Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 43

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 43', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II( London, 1974), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 43', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II( London, 1974), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 43". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II. (London, 1974), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 43

346. William de Audeleye, knight
Writ of precipimus, 28 November, 10 Richard II
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Wendlyngburgh, 14 December, 10 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned lands jointly with Joan his wife, deceased, to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to his right heirs, by gift and feoffment of William de Stafford.
Wolde. A toft and 13 virgates of land and meadow, held of the earl of Oxford by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee. The premises are charged with a rent of 100s. yearly in favour of William de Stratton.
William de Audeleye died on 10 October, 40 Edward III. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas de Audeleye, his brother, aged 21 1/2 years and more, is his heir.
Joan his wife had possession of the premises and received the issues thereof from the said 10 October until her death on Saturday after St. George, 5 Richard II; since when William Mountagu, earl of Salisbury, and John Rose and Elizabeth his wife have had possession and received the issues by the king’s letters patent.
Similar writ, 10 November, 10 Richard II
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. taken at Aylesbury, Saturday before St. Katharine, 10 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned moiety jointly with Joan his wife.
Aston Clynton. A moiety of the manor, held of the king in chief by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee.
Date of death, heir and possession since death, as above.
C. Ric. II File 43 (1)
348. Henry ap Griffitz, knight
Writ of precipimus, 3 February, 10 Richard II
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inq. taken at Morpath, Tuesday after the Assumption, 11 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor and lands in his demesne as of fee.
Stanyngton. 10 1/2 husband-lands, each containing a messuage and 24 a. land and meadow; and a waste cottage.
Benton. 6 husband-lands, each containing a messuage and 24 a. land and meadow; and a fourth part of a waste windmill.
Bellasys. 20 a. land.
Trenwell. 3 husband-lands.
All the above are held of the king in chief by homage and fealty and service of 2s. yearly by the hands of the baron of Graystok for ward of the king’s castle of Newcastle, and by service of 12d. yearly for cornage by the hands of the same baron.
Witton Undirwood. The manor (extent given, including five-sixths of a wood called ‘Wittonpark’, divers sheilings called ‘Ratonshele’, and a close called ‘Stokbisclos’). John Corbet held of the said manor the town of Stanton by knight’s service and suit to the court of Witton. Thomas Horseley held of the same manor a moiety of Northorseley by fealty and suit of court and a rent of 13s. 4d. yearly. William de Wyndegatte held of the said manor divers lands etc. in Wyndegattes by fealty and service of 3s. yearly.
Wyndeygates. 9 husband-lands.
The said manor of Wytton and the lands in Wyndeygates are held of Henry de Percy, earl of Northumberland, by knight’s service, as of the barony of Benglay, late of Earl Patrick, by grant of the king’s progenitors.
He died on 15 May, 46 Edward III. Margaret his daughter, aged 17 years and more, is his heir.
Joan his wife had possession of the premises and received the issues thereof all her life, because she was jointly enfeoffed thereof with him. She died on 10 October, 4 Richard II, and after her death the king seised the premises by reason of the minority of the said Margaret, and granted them, together with the marriage of Margaret, to John de Nevill, who has had possession and received the issues ever since.
C. Ric. II File 43 (2)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 257 (2)
349. William Bernak of Burgh
Writ, 26 July, 10 Richard II
LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Lincoln, Friday the feast of St. Bartholomew, 10 Richard II.
He died seised in his demesne as of fee of the under-mentioned lands.
Burgh by Candlesby and Winthorp by Burgh. 280 a. land and 20s. rent; whereof the messuage (sic) and 100 a. land, with the 20s. rent, are held of Sir John de Roos of Hamelak, knight, as of his manor of Kandelesby, of the inheritance of Mary his wife, by knight’s service, 100 a. land are held of the same Sir John, as of the same manor, by socage, to wit, by service of 1 lb. pepper yearly, and 80 a. land are held of Henry earl of Northumberland, service not known.
He died on Saturday after Ascension Day last. Isabel, aged 22 years, Margaret, aged 18 years, Elizabeth, aged 13 years, Alice, aged 11 years, and Joan, aged 9 years, are his daughters and heirs.
