Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'XXVII: Foundation of Chaplaincy at the altar of St Kentigern (1460)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'XXVII: Foundation of Chaplaincy at the altar of St Kentigern (1460)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"XXVII: Foundation of Chaplaincy at the altar of St Kentigern (1460)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
In this section
XXVII. Foundation by Walter Stewart of Arthurle, of a Chaplainry at the New Altar of St Kentigern, in the High Church of Glasgow. 23d July 1460.
[Latin text]
Vniuersis Christi fidelibus hoc presens scriptum inspecturis Walterus Stewart de Arthurle, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Nouerit vniuersitas vestra me, pie deuocionis affectu, vnam nouam capellaniam perpetuam cum capellano eiusdem infra ecclesiam cathedralem Glasguensem, in deambulatorio eiusdem, ex parte australi, ad nouum altare Beati Kentigerni episcopi et confessoris, per me de nouo fundatum, ad laudem, gloriam et honorem omnipotentis Dei, Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, glorioseque Virginis Marie, Sancti Kentigerni et omnium sanctorum; Necnon ob divini cultus augmentum et salutem anime mee et anime Ionete uxoris mee et animarum patrum et matrum, fratrum et sororum, et benefactorum nostrorum, pro quibus in vita vel in morte preces effundere aut deprecari tenemur, omniumque fidelium viuorum et defunctorum salutarem memoriam, a quibus aliqua bona cepi et ad condignum non satisfeci, censibus et redditibus infrascriptis per me dotatam, de nouo fundasse, constituisse et ordinasse, ac fundari, creari, erigi et ordinari fecisse sub modo et forma infrascriptis: Ad cuius capellanie et ipsius ydonei capellani ibidem perpetuis temporibus diuina celebraturi reparacionem honestam, et sufficientem sustentacionem, ista tenementa, terras et annuos redditus, que michi ex puro conquestu, et non alias, aduenerunt, habeo, possideo et acquisiui, dedi et concessi, et in puram elimosinam, sicut aliqua elimosina infra regnum Scocie liberius datur et conceditur, donaui et assignaui, ac a me et heredibus meis, cum omnibus et singulis suis pertinenciis et commoditatibus, mortua manu tradidi et in perpetuum erogaui; Quorum reddituum et tenementorum, ut wlgo censentur, nomina subsecuntur, prout in publico instrumento donacionis huiusmodi plenius continetur: In primis quatuor solidos primi annui redditus de vno tenemento iacente ex parte australi vici wlgariter nuncupati le Gallowgat, inter terram Johannis Dicson ab occidentali et terram David Sprewell ab orientali, et de tribus cwtryggis iacentibus in le Eglishamcroft, inter terras domini de Murrowse ab occidentali et orientali; Item de tenemento Jacobi Dwne iacente ex parte occidentali Vie Regie tendentis ab ecclesia cathedrali Glasguensi usque ad crucem fori eiusdem, cum cauda tendente usque ad terram magistri Roberti de Menteth inter terram Johannis Horn ad boream et terram Luce Young ad austrum, et de quinque aggeribus iacentibus supra le Kyncleth inter terramdomini de Mwrrous ab occidentali et terram Johnannis Nigelli ab orientali, et de duobus aggeribus iacentibus supra le Kyncleth antedictam inter terram domini de Montgumbre ex occidentali et terram Johannis Flemyn ex orientali, duodecim solidos et nouem denarios primi annui redditus de aggeribus predictis indifferenter et de dicto tenemento annuatim leuandos. Item de quatuor cwtriggis iacentibus in le Mvthalecroft inter terram Andree Brady ab orientali et terram quam inhabitat uxor Johannis de Camera ab occidentali, et de vno aggere iacente in dicta crofta inter terram Fratrum Predicatorum ab occidentali et