Ulvescroft’s and are held by a twentieth part of a knight’s fee.
Stokton and Burton. 9 virgates of land, which the heirs of Thomas Fryday and their parceners hold of the said Henry by serjeanty, and they owe wardship and marriage.
Braunston. Half a knight’s fee, which is held by John Burdet, knight.
Glenfeld. A fourth part of a knight’s fee, which Henry Ballard, the heirs of Baldwin de Glenfeld and others hold severally of the fee called ‘Dautevill’.
Burton and Upton. Two moieties of a knight’s fee and a half, held respectively by the Lady Margaret Nevyll, kinswoman and one of the heirs of Robert de la Warde, and Richard Meynill, the same Robert’s other heir.
Anstey. 5 virgates of land formerly of Thomas Dannowe, held among themselves severally by Benet de Ulvescroft, Roger son of Ralph and others.
Swythelond. 27 virgates of land, held by John Walcot, knight, by a twentieth part and a fortieth part of a knight’s fee.
Burton Overey. 2 virgates of land, which the heir of Osbert de Bereford holds.
Wykyngeston. 2 virgates of land formerly of William de Wynterbourne, which Thomas Hutte holds.
Sytheston. 10 virgates of land, which the tenants of the lands formerly of William Maunsell hold by a twentieth part of a knight’s fee.
Hatherne. Half a knight’s fee, which the heirs of the son of Robert Ade (sic) hold.
Sapcot. A third part of a knight’s fee, formerly of William Marschall, which Ralph Basset of Sapcot holds.
Dadelyngton and Hegham. A fourth part of a knight’s fee, which the earl of Pembroke holds, with the homage.
Barkeby. Half a knight’s fee, which Robert Roos, lord de Roos, holds.
Shevesby. A fourth part of a knight’s fee, which the prior of Chacombe holds.
Waltham. Half a knight’s fee, which the abbot of Croxton holds.
Thorpernald. 19 1/2 virgates of land, with the manor of Aylmersthorp, the manor of Petlyng Magna, Thirneby, Busseby, Belgrave, Cropston, the manor of Brantyngby, Babbegrave, Barnesby, Stretton Magna, Ilveston, Oudeby, Burton Lazars, the manor of Brunkyngthorp and the manor of Hoghton, which William la Zouche of Haryngworth holds by 7 knight’s fees and the fee of Nicholas de Haversham in Claybroke.
Burton Overey. A moiety of a knight’s fee, which the heir of John Basynges, knight, holds of the said Henry of the inheritance of Verdon.
Shevesby. Lands &c., which with the manor of Mokerhanger, co. Bedford, are held by Roger son and heir of Roger de Trumpyngton for half a knight’s fee, whereof the manor of Mokerhanger is held of the said Henry for an eighth part of a knight’s fee.
Upton. One knight’s fee, which is held by the same Roger.
Borisworth and Kevilworth North. One knight’s fee, which the heirs of Robert de Stoke and of Stephen Rabas hold; and John de Harecourt, lord of Harecourt, owes homage, relief and forinsec service for the said heirs.
Sytheston. 10l. of land, which the heirs of Roger la Zouche hold, amount of fee not known.
Boseworth. The advowson of the church at every third turn.
Lutturworth. The advowson of the church.
Ulvescroft and Charley. The priories are held of the said Henry.
Lutturworth. The hospital of St. John is held of the said Henry.
WARWICK. Inq. taken at Southam, Monday after St. Gregory, 11 Richard II.
Lodbroke. A fifth part of a knight’s fee in Lodbroke for the site of the manor of Lodbroke in Lodbroke with all the demesne lands and meadows, and the site of a watermill with a several ‘holm’ and the advowson of the church of Lodbroke, which John de Catesby, son and heir of William de Catesby, holds.
Wolvey. One knight’s fee which the abbot of Cumbe holds in alms; but Thomas Harecourt will do homage, relief and other services for the said abbot.
Le Hyde and Eton. Half a knight’s fee, which Richard Grey of Codenore and Laurence de Dutton, knight, hold.
Assho and Caldecote. One knight’s fee, which the heirs of Geoffrey Semely hold.