C. Ric. II File 43 (3)
350. Joan late the wife of John de Brygstoke
Writ to the escheator to enquire touching a report that the said Joan held on the day of her death divers lands etc. in the county which ought to pertain to the king as escheat. 7 June, 10 Richard II.
WARWICK. Inq. taken at Colsehull, 9 November, 11 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned moieties and rent in her demesne as of fee.
Coventre. A moiety of a messuage at ‘le Brodeyate’, a moiety of a messuage in ‘Frerelane’, 4s. yearly rent issuing from a tenement held by John Hawe in ‘le Crossechepyng’, a moiety of a garden in ‘Doglane’, a moiety of 8 a. land, 1 a. meadow, of a windmill and of a horse-mill, a moiety of a messuage held by Nicholas Skathelokke in ‘le Crossechepyng’, and a moiety of a messuage in ‘le Fleschamels’ held by the master of the hospital of St. John.
All the above she held of the king in chief, services not known.
She died on 20 September, 9 Richard II, and had no heirs. Since her death William Coteler of Coventre has had possession of the premises and received the issues thereof.
C. Ric. II File 43 (4)
351. Margery Banastre, late the wife of John de Alvetham
Writ to John, king of Castile and Leon, duke of Lancaster, or his lieutenant in the duchy. 20 May, 10 Richard II.
Writ by the said duke to Robert de Urewyk, his escheator in co. Lancaster, to execute the above writ. Tested by Henry earl of Derby, keeper of the duchy of Lancaster, at Lancastre, 21 May, in the 10th year of the duke’s regality of the county palatine.
LANCASTER. Inq. taken at Cliderhoue, Thursday after Corpus Christi, in the 10th year of the regality.
She held the under-mentioned fourth part in fee tail, to her and the said John de Alvetham and the heirs male of their bodies. Failing heirs male of the bodies of the said Margery and John, the fourth part will remain to Robert son of John de Alvetham and the heirs male of his body.
Blakeburneschire. A fourth part of the bailiwick of the wapentake, held of the king in chief by fealty, rendering to the said duke 18s. 4d. yearly and collecting a fourth part of the perquisites of the court of the wapentake and a fourth part of the fee farms of the duke in the wapentake and rendering account therefor to the duke and his heirs. Failing heirs male of the bodies of the said Margery and John, the fourth part will remain to Robert son of John de Alvetham and the heirs male of his body.
She died on Wednesday [? after] SS. Philip and James in the 10th year of the regality. She and the said John her husband died without heir male of their bodies, and the said fourth part remains by virtue of the said entail to John son and heir of the aforesaid Robert son of John, aged 24 years.
C. Ric. II File 43 (5)
352. Philip Brien, knight
Writ, 18 January, 10 Richard II
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Frome Branche, 14 February, 10 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor of Faleys, etc. in his demesne as of fee.
He held the under-mentioned manors of Schokerwike and Batheneston in fee tail by gift and feoffment of Guy de Briene, his father, to him and the heirs male of his body, with remainder in default to William de Briene, knight, who is still living, and the heirs male of his body.
Faleys. The manor, with Frome Branche and Wodelond, members thereof, and also the hundred of Frome aforesaid, held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Schokerwike. The manor, held of the bishop of Bath by knight’s service and payment of 20s. yearly.
Batheneston. The manor, held of the same bishop by the services aforesaid.
He died without issue on 16 January last. Philippa one of the daughters of Guy de Briene the younger, his elder brother, aged 9 years and more, and another daughter of the said Guy, name at present unknown, aged 5 years and more, are his heirs.
DORSET. Inq. taken at Shirborn, 10 February, 10 Richard II.
He held no lands etc. in the county.
Date of death as above. Heir not known.
Writ to the escheator in co. Somerset to make further enquiry touching the above-mentioned gift of the manors of Shokerwyke and Batheneston by Guy de Briene Somer set inquisition); as the charter of the said gift exhibited in Chancery on behalf of William de Briene for the purpose of suing the said manors out of the king’s hands states that the said Guy gave Philip the manor of Shokerwyke and 12l. rent in Watheneston (sic), and the king wishes to be certified whether the said rent in Watheneston (sic) is the same thing as the entire manor of Batheneston, as is confidently testified on behalf of the said William, or not. 22 March, 10 Richard II.