terram quam nunc inhabitat Willelmus Stewart ab orientali, et de vno aggere iacente super le Kyncleth inter terram domini de Houstoun ab orientali et terram domini de Hamylton ab occidentali, quadraginta denarios de primo annuo redditu: Item de tenemento Willelmi Dicson, iacente ex parte orientali dicti vici inter terram Mauricii Donaldi ad austrum et terram Johannis Schaw ad boream, xxvj solidos et octo denarios; Item de tenemento Thome Wan, iacente ex parte occidentali dicte vie inter terram Johannis Flemyn ad austrum et terram Thome Law ad boream, xvi denarios primi annui redditus; Item de dicto tenemento Thome Law xvj denarios primi annui redditus; Item de tenemento iacente proximo ad boream dicti Thome Law xvi denarios primi annui redditus; Item de duabus rodis siue perticatis terre, iacentibus ex parte occidentali dicte vie inter terram quondam Martini Ewyson ex parte australi et terram Johannis Stewart ex parte boreali, quindecim solidos et vi denarios primi annui redditus; Item de dicto tenemento Johannis Stewart quinque solidos; Item de vno tenemento, iacente ex parte australi vici Beate Tenaw, inter terram vicariorum ministrancium in choro Glasguensi ad orientalem et terram Johannis Bracanrig ad occidentalem sex solidos et octo denarios primi annui redditus; Item de vno tenemento, iacente ex parte boreali dicti vici inter terram Magistri Roberti de Menteth ab occidentali et terram Mathei Stewart de Cassiltoun ab orientali tres solidos et octo denarios primi annui redditus; Item de dicto tenemento Mathei Stewart, videlicet de tribus rodis cum cauda extendentibus usque ad ortum Patricii Mason, xxvi solidos et octo denarios; Item de vno tenemento iacenti in dicto vico, inter terram dicti Mathei Stewart ab occidentali et terram Willelmi Goldsmyth ab orientali, vj solidos. Item de vno tenemento iacente ex parte orientali dicti Willelmi Goldsmyth, quatuor solidos; Item de vno tenemento iacente ex parte orientali Vie Regie extendentis ab ecclesia Cathedrali Glasguensi vsque ad crucem fori, inter terram domini Johannis Modervale vicarii de Estwodd ad boream et terram Johannis Knok ad austrum, tresdecim solidos et quatuor denarios; Item de tenemento Roberti Hyne iacente ex parte occidentali dicte vie, inter terram Roberti Browster ex parte australi et terram Willelmi Broustare ex parte boreali, septem solidos primi annui redditus; Item de dicto tenemento Willelmi Browster, cum cauda tendente usque ad terram magistri Roberti de Menteth, xx denarios primi annui redditus; Item de tenemento Ricardi Falconer, iacente in dicta via, inter terram David Gluvare ex parte australi et terram Luce Young ex parte boreali, et de quadam perticata terre iacente super le Crukis inter terram Roberti Hugonis ex parte occidentali et terram domini Ricardi Gardner ex parte orientali, et de vno aggere iacente in le Langcroft inter terram eiusdem Ricardi Falconer ab occidentali et terram Thome Wischart ab orientali, vndecim solidos et nouem denarios primi annui redditus; Item de dicto tenemento Luce Yong cum cauda tendenti vsque ad terram magistri Roberti de Menteth xx denarios; Item de tenemento Patricii Roberti ex parte occidentali dicte vie, inter terram Emote de Kyngorn ex parte australi et terram Johannis Stewart ex boreali, cum cauda tendente usque ad ortum Johannis Makmvlan, quindecim denarios; Item de vno tenemento iacente in dicto vico, inter terram Johannis Stewart ab austro et terram quam nunc inhabitat Ricardus Browster, cum cauda tendente ad ortum Johannis McMvlan, sex solidos et octo denarios; Item de dicto orto Johannis Makmvlan tres solidos primi annui redditus; Item de nouo tenemento Dauid Hyne iacente in dicto vico, inter