Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 42

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 42', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II( London, 1974), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 42', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II( London, 1974), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

M. C. B. Dawes, M. R. Devine, H. E. Jones, M. J. Post. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 42". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 16, Richard II. (London, 1974), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Richard II, File 42

329. Alice de la Mare, Abbess of St. Mary’s, Winchester
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. taken virtute officii at Winchester, Tuesday before the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 9 Richard II.
She held the under-mentioned manors in pure and perpetual alms.
Froylle, Icken, Lecford, Tymberbury and Lys Abbatisse. The manors, held of the king in chief as of the ancient foundation of the said king[’s progenitors].
She died on Thursday after the Purification, 9 Richard II.
WILTS. Inq. taken virtute officii at Salisbury, Tuesday after St. Giles, 9 Richard II. She held the under-mentioned manors in pure and perpetual alms.
Erchesfonte and Allecanynges. The manors, held of the king in chief, as of the ancient foundation of the said king’s progenitors.
Date of death as above.
C. Ric. II File 42 (1)
331. Joan late the wife of Peter Stantor, one of the daughters and heirs of Nicholas Berenger
Writ of devenerunt, 20 February, 9 Richard II
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. (indented) taken at Andevere, Saturday after St. Matthias, 9 Richard II.
The under-mentioned manors and lands &c. came to the king’s hands by the death of Nicholas Berenger, tenant in chief, and by reason of the minority of the said Joan, one of the daughters and heirs of the said Nicholas, and of Anastasia, his other daughter and heir, and remained in the king’s hand until by letters patent dated 14 October, 6 Richard II, he granted them (by the name of all the lands &c. late of the said Nicholas in the counties of Wilts and Southampton which were in his hand, for the above cause) to Peter Stantor, his esquire, to hold from 8 August, 6 Richard II, until the lawful age of the said heirs, together with the marriage of one of them.
By the king’s precept Anastasia late the wife of the said Nicholas was dowered of a third part of the premises; and she afterwards surrendered all her estate in her said dower to the aforesaid Peter and Joan. So Joan died seised of a moiety of the premises together with Peter her husband in form aforesaid. She and Peter had issue a certain Anastasia, aged 3 days, who died on Saturday before the Purification last.
Shupton Berenger. The manor.
Snodyngton. The manor.
Swathelyng. 71s. 11d. rent.
Netherwallop. A messuage and 1/2 virgate of land.
Joan died on the Thursday after her daughter, aged 16 1/2 years and more. Anastasia her sister, aged 14 years and more, whom Stephen Bodenham has taken to wife, is her heir.
WILTS. Inq. (indented) taken at Hynedon, Thursday after St. Matthias, 9 Richard II.
The under-mentioned manor and the land and rents in Maydenebradelegh came to the king’s hands as above.
The messuage and land in Kyngeston Deverell were held by the said Nicholas in joint feoffment with Anastasia his wife, who is still living, to them and his heirs.
So all the under-mentioned lands and rents came to the king’s hands by the death of the said Nicholas and by reason of the minority of his heirs and remained in the king’s hand until etc., as above (last inquisition). Issue of Joan and Peter, as above.
Ebbelesborn Wake. The manor.
Maydenebradelegh. 1 1/2 a. land and 6 a. meadow.
Also the said Nicholas demised 27 a. enclosed land in Maydenebradelegh to John Danyel for life at a rent of 26s., and a messuage and 5 a. land in Maydenebradelegh to Walter Bodenham for life at a rent of 5s., a cock and 5 hens, and a messuage and 1/2 virgate of land in Rugge to William Shyrreve for life at a rent of 5s.; and died seised of the said rents.
Kyngeston Deverell. A messuage, 2 carucates and a virgate of land, held of the abbot of Lettelegh.
Date of death and heir as above.
C. Ric. II File 42 (2)
333. John Boteler
Writ, 6 October, 9 Richard II
DEVON. Inq. taken at Chipyngtoriton, Tuesday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, 9 Richard II.
Humphrey Boteler was seised of the under-mentioned messuage, etc. in his demesne as of fee, and enfeoffed thereof John Boteler, his son, and died. Immediately after his death the said John Boteler died.
