XXVIII: Grant from Bishop of Glasgow to the University of jurisdiction over disputes involving the supposts of the University (1461)

Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.

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'XXVIII: Grant from Bishop of Glasgow to the University of jurisdiction over disputes involving the supposts of the University (1461)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp53-54 [accessed 6 March 2025].

'XXVIII: Grant from Bishop of Glasgow to the University of jurisdiction over disputes involving the supposts of the University (1461)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp53-54.

"XXVIII: Grant from Bishop of Glasgow to the University of jurisdiction over disputes involving the supposts of the University (1461)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/glasgow-charters/1175-1649/no2/pp53-54.

In this section

XXVIII. Grant by Andrew, Bishop of Glasgow, with consent of the Chapter, to the Rector of the University, of full jurisdiction in all causes and quarrels between the Supposts of the University, or between them and the Burgesses and other subjects of the Bishop, etc. Glasgow, 1 July 1461.

[Latin text]

Andreas Dei Apostolice sedis gratia Episcopus Glasguensis vniuersis et singulis Christifidelibus ad quorum noticias presentes litere peruenerint salutem cum benedictione diuina. Noueritis nos de consensu et assensu capituli nostri Rectori Vniuersitatis Glasguensis qui pro tempore fuerit dedisse concessisse necnon tenore presentium dare et concedere plenariam jurisdictionem et causarum cognicionem necnon criminum et excessuum correctionem in quibuscunque causis ciuilibus pecuniariis necnon contencionibus litibus rixis correctionibus et contrauersiis ceterisque vniuersis iniuriis motis et mouendis inter supposita dicte nostre Vniuersitatis seu inter huiusmodi supposita contra quoscunque nostros ciues ac alios quouismodo nostre jurisdictioni subiectos citandi monendi suspendendi et excommunicandi necnon in causis predictis et predictos per censuram ecclesiasticam compescendi ac omnia alia et singula faciendi et exercendi que nobis de jure seu consuetudine spectare dinoscuntur. Insuper concedimus et volumus quod dictus Rector qui pro tempore fuerit habeat primum locum post nos in cessionibus processionibus et ceteris solempnibus actibus quibuscunque ante omnes prelatos nostre diocesis. Ceterum volumus quod in huiusmodi causis inter supposita nostre Vniuersitatis fiat in optione rei coram quo judice an Rectore vel nostro officiali respondere voluerit: hiis nostris priuilegiis et concessionibus perpetuis temporibus duraturis: In quorum fidem et testimonium sigillum nostrum rotundum vnacum sigillo capituli nostri quo vtitur ad causas presentibus est appensum Apud nostram civitatem Glasguensem primo die mensis Julii anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo primo et nostre consecracionis anno sexto.


Andrew by the grace of God and the favor of the Apostolic See bishop of Glasgow, to all and sundry faithful in Christ to whose knowledge the present letters shall come, greeting with the blessing of God. Wit ye us, with consent and assent of our chapter, to have given, granted, and by the tenor hereof to give and grant to the rector of the University of Glasgow for the time being, full jurisdiction, and cognisance of causes, and correction of crimes and abuses in civil pecuniary causes whatsoever; as also contentions, suits, quarrels, corrections, and controversies, and all other wrongs, moved and to be moved between the supposts of our said university, or between such supposts against whomsoever our citizens and others in any manner of way subject to our jurisdiction; of citing, warning, suspending, and excommunicating, and restraining in the causes foresaid, the foresaid persons by church censure; and to do and exercise all and sundry other things which are known to pretain to us of right or custom. Further we grant, and it is our will, that the said rector for the time being shall have the first place next after us in synods, processions, and other solemn occasions whatsoever, before all prelates of our diocese. Further it is our will, that in such causes between the supposts of our university, it shall be in the option of the accused before what judge he shall choose to answer, whether before the rector or our official. These our privileges and grants to remain in all time to come for ever. In witness and testimony whereof our round seal, together with the seal of our chapter which is wont to be used in causes, is appended to these presents. At our city of Glasgow, the first day of the month of July, the year of God one thousand four hundred and sixty-first, and of our consecration the sixth.