terram dicti Dauid Hyne ab austro et terram quam nunc inhabitat vxor Johannis Scot a borea, tresdecim solidos et quatuor denarios primi annui redditus; Item de vno tenemento, iacente in Ruglen in via australi, inter terram Thome Birkynschaw ab orientali et communem venellam ab occidentali, nouem solidos primi annui redditus; Item de vno tenemento iacente in parte orientali dicte ville, inter terram Jacobi Wastson ex parte boreali et terram Patricii Crokat ex parte australi, tres solidos primi annui redditus; Item de tenemento Willelmi Pottar iacente in villa Glasguensi in vico supradicto, inter terram Petri de Pollok ab austro et terram Arthuri de Pollok a borea, et de quatuor aggeribus iacentibus in le Brwmelaw, inter terram Johannis Wischart ex occidentali et terram Thome Monteith ab orientali, et de quatuor aggeribus iacentibus in le Sant Enokis croft, inter terram Sancte Tenaw ex occidentali et terram Johannis Quhitfurde ab orientali, vi solidos; Item de dicto tenemento Arthuri de Pollok, vi solidos. Tenendos, habendos et possidendos dictos annuos redditus meos cum pertinenoiis predicto altari in puram et perpetuam elimosinam et proprietatem, necnon capellano perpetuo ibidem Deo seruituro, cum omnibus et singulis aliis libertatibus, commoditatibus, et asiamentis ac iustis pertinenciis quibuscunque ad dictos annuos redditus et tenementa spectantibus sen iuste spectare valentibus in futurum; adeo libere, quiete, plenarie, integre, bene et in pace, in omnibus et per omnia, sicut aliqui annui redditus infra regnum Scocie in perpetuam elimosinam alicui capellanie vel altari conceduntur. Volo tamen dacionem dicte capellanie post obitum meum ad heredes meos masculos omnino pertinere; quibus deficientibus, pertinebit ad communitatem et balliuos dicte ciuitatis burgi Glasguensis; retenta insuper michi potestate mutandi et ammouendi capellanum, suis exigentibus demeritis, quamdiu vixero in humanis. Capellanus uero ministrans in dicta capellania in ciuitate Glasguensi personaliter residebit, et pro anima mea et vxoris mee prelibate, parentum, heredum et successorum nostrorum, et omnium fidelium viuorum ac defunctorum, cotidie cum dispositus fuerit, celebrabit, et piam commemoracionem pro animabus suprascriptis faciet. Preterea si dictus capellanus extra dictam ciuitatem Glasguensem per vnam quindenam continuam fecerit residenciam, vel a missarum celebracione, preterquam euidentis infirmitatis about indisposicionis causa, cessauerit, eo ipso huiusmodi capellania vacabit alteri libere conferenda. Interea si contingat dictum capellanum aliunde beneficium seu officium, curatum uel non curatum, qualecunque obtinere, statim per illius beneficii seu officii pacificam possessionem capellania ipsa vacabit. Ceterum si contingat dictum capellanum aliquam concubinam vel focariam publicam retinere, seu tali publice adherere; si ter monitus per dominum Episcopum qui pro tempore fuerit, vel eius ministros, et cum effectu [non dimiserit] eandem, eo ipso dicta capellania vacare censebitur. Preterea volo et ordino quod dictus capellanus, cum aliis sex capellanis per ipsum eligendis, singulis annis tempore obitus mei cum tabula honeste cooperta et duabus s[erei]s accensis Placebo et Dirige nocte precedente diem obitus mei, et missam de Requie in crastino solemniter cum nota celebrare teneatur. In cuius capellanie siue officii fundacionis, et reddituum huiusmodi mee donacionis et concessionis, fidem, testimonium et firmitatem, sigillum meum, vna cum sigillo communitatis burgi Glasguensis, huic presenti scripto perpetuis temporibus duraturo est appensum, die xxiij°ree; mensis Julii, anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo.
