Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 53

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 53', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II( London, 1974), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 53', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II( London, 1974), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 53". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II. (London, 1974), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 53

630. Simon Symeon
Writ, 11 January, 11 Richard II
YORK. Inq. taken at Shirburn in Elmet, Wednesday, 4 March, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned toft &c. on the day of his death in joint feoffment with Elizabeth his wife, who is still living, by grant of Walter Power and Thomas Loges, clerks, by a fine levied in the king’s court at Westminster on the morrow of St. John the Baptist, 39 Edward III, to the said Simon and Elizabeth and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to Elizabeth’s right heirs.
Lutryngton by Shirburn in Elmet. A toft, 80 a. land and 102s. 11d. rent, held of the archbishop of York by suit to his court of the manor of Shirburn in Elmet every three weeks.
He died on 18 December last. He has no heir.
Writ, 11 January, 11 Richard II
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Fernham, Wednesday after the Purification, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned moiety in joint feoffment as above, by grant as above, and with remainder as above (previous inquisition).
Fernham. A moiety of the manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Date of death as above. He has no heir in the county.
WILTS. Inq. taken at Duryngton, Tuesday after the Purification, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor in joint feoffment as above, by grant as above, and with remainder as above.
Deryngton. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Date of death as above. He has no heir in the county.
Writ, 11 January, 11 Richard II
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Thynden, 28 January, 11 Richard II.
He died seised of the under-mentioned manors &c. in joint feoffment with Elizabeth his wife, who is still living. He and the said Elizabeth had the same by gift and grant of Giles de Cloune, parson of the church of Gosberkirk, Thomas Loges, vicar of the church of Pinchebek, William de Wodethorp, parson of the church of Swalclyve, Roger de Gayton, chaplain, Robert de Loteryngton, chaplain, and Richard de Skefyngton, who by a fine levied in the king’s court at Westminster in the octave of Michaelmas, 47 Edward III, surrendered the said manors &c. to them, to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, rendering a rose yearly at Midsummer and doing on behalf of the said Giles and his fellows, and the heirs of Giles, all services pertaining to the said manors &c., with remainder to the heirs of the body of Simon, and in default of such heirs to the aforesaid Giles and his fellows and the heirs of Giles. Afterwards the said William de Wodethorp, by his writing dated at Great Haroden, Sunday after the Epiphany, 47 Edward III, released all his right in the premises to the said Giles, Thomas, Roger and Robert and the heirs of Giles (Richard de Skefyngton being then deceased); and later the said Giles, by his deed dated Saturday in the octave of the Purification, 50 Edward III, released for himself and his heirs to the said Thomas, Roger and Robert all his right in the same. Subsequently the said Roger and Robert (Thomas, their fellow, being then deceased), by their writing dated at Great Harodon, 4 April, 9 Richard II, released all their right in the premises to the aforesaid Simon Symeon and Elizabeth his wife, their heirs and assigns. So Simon died seised of the premises jointly with Elizabeth, and Elizabeth has fee in them as the survivor.
Great Harodon and Little Harodon. The manors, held of the heirs of Robert Bruys, as of the honor of Huntyngdon, by knight’s service.
Thynden. The manor, held of the Lord Fitzwauter, knight, in socage.
Northtoft. The manor, held of Richard Chambernon, knight, by service of doing suit to his court of Coton every three weeks.
Great Harodon, Little Harodon, Thynden, Irtelyngburgh, Craneford, Stokebruer, Schetelhangre, Alderton and Grafton. 20 messuages, 500 a. land, 40 a. meadow, 20 a. pasture and 10l. rent, held severally of others than the king, to wit, of the heirs of John … by fealty only, of … in socage, and of John Wodevyle, services not known.
He died on Wednesday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 11 Richard II. He has no heir.
Writ, 11 January, 11 Richard II
HUNTINGDON. Inq. taken at Mullesworthe, Thursday after the Purification, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned moiety and advowson jointly with Elizabeth his wife in the same circumstances as the manors &c. mentioned in the previous inquisition.
