Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 44

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 44', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II( London, 1974), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 44', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II( London, 1974), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 44". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II. (London, 1974), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 44

364. Giles Daubenay, knight
Writ, 28 June, 10 Richard II
BEDFORD. Inq. taken at Bedeford, Tuesday before St. Margaret, 10 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned third part jointly with Eleanor his wife, daughter of Henry Willyngton, to them and the heirs of their bodies, by licence of Edward III, as appears by his letters patent.
Kempston. A third part of the manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
He died on Sunday the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist last. Giles his son, aged 15 years and more, is his heir.
Writ, 28 June, 10 Richard II
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. taken at Neuwerk, Wednesday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 10 Richard II.
Long before his death, to wit, on 13 November last, he enfeoffed by charter Henry Molyns, William Daubeney and John Hayword, chaplain, of all his lands and 100 a. wood in Thornhagh as parcel of his manor of South Ingelby, co. Lincoln, to hold to them, their heirs and assigns.
Thornhagh by Brodholm. The said lands and wood, held of the lord de Roos by knight’s service, as of the honor of his castle of Bewver.
Date of death (at Barington, co. Somerset) and heir as above.
Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the amount of land in Thornhagh alienated as above. 6 November, 10 Richard II.
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. taken at Newerk, Thursday before St. Martin the Bishop, 10 Richard II.
The amount of land so alienated was 100 a. uncultivated land and 100 a. pasture.
Writ, 28 June, 10 Richard II
LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Lincoln, Monday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 10 Richard II.
The under-mentioned manor and advowson were alienated by charter to Henry Molyns &c. as above (Nottingham inquisition).
South Ingelby. The manor, in Saxilby and Broxholm, with the advowson of the church of Broxholm and all other its appurtenances, held of the lord de Roos, as of his honor of his castle of Bewer, by service of 2 1/2 knight’s fees and 21s. 4d. rent yearly. The manor renders to Mary wife of John Bossy, knight, formerly the wife of Ralph Daubeney, knight, Giles’s father, 33l. 6s. 8d. yearly, with a clause of entry in default of payment, and to the Lady Eva, prioress of Brodholm, 26s. 8d. yearly for life, by grant of the said Ralph.
Date and place of death, and heir, as above (Nottingham inquisition).
Commission to William de Belesby, sheriff of Lincoln, Hugh de Mitford, William Roche and William Bolle, escheator in co. Lincoln, to enquire touching a report that the said Giles died seised in his demesne as of fee of the above-mentioned manor of South Ingelby and advowson of Broxholm, co. Lincoln, and lands &c. in Thornhagh, co. Nottingham, parcel of the said manor, and did not alienate them as stated above (Nottingham and Lincoln inquisitions). 30 October, 12 Richard II.
LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Lincoln before the said sheriff, Hugh and William Roche, Friday before St. Andrew, 12 Richard II.
The said Giles, who held of the king in chief, was seised of the said manor of South Ingelby and advowson of Broxholm in his demesne as of fee, by a grant of Mary late the wife of Ralph Daubeneye, knight, for the term of her life, at a rent of 50 marks yearly, with reversion to him and his heirs, as appears by indentures between him and the said Mary, and did not dispose of them as was found by the above Lincoln inquisition. The manor is held of the lord de Roos, as of his castle of Beauver, by service of rendering to the said lord 32s. yearly. He died on the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 10 Richard II, at Baryngton, co. Somerset. Heir as above, aged 18 years and more.
On the feast of St. Nicholas, 10 Richard II, the said heir assigned a third part of the manor to Eleanor late the wife of the said Giles as her dower; and since his death she has taken a third part of the issues and profits of the manor, and the said Henry [Molyns] has had the issues and profits of two-thirds of the manor.
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. taken at Newerk, Wednesday after St. Andrew, 12 Richard II.
Findings as in the last inquisition with regard to 100 a. wood and 100 a. pasture in Thorhagh (sic) by Brodholm, parcel of the manor of South Ingelby.
Writ, 28 June, 10 Richard II
CORNWALL. Inq. taken at Lostwythiell, Tuesday before St. James, 10 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor &c. in his demesne as of fee.
Fowyton. The manor, with Trenay, Usse, Polruan and Lumberlond, parcels thereof.
Westwevelschier. The bailiwick of the hundred.
All held of the king in chief of the duchy of Cornwall, as of his castle of Launceston, by knight’s service.
Date of death as above. Heir as above, aged 16 years and more.
Writ, 28 June, 10 Richard II
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Southpederton, 25 July, 10 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor and hundred and rent in his demesne as of fee.
Southpederton. The manor, with the hamlets of Baryngton, Doniet, Southeharp and Chelyton, members thereof, and the hundred of Southpederton, held of the king in chief by service of one knight’s fee.
