Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Glasgow, 1894.
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'XXV : Charter of Bishop of Glasgow granting various privileges to the University (1453)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2, ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'XXV : Charter of Bishop of Glasgow granting various privileges to the University (1453)', in Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Edited by J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"XXV : Charter of Bishop of Glasgow granting various privileges to the University (1453)". Charters and Documents Relating To the City of Glasgow 1175-1649 Part 2. Ed. J D Marwick (Glasgow, 1894), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
In this section
XXV. Charter by William Turnbull, Bishop of Glasgow, with consent of the Chapter, granting various privileges to the University of Glasgow. 1 December 1453.
[Latin text]
Nos Willelmus, miseratione divina episcopus Glasguensis, de consensu et assensu capituli nostri, vobis rectori universitatis Glasguensis, doctoribus, magistris, ceterisque suppositis ejusdem universitatis, volumus, damus et concedimus in primis quod habeatis liberam facultatem emendi, et res proprias vendendi, quas causa negociandi non defertis in dicta civitate nostra Glasguensi et ubique per regaliam nostram et alias terras ac portus, omnia et singula vobis necessaria quecunque, et presertim ea que ad victum, esum et vestitum pertinent, quotiescunque et quandocunque volueritis, vel aliquis vestrum voluerit, absque exactionibus custumarum et licentia a quocumque petenda. Item, ut assise panis et cernisie, et appretiationes omnium que ad esum pertinent, debite secundum leges burgorum et consuetudines vobis plenius observentur, et ut in hiis delinquentes debita animadversione puniantur. Volumus et concedimus, pro nobis et successoribus nostris Glasguensibus episcopis, quod hujusmodi delinquentes qui fuerint preposito vel alicui ballivorum per rectorem universitatis intimentur, quos a dicto preposito vel aliquo ballivorum coram testibus requirat corrigi sufficienter et puniri. Et nisi infra octo dies naturales prefatus prepositus, vel aliquis ballivorum, super hoc requisitus, defectus et delinquentes procuret debite reformari, ex tunc correctio eorundem secundum leges civitatis, tociens quociens, contigerit, ad ipsum rectorem transferatur. Et si discordia aliqua super hujusmodi correctione et punitione inter rectorem et prepositum vel aliquem ballivorum oriatur, ad nos et successores nostros cognitionem et determinationem super hoc volumus pertinere. Item quod idem rector universitatis nostre Glasguensis, qui pro tempore fuerit, habeat jurisdictionem, cognitionem et correctionem in quibuscunque causis ciuilibus, pecuniariis ac minoribus, necnon contentionibus, litibus, rixis et controversiis, inter predicta supposita, seu perhujusmodi supposita, contra quoscunque nostros cives vel nostram terram inhabitantes motis, seu de futuro movendis, ac omnia et singula hujusmodi, in forma et effectu ut prefertur, audiendi, corrigendi ac summarie et de piano fine debito terminandi, tociens quociens necessitas exigit, sive alias sibi videbitur expendiens vel opportunum. Ita tamen quod de injuria atroci sive causis majoribus se non intromittat, quarum cognitionem nobis specialiter reservamus. Item volumus et concedimus per presentes quod omnia et singula supposita, infra nostram civitatem Glasguensem existentia, habeant plenam et veram facultatem et libertatem, an velint, contendere in causis et litibus antedictis coram prefato domino rectore, vel coram nobis, seu officiali nostro qui pro tempore fuerit, salvis libertatibus, consuetudinibus et privilegiis decani et capituli nostri Glasguensis. Et si quis sentiat se per dictum dominum rectorem in aliquo gravatum, facultatem et libertatem ad nos et successores nostros appellandi et provocandi habebit. Preterea concedimus vobis quod hospicia et domus ciuitatis nostre vobis locentur ad taxam vestram, et civium in equali numero eligendorum et ad hoc juratorum, et ab illis non moueamini quamdiu bene solvatis firmam et bene conversamini in eisdem, et salvis aliis casibus in jure expressis. Ad hec adicimus quod beneficiati nostre dioceseos actu regentes, studentes vel qui studere voluerint, dum tales dociles sunt, petitia a nobis et successoribus nostris licentia, non valeant compelli in suis beneficiis residere personaliter, dummodo tamen faciant in eisdem in divinis pro tempore sue absentie laudabiliter deserviri, quodque interim fructus dictorum beneficiorum suorum possint percipere et habere. Insuper presentium tenore volumus quod bedelli scutiferi, familiares et servitores vestri, necnon scriptores, stationary et pergamenarij vestrique, et eorum uxores, liberi et ancille gaudeant privilegiis omnibus infra et suprascriptis nominatis. Preterea curabimus, et nos pro nobis et successoribus nostris concedimus, quod prepositus, ballivi et alii officiary predicte civitatis nostre singulis annis in eorum assumptione jurabunt in presentia nostri et successorum nostrorum cancellariorum, et in nostri absentia ad hoc deputatorum vnius vel plurium, rectorisque et certorum suppositorum vniversitatis predicte, omnia et singula privilegia et libertates vniversitati nostre predicte concessa et concedenda, quantum ad eos spectat, necnon statuta et consuetudines ejusdem vniversitatis nostre fideliter observare et possetenus facere observari. Eximimus quoque vos et immunes facimus ab omnibus tributis, exactionibus, vexationibus, capitalationibus, vigiliis, custodiis, collectis, oneribus, angariis et perangariis, in nostra civitate quacunque prestandis ratione temporibus de futuro perpetuis. In cujus rei testimonium sigillum nostrum autenticum vna cum sigillo communi capituli nostri presentibus apponi precepimus. Apud civitatem nostram Glasguensem, primo die mensis Decembris, anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo quinquagesimo tercio, et consecrationis nostre anno sexto.