To all the faithful in Christ that shall see this writing, Walter Stewart of Arthurle, greeting in God everlasting. Know ye all of you, that I moved with feelings of pious devotion, to the praise, glory, and honor of almighty God, Father and Son and Holy Ghost, and of the glorious Virgin Mary, Saint Kentigern, and all saints; and for the increase of the worship of God, and the salvation of my own soul, and the soul of Jonet my wife, and the souls of our fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, and benefactors, for whom we are bound in life or death to pour forth prayers or make intercession, and for the salutary remembrance of all faithful men, living and dead, from whom I have received any goods, and have not fully made satisfaction therefor, have of new founded, constituted and ordained, and caused to be founded, created, erected, and ordained, in manner and form underwritten, within the Cathedral Church of Glasgow, in the nave thereof, on the south side, at the new altar of Saint Kentigern, bishop and confessor, founded by me of new, a new perpetual chaplainry, with chaplain thereof, endowed by me with the mails and rents underwritten. For the competent repairing and sufficient sustentation of which chaplainry, and a suitable chaplain, in all times to come to celebrate divine worship therein, I have given and granted, and in pure alms, gifted and assigned, as freely as any alms is given and granted within the kingdom of Scotland, and with all and sundry their pertinents and commodities made over in mortmain, and for ever bequeathed from me and my heirs, those tenements, lands, and annual rents, which I have, possess, and have acquired, having come to me by pure conquest, and not otherwise. Of which rents and tenements, as they are commonly reckoned, the names follow, as is more fully contained in the public instrument of this gift. First, four shillings of the first annual rent from a tenement lying on the south side of the street, commonly called the Gallowgat, between the land of John Dicson on the west, and the land of David Spreull on the east, and from three cutrigs lying in Eglishamcroft, between the lands of the laird of Murrows on the west and east sides. Item, from the tenement of James Dwne lying on the west side of the High Street, extending from the Cathedral Church of Glasgow to the Market Cross thereof, with a tail running to the land of Master Robert of Menteth, between the land of John Horn to the north and the land of Luke Young to the south, and from five rigs lying above Kyncleth, between the land of the laird of Murrous on the west and the land of John Nielson on the east side, and from two rigs lying above Kyncleth foresaid, between the land of the Lord of Montgumbre on the west and the land of John Flemyn on the east side, twelve shillings and nine pence of the first annual rent to be uplifted yearly furth of the foresaid rigs and the said tenement indifferently. Item, from four cutrigs lying in Mvthalecroft, between the land of Andrew Brady on the east and the land which the wife of John of Chambers occupies on the west side, and from a rig lying in the said croft between the land of the Preaching Friars on the west and the land which William Stewart now inhabits on the east side, and from a rig lying on Kyncleth between the lands of the laird of Houston on the east and the land of the lord of Hamylton on the west, forty pence of the first annual rent. Item, from the tenement of William Dicson, lying on the east side of the said street, between the land of Maurice Donaldson on the south and the land of John Schaw on the north, twenty-six shillings and eightpence. Item, from the tenement of Thomas Wan, lying on the south side of the said way, between the land of John Flemyn on the south and the land of Thomas Law on the north, sixteenpence of the first annual rent. Item, from the said tenement of Thomas Law, sixteenpence of the first annual rent. Item, from the tenement lying next to the north of the said Thomas Law, sixteenpence of the first annual rent. Item, from two roods or perches of land lying on the west side of the said way, between the land of the deceased Martin Ewyson on the south side and the land of John Stewart on the north side, fifteen shillings and sixpence of the first annual rent. Item, from the said tenement of John Stewart, five shillings. Item, from a tenement lying on the south side of St Tenaw's Street, between the land of the vicars serving in the choir of Glasgow on the east and the land of John Bracanrig on the west, six shillings and eightpence of the first annual rent. Item, from a tenement lying on the north side of the said street, between the land of Master Robert of Menteth on the west and the land of Matthew Stewart of Cassiltoun on the east side, three shillings and eightpence of the first annual rent. Item, from the said tenement of Matthew Stewart, to wit, from three roods with a butt, extending to Patrick Mason's garden, twenty-six shillings and eightpence. Item, from a tenement lying in the said street, between the said Matthew Stewart's land on the west and the land of William Goldsmyth on the east side, six shillings. Item, from a tenement lying on the east side of the said William Goldsmyth, four shillings. Item, from a tenement lying on the east side of the High Street, extending from the Cathedral Church of Glasgow to the Market Cross, between the land of Schir John Modervalc, vicar of Estwodd, to the north, and