Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'XXVI: Indenture between the Provost and the Friars Preachers (1454)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'XXVI: Indenture between the Provost and the Friars Preachers (1454)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"XXVI: Indenture between the Provost and the Friars Preachers (1454)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
XXVI. Indenture between John Stewart, 'the first Provest that were in the Citie of Glasgu' on the one part, and the Prior and Convent of the Friars' Preachers of the same City on the other part. Glasgow, 18 December 1454.
This Indentur mad at Glasgw the xviij day of the moneth of December in the yher of our Lord a thousand fourhwndreth fyfty and four hyeris proportis and beiris wytnes that it is appoyntit and accordit betwyx an honorabyll mane Johne Steuart the first provest that was in the cite of Glasgw on the ta part, and discreyt religiouse men Frer Johne of Govan priour of the Freris of Glasgu and the convent off the samyn on the tothir part, in fourm and maner as eftyr folowis, that is to say: At the saide Johne Steuart hasse gyffin and grawntyde and fra hym and hys ayris for euirmar analyit wnto the saidis priour convent and thair successouris a tenement with the appurtenance lyand within the said burgh and cite of Glasgu on the west half of the Kyngis streyt, the qwhylk is callit the Waltargat, betwyx the landis of the saydis Freris Prechouris on the ta part and the landis of Johne Olyfawntys on the south part on the tothir, with the tayle strekand to the yhard of Johne of Bracanryggis on the west part of the said tenement and lyand north tyll a house of the said John of Bracanryge, and strekand sowth wnto the stentyng of a yhard of the said John of Bracanryggis. Item, of a ryge lyand in the Palyhard croft betwyx the landis of sum tym Johne of Chameris on the west part and the est part. Item, of ten schyllyng of annuell rent of a tenement lyand in the Kyngis streyte at strekis fra the Cathederale Kyrke of Glasgu wntyll the Mercat Cors of the samyn on the west half of the said streyt betwyx the landis of Patown Masownis on the north part and the landis of Patryk Robynsonis on the south part, of the qwhylk landis and annuell rentis the said Johne Steuart gafe and gert gyff herytabyll stait as of the fee, the said Johne Steuart broucand the franktenement and the profitis of the said landis and annuelyis for hys tym, exceppand at the saidis priour convent and thair successouris sall haff yherly of the said tenement lyand in the Waltargat sex penyis and othir sex penyis yherly of the said ten schyllyng of annuell in name of possessiowne. For the qwhylk tenement ryge and annuell the saydis priour convent thair successouris qwha that happynis for the tyme sall do and ger do perpetualy, on ilke Fryday of the yher eftir at the convent messe be done, at Sant Katrinis altar within the sayde kyrke a messe for the said Johne Steuartis saule hys elderis saulys and all Crystyn saulys, and at the offertory of the messe the preces, that is to say De profundis, tyll be said in presens of the pepyll, and alsua on the day of the discesse of the said Johne Steuart yherly tyll ger Sant Mwngouse bell be rwngin throw the town for the said Johnis sawle, with Placebo and Dirige tyll be songin in the quer and a messe with not, and ilke conventuale frer tyll say a messe for the said Johnis saule at the said alter of Sant Katryn, and the priour qwha that happynis for the tym sall giff like frer the said day that sayis messe sex penyis and a galown of the best sale ale of the town the samyn day to the conventis collaciown. And alsa the saidis priour and convent hasse gyffin and grawntyde thair leyfe tholyng and gud wyll to the said Johne Stewart hys wyflf ayris and successouris tyll thair bodyis and banys tyll be sepulturyt at the north end of the said alter of Sant Katryne, and tyll mak a pend as he or thai lykis at the said north end. And for the mar sekyrnes at all thir thyngis befor wretyn sail be completyt fulfyllyt and done, to the part of thir indenturis remaynand with the said priour and convent the sayde Johne Steuart hasse set to hys seele togyddyr with the comown seele of Glasgu at the instance of the said John Steuart, and to the part of thir indenturis remaynand with the said John Steuart the comown seele of the conventis is to hwngine day yher and place befor wretyn: beand wytnes Johne Macmulan balyhe, Johne of Schaw, Johne Red, Wyll Dicson, Johne of Raburn, Jamy Steuart, Rob Wyly, Rob of Fausyde and Wylly Jaksone sergiandis with othir mony.