Kynemersdon. A yearly rent of a rose issuing from a messuage, 100 a. land, 10 a. meadow and 60 a. heath held for life by William Newbery and Alice his wife, the reversion after their death belonging to the said Giles and his heirs by virtue of a fine levied in the king’s court in 37 Edward III. The said messuage, land, meadow and heath are held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
He died on 24 June last. Heir as last above.
[Writ to the escheator to assign dower to Eleanor late the wife of the said Giles, after taking her oath not to marry again without licence, in the presence of John de Monte Acuto, to whom the king has committed the keeping of two-thirds of all the lands &c. late of the said Giles. Oxford, 8 August, 10 Richard II.] (fn. 1)
SOMERSET. Indenture made at Baryngton, 16 August, 10 Richard II, in the presence of John Bevyn and Henry Molyns, attorneys of John de Monte Acuto, knight.
The following are assigned to the said Eleanor in dower.
Baryngton. Various rooms and outhouses there, and various parcels of land and rents there and in Southarp and Cheliton.
Field-names &c. mentioned:— Bourhey, Ermelee near the field of Stokelynche, Berlond near Basseteslake, Mulfurlang, Whetenslade, la Brodeweye, Deleweyesforerd, Faunteswere, la Sagge, Estmore, Jewesmede, Wormwellesmede, Westheye, Cleyhull in the forest of Nerrechich, Holcomwode, Overlond.
Tenants’ names mentioned:— Richard Semere, Richard North, John Penne, William North, Thomas Bakere, chaplain, Richard atte Welle, Thomas Walrend, Adam March, John Bigge, Elizabeth atte Sloo, William Spaynell, William Semere, Thomas Jamell, John Chapeleyn, Robert Skelyng, Philip Twynch, Henry Hamond, Richard Follyng, William Knave, Henry Lauerencz, John Semere, William Havegoud.
Writ to the escheator to forward for enrolment in Chancery the assignment of dower made by him in pursuance of the above writ of 8 August. 23 November, 10 Richard II.
Certificate (undated) by the escheator that he sent the said assignment into Chancery on 16 August last, and now sends a copy thereof.
Writ of certiorari super vero valore feodorum &c., 14 April, 11 Richard II
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Ilemynstre, 26 May, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned fees, parts of fees, and advowson.
Doniet. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held of him by William Jurdan; a third part of a moiety of a fee, held of him by Richard Dacton, knight; a third part of a moiety of a fee, held of him by William Neel and Elizabeth his wife, in right of the said Elizabeth; a third part of a moiety of a fee, held of him by John Daukyn and Margery his wife, in right of the said Margery; a sixty-fourth part of a fee, held of him by John Husebere; and a sixty-fourth part of a fee, held of him by Peter Pycher.
Southpederton. A fourth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by John Moleyns; a tenth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by Adam Welweton; a twenty-fourth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by John Synderassh; a sixteenth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by John Kympe; a thirty-second part of a knight’s fee, held of him by John Wyge and Alana his wife, in right of the said Alana; an eightieth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by Henry Baret; a sixth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by Elizabeth Jardyn; a sixty-fourth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by John Kendale; a sixteenth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by Walter Davy; a sixty-fourth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by Roger Holebrok; and a twentieth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by John Moleyns.
Drayton. A twenty-eighth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by John Moleyns.
Lytellopene. A fourth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by John Moleyns.
Brugge and Great Stratton. An eighth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by John … pley.
Little Stratton. A twelfth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by William Cogayn.
Cheliton. A twelfth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by John Kaynes; a twelfth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by William Blaneford; a twenty-eighth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by William Dounham; a sixty-third part of a knight’s fee, held of him by Nicholas Bolour; a sixty-eighth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by John Skynnere; a sixty-eighth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by Alexander Holle; a sixty-eighth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by Joan Nouble; and a tenth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by Ellis Lynde.
Baryngton. An eighth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by Margery Davyes; and a sixty-eighth part of a knight’s fee, held of him by John Lorty.
Southpederton. The advowson of the chantry of St. John the Baptist.
C. Ric. II File 44 (1)
Not used.
376. Hugh Fyssh
Writ to the escheator—on a report of the death of the said Hugh, who held a cottage in Selby by the courtesy of England as of the right of Agnes his wife, deceased, which cottage is in the king’s hand by reason of a felony committed by Hugh—to enquire as to the tenure of the said cottage, the date of Hugh’s death and the name of his heir. 18 June, 10 Richard II.
YORK. Inq. taken at Wighton, Monday the feast of St. Oswald, 11 Richard II.
Selby. The said cottage is held of the abbot of Selby by service of 12d. yearly.
Hugh died on Monday after St. Gregory last. Margaret daughter of the said Agnes, aged 23 years and more, is her heir.
C. Ric. II File 44 (2)


  • 1. The writ itself is missing; but it is recited in the following indenture.