Mullesworthe. A moiety of the manor, and also the advowson of the church, held of the earl of Kent by knight’s service.
He died on 18 December, 11 Richard II. He has no heir in the county.
Writ, 21 December, 11 Richard II
LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Ancastre, 2 January, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor for life, the reversion belonging to the right heirs of John Cressi, knight, whose next heir is Hugh his son, a minor aged 15 years and more.
Claypole. The manor; whereof the site, 3 bovates of land of the demesnes, 67s. 6d. rent of free tenants and 12 1/2 bovates of land of bond tenants are held of Thomas de Bardolf, knight, a minor in the king’s wardship, of his manor of Westburgh, as of the barony of Schelford, by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee, and 12 1/2 bovates of land of bond tenants are held of Nicholas Hebden, knight, of his manor of Claypole, by knight’s service and service of 20s. rent yearly.
He died at Grymesthorp, co. Lincoln, on 18 December last. Heir not known.
LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Ancastre, 2 January, 11 Richard II.
He was seised in joint feoffment with Elizabeth his wife, who is still living, of the under-mentioned manor of Ketilby and lands &c. in Thorp, Nettilton, Herdwike and Northcotes, which he and Elizabeth had by grant of Walter Power and Thomas de Loges, clerks, by virtue of a fine levied in the king’s court at Westminster on the morrow of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 39 Edward III, whereby the said Walter and Thomas, for themselves and the heirs of Thomas, granted the reversion of the premises after the death of Katherine late the wife of Gilbert de Nevyll, knight, who (que) is now deceased, to him and Elizabeth and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to Elizabeth’s right heirs.
He was also seised in joint feoffment with the said Elizabeth of the under-mentioned manor of Suththorp, in the same circumstances as the manors of Great and Little Harodon &c. above (Northamptonshire inquisition).
He was also seised in joint feoffment with the said Elizabeth of the under-mentioned manor of Doubledike and lands &c. mentioned therewith, manors of Scalby, manors of Haynton, messuages in Boston and wood in Wragby and Kynthorp, which he and Elizabeth had by gift and feoffment of Robert de Lutryngton, parson of the church of Gosberkirke, and Roger de Gayton, parson of the church of Wath, to them, their heirs and assigns. He was also seised in joint feoffment with the said Elizabeth of the under-mentioned land and advowson in Skegnesse, which they had by gift and feoffment of Robert de Lutoryngton, Roger Gayton, Peter Mouslee and … to them, their heirs and assigns.
Ketilby. The manor, and 2 messuages, a mill, 3 carucates of land, 10 a. meadow, 67s. 6d. rent and a rent of 3 quarters 6 bushels of salt in Thorp, Nettilton, Herdwike and Northcotes: whereof parcel of the manor is held of the lord de Ros, as of his manor of Wragby, by service of suit to his court of Wragby; another parcel is held of Anne, queen of England, as of the earldom of Aumale, of its manor of Barowe, by service of suit to the court of Barowe; the tenements in Thorp are held of William de Skipwith, knight, as of his manor of Bekby; the tenements in Nettilton and Herdewik are held of Henry de Retford, knight, by service of a rent of 2s. yearly; and the tenements in Northcotes are held of the duke of Lancaster, as of his manor of Thoresby.
Suththorp. The manor, held of Walter Pedwardyn, knight, as of the fee of Croune, by knight’s service.
Doubledike. The manor, with appurtenances in Gosberkirke, and a carucate and 148 a. land, 80 a. meadow, 70 a. pasture and 40 a. salt-marsh in Gosberkirke, Quadryng, Donyngton, Pynchebek and Spaldyng, with rents of 24 quarters of salt and 10l. and the advowson of the church of Gosberkirke, held of John, bishop of Lincoln, as of his castle of Sliford, by knight’s service.
Scalby. Two manors, whereof one is held of John Moumbray, earl of Nottingham, as of his manor of Epworth, by knight’s service, and the other is held of John Pouger, as of his manor of Westrasyn, by knight’s service.