the land of John Knok to the south thirteen shillings and fourpence. Item, from the tenement of Robert Hyne, lying on the west side of the said way, between the land of Robert Browster on the south and the land of William Browstare on the north side, seven shillings of the first annual rent. Item, from the said tenement of William Browster, with tail running to the land of Master Robert of Menteth, twentypence of the first annual rent. Item, from the tenement of Richard Falconer, lying in the said street between the land of David Gluvare on the south and the land of Luke Young on the north sides, and from a rood of land lying on the Crukis, between the land of Robert Hughson on the west, and the land of Sir Richard Gardner on the east side, and from a rig lying in Langcroft, between the land of the said Richard Falconer on the west and the land of Thomas Wischart on the east, eleven shillings and ninepence of the first annual rent. Item, from the said tenement of Luke Yong, with tail extending to the land of Master Robert of Menteth, twentypence. Item, from the tenement of Patrick Robertson on the south side of the said street between the land of Emota of Kyngorn on the south side and the land of John Stewart on the north, with tail extending to the garden of John Makmvlan fifteenpence. Item, from a tenement lying in the said street, between the land of John Stewart on the south and the land which Richard Browster now occupies, with tail thereof extending to the garden of John Mcemvlan, six shillings and eightpence. Item, from the said garden of John Makmvlan, three shillings of the first annual rent. Item, from the new tenement of David Hyne, lying in the said street, between the land of the said David Hyne on the south and the land now inhabited by John Scot's wife on the north, thirteen shillings and fourpence of the first annual rent. Item, from a tenement lying in Ruglen in the Southgate, between the land of Thomas Birkynschau on the east and the common vennel on the west, nine shillings of the first annual rent. Item, from a tenement lying in the east side of the said town, between James Watson's land on the north and Patrick Crokat's land on the south side three shillings of the first annual rent. Item, from the tenement of William Pottar, lying in the town of Glasgow in the abovesaid street, between the land of Peter of Pollok on the south and the land of Arthur of Pollok on the north, and from four rigs lying in the Brwmelaw, between John Wischart's land on the west and Thomas Monteith's land on the east sides, and from four rigs lying in Saint Enokis croft, between Saint Tenaw's land on the west and John Quhitfurdis land on the east, six shillings. Item, from the said tenement of Arthur of Pollok, six shillings. To Have, hold, and possess my said annual rents, with their pertinents, to the foresaid altar, in pure and perpetual alms and property, and to a chaplain to serve God there for evermore, with all and sundry other freedoms, commodities, and easements, and just pertinents whatsoever, to the said annual rents and tenements belonging, or that may justly belong, in time to come; as freely, quietly, fully, wholly, well, and in peace, in all and by all, as any annual rents within the kingdom of Scotland are granted in perpetual alms to any chaplainry or altar. Nevertheless, it is my will that the gift of the said chaplainry shall belong wholly to my heirs male after my death; whom failing, it shall belong to the community and bailies of the said city of the burgh of Glasgow. Furthermore, retaining to myself, so long as I live, the power of changing and removing the chaplain, if his demerits require so to do. And the chaplain serving in the said chaplainry shall personally reside in the city of Glasgow; and shall daily, when disposed, celebrate mass for my soul, and the soul of my wife foresaid, parents, heirs, and successors, and all the faithful alive and dead, and make pious commemoration for the souls abovewritten. Further, if the said chaplain shall have made residence outwith the said city of Glasgow for fifteen successive days, or ceased from the celebration of masses, save on account of plain infirmity, or indisposition, eo ipso, the said chaplainry shall become vacant, to be freely bestowed on another person. Meanwhile if the said chaplain happen elsewhere to obtain a benefice or office whatsoever, with or without cure, immediately upon his peaceable possession of the said benefice or office the said chaplainry shall become vacant. And if the said chaplain happen to keep any concubine or public harlot, or to remain with such publicly, if three times warned by the lord bishop for the time being, or his officers, and shall not at once dismiss the same, eo ipso, the said chaplainry shall be held to be vacant. Further, I will and ordain that the said chaplain, with other six chaplains to be chosen by him, every year at the time of my obit, with the altar becomingly covered and two tapers lighted, shall be bound solemnly to sing placebo and dirige on the eve of my obit, and a mass of Requiem on the morrow. In faith, witness and confirmation of the foundation of which chaplainry or office, and my gift and grant of such rents, my seal, together with the seal of the community of the burgh of Glasgow, is appended to this present writing, to remain in force for all time to come for ever, on the twenty-third day of the month of July, the year of God one thousand four hundred and sixty.