Wolfhamcote. A moiety of a knight’s fee, formerly of Robert Langley, which John de Peyto, knight, holds.
Bodbroke. A moiety of a knight’s fee, which the heirs of Philip de Gayton hold; and a moiety of a fee which the heir of Robert Hastynges holds.
Blakdon and Wrydfen. One knight’s fee and a half, which the prior of Kenilworth holds.
Similar writ, 18 February, 11 Richard II
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Churche Bryngton, 3 March, 11 Richard II.
Asthrop. Half a knight’s fee, which the heirs of William de Stapelton hold.
Farnyngho. One knight’s fee, which the heirs of Amaury de Sancto Amando, Geoffrey Cardun and William Abbot hold.
Brampton. 2 1/2 knight’s fees, which William Rosselyn holds.
Sprotton and Haldenby. One knight’s fee and a half, which the heirs of Thomas de Ardern hold.
Bryngton. The advowson of the church.
Similar writ, 18 February, 11 Richard II
DERBY. Inq. taken at Derby, 20 March, 11 Richard II.
Weston. A moiety of a knight’s fee, now held by the heirs of Robert de Weston.
Fornewerk. A moiety of a knight’s fee, formerly of John de Verdon, now held by Robert Fraunceys, knight.
Similar writ, 18 February, 11 Richard II
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. taken at Cambridge, 1 March, 11 Richard II.
Trompyngton. The manor, held on the day of his death by Roger de Trompyngton, son and heir of Roger de Trompyngton, knight, of the said Henry de Ferariis, as of his manor of Groby, by service of 2 1/2 knight’s fees.
Similar writ, 18 February, 11 Richard II
BEDFORD. Inq. taken at Bedeford, Monday after St. Gregory, 11 Richard II.
Mokerhangre. The manor, which Roger de Trumpyngton, son and heir of Roger de Trumpyngton, knight, held of the said Henry de Ferrariis by an eighth part of a knight’s fee.
Similar writ, 18 February, 11 Richard II
STAFFORD. Inq. taken at Stafford, Friday after St. Gregory, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned advowson in his demesne as of fee.
Tetenhale. The advowson of the deanery of the king’s free chapel.
SALOP. Inq. taken at Neuport, Thursday after St. Gregory, 11 Richard II.
Woldredhope. A moiety of a knight’s fee, which Burga late the wife of Richard de Harleye held.
Wygley. A moiety of a knight’s fee, which Robert son of Robert de Dovyll holds.
Eton upon Tyerne and Hesilshawe. A moiety of a knight’s fee, owing wardship, marriage, relief and scutage, which William de Barton holds.
Southstoke. One knight’s fee, which the heirs of Wiliam de Luddelowe hold.
Henley. A moiety of a knight’s fee, which Roger de Welyngton holds in Henley.
Bletchesley. A moiety of a knight’s fee, which Roger Corbet, knight, holds.
Morton Say. A moiety of a knight’s fee, which Robert Say holds.
Stoke upon Tyerne. The entire advowson of the church, held of the king in chief.
Tetenhale, co. Stafford. The advowson of the deanery of the free chapel, held of the king in chief.
Extent of all the knight’s fees and advowsons of Henry de Ferrariis of Groby, knight, divided into three equal shares, of which the first corresponds with the share assigned as dower to Joan late the wife of the said Henry [Calendar of Close Rolls, 1385–1389, pp. 557, 558].
Writ to the escheator to assign dower to Joan late the wife of the said Henry. 20 March, 11 Richard III.
HERTFORD. Assignment of dower made in 11 Richard II in the presence of Robert Esyngwald, attorney of the said Joan.
Ware. 2s. 2 1/2d. yearly rent from the manor.
Similar writ, 20 March, 11 Richard II
LEICESTER. Assignment of dower to the said Joan, made at Groby, 28 March, 11 Richard II, in the presence of John Morehous, clerk, and Robert Okebourne, attorneys of William de Ferrariis, son and heir of the said Henry, and John Temple and Robert Esyngwald, attorneys of the said Joan.
Groby. Certain chambers &c. and easements in the manor, and divers lands, profits of courts and rents &c.