Haynton. Two manors, whereof one is held by the lord la Warr’ by service of 10s. yearly rent called ‘warnot’, and the other is held of John Pouger, of his manor of Westrasyn, by knight’s service.
Boston. 10 messuages, some held of Anne, queen of England, as of the honor of Richmond, by service of 10s. yearly, some held of the lord de Roos by service of 10s. yearly, and some held of Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland, as of his manor of Multon, by service of 18s. 8d.(?) yearly.
Wragby and Kynthorp. 12 a. wood, held of the lord de Roos, as of his manor of Wragby.
Skegnesse. 5 a. land and the advowson of the church, held …, [as of the] honor of Bullyngbrok, by service of 8d. yearly.
Date of death and heir as last above.
Writ of plura, 28 May, 11 Richard II
LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Claypole, 5 August, 13 Richard II.
He held no lands &c. in the county on the day of his death other than those specified in the inquisition taken by virtue of a writ of diem clausit extremum directed to John de Cotom, late escheator, namely:—
Claypole. The manor, and 25 bovates of land there, whereof 12 1/2 bovates are held of Nicholas Hebden, knight (who holds 4 bovates thereof of the Lord Bardolf, who holds them of the king in chief, and 8 1/2 bovates of Reynold de Everyngham, knight, who holds them of the king in chief) and the other 12 1/2 bovates are held of Reynold de Everyngham, knight, who holds them of the king in chief.
Date of death and heir not known.
C. Ric. II File 53 (1)
E. Inq. P.M. File 54 (9) (Lincoln)
638. Katharine late the wife of John de Thorp, knight
Writ, 8 February, 11 Richard II
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Frome in Selewode, 5 March, 11 Richard II.
She held for life the under-mentioned third part and messuages &c. which lately belonged to Thomas Berkele of Iwele, sometime her husband, by a joint feoffment of Robert, late parson of the church of Iwele, made to her and the said Thomas and the heirs of Thomas.
Kyngeston Seymour. A third part of the manor, with the right of presenting to the church of the manor at every third term, held of Sir William la Zouch by knight’s service.
Edeneworth and Mulverton. 2 messuages, 3 carucates of land, 30 a. meadow, 100s. rent and a sixth part of a watermill, held of the same Sir William, service not known.
She died on 22 January last. Maurice Berkele of Iwele, knight, aged 28 years and more, is son and heir of the aforesaid Thomas Berkele.
Writ, 8 February, 11 Richard II
GLOUCESTER. Inq. taken at Aylberton, 4 March, 11 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned manors for life by a joint feoffment made with the late king’s licence by Robert, late parson of the church of Ule, to her and Thomas Berkeley of Ule, now deceased, and the heirs of Thomas.
Kyngesweston and Aylberton. The manors, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Ule. The manor, held of Thomas Berkeley of Berkeley, knight, service not known.
Date of death, and heir of Thomas Berkeley of Ule, as above.
Writ, 8 February, 11 Richard II
WILTS. Inq. taken at Ambesbury, 6 March, 11 Richard II.
She held for life, by way of dower, the under-mentioned manors of Brightmerston and Mildeston and advowson of Mildeston, the reversion belonging to the heirs of Thomas Berkele of Iwele, deceased.
She also held for life the under-mentioned messuage &c. in Aldyngton and toft &c. in Neweton Tony, the reversion belonging to Edward son and heir of the above-mentioned John de Thorp.
Brightmerston and Mildeston. The manors, and the advowson of the church of Mildeston manor, held of William la Zouch, service not known.
Aldyngton. A messuage and 2 virgates of land, held of Richard Scoteneye in chief, service not known.
Neweton Tony. A toft, 6 a. meadow and 15s. rent, held of Thomas West, knight, service not known.
Date of death, and heir of Thomas Berkele, as above. The aforesaid Edward son and heir of John de Thorp is 22 years of age and more.
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Rotherwyke, 4 March, 11 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned carucate of land in dower after the death of Thomas Berkeley of Ule, formerly her husband, the reversion belonging to Maurice de Berkele, son and heir of Thomas.
Rotherwyk and Stratfeld. A carucate of land, held of the lady de Moun, service not known.