Hole in the manor of Uppeanry. A messuage, a garden and 4 bovates of land, and a fishery in the river Torigh, held of the king in chief, service not known.
John Boteler died on Monday after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 9 Richard II.
William Boteler, his son, aged 14 years and more, is his heir.
C. Ric. II File 42 (3)
334. John brother and heir of Stephen son of Geoffrey brother of John Creuker
Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said heir, whose uncle (the said John Creuker) held by knight’s service of the heir of John Moubray of Axholm, knight, then a minor. 8 February, 9 Richard II.
BEDFORD. Proof of age taken at Bedford, Thursday the feast of St. Peter in Cathedra, 9 Richard II.
John Malyns of Ravenesden, aged 51 years and more, says that the said heir is 22 years of age and more, having been born at Bereford and baptised in the church there-on Wednesday before the Purification, 36 Edward III. This he knows because he was there on that day and met the heir’s father, who told him of the birth.
Thomas Bate, aged 56 years and more, John Bereford, aged 52 years and more, Roger Wryght, aged 60 years and more, Thomas Rolt, aged 56 years and more, Thomas Rotour (?), aged 54 years and more, and William Botte, aged 52 years and more, agree and say they were there that day at mass, and the heir’s father asked the then rector of the church to write the day and year of the birth in the missal there, which was done.
John Valentyn, aged 58 years and more, John Freloue, aged 50 years and more, Robert Terry, aged 53 years and more, John Vaux, aged 55 years and more, and Thomas Joykyn, aged 52 years and more, agree and say that on the following Sunday John Valentyn married his wife, and the other witnesses were there at the same time and were told of the birth of the said heir.
C. Ric. II File 42 (4)
335. Robert son and heir of Emma late the wife of John Mascy
Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said heir. 9 November, 9 Richard II.
DERBY. Inq. (indented) taken at Glossop, Thursday before the Epiphany, 9 Richard II.
The jurors (named) say that the said heir is of the full age of 21 years and more, having been born at Melver and baptized in the church of Glossop on Wednesday after the Circumcision, 37 Edward III.
Similar writ, 12 February, 9 Richard II
DERBY. Proof of age taken at Chestrefeld, Saturday before the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 10 Richard II.
William de Bagshawe, aged 66 years and more, says that the said heir was 21 years of age and more on Tuesday the feast of St. John the Evangelist last. This he knows because on Holy Innocents’ Day, 37 Edward III, he went to the house of Hugh Kynder to buy an ox. Now Hugh was starting for the parish church of Glossop to be the heir’s godfather, and because he stayed too long a certain Robert Hyde became godfather, and he (the witness) was present in the church and saw the heir lifted from the sacred font. Moreover, it is well known throughout the parish that the heir is of that age.
Thomas Kynder, aged 60 years and more, agrees and says that on Holy Innocents’ Day, 37 Edward III, he was in the parish church of All Saints, Glossop, with Hugh Kynder, his father, when the heir was baptized, and on the same day the exequies of a certain William de Walkeden, slain in the fields of Simundlee in the parish of Glossop, were celebrated, and his death is written in the missal of the said church. Moreover &c., as above.
Roger de Roworth, aged 55 years, agrees and says that on the feast of St. Martin in the Winter before the birth of the said heir he took by indenture from the abbot of Basewerk a messuage and a bovate of land in Glossop for life, and so by the date of the indenture he knows the heir’s age. Moreover &c., as above.
Richard Berd, aged 47 years and more, agrees and says that John son of Henry de Melver had a son named John born to him at Melver and baptized in the parish church of All Saints, Glossop, on Monday after the heir’s birth; and the said John son of Henry died at Melver on Sunday after the Epiphany last, and after his death John his son entered on the inheritance as being of full age, without hindrance or dispute. So it is certain that the heir is of full age. Moreover &c., as above.
John Hally, aged 60 years and more, agrees and says that he, together with a certain Robert Hyde, was the heir’s godfather and lifted him from the sacred font in the said parish church on Holy Innocents’ Day, 37 Edward III. Moreover &c., as above.