The following chambers and buildings &c. are mentioned:— Le Whithalle, Withdrawyngchaumbre, Le Wynseler, Le Newepentys, Morehouschaumbre, Le Old Pantry, Le Dressourplace, Le Kilnehous, Le Bultynghous, Le Oldchapelyerde, Le Yatehous, Le Wardrobe, Le Gestable, Le Heybarne, Le Bernyerde, Le Shepen, Le Posterne, Le Dowery, Le Forge, Le Foryerde, Le Wayour.
The following field-names &c. are mentioned:— Tourhilgardein, Londemedowefurlonge, Middelfurlonge, Littelcrowacre, Glenfeldhole, Galowetrewonge, Horwodhegge, Le Sersyk, Le Littelbreche, Coshilmedewe, Le Erlesmedewe, Anstymyll, Glenfeldmedewe, Bradgate park, Shethegge, Le Blakehey, Pakemanhey, Stywardhey, Charnewode forest, Nethirmilpole, Hadbrok fishery.
The following tenants are mentioned:— Robert Wodecok, William Raulot, prior of Ulvescroft, Henry Bakard, Richard Wynfeld, John atte Halle, Alice Ulvescroft, John Hunte, John Stevenson, Richard Jeek, John Smyth, Mariota Bate, Robert Chadde, Joan daughter of Osbert, Robert Hornylow, Thomas Shepshede, Robert Benet, Roger Cropston, William Smyth, Nicholas Denson of Merlfeldhey, William Potlok, John Carter, Thomas Wryght, Edith Taillour, Robert Pratte, Henry Hirde, Robert Swythell.
Similar writ, 20 March, 11 Richard II
OXFORD. Assignment of dower to the said Joan made at Heth in 11 Richard II, in the presence of Robert Esyngwald, Joan’s attorney, and Roger Hugeyn, William Hoges and other tenants there.
Heth. Certain lands and rents.
The following field-names are mentioned:— Orchardfurlongebuttes, Codhammedfurlonge, Orchardfurlonge, Shortfurlonge, Longefurlonge, Sourlondfurlonge, Standelfurlonge, Dofforfurlonge, Elmerfurlonge, Cotthornefurlonge, Buryhomemede, Felmede, Acremannesmede, Southammede.
The following tenants are named:— William Webbe, Hugh atte Welle, Robert Py, William Smyth, John Baker, Robert Horton, Juliana atte Hill, William Wrydes.
Similar writ, 20 March, 11 Richard II
NORTHAMPTON. Assignment of dower to the said Joan made in the manor of Neubotle, 6 April, 11 Richard II, in the presence of Robert Esyngwald, Joan’s attorney, and Richard Andrewe, John Brokholl and other tenants there.
Neubotle. Certain lands and rents &c.
The following field-names &c. are mentioned:— Ynwonge, Maresshalleswonge, Goldcroft, Outrascroft, Southmedfurlonge, Sladacre, Littelinlond, Gorsyk, Halywelslade, Chirchewey leading from Neubotle to Bryngton, Tounhill, Buryyate, Blackpitfurlonge, Shortmede, Le Cliff, Bukwelond, Stanydelfs, Le Overmede, Shelfodestok, Brodwatre, Banwelmede, Breredole, Wardhill, Barnchill, Le Welhill, Le Homerlyde, Mikilwelcroft, Longemore, Oldforth, Shortpyche, Claywell, Brodsyke, Fysshers, Stakdalecroft.
The following tenants are named:— John Peyntour, Ralph Chaynell, John Curteys, Robert Lumley, Henry Gudhyn, John Deken, Richard Andrewe, Roger Dunkeley, Guy Dunkeley, Richard Taillour, John Brokhole, William Christian, Richard Watford, Robert Plaket, Henry Watford, Robert Astell, Henry Cristian, Richard Taillour.
(Similar writ missing)
BUCKINGHAM. Assignment of dower to the said Joan made in the manor of Crondon in 11 Richard II in the presence of Robert Esyngwald, Joan’s attorney, and John Palmer, John Deneys, Eliot Snelman and other tenants there.
Crondon. Certain lands and rents &c.