Date of death, and heir of Thomas de Berkeley, as above.
C. Ric. II File 53 (2)
E. Inq. P.M. File 54 (19) (Southampton)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 259 (1) (Gloucester)
Do. Do. No. 263 (2) (Somerset)
642. Roger de Thwayt
Writ, 29 July, 11 Richard II
LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Lymbergh, Thursday after Michaelmas, 11 Richard II.
He formerly held by the courtesy of England, in right of Christiana his wife, deceased, the under-mentioned messuages &c. in Kyllyngholm, which were seized into the late king’s hand because of a felony committed by him in killing a man of the county of Lincoln at Manby in 20 Edward III, for which felony he was outlawed. The late king granted the said messuages &c. by letters patent to John de Multon, knight, for as long as they should remain in the king’s hand for the said cause.
Kyllyngholm. 2 messuages, 6 bovates of land, two-thirds of a toft, and 2 void plots, held of the manor of Kyllyngholm by knight’s service.
He died at Fyncham, co. Norfolk, on 10 July last. John de Multon, knight, son of Mabel de Multon sister of the said Christiana, Agnes late the wife of John de Blyton, knight, Joan wife of John de Croft, daughters (fn. 1) of Margaret Dayvill, another sister of the said Christiana, Thomas de Kidale, knight, son of Elizabeth a daughter of the said Margaret, and Thomas de Egmanton, son of Katharine another daughter of the same Margaret, are kinsfolk and next heirs of the said Christiana.
Writ, 29 July, 11 Richard II
YORK. Inq. taken at Hedon, Thursday before St. Luke, 11 Richard II.
On Monday after Corpus Christi, 20 Edward III, on which day he feloniously killed a man in the field of Manby, for which felony he was outlawed, he held the under-mentioned tofts &c. by the courtesy of England &c., as above (last inquisition). The said messuages were granted by the king, as above (ibid).
Thorngubaud, Paghelholm and Otryngham. 6 tofts, two-thirds of 3 messuages, 2 bovates of land, two-thirds of 3 1/4 bovates of land, and 12s. rent; whereof the lands &c. in Thorngubaud are held of the queen, as of the honor of Aumale, by forinsec service, the lands &c. in Paghelholm are held of Walter(?) de Holm by knight’s service, and the lands &c. in Oteryngham are held of Gerard Salvayn by service of a rose yearly.
Date of death and heirs as above.
C. Ric. II File 53 (3)
644. Juliana Verlegh
Writ of devenerunt after the death of the said Juliana, who held by knight’s service of the heir of Edmund de Clyvedon, knight, late a minor in the king’s wardship. 14 April, 11 Richard II.
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Yevelchestre, Monday after St. Petronilla, 11 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned lands &c. of the said heir by knight’s service, and held no other lands of the king or others.
Thorn Coffyn. 3 1/2 a. land, 1 1/2 a. meadow and a moiety of a messuage.
Date of death not given. Agnes Verlegh and Christina Verlegh, her sisters, aged respectively 19 years and more and 16 years and more, are her next heirs.
C. Ric. II File 53 (4)
645. John de Warthewyk, knight
Writ of mandamus, 30 July, 11 Richard II
CUMBERLAND. Inq. taken at Carlisle, Saturday after St. Luke, 11 Richard II.
On the day of his death he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor. Since his death Robert de Parvyng, knight, and Thomas Bowet have had possession of the manor and taken the issues thereof.
Warhtwik. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service, rendering to the king at the Exchequer of Carlisle 13s. 4d. for cornage.
Date of death not given. George his son, aged 9 years, is his heir.
C. Ric. II File 53 (5)
646. Thomas Wyntereshull
Writ, 15 April, 11 Richard II
SURREY. Inq. (indented) taken at Guldeford, Thursday the feast of St. George, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned rents and manor in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death.
Bromlegh. 11l. yearly rent from his tenants there, [held of the king in chief by knight’s service].
Westclandon. 4l. yearly rent from his free tenants there, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Burgham. The manor, held of the earl of Stafford, services not known.