Thomas de Melver, aged 56 years and more, agrees and says that Robert de Walkeden and Ellen his wife died at Berd in the parish of Glossop on Monday before Michaelmas in the year following the birth of the said heir, and their death is written in the missal of the church of Glossop. Moreover &c., as above.
William del Kyrk, aged 64 years and more, agrees and says that he and many others came to Glossop on Sunday after the Epiphany in the year aforesaid to see some cockfights, as is the custom of the country, and when the fights were finished he went to the house of John Mascy, the heir’s father, and there saw the heir at his mother’s breast. Moreover &c., as above.
John de Glossop, aged 50 years and more, agrees and says that on Tuesday after the birth of the heir a son named William was born to him at Glossop, whose age is written in the missal of the church of Glossop. Moreover &c., as above.
William Rag, Hugh Hally, Robert Gilbert and Nicholas Rag agree with all the above witnesses, saying that the said heir was of full age, to wit, 21 years and more, on Tuesday the feast of St. John the Evangelist, 9 Richard II, having been born at Melver on the aforesaid day and year, and that all the parishioners of Glossop, as well as his godfathers, neighbours and friends, have carefully reckoned his age. Moreover, the said Nicholas Rag took to wife Agnes daughter of William de Northlees on Tuesday after Michaelmas, 37 Edward III, and their espousals were celebrated the same day in the church of Glossop, and on the day of St. John the Evangelist next following the said heir was born.
C. Ric. II File 42 (5)
337. Agnes daughter of Thomas Crophull son of John Crophull
Writ to the escheator to take proof of age of the said Agnes, kinswoman and heir of the said John Crophull, whom Walter Deveros has taken to wife, warning Roger son of John Crophull, in whose custody by the king’s commitment is one part of the lands of her inheritance, to be present and show cause why the said lands should not be restored to her. 12 September, 9 Richard II.
Endorsed: The said Roger was warned and was present at the proof, but had nothing to say against it.
HEREFORD. Proof of age taken at Hereford, Saturday after St. Matthew, 9 Richard II.
William Gerneston, William Pipe and William Smyth, aged 60 years and more, say that the said Agnes was born at the manor of Chabbenore and baptized in the church of Dylwyn on the second day after the feast of the Annunciation, 45 Edward III. This they remember because on the same day they were in the company of Henry Bailly when he was told of the birth of Joan his daughter; so they know that Agnes is 14 years of age and more.
Walter Disshewall, Thomas Monynton and Henry Bailly, aged 50 years and more, agree and say that on the day of the birth of the said Agnes, Walter Disshewall started on a pilgrimage to Santiago.
Roger Crompe, William Carsewall and John Upton, aged 48 years and more, agree and say that on the same day Roger Crompe took to wife Joan daughter of William Carsewall.
William Chabbenore, Henry de la Coumbe and John Bradeley, aged 40 years and more, agree and say that on the same day William Chabbenore sold to John Bradeley a burgage tenement with curtilage in Webbeley.
C. Ric. II File 42 (6)
338. Stephen son of Geoffrey brother of John Creuker, a minor
Writ of devenerunt, on the death of the said Stephen, kinsman and heir of the said John Creuker, who held by knight’s service of the heir of John Moubray of Axholm, knight, lately a minor. 7 December, 9 Richard II.
BEDFORD. Inq. taken at Bedeford, Monday before the Conversion of St. Paul, 9 Richard II.
John Creuker, named in the writ, held the under-mentioned messuage, land and manor on the day of his death, and they came to the late king’s hands by reason of the minority of the said Stephen.
Ravenesden. A messuage and 180 a. land, held of the heir of John Moubray of Axholm, knight, by knight’s service and service of suit of court every three weeks; and the said heir held of the late king in chief and was a minor in the said king’s wardship.
Bereford. The manor, held of the Lady Isabel Latymer, as of the barony of Bedford, by knight’s service and suit of court every three weeks.
The said Stephen died on Thursday after St. Margaret, 44 Edward III.
John his brother is his heir, and is 22 years of age and more, and was of that age on Wednesday before the Purification, 8 Richard II.
C. Ric. II File 42 (7)
339. Thomas Lunales, son and heir of Henry Lunales
Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said heir, whose father held by knight’s service of the heir of Roger de Mortuo Mari, late earl of March, tenant in chief of Edward III. 12 October, 9 Richard II.