We, William, by divine mercy Bishop of Glasgow, with consent and assent of our chapter, to you the Rector of the University of Glasgow, the doctors, masters, and other supposts of the same university, will, give and grant in the first place that ye have free power of buying and selling your own goods, which ye bring, not for the purposes of merchandise, within our said city of Glasgow, and all and sundry things whatsoever required by you everywhere through our regality and our other lands [and] harbours, and especially those things which appertain to food and diet and clothing, as often as and at what time soever you or any of you please, free of custom and without licence from any one. Item, That the assise of bread and ale and the appraising of all things which belong to food, duly according to the laws and customs of the burghs be fully observed to you, and that transgressors in these things be punished with due correction. We will and grant for us and our successors bishops of Glasgow that persons who transgress in this manner shall be reported to the provost or any of the bailies by the rector of the university, who may demand of the said provost or any of the bailies in the presence of witnesses, that they be sufficiently corrected and punished. And if within eight natural days the foresaid provost or any of the bailies, after being so required, shall not cause defaults and delinquents to be duly reformed, then the correction of the same according to the laws of the city, as often as it shall happen, shall be transferred to the rector himself. And if any dispute shall arise between the rector and the provost, or any of the bailies, in regard to such correction and punishment, we will that the cognisance and determination thereof shall belong to us and our successors. Item, That the rector for the time of our university of Glasgow shall have the jurisdiction, cognition and correction of all civil pecuniary and minor causes, as well as of contentions, suits, brawls and controversies, commenced or which may be hereafter commenced among the foresaid supposts or by such supposts against any of our citizens or inhabitants of our lands, and of hearing correcting and finally deciding summarily and immediately all and sundry such as often as necessity requires, or it shall otherwise seem to him to be expedient or opportune. Provided however they shall not interfere in regard to cruel injuries or more important causes, the cognisance of which we specially reserve to ourselves. We will also and grant by these presents, that all and sundry supposts existing within our city of Glasgow, shall have full and true power and liberty, if they choose, to prosecute in the foresaid causes and suits before the said lord rector, or before us, or our official who shall be for the time, reserving the liberties customs and privileges of our dean and chapter of Glasgow. And if any one shall consider himself aggrieved by the said lord rector in any matter, he shall have the power and liberty of appealing to us and our successors. Besides, we grant to you that inns and houses of our city shall be let to you according to the taxing of yourselves and the citzens to be elected in equal number and sworn for the purpose, and ye shall not be removed from these so long as ye duly pay the rent and conduct yourselves well in the same, and saving the other cases in the law expressed. To this we add that beneficed persons within our diocese actually regenting or studying, or wishing to study, provided however they be teachable, having sought leave of us and our successors, may not be compelled to reside personally in their benefices, provided only they cause the same to be becomingly served in divine things during their absence, and that in the meantime they may reap and enjoy the fruits of their benefices. Moreover, by the tenor of these presents, we will that your esquire beadles, domestics and servants, as also your writers, stationers and parchment makers, and your and their wives, children and hand-maids shall enjoy all the privileges under and above written. Besides, we shall take care, and for us and our successors grant, that the provost, bailies and other officers of our foresaid city shall each year on their election swear in presence of us and our successors, chancellors, and in our absence of one or more deputed for that purpose, and of the rector and certain of the supposts of the foresaid university, faithfully to observe, and to the utmost of their power cause to be observed, all and sundry the privileges and liberties granted and to be granted to our foresaid university as far as belongs to them, as well as the statutes and customs of the university. We also exempt you and make you free from all tributes, exactions, vexations, capitations, watchings, wardings, contributions, burdens and personal services, whatsoever, to be performed in our city for any cause in time to come for ever. In witness whereof we have commanded our authentic seal, together with the common seal of our chapter, to be affixed to these presents. At our city of Glasgow on the first day of the month of December in the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and fifty three, and of our consecration the sixth.