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Bath, Wednesday in Easter week, 10 Richard II.
Guy de Bryene, knight, Philip’s father, gave and by his charter confirmed to the said Philip the manor of Shokerwyk and 12l. rent in Batheneston, to hold to him and the heirs of his body, with remainder in default to William de Bryene and the heirs male of his body, and with remainder over to the right heirs of the said Guy. There is no rent of 12l. in Watheneston, as the writ suggested, but there is such a rent in Batheneston. It is not the manor of Batheneston, but a rent in the town of Batheneston.
Writ to the escheator to make enquiry concerning the truth of a petition from John Braunche alleging that the aforesaid Philip granted to him for life a yearly rent of 10 marks, with 2 tunics and hoods of the same suit and suitable furs of the suit of a yeoman, to be received out of the aforesaid manor of Faleys with Frome Braunche, and that he was in full and peaceful possession thereof from long before Philip’s death until he was unjustly removed therefrom by colour of the above inquisition. 15 October, 11 Richard II.
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Crukerne, Thursday before St. Clement the Pope, 11 Richard II.
The statements in the said petition are true.
C. Ric. II File 43 (6)
356. Margery late the wife of John le Boteler, knight
Writ, 12 April, 10 Richard II
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Wymeryngge, 23 April, 10 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned manor jointly with the said John Boteler, her husband, for the term of their lives, with remainder to John son of the said John le Boteler and the heirs of his body, by gift and grant of Robert Wolverton and Robert le Wariner, chaplains. The said John son of John died without heir of his body, so that the manor should have remained to the heirs of the bodies of the said John and Margery; but as they died without heir of their bodies, it will remain to the right heirs of the said John le Boteler, knight, as is more fully contained in the king’s licence obtained therefor.
Wymeryngge. The manor, held of the king in chief by service of 1d. to be paid yearly at the Exchequer by the hands of the sheriff.
She died on 11 March last. Heir not known; but Isabel the wife of Geoffrey Roucle, aged 50 years and more, is daughter and next heir of the said John le Boteler, knight.
Writ, sicut alias, 23 May, 10 Richard II
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Wyncestre, Tuesday after Holy Trinity, 10 Richard II.
To the same effect as the above, but with some differences of phraseology.
C. Ric. II File 43 (7)
358. Emma late the wife of Edmund de Beston of Lenn
Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands etc. which are in the king’s hand by reason of the idiocy of the said Emma, and as to the date of her death and her heir. 27 January, 10 Richard II.
NORFOLK. Inq. taken at Bishop’s Lenn, 26 February, 10 Richard II.
She held no lands etc. in the county, except only the under-mentioned messuages, which she held for life by bequest of the said Edmund her husband.
Bishop’s Lenn. 3 messuages in Jewyslane and Websterrowe, held of the bishop of Norwich, service not known. The reversion belongs to Robert de Brysle, John Paxman and Henry de Betele, executors of the testament of the said Edmund, according to the custom of the said town.
A messuage in Wyndgate, held of the bishop of Norwich, service not known. The reversion belongs to John Paxman, burgess of Bishop’s Lenn, and Alice his wife, and their heirs and assigns, according to the custom of the town.
She died on 30 December last. Isabel the wife of William de Reynham, aged 60 years and more, is her next heir, to wit, daughter of Emma Wyth sister of John Wyth her father.
C. Ric. II File 43 (8)
359. Peter de Cornewaill
Writ after the death of the said Peter, who held by knight’s service of the heir of Edmund de Mortuo Mari, late earl of March, a minor in the king’s wardship. 12 September, 10 Richard II.