HEREFORD. Proof of age taken at Webbeleye, Thursday after St. Luke, 9 Richard II.
William Weston, Thomas atte Bury and John Bedules, aged 60 years and more, say that the said heir was born at Weston by Pembrugg and baptized in the church of Pembrugg on 6 October, 34 Edward III. This they remember because they were at Hereford that day in the company of Henry, the heir’s father, before the keepers of the peace and king’s justices in the county, when the said Henry was told of the birth of his son. So they know that the heir is 23 years of age and more.
William Hompton, William Nasshe and John Hendyng, aged 56 years and more, agree and say they were at Webbeley together that day, when a certain Jevan ap Blethyn of Radenore killed a certain Howel … of Radenore.
William Stede, John Twyford and John Lanpadarn, aged 50 years and more, agree and say that the said John Twyford was beginning to new-build a barn at Pembrugg when a certain Joan wife of John Hendyng carried the said heir to church to be baptized.
William Smyth, Ellis Polter and John Smyth, aged 40 years and more, agree and say that they were in the said church that day to account for the church-goods which they had in their custody as churchwardens.
C. Ric. II File 42 (8)
340. Anne daughter and one of the heirs of John de Beverle
Writ to the mayor and escheator of London to take proof of the age of the said Anne, the lands of whose inheritance are in the custody of Amice late the wife of the said John de Beverle by the king’s commitment; and to warn the said Amice to be present at the proof and show cause why the said lands should not be restored to the said Anne and William Bakewell, her husband. 16 November, 9 Richard II.
Endorsed: The said Amice could not be found in the escheator’s bailiwick, and accordingly could not be warned to attend.
LONDON. Inq. (indented) taken at the Guildhall, 7 April, 9 Richard II.
The said Anne was born in the parish of St. Botolph without Aldrichesgate in Aldrichesgate ward, and baptized in the church of St. Botolph on 3 March, 41 Edward III; and was 16 years of age on the same day, 6 Richard II. She is now 19 years of age and more. William Strete, deceased, the late king’s butler, was her godfather, and Anne late the wife of Edward le Spencer, knight, and Maud atte Melne were her godmothers. Her said godmothers bear full witness to her age.
C. Ric. II File 42 (9)
341. Baldwin Seintgeorge, knight
Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said Baldwin, son of Elizabeth one of the daughters and heirs of John Argentein, knight, tenant in chief. 25 February, 9 Richard II.
CAMBRIDGE. Inq. (indented) taken at Royston, Wednesday before Ascension Day, 9 Richard II.
The under-mentioned jurors say that the said Baldwin was born at Hungry Hattele and baptized in the church there, and that he was 23 years of age on the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary last.
John atte Halle, aged 60 years, knows this because a windmill was burnt in the night after the birth of the said Baldwin, and he and many others saw it.
John Coulyng, aged 64 years, and John Forest, aged 53 years, know because a great house called ‘Persounesberne’ was laid low in the following night and they saw it.
Thomas atte Hoo, aged 52 years, and Guy Horle, aged 50 years, know because the said Thomas had a son, who is still alive, on the same day, and he is now of the same age as the heir, because [?they met] on the way to the church to be baptized.
William Kynesson, aged 51 years, and Matthew Syward, aged 55 years, know because a certain parson of the said church was entombed the same day in the churchyard of the said church on the south side.
Henry Derby, aged 69 years, and William Mous, aged 56 years, know because on the same day the said William fell to the ground and broke his right arm, and they saw it.
John Deyns, aged 52 years, Geoffrey Fort, aged 54 years, and Peter Sprot, aged 51 years, know because on the same day a certain priest called Sir John Launcy went round the church by way of penance with a woman called Joan Wynkman, and they saw it.