The following field-names &c. are mentioned:— Eldburghill, Undireldburgh, Stubfurlonge, Michelredfurlonge, Le Pyches, Northshotmarken, Oxwelbroke, Oxwelhill, Prestesleyen, Elshill, Frithegeleyn, Frithegge, Brachemede, Shenynghegg, Le Hangle, Harlagesfurlonge, Le Tounfurlonge, Notleywey, Wikdychesyhate, Blofordesden, Nethirshotmarken, Shotmarken, Longeheggewey, Fysshepondes, Radweldon, Le Revelonde, Brodmore, Cadeweybroke, Fourfurlonge, Copfurlonge, Webbecroft, Longefurlonge, Tynchecroft, Le Shortfurlonge, Le Twychen, Wasshefordeswey, Revelonde ‘by the More’, Burymore, Watersladfurlonge by Thamwey, Wasshefordesmede, Fulpette, Padebourghill, Jurdaneshevedlonde, Ryhill, Lousyfurlonge, Altouneshede, Buryhill, Tedreshall.
The following tenants are named:— John Rok(?), Roger Carpenter, William Baker, John Tourell, Eliota Coke, John West, … Glasyer.
Similar writ, 20 March, 11 Richard II
SALOP. Assignment of dower to the said Joan made in the manor of Stoke upon Tierne, 12 April, 11 Richard II, in the present of Robert Esyngwald, Joan’s attorney, and … de Baverton, William Borstax, Roger Cartwryght and other tenants there. (Stained with gall and illegible in places).
Stoke upon Tierne. Certain chambers &c. in the manor, and divers lands, rents and services there.
The following chambers and buildings are mentioned:— Le Chambre atte Gate, Le Bakhous, Le Kechen, Le Cornebarne.
The following field-names &c. are mentioned:— Shaweokfurlonge, Le Shaghoke, Bynderslond, Hymorefurlong, Hasilshawefurlonge, Northshawefurlonge, Marlepitfurlonge, Scladbrechefurlonge, Holweyfurlonge, Northblakbrechefurlonge, Southblakbrechefurlonge, Watbrechefurlonge, … milwerfurlonge, Michelmarlepitfurlonge, Le Polesychefurlonge, Brokefurlonge, Thirtyacres, Naghtmarfurlonge, Le Merssh, … wereknolle, Le Stokenge, Le Shepcote, Le Heth, Stokheth, Benhill, Benhilbroke, Le Parkbroke.
The following tenants (among others) are named:— Roger Cloverley, John Ightfeld, John Aldeley, Philip de Parrok, Robert Say, Roger Corbet, Robert del Parrok, Robert Parlebien, Roger Welaston, Robert del Hill, William Bareton, John Cartwryght, Thomas Malson, William Petteshey, William Borstax, Richard Shepherde, John Russell, Richard Lawell, Robert Bailly, Hugh Walle, Henry Wotton, the younger, Stephen Bate, Thomas Stevenson, Stephen Dabitot, Thomas atte Broke, … de Chekenhill, Robert Wermode, William Wermode, Henry Bulward, John Rose, Robert Walker, Roger atte Style, Philip Mason, William Rogers, William Cole, Richard Kyngeley, John Webster, Henry Ragston, William Werall, William Body, Alice Blore, Robert Gille, John Lowe, Thomas Polesden, John Snowe, the elder, Henry Shephirde, Robert Rossyndale, Robert Tipper, John son of Hugh de Wrottesley, John Wyghtwyk, William Holygrene, Henry son of William Flemyng, William atte Walle, John son of John Wyghtwyk, Roger Henrys, John Fitzsimon, Henry son of Thomas Wilkyns, Roger Henryson, Margaret Broke, Henry son of John Flemyng, John Northale, Nicholas son of Thomas Wilkyns, Richard Fitzwilliam, Richard son of John Launce, Nicholas Smyth, Thomas de Wrottesley, John Perkys, Walter son of Richard de Wytheges … (remainder illegible).
C. Ric. II Files 50 & 51
E. Inq. P.M. File 54 (12) (Northampton)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 262 (5–8) (Salop and Stafford)
Do. Do. No. 265 (1–4) (Warwick and Leicester)