He died on 6 April last. Thomas Wyntereshull, his son, aged 23 years and more, is his heir.
Writ, 15 April, 11 Richard II
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Winchester, Tuesday after St. Mark, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned messuage, lands and manor in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death.
Frollebury. A messuage and 1/2 hide of land, held of the king by service of keeping the door of the queen’s chamber; and 3 a. land, held of the king by service of 13d. to be paid yearly at the Exchequer by the hands of the sheriff.
Estlee. The manor, held in socage of William Beauchamp, knight, as of his manor of Snyterfeld, co. Warwick, by service of a pair of gilt spurs, price 6d., yearly.
Frollebury. 1 1/2 a. land, held of William de Melton, knight, as of his manor of Kyngesclere, by service of 6d. yearly.
He died on 7 April last. Thomas Wyntereshull, his son, aged 25 years and more, is his heir.
C. Ric. II File 53 (6)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 264 (1) (Surrey)
648. Robert brother and heir of Thomas Aubrey
Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said Robert. He claims to have been born at Tatynton and baptised in the church there. The escheator is to warn Roger Parker, who holds the lands in custody by the king’s commitment, to be present and to show if there be any cause why the lands should not be restored if he is of age. 12 March, 11 Richard II.
HEREFORD. Proof of age taken at Tadynton (where the said Robert was born and baptised), 19 March, 11 Richard II.
Roger Parker, guardian by letters patent of all the lands &c. which came to the king’s hands by the death of the said Thomas Aubrey, was present at the proof and had nothing to say against it.
…, says that the said Robert is of full age, … of Margaret his mother, on 9 September, 39 Edward III, at … [in] a certain chamber near ‘le Gerner’. This he knows, because he was there that day at breakfast with Robert Park, vicar of the same [church] of Tadynton, and on the same day heard mass in that church, seeing the said Robert at the font.
… agrees that Robert was born on the above day at dawn, and was baptised in the church of Tadynton. This he knows because … carrying Robert to the said church to be baptised.
… agrees and says that Robert’s father was with him at Weston when a certain William, his servant, [came] to announce the birth of Robert to him. [The greater part of the remainder of the document is illegible].
C. Ric. II File 53 (7)
649. Agnes Verlegh and Christina Verlegh
Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said Agnes and Christina, daughters of Alice Verlegh, one of the daughters of Emma Verlegh, one of the sisters of Richard Coffyn, kinswomen and two of the heirs of the said Richard, who held by knight’s service of the heir of Edmund Clyveden, late a minor in the king’s wardship. 16 April, 11 Richard II.
DEVON. Proof of age taken at Chepyngtoriton, Thursday the feast of Corpus Christi, 11 Richard II.
The following jurors, to wit, John Codemor, aged 45 years, William Gay, aged 42 years, Gilbert de Wibbury, aged 46 years, Richard Crosse, aged 44 years, William Wyk, aged 50 years, and Thomas … hill, aged 48 years, say that the said Agnes Verlegh was 18 years of age on Monday in Easter Week last, and that they were all assembled together in the church of Merton at a loveday between Richard de Merton, knight, and Walter de Merton, his brother, on the day when she was baptised in the said church, and by the date of a certain indenture between the said Richard and Walter, which for certain causes is still in the custody of the said John Codemore, they are well assured of the age of Agnes.
They also say that the said Christina Verlegh was 16 years of age on Monday in the third week of Lent last, and that Alice wife of William Codemore was in the house when she was born and went to the church of Merton on the day of her baptism and was her godmother, and that Richard Kylletrew, parson of the said church, wrote her name and the day of her birth in the missal of the church.
The following jurors, to wit, Richard(?) Southcote, aged 48 years, John Wodelond, aged 56 years, Ralph Byry, aged 44 years, Richard …, … Russell, aged 50 years and more, and Richard Goolde, aged 47 years and more, [? agree with the above].
C. Ric. II File 53 (8)


  • 1. filia, a mistake for filie, as given correctly in the otherwise identical list of heirs in the following Yorkshire inquisition.