C. Ric. II File 42 (10)
342. Margaret daughter and one of the heirs of Robert Ram
Writ to the escheator in co. Kent. Whereas by an inquisition taken ex officio by Thomas de Illeston, late escheator, on Wednesday after St. Botolph, 49 Edward III, it was found that the said Margaret, who assumed the habit of the order of St. Benedict at Hedyngham, co. Essex, and was professed therein in 47 Edward III, held on the day of such profession of the late king, as of the barony of his castle of Leybourn, by knight’s service, 18 a. marsh in Clyve called ‘Meedmerssh’, which on the day of the said profession descended to Joan late the wife of Stephen de Delham and Alice wife of Robert Freman, both then surviving, as sisters and heirs of the said Margaret, and that the said Stephen and Joan died about the feast of the Purification then last past, after whose death the said Joan’s share of the marsh ought to descend to Joan wife of Alexander de Barton and Ellen, her daughters and heirs, who were then minors; and whereas the said inquisition does not state the age of the said Alice: the escheator is to make enquiry touching her age and to certify the king in the Chancery thereof. 20 March, 9 Richard II.
KENT. Inq. (indented) taken at Clyve, Monday after All Saints, 10 Richard II.
The jurors say that the said Alice was 37 years old on the feast of SS. Simon and Jude last. This they know by information of Thomas Cook, chaplain, who celebrated his first mass on Sunday after Michaelmas next after the first pestilence. The said Thomas baptized Alice in the church of Clyve on the following feast of SS. Simon and Jude, and that was 37 years ago. John Sholdon, late rector of the church of Cowlynge, was Alice’s godfather, and Alice late the wife of Robert Monden and Margery wife of John Hardres were her godmothers. Alice married the said Robert Freman 19 years ago, and they have had 12 sons and daughters, of whom the eldest son, named John, was 15 years of age on Christmas last.
C. Ric. II File 42 (11)
343. Margaret daughter and heir of James de Pipe, a minor
Writ of devenerunt, 8 December, 9 Richard II
SALOP. Inq. taken at Bruggenorth, 11 July, 10 Richard II.
The under-mentioned messuage and land came into the late king’s hands by the death of James de Pipe and by reason of the minority of Eleanor and Margaret, his daughters and heirs, and are still in the present king’s hands.
Fayntre. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of the king in chief by service of providing a man on foot with a bow and two arrows to go with the king in his army as far as Monefordebrugge when there is war in Wales, at his own costs, and by service of doing suit at the county court of Salop every month.
Margaret died on 2 October, 6 Richard II. Eleanor her sister, aged 18 years and more, is her heir.
C. Ric. II File 42 (12)
344. Oliver son and heir of John de Raghton
Writ to the escheator in co. Bedford to take proof of the age of the said Oliver, who is said to have been born at Wrastlyngworth and baptized in the church of that town; warning the executors of William de Stapleton, in whose custody are the lands of the inheritance of the said Oliver by virtue of a commitment of the same by Edward III to the said William until the lawful age of the said Oliver, to be present at the proof and shew cause why the lands should not be delivered to Oliver. 29 January, 9 Richard II.
[BEDFORD]. Proof of age … February … (a small fragment).
E. Inq. P.M. File 52 (15)
345. Richard Restwold, son and heir of William son of Ralph Restwold
(Writ missing)
BERKS. Inq. (indented) taken at Remneham, Thursday the eve of the Purification, 9 Richard II.
Richard atte Beche, Thomas Bithewod and Richard Bithewod, each aged 50 years and more, say that the said heir was born at Syndlesham and baptized in the church of Sonnyng, and was 21 years of age and more on Christmas Day last. This they remember because in the year of his birth a certain Ralph Restwold, his uncle, married Elizabeth daughter of John Loveday, lady of Heddesore.
John Cartere, the elder, William Sole and John Eversle, each aged 50 years and more, agree and say that about Michaelmas in the year of the heir’s birth a watermill at Twyford was on a sudden completely burnt down.
William Tirry, William atte Shete and John Smyth of Twyford, each aged 50 years and more, agree and say that in the year of the heir’s birth there was a dispute between the parish chaplain there and one of his parishioners, and the chaplain was killed.
Thomas Culham, John Turbarn and Walter Braye, each aged 50 years and more, agree and say that on the feast of St. Peter’s Chains in the year of the heir’s birth the above mentioned William atte Shete married Isoult Smyth.
E. Inq. P.M. File 52 (14)