HEREFORD. Inq. taken at Orleton, Thursday after St. Denis, 10 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned lands, etc. in his demesne as of fee. Not long before his death, in order to exclude the king from the custody of the said lands etc. and the marriage of his son and heir, who was of tender age, he enfeoffed Richard Nassh and Edmund Love of the aforesaid lands etc. in fee simple. Divers of his tenants did not attorn to the said feoffees, to wit, William Maune, who held certain lands of him by service of 18d. yearly, Richard de Carswall, who held certain lands of him by service of 1 1/2d. yearly, Maurice Hide, who held certain lands of him by service of 5s. yearly, John Sturmy, who held certain lands of him by service of a pair of spurs yearly, William Miles, who held certain lands of him by service of 10d. yearly, John de Clee and John de la Hulle, who held certain lands of him by service of 12d. yearly, John Rauns, who held certain lands of him by service of 2s. yearly, and Richard Child, who held certain lands of him by service of 6d. yearly; and many other tenants of his in Stokton and elsewhere did not attorn. Notwithstanding the above feoffment, he continued his possession in the premises all his life and had all the profit thereof.
Asshton and Buryton. 2 messuages, 2 carucates of land and 6l. rent, held of Roger son and heir of the above late earl, a minor in the king’s wardship, by knight’s service.
He died on 13 July last. Edmund his son, aged 2 1/2 years, is his heir. Brian de Cornewaill, knight, lord of Boreford, seized the said Edmund and has him in wardship.
C. Ric. II File 43 (9)
E. Inq. P.M. File 53 (5)
360. Ralph Carmynou, knight
Writ, 20 October, 10 Richard II
DEVON. Inq. taken at Aysshwater, Saturday after All Saints, 10 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned fraction of a manor in his demesne as of fee.
Aysshwater. Three-fourths of the manor, held of the duke of Irland, as of his castle of Baronstaple, by knight’s service.
He died on Tuesday the feast of St. Denis, 10 Richard II. William Carmynou, his brother, aged 21 years and more, is his heir.
CORNWALL. Inq. taken at Bodmyn, Tuesday the feast of St. Leonard, 10 Richard II.
He was seised in fee and demesne of the under-mentioned manors, rents and land.
Polroda. The manor, and 2 carucates of land in Trelulla, parcel of the said manor, held of the king in chief of the duchy of Cornwall, as of the castle of Lancestoun, by knight’s service.
Desard. 40s. yearly rent, held of the king in chief, as of the duchy of Cornwall and castle of Trematon, by knight’s service.
Bodconnok, Glyn, Penpont and Tregesteyntyn. The manors, held of John de Mountageu, knight, by knight’s service.
Tamerton and Rasker. The manors, held of Thomas Carmynou in free socage.
Trevynyel. The manor, held of Robert Tresylyan by knight’s service.
Tynten and Trewynnok. The manors, held of the bishop of Exeter by knight’s service.
Bodowe. 40s. yearly rent, held of the heirs of William Fitzwater in free socage.
Bollond and Tregarrek. 40s. yearly rent, held of Robert Tresylyan in free socage.
(Unspecified). 20s. yearly rent, held of the heirs of William FitzWater in free socage.
(Unspecified). 20s. yearly rent, held of John Prydeaux in free socage.
Treyaga. 60s. yearly rent, held of the bishop of Exeter in free socage.
Seyntladek, Bodconnok and Menhynyet. 1 a. land in each place, as glebes of the churches of Seyntladek, Bodconnok and Menhynyet, together with the advowsons of the said churches, held of John Mountagu.
He died on 9 October, 10 Richard II. William Carmynou, his brother, aged 31 years and more, is his heir.
Writ, 20 October, 10 Richard II
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Hinton, 4 November, 10 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned third part, as of the right of Alice his wife.
Clyvedon. A third part of the manor, which manor is held of the honor of Gloucester by knight’s service.
He died without issue on 9 October last. William his brother, aged 30 years and more, is his heir.
DORSET. Inq. taken at Lym Regis, 10 November, 10 Richard II.
He held the under-mentioned manor in his demesne as of fee.
Colewey. The manor, held of Robert Fitz Payn, knight, as of his manor of Hokfordfizpayn, by knight’s service and payment of 4 1/2d. at Michaelmas.
Date of death and heir as last above.
C. Ric. II File 43 (10)